A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Despite all the troubles in the world, big news in the USA is that Vanna White has endorsed Pat Sajak’s daughter Maggie as replacement letter-turner on Wheel of Fortune.
Meanwhile, the oceans boil as your auto (and you) emit CO2.
Coming – April news – Earth ends.
“Never bet on the end of the world. If you’re wrong, you lose, and if you’re right, you won’t be able to collect the winnings, anyways. . . “
I never bet bet past the weekend now.
That’s either serious health issues or very bad intel! 😎
Not the “warrior” spirit.
Water from Honga-Hunga Ha’apai in the stratosphere spread over NH/SH from 150 Millionen Tons up to 30km hight.
Krishna Gans.
Thanks for posting that image. It is very impressive.
Where did you get it from? I would like to keep track of how long it takes for things to return to normal.
It’s from the German “Wetter Online” site, Weather online, where they discuss the possible warming because of the effect The graphic is “©”
The graph shows the water vapor content at about 30 kilometers altitude. The spread of dark green colors beginning in early 2022 marks the water vapor input of the Tonga eruption
Climate impact because of the eruption
Translated with – free version
Thanks for that Krishna Gans. I will be having a close look at it.
John >Where did [Krishna] get it from?
Wherever he did it is out of date.
Up to date via Cap Allon (Electroverse) here:
NASA GFSC AURA MLS but I can’t find it on their website.
FWIW: MLS Science Observations
DDG search – Graphics produced by IDL –
Search returns what seems to be an internal language and graphics App (IDL) at GSFC Data Services, results of some use ending up online (see search above)
Generates graphs in a couple of seconds if you try some.
Still no idea how to access IDL at NASA GSFC Data Services but here’s what IDL is:
IDL is a commercial product requiring the purchase of a license from Harris Geospatial Solutions.
Explains why it can’t be accessed at GSFC website.
I translated the complete source but because of the length it wad in moderation.
2 papers are named as sources, I didn’t have a look into, but one must be the source of pic used in that article.
J’aiIn addition I found that including the questioned graph:
A substantial stratospheric cooling event is now being observed over the Southern Hemisphere following a massive injection of water vapor
Thanks Richard.
But you know the nutters will insist it is the result of AGW !🙄
Meanwhile in the ULEZ, fire on the bus.
At least it’ll sterilise the bedbug infestation.
Bed bugs have apparently acquired immunity to pyrethrins and pyrethroids and even DDT.
I wonder what they’ll do to solve Europe’s bed bug infestation problem, which will no doubt spread to Australia, North America and elsewhere?
Time to roll out the vitamin I, it seems to cure everything else. “Animal dewormer” is thought to cure cancer now.
The traditional and effective solution was to take the bedding outside into dirsct sunlight for a couple of hours.
This may be a challenge in that part of the world.
We got bedbugs when we returned from a train journey in the monsoon – couldn’t put bedding in the sun. However, lindane/gammexane (Benzene hexachloride (BHC), any of several stereoisomers of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexachlorocyclohexane formed by the light-induced addition of chlorine to benzene.)
Powder spread liberally on beds and mosquito nets was very effective. 65 years later we are still active and enjoying grandchildren. The same stuff used to be in shampoo for head lice here in Canada and was very effective on my daughters – killed nits as well as adults. My mum used to spread the powder on village girls and my hair when I was little.
a pipeline damage in Gulf of Finland. Natural gas pipelines seems to be fragile in Baltic see.
I like this one on the same page- Speak facts, get fired.
It’s interesting that RFK is now running as an independent.
I suppose he had to because the Dems would never support him. The White House resident wouldn’t even give him security, despite his family history of assassinations.
RFK is an old-style Democrat, they are more like typical Republicans of today, while today’s DemocRATs have moved to the lunatic Left. (When I say old-style I mean 20th century ones, not the earlier ones that suppprted slavery and racism.)
As a conservative, I don’t find him totally objectionable, especially with his pro-science attitude and his understanding of the covid vaccine disaster, something almost unheard of from the modern Left.
It remains to be seen how many votes he will draw away from the Dems and even some of the more left Republican and how this will affect the election chances of Trump.
Also, Trump will have to get huge numbers of votes because I think DemocRAT electoral fraud will be even greater than the last election.
In-between the breathless gasps about how exceptional it is, the weather lady said the last time this many successive days reached 25C somewhere in the UK during October was 1959.
Oh, so not that unusual then!
not unusual if you are 70 years old and lived in the one place for all that time
“So?” was my point.
That matters. I live in the town I was born in, mucked around in boats, went swimming, rode my bike miles, went to the GBR, survived a few cyclones and when I say that little to nothing has noticeably changed that isn’t deliberate man’s effort or crown of thorns’, why do you think my opinion must be dismissed?
I can say for sure that the town beaches have never had so much sand before and the streets inches above high tides 80 yrs ago are still inches above high tides.
If Australia ever did get a rational government that supported building power stations (which is just not going to happen with the Uniparty), I don’t think it would effect or lower power prices because the unreliables producers would still be able to sell their defective product at high prices and there would also be contracts to be paid out.
Perhaps someone who has a deeper understanding than I of how the unreliables pricing works can comment further.
” I don’t think it would effect or lower power prices ”
It is affect not effect
At least our learned contributor eschewed using “impact”; soon enough ignorance bred of illiteracy and innumeracy shall submerge us and informed discussion will be a dim past memory or rumour.
Porsche Taycan EVs bombing.
One reason for an upward bias in official temperatures in Australia, even after fraudulent “homogenisation” to eliminate temperatures that don’t suit the Official Narrative, is that no allowance was made for the shorter time constant and settling time of electronic thermometers vs mercury ones.
The electronic ones will thus record a short blast of hot air from a vehicle, for example, and record that as a “high”, when such a transient phenomena would be ignored by a mercury thermometer.
A simple capacitor/resistor circuit can take out the “hot exhaust” effect by adding latency to mimic mercury. If it hasn’t been done that would be deliberate, not an oversight.
Diversity is our strength
I wonder if they are available for a couple of jobs around Canberra ?
…..asking for a friend . !🥴
I believe the Government is importing them at 2000 a week, for diversity.
Import the third world, become the third world.
Australians should protest and shout,
Leaving those in control in no doubt,
Of the wrong that they did,
In wrecking the grid,
When the lights all start to go out.
Nice one Ruairi……one of your best !
though in the wrong place.
The answer can be found here
More chance of being noticed and not censored these days if posted in “the wrong place”
speaking for yourself?
Right post Updated. Thanks Ruairi!
Happy birthday Barry Jones. 91 today.
Those of my generation remember him as the smartass quiz contestant who thought he knew it all. The problem was that HE DID.
I wasn’t taking much notice of politics then but he seemed to be one of the saner labor members. Most were saner then.
I’m unable to remember the name he used for his Knowledge Nation diagram shown at
Maybe our polymath Peter Fitzroy will supply the answer.
You know it too if you used your noodle.
Or the internet thingy.
Russian oligarchs desert Putin, war will be over by Xmas.
Not if the little man keeps moving the goal posts.
Wasn’t that last Christmas?
Why do you not link to your propaganda?
Why do you believe CNN propaganda?
I don’t, I do so you can understand.
Glory to Ukraine/Israel.
I don’t need a tertiary educated marxist to explain politics to me.
No, you need a preschool educated Marxist for you to understand the topic, and a new bag of facts.
Glory to Ukraine/Israel.
‘Why do you not link to your propaganda?’
Its better to read between the lines, propaganda has kernels of truth and you have to use intuitive intellect to discern it.
For example its quite obvious 10,000 Ukraine solders didn’t surrender to Russian forces.
So your superior intellect sorts the chaff from the kernels, than please answer this, how does anyone read between the lines when you never show the lines?
I think your intellect is having a matrix moment.
Two tickets please
The latest climate change fear porn for the masses.
The Dead Wallabies make a statement.
Is an Arab-Israeli war part of Beijing’s grand plan for taking down the United States?
Maybe, in their dreams.
The US casually sails the biggest, best aircraft carrier, one of nine, into the Mediterranean, they don’t seem cowed to me.
MKUltra psyops are back – Ukraine ain’t cutting it
Now they’re really bringing out the high level MKUltra psyop tactics with the murder of babies in the Israel and Gaza conflict to really get people behind the war machine. Where have we seen this before?
OH RIGHT. Nayirah. She was a 15 year old Kuwaiti girl who testified to congress that she had witnessed the murder of infant children by Iraqi soldiers by pulling them from incubators to die. Her testimony was instantly believed at the time and widely used in the media to bang the drums of war and get us involved in the conflict in the Gulf.
Years later, it was discovered here testimony was a complete fabrication and she was an actor. The public relations firm Hill and Knowlton, which was employed by the Citizens for Free Kuwait, arranged the testimony, helped her with the speech, and coached her on delivery. The CIA is who requested she take the acting lessons in the first place. She was also the niece of a major politician in Kuwait, and later disclosed to be Nayirah al-Sabah, daughter of Saud bin Nasir Al-Sabah, Kuwaiti ambassador to the USA.
You have to question everything. Every single narrative. Every story. Every picture. Every video.
The Ukraine war is a failure. The west is losing. Badly. The WEF is losing. The neocons are exposed and their plans failing. MSM caught repeatedly using video game clips claiming it was war footage.
Funding is drying up. The public has seen Zelensky for what he is.
Time is running out to start the war they want.
What to do?
You guessed it!
A CIA orchestrated event like all the others for the past 50 years no doubt.
Will they trot out those same 2 kids they’ve used in 3 countries so far in their fake journalism?
They’re getting desperate now. You’d better be well set up.
Most won’t be.
“Same Energy, Brains”
A draconian CO2 tax begins in Germany next year.
Makes this from Peter Zeihan topical:
having a break in SA for a bit. Travelled through the Murra Warra wind turbine mess (north of Horsham, east of Dimboola) 100 turbines with about 95% not turning perceptibly and 5% spinning slowly. Rated at 435MW apparently, but not while we were passing through. All those 1000s of homes it powers must have been struggling.
SA roads are better than VICs. You have to get down to a 3rd tier SA roads to get to the “quality” of highways in VIC (specifically the Maroondah Hwy and Goulburn Valley Highway near us)
Little Subaru did 800klm comfortably on one tank. Took me all of 10 minutes to fill up at the destination (inc ice cream purchase)
1,500 cars [?] destroyed in Luton Airport multi level car park fire. The building will need to be demolished by the look of it.
It is clear that some cars were EVs but it doesn’t matter how it started public perception will finger a battery.