A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Fun news from the imaginary world of electric big rigs.
Yet another con job, no wonder the investment in green tech is drying up. There plans are turning to dust
Talking of con jobs, the Albanese Goverment inclue $2 billion in the budget to promote the “Hydrogen Economy” and provide taxpayer handouts to the likes of Twiggy Forrest whose latest crusade is against “Lethal Humidity”.
When fact is stranger than fiction.
Scary stuff indeed.
Back in the day, much of the world who lived in tropical regions survived humidity perfectly OK.
But now “The Science”(TM) has been altered.
Goolag “human tolerance of humidity” without quote marks to learn just how “lethal” (sic) humidity has become. Better tell that to the 40% of the world’s population who live in the tropics. Somebody forgot to tell them to die
Those poor Swedes – how many must be dropping dead as they laddle some water on the hot rocks in their saunas!
Saunas are small rooms that are heated to temperatures between 150°F and 195°F (65°C to 90°C).
In a sauna, the level of humidity should be between 5-10%, rising briefly only after water is poured over the hot stones. In a sanarium, humidity is between 40 and 55 %, whilst in a steam bath, it is generally 100%.
A sanarium can be described as a “gentle” low-temperature sauna with approx. 50% humidity and temperatures around 60° C
Humidity is measured by a hygrometer.
I see a reprehensible con man who will try to scare the wits out of poor ignorant souls (academics) for more money,power and influence. Trough snouters like this need to pull their heads in. I have the greatest respect for Gina Rinehart who largely keeps her views to herself.
That’s usually called heat stroke.
I’ve lived in the humid tropics for over 75 yrs. I dislike the dry inland heat. If sweat drips off your nose, that’s no big deal.
Scary stuff indeed.
Back in the day, much of the world who lived in tropical regions survived humidity perfectly OK.
But now “The Science”(TM) has been altered.
Goolag “human tolerance of humidity” without quote marks to learn just how “lethal” (sic) humidity has become. Better tell that to the 40% of the world’s population who live in the tropics. Somebody forgot to tell them to die
Gravity – hmm, gives me an idea…
Consensus Scientism discovers gravity causes 97% of Copastrophic Changey Climate (CCC) therefore World Govt must introduce G.S.T. (Gravity Sucks Tax) within 10 years to save the planet [for ourselves]. 66.6% GST sounds equitable.
Just Stop Gravity NOW!
Attempting to control the climate is right up there with attempting to control earthquakes and volcanoes!
I was in Newcastle for the 1989 quake.
But never let a chance go by (from the Newcastle Song – link) to blame coal!!!
The magnitude 5.6 quake that struck Newcastle, in New South Wales, on December 28, 1989, killed 13 people, injured 160, and caused 3.5 billion U.S. dollars worth of damage. That quake was triggered by changes in tectonic forces caused by 200 years of underground coal mining, according to a study by Christian D.
My mother came from Newcastle and was told by her father that certain parts were undermined. His repeated warnings (which I heard when he visited Sydney for a family gathering) was that a certain hill should never be build on. So it became the ‘rich suburb’ with big houses with views. Not sure how that turned out.
They did a stunt like that on Candid Camera about 65 years ago, must’ve got the idea off that.
“EV sales began to stall in the latter half of this year, a development that car executives attributed to electric models’ relatively high prices.”
This is the sub-title of an article in the WSJ for Dec 27.
Auto executives and related authorities remain clueless.
When will they begin to notice that many people do not have a residential
situation that accommodates an EV or that such things are not fit-for-purpose.
If given one (that is – Zero cost to me), I would take it to the dealer
and ask for a regular all-wheel drive auto. It gets cold here, down
to -25°C (~ -15°F) and frequent snow. There are another dozen reasons, and cost isn’t one of them.
To the clueless executives: I can afford an EV, I don’t want one.
US annual EV sales have increased each year for three years but the annual rate of increase is just 0.8% of total sales. At that rate it will take over 50 years to hit 50% which is the Biden goal for 2030 just 6 years away. Utterly ridiculous.
Sales of used light vehicles in the United States came to around 38.6 million units in 2022. The same year, approximately 13.6 million new light trucks and automobiles were sold here.
The used car market in the USA (and Australia) is bigger than the new car market and most new car buyer will be trading in a used car when the buy a new one.
Tesla had a direct marketing model for new Teslas by-passing traditional car dealers – but what happens when existing Tesla owners want to trade in their Tesla before the battery warantee expires?
Traditional car dealers do not want EVs and they a pilling up on their lots unsold. 4000 wrote a letter to Joe Bidden to stop the EV roll out.
There is much more to play out here as Goverments have sought to mandate what type of cars people should buy when most people do not want something that is inferior to what they already have.
If you can “recharge” you ICE car in 5 minutes at petrol stations everywhere – who wants to want 40 minutes or more to recharge an EV at very limited recharging stations??
If you do have a garage under or as part of your house – this should be the last place where you would want to recharge your EV.
If the EV battery has a thermal runaway during recharging it will take down your home as well!!!
If someone gave me an airconditioned golf buggy I’d give him thanks, little more. It would get me to the local shops.
But then again, maybe not. Pointless.
Perhaps not when the local shops are more than 20 km away?
I said if they offered it to me. I do not know you so wasn’t speaking on your behalf. Why did you assume I was?
Germany’s Blackout News here reports on how Germany’s move into renewable energies has gone from “a boom to crisis”.
That smile of this guy looks like “I got you!” – Pure Schadenfreude !
Dr John Campbell’s latest video.
He looks at the ongoing tragedy of excess deaths due to covid “vaccinations”.
At what point is someone in the medical profession, media or government going to wake up and do their job?
These deaths are undeniable.
None of the key people implicated in any way are EVER going to own up, nor are the similarly-guilty in the media and law going to pursue them. I reckon a real inquiry will only happen once those in charge are, like their victims, dead and buried.
All of Australia will go the way of W.A., and make resistance impossible under the guise of public health emergencies.
You will be dragged off by police at gunpoint if necessary and force injected with the magic potion of the day whether you protest or not.
How history repeats.
Can you believe this BS? “Theybies”.
Not entirely new, it’s been going on for a few years now, but the Leftoids are trying to raise “genderless” (sic) babies and then later let the child “decide” (sic) what its gender is.
This just another version of Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) — or Munchausen by proxy — is a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver through those who are in their care.
If you are born an XY male and you believe you are a female – you have a mental illness.
If you were born with and extra X chromosome then you might have a valid reason to believe than you are a female – however this is not the case
Klinefelter syndrome is a congenital (from birth) condition in which males are born with one or more extra X chromosomes. It is not inherited. Klinefelter’s syndrome is also know as XXY syndrome.
Klinefelter syndrome is common, affecting 1 in every 500 to 1000 males born in Australia each year. But most people with Klinefelter syndrome don’t know they have it and have never received treatment. That is they consider themselves to be male.
For those interested in radio comms, you can right now for the next half hour or so, listen to the Sydney-Hobart yacht race participants radio in their positions.
Use the online SDR (software defined radio), near Adelaide.
Select frequency 4483kKz, USB.
Isn’t it cancelled this year as the oceans have boiled away?
It’s now the Sydney Hobart mud run. 😉
We are led to believe that the good burghers of Beijing are huge consumers of EV’s, how have they performed in the -10 degree weather this week?
This article confirms problems for Ev’s in china in cold weather
The main comment is the extreme slowness in charging
A ridiculous risk assessment.
NERC ducks extreme cold grid threats
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) has released its “2023 Long-Term Reliability Assessment”, a 10-year-ahead look at threats to grid reliability. Not surprisingly, they see a lot of growing threats around the country. Unfortunately, they ignore the greatest threat of all, which is blackouts caused by extreme, deadly cold weather. They also have ridiculously low projections for renewables, which will crowd out reliable generation. The looming, destructive “energy transition” is not considered. NERC starts off well enough, recognizing the dual threats of renewables and extreme cold in general terms in the Executive Summary. Then, their detailed analysis ignores both.”
Lots of explanation follows in the article. Please share it.
NERC is afraid to confront the transition.
An oxymoron, surely.
Just as in Australia we are told (endlessly) that the unreliables are the most reliable of all electricity generation methods, even though my neighbour’s young children can see that is obviously not true (when we looked at windmills they said “but how do they make electricity when there’s no wind?, a story I have related here before).
Dubai’s $5 Billion Lunatic Megaproject – just when you thought it was safe to go outside…
Here’s an even more insane project (outside of Australia’s insane efforts on solar, wind and SH2).
The Saudis are building a 170km long linear city.
that’s 200m wide!!!
“I’m just popping out to that shop at the end of our road Luv. I’ll be back in six hours.”
Doesnt seem a lot crazier than what goes on 85km North and South of Sydney
Australia has its own $20 Billion Lunatic Megaproject is is called Snowy 2.0
The way the climate alarmists are interpreting unusual severe cold in one area is to claim it is counterbalanced by unusual severe heat in another area.
The anthropogenic global warming fraud, the gift that keeps on giving, and can be held responsible for just about anything.
I’m glad it’s warm around the equator because
-25C Arctic/North Pole
-55C Greenland Summit
-31C Antarctic/South Pole
Yet my Melbournestani niece tells me, “No, you’re actually wrong!” when I poke fun at her pet theory inspired by UN/IPCC/XR etc. Still waiting on ‘the warming’…
Wind produces the majority of English electricity.
How sustainable is that?
They are lucky the wind is blowing.
And when it stops, then what?
When the wind dies down they’re relying on gas and imports but there does seem to be a lot of wind offshore.
Their measure of success appears to be the Carbon Intensity graph second from the bottom of the page, but I notice there’s no GBP intensity graph.
Must cost a fortune to install, maintain, and replace those imported Chinese contraptions and their network of undersea cables.
How does it make “English electricity”?
On the covid front –
“A wildly significant little study — it’s actually just a case report — quietly popped up in the American Journal of Translational Research last month, titled “Successful treatment of new-onset diabetes mellitus and IgA nephropathy after COVID-19 vaccination: a case report.” It offers substantial hope to vaccine injured folks, far beyond its plain meaning.”
“In this case report, the researchers described a 56-year-old man who spontaneously developed atypical, adult-onset Type 2 diabetes three months after his third jab. Significantly, he had no “genetic predisposition” to diabetes, and he never had covid:
The patient was never infected with COVID-19. He had no known COVID-19 exposures and did not experience flu-like illness throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. He had no family history of kidney disease.
The introduction’s first three sentences showed amazing progress. Apparently researchers can now get published without having to idolize the jabs at all. Well, they still have to say the shots were important, but look how matter of fact the language has become:
COVID-19 vaccine has been administered in almost all countries as a critical measure used to control the pandemic. However, COVID-19 vaccination-related glomerular (kidney) diseases have become a new concern. Both the mRNA vaccine and the inactivated vaccine can cause new-onset and relapsing glomerular (kidney) disease. These diseases typically occur after the first or second dose of vaccination.
Haha. So much for “safe and effective.” The researchers stated as an obvious fact that the mRNA vaccine can cause new-onset (and relapsed) kidney disease. They didn’t even squawk it was “rare.” (They even said typically occur awfully close to the word disease.) They ignored the drooling idiots infecting the useless CDC and captured FDA, neither of which apparently has the slightest idea at all that mRNA vaccines can cause kidney diseases. Lalalalala we can’t hear you.”
More at
Bill Gates is trying to introduce his beloved global digital ID in Kenya but the people are resisting.
I’m guessing he will move to introduce it to the more gullible and dictatorial governments such as Australia’s, with a lunatic Leftist Government who loves this stuff.
I just call ’em all GULLS.
Just short for gullibles.
The GULLS who believe in renewables, the GULLS who think men can have babies (lower pelvic opening is 90° rather than 120° in real women, so have fun), flat Earthers etc.
“Ivermectin causes Cimex lectularius (bedbug) morbidity and mortality”
“Background: Bedbug infestations are increasing across North America and Europe, with more people presenting to Emergency Departments for treatment. Physicians cannot provide substantive treatment for people affected by bedbugs.
Study objective: To determine if ivermectin, a relatively inexpensive and safe, long-acting oral anti-parasitic drug is able to cause bedbug morbidity and mortality.”
Via a comment at Chiefio
More at
Infectious Disease Scientists Hoodwinked DOD On Chinese Gain-of-Function Research
“The Arrogant Error Of Sanctions”
A saying way back in BC was “Heads for thinking, feet for tap dancing”
New year’s sales coming.
For sale: Australian state premiers.
Only used once by WEF. No further use.
High sociopathic and anti-science natures; suit aspiring totalitarian regime.
Discount for China, EU, Canada and NK.
Use coupon code TRAITOR at checkout.
Some psychological damage and burnout but still usable.
Suit part time work.
Newer units available soon.
/sarcasm if it wasn’t true.
Millimation- The act of killing 1 per thousand – c.f. ‘Vid jabbz. Our society is broken when we have >500 excess deaths a day in Australia and the media focuses on sleazy “Rape” cases.
“Russia more honest than our North American media
School textbooks say Trump lost in RIGGED election “
Two beers for lunch is okay at this time of year isn’t it? (no food)
Watching cricket after all. That ball to remove Travis Head was pretty much perfection.
Is down?
I keep getting a “DNS address could not be found”
Anyone else?
It’s official: “Humans fueling global warming by breathing”.
Thursday, 28 December 2023
This what I got on the link
updated for me just now OK
Couldn’t get it on any device in any browser.
Switched off my VPN and got through.
He must have revised his permissions.
The powerhouse of Europe is throwing in the towel.
‘Ecosexual’ Woman Claims She Is in an ‘Erotic’ Relationship with a Tree
The woman, Sonja Semyonova, 45, claims she connected with the tree during her lonely, solo walks in the summer of 2021. Those walks began in 2020, during the coronavirus pandemic. It was the same year that she moved to Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.
“I was walking a path near the tree five days a week for the whole winter. I noticed a connection with the tree,” she said, explaining that she had been “craving that rush of erotic energy that comes when you meet a new partner, and that is not sustainable.”
“The presence I feel with the tree is what I’m looking for, but that’s a fantasy with a person,” she said, further describing her experience with the tree.
Another gender confused nutjob.
Jokes about wood on the honeymoon are appropriate though. 😆
I hope that the tree’s gender, and preferred pronouns, are respected! The nuptials should be interesting!
No doubt it’s an evergreen!
!I talk to the trees, tra la,
That’s why they put me away…
H/t King Charles the Second!
Hope she has got something for Crutch Elm disease
Sadiq Khan Uses Mask Heavies to Intimidate Local Residents into ULEZ Compliance
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has hired a gang of masked-thugs to enforce the ULEZ scheme according to the mail online.
Homeowners in suburban London have reported that a ‘gang of heavies’ , masked-up and dress all in black, have begun turning up outside schools, council buildings and even private homes in an attempt to intimidate local residents. The sinister-looking ‘thugs’ have been employed by London Mayor Sadiq Khan to help enforce his hated Ultra Low Emissions Zone. They have also been seen recording passersby on body cameras, seemingly gathering evidence for future ‘crimes’ as residents try to go about their lawful business.
The Conservatives have said that this amounts to ’intimidation’ and promised they will scrap the Ulez expansion if they win the mayoral election next May.
TfL claim the guards are “necessary to protect Ulez cameras from the Blade Runners.” and are held to ‘high standards of professionalism”. Probably in much the same way STASI operatives were held to ‘high standards of professionalism’ in East Germany during the 1960s.
You vill obey ze rules or ve vill break your kneecaps.
Alex Newman: UN Goal to Destroy West with CO2 & Education Scams
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” is back from the recent so-called COP28 conference in Dubai, UAE.
Newman continues to report on the not-so-secret plan to destroy everything in America by pushing scams on the West in energy and education.
Let’s start with what Newman calls the “scam” of CO2 reduction. Newman explains, “The thing that really jumped out at me with this whole UN COP28 summit, my big take away . . . is they were talking about fazing (phasing 😉) out carbon emissions and fazing (phasing 😉) out fossil fuels, but that’s just for the suckers in the Western world.
That’s just the United States under Joe Biden. That’s just for European Union under their treacherous leaders. The communist Chinese, the Arab dictatorships, the Russians and all the different socialist kleptocracies, they were literally making oil deals at this summit.
That’s not my opinion, speculation or even exaggeration
We have the leaked documents showing the COP28 President, which was held by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) . . . that show they were plotting to make oil deals with Beijing. They were plotting to make oil deals with the Columbians.
They were plotting to do oil and gas deals off the coast of Africa. So, on the one hand, the Western media and the United Nations are telling Westerners that you need to dismantle your energy systems.
The west has to be taken down. Solar and wind for all the GULLS.
I have seen the light! It is so simple. Two little words that are a key to every question. This is so much more world changing than Plate Tectonics, or E=MC2. Origin of the Species, forget it. All you have to do, when any event arises, is close your eyes and say ‘Climate Change’, and your mind will explode in light, beaming into every darkened nook or cranny, connections will just appear, pop..pop…pop; the whole of existence will be laid at your feet, and you have 50/50 vision. The new religion is revealed. You have no hope of defeating it. The neo science of Climate Cringe is upon us.
This is why Rich People Hate Meat
Sounds like we’d better keep an eye out for things like this –
“Prepare to “BudLite” T-Mobile?”
Read carefully
Been hot here at Lat. 19 S. Looking in the backyard today the scrub turkeys were hiding under the trees and our friendly wallaby was picking the lawn in the shade. A good excuse not to mow it.
FWIW – deep weeds
“51 Days Later, Tucker Carlson Releases Interview With Julian Assange
December 22, 2023 | Sundance | 385 Comments”
I love the saying: Piss or get off the pot. It’s time the once Great Britain and soon to be not so great US showed us what they’ve got.
After all these years Assange is a non citizen [Australia must have lost record of his citizenship] for whom only a dying minority care. Julian who?
Britain, home of the Magna Carta and America who spelt it out in their constitution don’t give a damn.
“The Dublin Riot: A Harbinger of Things to Come?”
Beyond Meat financials
The UK Met was hoping for the warmest Xmas in history, but alas.