A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Like most older Australians I have worked long and hard, always driven by the belief that all of our efforts would be used to improve our nation in the basics of health, education, self defence, manufacturing, construction, infrastructure, mental wellbeing, purpose and self confidence.
Thirty years ago it began to dawn that my dreams were not being fulfilled and that our nation was being used as a piggy bank by those entrusted with building our nation.
We have been dudded and all we have for our work and thrift is a massive shambles.
For me working always has been a way to earn money for good living, never more. As I lived and worked in southern France, the work and money were not very interesting, but living there was first class and a very good compensation.
Think yourself lucky you’re not there now!
I bet, though, that you are seeing Germany going down the same path just as fast, and shake your head in dismay.
As you get older, the questions come down to about two or three. How long? And what do I do with the time I’ve got left?
– David Bowie
WHO is PAYING for all this : Hmm, yes and as I see it now, Ee aw ( the donkey ) we supported this that and t’other in our lives. Machinery brands, Sports teams etc (& politics if you like) but NO LONGER when you consider what “they ” are doing to us now: not so much Stupid AI ( ggogle provided rubbish results already YEARS ago) but Robotics in so far as Self driving vehicles TRACTORS from my mailbox today Sabanto tractor adopts Trimble autonomous solutions
Sabanto Grows Business by Automating Farmer-Owned Tractors
23 Dec 2021Sabanto, a Chicago-based robotic farming company, and by 2023 “An autonomous tractor from Illinois firm Sabanto aims to solve two issues plaguing modern farming: the growing scarcity of labor in rural areas and the increasing costs of machinery.” Is that now a paradox, ora contradiction?
Maybe farms are getting TOO big…. or is it farming companies, or Service providers taking over ( contractors) We see it in N Scotland, you have it in Australia, YOutube is fu’ of it. Where is the scope for individuality and INDEPENDENT NOVEL expertise It’s heading the same way as ONE Party states. ( Fall of the Incas, the Pharoahan deities, perhaps and others.) An interesting film this morning
I have no idea if here are fans of old classic rock guitar playing.
But if here are any, you may lend an ear to Grace Bowers, only 17 years old.
Another very good piece of music from Crossroads 2023 with the young lady
Enjoy the distraction!
How does that guy even reach his guitar?
Good question, but you see it 😀
A couple of days ago I posted this-basically a surprising number of Brits would like to go back into lockdown
The headline says it all.
The survey analyses the response and basically the younger the person polled the more they wanted to opt out. I have long thought that younger people are not very robust, have a rather fragile mentality, are scared of many things that seem of limited concern and generally seem to have many more mental health problems-probably connected with them being rather fragile and not listening to other view points outside of their limited social media bubble..
Whilst this survey was about wearing masks, going back into lockdown etc it seems a very short step to suppose that after their decades long indoctrination, that if they were told that the “climate crisis” required them to stop flying, to travel by car as little as possible and to generally do all manner of things to reduce their co2 emissions then they would mostly comply.
I blame social media and this lack of robustness but unless this younger age group is targeted it won’t be long before they are in positions of great influence and forcing the rest of us to abandon what I would call “normal” life.
Will the Sierra Club Apologize If the Lights Go Out in Baltimore?
Will be very interesting, and perhaps could be a pointer to what could happen on the east coast of Australia.
Total Australian Government Debt, federal, state and local is now over $1.818 trillion and increasing rapidly.
No one in power seems to care, including the pretend conservative Liberal Party.
Even the Liberals and believe it or not Labor under Keating once were concerned about the level of debt but it is no longer on the agenda.
Think about it as debt per person but then realise most people are not net wealth creators but too young, too old, in the public “service” and therefore net wealth consumers etc.. and that maybe no more than one in five are net wealth producers.
It’s difficult to see how it can be repaid but all factions of the Uniparty are now spending without constraint and simply don’t care.
Assuming Australia’s population is 25 million, then the debt load for each man, woman and child, if we can still use those terms is near $72,000.
So: various management entities, Governments, have borrowed that on our behalf and also of our children and grandchildren.
It’s not hard to see why the gold standard was removed and why another bout of Quantitative Easing is just around the corner. The whole world needs more inflation to get past this.
Deceit and human ugliness have no bounds.
The Gold Standard only worked where Feral Guv’ments had balanced Budgets. So there is your answer. You cannot fix the price of Gold where there are deficits galore.
No no, the gold standard MAKES Govts balance their budgets. You cannot have deficits galore when the price of gold is fixed & redeemable!
If we only had gold & silver coins as money there would be no ‘inventing’ money to borrow, Govts could only spend what they took in taxes plus what they borrowed from someone as hard bullion. ‘Money’ would be what it cost to dig up more gold & silver world-wide. For hundreds of years there was no inflation, its a modern invention relying on the use of paper.
We won’t ‘get past’ this inflation until we tear down this stupid system of Govt. Every dollar the Govt issues adds to it, until we are printing million-dollar bills to buy bread. Eventually they issue new currency and one new dollar is worth a million old $AU, its been done in all the banana republics and now the West is joining them. The average person gets screwed every time!
It seems war is always the answer, Keynes’ broken window stupidity, destroy all the wealth and have people working their butts off to rebuild the country afterwards.
We would be no worse off if anyone could issue currency, banks, shops, businesses, individuals. You’d lose every time some currency fell, gain every time another rose, but a free market in currency used to exist in Australia and it is vaguely visible in modern exchange rates. A Woolworths dollar or a Westpac dollar? An Australian Govt dollar.. pfft! No thanks.
It didn’t work to make Feral Guv’ments balance their Budgets.
The USA in the 1960’s is the prime example.
The USA ran Budget deficits owing to trying to pay for Guns and Butter (Vietnam War and Social Programmes). Trying to fix the price of Gold didn’t work and couldn’t with all of the money expansion. And then there were the Trade deficits. The Gold drain from the USA (to pay for the Trade deficits) was so acute that Tricky Dicky Nixon took the USA off the Gold Standard in August 1971.
Since then the World has had floating Exchange rates and the price of Gold was unleashed.
Yes, but only if you accept SNAFU.
As KP says, the idea is to spend No More than is covered by gold.
Of course, the rules get bent but it’s easier to identify theft.
I’m not sure we need a gold standard.
What we do need is to stop commercial banks inflating the money supply (through lending to asset buyers) in excess of what would be justified — due to population growth and productivity gains — to keep prices stable.
That should be the job of central banks, but they would rather ignore asset price bubbles, and instead try to dupe the public that inflation is under control because a manipulated number like the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is low.
Maybe it it is time we asked the politicians running at the next election if it is their policy to incur debt on behalf of the electors. If so, how do they intend to repay it before the following election?
We do have the Gold Standard. At least Dan Andrews said we do when he described Victoria’s covid tracing.
Your error here is thinking that it ever has to reduce – repayment is just a matter of rolling it over – to the Resave Bank if necessary. Nearly all of that debt is denominated in AUDs. The Federal Government can create this money at zero cost. About half the government debt is owed to Australians through super funds, pension funds and bank accounts etc. So servicing the government debt goes into Australian bank accounts. Japan and UK are the largest holders of Australian debt outside of Australia.
The issue is not one of it being repaid but rather the inflationary impact. And that is well recognised.
Both the last LNP and current Labor parties have refused to bail out Victoria. So they HAVE drawn a line. The most obvious consequence was Victoria cancelling the Commonwealth Games. But I expect Dan.s “retirement” smells a bit like John Cain’s debt legacy. But there are no more power stations to sell. So Dan’s legacy will be a grinding down of Victorian businesses and householders trying to reduce the State debt burden. States do not create money and it would be irresponsible for the Federal Government to bail out any State Government run by religious lunatics.
There is no intention by any government of paying off their debts, and that’s the driver of the looming great reset.
The USA is incapable of even meeting interest payments.
Defaulting or resetting are the only options and a silly gold standard won’t help.
There is bipartisan agreement in the US to get deeper into debt, so at some point they will have to lose Reserve Currency status.
“at some point they will have to lose Reserve Currency status.”
The BRICS are working on that..
JC you don’t understand a gold standard. You have gold as the currency, in free circulation, added to by those who dig it up. If the Govt want to issue paper notes saying they are worth 1/2000OZ of gold, that’s fine, so long as you can go to a bank and get gold coin in exchange. If you can’t redeem it, the piece of paper is worthless.
As usual, our completely corrupt wimps for politicians let Nixon get away with repudiating America’s debt because no-one was willing to seize American assets, ban Nixon and all congress from travel, and do all the things they are currently doing to Russia. In actual fact, Russia’s actions are nothing compared to the Yanks when they refused to redeem gold, it has screwed every hard-working person in the world ever since.
We don’t need a reset, or a one world Govt, we need gold as coinage.
I agree. Around 70% of the US Sovereign Debt is capitalised interest. There has never been any intent to repay the debt. The debt can only be rolled over so many times until the music stops. And then the Game is over. Default is next.
How about we get rid of central banks. They issue unlimited amounts of money at INTEREST. Why don’t Government print their own money at NO INTEREST? A no-brainer I would have thought. Keep your eyes on Argentina.
Now the Jasper depression is pulling moisture from the west, from over Indonesia. SOI is growing strongly.×pan=24hrs&anim=html5
Lostralia – best of both worlds:
As ex-TC Jasper fell apart in far north Queensland (ABC reported a “tree fallen over in Mossman”) a similar 999 low down Tasmania way induced a -2.3C windchill on Mt Wellington (c/- BoM). No matter which way ya look at it, yer dooooom’d!
Must check notes before posting:
“A tree was knocked down on Macrossan Street in Port Douglas on Wednesday.” ABC
Whatever, we’re doomed! 🤣
I was in Hobart back in 2010 or so, in winter, bushwalking, in my usual shorts and tshirt, starting from Dynnyrne reserve, up through Fern Tree, up the ice covered zig zag track, right up to the top, then walked back down the road, a 3 hour+ round trip. It was -19C windchill factor with 100 km/h winds(reported on the news), ice stalagtites hanging off the tv tower fence, and everyone else rugged up like polar explorers having driven there in toasty warm cars. Pussies.
-2C is a summer’s day and not even remotely “climate change”.
It also shows the body’s tolerance of extreme climates, with a little effort.
If a Tree fell in Mossman would anybody notice?
Irene its the top end wet season, so nothing unusual, but they are watching Jasper closely to see if it reforms into a TC over the Gulf.
Yes, it’s the rainy season in the north. Ireneus, Irek for short. Greetings.
“Australia’s childhood vaccination rates have fallen for the second consecutive year, in a trend that concerned public health experts believe is linked to shortages in bulk-billing GPs and increased distrust in vaccines.”
Its hardly noticeable, the under 5-yr-olds getting their dozen needles down 1.4%, and girls (and boys) getting HPV vaccines down about the same. They blame lack of access to doctors and a slight vaccine hesitancy from those dirty hippies in NSW North coast.
Of course they carefully avoid ANY mention of Covid booster uptake currently..
More propaganda at –
Climate Crazies Wage Coordinated Attacks on Christmas Trees in Seven Cities in Germany
No electricity in many parts of Victoria overnight and today. Some locations are still without electricity and the restoration time is projected to be 8pm tonight. That’s 24 hours. Add another 10,000 km of wires and towers to attract lightning and having no electricity will be the new normal every time we get a storm.
Make it 3 days, and that’ll be life on renewables.
Just a taste now.
Wakeup coming…
Residents at Leneva 3690 in N.E. Victoria have been advised that the restoration time is now 1am Friday Morning……30 hours with no power.
This is what you get when you build a national electricity grid that relies on the weather.
This encourages more people to make their own and thereby spread the ever expanding cost of grid power over fewer consumers.
” NSW Energy Minister Penny Sharpe said the government had enacted a Government Energy Action Response Protocol, which involved agencies and major utilities minimising energy use.
The minister also called for households to defer non-essential electricity consumption. ”
“The minister said the government had also spoken with water utilities to defer pumping in order to reduce strain on the electricity grid.
She said one unit was down at one of the state’s power stations, which puts further strain on the system, but would not specify where that was. ”
The danger period is 5 pm to 9 pm. Whoda thort.
Dave B
‘What a farce’: NSW residents told to ration electricity
whats the point of rationing electricity if the wires are broken??? or are they???
AusNet states –
“Storm and lightning activity has caused significant power outages on our network. Our crews are working to repair the damage and get the power back on as quickly and safely as possible. Keep checking your incident for the latest updates.”
So there you have it. Nothing to do with a poorly designed Electricity Grid trying to run on the Sun and the Wind. LOL.
Channel 1 unveils groundbreaking AI-driven news network set to launch next year.
In a recently released demo episode on its website and streaming service X, Channel 1 showcased the capabilities of its AI avatars. These virtual anchors and reporters present news stories using a combination of real and generated clips, creating a seamless and visually compelling news experience. The startup aims to redefine traditional news channels by incorporating AI into the editorial process, selecting and presenting stories in part through artificial intelligence.
Video intro:
Will we see the “we must save the children” stories as local current affairs shows have been very emotional about recently, while refusing to investigate and report on child harm from vaxxes and “rainbow indoctrination”?
Will we see AI presenters in tears?
Will AI tell the reality for once?
Speech by Mr Agustín Carstens, General Manager of the BIS [Bank for International Settlements], at the BIS Innovation Hub-Financial Stability Institute conference on legal aspects of central bank digital currencies, Basel, Switzerland, 27 September 2023.
An excerpt:
According to a CPMI survey, in 2022 93% of central banks were engaged in some form of CBDC work. Of these, more than half were running concrete experiments or working on pilots.
Hmmmm, I can think of one ‘socialist’ country in which this definitely will be the case, given the control over ordinary people (but only ordinary people) that programmable currencies would provide to the predator class. NOTE: I am using ‘socialist’ in its modern context, meaning that it describes countries in which speech is not protected, authoritarian abuses against citizens go unpunished, governments and institutions are not accountable, citizens have no recourse against bad actors and bad policy, and democracy exists in name only.
Ah, you’re talking about Aussie then… Well, any country in the West really, free speech is no longer, Police beating up protestors go unpunished, Govts don’t give a shit what the people think, we have no way of sorting out the bureaucracy and there is no difference between the party in power and the opposition.
I’m hoping people will work around Govts more and more, rather than bow to them. Use private digital currencies rather than Govt ones.
How many peer reviewed research papers have been removed from the system in 2023 ? According to this only 10,000 !
Well if you read down a bit in your article it becomes clear that there is a dodgy outlier that produced the bulk of those.
The next few paragraphs explain this further. If you search the net for articles on Hindawi you’ll find a very shady world of publication that has nothing to do with the peer review process or of acceptable academic standards.
“Peer review process or of acceptable academic standards” – name me a reputable peer review platform that is so holy !
So 8000 of these are dodgy does that mean the other 2000 are equally as dodgy , because if so that is a scandal in itself .
NOt really. You are just inserting your belief as to why they were withdrawn.
Having said that, there is an upward trend in the last decade of the number withdrawn per publication and the reasons for that need to be analysed and acted upon.
Globalists on a Mission: Turn Americans Against Each Other Before a Foreign Power Is Called In To Finish the Job
Obama’s new Hollywood movie is very instructive: They are telling us their plans.
You may ask, why are they so intent on destruction if they already control everything?
Because most people around the world still have the perception of America being a beacon of individual freedom and prosperity living under a constitutional republic. Look at how the masses flock to the U.S. southern border in hopes of being granted asylum. That is an idea that must be crushed and driven out of the minds of billions of people. To accomplish that, the globalists must destroy the biggest remaining symbol of individual freedom — America.
Higher Ground Productions, a Hollywood production company funded in 2018 by Barack and Michelle Obama, released a new Netflix movie on Friday, December 8, called Leave the World Behind, starring Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke. It’s very instructive. America, portrayed in the film as horribly divided by political, religious, racial and cultural issues, gets hit out of the blue by a major cyber attack. Embedded in this movie is tons of symbolism including three shots of the number 6 in the opening scene. As society disintegrates, there is no government to the rescue. Everyone is on their own. The overall theme of the film seems to be a seeting hatred for humanity. “We are all so awful,” Julia Roberts’ character exclaims. We are awful to each other. We are awful to the planet. Maybe it’s best if we just all kill each other? That’s what I hear this movie whispering into the public consciousness.
I actually watched the film last night, and thought is was stereotyped and predictable, with poor dramatisation of how such an event would actually manifest. Unimpressed, but being Netflix and an Obumma production I had low expectations to start with, and I rate it a C+, but I did enjoy the highway full of new auto-pilot Teslas crashing into each other.😁
What a coincidence! 😆😆
Tesla issues massive recall of more than 2 million vehicles over autopilot safety concerns
Tesla is recalling more than 2 million of its vehicles, nearly all its cars on the road in the U.S., after an investigation found its autopilot safety system was “not sufficient to prevent driver misuse.”
The recall includes the 2012-2023 Model S, 2016-2023 Model X, 2017-2023 Model 3 and 2020-2023 Model Y equipped with Autosteer, a feature Tesla describes as “traffic-aware cruise control.”
“In certain circumstances when Autosteer is engaged, the prominence and scope of the feature’s controls may not be sufficient to prevent driver misuse,” the recall notice said
Watch the film to understand.
I heard a radio advertisement today for a new funeral service in my area – “an exciting new experience”.
Never to be repeated, maybe?
Funeral jokes anyone?
Being cremated is my last hope for a smokin’ hot body.
Old people at weddings always poke me and say, “You’re next!”
So I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
I hate going to funerals because I’m not a mourning person.
I saw an ad for burial plots, and thought to myself this is the last thing I need.
Why are there walls around cemeteries,
it’s silly beyond a doubt.
The people outside don’t want to get in,
and the people inside can’t get out!
– Benny Hill
/mods on standby 😎
I swear it is true.
After a friend described the beautiful “send-off” of her friend, I decided to follow the example (body donation for medical research) and contacted our Uni.
It was not hard, I filled some form, got right signatures, sent it over to the Uni and received the letter of thanks from them.
The very next day another letter comes with: thanks but no, thanks – due to Covid restrictions we can not take your body… My bad lack…
Months later, I was just being prepared for major operation, better news arrive – the quarantine is over, the Uni started their body carving practices again, everyone is welcomed back.
That is what good customer service is!
So much for a green EV future
Interesting story – a Canadian Hyundai Ioniq owner paid $55k for the car but was quoted $60k to replace the battery.
Throw the car away…and the old battery…and save the planet.
‘The Great Taking’ Documentary Exposes ‘The Greatest Crime Ever Contemplated’
In “The Great Taking” documentary now airing on CHD.TV, former hedge fund manager David Webb takes the audience step by step through his forensic investigation into the legal, financial and regulatory changes that have set up “the greatest crime ever contemplated … the planned confiscation of everyone’s global securities assets.”
Watch directly:
Doctors invent new way to 3D print inside the body
A team of researchers at Duke University and Harvard Medical School say they’ve developed a new way to 3D print inside the human body, by sending ultrasound waves at an injectable biocompatible ink.
As detailed in a new paper published in the journal Science, the team’s research builds on a previously developed photo-sensitive ink that hardens when exposed to beams of light, allowing scientists to slowly build up intricate biomedical structures.
But light can only penetrate a few millimeters into a given patient’s tissue, according to a statement about the research. Soundwaves, however, can penetrate much farther.
The new process, dubbed “deep-penetrating acoustic volumetric printing” (DVAP) could take the concept even further, allowing scientists to repair bones or even fix malfunctioning heart valves — while foregoing the need for invasive open surgery altogether.
“DVAP relies on the sono-thermal effect, which occurs when soundwaves are absorbed and increase the temperature to harden our ink,” said coauthor and Duke biomedical engineering associate professor Junjie Yao in the statement.
Now, that’s interesting.
I did have a look through the past few days unthreaded but didn’t see anything there – have y’all heard about the ‘Call for Submissions and Evidence to the COVID-19 Response Inquiry. Very quietly released from the ‘most transparent government ever’ – about the same time as the other submissions that they’re calling for (ahem, drowning us in) that they will never read. But it closes tomorrow and I thought a number of the brains trust here on this site might be interested in having their two cents in. I will be. I know Jo had a post up not to long ago about the key things to focus on and not get distracted by PCR tests but I’m still looking for it, so if anyone knows where it is a quick point in that direction would be amazing. Thanks. Heres the link:
Found the response, it was in this thread:
Useless: Electric Buses Can’t Cope With The Cold
Cyberfraud warning to all
This has been overseas until now, but is here in Oz( ACA tonight).
You may get SMS notices supposedly from your financial institution, having their legitimate phone # in it, claiming some form of security incident has happened to your account.
DO NOT click any link or call the supplied phone #.
Go in to your financial institution in person, even if it’s a day or 2 later to query the SMS validity.
Any unauthorised transaction is the institution’s problem.
Once you click a link or return a call, it’s yours.
It’s amazing that the un-named institutions STILL don’t have safeguards in place, and you’d do well to swap if that describes yours.
With mine, any transaction over $1k generates a 2FA SMS confirmation, EVEN if I initiated the transaction, and it’s been that way for 10 years.
It’s not possible for a scammer to clear out your account!
So, WHY aren’t the offending institutions using the same system?
CHECK with your institution as to your liability…
Italian Health Minister Under Investigation for Murder for Concealing COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths
“Former Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza is under investigation for homicide after emails reveal that from the very start of the vaccinations, he knew the shots were killing people and gave orders to local health authorities to conceal deaths and serious side effects in order to reassure Italian citizens of their safety and to not jeopardize the vaccination campaign,”
These staggering accusations were been reported on by both German and Italian news networks.
The tide has turned, the crimes exposed.
Let the global prosecutions for mass murder begin.
Do I see a mass exodus of lockdown and vaxx happy pollies and health experts?
Too late.😉
Is it too soon to be cheering?
It seems the charges have been dropped, pity.
After the passage of the tropical storm, the surface temperature of the Coral Sea dropped a lot. Corals can be satisfied.
It WAS a cyclone and only those who have never experienced one would dismiss it in such cavalier fashion. Every cyclone that crosses the coast blows on someone’s head and you don’t need to have your house blown away to have a bad day.
If you wish to make the case that BOM and the news agencies partook in unconscionable fear mongering, I’ll join you. That is what they do.
Wu Flu: Smoking Gun: German Professor in the German Parliament Explains All!
Good one.
Hope his audience acts on his presentation.
Men accused of killing 3,600 birds.
From the notoriously neutral BBC, which has its own Ministry of Truth, ‘Verify’.
“The conspiracy and trafficking charges carry maximum prison sentences of five years, and violations of the Eagle Protection Act are punishable by a year in prison, plus fines.”
If you use a gun …. but not if you use a windmill.
And the men in the story appear not to be anointed holymen from the Church of Big Wind . . .
They will go down.
On a lighter note:
Belgian Malinois With Insane Skateboarding Skills
How about we get rid of central banks. They issue unlimited amounts of money at INTEREST. Why don’t Government print their own money at NO INTEREST? A no-brainer, I would have thought. Keep your eyes on Argentina.