A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The free speech union is a British organisation that fights (usually woke) injustices. It is run by Toby Young who also authors the Daily Sceptic. The headline of this link says it all really.
We are increasingly seeing things in the West which at one time were considered free speech but these days can result in fines or prison
Here’s a 1 minute clip of Konstantin Kisin talking to Australian former deputy PM John Anderson. Kisin reveals stats for arrests in Britain over social media posts.
He says, how many people do you think were arrested in Russia for social media posts lasts year. (I assume that’s 2022 given the date of the video was 2023) The answer was 400.
Then he says, how many do you think were arrested in Britain last year. Answer 3300.
Kisin cites one example of a woman who posted song lyrics that contained the “N word”. She was a charged and found guilty. A comment under the video says she successfully appealed. But how did it get to the point of her being even being charged in the first place. Let alone having to appeal the guilty finding.
I have no idea if those stats are correct. But the single crazy example of the woman and the song lyrics shows anything is possible.
The most significant event in Australia yesterday was the totally unprovoked murder of a 70yo grandmother by “a youth of African appearance.” This confirms yet again all of our fears re unrestricted importation of Africans into this nation – something you have had for longer. Of course our various mainstream media allow no commentary and it shall soon disappear as a news item. Meanwhile the gaslighting shall continue with nice TV and print ads showing us glowing examples of our new-found rich diversity etc ad nauseam. We never voted for being replaced – our forefathers knew well the dangers, but of course, they were racist toxic white etc. I shall not live to experience the full array of delights that are implicit in our immigration policy. But my kids will.
A carjacking for a Getz?
A 15 yo charged so far.
Must’ve selected the victim rather than the car, wouldn’t want to choose a body builder in a big black Euro SUV.
Fun Facts:
There were 12 people of “African appearance” in the First Fleet.
The majority of the people travelling with the First Fleet were convicts, all having been tried and convicted in Great Britain, almost all of them in England. Many are known to have come to England from other parts of Great Britain and, especially, from Ireland; at least 14 are known to have come from the British colonies in North America; 12 are identified as black (born in Britain, Africa, the West Indies, North America, India or a European country or its colony).
They only get away with this because the rest of the Newcastle fans are not as united behind their own as they claim to be. Why are they not all protesting at the club; empty stands? They have lost their “strong men” and are a fan club of “weak men”.
There is increasing pressure for Museums to return goods supposedly looted during colonial times. With no better example that the Elgin marbles.
Often there is far more to a story than meets the eye as in the case of the Benin bronzes
These were actually removed by British action from an African tribe who hade been slave trading. Ironically they are now heading back to the very African leaders wo had stolen them in the first place
The Elgin Marbles were legally purchased by Lord Elgin and would likely not exist today if they weren’t.
Similarly, for other artefacts of human history in museums. If they were not for them being acquired by the British Museum, Smithsonian Institution etc., they simply would not exist today. The locals would have destroyed, lost or sold them. Look what happened when the Baghdad Museum was looted, for example, and the bronze artefacts you mentioned Tony, repatriated to Nigeria, now the personal property of the leader.
Western countries respected and preserved these important artefacts of human history.
BTW, Philip Adams of Their ABC is full woke, a multi-millionaire socialist, and always going on about the Elgin Marbles. But he has a huge private collection of Ancient Egyptian artefacts. When asked If he is going to return those he says No, because there’s “loads of the stuff”.
I have seen his collection and it is enormous and mind blowing. Huge amount of artifacts, very strange to live with it. Who want sarcophagi in their bedroom?
An ABC-produced radio doco, ‘Stuff The British Stole’, has been airing over the summer holidays, voiced by a young, emotional, woke bloke (?) who has a penchant for blaming the British Empire for EVERYTHING wrong with the world.
The more he says, the more obvious it becomes he doesn’t know very much – about history, about civilisations, about human nature. One episode was about Maori shrunken heads, which some tribes want to repatriate from overseas collections. No counter-balance was offered to explain inter-tribal warfare, slavery, cannibalism, kitanga or Maori protocol, nor the enthusiasm some tribes showed once they realised they could trade enemies’ heads for the white man’s muskets.
It’s tragic that today the Left have propagated the idea that the propagation of Western Civilisation was the worst thing that ever happened in the history of the world. Secondly, that there was no more idyllic and utopian existence than the tribal life of native inhabitants of Africa, North or South America, Australasia etc.. Thirdly, the Left propagate extreme racism and discrimination against the world’s smallest major racial group, white people.
David. Why fall for self-serving BS. Never seen or heard a leftist yet who is NOT 100% immersed in Western Civ. Never seen/heard of any leftist not living the standard WC lifestyle. Why bother reporting on what people with mental afflictions have to say?
BTW: Go to ANY High School at knock-off time (say 3.15pm) and watch…AMAZED….as dozens ( hundreds?) of 17 year olds….despite a decade of climate change hokus/pokus indoctrination on the evils of fossil-fuels….jump into their clapped out fossil-fueled vehicles to drive around. You coulda also been where I live to see THOUSANDS of em jetting in for schoolie’s week last November….in complete defiance of leftism’s call for NO FLY ZONES. It’s all smoke and mirrors David. FFS!
Pretty sure it’s not the very same ones.
Should charge ’em rent and storage.
Would you buy a Ford Mustang Mach-E (BEV)? {Silly Question}
Ford is now trying to flog all of its spare Mach-E’s in Australia.
Drive away prices range from A$79,925 to $114,210
Or would you prefer an ICE Ford F150 pick-up starting with a Drive Away Price from $115,678
Or the baby brother Ford Ranger with an estimated Drive Away Price From $47,720 to $94,872 (Raptor)
The world’s first ute rolled off Ford’s Geelong’s assembly plant in 1934 beginning a legacy that is still relevant in today’s world.
In 1932 one farmers wife sent a letter to the Ford Australia’s head office in Geelong, asking why couldn’t they make a nice car to not only take me to church on Sunday but also useful for the farmer to take the pigs to market on a Monday.
Some photos and more histroy on the 1934 Ford Ute made in Geelong
My dad had one in the 50’s, didn’t have suicide doors though, might’ve been ’35 or a bit later.
Look at the shadow under the front bumper … it really was not utilitarian, it was a fancy man’s ute. Nice looking car.
I don’t know about you guys in Australia, but here in New Zealand, not every one who drives a Ford Ranger is an arrogant, dangerous half wit who should not have a drivers license, but every arrogant, dangerous half wit who should not have a drivers license drives a Ford Ranger. With the exception of a few numpties who always seem to drive Suzuki Swifts.
After driving around Tasmania I can confirm that there is a very high proportion of half wits driving Rangers as well as other Dual Cabs.
Did you stop for lunch?
Never been then?
Germany became very reliant on Russian gas. Its withdrawal caused many problems, not helped by Germany deciding to rid itself of Nuclear and concentrate on renewables. It also tried to replace its gas through other sources, most notably from the US.
However in the name of Green, Biden seems to have suddenly pulled the rug out from their feet by stopping LNG projects.
This has all sorts of implications, as Germany still has (or had) many energy guzzling industries, from Car manufacturing to steel making. However, buying the finished stuff from China instead will cause a useful reduction in Germany’s Co2 production and that’s all that counts in the bizarre world of green accounting.
Several years Germany was leading in industrial production and export. Not everyone was happy about. Now, time over.
But the Russians never turned off the tap. The Germans sanctioned them. Then the USA blew up Nordstream. From the 20 min mark:
And now Biden stop LNG projects. With friends like the US, who needs enemies?
The irony of Trump telling them that being dependent on Russian gas would hold them to ransom . The USA blew up nordstream and is now threatening to cut of their supply . Geopolitics folks….
“Biden seems to have suddenly …”
“suddenly” only in this instance.
He has been following the directions of
ClimateCult™ members since his first day in office.
Joey plays Pick-up sticks wearing mittens.
He has no idea what he is doing while causing
destruction in his wake. The list is long, starting with
‘A’for Afghanistan.
The very first official act of the most-trade-union-friendly-ever president Biden was the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, with a loss of some 14,000 unionized jobs.
I was listening to a discussion in which the word “scientifically” was uttered often.
I noticed my reaction to it has changed 180 degrees.
After the Pandemic experience, it no longer represents enlightenment and exploration, but authoritarianism.
An admonishment to follow without question.
I never learnt that one well.
I hope the Schwabians and the Faucists are proud. (May they go and pleasure themselves.)
In a few short years, they undid what McCoy and Spock worked so hard to celebrate.
Wonder how farmers in the EU are feeling about following ‘Science’ today?
‘Books are written by equipment’. The prophecy of A.I. fulfilled.
As a practising scientist myself who was trained in the classical way in the 1960s, the corruption of science is distressing in the extreme. I watched a science fiction film in the 1960s called “the devils eggshells”. It fantasised the planting of ceramic “eggs” at the scene of every disaster (train and plane crashes and the like) and led to civil war where scientists were having to defend themselves with WWII rifles whilst being attacked by outraged mobs. Seems rather similar to the present!
From the BBC Archives – synopsis – “The discovery of mysterious egg-shaped objects at the sites of a series of disasters lead people to believe that we are being attacked by alien beings, but it is revealed to be a conspiracy hatched by a team of scientists intent on using an alien menace to unite the world. But their scheme backfires with fatal consequences…” Sounds rather like now doesnt it – very prescient
“The greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”
~ Aldous Huxley (Book: The Art of Seeing)
Fire chief gives dire warning about the dangers of recharging after ebike fire
Hmm ?… a slight generalisation !
What about all those laptops in bedrooms,… powertools and lawnmowers being recharged in the garage,..stick vac’s permanently on charge ,..?
Let alone everybodies phone on charge at night !
No,..most of these fires are the result of cheap, unregulated , chinese electrical crap being used by unskilled owners who do not understand the risk.
Don’t disagree with your comment but unfortunately a great deal of the stuff we buy in the West is cheap Chinese crap and therefore prone to doing what the fire chief says.
Anyone else getting a 410 error for wattsupwiththat?
It came back
It went again.
It came back again.
Fingers crossed (scientifically proven by computer modelling that it works).
Domain not found
It’s loading fine for me in Sydney. 8.39am
Are you perhaps loading a cached copy?
No I just cleared my cache and all cookies. It still loads fine.
Its good for me in the central west NSW, time 9.20.
In Melbournistan I get “DOMAIN NOT FOUND”.
Have they been cancelled?
Here in California getting it too. Just because you are paranoid it doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you
I’m trying not to be paranoid, even though I know “they” are indeed trying to get us, but could this be US Election censorship of WUWT?
It’s back now in Melbournistan.
still not working in Auckland NZ
IsItDown site also says they are down with 404 error
Still Domain not found here in Germany
Domain not found here in Nth Central Vic.
Back just this moment 😀
Gone again.
Well – coincidentally (lol) – up here in Brisbane it is good as at 9:30am. I did a duckduckgo search and then clicked the main link that came up and there it was.
Now as far as “coincidentally” goes I also scanned down a few stories to confirm whole of site operation and there was a story on the Phillip Island “sex mad due to global warming” penguins. Just yesterday I had commented on the ABC item re this but at that stage had not realised that the sex life of these penguins wasn’t just an ABC fluff piece but was actually on a much wider stage. (Yesterdays comment link: )
So if someone already registered with WUWT feels inclined maybe you might comment on how getting rid of a chief predator and building nice boxes to bonk in will generally mean a population increase in the long term for any species. Just look at the effect that new year’s eve has on us mortals.
Tried DDG just now, Domain not found, at 11.10am.
12:55 AEST – domain works fine, not a DNS issue.
410 error means a resource did exist but has been permanently deleted, so go figure.
No problems from Tokyo.
“The nuclear renaissance coming to Saskatchewan”
“Weekend Watch: Juice: Power, Politics & the Grid”
In there –
“In particular, reliability trumps all, and wind and solar can only be relied upon to be utterly unreliable.”
(My bold)
My back of the envelope calculation came up with 8 Trillion GBP.
The paper written for the Royal Society led by Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith of Oxford University concluded batteries were not the answer to the huge storage requirements of intermittent ‘green’ electricity power.
But having dismissed any role for batteries, the Royal Society suggested hydrogen as a solution!
Now how much would that cost?
From your ABCCC and CFMEUU.
“Rallies held in support of offshore wind as Newcastle, Wollongong residents hopeful of job opportunities”
These rallies are the epitome of modern Australia:
I’ll informed, misinformed, dissinformed and representing 100% Self Interest on the part of the “performers “.
I am looking forward to the “chickens for KFC” rally.
Not as absurd as you might think. They already have “Queers for Palestine”.
The ignorance is simply staggering. Or as you say Keith, “ill informed, misinformed, dissinformed”.
“chickens for KFC”
That is perhaps the most perfect analogy possible.
Iterpretation #1 None of this devious thing is for the people and will seriously harm, enslave and rob the plebs.
Iterpretation #2 ?
Now this is bizarre.
Supposedly extraterrestrial radio signals were detected in 2019 from 11 light years away but the UN has a gradual 25 year schedule for release of this information.
I find it highly implausible but this video (link below) is by Professor Simon Holland who is reputable, quoting another reputable source.
I find it implausible for two reasons.
1) It would be impossible to keep such information secret.
2) It was said that instantaneous comms had already been established despite the aliens being 11 light years away. This was done by quantum teleportation. However, only quantum information can be sent faster than the speed of light. Classical information cannot.
For those two reasons, I believe that despite the good reputation of Holland, and the supposed good reputation of the one he cites, I think this report is false. I think he may have been duped.
I think the real reason Biden etc. is putting UFOs (or UAPs to use the woke term) and aliens on the agenda is political and related to bringing in dictatorial world government powers.
Video at: 20.5 mins
The UAP phenomenon is of universal interest.
‘Congressional interest in UAP remains strong. Lawmakers have voiced intent to continue pressing for the inclusion of the eminent domain and Review Board provisions in future legislation. In particular, Senator Schumer noted that although the FY 2024 NDAA establishes “a strong foundation for more action in the future” he and other proponents of the Senate amendment would continue efforts “to create an independent, presidentially-appointed review board that can oversee UAP classified records, and create a system for releasing them, where appropriate, to the public.” (Covington)
‘It would be impossible to keep such information secret.’
The authorities are good at keeping secrets, move right along there is nothing to see here.
Jellyfish UFO debunk:
Good debunk, I was thinking it might be reengineered stuff.
They probably want someone to transfer money into their account or send them some gift cards.
The signals are from planet-x aka Nibiru, which only some people can see because they own big telescopes.
2024 – what a year. Massive droughts, massive floods, starvation, bye bye Putin, first contact.
First contact would be the end of religions so the pollies would want to cover that up…
Implausible is an understatement.
This is purely to divert attention from O’biden.
My take on the ufo thing is they are testing out a new scare which can be used to increase the power of the government. Not everyone will be fooled but the don’t need to fool everyone.
I reckon not as many are frightened by the covid thing or the climate thing. They need to boost the number of people clammering for the government to save them.
How to do a “product” (EV) review!
Love the ” Cyber Urinal”.
On the way to somewhere
“HIGHER EDUCTION BUBBLE UPDATE: MA cuts college degree requirements for 90% of state jobs.”
“Scientists Warn: Declining Academic Standards Mixed With DEI Recipe For Disaster”
” ‘Deport every illegal’: Sky News host proposes new DEI slogan”
Instapundit “IT’S A WINNING SLOGAN:”
Hmmmm interesting situation at my house last night. Power went out about 2.00 am then restored at 4.30 am. At this point I recieved a message from AustNet proudly declaring “Good news we restored power to.” then they quote my metre number, never seen this message before. The message continues “ if your still without power check all the switches are facing up on your switch board then follow the steps in our report a fault form”. Now it was dead calm, no reports of accidents in the area, all the other lights normally visible were also out, so a blackout covering the supply area, all without an apparent reason.
Being a suspicious old Coote, why did they quote my metre number, well probably because they turned it off. Are we already in the phase of load shedding? It just so happens that yesterday and last night was the “Hottest day” of the entire summer. If the system fails at this very low point of increased consumption, what hope have we got if we ever have a heat wave that lasted for a week or more!
I agree with your analysis Sambar.
I reckon you were load-shed.
Were you being “selfish” and using air conditioning? Maybe they saw high power consumption on your smart meter and selected you and similar homes for “special treatment”?
“Were you being “selfish” and using air conditioning?”
No, we have a very frugal household electrically speaking. One fridge freezer, one tele, one ceiling fan, hot water and cooking. Thats it. Only the fridge freezer and hot water would be drawing power during the event.
I cannotsee why they would need to load shed at 2:00 am ?
More likely just an unsheduled maintenance job ( screw up) that they didnt bother to inform consumers about .
Maybe just trying the load shedding system out? The notice seems a little gleeful
for a business having to explain an outage. Happy because it worked? the notice then
would be just for your information in case your clocks in your oven and microwave were out
of sync. and you relied on them to get to work or something. Didn’t mention your EV failing to
charge I notice!)
They know your email, they know your meter, and they know your area was down (for whatever reason).
I doubt the ability to personalise bulk emails indicates whether they deliberately cut you off or not!
Ausnet reported an unplanned outage in Greensborough area at 0141 and restored at 0340. The other location around that time was Rubicon.
The cause has not been stated in the current report.
Melbourne SE had a relatively mild night.
Ausnet collects the metering data and passes it on to retailers. The retailer will have a contact number for you. You can choose to be advised by email or SMS.
The distributors – AusNet, United Energy, Jemena, Powercor and Citipower in Vic – would also have your phone number on file as it would come from the retailers to them.
AusNet have recently (a week or so back) updated their comms for outages, and also the Outage Tracker website. That’s why you’d be seeing new communications if you hadn’t seen an outage since then.
As for being load shed, very unlikely as the overall load on the grid yesterday (especially overnight to this morning) was well within available generation. And no indications of load shedding on AEMOs market notices. However localised outages do occur on hot days usually driven by local overloads tripping distribution circuit breakers or fuses. Another thing that can cause more trips on hot days are the new Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiters (kind of like giant safety switches for the network) that are more sensitive on hot days to help reduce fire risk.
Might have been a test run for more serious load shedding later.
“Trial Of Mann v. Steyn, Part III: More on Damages; Simberg and Steyn’s First Witness”
From Styne on line
Time Flies… When You’re Having Fun?
In this video a Florida surgeon talks about the devastating impact of DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) policies in his profession.
He recommends that patients either don’t go to a surgeon younger than 40 or so or if they do, to make sure they are competent and have not been selected and promoted on the basis of skin colour or gender but on merit.
Just as the survival of the West depends upon Donald Trump being elected, so too does the power of the Left depend on him not winning. They will do everything legal and illegal to stop him. I think that the censorship in social(ist) media (except Musk’s Twitter) will be much more severe than last time. Already I am noticing even more censorship on Farcebook.
Should world tensions continue to escalate and spread to Australia I wonder how long it would take us to “firm up” our power sources? Both electricity and fossil fuels. These are the basics needed to defend the country.My guess would be 5 to 10 years and with the ALP in power probably never.
The Government wouldn’t bother to do anything.
Most members of today’s ALP would welcome a Chicomm takeover.
A Chinese company already owns and operates the largest wind farm in NSW using Goldwind Chinese turbines most solar panells are made in China
Not to mention Energy ‘Australia’, wholly owned by C.L.P. – China Light and Power. All references state ‘Hong Kong based’, but we know what that really means.
The Chicomms also own the Stockyard Hill Wind plantation in Vicdanistan, one of Australia’s largest.
David. Is this meant to alarm us…or for us to marvel at the stupidity of the Chinese doing their dough on such nonsense?
It all reminds me of Gold Rushes. SOME….very few….participants struck it rich, while ALL the suppliers (equipment, food, pubs, hookers, Levi Strauss(!) etc)….made a motza.
Fancy the Chinese being dumb enough to jump from supplying to participating!
One of the Freedom Parties should have a register on their website of all the solar farms and who owns them and where the solar panels were made and the same with wind farms. Plus a listing of those approved for construction and those in the planning stage to facilitate civil protests
“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance”
After Penny Wong’s decision for continued Australian financial support for the UN support for Gazans
I was wondering – thinking deeper on the matter than when the thought first came on as a joke – which
Islamic sect or sects our governments support now? Shia? Sunni? Others? Support for Israel and maybe
even other allies, like the USA seems to be getting very weak.
I think someone intimated the state of the electric grid in Chile may be to blame for the current disaster.
But it seems the arsonists may have found a new playground.
Something is wrong with the UAH satellite
No, it’s your understanding 😀
Welcome back Chuckles! 😁
Do you actually have a point to make about the data?
Clearly its the greenhouse effect, Hunga Tonga Hunga, and temps may stay high for years.
Based on my summer experience this ummm, er, summer …. I think you’re right.
Up until 10.30 last evening when I switched them off, my local news was reporting a change in the weather to roll through by late afternoon today….maybe….
Thus, when I went strolling at 5AM this morning to then be soaked at 6AM by heavy rain (this was a pleasant occurrence) I was wondering just how accurate the prediction that El Nino causing dry dry dry is. Is it possible that the BoM is getting it wrong? IS IT?
Seems the BOM got El Nino right. But seems it got the predicted effect wrong. The latter being more important to get right.
Another important thing was the BOM not publicly quelling media hysteria around the predicted hot and dry, with the requisite caveats and commentary about the other weather input signals that didn’t support hot and dry.
No doubt they’ll say that Australia is a big country and somewhere it was hot and dry.
The organisation needs auditing, to get rid of AGW bias.
De-stocking prematurely has cost graziers a pretty penny, BoM will presumably be mocked whenever they make a seasonal forecast. This is good news, denier numbers are sure to swell.
I agree that their ‘input signals’ were limited, SAM hardly got a mention and its a major player.
Ever been annoyed by drug ads?
“Don’t take Umbapalead if you are allergic to Umbapalead. Umbapalead may increase you chance of horrible lingering death from whatever ailment you are taking Umbapalead for. Tell your doctor if you are missing an arm or a leg or both and are diabetic and blind or gay.”
Turns out drug ads are not meant to sell you Umbapalead, they are hush money to the media.
Tucker Carlson interviews Pharma whistleblower.
Why am never I quite cynical enough?
Peak Insanity?
So who will be buying this “export energy”? Hydrogen no doubt!
And we think EV fires are a problem!
So 4.2% of Australia?
Most of us here are probably too old for this!
Remember that tip from a while back –
“Unvaccinated sperm -the new bitcoin”
I know of a young man who is looking for a wife who has traditional moral values AND is a so-called “pureblood” (i.e. the term they use for the covid-unvaxxed) AND a non-woke independent thinker.
Not surprisingly, he is having a tough time finding someone.
Too many women these days are Kardashian-trash, as I call them.
Shallow, plastic, covered in meaningless tattoos, trashy makeup, fat butts and totally undesirable.
It’s interesting to look at the trend over the decades and see how it’s going downhill.
I’m not a misogynist, I just want a woman to be actually be a woman, like they used to be. Cleanskin, wholesome, down to Earth, intelligent, not a loony lefty, not self-centred.
Interestingly, I read this the other day:
Trans influencer who became viral meme says declining masculinity getting ‘out of control’
The trans woman told Fox News Digital that dating in the modern age comes with its difficulties, including declining masculinity in society.
“At least for me, you better be able to do more than what my dad can do. Because if I have to call my dad to do something for me and not you. Why are you here?”
“I feel like a lot of [men] need to start being [men]. When it comes to the male world… men nowadays are expecting princess treatment,” Lopez.
“I just see a lot of men expecting women in the relationship… to go above and beyond and like them to almost do nothing. …Even some of my friends… [I ask], ‘Why are you paying, covering this?’… At least be 50/50 [on paying for things].”
One of the most popular clips of Lopez on the internet is when she was asked to rate herself on a scale of attractiveness (1-10) during a “Whatever” episode.
Lopez stated, “[I’m] a fat f—ing ten.”
Yikes! A 10 you say. On the Gorlock scale. 😆😆😆
/you may now downvote
How come there is an explosion of frogs around Perth? We were told that decreasing frog numbers were a result of climate change caused by us burning fossil fuels. What crisis?
Macron is very unpopular right now.
Of all the corruptions of science by the Left, one of their biggest frauds was that scientific fact is decided by “consensus”.
I generated a link showing the popularity of the Goolag search term “consensus science” since 2004, worldwide.
Here is a link for the term “scientific consensus”.
Arguably the “concept” of subjective truth is even more fundamentally destructive.
Tweet from Vivek Ramaswamy:
The MSM doesn’t need “journalists” anymore . A.I. can tell lies just as well and won’t leak the truth unless hacked . As you mentioned earlier I have noticed increased censorship on social media . Considering the bunkering of the elites it’s probably the end game in play . They are still playing everyone , but more and more of the public are waking up.
As the meme goes, we need more conspiracy theories because all the old ones have come true.
Here ya go DM:
CNN tops the list.
The term “common sense” needs to be altered because it is simply no longer very common.
Obituary printed in the London Times – Interesting and sadly rather true.
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years.
No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
– Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
– Why the early bird gets the worm;
– Life isn’t always fair;
– and maybe it wasn my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; Teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn’t defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap,and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility,and by his son, Reason.
He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers;
I Know My Rights
I Want It Now
Someone Else Is To Blame
I’m A Victim
Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone.
If you still remember him, pass this on.
Impressionist Rich Little does impressions of Biden, Reagan and many others.
(11m 50s video)
“Heavy snow” for California’s mountains: duh, it’s winter.
“33 degrees” for parts of the South Island: duh, it’s summer.
I know a lot of people lost their minds a few years ago, but now they’ve lost their memories as well? Jo’s site is an oasis amongst the barren wilderness… joy!
A year or two ago, California was in a ‘permanent’ drought and dams were low. But never underestimate nature. Look at it now.
You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy, in your pod
“I don’t have space for a whole printer.”
Watching a clip like this, you’ve got to wonder about the mindset of some of these whackos. What is it about mindless liberalism that has people cheerfully walking the plank, grinning all the way? It’s a repeat of the COVID vaccine scenario. If the government snaps its fingers, they jump—no questions asked. These folks would probably amputate a limb if the government claimed it would “save the planet.” It makes you realise that liberalism really is a mental disorder. They seem ecstatic to live in a pod, munch on bugs, and own nothing. Good for them, but don’t for a second believe that the rest of us are lining up to join in.
Make it stop…
My letter to America, by Noor Bin Ladin
Dedicated to General Michael T. Flynn
Monday funny
Benefits of a good vocabulary!
I recently called an old engineering buddy of mine and asked what he was working on these days.
He replied that he was working on “Aqua-thermal treatment of ceramics, aluminum and steel under a constrained environment.”
I was impressed until, upon further inquiry, I learned that he was washing dishes with hot water under his wife’s supervision.
Kaspersky wins again!
The 2 best packages are, IMHO, Kaspersky and Bitdefender.
Not mentioned in the comparison though was the fact that Bitdefender doesn’t support Win 7 any more but Kaspersky does.
Noteworthy too is that Kaspersky didn’t block purely on archive packing technique but Bitdefender did, as did so many others.
If you want the best protection in the cybercrime era you know what to go for.
Whitney Webb with Chris Martenson, getting into modern feudalism, and AI’s takeover of the web – 90% of web content to be AI shortly. Putting out ‘misinformation’ to be classed as a cyber crime. They aren’t stepping back, just doubling down. Enjoy things now, it’s going to take one heck of a cataclysm for us to get out of it.
It’s an hour, but Whitney has always been worth it.
In the Digitalised Society –
you will own nothing and
you will be surveyed.
Aren’t the best hackers Russian?
Best hackers? Every country does it, gubermint sponsored or not, and brilliant hackers exist in all countries.
If we’re talking Blackhat:
Russia, China, N. Korea, S. Korea, Vietnam, Poland, Turkey, UK, UAE, Ukraine, USA & all 3-letter US gubermint agencies are the main ones.
China originates about 20% of all cyberattacks, USA 17%, Brazil/India/Germany 5%, Russia 2.5% (but exaggerated of course due to MSM-driven Russiaphobia).
TIL – Today I Learned
In 1965 a machine was patented to deliver a baby using centrifugal force. The machine would spin you around until the baby came out, and would be caught in a net.
OMG! 😆
Where the saying “sh!t for brains” may have come from. Flying through the air with all that centrifugal force some of the baby’s insides were bound to move, maybe.
“US Establishes New Stockpile In Australia To Prepare For War Over Taiwan”
“mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines Caused More Deaths Than Saved: Study
Researchers called for a ‘global moratorium’ as the study revealed ‘well-documented’ serious adverse events and an unacceptable harm-to-reward ratio.”
“WarNews247 with a sense of responsibility to its thousands of readers announces that it is terminating its operation.”
A major source of news from the Russian side, in Greek although I think it was out of Crimea. It covered Greek-Turkish politics a lot too.
Its getting harder and harder to find the other side of the story these days.
Even stranger… Ukrainians training in haka..
The world is a weird place these days.