A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I was thinking about the Climate Emergency, advances in genetic engineering, and the fact that agriculture is a threat to our existence.
Perhaps a benevolent billionaire or three, could embark on scientific quest to alter our species as to end our threatening nature, which was an unforgivable mistake on nature’s part.
A little gene splicing here and there and we could develop giant mouths with baleen type structures that would allow us to wonder the Earth filtering insects from the air like whales filter krill.
We could also engineer anthro ant eater snouts.
Making insects the focus of our existence and desire.
I am about using Science for solutions.
‘wonder’ should read ‘wander’
I blame spell check.
The Tastiest Bugs
“Dragonflies can apparently taste like crab”
“Cicadas can be cooked up to taste like popcorn”
But Honk, the WOKE Greens have such huge mouths wouldn’t we see a reduction in insects already?
‘Like the flip of a switch, it’s gone’: has the ecosystem of the UK’s largest lake collapsed?
Lough Neagh’s flies were seen as a nuisance. Now their sudden disappearance is a startling omen for a lake that supplies 40% of Northern Ireland’s water.
Clothes left out on a washing line “would be covered in them”, Coney says. So would any windshield on a vehicle travelling around the lough’s 90-mile shoreline. Conservationists marvelled at their courtship dances, hovering above treetops.
Last spring the flies never arrived. “This is the first year ever that, if you walked up to the Cross of Ardboe or the area around there, you’d find there’s no flies,” Coney says.
Where are all the insects going? Globally…
Bugs have all bugged off! This could only be attributed to one or two reasons, climate change OR Donald Trump!
It has already been sorted.
According to a new U.N. report, the global warming outlook is much worse than originally predicted.
Which is pretty bad when they originally predicted it would destroy the planet.
Jay Leno
Yesterday, a group of scientists warned that because of global warming, sea levels will rise so much that parts of New Jersey will be under water.
The bad news?
Parts of New Jersey won’t be under water.
Conan O’Brien
German printpaper 1986
Still waitung for 😀
Thank heavens it’s Saturday and we can move away from that thread on motion sickness; it made me feel sick.
All my childhood experiences with cars and trains.
Eventually the mind body/sensory system works it all out but in the meantime there’s a strong desire to throw it out until it’s sorted.
From “the only correct opinion is the woke one that I already hold” department (Canadian branch)
― Larry Flynt, Hustler publisher.
― Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla and owner of Twitter.
― Laurent “Riss” Sourisseau, Charlie Hebdo cartoonist.
French cartoonist Riss survived a deadly 2015 terrorist attack on the satirical and sometimes controversial newspaper Charlie Hebdo and is a 2018 Free Expression Awards honoree.
I don’t know if anyone here has sat through the latest climate debunking film?
It’s good that this type of pushback is occurring.
It’s a control thing and the CO2 scare has no connect with scientific reality.
If it annoys the UK Guardian newspaper it must be a good thing.
“The decision taken on Monday by the court of appeal to, in effect, find in favour of the attorney general, the Conservative government’s premier legal officer, has removed a defence for climate protesters that had been available on the statute books since 1971.
Known as the “consent” defence, it allowed defendants on trial for criminal damage to argue that they honestly believed the owner of the property targeted would have consented if they had known of the damage and its circumstances.”
A surprising development in the People’s Republic of Victoriastan
The latest report on Global Warming:
“Mongolia is freezing through its harshest winter in half a century with extreme conditions killing more than 4.7 million animals and threatening the livelihoods and food supply of thousands of people”
How many power plants are in Mongolia?
Energy in Mongolia
Coal power
Coal-fired power stations are the dominant type of electricity generation in Mongolia and may also supply heat. There are 7 currently active power stations.
Nothing colder than cold caused by warming,
First it was Ivermectin to be banned.
Will the next be Viagra?
Viagra might make you live LONGER, scientists discover
So an elevated blood pressure is that bad for you really, good news
is = isn’t
I hope that’s not a permanent change. I couldn’t handle that.
Email Censorship: – fyi – I am currently having problems with the hosting service for a couple of websites –
“failed: host
( said: 550 Rejected – Content Policy”
when I try to send certain emails – eg :-
Terrorist Shootout at Moscow Concert Hall Leaves at Least 100 Casualties
Where in the chain is it occurring is the question – am investigating further – it is very concerning – it is censorship and it is totally unacceptable.
It looks like the bounce back has come from Amazon Corporate Services Pty Ltd.
However I also got a bounce back on the same content from Telstra :-
failed: host ( said:
“558 5.7.1 Message content rejected due to suspected spam”
Terror in Moscow
Will Putin now bring out the nukes?
The US warned Russia days ago that an ISIS faction attack was imminent, nothing to do with Ukraine.
What would he nuke may I ask. There are a number of possibilities as to who is behind this. THis will be dealt with in the usual Russian way.
UPDATE: Ukrainian Intelligence Blames Putin’s Special Forces for Organizing Crocus City Hall Terrorist Attack Outside Moscow
When Russia had a terrorist problem in the ME in the 70s they sent in the special forces who captured the terrorists and their families and killed their families – no more terrorist problem.
Of course “ISIS” is a CIA construct, so US intelligence knew about the attack…
There will be an announcement by Putin on RIA shortly.
Zarya emergency plan now active.
This will be interesting.
Imagine what the world would be like without the US: We would be living in peace and harmony, just like a Beatles’ song.
Wanna buya bridge?
Some people have spent too much time alone in a dark bedroom.
I can email the breitbart link to myself on bigpond.
Reality = Spam?
Time to change service providers perhaps
My service provider sends the emails down the line – the bounce back has been down the line.
“Spam” is just an excuse – measly words – as Telstra don’t want to admit that they are censoring emails.
Yes the email service provider, email is a service.
The emails are passed along a chain – up and down. It’s like a post office (POP3 Post Office Protocol – used for emails) – your post office -> regional sorting office -> national sorting office -> international freight handler -> national sorting office -> regional sorting office -> their post office -> delivery. The emails can be censored at any point along the chain.
Here is a word that hopefully does not become the word for the age. But there is a massive push to implement it, through bureaucratising everything – big government, big business, big law – here we are; stultified!
stul•ti•fy ˈstəl-tə-ˌfī
stultified; stultifying
transitive verb
: to have a dulling or inhibiting effect on
: to impair, invalidate, or make ineffective : NEGATE
: to cause to appear or be stupid, foolish, or absurdly illogical
archaic : to allege or prove to be of unsound mind and hence not responsible
Seeing that spam is a currently “hot” topic, how can we tell service providers that sending a billing message from the corporate headquarters (not the subsidiary provider) is more likely to be sent to the spam message repository than read? Especially when there is no reference to the service or the date it was provided.
Guilty party: Western Diagnostics billed by Healius.
FWIW – Developing in USA –
“Leo Hohmann: Liberal State Declares War on Small Farmers and Homesteaders: War on Food is Spreading in U.S. Through Land-Use Restrictions, Geoengineering and Waves of Propaganda”
WARNING: Dysphoriacs may find this triggering.
NASA adjusting see level data to show a greater acceleration, after it was pointed out to them that acceleration in their data was about half the rate claimed.
If the facts don’t fit the narrative, they must be disposed of.
Internet slang word of the day
Askhole – someone who asks for expert advice then either ignores it or does the opposite.
A vote winner?
Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s national press secretary, said in a statement to Fox News Digital.
‘Noise Cameras’ that Catch Cars with Sports Exhausts Go Live on UK Roads
Cars that are ‘too loud’ join cars that are ‘too fast’ and ‘too polluting’ in government’s latest anti-car policy.
The Department for Transport has secretly launched a new assault on motorists, this time with ‘noise cameras’ that they are installing on roads all over Britain. The noise cameras are specifically designed to target ‘nice’ cars or those that have ‘sports’ exhausts.
Noise cameras were referenced in the Government’s Plan for Drivers as it outlined proposals to allow local councils to roll out noise cameras to target unacceptable vehicle modifications.
The Noise cameras are claimed to be needed to combat the ‘modern scourge’ or noisy car exhausts, and loud music. The microphones, which can detect anything above a whisper, will be set at 80 dbs. Upon hearing anything louder than that the camera will record an image of the vehicle, and its noise level, and automatically issue a fine set by the local Council.
In the trials ‘repeat offender’ fines were set at a maximum of £2,500.
According to the Department of Transport road noise can be linked to people suffering from health problems like heart attacks, strokes and dementia. However, the trial did not look at health outcomes and it is unclear how a momentary sound from a vehicle can have any health effects. Sound has never been proven to cause strokes, and there are no studies that prove a link between sound and dementia.
Don’t forget Harleys!
What about noise cameras for wind turbines?
Saturday handyman corner: cutting materials to fit odd shaped corners
Good tips there!
Saturday WTF: turning into a police surveillance state?
“Dave Walsh: “Less Than 4% Of The World’s Energy Is Provided By Wind And Solar” (VIDEO)”
Suggesting that there is SFA between here and “Nut-Zero”?
This is correct, but note that this is NOT just electricity. The figure for wind and solar providing electrical energy is much higher.
The tragedy is that much of that basic energy is still from burning wood.
How much better would it be if third world wood burners had cheap coal fired base load power: health would improve, the parents could watch a small, cheap TV at night instead of doing what comes naturally and the kids could read/study improving their knowledge.
Grid scale battery storage data confusion ..
You may have noticed that now lists the grid battery storage capacity for each state and location.
This is helpful data for anyone interested in our grid system, BUT there is a major flaw in that data. !
The Anero list states the battery storage CAPACITY in MW, which we know id not a capacity unit but a power unit. And for batteries the storage capacity in MWh can be very different to its power rating.
For instance , Tesla quote their Megapacks as 1.9 MW, but 3.9MWh capacity !
And infact that can vary depending on the rate of power discharge !
Other Grid battery suppliers , such as the Wartsila Quantum 2 BESS at Torrens island is quoted as 250 MW, AND 250MWh capacity ! ( at a cost of $180m Au)
So , anyone trying to quantify the install CAPACITY of grid storage batteries, be carful with the data in Anero and check the specifications for exactly whose system and type is actually installed.
This point is constantly being brought up by commentators at The Australian, because the journalists keep quoting the capacity of the battery systems in MW, not MWh.
Also batteries to not “generate” energy – they “discharge” energy that has previously used to charge the energy
The peak power output on the batttery graph was 480 MW
The average total dispatchable energy over a three hour period was around 240 MW as the Sun was setting
The total power output of the East Coast Grid was 24,000 MW so for a 3hr period batteries conributed 1% of dispatchable energy.
Remember when Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize and had decades of data showing its safety and effectiveness, and then the FDA called it a “horse drug” during Covid b/c its Big Pharma vax sponsors told it to?
Well a Federal court just ruled the FDA broke the law & needs to delete its… Show more
The Gateway Pundit
FDA Loses its War on Ivermectin: Agrees to Remove All Related Social Media Content and Consumer Advisories on Ivermectin Usage for COVID-19 via @gatewaypundit ”
“This appears to be a settlement by the FDA, which is in some ways more impressive.”
And the TGA et al will follow suit?
Still way short of FDA approval but one step closer.
No man can tell what he’ll do when driven by hunger
The California zombie plague has started.
* Content warning *
Too late!!
“Hmm…this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.”
That brings to mind a comment from a WW2 POW escapee book that
“anyone who says that they are tired and hungry has never experienced either”
Following the link produced only “This Post violated the X Rules.” Very disappointing.
“What a brilliant move when food prices are ridiculous”
Much more stringent waste water rules on food processing plants
So here is why we have no chance.
We are debating empty headed pretty faces.
This poor 20 something cross country skier, has just seen so much inconsistency in weather, and he wants the ‘snow to stabilize’.
Me too.
We can stabilize the glacial ice and save it from anthropogenic destruction if we just try, and make the bigoted non-believers go away.
Every ski season can be totally awesome
“The Energy Transition in Retreat: Arizona Moves to Repeal Its Renewable Mandate
When sober minds reconsider the costs and benefits of the so-called energy transition”