A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The greening of the planet continues
Extracted from the Abstract:
We used the four latest leaf area index (LAI) datasets to explore this controversial topic, and found that global greening was not only present (trend between 3.1–6.4 ×10−3 m2 m−2 yr−1) but also continued (growth rate trend between 3.3–6.4 ×10−4 m2 m−2 yr−2) during 2001–2020. Greening acceleration occurred in 55.15% of the globe (positive trend and positive growth rate trend), while browning acceleration occurred in only 7.28% (negative trend and positive growth rate trend). Combined with meteorological variables, we found that CO2 change dominated the LAI trend, while climate change largely determined the LAI growth rate trend. Importantly, our study highlighted that drought trend did not necessarily trigger vegetation browning, but slowed down the rate of greening.
Cr@p, the Leaf Area Index.
Which is bad, more or less?
Asking for a friend.
My friend is afraid of trends.
(Hmm, that could be a sitcom idea. ‘Trends’ … a group of post college attractive singles making their way in a topsy-turvy world of trends.)
We pastoralists place great store in LAI, especially in relation to “zidjoules”.
For non-agrostologists – “zidjoules ” are what is left when the ruminants have ceased grazing and moved on. Sometimes called the aftermath. Or Residual Dry Matter (as in “zidjoules”).
If the LAI falls below a certain threshold , then recovery of the sward is compromised.
I thought we we were supposed to be worried about saving ice.
You’re almost right. We’re just supposed to be worried, full stop.
I have warned of this. Biomass already outweighs human biomass by 7500 times. Adding more CO2 to the atmosphere accelerates growth rate and we now see the results. More trees means more atmospheric moisture means more rain means biomass growth becomes supercharged through a double pronged approach of more CO2 and H2O – their fundamental building blocks.
The search “falling tree kills” gets 117M Google hits. Humans do not stand a chance when one of these come down on them or even a single branch.
I have to prune about 500kg of solid wood off my trees each year on a suburban block just to keep them under control and make them safer. I need to cut the grass once a week at the moment so the mower can cope with it.
If the land gets dry, then wooded areas are prone to wild fires. The higher growth rate means more litter for fuel and more intense fires. However the BoM are now warning of coming La Nina conditions so we can expect more rain after the current dry spell.
So Australian trees willl can look forward to better growing conditions once the rain comes later in 2024.
I thought the BOM was forecasting El Nino for the last several months.
It was in a quandary recently with all the rain on the East Coast while the Pacific Ocean was in El Nino temperatures. Now it’s La Nina? Sounds like putting one’s index finger in the air after the event and changing the diagnosis. Isn’t this what the big agricultural people are complaining bitterly about? They acted with stock reductions on the original LRF from the BOM and now find the conditions are the reverse of those expected under the original LRF? (long range forecast)
“However the BoM are now warning of coming La Nina conditions so we can expect more rain after the current dry spell.”
What dry spell? It’s mostly persisted down here in SEQ since Christmas.
The one in “forecast world”. You have just experienced the dry El Nino induced drought that was forecast in October 2023. 2024 will be wetter as the Pacific moves into La Nina mode.
You should not believe your lying eyes. Drought condition have prevailed across Australian late 2023 to early 2024 as forecast. If you had rain you live in one of the very few locations that was fortunate enough to have a bit of rain. You have probably been exposed to Extreme Weather Events™ that the WEF are working hard to institutionalise and work out how to tax it.
We had two extraordinary wet years (nearly 150%) then a dry year around 70% , and the dry must have been mild because without getting a lot of rain the countryside is looking good. Not a lot of water in the dams.
The amount of storage on the cloud is simply vast. They aren’t using it just to store your emails are they?
And the amount of power consumed by data centres is phenomenal.
One estimate I saw as a rule of thumb is that they consume 1kWh per square metre of floor area.
The data centres are mostly owned by woke corporations like Goolag and Rotten Apple, by Elites who want us to freeze, eat insects and live in “15 minute cities” (free range prisons) but who promote the idea that CO2 causes anthropogenic global warming (it doesn’t) those data centres would be responsible for much of the world’s supposed warming.
Agreed. There is a good book called The Dark Cloud which details how much of earths resources are gobbled up by our digital world. Those companies dong everything digitally are arguably using more energy than those in analogue.yet make make a virtue of getting users to access them online.
That should be 1000kWh per sqm, not 1kWh per sqm and I guess it’s per year.
Some data centres consume 100MW.
You can’t run those data centres on windmills and sunshine…
They need constant, reliable and inexpensive power, like coal, gas, nuclear and real hydro power (not SH2).
All the data centres have UPS and diesel or gas powered backup gensets . We can’t have the AI’s getting deplatformed . As to the cloud I have said to most of the businessmen I know that storage on the cloud is getting your backup un someone else’s hard drive and subject to their whims. All my backups are on a removable hard drive for this reason.
You do know that there will be one mega data center that tracks and coordinates every single keystroke and transaction on Earth for the looming NWO control grid, don’t you…
Bigger than the CIA, FBI, NSA, DHS, Pentagon…
In essence, one giant OFF switch.
Even years ago, the power consumption of (publicly known) data centers ran to 100’s of TERAwatts.
This site cannot be reached so says Google. It always amazes me that the sites that cannot be reached are always those that deal with conservative ideas.
I have it up on my ‘phone atm. It’s an article by Dave Hipperson and appeared yesterday. I get the daily email from TCW with their latest articles.
I think we all suspect that they are trying to drive us off the roads by a variety of means, but there seems to be an increasingly concerted agenda of councils in the UK to do this
I would be surprised if Australia did not have something similar but probably more effective as the UK has huge numbers of councils. I would imagine that with the limited number of big cities in Oz, often with large numbers of greens, that organising the means to get you out of your car is likely logistically easier than in the UK.
Tony. This sounds like a national version of the international C40 group which aims to control major cities and economies through restrictive/retarded green policies.
Khan in London is a major player, Australian cities are also involved.
C40/UK100 are attempting to destroy our lives. They are the enemy.
C40= Councils 4 Overreach?
Most councils in Australia are fully woke, lunatic Left, go way beyond their mandates of garbage collection, maintaining local parks and roads, waste staggering amounts of taxpayer money and are at war against the private motorist.
But it’s OK for their leaders to make extensive use of private limousine services at taxpayer expense. Typical Elite Leftist behaviour.
Is she Teal? I know nothing of Melbourne save it’s a large
City and capital of Victoria. From afar I have a mixture of thoughts about the place and its inhabitants.
She claims to be an independent which in local government usually means she’s a secret Labor, Teal or Green.
We have one of those “independent” councils but so far we have no electric busses or garbage trucks, no crazy expensive art but for an “ephemera” outdoor competition which is fun.
Ours is a very mixed electorate with Herbert always a swing seat so maybe they know they can’t afford to brush off a group as irrelevant.
Oh! We have pretty good roads.
Why is it Greens are so dominant in local councils? My theory is they are the only type of person motivated to do it. They’re very bossy types and they love the open opportunity to boss, others aren’t motivated by that.
We have a small council, officially Green. Last election some local business owner runs, and the non Greens all thought you beauty we’ll vote him in. They did. He’s as green as The Greens.
Yes, I think weak, repulsive people and especially Beta males are attracted to Leftism because they can’t make it in the real world and being a Leftist gives them a political construct in which they can exercise their dictatorial tendencies. They are given authority they couldn’t otherwise earn through respect in the real world.
A spit in the face to everyone doing it tough under alp/greens socialist policies state and federal (Capp is a prime example of a champagne socialist). A mate of mine who runs his own charity feeding poor families says he’s getting more calls for help a day than what he was getting a week only a year ago. There is a disaster looming for those who didn’t manage to get on Dans public sector or bloated construction project teats.
Looks like the French farmers are bringing Paris to its knees by their blockades. Will they persist?
Unfortunately a lot of food comes over the Channel so we here in the UK might be affected.
I am reminded of Rome whose emperors put great pressure on its armies to keep the grain flowing, as they reckoned that within 3 days of the food supply ceasing then riots would follow.
I wonder what Emperor Macron is making of all this, especially as he has set great store on using the Paris Olympics to promote France and himself.
What they don’t show you” 😀
Most of the tractors do not have visible registration plates so hard to track down the people. I noticed a couple of helpers being escorted by police.
Made me think about past eras when horses did the work on city streets. Imagine the effort involved in handling their dung if that is all cities had now. THe streets would soon be clogged with dung. Someone will have to clean up the mess the farmers have made. So a bit like the economy of breaking windows and having someone fix the windows only the farmers were not paid to make the mess.
This sort of action against authority must be unnerving for EU bureaucrats. People have to wonder what value they get from the EU? Can a bunch of cloistered bureaucrats, paying themselves enough to enjoy a luxury lifestyle, really understand what farm life is like? All bureaucracies grow. Survival is their prime objective.
Climate Change™ is the gift that keeps giving for bureaucracies. Every useless bureaucracy can claim they are making a difference by attacking Climate Change™ also read Extreme Weather Events™ or the latest incarnation of demonising CO2. Paying themselves large sums of money to avoid responsibility and solving a “problem” that is clearly beneficial using a made up solution.
Today I have a new word.
“Dunkelflaute” is a German term that translates to “dark doldrums” or “dark wind lull”. In the renewable energy sector, it refers to a period of time when little or no energy can be generated with wind and solar power due to the absence of wind and sunlight¹. This phenomenon typically occurs in late autumn and winter months in Europe due to windless and cloudy conditions³. It presents a specific challenge for electricity systems that rely heavily on renewable energy sources². To ensure power supply during such periods, alternative energy sources like fossil fuels, hydroelectricity, nuclear power, and energy storage are used¹. Would you like to know more about this topic?
Source: Conversation with Bing, 31/01/2024
(1) Dunkelflaute – Wikipedia.
(2) What Is Dunkelflaute? | Definition and Meaning |
(3) It’s dark, it’s still – it’s dunkelflaute | Energy Networks Australia.
In reality it’s an old word and exists since wind and solar started to be a factor in Germany and is used by skeptics of the Green Energy Transition.
I forgot to mention, the Greens always stated that “Dunkelflaute” doesn’t exist 😀 *facepalm*
Aloha! As Biden’s WW3 moves closer to reality it is important to understand how the DNC operates when it comes to warfare and now their lawfare against Trump and all those who vote other than (D). Make no mistake the DNC is war machine. Two important news stories from the past Obama regime probably long forgotten or never even seen in US tv media.
If you think Gaza is the first time the US and Israel teamed up then do not forget Syria in 2014 when Hillary Clinton lied to the UN and did the Obama version of Contras and 450,000 Syrians died because of her Obama Two Step.
Then before Obama left office he made sure the dictators and anyone who wanted mass weapons of destruction could have them so he sold and exported more weapons than Bush did. Obama was the premiere weapons dealer in the world. Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for being half black! It could not have possibly been because of “world peace”! really “peace”?
When the DNC talks “gun control” rest assured they have never truly wanted gun control ever. In fact Chicago rivals Gaza in terms of genocide and in fact qualifies under the UN/ICJ criteria.
Death mongers no matter how one looks at it. Last year more Americans died of fentanyl brought across the open border than all the combat deaths since WWII. More than the Korean war, the Vietnam War, the gulf wars, the War on Terror combined. Just last year.
Add to that:
The war on Fossil Fuels.
The clot shots.
The proxy war….
…Others I won’t mention
The weapons industry is huge world wide . Blackrock and Vanguard own big chunks of it . Read “The arms bazaar” by Anthony Sampson – the arms industry has no ethics or morals except profit .
Dr David Martin recently addressed the European Parliament on the origins of Coronavirus.
The video is on Twitter, and it is a must watch:
Thanks Brett, it really is a must watch.
Thank you so much Brett. It is an extraordinarily powerful presentation. Unless you’re a subscriber to X there is no followable timeline, but here is a link to the same speech on Rumble complete with timeline, in case you want to stop and make a cup of tea. 21 minutes and recorded May 2023. ToM
Heres a related very good read, with accompanying video.
Parts of WA, including the “gas coin” are going to be hot today according to a subtitle running across the screen of a news report. Hilarious!
Gosh, with an area of that state of 2,527,013 square kilometres (975,685 sq mi); in summer, I bet it’s going to be hot somewhere there.
According to our caring authorities, 28C is “hot” – heat warnings have been issued [again] for what is a standard mid-summer’s day, similar to QLD issuing ‘low intensity heatwave’ warnings, pfff!
Meanwhile, in the small print at the bottom of the page of MetService’s Mountain Forecast, South Island:
Feb 1, snow to 1,700m
Feb 2, snow to 1,000m
Feb 3, snow to 900m
Hmm, I’m detecting a trend in those numbers… at least some things NEVER change – it ALWAYS snows in summer somewhere, although I’ve yet to hear a ‘warning’ for the weekend’s coming Cold Wave… caught by surprise [again]?
It won’t be too long before 20C / 68F is considered a “heatwave”.
And many of the masses will believe it, especially since these days most younger people have little connection to or use of the environment as they spend most of their time online in their bedrooms.
David. ‘They’ are always changing the rules to fit the agenda.
For example:
For decades a healthy BP was considered, as a rule of thumb, to be 100 plus your age. However, new blood pressure standards come out every few years placing the desirable blood pressure target values ever lower. “In the 1970s, the target limit for initiating drug treatment was 160/95. This then became 140/90, then 120/90, and recently, 115/75, with a large number of organizations listed as in agreement,”
To lower blood pressure readings just 5 points on the blood pressure scale can mean billions of dollars. Among the top ten drugs prescribed in the U.S, blood pressure (hypertension) medications ensnare millions into the prescription drug trap.
“If high blood pressure were dangerous, then lowering it with hypertension drugs would surely result in an increase in lifespan? Yet, clinical trials involving hypertension medication show NO increased lifespan among users when compared to non-users…”
So with climate, changing the heatwave definition will bring in riches – for some.
Greg, you may just have come up with the plot line for the pilot episode of ‘Trends’, Honk R Smith’s proposed sitcom
Hot today and hotter tomorrow, 42c where I live in SW WA. Could be a trying day as I don’t have air conditioning. It won’t be a record for my home town as it registered 42.7C in 1991.
Just wait until thr BOM “homogenise” the data.
The hysterical reporting of only three days of hot weather in Perth is astounding. And when it’s not that hot, the TV stations seek out hotter inland suburbs to amplify the effect. And now they are even dragging in the much hotter weather of the Pilbara region.
In fact, Perth’s summers have changed over the last few years, with the hot morning north-easterlies, straight off the hot inland, being replaced with cooler winds from the south-east. As these SE winds are coming up from the southern oceans, they tend to bring more humidity to what used to be very dry summers.
I’m going to have to take special care for my 12 month old long haired GSDog.
Lovely dogs, we used to have one. You have fans to cool him/her and deter the flies?
The fan only works if the dog is wet, as they don’t perspire like we do. However getting her wet won’t be a problem. Already planned for that.
‘ … they tend to bring more humidity …’
The coolness maybe modified by humidity, which they say makes temps higher.
Geez I recall 46c plus in Perth in 1991 and 48C in Donnybrook whilst picking pears. A 2dollar jug of Swan Lager awaited me as I entered the “local”. Oh, the locust plague I almost forgot..
Just checked the records for Donnybrook (just an hour away from me). The record high temperature is 40.8 in 2014. You may have done a typo Glen.
Or BoM might have homogenised the data to cool the past.
The BoM has Donnybrook at 44.6C in Feb 1933.
Glen, that was Perth’s highest recorded temperature. And since every official measuring site move has been to a warmer location, it certainly would have not been matched in the past.
WA in high summer, who would have thought that?
Its a late summer all round, but now that SAM is neutral we should get a burst of hot air across the continent.
This is a very old video from Australian 60 Minutes.
I was quite surprised to find it uncensored on YouTube.
It is about the Bradshaw Rock Art of Australia and doesn’t conform to the Official Narrative of only one human migration to Australia.
Very interesting David for two reasons. First that art does not resemble anything we have seen lately which, by comparison, is childish and crude. Secondly the academics seem to be inflexible in their thinking much as they are now. The lady who says there is no proof the Bradshaw painters were racially different from Aborigines didn’t have any proof that they were not yet assumes the current accepted thinking is correct. Much like the folk at James Cook university know the GBR is on its last legs but Peter Ridd says it isn’t so he is disposed of. Academics generally seem to float toward the grants and professional acceptance rather than seeking the truth.
In one of the comments on that video, someone said they posted it to Farcebook and were banned for ninety days.
Never buck the Official Narrative.
The similarities between Bradshaw style and African style of the same era are remarkable.
“FWIW – more “Faith in flying”
“Another Story on the Hiring Scandal at the FAA”
Because overnight
“These Airlines Have Diversity ‘Representation’ Goals. Here’s Why They Might Be Illegal
“American Airlines’ hard landing on Maui sends 6 to hospital”
Gets a mention here too
DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) should have its acronym changed to DIE.
I want my airline staff (from manufacturers to pilots) to be hired because they are the best there is, not because they are of a certain skin colour or gender.
Pilots on airline blogs have many horror stories, mostly suppressed on the woke media.
I posted a video from Matt Walsh about this a few days ago.
Here’s an idea.
Let Leftists fly on airlines who have DIE policies and who employ people solely on the basis of skin colour and gender and not suitability for the job.
Let the rest of us choose airlines that don’t discriminate on the basis of skin colour and gender and hire the best there is.
I am surprised that an airline company based in a Muslim country would even allow female pilots! I hope that this is are far as their DIE policy goes!
They probably only allowed it so they would be allowed to gain entry into Western markets.
I’d be willing to bet that internal flights in such countries are all male pilots.
They have done for a few years.
Emirates have tough minded Western management. The Royals have put in the investment and are happy to get the returns and the prestige of owning a top rated airline.
A quote from “Zero Hedge” some time back but still applies here : We live in a world where we have harnessed extraordinary power in various forms. Chemical, electrical, nuclear — all three and their cousins are both essential to modern life and utterly intolerant of idiocy. In addition placing a political brick on the scale when it comes to such things, including medicine, gets people killed just as fast because you are ignoring facts in favor of some other factor whether it is touted as “diversity” or “ climate change”
In Australia the woke airlines give an announcement at the start basically apologising for flying over traditional Aboriginal land.
I’d rather be informed if my pilots are DIE hires or not, obviously before the plane pushes back and you should be given an opportunity to leave the aircraft.
“If you tell a Big Lie often enough – people will tend to believe it” – Joseph Goebbells {Reich Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda}
When flying in England is there an apology for flying over traditional Brython land which had been invaded by the Angles, Saxons, Jutes , the Romans, the Vikings and the Normans?
The People who Inhabiting Britain and Ireland around 7000–4000 BCE before the Celts were of the genetic kind known as western European Hunter Gatherers(WHG).
In Australia, the local inhabitants where still Hunter Gatherers in 1788 AD!
I heard said: if DIE is so bad, why don’t we see planes falling out of the sky everywhere in Africa?
Well, because they probably hire on the principle of merit. The US is giving up on that.
Boeing designed the 737 Max based on DIE principles
Chiefio looks at the US car market
“Car Market Shudders, The Fed Went Too Far Too Fast”
Dr John Campbell and Dr David Grimes talk about the importance of Vitamin (Hormone) D.
There is still staggering ignorance about correcting deficiencies of this important hormone.
Probably because it can make deficient people healthy and that is not good for the medical or pharmaceutical industries.
Beneath that video, it’s insulting that Goolag/YouTube inserts a link to Australian Government propaganda sites about covid.
I would be interested in what the link is in other countries.
The idea that a Vitamin D deficiency makes one especially susceptible to severe or deadly covid is not in conformity with the Official Narrative and many people have died because their deficiency was not corrected.
Norwegians compensate for the lack of vitamin D through sunlight by drinking cod liver oil, known as “tran”. Its taste is… not for everyone.
As people used cod liver oil in the UK during World War 2 (and I believe later on as well).
And Vit C extracted from Wild Rose Hips collected from the side of roads.
Graeme No. 3
Yes – certainly into my childhood; I was born not long after the Coronation in 1953.
I remember having cod liver oil and ‘Delrosa’ [Rose Hip Syrup, rather sweet!].
Also what I remember [possibly correctly] as ‘concentrated orange juice’ – this, IIRC, was a government [or NHS] supply, rather than commercial as the Delrosa was.
‘Free stuff’ even then!
For variety
“A blast (and a giggle or two) from my past”
“”The greatest miscarriage of justice in modern American history” ”
My non-woke medical doctor (GP) friend told me that even though restrictions were removed for prescribing IVM for C-19, they still apply for HCQ.
“Truth Telling” 26 January 1788
How did the First Fleet actually interact with the local Aboriginals? Did they send out troops to attack the local natives after the “invasion”, as Aboriginal activists now want us to believe?
The First Fleet arrived with provisions to feed the convicts and troops for two years until crops coulld be planted and harvasted
Sounds like Biden’s southern border!
Sounds just like Australia where people get subsidised while not working.
Years ago a friend told me of an applicant forced to try for a job.
As his boss said, “he came in with a torn T shirt, dirty jeans and only one thong. Not the sort of person who makes a good Lawyer”.
Of course times might have changed.
If Leftists think it’s “racist” to refer to C19 by its place of origin how about these diseases and viruses named after Australian places?
Ross River fever.
Hendra virus.
Bairnsdale ulcer.
Murray Valley encephalitis.
Barmah Forest virus.
“Canberrian Willful Blindness”
Climate Science on Trial.
have been out of the loop for a while on the comments.
Does anyone have an update on the Michael Mann vs Mark Steyn trial which is apparently underway after about 12 years of delay!
Being covered here:
Thanks for that.
Watching the whole thing could be a bit tedious. However you’re linktookme to Steyn’s own website where he published his own opening address. He did not hold back!
Hope it gets loudly reported. After Harvard’s recent problems and a plagiarist in control, another University having its undercarriage exposed could bring a heap of problems onto the entire tertiary education system, especially ‘peer review’ which presumably will lie somewhere in Steyn’s defence.
I posted this below. It is a re-enactment of Steryn’s opening address – very entertaining and informative:–Mark-Steyns-Full-Opening-Statement-e2f3c0v
Rach day has a part re-enactment. It is great work and worth an hour or so each day if you have the time.
And Steyn has also sued Michael Mann for some substancial sum. If Steyn wins then it would hit the news even there.
Can you provide a link for this action? I am unaware of any action Steyn has against Mann. Steyn did try to have the case dismissed on the bases that it was SLAPP lawsuit that failed. But that motion was denied.
The current case is Mann v Steyn. So Mann has to prove defamation and resulting damages. So far Mann is not doing well. Steyn’s defence will be truly entertaining as it will expose Mann’ fraud in grim detail.
The case should stain the Climate Change™ movement and may expose thee entire scam to scrutiny. DC has a lot to lose if this case is lost because much of their reason for being is to do with bleeding the plebs by saving the planet and never being wrong because it was Climate Change™ wot did it.
Oh no! Mt Everest is melting!
Himalayan glaciers present a climate paradox
According to decades of data from Mount Everest, cold winds created by melting ice produce a localized countermeasure to global warming – but this could soon change.
By Nicolò Romano
Glaciers all over the world are threatened by global warming, but a new study on retreating Himalayan glaciers published in Nature Geoscience has revealed an unexpected twist: as these icy giants melt, they create cold winds that contradict climate change trends by keeping the surrounding areas cooler1.
The research was conducted by the Institute of Polar Sciences in Milan and the Water Research Institute (IRSA) near Rome in collaboration with the Institute of Science and Technology Austria.
“The study is interesting because we describe the impact of glaciers on the atmosphere and not the other way round,” says Nicolas Guyennon, a researcher at IRSA and one of the study’s authors. The team studied data from 1994 onwards recorded at the Pyramid International Laboratory-Observatory in Nepal and three more stations along the southern slopes of Mount Everest. The data was remarkable because, despite the global rise, the temperatures around the base of Everest have remained constant or even decreased.
The explanation is that the melting glaciers give rise to cold downstream winds. The exaggerated heat difference between the atmosphere and the glacier causes its surface to exchange more heat with the air close to it. This results in colder, denser air descending into the surrounding environment in the form of ‘katabatic winds’ that are driven downward by gravity. These cold winds introduce a temporary, localized countermeasure to warming temperatures.
“The study must not be misinterpreted,” says Michele Freppaz, who studies snow science at the University of Turin. “The authors do not claim that the Himalayan glaciers are not melting. On the contrary, they attribute the observed local cooling to the melting process.” Guyennon adds that “other studies suggest that this buffer effect could have a tipping point. If we continue burning fossil fuels, the meltdown of the glacier will be inevitable.”
Oh No! Not only Everest. Local news claims that the shark attack in Sydney Habour was also caused by global warming. As rising sea temperatures are now allowing Bull sharks to move further south in pursuit of prey these attacks are like to become more common.
Disregard the fact that Bull Sharks have ALWAYS inhabited these waters its “global warming” what caused it.
“Global Warming” in 1895
more here
I believe the area in Middle harbour, near Spit bridge, has the record for the most number of shark attack deaths, above any other section of the Australian coast .
Most of those were also in the ‘30s and ‘40s.
Maybe lacking an industry that catches and culls the numbers might have a little bit to do with it, just as it seems to have ‘miraculously’ happened with the numbers of white pointers around all our coasts trying out humans for taste. In the harbour, just maybe the increased numbers of Bull sharks is causing some decay of their normal alternative foods for their table and they have to move upstream for easier meals.
Who says the numbers have increased ??
NSW Dept of Primary Industries. More Bull sharks in Sydney Harbour in summer.
No scientific proof they have increased in overall numbers – nor that they haven’t!
“For others, Phillip’s house became a temporary refuge during personal or tribal disputes,”
I assume that tribal disputes included territorial disputes between tribes.
Now, every time the woke businesses, Government Departments and other organisations have a statement along the lines that “we acknowledge the lands of the people on which we operate, we are suppose to believe that the lands have been “owned” by the named tribe for thousands of years, but in the above words I assume written in or soon after 1788, territorial disputes were still occurring at that time, at least in the Sydney area, even if disputes were caused by misunderstanding of borders.
More for indigenous people to be grateful for. Now they have a written record of the lands which they “own”.
More on “Nut Zero”
“”It Must Be Stopped”: 12 Agriculture Officials Warn Largest U.S. Banks About Net Zero Agenda”
ICON of the SEAS
Is the worlds largest cruise ship and is powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG).
Concern now is for the methane emmisions.
So solve one problem and get a different one.
Methane is bunker fuel for this ship.
Ship owners pay for bunker fuel.
Ship owners are, therefore, careful about bunkers, and do not like waste.
Any waste will be minimised – both for the owners’ benefit, and for the professional pride of the seafarers on board.
Leftists are always trying to destroy the simple pleasures of life. For example Australia has among the world’s highest cigarette and alcohol taxes as well as frequent talk among the control freaks of sugar taxes and even meat and salt taxes. People should be able to make up their own minds about what to ingest, whether it is healthy or not. Sick of the Nanny State.
Does advertising have anything to do with how people “make up their own minds?”
What difference does it make?
I am in control of my own mind. I make my own decisions.
You think therefore you are, or you think therefore something is? 😉
“I think, therefore I am”. René Descartes
Did seeing a toy chicken jump into the air exclaiming “Oh what a feeling!” inspire you to go out and buy a Toyota?
I completely agree.
No subsidised medical aid for those who deliberately destroy themselves.
Would you include overeaters or undereaters in that? Illegal drug takers? Where do you draw the line?
Or people who do dangerous sports or activities?
You need to draw the line at deliberate and wilful self harm. eg substance abuse, alcoholism, smoking, gross obesity (eg “My 600lb life”)
Most sports are dangerous if not deadly if things go sideways, but participants know the risks and take precautions like helmets and body protection, and then they’re thoroughly trained and the support people are highly trained. You might as well say firefighters are in “dangerous activities” and should be pushed down the queue.
You might as well get rid of the queue and get the Govt right out of people’s health. Let them act as gatekeepers to see if any medicine is poisonous.. oh wait, they already fail at that!
Let anyone be a doctor or hospital or drug manufacturer, the free market will soon sort out who is good and who isn’t. Let charities and the Church sort out the poor and drug-addled, but seeing nearly everyone has a car I can’t see why they couldn’t pay for healthcare. Why wouldn’t you go to a Woolworths Health Clinic and flash your discount card?
Just think about Covid.. did the outrageously expensive and inefficient health system actually help?? Were they better than the small observant GPs who realised Ivermectin and zinc stopped it?? Why do we let a bureaucracy that stretches all the way up to WHO exist to bleed us dry?
Talk about taking the piss – Brew-Dog is making zero alcohol beer called “Nanny State”. I bought some from Aldi – not bad but not as good as the real thing.
This article is more than 2 years old
Former BrewDog staff accuse craft beer firm of culture of fear
Never tried their offerings – a bit ‘woke’ for me.
Errr – despite the Graudina headline!
Activists don’t need you David. They just need loud noise, media support to get a matter on the airwaves and then enough votes in the Parliaments via the Greens, leftlabor extremists, ‘moderate’ coalition members and TEALs. Before the disinterested know it, voila, the law is made and passed.
That’s the world of today. Fortunately, Albo banked on it for the ‘Voice’ but there was enough counterargument for a long enough period to strike the referendum down absolutely. If the time between idea and vote had been much shorter, the voice would have flown through as shown by contemporary polls.
The left are fast learners on political messenging and change. They won’t make that mistake again.
Civil War trending
Any one seen RFB
Farmers organise Reckless Renewables Rally, Canberra Feb 6: no more windmills, solar panels or power lines
This Reckless Renewables Rally is the official theme and focus of the February 6 rally organised by farmers to pressure the Labor Greens alliance about the futility of Net Zero and to halt the de-industrialisation of Australia.
A number of politicians have agreed to speak at the rally; let’s give them the message from food producers that very soon there could be no food.
Please attend if you can, bring your friends and neighbours to this important event. Australia’s future depends on it.
The ACT feds are eagerly dusting off their LRAD cannons as we speak..
This is a podcast re-enactment of Mark Steryn’s opening address. It gives some insight into where the defence case will head. Somewhat like a contents page:–Mark-Steyns-Full-Opening-Statement-e2f3c0v
I am looking forward to the defence case.
This case could turn out to be a watershed in the Climate Change™ fraud.
This trial will be the same as putting any religion on trial.
Your honour I will prove that a man cannot rise from the dead – this is obviously not possible (except to the true believers).
Same with winged horses being able to fly to Jerusalem and feeding human hearts to the Sun God Huitzilopochtli to prevent Climate Change.
Human hearts are now out of fashion but birds, bats and whales are now being sacrificed to appease the Climate Gods
‘Obelisks’: Entirely New Class of Life Has Been Found in The Human Digestive System
Peering into the jungle of microbes that live within us, researchers have stumbled across what seem to be an entire new class of virus-like objects.
“It’s insane,” says University of North Carolina cell biologist Mark Peifer, who was not involved in the study, told Elizabeth Pennisi at Science Magazine. “The more we look, the more crazy things we see.”
These mysterious bits of genetic material have no detectable sequences or even structural similarities known to any other biological agents.
So Stanford University biologist Ivan Zheludev and colleagues argue their strange discovery may not be viruses at all, but instead an entirely new group of entities that may help bridge the ancient gap between the simplest genetic molecules and more complex viruses.
“Obelisks comprise a class of diverse RNAs that have colonized, and gone unnoticed in, human, and global microbiomes,” the researchers write in a preprint paper.
Named after the highly-symmetrical, rod-like structures formed by its twisted lengths of RNA, the Obelisks’ genetic sequences are only around 1,000 characters (nucleotides) in size. In fact, this brevity is likely one of the reasons we’ve failed to notice them previously.
In a study that has yet to be peer reviewed, Zheludev and team searched 5.4 million datasets of published genetic sequences and identified almost 30,000 different Obelisks. They appeared in about 10 percent of the human microbiomes the team examined.
But of course we all know that because the science is settled, right?
NIH panel to launch urgent investigation amid evidence Alzheimer’s can SPREAD between people: Nearly 8,000 Americans received injection that can transmit memory-robbing condition.
An NIH panel is set to convene an urgent meeting amid fears thousands of Americans may have been put at risk of ‘catching’ Alzheimer’s.
A bombshell UK study published Monday found evidence of at least five people ‘caught’ the memory-robbing disorder from a now-banned hormone treatment.
The growth hormones – harvested from the bodies of dead people – were riddled with toxic amyloid-beta protein ‘seeds’, or prions, which were shown to cause early-onset dementia.
Health experts in the US — where nearly 8,000 children were injected with the therapy between the 1960s and 1980s — now fear cases may have gone undetected on this side of the Atlantic.
The panel will re-assess US data for signs that patients given the growth hormone injections developed Alzheimer’s disease.
Minutes from previous meetings show the committee has suspected that at least one American died from Alzheimer’s in their 60s after receiving the jab as a child.
If a link is found, it could potentially open the door for lawsuits.
In the UK, where 1,800 children got the injections, the Government previously agreed to pay up to $380,000 (£300,000) to people who suffered mental illnesses due to the shots.
The shots were administered to abnormally short children as young as four between 1959 and 1985.
They contained human growth hormone (HGH) that had been harvested from the pituitary glands of cadavers to help spur their growth.
What the frell were they thinking???
Are the “live-forever-on-young-person’s-blood” elite worried yet??
Wednesday animal lover corner
How the dog gets a wash:
(Nice stick skills too!)
How the cat gets a wash:
Rishi Sunak Made $710 Million From a Secret Vaccine Deal Made Just Months Before the Pandemic Started
The UK Prime Minister reportedly earned $710 million through his investment company Theleme buying shares in unknown vaccine manufacturer Moderna, less that a year before it became a major player in the ‘Pandemic’.
Moderna, who formed in 2018, only had one product. An MRNA ‘vaccine’ that, until a year later, was a cure without an illness. Sunak, via Theleme, invested heavily in the company at launch and In July of 2018, the company opened a 200,000 square foot facility in Norwood, Massachusetts for manufacturing, preclinical and clinical work.
Although they only had one (experimental) product that had never been commercially sold, Sunak invested heavily in the company that, just 12 months later, would be spearheading the pandemic response.
The pandemic was said to be a ‘black-swan’ event yet Sunak had incredibly, not only invested in an unknown company with the ‘cure’, he managed to do so just months before the black swan event happened.
Insider trading. Lies. Fraud. Corruption. Become the PM.
Is that Scott Morrison or Anthony Albanese that you are refereing to?
I was referring to the pommy primed minister, but am well aware of how the cap fits elsewhere, but we’re not allowed to name names..
Oh well he has that Infosys enriched wife, wealthier than the queen it was said, to compete against; it’s a crime against the old dart that Liz Truss was so swiftly upended and this ghastly hedgie appointed in her place.
Traditionally wicked malefactors of Rishi’s ilk had their heads summarily removed and displayed on London Bridge back in the day; one can dream eh.
And don’t forget the primary reasons Liz T was removed; climate and energy policies
Excellent covid vaccine injury win.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Huge ramifications for employers. How about hose still enforcing vaccine mandates. Firies come to mind!
…meantime in another Australian case the judge is still to publish his findings meaning those uninoculated involved continue on the payroll (no shift penalties/overtime just stay home and get paid) awaiting his decision.
#BoycottRipCurl Trends For TWO DAYS After Iconic Australian Surf Brand Boots Female Surfer For Trans-Identified Male
An Australian brand that specializes in swimwear for surfers has come under fire after bringing on a trans-identified male as one of their “female” brand ambassadors. Rip Curl’s controversial move comes just months after the company dropped Bethany Hamilton, a shark attack victim, for voicing her opposition to trans-identified males competing in female sporting competitions.
Rip Curl cut ties with Hamilton in November 2023, despite her status as one of the most celebrated female surfers in Australia and abroad. The decision came after Hamilton publicly opposed gender ideology policies which permit males to compete against women.
Last February, Hamilton shared two videos to her Instagram account questioning October 2022 guidelines adopted by the World Surf League, in accordance with the International Surfing Association, which granted males who claim a transgender status permission to compete against female athletes.
Aaaarrrggghhh…my eyes…my eyes…😉
The Rip Curl CEO is a woman (Lesbian?)
How degrading for women for these woke companies to allow men to pass themselves off in women’s roles.
There are only two doubly landlocked countries, i.e. countries entirely surrounded by other landlocked countries.
I call and raise you one
Three countries qualify as true enclaves completely surrounded by another country’s land and/or internal waters:
San Marino, enclaved within Italy
Vatican City, enclaved within the city of Rome, Italy
Lesotho, enclaved within South Africa
An Exclave vs an Enclave
True exclave is an extension of the concept of true enclave. In order to access a true exclave from the mainland, a traveller must go through the territory of at least one other state.
A topical example is the Gaza Strip.
Then there are encaves that are exclaves!
– Llívia is an enclave and exclave of Spain surrounded by France.
– Campione d’Italia is an enclave and exclave of Italy surrounded by Switzerland.
– Büsingen am Hochrhein is an enclave and exclave of Germany surrounded by Switzerland. The shortest distance from Büsingen’s borders to the main portion of German territory is only about 700 metres (about 2,300 ft).
– Likoma and Chizumulu Islands in Lake Malawi are lacustrine enclaves and exclaves of Malawi, surrounded by Mozambique territorial waters
Check these out while you’re on the topic:
Wu Flu \ Vax problems.
An interesting thread IMO
About a third of the way through it gets into
“A key point is the difference between a “economical resource” and a “reserve”. ANYONE who talks about “reserves” and says we have a limited supply or are running out: is already shouting they are clueless. Fundamentally daft on the topic. Oh, and “resource” is NOT “all on the planet”, it is limited to what we can extract (but does not use price). So there is a lot of Nickel in the ocean but we can’t at present extract it, so it is not in “Nickle resources”. “
China has maintained its coal reserve at 30 years while accelerating consumption. Now up to 4.6Gtpa. The best guess of the resource is 1000 years at 2020 rate.
Victoria has enough lignite to power Australian electricity at current level for around 4,000 years. It would be somewhat more with the combustion efficiency that China is now achieving.
But, being the lucky country, Australia is able to get China to buy our coal and iron ore for them to sell us wind turbines and solar panels.
In 2012 I did a bushwalk in Victoriastan in the Rubicon Valley Historic Area. At the time I didn’t know much of the history of the area but it is home of a very old hydroelectric scheme, still running today, that produces about 13MW. It was built in the 1920′s and was very advanced for the time.
Today it is owned by AGL but I suspect their only purpose in owning it is to harvest renewable energy credits and they probably bought if from the SEC for next to nothing.
I repeated the walk in 2018 as well. I find it fascinating that the water flows down the kilometers of aquaducts almost silently and also when you put your ear up to the penstock (pipeline) which goes into the Rubicon A power station (a length of 1305 metres with a drop of 443m) you hear no noise despite the fact that enough water is flowing down the penstock to produce 9.2MW.
I walked about 16km from the Rubicon A Power station (the biggest one) past the Rubicon Falls Power Station and up to the Royston Power Station. Then I returned walking beside the aqueduct that feeds into the penstock that goes into the power station at the starting point. The last part of the walk along the penstock was extremely difficult, for a length of 1305 metres with a descent 443 metres, so an angle of about 20 degrees on average but parts were much steeper plus the track was extremely rugged.
Here are some links:
I also wrote an article about the scheme in 2013:
So…you crossed the Rubicon? 😉
Yes, or as Julius Caesar said at the time iacta alea est.
It’s alright once you’re in! 😆😆
A truely remarkable piece of engineering, over seen by Sir John Monash as head of the SEC at the time. As a youngster we used to ride the railway carriage to the top of that pipeline and then ride the electric tramcar out along the channel. The railway carriage was winched up on a cable, hence, “the haulage”. A channel keeper used to live at the top penstock, parts of his job being to keep debris out of the channel, work the winch to haul the carriage and even provide the odd weather report. Quite a little community of SEC employees lived at the bottom there and a couple of families remained from the logging days on the other side of the Royston. The old post office still stands though privately owned these days and I am sure the authorities would love to get rid of this piece of history if they could. By coincidence I was there today, all fenced and gated with a sign advising that the area was closed to public access, for our own safety of course. The old areas that used to be open, where in the day there used to be a few scattered houses, are now all gated, although open today they can be locked at a moments notice to restrict the public from, you know, public land. These restrictions continue to increase on any public land. Kendals a bit further downstream also used to have a homestead, now gone and a camping place called “The Boys Camp” or some such allows some free camping in the area. We never new the area by this name growing up. Parents used to take us there most Sundays to visit friends whose house was right on the river, swimming in freezing water in summer with screams of snake, snake snake as the big tigers slithered in out and across the flow, the only thing being bigger were the bloody monstrous browns. Parents used to play tennis there in the day but the courts now long gone. The friends also had a dog that had a docked tail and a missing front foot, the hound was asleep under the carriage when it started to be hauled up, leg over one rail tail over the other, two amputations with one jerk on a cable. This dog could still run down a feral cat and was known for his prowess at keeping the snakes away from the house.
Thanks for those fascinating comments Sambar.
It’s sad that more and more such places are being restricted from access “for our own safety”.
Can’t have the proles enjoying themselves.
Yes, .. Mt Warning is currently a hot news topic for the same reason !
Jo Nova is being interviewed on the “Chris Kenny Report” right now at 1740 hrs AEDT.
“BOM’s Huge Forecasting Fail”
Sky News Australia.
I will try to get the vid for all to view.
Can’t get the vid atm. The usual copyright issues.
This is the podcast audio if any are interested. Released by Sky News 20 mins ago (Kenny Report, 31st Jan 2024)
OK.. The editorial re the BOM by Chris Kenny begins at 27:25 mins
Jo is interviewed re this subject at 32:00 mins to approx 37:00 mins.
37:06 is the end of the segment.
Video of segment
9min 46sec
Irregular sarcasm
In breaking news, the climate crisis has been declared as over, thanks to activists throwing soup at the Mona Lisa.
I thought you meant that the climate crisis has been declared over thanks to all the rain at Mount Isa 🙂
Cyclone Kirrily has become iconic, lasting more than a week over Mount Isa….never seen anything like a stationary cyclone before. A strong Flannery of rain for sure.
The world’s first amateur radio station on the moon is now working.
Japan’s small lunar landing demonstration vehicle “SLIM” successfully landed on the moon on January 20th 2024, at around JST 00:20AM, becoming the fifth country in the world to successfully land on the moon.
Of the two small lunar surface probes released from “SLIM” just before landing, “LEV-2” collects data while moving on the lunar surface, and “LEV-1” receives the data and transmits it to amateur radio.
An amateur radio station license has been officially issued to the amateur radio station (JAXA Ham Club JS1YMG) equipped with the “LEV-1” that accomplished this feat.
The licensee is “JAXA Amateur Radio Club” (JQ1ZVI), the LEV-1’s call sign is “JS1YMG”, and the communications matters are “matters related to amateur business”, not “matters related to space communications business”.
The radio wave model is listed as 100HA1A, 20K0G2D, 250KF8E, the radio frequency is 437.41MHz, and the antenna power is 1W.
Furthermore, Radio equipment installation location or movement range includes lunar orbit, and the moon’s orbital elements are listed as orbital inclination 5.2 degrees, orbital period 39.214, perigee altitude 360,000 km, apogee altitude 405,000 km.
Daniel Estevez/EA4GP introduces the method and extraction results for demodulating Morse code from the signal sent from “LEV-1” and extracting the code string (call sign and HK data expressed in hexadecimal).
It’s the freakin’ MOON and you need a freakin’ license???
That’s an exclave if ever there was one.
Daily ejukayshun
Did you know that the humble chicken egg is a common misconception?
/ you may have to think about that…
FWIW – the EV scene
“Taxpayer-Funded Electric Busses Are Sitting Broken Down And Idled Across The Country”
“So Many Problems Continue To Plague The EV Industry”
Two electric car owners were seen today fighting over a charging port.
The police have said it was a charged environment and they will amp up patrols around area. A lot of witnesses were shocked and some saw someone socket to the other.
Sounds like the sparks were flying ,.and generated a lot of attention .
…..i guess the police were able to defuse the situation before anyone was chaged with assult and battery ?
“You Should Rethink Flying United Airlines”
“Tucker Carlson Interviews Russell Brand, Discussing the Era of Information Warfare and Government Targeting
January 30, 2024 | Sundance | 39 Comments”
Very good interview.
Wonder how it relates to this …
Dr. John Campbell: British Heart Foundation statement.
I see nothing.
I’m too busying worrying about the LAI.
(Not to be confused with the LIA. Being slightly dyslexic, I have to be careful about the placement of the I and the A.)
But, as I’ve learnt from this thread, we can now count snowflakes AND leaves.
And ThoseThatToilOnlyToKeepUsSafe can keep track of our every utterance.
And Excess Deaths (which are not as important as snowflakes and leaves … except maybe to the the Insurance industry, but not to the valiant warriors of ‘Public Health’).
For the utterance trackers … I see nothing.
I do now know that Russell Brand was once an attractive and successful young celebrity that had awkward sexual encounters whilst being attractive and a celebrity.
I thank the MSM and their colleagues in government for keeping me informed.
Hydrothermal venting ruled out as a cause of recent ocean warming.
The people are pushing back against EU green policies and it involves Ukraine.
“Some Notes On The Trial Of Mann v. Steyn”