For a few days new posts will appear below this one. Thank you to all who are helping!
Thank you to everyone who helps pay the bills around here
By Jo Nova
It’s a dangerous moment in history across the West, but as those in the gulags of 1953 would surely have said, we still have so much to work with. Our Democracies might be unraveling, but the Oligarch’s gambits are also coming undone. Investors are fleeing from wind, solar and exploding EVs. Voters are tossing out bad governments. And more than half the population knows that climate science is a religion. We are the majority, but they don’t want you to know.
It’s been 15 years here on this blog, somehow, outside the system, living off goodwill and donations, debating the U.N. and trillion dollar cartels. Real freedom is writing with no corporate sponsor, and no major advertiser. There’s no billionaire publisher to toss me off, no editor to boss me around, and no committee to answer to. The government can’t take away a grant it never gave me, and the cowards of Cancel Culture can’t scare away advertisers.
I am not dependent on any institution, but I am of course, dependent on you, the reader, which is exactly how it should be. To serve the people direct, instead of serving Disney, Pfizer or the Minister of Misinformation. When no one holds the strings, everyone does.
I don’t ask for a subscription here, just any help you can spare.
That’s why Western governments across the world are trying to set up rules to censor blogs and forums like this. The Australian government wants to fine me $6 million dollars if I publish “misinformation” and they define truth as “everything the government says”. What they really want is to stop critics of the government.
Thank you to everyone who cancelled subscriptions to the propaganda sheets, and sent that money to the new independent media instead.
Never surrender
Please hit the tip jar, buy me a coffee, a steak, a month on the server ($140) and money to pay the bills.
Thanks for your contribution, no matter how big or small.
Please send supplies via Paypal, or especially if you are in Australia through direct deposit.
And for those who snail-mail instead.
Due to ridiculous legal froufrou, Paypal donors can buy as many “units of emergency chocolate” as they like in AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP, NZD or USD. Or send help directly via National Australia Bank for UnQwerty Pty Ltd BSB: 086420 Account number: 563148308 or via International transfer.
Suggestions welcome for other supply routes.
Merry Christmas and best wishes to everyone here.
Painting, thanks to Anton — The Course of Empire: The Savage State, by Thomas Cole
Keep up the good work!
Something for the munchies
Best wishes Jo from Queensland and keep up the great work.
I think I need some chocolate with my morning cuppa!
Thank you so much to everyone who is helping out. I can’t tell you how gratifying it is to get this help, especially in these tough economic times. I know it’s not easy this year.
Jo, for bank transfers, I think you need to state the account name.
Yes, that would have been handy.
086420 563148308 Unqwerty Pty Ltd
Thanks Brenda for those Bank Details
Merry Christmas to All & you Jo – Keep the Coal Powered Lights Burning
Every attempt to contribute has been declined due to international standards. Any ideas.
For international transfers from overseas there is information here.
You might be better to use PayPal even though they are a woke corporation.
Paypal worked perfectly for me, and has for years.
PayPal works from anywhere. I have used it from France this year. More Christmas Chocolates coming, Jo.
Australian Dollars?
Same story. Just tried 3 times and declined. ToM
Tried today with success. We all hope it helps Jo as you perform a service to intellectual dissidents like us.Have a great festive season. To all of you.
Happy Christmas and New Year to Jo and family – and all denizens of Jo Nova.*
Thanks for your great work. Looking at the push underway throughout the West to have governments censor web content, and use government institutions to intimidate and persecute political opponents, and use programmable digital currencies to de-fund people who are guilty of wrong-think, I wonder what future awaits us. Perhaps the courts in some countries will ‘discover’ rights for ordinary folk! But, of course, we can be certain that in some countries that will never happen!
Regarding fundraising, since many people are now being much more selective about the businesses they patronise, have you considered whether can be used for fundraising?
Best wishes to everyone for the new year.
PS I’ll send another direct deposit shortly.
It’s amazing, and a measure of how powerful the Totalitarian Left (a tautology I know) have become that despite thousands (23,000) of submissions against the Australian Government’s proposed laws against supposed “misinformation” and “disinformation”, that they are still fully determined to introduce censorship legislation.
And don’t think the pretend conservatives, the Liberal Party faction of the Uniparty are your friends. It was they that first introduced the censorship bill.
It was the weasel, the “Hon” Paul Fletcher MP, Minister for Communications, Urban Infrastructure, Cities and the Arts under the Morrison regime whose idea it was.
Like much of the really bad things that have happened to Australia, such as the introduction of unreliable, expensive wind and solar; and this censorship legislation, it is traceable to the pretend conservative Liberal faction of the Uniparty.
Please name the members of the LNP with that Labor / Green leaning. The only way to rid ourselves of the drongos!
If they remain in office I will certainly vote One Nation, Lib Democrat or any other conservative leaning party.
Not amazing at all when you realise that the global debt-bloated teetering economies are ONLY being propped up by the pollies and their lies. They live with the delusion that if they censor the truth, things will magically be ok, and the looming disaster won’t happen.
Fingers in their ears, going “La la la la la”.
Or should they dare to defy their masters it’s massive economic sanctions for the country, which is just as bad.
There’s no escaping reality and what’s coming, the masses won’t forget those at the helm, and there’s no way off planet Earth.
And all those public servants of all kinds are going to suffer the same fate as the masses, so their hopelessly misguided loyalty to the corrupt will be their undoing. Bad choice by health experts, TGA, police etc. You helped destroy your own future. You made the wrong choice and didn’t understand history.
They can’t take what you have if they don’t know what you’ve got.
Thanks for ‘Fighting the Good Fight’ Jo, enjoy the chocolates.
Chocolates inbound from Virginia
Thanks for providing a valuable service supporting reason and discussion.
Thanks for all your hard work Jo.
In general, these days only a small proportion of people have the appropriate moral clarity and scientific, technical and engineering knowledge to see and understand what’s going on. You are one of them.
A vast majority of people just listen to and believe government or other propaganda, a consequence of the deliberate dumbing-down of the education system and lack of critical thinking skills.
Some choccys for you Jo. Thanks for all your hard work on our behalf to keep us informed.
I’m constantly in awe of anyone who can maintain a daily blog as diverse as this one. Well done Jo ( and her helpers).
Great picture which signifies the end of empires
We can relate that to the decline of the west and the decline of its liberty and free speech.
Will try and send some Christmas chocs tomorrow but have had great trouble with pay pal before.
Why does cultural equivalence comes to mind. Deconstructionists would deface it in order to make their point.
You have been on our ‘to do’ list Jo. Chocolates will be on the way very soon.
They should be there now.
Straight through with paypal.
Thanks Jo, I appreciate the important work you have been doing.
Thanks for all your hard work with this blog Jo.
Chocolate donation made.
Happy Christmas
For those who understand no explanation is necessary.
For those who do not understand no explanation is possible.
Don’t forget the UAP.
Vote for them all in any order you like so long as they all go above the Liberal Party candidate.
Victoria elected Senator Ralph Babbit (UAP) at the last Federal election and he has be doing a fantastic job.
The only exceptions I would make are Senator Rennick (Lib QLD) and Senator Antic (Lib SA). They will both be at the bottom of the Liberal ticket so you have to vote below the line to record a vote for them
Thanks Jo
tipped in
Keep Bloggin along … please.
lots of bad stuff from government, public (dis)service, media (ABC mostly), woke CEOs
It all needs calling out loudly
Merry Xmas!!!!
Hi Jo, Some Emergency Chocolates headed your way.
Thank you for all that you do to keep us informed.
Merry Christmas to you, your family, and everyone who contributes to this blog.
I looked at boxed chocolates in a local store last week — central Washington State — and nearly dropped to my knees. For a not very special brand the price per ounce was $1.00 {$16 per pound}. On Amazon, many are $3.50 per ounce, or they give the per-piece price.
This year, just one box will have to do. Next year the USA will have elected a president and the economy may react emotionally.
But, I hope to feel comfortable giving more.
Thanks Jo — and Merry Christmas.
To all others — Merry “whatever floats your boat.”
“I looked at boxed chocolates in a local store last week…”
Here in Ohio (The Buckeye State!), a popular candy is a Buckeye which is a small chocolate ball filled with peanut butter made to resemble a Buckeye (Aesculus glabra) seed. I found a company that sells a 4 pound box of Buckeye candies for $51.95. They do give you the option of paying with 4 interest free payments of $13 each. You know its getting bad when you have to take out a loan to pay for chocolates.
Interesting response from paypal…
This transaction has been declined to comply with international regulations.
I wonder what these supposed regulations are?
Is Jo being cancelled?
My PayPal worked OK
Ozfred. Sigh. You are the second with that exact same problem. The other wrote to me and was in NZ. Though I know others donated from NZ with no issue, but you confirm something is going on.
How many people got that message and just gave up? This is very strange.
I tried on my PC yesterday but went to contributing to WWF! Tried my Android tab today and it went through.
I got that as well. So, Johnny Rotten has now been identified as an International Money Launderer along with the Arabs, Chinese, the Big US Banks, HSBC, the Mafia, the, the, the,………….Vatican. LOL.
For both reasons.
so I used direct deposit
Do you have any merchandise? Bumper stickers? Branded dirigibles?
Donated. Keep up the good work.
P.S. read e-mail.
Small ping.
Another small ping.
Merry Christmas!
I wanted to send flowers but chocolates will have to do.
Donation sent. Have a good Christmas and New Year….
Done. Merry Christmas and thanks for your good work this year.
50 choccies sent, hope they don’t go to your waist!
Written in frustration, Joanne! I was ‘sold down the river’ some years ago and today survive on very little left over from the Age Pension as I am incarcerated in an aged-care establishment, so my financial ability amounts to approximately 3/5 of 5/8 of not very much at all – although there is a project almost underway after many years of development which will (hopefully) remedy that – but not quite there yet.
Not that it’s any consolation Joanne, but you are one of a few ‘top of the list’ when things come good. (Fingers crossed!) In the meantime, I am trying to do my bit by compiling material in which – surprise! surprise! – you feature with grateful thanks. Should anything that I’ve assembled be of any use I can most certainly provide any original documents, etc.. This is a starting point:
What I’ve tried to assemble is something aimed at not ‘frightening the natives’ at the outset with anything even hinting at technicality, given that so many people just ‘switch off’ at the merest hint! And a bit of humour here and there perhaps helps!
And a prime target is our propagandised Youth, many of whom are being frightened for their futures often by young teachers who have, in turn, been propagandised themselves – but I don’t think that I’m telling you anything new ….
Yours in frustration!
Michael, and if everyone worked as hard as you do for the cause, the world would be a great place, and I might not need to blog at all. You are a dogged foe of the Corruptocrats! Thank you.
I discovered this blog just over a year ago. Foremost, the information is gold and the commenters supplement it with relevant links and points of debate. I’ve been putting in a chunk of emergency choccies every 6 months, I’ll put another in for Xmas, not because I feel I’m shortchanging Jo, just hoping others realise a steady contribution will facilitate the blog’s continuance.
Thanks for your tolerance and heavy workload Jo. Frankly, unless there is a tribe of ‘Jo’s I don’t know how you do it. Then there’s the monitoring and writing interjections
where you disagree. Happy Christmas and we all need to pray for the white knights to slay the leftist dragon next year. When judges start using the law to prevent someone standing for POTUS, Democracy is on its last breath and we are directly on the way to authoritarian rule. You are one of the white knights of the fight. The power of a few chocolates will yet restore some sanity.
Tip incoming. Thanks for keeping this ‘dangerous’ line of inquisitive thinking alive.
Best of the season to you and yours.
Finally supporting your important knowledgeable and
useful blog
Tusen Takk
Thanks for being the anchor for the resistance . We must fight for the truth . Petros is right – you need a range of merchandise . It makes being a target (which you unfortunately are) worthwhile . Happy to contribute .
Another great year, thanks Jo and I wish you many more, I like your chocolates!
Merry Xmas Jo, and a rewarding 2024.
Happy to support your great contributions to truth telling.
Jo, thank you for all your hard work. Happy to donate.
It’s going to get intense in 2024. The same people behind the Gorebull Warbling garbage are the same people behind the failed NAFO proxy war against Russia. They are cornered animals now, but they are vicious and afraid.
Disident websites are going to come under state attack in the “quackzine passports nations”. Yours included. But, just as I can siphon Diesel from construction machines to power my ICE, you should think of the same.
Besides my 2000 litre store, how can this nation function without Diesel? Just as they are going to disrupt petrol, those in the wrong on Covid and Climate are going to disrupt the internet. Plan accordingly.
Just like Diesel, they can’t shut down encrypted SMS.
Ok, Chocolates sent but I must say I detest pay pal. It collects far too much information and is very time consuming. Isn’t it possible to go direct to a proper site that will debit the amount more simply? Don’t forget that Pay pal tried to cancel bloggers like you. We shouldn’t be supporting them. Rant over. Enjoy the chocolate and hope Santa brings you lots of nice things.
Same here, I used ppal once a long time ago and I felt very uncomfortable. So i stopped.
Direct transfer is easy within Australia but from overseas might involve transfer and currency conversion fees.
Am using this;
National Australia Bank for UnQwerty Pty Ltd BSB: 086420 Account number: 563148308 or via International transfer.
I tried PayPal a long time ago but it looked too easy. So I didn’t use it again.
But I didn’t clean up my tracks. If I knew how I think I would.
Hello Jo and David. Have yourselves a very Merry Christmas and all the best you wish for yourselves for the new year. Since 2008 this blog has been my go to on global warming/climate change etc etc etc. Not only have you covered climate change but many other topical issues have graced these pages, especially the Brisbane floods which attracted much commentary and which almost certainly influenced the enquiry that followed. When Kevin 07 got punted a few of my friends wrote and said that his discrediting over the greatest moral challenge was down to me and my forwarding hundreds of links from this site. They were generous but the basics were true there were hundreds if not thousands of Aussies who were wised up by Jo Nova and sceptics around the world. Over the last fifteen years I’ve been labelled a denier by my own family, a pseudo intellectual by old school mates and cancelled by many. All these ad homs I wear as badges of honour and can’t state enough the importance of giving offence to the climate cultists. Thank you Jo for your good work and have a a month on the server on me. Would that I was able to do more.
Hi Jo,
As there does not appear to be any direct way of writing to you I am forced to post my comment here in the hope you will read it.
I have been trying for several days to donate via your Aus tip jar PayPal link, but once I have changed the number of units and hit continue, the blue circle around the padlock simply continues to circle endlessly but the payment does not proceed.
Is the link broken?
In any event, I can donate directly to your bank account and will do so.
You may wish to investigate the PayPal option as it is the simplest way for most would-be donors.
Best wishes,
ooops…apologies to you Jo, I’ve just tried another browser without an ad blocker attached and my ‘tip’ was processed.
I can’t live without my ad blocker but it on occasion can be problematic.
PayPal rejected me. LOL. Maybe I am on Interpol’s list or I have been identified as a major International Money Launderer. LOL
The transfer of money to the NAB Bank Account for us in Australia is far, far easier.
Jo and David
I remain so impressed that you have put forward for so long so much counter and factual material to keep the highly-funded AGW alarmists honest.
Have another box of chocolates. You deserve it!
Jo you are a real treasure and so well informed. Thank you for passing it all onto us readers.
Small donation now and hopefully regular follow ups next year.
Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas and may 2024 be healthy, happy and fullfilling for you.
Cheers Eliza
I sent $1000. You are so worth it. Keep me in mind when you need something.
Crikey Jeffrey. Thank you! Brilliant.
Thank you to everyone. I’m never sure if putting out the hat will work. I know it is tough economic times for many, and I am just so grateful.
Merry Christmas to all Jonovians.
Jonovians? Jonovites? jonovarians?
Never hesitate Jo. You do a wonderful service and putting out the hat is sometimes necessary.
Once again many thanks for everything.
God Bless You and Yours and may 2024 be a year of good health, fulfillment and loads of fun and happiness.
I sent you $10 as I got my Pension payment today. TC and Chin Up.
One and Done.