A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Trump wins New Hampshire Primary.
Halley’s Comet not seen around in NH recently. Lost in Space apparently.
Halley subject of another birther scandal.
Apparently her parents were resident in the USA but not citizens at the time. That means Halley might not be eligible for the Presidency.
It probably won’t matter.
It won’t matter because she was born in the U.S.. That makes her a “natural born citizen” under U.S. 14th amendment.
The falsehoods pop up like weeds.
About 5 years ago there was a “birthing” controversy:
Women travel thousands of miles from their home countries to have their babies in the United States so their newborns go home U.S. citizens. It’s called birth tourism.
The 14th amendment of the Constitution essentially says you become a U.S. citizen if you are born on American soil. Some rich folks flew into Florida, had babies, and went home without paying the hospital bills. So it was said.
That’s why dracula had a coffin full of transylvania soil …
The concept of ‘birthright citizenship’ exists by executive fiat, not as a matter of settled law.
The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution followed the 13th Amendment (abolished slavery and made former slaves citizens) because several states took the position that “although former slaves might be free, and citizens, their children are not”. The purpose of the 14th amendment was to make sure the children of former slaves were legally made citizens. Afterwards, some states claimed that “they might be free, citizens, as might their children, but they can be restricted in voting rights. That caused the 15th Amendment to be added: “The 15th Amendment is a constitutional amendment that protects the right of citizens of the United States to vote from race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It also gives the Congress the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation:
The 14th Amendment doesn’t say that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens. It says that “[a]ll persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” are citizens. That second, critical, conditional phrase is conveniently ignored or misinterpreted by advocates of “birthright” citizenship. If the Parents were not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the USA, then it is difficult to see how any children might be citizens. If the parents are “subject to the jurisdiction of the USA” then they can be drafted into the military or forced to take up any other legal burdens of citizenship at the whim of the government.
The case of US V. Wong Kim Ark is often claimed as justification of birthright citizenship.
In that case, Wong Kim Ark was born in San Francisco California in 1873 to Chinese immigrants who worked and lived in the US for 20 years, in full compliance with US Laws during their tenure, returning to China in 1889 and 1890. Wong Kim Ark went to China in 1890, married, and returned to the US and was allowed re-entry as a US Citizen on July 26, 1890. In 1882, the US passed the Chinese Exclusion Act to limit further Chinese immigration. Wong Kim returned to China in 1895 to visit. Upon his return in August 1895, he was denied re-entry. In essence, the US changed the Law while he was at sea. His case was unique in that he lived 22 years in the US, complied with all laws, owned property, paid taxes, etc. The US Supreme court, in a split decision, decided that his birth was to parents who were legally domiciled in the US in full immigration compliance at the time of birth and had a significant legal, physical, and financial presence for over 20 years.
This is quite different from “birth tourism”. Additionally, under Chinese law and Emperor decree, any Chinese Citizen who renounced Chinese citizenship was guilty of High Treason and subject to execution, so there are good reasons why the parents never became naturalized citizens.
Funny how different countries/cultures handle this. In Switzerland you arent Swiss citizen just by location of birth.
Sorry John, scrolling touch on red.
Donald Trump blames Hillary Clinton for starting rumours about Barack Obama’s citizenship and birthplace
Blue state’s bag ban meant to protect environment backfires at staggering rate: study
New Jersey banned retailers from providing single-use plastic bags to customers in 2022
By Emma Colton Fox News
Published January 24, 2024 4:00am EST
Oops, I forgot the link:
No surprise there. Same thing appears to happen here in Australia. I see people buy the “reusable” bags every single time they shop.
The so-called old free “single use” bags were never thst. They had a multitude of uses as most people were aware.
It highlights the fact that the bag bans are just about removing convenience products and increasing the drudgery of life for ordinary people.
Similarly banning plastic disposable eating ware. Most people hate the paper and wooden substitutes so they buy the so-called reusable ones which are made of much thicker plastic and then dispose of them.
And what problem was meant to be solved anyway? People of the Western World dispose of their rubbish correctly. Plastic in the oceans comes from places like China, India, SE Asia etc. who routinely throw rubbish into the rivers.
In the good old days I would put my groceries into a shopping basket provide by the store and then transfer to the plastic bags at the check out.
I now take my own cloth bag and put groceries into this as I shop. On a number of occassions I have inadvertanty left small items in that bag and not scanned them.
I am sure this happens to others either by accident or deliberately.
This will be a huge hidden cost in the banning of plastic bags
I don’t use them at all.
I have a couple of those insulated cooler bags with zips so I can afford to wait in Coles slow service and still have the icecream frozen when I get home.
They’re 2 years old now and in perfect condition.
Only way to go.
People forget that plastic bags were introduced and promoted to protect the environment from destruction of old-growth forests for the high quality fibre needed for paper bags, and the poisoning of rivers by the chemical wastes from paper mills.
Remember the massive protests which forced the closure of Gunns paper mill in Tasmania?
Remember the promise of the “paperless office” which was how they promoted office computers?
Plastic bags were promoted as being between 10 and 100 times less polluting than paper bags at each stage of the cycle from manufacturing through distribution to disposal.
Naturally the subsequent war on plastic bags only affected the ones consumers use. The “green bags” we were supposed to pay for as a replacement for the thin film singlet bags which were demonised, were made of woven plastic. Involuntary pre-retail packaging is now mostly plastic. Motor cars increasingly became made largely of plastic. Even decking is now made of plastic. Fence posts and rails, pallets, bollards, you name it.
Plastic has saved a lot of wood and a lot of trees.
The problem of plastic waste in the ocean is caused by shipping recycle waste overseas during which process it mysteriously ends up in the sea, plus inadequate stormwater management allowing plastic litter to end up in rivers and oceans.
Microplastics might be a problem.
(24 expeditions over 6 years to all the subtropical gyres (‘ocean garbage patches’))
“The scientists seemed shocked by what they discovered: “The global weight of plastic pollution on the sea surface, from all size classes combined, is only 0.1 percent of the world annual production.”40 Even more astonishing, they found a hundred times less microplastic than they had been expecting to find. ”
Shellenberger, Michael. Apocalypse Never (pp. 50-51). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
Emphasis mine.
On the other hand, they’ll still tell you to be alarmed.
40. Marcus Eriksen, Laurent C. M. Lebreton, Henry S. Carson et al., “Plastic Pollution in the World’s Oceans: More than 5 Trillion Plastic Pieces Weighing over 250,000 Tons Afloat at Sea,” PLOS ONE 9, no. 12 (December 10, 2014): e111913, As indicated in the title, the authors’ final estimate of the total number of plastic pieces in the ocean came in at 5 trillion particles—both macroplastic and microplastic—weighing 269,000 tons.
But there’s much less cause to be alarmed than any alarmist will ever admit.
So what happened to all the plastics? Well, sunlight and seawater break the ‘persistent for a thousand years styrofoam’ down into CO2 in just a matter of decades.
As the environment breaks down plastic in seawater, it does so at an ever-increasing rate the smaller the plastic particles are. Nowadays there are plastic eaters at every level of biology. algae, bacteria, fungi, and animals all break down our ‘non-biodegradable’ plastics.
The vast majority of plastic in oceans come from rivers in Africa and Asia with very little contribution from Europe, Australia or North America. Again it is virtual signalling by the rich do gooders.
From the CBC
What Canada can learn from Norway, the EV capital of the world
5.5 million people.
25% EV penetration
Fossil fuel and hydro powerhouse
Popular because it is free/subsidized
25% EV penetration
25% EV penetration ..etc
100% EV in just 2 years!
Any person with a remote car starter in a cold climate knows the truth about heat and energy use in cars.
Keeping the car plugged in and the battery preconditioned is going to use a lot of electricity.
Loading at street lantern (picture and plans from Berlin)
Yes, NOT THAT too.
And whenever the Norwegians want to drive to neighbouring countries, out comes the SUV, as it’s only cheap to use the EVs within Norway.
1.1 gigawatts of solar power (occasionally, at best) from 2700 hectares of land near Gladstone.
Lots of terawatt hours mentioned to sound impressive but not really explain anything.
A lot of the usual suspects will be laughing all the way to the bank.
A strong tropical storm in the Coral Sea, approaching land.
Yes, ‘our’ BOM has been excited by this for about 5 days, calling it a possible cyclone.
Now, I believe it is now a Category 3 cyclone which means lots of wind and heavy rain.
Just what Queensland needs after all the rain, floods and storm damage this summer.
Sorry. Didn’t think the first comment had registered.
The BoM’s latest projection.
“Between Bowen and Cardwell” seems to mean “straight over Townsville” in this map.
I hope it loses power before landfall.
Dave B
It is quite windy now at Flinders Reef which is just the north of the cyclone path.
BOM has been prone to exaggerate these things but they seem to be playing this one down.
They never play down the fear. This was going to be a Cat 5, then 4, 3, 2 and now 1.
The BOM will call it one above what it is.
Everything has been cancelled along the entire QLD coast, due to the modeled flooding of everything south of Townsville, which they cancelled yesterday afternoon.
We don’t need Wollies or Coles to destroy Australia day, we have the BOM.
Tvlle Radar
Flinders reef wind
Tvlle wind
Climate modellers have treated the whole world as fools.
This little convective storm is radiating OLR at 183K. From ice, that equates to OLR of just 58W/m^2 and yet the surface below will be still cooling rapidly because vast quantities of water is being liberated into the atmosphere and there will be no sunlight making it to the surface.
By the end of the day, it will dump significant amount of water along parts of the Queensland coast and hinterland.
All that power and yet climate botherers are trying to convince us that some delicate radiation balance of a watt ,give or take, less in OLR is sending us to hell on Earth.
“Your” tropical low still exists, now in WA’s Goldfield’s district. It has inundated parts of the Pilbara and now the district around Eucla and the SA border. It has been having an impact on Adelaide since a thunderstorm Tuesday night. It has been an amazing Tropical low having impact on a bigger proportion of the landmass than any I can recall. Most of NT, half of WA and a fair bit of SA is quite impressive.
Yes 03U has been an impressive convective storm. Just having enough fuel on the ground and enough dry air to sustain it. Its minimum of 992hPa was truly impressive for a land generated low.
To my mind, its ability to be sustained over land indicates that there must be a good deal of warm surface moisture that can fuel it. It did get going with both Timor Sea and Gulf fuelling it. Its own rainfall eventually became its fuel.
I live in hope that this sort of storm becomes common for Australia. Summer over Australia has been dominated by very warm high pressure zones that block mid level moisture. That sustains drying conditions.
Longer term, it is not out of the question that the inland sea reforms. If there was abundant warm water in the centre of Australia, it would drag a lot more moisture in from the coast. 03U has confirmed that that is a possibility. It has stayed close enough to the coast to bring in moisture that combines with hotter, drier air on the land to fuel itself while dropping out enough water on warm ground to keep the whole thing spinning. A warm pool in the middle of Australia would draw in mid level moisture from coastal water right around the country. Some would drop out in the coastal ranges but they are not high enough to prevent moisture making it inland.
If the inland sea reforms, then it would become the region of highest rainfall as it would always dominate convective instability. It may result in some very impressive hailstones.
The war against Australia Day, 26th Jan., is all about the Left’s war against anyone having a unified, national identity.
Frankly, as Australia was peacefully settled, and settlers brought superior European technology and morality to the natives, they should be thankful for the settlement by the English rather than some other colonial power who would have treated them brutally and likely killed many or all of them.
How long do you think it took for the natives to abandon their stone axes in favour of the settlers’ superior metal ones? Not long at all.
Pre-colonial life in Australia was savage and cruel, contrary to the “myth of the noble savage” and was well documented by early settlers.
The only revision that I think should be considered is to return the Day to the nearest Monday to the 26th of January, as it used to be. The resulting long weekend closed out the holiday period during January and gave a short week for the general return to work, without the current disruption.
Add a bit of blurb in the media about what happened on those dates in 1788 and everyone might learn a bit.
And it gave a way for all Australians to enjoy something every (?) Australian seems to love – a luverly summer long weekend.
Dave B
Also the often mentioned measure of lifespan. The latest I heard was that Indigenous Australians lifespan is 8 years less than non Indigenous Australians and it should be addressed by spending $ billions.
The problem is that it’s the wrong comparison. What should be compared is the lifespan of Indigenous Australians before 1776 with their current lifespan.
Getting off the grog would go a long way in improving life span
It was Labor who abolished the cashless welfare card that limited how much taxpayers’ money that could be spent on grog so that there would be food on the table for Aboriginal families.
“What is grog running?
We know that despite current measures, a significant quantity of alcohol continues to enter our communities without being lawfully sold through licensed outlets.” The illegal practice, known as “grog-running”, is a lucrative black-market business that continues to undermine the health and safety of remote communities”
In line with modern woke thinking , wouldnt the answer be to reduce the lifespan of everyone else?
“In line with modern WEF thinking, wouldn’t the answer be to reduce the lifespan of ALMOST everyone else?”
Closer, no?
Obviously, the Wonderful Elite F……. would be exempt.
The stone age native Australians had not even invented the wheel and females were used a pack animals when moving camp.
The sculls of female Aboriginals found by archeologists have had much higher rates of trauma to the skull compared to males.
The cultural abuse of female Aboriginals continues to this day but is covered up by the Left
Of course none of this will be mentioned in the Orwelling named “Truth Telling” which is stage two of “Voice-Truth Tellling-Treaty” being promoted by our useful idiot Prime Minister despite the results of a $450 milllion referendum.
Let’s be fair to real useful idiots. Albo is a useless idiot.
I read that Pat Cummins wants the day changed and is being supported by team mate Steve Smith; there’s so far been no mention of any particular envisaged replacement date; I suppose we could have a list of dates drawn up and then vote on it.
“Texas Governor Greg Abbott Releases Statement: “I have declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself”
January 24, 2024 | Sundance | 44 Comments”§-10-clause-3-to-invoke-texass-constitutional-authority-to-defend-and-protect-itself/
Our son is particularly gruntled this week. His new 1Gbps internet service was installed. I’ll give it a month and he will be saying the upload speed is too slow 🙂
Hopefully it will make his work from home life better. He works for a company where work from home has operated well for company and employees.
I was particullarly disgrunted when I received a bill from Telstra for $1,600 for one month’s internet access when I used more than the data cap back in the early days of the internet. It took 6 months to sort out.
Aren’t castrated pigs disgruntled?
New Zealand’s North Islanders felt a strong earthquake seven hours ago- magnitude 5.2, 20 km west of Porangahau, depth 10km, with 3 minutes of shaking and aftershocks still occuring.
More please
“EU’s Implacable Plod to NetZero Suddenly Tripping Over Itself”
It’s all quiet here in Townsville. Just in the last few minutes did it become overcast with the first splattering of rain.
TC Kirrily is predicted to pass over the town late this afternoon, to be low Cat. 2. I’m in a home built to highest cyclone rating, 10 km from the beach and with some hills directly behind me so I should be right. The downside of living in the tropics.
If I were a reporter I’d be heading for the Whitsundays, I think that’s where the best disaster porn images will come from.
Are you sure it’s rain, nobody in Brownsville knows what that is, having never seen it before.
Do you have impact resistant window grating or full shutters?
Such a happy soul.
New Aussie Retirement Fund Rules to Allow Risky Green Tech Investments
Thank goodness I have a SMSF, with some of the money invested in coal and uranium companies.
Euroa residents in North East Victoria, Australia, live 70 kilometers away from the Glenrowan 130 Mega Watt Solar Farm. Thousands of solar panels cover some of the best agricultural land in the North East of Victoria.
The residents have been forced to endure close to 100 power blackouts in the past year, on average one every four days. Sometimes they last for over 24 hours. A Christmas day blackout lasted 3 days. When speaking about the supply line a local politician said “it was one of the longest feeder lines in the State.”
The close proximity to 130 Mega watts of “free” solar power doesn’t appear to working out so well for Euroa residents when you are left with no electricity and no phone services and Christmas in the dark.
There is a brilliant podcast on the Steyn-Mann court case here:–3–A-Nobel-Mann-e2eliuj
They have précised each day using actors in place of those present in the court. Each podcast condenses the day into about 1 hour. It is very easy to get a flavour of the proceedings but with somewhat bias in favour of Steyn.
The re-enactment of Steryn’s words is brilliant because Steyn is such a great orator.
News to me is that Mark Steyn suffered three heart attacks last year and is presently wheelchair bound. But he has lost none of his humour.
If Steyn wins this jury case in DC then it would be reasonable to expect the National Academy of Sciences to expel Mann.
It is only a matter of time until there is a full blown race war in Australia promoted by the actions of woke corporates like Woolworths
Nope, we shall simply disappear with hardly a whimper. Newer generations are so imbued with Marxist self-loathing that they would literally prefer to cease existing than fight for their rights. IMHO.
It’s Day 5 since I had my new ears fitted – my first hearing aids after putting it off for years.
My God the world has gotten noisy in that time, but no more “Pardon?” and “What?” I can hear cicadas again. Yay!
An annoyance is realising I have more of a problem with tendonitis than I thought. Almost every movement elicits a loud, high-pitched crack. Ugh.
I’m really looking forward to a walk in the forest, when I should be able to hear the little dicky birds again.
You do t realise how much your hearing has deteriorated until you try hearing aids. Classic case of frog boiling. It does take a while to get used to the increased general noise level around you.
Yeah, people don’t realise. No matter how many times their family members tell them that they should get hearing aids because we have to repeat everything we say. Or that the TV is blaring and others can hear it from the street. Or we have to tell them their phone is ringing because they cant hear their phone ringing in another room, they still don’t realise until they try hearing aids. Strange huh? 🙂
Doesn’t seem to change when wearing hearing aids.
Makes no difference to the ringing in the ears at all .
This story put a smile on my face.
Raymond Edwards, 70, (pictured) was caught on camera keying a Tesla with his wife in a shopping centre car park.
A sentiment shared by many
Regardless of one’s opinion on EV’s, keying one or anything else is a major no-no.
Do that to my car and you’ll be Charles Xavier but without the super powers.😎
Hey – It was a Tesla!
Even so – criminal damage.
Politically, Australia is a lost cause and you have to ask if the same is true of the UK:
Nigel Farage refuses to hold back over Tory party mess.
Of particular interest is the discussion on the Civil Service.
(8m 34s video)
Australia isn’t beyond hope, the UK long ago passed the point of no return and they can thank Tony Blair. He set the wheels in motion.
Coming Soon to a 15-Minute City Near You: China’s Algorithms of Repression
In a week 16000 people’s lives were ruined by a “Pre-crime” app, called “IJOP”.
IJOP is a pre-crime prediction platform that uses AI for mass data collection…
You can be arrested for using more electricity than ”normal”, or when you leave the zone where you are registered to live without police permission.
You need to pay attention to this because what’s happening in Xinjiang is not staying in Xinjiang, it’s already in other places in China, and the Chinese government is actively exporting this.
While the documents have been scrubbed (but I have them.😆) and even ICIJ seem to have gone down now, you can read about them here:
A new leak of highly classified Chinese government documents has uncovered the operations manual for running the mass detention camps in Xinjiang and exposed the mechanics of the region’s Orwellian system of mass surveillance and “predictive policing.”
The leak also features previously undisclosed intelligence briefings that reveal, in the government’s own words, how Chinese police are guided by a massive data collection and analysis system that uses artificial intelligence to select entire categories of Xinjiang residents for detention.
The manual, called a “telegram,” instructs camp personnel on such matters as how to prevent escapes, how to maintain total secrecy about the camps’ existence, methods of forced indoctrination, how to control disease outbreaks, and when to let detainees see relatives or even use the toilet.
Coming to a 15 minute city near you.
/if you let it.
Get any such vital url onto the Wayback Machine for extra safety. Anyone can do it and it’s free. You can check to see if a url is on a;ready.
“Guest “When did The Babylon Bee take over The Grauniad?” ”
“Republicans Ignore “Climate Crisis” During Deep Freeze “Fueled by Global Heating”
Tesla hacked, 24 zero-days demoed at Pwn2Own Automotive 2024
Security researchers hacked a Tesla Modem and collected awards of $722,500 on the first day of Pwn2Own Automotive 2024 for three bug collisions and 24 unique zero-day exploits.
Synacktiv Team (@Synacktiv) took home $100,000 after successfully chaining three zero-day bugs to get root permissions on a Tesla Modem.
They also used two unique two-bug chains to hack a Ubiquiti Connect EV Station and a JuiceBox 40 Smart EV Charging Station, earning an additional $120,000.
A third exploit chain targeting the ChargePoint Home Flex EV charger was already known but still brought them $16,000 in cash, with a total of $295,000 in prizes during the first day of the contest.
Security researchers also successfully hacked multiple fully patched EV charging stations and infotainment systems, with the NCC Group EDG team taking the second place on the leaderboard after winning $70,000 for zero-days exploited to hack the Pioneer DMH-WT7600NEX infotainment system and the Phoenix Contact CHARX SEC-3100 EV charger.
After the zero-day bugs are exploited and reported during the Pwn2Own competition, vendors have 90 days to develop and release security fixes before TrendMicro’s Zero Day Initiative publicly discloses them.
I know people are apathetic when it comes to security but cybercrimes are ramping up massively so complacency will be your downfall unless you’re proactive.
Nothing to worry about – we will all have digital IDs and will be using Digital money for our needs.
One way of viewing it –
“Nikki Haley Celebrates Getting More Votes In GOP Primary Than Any Other Democrat In History”
Further on The Piano Affair: Piers Morgan Interviews Dr K – Brendan Kavanagh Reveals Comeback Gig!
Extorting Taxpayer money from Clueless Politicians
Boyne Smelters is located on Boyne Island, Queensland, Australia, approximately 12 km south of the port of Gladstone. The smelter has a production capacity of 545,000 tonnes of aluminium per year. The operating company Boyne Smelters Ltd is 59.4% owned by Rio Tinto Alcan.
Rio Tinto has written down the value of this smelter built in 1982 to Zero. No doubt due to the high cost of unsubsidised electricty in Australia.
Smelters need to operate 24/7.
But now a new solar farm has come to the rescue.
But where will the electrity come from during the night and when cyclones strike northern QLD?
What a great scam to get the Qld and Commonwealth Goverment to sign up for more massive subsidies.
Leftists Lose Their Minds After State Lawmakers Override Veto, Ban Child Sex Changes
Democrats and liberal activists on social media were outraged Wednesday after the Ohio Senate overrode a veto of a bill banning transgender medical procedures for minors.
The state Senate voted Wednesday 28 to 4 to pass a bill that would ban sex-change surgeries, cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers for minors, and overrode Republican Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto from December after the House passed the legislation on Jan. 10. Activists and Democrats, however, went after the Ohio GOP, and even former President Donald Trump, for the decision on the social media platform X
28 sane rational people vs 4 brainless degenerates.
The vocal crazies are a serious MINORITY.
“We don’t need no twisted sex education…”
“Leave the kids alone…”
A song in the making.
Top Harvard cancer researchers accused of scientific fraud; 37 studies affected
The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School, is seeking to retract six scientific studies and correct 31 others that were published by the institute’s top researchers, including its CEO. The researchers are accused of manipulating data images with simple methods, primarily with copy-and-paste in image editing software, such as Adobe Photoshop.
The accusations come from data sleuth Sholto David and colleagues on PubPeer, an online forum for researchers to discuss publications that has frequently served to spot dubious research and potential fraud. On January 2, David posted on his research integrity blog, For Better Science, a long list of potential data manipulation from DFCI researchers. The post highlighted many data figures that appear to contain pixel-for-pixel duplications. The allegedly manipulated images are of data such as Western blots, which are used to detect and visualize the presence of proteins in a complex mixture.
DFCI Research Integrity Officer Barrett Rollins told The Harvard Crimson that David had contacted DFCI with allegations of data manipulation in 57 DFCI-led studies. Rollins said that the institute is “committed to a culture of accountability and integrity,” and that “every inquiry about research integrity is examined fully.”
Fake it ’til you make it…
Shoppers intervene over shivering child dressed in diaper, trash bag
An intervention at a Mississippi Walmart landed one woman in trouble with the cops and another out of work after onlookers stepped up to help a shivering child.
“When you see a child that’s being neglected…why wouldn’t we call the police?”
Wednesday in Byram, Mississippi a woman named Felicia took it upon herself to record and later publish video of a shopper with a young child dressed in nothing more than a diaper and trash bag. According to The Weather Channel, the high temperature in the area of the Walmart Supercenter was 41 degrees F (+5C) with a recorded low of 25 (-16C).
“Lower your voice,” the presumed mother could be heard saying to one customer attempting to intervene on the child’s behalf.
Moments before, as she was being confronted, the woman could be seen dropping a bag from the frozen food aisle directly onto the bare legs of the boy.
Well it is Walmart, but…
Anything else I could say would be deleted.😎
It’s That song:
Shamed to be an Australian
The Woke South African running Woolies should be sacked.
He made the call for Woolies to go Woke – and now has lied to save his sorry skin.
Go Woke – Get Sacked.
The Original Lamb Ad for Austraia Day – 2005
Most South Africans are so damn happy to be out of the place. I guess, like everywhere else, the elite are insulated from daily trials and tribulations.
Video of trucks burning in Dearborn highlights what makes electric vehicle fires so dangerous
New Study on Electric Car Deaths Shocks the Entire Car Industry
Decisions! Decisions!
“Woolworth’s priorities – Chinese New Year gets a guernsey, Australia Day gets cancelled.”
Nose Wheel Fell Off Delta Airlines Boeing 757 Before Takeoff
A Boeing 757 jet operated by Delta Airlines lost its nose wheel just as it was preparing to take off from Atlanta over the weekend with 184 passengers on board, according to a Federal Aviation Administration incident report published Monday, in another incident involving a Boeing plane as the aircraft maker reels from the fallout of the Alaska Airlines door plug incident from earlier this month.
According to the FAA’s report, Delta Airlines Flight 982 was lining up and waiting for take-off when its “nose wheel came off and rolled down the hill.”
The incident occurred Saturday at Atlanta’s Hartsfield–Jackson International Airport on a plane that was scheduled to fly to Bogota, Columbia.
All 184 passengers and six crew members on board the plane were unharmed and were “deplaned and…bused to the terminal,” according to the FAA.
MOAR DEI hires will fix that!
Yes. DIE hires was my first thought.
“How To Thwart The Nefarious Propaganda Technique Of Projection”
In the words of Jacques Ellul, “Nothing is worse in times of danger than to live in a dream world.” This is what perpetrators of projection do by creating a false reality in people’s minds, and history shows how these mass mental rapes can be deadly.
To thwart this, stay aware that many people have no moral restraints against projecting, curb your own confirmation biases, don’t jump to conclusions about other’s intentions, master research skills, and share your findings as broadly as possible.”
Wokeworths: damage control Aisle 3
Shallow contradictory implausible rhetoric, as expected, by Wokeworths…
Daily sarcasm.
95% of EV’s are still on the road.
The other 5% made it home.
Brains on display
“Rage attack”?? Are they trying to distort the meanings of words again? That was a carefully planned and executed piece of vandalism, you don’t cut through the legs of a bronze statue in a sudden rage. It would take a while with a very noisy grinder or Sabre saw.
Gee they missed an opportunity by not using Carbon Dioxide
I am all for capital punishment for crimes like this. I guess the preacher did not have God on his side in the case.
Surely you meant oxygen.
When excess oxygen in the bloodstream reduces CO2 to below its critical level then the CNS is no longer able to provide stimulus for the next breath.
That’s the end.
Many people go this way naturally and brings the question of why that state in America is using nitrogen for its planned execution.
Wikipedia says death from oxygen overdose is painful;,partial%20detachment%20of%20the%20retina.
State officials have argued death by nitrogen gas is a humane, painless form of execution and that the person would lose consciousness before they die.,lose%20consciousness%20before%20they%20die.
Hi Leo,
Yes Wicki.
In part the article says;
“Central nervous system toxicity is caused by short exposure to high partial pressures of oxygen at greater than atmospheric pressure”.
Many people at the end of life, revert to a characteristic breathing pattern which is obviously at normal temperature and pressure. CO2 levels in the bloodstream are reduced and there is no pain or discomfort.
I’m sure that a small increase in oxygen content of the air he breathes would do the trick.
Be wary of wicki
An interesting discussion with Roy H, Rereke and the Griss.
Submarines and aircraft.
Will communal “Cooling Places” be the next big thing in Australia to get the elderly and poor through our summers?
Tropical storm makes landfall.
This may sound familiar to some of you…
“The symptoms of what was labelled “Polio” exist today under various other names, the only difference is the assumed cause. What is clear, however, is that an “infectious” cause has not ever been proven, there is no scientific evidence to support the mainstream narrative that Polio is contagious. This idea that Polio is highly infectious is a myth used to push a toxic vaccine campaign and to cover up the crimes of agrochemical poisoning, according to biomedical scientist Simon Lee. Terror propaganda organisations such as the CDC, the WHO, the European CDC et al tell us that polio is caused by a “virus” that is “very contagious” or “highly contagious” which can “infect 90-100% of household contacts”.”
None of that was ever proven to be true, even before the 1950s when polio ‘was conquered’ by a vaccine, and co-incidentally renamed acute flaccid myelitis, aseptic meningitis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome. To have polio you needed to now be paralysed 50 to 70 days after disease onset, not the previous 24hrs.
Dr Hoyne listed a summary of the problems with polio despite extensive research into the problem:
Still unknown etiologic agent.
Warm weather prevalence, unusual for a communicable disease.
Undetermined manner of transmission.
Susceptibility in the exceptionally well-nourished.
Variability of symptoms.
Lack of a practicable laboratory diagnostic test.
Diagnostic difficulties added by the “new virus.”
Reliable measures for prevention.
Dependable methods for treatment.
Question whether isolation of poliomyelitis patients is an effective means of controlling the disease.” hoyne1951..
“In the mid-1950s, Dr Morton S. Biskind testified before the US Congress telling the politicians what they did not want to hear. He told them that polio wasn’t caused by a virus but rather central nervous system (CNS) poisons, and the main CNS poison at that time was a pesticide called dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). Photographs from the era show housewives filling their houses with DDT fog, dairy farmers dusting cows in their cowsheds and even spraying it into the milk, crop dusters dumping DDT on fields and forests, and children on beaches covered in the pesticide. An attachment for lawn mowers could spread DDT over lawns, and trucks sprayed DDT on city streets, where children played.
As the use of DDT in the US declined, so did the incidence of polio. Vaccinations were introduced at the same time and these were credited for the decline in polio cases.”
Now it seems the only notable numbers of polio anywhere are in the 3rd world and caused by the vaccine itself.
“The polio story is a fictional tale used to push a toxic vaccine campaign and to cover up the crimes of poisoning by the agrochemical industry. The idea that polio is “highly infectious and contagious” is a myth.
The CDC’s unscientific advice regarding polio is: “To prevent infections in general, persons should stay home if they are ill, wash their hands often with soap and water, avoid close contact (such as touching and shaking hands) with those who are ill, and clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces.” ”
Not sure what this means? “Still unknown etiologic agent.” There are 900+ papers discussing the exact genetic sequence of polio. If polio does not exist we would need to figure out why the same genetic sequence turns up all over the world where the disease still occurs.
There are also 3,400 papers on antibody studies for polio. And many genetic studies are cross correlated with antibody work.
Thousands of experts can be wrong (as we know all too well) but none of the problems listed in “the summary” are serious, or unusual. Association of disease and some event on its own is the weakest kind of evidence.
If people want to learn which things in microbiology are wrong or misunderstood, they would be wise to learn the basics of the DNA code, protein synthesis, Plaque Assays, PCR, Eliza tests. None of this stuff is hard for people who already know some chemistry, but it’s very hard to unpack virology without them.
Please follow my links just to get an idea of the kind of research being done.
I thought Polio was DDT, there is a book on all the stats.
Lots of videos that walk you through polio and ddt connection
And this is why conversations with you are so unproductive Kevin. It is not a logical argument just to say “I disagree because there are lots of books and youtubes making the same fallacious mistake that DDT and Polio are coincidentally associated”. A mistake X 100 is still a mistake.
Polio has existed since at least the time of the Egyptians. We can see the same crippled limbs in their carvings.
Again, you don’t read my replies, don’t follow my links, don’t try to learn anything about virology.
In the nicest possible way, if you are struggling to read, and need a video, you have my sympathies, but this is the wrong blog for you.
DDT/Polio: Virology vs Toxicology
A video response to Dr. Sam Bailey would clear everything up?
Virology vs Toxicology very interesting science with NO money in it.
Toxicology vs Virology – Rockefeller Institute and the Criminal Polio Fraud and How it Relates to the COVID Scam–polio-scandal.html
Have all Toxicity causes been looked at as the cause of Polio?
Why does DDT cause Polio in the lab?
Yes I have read all of your responses. Have you read anything on Toxicology as the cause?
Kevin, You have no reply at all to the content I post. You simply dismiss a million observations by effectively pointing at a correlation with other coincidental things. The existence of other weak toxological associations does not neutralize 100 years of virology. Even if DDT causes polio-like symptoms, which it may well do, whatever, DDT was not causing polio in Egyptian times, nor does the existence of a coincidental symptom list extinguish 900+ papers on polio;s genetic sequence and 3000+ papers on antibody studies of polio. Again, picking up random coincidences to reinforce a conclusion you might want to find is not how you find the truth.
Perhaps morbidity to polio was exaggerated, and DDT exaccerbated it, or simultaneously led to some wrong diagnoses? That’s an assertion worth discussing. The idea that viruses don’t exist has been disproven 1 billion times (maybe 100 billion). It would take a truckload of explanation to explain that billion observations with some other hypothesis (or twenty). You are not even trying to do that.
it looks like the vaccines are taking out their targets united states
Life insures have been consistently sounding the alarm over these unexpected deaths or excess deaths which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019
that exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam
But his post, which hit on smoking, diet, chronic illness and health care, ignored the obvious: People are dying in abnormally high numbers even now and long since COVID-19 waned. Yet public health agencies and medical societies are silent.
Money, of course, is a motivating issue for insurers. In 2020, death claims took their biggest one-year leap since the 1918 influenza scourge, jumping 15.4 percent to $90 billion in payouts. After hitting $100 billion in 2021, claims slowed in 2022, but are still above 2019. Indemnity experts are urging the adoption of an early-warning program to detect looming health problems among people with life insurance and keep them alive.
Therein lies the most pressing question for insurers, epidemiologists and health agency officials. Why is the traditionally healthiest sector of our society — young, employed, insured workers — dying at such rates? Public health officials aggressively oversaw the pandemic response, for better or worse. Why aren’t they looking into this?
“The future of our decaying cities?”
“The influx of millions of Third World immigrants under the Biden administration guarantees it. They aren’t going to be magically converted to First World citizens by crossing the Rio Grande. No, they’re bringing their Third World attitudes, habits and behaviors with them – and we’re already seeing them in action, to the detriment of the places they’re being settled. ”
The problem all over Western countries… I’m not a racist, I’m a culturalist, and some cultures are definitely better than others! “I don’t care what colour your skin is, so long as you behave like a white man..” Quote from living in South Africa.
For what they are worth!
“Four of Britain’s Top Institutions Have Made Erroneous Estimates of the Cost of Net Zero”
A very interesting article on why the West couldn’t win in Ukraine if it tried, why our armies are so full of decisions to bury perfectly good helicopters, and how you could start a war and not have anyone come to fight… Society has changed-
“The military remains, a career for certain types of people, who value collective effort, comradeship and a structured existence, who don’t mind personal hardship and even danger, and who want to do exciting and difficult things. The trouble is that our society has spent fifty years moving its norms in the opposite direction, and making do with a smaller and smaller proportion of the population who retain these atavistic sentiments.”
“The keynote objective of modern Liberal societies is ego gratification, and the greatest harm one can inflict on another is to stop them doing or being what they want…. Which is fine as far as it goes. It produced a certain type of society which many people value very highly. But like any model of society, it has its advantages and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages, to which I am not the only one to draw attention, is that a society based on ruthless individualism and ego gratification not only finds it hard to act collectively against any problem, but finds it impossible to create a discourse to explain why others should make sacrifices, or behave altruistically towards society as a whole. Indeed, the very concept of society “as a whole” now has little meaning in our identity-obsessed world.
This is a bad enough problem with our society’s attitude to teachers, nurses, police officers, or anyone else who works for the public good. But our society is, and has shown itself to be, completely incapable of finding a discourse to persuade young people to join the military, and to accept hardship, discipline, lack of freedom and occasional risk or outright danger in the interests of others. All it can do is fall back on clever advertising campaigns. As with much of what remains of the public sector, the military has become a Lego kit to arrange in a morally pleasing configuration, not a tool to actually use.”
Woke Canadian Cancer Society suggests trans women should talk to their doctor about getting screened for CERVICAL cancer