A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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More of the London EV Bus fire
Meanwhille in Victoria
Transit Systems introduced its hydrogen buses in London in January 2011.
It will be interesting to follow the Victorian trials.
Maybe hydrogen will be the winner.
In the early 1970s I gave a dissertation on the coming “Hydrogen Economy” as part of my Chemical Engineering degree. My professor who had previously had a career in the fossil fuel industry was not impressed.
5o years on and the “Hydrogen Economy” is still coming!
More on the Hydrogen Buses – with Toyota involved (who are EV sceptics) these trials shoulld be followed closely – SA and Tasmania are also running trials
You have to wonder what they are trialling if the hydrogen bus technology is over a decade old in other places. Wouldnt is either be a solved problem or a known problem?
Hang on! They’re NOT ‘hydrogen buses’ carrying around a tank full of hydrogen to be burnt in a combustion motor, they are ‘fuel cell’ buses. This is like calling CO2 ‘Carbon’… Its certainly more complicated than hooking a hydrogen tank up to your car like LPG. Certainly with a tank of H2 at 10,000psi!!
So, do you want to travel on a diesel bus where a crash means the diesel flows down the drain and kills all the frogs? ..or an electric bus where a crash means the battery explodes and incinerates the passengers?? …or a fuel cell bus where a crash means the 10,000psi cylinder of the world’s most inflammable substance goes up?!
Get back to me when they are using liquid fuels in fuel calls, then they will be useful. Until then we need a whole new infrastructure that produces and transports and stores hydrogen, on top of the massive energy infrastructure needed to produce it to start with… The whole thing about oil is that it takes no energy to make it, all these battery cars and fuel cell alternatives seem to need a crippling amount of infrastructure behind them just to get the fuel.
I wonder whether buses fuelled by natural gas would be cleaner than diesel and safer than hydrogen.
Technology is already available.
Hydrogen buses were trialled in Perth WA from 2001 to 2005. The successful trial was ended because
Hydrogen produced from crude oil and then transported some distance to a refuelling point made the operational costs about the same as for diesel or CNG fuelled buses; however costs could have been reduced by using hydrogen produced by renewable energy as in 6 of the other 11 international trials.
Technology changes to the design of the buses such as electric motors in the wheel hubs, rather than a single drive electric motor with an automatic transmission, use of regenerative braking and electronic controls etc, would give greater efficiency.
The cost of a fuel delivery system for just 3 buses was high and a substantial fleet of hydrogen fuelled buses would be needed to reduce the cost per vehicle.
Crude oil ?… i thought hydrogen was produced from steam reformed gas?
Who is producing hydrogen from renewable energy ?, ..and how much, ? , at what cost ?
Trudeau back giving WHO power to enforce climate lockdowns
Lets see what happens next as Iran’s proxies can’t disrupt the Route via which 40% of the worlds shipping sails, with impunity
How is this playing in Oz, as although you didn’t use any planes you were involved in the command structure.
We are awaiting delivery of our nuclear submarines due in 2040.
And before that we have to find the energy to build our weapons with.
Oh, and there is the matter of skilled workers to do the work.
But only 8 years until das gubermint collapses…
Maybe if we run very long extension leads from the nuclear subs…
Ok, that’s silly but the green nutjobs started it!
For most its very distant news. Although I did see a bizzare article on (par for the course many would say) that bizzarely links this action to the housing market in Australia. The main clickbait headline was “house price fears after shock airstrike)
Fear away oh buyers of ridiculously over valued Australian property.
The lemmings just can’t see the upcoming cliff…
Kicked the hornet nest it seems.
The West doing what it does best… declaring war with all its ‘super-weapons’ on AK47-weilding third worlders… I love how they always use “precision strikes” while they tell us Russia bombs apartment blocks indiscriminately!
So, how many oil tankers and container carriers have been sunk this week by the Houthis?? ..or are we just getting rid of out-of-date ammunition and giving ‘our boys’ something to practice on?? Killing all those people still won’t stop them out-breeding us.
Precisely, and although US funds to Zelensky have thankfully dropped to zero, Sunak is propping it up at the expense of British citizens.
Meanwhile all eyes on Iran.
“I before E except after C”. It is supposed to help spell correctly but there are many words that don’t follow that rule. However wielding is not one of them
Last year France banned internal flights where there was an alternative by train. This seeks to examine real world comparisons
They always assume everyone lives in the city concerned and want to end up in the city they fly or train to when journeys are often more complex.
I am hoping to go to the Nice and Menton Lemon festival (yes really) in March. Getting there by train is my preference but almost impossible and impractical. How long before flights are banned under the WHO climate lockdown (see my post above)
Enjoy the festival, at both locations, I prefer Menton that I know well as I lived there for more than a year, some decades ago 😀
Those shaking their heads at my mention of the Menton lemon festival can see details here
I went to both festivals back in 2019. As Krishna says, the Menton festival is best but Nice is a very convenient place to stay. We have a hotel along the Promenade Des Anglais which is a couple of miles from Nice Airport, reached directly by a new Tram.
After a meeting in Brussels , I returned to then home base in Lausanne with a visiting Oz colleague, so he could see a bit more than just another airport. The rest of the group flew , which still included a short Geneva>Lausanne train trip. We changed to the TGV from Paris.
They beat us to the hotel by a hour, but we had more fun.
Wind Energy blown out of the water
Generation of green energy must be analyzed in a broad environmental context.
Increase of green energy production by 1% causes 0.18% depletion of Rare Earth Elements reserves.
Growth of green energy production by 1% leads to 0.90% growth of GHG emissions.
Mining of known REEs deposits is not sufficient to ensure sustainable development.
I agree that we need to look at green issues generally, in context.
Enormous environmental damage from mining. Mining and processing often done by child or coerced labour. Solar panels mostly made using coal energy. Huge environmental damage due to pylons, wind turbines and vast fields of solar panels. Replacement of an established energy system-fossil fuels and the grid-by vastly inferior and expensive energy systems.
The list goes on, but ultimately the biggest factor is that there are not enough rare earths and copper in the world. Its all laid out in great detail in the Book “Dark Cloud”.
This quote is attributed to Joseph Stalin, Josef Goebbels and assorted other tyrants: “He who controls the language rules the world.”.
The term “Green Energy” should be avoided – there is nothing “green” about expensive, unreliable, weather-dependent wind and solar power.
This was sent to me by a friend; mostly (completely?) applies to the US (I live in Wyoming), but I can see parallels in at least several Western ‘democracies’:
“Men, like nations, think they’re eternal. What man in his 20s or 30s doesn’t believe, at least subconsciously, that he’ll live forever? In the springtime of youth, an endless summer beckons. As you pass 70, it’s harder to hide from reality…. as you lose friends and relatives.
Nations also have seasons: Imagine a Roman of the 2nd century contemplating an empire that stretched from Britain to the Near East, thinking: This will endure forever…. Forever was about 500 years, give or take…. not bad but gone!!
France was pivotal in the 17th and 18th centuries; now the land of Charles Martel is on its way to becoming part of the Muslim ummah.
In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the sun never set on the British empire; now Albion exists in perpetual twilight. Its 96-year-old sovereign is a fitting symbol for a nation in terminal decline.
In the 1980s, Japan seemed poised to buy the world. Business schools taught Japanese management techniques. Today, its birth rate is so low and its population aging so rapidly that an industry has sprung up to remove the remains of elderly Japanese who die alone.
I was born in 1945, almost at the midpoint of the 20th century – the American century. America’s prestige and influence were never greater. Thanks to the ‘Greatest Generation,’ we won a World War fought throughout most of Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. We reduced Germany to rubble and put the rising sun to bed It set the stage for almost half a century of unprecedented prosperity.
We stopped the spread of communism in Europe and Asia and fought international terrorism. We rebuilt our enemies and lavished foreign aid on much of the world. We built skyscrapers and rockets to the moon. We conquered Polio and now COVID. We explored the mysteries of the Universe and the wonders of DNA…the blueprint of life.
[SNIP, a search suggests this is written by Don Feder in Frontpage Magazine, read it all here: — Jo]
In AD 69 Rome had four emperors. Rather than heralding final decay, the best of the Empire was yet to come and when it fell its Eastern empire continued for another 1000 years, perhaps highlighting that things can evolve and be as successful as the original, but that as George Harrison wrote “All things must Pass.”
As Tacitus the Roman Historian wrote ” Great empires are not maintained by timidity.”
We have had hegemony by the West in the form of the Greeks, the Romans, Byzantine, Austro Hungarian Empire, the British Empire and the American Empire. The West is now weak, Timid and riddled by those who want to bring it down, not only by its enemies, but those who are part of the West and hate its achievements.
The West needs to evolve, otherwise we will be overwhelmed by what the Romans called Barbarians-basically anyone who wanted to destroy their way of life. Our Own people do not seem to see the threat from Russia, China, Iran and others who seek to undermine us, helped by many of our own citizens, who don’t see that the alternative is not appealing.
All of Which gives me an opportunity to quote one of my favourite poems-Ozymandias by Shelley, writing of the passing of Empires;
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
I wonder if “Planet of the Apes” borrowed from this image, When they showed the remains of the Statue of Liberty?
“The West needs to evolve, otherwise we will be overwhelmed by what the Romans called Barbarians-basically anyone who wanted to destroy their way of life. Our Own people do not seem to see the threat from Russia, ”
Russia is your only hope of saving the West! While we sink a sea of wokeness, queerness and children’s sexual mutilation they are standing firm on the values we had 40years ago. Their immigration policy won’t see them overwhelmed by foreigners, their ideas of “first Nations” won’t see them handing power to some stone-age mob, and their ideas on the UN and WHO won’t see them letting a one-world Govt take over via their mass bureaucracy. They won’t destroy their economy and their children’s futures by throwing money away on solar and wind power, and I can’t see them converting to electric cars.
They certainly won’t be destroyed by being a American ally as the Yanks attack everyone in the world that they can’t subdue.
There are millions of great Americans, some of whom comment here. I, for one, find your comment offensive.
He is referring to the US government, not the people, the people are not the ones starting wars.
Offended little comments section, need a shoulder to cry on?
“Their immigration policy won’t see them overwhelmed by foreigners, their ideas of “first Nations” won’t see them handing power to some stone-age mob,”
I am surprised that your comment was allowed through moderation.
It is generally agreed by those who study historic human movements that Aboriginal Australians diverged from Papuans some 37,000 years ago, before the Australian land mass separated from New Guinea roughly 10,000 years ago. The findings indicated their ancestors had diverged from Eurasians 57,000 years ago, following a single exodus from Africa around 75,000 years ago.
There are anthropological theories that are very, very different from that.
“There are anthropological theories that are very, very different from that.”
Some detaisl would be good
‘Russia is your only hope of saving the West’
That is nonsense.
Is on the list – Australia Day is a case in point.
The woke elite want to destroy the Australian identity so we revert to being a nation of tribes
Other key points are not teaching your country’s history at all, or not teaching it in Context, or teaching it in a highly negative fashion. These are key elements to the over riding problem of loss of National identity which goes hand in hand with lack of pride in your country and its achievements.
Greetings, Ms. Nova:
As I stated, it was sent to me by a long-time friend. You link shows that it is indeed authored by Don Feder.
The comments to the original are also interesting.
I appreciate the correction,
From central Washington State USA, I’ve been looking at a web app “Ventusky” {work of Czech-based meteorological firm InMeteo}.
Over the past week a cold air mass from Arctic Canada has been pushing south (an Arctic Front) in a fan-like manner. It came into Washington from the Frazer River Valley of B.C. and across the Rocky Mountains where Aberta, Montana, and Idaho meet.
On the Ventusky image, change the date button allows one to go back a few days and click forward to watch (sort of an animation) the cold air mass migrate out of Canada and into the USA.
We need to build a wall.
Oh no, guess who’s back –
Kevin Trenberth – am loathe to admit, a NZer – is back on the airwaves pushing his delusional illness / beliefs onto the gullible public:
• The oceans have never been hotter
• Hotter seas cause more storms
• Cyclones/storms are getting bigger and more frequent
• It’s all our fault
Taking the mickey out of these eggspurt charlatans relieves the madness of their world-wide religious cult, yet some days I just want to SCREAM!
PS. Anyone here had cataract surgery? Am seeing a surgeon today, my final pre-op chat before I go under the knife (left eye). Any hints, suggestions, warnings? Much appreciation in advance.
All the best with your surgery.
It is pretty straightforward.
I’ve had both eyes done.
My experience – a very schmick operation.
No metal in your clothing and a pair of sunglasses.
Anaesthetic administered with drops in a group setting, wheeled into pre-theatre for an injection to fix the eyeball for the op. Into theatre where you get an alfoil cover over your head – might worry you if claustrophobic.
Then the surgeon said “You’ll be out of here in exactly 7.5 minutes”.
Wheeled out for a “recovery cuppa and sandwich” and away you go. Back for a check the next morning, then follow instructions for a few days.
Both eyes now 20/20, glasses for reading. Seems you might get the choice of glasses for long distance.
My experience, too, pretty much – no alfoil cover, though.
Had the ops – a month or so apart – on Thursdays; back at work [commuting by rail, office work] the next Mondays.
Back travelling to ships within about three weeks of the second eye being done.
Best wishes,
Probably best not to proclaim your scepticism before you go under the knife!
If it is merely to replace a cloudy eye lens then it’s routine these days. You will presumably have a covering put over it and won’t be able to drive for that day and they might want you to take a specified short time away from driving.
Re cataract surgery. Had one eye done and it went well. Only mild irritation for a couple of days and good to go. Isnt it great not to live in the good old days…sometimes.
Greg I had both eyes done at the same time. Made the world of difference to my vision. No real after effects either and not painful. Good luck with it.
I will follow you the one or the other day with my right eye, wish you the best !
Yes, back in 2010, both eyes, one 6 weeks before the second one. Very pleased with it. Very grateful to the NHS in Cheltenham General Hospital.
Thank you gentlemen & gentle Annie, pre-op went well with surgeon, back in less than 2 weeks for the chop-chop and a NEW lens, huzzah!
Another Ian: alfoil over my head? Finally a legitimate reason for wearing my tinfoil hat (no worries with claustrophobia, love caving & not scared of the dark).
TonyB: I promise not to say a thing, though might wear my ‘I LOVE CARBON’ T-shirt.
Yarpos: I noted all the fancy machinery used for eye scans, etc., and marvelled at the precision technology & manufacturing, most of which was derived from/by our old friend, black gold.
Krishna: all the best for you, return quickly as your perspectives on the EU are always enlightening.
Cheers, one and all. 😃
Add me to the list of the ‘done’ Greg. I had mine with just local and no twilight anaesthesia, so was a bit worried about what I would ‘see’ whilst it was done. Just like aliens were real (noises, swirly vision), but no problem at all otherwise. And then, just like that, I could see clearly for the first time in my life with no glasses or lenses. Had severe myopia – all sorted out by this wonderful surgery.
I did get post capsular clouding about 10 months afterwards – 20% of people get it apparently – started to be like looking through filthy specs. All cleared up completely by friggin laser beams (1 min per eye, no local) and I will not get that problem again.
Only wanted to mention that for anyone who gets fuzziness some time after cataract surgery – it is very easy to get corrected, so don’t ignore it.
These days it’s an outpatient procedure, safe, effective and correctable if something goes sideways.
Avoid disasters like Lasik though. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
Gina Rinehart writes in The Spectator
Paywalled. Care to summarise?
This is the non-paywalled transcript you seek, (recently published in The Spectator and AFR):
Hope this helps.
Thanks William.
Sorry Geaeme. Didn’t realise it was restricted. I accessed it from The Spectator website without a log in.
Good to see William has already remedied.
Thanks William.
The article was taken from her AFR Business Person of the Year award speech.
Here’s the video of her full speech and Q&A from that event.
“Terrific federal order forces CDC to cough up side effect data”
More here
Fascinating. Thanks.
Dave B
More on that “New Bitcoin theme”
“Attention Men: Your UNjected Wife is Waiting!”
“Wind blows, but wind generation sucks”
“… when it’s cold
Most of Alberta’s wind fleet slowly shut down Thursday night, but not for lack of wind.
And by 7:28 a.m., as -31 C covered most of the wind generating areas, wind power generation fell to less than 1 per cent, again.”
I mentioned this yesterday, but it didnt stick? Maybe I skipped out before uploading? Anyway more checking, and the original article. It seems the purchase was signalled in Mar 23. It got plenty of publicity, but now CEO Bourla has been making the rounds, trying to drum up some market enthusiasm, and cash, for the company, and happened to mention that they thought 30% of people were likely to come down with turbo cancers. It’s probably a salesman’s exaggeration, but there may well be some basis for it? $43 billion isn’t pocket change.
Dr John Campbell
“New brain virus”
Well, when that escapes it will make Marburg and Ebola look quite meek and mild. It will be like the Black Death, you will see your family die in front of you as you lie dying yourself..
Carefully crafted prior to Covid, although the paper has just come out now. A 100% lethality will likely still leave some people alive, enough to have a good laugh about how it killed all the research scientists, the rich and powerful, & the politicians…
Then again, as it mutates to a less-lethal brain infecting virus it might make the later infected people just stupid, and civilisation collapses as per ‘Idiocracy’. Perhaps it’s already been circulating as that less-lethal stupid-making coronavirus for the last decade and they just managed to upscale its lethality. Certainly explain a lot..
“This Might Be the Most Hilarious Meme About Joe Biden Ever”
EU Granted Permission To Spy on Europeans’ Internet Use
The European Commission has announced plans to begin spying on Europeans’ internet usage to monitor users who visit “illegal” non-mainstream websites.
The EC’s eIDAS Article 45 would drastically weaken areas of internet security that the industry has carefully evolved and hardened for over 25 years. The Article would grant the 27 EU governments Orwellian style surveillance powers over internet use, with the ability to punish users who view content deemed ‘non-compliant’.
The rule would require all internet browsers to trust an additional root certificate from an agency (or a regulated entity) from each of the national governments of each one of the EU member states.
Well, I did warn about this…
Hands up if you understand the issue here.
An excellent article explaining exactly how the State will spy on its subjects by having an OWACs file hidden in the browser, and then censor the internet you see before it arrives on your computer. In lockstep with current trends, your browser will have to use the Govt certificate and will not be allowed to tell you that you are being spied on.
Too bad it requires reading and comprehension, no-one under 60 will see it… It needs to be a 45sec Youtube with cartoon pictures for most people these days..
” Under Article 45, warnings or the ejection of trust abusers would be forbidden. Not only are browsers mandated to trust the QWACs, but Article 45 prohibits browsers from showing a warning that a certificate signed by a QWAC. ‘
So much for “the right to be forgotten” . . .
Outrage As Drivers Are Stopped From Using Cash To Pay For Parking In UK Town
The introduction of a new cashless parking trial in a part of South London has sparked fury among some of the residents.
They fear that a cashless parking system that is being trialled in Purley will drive shoppers away and make things difficult for the elderly who may not have smart phones.
RingGo, an app operated system that allows people to pay to park without displaying a ticket, is also being trialled in Croydon, Addiscombe and New Addington.
“Before you couldn’t find a space here, now the streets are empty. No one wants to come down. You may have more free spaces but that’s just because people won’t come because they don’t know how to use it.
The way things are going, pretty soon you’ll be required to have a licence or a permit to accept money.
This is, as noted, a trial.
Local reaction – I’m not far away – is not favourable.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that the local [Borough of Croydon] council – run by a ‘”Conservative” Mayor’ may not say something like, “It’s for your own good”, and ignore the locals; just like the previous Labour Council [which bankrupted Croydon to the tune of over a thousand million pounds] always did.
Daily sarcasm
Every man “with a pair” will be voting for Trump this year.
Every woman “with a pair” will be voting for Biden.
W.H.O. Picks Trans Activists to Set Global Child-Rearing Rules — Less than Half of Panel Has Medical Background
The United Nations healthcare agency — the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) — has given transgender activists a majority of the seats in a panel that is drafting healthcare policies for children.
One of the supposed experts displays a “Be Gay, Do Crimes” tattoo.
Eleven members of the W.H.O.’s 21-member panel have no formal medical training, seven are transgender, and just ten have a medical background, according to a report by Daily Mail.
One of them is reportedly a controversial Canadian trans activist who has a strong influence on the Chinese app TikTok and says puberty blockers should be prescribed to all children, regardless of their gender identity, so they can “choose” their gender rather than being assigned one by society.
Another of the W.H.O.’s committee members says that transitioning causes no health problems and claims the only “actual side effects” of getting a sex change are a “significantly improved quality of life … and trans joy.”
The rest of the panel members are a mixture of activists, social justice advocates, human rights lawyers, STD researchers, and policy advisers, Daily Mail reports.
Who was that silly person who said this woke nonsense was almost over?😉
The end of ‘Welcome to Country’ and ‘Acknowledgement of Country’
This is utterly bizarre.
Some people have spoken up the AFL record removing player weights. Both Fox sports and SEN have written articles adding stuff to have a dig at them. SEN reports the thoughts of a player then finishes off by saying that, because of injury, he has only played 9 games. Why report what he said if you want everyone to ignore it because he only played 9 games?
Fox sports tries to make explayer Kane Cornes look like a dill. Although he is, I find it strange that Gox has gone so woke.
Seriously, if it’s for mental health reasons to not print players’ weights, professional footballers who run at full pelt for two hours, then it’s wrong to shame them in such a bitchy way instead of write “the editor disagrees”.
China’s Military Scandal: Why a Taiwan Invasion Might Have Just Become Impossible
I understand the information was garnered from high ranking US security figures who wish to remain anonymous.
Nevertheless, I believe the story and agree that Xi won’t be attacking Taiwan.
China’s corruption and subsequent purges are a given. The purge may be new but the corruption – not so much. Soon after the Russian invasion I said that it would be a salient warning to China and for the same reason.
However, be wary of unnamed sources familiar with…….
So climate change is now a measurable factor for rain drivers! I’m pretty sure the other rain drivers rain influences are measurable’, but how do they measure the driver of climate change?
Australia’s rain drivers
Current status
Driver Phase Impact
Pacific Ocean El Nino Negligible
Indian Ocean Neutral N/A
Southern Ocean Positive Wet
Climate Change Active Wet
Madden–Julian Oscillation Active Wet
Tesla drivers are some of the worst – does that surprise anybody?
Here’s the full list of analyzed U.S. car brands, ranked from worst to best drivers.
Rank Car Brand Driving Incidents/1,000 Drivers
1 Ram 33
2 Tesla 31
3 Subaru 30
4 Volkswagen 28
5 Mazda 28
6 BMW 27
7 Lexus 27
8 Infiniti 27
9 Hyundai 25
10 Toyota 25
The Rover hat of old now wears a Tesla badge?
Australia Day under attack again, but do not dare to oppose these “Days” ?????
26 January: Survival Day
13 February: Anniversary of the Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples
20 March: Harmony Day
21 March: National Close the Gap Day
26 May: National Sorry Day
27 May: Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum
27 May – 3 June: National Reconciliation Week
29 May: Torres Strait Islander Flag Day
3 June: Mabo Day
1 July: Coming of the Light
4 – 11 July: National NAIDOC Week
4 August: National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day
9 August: International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
30 August – 4 September: Indigenous Literacy Week
In our household the important days are Australia Day, Good Friday and Easter Day, St. George’s Day, ANZAC Day, Remembrance Day and Christmas Day. Family birthdays and wedding anniversaries also feature.
We have a pandemic of Marburg and Ebola lasting to at least December 31, 2028.
If you didn’t know this, the link below is to the most recent PREP Act declaration extending the marburg pandemic to 2028! Marburg is allegedly the deadliest “virus” out there.
It’s emergency, potential emergency, emergency mutated from those other emergencies, any result of the actions we took to induce these emergencies, any actions for mitigating what we induced, and, just for the sake of completeness: smallpox, anthrax, influenza, radiation syndrome, covid-19 (yawn)…. you get the idea.
If you have not seen any evidence of deadly “pathogen” causing “outbreaks”, do not worry – Denver Health officials are working on generating “sentinel” cases by injecting ebola “vaccines” (which are covered countermeasures, so nobody is responsible for anything!)
Ahh…2028 again. What could it mean? What’s the REAL event and the REAL player behind it?
/Ask CNN 😁
More BOM fiddling or a genuine reason two months rainfall disappeared from Charters Towers ?
“Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.”
Govt of Volodymyr Zelensky Kills American Citizen Gonzalo Lira in Ukraine Prison
January 12, 2024 | Sundance | 164 Comments”
Lessons to the left of them
Lessons to the right of them
Lessons in front of them”
“Germany To Rely on Coal to Avoid Blackouts”
“Here’s How People React to Their First Ride in a $400,000 Rolls-Royce”
Re performance – way back in BC like the 1970’s either Road and Track or Car and Driver (IIRC) got a road test
of a current one. And admitted babying it until a good highway location when “The World’s Best Car moved out from underneath like a full house Ponti at the drags”
Central & North Queensland Weather & Stormchasing
Some interesting scenarios are showing up on some modelling towards the latter part of next week. A stronger monsoon burst could induce a E movement of the tropical low over the NT. An upper low and trough over the southern states could make the scenario even more interesting. If it amplifies more northward it could just capture the low in the NT moving it E or SE into Queensland. If it does not amplify the low will slowly move W or SW before a S movement through SA. The low in the coral sea forecast to develop off the north tropical coast around Monday will move E initially. If the NT system is not captured after the upper system clears a new ridge could turn the coral sea system westward. Quite a complex and fascinating setup over the nest couple of weeks. As to which scenario plays out is to complex to tell currently but these are a couple of the scenarios.
” modelling”
” if”
Weather is Chaotic, but I must concede that sometimes 24 hour warnings may be possible.
The modern world-
“Canadian police warn residents who have been the victim of package thieves not to post surveillance footage of their packages being stolen as it would be in violation of a criminal’s right to a “private life. … A total of twenty-four percent of Canadian online consumers reported experiencing the theft of one or more packages within the past year. This figure increased to 66 percent in the province of Ontario, according to the survey.
A total of twenty-four percent of Canadian online consumers reported experiencing the theft of one or more packages within the past year. This figure increased to 66 percent in the province of Ontario, according to the survey.”
Yes, welcome to 2024.
Never mind the private lives of the victims.