A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Don’t complain about German politicians or you will likely get arrested
How illiberal the West is becoming. The EU has a law that also discourages dissent.
“Government figures” have no honour
The starting point is that all “government figures” should be presumed to be incompetent and corrupt until proven otherwise.
But they were voted into office because they claimed to be competent and of high integrity.
Don’t vote for the b@stards, it only encourages them.
Next election, draw a box on your ballot paper and label it “No lying totalitarian scumbag party” and tick it. 😁
G’day JC II,
The problem I see with that is that it allows an organised minority to take the election in an electorate where the approach is widespread, and that person can potentially have the balance of power in the house.
Would that be the liar from the Lodge?
Well, the Australian Government is working toward a strategy to deal with “fixated” persons i.e. people critical of politicians.
I’m not sure where the following is up to but it’s easy to see how it will get out of control as Australia descends further into dictatorship under the Uniparty.
Iranian popstar who penned anti-regime protest anthem is jailed – and ordered to write a song railing against ‘the USA’s atrocities against humanity’ as punishment
Shervin Hajipour, 27, was jailed more than three years over his song ‘Baraye’
Court issued two-year travel ban and ordered he create a song about ‘US crimes’
Shervin might pen something about “weapons of mass destruction (WMDs)”
Would Blackout Bowen come under the heading of “fixated” person?
Just asking!
“The German Government is increasingly outsourcing the fight against ‘hate’ and the ‘Right’ to non-governmental organisations.
The ‘REspect!’ reporting office receives generous state funding via the ‘Demokratie Leben‘ programme. At the same time, its sole purpose is to file criminal charges for allegedly criminal “online hate online”. … The method used here is more than questionable: the federal Government supports organisations that perform de facto state functions. These organisations, however, operate entirely under private law; principles of equal treatment and the like do not apply to their activities. They can operate with opaque methods and are anything but politically neutral.”
Interesting point- You can pay someone else to take the blame for your totalitarian actions, and with someone else’s money its no problem.
I think it was Mark Twain who stated that politicians are like diapers – must be changed regularly and for the same reason.
Yet another example of how the institutions of the West have become deranged. The pay is £36000 pa about 15% above the average wage.
” The anti-racist officer would join an 11-person team ”
Will all team salaries be £36000 or more? Surely a new member of the team would not get more than existing folks. So, minimum is £432,000.
My thought: The Church of England has more money than they know how to use to save souls — or is there another mission not clear to me?
King Charles III is head of the Church of England
Will be be proclaiming that Jesus H Christ was in fact “Black”!
Really? I did not know Jews were black. But they did spend 50 years as slaves in Babylon. It makes sense. Anyone who can tan is actually black, so that’s most of Southern Europe including the Red Sea Pedestrians.
With BLM and DEI in full swing, black will soon be the new White.
Black Jews are people who are both Black and Jewish.
Some groups which are described as Black Jews include:
African-American Jews
Alliance of Black Jews, a now defunct organization
Black Hebrew Israelites
African Hebrew Israelites in Israel
Black Judaism
Beta Israel, also known as Ethiopian Jews
Cochin Jews or Malabar Jews, a community of Indian Jews
Abayudaya, a Jewish community that lives in Eastern Africa
Igbo Jews, a Jewish community that lives in Western Africa
Lemba people, a Jewish community that lives in Western and Southern Africa
House of Israel (Ghana), a Jewish community that lives in Ghana
It’s still a big jump to claim Jesus Christ was black. And Cleopatra. And the Little Mermaid. And Snow White who had skin as white as snow.
Why can’t white people yell cultural appropriation?
The Babylonian exile was 423BCE to 372BCE. Nebuchadnezzar took 10,000 scholars leaving others to act as labourers in the fields in Israel, which he had conquered. The labourers remained under the reign of the king who Nebuchadnezzar installed (his uncle) Mattaniah/Zedekiah, over the Israelite Kingdom of Judah but they rebelled against Nebuchadnezzar who then crushed the rebellion and then they themselves were sent to exile/slavery. Hence the expression from Psalm 137 “By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, we also wept, when we remembered Zion.” They returned to Israel when Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon.
It was also where most of the Torah was written, the creation of the Israeli identity.
I understand that he was a rainbow serpent?
Hot on the heels of my post above as to the stupidity of the institutions of the West, comes this story from Canada
“Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.”
If Putin and other despots would just wait another year or two the West will just fall apart under the weight of its own contradictions. One of them being that a liberal society can be so Illiberal and despotic.
Putin is the Leader of the Free and Non-Woke World
“Civilian Guns In Russia, Who Knew?”
And Bud Light has lost one billion dollars in sales thanks to their former mentally ill man in a dress PR stunt.
Tennessee bans LGBTetc flags in schools.
Ghana – 3 years jail for LGBT advocacy.
Russia decrees LGBT movement extremist and bans it.
30 other countries criminalise it, and more backlash against these child predators and groomers is growing.
Meanwhile in Australia which as a useful idiot as Prime Minister
Living the dream as President Xi’s Pretty Boy?
The Ministry of State Security (MSS or Guóānbù} is the principal civilian intelligence, security and secret police agency of the People’s Republic of China, responsible for foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, and the political security of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
What does the MMS know about Mr Albanese and his “best mate” Alan Joyce?
It was a very telling moment when the Chinese referred to that person a “Handsome Boy” and to his face.
Once again, science fiction comes true.
Minority Report, 2002.
Mr. Arif Virani, being a Muslim, is very sensitive to hate speech. Let me remind you that Islam is the religion of peace, unless you are a Shia or a Sunni.
Maptram says in part in comment #21 March 3rd.
Interesting questions and observations in the comment #21, especially in view of the recent X-flare activity on the sun and on this occasion, there was hardly any ‘coronal mass ejection’ associated with the flare which is not common. On this occasion the series of three X-flares, were back to back and mainly UV.
The question arises that if these X-flares manifest intense UV, then would the UV burst be detectable on earth or terrestrially, and if intense bursts of UV light from solar storms ‘are’ detectable, then terrestrial weather by the BOM science might kindly attribute that the sun also has it’s own weather that affects us ion earth?
Would it not be utterly cool if the BOM reported on solar weather as well as terrestrial weather?? Especially in view of UV.
The Biggest X-flare Yet Shooting Blanks | Space Weather News 24 February 2024
Dr.Tamitha Skov
According to the BOM, none of this matters. This summer they told the whole country all that matters is El Nino, which is unpredictable. Weather forecasting has never been closer to a religion.
But it’s at least an admission that ocean currents control all climates.
Too bad about the fact that they cannot predict them because all the models are about the behaviour of the air when all the water comes from the oceans and most of the heat, apart from direct solar radiation. In fact the air is such a poor store of energy it can move a whole 20C to 60C in a single day. So the air we experience does not control the weather, it is simple the weather. And studying the air is near useless for the medium to long term as it is a very temporary store of heat and water. The BOM would have to agree.
News from the People’s Republic of Victoriastan
So no surprise that Labor retained the seat of Dunkley (once a safe Liberal seat) when Victorian Liberals are even madder than Labour in China’s province in Australia.
In the last Victorian election the Libs (pretend conservatives) offered even more extreme climate policies than Green Labor.
Pesutto and all Vic Libs are a waste of space.
Carl Sagan summed it up best.
If the people don’t understand the science and ask skeptical questions, then the gubermint runs us.
Very good clip. Agree wholeheartedly.
However I would ask you not to talk about “the” science. There is proven science and there is nonsense. “The” Science in my experience is a nonsense phrase which applies only to Climate Science, a completely fraudulent non science of consensus with skepticism not permitted, even soon to be outlawed by politicians as disinformation.
As Carl Sagan implies, the essential aspect of Rational Science since Descartes is skepticism, the diametric opposite of faith and religion and has the absolute requirement to build knowledge on an unbroken chain of proven facts. And for example no one has proven the essential claim that the 50% increase in CO2 is man made. And it is not, which is proven absolutely.
So Man Made Climate change aka man made Global Warming is not ‘man made’. Even man made CO2 is obviously wrong as CO2 is a constant across the planet! Everyone knows it is 0.042%. How is this possible if CO2 is man made? Why would the CO2 at the South Pole be the same as the CO2 in China?
That may be part of the plan?
I think Vic Libs are quite content to stay in Opposition.
They have good pay and conditions, don’t have to do much, including thinking, and they more or less agree with Government policies.
If in Government they would have to work much harder so it’s better for them to remain a pretend alternative Government. They’re all part of the Uniparty anyway.
Except the pay is better in government and you can hand money to your friends. After a while they get sick of waiting.
Look at Joe Biden. Most of his life a back bencher in the US Senate on $140,000 year top salary. Now even his grandchildren are rich. Obviously very wise investors.
It’s interesting that the Liberals avoid taking the Climate Change is Crap approach of Tony Abbott, the most popular PM in recent history. Both sides of politics accept that we must end the use of coal. Both sides think we should keep exporting to China. And both sides are happy with exporting 10x as much coal as we use and promise that soon it will be 1000X.
It’s the moral equivalent of arms manufacturers. Not our problem. And war is great, as long as it’s somewhere else.
This is pathetic, we have a right to know.
This is not paywalled.
The fact that they are no longer active is no reason not to charge them.
If a serial killer stops killing and therefore becomes ‘no longer active’, is that a reason not to charge them? Opens up all kinds of possibilities.
He was nieve at the time, being quite young as politicians go, so the authorities have dropped the matter to protect other agents.
Probably a brother freemason. Definitely asking for a friend 😉
Both of your comments lead me to believe that Dan Andrews is about to make a return to politics!!
Let’s hope he goes somewhere but not politics…
Daniel Andrews ordered by court to hand over personal phone and credit card records relating to controversial 2013 crash that seriously injured teen cyclist Ryan Meuleman
By Brett Lackey For Daily Mail Australia
00:51 02 Mar 2024, updated 00:58 02 Mar 2024
Sell-out politicians are common:
Pity ASIO doesn’t have the balls to investigate WEF sellouts. That’d keep ’em busy.
Mike Burgess has also said the greatest terrorist threat is right wing supremacy groups. Yes, that’s you and I. Purely and simply another bought and paid for bureaucrat reading from the script or lose a 6 figure salary.
Are you openly admitting to being a right wing supremacy group?
An obvious but malicious misinterpretation. YYY Guy himself said nothing “supremacist”. Are you hoping to confirm your own bias?
Unless you are a leftwinger, that is the assumption.
It must be someone from the left side of politics.
If he or she was from the conservatives, he or she would be named and pursued to the ends of the earth
The fact that are not being named or prosecuted means they are of the Left and/or not white.
Politicians protecting their own kind.
” betrayed the nation after being recruited by foreign spies.”
Signed an employment contract did he? There’s a big gap between shooting your mouth off over a beer and being paid to fill a contract of supplying specific information. It still stinks of a blow-up by ASIO to make themselves look useful.
Latest video from Senator Babet, United Australia Party, 5 mins.
I doubt whether any of the pro-freedom people on this blog would find anything to disagree with what he says.
This is pretty wild:
A movie advocating eco-terrorism. Blowing up pipelines and such.
Amazing how much they are aligned with the uni-bom-er and his manifesto.
Recycling food in the Philipines.
They collect thrown out food from restaurants, sort it, and resell it.
No doubt the Green Labor faction of the Uniparty will make this compulsory for non-Elites in Australia.
It called Pagpag.
Note, this is scraps off people’s plates which were not eaten or partially eaten.
Reminds me of a BBC reality TV show from a good while back: Toughest Place to be a Bus Driver. A London bus driver goes to Manila to try driving a bus there. He billets with a poor family. When he learns of pagpag, he’s full of moral indignation and insists on confronting this woman profiteering by selling scraps to poor people. Turns out she’s a *lot* poorer than they are, and has to scratch together enough to buy medicine for her bedbound husband. Our moral crusader’s indignation gives way to tears.
Manipulative TV to be sure, but great viewing. A show with no baddies; everyone just doing what they can to get by.
Doctor doing his rounds and patient offers him some nuts that are in a jar on his bedside table. The peckish doctor grabs a handful and continues on. Doctor is amazed at how delicious the nuts are so on next ward visit asks if he can have more and gets immediate permission.
By the third visit the Doctor is craving for more of these nuts and tells patient he has to know the brand so he can buy his own supply. Patient identifies them as “Secret Pleasure Chocolate Nuts”. Doctor is immediately confused and points out that they are not chocolate. Patient responds how his cancer radiation treatment made his teeth drop out and he can no longer eat his comfort food, chocolate nuts, so instead he just sucks the chocolate off…
UK Hottest Ever February.
Also 2nd in 366 year CET, missed top slot by rounding error 0.1C.
Whole winter was also near top in CET.
Notrickszone has posted similar stats for Germany’s Feb and winter.
“New figures from the Met Office confirmed last month was the hottest February on record for England and Wales ”
“Also 2nd in 366 year CET, missed top slot by rounding error 0.1C.”
plus or minus 5degrees though…
Seeing their temperatures are such bullshit I start to wonder about their rainfall figures. Are they as hopeless at gathering those?
It’s the CET, the best 3 central sites available. And, as I pointed out elsewhere, the CET came out warmer than the ‘junk’ station assemble to which you refer.
You only have to look at the garden to see it’s been crazy mild, pear buds breaking in the second week of Feb is unprecedented in my lifetime.
Argue about the cause/significance, but don’t just refuse to accept reality indicated by multiple sources.
Agreed, it must be the Hunga Tonga Hunga eruption, its sort of unprecedented, all that extra H2O in the stratosphere.
And as by far the strongest, the almost only greenhouse gas, invisible H2O vapour in the stratosphere would increase night time temperatures as well as rainfall. Plus at those latitudes has a better chance of crossing the equator and missing the gyres at lower altitude which would keep the vapour in the Southern Hemisphere. This would make for a more tropical weather system from Australia to the UK. Which is what has happened.
How many billion tonnes of saltwater, ash, soot, CO2 and sulphur were launched into the stratosphere.
Its not easy to get a precise answer, however it supposedly ‘released more water vapour into the stratosphere than any other volcano on record.’ Its the most potent greenhouse gas when in the stratosphere.
It’s the most potent greenhouse gas because is has such a wide window in the IR area. And because normal humidity is 1% to 4%, so in concentration up to 100x almost universal CO2 content.
I was intrigued with the CO2 Coalition results in Wyoming because the nights were warmer. This is what CO2 would do if the nights were very low humidity. Extra CO2 warming is so small it should only be noticeable at night in a very dry climate. The very slow and steady almost linear CO2 increase is real. 50% over 250 years is not a hockey stick. But that does not mean the CO2 increase is man made.
Increased w after vapour in the stratosphere would presumably raise the emission level. However it might not affect the water vapour emission at the TOA because the stratosphere is isothermal.
How long can the increased water vapour last in the stratosphere before it precipitates out and returns to earth?
From NoTricksZone
Germany’s DWD national weather service reports that the country saw it’s third warmest winter on record (since 1881) and the 13th warmer than normal winter in a row.
The very warm winter was in most part due to the prevailing westerly weather pattern, which persisted through most of the winter and brought in rain fronts from over the warm Atlantic. The colder northerly and easterly winds were seldom (seen).
It appears that the UK has had roughly the same weather as Germany, along with a lunatic electricity generation policy.
Warm winds in winter in Germany are not a problem – it is no wind at all.
In Jan -Feb 2017 there was a five week period of continuous very low winds at a time when solar power is also extemely low.
It was fossil fuels and some nuclear energy that saved the day.
The last nuclear reactors were shut down in 2023.
When we were living in Germany, on the northish side of Hanover, the winter seemed often to be long, cold, cloudy/foggy and windless. Marvellous for W and S. Sarc…
We did have great coke boilers in the cellar though, with big radiators everywhere in the house.
‘ …no wind at all.’
That was caused by blocking high pressure.
“Drugs, Diseases, & Keto”
Saw an ABC breakfast news item last week reporting on shortage of diabetes drugs in Australia and the issue was attributed to compounding pharmacists who were using them for weight loss drugs.
Your article link sent me on search for that item and in its place found this ABC one reporting on TGA raid just last week of Melbourne compounding pharmacist. Seems we are in the midst of a pretty major issue as far as diabetics are concerned.
Salad dodgers 1, diabetics nil.
“”Consumers need to understand that the safety of compounded medicines are not assessed by the TGA, and they are not subject to the same controls over the quality or efficacy of the goods when compared with medicines approved for supply in Australia.””
Lol!! That fills me with confidence! The same people who jammed mRNA vaxxes on us are worried about the dangers of compounding chemists! I know who I’d trust!
Morning all,
A vitamin D update.
Firstly, a new John Campbell video I came upon yesterday. Another 67minute interview of Dr David Grimes which I found interesting, if a bit long:
Secondly, some of my blood test results, including my latest which shows mine heading down towards my target of 200 nmol/Litre. (Repeated to test two approaches to achieve reasonable spacing – blanks and full stops.)
Date 16/3/22 29/9/22 20/7/23 18/1/24
Nmol/L 191 285 270 237
D/day 10000 12000 10000-8000 8000
….. V 2
I’d basically settled on 10,000 IU/ day and nearly achieved my target of 200 nmol/L when the lockdown in NSW was lifted so I increased my intake to 12,000 ( 6 capsules twice a day ) in the expectation of increased exposure. I’m now maintaining the 8,000 per day, at least until my next blood test. I emphasise that my reduction in intake is not, repeat not, because of any adverse reaction (at least no reaction that I’m aware of) but because I think 200 is adequate.
Dave B
Within reason!
Thanks MrGN, but I think that’s a fear mongering article rather than medically or scientifically useful. Not one useful number present.
Reminds me of an article I read some time back – don’t think I’d be able to find the link now – in which it was claimed that the dangerous intake level was … wait for it … 40,000 to 100,000 IU per day! Much higher than my maximum intake.
I’ve not seen any reference to the maximum amount a lab can measure to. Have you?
My doc didn’t warn me of any any potential problem even when he saw my peak number, but I did tell him I was only targeting 200 nmol/L.
Found it!
And a different man, who survived ( same source ):
” The man had been taking a cocktail of more than 20 over-the-counter supplements every day, including a whopping 150,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D — almost 400 times higher than the recommended daily dose, according to the report published today in BMJ Case Reports. ”
Dave B
Sorry, fat finger, remove red and see green.
If Tucker Was Advising a Politician, This Is the First Thing He’d Do
Different strokes –
“All Hail the Prison State!”
FWIW – more covid via Canada
“The Trudeau Panic was real: Canadian spy suspect Qiu led WIV’s “synthetic bat filovirus” project with Wuhan Institute’s Vice-Director”
News you needed (/s)
“CDC Tells People 65 And Older To Take More COVID-19 Booster Shots”
LOL. I’m age 71 years and have not had the ‘Virus Crisis’ Jabs/Boosters or contracted the virus (not that I know of).
I’ll stick to my daily ration of red wine thanks.
“‘Very Bizarre’: Scientists Expose Major Problems With Climate Change Data”
From the Zerohedge article:
In Australia, slight cooling caused by staged development of irrigation in agricultural regions such as Rutherglen is regarded as a bias which must be removed by homogenisation. Nearby weather stations however, all showed the same “bias” so unbiased stations up to 500km away had to be used to deliver the real unbiased warming trend.
AI-generated short film (‘Capitol of Conformity’) offers a disturbing glimpse into the nightmarish dystopian world our self-appointed technocratic overlords at the World Economic Forum and elsewhere would love to impose upon us if we allow them to.
The cyberverse awaits.
Long before AI
Metropolis is a 1927 German expressionist science-fiction silent film directed by Fritz Lang
Metropolis is set in a futuristic urban dystopia and follows the attempts of Freder, the wealthy son of the city master, and Maria, a saintly figure to the workers, to overcome the vast gulf separating the classes in their city and bring the workers together with Joh Fredersen, the city master.
Klaus Schwab no doubts sees himself as the “city master”.
A reconstruction of the longer original version can be found here:
Metropolis in in my archive. 😎
Quote from Ayn Rand, The Roots of War, in Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal, 1966.
Interesting Site
What is the voice from Russia?
In this trilingual blog, Peter Hanseler, a Swiss living in Moscow, reports on geopolitical and geo-economic issues.
Peter Hanseler differs from mainstream journalists in that he looks at and evaluates issues from a Western as well as an Eastern perspective – and thus also writes about topics that are predominantly not reported on in the West. Since he is a journalist, editor and publisher in one person on this blog, he is not subject to the influence of an editorial office or a publisher.
Peter Hanseler is politically and journalistically independent, does not pursue any commercial activities in Russia and does not receive any funding from the state or other organisations. The blog is free of charge for readers. Donations are welcome.
Peter Hänseler has been living in Moscow again for three years for private and cultural reasons. Before that, he lived in Switzerland, the US, Spain and Thailand.
About Peter Hanseler
Peter Hanseler, born in 1964, studied law at University of Zurich law school (lic. iur.) and then worked there as a research assistant for Prof. Heinrich Honsell, Professor of Roman Law and Contract Law.
After obtaining his doctorate in business law (Dr. iur.), he worked as a trainee at the District Court of Hinwil and as a trainee lawyer at the law firm Bär & Karrer in Zurich.
After being admitted to the bar in the Canton of Zurich, he completed a master’s degree in American law (LL.M.) at Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.). He then worked as an associate for Townley & Updike in New York City.
After returning to Switzerland, he worked as an associate for the law firm Bär & Karrer in Zurich. He then worked as a member of the executive board at the Marc Rich Group in Zug, where he was responsible, among other things, for the real estate business in Russia.
He then founded the PHI Group, which managed real estate projects in Russia. Since the sale of this group in 2011, Peter Hanseler has been in charge of Zürcher Immobilien AG.
He speaks German, English and Russian and lives in Moscow, the city he loves. He is a passionate walker.
As an F1 fan things become interesting!
Verstappen, a former Formula One driver, manages his son’s career, alongside Raymond Vermuelen, and has been a regular in Red Bull’s inner sanctum, known for his keen eye for identifying talent.
However, the three-times married father of five is no stranger to controversy himself. After a 1998 fight at a go-kart track, Verstappen was issued with a five-year non-custodial sentence by a Belgian court. “Verstappen was found guilty of fracturing the victim’s skull,” assistant public prosecutor Cedric Stuyck told the Reuters news agency in 2000.
In 2008, Verstappen was then reportedly hit with a three-month suspended sentence for threatening Sophie Kumpen, who is Max’s mother, and violating a previously-issued restraining order.
In November 2011, Verstappen denied allegations he assaulted an unnamed 24-year-old girlfriend in a hotel room in Venlo, Holland.
In January 2012, he was arrested for attempted murder following claims that he drove a car into his ex-girlfriend in the Dutch city of Roermond. He was released after two weeks in jail when the charge was withdrawn because of a lack of evidence.
Despite launching his attack, Verstappen denies playing a role in leaking the text messages allegedly sent between Horner and the female claimant that were sent via anonymous email last Thursday.
Verstappen, who Telegraph Sport revealed had a close relationship with the complainant, was seen meeting Horner on Thursday in what was their first public appearance together since the allegations had first surfaced.
From the Comments
– Nice bloke makes Horner sound like an angel
– What a thoroughly nasty man Jos Verstappen is. What kind of father would make his son choose between the man who made his career by providing him with a team and car to win the WDC and himself? Personally, I think Verstappen Snr is wildly jealous of Horner and wants to destroy him. It is rumoured that he had a “relationship” with the woman who brought the charges and I think it pretty short odds that he is responsible for leaking the messages. Let’s now see what Verstappen Jnr is made of if his father doesn’t succeed in ousting Horner from Red Bull.
He Got Bored. Built an Empire. Then Cracked the Formula for the World’s Fastest Sport.
Dietrich Mateschitz never intended to build a Formula One world champion. Then again, he never intended to build a global energy-drink empire either.
He pulled off both unlikely feats because of the same basic impulse: He was bored.
As a marketing executive in his native Austria, Mateschitz traveled the world in the early 1980s hawking toothpaste, detergent and women’s cosmetics for a German company. He was stuck in a rut, fast approaching 40 and tired of life on the corporate treadmill. “All I could see was the same gray airplanes, the same gray suits, the same gray faces,” Mateschitz said.
Mateschitz was desperate for a way out of his monochrome nightmare. His escape route would eventually lead him into the Technicolor fantasy land of the world’s most popular motor racing series. What began with Mateschitz popularizing an energy drink called Red Bull in the 1980s, turned into a marketing revolution in the 1990s, and finally a disruptive Formula One team in the 2000s that would make the Red Bull name synonymous with F1 greatness.
Since the 1950s, Formula One has stood as the pinnacle of motor sports, a global series in which 20 of the world’s most sophisticated race cars now go wheel-to-wheel along winding tracks in glamorous locales from Monaco to Singapore. Its history was written by the likes of Ferrari, Mercedes and McLaren—companies that used the sport as a showcase for their engineering prowess.
But in barely two decades, a circuit dominated by those automotive giants and watched by more than 1.5 billion viewers per season was taken over by an outfit that had never before built a combustion engine.
As Intro says – Long read but interesting
Even Yahoo Sport has taken it up!
Jos Verstappen: The tough-love father convicted of assault now taking on Christian Horner
Asked AI Gemini for it’s view on the Article!
Jos Verstappen: A Controversial Figure in F1
The article discusses Jos Verstappen, father of Red Bull driver Max Verstappen, and his dual role:
a shrewd manager and a figure with a checkered past.
Key Points:
. Jos, a former F1 driver, manages Max’s career alongside Raymond Vermuelen.
. In 1998, he received a suspended sentence for assault at a go-kart track.
. In 2008, he was given another suspended sentence for threatening his ex-wife.
. Jos denies assaulting a girlfriend in 2011 and an attempted murder charge in 2012 (later dropped).
Despite these controversies, Jos recently met with Red Bull team principal Christian Horner.
The Controversy:
The article hints at a potential connection between Jos and the recent leak of text messages allegedly involving Horner.
. Jos denies involvement.
. He reportedly had a close relationship with the woman involved in the Horner allegations.
Overall, the article paints a complex picture of Jos Verstappen.
He’s a successful manager but has a history of violence.
His recent meeting with Horner raises questions about his possible role in the ongoing scandal.
Max Verstappen: Generations of Verstappen Criminal Violence & Assault
Dec 9, 2021
The story of the long history of criminal violent conduct, in @MaxVerstappen1 Max Verstappen’s family dating back several generations to his father Jos Verstappen and his late grandfather, Frans Verstappen.
How the corrosive influence of the serial abuser, Jos, has impacted Max and could ultimately damage @Formula1 if Lewis Hamilton @lewishamilton wins this year’s championship decider in Abu Dhabi. Max has been moulded and mentored by his father, who has a long history of criminal violent conduct.
In 2000, Jos and Frans were found guilty of serious assault for which they were both given five year suspended jail sentences.
In 2008, Jos was charged with assaulting his first wife (Sophie Kumpen), Max’s mum, while they were separated. He was found guilty of threatening her in text messages and of violating a previously issued restraint order. He was fined and sentenced to three months suspended prison sentence and probation.
In 2012, he was charged with the attempted murder of an ex-girlfriend, but was subsequently released after the charge was withdrawn.
In 2016, Max’s then 44 year old father reportedly beat up Max’s 69 year old grandfather, who died three years later.
In 2017, the 45 year old Jos Verstappen was arrested after a night club brawl
This serial abuser, repeatedly abused Max as well.
This could be the root of Max’s anger and aggression which could possibly erupt if Lewis Hamilton wins the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
I can’t remember if it was on this blog, but recently a Swiss guy was saying how Aus was being run into the ground, by rampant bureaucracy, and how Switzerland has some sort of commission, that every once in a while decides how many bureaucrats they need! How come we’ve never heard of that before??
Basically people are employed for life, to do something, that should be done with in a short time.
Anyway I watched a long interview with the guy how founded Blackwater, and who was driven out of business by the Military Industrial Complex, and their political stooges, because they were gouging into the profits. Big time. It is a great 2.00hr interview, that really hones in to the bureaucratic waste at 0.39.20. Monopoly kickbacks and government inefficiencies. It really does help to be able to see things X1.5, or 2!
While varying between each Swiss Canton, the average Swiss worker paid about 18 per cent in income tax in 2022, compared to the Australian average of 26.9 per cent.
Rudolf said the Swiss government gets more done with the lower tax figure because it doesn’t have a ‘burgeoning bureaucracy’.
Rudolf explained that the government cuts any jobs that are no longer needed to help limit the amount of spending.
‘Every 10 years, the government reviews how many jobs we have and really need – if they don’t (need them), we close the department,’ he said in the video.
The routine cuts come from the general Swiss scepticism of government, forcing it to achieve higher standards of governing or face being ousted.
‘We trust them to do certain things, but we watch them,’ Rudolf said.
He also noted the Australian government shouldn’t need to charge its citizens such high taxes as it has large industries that should instead drop tax rates.
‘Australia is a rich country, you have coal, gas, oil and wheat,’ he said.
‘You just have to get better management.’
The video attracted numerous comments from Australians who pined for Swiss tax rates.
‘We can do well to listen to what people do in the rest of the world. It’s an eye opener,’ one user wrote.
‘God how Australia needs this,’ a second wrote.
Australia is addicted to public spending. The people see it as free. It is deeply rooted into our thinking. And they will vote for it.
A bit simplistic in terms of Swiss tax. You are taxed on your “total fortune” wherever it exists, they need to be careful what they wish for. Having said that there is competition between Cantons (States) to attract high nett worth individuals and corporates.
There was a maximum amount of tax you paid in Switzerland, which made it a popular place for billionaires, but I don’t know if that is still applied.
Real Democracy in Action
Federal referendums were held in Switzerland on 13 February, 15 May and 25 September 2022. Swiss referendums take three forms: popular initiatives, which are citizen proposals to create a new law and require 100,000 valid signatures on a petition to get on the ballot; facultative or optional referendums, which are citizen proposals to approve or reject a piece of existing law and require 50,000 valid signatures on a petition to get on the ballot; and mandatory referendums, which are required to revise the constitution, join an international organization or introduce emergency federal legislation for over a year.
For example, four referendums were held on 13 February, including two popular initiatives; “Yes to the ban on animal and human experiments”, and “Yes to protecting children and young adults from tobacco advertising”. The other two were on the Amendment of the Federal Act on Stamp Duties and Federal Act on a Package of Measures to Benefit the Media.
“join an international organization” such as the UN, WHO etc?
Far more worthwhile than the $450 million wasted in Australia by the useful idiot PM to appease phoney “Aboriginal” marxist activists who seek to divide and conquer.
Even the welded on former MP and Labor Cabinet Minister “Richo”, Graham Richardson, has commented a couple of times on Sky that the referendum was a big mistake.
And this is a country that didn’t allow women to vote in national elections until 1971.
“SCIENCE!!!!! Uncovers the Mystery that People May Have Mixed Feelings About their Dietary Choices”
“The cosmic climate mystery is solved!”
“Very interesting video on problems with unexpected solutions, but I would like to point to the short section from 42:30 to 47:10. The speaker is asked how he comes up with novel solutions to engineering problems and responds with a discussion of mentation differences between pre-internet minds and current internet educated minds. I think he makes some VERY good points about former inventors carrying a large amount of “inboard” mental data vs more recent “why memorize what I can look up on the internet” thinking.
link: ”
Global cooling is going to kill us all
Thanks professor, do you honestly think it has been caused by CO2?
Global cooling is definitely a killer, but periods of natural global warming such as the Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval warm periods have been hugely beneficial for mankind and the advance of civilisation. Beautiful weather means excellent agricultural output and less motivation for war and more time to participate in activities to advance civilisation.
We need more warm periods.
Yet Childen will never see Snow!
California Digs Out From Blizzard, Prepares for More Snow
More snow is headed to northern California this week, on the heels of a powerful blizzard that dumped more than 60 inches over parts of the Sierra Nevada mountains.
The blizzard began Thursday and grew in intensity until Sunday, when its winds and snowfall lessened. However, a second system could bring rain and more snowfall by Monday night, the National Weather Service said.
The storm forced the closure of a major freeway in northern California, knocked out power to thousands of homes and businesses and shut down several ski resorts.
In Donner Pass, the 3-day snowfall measured roughly 60 inches, said David Roth, a forecaster with the National Weather Service. Homewood Mountain Resort, in the Lake Tahoe area, reported a 3-day total of 87 inches.
Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue declares Al Gore ‘is a fraud’ for blaming heavy Sierra snow on ‘climate chaos’
That merely shows some recent warming. It says nothing about the causes, or the future “cooling (which) is going to kill us all”.
That graph covers forty five years of “something” in a system which has had several cycles of one hundred thousand years where world temperatures moved through a range that created vast ice fields and then melted them.
You could make an ice cube in the fridge in about an hour. It would all be melted in an hour. Small cycle that even the algorithm could understand.
The world cycle takes about eighty thousand years to make an ice cube and over fifteen thousand years to melt it.
The next big freeze may be a thousand years away but the astronomic detail says it will get here eventually.
When are the conservatives, WORLD WIDE , going to call for Hamas to unconditionally surrender!! That’ll bring about an immediate ceasefire as well as guaranteeing peace for at least the next 10 years!
Israel wants a ceasefire more than Hamas wants it, but Hamas will need to surrender to bring it about.
If surrender is not possible the Palestinians will have to carry the burden of warfare!
How does one follow the other? Hamas is just waiting for conservatives (whoever they are) to say some words and then they will immediate do what they say?
Such a simple solution. Why did no one try it already?
Good question Gee Aye. Why did the world allow a terrorist group to launch an attack involving rape, murder and naked psycho glee and take 200+ hostages, and not demand the hostages be returned immediately and the Hamas leaders surrendered to an international court? Why did the world not pressure Gaza to do this from day one and every single day thereafter? Why does the UN actively break the siege, fuel the hate, foster grievances, and generally do all it can to make sure the terrorists can hide under civilian targets and “negotiate” as if they have any moral right to ask for anything? The UN Acts like it wants to keep the people of Gaza trapped in this self-defeating hate-filled, unproductive and miserable state forever.
Why doesn’t the UN pressure other Arab nations with similar cultures to allow the immigration of people from Gaza? Why does the UN allow the poor children of Gaza to be raised to cheer with joy at murder and rape thus setting them up to spend their lives in useless victimhood. If Gazans deserve to be recognised as a country why does not one expect them to act like “a country” — to produce something of value to export, to create civil rules and order, to teach their children responsibility instead of victimhood?
Would the UN benefit from solving the Palestinian situation, or do they benefit by keeping it running as an open sore? Are the UN using the babies of Gaza to justify the UN’s existence?
If Hamas were accused of starving and putting their own children at risk (which they are), they might have to give up the hostages.
The UN enables Hamas to continue to hold hostages in a war crime.
Beautifully said Jo. ❤
I assume you meant Hamas and not Gaza. You can’t pressure a bunch of buildings and roads.
Absolutely the efforts of world leaders have not been sufficiently strident and the situation since early October has gone on for too long.
Anyway – what you wrote has merit whereas this is a bunch of nonsense
After the war Kuwait expelled Palestinians living in the country in what is known as the Palestinian exodus from Kuwait (1990–91). Palestinians were fired from government jobs and expelled from educational institutions. The Palestinian population shrunk from 400 thousand to 20 thousand.
Other Muslim countries know that Palestinians are bad news driven by hatred.
“Are the UN using the babies of Gaza to justify the UN’s existence?”
Ok, I’ll mention the Emperor’s outfit.
When you construct a political power base based on victimhood, you need a perpetual supply of victims to maintain power.
You also need a steady supply of victimizers.
If your twisted logic has looped around to the point that you must identify your own kind as historical victimizers, you must adjust your finger pointing accordingly.
I would also like to say …
the constant moralizing about historical victimization is so tiring.
The Founding Fathers of my soon to be former Republic, had this figured.
Everybody (this is the law of all creatures) has a preexisting natural right to worship, think and speak freely.
And the right to defend themselves.
Stick to these two principles and the victim/victimizers equation sorts itself.
This happens regardless of anyone’s moral opinion about who is ‘right’.
Always has.
Always will.
Well said, Honk.
A great outline Jo.
Focus must be on the immediate event , October the seventh.
Hamas doesn’t need to formally surrender. All they need to do is publicly put down their weapons and declare a one-sided ceasefire. If the Israelis fired a single shot after that, Hamas has won the PR war.
But of course Hamas actually wants the bloodshed to continue, along with their controllers in Iran. They want more Palestinians to die, especially children, because that’s the whole point of Oct. 7th – to goad Israel into attacking Gaza, whereupon the left’s media machine would leap into action, whipping up pro-Palestinian protests and support around the world.
So, for Iran and Hamas, it’s ‘so far, so good’.
Do you ever wonder why it’s impossible for the Victorian Liberals (pretend conservatives) to win office? And this applies to Libs throughout Australia.
They have essentially the same anti-energy as the other Uniparty faction.
The commies want Nut Zero by 2050 but the slightly-less-commies want a 50% reduction by 2030.
Is that only for electricty or does it include petrol, diesel CO2 and methane emissions from cow farts?
The Beginning Of The End Of Democracy in QLD?????? This states that these nominees are AUTOMATICALLY ELECTED and that voters in these electorates are not”Required” to vote, the fact is that that they are denied the OPPORTUNITY to vote, as the subject polling booths will NOT be opened! In the case of Morton Bay, this means that 40.5% of the population are effectively disenfranchised and denied a vote! There should at the very least be a vote taken to accept or refuse the appointment at the will of the electorate as a whole. In My opinion this appointment WITHOUT at the very least a confirming vote is a total denial of the principal of “One Vote, One Value”
terrible that they don’t have “None of the above” on every voting form!
How China Is Churning Out EVs Faster Than Everyone Else
Zeekr, an EV venture from decades-old auto giant Geely, can develop vehicles from scratch in as fast as 24 months. It rapidly releases different models ranging from SUVs, multipurpose vehicles, and hatchbacks that all share manufacturing and digital architecture with other Geely brands such as Polestar and Smart.
Backed by generous government stimulus policies, China now sells the most EVs in the world. Its carmakers are heavily customer focused, emphasizing software and digital technology, from driver-assistance functions to in-car entertainment.
The slowdown in demand for EVs—even in China—is spurring Chinese carmakers to constantly update and release new models. Cars launched last year contributed to 90% of China’s passenger-car sales growth, according to the country’s passenger-car association.
Because Chinese buyers tend to prefer new or recently released cars, the cars have a short shelf life. Domestic EV makers offer models for sale for an average of 1.3 years before they are updated or refreshed, compared with 4.2 years for foreign brands, according to an analysis by consulting firm AlixPartners.
In a reversal of industry convention, many global carmakers are now looking to learn from Chinese rivals. Tesla’s Elon Musk and Ford chief executive Jim Farley have both said their biggest future threats will be Chinese. Volkswagen and Nissan are adopting some Chinese ways to be speedier.
The World Is in for Another China Shock
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the U.S. and the global economy experienced a “China shock,” a boom in imports of cheap Chinese-made goods that helped keep inflation low but at the cost of local manufacturing jobs.
A sequel might be in the making as Beijing doubles down on exports to revive the country’s growth. Its factories are churning out more cars, machinery and consumer electronics than its domestic economy can absorb. Propped up by cheap, state-directed loans, Chinese companies are glutting foreign markets with products they can’t sell at home.
China is also a much larger economy than it was, accounting for more of the world’s manufacturing. It had 31% of global manufacturing output in 2022, and 14% of all goods exports, according to World Bank data. Two decades earlier China’s share of manufacturing was less than 10% and of exports less than 5%.
“The balance of China’s impact on global prices is tilting even more clearly in a disinflationary direction,” said Thomas Gatley, China strategist at Gavekal Dragonomics.
A different sort of China shock
A sequel of sorts appears to be under way.
China’s economy expanded 5.2% last year, a subdued rate by its standards, and is expected to slow further as a drawn-out real-estate crunch crushes investment and consumers rein in spending. Capital Economics, a consulting firm, thinks annual growth will slow to around 2% by 2030. Beijing is seeking to engineer an economic turnaround by plowing money into factories, especially for semiconductors, aerospace, cars and renewable-energy equipment, and selling the resulting surplus abroad.
Deflation in China
But weak demand and overcapacity means Chinese producer prices have been falling for 16 months, led by consumer and durable goods, food products, metals and electrical machinery.
That disinflationary impulse is showing up around the world.
The price of U.S. imports from China fell 2.9% in January from a year earlier, while the price of imports from the European Union, Japan and Mexico all rose.
China is exporting deflation and this will have a negative impact on US and European manufacturers.
Donald said he would put a huge tariff on Chinese cars, even if they are put together in Mexico, its the only way to save jobs.
” huge tariff on Chinese cars, even if they are put together in Mexico, its the only way to save jobs.”
Yeah, riiiight… How did that work with pouring billions into Ford and Holden for years?
Govts should be banned from touching anything in the economy, let the free market rule!
Sounds like a good strategy to bury your mistakes and just repeat them with a different wrapper.
We Asked ChatGPT How the Government Could FAKE a PANDEMIC: and it Told us EXACTLY How They DID
We asked ChatGPT a simple question. “Describe how Governments could fake a pandemic”, What it replied is truly shocking. Although it begins by saying this is ‘hypothetical’, what follows could be a blow-by-blow account of what we witnessed in 2020.
Manufacturing a False Narrative: The government initiates a campaign to fabricate evidence of a deadly virus outbreak. This could involve creating false reports of outbreaks in various regions, fabricating medical data, and manipulating laboratory results to suggest the existence of a new pathogen.
Media Manipulation: State-controlled media outlets are utilized to disseminate alarming reports about the supposed pandemic. Sensationalized headlines, fabricated stories of victims, and expert testimonies provided by government-affiliated scientists lend credibility to the narrative.
Imposing Quarantine Measures: To simulate a genuine response to a pandemic, the government imposes quarantine measures in affected areas. Travel restrictions, lockdowns, and mass quarantines are implemented to give the appearance of a widespread health crisis.
Falsifying Healthcare Data: Healthcare facilities are instructed to falsify patient records, inflating the number of cases and deaths attributed to the fabricated virus. Medical personnel may be coerced or incentivized to comply with the deception, and independent verification of data is suppressed.
Manufacturing and Distributing Counterfeit Treatments: The government produces counterfeit pharmaceuticals purported to treat the fictitious virus. These counterfeit medications are distributed to the public as part of a purported effort to combat the pandemic, further reinforcing the illusion of a genuine health crisis.
ChatGPT – how do we destroy the WEF?😁
UK Telegraph: ‘The American revolt against green energy has begun’ – There’s no such thing as a wind or solar ‘farm’, just an ugly industrial site
Biden DEI push is weakening the Diplomatic Security Service
By Washington Examiner
The vast majority of DSS agents, analysts, engineers, and other technical officers are serving with skill and courage at home and abroad. They do so with little fanfare and often with insufficient gratitude from the foreign service officers they protect. Unfortunately, these people are being failed by an upper management that cares more about treating itself to expensive junkets and fixing the Biden administration’s diversity, equity, and inclusion habit.
That’s the conclusion that must follow from the Washington Examiner’s latest reporting on DSS.
In new reporting this week, one of our writers documented the oft-absurd lengths to which DSS leaders are going in order to keep themselves and their Biden administration bosses happy.
These efforts include allowing biologically male agent trainees to identify as female so as to enable them to pass courses under female qualification standards. They include allowing “nonbinary” agent trainees to avoid otherwise mandatory search training in deference to their identity politics. They include numerous domestic trips that reek of junkets for the brass rather than of efforts to boost the recruitment of the best. All of this is happening even as younger agents are forced to carry the unfair burden of undesirable assignments and overtime work because higher-ranking agents prefer the easy gigs.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Other problems are far more serious.
CNN Appears on the Verge of an Epic Collapse
CNN has been desperately treading water for years now. The former king of cable news has been bleeding ratings for years, with Fox News typically topping all the networks night after night. CNN still fancies itself the “most trusted name in news,” yet, even former CEO Chris Licht admitted last year that that trust — assuming at one point they actually had it — is long gone and they need to restore it. He didn’t last long.
The problem, of course, is that CNN claims to be fair and without bias, yet anti-conservative views have long been part of its DNA, as the network’s on-air talent routinely bases its reports on Democratic Party talking points. Even token conservatives on the network are a joke, and sound more like liberal pundits.
The struggling network is now desperately trying to get out of its death spiral, and step one is to cut costs by axing the remaining big name talents who have extremely large salaries.
As Jeremy Clarkson would say:
The CNN trio won’t be happy, but:
Oh, FFS, they’re still out there….
I am at the supermarket and I just saw someone pick up one of the baskets one uses for a small number of items and he took one of the complimentary santising wipes to wipe the handle before he picked it up.
And they vote….
At least he wasn’t wearing a mask…
Never underestimate the intelligence of your fellow human beings.
Canberra is full of them.
I heard on the grapevine that the person who the Government refuses to name or prosecute as a spy has a first name Sam….and he was already in trouble over a donations scandal with a hostile foreign power years ago when he was in Parliament.
He was described in 2017 by the former head of strategic analysis at the Office of National Assessment as an “agent of influence”.
He is both non-white (Caucasian but brownish) and Left wing so he is exempt from prosecution or naming on both counts. Talk about privilege!
It seems he is denying that it was him.
The alleged spy is Sam Dastyari.
“Looking Back at the ‘Unmarked Graves’ Social Panic of 2021”
Seems to remind me of something
I am still amazed to read the news and get
Anthony Albanese will unveil a $2bn investment facility as the centrepiece of Australia’s plans to underpin
the clean-energy transition and better infrastructure in Southeast Asia.
So while earning all our money from exporting CO2, we are using that to buy Chinese windmills and solar panels in the hope that we sell electricity to everyone? Are the cables long enough? It shows what happens when you let communist politicians run the energy system.
What’s ‘dirty’ about coal and gas? It’s how we pay the bills.
And the governemnt still pushes the other line
Australia is set to become a renewable energy superpower. This is thanks to vast solar and wind resources, and an abundance of rare earth and other minerals. These resources make us an ideal destination for investors who want to export renewable energy.
But how do you export renewable energy?
Perhaps we can use ethane and remove all the carbon and bury it and sell hydrogen? I find it all just nonsense. But if Dr. Twiggy Forest says its real science, who can disagree? He has a PhD now in Marine Biology. All we need now is Dr. Tim Flannery to say again in his professional opinion as a dead wombat specialist ‘the technology is straightforward’.