A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Friday is nearing very fast 😀
A follow up to the runaway EV story. Apparently it COULD happen again
As I wrote previously I think many modern cars are far too clever for their own good, with one expert calling them computers on wheels and with up to 100 million lines of code. I don’t know about anyone else but i am perfectly capable of driving a car and don’t need it to do lots of things on my behalf of which lane guidance in our often narrow Devon lanes would be one, as would stopping me when driving at 2pmh and getting to with 2 feet of the end of the parking space I was aiming for.
Washing machines, heating systems ,fridges, you name it and we have attempted to add too many features and complicate it
Reduce road speed by another 5 mph and have 20% less road deaths. Studies show it.
Soon enough there will be more fatalities due to scooters and cycles. Be time to ban those too.
Ban joggers
Outlaw distracted walking
Brave new world.
Statistically most accidents happen at lower speeds, like 60km/h, in builtup areas.
The lower the speed, the lower the gear you need to be in, the more pollution you create, the higher the thermal stress on the engine, so no environmental benefits there either.
My 2012 Honda Accord burns twice as much fuel doing 60k in built up areas than doing 100k on the open road!!!!
Speed does not kill people, it’s the sudden stop that does that.
Keep reducing to net zero for net zero deaths.
Bugger that, I wanna be free!
Chrome plated, fuel injected and steppin’ out over the line…
At night we ride through mansions of glory in suicide machines…
In its efforts to outdo the Roman Empire the EU empire expects to add another 9 countries to its gang in the next 5/10 years.
This will require several countries, notably France, Germany and Holland to significantly increase their financial contributions. Serves them right. Glad its not us in the UK who will have to pay.
Mind you Oz took part in several Eurovision song contests. Perhaps they would like to join the EU?
“Perhaps they would like to join the EU?”
I’m sure we could join NATO, it seems anyone can these days.
hell is a heat pump
I read articles such as this one — from the UK — and do not understand why the “hot water” supply is part of the heat-pump system.
I have an all-electric house. A tank with an electric resistance insert provides hot water as often and as hot as I desire.
Most British houses have a gas boiler with a wet central heating system with heat coming from radiators. Most houses got rid of immersion heaters some years ago so there is a need for lots of hot water for heating the house and for washing. I think many other countries blow out warm air from a central system through outlets in the walls.
Just to add to that, not only do a lot of UK houses not have an immersion heater, they don’t even have a tank of water to put it in. As Tony says, gas combination boilers (furnaces) are common with the hot water to the taps coming directly from it. A heat pump can’t do that.
” lane guidance in our often narrow …”
Bingo! I drove a neighbor to an appointment using her car. It kept buzzing every little bit and I asked her what was wrong. Even knowing, I still got buzzed.
I’d search for a way to turn that off. Maybe it is a useful thing on a major highway – no experience do I have.
Should follow #2
A lot of these things such as lane guidance and stop start when stationary can be turned off, but automatically come on again the next time the engine is started. The means to do so can often be in awkward places as they would to discourage you from immobilising them.
Rivian Reportedly Losing $33,000 Per EV, Wants To Slash Costs By $40,000
As Thursday as thread is preferred I repost my comment here again.
Now marshals are being brought in to police ‘charge rage’ rows between electric vehicle drivers: Boss of Britain’s biggest motorway services reveals long waits for plug-in points are making motorists ‘angry and stressed’
Imagine Christmas holidays in Australia waiting for an operating recharge point with an EV of wife, husband and children.
Especially if the temperature is c. 40C!
Mortgage companies will enforce net zero whatever government policy.
“Banks are sticking to green pledges that require borrowers to spend thousands making their homes more energy efficient, despite Rishi Sunak saying the public should not be burdened with the cost of net zero.”
More competition will kill this money grab off quick smart. They only want to increase the size of your mortgage for their own benefit. It’s got sweet fa to do with climate change.
More finance houses offering basic loans with no strings attached will win thru unless of course it’s actually the government / reserve bank pedalling restrictions under a new guise.
Who / what can be trusted in this new world.
Fluorine- fine in toothpaste they say, but dangerous in any other compound.. Still used to coat frypans today.
“It was only in 1998 that 3M admitted to regulators the forever chemical known as PFOS had entered the blood of people worldwide; it had gone from contaminating heartland America to being found in the most remote corners of the globe and nearly every citizen in Australia. in 2003 the average Australian adult had levels of PFOS in their blood at 20 times the “safe level” secretly calculated by a scientist working for 3M.
The Australian government is poised to ban PFOS, which has been linked by overseas governments to a slew of adverse health effects, including suppression of the immune system, raised cholesterol, hormone disruption and certain cancers.”
Is El Niño fading? Looking at the NOAA OSPO map, it looks like the finger of warm water across the Pacific is retracting. Anybody know what’s going on?
The Western Pacific Warm Pool has cooled because of a positive IOD and the Peru Current appears to be reactivating.,3.04,535/loc=-155.197,-11.963
NOAA OSPO map is actual temperature.
You can make a comparison between actual and anomaly here:
Daily Sea Surface Temperature
On the map at the bottom toggle between:
Show SST Map
Show SST Anomaly Map
The actual data is warmest ABOVE the equator.
The anomaly data is warmest BELOW the equator.
Whether it is receding or not I don’t know.
One Nations latest Cartoon. The Medias Voice.
Cardiac arrest incidents are at the highest ever recorded in Victoria
Climate change strikes!
“Cardiac arrest incidents are at the highest ever recorded in Victoria”
Yep! …and what must we do? Not wonder WHY! Not look for a cause to decrease the numbers of heart attacks, no, we must teach more people how to help those having a heart attack and then just let them happen for no discernible reason..
..and this will be the WHO model for anything Covid related! Deny, obfuscate, ignore..
The Government have reduced funding to palliative care by $150 million and have moved it to assisted suicide, due to commence 01 November.
Have to stop those souls escaping hell on earth.
Tyre Dust Makes Up the Majority of Ocean Microplastics, Study Finds
Researchers say tire emissions pose a threat to global health, and EVs could make the problem worse.
Scientists have a good understanding of engine emissions, which typically consist of unburnt fuel, oxides of carbon and nitrogen, and particulate matter related to combustion. However, new research shared by Yale Environment 360 indicates that there may be a whole host of toxic chemicals being shed from tires and brakes that have been largely ignored until now. Even worse, these emissions may be so significant that they actually exceed those from a typical car’s exhaust output.
New research efforts are only just beginning to reveal the impact of near-invisible tire and brake dust. A report from the Pew Charitable Trust found that 78 percent of ocean microplastics are from synthetic tire rubber. These toxic particles often end up ingested by marine animals, where they can cause neurological effects, behavioral changes, and abnormal growth.
Meanwhile, British firm Emissions Analytics spent three years studying tires. The group found that a single car’s four tires collectively release 1 trillion “ultrafine” particles for every single kilometer (0.6 miles) driven. These particles, under 100 nanometers in size, are so tiny that they can pass directly through the lungs and into the blood. They can even cross the body’s blood-brain barrier.
EV’s are destroying the planet faster than ICE cars.
Researchers find high concentrations of microplastics in cave water and sediment sealed for 30 years
In two recent papers, Saint Louis University researchers report finding high concentrations of microplastics present in a Missouri cave system that had been closed to human visitors for 30 years.
Elizabeth Hasenmueller, Ph.D., associate professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and associate director of the WATER Institute at SLU, and her team published findings in the journals, Science of the Total Environment and Water Research, finding significant microplastic levels in Cliff Cave in Saint Louis County, Missouri.
“A lot of research has been focused on surface water settings,” Hasenmueller said. “Microplastics research initially started in the ocean because of the highly visible problem of large plastic pollution in this environment. Recently, more research efforts have gone towards examining rivers, lakes, and other surface freshwater systems.
“However, one of the most understudied areas in this field relates to what’s happening to the subsurface in terms of microplastic contamination. These particles could be getting into groundwater, a common drinking water resource, or caves, where fragile ecosystems exist. During the last few years, my research team has been focused on trying to understand microplastic prevalence and transport in these subsurface environments.”
John, From those in the know the formula is. On every km. of road travelled by 20000 cars there is a residue of 1kg of tyre dust.
Each time a tyre rotates, it loses a layer of rubber about a billionth of a metre thick. If you do some numbers, this works out to about four million million million carbon atoms lost with each rotation.
A busy road with 25,000 vehicles travelling on it each day will generate around nine kilograms of tyre dust per kilometre. In the USA, about 600,000 tonnes of tyre dust comes off vehicles every year.
In the Australian outback, traces of lead from car exhausts have been found up to 50 kilometres away from the nearest road. So some of the tyre dust can travel that far — but of course, most of it will settle around the road.
Some of the tyre dust gets mashed into the road. Most of it gets blown off away from the road by the air turbulence of the vehicles. And rain easily washes the rubber dust off the road into the nearest waterways where it ends up as sediment on the bottom of creeks, ponds and wetlands.
Millions of tonnes per year globally, building up over a century+.
WoW !! Go Malcolm !! You are the best!!
“Senator from Queensland, Australia Malcolm Roberts opposed the failed narrative of the pandemic from the first days. He believes that this is only part of the struggle at the world level of those who want to establish complete control of the population on the planet and of us who want freedom.”
Also check UN Agenda 21 and lands, indigenous people’s rights.
Social engineering.
Venice bus carrying foreign tourists crashes off a bridge and bursts into flames, killing 21 people ‘after driver has medical episode’
Shocking CCTV footage has shown the fatal moment a tourist bus broke through a guardrail and plunged 30 feet off a bridge – killing 21 people including children and foreign tourists in a horror crash in Venice last night.
Investigators believe the driver of the coach – identified as 40-year-old Italian Alberto Rizzotto – had a ‘medical episode’, causing the electric vehicle to veer off the road.
The clip shows the bus had almost come to a stop on the busy motorway when it toppled sideways off the overpass and landed on its roof on another road below, causing the coach’s batteries to catch fire at around 7.45pm.
By Wednesday morning, 19 bodies had been pulled from the wreckage while a further two people died in hospital. Italy’s ANSA news agency, quoting emergency services, said a baby and a 12-year-old were killed. Officials have said as many as 18 people were injured, five of whom are in a critical condition.
A “medical episode” (can’t imagine what!😉) or maybe a rogue EV?
Eastern Pacific cool pool leaves the experts mystified.
This wasn’t in the AGW script.
‘Melbourne could be looking at its coldest six-day run of October maximum temperatures for at least a decade, and possibly its coldest October week in two decades.’ (Weatherzone)