A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Here’s to electric cars in the northern US.
“We’ll leave Chicago to the Eskimos,
That town’s a little bit too rugged
For you and me, bad girl. . . ”
– Randy Newman in I Love LA
I have never quite got Tesla cars. They are very ordinary looking and cost a fortune. At present, due to their limitations they can only be a second car unless you are very rich and merely need to commute a few miles.
When EV’s can truly claim to be practical alternatives to ICE cars as a first and only vehicle then EV’s might start selling. However then you need to factor in the environmental and social factors of how they are created, safety, and that drivers need to pay the true costs of using the road infrastructure they are currently using cheaply so in effect freeloading off the rest of us.
In addition:
The outer cladding is expensive to repair, so insurance is more costly. Aluminum and larger pieces (panels) contribute. Many people do not live in places where “home” charging is possible. What to call them: apartments, flats, condos ?
Also, as is the case this week, the U.S. and Canada can experience very cold weather. It is best to keep the EV beast warm – but a garage is not recommended.
Charging centers need greater amounts of electricity than most places now have. The Harris Ranch Tesla Supercharger, Coalinga CA has a near by gas station hiding a small diesel generator that helps; or did –I’m not aware of an upgrade.
Not as cheap to run either. Victoria attempted to apply a road useage tax on EVs but it was struct down as an “excise” tax by the High Court which can only be levied by the Commonwealth.
I quite like the styling, that awful origami truck being the exception. However, close inspection of a couple of Teslas told me that the build quality is extraordinarily bad. They remind me of 1970s cars, when shut lines were almost never consistent and parallel. Take a look around the ‘hidden’ areas – engine compartment, under wheel arches, etc – and they’re appalling things. The resale values will only continue to fall as more people realise how bad they are. Increasing numbers of owners will want to bail out, only to find nobody wants to buy the darn things.
As the major component (battery) only last 5-7 years the rest of it doesn’t need to be well built.
4th coldest NFL game in history.
I really can’t stay (But, baby, it’s cold outside)
I’ve got to go away (But, baby, it’s cold outside)
This evening has been (Been hoping that you’d drop in)
So very nice (I’ll hold your hands, they’re just like ice)
For the ‘young-uns” not familiar with the song:
Most popular song to listen to while waiting for your Tesla to recharge in Chicago
All the leaves are brown (all the leaves are brown)
And the sky is gray (and the sky is gray)
I’ve been for a walk (I’ve been for a walk)
On a winter’s day (on a winter’s day)
I’d be safe and warm (I’d be safe and warm)
If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.)
California dreamin’ (California dreamin’)
On such a winter’s day
Channel 7 in Australia ran a comparison between the latest electric and ICE BMWs. Both were 7-series so just shy of AUD300k with EV being about 10% more expensive.
The BEV version took two hours longer for the trip from Melbourne to Sydney. Recharging cost $138 for the EV and refuleuling $118 for the ICE.
The conclusion was – don’t buy an EV for interstate travel. They are useful as a town car but not much good for open road travel in Australia. And if you get one, aim to recharge at home. Obviously that would require a fire-separated garage so add that into the purchase price.
I could drive from my home to Sydney and return with diesel fuel remaining in the fuel tank in my 4WD SUV Isuzu, but even in a twice the price plus Tesla S I would need to recharge in each direction adding to travel time and waste of time.
I think I remember that. Someone pointed if they only fast charged to 80%, they’d have cut the time and cost substantially. It’s trying to get that extra 20% in that takes the time and costs buckets.
Plus, it’s apparently the thing to do if others are waiting.
Speaking of robots… drones picking fruit.
Flying Daleks soon to replace British backpackers?
A Tesla factory robot reportedly attacked a worker and left them bleeding. This could become a new reality in the increasingly automated workplace
Ve hav vas of making you buy our cars!
Look at all the apples on the floor!
I pick ten times faster.
What this author fails to understand as well that Russia has the luxury of experimentations in a real conflict situation.
Boots on the ground can’t be used without incurring massive casualties.
Actions and reactions achieved by drone technology has a reasonable chance of development of countermeasures that achieve higher education to groups or individuals behind the technology.
Using cheap drones technology to set off multi millions in missiles which needs replacement is quite an acceptable goal…
I sent a longer version of this over to Chiefio as I would be interested in his comments as he likes to look at financial and prepper angles
It concerns Americas astounding level of debt and that if they stop being a petro currency, as seems likely, then the word would stop funding them.
As far as I can see the author makes no claim to be a financial expert, but I have heard several respected UK commentators air similar thoughts over the last couple of years. The comments are also worth reading. The article is on a right wing UK website.
I don’t think OZ has anything like the level of debts and obviously the Australian dollar is not a reserve currency. However any imp0losion in the US would have dire consequences for all of us.
Australia’s external debt post COVID spending spree is 19.5% of National Wealth compared to the USA of 23.5%
The UK is much worse at 50.5% while Ireland is a whopping 548%
China’s external debt is only 2.9% of its National Wealth and Norway has the lowest in Europe at 6.7%
Here you go, in glorious technicolour:
But our ‘government’ is hell bent on spending more (and more) on useless things while reducing national activity (except in Canberra).
If you “wargame” this for a while,you may need to seek “medication”.
In 2023, the RMB (CNY) overtook the EUR as the second most used currency for trade settlements. However the USD still commands 80% of trade settlements. A lot more as a traded currency.
The thing to watch is the rate of growth of the RMB in settlements. The Russian conflict and US sanctions has made many nations question holding USD denominated paper because it is evident that US is not acting as a global banker. How many people would use a bank that chooses to close your account and confiscate your wealth because you got into a fight. The role of banker is a high privilege and has to stand above politics.
The US currently runs quarterly current account deficits of USD200bn. It was running at USD100bn during Trump years pre-covid. The rest of the globe is really buying US patronage and security. Trump was going after the NATO nations to pay a fair share of the cost of regional security.
The basis of this question gets down to whether the globe is better funding China or the USA as the global policeman. At present Xi Jinping appears more of a statesman than Joe Biden. But the US already has the necessary administrative machinery and navy to back that role.
My personal view is that China has done amazing things for the global economy that have been hugely beneficial to Australia. Australia would be smarter using Chinese expertise for nuclear reactors rather than wind farms but such a project would need good quality control from Australian engineering. On the other hand I am not contemplating owning a Chinese built EV but I have a lot of Chinese made stuff. Much of that stuff is based on US developed technology.
The USA currently has at least 10 naval vessels operating around the Med and Arabian Sea. China has maybe 5 in the region. And a huge portion of the cargo ships requiring escort are Chinese but they may not be as likely to be attacked.
UK is engineering its own downfall. It does not need any help from the USA. It has relied on selling the farm to buy all the useless stuff now adorning the country and offering no productive value. The next generation of wealthy Arabians may choose their own real estate over what they can get in the UK.
Will USA be sending Germany a bill for escorting the next Chinese vessel carrying HDTVs to dock in Germany?
Once Trump is back in office, how would the world cope if he withdrew all international protective services. His military advisers have already indicated they do not like the AUKUS deal.
If you want a good economic summary, try Mark Mills on youtube,
The Energy Transition Delusion
Long (2 hours), but well worth the effort,
Also, Bjorn Lomborg, of course, has some good youtube videos out on this subject.
Interesting article which basically poses the question as to whether hard core environmental activists are mentally unstable
Why the result doesn’t make me wonder ?
Listening and reading what these people are spreading no scientific work was necessary to come to a comparable conclusion.
But fine to know, science is on the same way to show, most climate activists are mental ill people.
I thought that was a given
Hard core environmental activists act like religious zealots who believe that acts of self-flagulation willl appease the climate gods.
Our politicians are often openly contemptuous of their voters as we in the UK saw with Brexit, the OZ govt did with your recent referendum, Hilary Clinton did in the US and now German politicians are ridiculing supporters of the supposedly ultra far right AFD who the Govt is losing ground to and trying to ban. This seems to have echoes of a variety of states in the US trying to stop Trump being on the ballot paper.
NBC News Reports ‘Deep State’ Plot to Facilitate a ‘Military Coup’ Against Trump Amidst Fear for Alleged ‘Retribution’ if Re-Elected
Southern and central Germany will have nice weather tomorrow, frozen grounds, first snow, up to 25cm and later, with coming warm air from south west rain, freezing on ground, frozen rain.
Traffic will be amazing, cracking trees, overhead lines, icy streets and railways…..
with automatically translated subs
Not much to expect from windmills and solarpanels 😀
Video will get an update in later time, will poste it when it’s available.
Wir frieren uns den Arsch ab
It’s not so cold but cold enough for rain freezing on ground, at öeast where I live, near Mayence / Wiesbaden, with warmer air coming from south-west and colder to northern parts, just moving around the one or other kilometer.
…at least where I live…
Where I live: On the frontline
From our exclusive German correspondent – great to get the news from the source.
I’m just curious what icy rain after snow will produce on windmills and solar panels. 😀
I remember the quantity of ice I found only on the door of my car, about 1cm at the vertical, all horizontal area had about 5cm of ice. That happend end 1970ies. Was a lot of work and time to take the ice off.
A man identifies as trans everything.
Humour or real?
In a crazy world, it can be hard to tell.
There are more than 200 classified forms of mental illness. Some of the more common disorders are depression, bipolar disorder, dementia, schizophrenia and anxiety disorders.
Being “Trans” must be on the list.’
Even a person born XXY (Klinefelter syndrome) consideres themself to be a male.
The American Psychiatric Association doesn’t regard it as a mental illness and they even use the same language as Leftists by which they don’t consider gender to be an objective biological definition but they consider it to be “assigned at birth”.
Leftists have got themselves in a real dilemma here because they don’t acknowledge any innate psychological differences between men and women and yet at the same time heavily promote transgenderism.
In fact, they treat homosexuals in the same way as the Iranians. Rather than let someone be an effeminate homosexual man or masculine homosexual woman, which would be fine if that were their natural state, they express an urgency to hormonally and surgically sterilise and mutilate such individuals.
Plus it is promoted as a trendy thing to do. Look at all the Hollyweirdos who have “trans” kids. It’s like having a vegan cat. You know it isn’t the kids’ decision. Megan Fox makes her three sons wear girls’ clothes, for example.
And after all that, the numerous stories of “transgender regret” are suppressed by the Leftist media leading to even more unwanted sterilisation and mutilations.
Being male (XY) of female (XX) is determined at the moment when sperm meets egg and is not determined at birth.
It seems US Pyschiatrists do not study biology!
Doctor: is there any history of mental illness in your family?
Me: Well, my uncle believes renewables will work.
Suffers from sun stroke.
Quebec man who blamed wildfires on government pleads guilty to setting 14 fires
A lot of bushfires (as they are called in Australia) are a product of arson or other human activities, not “climate change”.
Bushfires have been present in Australia for millions of years and evolution has taken advantage of them.
Pyrophytes are plants which have adapted to tolerate fire. Fire acts favourably for some species.
Fire causes the opening of woody fruits in resprouting plants such as banksias (Banksia) and ti- trees (Leptospermum) and seeds are released onto the soil surface after the fire has passed. These seeds can then germinate when adequate rain falls and may also be a food source for a variety of animals after a fire.
Many bushfires are cause by lightning.
As environmental impact statements go, this one is a joke.
Fed’s first multi-site offshore wind EIS is ridiculous
By David Wojick, Ph.D.
The beginning: “After numerous requests going back several years the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has finally published a draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for a combination of coming offshore wind projects. Comments are due by February 27.
In his case the EIS is for a cluster of six big projects in what is called the New York Bight. The Bight is a triangular indentation in the Atlantic coast bounded by New York and New Jersey. Think of it as the underwater mouth of the Hudson River. In principle this PEIS should identify and assess those impacts that arise from the combination of projects, over and above the individual project impacts. In fact it does nothing of the sort. The result is simply ridiculous.
Most of the 800 or so pages are an eye-glazing academic discussion of the general environment and the sorts of impacts that might or might not occur and what might or might not be done about them. There is basically nothing about this specific combination of projects.
The greatest concern is that the combined noise from these six projects will severely harm whales and other protected species. This is especially true for the incredibly loud noise from driving the monster monopiles that hold up the giant wind turbines. Construction of all six projects may occur simultaneously, piling on the noise.
Here the PEIS is simply absurd.”
Lots more in the article.
The New York Bight – is that the same deep-water canyon where a certain ‘family gang’ used to dump the Big Apple’s trash from off of their rubbish barges?
New Jersey beaches, when I was there in 1989, were either closed or had warning signs due to syringes, blood bags, and all sorts of nasty unhealthy paraphernalia washing up onshore, after Mother Earth (ME), or in this case, Mother Ocean (MO), decided to give back to humanity a little taste of their own dirty medicine.
Surely it won’t happen again…
That would be the Hudson Canyon. Sea level used to be several hundred feet lower and the canyon was above water with the river flowing through it.
??.. what is a “Programmatic “. statement ?
“Programmatic ideas or policies follow a particular programme.“
So, the statement follows a plan ?
It is the EIS for a program that consists of multiple projects.
See this [UK] planning application: –
And [paywalled]
“A project to build a road tunnel under the Thames Estuary has become Britain’s biggest planning application at 359,000 pages long with 2,383 separate documents…”
“There are 359,866 pages in the submitted application for the road that would include a 2.6 mile tunnel under the Thames connecting Kent and Essex. And the sheer length of the planning application has prompted concerns about the planning system.
“If every document was printed, the 359,866 pages would weigh around 1,620kg that is more than a Volkswagen Beetle, according to analysis from Britain Remade, a campaign group that promotes economic growth. The group also worked out that it would take around 328 days to read the entire application.
“The final decision on whether the project can go ahead is set to be made within the next six months despite it being in the planning stages since 2009. It wouldn’t be open until 2031 at the earliest.”
from –
It is unclear if there is an environmental assessment in those pages …
It is also unclear whether there is any country on this planet that needs more bumph to be created before a spade goes in the ground.
And our [‘Conservative’ – actually a false-flag operation] Government wonders why our economic performance is, politely, jolly, jolly poor.
Or it would if it could be bothered, anyway.
In surprise news, children worry about whatever the media and their educators worry them with. Climate change is their word(s!) of the year.
But maybe not all is lost.
‘Propaganda’ is a word, especially when the BBC is involved. Am guessing differentiating between one word and two is binary, sexist, and/or way-cyst (as most BBC reporters pronounce it).
‘Tis hilarious listening to science weporters on the Beeb say they want to ‘stop climate change’… Come in King Canute! Where’s Canute when you need him!
A version of this was on Channel Seven News but I can’t find the link.
900km (560 mile) electric v petrol challenge: Same cars, same driving, which was cheaper?
Saw that, here it is.
A good comparison, because they used two comparable cars. Cost $52 to recharge at one of the stops.
Trip cost
Coal fired BMW $131.92
ICE BMW on premium unleaded $118
EV took 2.5 hours longer to reach Sydney
Geoff, of Geoff buys cars challenged a mate to drive John O’Grotes to Lands End. His diesel was cheaper.
Part III where they do the sums.
John Cadogan (Australia) says fast charging an EV at a public charger is more expensive than equivalent petrol.
And as Australia continues to shut down its power stations, electricity will continue to get more expensive and will be considered a “luxury” rather than a “necessity”.
Cadogan points put that some people have to use expensive public fast chargers because they rent and therefore don’t have a fast charger at home.
Do you think renters who own EVs would be prepared to pay much of a rent premium if the landlord was prepared to install a fast charger?
Many people rent flats in highrise buildings with multi-story car parks.
Is allowing landlords to install fast chargers in multi-story car parks a good idea after the Luton Airport Carpark fire?
I read a couple of years ago about a commercial and residential building in Port Melbourne that owners decided should have EV recharge points installed. The electrical contractor advised that the existing wiring was not adequate and after consulting the electricity supplier that the local grid would not cope with the additional demand, and therefore that it would also need to be upgraded including additional sub-stations.
About the best you could do is make a 15A outlet available. But even that comes with a note of caution.
I have not looked at charging an EV but owning usually involves getting a charger installed if you want to charge it from home. I think some may have on-board charges for 15A AC sockets but it is not something I have investigated.
I would not supply a charger in any garage that was not fire isolated. That could very well be a standard requirement in the future.
If you are considering installing a charging point then you should check with the insurer that it does not void the policy. The US Department of Energy recommends that you do not charge an EV in a closed garage. The car can be parked in an enclosed area but the space should be open if the vehicle is charging. So there are already reasonable grounds for refusing to cover losses for someone acting recklessly and charging an EV in an enclosed area.
The last thing any sensible person should be doing is encouraging EVs.
True, but EV owners driving distances are dependent on Public Charger stations, which are commercial operations and the price of electricity from them is purely demand driven.
With more EVs being registered and charger access becoming more in demand, those prices will be far higher than domestic power (..some are already double domestic rates !)
Albury-Wodonga! Could these border-towns be the new catchphrase for ‘Oops! We got it bass ackwards wrong AGAIN!’?
El Niño means RAIN RAIN RAIN in 2024. Even Melbournestani city drivers are being warned to slow down, keep yer distance, and put yer lights on, ie. HEAVY RAIN.
Do EVs work underwater?
No, but they will burn underwater.
Given that EVs are a status symbol for the wealthy woke many EV owners also own a boat or a jet ski.
While reversing down a boat ramp to launch the boat or jet ski the battery pack may go underwater. If there is any leakage into the battery pack a thermal runaway might occur in the coming weeks.
But if the driver forgets the handbrake – the end might come much sooner
In Australia most EVs are government fleet vehicles or private sector company cars and most often leased.
Remember when the Turnbull Federal Government gifted leasing firms $300 million to be shared to promote EV to fleet operators?
This X post has a link to a Climate Depot page that, in turn, has links to online documents that examine recent ‘predictions’:
Alberta and a “winds tale”
“Pour on a little more coal, boys!”
The low in the NT is steady at 993hPa today. The BoM have designated it 03U so it is on watch but not forecast to intensify.
It has moved slowly ESE since yesterday. It is now centred south of Katherine.
The low south of Indonesia has intensified; now at 992hPa. The BoM have named it Anggrek.
Camparing these two lows really highlights the immense energy in oceans. 03U is pulling air from land that was up to 40C yesterday and down to 26C as it passes over. Some of the airflow is pulling air over the Gulf, which is at 30C. By comparison, Anggrek is drawing air from over water at 28C and dropping it to 27C in the centre.
It is unusual to see a self-sustaining convective storm build intensity over land but it appears the 993hPa achieved is all it can get because the energy source is easily depleted. A temperature drop of 14C is impressive but not much energy involved over land. The most I have seen pulled from an ocean surface in the wake of a convective storm is 3C.
Both lows are drawing some air from a high south of WA. I expect Anggrek will feed on this drier air, which will take it toward the Pilbara Coast.
Nature’s tropical air conditioners – aren’t they amazing, unless you’re in their path.
There’s some activity winding-up in the Coral Sea as well, along with a sub-tropical low west of Tonga which may drift down our way this weekend: El Niño’s hot drought averted yet again by wet easterlies.
™Settled Science™ may need a ‘reset’?
Chiefio looks at 2024
“W.O.O.D. – 15 January 2024 – New Year, Same Old Mess”
Plus comments
“German Farm Protests Continue – New Shift to Add Blockades of Warehouse and Distribution Centers
January 16, 2024 | Sundance | 75 Comments”
“The German farmer protests are strategic. The reality that food doesn’t originate in a grocery store is an odd concept for many who do not pay attention. The latest strategic move by the farmers aims to highlight the issue.”
The power house of Europe is crumbling, extraordinary times.
Self inflicting what the WW2 bombing campaign didn’t quite manage
Re “Frozen Russian assets”
Discussed here starting about 50 minutes to about i:04 in
“Rus Advances Alarm Stoltenberg, No Proof A-50 Loss; G7/Ukr Scheme Rus Frozen Assets; Iran Strikes”
Fighting for freedom.. Fighting for democracy… just fighting anyone weaker!
Re- The picture from ‘Palestine’ of a man cradling a child’s body, the body was a dummy and was used in several locations.
This web site is based in Australia. Some readers here would have memories of elation when America entered the war. This would be especially true for Europe.
Series of battles- at Tours, and at the Gates of Vienna, spanning centuries stopped the same savages who are on the march today.
“There it is – EU President Says Number One Challenge for Global Control Systems in Next Two Years is to Control Information and Speech
January 16, 2024 | Sundance | 2 Comments”
“Judicial Watch: Former NIH Director Francis Collins Emails Reveal British Physicians and Scientists Group Recommended Ivermectin for Preventions and Treatment of COVID-19”
Via Chiefio
There’s a plethora of “redacted” used in the Govt documents they obtained… some people are still hiding a lot, even under Freedom of Information court orders.
Col. Doug Macgregor: Will the West Blunder its Way into WWIII with Russia?
See #21
And working hard at it?
“New War Drums Chill Europe with Renewed “Putin Invasion” Fears”
NATO moves hundreds of thousands of troops into Poland… Russia moves troops to the border too… The troops sit there… and sit there…and sit there because Russia doesn’t invade..
Who goes broke paying Poland to house all those troops?? Russia won’t go broke any time soon, especially if there is an oil shortage starting. No wonder the Yanks want to have Europe go to war with Russia and break it up, it will be the Marines taking over Russia’s oil fields afterwards, just like Iraq and Syria.
In the with Col. Macgregor discussion academia get a mention, with this response –
“Thermometers have degrees too and you know where they put them”
2025 Is When The World Will Be Short Of Oil”: Occidental CEO Warns Oil Supply Crunch Begins Next Year
The world would find itself short of oil from 2025 onwards as exploration for longer-producing crude reserves is set to lag demand growth, Vicki Hollub, chief executive of Occidental Petroleum, said at the Davos forum on Tuesday.
For most of the second half of the 20th century, oil companies were finding more crude than global consumption, around five times the demand volumes, Hollub said, as carried by Reuters.
According to the executive, the oil market will find itself moving from an oversupply in the near term to a long period of supply shortages.
Oil industry executives have been warning that new resources, new investments, and new supply will be needed just to maintain the current supply levels as older fields mature.
One of the most persistent warnings has come for years from Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest crude oil exporter, and its state oil giant Aramco.
The Kingdom and Aramco have repeatedly said that the focus of the energy sector and the debates on the energy transition should be on how to cut emissions, not on reducing oil and gas production.
This is what we call a controlled collapse of the energy systems, to push the save the planet BS.
Better retire early on that self sufficient farm real soon…
Daily sarcasm.
Due to the extreme cold across the US, Walmart customers are encouraged to wear pyjamas over their underpants. 😆
From today’s Don’t Panic – We’re OK file:
HEAT ALERTS issued for NZ again (yawn).
While Dunedin & Timaru topped 17C (same as Melbourne at midday when the wind swung SW) Blenheim & Hastings reached 29C (low 30s are normal) while 28C was the max for me, beautiful, though an extra 1.5 degrees would’ve been just as beautiful. People flocking to the beach seemed to enjoy it just as much. Crisis? Where?
Woolworths does a “Bud Light” by banning Australia Day merchandise.
$2 billion has been wiped of the value of Woolies shares since they confirmed their “Go Woke – Go Broke” commitment
Woolworths Group’s First Nations Advisory Board will guide the retailer as it seeks to improve engagement with Indigenous communities and make meaningful contributions towards Closing the Gap and Reconciliation.
Well known racist and aboriginal activist Adam Goodes is a Board Member
Businesses should not be involved in politics or religion, stick to business model.
What board members and/or senior executives believe in should be private for them, not forced onto customers.
Noting that based on average voting the average Australian is in the centre, not far right or far left.
Indeed, late in 2023 PM Albanese was reported to have reassured his far left comrades that he remains one of them, that his public image has been crafted to appeal to the majority of Australians
Priceless DAVOS Schwab takedown
** Language warning *
Save it forever (mp4 link):
What we would all like to say to the WEF and new world order manipulators …
Shot dead, the movie
This is the movie we wish we didn’t have to make. But this is a movie everyone needs to see. For the first time ever, hear the stories of Covid shot deaths as told by the parents who lost their children.
Hear from the families brave enough to speak up and admit that the shot killed their children.
Hear from the ones who have refused to keep quiet.
We all know that there are so many who have sold out to pharma, denying that their loved ones were hurt or killed by the shots.
But there is no amount of money or threats that can keep these parents from speaking truth in honor of their children…and so this doesn’t happen to one more child.
Sounds like a worthy production but I won’t be watching it. I find things like that involving children too distressing.
Australian cyber attack: Guzman y Gomez, Dan Murphy’s, Binge and Event Cinemas customers targeted by hackers
Thousands of customers have been embroiled in a massive cyber attack on some of Australia’s best known brands.
At least 15,000 Aussies who have accounts with eatery Guzman y Gomez, Dan Murphy’s, video streaming service Binge and Event Cinemas have been affected.
Their personal details are understood to have been compromised in the last two months in what authorities believe was a targeted attack.
It’s understood scammers bought stolen login details from overseas cyber criminals and accessed customers’ online accounts to carry out fraudulent transactions.
Many impacted customers had either saved their credit card details on company websites or who have gift cards or store credit for online purchases.
The number of affected customers continues to rise and it’s feared that many are still unaware of the fraudulent activity.
Those who use the same login details for multiple online accounts face the highest threat.
Stored PayPal accounts linked to an email and password were also compromised.
Time for people to pay WAY more attention to security…
Time for businesses to be sued into the ground for holding private information of customers permanently instead of on a transactional basis.
There is NO REASON for a business to know anything about you other than your name and address.
Yes, I just say ‘Sorry, no email’ and ‘No, I don’t have a mobile phone’ and use the first name that comes to mind, and if it means I can’t transact something I will go elsewhere or do without.
People think I’m strange, its no big deal, you should be yourself… as they throw their real-life details everywhere.
Two Ways –
“Smart move from this Coles store.”
“Go woke, go broke.”
I live mid-way between a Woollies and Colles use to shop 50:50 and check out the specials -now 100% Coles.
Alas locally Coles has better specials and prices on junk food and Woolies has better prices on protein content. But you do need to have a good memory and read the weekly specials email that each sends out.
As for online shopping, doing that you miss the “chance” to buy markdowns.
I went to compare the Australia day offerings at both.
Nothing at W and it took two circuits of C to find their well hidden offerings at the back of the store.
I think it was a bit hypocritical.
Yes they can say that they stock stuff, but why do they want to hide it?
‘Liberals take on teals over climate.
‘The Liberal Party has fired the starter’s gun on its election assault against the teals, accusing the independent MPs of being dishonest over their opposition to fossil fuel rebates.’ (Oz)
An upset at Davos
“Many a thing said in jest!!!!! LANGUAGE WARNING.”
“For those who dont have Twitter /X access-its here and one can read the replies ”
Rumble link from comments
“Charlotte said…
On Rumble too
I hope this goes viral!!!”
Bluff and bluster from the Beijing fascists.
‘China has lodged diplomatic protests with Australia for congratulating the winner of Taiwan’s presidential election, with the Chinese ambassador warning there is “no room at all” for compromise on the “sensitive” issue.
‘China’s top envoy in Australia, Xiao Qian, also dashed hopes that the Australian writer Dr Yang Hengjun might be released from custody in a similar manner to the Australian journalist Cheng Lei last year.’ (Guardian)