A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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For those that were bemused by the French authors comment (my post yesterday) that every year the world produced 5000 Eiffel towers of electronic waste (tablets, computers, phones etc) I understand that equates to some 30,000 olympic sized swimming pools filled with waste. The book “The Dark Cloud” is interesting as it explains the colossal amount of numerous materials needed to make the 90 billion devices in the first place, with all the energy that represents, plus the energy needed to run the things and that needed to dispose of them, normally very badly. THe digital world currently uses twice as much electricity as civil aviation and that is set to double in 3 years.
In short his argument is that the digital world is a bigger contributor overall to pollution, co2 emissions, other gas emissions, materials depletion etc than the physical world it seeks to replace.
Thanks Tony for introducing me to this book, it’s going to be a very valuable read, confirming and reinforcing what we are trying to bring to public attention.
From the “you couldn’t make it up dept comes this headline
Some may recall seeing a banner at one of the London marches stating that the extended gay community stood with Pale*tine. I wouldn’t fancy their chances of surviving too long if the Hama* leaders came to know about them
Haven’t we always taken our ethical bearings from sex workers?
I suspect some fell asleep during that lesson. The nuns that taught in my school did a decent lecture – or maybe not. Life is so confusing.
John, the nuns – and then priests – who lectured my buddies and I when we were young nippers, both had a penchant for whips and straps and using them as often as possible… which is why I’ve never desired to make use of their ‘services’ as an adult: some things you simply grow out of.
It again exposes the staggering hypocrisy and double standards of the Left and them expressing the OPPOSITE of the truth as the truth.
Ben Shapiro (conservative commentator) offered to pay for a free trip to Gaza for any gays that wished to visit there. Presumably only a one way ticket would be necessary.
In fact, Israel is the only country in the region where homosexuality is fully legal and gays would not be thrown off the tallest building.
These irregularities don’t concern them. It is purely about being anti western, antiwhite, self loathing, ideology first reality last.
Deep within their thinking is ultimate objectivity, willing to sacrifice self interest for the higher morality. When I reflect on being a lefty in my youth, this is the one thing common to all the bad thinking.
The Middle Easterners consider themselves WHITE. I had a Syrian Christian grad student. Her father objected (vigorously) to her marrying a “black man” – he is from India. He eventually redeemed himself by siring sons.
As someone who voted Brexit and gets ever more irritated of the EU’s plans to rule the world, I was pleased to see that Oz told the EU to get lost
Probably the best decision that the Australian Labor Party has done since being in office. Well done Farrell. More green edicts from the EU doesn’t cut it. Stuff their corrupt organisation.
I was just imagining a bunch of EU types dropped off somewhere in the boonies of Oz.
‘Getting lost’ would have a whole new meaning.
It could be a Klaus and Bono road movie.
FFS, why would Europeans think that an entire continent on the other half and side of the world, that doesn’t even share seasons, want to be in their ‘Union’?
Looking for another place to ship pris… , I mean migrants?
It’s just a bureaucratic attempt to extend their influence – and perhaps lead to “fact finding missions” to Australia in their coming winter. I don’t see the EU surviving much longer than that.
Perhaps they thought that if OZ wanted to take part in the Eurovision song contest then it was but a short step to be part of the gang known as the EU
Just drop them at Wolf Creek. There is a nice man there that will look after them.
Kicking off my COP 28 coverage
Will China pay climate change “loss and damage”?
By David Wojick
The beginning: “I normally despise the bogus issue of “loss and damage,” which is featured in the upcoming COP 28 extravaganza. But for now, I love it because it has squarely raised the long overdue issue of China’s status as a so-called developing country. The simple issue is, will China pay into the new Loss and Damages Fund? Assuming they ever get it going. It seems obvious they should, and a lot of countries are calling for it, including the US, which might even make it a condition of our participation.
I mean, China is the world’s largest CO2 emitter, right? They produce more electricity than the US, EU, and UK combined, mostly by burning billions of tons of coal a year. What could be simpler? Well, it turns out to be really complicated, for legal reasons, of all things. COP 28 is the 28th Conference of Parties to the 1992 UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the grand climate treaty that everyone signed onto.
Core to that massive treaty is a division between developed and developing countries. China was dirt poor in 1992, so of course, they are on the developing list. Today, they are the industrial powerhouse of the world, but the list has not been changed. The Loss and Damage Fund is also under that treaty, so it is supposed to accept money from developed countries and distribute it to developing ones. Thus, there is no provision for China to pay, a point China happily repeats endlessly. So sorry.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
A fun fiasco is coming.
Not enough Communists and Socialists in the world to remotely buy all these electric cars. These two indistinguishable groups already own them and there are no new buyers that are that ideologically driven and/or stupid.
What the hell are you on about?
Winter hits Finland, drivers warned over slippery roads. After a exceptionally warm September the weather cooled down quickly in October. Winter arrived in Lapland and parts of middle-Finland 2-3 weeks earlier than normal. And now winter tries to bury southern half of Finland in snow. In the next 36 hours or so 10-25 centimeters of snow is expected.
In the next weekend and early next week the weather should much warmer and much of the snow will melt. Further north winter isn’t going anywhere in the next 5-6 months.
Have an enjoyable winter.I remember exporting mangoes to Helsinki one Xmas in little pine boxes with gold stamps on them.
Snowfall records will be a feature of weather reporting for the next 10,000 years if humans survive.
The current glaciation cycle arguably started 500 years ago when the peak solar intensity of the mid latitudes of the northern hemisphere hit bottom.
The summer solstice sunlight has been trending up since then. Northern oceans warming up and putting more moisture in the air in September that ends up over land in October as the surface temperature gets below freezing.
There was a lot of atmospheric water this September. That should result in a lot of snow.
Australia had a dry September, but in Europe there is debate over the coming winter.
“I think the next 2 months, November and December, are below normal overall,” says Joe Bastardi. “We got a cold winter for Europe this year.”
‘This German meteorologist reports NOAA is forecasting a very mild 2023/24 winter. Who shall we believe?’ (Notrickszone)
I assume they are trying to emit as much CO2 as possible … because we know that CO2 alone controls the world’s temperature.
I saw once at a gas station a man next to his American car from the sixties. I had to laugh when I noticed a sticker in rear window stating ‘This is my hybrid’. He was clearly doing his part.
Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The website for COP28 is at
UN website for the event is
The UN site is far more detailed. Maybe you want to explore topics like “Gender and climate change”
Dates are 30 November until 12 December 2023. Pre-sessionals will take place from 24 to 29 November.
It’s a wild party for every parasite and Leftist activist on the planet, 70,000 of them, usually paid for by your taxes.
If you wish to attend, bear in mind that at these COP conferences there is always a problem with finding parking places for your private jet so make sure to book your jet parking place early.
In Germany a newspaper is publishing “how to” guides instructing illegal immigrants of a certain persuasion how to behave in a Western country.
Sure, this will work. They’ll integrate into the German melting pot in no time.
There are many more examples in the link at the Tweet.
LOL. You can see what the problems are, by reading the list. Quite a long one.
I copied this from a Quora forum.
Was Benjamin Franklin really a British spy known as agent 72?
Yes, he was.
The British declassified their files on the American War of Independence in 2004.
Now, in defence of Benjamin Franklin, he did so for a very good reason.
Benjamin Franklin was the smartest of all the Founding Fathers. He was the only one who actually studied what the US needed to become an independent country.
It was clear that once it kicked the British out, they needed to make peace and become a nation of maritime traders. Without maritime trade, the US could not sustain itself financially.
So, after having done the math, he realized that peace with the British needed to be negotiated with so the Royal Navy wouldn’t blockade the US.
So by spying for the British, he gained their confidence and was able to negotiate a peace between them: the Treaty of Paris of 1783.
Part of the catch is that a majority of the “American” settlers saw themselves as “British” What got thrift up their collective noses was the British government and “bureaucrats” treatment of them. Hence the phrase; “No taxation without representation”, as in ACTUAL parliamentary representation of the wishes of the “citizens”.
Hence. the inevitable war.
But Australia didn’t have to go to war to get its independence.
A fascinating talk between Joshua Slocum and Brett Weinstein about “Cluster B” personality disorders and how they are destroying Western society.
Particularly interesting is the segment starting at 1hr20min to 1hr29min about “cancellation”.
This is an interesting conversation.
Difficult and sobering.
In my opinion, the Mass Formation/Populace mental heath situation is the fundamental of our situation.
Propaganda has been with us for centuries.
Henry II manipulated the Arthurian legend, and the French King created the Knights Templar conspiracy myth.
(Sharing the booty with the Hospitallers which we know today as the Knights of Malta.)
These propaganda narratives exist in almost complete form to this day.
We’ve just experienced the mental health of the global population being sinisterly and obviously manipulated by the ‘Public Health’ corporate/government complex.
The pretenders at the WHO are trying to pull the sword from the stone as we speak.
Strange woman and faux men handing out swords in a lake, is no basis for a system of Public health … being turned into a global authoritarian system of government.
I hope nobody on this blog is harbouring “problematic books” in their home? If so, they will need to be handed in to protect others against thoughts and ideas they might find offensive and can not cope with
But concerns about porn are dismissed with a wave of the hand: “You don’t need to watch if you don’t like it.” Passing strange.
German green crease is a total failure
ABC News Breakfast…
“NSW and QLD on fire … 139 fires burn across 2 states.”
One, just one is ‘of concern’.
10 full minutes of coverage, with live crosses at the top of the 8am hour – but none, repeat none to the areas nearby the only fire of concern.
Live cross to Murray Watt (Federal Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management) who claims that these NSW & QLD firefighters have been FLATOUT fighting fires for the last 4 years (through the entirety of the triple dip La Nina).
The ABC & Labor are out of control – in promoting fear and their climate change agenda!
So- I would expect that if there was a fire near me that it would be on the news.
Sure, but without the propaganda thanks.
You can expect that, but there is zero reason it should be so, apart from the whole Canberra thing. OMG! the centre of the universe is burning!!
Public safety dictates that it be on the news. And I don’t get the Canberra reference. Did it mean something?
If you are waiting on the news to tell you a fire is coming you could be in trouble , I like the emergency warning message that is sent to your mobile phone but even that isn’t totally reliable and listening to emergency broadcasts via radio forget it especially if it’s the ABC .
Couple of years ago I was all but within minutes of being burnt out however a last second wind change pushed the fire back on itself . The fire had been burning in our direction over the hill behind us and last report we had was it was 15 kilometres away and heading to the north of us .
If in a bushfire prone area be prepared is all I can say and don’t count on a text or the media to give accurate warning info .
So, you agree with me. You expect the news to cover such things, unlike the debunking person.
The one called “Cooks Gap” is quite close to a store of explosives. Was mentioned in one report.
Now “under control”.
Its not just the ABC. Channel 9 is almost as bad.
The thing that constantly strikes me through the book are the stupendous amounts of materials, electricty and water needed to run the digital world and the astonishing expenditure of such elements to do something as trivial as posting say a clip of a cute cat and the equally astonishing amount for resources needed just to give an uptick showing your approval.
There are simply not enough materials, energy or water available to meet the exponential rise in the production of digital data.
“IQ and potential, both individual and national”
When I was in Brasil a French agricultural engineer arrived with a rig that was sort of a “Ferguson System” animal drawn farm machinery system. It was a 2 wheeled frame that could be tailored to one or two draft animals with a clip on load platform and provision to fit various cultivation options beneath.
He had previously demonstrated it in West Africa. He was thrilled at the competency of the locals in Brasil as he had minimal trouble getting all the parts into their separate groups – show once and they did it for the rest. In West Africa he had to lead each part to its group individually.
I am not brave enough to go where Stefan Molyneux does discussing racial characteristics but he used to discuss such things. Haven’t watched for years and he has likely been shut down. Nothing dies on the web.
Stefan Basil Molyneux is an Irish-born Canadian far-right white nationalist podcaster who promotes conspiracy theories, white supremacy, scientific racism, the men’s rights movement, and racist views.
“GM Backtracks on Joe Biden’s Green Energy Agenda After Investing Billions”
“the automaker will not begin to attempt to produce 400,000 EVs from 2022 through mid-2024 as initially planned. GM is also delaying retooling its plant in Orion Township, Michigan, to build EV pickup trucks.”
I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸
This guy is charging his EV with gas powered generator.
You just can’t make this stuff up.🤣
Some other range-extending options:
1. Tow a generator behind your EV:
2. Mount a petrol/gas generator in your boot/trunk:
Diego Barajas Medina
Until last Friday he was just a 22-year-old who lived in Carbondale with his brother and mother. Then on Saturday this heavily armed (AR-style rifle, a semi-automatic handgun and explosives) was found dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound in the women’s toilet at a popular Colorado amusement park.
His on-site “suicide note” was the exclamation “I am not a killer” scrawled on the wall of the toilet.
Guess we leave it there given the gathering storm/legislation against mis-information which, as any “good” world order government would do, will be suitably backdated to grab as many miscreants as possible.
To finish off on a happier note it is interesting to see how much information and comment there has suddenly been about John Lennon – assasinated in New York December 1980. Probably more to push Paul McCartneys Oz tour with reports of the Beatles last ever single about to be released, how John’s murder by Mark Chapman – which some say was a psyop in response to him becoming “active” again – is being made into a docuseries etc.
Anyway, back to the turntable for another spin of JL’s “Working Class Hero”. Language warning.
“Is Artificial Intelligence Really A Threat?”
Maybe this should have been sarcastically posted in the “Doctors thread”
“Is Artificial Intelligence Really A Threat?”.
No, Joe Biden has issued an Executive Order … we been saved … just in time.
Think of it as the artificial controlling the artificial.
Safe and effective.
Safe and trustworthy.
To follow on from yesterday’s EV update, John Cadogan of Autoexpert has a piece on UToob about Hertz car rental’s disastrous foray into Teslas. Electric #esus keeps dropping the prices while maintenance costs (it’s not your own car so why be careful) and no re-sale value add up to big losses for Hertz.
The least the car rental companies in the USA could do (when they try to substitute a BEV for your rental reservation) is provide a rental area map of all the compatible charging stations and their costs.
I took an upgrade (for $$) to one of the last ICE vehicles in the lot.
I have never attempted to drive a Tesla but if comments here about the stupid difficulties for a first timer are typical, I can see why a renter would not want the hassle of the learning curve for a weekend.
DEVASTATING: Fully-Vaxxed New Zealand Suffers a Staggering 3000% Spike in Excess Deaths
Devastating leaks from the New Zealand government have revealed that the fully-vaxxed nation has suffered a staggering 3,000 percent spike in excess deaths over the past two years.
Due to strict mandates and heavy government pressure during the Covid pandemic, the vast majority of the New Zealand population is fully vaccinated.
Official data shows that 95.8% of the eligible New Zealand population aged 12 and over have received one dose of the Covid mRNA shots.
While a staggering 94.7% of the eligible New Zealand population aged 12 and over are considered to be fully vaccinated.
The head of a New Zealand political party has cited leaked documents while raising the alarm about the Australasian country’s soaring excess mortality rates.
Liz Gunn, head of NZ Loyal, is warning that tens of thousands of the nation’s population have died from the Covid injections.
Gunn is one of few politicians in New Zealand who has spoken out about the number of excess deaths in the country of 5 million since the rollout of the Covid shots.
A recent report revealed that, during a 49-week period in 2022, there were 5,285 excess deaths in New Zealand.
The number is a 3,203 percent increase over the figures for 2020, the last year before the Covid shots were rolled out.
Gunn said she was contacted by a whistleblower who gave her leaked government documentation.
Well, I did say we needed more whistleblowers.
Horse head quit her job just in time. How convenient.
Was it last week a video by Liz Gunn was posted here where a whistle blower gave her data that 30 of 30 vaxxed at a clinic on one day had died?
‘Safe and Effective’: Nearly 1 in 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Suffered Neurological Side Effects
Almost a third of individuals who received a COVID-19 vaccine suffered from neurological complications including tremors, insomnia, and muscle spasms, according to a recent study published in the journal Vaccines.
The study analyzed 19,096 people who received COVID-19 vaccines in Italy in July 2021, out of which 15,368 had taken the Pfizer vaccine, 2,077 had taken the Moderna version, and 1,651 took the AstraZeneca version.
While both Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA vaccines, AstraZeneca, being an adenovirus vaccine, uses a different mechanism to trigger the immune response.
The study found that about 31.2 percent of vaccinated individuals developed post-vaccination neurological complications, particularly among those injected with the AstraZeneca jab. Different vaccines had a different “neurological risk profile.”
The neurological risk profile of the AstraZeneca vaccine included headaches, tremors, muscle spasms, insomnia, and tinnitus, while the risk profile of the Moderna vaccine included sleepiness, vertigo, diplopia (double vision), paresthesia (a feeling of numbness or itching on the skin), taste and smell alterations, and dysphonia (hoarseness or loss of normal voice).
As to Pfizer vaccines, researchers found “an increased risk” of cognitive fog or difficulty in concentration.
Safe & effective and safe for pregnant women is what doctors and drug companies claimed about Thalidomide back in the 60’s too. (Did you know Thalidomide is still being used, for different reasons, but guess what…)
Wonder if Jo’s interested in a “history of medical lies and fraud” post?
It could be one part per day for 3 months. 😎
Special agents yanked off child trafficking cases to make sandwiches for migrants at border
A whistleblower has told Congress that special agents at Homeland Security Investigations have been pulled off cases involving child traffickers and sexual exploitation and been deployed to the border to make sandwiches for illegal immigrants.
Sen. Josh Hawley, Missouri Republican, revealed the allegations during a hearing Tuesday, challenging Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over whether that was a good use of highly trained agents’ time.
“We are being told to shut down investigations to go hand out sandwiches and escort migrants to the shower and sit with them while they’re in the hospital and those types of tasks,” said the whistleblower, whom Mr. Hawley described as a special agent.
Come in USA, you’re time is up!
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to Faulty
Will I make it to 73
Happy birthday to me
good luck
Will you make it to 73? Yes.
Happy Birthday MV
Air Traffic Controller after dinner speech 😁️
My favourite control tower story , the LA speed check .,vid:ILop3Kn3JO8,st:0
Both of those are worth the time. Great laughs.
Mine Too!
Tesla’s bot Optimus has surpassed Boston Dynamics
Autonomous control, neural net driven, outstanding balance, coordination and form factor. Sweet. Elon should give up on EV’s and focus on robotics and AI.
One more step (true AI) is all we need now, and the self advancement will be astonishing.
The mundane stuff at the 2023 Japanese robotics show pales.
At least a year before Covid-19 happened, an American laboratory allegedly connected with Fauci, was running experiments whereby bats were infected with coronaviruses.
“Britain, a goner with the wind
The dash for wind energy is a generational folly that will see the nation’s economic future sacrificed on the altar of Net Zero”