A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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New York is Punishing Donald Trump.
When the city was revitalizing itself a couple of decades ago he was a local hero.
One presumes the New York Slimes has burned the microfilm.
In related action ten or more states are actively considering a wealth tax, on unrealized assets.
Our next “Civil War” won’t be bullets, at least at first. It will be a Bakers dozen of blue states,
in bankruptcy, stripped of their tax base by the migration of their citizens to red states as
economic refugees, trying to claw wealth from those red states to continue funding their progressive
insanities. The scope of our internal migration is hidden from the world as it is happening one person at
a time; the indigent of various types of status, including illegal immigrants, gravitating to the jurisdictions paying the
highest welfare; the wealth creators seeking lower taxes. Two months after Mr. Bezos left Washington (7% capital gains tax)
for Florida (0%) he sold $6B of Amazon stock. Yet Washington run huge deficits, Florida a surplus.
Democrats will lose their priorities unless they can strip the same wealth from folks who have moved that they were taking before,
plus more from their co-domiciled friends. They will call this social justice taxation. The red states will call it theft.
The migrations of more than 30 million folks have been so fast (3years) that the usual gradual (and hidden) solution is out of the question.
The scope of the ask, and the targets of the spend will make the conflict very nasty.
There will be some recollection of throwing tea into a harbor.
That it is not peacetime and there exist military priorities exacerbates the divide.
The US can no longer pretend to fund all its priorities — it will have to change them as indeed to some other countries are being forced to do.
Thid is hard work; those in power are stubborn and usually get nasty with the folks.
Do you think the political conflict in the US is any different than the one in Europe?
Aren’t both just elites consolidating power under the false flag of ‘equity’ and safety’.
In America the push back is MAGA.
In Europe it’s farmers.
In Canada it’s truckers.
All called ‘threats to Democracy’ by the same folk, across all the seas, that consider Free Speech
a ‘threat to Democracy’ due to ‘misinformation’.
One my favorites … American news person Chris Mathews compares rural Americans to ‘terrorists’.
They are only angry ’cause they “didn’t go to college”.
At time stamp 0:16
Back the 13th century. The Magna Carta is getting trashed again.
“One my favorites … American news person Chris Mathews compares rural Americans to ‘terrorists’.
They are only angry ’cause they “didn’t go to college”
Mathews is dead right (pardon the pun) Those that didnt attend college avoided indoctrination and can see reality. Anyone with a grip on reality is quite justified at being angry with what is going on in the US. More so for those old enough to have experienced what it once was.
Hey Yarp, here’s Tucker Carlson talking to a guy that ‘splains stuff.
I went to a bit of college so I’m only slightly annoyed.
I’m educated enough to be greatly appreciative of my bettors sincere attempts to protect me from ideas and opinions that have not been beer, I mean peer reviewed.
(Whew, spell check wouldn’t have caught that one.)
Tax and spend govs. are everywhere. I was told y’day that you pay $40k stamp duty on a house in NSW, so I looked it up:
Over $1,064,000 $43,087 plus $5.50 for every $100 over $1,064,000
Who can believe pollies when they shed crocodile tears over the cost of housing?
BTW Wasn’t it taxes on the productive south funding the north that was at the heart of the Civil War?
Just part of the cost of “downsizing”.
And you do not pay it out of pocket, you add it to the new mortgage. You borrow it, they take it, they spend it. You pay it off.
Where does the bipartisan debt ceiling fit in?
‘Currently, the debt ceiling has been suspended altogether as of June 3, 2023, when U.S. president Joe Biden signed the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 into law. This ended the 2023 United States debt-ceiling crisis that began on January 19, 2023, and the suspension will remain in effect until January 1, 2025.’ (wiki)
Don’t you just love the way they reverse the meaning of words? “Fiscal Responsibility” – not unlike KRudds “Fiscal conservative”!
Words are cheap, only a radical like Donald can break the nexus.
And they get away with it!
It is clear, democracy works for the wealthy . .
EV Update.
In (Australia), 2024, there is a current push by NSW Gov to facilitate parking with EV charging, underground, in existing residential/strata buildings.
OK, if you own or live in same…
Imho..You need to push back.
The NSW Gov, in 2023, gave multiple $80,000 grants to existing residential/strata buildings to enable EV charging.
Many took the money and didn’t question. Much like your free covid shot/s.
Understand that the Gov, with advice from their “experts”, are plowing ahead to enable your worst dream..
Imho, If you are body corp, owner, occupier., My advice is to deny.
Why?.. In my experience, one EV alight in a confined space is a nightmare…. 10 or 12, and I will watch the stupidity, whilst standing beside the paramedics, 400m upwind…. Good luck.
Our “experts” and governments are total fools…
Don’t play their game. Don’t put your life or property at risk, you are all smarter than that..
The more people learn about EVs, the less they want to buy them.
Never buy a used EV or hybrid. The older the batteries are, the greater the chance that they will explode into a white hot inferno.
We are currently watching the EV industry die a slow death.
“We are currently watching the EV industry die a slow death.’
I’m afraid that isn’t true. It doesn’t matter what the issue, if the left is behind it, they will NEVER give in until then have won. How many times, including here in Jo’s blog, have we hailed the demise of AGW? How many times has the end of woke been celebrated? Gay marriage? The Voice? The republic? Gay sex education in schools?
What we can expect is, as consumers lose interest in EVs, governments will simply get the stick out. Taxes and levies on ICE vehicles, petrol and diesel will rise. Parking charges will go up for ICE vehicles. More and more areas will be designated EV only.
You vill comply!
The climate is always changing – few would be “deniers” of that.
If you take a poll asking “Are you concerned about Climate Change”? A majority of people would answer “Yes”
If you take a poll asking “How much are you willing to pay for action on Climate Change” – most people would answer $10 a week or less.
“If you take a poll asking “How much are you willing to pay for action on Climate Change” – most people would answer $10 a week or less.”
That’s already been done, more than once, and found that even believers in human-induced climate change (AGW) expect that somebody else will pay for the action required. The fools don’t realise they’re already paying for it in increased energy charges, higher petrol prices, higher building costs – in fact there is a ‘climate change levy’ on everything we pay for.
And let’s not forget that the whole Church of Climate Change was going to fall because of ‘Climategate’, which we expected to destroy the credibility of the science – and scientists – involved. There was simply no way the charade could continue, right? Well that was fifteen years ago, we’re still fighting the exact same nonsense, our green spaces are disappearing under eco crucifixes and one of the senior guys involved with the research unit ‘tainted’ by Climategate just got awarded USD1M damages against a journo who pointed out what a farce it all was.
It doesn’t look like the climate warriors are losing from where I sit.
In a few years the market will probably be dominated by hybrids. They make the most sense if you insist on going down the electric path to some extent.
Not a fan myself as all I see in increased complexity for a small gain, but I am not the market.
Full-hybrid EVs need not involve much increased complexity.
If designed for urban use, they offer a better range of carriage construction regimes, lower overall weight and improved protection in collisions compared with mechanical transmission ICEV counterparts.
Hi Leo
New Camry
Petrol…..1500 kg
Hybrid…..1655 kg
Are you serious? Just compare the braking system in an ICE car and a hybrid. There is a lot to go wrong. If you buy quality , its hopefully not an issue, but lets not pretend its not there.
A non-plugin hybrid EV does not normally use electric braking- the braking system is essentially the same as a non-EV, ICE vehicle.
It has a smaller engine operating at a higher duty cycle than the traditional ICE counterpart, and electric instead of mechanical transmission.
In mass production their construction cost should be lower.
A Camry hybrid is not a basic hybrid EV- it uses regen braking and its ICE does a lot of automatic stopping and starting.
Hybrid car , by definition, uses regen braking to recharge the battery.
That is why they are more economical on fuel use.
But there is NO difference in the mechanical, hydraulic, braking equipment, fitted tothe wheels.
No. A basic hybrid EV recharges the battery from a generator connected to the ICE.
It’s dreadful to say it, but only a severe recession/depression is going to terminate this global climate madness. China, in a politically dangerous economic slow is trying to get its boost from selling everything the West is looking for asap ie EV’s, turbines, solar panels. This looks like the modern day version of the Dutch Tulip disaster of old.
When governments run out of other people’s money, sanity will be forced to prevail. There are too many governments, universities, big businesses, banks and big media involved, all too inter reliant by agreements to controllably collapse the castle of cards. The vibe collapses and they all go with it. Is this the Black Rock et al story; get out while one can with plausible deniability, save your resources and pick over the carcasses later.
Governments will wail saying they ‘followed the science’ (‘opinion science’ that they ruthlessly forced on everyone else). Australia, obedient as ever to foreign direction, will be bereft of a reliable energy system, no heavy industry, a fading mining industry (partially due to government avarice and policies) and broken agricultural, fishing and transport systems. Our building Industry faces daily company collapses already. Foreign States, the originators of all this, have politicians seeing the end of their careers in prospect, are, like Black Rock, backing away. So it would seem is our mining industry with a heap of mothballing announced this weekend.
The people and the national future are left stranded having to somehow rebuild it all from scratch and without the largesse of today that is currently being squandered by the most financially illiterate government in our history.
Updates to the National Construction Code mean that new apartment buildings will need to be built EV-ready.
This next claim is a classic.
This must have been written before the Luton Airport Multistory car park fire!
Co2 Lover,
The insurance industry will not agree with that . A couple of catastrophic fires involving condemned buildings and multiple fatalities will change that . All you have to do is point to the car carrying ships that are now toxic reefs….
There is no dispute that an EV fire is more explosive and harder to put out and contain. And that is before we get to the poisonous gases that an EV fire produces.
The only dispute is how common fires are in EVs versus ICE. I think we will know the answer to that in about another 10 years or so when the current crop of EV vehicles age.
Given a choice, I would prefer to take my chances with an ICE fire than an EV fire.
I would never consider buying a new EV.
As for buying a used EV? Who in their right mind would even consider that?
An obvious, blatant lie.
But they know they can get away with it because, present company excepted, no one in the media asks questions and engineers and scientists who know, don’t dare to!
Possibly not a lie, but misleading. The majority of motor-vehicle fires are not caused by battery failure, but fire risk is related to the service life of the vehicle.
The EV is a bold vehicle. There are relatively few old bold vehicles.
Not at all sure about this:
” This must have been written before the Luton Airport Multistory car park fire! ”
I suspect it should read:
” This must have been written because of the Luton Airport Multistory car park fire! ”
Dave B
Well, like most of January, February has been crazy warm in the UK. Which reflects the global situation.
Of course we are beginning to see the record warmth, hottest global February ever, global warming accelerating, headlines, in the MSM.
But there is nothing about CO2 theory or enso that explains this rapid ground shifting change. What it should do is expose the fact that climate science clearly isn’t just unsettled, it doesn’t have a clue.
The same in Australia where we are having a warm and very wet summer, in total contrast to the extreme dry conditions so confidently forecast at great cost to everyone. You can only think that despite the super computers and models that the sooner Artificial Intelligence takes over the better because the paid experts are completely wrong. But the massive cost to our farmers of being wrong is excusable because they are in fact a big part of the terrible climate problem.
As usual Climate Scientists will blame total failure not on wrong climate models but on self evident Climate Change. It’s amazing how you can justify being wrong as proof of being right. And expect people will believe you. See, I could have told you so. And it’s your fault anyway.
Experts know that being wrong is due to very slow but steady Carbon Dioxide growth and nothing else. This causes random behaviour. Sure. And renewables are cheaper, reliable, adequate and will solve all problems with the weather. If we can spend fast enough. Trust me, I’m a Climate Scientist and being wrong actually proves I am right. Being wrong is predictable.
The same in Australia where we are having a warm …
Do you mean ‘mild’, as distinct from hot?
Summer’s in Melbourne are far colder than I have ever experienced. This year we have had a few warms days in a row, a first in a decade. Mid 30s. Not the 40’s I remember for so many years in the first two weeks of February. The bitumen would shift under your feet. But at least warmer than previous years where to even reach 30 was amazing. Sydney had three years not passing 32C. And the heat is more tropical, high humidity, unusual for summer, often sweeping down from the Indian Ocean. Whatever model the BOM is using is wrong. And that does not mean any significant permanent change.
The idea that chaotic world wind patterns and changing ocean currents have no effect, that the weather patterns are inherently stable is unsustainable. The heat in the oceans is 1400x that in the air at any time (350x mass, 4x specific heat) and that heat is trapped in ocean currents. I believe mapping ocean currents both lateral and vertical could explain all the weather. The atmospheric weather is effect, not cause. And a slight perturbation in reflected heat would take a long time to have any effect. The only certainty is that the effect of slight CO2 changes is very tiny, far less than changes in humidity, the greatest greenhouse gas. And clouds, liquid humidity.
The whole of man made CO2 driven rapid tipping point Armageddon is so obviously made up rubbish. It boggles the mind when places like Victoria blow up perfectly good power stations to replace them with very expensive, unreliables. What was the real agenda of Chinese communist Daniel Andrews? Will we ever know why he made a solo trip to China? Or why he resigned?
No one seriously believes we can power the state with windmills!
And to match the consumption of Melbourne, you would have to cover half the state in solar panels and how do they work at night? Even the Climate Council agreed with that. The late Prof Will Steffen said so, although he did not realise that.
But the idea that we humans control the oceans is beyond ridiculous and the control the weather and all water. It’s why humans live where they live. All life came from the oceans and all life breathes in O2 and breathes out CO2. Almost all CO2 is in the water, 98% of it. I cannot believe the little in the air is now a problem, the gas which gives life itself is classed as industrial pollution and that reducing of CO2 will solve problems no one has proven in 36 years or that it is even possible to do so. We only have any CO2 because of the oceans and without it, there would be no life on earth, only in the oceans.
The era of CO2 madness, fake science, climatebaggers is already entering its final phase. Please do not blow up any more power stations! Unless or until you have something which is better, more reliable, cheaper and ready to go.
And stop Snowy II today, as they talk of buying yet a fourth drilling machine. The whole insane project was supposed to be complete by now and is a testament to the fundamental destructiveness of one man, legend in his own lunchtime Malcolm Turnbull who did nothing at all for Australia except eject the most popular Prime Minister in a lifetime.
And where, Malcolm and Lucy, is that $444 Million in cash to ‘save’ the Great Barrier Reef? No one has ever explained what was going to be done or where the money has gone? Or even why it was needed?
Perhaps some of the windfall could be used to pay Dr Peter Ridd back his superannuation? All we know was that the 6 member staff were going to spend $132million on administering the proceeds of the greatest public robbery of public money in a lifetime.
But our esteemed Prime Minister says that we can recharge our EVs overnight to use next day with solar panels on our roofs!
When the blackouts come, the first to be switched off will be the factories. Then the EVs. And the people can sit at home with candles with no heating, no cooking, no cooling, no refrigerators and using fossil fuel at night to see. Until they ban candles
Well there you go, white mans magic, didn’t silly Billy say something similar.
Malcolm Turnbull is the best Labor Prime Minister there has ever been.
Memories Melbourne 1968 – Station No 86071 discontinued 6th Jan 2015 having run from 1855 to 2015 – 159.8 Years
See –
1968 Days above 30C
Jan – 11 Days
Feb – 13 Days
Mar – 5 Days
1968 Days above 35C
Jan – 7 Days
Feb – 9 Days
Mar – 3 Days
1968 Days above 40C
Jan – 2 Days
Feb – 2 Days
Mar – 0 Days
See –
Derived from – selecting daily Maximum Temperature from 1. & Inserting Station Number from in Field 3
Jan – 6 days above 30C, Feb – 5 Days above 30C Mar – 14 Days above 30C,
Jan – 3 Days above 35C, Feb – 3 Days above 35C, Mar – 8 Days above 35C
Mar – 2 Days above 40C
1943 – Jan – 12 Days above 30C, 4 Days above 40C
Hey O Oz,…Whats the story with you and TdeF ?
Have you guys been on a long trip off grid ?
Good to see you back firing on all cylinders !
I remember about 1990 when I used to take the boys to the beach every day because only three days in January were below 30C. And I made a mental note of it. A normal warm January in Melbourne before the extreme heat of February where it was too hot to go to the beach.
Pre airconditioning, Melbournians fled South to the beaches on the peninsulas where it was 5C cooler in summer. And 5C warmer in winter. DIY Climate Change. Beyond people today.
Melbourne 1908 – 5 consecutive days of +40C plus a 39.9C preceding that heatwave. Of course, records really only start from 1910 (although Melbourne RO had an SS then).
Forgot to add – Melbourne Jan max av mean for 1908 was 31C. Never been beaten.
It’s cooling, folks.
Areas that used to support orange growing in the US are contracting due to
environmental cooling.
Growing fruit is also a good indicator of when there is “Global Warming” as was the case before the “Little Ice Age”
During the Medieval Warm Period, wine grapes were grown as far north as England, where growing grapes is now not feasible and about 300 miles (500 km) north of present vineyards in France and Germany.
I believe the most northerly vineyard in England, at the moment, is close to York.
And all of England is north of Winnipeg, Canada.
There is a good one near me – inside the M25 – Old Tramway.
Because we had the first public railway in the world in 1803. The Surrey Iron Railway.
Grapes were grown as far North as Hadrian’s Wall by the Romans.
There are quite a few good vineyards growing in England at present too, until the next ice age!
Mr.G N
Does that mean you have had warm snow recently?
Controlled language = controlled minds
After 3 mild wet summers c/- La Niña, 2024 is a pleasant return to the good old days of high 20s to low 30s Celsius, which anyone over the age of 50 or so can recall, yet Newspeak™ refers to it as scorching boiling hot… not.
And as is standard for these latitudes, cold fronts can swipe the lower South Island any month of the year: January had four (4) snowfalls and February two (2) so far with the 3rd on its way this week. Sure, they’re not massive dumps, more of a dusting or light coverage, yet experts 20 years ago said even winter snow was on the endangered list but still it snows in summer.
Give me warmth, over cold, any day.
Average world temperature? Location is immaterial but good for sales pitches. ‘Homogenisation’ to correct those pesky computers? Are they Daleks? The Planet should declare ‘Destroy, destroy destroy!’
Some locations are hot.
‘Temperatures reached close to 50 degrees over parts of WA’s Gascoyne and Central West, setting new town records over the region, and ranking in some of Australia’s hottest temperatures ever recorded.’ (Weatherzone)
One was the hottest recorded ‘for 70years!’ [CO2}at was somewhat lower in the 50’s was it not?
It’s the vibe man, not the rationale.
Last night we drove to Sydney and caught a speech by Mr. Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate change and energy.
Since climate change by human intervention does not exist, Mr Bowen could possibly be seen as the minister for nothing.
Thank you for listening to him so we didn’t have to.
That’s brave. I’d have turned around and headed for the hills.
Congratulations on surviving to tell the tale.
Dave B
Yes David and David.
It was a bit of a shock to see him there at Fairfield showground with some other politicians. Thankfully he didn’t speak on crimate change.
He is eminently good at that & will be a huge success.
I wonder if the statue of Captain Cook that Leftists, cut down in St Kilda, Melbourne on Australia Day, will ever be repaired and reinstated or it will just be forgotten about?
For some bizarre reason, in the UK, they seem to want to preserve fallen statues in their broken state, complete with daubs of paint, and make them exhibits in museums.
They will become exhibits of the monumental intolerance and stupidity of the 2020s
I think we are all getting to appreciate George a little better. He must have had his own quiet little nook to write as he did. My memories of around then was that compared to today, Australians in general enjoyed themselves pretty well. Memories of Bob Hawke showed he didn’t mind it too much then either. Since post Howard the world has been overrun by race, colour, creed, class and gender activists who are reverting us to the concept of a coming Dark Ages.
Video about a Millenial who doesn’t know some food grows on trees.
Tim Pool discusses:
On the suject of nutters
Are Cashews “nuts”?
They are drupe seeds, not nuts.
Fani Willis is so stupid that she wore her dress back to front in court.
Lol- That’s not backwards, its just for easy access…
My age group may remember when women’s zippers were often on the front, was it the seventies? Very provocative.
I have a pic in my mind of the style, it would not suit that Willis at all.
Dr Eric Berg discusses why eating insects is a bad idea.
What’s worse? Eating bugs or chiro Dr. Berg videos.
I like him, he is soooo earnest
YouTuber “Mr Reagan” discusses Fani Willis’ court testimony.
I didn’t watch the whole video. But at about 9min 25sec in, when she was offering an explanation as to why she has large amounts ot cash on hand, she said that during her first campaign she had taken out a large amount of cash and kept it. Is she saying she kept campaign funds, or her own cash?
Her Daddy told her as a ‘black thing (he looked at the judge to say ‘I’m not being racist your Honour’) it is normal to keep enough cash on hand’. I think Fani said 6months worth. I guess how much that is depends on your income and expected standard of living. The NYC Appeals Court will be interesting, made up as it is of similarly left-leaning justices. Will impartiality be believable?
The northern half** of the Northern Hemisphere is quite cold.
As is Antarctica.
**I haven’t calculated the actual area. You can do that.
Rapid warming across West Antarctica has reversed over the past 20 years, with the region now experiencing significant cooling, according to new research published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
It’s been very cold in parts of Antarctica this summer, especially the South Pole, yet nary a squeak from purple-haired Green Doomers.
Australia’s Brainwashing Corporation (ABC) ran an article recently about Ch!na’s growing interest in the frozen south land, quoting a Dr Elizabeth Buchanan from ANU’s National Security College: Antarctica “has got vast amounts of minerals, hydrocarbons, oil and gas, and you’ve got 70 per cent of the Earth’s freshwater locked up in that continent, so China’s positioning itself for the long game.”
The CCP’s reply was that their growing presence on the ice was all about “peace and sustainable development”. Hmmm, where have I heard that before…
Looks 50/50 on a wider view.
Still record warm.
‘Still record warm.’
“This page shows daily temperature estimates”
The first quote depends on the person who does the second..
Our days and nights are colder than usual for inland NSW, going back 15years when we moved here.
This unchanging framework provides a dynamically consistent estimate of the climate state at each time step. The one component of this framework which does vary are the sources of the raw input data. This is unavoidable due to the ever changing observational network which includes, but is not limited to, radiosonde, satellite, buoy, aircraft and ship reports. Currently, approximately 7-9 million observations are ingested at each time step. Over the duration of each reanalysis product, the changing observation mix can produce artificial variability and spurious trends. Still, the various reanalysis products have proven to be quite useful when used with appropriate care.
It appears your cherry tree is always ready to harvest, but the real question is … are you ready to come out of the closet.
Sounds as though you must wait the outcome of the whole cherry harvest!
The Northern Hemisphere heat spike is unprecedented in recorded history, Hunga Tonga Hunga greenhouse.
The argument is ‘recorded history’.
However, the only real argument is about [CO2]atm controlling global temperature which is then said to control global Climate.
What the world does when, is interesting but one can’t forget, as is the reflex in much of this stuff (imho as no expert) re what is the truth of the CO2 argument, because on that lies the responsibility for all the economic destruction we see in Western economies and soon, societies?
All other factors that may be the driving forces, are studiously ignored in all public discussions one sees on climate. How is it with this division in multitudinous scientific fields of work on climate, only one group, that accepting the CO2 story has a voice? We rarely see true debate! One must remember the huge and expensive failure rates of government enforced business schemes, and climate looks like the daddy of them all, especially currently in Australia!
As you know better than I el+gordo.
I get a button pushed when local/regional temperatures are discussed alone, as though we are expected to believe the CO2 theory. I know that’s not so here but it’s still the argument at the bottom of this entire mess western nations are in. Because of it, our nations are accepting of destroyed power systems, loss of any ability to do heavy industry and making ourselves totally defence dependent on other nations. If our destruction is complete there will be no other nations interested in anything but helping themselves to our natural resources, land and agricultural output. The climate, race, colour, creed, gender, class are then the least of our worries.
‘ … the CO2 story has a voice?’
That is the crux of the matter, somehow we have to get the MSM to discuss an alternative reality.
AGW is a theoretical concept and only survives on grants, take away the gravy train and academic life will be more balanced. The adversarial approach to climate change can be restored.
The northern half** of the Northern Hemisphere is quite cold.
You are looking at actual temperature. That is not what is important to climate botherers. They are obsessed with anomalies. You will find that the northern regions are anomalously warm at present.
Most global warming is occurring in winter in the high northern latitudes. Greenland plateau is increasing at 9c/century in January. Back in 1950 the average January temperature was minus 35C. It is now nudging minus 25C. A big increase.
I forecast the global anomaly will be a little lower this year then last but not by much.
Global land temperature is rising at 4C/century on average. It will do that for another 160 years or so before the ice starts advancing south. Lots of places had new snowfall records this year. The current snowfall volume is tracking above 1-sigma from average.
In Victoriastan, Australia I have gas central heating which I no longer use as I now use reverse cycle electric heating.
However, I am not going to decommission the gas unit because I want to retain an alternative means of heating.
I can power the fan and the electronics of the gas unit by a small generator if the grid goes down.
Unfortunately the communists who run Victoria and Australia want to shut down the gas supply as well.
In that case I have some portable propane (LPG) heaters I can use and also a kerosene powered one, at least until they ban propane and kerosene.
I don’t have a wood fire place.
They really do want us (non-Elites) to freeze in the dark.
Jet A1 is cheaper than kero.
A tad hard to buy in small quantities for the average person though. Kero heating works very well, I remember it as a kid. It used to be my job to get it going.
It stinks, but works ok.
A ban on wood burning in Victoriastan cannot be too far away.
I only have a wood fire for heating. So am in a bit of strife if it does get banned. Not a short winter here in southern Vic.
Native timber logging finishes this year in Vic. That could make the availability of wood for fires more scarce, which could increase the cost of what is available and put the cost beyond a number of customers.
We have some wood we can gather from our property. But it’s finite.
I believe the ACT has a 2045 timeline to phase out wood fired heaters.
Just tow your wood trailer to some of the renewable energy sites where they chop down thousands of trees to make room for these useless solar panels and windmills, in the name of “saving the planet”. You might be able to get some firewood.
Funny how the tree-huggers have disappeared not that it’s acceptable to ruin hectares of woodlands for a “good cause”.
All timber is burnt on site and it’s hundreds of thousands of Hectares.
The Greens should require that it be composted and not burned.
Or at least offered to people to be burned for a “common good” instead of “fossil fuels”
Best and most informative Tucker Carlson interview yet! It describes “The Deep State”. Clearly, Australia is connected to these nefarious US State Department organisations. In the unlikely event that you didn’t believe the 2020 Election was rigged you will after viewing this!
In the unlikely event you didn’t believe the 2020 election was rigged in favour of Biden this will convince you otherwise! If Donald Trump manages to survive the Law Fair currently being waged against him until November it will be a miracle. It’ll take another miracle to disconnect The USA from the control of the Military Industrial Complex. Elon Musk’s X is also in their sights and may not survive either.
It’s easy to see how our own Scomo/Australia was controlled through covid and how he managed, sans any appropriate skills, to obtain a high-paying job with The USMIC post his retirement from Canberra.
Nothing “fair” about it. The Deep State knows if the Donald is relected he will be out for revenge.
Definition of ‘lawfare’
1. the strategic use of legal proceedings to intimidate or hinder an opponent
DJT is one man and he’s 77 years old. As Machiavelli and Sir Humphrey understood well, the Deep State is forever.
If Trump wins despite everything, it means most Americans have seen the light and recognise the Democrats as virtual dictators already. That has to be Trump’s expose of the Dems, and he is reality experiencing it all in full public view. Then there’s the open borders of Biden which is now demanding from many less well-off and homeless US citizens to Biden; ‘What about us, your forgotten people?’ If he wins it should mean Republicans possibly for 12 years, each having to be strong individually to govern the USA better for most and defang the deep state as they go. Americans have the soul for doing this and the heart and minds to complete it.
“Law fair” as in exhibition?
“We, the Arbiters of Truth, are Working Really Really Hard to Understand Those Stupid Lying Climate Denier Liars”
What sickening sanctimony. Magnified by the authors’ own ignorance.
“When You Crunch The Numbers, Green Hydrogen Is A Non-Starter”
You are a man of little faith
The Yarwun Hydrogen Calcination Pilot Demonstration Program received the green light after a A$32.1 million co-funding boost from the federal government’s Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).
So Sumitomo will supply Rio with hydrogen, but no mention at all of where the electricity for the electrolyzer will come from.. The coal-fired power station down the road??
They’d already hit the Govt for subsidies on their feasibility studies, they understand the advantages of taking risks using taxpayer’s money.
One decent cyclone should bring this “largest solar power project” to an untimely end!
1.1 GW1.. ?… i suspect means 1.1 GW INSTALLED capacity ..?

.. So that would give them about 200MW on average 24/7 ….if they install enough battery storage (2-3 GWh at least !)….
…which has never been done before !
And assuming the sun shines every day also 200MW enough for a smelter ?
If Boyne has all lines running, it consumes 830MW.
Rio purchased the Gladstone power station to run the smelter and its other assets around Gladstone. GPS was built around 1970. So old station now.
There is plenty of LNG being exported from Gladstone and there are a couple of gas and coal fired co0gen plants. Rio has coal fired co-gen at its Yarwun refiner.
QAL has shelved plans for co-gen probably because of the Russian share. It was always hard to get capital at QAL because the Russians were not inclined to spend money. If it aint broke, then don’t fix it.
There is a likely to be a difference between “crunching some of the numbers” and “crunching all of the numbers” in the results prsented
Something that is never discussed is what exactly they are going to use all this “green” hydrogen for.
It is a nightmare to handle as a fuel, even for NASA.
It is not an appropriate or safe civilian or commercial fuel.
And if it’s going to be used to make ammonia, that’s also a nightmare fuel.
Something that “green” hydrogen (putting aside the economics) could be used for is to react it with CO2 taken from the atmosphere to created methane that then is reformed into liquid fuel.
This means no more need for dangerous EVs and their expensive recharing infrastructure. As this “green” fuel would not be adding any additional CO2 to the atmosphere and so would be treated the same as the wood burning Drax Power Station.
More of the Wood Burning Drax Power Station
It is OK for governments to burn wood – but if the great unwashed masses burn wood in their homes – it is banned!
During World War II the Germans made liquid fuels from coal as a carbon source to power their tanks and planes.
However, CO2 can also be used as a carbon source.
If taken from the atmosphere there is no net addition to atmospheric CO2 when these “green” carbon based fuels are burnt.
Germany… Brown Coal Liqification Victoria (BCLV).
“If taken from the atmosphere” at 400ppm?
We had the old ‘gas producers’ strapped to the back of the car when I was a wartime kid.
The shipping and storage costs mean this will never be economically viable.
The infrastucture for liquid carbon fuels is already there.
So storing something at atmospheric pressure and 10,000psi is the same thing?
Hydrogen haters always gonna hate,
But hydrogen haters are far from up to date.
Oh I know – low temps, high pressure, electrolysis costs, energy density, storage, safety etc.
Arguments rapidly being destroyed as technology advances.
But maybe there’s a need for only 6 computers in the world, right?
ie famous wrong calls of history.
“Arguments rapidly being destroyed as technology advances.”
Uh-huh… Got any examples of technology overcoming the pressure/temperature problems of H2?
White people are now prohibited from climbing Mt Warning in northern NSW.
But it wasn’t always so and the reason for the ban is based on a lie.
The original traditional Aboriginal custodians had no problem with white people climbing Mt Warning.
The problem is many “Aboriginal” land councils are composed of opportunists who are more white than brown and who have to provide no evidence of any Aboriginal ancestry let alone any connection to the land the council now controls.
This is a massive scam that is only getting worse.
Doesn’t seem that long ago that the 3% made us change our National Anthem to say “We are one …”. I suppose the word “one” must have a different meaning in their 700 languages.
Imagine if you told Martin Luther King back in the 60’s, that in 2024 Australians would be segregated by their race.
…but presumeably aboriginal folk can ?
So just claim aboriginal hetitage ( a-la Bruce Pasco) and go clime !
You cannot be challenged on you heritage it seems
And indeed many “recognised” traditional owners are not. They just happened to be occupying a plot of land or significant landmark only at a point in time.
Without doubt “ownership” ebed and flowed as some groups became stronger and their neighbours weaker for what ever reason. Read the works of Theodore Strehlow, born at Hermansburgh mission about 1908. Brought up with absolutely tradional aborigines of many tribes and was a speaker of many languages and dialects.
He claimed that the traditional owners of Ayers Rock only displaced the other traditional owners in about 1930 when times were so hard in central Australia that all the tribes were pushing into other areas in order to survive.
BOM still trying to predict hot dry weather for SE Qld, but almost every day reality makes a mockery of their models.
Perhaps BOM should invest in a few dart boards – might improve the accuracy of their forecasts!
But with darts you get better over time.
But with darts you get better over time …. unless you imbibe copious quantities of alcoholic beverages.
In which case, hire chimps to:
1 Drink
2 Throw darts
3 Make forecasts
Auto – looking forward to improved forecasts with this new method!!
Mann v Steyn
How Things Stand
Response to Orchestrated Fake News Hit Against True the Vote
Where’s Annie?
Yesterday Annie raised the important subject of lawn mowing.
However, we did not get around to discussing lawn mowing and “Climate Change”
What a terrible oversight.
So to put the record strait with the wisdom of Princeton University
Screw climate change, I want a nice lawn.
My mower, hedge trimmer and line trimmer are electric btw…
And your lawn has the area of a postage stamp.
Acquire some sheep
or goats
or ducks
She’s here…started that Princton article and decided I needed the sick bucket so didn’t finish it. Electric gear needs charging…what produces the electricity? What happens during a prolonged blackout when electric items cannot be charged? Grass still needs to be cut as a grassfire safety measure, even when the summer is cooler znd wetter, as per this year. Grazing animals take care of the paddocks except for the home paddock and the roadside.
We do have some electrical equipment but no way will we have an electric ride-on mower.
Even the battery packs for these are a risk of catching on fire!
Haven’t seen a scythe for a while, but can pick up a sickle in Bunnings usually for a few $s.
Who remembers CSL? Once upon a time, our own Commonwealth Serum Laboratories.
Now look what they’re into: Self-Amplifying RNA Vaccines.
Read all about it here:
” Ultimately, Americans should consider alternatives for the technological and chemical ways they are treating their lawns, and even consider the potential of changing the structure of their lawn entirely. “
But no “ alternatives” offered other than change the structure. Well lets start tethering goats to the lawn, ideal in the suburbs, naturally fertilised grass, milk the nannies ( only with their consent of course) and use any surplus for meat. Oh wait, better just let them go into the greater environment. Public hygiene, pffft, builds the immune system. Dog attacks, pfft shouldn’t keep pets anyway. Dont worry about run off into the drains that will only cause problems somewhere else, if you cant see it, its simply not a problem.
O.K. goats are not the solution, what about geese, dont need to tether them, they can terrorise any tough old dogs and small children and obese adults but wait, it comes back to the crap problem. Stickier than the goat stuff, different set of pathogens, hmmm.
Bugger it, I’ll just start the mower, plenty of fertiliser, no droppings, no animal riights issues and no need to look after it.
Why is this NOT the way to go!
Goats terrorise the shrubbery. They’re harder on a garden than chickens are. Geese are ideal. They keep a beautiful lawn and their excreta are neat and not offensive at all. Dangerous to toddlers though. They go for the eyes.
Scrub turkeys are the pits.
How good do your fences need to be with geese? Thinking about it, they would control the turkeys. I’d hope they would let the little wallabies alone, I like them in the backyard.
EU Passes ‘Great Replacement’ Plan that will Flood Continent with Millions More Migrants
The EU has passed a migration pact dubbed “the Great Replacement” which will lead to millions more migrants flooding the continent.
Whilst the rest of the world was sidetracked with Palestine the European Parliaments LIBE committee quietly passed the act which formalizes the distribution of migrants to member states with heavy punishments for any country that refuses to take them.
The numbers are staggering, even conservative estimates suggest 75 million more are likely to make their way to Europe, joining the estimated 68 million already here.
Those countries, like Poland, who try to maintain their national identity without being subsumed by migrants, will be hit with severe financial penalties. European leaders have been told they cannot give their people a referendum either. “there is no mechanism for unilateral vito, this is happening and each country must take it’s fair share” an EU spokesman said.
Yes, it is a planned invasion, destroying countries from within. The foreign enemies are now domestic.
End of EU. It also shows the kind of people the West adores so much that it destroys itself with the insane AGW theory they propagate. Why? oh why do our leaders lose their marbles and genuflect at the EU (and UN) altar, destroying our nations in the process. Our people see nearly half the world’s population ignoring the religion and prospering as never before, but we still acquiesce to our leaders that force impoverishment upon us. WE lose jobs, whole industries and become incapable of building anything requiring heavy industry. At the same time our leaders try to close the sources of our wealth at the same time they blow out the national debt! This is insanity yet nobody makes the diagnosis.
Do you remember when National Geographic used to be a serious magazine about science, anthropology and nature?
That changed a long time ago.
Now a “Drag Queen”, an insulting caricature of a woman (plus this one also has a moustache), is their “Traveler of the Year”.
Idaho has introduced a firing squad death penalty for pedophiles with a 57-11 vote, but for some strange reason the rainbow brigade is unhappy.
Just saying…
Good on Idaho, should be a new trend elsewhere.
They even cover up the native women these days!
They even cover up the white ones with black paint.
COVID ER Nurse Speaks Out: ‘It Was Not Covid That Was Making People Sick’
Remember when the mainstream media sold the lie that hospitals were inundated with unvaccinated COVID patients?
According to ER nurse Anna Housworth, COVID wasn’t the problem in 2021, it was the jabs!
“We had gone a year with COVID and an ER that remained completely empty until the vaccines started coming out,” Housworth explained.
As she reveals on CHDTV, once the COVID shots rolled out, the ER filled up with patients suffering from strokes, blood clots, heart palpitations, numbness, paralysis + more.
“We were being sent home because there was no work to do.” The “ERs were empty of patients…for about a year.” Then, there was a drastic, noticeable change in what she was seeing. What changed?
Oh look, the NZ gubermint was just forced to release mortality data. Oh boy…
Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are.
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, 1825 btw…
He was a theologian, geologist, and paleontologist, had part of the moon named after him, and tried eating his way through a list of every animal known to man. His name was William Buckland, and his life was even crazier than his effort to taste every animal on the planet.
At home William essentially lived in a zoo. He had always been fond of animals and kept a great number of pets. His inside pets included guinea pigs, snakes, frogs, ferrets, hawks, owls, cats, dogs, and a pony. He also lived with a pet hyena named Billy. His outside pets included a large pet tortoise—which he allowed people to stand on or ride—foxes, and chickens. In addition to living with animals, William ate them. A lot of them. So many in fact that he publicly declared numerous times that he wanted to eat his way through the complete list of zoology.
He was known to have served guests plates of roast ostrich, panther, porpoise, crocodile steaks, and hedgehogs.
William loved eating mice on toast but declared that the common mole was utterly disgusting. He said the bluebottle fly was even worse (Maybe stewing the flies wasn’t the best method of preparation.). William devoured so many weird concoctions that he could identify things by taste that others could not. Such as the time he visited an Italian cathedral whereupon a priest told him the floor was slick thanks to an ever-flowing blood of sacrificed martyrs. William knelt to the floor, gave it a long solid lick, and declared the dampness bat urine. He would know.
Perhaps the most famous food William ever ate however was the more than 140-year-old mummified heart of King Louis XIV of France.
The mind boggles.

Fancy mice on toast or bugs, DM?
But the real test
Did he eat witchetty grubs?
Who knows, but I saw Bear Grylls eating one, so NEVER!
New Zealand grocery stores adding facial recognition, police want open discussion
Facial recognition is entering New Zealand’s grocery stores and the rapid expansion of the technology has been filling the country’s newspaper headlines.
On Wednesday, Deputy Police Commissioner Tania Kura called for an open discussion on facial recognition trials in commercial areas, including the bias and privacy issues they entail.
The police statement comes after New Zealand’s Privacy Commissioner Michael Webster announced last week that he will oversee a new facial recognition trial by the grocery cooperative Foodstuffs North Island. The company announced it plans to implement the technology in 25 of its New World and Pak’nSave stores for 6 months in order to combat retail crime.
Thieves are not the only people who can expect to be monitored at stores in New Zealand.
Shoppers using Woolworths’ new loyalty card Everyday Rewards received a surprise this week after it was discovered that the supermarket chain introduced clauses in its terms and conditions allowing it to record license plates and capture video and audio of customers that can be used to identify them. The clauses are tucked away in a privacy policy.
Woolworths says that video and audio recordings are made for security, safety and theft prevention reasons.
Woolworths has attracted concerns for similar practices in neighboring Australia, where the company invested in CCTV upgrades, body-worn cameras and other devices.
We need security cameras to surveil predatory and unjustifiable price hikes by supermarkets!!
We need to watch them more than they need to watch us.
Theft is up because your prices are skyrocketing. Duh.
Global boiling picture of the day
What a remarkable coincidence that, while we are being invaded by illegals, suddenly we are amazed to find asbestos in lots of Sydney schools.
What’s happened to our border force, are they asleep?
And has the NSW gummint and their EPA been asleep also?
“What’s happened to our border force, are they asleep?
And has the NSW gummint and their EPA been asleep also?”
No, they are all working just as expected! Just be thankful we have an incompetent inefficient Govt service, life would be much worse if they matched the private sector! ..and what would we do with all the unemployables??
You think the asbestos was imported ?
Coming soon to Australia and Victoriastan
This will be covered in the Misinformation and Disinformation Bill
So goodbye “Danger Dan”
Goodbye Cartoonists and Blogs like this.
Thankfully all this BS ends within 8 years, and the pollies and sycophants will be more scared than a NZ sheep on a foggy night well before then.
Day of retribution for their crimes? Naah, it’ll go for years. Every last one of them gets the reward they deserve.
No wonder Australia is in rapid decline. Here is just one reason…
and 15% of this will be sent to Union controlled Super Funds to help pay for Australia’s road the Net Zero!
Look also at mining, shipping docks, and even traffic controllers.
Also consider 2014 explanations by GM Holden, Ford and Toyota as to why industrial relations, high wages and poor productivity were a major factor in their parent companies ordering closure.
The 2023‑24 Budget provides an additional $4 billion to power Australia’s transformation into a renewable energy superpower – taking the Albanese Government’s total investment in this ambition to more than $40 billion.
What a joke – energy superpower?
As industry flees overseas because labour costs are soaring, productivity gains are zero, and environmental constraints delay investments.
Lucky country? Export of minerals is the only reason Australia hasn’t gone broke – like Victoriastan.
What actually does the BS term “renewable energy superpower” even mean?
There is nothing to export plus costs for energy keep increasing relentlessly.
The only thing that’s “super” is being super stupid.
And into whose pockets do these billions of taxpayer dollars flow?
Sales and marketing hyperbole and puffery would be a useful description.
Yet they call that very thing misinformation ad disinformation when we do it!
Imagine trying to fly planes over the nation crisscrossed with a spider web of transmission lines. Imagine being a crop duster!
A friend is a pilot who no longer flies crop dusting aircraft after slicing the tail off on a power line and managing to land.
SunCable from Darwin to Singapore has been resurrected from the dead after the faithfully shouted hosanna (and no doubt have more taxpayer dollars in funding)
How will the solar panels near Darwin fare during the NTs Monsoon season from November to April?
Currently, more than 95 per cent of Singapore’s electrical supply comes from natural gas. Most of the LNG supply is piped from Malaysia and Indonesia.
How can electricity that is only produced during the day in Australia compete with this?
Still waiting for a good few big hail storms to hit a few solar farms. Wonder what electricity users pay in insurance for such events?
Export of minerals to China is the only reason Australia hasn’t gone broke as well as Chinese buyers propping up the property market.
It is AustralIa’s destiny to be Hong Kong MkII
Former Liberal MP, Cabinet Minister and Speaker in Parliament House often warns of this potential outcome;
So we just swap being a vassal of America for a vassal of China, a bit like “Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia..” and just swap the names around, nothing changes.
We will never be lucky enough to be Hong Kong, Govt debt/GDP a quarter of ours, taxes less than half ours, inflation under a third ours, and a cost of living 25% below ours with income similarly 25% less. We won’t get any of that with our politicians.
Oh wait, when we become a vassal state of China, like Hong Kong…
Being a vassal State of the USA as it was, wouldn’t be a great problem. At least life would go on as usual and wouldn’t have to worry about a Defence plan. Wouldn’t like it with the current government – ours or their’s.
Wasn’t Hong Kong a protectorate of the British until they had to hand it over to China. I’m not sure now that too many there would share your unquestioning view with their loss freedoms and being under the thumb of Xi. The Brits had some outstanding successes with many countries they controlled for many years, primarily in post Brit governance. Not the least being Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore; even India and the partition of India into Pakistan, Bangladesh and India.
One would say the Brits developed modern Hong Kong hand in hand with HK people. They then accepted in Britain Hong Kong people holding British passports if they wished to come when China took control! That was regarded as a win-win all around.
G’day DOC,
” Wasn’t Hong Kong a protectorate of the British until they had to hand it over to China? ”
My shorthand: Britain occupied Hong Kong under a 99 year lease which expired in 1997.
There’s an adequate history here:
Dave B
And the British Government successfully negotiated with the CCP for a Hong Kong Constitution written by a team of lawyers employed by the British Government.
And as we know that was only honoured for a while by the CCP.
‘Negotiated’, but in reality there was little to negotiate with. That’s why it was handed over earlier than agreed if my memory serves me right.
I didn’t expect this from the BoM.
THEY ARE THE ONES who have been systematically creating the scary stories and fraudulently altering the temperature record by the undocumented process of “homogenisation” (including deleting data before 1910) to claim anthropogenic global warming.
Why are they backing off?
Not pointing the finger at Weatherzone are they?
“Western WA experienced the hottest night in 77 years. ”
Maybe they could release the comparison data between their Stevenson Screens and their electronic boxes from when they ran them side by side. That would help us understand their forecasting
In 77 years, they would be comparing temps to the original official site on top of Mt Eliza, a site so cool that TV weather reports in the 1960s used to quote two temps – the official cool one, and the more accurate Perth CBD temp. Not apples to apples. And as far as I’m aware, the BOM never ran comparison dual sites when they next moved to East Perth. The same for the last move to the current, even warmer, site.
Mind you, it has been warm in Perth…
Was difficult for BOM in Perth in the 50’s & 60’s- incoming weather estimated from reporting ships at sea, poor radio comms, language accents, C to F conversions, aircraft reports etc.
Paul Rigby’s cartoons were legend.
The “Eastern States” benefitted immensely from BOM WA.
“Weatherzone” is excellent, 7 days graphs at view for your locality. (Dispenses with Rigby’s dartboard). User friendly.
And while I am here-
Temperature conversions-
Formula is-
1. Add 40 to number to be converted.
2. Multiply through by 5/9 [F to C]; (or 9/5), if [C to F].
3. Deduct 40.
= Correct (exact) result.
You should be able to do the 5/9 or 9/5 in your head if not a large number.
Logic is simple, minus 40 is crossover point, both scales equal.
Well said Graeme#4. One never knows which site is being reported from. Esperance similarly with a site in town and one at the airport about 20K north.
They seem to be moaning about tv and social media playing with their forecasts.
Who in their right mind takes any notice of them.
‘Why are they backing off?’
Wouldn’t be some confusion about the forecast dry summer with El Nino conditions, but has it ever been so constantly wet on the east coast? WA is bone dry but we may get the common event of February-March rains with the cyclone expected to develop and come down the West coast bringing rain to the Murchison and Gascoyne and down to the South coast.
Maybe they have got a few forecasts wrong this year and their confidence is shattered by the very loud criticisms of the BOM over agricultural losses by owners following the incorrect forecast and selling off stock based on that forecast.
Reality is suddenly biting and the BOM is shuddering at the losses and possible claims for the losses being made against them. Even if not liable, an untrusted BOM is no good to anyone!
Are the forecasters suddenly realising that playing a game with people’s beliefs and livelihoods that encourage acceptance of the governments’ fear campaigns about AGW by the people comes at huge cost to those dependent on BOM honesty to make a living! Loss of reputation can be lethal to any business.
Sudden Deaths of Vaxxed Athletes, Students, Pilots, Military, but Why No Politicians?
In his 2021 Executive Order, President Joe Biden exempted members of Congress and executive branch employees.
Newsweek reported: “Members of Congress and Their Staff Are Exempt From Biden’s Vaccine Mandate:”
Biden issued two executive orders on Thursday requiring vaccination against COVID for federal workers and contractors who work for the federal government. He also asked the Department of Labor to issue an emergency order requiring businesses with more than 100 employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested on a weekly basis.
However, the executive order doesn’t apply to those who work for Congress or the federal courts, citing White House officials.
And then-Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said at a press conference on April 29 that the House couldn’t require members to be vaccinated.
If those exempted are so numerous, including the Biden Administration and California’s politicians, why bother with an order for other government employees? Where is the ostensible vaccine protection from the virus with so many exemptions?
This was never about health – it was only about power. Power. Control. Dominance.
Why do they need exemptions (or saline/vitamin shots for publicity stunts) if the Fakevax ™ truly is safe and effective?
Why allow tens of millions of unvaxxed illegals into every city in the country if the pandemic threat is real?
We all know it was total BS…
Trump-supporting truckers REFUSE to take loads to New York after former president was fined $355 million in NYC fraud case
Truckers are reportedly planning to boycott New York City by refusing to take loads to and from the Big Apple
The decision comes after former President Donald Trump was fined $355 million in a civil fraud verdict that was handed down on Friday
Maybe a boycott on Canberra could be the go it Labor persists with its environmental vandalism to appease the Climate Cult?
So it begins!
the USA is a tinder box and one isn’t sure if the Democrats realise the fire they have started over the last 8years. Of course, its always possible that the truly insane ones have a huge blowup of the nation as their goal. It’s unbelievable that elected intelligent people could think this was a great course to take to force their will on the nation. But then, look at the total loss of interest in crime and riots in Oregon, Minneapolis, NYC and Chicago and one realises some politicians are truly ideological freaks and totally unintelligent to boot. Their States unfortunately are losing their brightest to Florida et al.
An accurate summary.
When you’ve lost nearly every thing you worked and saved for, you haven’t got much to lose.
After the next insult it won’t be surprising to see many of them just let go completely.
The arrival of the third boatload of illegals has me thinking there is something fishy about this whole deal, the border patrols are usually all over this, there are air and sea patrols but no one knows how they got here, or what fishing boat dropped them off.
This is very unusual, something isn’t right, have patrols been stood down or reduced.
All part of destroying the nation state. What they want to replace it with – one world country – will be totally dysfunctional as dysfunctional as the countries that they have destroyed. Totally batshit crazy thinking.
Albanese was elected PM at the last election
And the High Court has been stacked with woke judges who let out illegal immigrants with criminal records to run free on our streets.
Actually, CO2 lover, it’s worse than that. The government was given warning months before that case got to Court, that the current confinement laws were unconstitutional. The laws as they stand did not allow endless confinement. The government had tons of time to amend the laws but did nothing, even when warned by the Court. That’s Dutton’s charge!
The government only had the one case heard so all others confined could have been kept confined and the government still could have amended the law. Instead, not the High Court but the government freed the lot – murders, sexual abusers, criminals; all out and now spread around most States. Until last week the Minister couldn’t say he knew the locations of them all and only some had ankle bracelets. Albo still hasn’t amended the law.
Now one might ask: What game is the government playing when it allows people like these to freely roam amongst us, location unknown? Worse, this mob would still win an election held now!
Chinese Crap Products: Cigarette Butts, Cardboard as Fillers Make Temu, Wechat, Taobao Infamous! China Tops in Fakes!
Just wait to we have to buy Chinese made EVs to “Save the Planet”
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”
― Margaret Thatcher
Glenn Beck: A dire warning for independent content creators. A short time ago I was promoted to the status of being a banned commentor. I have absolutely no idea why (who me? I’m a good boy.
️). Problem is that I would guess many of the large channels are not aware that it is happening so they continue to ask for comments.
The social(ist) media (not X) is ramping up censorship in preparation for the US Presidential Election and Disease X.
I was banned once on a photography forum, for expressing unacceptable views on China! The real reason was that I had outed myself as a conservative, then the mods just waited for an excuse, however absurd. In my experience, lefties are completely unable to separate their politics from their job or role, and in this case the senior mods were very obviously leftists.
Another forum I frequented was owned and operated by a guy with conservative views, which he often admitted to. However, he NEVER censored leftists and often refused to sanction commenters who had offended the resident leftists, who tried to their opponents silenced.
I have had many, many comments rejected on media sites. I sometimes get notified (but never given a reason other than breaking the “guidelines”) but mostly the comment just gets disappeared. I have also had comments disappeared on YouTube.
On this subject it is worth recalling that the ABC news website used to accept comments but ditched all that a few years ago. I suspect they were receiving too many opinions they didn’t want to publish, including some that took issue with the ABC’s reporting.
I take issue with you referring to what the ABC does as “reporting”.
(good humour intended…)
Here in the US, Pandemic made a convenient, totally by accident, excuse, I mean totally justified reason to bring in mass ‘mail-in’ voting.
Now we don’t know who wins until sometimes weeks after ‘election’ day.
Ergo and therefore, only Democrats and the smattering of Democrats in Republican dresses, have a chance in heck of ‘winning’.
This means before the end of 2025, the Bill of Rights, especially #1, which is the foundation of the remaining, will be kaput.
We can then what for decades for challenges to snail their way to SCOTUS.
By then, the members of SCOTUS will have a personal pronoun list as big as phonebook.
It’s all explained here.
(Sorry repeated from above. But it’s all here. See it while you can if you want the most fashionable TFH.)
BTW, their power is so complete, they longer care if we know.
“Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem.”
Ronald Regan
From experience
You can, but it won’t be a solution
And in the middle of the complete destruction of cheap, reliable, controllable, adequate, essential power from electricity, gas, coal, petrol, diesel, kerosene, wood, briquettes, fracking, free ethane gas, we have the usual economics experts deciding what we really need is a carbon tax. As if we don’t have one!
Garnaut and Sims.
A$100 billion in its first year and position Australia at the forefront of the low-carbon revolution.
Their ignorance takes your breath away. The latest carbon tax aka Safeguard Mechanism is 35% on all the biggest industries. It has already started. Then Australian carbon credits, legislated in 2011. Or Green Certificates from 2001. None are ‘taxes’. They are illegal theft! But it is breaking Australia.
But these two geniuses want another $100Bn! A year! To save the planet, of course. This will be an actual tax, not an utterly illegal impost on electricity retailers or penalty on anyone producing CO2, as if that was avoidable in steel, concrete, glass, agriculture, transport.
When, oh when will there be a tax on just breathing? It must be coming soon.
I hope the Chinese people are grateful that we are saving them from boiling seas and Climate Armageddon. I doubt it. So we will keep buying their windmills and solar panels and try not to say something as they take our coal and iron ore. One of the two trading partners here is not very clever. Garnaut should know. He was Bob Hawke’s ambassador to China.
Don’t you love “low carbon revolution”, “renewable energy superpower”, “green hydrogen”, “Green steel”, “renewable energy”.
All blatantly wrong propaganda.
The Fallout from The Extreme Left’s Judge Engoron Destroying NY City
“Justice Arthur F. Engoron represents the vile, disgusting degree of the completely out-of-control judicial system in New York City. It has been people like him throughout history that spark revolutions. I have warned that New York is the most unconstitutional judicial system on the face of the earth, and it really should be shut down and all judges dismissed or imprisoned. They genuinely think they are above the law and have such ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY that they can do anything they desire. This judgment against Trump of nearly half a billion dollars is so outrageous it violates the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, which was intended to prevent the action of judges like this.
What this outrageous judge has done to Trump can be done now to any company in New York City. Because of that, the risk of owning shares in a New York domicled company must be considered to be a political high-risk. This factor now needs to be addressed in asset allocation in the same way as Country Risk – now we have City & State Risk. Miami is rapidly replacing New York as the new Wall Street. This decision will only accelerate that move to Florida ASAP. Only a fool would now remain in New York City. This judgment was intentionally designed to bankrupt Trump and his companies. It is indistinguishable from a country like Iran just nationalizing private assets.
I cannot believe the reaction I am hearing worldwide and domestically. Truckers are starting to band together to refuse to transport anything to New York City. If the truckers band together to show the world that New York City will no longer be tolerated, at best, they will have seven days’ worth of food supply before New York begins to slide into chaos.
Internationally, I am hearing many institutions are starting to talk the same game. They are looking to boycott any securities domiciled in New York City that could be destroyed on the whim of a judge. This is a direct assault on Democracy and is intended to interfere in the 2024 election and deprive 50% of the nation of the right to vote. This judge should be arrested forthwith for violating the civil rights of half the nation.”
Yes. I am amazed that the Press just report this. Imran Khan won the Pakistan election from jail. And his wife is in jail. Ukraine routinely jails its Presidents. But New York is now completely mad.
And so many Attorneys General were elected on the promise that they would ‘Get Trump’. How is that even acceptable, to promise to use the legal system to destroy your political opposition? Forget Russia. Forget gun control. America needs to read its own constitution. And all these Attorney’s General and prosecutors seem to visit the White House to get their instructions from Joe Biden’s team.
From Ukraine to China, from the borders to Fentanyl, from Climate change to transvestites and equity, Biden’s team hell bent on destroying America. The War on the West is in full swing. Who is funding this? Or is that a silly question?
Who is funding this? Or is that a silly question?
That is a good question, that needs to be answered. Who are the people who own the banks, Hedge funds, media, hollywood, everything.
The left is awash with money, so much so that the Obamas get millions advances on books no one is waiting with baited breath to read. How much did Hillary get for her “I was wronged” book?
There is so much money doing the rounds that the leftists don’t need a promise of return, not even a nod and a wink, to follow the party line, even illegally, because they are confident that they are safe from prosecution and will be rewarded in this life, not the virgins in the afterlife.
The Deep State at work
But then I am just a Conspiracy Theorist who spreads Misinformation and Disinformation and for a second job is a Climate Denialist
A good old garbage truck strike would sort the leftards out, pity it isn’t July.
I stopped reading Phillip Adams years ago. In one article he railed against the Americanization of English in Australia. He complained that people were using the word ‘garbage’ for ‘trash’. What a load of rubbish!
Shell Is Immediately Closing All Of Its California Hydrogen Stations
The oil giant is one of the big players in hydrogen globally, but even it can’t make its operations work here.
Thanks Flok,
My attempt to open your link failed, but I did find this report:
Dave B
Zerohedge has an article on Navalny’s death, how its a giant thing in the West as they rage against Putin, but having the American journalist Gonzo Lira die in a Ukrainian prison is completely ignored. Parallels with Assange waiting to be sent to his death in prison in America are made too.
Seems Navalny was a nobody in Russia, a CIA plant that scored 2% against Putin in polls and was probably killed by the CIA to shut him up.
…and after Zelensky fired his top General for disagreeing with him, the replacement has withdrawn the Ukrainian army from Avdiivka. That was the center of the Ukie army for their attacks on the Donbass, so as they fall back there won’t be anywhere as fortified to defend. The Ukrainian 3rd Assault Brigade was moved in to cover the retreat, they used to be the Azov battalion and more ‘interesting people’ were captured by the Russians.
I wondered about that. It seemed very odd. If the most powerful man in Russia, ex KGB wanted you dead, you would have been dead very quietly years ago. In the US billionaire blackmailer Jeffrey Epstein, friend of Gates,Clinton and a very long list of important guests just suicided in his cell, strangling himself and the CCTV camera went on the blink? Of course.
Putin knew the eyes of the world were on this man and would not want him dead. But Zelensky and friends would draw the conclusion everyone would blame Putin. The same with the targeted murders of children of leading Russian figures. As with Gaza, it’s all about manipulating public opinion and the story of the mad dictator. And now Zelensky has invited Trump to Ukraine. Trump would not survive a minute.
The same with the gas pipeline. Why would Russia blow up a pipeline they controlled and which gave them massive income? And Biden said he would blow it up, in as many words. But the White House blamed Russia. Of course. Always the Russians are evil. China is good.
And the compliant leftist press just print the Biden story as fact. Now Sweden cannot work out who did it. And the UN team could not work out who created the Wuhan flu. It must be reassuring for Biden/Obama/Clinton/Blinken that they own the press. Like Daniel Andrews in Victoria.
Gonzalo Lira died of abuse in a Ukraine jail.
He was good reporter, within his range, he deserves a good obit.
Navalny strikes me a nut case tho’ not dangerous. I still think he, like Gonzo, should not have been in jail. Who did it? I rank Z and CIA above Putin.
I join KP in cheering the news of the role given to the AzovExtremists by the new chief Gen Syrsky.
Bjorn Lomborg on the DarkHorse Podcast
Disclaimer to the JoNova community:
I Honk, have never been a de-NI R of any kind. Neither AGW or totally legitimate US elections.
I sincerely hope America is never great again.
Nor am I a phobe.
Except of Catastrophic Anthropogenic weather.
We just suffered a ‘Thunder Snow’ event. It snowed almost an inch. Fortunately everything was cancelled.
I was afraid.
I have never consorted with The Devil.
Although I did attend a Black Sabbath concert where I was turned into a newt.
But I got better.
I do admit to having been temporarily been under the spell of Judith Curry.
I was weak and failed to notice the pointy hat and nose.
Just because I read and comment on JoNova, such participation does not mean that I don’t think the world is coming to an end if we don’t immediately renounce the sins of electricity and personal transportation and lust for meat, and the worst sin of all … the demonically inspired refusal to Follow The Science.
Only a newt? You were lucky.
Not even, one of my buddies was turned into a crow and was able to fly, but he had brought an extra quart of tequila and refused to share.
I have seen a story that tequila was the preferred drink of mocking birds.
Was that “for mocking birds”?