A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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From Wikipedia:
The Feast of Saint Valentine is celebrated on February 14th, originating as a Christian feast day honoring a martyr named Valentine.
Through later folk traditions, it has also become a significant cultural, religious and commercial celebration of romance and love in many regions of the world.
Time to buy a favored one a box of chocolates! Hint-Hint.
Tens of thousands of farmers have/are protesting and rightly so.
One of the issues that they are charged with is their methane emissions.
OK.. Methane is unjustly misaligned by Govs and the UN… They call it a “global warming gas”.
Yet In reality, it is a tiny, tiny, tiny insignificant trace gas.. just 1.9 parts per million.
To put it in perspective. London (UK) has a population of 8.2 million.
If everyone there, wore a shirt representing an atmospheric gas molecule. You would be hard pressed to find anyone wearing a methane shirt.
There would be only 16 to find in a population of 8.2 million.
Indeed, william.
Good simile.
London has 32 boroughs [plus the City of London – the ‘Square Mile’].
So no more than half the boroughs would have even one person wearing a #methanme’ shirt.
On the topic of methane emissions
This is a serious subject especally for vegans
Trees produce methane and very large amounts of it. Apparently the worst culprits are trees in Amazonian wetlands. You could tap a hollow tube into the trunk of a brazil nut tree and set fire to the methane coming from it. “A new study from the University of Delaware is one of the first in the world to show that tree trunks in upland forests actually emit methane rather than store it, representing a new, previously unaccounted source of this powerful greenhouse gas”. All plants produce methane as a by product of the metabolism of the amino acid methionine. So, grow veggies to produce more methane, eat them and then fart even more.
We should have learnt by now that the elite are not interested in facts but the vibe. Seriously, they know that the majority of people have no interest in the facts either for two reasons. The are too busy living their day to day lives and too lazy to find out for themselves. There is a reason us older folk are skeptics and that is because we have the time to educate ourselves and were beneficiaries of a very good education system that existed before the leftists white anted it. We can think for ourselves and more importantly we can discern the consequences of most decisions we take. That faculty is missing in the likes of Chris Bowen and his leftist cohort.
william X:
One of the concerns is the inflated claim that methane is 85 times more than CO2.
Tyndall** measured it a 4.5 times in 1861 and it has been exaggerated since 12 times in the original IPCC report.
As methane has only been monitored since 1984 a gain of (1.5 times 85) must mean that an equivalent of 120 p.p.m. has been added to the atmosphere without causing any increase in warming.
** who was a careful experimenter who was dissatisfied when he found a residual error in his measurements of 0.26 per cent and spent time and effort to get correct results. CHECK that out with current Climate “scientists”.
Atmospheric Methane also breaks down fairly quickly (<10 yrs) into Carbon Dioxide and water
There is no such thing as a GreenHouse gas in the context of the Earth’s Atmosphere, so debating whether CO2 or Methane is worser than the other is just building the IPCCC concept of Human Induced Global Warming so that they can justify ripping more cash from our wallets.
An earlier discussion touched on many of the controlling features of the interaction between the Sun and Earth’s surface.
Here’s a bit;
“Kalm Keith
April 25, 2021 at 7:27 am
To create a true “model” that has meaning there needs to be a clear overview of a relevant process.
Consider first;
The high energy Radiation from the Sun has only ONE ENERGY PATHWAY.
Away from the Sun and towards Earth in part.
It must always be degraded in it’s INTENSITY and capacity to heat an object or do work.
Inbound solar is high energy short wave.
From there it degrades and eventually leaves Earth’s holding bays, ground, ocean and Atmosphere, as low intensity IR – Long Waves.
The Warmer theme that you can store up low energy radiation (Ground Origin IR ) and convert it to high energy – shorter wave radiation and beam it back to ground is Scientifically NUTSO.
That is the only way to describe it.
Totally Impossible.
All of this “Climate Science” has been done on PAPER or inside the bounds of a COMPUTER and there has never been any associated physical measurement or experimentation.
The only experiment I have ever seen or heard of that closely resembles the CO2 heating meme was done by the TV Programme, The Myth Busters.
It was in true warmer Style, a total scientific FARCE.
There’s No model without a basic bit of measurable relationship between CO2 levels and atmospheric temperature.”
I apologise profusely for having been immoderate.
From what I have read, when determining the amount of methane contributed by livestock, I believe that they don’t attempt to count livestock that emit methane, they simply determine the acreage that MAY be used to feed livestock, whether or not it actually has livestock on it.
And of course this avoids the fact that this land, when not used for livestock, has grass decomposing that produces methane anyway.
The whole concept of “greenhouse gases” could be considered a nonsense except for the fact that it is the core concept in an evil plan to dominate, manipulate and crush those who worked to build western society.
Kalm Keith
February 8, 2024 at 5:44 am · Reply
It’s NOT a scientific mystery.
CO2 in the atmosphere has no influence on the atmospheric temperature.
For a start those “things” are NOT MODELS and strangely the core science is hidden and not invited to the parti.
P.V = nR.T rulz.
p.s. if you ever take a trip in a passenger jet, remember to keep the windows closed; it’s cold out there.
Tell us about this evil plan and how you came to know about it.
Spot on, GA.
There is no evil plan, no evil people, no totalitarians and never have been.
Just endless paddocks of lush grass with pink unicorns frolicking in the sun.
I know this is true as I saw it on CNN.
Thanks goodness then as I was worried that some evil entity dominated and crushed me without me noticing.
Hi Gee,
Keen observers will see that your leaf image is tilted slightly to the left.
Your questions are suggesting that the picture isn’t representative of reality.
Maybe adjust the pic a bit?
Greenhouse gasses that are nominated as dangerous are in fact unable to grab, hold and later present that heat as some sort of weird stored energy.
The laws of physics deny that.
Keith. Sigh. There is no “weird stored energy”. The energy is “stored” in all the molecules that the GHG molecules slam into. They are not GHG and cannot emit.
Greenhouse gases effectively “store” energy for the tiniest fraction of time before they collide with some other molecule and pass the energy on. Kinetic energy transfer makes the molecules that are hit by the GHG molecule travel faster. The laws of physics say energy has to go somewhere. It shall not be created nor destroyed. Eventually one of the faster N2 or O2 molecules will hit a GHG molecule and then and only then will the energy be transferred and emitted up, down or somewhere else. Usually that next photon will not go far before it hits another GHG etc et al, and repeat the cycle x 1,000,000,000,000 x 10^lots.
Spectrometers on every continent record the exact same spectral emissions and absorption. The models manage radiation, but screw up in other ways. Hence they exaggerate the effect of CO2, but GHG’s are still real.
You rarely reply when I mention “kinetic energy” to discuss it. Do you think of our atmosphere perhaps as a bunch of stationary molecules where only radiation can transfer energy? Your comments seem to suggest this, as if collisions don’t happen?
It would be really good if we can get past this …
Your comment:
“Greenhouse gases effectively “store” energy for the tiniest fraction of time before they collide with some other molecule and pass the energy on. Kinetic energy transfer makes the molecules that are hit by the GHG molecule travel faste”.
I totally agree with that comment but don’t understand why you cancel the basic premise I show regarding the dominance of whole atmospheric system which you seem to ignore.
Further, there are two things to add to the picture.
Firstly, the “radiation ” that GHGes absorb from the PWIR at ground level, certainly is passed on to the surrounding atmosphere.
The excited atoms cause the parcel of air to expand which results in lower density.
A low density parcel of air must then float upwards until it reaches a higher level which has the same density.
It is known that this basic process takes place in the first thirty meters above the surface.
From there on up there’s little or no ground origin IR and the whole system is under the control of the universal gas law.
Deep space is up there waiting for CO2 to respond to its minus 272°C draw.
Way up, there is a tipping point where the co2 reconfigures and spits out energy to space.
This may be at about minus 43°C but I’d need to check that.
The second point, almost Irrelevant, is that the amount of co2 involved makes this process quantitatively Irrelevant.
Heat can be transferred from hot earthen bodies in other ways other than just IR radiation. Nitrogen/Oxygen (i.e.air) molecules can be heated directly via conduction when in contact with, for example a hot road) and as they are now hot rise via convection taking the heat with them to be dissipated in the upper atmosphere. As they are not radiators I suppose this is via contact with GHGs radiators like water. I have often wondered about this. There is also the mechanism of surface water being heated and “boiled” off and rising to form clouds. The latent heat of condensation released up high must also go to space somehow. I fear I a teaching “Grandma” how to suck eggs so please forgive me, and if you have any answers please say so.
Sure but if the CO2 raised “all over the world” and the IR radiation is a widespread phenomenon too (because all the Earth is above absolute zero) then the density change is widespread (global). The whole layer is being warmed at once, not just “a little packet”.
The “ground origin” of the photon is irrelevant. Photons don’t come with labels of origin. Physics of a photon is the same whether or not it comes from the ground or from an air molecule (or a water molecule) 30m or 1000m above sea level. A photon from the ground gets absorbed, emitted, transferred by collision, absorbed emitted, etc for 1,000 x10^lots. Why should only the first photon count if the same packet of energy keeps moving?
Keith, I think you have created an imaginary layer at 30m where there isn’t one?
Jo, you coment about my post;
“Why should only the first photon count if the same packet of energy keeps moving?”
“Keith, I think you have created an imaginary layer at 30m where there isn’t one?”
Both of these are linked to the overall thermodynamics of the situation.
It is tiresome to try to explain things to dull people who refuse to read or try to understand your previous comments.
As it happens I agree with Keith.
Everything you say about spectroscopy, transfer of kinetic energy etc I accept.
All I would say is that an open system is very different from closed systems which are used in laboratory experiments.
Yes Energy is Conserved. Why should it not be? The Energy gets radiated to space, the way it was, is now and forever shall be.
You have published plenty of articles on your blog which deal with “whole of atmosphere effects”. Those articles say that the overturning of the troposphere is a refrigerant cycle (cooling). Extra heat transferred to the top of the atmosphere is radiated to space by radiative gases! The overturning of the troposphere is a result of deep thermal activity in the tropics.
I was reading last week in my aviation tutorial, that “radiative gases” (I don’t call them GHGs) initiate thermal activity by adsorbing the heat of radiation from the ground and transferring it to the adjacent air (30 ft or so). They said that the radiative gases transfer the heat to other molecules by Kinetic effects!
So why are Green House Gases real? They are Radiative gases and their effect is either zero or cooling.
Peter, it may be impossible to reconcile the differences here without me doing diagrams and perhaps even animated graphics to assist. I’m sure you agree it’s not the most strategic use of my time, even though it would be stimulating, and I appreciate the challenge. I am slightly curious to get the bottom of what you and Keith think. I have numbered questions below, if you wouldn’t mind, answering them with the number.
1. When you say I’ve “published plenty of articles on your blog which deal with “whole of atmosphere effects”.” I presume you are referring to convection. Is that correct? If so, obviously you know that I know what that is. But I thought this was a conversation about radiation?
2. Obviously both convection and radiation processes are occurring and at the same time. Agreed?
3. But just because convection also occurs that does not then stop radiation from occurring. Agreed?
4. Do molecules that absorb IR, hold that energy (even for a microsecond) as vibrational, rotational, asymmetric, symmetric, wagging, twisting and scissoring motion? (See this if you are unfamiliar with those terms).
5. Do molecules that absorb energy release that energy at any height, or only below 30m?
6. Can an energized molecule transfer energy to another molecule through collisions? (Where vibrational energy becomes kinetic energy). True or false?
7. Is there a consistency of physics — If a CO2 molecule absorbs an IR photon and spits it out in the lab, and in every lab in the world, wouldn’t it also absorb and spit out the same photons (depending on temperature) everywhere else in the universe? Are you arguing that because convection occurs, therefore CO2 molecules don’t absorb IR. Or are you saying they do absorb IR but then they heat up, move upwards, and above 30m they don’t radiate?
8. Radiative gases can cool the atmosphere (as you seem to agree, you said so yourself, yes?) Therefore to cool Earths atmosphere they must be holding energy (briefly) and emitting it, yes or no?
9. Are you familiar with the term “emissions layer”? It’s difficult but central to understanding when GHG gases are high enough to emit to space, and its different for every type of GHG. The water vapor emissions layer (around 8 – 10km up) will shift up and down depending on the concentration of water molecules. (The famous “hot spot”). GHG gases do cool the atmosphere (I quite agree) when they are above the emissions layer in the atmosphere, where a photon can escape to space. Below that level the photons they emit are going in all directions and hitting other molecules.
Just to remind us, this all this started when Keith said: “Greenhouse gasses that are nominated as dangerous are in fact unable to grab, hold and later present that heat as some sort of weird stored energy. ” This is simply wrong, as I explained (kinetic energy transfer through collision) even though convection occurs. Convection itself does not extinguish radiation and collisions.
Forgive me, I suspect we agree on lots of things. I’m just making a sincere effort to understand your mental model of atmospheric processes.
Thanks Jo,
I am travelling at present and only get occasional opportunities to connect to the internet. So I apologise for this late reply. I do appreciate your time to respond.
When I say that I agree with Keith I was referring to his more general proposition at #2.5 that there is No Atmospheric Green House Effect. I don’t quite know what he means by “weird stored energy”. Some of the things he says are satirical.
My comments are an attempt to overturn the Green house gas theory within the framework of established physics. I have thought for a long time that the GHG theory fails the tests of proper science and hence there must be something wrong with it. The climate sensitivity to increased CO2 cannot even by predicted or calculated (AFAIK). My Conjecture involves both radiation and convection.
With respect to your questions:
1. I was referring to the articles by Stephen Wilde, in which he discussed the thermal effects of overturning the troposphere. That involves convection but also turbulent mixing and also general uplift associated with areas of low pressure. The atmospheric overturning is also described in meteorological texts as the Hadley, Ferrel and Polar cells. It goes to the top of the troposphere.
2. Agreed. Convection and radiation both occur at the same time.
3. Yes I agree.
4. Yes radiative gases can remain in an excited state for a short time.
5. Yes. Any height. If a GHG is to radiate energy to space, that must occur above the emission level. The only significance of 30m comes from the meteorological proposition that glider pilots think about for generation of thermals, that is, the sun heats the ground and the ground heats the air. Thermals arise from ground level but the air does not have to be in intimate contact with the ground to be heated by direct conduction. Radiative gases absorb heat close to the ground, most in the lower 10m. Then they transfer that heat to adjacent molecules by collisions.
6. True. See my answer to 5.
7. Yes there is consistency of physics. I am not arguing any of those other things.
8. Yes
9. David Evans wrote 1 or 2 articles about emission layers which you published. I read and tried to understand them. The emission layer is the atmospheric level above which a photon emitted by a radiative gas molecule is more likely to escape to space than be absorbed by another radiative molecule. That occurs near the top of the troposphere.
KK talks about the physics of dry thermals and likes to quote the universal gas laws. That is not enough to explain the overturning of the troposphere. Nor do dry thermals go high enough to reach the emission layer. They generally only go to 5000-8000ft and then only for a short period in the afternoon (4-7 hours).
The tropopause is much warmer than it should be based on gravity and the universal gas laws alone because the general atmospheric lapse rate is only 6C/km, whereas the gas laws predict 9.8C/km.
I hope that explains my model. Radiative gases assist to cool the ground by transferring heat to the adjacent air. Radiative gases assist to cool that upper atmosphere by radiating to space. Convection does the rest.
To Jo,
Actually there is another important role of radiative gases which occurs throughout the atmosphere.
It involves the atmospheric lapse rate which I have already referred to. Why is it 6C and not 9:8C as predicted by the universal gas laws? It is because of the radiative gases!
As you have often said photons do not know which way to go. They do not just go side to side in any one atmospheric layer. They go up and down and every which way.
So what? Well if the atmosphere was static with no radiative gases then PV=nRT would apply and the lapse rate would be 9.8C/km. But radiative gases tend to even out the temperature profile because they share the heat both up and down. So the atmospheric lapse rate is reduced and the tropopause is hotter than it would be without the radiative gases and hence more heat can be radiated to space.
Thanks Peter, it seems you and I agree on most things.
6. I agree and still think Stephen Wilde has a lot to offer.
9. You’ve done well to dig through David’s posts on emission heights. Few people seem to understand these.
So we both agree that there are GHG molecules, and through collisions they will heat the troposphere (a bit).
How much that translates to changing the whole climate here on Earth is the 64 trillion dollar question, and we probably both agree that mainstream scientists exaggerate that warming effect hugely (five or ten fold).
Lastly on this…. ” Radiative gases assist to cool that upper atmosphere by radiating to space. Convection does the rest.”
But of course, convection can’t transfer heat to space directly. It moves the warmer molecules up to a height where they can radiate to space, so it’s very important but ultimately everything about cooling the earth comes from radiation. And all the radiation either comes from GHG molecules or from the Earth itself through “the atmospheric window” — which are the frequencies that are not absorbed by any air molecules.
I don’t know that KK is being satirical. He has been consistent with his statements for ten years.
To Jo and Peter.
Thank you both for taking the time, and the energy, to look at this issue again.
In many comments it has been useful to simplify things and focus on only one aspect of a complex system.
You may remember Will Janosca, I hope I got his name right. I admired his contributions that were based on his deep involvement with atmospheric physics as related to long distance radio communications. What also came through was that he was not interested in other aspects of the earth’s atmosphere and had no interest in things outside his speciality. He either wasn’t aware of or not concerned about the place of “energy” in the atmosphere; his focus was on understanding the structure of the upper reaches from the pov of how it might help radio waves to be sent further.
In comments from Jo she agrees that “energy can neither be created nor destroyed ” but then appears to contradict that understanding.
I accepted that it was possible that ground origin PWIR “may” be taken in by CO2 and transferred to other atmospheric gases and that the parcel of air would become less dense and float up.
Jo’s response seemed to state that the energy involved could be used over and over.
Peter’s comment describes the accepted picture of photons:
“As you have often said photons do not know which way to go. They do not just go side to side in any one atmospheric layer. They go up and down and every which way.”
Will J and I would like to disagree with that picture of photons. Will did explain it on at least one occasion.
And I deny being satirical; I really was hit on the shoulder by a photon while walking near the beach.
This contributor says something interesting and quotes Will Happer.
To Jo and all who might be interested , the link to this comment illustrates some of the frustration experienced by highly educated people in their fields.
Although I have only very focused expertise in biology, Diabetes 2 and gender dysphoria, it is possible to still see when experts in that field go deep down the rabbit hole and ignore the macro picture.
There are scientists who know more about CAGW than the UNIPCCC and the Algoreithm. .
IR spectrometers can detect CO2 emissions at room temperate and above. It does not emit because the energy is drawn out (which sounds like an energy requiring though non-existent, process)
Gee says,
“IR spectrometers can detect CO2 emissions at room temperate and above.”
O.K. and what about below room temperature?
What about it? You have some sort of view that excitation is temperature dependent. Eletrons moveinto an excited state from input energy which is then output when they go back to “normal”. They don’t do this because of permission given to them by the universe. Get it into your head- photons don’t have brains.
“photons don’t have brains.”
Do you have a link to support that?
Even one from parliament house in Canberra.
Zoe Phin mentioned in one of her posts that photons have specific frequency characteristics. That might help.
“Jo’s response seemed to state that the energy involved could be used over and over.”
No. Just No. Not even close.
You said “used”. Not me. I said “transferred“.
It’s basic physics. In a collision energy can be transferred from one object to another object or converted into heat and sound.*** Energy is not created nor destroyed.
Sigh. Here we go again. It always comes back to the space-pulls-a-photon hypothesis: ie does the coldness of space “pull” photons in one direction, or do photons go in entirely random directions? This would be easy to test yet there is no evidence to support it. Each time this is raised I ask you tell me what observations this new hypothesis explains that modern physics can’t already explain? And there is no answer.
The photon idea solves no mysteries of science that I know of. I explains no unexplained observations. Each time we repeat this cycle, we don’t get past this point (I asked you four times in that thread to answer. you did not reply).
Please confirm you understand this *** point at least. I am weary of repeating the same cycle. Thanks for the link to the last round. I wish I could see some progress in our conversation.
EU backs down on Agricultural emissions after farmer’s protests.
Thr Greening of the Planet Awards
It is time a stop is put to demonising coal and so I propose an award to those power stations who have done most of the heaving lifting in the “Greening of the Plant” by providing free plant food.
One of the candidates to make the short list is the Bełchatow Power Station (Poland)
Bełchatow Power Station is the largest coal-fired power plant in Europe that generates cheap electricity from lignite.
The power plant with installed capacity 5,100 MW produces 20% of Poland’s electricity. The facility is located in Rogowiec, Lodz Voivodeship.
The power plant emits the most greenhouse gases of any thermal power plant in the world, being highly inefficient in terms of CO2 emissions per unit of electricity generated. In 2018, Bełchatow Power Station emitted 37.6 million tonnes of CO2, more than New Zealand’s total emissions.
Bełchatow Power Station operates 12 power units, including 11 obsolete units with a capacity of 370-390 MW each, commissioned in 1981–1988. The station also has one more powerful and efficient power unit with a capacity of 858 MW, commissioned in 2011.
Emits “more than New Zealand’s total” free plant food:
One Polish power plant obliterates all our sins, yet during the reign of the Red Princess – who quit because she ‘ran out of gas’ – we exported our top-quality black coal whilst importing low-grade Indonesian stuff to keep our (lucky last) back-up Huntly Power Station ticking over through some of the coldest winters we’d had this century.
Parts of the South Island woke to 6 degrees this morning with a wind chill barely above zero/freezing… for some reason the ‘Greenhouse Effect’ doesn’t work overnight, especially in the latitudes of the Roaring Forties.
The entire “greenhouse” rock-show is based an dubious assumptions and totalitarian politics.
A REAL “greenhouse” is a relatively small, closed system. They MUST be made with GLASS panels to allow maximum transfer of ULTRAVIOLET light. Polycarbonates and acrylics are good absorbers of UV from the sun (and we have NO other “free and natural source). The more observant will have noticed that some of these structures have some of their gall panels painted WHITE. “White” is a broad-band light REFLECTOR. This “tuning’ is gone to tweak the amount of UV entering the structure. There is probably a serious website that discusses the physics of glass-houses. .
Once the UV strikes a more “absorbent” material, like the actual plants that NEED that type of light to conduct photosynthesis and actually SURVIVE, there will be consequent “back-radiation” of Infra-Red (HEAT). Something I learned, just recently, is that COMMERCIAL greenhouse operators inject Carbon Dioxide gas into their greenhouses to accelerate plant growth; who ‘da thunk CO2 was actually good for growing plants.
SOME of the UV gets “bent” and starts to WARM the air inside. Infra-red is down in the “low-frequency / long-wavelength” the part of the spectrum. All very nice for people growing flowers and assorted edibles in “cooler climates”.
Now, the last time I looked, our planet is NOT in a glass enclosure. UV is barely affected by passing into the atmosphere. Anyone who has been sunburnt on a beach on a cloudy day will have experienced UV in action.
So, what is REALLY going on, apart from the usual “political science”? Methane, CH4, is a light, flammable gas, its molecule being lighter than Carbon Dioxide. BOTH are “trace gases”. Unlike CO2, Methane “float”s. It would be interesting to see the alleged “concentrations” of Methane plotted against both altitude and Latitude. And it is a dodgy “fuel; slow flame-front for internal combustion
In the unlikely event that “science” can ever break free from its limpet-like attraction to politically-guided “grants” and dogma, there may be some hope, but I will not be holding my breath, so to speak. Might just be useful in a classic steam engine, but fuel storage and transport are a bit of a challenge”Wood gasification”? Why not cut out the middleman and burn the wood to fuel a nice, triple expansion steam engine or steam turbine?
However, “smoke”? and mirrors are the key factors in all of this eco-madness; reality is NOT welcome.
“In the unlikely event that “science” can ever break free from its limpet-like attraction to politically-guided “grants” and dogma,”
The only hope lies in competing Govts, so while some may pour money into chasing unicorns, others may prove quite the opposite with science that is important for our futures.
… or some recalcitrant billionaire who got a bee in his bonnet about it and had the resources to disprove CO2 warming and publicise it.
Lower Nth island had six degrees this morning. It took four layers to get out of the house.
Blimey, heading to North Island next month, sounds like we need to bring our mittens! I saw a headline in the NZ Herald saying Auckland had buckling train tracks due to ‘heat’. Local warming only?
Will also be there in a couple of days. Not planning to take any cold-weather gear. Auckland only 22-25C for next week. Coming out of constant temps above 35C, it will be a relief.
And I hope to be in big W possibly as early as this week end.
With a lifespan of only 11 years I would expect the tiny number of methane shirt wearers to wear a very anxious look.
I doubt many of us are surprised by this statistic
There is talk in the UK media that Michelle Obama might take over as candidate. Seems unlikely but if she did she would likely win due to the large number of “anyone but Trump” voters
Farage has his finger on the political front and reckons Biden won’t be the candidate
That ruined my day!
They are throwing Biden under the Bus slowly.
He was never going to be the next candidate. He is disposable.
Of the many different scenarios that could play out in the lead-up to the election, could this be one of them:
– Biden stands aside and is replaced — it won’t matter by whom, because s/he will get universal favourable coverage in the media;
– Trump is jailed a month or two before the election;
– protests occur and leftists infiltrate the crowds and agitate for violence;
– media runs hard with the ‘death of democracy’ line;
– Trump loses election?
Take a moment to read pages 249 and 250 of the Hur report on Biden’s documents. Those two pages contain information that it is important to be aware of.
Everyone is talking about a Trump win, but I don’t think the ruling class will allow that to happen. And there goes the last hope for the West.
The puppet masters are fine with an invalid puppet. That’s the best kind of puppet to have. The problem now is that people are wise to the charade. JB no longer has an air of plausibility. So, they need a new puppet. BO is surely one of, if not the chief, puppet masters. What better puppet than one you are married to? It would be a fourth and possibly a fifth term. But it might be too obvious. Are people going to buy MO as a qualified and viable candidate, much less even a plausible one?
Big Mike has said emphatically that he/she/it will not run, but, of course, that could all be part of the deception for when Mike is called upon to reluctantly do the job because Joe has fallen down the stairs.
Has Big Mike registered to run for the Presidency before the cut off dates?-
‘Are people going to buy MO as a qualified and viable candidate …’
Yes, its not the rusted ons, they will vote according to the script, but its the undecideds Donald has to woo.
Obviously his spray on NATO went down like a lead balloon.
What is so bad about expecting NATO to pay their fair share?
They can’t have it both ways – i.e. expecting US protection but also refusing to pay their way.
But there is another question. Is Europe even worth protecting any more as they are utterly committed to self-destruction. What’s there worth saving?
I agree, the US shouldn’t have to fund NATO, but US fear of Russian expansionism is upper most in strategic thinking.
Biden is hoping Russia sues for peace in Ukraine before the US election, Donald is thinking of withdrawing support.
The US has zero fear of Russian expansion. They’ve been invaded time and again in their history and have no history of foreign empire building except on their own perimeter. Part of the US strategy for maintaining the subjugation of its citizenry is, like every government, fear. Fear of the foreign outsiders, France, Spain, the UK, and now Russia. Fear of the government itself, pay your taxes or go to jail. Now fear of the boiling climate and epidemics. There’s more to it in the case of Russia in that the country is swimming in oil, the substance that has created the modern standard of living in the West. The US elites can’t stand to see the medieval Cossacks controlling the lifeblood of civilization, a circumstance they feel they deserve themselves. If it wasn’t for hydrocarbon energy nobody would pay any attention to Russia. Biden couldn’t find Russia on a map and the amateurs of the US state department are in way over their head.
Well Tom, you hit the nail on the head with that
NATO is a relic of the past and has no purpose without wars to keep it alive.
Why keep ptetending it has any value at all?
As Martin A just posted, they’ll be pushing for major war before July to eliminate the Nov. “election” and keep their sockpuppet prez in office, and the demonrats have NO-ONE worth running for office.
The Gaza situation look to be the key factor and about to escalate in a major way imminently.
US politics is, or should be, the least of your worries.
Counting the numbers, MO will get the women’s vote because there has never been a female US president.
‘As first lady, Obama served as a role model for women and worked as an advocate for poverty awareness, education, nutrition, physical activity, and healthy eating.’ (wiki)
I’ve got to dig deep to find much cause for optimism today but I can’t help thinking that more’n a few (D)s will feel they have been shafted – gas lit about Biden. Those who don’t display their politics on their bumper may quietly vote (R) or at least stay home.
I draw some comfort in the enthusiasm with which the left has called Swift their saviour. If she is all they have they are in trouble. Remember the celebs who openly supported Killary.
FWIW – more things covid
“What’s up with some victims of sudden death since 2021 having large amounts of strange white clots in their veins and arteries? John Campbell discusses this issue with a British funeral director who has seen a lot of this since the beginning of the Covid pandemic and who cannot, for some strange reason, get any engagement from medical authorities for an investigation. “
This rare blood-clotting condition is known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS).
Background reading: searchup: Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Also see:
There is more here about TTS …..published by the Australian Government in January this year.
Seems it’s more likely soon after (4 to 42 days) after the first Astra Zenaca vaccination. The article lists signs and symptoms for those interested.
It seems to be more likely to occur in younger people and more severe cases in young women.
And ….
Based on the report from Dr.Campbell, I’m not sure it’s the same issue, as he seems to be reporting a problem that is lingering well after the vast majority of the vaccinations have finished. Or perhaps there’s more to these thromboses than initially realised.
(this comment was supposed to be on my note above but I couldn’t find it when I came back to JoNova to add it….gggrrr….)
“lingering well after the vast majority of the vaccinations have finished. “
Yes after the initial “compulsory” vaccinations but what about “boosters” a couple I know have just had their 6th “booster” then subsequently came down with Covid. I still cant convince them that these alleged vaccines simply dont work.
Campbell is adamant that it is a new disease.
It is known at least since 2006 and 2007, during gene therapeutic research, that the adeno virus may produce thrombosis in brain venes and liver venes. Two respective papers have been published.
One of the other major problems is that the Covid jab is not mRNA. We need to be quite clear about this and must stop calling it mRNA. RNA is one half of DNA. It is made from the 4 amino acids, guanine, cytosine, adenine and thymine. It is the presence of thymine that makes RNA, and consequently DNA so stable. It is why DNA can still be found in an environment long after the person, or critter, has passed. But it is also the reason why the body does not use thymine in mRNA. mRNA does not need to be stable as it needs to deliver its message to the ribosome to manufacture a particular protein and then break down. This is to allow another mRNA message for a different protein to be delivered according to the cells needs. RNA would block the ribosome and force it to manufacture the same protein over and over again as it is too stable to breakdown. So mRNA uses uracil instead. The mRNA is still capable of delivering the correct message as thymine is the methylated version of uracil, but because mRNA does not use thymine, it breaks down in a matter of minutes to a few hours. We were told that the fake Pfizer (not) mRNA would breakdown as 72 hours. A study by Röltgen etal. found that the vaccine “mRNA” persists in the body up to 60 days, with 60 days being the end point of their study. Bugger. Röltgen, K., Nielsen, S.C.A., Silv,a O., Younes, S.F. et al.(2022). Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination. Cell, 185, 1025 – 1040. DOI:
Lets stop calling this junk mRNA. it isn’t. It is RNA and there was some evidence in an autopsy in Japan that the Pfizer RNA had been written back in to the guys liver DNA. It wasn’t the cause of his death but authorities completely ignored requests to investigate further.
Sorry, got carried away. Just to be clear, the Pfizer jab is guanine, cytosine, adenine and thymine – very stable RNA and not mRNA
That’s incorrect … Pfizer used “Pseudouridine” which contains uracil and is a drop-in substitute for uracil for some types of RNA but not mRNA. The symbol used to represent uracil is “U” while pseudouridine is represented by “Ψ” which is a U plus a little tail, hence describing the shape of the molecule.
You are right that the modified version has greater stability than normal mRNA, and there’s some evidence that this stuff simply piles up and never gets fully cleaned out.
“never gets fully cleaned out.”
As expected, if you invent unnatural molecules how can you expect us to have enzymes to attach to and dismantle them..
Just think of the thousands of unnatural chemicals we have invented and been exposed to, no wonder modern mankind is so ill. They can just bind to some enzyme we need and not let go, immediately dropping the efficiency of that cell.
mRNA vaccines may make unintended proteins, but there’s no evidence of harm
Should be read only as hint for problems with pseudouridine.
Hi Tel,
Yup you are right and I was wrong. Thanks for the correction. The Pfizer jab uses N1-Methylpseudouridine m1Ψ. But, the methylation adds to the stability so it behaves more like thymine than uracil. I should not take teh views of a certain “doctor” as correct without doing my homework
There is more wrong thank what tel wrote.
no it is not.
nope, nucleic acids.
after that it descends into a word salad of epic proportions.
Whatever point you were trying to make, the vaccine used a synthetic mRNA but you are free to call it whatever else you want.
Is RNA half of DNA
Is RNA made of amino acids.
Funny thing is, assuming google is right, you’ll get red thumbed anyway.
Extra to what you wrote. Regarding “It is the presence of thymine that makes RNA, and consequently DNA so stable.”
Hmm maybe he did mean that mRNA is single stranded (ss) and genomic DNA is double stranded (ds)? Calling it “one half” is a weird way to write such a thing and still wrong and has nothing to do with function. Also, it is not a defining characteristic of RNA and DNA. DNA is often ss while in the cell as part of its function. There are ssDNA and dsRNA viruses.
Uracil, like Thymine, is a pyrimidine. U is used in RNA because it breaks down easily. A deliberate feature of mRNA is a short lifetime as turnover is important. Replacing it, as in DNA which uses dT and not dU, increases stability.
The concerning thing for me is not the red thumbs that I get, but that people gave green thumbs to the total tosh I was responding to.
Guys, Gee Aye is right about genetics.
RNA is a “mirror” copy of one strand of DNA. Both kinds of genetic strands use 4 nucleic acids for the code but where DNA uses a T, RNA uses a U. (T stands for Thymidine, and U for Uracil). So DNA has variants of ACGT while RNA has variants of ACGU. It doesn’t sound like much but our enzymes, our body, knows the difference instantly and it matters. DNA is long lived and stable (as a pair of strands). RNA is fragile and often degraded. Think of it as a cheap photocopy of a book. We store one book for 100 years in the library (DNA) and make 30 photocopies of one page for the class to use each year (RNA), but only on the one day they need it, then throw the copies away.
We have 3.2 billion nucleic acids in a unique sequence that is “ours” in every cell. Think about how big a library that is, and how much management it takes to find and copy just the right page at the right moment you need it.
And it’s true, mRNA vaccines use a variant of U, pseudouridine, which is harder to break down than uridine, hence keeping the mRNA stable for longer (and who knows how long, because no one needed to do that test to find out did they eh? It’s not like health and safety matter….) But for the record — pseudouridine is still a natural molecule, despite the name. Isn’t biochemistry complicated?
Sadly there are people out there on Youtube who didn’t read the textbook. Instant virologists, instant geneticists, instant energy experts, instant climate UN ambassadors…
DNA uses dT not T. Apart from that, spot on.
Charity shops are said to be an integral part of the waste disposal business. Millions of people give their goods and clothes, some useful, much of it not. The clothes often end up in landfill in third world countries
A few years ago we were told to just toss old clothes that were discolored and/or torn.
The local places would sort them out rather than shipping them to a 3rd world country.
Still, I suppose a lot does go to such places.
I take my garbage and other waste to a “transfer station” where it is compressed and sent
to a landfill about 80 miles away. I go about once every two months, and I see many things
that appear usable — construction wood, furniture, clothing — but labor costs preclude
sorting and re-purposing these things. Automation is helping in some big-market places,
but it is not keeping much out of landfills. Smaller and rural regions don’t even try.
In some mining towns (eg Mt Isa) they just throw it all down old mine shafts. I have often wondered how much that might be worth in the future. Maybe put a lid on it and eventually extract the methane for energy supply?
I do volunteer work for an Op Shop (US = Thrift Store) and clothes are sorted according to 1) if they can be sold by the shop, 2) ones unsuitable for use which are discarded and 3) ones which are serviceable but not necessarily the latest fashion. Clothes in category (3) plus some (1) are collected by another charity and sent to Africa.
CO2 cannot and does not accumulate in the air. Which busts man made Global Warming. And Carbon Credits.
The simple proof was created in 1965 by the unintended world experiment where a succession of atmospheric nuclear blasts doubled the amount of radioactive carbon, C14, in the air. From one in a trillion molecules of CO2 to one in two trillion.
And carbon 14 cannot be destroyed and will live on average for 5740 years (the half life), it is all gone today.
The entire biosphere of atmosphere, ocean, plants, animals is permeated with the stuff at one in a trillion. For all the excess C14O2 to vanish there is only one explanation, it is all in the ocean.
98% of all CO2 is dissolved in the ocean, like soda water in a glass. One atmosphere above. So what has happened is that all the CO2 in the air from and before 1965 is now in the ocean where the excess is inconsequential. What is in the air is CO2 from the ocean.
And that means all CO2 ’emissions’ vanish. I can cite 36 papers from 1958 to 2023 which rate the average time for this exchange with a half life of about 5 years, so it is accepted by all scientists. But some insist a large fraction of fossil fuel CO2 remains in the air forever, causing GLobal Warming. But that is not possible because that would dilute C14 by 33% and the dilution figure today is 3.0% and it was measured in 1958 at 2.03%.
So the very basis of man made CO2 driven CO2 is busted. It’s then not whether an extra 50% of CO2 produces warming, rapid tipping point runaway Global Warming/Armageddon, it’s whether we humans have any control at all over CO2.
And it is very obvious we do not. CO2 is a near constant all over the world, from the frozen poles to the equator, from unihabited Southern third of the planet to the massive factories of the top third and the populations of the equatorial region. A constant.
Now I agree that the lack of a hot spot also proves the the mechanism for tiny CO2 to have a warming effect is missing. But it is just another argument that the whole pyramid of fake science justify all the punitive taxes and laws is completely wrong.
So how do we communicate this to the law makers. And I do not mean the witless politicians, but the millions of hidden people who actually write these terrible carbon punishing laws which only exist in Western Democracies, the gnomes of Canberra, Washington, Whitehall, Brussels/Stuttgart/Strasboug? These are the people enforcing the destruction of Western democracies.
Most politicans and most Australians do not realise everyone is now paying huge carbon taxes and being forced to buy Australian Carbon Credits. After all the whole country voted against this. Elon Musk is asking for carbon taxes.
These massive taxes are already in your electricity bills since John Howard’s Renewable Energy(Electricity) 2001 bill (which is why coal power is still half the cost of wind/solar) and now in everything you buy because every company (the top polluters) is being forced to pay for their CO2 output. Even steel and concrete manufacturers who cannot make their product without CO2. Bakers too. And sewage processors. Farmers. Transport companies. This year and every year an additional compounding 5% tax will be buried in your aircraft tickets too as Qantas and Virgin have to reduce their CO2 by 35% in 2030 or pay massive taxes in the form of Australian Carbon Credits. What do you get for that? Nothing.
Didn’t know we had Australian Carbon Credits? This was all legislated in 2014. This is all done by public servants, politicians rubber stamping what they don’t understand and journalists not reporting on this betrayal of trust by all politicians.
Try the Carbon Farming Initiative Act 2014.
All this absolute science nonsense must be repealed, especially the absolutely punitive Safeguard Mechanism 2023. Australians barely know this exist, the most massive hidden tax in Australian history, a CARBON TAX on everyone. Punish those polluters who make steel, fly, drive, make glass or run the Tasmanian Ferry. And we can save the world, except none of the save the world bit is true.
Let’s follow “The Science” and have a look at credible sources of information.
Earth’s base temperature is calculated using the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. The result gives us what the temperature would be without any greenhouse effect. So, given the Stefan-Boltzmann equation is well known and all the other inputs are part of the established science, you would expect to get the same value from different sources
University of Michigan: 6 c
National Geographic: -18 c
NASA: -18c
Penn State and NASA: – 19 c
UCAR: -19.5 c
British Geological Survey: – 20c
We have a spread of 26 degrees c from the use of the same equation. Even if we take out the value from the UoM paper, clearly an outlier, we still have a spread of 2 c.
If we then look at the calculated Earth temperature taking in to account the greenhouse effect but without man’s interference.
University of Michigan: 11.5 c
Geologists of Jackson Hole: 13 c
UCAR: 14 c
NASA Kids: 14 c
NASA: 15 c
NASA and Florida Atlantic University: 15 c
NIWA: 15 c
Centre for Climate Solutions: 15.5 c
NASA can’t even agree with themselves! Again, if we discount UoM as an outlier, we still have a spread of 2.5 c and we are getting our knickers in a knot about 1.5 c? Let’s not also forget that this is so called “settled science”- I don’t know on what planet, but not planet Earth. We can’t even establish the base parameters!
Much of the problem starts with a completely bogus application of the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. In a paper by Kramm et al from the university of Fairbanks in Alaska, September 2022, it was rather elegantly shown that:
“- our study showed that applying the Stefan-Boltzmann power law to the globally averaged bolometric temperatures provides meritless results for rocky celestial bodies”.
Interesting to look at the quoted figures for earth temp 13 to 15.5 C and the current global temp via is:
14.33 C with a deviation of 0.3 smack in the middle of all estimates so interesting the distorted picture anomalies can give.
Not to mention that the rise in temps is due to less extreme cold temps not higher maximums so the average goes up and everyone on the gravy train rubs their hands
Yes. Good points. But in the scheme of things, like all the other massive failures of the prediction industry, they are irrelevant because by the same logic as man made CO2 global waarming, if we cannot control CO2, we cannot control the weather. And we don’t control CO2. The evidence is clear.
The graph of CO2 vs time is a near straight line at 0.2% a year despite the doctored graphs. I cannot easily show this here, but 0.2% a year is not runaway anything. CO2 emissions increased x19 in the last 120 years and the CO2 growth is still 0.2% despite China now producing half the world steel and China and the US half the worlds CO2.
Plus while according to NASA the world greened by two Brazilian Rainforests between 1988 and 2014, CO2 still kept going at 0.2% a year. And the 14% growth in CO2 exactly matched the growth in greenery. So more trees indicates more CO2, not the reverse.
There is ZERO evidence humans have any impact on total CO2. So the money hungry public service is taxing ’emissions’ as if when you reduce ’emissions’ CO2 will stop growing and come down. Except that when all the cars, planes, ships stopped in 2020, there was no visible effect on CO2. So what is the point of electric cars?
After years of commenting on ‘The Science’ I have to point out that this scam has nothing to do with science. This world wide proliferation of laws on CO2, NO2(N2O4) and CH4 are very real and totally destructive of our quality of life, manufacturing and agriculture, but based on a ridiculous fantasy which has been made law.
The Climatology religion is making many third parties rich and destroying democracies. And the 75% of countries which are nothing less than military dictatorships cannot believe their luck as the Democratic Empire legislates itself out of existence based on an obviously ridiculous story.
The problem with the EU is not Climate Change, but the EU. The EU army is making war on its member states, crippling them into submission. Climate Change is just an excuse and an absurd one. It’s even sillier in Australia with 1/3 of the planet nearly to ourselves.
What started as the Common Market became the European Commission became the European Union. And Brussels/Stuttgart/Strasboug parliaments are testament to that progression. The first was a welcome a resurrection of the successful Hanseatic trading league after a devastating war. The next was a rationalization travel and trade, also welcome. The third however is an undiguised attempt to create a USSR with absolute power and its own army enforcement. And they are doing to agricultural countries what Lenin did to the
Kulaks and Stalin did to Ukraine, starve the peasants in the Holomodor.
And people are protesting across the world, but the government departments will concede and then attack again and again. It is what King John did to the Nobles, agree to peace and then attack. I do not see Australia, Canada, Sri Lanka or even the US as different. Except that the Americans are far more suspicious of their governments, with very good reason.
The leading manufacturers of steel, glass, concrete are meeting with Federal officials to negotiate relief from the 5% increase in tax per year every year tax on CO2 as they cannot survive. As with the old Sales taxes, they will negotiate carbon tax relief on one condition, they do not publicise the world’s largest carbon taxes. So like Sales tax in the 1970s and 1980s it has to be hidden, even from politicians.
I do not see how Australia will survive this massive growing tax on any activity at all. In the last 6 months 2,000 manufacturing businesses in Australia closed. The assault by public servants in the endless Clean Energy/Finance/air departments is killing all sections of Australia. Farmers through miners and transport. And the UN/EU/WEF are cheering. Stealth taxation of every activity in Western society in the name of saving the planet.
It is all a lie. And yet off the front pages of all media, because that’s one of the rules. And if you question the justice let alone the facts of man made CO2 driven rapid tipping point Armageddon, you are a Denier. And as in Canada, they will seize your bank accounts as Trudeau did, totally illegally.
So while we question The Science, the minions of international communism are cutting us off at the ankles because people trust governments. And in the 21st century, they are not to be trusted. Just look at the Safeguard Mechanism (2023). We are to be taxed into submission by our own people and the politicians do not have a clue, nor the journalists.
This should be headline news in every publication in Australia but there are very few real journalists left.
What I find amazing is that Infrabuild, Bluescope, Qantas, Virgin, Toll, MMBW,.. do not challenge these laws?
What the laws have in common is that they
1. leave out the word carbon
2. leave out the word tax
3. employ a series of non existent electronic ‘credits’ administered in a ‘market’ where you are forced to pay and the money goes to others.
Governments since Magna Carta do not have the right to force people to pay third parties, friends of the King. Carbon Credits are a sham currency but the government forces and enforces the trade with severe penalties.
And what do the people who have to pay these credits get? Nothing. It’s as if they are criminals in a criminal justice system, the ‘biggest polluters’.
Governments have the right to levy taxes for the common good and that money has to go into ‘general revenue’ and be explained to the public and examined and debated in parliament. But for Energy certificates and now actual Carbon Farming Credits, you just have to pay. And none of it is reported in the budget. We pay for the windmills owned by others but the government makes out they are built by investors. Australians are being robbed blind by illegal laws and the executives of big companies think that is just fine as long as they keep their jobs. And no questions are asked in parliament because no one knows. It’s not reported in the budget.
Which means we have to pay much more for food, travel, sewage, transport of all types like ferries, trucks, steel, aluminum, bronze, lead, plastic, glass, bricks, cement. While the providers of food and transport earn far less. The rivers of money go to the UN/’investors’/people who grow eternal trees in foreign climes to sequester our cash.
But get this. IT’S NOT AN ACTUAL TAX. Governments do not have this right! Not those based on the Westminster tradition at least. It would be rolled in the Australian High Court as illegal. All these hidden, massive and growing Carbon Taxes are hidden from the public and utterly illegal.
Which is my real frustration, knowing the so called science is completely fake. But it’s not about saving the planet, its about shutting down our country. Meanwhile fat cats get fatter in Canberra and swan about in their electric cars with the publicly funded profitable windmills and legislate the commercial seizure of a privately own Catholic hospital, because no one objects. The Higgins case showed that even the DPP felt free to pervert the course of justice with impunity in a metoo world.
The world is being run by hordes of people on the take. And they are in the endless Green Energy departments with limitless power and budgets while our taxes soar and our costs soar even faster while jobs vanish. Green energy is the biggest scam in government.
We are past talking about ‘the science’. Soon we will be a third world country, a mendicant state, begging China to help with their Belt and Road, as Daniel Andrews did. And it’s not just Australia. Try Sri Lanka. Nederlands. Canada. And the Biden white house has opened the borders for unlimited invasion.
At least we in Australia could make a stand. Except none of this will go to a referendum. It is all fait accompli. Unless some victim company goes to the High Court and says enough. But which of the greasy pole climbers in management has the guts to do that?
And Elon Musk is asking for carbon taxes. Unbelievable.
Daniel Andrews dealt with journalists. He hired anyone who criticized him and so silenced them. Maybe 200 people. It remains completely outrageous but who has reported it? He used infinite money to silence his critics.
And we saw the doubling of the public service. What he did was financially cripple the state of Victoria and no one was left who was able to criticize. Now Victoria owes more money than Queensland and NSW together. And the major projects, like Turnbull’s Snowy II are unfinished. Even when they are finished, they will make no difference.
Western governments are increasingly crippled by their own public service who write the laws, especially in the EU and Washington. Canberra is one of the worst and our massive hidden Carbon tax was so successful it was copied by the UK. How to rob the public without anyone realising, especially the politicians.
I do not believe the terrible war in Ukraine is anything less than a money making exercise and a distraction from China and Iran. Making Russia the common enemy of the world has been an obvious ploy since WWII. And China has always played both sides.
I thought Mao had learnt his trade in the USSR. I think you may have the cart before the horse.
During the WWII, America and Britain supplied China in their war against Japan. And China controlled the tungsten supply. America and Japan both needed tungsten. So who bought the tungsten in the end? Their deadly enemy,Japan. They paid more. China was playing international games before America or Russia existed.
So China sold their Tungsten to their mortal enemies to shoot them with, now that’s recycling.
Russia has been around for thousands of years in some form or the other, and China, after all the British had to sell their drugs to someone, not so good at those games I guess.
Hasn’t every communist country had their roots in Russia, Fidel, Pol Pot, Ho Chi min and every other commie.
“Ho Chi Minh first emerged as an outspoken voice for Vietnamese independence while living as a young man in France during World War I. Inspired by the Bolshevik Revolution, he joined the Communist Party and traveled to the Soviet Union.”
Soon after the collapse of the Qing Empire in 1912, China became a fragmented and weakened state with no strong centralized power. The country was essentially divided among military and political cliques that endlessly squabbled with one another. And foreign powers didn’t hesitate to take advantage of this by interfering in China’s internal affairs.
Moscow rendered the CCP crucial assistance in Manchuria. Red Army units were temporarily stationed in this northeastern part of China after its liberation from Japanese troops. The Soviet administration assisted the clandestine infiltration of Chinese Communists into the region and the establishment of their revolutionary base there.
I have my horse leading the cart.
Not really. Communism started in France/Germany with Karl Marx and Engels and observations in the British city of Manchester in the middle of era of Satanic mills, far from Russia. Nothing to do with China. Russia imported communism with Lenin and his military coup in 1918 overthrowing a popularly elected government and then murdering all the 30,000 naval staff and families on the island of Kronstad who had supported his revolution. That was the start of the civil war. Lenin had been sent back by the Germans for this explicit purpose. Again, nothing to do with China.
Prior to that the people who ran China and Russia and India for hundreds of years were the Mongols and then the Moguls. The Golden Horde was based on the Volga in the now rich city of Kazan. Communism was imported, an invention of intellectuals in late 19th century France/Germany. Karl died in London.
Much is attributed to Russia which is not Russian. Their culture came from the West, their religion was Greek Orthodox and even their vodka was a Dutch discovery made from potatoes which came from the New World of South America. This was popularized by Grigory Potemkin in the court of Catherine the Great, who was German. What was amazing was how they flipped the Mongol empire so that the new Russia owned the biggest country on the planet, even Alaska.
I don’t care where communism came from, just where it is. Veered a bit off course there Tone Deaf, now back to the program.
While looking up the great Tungsten war, I came across this, you may be interested.
‘ … a distraction from China …’
China is experiencing deflation and the CCP is on its knees, so they won’t start a hot war.
Putin said he wouldn’t be running in the Russian election, will he put up another puppet?
Australia is not meant to survive under this “Regine”. We are “up for grabs” as a resource base to be pillaged. This will be cloaked in the usual drivel about “equity”, responsible use, fair distribution, ecological concern, etc
Pol Pot’s “Year Zero” will look like a Sunday School picnic.
The intention is to taxed them out of business to achieve net zero, which is why the EU farmers are united against madness. CO2 is a harmless trace gas and we need to somehow get the word across to the wider community.
Satire is our only hope.
Where does all this secret tax end up, who benefits.
Just wondering why there’s a sudden increase in cancer cases world wide!
My moneys on Covid &/or the vaccine!!
Researchers report dramatic rise in cancer in people under 50
A study by researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital reveals that the incidence of early onset cancers — including breast, colon, esophagus, kidney, liver, and pancreas — has dramatically increased around the world, with the rise beginning around 1990.
Note the “1990” !
1990 – 2019
But in a world with more people, we would expect more people to die. As the world population is growing the total number of deaths is rising – since 1990, the number of deaths increased from 46 million to 56 million per year.
This of course means that the number of people who did not die of cancer has also increased. To assess whether we are making progress against cancer we cannot rely on the absolute number of deaths alone. It does not account for the increase of the world population.
This is why health statisticians study the number of deaths relative to the size of the population – the death rate. It is measured as the number of cancer deaths per 100,000 people.
The chart shows that the death rate from cancer has increased by 21% since 1990. This tells us that if the world population had not increased, then instead of the number of cancer deaths increasing by 75% (as we saw above), they would only have increased by 21%.
The difference between the steep rise in the number of deaths and the slower rise of the death rate is due to the increase of the global population.
The age-standardized death rate from cancer declined by 15%
Cancer kills mostly older people – as the death rate by age shows, of those who are 70 years and older, 1% die from cancer every year. For people who are younger than 50, the cancer death rate is more than 40-times lower (more detail here).
Epidemiologists correct for changes in age-profile over time by relying on the so called ‘age-standardized death rate’. This metric tells us what the death rate would be if the age structure of the population had stayed the same over time and would be the same across countries.4
Once we correct for both population changes and aging we get the age-standardized death rate from cancer. Globally this has fallen by 15% since 1990.
Also need to factor better awareness (early intervention) as preventing deaths, and perhaps better treatment. But that and your info relates to deaths from cancer. Not cases.
Is Graham referring to the number of cancer cases regardless of whether they result in deaths?
Cases could still be a consequence of awareness. Particularly on a world scale where medical assessments are probably more available to areas not previously available. Cases could be a consequence of people living longer too.
Would be interesting to see if the number of cases (not deaths) has risen in say western cultures where some of the potential variable factors might not be as big of an unknown or variable.
Is see there is cancer “incidence” data at that link you provided, and it’s done in terms of per 100,000 of population by country. But ends at 2017. The most recent years is probably of interest.
Australia’s incidence was falling from 2000 to 2017.
My money is on Climate Change™ getting the blame.
Medical research units rely on government funding and the easiest way to get that is include Climate Change™ in the funding request:
So stop using carbon based fuels or you will die from cancer. You will not live longer because you will die from cold or other disease rather than cancer. As an example, Kenyans burn 0.34 tonnes of carbon per capita compared with 17.15 in Australia. Per capita cancer deaths in Australia is 48k in 24M compared with 37k in 53M in Kenya.
But any good story could be turned on its ear to demonise CO2.
It seems that our medical authorities don’t know what is causing this surge yet, miraculously, they know what ISN’T causing it.
Yes. J
ust like they knew that the wuflu wasn’t from a lab leak!
Parkrun has gone woke. It’s doing away with some of its statistical records so newcomers will not feel intimidated.
How many other sports delete records of their top performers to encourage newcomers?
The other thing they are ditching is age-grading of performances for the same reason.
And they are worried about cheats! Well that occurs in 100% of other sports.
Do they just give “participation” certificates now?
No, but after you’ve done 50 you get a free T-shirt. This continues with later milestones, with people now approaching 500.
At the end of each event finishers get a bar-coded stick with their finish position on it and someone records their time (using latest technology). People then take their (free) membership card to have both items scanned for the results listing. The article states that the organisers say “it is not a race” but it is! But in that sense it’s no different to the City-to-Surf where only a few athletes have a realistic chance of winning. But it doesn’t matter – what sets Parkrun aside from all other fun runs is that it’s FREE.
The point of the event and the statistics is to enable people to improve fitness and try for “personal bests”. Only a small proportion would not bother with that, but there’s no need to penalise the 90% of people who do aspire to improve.
Besides, a whole industry of statistical categories has sprung up from innovative people outside the Parkrun’s official stats – you just need the “APP”!
Last week it was forecast that we would have about 20 mm of rain. We had 128 mm. $1000000 a day. The BoM doesn’t need a bigger computer but it does need honest scientists.
They were a little bit right. You did get rain.
Melbourne has 3 days over 30C this week and no rain on those days – maybe. It is the forecast hot dry summer.
There is a little coastal village on the edge of Bass Strait in Tassie. These days most famous as being the home town of a vocal and not always charming senator who speaks her mind. Yesterday I learnt that it puts out heat stress warnings when the temperature is forecast to go above ….. 25C.
Being on the edge of Bass Strait. Any northerly flow from the big Island has cooled before it gets to that part of Tassie. Wind from south is never particularly warm in that part of the world. Also, Bass Strait is out of the east coast current so does not get the warm water flow from the tropics. It experiences a temperature range of 13C to 18C. Much cooler than along the east coast, which gets up to 25C as far south as Eden.
Robby the Robot (copied from elsewhere)
Did you know?
Robby the Robot was built by ex-washing machine designer Robert Kinoshida who said, “I remember on the first day of filming, the crew stood around wondering ‘What the hell is this thing gonna do?'”
Robby was made of: metal, plastic, rubber, glass, and Plexiglas. The plastic parts were made using the then new technology of vacuum-forming heated plastic over wooden molds. He stands just over 7-feet tall, made in three detachable sections with a very detailed head.
Two stunt men took turns being inside Robby to operate him. An off-camera actor spoke Robby’s lines into a microphone that ran a cable to Robby’s foot and up to a voice-activated circuit that lit-up blue, neon tubes as he spoke.
Later, actor Marvin Miller dubbed in Robby’s final voice. Miller was the man that gave out the checks in TV’s The Millionaire series.
Forbidden Planet, the first A-grade science ficiton movie of its time, was a big hit. The star of the movie was Robby, who was featured on the poster carrying Anne Francis.
Two years later, Robby starred in The Invisible Boy, with his name twice as large as the other actors on the poster. It was a critical and financial success that made Robby a continuing pop-icon. Later, he appeared on many TV shows including:
The Thin Man, Dobie Gillis, four episodes of The Twilight Zone, Hazel, The Adams Family, and The Man From UNCLE. In one episode of Lost in Space Robby battles the B-9 robot that was also designed by Kinoshida.
All appearances of Robby after 1971 were made by a replica, as the original was too valuable to risk on sets or locations.
After being in the hands of various collectors, in 2017, the original Robby was auctioned off for $5,375,000 USD making Robby the most expensive film prop ever sold.
Robby the most expensive film prop ever sold.
Memorable lines by Robby
-Quiet please. I am analyzing.
-Would 60 gallons be sufficient?
After he has been asked to duplicate a sample of bourbon.
-For your convenience, I am monitored to respond to the name “Robby”.
-If you do not speak English, I am at your disposal with 187 other languages along with their various dialects and sub-tongues.
-I am monitored to admit no one at this hour.
A video about subsequent appearances of Robby:
EU Farmers Rise Against the Climate Cult
The Common Market was great, a proven idea for centuries. The European Community a boon for tourism and trade.
But the evil gigantic French/German political machine metastasing in Brussels/Stuttgart/Strasbourg is chewing up industries, farming, jobs and trade and dreams of fighting Russia. Again. 1812 and 1941. Global warming is a cruel joke. Countries have just suffered record cold winters. And I have read that that is caused by Global Warming? Unbelievable sophistry not science.
It should be everyone overboard from the EU, before the boat sinks or is sunk. Using war with Russia as a distraction is incredibly dangerous. Ask Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Finland, Sweden. Russia is not spoiling for war, having walked willingly out of so many countries. But America, Germany, France, China, Iran all want a piece of the action. And the German tanks are again in Kiev and Kharkov. Remember them? Not too far to Stalingrad?
The sooner the EU collapses under its own weight of legislation and interference the better. It is the Globalist’s dream, as is the collapse of Russia.
The European Union is what Napoleon and Hitler wanted. Nothing less. And saving the planet is the extraordinary excuse and a lie. Again.
And I detest the way subsidies work. You are paid not to grow cheaper vegetables. Or you are paid to keep your prices down. Why not let people compete in a free market? The EU is copying the economy of the USSR. There are families in France which buy up farms so they can be paid not to grow anything at all. It’s subsidy farming.
A free market means the cheapest and best wins. And forces efficiency on all producers, like the Nederlands. But these farmers are being driven into the ground or forcefully acquired to stop their production. All in the name of Climate Change and saving the planet.
We saw this in France where you were forced to buy a diesel, buy yellow jackets and then taxed for having a diesel as they belched nitrous oxides, which everyone knew in the first place. You can hardly blame Volkswagen for telling bureaucrats what they wanted to hear, that if people did not actually drive their cars hard there would be no nitrous oxides. Now it’s electric cars?
All to save carbon dioxide which is NOT a problem. Every living thing is made almost entirely from carbon dioxide and water directly as plants or indirectly as carbohydrate for animals, hydrated carbon dioxide.
My pumpkins are growing rapidly at present. Nothing one week and a spectacular giant 10kg a few weeks later. Marrow, zucchinis, cucumbers. All going well.
So what are they made from? Carbon dioxide and water and sunlight. They are not made from metals or rocks or you would break your teeth and they would be indigestible.
All plants and trees are made from CO2 and H2O and ultimately both come from the air. And plants dried all burn. And they are mostly all edible, with woody parts by termites and borer and fungi but edible food. And we carnivores (canine teeth) cannot digest on cellulose with our shrivelled appendix, but we can live on cellulose eaters, which is the reason we developed before the discovery of agriculture just 10,000 years ago after the last ice age. Very big animals are almost universally plant eaters. And food. Humans have never been exclusively vegetarians before the modern fashion. It comes from thinking too much.
The point is that CO2 is not only our essential friend, it is the second most important molecule after water. So it is beyond my belief that our countries and quality of life are being demolished in the name of reducing dangerous industrial pollutant carbon dioxide. Which is as mad an idea as it is impossible.
And I also believe the new laws controlling every aspect of our lives are being cooked up by people who are hiding what they are doing, even from the incompetent politicians. Or we would not be in this mess, as in Europe and America and Canada. The management classes are the same ones who caused the French revolution and I suspect a revolution is coming in Europe. Anger is building everywhere against the second estate, the fat cats building their own castles and driving electric cars.
In the future we will be the Crazy Easter Islanders who bought about the demise of their own civilisation.
You have to wonder if the Easter Islanders were trying to prevent Climate Change?
I heard a list of Australian Jewish talent has been exposed, and they are experiencing cancelling, and hatred. It would be interesting if this was extended to the US. Katie Perry would be on it. I wonder how that will play out?
Yes, it’s just like 1930’s Germany under the National Socialists.
And also
Incidentally, one of the reasons that the National Socialists didn’t get the atomic bomb but the Americans did was that apart from their antisemitic laws and genocide, the National Socialists didn’t accept what they termed “Jewish physics” which essentially meant modern physics like relativity and quantum mechanics and the mathematics to go with it.
Among the Jewish scientists (or who had Jewish wives – Niels Bohr and Enrico Fermi) who fled Germany were:
Joseph Rotblat
Emilio Segrè
Edward Teller
John von Neumann
Rudolf Peierls
Enrico Fermi (left Italy)
James Franck
Leo Szilard
Albert Einstein
Niels Bohr
Hans Bethe
Max Born
The two most influential people behind the concept that resulted in a working bomb were both jews. Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls were tasked with thinking up ways for using fission to make a practical bomb while Oliphant tasked his British physicists to work on reducing the size and increasing the power of RADAR systems, which was more decisive in winning the war than the A-bomb.
This shows the text of the famous memo to Oliphant:
See and listen to the 2 versions of this:
Jailed Imran Khan, and his banned political party, may have won the Pakistan election decisively!? Despite having no official candidates, and with social media shut down.
It’s 22 mins, but we’re not going to hear any depth anywhere else.
I see the big solar farms in the Northern Territory have finally been connected to the grid and switched on , all be it at just a trickle . Seems they still can’t quite work out the firming part of the deal yet .
Is there an article on this Robert?
Was on Skynews but no doubt there will be links somewhere , I’m pretty sure it was mentioned here a few years back that this scheme was going to be in trouble unless they could guarantee 24/7 generation by the NT government. Also sure WA then had similar demands on solar farms around that time .
Can’t find anything on today’s announcement but this gives you an idea of the restrictions placed on these solar farms which in my view should be the yardstick for all wind and solar farms .
Ok thanks Robert. The ABC report is a starter.
Some conspiracy theories write themselves !
Passenger dies after profuse bleeding from mouth and nose on a Lufthansa flight .
Esophageal varicies. I recall a Saturday morning patient at a regional hospital using all available blood through the weekend, plus some, had to cancel two days of surgeries Mon and Tues, drunkard died on the Sunday night.
Many years ago, post a long hall flight, I got terrible sinus pain that was relived when a huge gush of wet clots flowed out of my nose.
Jeroen Weimar who was in charge of the failed Victorian Commonwealth Games has been given a new highly-overpaid job by tue Government that wasn’t even advertised.
The Liberal faction of the Uniparty has some questions:
It’s pretty clear he was put on a longterm contract and cant be sacked. Hence, rather than sitting around idle they keep giving him new jobs. Again, the incompetency of the Vic Labor government. Like the COVID contact tracers who were put on at least 12 months ( maybe even 2 years ?) contracts. All the basic biology and ( you know ) “science” indicated that once COVID became endemic contact tracing was useless. But all these idiots believed the hyper claims of efficacy by both Pfizer and the TGA. There’s more David. City of Ballarat still have appointed employees who were organising the Comm Games events in the city. They cant be sacked either because they’re on long term contracts and so they also have to be found other jobs.
I believe this is the same Weimar who was Godfather of the scandalously compromised Myki scheme.
Some people are appointed purely because they have no shame whatsoever, no principles, and can brazenly lie in public with a perfectly straight face.
It’s a key selection criterion for senior jobs in politics, and I am sure there’s a well-known category for it in the DSM-V.
I received this from my bank today. A number of questions about where I get the money from and what I spend it on. If this is not overreach, I don’t know what is.
For compliance, we need you to answer a few questions in the ubank app about how you use your accounts and to confirm your details are complete and correct. It’ll just take a few minutes.
If you don’t complete the checkup within 90 days of receipt of this email, access to your account will be restricted, including to any joint account you may have.
What if I don’t complete the checkup?
If you do not answer all the checkup questions within 90 days your account access in the app and online banking will be restricted. Card access and any existing scheduled payments, PayTo payments and direct debits will continue with restricted access. You won’t be able to use the app or online banking to do things like transferring funds out of or between your accounts.
In some limited instances, your account access (including any joint account access) may be locked, instead of restricted. Where an account is locked, this means:
You can’t receive or transfer money.
Direct debits including home loan repayments won’t go through.
Your cards will be locked.
Scheduled and PayTo payments are paused.
You can’t open any new accounts or access shared accounts.
Outrageous. It’s none of their business where your money comes from. That’s why the Government spends vast amounts of money tracing and tracking our financial transactions and our movements, which itself is not appropriate unless criminal activity is involved.
It looks like Herr Kommandant Klaus Schwab’s instructions are being followed to the letter, but with extra enthusiasm because the Australian Governments and woke institutions are fanatical followers of the globalist agenda.
I thought it was a scam at first , I’m with 2 banks and both are demanding I update my details so I’ve done the bank we deal with the most but I’m letting the other slide and see what happens .
Looks like a scam. Have you contacted your bank by phone?
And the bank in question is???
Which bank and Westpac .
Speak to the manager and inform him/her/ you will transfer your account immediately, lock stock and both smoking barrels, scheduled payments and direct debits too.
Make it clear to the manager of the new bank why you made the switch.
I did something very similar a month or so ago in a similar situation.
Contact the banking ombudsman. They will be up to date on current scams, maybe.
It’s the standard “Know Your Customer” regulatory obligation imposed on all banks operating in Australia; there’ll be plenty worse ahead if the CBDC zealots get their way.
Name the Bank
Trust the
sciencecorruption and callousnessIn a chilling revelation that could rock the core of medical ethics, over 40 Ukrainian children are reported to have tragically lost their lives in a covert Pfizer vaccine trial. With mortality rates soaring and standards plummeting, these trials are not just controversial; they’re a harrowing violation of trust and humanity.
The report states that from the depths of secrecy in Kiev, Pfizer’s controversial trials/ experiments have emerged, potentially calling into question the pharmaceutical titan’s integrity. Allegations of bypassing ethical norms, coupled with a disturbingly high mortality rate among the young participants, paint a grim picture of a corporate giant playing dice with Ukrainian children’s lives.
The cloak-and-dagger approach to these trials, revealed by whistleblower Anna Sakhno from within Pfizer’s ranks, highlights a sinister alliance with certain Ukrainian health officials. Children, unwittingly turned into lab rats, were administered shots under the guise of harmless flu vaccines. This grave misconduct, if true, flies in the face of Pfizer’s reputation for adhering to international trial protocols, raising alarming questions about the lengths to which they’ll go to push the boundaries of what amounts to medical experimentation.
One for Curious George from yesterday, who doesn’t know Ukrainian history going back to WW2, siding with the nuzzis.
I think a good portion of the global adult population were coerced into being ;lab rats. Where is the outrage there. A few kids in Ukraine curries more hostility than about 30% of the global population. Something is out of whack there.
The Holodomor, also known as the Great Ukrainian Famine, was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine from 1932 to 1933 that killed millions of Ukrainians. [Wikipedia]
Estimates are about 3 million Ukrainians starved to death. That did not provide a lot of love for Russians. There was a hope that Nuzzis would not be quite as bad. What would John do in this situation?
Woke capitalism COLLAPSES as investors pull BILLIONS, ESG threatens food supply!
US sustainability funds — ‘woke capitalism’ — saw their worst year on record in 2023, with investors pulling $13 billion from US funds, a Morningstar report says. That multi-billion dollar exodus in the US more than offset the inward flows seen in Europe, dragging down the market globally.
In the fourth quarter alone, investors withdrew $5 billion from funds that promote environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts, making the fifth straight quarter of net outflows, the report says.
According to Morningstar, a financial services firm, investors exited ESG amid fears of poor returns, a hidden leftist agenda, and ‘greenwashing,’ or making a firm appear more environmentally friendly than it really is.
Manages of funds following environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles had a brutal year in 2023
Manages of funds following environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles had a brutal year in 2023. Investors pulled $13 billion from ESG funds in the US last year, a Morningstar report says.
…and they’re gone!…
The inflow to ESG funds peaked in the 1st quarter of 2021 with lesser amounts through Q1 of 2022. Since then, except for Q3 2022, the money has been coming out of such funds.
With interest rates up (>5%) investors have been steadily funneling into Money Market funds. In the USA, that means government securities.
It can also be Certificates of Deposit (CDs) from banks, if a person actually takes money out of the fund firms such as Fidelity, Blackrock, Vanguard, and so on. These might be for 9 months, a year, or somewhat longer. As interest rates go down and the CDs roll-over, that money is likely to go back into stocks.
Dr. Cartland Offers To Administer COVID Jab on Camera to Any UK MP “Who Would Like To Demonstrate the PM’s Claim Last Week of COVID Jab Safety”
Dr David Cartland: Open invitation for any MP in the U.K. who would like to demonstrate the PM’s claim last week of covid jab safety…..please consider my offer.
I will personally administer a jab to you live on camera to publish online to demonstrate your confidence in jab publicly and your bosses claim!
In particular the Cornwall MP Derek Thomas as I know you are nearby.
Anyone wish to take me up on my offer: it will be from a batch in public circulation and not one of Pfizer’s special batches that they use for their own staff and publicity stunts on celeb/politicians faking endorsement!
I bet they’ll be lining up for that…
Afternoon all,
This sounds like a decent evaluation to me.
” Tucker Putin Interview – Rapid React ”
Feb 10, 2024
17 mins
A US assessment of the Carlson/Putin interview
Daniel Davis / Deep Dive
Dave B
There’s currently a few hot days in Melbournistan, but there haven’t been many this summer.
With “Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming” (sic) and the “oceans boiling” (sic) you’d think they would be happening every day.
Incidentally, if you want some amusement do a Goolag search for “oceans boiling” without quote marks and you’ll see some insane nonsense.
We have all your hot days this year David. They are all in Perth.
Super bowl is on folks. I’m sure you’re all riveted to the screen. Presently 3rd 1/4 and KC have hit the front after a miserable first 2 quarters. But similar to Australia’a recent indifference to our national day, the NFL now present 2 national anthems. The original star spangled banner is then followed by what people consider to be the “black” anthem. Seems just like Australia, the lefties ( liberals ) want to white-ant their national identity in USA as well.
I lost all interest in the NFL after they started taking the knee. Never watch it anymore. The NBA I haven’t had any interest in for 30 years.
Facinating Dave.
19 all at the end of regular time
The stadium has natural grass on some sort of roll-away retractable base.
The specific strain of grass is Tifway II Bermuda.
Bermuda grass is called couch grass in Australia.
I was an “apprentice” to a grower of Queensland Blue Couch to get pocket money as a high school student.
I should have taken this further!
I saw some updates on the Herald Sun website. Didn’t learn much about the progress of the game.
But I know that Taylor Swift entered the stadium and was photographed doing so. Is apparently quite good friends with one of the players.
Was photographed numerous times in her seat while going through a range of emotions. Could be some new song material.
Apparently reacted well to an Usher performing. Don’t know if it was the one that shown her to her seat. Also reacted to some aspect of the game with an OMG expression.
She pashed one of the players after the game. Don’t know if it was the player she knows. Could be double song material if not.
She may have scored something like a touch-down. But it looked more like a touch-up. Could be more song material.
And, after all that, apparently someone named Chiefio won.
Daily sarcasm
Troy has announced they will be limiting the number of wooden horses entering to 5,000 a day.
– Babylon Bee
You will have your travel restricted to save the planet (for the elite), but…
Brussels Airlines operates 3,000 empty flights to keep airport slots.
Brussels Airlines has operated 3,000 flights without passengers this winter to avoid losing take-off and landing slots.
The airline’s parent company, Lufthansa Group, confirmed that 18,000 flights had been flown empty, including 3,000 Brussels Airlines services, reports The Bulletin.
EU rules require that airlines operate a certain percentage of scheduled flights to keep their slots at major airports.
Under these “use it or lose it” regulations, prior to the pandemic carriers had to utilise at least 80 per cent of their scheduled take-off and landing slots.
This was revised to 50 per cent as coronavirus saw travel become increasingly difficult – but airlines are still struggling to hit this target.
Not a new story, it’s also a well known practise, but it’s a reminder of the sheer hypocrisy and lies.
The Elites/Left want non-Elites to eat insects. There are many reasons not to eat this poverty food including:
(Copied from elsewhere.)
Another RE failure story
Who would have guessed that RE is too intermittent to connect to a grid. I wonder if Blackout Bowen will get the memo and if he does, will he be able to understand it ?.
I wonder how much in the way of subsidies each plantation is harvesting, whether they are connected or not?
Same problem arises with wind turbines
How do “constraint costs” lead to “schleeper Electrishity”?
A Bigger Battery will fix the problem! Plus an interconnector to South Australia!
That should ensure “reliable and least-cost electricity for consumers and taxpayers” – NOT.
2022:Construction is underway on the Northern Territory’s first big battery, a 35MW energy storage system that will bolster the Darwin to Katherine Electricity grid as it slowly shifts away from costly and polluting gas and towards 50 per cent renewables by 2030.
NT chief minister Natasha Fyfe said on Monday that the beginning of works on the Darwin big battery marked a “huge step forward” for the Territory’s energy transition, with earthworks complete, foundations laid and in-ground services and culverts well underway.
Fyfe says the $45 million Darwin-Katherine Battery Energy Storage System (DK BESS) will – when completed, in 2023 – form “the backbone” of the Territory’s biggest electricity network, which provides energy to 150,000 customers. It will have one hour of storage, as most of its focus will be on grid stability.
Grid stability – cannot deal with the extra solar farm load. A classic example of a power grid designed by politicians and not electrical engineers.
Thanks for this detail.
I will research this some more as grid failure will happen first in isolated grids without interconnectors.
So it must be an all or nothing connection, how dumb is that, if they can modulate the flow of electrons over our crossborder connectors , why can’t the flow from a windmill farm be controlled.
Media meltdown over Tucker Putin interview.
Great watch!
As predicted leading into the US elections
Need something stronger this time to defeat Donald J Trump
It’s only the plague. Very small outbreaks every year.
Nothing to worry about.
Oh sure JCII and I suppose there is no election plot, no fake votes, no totalitarians and never have been.
Just endless paddocks of lush grass with pink unicorns frolicking in the sun.
I know this is true as I saw it on CNN.
Really? It is a virus causing that now? Actually the virus seems to have escaped the quote so maybe it is a fake virus.
That quote should have worn a mask.
There are about seven cases per year of bubonic plague in the US. And it’s on all continents except Oceania.
I don’t think it’s the US Election special.
That would be Disease X. Already bred, just waiting for release. 100% lethal.
Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2-related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR) (preprint)
Lai Wei; Shuiqing Liu; Shanshan Lu; Shengdong Luo; Xiaoping An; Huahao Fan; Weiwei Chen; Erguang Li; Yigang Tong; Lihua Song.
biorxiv; 2024.
The contemporary term ‘election’ for the POTUS selection process, is not dissimilar from the contemporary ‘woman’ or ‘vaccine’.
Once the Democratic leadership, in consort with the DS/GlobalCorp/Alphabetic/MSM consortium, select their new spokesmodel, we’ll know who the ‘election’ will elect.
My prediction … they drag Joe across the finish line … just to demonstrate their complete power consolidation.
And most of us will be convinced it was an election, just like we were convinced it was a Pandemic and and vaccine.
And that the cycle of floods and droughts and heat and cold can be controlled ‘anthropogenically’.
I’m feeling toxically mannishly anthropogenic today.
And ‘toxically mannishly’ summons mod.
All is as it appears to the few surviving one eyed people.
The flaw of Occupy Wall Street in 2011 was they should have done Occupy US Fed instead. The flaw of the EU Farmers is wasting time with the Brussels EU when they should have drove all their tractors to Davos instead! Parked on all the Davos roads and parked across the private jet tarmac! The source of all the Farmer’s troubles is the Davos based billionaire cartel called WEF! Blocking the WEF paid servants in Brussels is like blocking child sex slavery at the border by voting for Biden again. Fool you once …
In Queenslandistan they are going to steal money from taxpayers and then give it back to them pretending it’s a free gift from Big Brother to buy Big Batteries.
They call it a “battery booster” program but what exactly gets boosted? Government popularity?
A battery is like the Govt, it can’t give you anything it hasn’t already taken off you previously.
I think it goes better as
“A battery is like the Govt, it can’t give you anything it hasn’t already taken off you (or someone else) previously.
(Trigger warning for the sensitive.)
Apologies to Brünnhilde to whom that colloquialism refers,
A hopeful Australian company says that they can build solar panels in Australia, if only the government (i.e., the taxpayers) stump up the money. (Paywalled):
A bit late to that party.
Australia has in fact made solar panels and even solar cells in the past. BP Solar was one manufacturer.
But these days the cost of electricity and labour is too high and over-regulation make manufacturing of nearly any type non-viable unless there are huge subsidies applied.
And if that is the case you are in the subsidy-harvesting business, not the manufacturing business.
There are some notable exceptions in the areas of biomedical engineering or military or aerospace manufacturing that are no especially cost sensitive.
Yes, its terribly simple.. If you want to compete with china you will have to pay Chinese wages, end of story.
Nearly all Australian manufacturing has gone to Asia somewhere, along with Europe’s and America’s, it the way the 3rd world becomes 1st world.
Govt subsidies should be banned, its just throwing money at mate’s in exchange for bribes. If an idea can’t get investors in the private sector it is bad idea.
What human beings could require, or would ever be prescribed 1,000 ivermectin tablets?
Here are a couple of links to sites that supply ivermectin, for human use. Check the prices:
Trump’s new campaign video. If only.
He doesn’t need anything else.
The ad writes itself.
Plus, he’s getting far worse.
Apart from his habitual sniffing of children which I think his minders have stopped him doing, it’s only a matter of time before he does something grossly inappropriate in public like relieving himself.
We’ve already seen he wears pappy-nappys.
Chiefio has a look around –
“When The Idiots In Charge Need A Whack – People Act.”
Willis E has a look –
“I was greeted this morning by a CNN headline saying “Critical Atlantic Ocean current system is showing early signs of collapse, prompting warning from scientists“. YIKES! Be very afraid.
The CNN article opens by saying:
A crucial system of ocean currents may already be on course to collapse, according to a new report, with alarming implications for sea level rise and global weather — leading temperatures to plunge dramatically in some regions and rise in others.”
More at
That is a lot of water they found from somewhere
Another look
“AMOC To Collapse Scam Is Back “
There is always a weasel word such as “may”. Liberal use allows one to claim anything.
I have no idea about ocean currents but I’m not heading for the bomb shelter because someone says I “may” have to.
There is a new and extremely dangerous street drug in America called “Pink Panther” that contains a mixture of ketamine, MDMA, methamphetamine, cocaine and opioids. Very bad stuff. Coming to DemocRAT-run cities in the US and then to be launched around the world…
“A sensible guide to choosing a good husband.”
That redefines suffering from piles.
Fell over this today – down the U tube rabbithole: Life like this in NSW ? Busted for using phone while driving, but doesn’t own one | A Current Affair
Sort of thing which can happen to me too: Have they forgotten that it was Gramps generation which invented all this Computing related rubbish – And Gramps has thrown HIS Smart Phone away for NOT being so smart after all – when push comes to shove.
At least we get peace to do a day’s work without petty phonecall interruptions! CB Radio is / was very handy for that – but then it became legalised in the UK and all the Idiots from the junior asylum came on air.
Moorabool Wind Farm transmission line route