A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The wave towards reason goes on.
Unfortunately until the media and education is shifted this “socialist fraud” will remain a problem.
Lets hope for more of the shift right
How much of that $60 billion can he spend before things grind to a halt?
New free security tool for pc users
Portmaster can monitor your sysyem for spyware, malware, tracking, network information, remote port host countries, stops M$ telemetry, browser data theft and lots more.
This is actually a very nice product and free.
Suitable for mid-range competency pc users.
A “must have” utility, especially for W10 and W11.
Free version:
Poland is going nuclear:
Poland’s new government will want US firms to buy equity stake in nuclear project
Think about all that money you just saved on Black Friday sales. What are you going to do with it? Have you considered buying Joanne Nova some Black Friday Chocolates?
I know a lot of people are hurting in the current economic conditions, but if you can afford to buy Joanne some chocolates then I would encourage you to do so. We need to support independent websites like this one, which are run solely on donations from people like you.
Come on, dig deep and show you care.
When is blackFriday>?
Absolutely – she has been on fire this year and has covered a huge range of issues for our edification. If you all missed Black Friday, don’t forget it is Christmas soon! Help Joanne, hubby and kids enjoy it.
Thanks guys! I can’t do it without help of people like you.
Black Friday? More like Blackout Friday for HSBC’s online and mobile banking
HSBC’s online and mobile banking systems crashed spectacularly this morning on the busiest shopping day of the year, potentially disappointing early risers looking for a spot of Black Friday retail therapy.
Thousands of people across Britain began reporting connectivity woes on Down Detector from near 0700 local time and those complaints keep flooding in with the bank unable to indicate when normal service is to resume.
The problems were first acknowledged by HSBC on X Twitter some three hours ago: “We understand some customers are having trouble accessing banking services as usual right now.
“We’re investigating this as a matter of urgency and will share an update as soon as soon as possible.”
UBS Implements Withdrawal Freezes Citing “Liquidity Challenges”
Telling your customers you have liquidity problems!!!
Argentina President Javier Milei Announces Central Bank Shutdown
More Problems With The Banks: Wells Fargo, Bank of America Have All Had Their Ratings Downgraded
This has been a rough year for American Banks. Back in March, we saw the collapse of three US banks within a week. That was the biggest banking failure to hit the US since the 2008 financial crisis.
By the time the fallout from the Great Recession was over, 600 banks had failed.
But what if I tell you that we are staring at the same fate now?
On study on the fragility of the U.S. banking system found that 186 more banks are at risk of failure even if only half of their uninsured depositors decide to withdraw their funds.
Seems like the banking sector has some serious problems.
Maybe they should all go to CBDC’s to prevent bank runs…
It’d be nice if we could purge planet savers and net zero enthusiasts out of the Libs and Nats too.
If they ditched net zero, they’d win four terms.
Australia: Pharmacovigilance has gone to the dogs
Today, the ABC reports that an animal vaccine has been voluntarily recalled by the manufacturer following eight reports of adverse events and one death in vaccinated dogs.
Quoted in the article, vet and Queensland president of the Australian Veterinary Association Ben Brightman said,
“With these reports of these illnesses after the vaccine, they’re just being cautious”
“We still don’t have evidence that the vaccine has caused these. But there is just that sort of time correlation with it.”
If only this level of precaution was taken with vaccines for humans, and particularly the hallowed Covid vaccines.
You may now all identify as dogs, a step up from how das gubermint regards you now.
I was dating a girl who identified as a wheelie bin.
I didn’t know if I should take her out Thursday or Friday. 😆
Nobody has been held to account for trillion-dollar covid fail as Australians are left with a broken system
Censorship, corruption, gene-vaccine injuries and deaths: Australia’s brightest minds gather to light the way forward as corporate media pretends nothing happened.
Australia’s covid response wasted more than a trillion dollars on lunatic policies based on panic – and nobody has been held to account, a conference has heard.
Respected economist Sanjeev Sabhlok said public health officials threw out empirical science for poorly functioning models in 2020 after doctors freaked out over an illness that, at its worst in 2020, had an infection fatality rate of just 0.03 percent for those under 60.
Dr Sabhlok has just completed a first-principles review, called “The ugliness, evil and impossibility of public health”.
Speaking at the Australians for Science and Freedom Conference at the University of NSW on Saturday, Dr Sabhlok said lockdowns were imposed on the basis of models that didn’t include human factors and costs. The models are therefore useless.
“There is no science in public health,” he said.
Forgetting the crimes isn’t going to happen.
The realities of this scam are accelerating and the masses are going to be very very unhappy very very soon.
Pollies and “health experts” are endangered species.
The worst – and most costly – aspect of Covid, for me, is the fact that it has allowed western governments to test just how authoritarian they can be and get away with it. Now that they know how compliant we are, generally, I fear for the future. Remember, we’re dealing with people who are hooked on power and Covid granted them powers they had previously never imagined they could have when there isn’t a shooting war.
They won’t forget that.
This New York law was just reinstated after injunction.
The next court ruled that people have “no standing” to challenge quarantine.
My guess is that since disinformation is contagious and a threat to public health … well.
Note: I have read the text of the law.
Attempted to link but NY Gov site was unresponsive.
As per Jo’s previous post … anyone notice that the “far right” label is universally wielded by Western governments and their sycophant media heralds, in c0nspiracy theory inspiring coordination, across the board?
We have two choices, compulsory compliance, or be labeled “far right”.
At which point we also become ‘enemies of Democracy’.
Canada: Federal commission declares Christmas holiday is ‘religious intolerance’
The Canadian Human Rights Commission, which wields broad quasi-judicial powers, argued that a day off on Christmas is ‘discriminatory’
The Canadian Human Rights Commission — an agency with broad judicial powers that is fully funded by the federal government — has declared that the celebration of Christmas is evidence of Canada’s “colonialist” religious intolerance.
“Discrimination against religious minorities in Canada is grounded in Canada’s history of colonialism,” reads a Discussion Paper on Religious Intolerance published last month by the agency.
“An obvious example is statutory holidays in Canada,” it adds, noting that the Christian holidays of Christmas and Easter get days off, while non-Christians have to “request special accommodations to observe their holy days.”
So…all members of the CHRC will be working across xmas and new year then?
I thought not..
Why are you screaming? It’s only glue.
Yes, another protester gluing event…
Saturday Darwin award: there’s a correct place for an argument
My friend who is an anti-woke medical doctor noted to me that he felt IVM was not as effective against the current strain of ‘rona as it was earlier strains.
I guess the genetic engineers had to tweak the latest varieties to be resistant to IVM in preparation for the widely anticipated release of the US Election Variant(s).
Don’t like the sound of that at all. Did he make any comment about their vitamin D status? Zinc?
Dave B
Atmospheric CO2 levels will fall significantly next week.
The blockade of the harbour here in NovoCastria will prevent coal reaching China and thus save the planet.
Rising Terd has set up a huge operations centre near Knobbys and at the harbour edge.
Sad stuff.
And apparently an “approved” protest provided they don’t exceed the allocated 30 time limit.
The lunatics really are in charge
Last night they had a show performed on a stage set up on the doggy doo beach. Loud punk rock interspersed with exhortations to save the planet and get arrested.
All very peaceful and environmentally friendly; it must have been, because Adam B approved it all.
It seems that the port authority has stopped shipping movements : mission accomplished. 🙂
A rough count about 6pm Sunday got at least twelve ships waiting off the coast to go in and load up.
Tesla have launched their own insurance scheme for Tesla owners, on the promise that, “Tesla Insurance was launched as a solution to high insurance rates for electric vehicles, which often carry higher repair costs.”
I’m genuinely shocked that Tesla would admit this. Another nail in the coffin?
Hi all,
somewhat unthreaded, but I’d like to express my objection to the way so many Conservatives are abusing the word ‘Elite’ lately.
It makes us sound like the old loonie left grumbling about the bourgeoisie.
Did any of you ever take any of those complaints seriously?
I know I didn’t.
Let’s call out the hypocrites, the crony capitalists, the exploiters who want to sell us at three times the price an inferior electric grid to replace what we already have.
Elite? I admire the elite. It’s their behaviour that removes the wealthy, famous, or powerful from that category. Criticise their behaviour, not their group membership.
Let’s not redefine the language.
Perhaps “manipulators” would be a reasonable label?
Shopping in the supermarket today, and hearing customers complaining about how much plastic is being used on the fruit and vegs, while they grab a hand of bananas and putting them into…a plastic bag. Followed by another plastic bag for their broccoli. I never use bags for bananas or broccoli. I might use one if I have more than four or so tomatoes, just for convenience.
I work for a food company and reading some of the consumer complaints and compliments we get daily make me laugh. Like you need to do something about the plastic spoon in your product, but say nothing about the plastic tub it’s in and then I’m so glad your x product is in a glass jar because it’s so much better for the environment. So much stupid, it hurts.
Exposure to fine particulate air pollutants from coal-fired power plants (coal PM2.5) is associated with a risk of mortality more than double that of exposure to PM2.5 from other sources. Examining Medicare and emissions data in the U.S. from 1999 to 2020, the researchers also found that 460,000 deaths were attributable to coal PM2.5 during the study period—most of them occurring between 1999 and 2007, when coal PM2.5 levels were highest.
What is the risk in absolute terms? It is obviously far less than drugs, legal and illicit, and has probably advised legalising a shopping list of street drugs. If not someone certainly is.
How much passes through scrubbers? The dates indicate the data was collected pre widespread rollout. You must know, at least you should find out before lecturing us.
Read the paper. The beneficial impact of scrubbers were huge, it reduced deaths by something like 95%, which makes the industry protests at the time that they were too expensive to install seem very hollow.
I wonder how much I’ve risked from exposure to dust in inland Oz?
I don’t know why he would “lecture” anybody on this.
Over the years it has been acknowledged that fine particulate matter has to be scrubbed.
A few years ago I even complained that our state government was inconsiderate and environmentally irresponsible when it approved the operation of a coal fired generators which needed new scrubbers. Because it was going to be shut down in the near future they said it would be O.K. to keep going and pump out filth..
None of the dust reached parliament house in Sydney and no money was offered for the favour.
And pigs might fly.
I would say the concerted governmental effort to push diesel cars onto the public in many countries has caused more health problems than a few isolated power stations, but this is mere speculation on my part.
Go out and get yourself a productive job. Rather,grow some
Another attempt to make a very dubious correlation between unrelated events. They tried that some years ago in Australia, only to have the local doctors point out that the chosen area had a raft of other high-risk issues that were actually involved in the increased death rate in that area.
I actually agree with the thrust of your main point, that Coal Stations produce unhealthy particulates. Albeit with the caveat about scrubbers expressed by Hanrahan.
Yet nuclear was carbon-free and soi-disant ‘environmentalists’ opposed it for fifty years. Those same 50 years have proven it to be the cleanest and safest method of generating power there is.
The world was moving away from cheap high-carbon Coal to even cheaper lower-carbon Natural Gas until the Environmentalists weighed in. Natural Gas produces 30% less CO2 than Coal, for any given amount of energy.
So if environmentalists had not done so, the country’s overall emissions right now would be substantially lower than they are now, the grid would be more stable, and electricity would be even cheaper than it was when it was almost all coal.
The story is similar with hydro-electric power, and if the US had built all its proposed nuclear power stations that were killed by “Greens” that country would have no coal-power station CO2 Emissions at all.
Sorry Leo, but natural gas only produces less than coal when used efficiently as in CCGTs.
Using it as “Peaker plants” i.e. OCGTs actually produces as much as brown coal use.
CO2 emissions from OCGTs are 35% efficient (peak type) and 40% if used continuously.
CO2 emissions from CCGTs are 60% efficient, even 62% in latest units, but a good deal less if used on/off (as in the UK).
CO2 emissions from black coal fired in Australia are about 36% efficient and latest operating plants (elsewhere) are 42%.
For Simon – The higher the efficiency the lower the emissions and cost per MWh. Using gas to cover deficiency with renewables means that they aren’t as ‘clean’ as claimed.
Emission comparasons are not simply proportional to combustion efficiency.
Coal and gas are fundamentally different materials and as such produce different byproducts of combustion and in different proportions
Some, eg CO2,.. will be common, but others will be unique to their original fuel source.
Natural gas has a specific CO2 emission of 0.18 kg/kWh,
Coal has a specific CO2 emission of 0.37 kg/kWh…….more than double !
…and,….in the case of coal there will be particulates that are not present from gas combustion, …..which was what the OP was actually refering to !
I learned much from your comment, thank you.
But I’m not clear about the figures you quoted. When I try to independently verify them, I find a claim that the inefficient open gas turbines produces 500 kg of CO2 per MWh, , and searching for the equivalent for brown coal, Google served up that Homewood is brown coal and produces 1.5 ton of CO2 per MWh.,(MWh)%20of%20electricity%20produced.
I realise there are many caveats involved with my figures, but those are the only ones I’ve found so far, and they don’t support your claim.
Can you direct me to a table comparing like to like that supports your figures?
Leo, that figure of 500 kg/MWh is directly comparable to the 0.18kg/kWh i quoted (from the once you understand that the 0.18 kg is the theoretical figure for a perfect 100% efficient combustion.
When you scale up for MWh , and allow for the inefficient operation, (30% ?) , you arrive at the 500-600 kg/MWh .
Likewise for that coal figure (1.5 T/MWh) for Hazelwood which simply highlights the poor thermal efficiency. (25% ?) of the old brown coal plants… compared to the perfect 100% efficient 0.37kg/kWh, (370kg/MWh) theoretical figure.
There’s a lot risk from the larger particles.
I was walking barefoot on the concrete yesterday and trod on a particle; it really hurt.
On examination, the particle was huge, about PM 69000, so , as Simon says, we must be careful.
What’s about pellet heating ?
Pellet heating ( compressed wood shavings ) is one of the higher CO2 /kWh emitting materials at 41 kg/kWh…… BUT. …
..since it is wood based, officially it is a sustainable “bio” fuel with a rating of 0kg/kWh !!
I will assume there must be significant particulate and other emissions involved as well though .
PS: i burn 400+ kg of pellet fuel each winter, but that produces less than 3 kg of ash under the burn box ?
Derek Chauvin has been stabbed in prison. Sad.
How silly of me for failing to realise that ridiculously high electricity prices can only be blamed on fossil fuels – the same fuels that allowed electricity to be so cheap for so long…
We live in strange and disturbing times, where up is down, and right is wrong (in a few senses).
Seems to me that the story is all about daytime prices, with all those “renewables” functioning at their maximum.
Things archeology digs up –
“Winged phallus wind chime found at Viminacium”
Just in time for Christmas –
Jingle bells
Jingle bells
Jingle all the way…
Well worth the time. Great common sense presentation.