A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Texas Can Survive as the Lone Star State
“Most importantly, Texas has oil, gas, and refining capacity and would continue to produce and refine fossil fuels. Without Texas, the United States would not be able to wage war, lacking the energy to fuel its tanks. Texas could stand on its own, and to ensure energy, other Red States would join hands against Washington.
There is rising sentiment toward separation due to the Biden Administration’s abuse of executive orders. The Biden Administration thinks executive orders are the way to change the character of the United States without the people’s consent. Truman seized all the steel mills without statutory authority using an executive order that the Supreme Court reversed. We have so many violations using executive decrees without statutory authority, circumventing Congress and the people. The abuse of this power is causing severe discontent. People are talking about separating, even in Florida. When historically a centralized government seeks total control, it collapses like the Soviet Union. Most people do not know that Lenin wanted to copy the United States, whereas each province retained its sovereignty. Stalin poisoned Lenin and his wife and usurped total central control. Biden has endangered the survivability of the United States. Washington cannot override the sovereignty of the states.”
Don’t worry, the Democrats’ love for executive orders will cease the moment Trump wins the presidency.
Carbon Dioxide benefits the World – See for yourself
Why I love CO2
Also see
Daniel was forced to have a Covid jab to keep his job. Then he fell gravely ill. Now he has secured a HUGE legal victory – but the damage is already done
Of course Pfizer shoulld also be forced to pay $ millions in compensation, however when the “Minister for Everything” Scott Morrison signed a deal with Pfizer for their EXPERIMENTAL “vaccine” (that was not a real vaccine) – Pfizer was indemnified against any faulty product liability
The ruling came despite SA Health still enforcing a mandatory Covid vaccination policy for some employees, even though similar policies have been dropped in other states.
There were 2 product lines from vacces, the first and proper one that leads to the approuval, the second one on industrial base that was used to be sold, with incountable inproperties as DNA remains etc., that legaly hasn’t got an approuval. It was known to the officials and EMA and not communicated.
Page 17 of EMA document
Complete PDF
Jo on The Kenny Report
There are three certainties in life: Death, taxes and incompetent and corrupt public servants
We have cornered BoM on their seasonal forecasting, woefully inadequate, relying on models with a short attention span.
Perhaps they should consider other factors, like the influence of our sun and moon.
The electorate may question whether BoM has the ability to predict universal global warming if they can’t forecast seasonal weather.
Emma Germano, Vic Farmers Federation President, was on Sky a couple of weeks ago talking about the impact the port dispute is having on produce exports. She was asked about BOM forecasts and, while she acknowledged forecasts are about probabilities, was critical of the media hype and BOM hype about a dry and hot forecast period.
The BOM commentary starts at about 6min 30sec.
Here is their latest seasonal outlook, the IOD doesn’t get a mention, only El Nino and the boiling oceans. SAM is noticeably absent.
Defence Farce strikes again!
Australian soldiers won’t be protected from killer drones for at least eight years, as Defence looks at using trained eagles to attack unmanned aircraft in mid-flight.
At least they’re easier to bury when they fail…
Eagles attacking high speed 4 bladed drones…
Do they have an eagle breeding program by chance?
But they complain about eagle strikes from wind turbines…
Good news!
Booming renewable energy generation halves wholesale power prices across national grid.
That means my electricity bill will be halved, doesn’t it! …. doesn’t it?
And inflation is DOWN! Wow, more good news. So, government causes inflation by increasing its spending and borrowing and then fixes inflation by
reducing its spending and borrowingusing higher interest rates to force us to reduce our spending and borrowing.180
Double-plus-good Newspeak c/- their ABC. That article reads as if it was penned by an algorithm or a school leaver on work-practice as a State Churnalist:
“The influence of renewables on the grid will only grow.”
That could either be a good thing, a bad thing, or the spellchecker misspelled ‘effluence’. What a total crock.
I don’t see any problem with the ABC article itself, because it simply states the facts as the author sees them. My beef is with the politicians who keep telling us how much cheaper ‘renewable’ energy is, while at the same time our bills remain high. Our ‘conservative’ politicians deserve a mention here, too. Wouldn’t you think they’d be all over this?
It’s an opinion piece, fact free ABC.
‘Facts as the Author sees them’ so he has alternative facts?
For a few hours on New Year’s Eve, South Australia was powered entirely by rooftop solar panels.
A new report from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) lays out the increasing role renewables are playing in the energy grid, reaching 72 per cent of the total demand for power on the east coast at times during the three months.
What few hours do you need your fridge running every three months?
Same news was in The Australian a few days ago.
Time the South Australian parasites cut the interconnector with evil Victorians who still produce most of their electricity from Brown Coal which is even more satanic than black coal.
I wonder if the author looks at his electricity bill and wonders why it has not gone down. In fact he is a Canberra based reporter and they have a 17% increase this year:
Next we will hear that the Government is demanding the ACCC look into electricity retailers to see why the mark-up is increasing. The difference between wholesale and retail is no longer a mark-up. It is the real cost of digesting intermittent generation.
I wonder how long people can be promised that prices will come down but they still go up before they stop believing the propaganda and start asking serious questions.
Also is rapidly heading into history. The LNP just needs to find some sense.
Spreading beyond WUWT –
“Trillions Spent On ‘Climate Change’ Based On Faulty Temperature Data, Climate Experts Say”
Something similar in Australia. As we know, the BOM has been closing non-airfield weather stations and opening airfield weather stations. But sometimes they have both. In Cobar, they have a AWSs at Cobar Meteorological Office (MO) and Cobar Airport. Cobar Airport is about 8 kms SW of the MO. As far as I can see, Cobar Airport maximum temperatures are higher than MO max temperatures. On the other hand Airport minimum temps are often lower than MO temps.
Then there are the forecasts. Often, the forecast temps are in between MO and Airport, in other words, average, so the forecasts are for a mythical place called Average Cobar.
But what happens when the coolest place weather recordings are closed and all recording technology transferred to airfields. Then they have to find other hot places to record data. In 2017 and the BOM established and AWS at Noona in NSW. As far as I can tell it is a roadside stop on the Barrier Highway about 80 ks west of Cobar Airport. It only records temperature and its hot.
I have noticed that a lot of locations where half hourly data was available have switched to twice a day . The BOM reporting is being wound back and it’s all being fed by automated stations which shouldn’t be an issue to run . Distinct odor of rodent for me…
“Green Crime Pays”
“Green Crime: An Electric Car, Wind and Solar Crime Wave
Green energy feeds a cycle of copper theft and environmentalist crime.”
The mind of a thief will seize any opportunity. They were/are cutting the catalytic convertors of of ICE cars as well.
And who – apart from millions – predicted that fat copper wires would go the way of catalytic converters?
And the green unicorn-o-philes?
“The Hoax: an interview with Dr. Neil Frank, former Director, National Hurricane Center”
This video was entered into evidence in the Mann v Steyn case during cross examination:
I had not seen it before but it has been around a long time.
Another video that I have seen a few times was also entered into evidence and reportedly had the jury members smiling:
Mark Steyn could very well go down in history as the person who shook the Climate Change™ edifice until cracks appeared. All the scammers should be looking for cover because there some chance there will be more searching questions after this gets exposed.
It could well be that this case ends up being reported by Australian press. It is the first step in exposing the scam. The ends that the scammers will go to has now bounds because it is God’s work.
Har to understand how a basic law suit can go on for 10+ years, and the defence (Steyn ) has yet to be able to answer the acusations .
Mann also seems unable to provide any proof of financial harm he claims has resulted from the articles in question !
And very annoying to know that even if Steyn wins, he wont be able to recoop his legal costs from Mann even though Manns own 4 lawers are being funded by a “Climate Defence” fund !
Some might think theyare trying to win by financial destruction .
The lightest “bright idea” from the federal govt is to use our Super money to fund Net Zero, similar to the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) (paywalled):
‘Utopia Australia’ has already shown how, and this will be no different! Your super funds will vanish in Govt boondoggles, inefficiency and plain theft before you get your hands on them, and the Govt will use inflation to hide it!
STUDY: New Jersey’s plastic consumption nearly TRIPLED following plastic bag ban
A new study reveals that the use of plastic in New Jersey has increased from 53 million pounds to 151 million pounds since it implemented the plastic bag ban in May 2022.
The study, conducted by market research firm Fredonia Group on Jan. 9, found that the “plastic bag ban” not only failed to curb plastic usage but also backfired four years after its implementation in the state. The research disclosed that plastic consumption at retail checkouts in the Garden State nearly tripled over the years.
The study discovered that consumers rarely reused the required reusable bags that replaced the plastic bags. The study found that most reusable bags in New Jersey are used an average of two to three times, contributing to an overall rise in plastic usage for bags in the state. This trend has led to a paradoxical situation where the increase in plastic usage overshadowed the intended environmental benefits of the bag ban.
Researchers then pointed out that reusable bags are manufactured with 15 to 20 times the amount of plastic used in the now-prohibited single-use plastic bags. The report indicates that for reusable bags to have a net benefit for the environment, they need to be used anywhere from 11 to 59 times. However, this is clearly not the case in New Jersey.
Study proves that “green” and “environmentally friendly” alternatives are worse than plastics.
“Solutions” never work if you don’t factor in human nature…
Thursday funny: welcome to DEI airlines
“May I have your attention. This is the captain. The first officer and I shall be exiting the plane and leaving the flying to the DEI hire midget. We hope you enjoyed your flight. Should you need to repair anything, the woke cabin crew have screwdrivers and drills.”
Thursday birdbrains
That’s a smart crow. I could use one like that.😉
Smarter than most who follow the Adelaide Football Club
Similar for magpies
well the Port supporters are hardly Rhodes scholars…..
British army recruitment ad
…sniper 300m out…”fish in a barrel. lol.”…phut phut…
In this country the ratio of Muslims fighting for ISIS etc v joining the ADF is – shall we say – revealing.
All the ‘Green on Green’ shootings in Afghanistan where the local recently-trained Muslims shot all the foreign soldiers were quite noticeable at the time..
How often did you replay the videos?
The hearing for the terms of reference for the Covid Vaccine Commission is on now:
It appears the Greens support the Covid vaccines.
If you have nothing better to do, this is entertaining and some REALLY concerning evidence.
Starts up again after Lunch at 1.00 pm Sydney time.
For your remedy cabinet –
“Tomato Juice Effectively Kills Salmonella and Other Harmful Bacteria”
Lead in at Instapundit –
“IT SHOULD BE SERVED AT TACO BELL: Tomato Juice Effectively Kills Salmonella and Other Harmful Bacteria. “A study reveals that tomato juice effectively kills Salmonella Typhi and other harmful bacteria, thanks to specific antimicrobial peptides found in tomatoes.”
I wonder about ketchup, salsa, and cocktail sauce on oysters.”
And comments
This European winter has been warm, almost spring like, but to allay the fears of the worry warts there is precedence.
Got skin cancer? Here’s some good news for those of us who have non-melanoma skin cancers such as keratoses, BCC’s and SCC’s. An Aussie resercher Professor Diona Damian, has found good results with a large daily dose (500mg) of nicotinamide (Vit B3.
German MEP, Christine Anderson: The so-called “pandemic” was a beta test—conducted by unelected globalists—to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global “emergency”.
You cannot comply your way out of a tyranny.
They have the knowledge they need for stage 2.
Have you seen the Dr Denis Rancourt videos?
The right to walk Mt Warning, it was there before humans showed up.
New storm cuts Norway in two
The World Council for Health has an Australian branch starting-
” As part of its mission to decentralise real health care and sovereignty to country, community and individual level, the WCH Australia will host a launch as well as other events going forward.
WCH steering committee member Katie Ashby-Koppens said “Globally, the last four years have seen unprecedented restrictions on fundamental human rights, a failure to uphold core legal principles, immunologically illogical public health measures, with both governments and globalists only learning from the opportunity of what to do better next time. All countries have been left in a much worse state, economies under pressure, its populations sicker, more dead and injured than from the virus alone, with medical professionals stripped of their trusted roles of respectfully caring for the individual. It is an incredible honour and privilege to even be in the same sphere as our courageous leadership team, let alone walking beside them”.”