Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
By Jo Nova
For three years they told us it was the most secure election in history, and only deniers would question the result, but a simple poll of voters by the The Heartland Institute shows cheating was widespread in mail-in voting.
In the contest to decide who would control the most powerful country on Earth, as many as 43% of voters cast ballots by mail. If the media pundits care so much about democracy, why didn’t they do a poll like this two years ago? Why didn’t the Republicans or the Democrats? Presumably they knew what they would find.
As David Evans points out, this adds up to 13 million fraudulent votes out of 158 million total, nearly double the difference between the Biden tally of 81 million and Trump result of 74 million. That alone could easily have swung things.
In terms of the future of Western Civilization, it’s hard to think of anything much more important than US election security. Almost all the other crimes depend on who’s writing the rules, or who has the power to set things straight. As Mark Steyn says he’s increasing weirded out by some people’s need to pretend what’s going on is somehow normal. What’s the point of analyzing candidates and parties as if either means what it does in functioning societies? “There’s no point pretending this is a normal situation, right?”
Trump Demands Action After 20 Percent of Mail-in Voters Admit to Fraud in 2020 Election Survey
By Tom Izimek, The Epoch Times
The new survey shows 17 percent of mail-in voters admitting to voting in a state where they are no longer permanent residents; 21 percent filling out ballots for others; 17 percent signing ballots for family members without consent, and 8 percent reporting offers of “pay” or “reward” for their vote.
What’s more, 10 percent of all respondents to the survey (carried on a representative sample of 1,085 likely voters) said they know a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance who admitted to casting a mail-in ballot fraudulently.
“This is the biggest story of the year, and Republicans must do something about it,” the former president [Donald Trump] wrote.
It’s not just about mail-in voter cheating.
Further, 10% of all respondents — not just those who said they voted by mail — claimed that they know “a friend, family member, co-worker, or other acquaintance who has admitted … that he or she cast a mail-in ballot in 2020 in a state other than his or her state of permanent residence.”
Eight percent of all respondents said “a friend, family member, or organization, such as a political party” offered them “pay” or a “reward” for agreeing to vote in the 2020 election.
If 20% are admitting to fraud in a simple poll, how many more actually did it?
Not to mention cheating by vote-flipping from electronic voting machines, or missing logs, counterfeit ballots, suitcases of votes hidden under the table, or 3am deliveries of ballots that nearly all went for Biden. Or hiding the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell.
We know who cheats in elections: they’re the ones who won’t clean up voter rolls, don’t want ID checks, and who like electronic hackable voting gizmos. The Uniparty depends on it.
The Heritage Foundation has an Election Fraud Database.
h/t to Vlad the Impaler, Instapundit and the Heartland Institute (of course).
The poll of 1,085 likely voters was conducted from November 30 to December 6, 2023.
I avoid the frustration of being told Leftist lies by just assuming anything stated by them is the OPPOSITE of the truth.
Trump won. And wouldn’t the US and the world be a better place if they had not cheated him.
Putting a positive spin on it, at least now the Great Donald is fully aware of just how deep the swamp is that he has to drain. FBI, CIA, DOJ etc all have to be shutdown as we see how corrupt they are. Also the people are a lot more aware of what has been done to them and I hope they realise that November 2024 is the last chance saloon for their country and many beyond.
Quite right, Cohers
It’s hard to know what’s trustworthy any more and that should make all of us concerned for the future.
Can we trust banks to protect our ‘data’, will the Post Office deliver that parcel, is the mortgage security of our home really held ‘in trust’; and don’t mention government vaxxine programmes.
The recent referendum outcome suggests that here in Australia we still have a functioning voting system, but now that they know, will that last?
The numbers and the sheer effrontery are hard for an Aussie to believe.
What next?
Mr. 1: Reporting from USA, what’s next is almost certainly a repeat of the ’20 steal. Since Rs did nothing about it in ’20, why wouldn’t dems rinse and repeat? Nobody will stop it. Our press is not pursuing any story about paper ballot abuse, and any attempt to roll back “covid” re-writing of election rules will draw a vicious response from the press, anybody trying to clean this up will be tagged as racist by NYT, WaPo etc.
I am able to remember that after the 2000 election, the NYT and a network news (NBC I think) went to Fla and literally re-created the count, only to be disappointed by proof that Bush won. Now, fast-fwd to ’20, and ask if ANY news organization lifted a finger to look at ANY angle regarding paper ballots (it’s a trick question, all US news outlets have failed to look at it, any investigation might throw a wrench into the reporting as cleanest election ever. I now agree with Mark Steyn, americans have tossed aside our legacy of civilization. We won’t collapse overnight, but american’s great age is over because too many of us don’t know what made us great, don’t even know what greatness is. “Tragedy” doesn’t begin to describe this loss.
Never say that to a Leftist.
They see it as a challenge.
Apart from individual fraud as mentioned above, there was also massive fraud at the voting centres with sudden counting halts, supposed burst water mains, large deposits of ballots at drop boxes etc.. All documented on this blog at various times and elsewhere.
Another indication of the truth that there was extensive fraud in the 2020 election is the huge amount of effort the Left have put into their fake “fact checks” (sic) to claim it didn’t happen. Goolag “us election fraud fact check” without quotes.
I recall seeing the TV broadcasts, with the graphs of the vote count. In some key seats the counting had Trump well ahead until the early hours of the next day when Biden started to get 100% of the votes for a short period of time, until he was ahead, then the count went back to normal with Biden staying ahead.
No doubt the TV footage has disappeared.
I can think of only one reason how Biden would manage to get 100% of the votes.
That’s what the graphic at the top of this article demonstrates.
Mr. Maddison: If I were on the fence about this (not), the overreaction of the left is such a tell. Our press will not tolerate any question, and won’t report any irregularity because our democracy is far too delicate to question. Only liars would act this way.
The election will be fair and legal.
All’s fair in love … and the other thing.
It is legal for the Tech Giants, ‘colluding’ with their Democratic alphabetic friends, to keep malinformation from the electorate.
“Malinformation” is a new one.
I had only heard of supposed “misinformation” and “disinformation” (i.e. any information that doesn’t conform with the Official Narrative) which the Australian Government wants to outlaw despite thousands of submissions from we serfs that they shouldn’t do it and why.
Just call them all what they are – lies – and be done with it.
This mis/dis/mal-information malarky is just misdirection and Orwellian doublespeak. In other words, even the labels applied to the lies are lies.
I’m sick of being lied to – especially by governments.
Mr. Bushkid: Indeed, these terms were in US news when Biden tried to formalize the informal system of shutting out dissent. We nearly had a Mary Poppins fetishist leading a government agency to identify mis, dis and mal info to protect us. It was like watching a first-grade teacher insist that her kids can produce Macbeth. The mis, dis and mal stuff was such obvious window-dressing to make it all look like science (how could I recognize that??!!). Only progressives saw a need to add to the lexicon, when “false”, and “lie” had no cause for clarifying. The left just got tired of explaining how a “conspiracy” that was true was somehow not true. Not even clever, but clever enough for our press to follow along.
At least we can rest in the assurance that after the 2024 unquestionably completely legitimate POTUS election, it will be legitimately and legally made illegal to question the legality and legitimacy of elections in ‘Our Democracy’.
If you doubt this, there are some folk held in solitary confinement that would confirm it if they weren’t in solitary confinement.
“Mal” generally means bad or evil in Latin. Big Tech liberally applies the label indiscriminately to various topics that don’t fit with its agenda (or at least the agenda of organisations who are either paying them or persuading them to do so).
Maybe Ed Dowd should change his first name to Mal- then maybe he’d reclaim a Wikipedia page (his previous one has been deleted, but don’t worry, every B grade Australian celebrity has one). Don’t apply any critical thinking- just Google a topic then let Wikipedia finalise your edification…job done, you’re now educated and empowered to be pass on your educatings to other ignorant individuals needing edjufication
While we can blame the voters for their fraudulent actions the real perpetrators are the systems that facilitate it. It’s like rolling loaded dice. You know you’re never going to win but you roll the dice anyway!
The Australian voting system is by no means perfect, but at least there are uniform standards across the states plus when the system was originally designed, it was intended to be fraud resistant. Like all things though, it is under assault and infiltration by the Left and standards are weakening or at least being ignored.
E.g. they infiltrate their own people as temporary (or permanent) workers. In the recent referendum to attempt to introduce Apartheid in Australia, there was controversy that the AEC didnt immediately want to ban election workers wearing pro-Apartheid t-shirts or other apparel (E.g. Aboriginal design clothing). Political statements by election workers are explicitly prohibited by election rules. Fortunately common sense and the law prevailed.
Far from perfect.
During the voice (apartheid) referendum, the AEC said that it is illegal to vote in the referendum more than once – however, there was no way that they could prevent people from voting at multiple voting booths.
Guess which “side” would have been most likely to vote multiple times? You know – it’s morally right to do so, even if it’s illegal – for the greater good – [insert more leftisit BS here].
For this reason, I reckon the true referendum result was not even as close as reported. 60-40? Pigs @rse!
No requirement for voter ID.
Preference trading.
Preference whisperers.
Eraseable pencils provided.
Everyone in Oz has a Medicare card so why not use the card number when voting in person or by ballot, in America I think they have a social security number ? So same thing . Any multiplication of any vote is automatically discounted .
How ? The ballot is already in the box. But I get, and like, your point.
Although I would object to electronic voting machines (such as were compromised in the US) I do not understand why, as the voter role is on computer and is obviously used to create the printed sheets on which the AEC staff laboriously score out names, they do not allow voters to be acknowledged on a central computer record so that any attempt to vote more than once would be spotted immediately.
As I was writing this, I thought, what if we had a power failure right in the middle of the election day! Forget what I wrote above. Paper and pencil will win the day.
2024 is going to be a very interesting year to put it mildly.
My brother’s household was sent six mail in ballots. There were only he and his wife. His kids had all moved out, but they were all sent multiple ballots too. When he showed up to vote in person, they told him his ballot was already cast. He had to sign an affidavit that the mail in ballot in his name was not mailed in by him before they would cross out the fake vote, and then he could cast his vote in person.
The county where I reside had more ballots cast than there were registered voters.
How could the system know how he voted or who the fraudulent vote was for? Knowing that the Democrats are the most likely to cheat did the poll worker deduct a Democrat vote? The same thing happens here because we (read the Labor Party and the Greens) reject voter ID. The Australian Electoral Commission said there were 18000 duplicate voters in the last Federal election, not enough to change the result. That is BS because several key seats were won, or lost, by a few hundred votes. Some were won by a thousand so 18000 votes could go a long way to deciding an election. When someone is caught they simply claim someone else must have used their name when voting. ID would stop that at least. I do like the fines that were handed down, up to $10000. That would be a deterrent. Voter ID is a must. We have to have ID to drive a car, licence, an ID to contact Medicare or Centrelink and one to enter a club or to prove one is 18. No problems but for voting it is an invasion of privacy.
Slight correction. The Liberal Party did a deal with the ALP where the ALP agreed to pass legislation supporting the Liberal Party,s bid to stop minor parties using the word Liberal and in return the Liberal Party dropped the Voter ID legislation. The uniparty wins again, and its not just the ALP and Greens
I lost faith in elections in Victoria (Aust) when Dan Andrews got re-elected . The drovers dog should have beaten him . All western governments are run by muppets who are controlled by media spin . Deficits and debt have consequences and we are going to be in a world of pain soon . 99.8 BILLION and rising.
When I vote in person they cross my name off a list of registered voters. It’s local and they know me. You must be a registered voter to vote. You re-register by voting in the primary, or register at that time, and it’s when you declare your party affiliation. If you didn’t vote in the primary you can’t in the general election. You must vote within your declared party in the primary. A new rule to prevent cross over voting. Cross over voting is a strategy for determining who will be the opposing party’s candidate in the general. Cross over voting can be used to make sure the opponent to your favored candidate is weak, or in case that person wins they will favor your agenda once in office. I have never voted mail in or absentee. But how did the voter turn out exceed 100% of registered voters?
My brother lives in a different state, one noted for “voting irregularities” and with a large illegal migrant population, who can’t legally vote. Especially in person. I don’t know the details of how it works there. What I think may have been going on was to have a pool of mail in ballots which could be correlated with the registered voter rolls in each precinct, and with how many were sent out, but filled out as needed.
In my state they instituted voter ID last year. Boy the Dems were mad.
They ‘allowed’ him to vote. The likely hood that the ‘other’ vote (in an envelope somewere) was actually tracked down and discarded is slim.
For their final act in the destruction of Western Civilisation the Left only need to “win” the next US Presidential Election.
And in the event of another fraudulent election, well, that’s exactly the reason the US Founding Fathers provided the Second Amendment, the ultimate reset button for the US Constitution.
Fortunately, the US Founding Fathers followed the rights model of John Locke who believed in Natural Rights rather than the rights model of Jeremy Bentham as used by the UK and Commonwealth countries who did not believe in Natural Rights but that rights only came from Government, and could just as easily be withdrawn.
Trump has mishandled the problem. He should have asserted that things were crook in Tallarook and that he would take steps to fix it when back in power and until then by sitting down with State Governors to clean up their systems. He has played into the hands of the opposition by sounding like a child who has lost a toy and won’t shut up when mother asks.
Where have you been sleeping?
From the moment he was elected to the present time, “The SwamP’ has been working strenuously to tie him up and make it impossible for him to do anything.
I don’t believe Donald knew the scale of what he was up against. I have been amazed to find out that the US election system would make a banana republic blush with embarrassment it is so bad. To be still sorting out votes weeks after the poll is ridiculous. In the UK the ballots papers are counted within hours of the closing of the polls and the first results arrive before dawn with all results arriving by the end of the day. Going forward, Donald is now much better informed and knows that he must throw off the GOP/Republican reticence to put their own people in the right places and kick out the DemoTwat scum.
In the lead up to the last election, when you looked at how many people attended a Biden rally versus a Trump rally, it was obvious that Biden had almost no real voter support. At most of his rallies there were literally only a handful of supporters. In contrast, Trump has a huge following and even has a brand of politics named after him, called “Trumpism”. The election result that gave Biden the highest vote and highest voter turnout in history was in complete contradiction to reality. There is no doubt that mail-in ballots were used to rig the election. The only unanswered question is whether the pandemic was created to justify the mail-in ballots.
Ill go to my grave believing covid was simply a more contagious standard flu, released deliberately to facillitate the 2020 election mail in ballot fraud. They used covid as an excuse to send out 80,000,000 mail in ballots where preciously you had to request one
And I can’t wait for the release of the release of the next special US Presidential Election variant of covid so they can do the same thing.
Mr. Maddison: I don’t think the dems will need a new covid, they will keep wide-open paper ballot rules in place, and any attempt to roll them back in any reasonable way will be tagged as racist and shouted down by the press. As far as I can tell, national repubs are too divided to take a leak, never mind roll back dem voter fraud.
Mark Zuckerberg donate $US300 million to ‘protect democracy’. Business leaders and the Democrats conspired to steal the election. Time Magazine did a story on how an alliance of Left leaning groups ‘saved democracy’ from Donald Trump and then brags about it.
This is the true evil of the Left – that there is only democracy when Democrats are in charge.
Time Magazine had Adolf Hitler as a Man of the Year. Says it all really and I am amazed that the magazine is still in business.
Didn’t they expose Greta T. too ? 😀
I never doubted that election was a stitch up by the ‘democrats’.
Ban mail in ballots. pot of indelible ink at every roll check in. Show the attendant at the door both your hands. Cross your name off, dip your finger and do what you feel is right…but you can only do it once!
Voting systems went wildly astray,
For the 2020 POTUS election day,
From the graphs there’s no hidin’,
Sudden votes shoot to Biden,
By the millions, all going the wrong way.
For more images of that ilk, see the cycle of pictures titled The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole:
Thanks for the Thomas Cole paintings. Apt!
It’s impossible not to think of the decline of the (Western) Roman Empire and the city of Rome itself, of course. This man offers virtual tours of Rome and other great European cities in various epochs:
I’m not sure that the USA would regard it as a compliment to be told that it had an empire! It even prioritised the enforcement of European decolonialism over the fight against communism in the Third World after World War 2. The memory of 1776 ran deep. But it emphatically does have a de facto empire…
It is strange that no one here makes the salient point that the party the illegal voters chose is not mentioned. Perhaps the illegal votes favoured Trump or perhaps they did not. Who knows? And does the polling of 1085 people in a voting turnout of 154.6 million really provide a statistically significant result?
We accept that there is a natural bias in polls.
‘Some poll watchers, including Patrick Caddell, have lauded Rasmussen Reports, while others, such as Chris Cillizza, have questioned its accuracy. FiveThirtyEight gave the firm an overall rating of “B”, reporting it had a 1.5-point bias in favor of the Republican Party.’ (wiki)
A poll of 1,000 gives about a 2% error. A far bigger error would come from people unwilling to admit they cheated.
Polling can be rigged of course. So let’s imagine the conservatives were the ones cheating, and then try to think of a reason the Democrats/Soros/Media/Tech-giants would not run 100 polls to show that, and every week?
Instead countless studies show people who say they vote democrat also are more likely to say they break the law. Murder rates are highest in Democrat run states.
Do you think the answer to your rhetorical question might be “Republican?” Cos I don’t.
That is all nice. There is no breakdown of whether things done on someone else’s behalf was with permission (infirm illiterate etc).
Anyway, back to the data https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/crosstabs_2_voters_fraud_heartland_december_2023
The percentages are almost the same for Republican and Democrat.
That’s it really so we can all calm down now.
Nice try at excusing election theft.
From the graphic you quote, 3 times as many Democrats approve of fraudulent voting as Republicans.
If “mail in ” voting was removed, 96% of both Republicans and Democrats would vote in person.
“When PA certified its election on November 24, 2020, there were about 202,000 more ballots cast than identifiable voters. In other words, there was a large voter deficit.
In late January 2021, when the 67 PA counties finally posted all voter information into the SURE registration system, there was still a voter deficit — about 121,000.”
353 counties in 29 states had more ballots cast than registered voters. 1.8 Million excess votes.
Secure Election? Not likely.
Thanks for the patronising twaddle. I didn’t quote a graphic, it is a data table.
Some of these look the same as I am summarising. The link has the details.
Out of about 1000 people 33% R and 36%D
Voted via mail R24 D38
The following applied to all voters
Filled out ballot for other person 10R 11D
Mailed in a state they don’t live in 9R 13D
Reward for voting 7R 11D
The following applied to mail-in voters only
Sign on behalf of another person 19R 16D
Fill out for another person 21R 20D
Another fill out your ballot R21 D22
Vote on behalf of another person 19R 16D
Democrats are 60% more likely to do a mail-in ballot than conservatives, and of those who did a mail in ballot, democrats are 45% more likely to vote in the wrong state, and 50% more likely to have been paid or rewarded for voting than Republicans. Democrats are also 45% more likely to know someone who admits they voted in the wrong state.
Even when Rep and Dem mail-in voters are just as likely to break the law, ultimately that’s a lot more democrats in absolute terms because they were so much more likely to use mail in voting.
What the survey results also show is that about one in 6 signatures on all mail in forms are fake and that the election security checks for signatures completely failed to pick that up. So if signatures are irrelevant, mail in voting is wide open to fraud.
Maths is not your strong point is it Gee Aye?
This is an interesting use of percentages. The percentage you want to work on is a percent of total votes. Yes 12% is 50% more than 8% – if you are trying to talk to Jo Blogs the stats ignoramus that sounds amazing. Please don’t try it on me OK?
Next assume that every one of those fraudulent votes turns a R to a D and none of the Rs have any affect. This is your maximum voter fraud in favours of the Dems. Would it make a difference?
Now do something more moderate and admit that actual fraud, as shown in every study ever in western democracies, is rare (ie most people changed nothing when assisting another person and voted out of state because of laziness). And be humble enough to acknowledge that it does not favour R or D. Now see the effect on votes.
BTW please release my other comment 19.1.1 that predates your reply and adds context.
I use maths, what do you do? You say 13% is the same as 9%, and 11% is the same as 7%. It’s “only 13 million votes” we’re talking about. You say 38% is the same as 24%. (Number of Dems using mail in voting compared to Reps). Obviously you are just wrong. Ergo, Maths is not your strong point.
As far as “affecting the election” — in four states Biden conveniently won by a margin of less than 20,000 votes. Tell us again how a few percent of 13 million votes couldn’t possibly matter?
As for proof: given that the Democrats (and some RINOs) fought tooth and nail not to investigate “fraud”, not to allow people to access the voting machines, or clean up voter rolls, use voter ID, or even allow people to talk about election fraud (except when Trump won in 2016), how would anyone prove fraud? You can cling to your “no proof” mantra. Perhaps it makes you feel better? It takes a tough soul to admit corruption runs to the core of our civilization.
PS: I released your other comment an hour ago but the NBN went down in my suburb. Apparently Telstra didn’t want your comment approved.
Maths used to make something sound meaningful doesn’t make it right. And you totally ignored my point and making lame insults at the same time.
I left out the biggest objection that is data interpretation, noting that you actually provided no proof of fraud instead bringing out some old rhetoric.
There is nothing in the data from the survey to show levels of fraud: any comment is just guesswork. And the big one for me is a lack of comparative data. What did the survey for the 2016, 2112, 2008 etc elections show. Was it similar and this happens at every election?
You released my comment more than an hour after you wrote yours but mine was written more than an hour before yours. The NBN moves in mysterious ways.
PS it is 38% of 36% vs 24% of 33% or from all voters 13.7D 7.9R
17% of people admitting to forging signatures but he sees no fraud. Is it ok to forge signatures Gee Aye. Yes or No?
1 in 6 signatures were faked, (at least) yet how many of the fakes were picked up by the scrutineers? 1% or was that less? Does that sound like “election security” to you?
The new survey shows 17 percent of mail-in voters admitting to voting in a state where they are no longer permanent residents. Does voting out of state, or being registered in two states sound like fraud or is it just an accident?
21% admitted to voting on behalf of other people — even if that was with permission, and there is no guarantee it was — it’s still illegal. Do you understand why ballots should be done in private? Do the terms coercion, pressure, intimation, social influence mean anything to you, or do you just pretend that humans would vote the same way in private as they would vote when watched by others?
PS: Add up the millions of votes done mail-in by D and R. It’s just arithmetic right.
PS: If you want to complain to Telstra we’ve had two maintenance outages in the last four weeks. Remind me again which political party forced the NBN on us?
Plus lets not forget that voters filling out a voting form for someone incapacitated and voting while living outside your home state is not illegal in most jurisdictions. A common gerrymandering technique is to make it as difficult as possible for disadvantaged groups to vote.
I seriously doubt whether there has been a “free and fair” election in the so-called “Western” democracies for decades, if not longer. The odd “miscalculation” where a Trump type defies the
system may occur, but I don’t see “them” letting that happen again. The perceived “hopefuls” that seem to defy the system disappoint probably because they get some nasty phone calls within hours of being elected. Meloni did a 180 within days. Milei is a “net zero” fanatic all of a sudden. Wilders will be interesting, if they let him become leader…
The. System. Is. Broken.
The Australian system is working perfectly and its fair to say US democracy was flawed from the start.
“Perfectly” is too strong.
And as I can’t even define “perfect” in this context I won’t even make a guess at a percentage, but I do consider it has a decent pass mark.
The Australian system for paper ballots works well, but the cheating/coercion/control happens at other levels. eg Preselection, and monopolistic media, and loaded education. Taxpayers spend a billion dollars a year on a Green-Left promotion — see “the ABC”. All school students bar a tiny percentage of home-schoolers do a curriculum that teaches them big government is good.
Government Revenue is a third of the entire national GDP. About half the nation is effectively paid through their job or welfare to “Vote Left”.
We don’t have voter ID so in a tightly run seat where a few hundred duplicate votes count I see no reason our elections wouldn’t be rigged to some extent too.
It would be easy to ask for voter ID and stop duplicate votes yet we don’t.
One change I’d make, which I’ve previously advocated here, is to adopt optional preferential voting for the house of Reps, so we don’t have to include anyone we consider unsuitable at all.
David: As long as the final candidate still is required to get more than 50% of the total count of people who voted.
If not, do it again. Individuals who failed to get a floor percentage (say 3%) could not be listed in the re-run. Parties could provide new “faces” as needed.
When more than 60% of voters rejected Dan Andrews yet he won the “democratic” election – and when more than 60% of voters rejected Albanese yet he won the “democratic” election – how can you say “The Australian system is working perfectly”?
Indeed. When Rishi Sunak replaced Liz Truss’s short-lived premiership as UK PM in 2022 he renewed – on his first day in office – Boris Johnson’s 2019 moratorium on fracking in England, which Truss had lifted. Yet Sunak had said about fracking while campaigning to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister weeks earlier that he was “supportive of it… ’cause if we can get it to work it’s good for our long-term energy security” (Sky News, 4th August 2022). Something changed his mind.
The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), a cartel spurred by the UN’s 26th climate conference (COP26 held in Glasgow in 2021) controls $130 trillion in assets. Did GFANZ foster the betting against the pound and UK government bonds that forced Liz Truss and her pro-fracking policies out of Downing Street?
Demonstrating that it is the people of the USA who are destroying that country, not the politicians, they are just the symptoms of a culture that has abaondoned all boundaries and values.
We can’t blame the people, half of them don’t usually vote, a pox on both their houses.
Career politicians are to blame for almost everything.
Even from way down here in Oz , I know the bulk of any of the medias will not take the slightest bit of notice of this survey. They will simply ignore it or say it’s the Heartland Institute and therefore a bunch of right wing nut jobs or something equivalent. At the least they will say a survey of 1085 people is way too low. US federal politics is just a circus and the fact they have so much influence on other countries, like Australia, is very annoying.
While it’s debatable whether it would be better if the obvious election fraud had succeeded or not, my view is that there is a massive positive to President Trump not being in his rightful place.
The US political and MSM corruption has been exposed in the last few years like never before. Even the average citizen that normally takes no notice is waking up.
If the overwhelming support for President Trump can overcome more fraud in the next election, it may be a better term for him because people will now believe what the Donald has been saying all along.
I think there was likely election fraud in 2016 as well but Trump’s majority was so huge he still won.
Remember how devastated Killary was when she lost? I’m sure her controllers told her she was guaranteed to win.
The DemocRATs made sure they didn’t make the same mistake again and made sure the fraud was even bigger.
The present biggest threat to the United States doesn’t come from Russia, China or Iran but from the White House resident himself.
https://ifunny.co/picture/the-men-who-wanted-to-be-left-alone-the-most-F1vYqyV19 They must be approaching the end of their tolerance!
Remember the eavesdropper outside the door while SCOTUS justices discussed if they should accept
complaints of ballot fraud after the last election. Justice Thomas was the only one that put the argument that they must. Democracy itself depended on the reliability of the voting system.
The listener reported that the Chief Justice lost his cool and harangued the others about not looking into such matters because of the social division and discord that could precipitate. It seems in the USA legality is a matter of circumstances and expected outcomes. That’s a little different from Australia where the High Court, looking purely on the basis of law, forced the release of one long term recidivist and Labor government freed 140 on the basis of that outcome.
When the highest Court in the land cannot be relied upon to do its job, without fear or favour, any democracy is in deep trouble. When it makes choices based on political Party then democracy really is dead. The nation becomes little better than the faux democracy of Russia and Putin. This is the price of shutting down freedom of speech and ignoring the Constitution.
Add this –
“Special Counsel Jack Smith Asks Supreme Court to Decide Trump Immunity – Highest Court Immediately Drops All Business to Comply With Special Counsel Request
December 11, 2023 | Sundance | 516 Comments”
“After years of assembling datapoints around the potential for the Supreme Court to be compromised, it was the discovery of Mary McCord’s husband Sheldon Snook deep in the office of Chief Justice John Roberts that finally sealed the deal for me personally. Yes, the Supreme Court is compromised.”
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The compromise with John Roberts is related to his adoptive children. Roberts and his wife Jane were older when they married. I understand that Roberts took a short cut in the adoption process. The adopting mother, Mrs Roberts was very fond of her adoptive children, a boy and a girl, Jack and Josie.The compromise is if Roberts doesn’t tow the line, his wife could loose her children and Roberts would have a very sad wife.
Also Jane made about $10 million as a lawyer handling cases close to the Supreme Court. It has been reported that Roberts had his name on the Lolita Express passenger list. Roberts was married in 1996.
The last entry on the Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database for the State of Washington is from 2010. That is just one person.
Florida has 9 from 2023.
Are people really going to admit to election fraud?
Either they didn’t understand the survey question or the figure is a lot higher than 20% 😉
Hmm, I don’t know. The 8% offered reward is deeply concerning. The other categories aren’t necessarily consequential.
I filled out my wife’s gay marriage plebiscite vote too (for NO). She said she didn’t care about it. I said, yes you do, you just don’t understand the consequences of what this is. Having seen the consequences she completely agrees with me now.
None the less, the US voting mechanics are terrible and need reform desperately. Australia’s system is pretty good (discounting the plebiscite).
But I predicted Trump would lose. Why he lost was in the debate with Biden, when they asked him if he would condemn The Proud Boys, and he stuttered about looking weak, when he should have hit it out of the park by saying, “those guys are just a bunch of boof heads who are very patriotic and probably a bit dumb, but the real threat of violence is the group Antifa of which we have seen the abhorrent violence they inflicted upon innocent Americans, in their homes, their streets and their cities all over this once great peaceful country”. And he would have won despite corrupted votes.
This is the ‘illegal’ vote rigging, which essentially gave the presidency to a corrupt, infirm candidate who didn’t really campaign and was behind in almost all the polls.
But the result was ‘fixed’ in other unethical ways too. Paramount here was the outrageous bias in terms of campaign and candidate reporting in the media and on the major internet platforms, which surreptitiously put its thumb on the scales through propaganda and filtering of information. This is where the real ‘disinformation’ was used, in multiple attacks on Trump through innuendo and actual lawfare.
Looking back, I kind of feel stupid for even thinking that Trump might win against all that.
Citizens in functioning democracies have never had less power than today.
Gee Aye, your comment was the opening I was looking for. I would have added to the the banter at #19, but this is a better place to pose the question [Snip]:
Show me your complete and total refutation of Rigged“, by Mollie Hemingway, and then show me your complete and total refutation of (either the book or the movie) 2000 Mules.
Once you’ve done that, I’ll happily accept your premise. I’ll operate under the supposition that you will not make the effort
I cannot find it (it has likely been removed) but Crooked Joe, in a rare moment of honesty was videoed saying, [paraphrase] that ‘we put together the greatest election fraud machine in history’.
It was October 2020, if my memory serves. Hopefully, some tech-savvy brainiac here can find it and post it.
So, was Crooked Joe telling the truth? or was he lying? I’ll let the viewer decide … … …
[Email coming your way Nick – Jo]
And yet again Trump has been proved right.
This poll doesn’t ask whether the vote cast fraudulently was for Democrats or Republicans. We all know the answer, but it still has plausible deniability.
Remember when the AEC lost 1375 WA senate votes in the 2013 fed election and as a result, Scott Ludlam retained his seat only to resign in 2017 for being a duel citizen.
I do Pete. Indeed I wrote that in my previous comment, but decided it was too long, and deleted it.
The senate seat was won by a guy who loved sport I think, but belonged to no party. They could have run just that one ballot site again — they had the names and addresses of everyone who voted there. But instead, for $20 million they reran the whole state months later and the result worked for the Greens. Convenient eh?
Why are you wasting electrons on American elections?
We know they are fixed by their crooked pollies.
How about explaining why our Australian election are totally legitimate and not the slightest bit dodgy?
(As one would expect from having noble, honest, sagacious, well-informed politicians who are solely concerned with the welfare of the Australian people.)
You forgot the “sic” thingy.
Compulsory attendance does make ballot stuffing more difficult.