A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Germany presents hydrogen core network plan in bid for 2045 climate neutrality
Much more craziness isn’t possible.
A Green as Federal Economics Minister (and Climate Minister)…. only following his ideology…
Meanwhile BASF is moving to China (& elsewhere) which will cut about 4% of the entire German gas usage (pre 2022)
Leverkusen-based pharmaceutical and agrochemical group Bayer plans “massive job cuts.”
Eisenwerk Hasenclever & Sohn is an important player in the foundry industry. It has long supplied well-known car manufacturers such as Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ford and Porsche. Despite a proud history of 250 years, it has now filed for insolvency
Machinery builder Homag, based in Schopfloch, Baden-Württemberg, has announced that it will cut some 600 jobs
I wonder if the “private financiers” have calculated the decreased usage?
Two things form the bedrock of any open society – freedom of expression and rule of law. If you don’t have those things, you don’t have a free country.
– Salman Rushdie
And those are two things under particularly strong attack by the Left as they continue to systematically destroy Western Civilisation.
The cliché riddled Mr Rushdie is as usual being just a little thoughtless with his words. Freedom of political speech, yes. Freedom of expression, no. No one wants people expressing themselves naked on street corners. Some things you just can’t unsee.
My latest analysis. Not nearly what is needed to maintain reliability.
PJM fiddles while grid sickens
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “America’s biggest grid operator, named simply PJM, has proposed some serious revisions to how much it will pay power generators to be there when needed. The good news is that renewables will be downgraded. The bad news is that what PJM proposes is nowhere near what we need to prevent catastrophic blackouts.
We are talking about what is called PJM’s “capacity market”. Basically, it means that power producers first offer to guarantee to make their generating capacity available when needed. Then prices are somehow agreed to, and capacity contracts are made between PJM and the willing producers. The whole process is extremely complex, and I do not pretend to understand the inner workings. The proposed reforms alone take about two thousand pages, all written in the abstruse jargon of guaranteed power at a future time. But the gist is clear enough.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
He’s managed to divide the country in a manner never seen before in Australia’s history but you can guarantee that our illustrious leader, PM Tony Albanese, has many more bright ideas in store for us.
The mess he is making of industrial relations and the economy in general will be ongoing, as you’d expect from a socialist government. But then there’s climate change that he and his little mate Chris ‘Blackouts’ Bowen still have much to work on.
Their obsessive rush to turn Australia into an energy-starved third world nation will undoubtedly continue. And if you want to see how that might well turn out, study the result of socialism in the once rich nation of Venezuela.
A recent article in Time Magazine summed it up well when it stated the following:
“Venezuela was once Latin America’s exemplar: home to Simón Bolívar, who freed much of the continent from Spanish rule. Now, after years of political mismanagement and months in economic free fall, it is the region’s cautionary tale.
“The bolivar, the currency named for the Liberator himself, is now carried in backpacks instead of wallets; one unit is worth less than a penny. While production plummets, crime soars. Fights frequently break out in food lines.
“The number of murders last year ranged between 17,000 and 28,000. No one knows the exact tally, but regardless it would put the nation’s murder rate among the world’s highest, driven by a lethal mix of street gangs, drug cartels, leftist guerrillas and right-wing paramilitaries jostling for power.
“Even animals are dying: some 50 zoo animals have starved to death over the past six months because there’s not enough food.”
Keep in mind that Venezuela was once a rich country like Australia with massive oil reserves and a successful, thriving population. And then along came socialism with all the centralised decision-making and consequent incompetence that comes with it.
We’re obviously a long way from that situation – but we’re certainly on the same path as a result of this government’s unbelievably expensive and totally unnecessary climate change policies that are already causing a huge increase in energy costs.
Australia produces just over 1% of global CO2 emissions, so nothing we do as a nation could have any measurable effect on global warming. Climate experts from both ends of the political spectrum agree on this but nothing penetrates the thick skulls of morons like Albanese, Bowen and the Teals.
They just continue with their insane march towards energy shortages, blackouts and consequent social and economic disruption – just as Venezuela and other countries have experienced with left-wing governments.
It is no exaggeration to say that Australia is heading the way of Venezuela.
The only difference is that Venezuela was destroyed by incompetence.
Australia is being destroyed by a combination of both both incompetence and deliberate destruction of infrastructure such as energy, misappropriation of funds into useless infrastructure like mostly unused desal plants instead of dams and destructive anti-family social policies and destruction of the education system.
The list is almost endless.
Follow the money trail.
At least Venezuela has dirt cheap petrol and pays over 22% interest on savings accounts…
Venesuela was destroyed by incompetence? I would say that Venesuela was destroyed by the Left, just like Oz, NZ, Canada and the UK are being destroyed. It’s always the Left.
The Left destroys everything it touches.
I would like to use the following data in a debate with a warmist.
It shows we live in a cooler period and it has been much warmer in most of the last 11,000 years and that civilisation thrives during warm periods.
Do you see any problems with it?
Based on data from:
VINTHER, B., et al., 2009, “Holocene thinning of the Greenland ice sheet”, Nature, volume 461, (p 385-388).
Also see:
The main Holocene warm and cold periods are listed very schematically as follows[2]:
Around 6200 BC: cold peak: ‘8200 BP Cold Period’
Around 6000 BC: warm peak (‘Holocene Thermal Maximum’)
Around 4900 BC: warm peak
Around 4500 BC: warm peak
Around 3800 BC: warm peak
Around 3300 BC: warm peak (initiation of Harappa-Indus Valley civilisation)
Around 3000 BC: warm peak (initiation of Egyptian and Sumerian civilisations)
Around 2900 BC: cold peak (‘Piora Cold Period’)
Around 2300 BC: cold peak
Around 2200 BC: warm peak with severe drought (initiation of Minoan civilisation, start of First Intermediate Period in Egypt)
Around 1900 BC: cold peak (‘Early Neoglacial Anomaly’, ENA) (migration of the Harappa-Indus Valley civilisation)
Around 1800 BC: warm peak (start of ‘Second Intermediate Period’ in Egypt)
Around 1600 BC: warm peak (initiation of Mycenaean and Hittite civilisations, and of New Kingdom in Egypt)
Around 1200 BC: warm peak (Sea Peoples raiding the eastern Med, end of Bronze Age)[3]
Around 1100 BC: cold peak, possibly triggered by the Hekla 3 volcano eruption (Iceland) that obscured the northern hemisphere
Around 1000 BC: warm peak (start of ‘Third Intermediate Period’ in Egypt)
Around 700 BC: ‘Iron Age Cold Period’
Around 500 BC: warm peak (initiation of Greek civilisation during a period of rising temperatures starting in 700 BC)
Around 200 BC: cold peak
Around 0 AD: Roman Warm Period (initiation of Roman civilisation during a period of rising temperatures starting in 200 BC)
100-200 AD: cold period: decline of Roman Empire
Around 400 AD: warm peak: Byzantine civilisation
400-900 AD: ‘Late Antique Little Ice Age’ or ‘Late Neoglacial Anomaly’, LNA, possibly triggered by a 536 AD volcano eruption that obscured the northern hemisphere (Migration Period, Arab Conquest, European Dark Age)
900 -1350 AD: ‘Medieval Warm Period’ (initiation of European Renaissance)
1350-1850 AD: ‘Little Ice Age’.
They respond to a so-called “fact check” (sic) as follows:
The “fact check” (sic) is at
Fact checkers may do a lot of things, but they they don’t check facts, never.
Lots of good detail in this; the graph has lots to ponder.
Yep. Don’t use discontinuous data from one ice core. Ref – the fact check.
According to your FC (Fact Checker if you like) friends and their oh-so scientific alternative graph, the current period is far hotter than anything in at least 2k years – including periods such as the Medieval warm period that must have been warmer than today given Greenland’s observed environment then as opposed to now. Facts to suit the narrative hey?
INdeed it is. Correct. Also, Greenland is not the globe.
Indeed it isn’t. Also, one bristlecone pine tree is not the globe either. So what historical thermometers *are* you consulting when you assert that it is far hotter now than at any time in the last 2000 years?
I really hope Jo makes an article about this.
Excess deaths around the world linked to COVID vaccines, speech in Parliament UK.
I linked the wrong video sorry:
Watch this wide-ranging commentary from Cory Bernardi (8m 40s video) on the failings of current and former politicians and political parties. Cory is joined by UK conservative James Delingpole, who is asked what hope there is for addressing the West’s decline. But would his solution – ‘voting local’ – be feasible in a society in which, to take a hypothetical example, ordinary people are powerless and unrepresented?
He’s a great conservative.
No wonder the Liberal Party (pretend conservatives) didn’t want him.
I feel very let down by Cory Bernadi.
I was a memeber of the Autralian Conservatives during their brief existence. We were getting ready for the 2019 election when Brenton Tarrant shot a lot of people in a mosque in New Zealand. Cory went to water, I suppose fearing being branded islamophobic.
The election did not go well despite some very good candidates. Cory deregistered the party but did not give the membership any explanation for his action.
Media Watch dives into allegations that wind farms are killing whales.
But … makes no attempt to fact check Greenpeace’s claims that underwater construction by Woodside energy kills whales.
It would seem that in the mind of the political left media that Wind Turbines spontaneously self-construct.
Well, yes.
A passing unicorn farts … and – there we are … another Chinese-made, 260 metre-tall bitd chopper.
Which pops bats and mashes insects.
So very close to spontaneous self-construction!
And the unicorn probably identifies as a cat …
More EV production shut downs – GM this time
“”Via Dan McTeague: At the 6 min mark is GM having moved only 18 Silverado EV units in Q3. It’s over folks””
Twitter/X refused to connect me to the You Choob video. I will now try You Choob directly.
“ GM having moved only 18 Silverado EV units in Q3. It’s over folks””
Not really the full story…..
The domestic Silverado EV is not even in production yet,..let alone on available for retail sale !….
But certainly GM, Ford, etc have dramatically resheduled their production plans for EV after seeing the market uptake rates.
Seriously hard business decisions , but obviously necessary.
And yes, ..those Twitter linked videos dont work for me either ?
The evidence is that we have passed peak EV. Desperation may keep sales rolling along but there is little enthusiasm among the buyers.
Yea’ well, i thought we had that discussion last week ?
What “evidence” has come to light since then ?
Seek and ye shall find.
Ford dials back electric car battery production plans as demand slows
Jade Credentino
Tue, 14 November 2023 4:30PM
A joint venture between Ford Motor Company, LG Energy Solution and Koç Holdings has reportedly been scrapped amid electric car demand slowing down.
How long can they keep that up?
Ford Cuts EV Investment After Losing $36,000 On Every EV Sold In Q3
After posting a $1.3 billion loss in Q3, Ford’s Model e EV unit said it would cut Mustang Mach-E production and delay a battery plant.
Hertz burnt as Teslas are much dearer to repair than ICE vehucles.
Hertz is scaling back its EV ambitions because its Teslas keep getting damaged
However, despite the robust sales figures, EVs are now piling up on dealership lots, and manufacturers are losing money. After investing billions of dollars in the EV market, many carmakers are sounding the alarm, saying that demand isn’t keeping up with their expectations.
Do you read what you post ?
What dont you get from ..“ record sales figures”..or “robust sales “..?
…and what do you not understand by….
….” demand isn’t keeping up with their expectations.”….
Several of the old school auto makers (GM, Ford, VW, Mercedes, etc), forcast excessive sales , and geared production to suit .
….So, Now they realise they got it wrong and are having to reset their plans to avoid overstocking.
Others like Rivian, Lucid, etc dont know how to make vehicles in economic quantities, and will most likely go bust, as others like Fisker have already.
But there are still many others like BYD, Tesla, Hyundai, Kia, etc,.. who are better organised to both read the market and produce vehicles in quantities to meet the ever increasing demand.
EV Sales are still growing dispite the rediculous costs, lack of chargers, poor resale, high insurance costs , etc etc.
You have got to sort out the facts from the news chatter.
I am very disappointed in the direction of Australian Skeptics, who were once at the forefront of dealing with junk science and other claims.
From their next Skepicon conference in Melbournistan:
(I’m not sure what is meant by “Cranky Uncles”.)
And news items from them:
I think a little more skepticism is in order.
Are tarantulas spiders or not?
““Greenhouse Policy without Regrets”: When Adler Refuted Climate Activism”
I wonder if freezing Melbourne will have the “hottest November eeevvveeerrr”?
Of course it will be the hottest November – it has already been announced.
I half watched a youtube – supposedly on the decline of EV sales – in which the presenter turned out to be a believer in Climate Science (no, not PF). He made a good point that trends should be examined to see if they are “adjusted” by choosing the start & end points, then he went into various beliefs e.g. Humans were causing warming, weather events were getting worse etc. then he claimed that those skeptics who claimed that the arctic seas were getting colder whereas they were getting warmer, just that the Warming caused the glaciers to melt and the cold water running into the sea made the temperature colder, whereas it was getting warmer. At this point I deleted the youtube so I cannot give a link.
“The combined trends of sea ice extent and sea ice thickness indicate that the volume of non-seasonal Arctic Sea Ice has decreased by 75% since 1979. Ocean Heat Content in the upper 2,000 m shows a linear warming rate in the period 1955–2019 (65 years). Each of the last six decades have been warmer than the previous one.” I would have thought that a linear rate in 65 years was unlikely to have been caused by ‘carbon’ but The Science is Settled.
“The immortal claim from Shakespeare’s Henry VI is “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.”
It is in the context of a solution to a perceived societal problem of pretenders to the throne.
So having set the table with societal problems perhaps its not lawyers, but rather physicians and pharmaceutical company employees and executives who should go first. We all know (whether we admit it or not) the insanity of the last three years, including rushing to market and into arms jabs that not only don’t work — they’re dangerous. Most of us by now know someone, directly or indirectly, those jabs screwed, specifically with a heart attack, occlusive strokes or worse, if the cardiovascular issue didn’t kill them outright, extremely aggressive and atypical cancer.”
More at
“Vehicle manufacturers and your privacy (what privacy?)”
Katharine Birbalsingh: “All Countries should listen to what I am suggesting!”
Excellent vid, highly recommended. 11min35secs.
As The Babylon Bee might have done the headline –
“AMAQ Recommending Chain Wire Fences for Moaquito Control”
Headlines in today’s Courier Mail threatening masks for Christmas.
So we are told that in Australia, heat causes the most deaths of all the possible natural environmental causes, especially those aged 65 or older, and those with frailties. Gosh! Given that we all die of something and extreme cold is not widespread in Oz, this is hardly surprising. I guess the authors added bushfire deaths and immolation by EVs to the “heat” tally.
It’s relative heat or cold to what people are accustomed to that causes excess (or rather displaced) deaths. Even in Australia cold ‘ kills’ far more than heat.
An excellent Tom Nelson podcast yesterday with Willie Soon and some clarinet playing physicist nerd. Worth watching this one. They really tear it apart. I love watching uber smart physicists outraged by “climate science”.
Comirnaty vaxx has a chip in it!
It’s square and has a “lead” so what else could it be, right?
Can’t be salt, sugar or debris.
Must be advanced nanotech 5G mind control.
Amazing. I ran 4 reverse image searches and zero results.
How about a SEM image?
Yes, it’s the Wednesday funny. 😉
Weather map reveals ‘600 mile storm’ heading to UK bringing ‘3cm of snow an hour
Funnily enough, I predicted this back in July i.e., increasing comic rays flux, diminishing greenhouse effect (cloud cover), low temperatures, and the weakening Sun.
Note: Should have placed a bet with Ladbrokes back then.
You better not shout,
You better not cry,
You better not pout,
I’m telling you why…
That big, fat, white racist with his Reindeer is coming to town.
He sees you when you’re sleeping,
Knows when you’re awake,
He knows if you’ve been bad or good,
Just like any Pedophiles scoping out your kids on his lap would.
Beware of Santa coming to town in a neighborhood near you…
(Just putting on the internet of what our governments are saying to us…about Christmas.)
Update: Nebraska hail damaged solar panels junked
In Nebraska, over 14,000 solar panels were destroyed by hail and sent to a landfill because recycling them was considered too expensive. The image of a wind turbine graveyard in Texas highlights the environmental impact of renewable energy, as by 2030, an estimated 52,000 tonnes of blade waste will need disposal, potentially causing groundwater contamination.
Too expensive to recycle?
But…but…but we have to save the planet!
Where’s grumpy Greta on this? 😎
Sort-of related:
A guide to “churnalese:
United States still feeling aftershocks from earthquakes in the 1800s!
In a study that is sure to shake up the geological world, some parts of the United States are still dealing with aftershocks from earthquakes that happened in the 1800s. Two centuries ago, some of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded in the U.S. rocked the central and eastern regions of the country, including Missouri, Kentucky, and South Carolina. These earthquakes are believed to have had a magnitude between 6.5 and 8.0.
Regions near the epicenters of these historic earthquakes still experience seismic activity today, leading to the possibility that some of the modern earthquakes could be persistent aftershocks from the past. They could also be foreshocks, which precede larger earthquakes, or simply background seismic activity, which is the usual level of seismic activity in a given region.
According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), distinguishing between foreshocks and background seismic activity is challenging until a larger earthquake occurs. However, scientists can identify aftershocks. Understanding the cause of modern earthquakes is crucial for assessing future disaster risks in these regions, even if the current seismic activity is not causing significant damage.
Planetary Tinnitus. 😉
If true, things will get very interesting…
“Seamus Bruner’s ‘Controligarchs’ Reveals Bill Gates’ Hidden Agenda as He Buys Up U.S. Farmland”
Oz Blackout Warning
‘A scorching hot summer could see demand for electricity spike to a once-in-a-decade high, we’re being warned, increasing the risk of blackouts, and forced power outages across the country.’ (ABC)
Good to hear Senator Chandler making the point that government co-opting the power of private media companies for censorship is not right. That such erosion of the separation between the public and private sector is ever so slightly fascistic is a fact perhaps too spicy for the good Senator to pronounce.
I just can’t help feeling there is so much more she could have said. 😉
Greta Thunberg ‘branching out’ to Palestine as ‘climate change is not enough’
Siemens Energy Reviews Wind Turbine Business After Massive Loss
Just when you thought it was safe to leave your EV Charger cable out …
Theft is illegal.
These crooks will be prosecuted.
But hasn’t this been warned about it for months, or years, here??
Nice fat copper cables.
Left lying about.
Copper to effect the transition to an all-electric world going up in price …
Greta Thunberg Enters Not Guilty Plea Over Public Order Offence at London Court
In comments on EV’s at New Cat blog –
“Plenty in underground shopping carparks. One flash and you’re ash comes to mind.”