A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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‘Disgusting’: Chris Kenny calls for Mehreen Faruqi to resign over resurfaced speech
Faruqi is a disgusting individual, disloyal to Australia and the West in general and a member of our version of similar disgusting individuals in the US, “The Squad” with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib (and now some others as well). The enemy within….
Per Marcus Tullius Cicero
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear”
Pakistan has nuclear weapons, nuclear power reactors and a space program.
They do not need our charity.
President Trump did the right think by cutting off funding to them. Including for the reason that they are major sponsors of terrorists and terrorism such as:
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)
Jaish ul-Adl
Al Badr Mujahideen
Harkat ul Mujahideen
(The above list from Wikipedia.)
Why should we send them our hard-earned taxes?
This is simply representative of the Greens. It’s not just Faruqi. Bandt and others have made comments that are in direct conflict with Australia’s interests and encouraged other nations to not buy our products/resources.
From 6pm last night and still happening as I type this, 628AM AEST, there is a major outage of TPG Internet.
Frankly, I think that’s unacceptable.
And do they not have backup systems? (I do, I am typing this from my phone on a different network.)
First the Optus outage, now this.
Next, I’m predicting electricity.
It shows how vulnerable Australia has become. There is no spare or backup capacity in any critical systems.
Australia wouldn’t need to be invaded by enemy forces like the Chicomms, a simple cyber attack and/or a lull in the wind would shut the country down.
And then I can imagine members of the Left (including many embedded in the Government) running down to the main streets with Chinese flags and their portraits of Comrade Xi welcoming their new masters….
Received a message on my phone from Ausnet. “ Hi this is Ausnet, your electricity distributor. Are you power prepared for summer? High temperatures and severe weather can cause power outages. We’re getting our network ready for summer, find out how you can prepare at Powerprepared” So it seems that we are already at the “failure is inevitable stage” but it will be my fault for not being prepared. Good hey, if I didn’t use electricity everything would be fine. Well thanks for the heads up Ausnet but your dealing with an old bloke. I’ve seen it all, fire, flood, drought and wind and oh the time before electricity was reticulated around town and country. I am prepared and I am happy give Ausnet the flick if it makes life easier for them.
We are old, adaptable and damn near self sufficient. We don’t panic when the phone system goes down, telly, well thats the thing that flashes colour around the lounge. we’re a few k’s from town but can still walk in for news or supplies. If town runs out of stuff, like during the big fires of 2009, we simply go without.
So Ausnet, lets talk about the ever increasing cost of supply of the one thing you have and then advise you may not be able to deliver.
It’s amazing that this major Australia-wide outage of a major Internet service provider has not hit the “news” (what I call “the Lies”).
It shows you how clueless and disconnected from reality most “journalists” (sic) are.
My amateur radio station still works. It doesn’t need any infrastructure except a functional ionosphere if not using groundwave propagation (and for certain VHF and UHF comms, volunteer-maintained and operated repeaters).
Enjoy your functional ionosphere while it lasts eh…
Is that NBN or mobile broadband ?
TPG are a Virgin based provider i believe ?
I use Optus mobile broadband for household WiFi , but always have a backup from a Telstra mobile on iPhone by using hot spot….faster than Optus but much more expensive for heavy data use. Used only when Optus fails !
Didn’t we do this “Thursday” last week.
And that prompted the JFK memories.
Looking through online material on the net showed horrific film of the main shot that wasn’t in the Zapruder clip.
Discussion and analysis shows that things in the U.S. are not worse now. It’s always been this bad.
The link provider by Reader above is a more recent reminder of the lack of grounding and integrity in Australia’s public representatives.
She, like all of the local Voices for Victimhood, seems to be well catered for in the areas of clothing and food supply, but shows little recognition of the hard work, discipline and thrift that enabled the “climate reparations” to be sent to the nominated victim country.
I don’t recall any such support coming from Pakistan after the numerous flood plain events that occurred here.
There’s a reason that people build on flood plains: $$$, and that’s evidence of the lack of concern for others that runs through politics.
If anybody can find evidence of a politician speaking honestly, clearly and to the point without distorting the message using massive verbalism could you please put up a link.
I’ve noticed that people that go on a lot about ‘democracy’, get really upset when people vote the wrong way.
We have just had a referendum here in Oz about a “voice” to parliament for indigenous people. This was overwhelmingly rejected by the populace.
So, in the name of democracy, individual states ( that all voted NO ) are going ahead with Voice, treaty, truth telling legislation regardless of what the people voted AGAINST.
Saving democracy by the process of dictatorially telling people that they will do as they are told, and who cares how they voted.
UK press is full of stories anticipating that the UK will eventually rejoin the EU, even fairly soon.
Yes but, that is only “legislation” at state level, and as such could be recinded by different thinking future potiticians in that state.
Very different to a National Constitutional change .
But in the meantime we all have to pay…..
Dictatorship naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme liberty.
– Plato
FWIW – from this morning’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter
“Today’s roundup focuses on three significant media trends: skepticism about Ukraine; skepticism about gain-of-function; and skepticism about UFO disclosure — all of which translate into a trend of profound post-pandemic erosion of trust in government.”
“Boron: Revisited With Med Literature Video”
“One particular interesting bit, to me, was how Boron was involved in improving both Magnesium absorption and Vit-D status. Both chronically low in much of the modern urban population.”
More at
Thinking people know how important is the hormone known as Vitamin D which has a critical role in disease prevention or minimisation including covid.
It is an extremely common deficiency in Western countries but correcting deficiencies is never mentioned in official Government health pronouncements because why use a cheap drug when you can use an extremely expensive one sponsored by Big Pharma?
It is no surprise then, the increasing numbers of warnings from Government and Government sponsored organisations about “Vitamin D toxicity” even though you have to take ridiculous amounts to have a toxic effect.
Do a Goolag search for “vitamin d toxicity” without quotes.
5,000 iu a day is the sensible limit (that I use) assuming full absorption (ie with a decent meal) and get some sun too. Get more sun rather than take more pills.
Don’t overdo it.
From yesterday’s thread
Don’t forget that most vitamins and minerals are fat soluble
EXCEPT The different types of vitamin B are all water-soluble (dissolves in water), which means that they cannot be stored in the body and must be consumed regularly to avoid deficiency. (and why your urine may turn “greenish”). And B12 is the anti-inflammatory.
1000 IU vitamin D daily for me took me close to the recommended maximum blood level (110 nmol/l) from my winter lows of 40. Argue with your GP to find out where you are starting from.
Well, yes and no, but it’s not that simple.
It never is.
Another V-22 Osprey crashes off Japan with at least one life lost. Odds are the crew of 6 have perished.
This is the same type that crashed off Darwin earlier this year.
Never going to be the safest of aircraft is it.
That’s why the marines call it the Widow maker
Despite the recent rain – BOM results to follow in January 2035 (sarc) –
• November 2021 was Australia’s wettest November since national records began in 1900. Nationally averaged rainfall for the month was 76.2 mm, 135% above the 1961?1990 average.
• It was also the wettest November on record for New South Wales and South Australia, and for the Murray–Darling Basin.
• Many locations had their wettest November on record, particularly in inland New South Wales and the ACT, southern Queensland, and northern and western South Australia. A few locations, including Bathurst, had their wettest month on record.
• The wet November was the result of multiple rain events during the month which affected large parts of Australia.'s%20wettest,above%20the%201961%E2%88%921990%20average.
BTW – Bush Fires to follow the floods. Sounds quite normal to me but NOT to the ALPBC.
November 2023 is far worse, two years in a row points to climate change.
Morning all,
There was a link posted which I can no longer find, that pointed to a number of scientists that stated that C14 levels meant that humans were categorically not the major source of the increased CO2 we have seen this last 70 odd years. Can anyone assist and point me to this. Thank you
TdeF originally pointed me towards the C14 as proof CO2 increases were natural and this link was great support.
My interest was peaked again from this new article posted at NoTricksZone.
Thank you
There was a lot of discussion about C14 in the comments attached to this post:
These comments also referenced this paper:
Also discussed on WUWT – see Rud Istvan’s comment:
Tdef also supplied this link, but it doesn’t go anywhere:
Tdef has also commented on C14 at JoNova 17 August 2018, 22 and 24 October 2022, 28 February 2023, 24 March 2023 and 20 May 2023.
For more discussion on C12/C13 ratios, see:
(There were a couple more, but their links are broken.)
Thanks Graeme#4,
It was a link to a number of scientists backing the C14 theory. I did try to go through a number of old posts but cant remember exactly which site
10 You will find he has done a lot on C14 re natural CO2 is the same as human CO2. also check his comment replies.
Thanks Theotheross,
good site
“Oreos Are Better Than Statins for Lowering Cholestrol?”
In comments there –
““. . . I can’t see the purpose for statins.”
It prevents heart attacks. By killing you from a stroke two years before you might have had the heart attack, but hey, you didn’t have a heart attack, which is the important thing, innit?”
Manns hockey stick reverse engineered.
Weird, and I can’t even begin to imagine HOW journalists cannot see this.
I heard anecdotally yesterday of a new survey saying that a large percentage of people, when questioned by journalists, said that they supported the ‘Voice to Parliament!!’
And, as a result, said journalists just can’t figure out why the Referendum failed, and failed so comprehensively. Evidently it’s just beyond them ….. completely and utterly.
Hmm! I wonder now.
When asked (flat out) by a journalist standing right there in front of you, and asking said question, and you have to reply , umm, you tell me what the respondent might actually answer out loud, you know, so as to appear to be politically correct and not to draw criticism, and to ‘say the right thing’.
Then, in the privacy of a polling booth ….. you know, where no one actually knows but you yourself, you can write the truth, and no one ever knows.
Fools me how journalists can’t see that.
Particularly these days if there was a camera there recording I’d have thought
And if the journalist only spoke to people in a politically correct environment.
Before the vote a couple of ladies came to my door to help me cast a vote for the ‘Yes’ faction.
I said no, thanks. She said ‘you’ll be voting know then?’
To which I replied, yes. They looked mystified, so I said put me down as a no.
The Survey was conducted in Canberra?
From “Defending the Republic”
And guess what? Even Australia has its own disinformation bill in the pipeline.
In a previous thread there was mention of the effect of rain on cattle markets –
This is from the market report for Dalby Qld this week
“The market responded to the rain with light weight yearling
steers returning to the paddock lifting in price by over 70c/kg. Yearling steers and heifers to feed improved by 40c to 50c/kg. Bullocks to export processors averaged 17c/kg better. Medium weight plain condition cows to restockers averaged 19c/kg dearer. “
A huge news fallacy.
UN COP 28 is not a democracy
By David Wojick
The beginning: “Reading the breathless Green coverage of the soon-to-be COP 28, the UN conference on climate change (CFACT is on the way!), I noticed a fundamental fallacy occurring endlessly. The analysts seem to assume that decision-making is democratic, such that what you need to pass a rule is a majority vote along the lines of Congress or Parliament.
The reality is extremely different. Every member Country has veto power. This dramatically changes what is possible. The analysts consistently miss this, especially by talking about possibilities that are, in fact, impossible.
A good example is a recent Washington Post article discussing the possibility that COP 28 will adopt a decision calling for the phasing out of not just coal but all fossil fuel use. They correctly report that some countries are all for this while others are strongly against it. The presently crazy Biden U.S. is for it despite being the world’s biggest per capita user of fossil fuels. Russia is sanely against it as fossil fuel exports are their primary revenue source. It is then consistently reported as a maybe yes, maybe no situation, like Congress debating a controversial Bill. The obvious reality is that absent a miracle, this measure has no chance whatsoever. It is, as the saying goes, dead on arrival.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
A realistic assessment is hard to find in the piles of hype.
Then counties could vote YES for the applause then ignore it.
I’d like to see an Airbus A380 fly using only a battery for power.
No way would I board that. I love the A380 but I want those wonderful big four engines in full working order.
Australia: the 8th Covid wave has arrived
Recent headlines by the The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) warned: The eighth COVID-19 wave is here and asked “if catching it could trigger Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s or autoimmune disorders?”
Surely by now people can see that this is next-level gaslighting and have figured out what the real cause of is.
Attention ABC: we all know the real causes so try telling the truth for once, if you know how.
Defund the ABC, Australian Bullsh#tters Corporation.
Breakthrough Discovery: Neurosurgeon Unveils Shocking Link Between COVID Vaccine and Brain Damage & Cancer Risk
With all vaccines, and this injection in particular, if you stimulate the peripheral immune system within minutes there’s microglial activation in the brain – the brain’s primary immune cell. This is what Dr. Blaylock describes as “sickness behaviour.”
When there’s systemic inflammation or any kind of trauma occurs in the body, it produces inflammation and activation of the immune system. This sends a signal to the brain within minutes and starts activating the microglia which is the inflammatory, cytotoxic cell in the brain.
Here’s the ABC’s contact form: 😁
Clinical pathologist and immunology specialist Dr. Ryan Cole has a different opinion than the Australian Broadcasting Corporation about the rise in these medical conditions.
He said that DNA contamination in some COVID-19 vaccines may be linked to a rise in various cancers, clots and autoimmune diseases.
The good news is that Australians are waking up to the con, vaccination rates are so low across Australia, just like the low ratings of the A.B.C.
Drain the swamp, make this a one term government.
Total nonsense.
…from the ABC…
Biden – my marine has a code to blow up the world
No need – your policies and puppet masters are doing the job instead.
The importance of active surveillance, and other insights from the Hermit Kingdom’s 2022 vaccine safety data
Including, up to 17.2 cases of pericarditis inflicted on young adults to save one Covid hospitalisation.
In 2021, Western Australia became the world’s accidental vaccine safety control group. With its closed borders and strict quarantine rules, the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ managed to maintain near-zero Covid while administering almost four million doses of Covid vaccination, resulting in an “exponential increase” in adverse event reports.
The cardiac damage inflicted on WA’s young people for such little benefit should serve as a sobering warning to health professionals to ensure that informed consent and the precautionary principle remain front and centre in their practice.
Finally, the sustained high rates in adverse event reporting following vaccination since the Covid vaccine rollout, many of which have been serious enough to require management in emergency departments and hospitals, indicates an urgent need for a review of the benchmark indicators for withdrawal of a product from the market until safety can be guaranteed.
Shooting yourself in the foot is less dangerous than a shot in the arm.
Was a time in the US, if 50 adverse events were reported for any one pharmaceutical active ingredient, the product was ” black boxed”. Which meant hugely restricted use. If this had been applied to the COVID vaccines, they would have barely lasted a week before being black boxed.
50 › media › national-apology-thalidomide-survivors-and-their-families
National apology to thalidomide survivors and their families
1 day ago
The Albanese Government and the Australian Parliament, on behalf of the people of Australia has today offered a full, unreserved and overdue apology to all thalidomide survivors, their families, loved ones and carers.
Does he know what century we are living?
I’ve never understood the logic of someone apologising for an atrocity they never committed.
Reeks of false sentimentality for personal gain.
But they are pollies…
Police in Ireland have declared that the term “Irish Lives Matter” is racist and it’s now being considered a hate crime.
“Australia lives and freedoms matter!”
/had to say it while I still can. 😎
Welcome to Country rebellion as another local council pushes to get rid of land acknowledgement: ‘The Australian public are sick of it’
The Beast is dead – rejoice! Heinz Ki666inger finally karks it after a century of mass murder… now if only his under-study, K S, would kindly do the same.
Tomorrow’s live stream by Steve Kirsch should be a doozy, with the NZ gubermint whistleblower exposing the true data.
Must watch.
Disney Awarded Defense Contract After Producing More Bombs Than Lockheed Martin
“Going Bwoke”
“Investments in trendy ‘ESG’ assets collapsed by $5 trillion in just two years…”
Electric truck fire in Melbourne
Links to John Cardogan
“ZEV Mandate Cannot Be Enforced With Foreign Manufacturers, Say DfT”
End Of Greta Thunberg’s Cult
Deepmind AI tool catapults materials science 800 years into the future
Prepare for a radical acceleration in technological development. A Google Deepmind AI has achieved “an order-of-magnitude expansion in stable materials known to humanity,” finding about 800 years’ worth of new materials with revolutionary potential.
The discovery of new materials with unusual properties can start technological snowballs rolling that eventually push society in new directions – but up to this point, it’s been a painstakingly slow process involving a lot of trial-and-error experimentation.
Inorganic crystal materials, for example, may show enormous promise once you first synthesize them, but all this potential could lead nowhere if the crystals don’t remain stable; it’s no good discovering that a new crystal could improve the performance of batteries or electronics if it’s going to fall apart and degrade.
And that’s where Deepmind’s Graph Networks for Materials Exploration (GNoME) deep learning tool has just made an announcement that promises to be enormously disruptive.
The GNoME tool has discovered no less than 2.2 million new inorganic crystals, and identified 380,000 of them as the most stable, giving researchers a pre-filtered list of new materials to go away and synthesize for experimental research. Some 736 of them have already been created independently in research labs around the world.
Thursday ejukayshun: Siberian floating rocks or Baikal-Zen
Visit the Small Sea of Lake Baikal in Russia during the winter and you’ll likely see an unusual phenomenon: a flat rock balanced on a thin pedestal of ice, akin to stacking Zen stones common to Japanese gardens. The phenomenon is sometimes called a Baikal Zen formation. The typical explanation for how these formations occur is that the rock catches light (and heat) from the Sun and this melts the ice underneath until just a thin pedestal remains to support it. The water under the rock refreezes at night, and it has been suggested that wind may also be a factor.
Now, two French physicists believe they have solved the mystery of how these structures form, according to a new paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences—and their solution has nothing to do with the thermal conduction of the stone. Rather, they attribute the formation to a phenomenon known as sublimation, whereby snow or ice evaporates directly into vapor without passing through a water phase. Specifically, the shade provided by the stone hinders the sublimation rates of the surrounding ice in its vicinity, while the ice farther away sublimates at a faster rate.
Wildlife for the night
“We often speak of “pink elephants” in regard to what an alcoholic may “see” during his more inebriated moments. Nevertheless, some baby elephants are, indeed, born pink, although they lose that color as they grow.”
First bath at
And welcome to life in the wild in the second video
Northern Hemisphere freezes with record snowfall and Australia exaggerates warming.
Arctic sea ice better than average.
Polar vortex broke up displacing cold air, Arctic is over 6C above ‘average’, NH still +1.5C. Arctic sea ice is midrange for last 5 years, very low compared to satellite period as a whole.