A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Aloha! BEWARE OF THE UN! It seems the UN is behind all the illegal migrant crisis in the EU and UK and Australia and now US and Canada. The four horsemen of the Apocalypse are the UN, WHO, DNC and WEF! Those four have done more to kill off US citizens than Mao, Stalin and Hitler combined! Why the WEF is “legal” is beyond me. They have committed crimes against humanity!
I do not subscribe to The Thinking Conservative but they have Epoch Times article that I do subscribe to. Only way to read Epoch Times without subscribing.
Who is behind the four horsemen ?
Gates, Soros, …
These organisations have been compromised and corrupted by the billionaire elites – they are the real criminals.
Aloha! You can interchange the WEF, which is nothing more than a “billionaire cartel”, with any nefarious entity on the planet. It took 46 of their billionaires to get Joe Biden into the WH from a basement in 2020. with the CIA and FBI! It took those same 46, +1 WEF billionaires to get Kamala as VP! When all the western candidates are running for office using the same campaign slogan “build back better” chosen by the WEF you really don’t need to guess as to who is at fault for the collapse of the West.
The uneducated kids who did the Occupy Wall Street in 2011 failed to understand the system. About a few miles away was the US Fed building. That’s where they should have been! OCCUPY FED! Now I see it in the EU. The EU Farmers missed the target. They should all move their tractors to Davos and park on the runways and roads next time! Skip Brussels. OCCUPY DAVOS!
It’s only 3 horsemen. WHO is a UN agency.
Say, What’s Behind the Green Door?
There’s the United Nations’ Brundtland Report recommendation for a new economic model and first mention of Sustainable Development, with a capital ‘S’ and a capital ‘D.’ Behind the Brundtland Report you have the Trilateral Commission, an elite organization with powerful members, bankers, directors of industry, politicians, media heavies. Gro Brundtland, ex-Prime-Minister of Norway, was herself a member. And what do the members of the Trilateral Commission want? Why, they want a new world order, a world order based on an economic model first advocated by a group at Columbia University during the economic depression of the 1930’s but discredited in the same decade. In the 1980’s this movement for a new world order became another phoenix arising, thanks to the efforts of the Trilateral Commission. Here’s an informative you tube overview of its history by Patrick M. Wood, financial analyst and author who has studied elite globalization policies since the 1970s when with scholar Antony Sutton, he co-authored the book, ‘Trilaterals over Washington.’
The Trilateral Commission was created in 1973 by David Rockefeller and political scientist, Zbigniew Brzezinski, (author of the book,’ Between Two Ages: America in the Technetronic Era,’) with the stated aim of fostering a global technocracy to manage the world’s resources efficiently… Say, I’ve read the Brzezinski book, found it depressingly reminiscent of the philosopher king, Plato, in Karl Popper’s ‘Open Society and Its Enemies,’ Plato with his Master Plan for Utopia ruled by an elite oligarchy. Similarly, Brzezinski’s and Rockerfeller’s Commission, set up as a trilateral organization with members by invitation from North America, Europe and Japan. Since its inception it has co-opted an elite membership, including three U.S. Presidents, Carter, Clinton, Bush senior, powerful people like Kissinger, Greenspan, Al Gore, Soros, and later, Democrat Party members including John Podesta and Dianne Feinstein. Eric Schmidt of Google is a member. In a statement to ‘The New American,’ Patrick Wood stated the significance of the organization, ‘The Trilateral Commission was founded to create a new international order. Their members have been the architects and drivers of all modern globalization, including that which comes through the United Nations as Sustainable Development and Green Economy. Although the Trilateral Commission is international in scope, in the US they are more than just being part of the so-called Deep State, they are the Deep State!’
Powerful people with power aims. Rockefeller was a significant donor to the United Nations, its New York HQ occupies land gifted by him, not too difficult for him to foist their technocrat mission on the world via the United Nations via the Brundtland Commission. And so they have. From the Brundtland Commission to the Rio Earth Summit and Agenda 21 389 page blueprint for a new international economic order. The U.N. itself gave credit to the Brundtland Commission for its creation.
Maybe another New Yorker, called Trump, pushes the UN offshore USA.
Some might remember when Prime Minister Abbott 2013/2015 requested that the UNHCR allocate only genuine refugees from UNHCR refugee camps from oppressed minority groups, meaning not from the majority who follow Islam. The request was refused and Australia was told to comply with the agreement on resettlement via UNHCR.
Australia has been third on a per capita basis behind the US and Canada, Norway number four, for resettling refugees sent by the UNHCR every year based on a predetermined intake number. I understand that number is now 20,000 a year.
Under the Howard Coalition Government the intake was under 14,000 a year and later Labor raised it and then the Coalition lowered the number back to 14,000 a year.
In my view the United Nations, and don’t ignore the many octopus arms of organisations attached, interferes too much into the affairs of member nations. POTUS Trump made tis clear during his first address to the UN in New York.
Well, Kaimu, that’s buck passing at its best.
What Democrat inspired lefty wouldn’t support it? Blame somebody else. Standard Democrat playbook.
It’s designed to let the brain dead Bidden and the Democrat Party off the hook.
Blame somebody else for what is a covert Democrat policy to keep the southern border open and bring in more potential Democrat voters. The Democrats are full-on Marxist, seeking to totally change the social and economic structures in the USA. Socialism rules. OK.
It’s all an UN conspiracy? Rubbish.
It’s a Democrat USA Marxist initiative. It’s all yours.
It is happening in every Western country, (and only Western countries) not just the USA. The Democrats are not flooding the UK, EU or Australia, it’s all a coincidence.
This is a highly organised destruction of all Western societies, they don’t have to bring in any voters, and they have enough dead to win any election, as they have shown in 2020.
Although this is happening locally, it is being coordinated globally, these people are being flown into Mexico and Canada, given a phone and Debit card.
It is the UN, partnered with the Open Society Foundation, Tides Foundation, MasterCard Foundation and Visa Card Foundation, UN NGO’s have put out promotional video’s, stating as much. “we are the last people they see, when they leave their old country, and the first they see in their new country”.
Here in Aus the Democrats are bringing them in at 2000 a day, every day, from the most violent countries on the planet. I don’t think its Penny Wong running around Somalia with her frequent flier card, do you?
Friends of Science newsletter #404
Topics include:
Observed Humidity Trends Contradict Climate Models
The Hockey Stick Trial: Science Dies in a DC Courtroom
Dutch Climate Expert Dr. Guus Berkhout: “There is No Climate Emergency; it is a Hoax”
Satellite Observations Reveal a Decreasing Albedo Trend of Cities
Impact of Changing Greenhouse Gases on Ontario’s Climate
Thanks for the heads-up.
It’s worth subscribing. Good value, good info, and a good cause.
For those able to access Epoch Times here’s the story link:
Former Panama Border Chief: UN Is Behind the Chaos at U.S.–Mexico Border
The EU and UN have a vision of a world government. Who could blame them? It’s their perception of their job. And really, to whom are they accountable?
After all who would think the UN would have 40,000 full time people and another 40,000 contractors and volunteers? It’s a huge organization. And rather than being a forum for world peace as in Ukraine or Israel, they are a very big part of the problem as in Gaza.
And what these two organizations have in common is the objective of destroying the autonomy of individual countries. Mass socially incompatible, even explosive migration achieves that aim. It’s pretty obvious.
Climate Change is a wonderful tool too. You can justify almost any action with Climate Change once the UN and EU can control/legislate the weather. Manufacturing, farming, migration. All can be controlled with this incredible power. You can legislate the destruction of Western democracies, as is being done.
And anyone who dares to question man made CO2 driven Climate Change aka Global Warming is destroyed. Look at Mark Steyn. $1 in defamation after four weeks of debate but $1,000,000 for daring to question the truth of man made CO2 driven Global Warming.
The EU and UN are the enemies of all society, far past their original purpose. They do not want cooperation to improve humanity, collectively are metastasising and demand more and more money and power and they have a vision of controlling all society. Totally out of control, neither are democratic. Just armies of bureaucrats designing their own jobs and futures and the lives of their subjects. (Frankly this is happening at Council levels, where our council is activist and has banned nuclear weapons in our neighborhood. What happened to just collecting the rubbish?)
The seas are obviously not boiling. But you have to ask why the President of the United Nations, a socialist politican, said such a ridiculous thing in all seriousness. In that you have your answer. Boiling seas are the new reality, the El Dorado for the UN. And they control the weather, like Gods. And your Gods demand tribute.
It would be interesting to model the UN/EU as a biological community. Or even a local council. And see what happens if the rules allow you to increase staff, salaries, jobs, areas of control without limit. I think that without bounds or with self defining bounds, you would get explosive growth and at the expense of the host. It is no different to a mindless cancer. As long as it can keep increasing the money supply, there are no limits to growth. I would hate to think that world war was the only way to limit the growth.
Germany went though this under the Nazis and needed to invade its neighbours because it did not have the funds or raw materials to sustain its explosive manufacturing growth except by war. Similarly for the Mongols whose business plan was mass murder and pillage. Which continued for hundreds of years across vast areas, until they ran out of places and loot. And then collapsed as if they had never existed when their technologies were no longer dominant.
But the dangerous thread common to the EU/UN/Democrats/Socialists is this extraordinary idea that they control the weather. And the Australian Labor party, all political parties have a Climate Policy. I am still staggered at the idea that this is true. In one lifetime we have gone from climbing Mt Everest to controlling the weather across the planet. And people believe it, which is equally amazing.
Guterres’ remarks re the seas are boiling leads to one of two conclusions – either he is a complete idiot, or he believes WE are all complete idiots. (the two are not mutually exclusive however) The fact that they continue on the road to subjugation via climate panic suggests the latter.
Remember – in the immortal words of Harry Hoo – ‘Only two possibirities Mr. Smart.’
During his last address at the National Press Club in Canberra before he retired Greens Leader Bob Brown mentioned his “dream” of a “world parliament” and no international borders.
Labor MP Tanya Plibersek commented at that time that she agreed with Bob Brown.
That’d be the speech he initiated with the word “Earthlings!” if I misremember not.
Anyone taking a good look at Australian politics would have to wonder why in our system we have two major parties who are almost the same.
In the US of A, the two major parties are heatedly different.
The Difference Between Republicans And Democrats
I disagree.
The only heat of difference in the US is MAGA populism vs. Uni-Party National Security State elitists and their UN/WEF concubines.
Except I’m unclear about which are the concubines.
See Jo’s previous post.
Yes the “Deep State” is much the same in Oz and the States.
A corrupt Public Service stays entrenched while Uni-party politicians come and go.
The Fall of the West_
Politicians fiddle
As Western Civilisation,
Like an ageing wind turbine,
Collapses from within.
Tyranny, gullibility ‘n
Failure of the Rule of Law
Each contributing
A knock-down blow
To what was a freer, sturdier
Society before.
They reveal themselves.
Trump’s former VP Mike Pence has started an anti-populist group with $20 million he likely got from some ‘friends’.
America needs leadership that is devoid of ‘personality’.
Which is cultish.
Unlike TDS, which is totally not cultish.
And we can’t have political ‘movements’, which are also bad.
I’m also glad that there were no ‘personalities’ among the US Founding Fathers, I mean persons.
None as inspirational as Mike Pence.
Amazing we didn’t stay British.
Actually, Mike Pence might still be British.
A “Tory Twit”? (I heard that term on a British Comedy – hopefully it’s not too crude. . .)
Not at all.
Pence is perfect for that role.
As the old saying goes:
“Beware wishing for “strong leadership”.
You might just get it: Hard and often”.
TDS? What’s that?
Trump Derangement Syndrome
I don’t know if this was in the news in OZ when a second world war was found in Plymouth
It caused a great deal of disruption and thousands of people had to be evacuated. Plymouth was very heavily bombed in the war and there are an estimated 2000 unexploded bombs lying in gardens in the city!
My post at 3.07am. That should be a second world war BOMB. My own town close to Plymouth across the Bay, was badly affected when after one raid the returning German bombers dropped a surplus bomb on our church where unfortunately Sunday School was in progress, killing 27 children.
Special Delivery – A bomb
Hadn’t seen that reported here in Aus.
18 months ago divers discovered an unexploded bomb in the Darwin harbour. I assume it was one of the remaining Japanese gifts delivered with the surprise party they threw for the locals in 1942.
Similarly late last year, some Park Rangers found three bombs in the Queensland bush. Suspected to have been dumped by either US or Aus forces, or dropped in US or Aus training exercises during WW2.
Far less likely to be found here than in the UK.
Do they still find sea mines there?
Wartime Sea mines are pretty rare these days. The Navy drops dummy mines on naval exercises and sometimes these end up in Fishermens nets.
This is a very curious story
Quite how so many Chinese have managed to get into America without very loud bells sounding in Joe Bidens retirement home (aka The White House) is worrying.
Quite how they got to South America in the first place is a mystery unless they were former workers on infrastructure projects.
In Australia they arrive by jet courtesy of the Albanese Goverment
And apparently they are very well supported and supplied. Some have even brought their own spy balloons. Cool.
Lack of alarm bells ringing in the white house isn’t the mystery.
It’s why it doesn’t have alarms sounding at Langley, and having them take action along with the defence dept. is the mystery.
When Texas took action and erected razor wire barriers, the federal govt took them down. You would think a letter of thanks would be in order from the President to the Governor of Texas for helping secure the border. But, no. They’re now in a legal battle. The white house wants an open border.
No they’re not:
They don’t have to bring anything. A DJI drone from Harvey Norman uses a mobile phone service to “upgrade its firmware” when it is switched on. Once switched on it knows exactly where it is to nearly a centimetre.SSo the computer it was connected to knows where it is and when it is switched on,, and I would be surprised if that computer is not capable of hijacking the drone in flight and applying it to some other job. It transmits live HD video, and records 5K video to a micro SD card.
Zs out of the box I think it can probably dob you in if you break regulations.
See 1.4 above.
They are well funded. It takes a lot of money to travel across oceans and continents. And then pay the coyotes. Nobody crosses that border with out paying somebody or becoming indebted to someone, anymore. And obviously the CCP is allowing them to leave in the first place. It’s evil.
This would be funny if it wasn’t so worrying
Presumably the AI program was set up to produce these results, such as Black Vikings.
FWIW – the covid scene
” You’ll enjoy the latest mea culpa from a formerly pro-vaccine healthcare professional-slash-social media influencer. Annette Bosworth, MD, also known as “Dr. Boz,” has a popular YouTube channel (600,000 subscribers) and website focusing on the health benefits of keto dieting and intermittent fasting. It seems like a great channel and I subscribed. Dr. Boz normally covers wellness topics like shopping for a good blood glucose monitor, breaking carb addiction, comparing exercise to intermittent fasting, and things like that.
So it must have shocked many of her subscribers when three days ago she named her most recent YouTube streamer,
“The biggest crime in the history of medicine.” ”
More at
Not too many (like none) non-white Vikings emanate from the Nordic regions
Fun Facts
The first Conference of the Parties COP 1 was held in Berlin in 1995
In 1995 CO2 emissions from fossil fuels was 21,986 million tonnes per annum
Since COP1 CO2 emissions from fossil fuels has increased by 56% to 34,374 million tonnes per annum (2022 data)
China and India accounted for 75% of this increase.
Since COP1 some US$4.6 Trillion has been spent globally in an attempt to reduce CO2 emissions!
See if you can find the $$ spent on:
computer games;
gambling; and
“Computer Games”
I play Call of Duty (as does my wife!)
Kilgore : Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours.
‘Mind-blowing’ deep sea expedition uncovers more than 100 new species and a gigantic underwater mountain
Researchers recently discovered an “incredible number” of potential new marine species, as well as a handful of hefty new seamounts while exploring the deep sea off the coast of Chile.
Everywhere I read from mass-extinction….
Deep hot Biosphere, Thomas Gold, had an early look to the life there under.
What is life? It’s worse than we thought! Fascinating that there is so much more to find out.
“I might be a species”
Meyer Burger prepares to shut down plant in Germany
Looks like a vicious circle – “green energy” is driving up the cost of producing anything in Europe and mandates such as this will drive up costs even further.
In Australia the banks are writing to everyone asking them to provide even more identifying information than they already have (or confirming what they already have), including any foreign tax identities, and threatening to block access to accounts if it’s not provided.
They say this is to comply with additional Government legislation.
The Australian Government and Australian Tax Office already collects and cross checks this information anyway including foreign tax identities which it checks with foreign governments.
The Government wants total, absolute control of your lives.
Compulsory biometric ID’s and even microchip IDs like pets is surely not far off. Microchip IDs will be first offerred optionally whereby the woke will eagerly adopt them, then the freedom-loving community will be forced to take them.
I doubt they need it. ATMs are being ripped out everywhere. Thanks to the UN/WHO caused/protected Pandemic governments have had a taste of absolute power and love it. Just as Climate Policy has given governments unbridled power called Energy Policy, to save the world, the Pandemic has given them social power to control individuals.
And when the banks eliminate cash completely, you will have to identify yourself to buy a newspaper, buy a drink, enter a building. Cash is anonymous. It will be eliminated. And that will prevent mobility, as in Enemy of the State. Cancel all the credit cards, close all the bank accounts, as Justin Trudeau just did if you gave $10 to the Truckers. He gave himself those powers and used them illegally, but the banks complied and no one has done a thing to redress this illegality.
Of course your phone records now include your approximate location from the transmitting tower, as is being used in the DA Fani Willis in Georgia investigation proving she lied. Let alone the contents of sms, tweets, emails or even telephone calls. Given that computers compress vast numbers of simultaneous telephone calls onto one line, how hard is it to record everything?
So the chip won’t be needed. You have all the chips they need in your wallet.
I found this on buying flowers in a supermarket in Malvern, a few years ago. On leaving the store I received an SMS thanking me for shopping in Coles and they knew what I bought and where. And connected it with my mobile phone number.
Total tracking of every individual is very close. It’s what they do with this infinite information.
How long before socialist governments introduce a Travel Policy, discouraging or controlling personal travel. To prevent a new pandemic. Or to reduce CO2 pollution. You might have to get permission to travel and where. And given that many people now travel cashless and ticketless, the power is all there. All to save the planet, of course. Unless you are a registered businessman for approved travel or a politician on a fact finding mission.
They are already doing it. They call it the 15-minute city.
In Australia, they’re sometimes called 20 minute cities or neighbourhoods so they can offer “plausible deniability”.
Yes, I see they need ‘viable densities’, or thick people, for them to succeed..
How do you know when you’ve found a fact when on a fact-finding mission? Can you be sure it’s a fact? Who do we trust to tell us a fact? What can we trust to tell us what is a fact?
Is it like an Easter Egg hunt?
Each day when I eat my peanut butter-covered toasted fruit loaf bread I’m on a fact-finding mission in my kitchen. People tell me it won’t taste good but it does.
To seek the truth – always follow the money trail.
Or your nose.
Everybody has their own facts/truths nowadays, don’t they?
Of course your phone records now include your approximate location from the transmitting tower
OTOH pre mobile phones, I think the location of your fixed land line phone was “pre-determined”?
And with my mobile phone (perhaps especially if not connected with the “major Australian” carrier with an external antenna) I do seem to lose a signal more than once when traveling to my capital city. Did I turn the phone off and digress from the most direct route? Will satellite phones be used for tracking?
I have a relative from the USA scheduled to visit. Will it be a crime to allow her to use one of my (other carrier) SIMs (used only for data currently)?
Depending what era you are talking about, your fixed line location was known but usage not tracked in great detail or at all really beyond metering for calls.
People used to have jobs reading 1000,s of physical meters into a recording device for others to transscribe and for others to concert into bills.
Elmo Musk criticises Goolag. Hopefully he will build his own honest, unwoke search engine.
And Elon posted on X:
Elon, not Elmo. Unnoticed spelling “correction”.
Putting sugar on the table
Ah, 2 months to the May-to-September fun times.
Priorities will be changing.😎
BONUS: Red Cross NOW requiring blood donors to disclose whether they are COVID vaccinated — what is their concern?
Aren’t there blood tests that can determine the vaccination status?
Would the donor be charged with perjury if they say “not vaccinated” and the test says they are?
I particularly like the idea that Elon Musk will build an honest unwoke search engine and email client.
Gemini powered by google has problems
Whitey’s have it tough:
Gemini is racist!😁
Gemini is so programmed with diversity and inclusion ideology
that it is incapable of giving an accurate answer to a question such as
‘Was George Washington white?’
In past centuries, certainly as far back as the 14th century, European artists routinely whitened their coloured subjects. Not that there were all that many, but there were some. Now they darken the pale ones, it seems. Plus ca change …….
Video clips: Adventures with snow and ice.
(You don’t need an account.)
China’s Tofu Bridges are Falling Down
Shoddy materials and workmanship is catching up to them.
Sounds like America, with their bridges collapsing.
Got the pictures? I know of one new pedestrian bridge collapsing but most of their problems are age related with many projects [think nuclear reactors] lasting far longer than design estimates.
Another collapse I can think of was caused by piles of wooden pallets burning beneath a bridge.
The China bridge collapse was caused by a ship losing control and straight away I thought of Hobart.
The tofu dreg disasters are happening all over China, high rise complexes are top of the list.
King Island was at 100% diesel last night (it often is). Of course, this demonstrates perfectly, the problem with windmills and solar hot water bags, that they rely on 100% backup, even at their optimal (which King Island was supposed to be).
I think more windmills and solar water bags should be installed on the Island, to further demonstrate this point. Show how much money it will cost per person to be 100% wind and sun, and yet still, require 100% backup.
So what is the point? That energy can only be way more expensive by definition.
The average punter has no idea about this hard fact and they need to. It is the key to changing minds imo. No sane person will support such nonsense decision making once aware. King Island is the perfect chance to demonstrate this absurdum. I envisage the Island literally covered in swirling fins.
I was looking at Qld on the NEM last night about 7pm, wind was at .7% and solar was asleep, wonderful.
I am sure King Island does not experience low wind continuously for five weeks in a row as was the case in Germany in Jan-Feb 2017.
In 2017 Germany had some nuclear power to help out – but all the reactors have now been shut down as of April 2023.
It was brown coal to the rescue with some black coal and natural gas (before Russian gas was cut off).
Grid scale batteries now installed in German if called on for back-up would provide about 6 minutes of winter demand.
Since the cost of batteries to provide 5 weeks of back-up would run into the $ trillions – Germany will have to retain its brown coal (and black coal) power stations for decades to come to back-up unreliable wind (solar basically disappears during the German winter)!
Even when the wind does blow the annual capacity factor for wind power in Germany is only 20% vs 30% in Australia
The collapse in wind power for 5 weeks from 15 Jan 2017 can be seen on a series of charts starting here:
Where can I get data for King Island wave energy generation?
I see the moon lander has tipped over but is ‘stable’, any chinese content.?
A cable with a hook dropped from the roof of the Hollywood sound studio should be able to fix the problem.
Here ya go CO2L:
Of course there is the matter of a mere 2k of available memory and the NASA female programmer standing next to head high boxes of fanfold paper of that printed code.
(ie. How many lines of text per page x the number of pages in around a 1.6m stack 😉)
Better still though is the BBC’s time travel, advising of a certain building collapse that hadn’t happened yet. 😉
Another Lithium Ion Battery explodes in toxic smoke
This time on a plane!
No mention that the smoke is toxic in the article though
“In October 1994 the Federal Government announced that smoking would be banned on all Australian international flights from July 1996, making Qantas and Ansett smokefree on all flights.”
In the early 1990s I wrote to QANTAS and advised that the airline was in breach of a safety regulation that forbids any naked flame with a certain distance of a plane – this was after I was in one row behind the “Smoking” section in a 747 on a London to Sydney flight and a chain smoker.
I hope that my letter had some part to play in this ban
It is time for a similar ban on lithium-ion batteries.
On a trip to Hawaii in 2007 I bought four $30 dollar cell phones at Walmart for our family to use for the week that we were in Hawaii – this practice if legislated would make flying much safer.
As Seinfelt said when asked if he wanted to sit in smoking or nonsmoking…..’What’s the difference’.
All that toxic smoke would have still been circulating through the aircrafts conditioning system until it landed and taxied to the ramp and opened the doors.
Nah, most of the cabin air (60 % ish) is coming in from outside after heating from the engines and subsequent treatment. The remainder is filtered and recirculated. The nett effect (from memory) is cabin air refresh 10-20 times per hour.
I still wouldnt want to be in there.
I was going to write much the same. Pilot (A380) son says there is a good intake of fresh air.
I am still laughing at the outrageous idea that the Australian Labor Party has a Climate Policy.
Our local council has a nuclear missile policy. Presumably incoming as I doubt the council has any stock of nuclear missiles.
But we could also have
A polar bear policy
A penguin policy
A no drought policy
A no flood policy
A no devastating storms policy
A policy of apologizing to everyone in advance for historic problems and those not yet realised.
A policy of intolerance of intolerance (stolen from South Park).
Where would it stop? When did the weather become controllable by politicians and so the province of government? Does anyone seriously believe in rapid world ending Global Warming and rapid sea level rise? Where? Exactly?
So it seems a small very slow increase of 50% in a tiny gas is going to produce a sudden end of world scenario? When? How many years have to pass before we can register the change on a domestic thermometer? Why do we need NASA?
And why was Al Gore given the Nobel Peace Prize?
“And why was Al Gore given the Nobel Peace Prize?”
For the same reason as Hussein Obama.
“Where would it stop? ”
WHY would it stop?? Every policy needs a Minister, a Ministerial Secretary, Ministerial staff, Ministerial offices, cars, conferences, trips overseas, massive salaries with gigantic retirement pensions… A whole Departmental Empire!
I only see it stopping with the Mussolini Solution.
Id prefer the Milei solution over Mussolini, but yes I see your point.
Well, I hope he succeeds, but I wouldn’t carry his life insurance.. It would be great if Argentina was the stat of a landslide away from Socialism and World Govt.
Actually, I assume the CIA won’t kill him, its better to make him fail and then say “See, the Socialist Govt was far better than this dog-eat-dog free market..”
I guess a “No Idiots” policy would be too much to ask!
A polar bear policy
Can I hope that both can be considered Northern Hemisphere attributes which can be successfully ignored without risk in Australia?
If non-woke historians are allowed to exist in the future, they will wonder why Australia and the West destroyed their societies by shutting down the energy supply and implementing social policies whose only purpose was to create chaos.
The argument about wind and solar plantations vs power stations ought not be, and is not, about the technology used to generate electricity.
It is fundamentally about whether you want electricity or not.
It is that simple.
Today is the South Carolina Republican primary.
Here’s vid from a Trump rally.
20,000+ supporters wait in line for 6100 seats in Rock Hill SC.,_South_Carolina
I don’t know how the Deep State is going to construct a Democratic BS ‘election’ win and how they won narrative.
But they will.
Looks like Trump won with about 60% of the vote as predicted by some.
There was a Youtube this morning, which I cannot find again, by someone commenting on the excuse for slow counting in the South Carolina primary, that the voting machines were connected to the internet. He seemed agitated that they weren’t supposed to be connected
I heard that. Another one of those things regular reality experiencers will discuss amongst themselves and the talking head class will call ‘misinformation’ promulgated by “far-right” witches casting spells
My feeling, only a feeling, because I was turned into a newt, is this …
Neil Oliver … just inject American nouns in place of the British ones,
Funny, time passed since 1776, and now British and American citizens suddenly find themselves together again in the same fix.
Imagine how bad things would be for the pro-freedom, pro-free-speech community if it were not for Elon Musk’s X.
There would be virtually no free speech outlets except this one of Jo’s.
And the extensive US Presidential election manipulation of the social(ist) and other media, including suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop affair would never be known.
We would have to put up with heavily censored Leftist propaganda outlets that simply won’t tolerate independent thought or alternative opinions.
“We would have to put up with heavily censored Leftist propaganda outlets that simply won’t tolerate independent thought or alternative opinions.”
Ah, be like the good old days of the 1950s! ..or earlier, when there was only Govt TV and radio, so people were all fed the same information except for their personal experiences. THAT’S how you get people to go to war and extend the wealth of the rulers, and that’s why they want to stamp out alternative views now.
Russia invades, the Ukrainian Govt calls for people to defend the country and 10% of the population instantly leave before the borders are closed. With the internet as it is most Govts would struggle to get ‘the people’ to defend them, and in fact the West can’t fill the quotas for its permanent volunteer armies. I see Burma has introduced conscription this week so the military junta can remain in power.
I look forward to the time when a Govt declares war and no-one goes!
EXCEPT for the warmongering politicians for who a frontline fighting position should be mandatory.
John, I pine for the time when a leader was on his horse at the front of the troops, LEADING his army into battle.
We’ve come a long way down the wrong road.
I believe the horses Union black banned that practice.
Flipping EV’s!
Reversing the scenario reveals reality’s absurdity.
Imagine we lived in a world where all cars were EVs, and then along comes a new invention, the “Internal Combustion Engine”!
Think how well they would sell: A vehicle half the weight, half the price that will almost quarter the damage done to the road.
A vehicle that can be refuelled in 1/10th of the time and has a range of up to 4 times the distance in all weather conditions.
It does not rely on the environmentally damaging use of non-renewable rare earth elements to power it, and use far less steel and other materials.
Just think how excited people would be for such technology, it would sell like hotcakes!
Add serviceability, near zero fire risks, a battery costs $130 not $20k, fewer accidents, no child slave labour Lithium mines, lower tyre wear and rubber particulates etc…
It already happened. Once the only cars were EVs and then along came ICEs 10 years later
Like the Detroit model D?
You could ar least give credit to the original author
Comment about #27
A Lettuce Vaccine Bill Being Introduced
Health Committee, Tennessee Rep Scott Cepicky “University of California Riverside has already perfected the ability to put human vaccines into our lettuce right now. Also tomatoes has the ability to do that also for UC Berkeley. — Big Tobacco, RJ Reynolds and stuff has perfected the ability to put a human vaccine in the tobacco products.”
One way or another…
Another reason to eat meat – cooking would destroy the vaxx.
I have just booked a flight to Vegas – was not there when I was last in Vegas in the 1970s
I deserve a good spanking for being poltically incorrect.
Eat some Cornflakes you naughty boy.
California water managers announced they’re sharply limiting deliveries to just 15 percent of what most urban and agricultural water agencies requested.
What’s going on there?
As is frequently said – – – This is a developing story, check back.
Recent rain and snow were not part of this analysis.
Politics I imagine, because their dam storage seems to be above average.
If their weather service is like the BOM , the they probably got a wrong forecast a year ago. Then, being the public service (no urgency, no consequences), it took a year to work out what to do and actually produce a communication. By that time they are totally out of synch with reality, which seems about right for State government in most places.
Apparently the Democrats knew 7 months before the 2020 election they couldn’t lose due to mail-in voting (fraud). Can this happen again? If this is true most likely.
Any source available for that?
See Reply 25.2
No actual proof.
It’s interesting that the same people who ask for proof of anything negative re democrats “know” Trump is guilty of 91 charges [and other mortal sins] without anything being proven.
The real problem is that the voting process can not be audited.
I can not (nor anyone else) prove the election was or was not “stolen”.
But at this point in time, it is well established that the legislated process for conducting an election (in multiple states) in the USA were not followed.
I may not like the fact that the urban populations of Australia have a different approach to the split of responsibilities between individual and government when compare to the rural residents, but the elections are able to audited and follow the legislated procedures.
I’ve been looking for evidence of anthropogenic weather changes for years*.
I’ve run out of batteries for my flash light.
I know for sure it’s not under the sofa.
My wife probably put it away, which means I’ll never find it.
I know ‘Proof’ exist, we’ve seen things ‘proven’ Safe and Effective … you know, by Science.
Follow the Science.
It will lead to Proof. (Or is it vice versa.)
Which is Truth. (Which is now called Malinformation and may be harmful, especially to governments.)
*(I did once go kayaking in an Atmospheric River. But that was the 70’s. Did ya’ll know that Atmospheric Rivers sound just like early Pink Floyd albums? I also had an out of body experience in a Heat Dome. I met the Lizard King.)
“The Limits of Math: Study Shows Forests Are More Complex Than Thought”
I’ve always considered “thought” to be the most complex thing, more so than a mere forest. 🙂
I read an article years ago on how seemingly random tree distribution in a forest was in fact quite tightly correlated and predictable. It would be interesting to marry these two discoveries and see what insights it reveals.
How can you learn more about spiders that live in the rainforest?
Check out their web site.
My neighbour’s electricity company in Melbournistan is now offering free EV charging from 11am to 2pm. That’s a good way to dump all the unwanted rooftop solar.
If that allows free “power wall” battery charging, I’d evaluate that.
I’ve no interest in an EV, though. Could they tell?
I don’t know how or if they can tell.
The way things are going Kelloggs will be including a free EV with their Corn Flakes
The real reason for inventing Corn Flakes was to prevent “sinful thoughts”.
It was a plain, unstimulating, meat-free vegan diet compatible with the Seventh Day Adventist beliefs of John Harvey Kellogg.
Some claim it is a misconception but if you read his book you will see the connection:
Aussie science: Parents who choose to vaccinate their children should be able to have the confidence to take their children to a childcare centre without fearing their child will contract a serious or possibly life-threatening illness.
ScoMo gets an “F” in science!
Another candidate for the Mussolini Solution…
My pet hate on the roads is roundabout rules. The real ones and the local customs.
You give way to all vehicles already in the roundabout, even on the left. Enter slow enough not to hit someone on the left who thought that they entered first. This is especially important for cyclists as you are hard to see when you enter at speed from a shaded street. This is the rule. The custom, though, is to give way to any car coming up to the roundabout that is on the right and still doing 50 km/h. If I’m on the right, I will follow the road rules. If I’m on the left, I follow the custom as I’ve had many close calls. Even when following the custom, some idiots only become visible once you have entered the roundabout because you can not see the car still 20 m from the roundabout.
The other one is to indicate left when you leave a roundabout, even when going straight or right. The custom is to only indicate left if turning left, and right if turning right like at a regular intersection. The problem at roundabouts is that the indicator can cancel when turning right and another car might assume that you are going straight on if they looked at you inbetween the indicator cancelling and you realising that you need to flick it back on.
I’ve had some close calls so I thought I would follow the road rules and indicate left when I was exiting a round about, but only on the medium to large ones. I don’t want to give the impression that I’m turning left by indicating too early so, like today, I wait until I’m in front of any car entering on my left before indicating to exit. And yet I still get idiots who see me indicate and think I’m turning left some five metres back and almost ram my boot. FFS! It’s physics but not rocket science. I intend to turn at some point in front of my car – not five metres back from where I came!
This is not off topic. The idiot today was in a company car of a solar panel installer.
Would help if you said where you were. Not many of those rules ring truechere in Oz (forgetting about side of road differences. I really liked the rule in Switzerland, no indicators apart from leaving the roundabout ( at least in the early 2000s)
Aus. South Aus to be exact but the same rules as Switzerland. Just nobody seems to know.
Nowadays I find indicators are quite difficult to see on new cars, the LEDs are very focused in a tight arc and a very small light in daytime. Unless you are in front at a particular angle they just don’t show up.
My town thankfully has lots of roundabouts and few traffic lights, and the country locals drive sensibly, not according to the road rules. The incursions from Sydney are the biggest problems
Yep. It is a plan to slow car traffic. Earlier plans involved a person walking ahead of the car, ringing a bell.
My sub-pet-hate is speed bumps, also designed to slow cars, including emergency service vehicles like ambulances. Plenty of literature shows emergency drivers taking longer routes and arriving later.
In my own extended family are several of us with painful health conditions, one being life-long severe facial pains after shingles, bad enough to raise a scream when a speed bump is too rough. I have lower back arthritis that is quite painful to speed humps. Etc. I have asked a local council if they have authority to cause pain in others by building structures like speed bumps when they cannot or will not supply data to show a reduction in accidents.
They suffer from the recent trendy mental disease of pathologic ambition. They get a fixation about a public good to push (like slowing cars by cluttering roads with bike lanes). It does not have to show a public benefit, because these pushers have strong belief that public benefit is obvious, only lacking enough ambition to push it through.
We now live in a mentally sick society. This is particularly awful for we oldies who have lived and loved better times.
Geoff S
What to make of the current New Scientist cover?
Is this the latest ploy to reduce CO2 emission from crematoria?
Apparently human flesh tastes a lot like pork.
Safe to eat if fresh apart from the brain, which should be well cooked to prevent prion diseases
I would say this is a better option than eating bugs
Where Human flesh is a Delight
I stand corrected for providing “Misinformation”.
Wiener Schnitzel is one of my favourites
I shall post some recipes.
There was a New Scientist at my local coffee shop the other day. Either someone left it there, or they are possibly giving them away for free. Had a quick read. Biggest bunch of scientific nincompoopery I’d had seen. Apart from the cannibals headline there was an accompanying headline. “Does Viagra guard against alzheimers disease”- to which I thought, ” well if you want it to, it sure does now”. (Wouldn’t big pharma love this to become a perception)
Well, “new science” depends on the current popular consensus?
Was this on the cover?
What’s the difference between a Green or Labor supporter and a shopping trolley? The shopping trolley has a mind of its own.
And one serves a useful purpose!
Trump Wins
60% to 39.4% Ouch!
I wonder how many dems voted for Haley. She asked them to.
Tulsi Gabbard as Trump’s pick for VP?
What do you think?
I like her, she speaks sensibly, patriotically without hyperbole but I don’t vote. lol
Mmm much the same H
It’s funny the choice of Ms. as a title. Mrs. H insisted on Mrs. on her business cards: She was the mother of 3 kids after all.
I insist on my title of Mrs. I’ve been that for well over half a century. Letters are returned if they are misaddressed.
Good to see a CEO that understands the maxim, “get woke, go broke”.
Yesterday I was driving through the town of Wauchope not far West of Port Macquarie NSW and I noticed a new service station under construction.
There are already five service stations that I counted in Wauchope, maybe a couple more.
I am aware of several brand new service station locations around the Mid NSW Coast built since the pandemic restrictions.
What do the oil companies know that we are not being told as politicians try to push us into EV?
I wonder how our overseas readers would pronounce Wauchope?
As a young IT guy , I worked for an organization with 600 agencies around NSW. I had a long winded project to cut over 300ish country agencies from network A to network B. I would ring them before start of business and talk them through it. One day I rang the Canowindra agency up near the QLD border, and pronounced in Can-oh-win-dra which got laughter on the phone and sniggers from the help desk people where I based myself to do this morning job. How rude! 🙂 apparently its Ca-noun-dra.
For the overseas enquiring minds Wauchope isnt not War-choppy its War- hope.
New servos have sprung up like mushrooms here. The first I noticed has over 30 bowsers and another heap have opened since. I am sure that they have been wired to be converted to EV charge points as required. I think they will be disappointed, but what do I know?
Maybe, but it must be a very long term planning situation because as discussed here and elsewhere many times the local grids would need major upgrading including additional sub-stations to handle what is, I understand, approximately what an average household requires from the grid on average just to recharge one EV.
In fact such a long term plan would require reliable base load generators and more generating capacity than is now available with power stations left operating at this time.
So another reason why emissions-free nuclear reactors must be part of the generator fleet.
Or of course new ultra supercritical boiler technology coal fired power stations.
Point taken but can their approval give them early adopter advantage where future applicants get knocked back because of lack of available power?
All the ones I’ve seen are in areas where one would expect heavy cables past their door.
I figure the petrol station just puts a big diesel generator in a back shed and powers the EV chargers as needed… and charges the EV owners as much as they like!
I love the smell of high octane racing fuel at the top of Mt Panorama in the morning
CO2 lover,
It was Easter 1963 when I first looked down from skyline to the start grid for a motor bike event. That year we first saw the high-revving Japanese engines with multiple cylinders, overhead cams, 4 valves per cylinder, etc. After a minute or so, a lone bike whizzed past at some speed, then a break and the sound of a pack of thumpers. This was the end of an era for the older, mainly British low-tech engines, although single cylinder thumpers like Ducati had success with refined development.
Yes, like you, I loved the smell of Octane at Panorama.
Geoff S
Good grief!
Imagine, if you can, a multi EV pile-up and the ensuing conflagration if/when one or more involved battery slabs fractured and erupted.
All that toxic gas, the proximity of potential fire to spectators and flammable countryside, the heightened risk to drivers …
Nah, stick to the sound, smell and raw power of the V8s. That’s real racing – always was, always should be.
Two of my siblings used to drive in production car races, including at Bathurst, and there’s nothing like it. Same with rallying.
Tesla Optimus goes for its first walk
I’m glad Elon Musk is on our side, not the Left’s.
It will get my attention when there is a robbot soccer match – 2025 maybe?
It /he/she/they/ .. walks just like Joe Biden in the vid earlier today!
Interesting paper.
Periodic catastrophes over human evolutionary history are necessary to explain the forager population paradox
Much of what is known about human life histories is based on studying modern hunter-gatherers experiencing rapid population growth. Yet, if populations are near-stationary over most of their evolutionary history, the positive growth of contemporary foragers is puzzling and potentially unrepresentative. Investigating multiple demographic scenarios in a large sample of human and chimpanzee populations, we find that periodic catastrophes combined with plausible fertility or mortality reductions can reasonably generate zero population growth. Our findings bolster arguments about the role of intergenerational cooperation and cumulative culture in supporting the colonizing potential of human populations once released from catastrophes.
The rapid growth of contemporary human foragers and steady decline of chimpanzees represent puzzling population paradoxes, as any species must exhibit near-stationary growth over much of their evolutionary history. We evaluate the conditions favoring zero population growth (ZPG) among 10 small-scale subsistence human populations and five wild chimpanzee groups according to four demographic scenarios: altered mean vital rates (i.e., fertility and mortality), vital rate stochasticity, vital rate covariance, and periodic catastrophes. Among most human populations, changing mean fertility or survivorship alone requires unprecedented alterations. Stochastic variance and covariance would similarly require major adjustment to achieve ZPG in most populations. Crashes could maintain ZPG in slow-growing populations but must be frequent and severe in fast-growing populations—more extreme than observed in the ethnographic record. A combination of vital rate alteration with catastrophes is the most realistic solution to the forager population paradox. ZPG in declining chimpanzees is more readily obtainable through reducing mortality and altering covariance. While some human populations may have hovered near ZPG under harsher conditions (e.g., violence or food shortage), modern Homo sapiens were equipped with the potential to rapidly colonize new habitats and likely experienced population fluctuations and local extinctions over evolutionary history.
Here’s one for Leftists to think about.
In Melbournistan this summer, I’ve noticed very few insects. Do you agree?
My windscreen decimated the fairly frequent fluttering butterfly flocks along the way to Warrnambool Wednesday.
Maybe they have migrated to Canberra?
Not in the depths of Melbournistan, but have notice a lower intensity. I just put it down to lack of hot spells and a couple of waves of intense wet weather upsetting their rhythm. Cant say I miss the wasps.
Peter Smith is on the warpath with a cynical edge.
The rule of law no longer applies in Australia as well.
The Hayne Royal Commission into the Big Banks and other financial institutions was a joke – the Liberals were dragged kicking and screaming to hold a Royal Commission into their biggest political donors and a time limit put in place to limit the extent of investigations.
Some new laws wew passed but these have been ignored by the white-collar criminals in the financial sector and these laws have never been enforced by ASIC or APRA who did not enforce existing laws with the exception of in cases where someone embrassed the government.
In Australia – money buys you justice
And what a sensational article Peter has written! It is written with the anger and despair that many of us have felt in the last few years when watching civilisational decline.
“Fire destroys roof of industrial unit in Chard”
“A fire has ripped through an industrial unit housing a lithium ion battery manufacturer, destroying its roof.”
Now under control.
“Dan Taylor, from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, said: “[The fire] is all but extinguished, but we do have numerous hotspots.
“Unfortunately, due to the structure of the building, we are unable to go inside so we are fighting externally.”
“There’s not much smoke but there is a lot of steam. The smoke was initially very thick and acrid,” he said.
“We have no idea what started this fire but we are investigating.””
Apologies if this has already been added to this thread.
Experts are puzzled yet again
If Trump is allowed to win the next election he will have to be extremely careful not to employ any Deep State parasites and Rinos as he was deceived into doing last time.
Last time he naively trusted his hires and many of them turned against him, even his VP.
He knew the swamp was deep, but none of us knew how widely entrenched it was. It was hard to find people who weren’t either in on the game, compromised by it, or beguiled by it. And then there were the gullible ‘useful idiots’ who believed the lies of the intelligence/corporate organs of mass media, and piled on to the bogeyman.
I notice Melbourne City Council passed a resolution in regard to Israel v Hamas. Much of the output of politics these days seems to be about having meaningless policies and making meaningless virtue signalling statements often with damaging consequences to the governed. Climate, the grid, immigration. Such is the important work of government.
Rates, roads and rubbish. They have no mandate for other than those……..
I call them the 3 P’s, Potholes, Parks and Pipes.
“Mercedes-Benz Scraps Plans to Make Only Electric Vehicles Due to ‘Market Conditions’”
Those marques fully committed to going woke and dropping ICE cars altogether like Alfa Romeo will probably go under.
Fortunately some sanity at Ferrari
Word of the day: squatchee.
Next word of the day: topee
It’s the word of the night for me alas. Lying there thinking “topee or not topee, that is the question.”
Next word of the day: toupee
Or by another name Squatcho
This is what ABC News in the US recommended, quoting “experts” to avoid forgetting kids left in the back seat of a car.
Something “important”? Like the kids aren’t important? Unbelievable!
Meanwhile in Australia
Perhaps her fans aren’t so stupid after all.
Another word for the day: panopticon
Let’s see now, socialist govt wants 80% of workforce to be university “educated”.
No utes for you either!