By Jo Nova
Lets meld climate and health into one giant government quasi religion. What could possibly go wrong?
The medical industry leapt into politics and medical witchcraft on Saturday, calling to fuse human and planetary health into the one all-purpose emergency.
This is despite humans living longer now than they’ve ever lived, eating more food than they ever have, and being less likely to die in storms, floods and cyclones.

Climate disasters are less costly, less deadly | Graph — Global death rate from disasters last century, per capita. Our World in Data. Hannah Ritchie and Max Roser.
This is despite a truckload of papers on 74 million people showing 6 to 20 times as many people die in cold times rather than warm ones. Rather than being dangerous, global warming saves 160,000 lives a year. All over the world, people die in winter more than summer, year after year. Even in hot cities like Brisbane, cold weeks are the killers, not the hot ones. Room temperature is linked to mortality, and there’s no heatwave on Earth that can’t be solved with more air conditioning. Give the poor and downtrodden more fossil fuels, not less!
The illusion of millions of doctors:
Calls went out on the weekend supposedly from “the doctors of the world” and 200 health journals, but in reality this is just self-selecting upstart committees or conglomerate publishing houses presuming to speak for 3 million doctors, nurses and ambulance drivers without asking any of them.
The world’s leading GP and health bodies, representing more than three million health professionals worldwide, will deliver an open letter on Saturday calling for urgent action against climate change to protect the health of communities.
“We the family doctors, doctors and health professionals of the world call on world leaders to take urgent action to safeguard the health of global populations from the climate crisis,” the open letter reads.
Our science associations are looking more like sacred medieval guilds than select groups created to serve their members.
In the world we thought we lived in, doctors and nurses who disagree would be writing to their association, howling in protest at the pagan politicized science of it all, but many will stay silent, thinking they are alone, or afraid of being called names like “climate denier”. Thus and verily, not through reasoned debate but kindergarten bullying do the great pretenders of science get away with rank nonsense in supposedly our most esteemed modern professions.
Journal editors, God Emperor of the world, What’s the difference?
It’s hard to believe but editors of supposedly the most hallowed science journals decided it was their job to speak out as the chosen ecologists, climate scientists, energy experts and government of the world.
But then medical journals have had low standards for years. The Lancet is the world’s highest impact medical journal and that didn’t stop it shamelessly stretching the axis of a graph for political impact.
Listen to the experts, they say, which means, them, for everything. Who needs energy experts, or nuclear engineers when you could ask your gastroenterologist?
What kind of emergency is it when everyone lives longer?
Thanks to Climate Depot
The same idiots “who” endorsed the scamdemic I suppose.
I will NEVER forget it was the medical fraternity that jumped on board the wuflu bandwagon holus-bolus to aid and abet the governments of Australia to vilify and harm/kill the population!
You don’t say? Medical people responded to a medical related event did they? Preposterous.
Dumber and dumber. You can’t be serious.
Gee Aye: Responded to WHAT? Got a link to support that preposterous and implausible claim?
In the good old days…”Physicians were the most over-represented academic profession in the Third Reich. They participated in the Nazi programs of forced sterilization, systematic euthanasia, human experimentation, and mass genocide. Recent research has shifted from documenting the atrocities committed by medical professionals to elucidating the process by which the German medical community became integrated into the Nazi state.” From
Nothing needs adding. Germany had (then) the most advanced medical profession on earth. And today….birds of a feather etc.
[Snip, see email. – Jo]
Whatever makes you happy
I have a friend who is an anaesthetist.
One of his favourite anaesthetic agents is Desflurane (in appropriate cases).
He is frustrated because woke medical management in certain hospitals he works in have either banned its use or are in the process of doing so.
My friend regards it as superior to the alternatives for a variety of reasons in accordance with his professional experience and judgement.
The woke Leftists regard it as an especially potent “greenhouse gas” that is destroying the planet.
Patient health and safety is of no consequence to them, only Gaia.
Do a Gulag search for “desflurane greenhouse” without quote marks.
Here’s one from Monash Health:
Of the many advantages of desflurane, it is also very useful in morbidly obese patients.
They can just be sacrificed to the green god Gaia.
Inhaled anesthetic agents, together with nitrous oxide, have been “estimated” to be responsible for 0.01-0.10% of the total global carbon dioxide equivalent emissions contributing to global warming. World Global CO2 emissions increased by 0.9% or 321 Mt in 2022. Obviously desflurane is contributing less than that. That is assumed the alarmist 3714 times is correct, but the effect of methane has been inflated over the years from 12 times (IPCC 1990) to approx. 85 times worse than CO2. Yet John Tyndall measured it as 4.3 times more absorbing of Heat Rays (InfraRed) in 1860/61.
And that is assuming that any “greenhouse gas” actually radiates heat rays to Earth, still another assumption.
I think that your friend should demand more factual evidence rather than assumptions.
The world is waking up to woke and rejecting the WEF agenda.
Normal people can only stand so much mindless, self-indulgent drivel.
This combining of climate and health will only accelerate the recognition of ulterior motives and unthinking following of politically-fed narratives. Good.
This is the modern version of selling snake oil from the back of a wagon.
I’m not sure what snake oil was but think maybe ethanol was involved.
[Nice images on the web of snake oil sales wagons, etc.]
The difference is that these days one type of snake oil is called covid “vaccine” and is/was forcibly injected into you if you wanted to participate in life.
Australia, being among the wokest and dumbest of countries, will TO THIS VERY DAY deny you a heart transplant and possibly others if you won’t take the juice. Even if you have a legal medical exemption.
One leading expert in the field (whose name I can’t recall), said that under no circumstances should those having a heart transplant take a Covid vaccine.
One of the tragedies of the modern medical profession is that younger doctors learn by rote, not by thinking and doing.
And they are indoctrinated into following the Official Narrative on just about everything, as we learned during covid and the many unnecessary deaths caused by that non-thinking and blind willingness to follow the Narrative.
Yes. From day one medical training is mostly funded by big pharma. A captive crowd to be indoctrinated into becoming drug pushers.
And if big pharma does not sell it, there is no need to recommend or use it?
David. Nothing new about “these days” whatsoever. Try reading “Arrowsmith” by Sinclair Lewis…I get seriously tired of people fretting about “these days” as if medicine only became corrupt ten years ago…or something!….
“Arrowsmith is a novel by American author Sinclair Lewis, first published in 1925. It won the 1926 Pulitzer Prize (which Lewis declined)…..It was written in the period after the reforms of medical education flowing from the Flexner Report on Medical Education in the United States and Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1910</strong….In the course of the novel Lewis describes many aspects of medical training, medical practice, scientific research, scientific fraud, medical ethics, public health, and personal/professional conflicts that are still relevant today. Professional jealousy, institutional pressures, greed, stupidity, and negligence are all satirically depicted, and Arrowsmith himself is exasperatingly self-involved.
Can people STOP with this babes in the woods nonsense..please? Medicine has ALWAYS been corrupt.
It’s 29 degrees F and snowy here today, at 3:00pm. More people die from cold than from heat. Does my health not count?
It’s 23 degrees C here with a light breeze, and sunny. Drought.
Correcting Vitamin D deficiency is one of the cheapest and most effective public health measures that can be taken.
But there is a war against Vitamin D testing in Australia.
Remember this (reported by Jo).
But why use a cheap, safe, effective supplement, when you can use an expensive, poorly tested and poorly effective Big Pharma drug approved by the TGA?
BTW, that’s what passes for “scholarship” these days…
Love the last lines of your comment, David. However the behaviour of the TGA and APRHA in Australia still makes me mad. To outlaw 4 really helpful meds like Ivermectin during Covid that were proven early treatment to make big Pharma rich still feels like something out of a horror movie. Very interesting that I and my wife stopped having flu shots in 2019, that we have had only little head colds since instead of the yearly flu when vaxxed.
I am 83 years old and have never had a flu shot despite my doctor’s insistence (He’s given up trying now!) and the last time I had a cold or flu was in 1993.
I only had the first three covid shots because I had a holiday booked in Cairns and without them would not have been able to escape the increasingly cold weather here.
I haven’t had a flu for over 20 years and I’ve never had a flu shot since they were introduced in Aus. My scepticism of their ability to cover mutated variants that typically cause a bad flu season was the foundation of my doubts on Covid vaccines being effective (when they were first announced). My mild scepticism has since transitioned into a total lack of faith in our health regulatory bodies and government.
How much carbon did millions of PCR and Rat Tests spew into the ecosphere?
Don’t forget the masks! Pollution indeed.
Good one David – I had the compulsory vaccinations last year as I had to fly to the US for holiday and business, but have refused them since early 2022. Instead and also during the Covid pandemic – I have been taking a combination of Vitamin D (based on the statistics from the UK on the severity of illness being reduced when taking it) and also Zinc – supposed to support the immune system. I havent had so much as a cold flu or Covid since despite being exposed around many people who have. yes I could have just been lucky – but I play in two concert bands where many people have been off with covid over the last couple of months – and that activity is supposed to be one of the riskiest due to all that hot air!
Due to the mismanagement of covid and the medical profession’s blind subservience to the Official Narrative causing many people to needlessly die, the medical profession lost most of its credibility among the thinking community.
You’d think they might want to try and regain their former credibility by some means.
This just lowers it further.
Human life expectancy increased after the start of the IND REV and this life exp was under 40 years in 1800 and over 40 years by 1900 and 46 years in 1950.
Since 1950 Human FLOURISHING has SOARED and life exp of 73 years in 2023 and 5.5 BILLION more people over the last 70+ years.
In 2023 the 8 + billion people have a life exp of 73 years, are better fed, clothed, educated and better health care than at any time over the last 200,000 years, or 200 years or 50 years or 20 years.
YET deaths from extreme weather events are at an all time low and have dropped by 98% since the 1920s.
Why can’t these so called scientists, doctors, pollies, MSM etc spend a few minutes online and look up the DATA and EVIDENCE for themselves?
AGAIN why do they want us to WASTE TRILLIONS of $ for decades and weaken Western countries against the tyrannies of China, Russia, Iran, Nth Korea etc?
Two reasons I think, first because a lot of them can’t read and understand what they are reading, second because of poor education where they never had to think just regurgitate what they were told.
In medieval times, 30% of children didn’t make it to 6 years old and most adults died by middle age.
Interestingly, Fakevax is making history repeat.
As a rule of thumb, people live around 10 years past retirement, so 75-80.
Ecclesiastics – what hasn’t be observed before?
Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.
Friedrich Nietzsche
No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot
Mark Twain
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
Upton Sinclair
Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.
George Orwell
Computers are like humans – they do everything except think.
John von Neumann
artificial intellegance is no match for natural stupidity
Albert Einstein
and so many more
It’s not just doctors who are attributing heat as a growing problem, see this link
Like all science, the way the data is collected will have a huge impact on the conclusion.
All that being said, it is the blasé attitude seen in the comments which I find unfathomable
“the way the data is collected will have a huge impact on the conclusion”.
For once Peter you have made a correct statement.
Yes that’s why I gave him the green thumb
Why is China still allowed to build two coal power stations per week Peter?
They are by far the world’s largest CO2 emitter, more than twice as large as the next biggest emitter, the United States, and increasing rapidly. The US and rest of the West is static or decreasing.
You keep telling us solar and wind is the cheapest and most reliable form of electricity production. Why don’t they stick with that?
David, China is classified by the U.N. as a developing country and thus permitted to use coal.
From your link:
Yes, the way data are collected is important:
Not seen ?
No, because you are the proof of living bias.
Certainely you may answer hinting on the peaks during heat waves and missing during cold waves.
In winter you won’t have peaks when it’s extremly cold, for a simple reason:
Moderately cold weather ‘more deadly than heatwaves or extreme cold’
From PF’s link:
Amazing! A “large increase in deaths” from a fraction of a degree increase in temperature over the next few decades claimed to be from AGW but demonstrably false, and no mention of the homeostatic nature and temperature range tolerance and adaptability of humans.
The intellectual capacity of this thread has been breached. Please restart your devices.
Isn’t RCP8.5 based on the highest guess of the CO2 influence on temperature, and gives the projections which are constantly furtherest out in its resultant projections? Particularly noticeable in graphs showing previous actual v projections?
In short, the least likely to be meaningful.Open discourse is the central pillar of a free society”
Like Mann made climate science, the way the data is manipulated will depend on the pre-determined conclusion.
There. Fixed it for you.
(not your sort of “fix”)
The author agrees adaptation is the key.
‘The study estimated that extreme temperature deaths might be reduced by more than a factor of two, from 9300 per year to 4300 per year, from acclimatization or other adaptation efforts.’
What I find unfathomable is gullible people believing a ridiculous theory which is clearly wrong, wasting trillions of taxpayers money to not solve a non problem and trashing our living standards in the process. You people are sick.
How people can totally ignore the mountain of failed doomsday predictions and failed models is staggering. How they can ignore their own lying eyes is staggering. What warming? What unusual climate changes? Heres a hint, they changed the catch phrase from ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’ because of the LACK OF WARMING! What happened to the permanent drought? the extinct polar bears, the ice free himalayas, the 100m sea level rise, the increase in cyclones, etc, etc, etc?
This is just a bizarre, woke cult and not surprising that doctors and their wives support it – the ‘teal’ set – most wealthiest people in society dont feel the pain of the war they are waging on the gas of life. Most wouldn’t even know how much co2 is in the atmosphere, judging by my questioning at social gatherings – they only think its a problem because soros9 and waleed aly tell them every night and then they can brag at dinner parties how they are saving the world by getting the poorest people to subsidise their solar panels and EVs. They get a bit quiet when I tell them their not fit for purpose playthings lead to a net increase in co2 ’emissions’ over their full life cycle… Not to mention the kids in congo mining the minerals for their EVs for which they need 6x that of ICE vehicles, or the poor chinese people having their city’s water table poisoned from mining/processing rare earths for their absurd windmills that still need full coal/gas backup.
Normal thinking people will appreciate these facts – in conrast to people living in the green bubble unhappy with to many people on the poor maltreated, misused earth.
How can we sustain a Culture Wars emergency without the latest fashion in tipping point panics?
Leo G.
What latest fashion i tipping points? I think it is the same as the original.
Eighteen-Sixty-Four Tipping Point Warns of “Climatic Excess”
“As early as 1864 George Perkins Marsh, sometimes said to be the father of American ecology, warned that the earth was ‘fast becoming an unfit home for its “noblest inhabitant,”’ and that unless men changed their ways it would be reduced ‘to such a condition of impoverished productiveness, of shattered surface, of climatic excess, as to threaten the depravation, barbarism, and perhaps even extinction of the species.’”
Marsh was a uniformitarian extremist who believed there were invariant metaphysical principles governing the geography of the planet, principles which are only disturbed by mankind, that without the action of man an equilibrium in nature “would remain, with little fluctuation, for countless of ages”.
The father of anthropogenic climate change wokeness, perhaps?
AGAIN here’s Human life expectancy since 1950 using UN data and projected to be 82 years in 2100.
AGAIN here’s our poorest continent Africa ( 53 countries) and life expectancy in 1950 of just 36 years and soaring to 64 years today.
And population of just 227 million in 1950 and 1460 million today.
Merging climate with health … like some kind of EcoHealth Alliance you mean?
Seriously though … now the doctors and doctor’s wives can go out to the same charity events. I guess you could call it gain of function, yuk yuk.
Here’s the UN life expectancy for Africa since 1950 of just 36 years and 64 years in 2023.
Of course Africa holds the record for Human flourishing over the last 73 years, even though they’ve also suffered 90% of global Malaria and HIV AIDs deaths over that period of time.
I suppose I should also point out that the UN data projects African life expectancy to be about 76.5 years in 2100 and the population is projected to be 3.9 billion as well.
Certainly Africa today has a very young average age of about 20 years compared to China about 38 years and Australia about 37 years and Japan about 47 years.
Civilisation has always thrived during periods of natural global warming such as during the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval warm periods.
Civilisation loves warmth.
Periods of natural cooling bring famine, war and disease.
Yep as we slowly trend out of the current interglacial we shall see that proven yet again as the starving masses in China and Russia look to take as much as they can from the rest of the world. Time to have a nuclear deterrent I think
Well, in Victoria all the GP’s have been dodging payroll tax for years. The State Revenue Office have recently ruled GP’s cant be classed as contractors any more. So, all their businesses have to cough up payroll tax and maybe even some back payments owed. Not sure that’s relevant to this story, but makes me feel a whole heap better, when you consider the last 3 ( nearly 4) years. The GP’s should have stood forward to be the frontline against misinformation provided by governments and big pharma. But they did the exact opposite with a lot almost hiding from COVID. Numerous times I have been sold a pup by GP’s on all sorts of health issues, where after some basic research, the supporting science is weak. Now these guys are going to lecture me on the weak science of climate alarmism. No thanks.
“Thus and verily” sayeth voodoo high priests of mumbo-jumbo: there’s been ZERO™ change in the ‘climate of humanity’ since Bronze Age tribes wandered hopelessly through their dark night of insanity.
Meanwhile it’s a LOVELY day at the beach, hordes of young and old alike out enjoying the leftover swell c/- ex-troppo Lola in calm, warm, humid sunshine… beautiful.
When I need a doctor it won’t be to treat me for the bogus effects of climate change.
I suppose we should remember the optimism of Julian Simon and how he made a fool of the crazy Malthusian Ehrlich 35 years ago.
Ehrlich toured the world in the 1970s telling us we would be starving by 2000, because we’d run out of resources etc.
Simon challenged him to a bet even allowing Ehrlich’s choice of resources and in the due time Ehrlich had to pay up.
But today the crazy Malthusians still spread their stupid fairy tales and so many clueless donkeys still BELIEVE their BS and FRAUD.
And Humans have FLOURISHED since 1970 and have more to eat etc than at any time in history. Why can’t they JUST LOOK UP the DATA and WAKE UP?
Maybe you’re getting it wrong. Maybe the problem they see is running out of patients because they are getting too healthy!
Those ‘papers’ were expected to be churned out (in my day) if one was employed in government system in a major hospital. All, in methodology and results, had to go via a statistician if one wasn’t educated in stats. The sample sizes were generally very few, so relevance is questionable.
The point is, I have always wondered why all those statisticians around the world, and their organisations, haven’t checked the Global Warming stats and become a major voice against it all. I guess it’s from intimidation by the necessity to be employed. Truth and professional honesty are subjugated to other necessities in life, so one avoids contentious topics to stay afloat.
Doctors are sworn to cure ills,
To strive against colds, flus and chills,
While their warmist ‘health’ letter,
Makes no one feel better,
When it’s mostly cold weather that kills.
You are now on a(nother) watchlist.
Klaus is not happy. Those pesky humans just won’t cooperate with his delusional mesianic plans.
Time to WEF plans collapse – 4 years.
DREGS – Deluded Rabid Environmentalists Gutting Society.
As Dr Xand would say, On their ABC’s Operation Ouch, “It looks like you’ve got a case of Climate Change-itis”
Could be a lucrative practice. Psychiatry getting a lot of young people spinning out on the global-warming-due-to-man illusions.
AGAIN here’s the longest 2015 study for HOT and COLD deaths from The Lancet 1985 to 2012.
This covered 74 million global deaths over 27 years and found that Heat deaths (moderate and extreme heat) were very LOW and most deaths were from MODERATE COLD temperatures.
Here’s an interesting sample of 13 countries around the world including Australia.
But will our silly religious donkeys continue to BELIEVE in their BS and FRAUD or will they eventually WAKE UP?
Sorry here’s the link to the full Lancet 2015, 27 year study. This includes the FIG 2, 13 countries graphs study.
The only death rate that is increasing is the truth. The Australian Labor government has processed over 10,000 immigration approvals per week, every week over the last year. But posting online feedback from public submissions into the proposed “Misinformation” and “disinformation” legislation, a very basic copy and paste task, is around 40 submissions per day. Nothing to see here, because 99% of the existing 1265 submissions posted totally oppose the proposed government censorship of free speech.
Have the public servants posting these submissions been told not to read the paper in the morning because they will have nothing to do in the afternoon?
They still haven’t published my two submissions.
Maybe because both of them referenced numerous verifiable Australian Government lies, mostly about covid.
The absolute idiocy purporting to be verifiable fact (because another trashmedia outlet reported it, therefore consensus proves it!) would be laughable if the Disinformation & misinformation bill wasn’t in front of Australian Parliament for a half a dozen ACMA zealots to decide whether your comments refuting this garbage is acceptable – after being reported by a backroom ‘media adviser’ from any one of the dozens of state or federal politicians or leftwing media cut & pasters, with a vested interest in renewables!
Yesterday’s online mainstream trashmedia report was so shrill – yet matter of fact – about the end of the world in 2028 that there seems no professionalism left in the media. How can you write, edit and print an article like the one attached below and not then crawl into the foetal position, or at least resign and enjoy your last remaining years?
If anyone can report the RCB (Remaining Carbon Budget) and pass this off as serious science, then our academia is in deeper trouble than the global boiling planet. If Happer, Lindzen & Clauser can’t make a dent in this now, what chance do we have to reverse this hysteria? This is an endless loop of utter graft and corruption aided and abetted by propaganda media, that I seriously now believe, they believe these made up ‘facts’, not because they’re just useful idiots, but because the education system has failed to provide balance in the last decade and these dolts – most with junk degrees – actually spend their time memorising the acronyms, rather than critically thinking about what they are supposed to define!
Why is Daniel Jeffery just blithely announcing the end of the planet in half a decade, instead of lobbying Musk or Bezos to get a job as an interstellar baggage handler? A career, I’d suggest, he’s more eminently qualified for than his current one!
Not this doctor!
Remember, an education that involves 13 years of school, a 3-4 year undergraduate degree, 4-6 year medical degree, public service internship and residency, then specialist training through the very woke specialist colleges means a highly indoctrinated, non-critical thinking mass of doctors. The profession also selects for high trait conscientiousness, neuroticism, and low trait disagreeableness. The old days of free thinking, individualist doctors is gone. The Covid years crushed the small rump of doctors who maintained an ability to think, rather than follow guidelines, myself excluded of course.
Hey Doctor T,
just wondering: did you keep the mohawk after you became a doctor, or were you worried it might frighten the patients?
Gotta climb aboard the bandwagon.
I think we’re dealing with the ‘saviour’ complex here. There have been examples of this among volunteer firefighters, with arson eventually traced back to a firefighter looking for excitement and a chance to be a hero. Doctors and scientists can fall prey to this ‘illness’ too, insofar as they will create an emergency so that they can then rescue us from it.
Why doctors cant be trusted to measure the global temperature……..
A doctor is sitting in his surgery preparing to write out a prescription for a patient.
He reaches into his top pocket of his white coat and pulls out a rectal thermometer.
“Dam!” he swears. “That means some A___hole must have my pen.”
Have you identified the a-hole of the world yet? (I mean location. Not an individual)
We can take a reading there to establish the global temp.
The comments from DM and others about desflurane anesthetic are well in line with Jo’s withering put down of the situation.
The absolute scientific fact about this “desi” being a potent greenhouse gas is undeniable; it is quantitatively irrelevant when disbursed in the atmosphere.
When used as intended I have little doubt that it is only effective when held in place in concentrated form with a mask or fed directly in through a soft, flexible tube.
Out in the operating room it would be an irrelevance to those working.
Facts matter.
Doctors..they make me sick.
Robert Bryce just posted his 3rd and final paper relating to electrification and it applies just the same to the Medical Industrial Complex.
Not forgetting,
A Portuguese Socialists runs the UN; and
An Ethiopian Marxist runs the WHO.
Forget what the voting public want, this is more pushing for “rule by the elites”.