Image by yongbo zhu from Pixabay
By Jo Nova
China must be wishing CO2 caused some damn warming
Beijing this month has had the coldest December since they started measuring the cold in 1951. Obviously, this is because of climate change. Any day now newspapers will start to call this the tragic inevitable result of man-made climate change, reminding us of how we need to send money to renewables, and immediately, or we’ll face so much more of this.
Or maybe journalists will forget how they use every freak warm event as free-advertising for the climate religion:
Beijing breaks a seven-decade cold-weather record
BEIJING, Dec 24 (Reuters) – China’s capital Beijing has broken its record for hours of sub-zero temperatures in December dating back to 1951, after a cold wave swept swathes of the country and brought blizzards in its wake, sending temperatures towards historic lows.
As of Sunday, a weather observatory in Beijing had recorded more than 300 hours of below-freezing temperatures since Dec. 11, the most for the month since records began in 1951, according to state-backed Beijing Daily.
Naturally cold snaps are due to natural causes like a polar vortex. Strangely, Reuters editors suddenly remember that climate scientists don’t know everything:
However, there is debate among scientists about what part climate change plays in this.
Things are so bad in China, over 20 stations have reported all-time December lows. A few weeks ago, temperatures in northern China near Mongolia fell below minus 44 degrees C. As heating fails in some areas, schools and government offices are being shut down to save power to use on residential heating.
Thanks to having more than half the worlds coal fired power plants, Beijing and a few other Chinese cities have more CO2 in the air above them than pretty much anywhere else in the world.
Strangely no media outlets are telling us that China would have been even colder if it weren’t for CO2.
h/t thanks to RickWill, John Connor II
Yeah, but, you know, climate change can do anything. Like extreme weather!
A generation brought up in air conditioned stasis has swallowed the kool aid and wants us all to do the same.
At a local school I was once associated with, the teachers and students would go into “meltdown”, figuratively and literally, in the event of an air conditioning failure. They simply could not handle a classroom temperature of more than about 22C / 72F. This was in Melbournistan. When I was at school, there was no air conditioning in class rooms and no one complained.
We had no airconditioning or fans in our classrooms David, but believe me, we complained! But we knew it was a reality that it was hot in classrooms in summer in Queensland.
Taught in Bourke in the ’60s with no aircon. Dept officials came out to see if the school warranted aircon – declined our request. They came in July!
As for extreme weather (warning – BBC hype about something
As one of the commentators said “you would think that some of the 3,000 “climate experts” who flew from Brazil to COP28 might have stayed home and helped”.
The best proof that the Climate Apocalypse is pseudoscience is the fact that they continue to re-define it in ways that make the hypothesis unfalsifiable.
Too cold? Climate Change
Too hot? Climate Change
Too wet? Climate Change
Too dry? Climate Change
…. ad infinitum
That’s not how the scientific method works. You can’t claim that EVERY outcome proves your hypothesis is correct. If you do, it isn’t science. It’s lies, damned lies, and statistics.
I’m trying to think of some catchy name for this phenomena. Random Affirmation Analysis, Subjective Pliable Modelling or Post-Event Resetting of Facts Syndrome are a few that I’ll put out there off the top of my head.
Climate change sceptics are often accused of applying “confirmation bias”. Most of us, irrespective of differing opinions on the topic, will be guilty of confirmation bias to varying degrees. However, l reckon people clinging to a consensus driven narrative are less likely to relinquish their beliefs when presented with facts or when an outcome fails to eventuate within a predicted timeframe. It’s like they just reset and move on- next promised catastrophe or anthropogenic threat please!
It seems that the world is entering a cooling phase, especially as we are coming to the end of a rare interglacial.
The world will need a lot more energy to deal with this. Beijing* understands that hence their massive program of building power stations such as two coal power stations per week and burning over 20 million tonnes of coal per day (rapidly increasing).
And yet the more ignorant, woke and self-destructive nations such as Australia continue to dismantle their power stations and other energy infrastructure to be “reolaced” by solar and wind parasitic loads supported by fewer and fewer power stations.
Unlike people in the West (since the start of the deliberate dumbing-down of the “education”/indoctrination system), China knows its history well. China does NOT do well during times of global cooling. See GRAPH at https://c3headlines.typepad.com/.a/6a010536b58035970c01b8d0f76684970c-pi
Chinese civilisation is particularly sensitive to natural cooling. While they are profiting handsomely from supposed global warming through seeing increased manufacturing costs for the West and profiting from solar panel sales to naive Westerners, they know we are heading toward global cooling and they know that has severe consequences for them. Hence the main reason they are buying agricultural land all over the world and colonising and enslaving Africa.
Even if anthropogenic global warming were a real thing, there has NEVER been a time in human history when natural warming has been a bad thing for civilisation. I always ask climate catastrophists for an example and they can never provide one.
In fact, civilisation has always thrived during global warming such as the Minoan Warm Period, the Egyptian Warm Period, the Roman Warm Period, the Medieval Climate Optimum (as it used to be called) and the Modern Warm Period.
In contrast during periods of natural cooling there is famine, war and disease, especially in China as shown by the graph I linked above.
China’s advancing their energy production, incidentally making them BY FAR the world’s largest CO2 producer (not that it matters) is the right thing for them.
Those who control the thoughts of the masses expect us to engage in doublethink. Sadly many do. How can people simultaneously observe global cooling and think “the oceans are boiling and the coral dying” at the same time?
*Beijing must also be very pleased that the weasel Howard of the pretend conservative Liberal Party allowed the sale of much of Australia’s natural gas supply on a bizarre 30 yr contract, at world’s cheapest prices with no provision for market prices or inflation.
Correction: 20 million was meant to be 10 million. Typing on a phone.
Freezing cold globull warming is a thing don’t you know !
A cold snap in one region often means it is warmer than usual somewhere else. December 2023 will likely be one of the warmest Decembers on record.
Yes but unprecedented cold waves are a global cooling signal, its all down hill from here.
Yawn….. another useless comment that doesn’t produce anything of value.
Looking at the CO2 graphic , is hard to beleive how well Muana Loa and Cape Grim tracked each other and stay within a few % of each other.
Just a gentle reminder that Mauna Loa is an ACTIVE volcano, with all the associated out-gassing behaviour.
And nobody seems to have noticed a feature called, “Volcano National Park”, whose central attraction is the enormous caldera of Kilauea.Sometimes known as “The world’s only ‘drive-in’ volcano
Definitely worth a visit, if only for the sake of perspective. Those with respiratory issues should carefully read the safety warninhs. “Out-gassing” from assorted vents is a regular feature; an interesting brew of water vapour, CO2, Sulphur Dioxide and mildly radioactive gases like Radon and Xenon. Looking into the crater of Vesuvius just doesn’t compare with the scale and “liveliness” of Kilauea.
And then there are the mysterious oceanic “belches” wherein the ocean floor suddenly releases a massive amount of CO2 and Methane. These rise rapidly to the surface, instantly aerating the water as it ascends. This has the unfortunate property of significantly reducing the density of said sea-water. Any ship directly above one of these phenomena stands a good chance of suddenly (and briefly) “floating on air”. How to make a ship suddenly disappear without warning, in calm seas and good weather.
Ain’t Nature grand?!!
Freezing… Snow… Blizzard…
Nothing shouts WARMING more than these 3 words for the faithfools.
Russia… China… USA… brrrrrrr!
COLD War heats up because WARMING*.
Greenland’s summit melting on -56C.
South Pole’s melting on -29C.
Snow on NZ’s highest peak on Christmas Day with MORE on the way to wrap up this annus horribilus: the theory of cAGW/CCC is a classic model of failure, yet the faithfools believe, prostrating themselves before their high priests of Hokey* [hocus-pocus nonsense].
Current global temperature 14.4C.
There will always be hot records and cold records somewhere around the world , BUT you’ll rarely hear or be informed of new cold records from their ABC and most of the clueless MSM.
Importantly the rate of global SLR is about the same over the last 100 years and little sign of their dangerous so called global warming since 1900.
AGAIN about 1.6 billion Humans in 1900 had a life expectancy of 32 years, then by 1950 2.5 billion had increased life expectancy to about 46 years and 8 + billion today about 72 years. See OWI Data, Macrotrends and Dr Pielke, Dr Koonin, Dr Lomborg, Shellenberger etc in recent debates.
Humans have flourished since 1950 and yet the MSM and stupid pollies and so called scientists etc never highlight the facts and instead tell every lie in the book and demand that we wreck our way of life and WASTE TRILLIONS of $ because we face a climate CRISIS etc.
We obviously live in the very best of times, so why are these treasonous fools lying and trying to harm us and weaken the OECD countries’ futures ASAP?
Our world is headed for the next “Little Ice Age”.
Scientists call it the Little Ice Age but its impact was anything but small. From 1300 to 1850, a period of cataclysmic cold caused havoc. It froze Viking colonists in Greenland, accelerated the Black Death in Europe, decimated the Spanish Armada, and helped trigger the French Revolution.
In a cooling world Australia (especially subtropical Australia) would be a much more valuale addition to China than Taiwan.
The Chinese might implement the Bradfield Scheme to increase food production in Queensland and South Australia – makes more sense than Snowy 2.0.
Plus there is all that coal, natural gas and Uranium in Australia.
Could be a good idea to start learning Mandarin now!
And guess who would be their slaves?
Plus we already have plenty of politicians, senior public serpents and Leftists who are more loyal to the Chinese Communist Party than they are to Australia. It would be easy for them to invade and take over.
In addition, did you ever hear of a climate alarmist complain about the CO2 output of China which is more than double the next greatest emitter, the USA? And Chinese emissions continue to rise while the US emissions fall.
The slave army of useful idiots are doing China’s propaganda for them, they don’t have to spend one yuan on it, but instead profit handsomely from sales of windmills and solar panels in fulfillment of the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
Let the Chinese learn ‘Engrish” instead.
Do not be alarmed this is what NASA has to say.
But as the saying goes “97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them, and the other 3% are banned from social media” (with joannenova being a rare exception)!
‘From 1300 to 1850, a period of cataclysmic cold caused havoc.’
From my reading it started 100 years earlier and finally let go its grip in the Southern Hemisphere around 1900.
The last half of the 13th century became cooler with the assistance of large volcanic eruptions and by 1300 it had become a universal calamity.
I guess Malenkovitch sounds too Russian to be allowed into the hallowed NASA halls.
Thanks to Graeme no 3 for the Amazon drought link, but the Amazon rainfall trend is UP since 1960.
And the world’s driest continent has also had higher rainfall trends since 1970 according to the BOM.
Here’s the data graph since 1900 and note the drier period from 1900 or 1896 until about 1949 and then from about 1957 to 1970.
And co2 levels were only about 311 ppm in 1950, so our rainfall and climate should’ve been perfect from 1896 to 1970 according to our so called scientists. SARC.
Also the Sahara desert is shinking
Save the desert! We want more desert!
And how many climate alarmists know why there are 12,000 year old rock carvings of aquatic and Savannah animals deep in the Sahara desert?
AGAIN I should point out that our most populous state NSW had terrible drought conditions from 1896 to about 1949 or about 53 years.
You wouldn’t have wanted to be farming over that very long period of time and yet the so called scientists, pollies and numerous donkeys etc are trying their best to return us to much lower levels of atmospheric co2 .
They insist we’ll have a much better and safer climate, like that wonderful period between 1896 to 1949 for NSW. SARC.
According to the BoM bible, the temperature record didn’t begin until 1910.
The temp record has been continually tampered. Here is the first attempt to tamper using ACORN. Notice years 1914/15.
Now here is the last data adjustment. See where 1914/15 are now.
BTW, 2001 and 2011 average means were below average. After some adjustment, those two years are no longer below.
All the years between 2000 and 2017 have been adjusted up. Now they appear to be adjusted down slightly.
Check summaries here http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/current/
and then compare with here http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/current/.
More on the last “Little Ice Age”
But CO2 levels did not cause the “Little Ice Age”
How will the next Little Ice Age change history?
An interesting observation of the image of CO2 emission is the lack of red over India compared to China.
The population of India has just passed that of China and the population of India is expected to increase until around 2060, while that of China is now in decline.
The CO2 footprint per capita in India is only 25% of that of China – so expect CO2 emissions from India to increase substantially from now on. Australian coal will have a growing market in India and Australia has no use for the stuff anyway!
Yes. Why waste such a gift. At least it can be sold at bargain basement prices to someone who wants it and will put it to good use.
As you say, CO2 Lover, we have no use for the stuff.
And soon we will have no use for natural gas either. In Victoriastan from Jan 1, it is prohibited to connect new homes to the natural gas supply. Might as well give that away as well. In fact, pretend conservative Howard already did that.
I just replaced an off-peak electrical storage water heater with an on demand gas unit to beat the ban.
No more cold showers and will be cheaper as electricity prices keep rising.
Also bought a back up petrol generator and would buy a natural gas electrical generator if I could afford one.
I haven’t tried these and don’t know how well they work but you can buy carburetors for certain petrol generators to convert them to propane (LPG) or methane (natural gas).
Yes, China is manufacturing all the stuff the west needs, while the west shuts down industry, in the delusional belief it’s saving the world.
Meanwhile in North US they’re all complaining how warm it is. 40 F in Vermont for example. In London the headline was “warmest Christmas day in seven years”. Seven years? Lol. People cannot analyze to save their life.
‘Snow bomb’ is set to freeze the UK with 15-day polar vortex
But they still won’t know what that white stuff is, will they?
AGAIN our driest state is SA and they suffered very extreme drought conditions from about 1921 to about 1948. Every single year was well below average rainfall and yet co2 levels were perfect according to Dr Hansen and Gore and 350.0rg’s McKibben and NASA and The Royal Society and the UN and our CSIRO and BOM etc.
And they demand that we should WASTE endless TRILLIONS of $ and return to their delusional safer climate and extended record drought conditions?
But how many Aussies really care and how many really understand the data?
I haven’t tried these and don’t know how well they work but you can buy carburetors for certain generators to convert them to propane (LPG) or methane (natural gas).
With the ‘science’ now even more clear,
That one and a half degrees tipping point is near,
If coal emissions don’t end,
Causing the high warming trend,
Then China has nothing to fear.
But, but, the King has proclaimed (again) the world is on the path to destruction. Run for the hills!
It is too late! The World has ended or at least the human race has.
King Charles
2009 (July 9) Just 96 Months to save the World (expired date 2017)
2015 (July 19) just 30 years to save the planet (expired date 2045)
2019 (July) If we don’t tackle climate change in 18 months the human race will go extinct (expired date end 2020)
2020 (February 18) only 10 years to save the planet (expired date 2030)
He goes down with King Herod in the history books or possibly one of his predecessors e.g. Ethelred the Unready (which is a bad transcription of Ethelred the badly advised). When he listens to David Attenborough and having just bought a iPad (with a free subscription for a short time to AppleTV) and watched the first 2 episodes of Prehistoric Planet (one) and have come to the opinion that Sir David is quite gaga and merely mouths whatever he is told from the script. 40 or 50 ton vegetarian dinosaurs roaming the desert!!!!
I’m guessing we now have LESS than the eternal “ten years to save…”
He ain’t my king: then again, I’m colonial Antipodean riff-raff, and he’s a Charlie.
Well Greg, as a Scottish born Australian he is, unfortunately my King. If our Queen could have seen how this Charlie was going to behave I am sure she would have hung on for another 10 years.
I honestly believe that King Charles III is not very intelligent. Unfortunately his genes and beliefs are also shared by his eldest offspring. I am no Republican as I believe the Westminster system is the best of a bad bunch, but I just wish he would keep his trap shut and concentrate on doing “good works”.
Of course royalty are all thick ! That’s the obvious result of interbreeding. They are literally rich morons.
And, yes the Queen didn’t choose to exit when she did but she did choose to become fully vaxed and unfortunately the two are closely correlated.
Prince Phillip was a skeptic. Not a moron.
Maybe. One doesn’t exclude the other.
Christopher Booker writes:
How quickly we forget…
Good thing the Chinese people have all that coal fired base load power this winter. Hate to think what would happen if they relied on unreliables.
Perhaps they might look to a neighbor that has the overall temperature / climate moderated by the large interaction between the land and the surrounding sea?
Hachijo Jima’s temperature record is interesting because it’s right in the path of the Kuroi current, an equivalent to the Gulf Stream.
Why don’t they show the school kids Lomborg’s graph of Human deaths from extreme weather events since 1920?
These were huge numbers when our population was under 2 billion and yet today we see a fall of about 98% and yet another 6 + billion people are at risk.
AGAIN where is their so called DANGEROUS climate change or CRISIS or EMERGENCY or stupid Biden’s EXISTENTIAL THREAT?
And how much longer will they persist with their lies and extremist nonsense?
BTW you’ve got to wonder about stupid Biden and his touchy, feely, handy way of holding young girls and women.
And his hair sniffing of young girls doesn’t look good either.
Poor Hillary tried her best to escape Biden’s very firm hold, but at the end she seemed to love Obama’s hugs and kisses.
Just imagine the uproar if Trump even touched a young girl or woman for a second.
The current lies and extremist nonsense will persist until replaced with new lies and extremist nonsense.
To some the enlightenment was just something that happened to other people.
I heard an explanation of The Puritans as people who had fixed beliefs and weren’t capable of changing their minds, wouldn’t listen to any contrary ideas to their own, rather that they demanded the unbelievers into acceptance or burning them at the stake in the name of Jesus.
I wonder what these sorts of people are doing now?
Burning in hell like the rest of us (coz they sure ain’t playing harps floating on clouds whilst robed in togas with add-on fairy wings) oh wait – COLD WAVES! BLIZZARDS! SNOW STORMS! RECORD COLD! FLOODS! Just like back in the days of the Mayflower, again. Amen.
Where are the usual Leftist/climate alarmists?
They mustn’t be at work today, which seems to be the main times they post.
They are taking time out, its stressful being a contrarian.
A mini ice age appears to be returning, however it requires scientific proof, extreme weather is in plain sight and we should utilise that.
Hubert Lamb reckoned that as the world drifted into the LIA it was atmospheric blocking causing the extremes in weather.
Remember what the so called expert Flannery loony told us years ago about our permanent drought and ” even the rains that fall will not fill our DAMS and RIVERS”?
Yet the SMH ,Age, ABC, Guardian etc still worship at his feet and listen to his ongoing BS and FRAUD.
See about 2 minutes 10 secs on the linked video.
They worship this guy as one of their green gods but at the same time support the disastrous SH2 which may not have enough water to reach capacity, assuming it is ever finished.
A $13 billion+++ waste of money. Think how many power stations that could buy.
The problems of SH2 are even admitted by Their ABV and a “university”.
Even the Socialist Morning Herald.
Even Renew Economy admit problems.
And like most wealthy climate alarmists, Flim Flammery enjoys living at sea level in expensive waterfront property. He isn’t concerned about sea level rise but continues to earn money promoting fear of that.
WE had a late Christmas present Christmas night. A 168 Km/H thunderstorm south of Brisbane took roofs, entire buildings & so many trees & tower lines that they are telling us Sunday first chance for getting power back. Only just getting our gen set working the things we want.
Merry Christmas all
Best of luck Hasbeen and I hope things will be okay soon. Perhaps Flannery could lend a hand and explain why it’s part of his extreme CC story?
Indeed Hasbeen! Thank goodness you have a genset. That’s a long wait to be reconnected. Best wishes to everyone caught up in the storms…
He has a genset. Well done. My wife wont let me buy one. She’ll be sorry.
It will be interesting to watch her doing the clothes washing like my mother used to back in 1944. By hand, including wringing out and hanging on a clothes line to dry. Let us know how she goes!
Christmas 2017 or 18, we had a gigantic sydney blue gum fall on our house from a storm. Totally destroyed half the house. Took a 100 T crane to lift it off.
Lived with an outdoor kitchen living laundry area for about 12 months battling carpet snakes. You get through it.
But living near giant trees is not a good idea. Storms come along.
I am warm in a snug house with the outside temperature now at freezing.
I have a bit of snow -Thumb-knuckle depth.
I do wish the people of China, and the other seriously cold places this week, a get warm card.
I do recall that getting a lump of coal at such times was considered a good thing, and not the ‘gift’ for naughty boys and girls it has become in the christian world.
I read that many years ago, but do not remember where or when.
Perhaps I mis-remember.
Anyway — my best wishes to anyone that is cold.
Explained here:
Exactly the opposite here John. Top temperature today just south of Brisbane hit 36C.
In this area a 168Km/H storm took out the power over hundreds of square kilometers at 6.30 Christmas night. For thousands it will be home generation or no power until Sunday if we are lucky, we have been told.
It is a serious foretaste of what our kids are going to have to live with as the idiots in Government destroy our reliable power network & introduce windmills.
My 10KVA gen set is keeping my fridges & freezer cold, & those a few neighbors have brought in, but it sure is hot.
John, in Scotland when being a “first foot” shortly after midnight on New Years Day (yes I did!) it was traditional to bring a lump of coal (to wish for warmth for a year) a piece of shortbread of Christmas cake (to hope for a year of sufficient sustenance ) and a bottle of whisky – to be shared before departing for the next “first fit doon the road”.
Here the Biden loony tells us that “we know it (CC) in our bones” and says it’s an EXISTENTIAL THREAT many times to add to his stupid BS and FRAUD.
He is the puppet for Obama’s third term.
I suspect that is RFK . He looks like a stalking horse and the Democrats need someone with some credibility . Biden has hit his use by date .
🏡 Air weighs: 1.2 gr/liter
Carbon dioxide: 1.8 gr/l.
Oxygen (O₂): 1.42 gr/l.
Carbon dioxide is a cold gas responsible for white frosts, it is the heaviest gas. It disappears at 30.9°C (87.62°F).
Our body is hot at 37°C (98.6°F)… and we exhale carbon dioxide???
Yet another cool and wet summer in Melbourne (the forth in a row), time to move to a warmer climate.
Only a month ago the BoM was bleating on about the worst El Nino summer in decades, we now know this was a beat up to make the unwashed masses annxious in the lead up to COP28. In response farmers ran a fire sale on their live stock believing they wouldn’t be able to feed them through the coming drought. Now a month later their dams are full their fields thick with lush green grass and their paddocks and bank accounts empty.
I hope they are preparing a group action against the BoM and Chris Bowen.
My boss was buying the fire sale.
It has been a hot summer here though. First one in four years. Mid coast NSW. Getting just enough rain to keep the grass growing but missing these big storms. Good and bad. Always is.
Did anyone notice the “scale” on the bottom of the graphic ? KG per Square meter – 1 Sq Meter of Co2 does not weigh anywhere near 1 Kg let alone how much Co2 is in a meter of air .Shenanigans again..
Indeed, a metre squared is a flat plane, it would contain nothing, it is a dimension. Perhaps they meant a metre cubed.
Suspect they’re referring to partial pressure of CO2 (or something like that), in which case kg/m^2 would be an appropriate unit. For example, click here for conversions between atm and kg/m^2.
The problem I have with the scale is it tells us the units, but only goes from blue to red without any numbers. What’s the point? They could as well have said psi, atm, kPa …
The Gods have not been smiling on China. Every week there seems to be a new crisis with both natural disasters and CCP made ones prominent.
Not hitting the headlines, deflation is wrecking havoc.
Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We are in a Solar MINIMUM
“An enormous dark hole has opened up in the surface of the sun, emitting streams of unusually fast radiation, known as solar wind, right at Earth. The size of the temporary gap is wider than 60 Earths and extraordinary at this stage of the solar cycle. This phenomenon, known as a coronal hole, took shape near the sun’s equator on December 2 and reached its maximum width of around 497,000 miles (800,000 kilometers) within 24 hours. Since December 4, the solar void has been pointing directly at Earth. Experts initially predicted this most recent hole could spark a moderate geomagnetic storm that could trigger radio blackouts and strong auroral displays. Solar winds have been less intense than expected, so the resulting storm has only weakened.
For most of its history, science believed the sun’s output was constant. They finally realized that a thermal dynamic cycle beats like your heart so the sun could not exist without a steady outflow of energy. One degree less, and it would blow itself out. Hence, it is cyclical, rising and falling in intensity.
The eleven-year cycle in sunspots itself builds in intensity like the Economic Confidence Model (ECM), reaching “grand maxima” and “grand minima” over the course of 300 years. The last grand maximum peaked in 1958, after which the sun has been steadily quieting down. We have seen sun spot activity decrease at its steepest in 9,300 years, but the climate change zealots refuse to acknowledge naturally occurring cyclical weather patterns.
The last Maunder Minimum, during which the sun languished for seventy years, took place from 1645 to 1715 when the sun’s brightness declined and the number of sunspots collapsed. In fact, fewer than 50 sunspots were observed within a 28-year period. Parts of the world became so cold that the period was called the Little Ice Age, which lasted from about 1300 to 1850. Now, a Solar Minimum does not mean that the sun becomes colder, but rather, it changes. As sunspots fade away, we enter a Solar Minimum.
The media, owned and run by the globalists, continues to promote that we are in a period of a Solar Maximum that allegedly began in 2019. Yet there has been a decrease in sunspot activity since 2018. It is extremely rare for coronal holes to develop during a Maximum event. Furthermore, the scientists who are paid to produce studies that promote the green agenda never look at data beyond 1850.
Our model indicated we entered a Grand Minimum that overtook the sun beginning in 2020 and will last through the 2050s. This will result in diminished magnetism, infrequent sunspot production, and less ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching Earth. This all means we are facing a global cooling period in the planet that may span 31 to 43 years.
According to the current single-dimensional analysis spewed by the climate change crowd, recently hot summers equate to global warming. They completely overlook volatility as we are in a period where the swings become more extreme. Just this week, my county in central Florida issued a weather alert for near-freezing temperatures. Last Christmas Eve, temperatures dropped to near-freezing conditions. In fact, much of my area is now considered sub-tropical rather than tropical, as overnight conditions occasionally freeze.”
Even the ABC here in Australia has reported it. Amazing.
Weather is not climate
And how many letters have you written to the ABC to tell them exactly that when they rant on about a hot weekend?
Is that zero, or less?
Letters? you agree then that weather when it is hot, is not climate, but cold …
very flimsy argument
No, we agree that you are completely hypocritical. You take the time to complain that unfunded bloggers shouldn’t point out the hypocrisy of the scare mongers, but the ABC can use hot weekends to scare billions out of taxpayers. That’s fine.
PS: You must have missed that I use the Beijing cold not to challenge the theory of man-made catastrophe, but to point out the pagan witchcraft of the media and “professors”.
Climate is 30 years, which is why we should take note that Shanghai is experiencing its worst chill in 40 years.
Jo is correct, the MSM torture the truth to support their global warming bias. This bushfire season was supposed to be hell and we were going to get pummelled by heatwaves, only lies emanating from faulty models.
Wow it took you years to figure it out.
At some stage the fanatics will start to say that the cold weather is evidence that all the climate change policies are starting to work and that to be really effective we have to move faster to avoid the predicted global boiling.
I just wish that politicians don’t just put a stop to the ruinous policies but put a stop to the ruinous narrative. There is no evidence of global warming ( above and beyond natural variation), CO 2 does not control the climate , and climate change is not dangerous and can be manage by existing technologies. Fossil fuels must continue to be exploited and CO 2 is not a pollutant.
Re education is the most important climate policy that any politician can push.
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