A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The Sub-Solar point (17.19° S.; sun directly overhead) is now nearing Kalkarindji.
All the OZ folks need to undress twice a day and wander around under its Vitamin D3 generating rays.
Here at 47° North Latitude, all folks should be on supplements – check with your medical advisor.
Yes, everyone, especially Americans, needs to correct any Vitamin D deficiency in preparation for the anticipated release of the US Election Variant of covid so the DemocRATs can get their demented puppet into the WH with lots of phony mail-in votes.
But the latest poll from GA’s fountain of truth, CNN, says Biden has virtually zero chance.
Who’s going to take his place? Can’t see anyone.
Bye bye to cry baby Zelensky, all the money’s being funded to another war now, the important precursor.
Elections of the next batch of corrupt sociopaths are the least of your worries.
Big Mike is the only dem with a chance of beating a drover’s dog [What are they called in the US?] next year.
She hates America but that shouldn’t prevent her being Barry’s third term. Or would that be the fourth?
In the sense used in AU, drover’s dog is mostly uncomplimentary.
It could mean a person that is diligent but uninspiring – a faceless bureaucrat.
Bureaucrat, alone, might be close to this meaning.
I don’t see a similar animal-type that means the same thing in the USA.
The term brought to prominence by Bill Hayden when toppled by Bob Hawke who won for labor. “A drover’s dog could have won the election”.
Be warned, I have been enjoying sunshine almost daily and taking Vitamin D3 and Zinc supplements and it has stained my skin, I am transitioning, and maybe at the next census I will change my identity.
I’m lat 19 S and have a bikini line – on my feet. It is hot, dry, windy now so I water the lawn in my flipflops. I’ve put so much effort into it over the last 5 years I look after it. I’ve got a bore and solar cells so water with the hose, not sprinklers while the sun is on the cells. If it’s a bit overcast I take my shirt off, not pretty, but my back yard is private so I could water in the nuddy, but that’s a bridge too far.
My neighbour always wears full PPE when outside. I’d bet he never takes supplements.
The right side of this page has a Lifetime Achievement weblog award dated 2014. Because it says “lifetime”, I suggest an acclamation to remove the 2014. {Seems just like last week!}
Good point John. It would have been nice to keep winning awards, but skeptics were winning too many so they closed the bloggies entire soon after that.
Maybe replace it with a “delusional post of the month” award?
Oh, hang on…
Make that a “delusional post of the day” post to save space. 😆😆
/ end sarc
Sorry guys, but children identifying as cats not welcome at this school
They are just such trans-species phobes.
Trans-species beings are people too! (Not to be confused with otherkin who do not identify as human.
Human transers have a long way to go.
Animals typically have two biological sexes, male and female, defined by the presence of specific reproductive organs and differences in gametes, such as sperm and eggs.
‘Mating types’ are the microorganism and fungi equivalent to sexes, and only individuals with different mating types can engage in sexual reproduction.
Some members of the fungi kingdom have many mating types, such as the fairy inkcap mushroom (Coprinellus disseminatus) with 143. Each one is able to reproduce with members of any of the other 142 types.
But this number pales in comparison to the world’s most sexually compatible organism, the split gill mushroom (Schizophyllum commune), which has an estimated 23,328 distinct mating types.
And that’s 23k sexes not 23k genders!
I have seen very small children identifying as cats at our place.
Generation after generation of them copying “miaow”..
Habe you tried going “pss pss pss” to them?
More fears about the effects of the vaccine on Oz citizens
tonyb. Great article thanks for sharing. I was going to comment on figure 3. “Respiratory deaths” total for 2017 which stands out as an anomaly in the 2015–2019-timeframe. I was going to highlight that Queensland experienced its worst flu season in 2017 with 5 dying every week which, mirrored by other states/territories clearly explains the jump.
Of course overall 2017 flu season can’t have been that bad because we didn’t have mask or jab mandates, didn’t have mobile phone entry passes to shopping centres etc. We did have the authorities urging people to take the jab and it being offered government funded (free) to more age groups including children aged 6 months to less than 5 years, pregnant women at any stage and all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
I did a quick dive to find the QLD health articles I remembered from 2017 to support this and instead found a new rabbit hole!! 2019 was supposedly an even worse flu season for Qld than 2017.
The 2017 season resulted in a total of 264 deaths from 56,618 lab confirmed cases while 2019 had 264 deaths from 64,148 lab confirmed cases. (Yes, I’m with you, if the same number die from a smaller pool of infected then the strain must be considered more virulent (worse) than the same number dying from a bigger pool – I would have thought).
THEN (repeat THEN) I found a very interesting November 2017 “learned” article from a couple of “learned” QLD university types that hasn’t aged well given, not only the 2019 repeat performance of a bad influenza year but also our covid inoculation saga as concerns efficacy and better option to personal immunity.
To me (a non-university taught barbarian) a comment such as:
“In one study of the 2017 flu season a paltry 27% of Australians were vaccinated (73% weren’t), including just 6% of children.”
highlights the one track “bludi” mindedness of medical academia in their pursuit of universal compulsory inoculation for all as the only way in the future.
Comments such as:
“Among those vaccinated, 33% were effectively protected”.
“It’s normal for less than 60% of those vaccinated against the flu to develop a protective immune response.”
“Flu vaccination doesn’t produce the same degree of immunity to flu viruses that wild infection does.”
“Additionally, the egg-grown H3N2 vaccine virus strain changed during vaccine production. For both these reasons, the vaccine no longer matched what we faced.”
highlights that academia know full well the limitations and difficulties faced with vaccines during production and the limited benefits derived after injection. The even more damming concern is that this knowledge comes from their experiences with “child’s play” infections such as the yearly flu so how the hell can the “global medical brains trust” be so adamant in their claims when it came to the safety and efficacy of the covid-19 shot??? More than a flu but still a respiratory issue which was being treated with a very rushed production “vaccine” based on new unproven and poorly tested technology yet still held up as the right and only solution.
Never forget. Never forgive.
Another ‘oddity’ uncovered in Pfizer’s trial data:
“The HART researchers also found evidence of potential bias in what was supposed to be a blinded trial, as the average length of time taken to report deaths in the vaccine group was two to three times longer than in the placebo group. Tellingly, perhaps, the longest delays in the reporting of vaccine-group deaths occurred ahead of the critical interim report on which the vaccine’s emergency approval was based. In that period, vaccine-group deaths took an incredible 18 days on average to report, while placebo-group deaths in the same period took just five days. Mysteriously, vaccine-group death reporting then spend [takes?] up to seven days on average [to report the death], once the key interim data deadline had passed.”
— Yes, it’s a mystery how the discrepancy worked in Pfizer’s favour! . . .
Sudden Deaths Twice as High in Vaccine Group than Placebo Group in Pfizer Trial | The Daily Sceptic
The always excellent Jonathan Sumption has been in New Zealand delivering speeches. Here he talks about the dangers of “online lynch mobs”.
Left wing activists seem much better organised (more passionate about their “cause”?) than their right wing counterparts and realise that if they pile on their targets generally retreat.
…and actually paid.
That the huge surge in immigration in both Australia and the UK will have a profound effect on House prices and rental levels might seem obvious to us serfs, but apparently elites didn’t make the connection
Hint to our JO Nova reading elites, of which there must be many, eager to learn about renewable energy, it also means the roads will be far more crowded, additional water and sewage services will be needed and the food has to come from somewhere, ever more difficult if Farmland is being covered in windmills or solar panels
Tonyb …
“it also means the roads will be far more crowded”.
Your comment #4, may indicate the elites may be expecting less crowding.
I of course, being a silly coincidence theorist, would only speculate about such a correlation reacreationally.
As am pondering UAPs.
I have no doubt that elites are making every effort to provide sustenance, health, and fulfillment to us all.
As long as we comply.
Hi JoNova reading elites. Thank you.
Australia is now importing around 500,000 per year, over 1370 per day, mostly invisible because they are fly-ins not walk-ins (US) or boat-ins (UK). (In a population of about 26 million.)
These are NOT the best and brightest like they were back in the day, and are selected for supposed “diversity” not their nation-building skills and are likely to be net drains on society and net destroyers thereof with their anti-Western attitudes and lack of commitment to their new country.
Anyone who can’t see the already destructive effects of importing the wrong types of people into Western countries is an ignorant fool. And no, to all you Lefties, this is not “racism” (sic) to use your massively overused term, rendered almost meaningless by now by your overuse in your standard ad homs, it is an observable fact outside the protected confines of Canberra in the case of Australia.
They may be selected on their likely politics. That is the case with the US southern border disaster. If they are refugees from socilism/communism, and more likely to be conservative, they are not welcome. The goal is to change the demographics of the west.
“The goal is to change the demographics of the west.”
This very goal was OPENLY stated by the UK Wilson government.
The idea was to load the electoral rolls with “mendicant” punters and to physically alter the entire society.
They got their wish.
The “immigrant” people from the old “Empire” are now a few generations on and many seem to be starting to “wander off the plantation”. So, the “experts” decided to import more “hard-core’ typed to refresh the idea. Given Brit crime and health figures, it seems to be “working”.
Our “local heroes” are pulling the same stunt, here.
Well, what could go wrong…
Poor old whities, blamed for everything, so illegal immigrants can arrive en-masse, bludge off the system and turn the host country into the one they left.
Sharia law and beheadings in Oz, anyone?
Then the government cash stops and the fun begins.
That’s the plan after all – better to have citizens fighting each other than organised as one against the government, when the looming collapse hits the west.
Imagine turning into savagery and barbarism as is happening right now in South Africa. Too shocking to describe or link to. Search at your own risk.
“These are NOT the best and brightest like they were back in the day”
Quoted before but worth the requote.
We needs more kiwi cuzzies eh bro. Win win that way.
European Digital Identity Wallets.
Funny how convenient and optional it all sounds. And what goes in a wallet?
They will be hacked I am sure! Any central depository of names, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, bank account numbers, passport details, passwords.. all the crap you need to get a mobile phone these days… is the perfect target for identity thieves.
What doesn’t get mentioned is how they plan to recover from a massive hack. How do they give you back your identity when it has been sold 500 times on the internet and now none of those ID factors can ever be used again. Also unexplained is what happens to the people responsible for the safety of that information, do they get fired, jailed, or promoted? These are Govts we are talking about, not private companies who would just turn it all into another version of “fact-checkers”.
At you find several new posts from SMI about MBH98 and MBH99.
Worth a look 😀
Reading list for the thinking community.
I’m glad my personal library includes the following classics, among many others.
Friedman: Capitalism & Freedom
Hayek: Constitution of Liberty
Hayek: Road to Serfdom
Locke: Two Treatises on Civil Government
Mill: On Liberty
von Mises: Human Action
Montesquieu: Spirit of the Laws
Nozick: Anarchy, State & Utopia
Popper: Open Society & its Enemies
Smith: Wealth of Nations
Popper talks about the “paradox of tolerance”:
Not really a paradox … if you are going to have laws of any sort then automatically that implies intolerance of law breakers and illegal activity.
The more laws, the more intolerance, automatically. Often expressed glibly as “Property is theft”, although it applies to everything, not merely property rights.
For those who don’t want laws at all, there’s no need for society at all. Cats for example, live perfectly well without such things. Locke explained this, and the guys who came later (such as Mill) lost the plot.
Human nature does not change much over the centuries.
World History Encyclopedia › tacitus
2 June 2020 — Publius Cornelius Tacitus (l. c. 56 – c. 118 CE) was a Roman historian, active throughout the reign of Trajan (r. 98-117 CE) and the early …
Thanks David,
That helps me understand the dilemma at the boundary.
That it doesn’t offer a manageable solution in face of intransigent opposition is disappointing, but no surprise.
Dave B
isshould be a similar paradox with “pacifism”.00
How are Adelaideans coping with their *runaway* wind-induced localised warming (sic) this morning? From just shy of 40C yesterday at 5pm to 20C six hours later (and 15C by dawn), that’s one heck of a drop – nay, plummet. Surely more enlightened souls than I could explain *carbon’s* inability to ‘work’ at night, or when a southerly buster comes through, brrrrr…
Turn it up to eleven – 11:11 on 11/11 – RIP.
Greg, on Thursday one of the TV channels in Adelaide said that the BOM has revised their forecast for Friday upwards. So their predictions a day or two ahead of time, were not accurate. How could that be?
It sounds more scientific to say revised upwards than to say our predictions were WRONG.
Its an inexact science.
Weather it will – whether it won’t.
Your govt high priests of chicken entrails (BoM) prophecy Melbourne to max out in the teens all of next week, Adelaide about the same, Sydney max high 20s, while our mainland (the South Island) “Snow to 1,100 metres” mid-week 😲 Has anyone heard if Al Gore is visiting this month?
Saturday fun. Pick a xmas gift for another blog poster.
One for DM. A proletarian playset.
Probably popular for a lot of people.😎
Maybe an Alexa for GA.
“Alexa, turn on CNN. I want to hear the news.”
“You’ll have to pick one or the other” 😆
Latest by Anthony Watts about the Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) on temperature observations. Includes a Video link, featuring Dr Roy Spencer, who discusses his latest work on the subject.
The 1997-98 super El Nino shows up in Tuvalu as a significant drop in sea level.
It’s like an inverse hockey stick. Otherwise, flat as. If only the Americans hadn’t blown up the reefs in the 1940s to build their airports…
Amusing recent piece by William M. Briggs on Climate Change.
Experts Addle Kids’ Minds Over “Climate Change”
With due consideration for the leftist protests against Israel defending it’s citizens after the latest terrorist attacks and invasion a media story today explains that a lawyer of Lebanese descent intends to return home because he has become the target of gangs here.
Isn’t this another example of why Australia should not permit our country to be used as safe haven?
No dual passports and citizenships.
Don’t get me started on dual passports and citizenships. Two personal experiences from 15-20 years ago:
1) Brit exec comes to Ozzie gets big contract job in government enterprise. Gets Ozzie girlfriend. Gets citizenship. Gets girlfriend pregnant. Gets plane to Saudi Arabia and new job in much higher paying public service job over there. Girlfriend gets elbow and government support etc etc.
2) Medically qualified immigrants from middle east get accepted and with their qualifications ratified take posting in smaller city (not country town). Hear through grapevine about 18/24months later that husband had gone back to homeland during his holidays to sort out some stuff concerning his medical practice back there. I’m sure his home country and our tax departments regularly shared citizen income reports so right amount of tax would of course have been being declared/paid.
Always has always will be rorted.
4 minutes on the consequences of being a very bad guest. Palestinians destroying Lebanon, and trying and almost succeeding, in destroying Kuwait, and Jordan.
God dam history. I thought it had become extinct. Along with weather.
Locals out in town doing the “stop the war, save Palestine” thing, waving signs.
Guess they all get their info from CNN.
Anyone wonder why it’s all come to a head right now, after 90 years?
bad guests indeed.
the rest of the kids are too young to have convictions recorded I’d guess.
Instapundit introduction –
“Is the US reporting system for vaccine safety broken?”
And a list of some of the “Everything elses”
” Have you lost count yet of the number of things in our country that are broken? The justice system. Public safety. Education. Medicine. Money. Transportation. Housing. The food supply. The border. The News business. The arts. Our relations with other countries. That’s just the big institutional stuff. At the personal scale it’s an overwhelming plunge in living standards, loss of incomes, careers, chattels, liberties. . . poor health (especially mental health). . . and failing confidence in any plausible future.”
More at*-nation/party-party-2/
Touring Texan Turbine Graveyards Becomes Latest Green Tourism Venture
A while back, wind industry spinners reckoned tourists would flock to see a few of these whirling wonders in action, now they’re flocking to their graveyards. Texans now have the opportunity to visit the growing piles of toxic turbine blades and other junk left over after these things give up the ghost.
James Morrow and Ron Kendall have put together a video tourist brochure, propounding the latest in ‘green’ tourism.
Roll up, roll up, roll up. Come and see the crazy green dream failure. Gasp at the wind turbines that failed after 2 years. See the amazing fields of renewables disasters.
Get your turbine scrap souvenirs.
Roll up, roll up, roll up.
There’s nothing happening out there
Globally, it’s poor old Dengue and a smattering of other events, but it’s DEAD everywhere, disease wise.
I mean really, really quiet. Strangely quiet.
Time for a new orchestrated hyped-to-the-max non-threat plandemic like the last one!
Or are they still flogging the dead horse called Covid.
Volcanic activity – nothing much, a new island. Might put in an offer for it.
Earthquakes – a lot of activity, and I have a cool new data source to play with, to add to my secret stash of resources.
I think I’ll focus on quakes now. 😉
“Or are they still flogging the dead horse called Covid.”
Me thinks equine covid is dead, long live pussy covid. Seems British pet lovers need to brace for the death of their cats as experienced by Cyprus. No doubt this strain will make the leap across to humans by Christmas.
[snip — wrong blog]AD
“…a new island.”
Where cats will not be allowed.
Aussie Govt waking up too late again. Their censor will be out of a job before she gets to work! UNESCO is making a big bid to control the internet, they seem to think they are the only people who can do it, preserving free speech while banning it.
Govts worldwide will be wetting themselves to join…
“Digital technology has enabled immense progress on freedom of speech. But social media platforms have also accelerated and amplified the spread of false information and hate speech, posing major risks to societal cohesion, peace and stability. To protect access to information, we must regulate these platforms without delay, while at the same time protecting freedom of expression and human rights.”
Free speech?? Lol!! Its a fantasy world for Govt employees these days.
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
— George Orwell, 1984
“Brilliant interview with Douglas Murray on what’s happening in Gaza. Absolutely brilliant.”
Another one
“Scott Schara: Another Victory in Landmark Covid Lawsuit”
“The Covid Vaccine Scandal is Finally Going Mainstream”
Both via SDA
Sounds good, but is it just a new version of fact checkers?
Yesterday I was talking about YT taking big steps to prevent those with ad-blockers accessing content and that it was working. Advantage Google.
Today I have unfettered access, better than it has been for a week. Advantage Brave.
I don’t expect “Game, set and match” anytime soon.
Australia locks down ports after ‘nationally significant’ cyberattack
Australia says it is responding to an ongoing cyberattack targeting major ports, prompting operator DP World to temporarily restrict access to the network on Saturday.
The operator shut down four ports at Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Fremantle after detecting a cybersecurity incident late on Friday night. DP World is responsible for 40 per cent of Australia’s maritime freight.
Home minister Clare O’Neil said the Australian government was aware of the developing situation.
“The government is coordinating the government response to this incident, with the National Coordination Mechanism to meet shortly,” the minister said.
DP World Australia said it had “restricted landside access to our Australian port operations” during the ongoing investigation.
If only someone could warn us in advance about attacks on critical infrastructure…
Beware the digital marking: E.U. moving aggressively to digitize its citizens and U.S. will also fall in line
As our attention has been swayed toward the Middle East and war in Israel, the globalists are moving at breakneck speed toward their dream of establishing a truly digital society in which all human beings are tagged, tracked and graded for everything they do.
It was reported this week that the United Nations, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and partners of the Rockefeller Foundation are launching a campaign to accelerate digital ID, digital payments, and data sharing rollouts in 50 countries by 2028, all under the umbrella of digital public infrastructure (DPI). (source). They call it the “50-in-5 Agenda.” Isn’t that cute? I guess the term “Great Reset” is already wearing thin on people so they had to come up with a slick new moniker.
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has announced plans to roll out “digital IDs” worldwide by 2030, and they will be mandatory for people who wish to participate in society, says Reclaim the Net, which advocates for free speech and individual liberty online.
It appears the European Union will be one of the more aggressive governmental bodies to move in the direction of digitizing its citizens. Once this is accomplished, the next step will be the digital currency and then a full-on social credit scoring system. China is the model for this.
2028 you say?
Where have I heard that year before, way ahead of everyone.
Oh yeah. Me. 😎
“Farms that Create Habitat Key to Food Security and Biodiversity”
“Why Was the Small Modular Nuclear Power Plant Canceled?”
Via Instapundit
“REALITY CATCHING UP WITH GREEN ENERGY: Remember when President Joe Biden invested $370 billion in Green Energy with his “Inflation Reduction Act”? That’s when he declared it to be “the most aggressive action ever — ever, ever, ever — in confronting the climate crisis and strengthening our economic — our energy security.”
Well, it’s been more than a year since and Issues & Insights took a hard look at the present realities of the American economy and the energy industry: “Electricity prices are up 3 percent since Biden signed that bill into law, and up 24 percent since he took office. Overall energy prices are unchanged compared with August 2022 and are up 44 percent since January 2021.”
But wait! There’s more!
“Well-paid jobs? According to the White House, ‘between January 2021 and March 2023, the economy added 11,000 jobs in electric power transmission and distribution, 8,000 jobs in solar power generation, 2,000 jobs in wind power, and 1,000 jobs in hydroelectric power.’ We’re not math geniuses, but that doesn’t seem to add up to “hundreds of thousands” of new jobs.”
And more!
“General Electric now expects to burn up $1 billion this year and again next year because of its offshore wind project losses, according to Bloomberg. Fortune magazine reports that “Siemens Energy shares fall 40 percent after company seeks government help as wind-turbine woes threaten gas and power division.”
Click on the link and, as Glenn says, just keep scrolling because Issues & Insights covers all the bases.”
“Entirely predictable: More parents don’t want routine vaccination for their kids
CDC recommended unnecessary COVID19 vaccines for kids and lost all credibility”
TGA et al?
Contemplating flying anywhere in the near future?
“How COVID And Affirmative Action Gutted Aviation Safety”
The first shots have been fired in NZ for claiming the country back-
“The ACT Party has proposed a referendum to clarify the meaning of the “principles” of the Treaty of Waitangi. Even though the Treaty of Waitangi doesn’t actually have any principles, dozens have been invented by the judiciary, the Waitangi Tribunal, academia, and the civil service to embed a wide variety of race-based privileges into our legislative and regulatory framework.
ACT’s proposed referendum would define three principles – based on the original three articles of the Treaty – in a Treaty Principles Act, with the public then asked to support or oppose the law change. The first principles would be along the lines of, “The New Zealand Government has the right to govern New Zealand”. The second, “The New Zealand Government will protect all New Zealanders’ authority over their land and other property”. And the third, “All New Zealanders are equal under the law, with the same rights and duties”. The original three articles of the Treaty of Waitangi are eloquently described by Sir Apirana Ngata in his 1922 explanation of the Maori version of the Treaty.
-Green co-leader James Shaw… promising “violence” and “wide scale social disruption” if the new government goes ahead with the ACT Party’s proposed referendum.
-Marama Davidson elevated the rhetoric by threatening the new government: “Just try and come for the Treaty, just try”.
-Maori Party president John Tamihere claimed, “all hell would break loose” if the government tries to introduce the referendum with “well-organised” protest action: “That protest will be significant… there will be days of national Maori action and they’ll close down Whangarei, Auckland, Tauranga, Hamilton, Wellington.”
-former Minister Willie Jackson making inflammatory threats that Maori would ‘go to war’ over the referendum”
So will it be a rallying of Western civilisation, or the last last death throes? A decade ahead of Australia, but its coming here for sure!
I was catching up on the Moriori story recently, (the original inhabitants of the Chatham Islands) and it was claimed the Treaty of Waitangi was concluded, because the Maori wanted to cede sovereignty to the Crown, so they would halt the Musket Wars, before the Maori wiped themselves out???
The tribes being wiped-out were keen on Queenie Wikitoria pronouncing sovereignty; the tribes doing the wiping-out (with the colonists’ muskets) not so keen.
The myth of ‘one people’ is exactly that.
Not so sure…
The recent Au referendum cearly prevented a “Treaty” being established in the constitution.
One of the reasons for that outcome was the total lack of clarity in defining what was included in a “Voice” or a “Treaty” ?
Everyone casually talks of a “treaty” without actually knowing what it really means.
A clear definition will have to be established and agreed before it can ever be put to a referendum again.
Hopefully NZ will push hard to clarify exactly what their treaty really means..
“Everyone casually talks of a “treaty” without actually knowing what it really means.”
That’s Alice in Wonderland territory, looking at how the Treaty of Waitangi has been changed over my lifetime. All you need are corrupt politicians or judges and any treaty is for sale- it started out saying all NZers were equal and Maoris gave up their sovereignty to become British subjects, now it means Maoris can claim everything in NZ and do no work at all.
One only has to look at African independence to see what putting stone-age people in charge of a modern country does, yet the UN is determined to see it happen everywhere.
The World’s Largest Bank Was Just Hit by a Ransomware Attack. Experts Say These Hacks Will Keep Happening
A U.S. subsidiary of Chinese bank ICBC is just the latest ransomware victim.
On Thursday, a unit of the world’s largest bank was reportedly forced to execute trades using a USB stick that was carried by a messenger across New York City.
Sources told Bloomberg that ICBC Financial Services, a U.S. subsidiary of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, relied on the offline system to process trades of U.S. Treasuries after it was hit by a ransomware attack on Wednesday. It could take days to reconnect ICBC to the electronic settlement system, Reuters reported.
When everything’s digital you have created a single unified target.
Even CNN dullards can see the bleeding obvious consequences.
WaPo Drops Bombshell On The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage Narrative: A Ukrainian Colonel, Covert Ops, & The CIA’s Shadow
No lesser deep-state mouthpiece than The Washington Post just dropped a bombshell with the revelation that Ukrainian Colonel Roman Chervinsky “was integral to the brazen sabotage operation” on the Nord Stream pipeline, “according to officials in Ukraine and elsewhere in Europe, as well as other people knowledgeable about the details of the covert operation.”
The bombing, dubbed a “dangerous assault on Europe’s energy infrastructure” by US and Western officials at the time, marked a critical juncture in the ongoing tensions between Russia and the West. By targeting the pipeline, the operatives (whoever they were) struck a blow to a critical artery of Russian energy exports, a sector that has been at the heart of European-Russian economic relations.
Additionally, as the Goebbels-ian narrative that ‘Russia did it’ was pushed by mainstream media (and politicians), it enabled further ‘aid’ to be sent to Ukraine, to ‘protect interests’.
How silly must those “Russia did it!”, CNN-watching idiots feel now. You backed Ukraine and that crazy Zelensky, caused massive casualties, deaths, carnage, economic damage and caused your own energy crisis!!!
Better pull those “I stand with Ukraine” stickers off your cars, and hang your heads in shame.
Oh but while the planned war with Russia has failed badly in Ukraine, the masses, governments and media can now repeat the exact same mistakes they made, this time over Gaza.
Are people really this stupid? (That’s rhetorical btw)
Axis of Resources: Gaza war spells disaster for Europe’s energy security
Israel’s war on Gaza looks set to escalate into a region-wide conflict in West Asia, Europe’s primary source of oil and gas since severing its Russian supply. Any regional conflagration will drive energy prices through the roof, particularly when the conflict leaks into the waterways of the Persian Gulf.
In the aftermath of Al-Aqsa Flood, the World Bank conducted a geopolitical risk analysis study to gauge the impact of this Palestine-Israel conflict on global oil prices. The study categorized the escalation of tension into three levels: small, medium, and large.
In a “small tension” scenario similar to the 2011 war in Libya, the World Bank projects a global oil supply reduction of 0.5 to 2 million barrels per day, leading to an initial oil price increase of 3 percent to 13 percent – between $93 and $102 per barrel.
In a “medium tension” scenario, akin to the 2003 Iraq war, the World Bank anticipates a global oil supply contraction of 3 to 5 million barrels per day, triggering an initial oil price surge of 21 percent to 35 percent, or costs of between $109 and $121 a barrel.
Finally, in a “high tension” scenario resembling, for instance, the 1973 Arab oil embargo, the World Bank foresees a global oil supply reduction of 6 to 8 million barrels per day, resulting in an initial oil price escalation of 56 percent to 75 percent, with costs skyrocketing to between $140 and $157 a barrel.
Any such increase in oil prices would spell disaster for Europe, which is already grappling with the burden of purchasing energy sources at inflated prices to compensate for its reduced imports from Russia.
While the study did not delve into the impact of escalating tensions on natural gas prices in West Asia, it did underline the interconnected nature of energy sources. As oil supplies decline, the ripple effect extends to other energy sources, with gas prices being particularly affected.
Virtue signalling is seriously misplaced.
Booths ditching self-service checkouts to boost customer experience
Taken sides with many of its customers, Booths, the high end supermarket chain announced it is removing self-checkouts and is bringing back fully staffed tills in the majority of its stores.
The chain is believed to be the first in the UK to go back to fully staffed tills and is swimming against the machines-tide, which has led to more big supermarkets adding trolley self-service bays to existing basket self-service and self-scan.
All of which means fewer tills staffed by human beings which, as many argue, might be the only social interaction of the day for people who live alone.
A spokesperson for Booths said the plan was to remove the self-service tills from all but two of its stores. “We believe colleagues serving customers delivers a better customer experience and therefore we have taken the decision to remove self-checkouts in the majority of our stores,” the spokesperson said. “We have based this not only on what we feel is the right thing to do but also having received feedback from our customers.”
Are you reading this Woolies and Coles?
People hate self serve. Bring back REAL service.
A lot of people seem to use them … you don’t have to if you don’t want to.
“you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
..but they will make not using them as unpleasant as possible.. Seems they need more expensive technology to make them work, trying to cut out the theft that occurs by self-checking. Weighing the trolley before & after checking, or reading bar codes as items are put into the trolley. Its the old people like me who have all day to stand in line for 5 items at the single manned counter.
They could change the electronic price displays that Dan Murphys use according to the time of day.. Rush shopping time or the quiet time. Anything to evenly spread the workload of the checkout chicks.
I don’t get it. Colesworth employ people standing in the self check out, three people picking orders for “click ‘n go” but one checkout.
We are about to get Aldi soon. Any better?
Bunnings seem to do that after covid.
I have not seen a selfcheck in there since.
Maybe Bunnings found the loss rate too steep.
I’d love to see the theft rate from them, most people are honest when someone is watching them, but do self-checkouts encourage people to try and steal something?
We just need MORE tech stuff and security cameras and internet-enabled everything and lots more identification and tracking and..
“The Sad State of Higher Education in America”
Sounds like they’re not convinced?
“What Oregon High School Boys Do to Tampon Dispenser in Their School Bathroom Reaches Legendary Status”
“Why I am now a Christian”
““My State Banned Conversion Therapy. It’s Been a Disaster” ”
Another to “Victoria’s List”?
This article goes over how scientists found you can influence people’s minds with pulsed microwaves, a direct electro-chemical effect of our polluted world with its radar, cellphones, TV, radio etc.
So the Govts have been flat-out working on how to control their subjects of course, or use it to defeat another country, but the last paragraph had an interesting sentence…
“for example Elon Musk is building system of 20.000 satellites around the planet and working on neuralink research at the same time”
Does Elon Musk win the whole world?