A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Who does enforcement of laws?
Since everything and everywhere they are being imposed.
It doesn’t matter if you’re in agreement or not.
Now imagine that one of our governments decides that the local governments bylaws created and imposed over the multiple decades are no longer legal?
The ‘insane are running our asylum’…
What was normal is deemed abnormal by our Government Officials and Healthcare professionals.
Having a small person as Doctor and tripping over them in high volume and high stress situations is one example. Nothing at all them being qualified and working in a different setting but having it posed as normal…isn’t.
Gay Healthcare Doctors have a totally different perspective to the populas is abnormal that our politicians and governments pay for as normal.
This shows how far off the rails that out politicians and professionals are to reality.
Money changes everything…money changes everything…
The State Govt is in charge, so they can over-rule local Councils. Mind you, 20-storey apartment blocks as the only housing allowed near train stations might generate some outrage.
I find living in any apartment block quite unnatural, but the younger generation seem to think its OK. I’d be up for burning all housing/land development regulations and solving the housing crises immediately. All you have to do is buy the land off a farmer and build the shack of your choice. The free market would shake it down to the most efficient housing within a decade, although it may look more like Mumbai than the Northern Beaches of Sydney..
France is upset with proposed EU Camembert packaging rule: Traditional round wooden boxes are ‘banned’ by recycling law — a requirement for it to be recyclable by 2030.
Story in the UK’s Daily Mail on Nov. 16th.; also carried on other news sites.
What do you think about that ? Even with the respective link
From yesterday
I took a nap, I guess.
How insurers are using climate change as an excuse to TRIPLE the cost of home cover
I live in a Murray river town that recently avoided house losses during the last flood, due to a very large levee surrounding the town. The reward for that has seen all properties insurance at least double, Flood insurance has been included for all properties, even though we have flood mitigation that has proven to work.
Personally, our landlord insurance doubled in value to $6000, for a very small, old house.. We discovered that most companies would not insure our rental, so we had to stay with the current insurer and managed to get it reduced by $2000. Our home insurance rose over $3000. I know of people that had insurance go from around $2000 up as high as $11,000 in a single year. One of my work colleagues lives in an area that has never been flooded and her home insurance rose by $7000 this year.
Most insurance companies will not remove the flood component, as they say it is illegal, while others have removed it. So is legal or not? I know a few people that can no longer afford their insurance, so have had to drop it. Mostly pensioners or low income with don’t have a lazy $5000 sitting around doing nothing. Previously they had insurance for everything other than flood. Now they have none ant at al and are rolling the dice with their future. Mandating flood insurance has clearly not had the effect that was intended.who could have foreseen this?
And don’t get me started on car insurance. My 2% pay rise (as per our EA) is not going far this year.
Make enquiries about “parametric” insurance I believe you can cover some of your required cover with the exclusion of more costly parts, under certain conditions.
Our insurance was about $3k. We got a renewal notice for $35k. I rang them and they said it was because of the change to flood risk. I asked them to come an inspect the property so they could see the land shape and see that the house was 5m above the theoretical 100 year flood level.
They said inspecting the property wouldn’t change things because it was based on postcode risk and not our specific property risk.
Where did the lab source its materials?
Are you in the correct thread with your question ?
Jo, I hope the hand is coming along nicely.
Developments in USA on that “covid vaccine manufacturers immunity”.
Starts here in the link –
“Finally, let’s discuss one of the best, but least-well-known weapons for change: the Heisenberg Effect (that’s what I call it). To frame the conversation, we begin with this week’s exciting New York Post article headlined, ‘A COVID-19 vaccine reckoning is coming for the DOJ over federal mandates.” ”
“Foreign Manufacturer Responsible for Eye Drop Products Causing Potential BLINDNESS Finally Revealed – FDA Discovered Several DISGUSTING Conditions at Manufacturer that Were “Standard Practice” and Covered it up for WEEKS!”
Your health is in the very best of hands”
Courtesy of Friday’s Australian
Martext – An ignorant preacher
Unfortunately my Oxford (Compact) Dictionary doesn’t list it.
merriam-webster claims it means “a blundering preacher”
Collins lists an obsolete but “a preacher who makes many mistakes”
But who, or what people could we apply it to (apart from the ABC)?
Klaus Schwab Brags WEF Has ‘Infiltrated’ Every MSM Outlet In The World
Mainstream media journalists are “intellectual prostitutes” who are as easily bent over as Poland in World War 2, according to World Economic Forum co-founder Klaus Schwab, whose off-colour remarks shared by a WEF insider reveal the extent of globalist control over the mainstream media in the United States, Europe and the western world.
The mainstream media have been failing the people for decades, willfully manipulating and distorting the truth, and playing a leading role in driving humanity towards the dystopian future the elites have planned for us.
CNN’s “Journalist of the Year” resigned from his job in 2018 and admitted that he had been writing fake news for several years because he felt “pressure.”
“I am sick and I need to get help,” Claas Relotius said in his confession. He explained it was “fear of failing,” that made him falsify the news for liberal outlets, earning him praise and prestigious awards in the process.
Dr Udo Ulfkotte, the former mainstream newspaper editor in Germany, who resigned from his job and wrote a bestselling book that exposed how the CIA controls the media in the US and Europe, was found dead at the age of 56 in very suspicious circumstances.
Ulfkotte was an editor at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, when he published Bought Journalists, the bestselling book that cost him his job and his life.
For some decent reading, “Bought Journalists” is here for 30 days free, pdf format:
Saturday funny: don’t use your phone at a concert
Bush had the brains of a duck, but he could duck.
We’re not going to make it, are we?
Nope. We’re not.
Orwell’s Worst Nightmare: Supermarkets use Facial Recognition to Sell You a Loaf of Bread
If you’ve purchased anything from the Co-op, Sainsbury’s, Tescos or Asda of late you will have already been photographed, scanned, logged and filed for future reference even if you just popped in to buy a newspaper.
The system, indeed the mentality, of supermarkets is now to treat everyone like a criminal. You are automatically assumed to be one with a digital ‘record’ opened on the minute you first enter the shop. All without your knowledge or consent.
The AI software scans your face, body, and walk, and can identify you from over 2000 tiny datapoints. When you go through the self-service till and pay with a card, the system then links that biometric data with your bank card, together with every item you have purchased. All done instantly, seamlessly, and without your knowledge.
In a further assult on your privacy retailers Southern Co-Op have begun sharing the data with the Police, enthusiastically announcing in January 2023 that they now have access to over a million Police facial recognition files that their system can instantly check against. The Police in turn also have access to the shops data. This, they assure us, is for safety and to reduce crime in the area. Inevitably, those behind the scheme maintain that, ‘if you haven’t done anything wrong you have nothing to worry about’. But you should be worried, very worried.
On a sidenote and update, there’s a growing global backlash against the dehumanising self serve lanes, with a lot of demand they be scrapped and go back to cashier lanes.
Totally agree!
For today’s funny.
How logic works in today’s world.
I told my son “you will marry the girl I choose”
He said “No”.
I told him “she is Bill Gates Daughter”
He Said “Yes”.
I called Bill Gates and said “I want your daughter to marry my son.”
Bill Gates said “NO”.
I told Bill Gates “my son is the C.E.O. of the World Bank”.
Bill Gates said “OK”.
I called the President of the World Bank and asked him to make my son the C.E.O.
He said “NO”.
I told him “my son is Bill Gates son-in-law”.
He said “OK”.
This is exactly how politics works.
Scientist Explains How Climate Crisis Would Be Averted If Greta Thunberg Just Tried A Little Harder
North East Victorian residences are concerned that the Kiewa Valley may become a wasteland, over the proposal to install one hundred large shipping containers full of lithium in their backyard.