Shh! Nobody mention why China launched that trade war on Australia…

China, Lion statue

By Jo Nova

That which must not be spoken

Every news outlet today is saying how good it is that “relations” with China have thawed, like it was just a bad patch of weather, and now the clouds have cleared they’ve allowed us to sell them wine again. But there is a kind of collective amnesia about why relations froze in the first place.

Just to recap, through incompetence or “otherwise” naughty-citizen China leaked a likely lab experiment, lied about it, and destroyed the evidence. They stopped it spreading at home but sent it on planes to infect the rest of the world. Then when Scott Morrison, Australian Prime Minister, dared ask for an investigation in April 2020, within a week China threatened boycotts, and followed up with severe anti-dumping duties on Australian barley. After which the CCP discovered “inconsistencies in labelling” on Australian beef imports, and added bans or tariffs on Australian wine, wheat, wool, sugar, copper, lobsters, timber and grapes. Then they told their importers not to bring in Australian coal, cotton or LNG either. The only industry they didn’t attack was iron ore, probably because they couldn’t get it anywhere else. In toto, the punishment destroyed about $20 billion dollars in trade, and everyone, even CNN, knew this was political retribution and a message to the world.

As Jeffrey Wilson, Foreign Policy, described it in November 2021

“… its massive onslaught against Australia was like nothing before. Whereas China usually sanctions minor products as a warning shot—Norwegian salmonTaiwanese pineapples—Australia was the first country to be subjected to an economywide assault.”

But perhaps the communist party had nothing to hide?

Not to put a fine point on it, but on January 14th, 2020, China told the world they had “found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission “. A Chinese CDC expert said “If no new patients appear in the next week, it might be over.” They didn’t mention that things were already so bad in Wuhan in December 2019, that even doctors one thousand kilometers away in Taiwan suspected it was spreading human to human. Taiwan demanded answers from the WHO on December 31. The next day, the CCP destroyed all the virus samples, information about them, and related papers.  But perhaps it was just an innocent bat-pangolin thing, yeah?

So after four years of pain in order to stand bravely against the bully, what concessions, exactly, did our current leadership win? There’s no investigation, no answers, no apology, no nothing and no reason to think it won’t happen again.

In fact to smooth the wheels, Australia dropped the WTO cases against China for their bad behaviour with barley and wine. But the negotiation geniuses didn’t insist that China drop its WTO case against us (which was instigated two days after the Australian cases). And so it comes to pass that this week China won the WTO steel case against us.

  *   *   *

Lest we forget:

Ten years ago China said it was worried about race based genetic bioweapons — Who, exactly, had a biotech war on their minds? In 2015 Chinese military scientists ominously predicted the Third World War would be fought with biological weapons.  Meanwhile the Chinese military were helping out with the Wuhan viral research projects, and if one virus wasn’t enough, they still have another 1,640 other viruses to play with. The multicultural melting pot of stupid ideas is glowing like lava on all sides of the Pacific. The US Defence Department also sent money to the Wuhan lab to counter “Weapons of Mass Destruction” which apparently helped to create one. And the CSIRO, and Australian universities had worked with the Wuhan Virology Lab too (which they forgot to mention for 18 months?)

Meanwhile in related news in the last three years, the Biden family gained $31m in deals with high level CCP operatives. There’s a shadow war in space “every day”. And Net Zero remains a security threat, yet the West claps along.

Lions Photo by Serg Balak on Unsplash



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123 comments to Shh! Nobody mention why China launched that trade war on Australia…

  • #

    The problem is you have the Chinese who think that they can get away with producing Chinese Crap Products and they apply the same mentality to producing Chinese Crap Policy and produce a society who asks the most basic, most fundamental question: “Why bother?” and can only come up with very negative answers. Over the last 500 years the West have shown, in bucket loads, that you need small government, equality of treatment – common law, free thinking, free association, free communication, a bottom up society in order to progress. Communism – Socialism – is Feudalism reinvented (and it is not Chinese). The last century has been one of the world having massive problems with Socialism in all its forms – Communism, Fascism, Ethno Fascism, Wokism – it lies, cheats, steals, destroys and kills massively.


    • #

      You are close:

      The “Central Kingdom has for millennia, had, as its prime directive:

      ALL must pay tribute to the Emperor.

      Through wars and revolutions, this has remained the core doctrine.

      Have a quiet chat to the locals in any of the countries who are “neighbours” of the Empire.

      Regarding Kung Flu:

      It was “read-tested” at the 2019 World Military Games in, wait for it, WUHAN. A LOT of very fit, buffed athletes went home with a “mystery sniffle” that certainly reduced their operational readiness.

      Lesser mortals could not handle the way the bug works and they drowned in droves in their own bodily fluids; essentially the same symptoms as good-old pneumonia..

      Then, the labs in the same city, Wuhan, started manufacturing and globally exporting “Rapid Antigen Test” kits. Has anyone ever seen one such kit that was NOT made in Wuhan or China generally?

      Given that the PRC heads up the entire WHO, what other “fun” is in the pipeline?

      Is the PRC just “tweaking” the playing field to work around its own on-rushing demographic, economic and agricultural bombs? They already “own” Kanaduh and Un Zud, vast chunks of the USA Africa and Australia.

      The great Game continues as the West watches Tik Tok videos.

      Thought for the day:

      “Diplomacy is the fine art of telling someone to go to Hell. in such a way, that they look forward to the journey.”


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      We do, you know. That’s why we buy it.

      There was something about those trade barriers that I never saw mentioned. WE had a drought, remember? A bad one.

      In the year that China introduced the imposition on barley I’m not sure that we had any barley to sell them.

      The beef market might have been in a similar situation, too.

      Prices were probably very high.


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      If the Australian politicians were “smart”, they would allocate a few million dollars on local manufacture of medical drugs and their precursors.
      Might be more productive than attempting to produce PV cells.


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    2024 is the Chinese Year of the Dragon that, despite these apparent tariff concessions, will continue to belch smoke and fire in our direction whenever we object to being subservient to their whims. Make no mistake this is intimidation pure and simple. Another version of the Chinese water torture


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      We don’t have the political leaders to fight it – for Australia’s sake. BTW I would put the UN, China and a lot of European
      elites in the same basket. They are all seeking the West’s downfall for their own gain of power over everything about it. China seeks overall world dominance and the rest seek enormous power to themselves by control over the West. The latter have their template, the EU with its pseudo Parliament but with all power centred in the EU Commission.Our government, the greens and many Liberal ‘moderates’ (nee extreme left socialists – just another part of the socialists walk through the institutions) all sing to the devastating tune of ‘Down with the West’.

      Morrison was the last to show the guts needed to be the true leader of any nation; his strength in calling out China simply accelerated his downfall. He wasn’t near perfect, but hey, who here will throw the first stone. I believe his demise was much to do with his religious bent. Religion (except for the one they all fear) has to be destroyed as a force before the left can fully dominate us. The Christian religion, regardless of one’s attraction or not to it, was a commanding force. Its creed the basis for our society, is weakened to accommodate all other perceptions of life. Tolerance of others was already part of that creed, but today tolerance is not required. Christianity altered its principles to cover all other social demands. It believed it would strengthen Christianity.

      It hasn’t. It weakened itself. Instead of using the power of the pulpits as resistance it is now seen as a kitten to be run over by a socialist government using its (selected) Human Rights Commissioners. The left are building brick on brick, and very rapidly now in association with Albo the ‘Trot”. The conditions are becoming ripe to change Australia into a poverty sticken demolished middle class nation run by the Big Business-Big Government duopoly. Sort of like Putin’s Russia one would expect. But certainly we’ve become a much weakened vassal State, already apparent in Albo’s weedling acquiescence to Xi.


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    David Maddison

    It’s tragic that many of Australia’s Green/Labor politicians and senior public serpents are more loyal to China than they are to Australia.

    And in Vicdanistan, staggering amounts of taxpayer money have been directed towards the communist-oriented union thugs of the CFMEU and the Chinese state owned construction company with the unlikely Chinese name of John Holland Constructions (once an Australian company) via the Dan Andrews instigated “Big Build”. (John Holland is a subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company, state owned.)

    (Note, that the Feds (former Liberal regime) intervened to cancel the Dan Andrews Chinese Government debt for equity scheme he signed up to, Belt and Road, but the essence still survives.)


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      Are the cost blow outs on all the major projects just a ploy to transfer money back to their masters in China?


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    We have weak, naive “leaders”. I know of only one who will stand up for his country with passion.


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    David Maddison

    If Leftists think it’s “racist” to refer to Covid 19 by its place of origin i.e. lab leak in Wuhan, how about these diseases and viruses named after Australian places?

    Ross River fever.
    Hendra virus.
    Bairnsdale ulcer.
    Murray Valley encephalitis.
    Barmah Forest virus.


    I’ve never heard anyone, not even rabid foaming-at-the-mouth Leftists complain that those names are racist.

    How say you, Leftists?


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      Jon Rattin

      People who reside in the Zika Forest or live by the Ebola River probably aren’t thrilled about being associated with deadly viruses, they just have to deal with it. I haven’t heard anyone complaining that association


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      It’s always been the “Wu Flu” to me. 😎

      The lefties need to seriously have a reality check in bucket loads.


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      How say you Leftists. The reason Australians don’t call the conditions racism because they are native to Australia and are consequently not racist.

      Ross River Fever was named after William Ross in 1864
      Hendra virus was named after the Brisbane suburb where it first occurred in 1995
      Bairnsdale ulcer was first described by doctors at Bairnsdale Clinic
      Murray Valley encephalitis was first described by Dr Eric French and was named after the area in which it was found
      Barmah Forest virus was named after the Barmah Forest in Northern Victoria

      In an effort to stave off racial prejudices The World Health Organization (WHO) has advised against naming pathogens for geographic regions such as Wuhan Virus and China Virus.

      That is why the Left think those descriptions are racist


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    David Maddison

    Former Victorian Premier Teams up With Chinese Businessman for Next Career Move

    Former Andrews political advisor Marty Mei has an extensive CV with Beijing-linked entities.

    Former Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has kicked off his post-politics life by launching a career in the private sector, establishing two new companies with him as the sole director.

    According to records held by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Mr. Andrews registered Glencairn Street Pty Ltd on Jan. 17, and Wedgetail Partners Pty Ltd a day after on Jan. 18.

    Both entities share the same operating address on St. Kilda Road in inner-city Melbourne.

    ASIC lists Mr. Andrews as the sole shareholder in Glencairn Street but one of two major shareholders in Wedgetail Partners, the other being Chinese-Australian businessman Marty (Zheng) Mei.

    Both Mr. Mei and Mr. Andrews have yet to comment publicly on the intricacies of their future business dealings. The nature of the businesses is also left absent in the ASIC filings.

    Marty (Zheng) Mei’s Links to Beijing

    Mr. Mei first came to Australia as an international student in 2006.

    His background includes working for Mr. Andrews as the government’s consultant on the Belt and Road Initiative—a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) scheme to expand Beijing’s global influence through foreign investment.



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    David Maddison

    Emperor Xi has already stated he wants China to be the world’s dominant and only superpower in 10 to 20 years.

    At the rate he’s going, with the help of traitorous and corrupt Western politicians along with a vast slave army of useful idiots of the Left, they will get there.

    Hence, in the West the Left are trying to do everything in their power to destroy the only man who will challenge them, Donald Trump.



    ELECT TRUE CONSERVATIVE-ORIENTED POLITICIANS, very few in the fake conservative Liberal Party qualify for that.

    We have:

    United Australia Party
    Libertarian Party
    One Nation

    And some others.


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      Speaking of traitors, a bloke named Marcus Tullius Cicero had some thoughts, a while back:

      “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear”


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      Within a decade China will be a democratic country, with a justice system that is uncorrupted and a genuine free market where workers have the eight hour day and good wages. The masses will begin having children again


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        Mike Jonas

        True, if by then they are writing all the history and all the textbooks. But only true because democracy, corruption, free market, work and pay will all have been redefined. They may even redefine children if it helps them.


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          The workers and managers will be lying down flat, a non-violent cultural revolution.


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            Lying down flat — an act of defeat and desperate protest — is hardly a path to sunshine and roses.

            When the food runs out for workers because lying down flat does not grow rice, the CCP chiefs will still be eating. And if they have to, the gulags will just force the labor to keep feeding the CCP.

            If the West was not so corrupt we could help by refusing to buy the products of slave labor.


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              More a rejection of social norms, agriculture will continue to feed the people.

              ‘Tang ping (Chinese: 躺平; lit. ‘lying flat’) is a Chinese slang neologism that describes a personal rejection of societal pressures to overwork and over-achieve, such as in the 996 working hour system, which is often regarded as a rat race with ever diminishing returns.’ (wiki)

              Wages are being cut and a lot of people haven’t been paid in months. At some point they’ll withdraw their labour from this slave class.


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                paul courtney

                Mr. gordo: You may know more about China than I, but you seem to suggest that workers will lay down, collapsing the present autocratic government (so far so good), but that collapse will then lead to democracy, erase corruption and paradise for workers. ??!! That is not how collapses go, order isn’t the result of chaos. You seem to think that the Chinese will smash a vase on the ground, and it will form into a taj mahal? I don’t know much about China or its culture, but if the workers do indeed tang ping, it won’t end well for those workers. Not in China or Australia, or anywhere.


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                If the workers do “tang ping”. it will probably be because they are DEAD.

                The CCP leads the historical and global “genocide tables”, by a VERY large margin.


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                All the workers are asking for is the eight hour day, holiday pay, sick leave and a fair wage. Essentially they are going on strike and they have nothing to lose but their chains.

                The agreement between the masses and CCP has broken down, every day Netizens are posting of the injustices and millions of mainlanders get a glimpse before its pulled from view.

                Do some reading on China and you’ll see that its political culture throughout history is based on revolution. The people are aware that the CCP is on its last legs and they are prepared to wait patiently for it to rot.


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        The disillusionment with the Party following the massive housing development collapses, and the disillusionment among many of the young with being lifelong cogs in a machine and the population demographics over the next twenty years will cost the Party dearly I believe. I can’t see the Party’s collapse in ten years but in thirty years perhaps.


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          The widespread housing development collapse was more than a financial crisis. To get a wife a young man needs to have a job and a home. A lot of young men saved and saved and saved for a home, paid up the money and received nothing except perhaps a concrete shell of a home. Retired people would spend their savings for a home to retire into and lost their money too. Greedy developers ruined the dreams of so many. And the party is mostly uninterested in helping out. Peoples future dreams, built up from centuries of societal norms, have been ripped away from them.


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    Paul Siebert

    Scott Mussolini (five ministries reference) presumably wasn’t told the obliging Chinese took on bio…medical research which had begun to look a touch too doomsdayesque over at the Uncle Samuel Association.
    We are, after all, just a geographic location enabling continuous satellite comms for our betters above the waist.


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    David Maddison

    I can’t wait until China releases its specially bred virus which infects the brain and is 100% lethal in humans.

    Dr John Campbell discusses:

    Lethal Infection of Human ACE2-Transgenic Mice Caused by SARS-CoV-2- related Pangolin Coronavirus GX_P2V(short_3UTR)

    Why isn’t there outrage about this?

    Why isn’t the UN doing something?

    What possible medical or scientific justification was there?


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      David Maddison

      Or how about Disease X, if indeed it’s not the same as above.


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      Old Goat

      The problem with bioweapons is that they have a habit of destroying everyone – even their creators . When they mutate your own vaccines won’t stop them . The danger is in the cabal of people who currently control almost everything . The WEF is just the front for them – they control industry, the media , and most governments . We see the puppets , but not who is pulling the strings . Look at who’s building bunkers…and where.


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        Old Goat, they don’t release such a virus or bacterium before they have a modest supply of vaccines, enough to
        protect the leading group and probably, with China, enough to cover Members of the CCP who hold the power over the leaders if push comes to shove.


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          It’s a matter of time before humans develop genetically targeted viruses which hit some races much harder than others.

          Or there is the two part attack. The Chinese have already talked about their fears of a two part hit system. The first hit might be a medicine which predisposes people to the second part. People taking the first part (made in a foreign lab, say) might show few signs of trouble until part II was released.

          There are ways to release bioweapons and reduce the damage at home. It’s not like the CCP cares if they kill a few of their own.


          • #
            David Maddison

            It’s a matter of time before humans develop genetically targeted viruses which hit some races much harder than others.

            China is collecting the world’s DNA with a view to making race- or ethnic-based bioweapons.


            “China has amassed the largest genomic holdings of anywhere in the world,” Anna Puglisi, director of biotechnology programs at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology, told a US Senate hearing on national security in 2021.



            China’s gene giant harvests data from millions of women

            A prenatal test used worldwide sends gene data of pregnant women to the company that developed it with China’s military. The U.S. sees a security risk.

            By KIRSTY NEEDHAM and CLARE BALDWIN Filed July 7, 2021, noon GMT

            AChinese gene company selling prenatal tests around the world developed them in collaboration with the country’s military and is using them to collect genetic data from millions of women for sweeping research on the traits of populations, a Reuters review of scientific papers and company statements found.

            U.S. government advisors warned in March that a vast bank of genomic data that the company, BGI Group, is amassing and analyzing with artificial intelligence could give China a path to economic and military advantage. As science pinpoints new links between genes and human traits, access to the biggest, most diverse set of human genomes is a strategic edge. The technology could propel China to dominate global pharmaceuticals, and also potentially lead to genetically enhanced soldiers, or engineered pathogens to target the U.S. population or food supply, the advisors said.


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            Honk R Smith

            Can anyone describe the difference between American/Chinese biolab research cooperation and American/Russian biolab research cooperation?


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              American/Russian biolab research cooperation

              American/Ukrainian biolab research cooperation.
              There, FTFY.


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    This behavior is driving the current de investment of western interests in china.
    Their property market and economy are collapsing.
    The foreign companies are leaving as fast as they can.
    China has well and truly stuffed them selves.
    May the CCP rot in hell.


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    What’s taking the PRC so long to invade? We’re dead in the water with our defences down, over reliant on the PRC for vital supplies and have reserves of fuel for about two weeks with a kowtowing, ‘the lights are on but nobody’s at home’ Albanese far laft socialist government. We’re ripe for the picking. Have we become a nation of Rip van Winkles?


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      Mike Jonas

      China would pay a very high price if they tried to invade Australia. We are already filling in the forms for approval to power our Bushmasters with zero-emission batteries, so we will soon be ready for anything.


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      Why bother? We are no more threat than many of the rest of the Pacific Islands. Anyway the Chinese economy isn’t in great shape we are told due to Real Estate wreckage. Now they are taking our wines again, perhaps we can induce a state of somnolence in Xi to give us 20years to develop a modern Defence Force. Should probably be 40years under this government. It’s cheaper to buy the minerals in peacetime when China can control market prices, rather than go to war with a nation one already controls.
      Sorry Albo. You can get off your knees now,’handsome Boy’. President Xi has left the building.


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      Why “invade” your own resource rich southern province?


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    I think China was a willing partner with the US establishment, in crashing the US economy, which had to happen if Trump was to be defeated. A bit of collateral damage, but if you’ve watched ‘Climate the Movie’ to the end, where they highlighted the scorn of the upper classes, so possibly lowering the population, wouldn’t have been looked at askance?


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      Are you saying the Biden administration and Xi colluded to crunch the US economy?


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        China advocated lockdowns, and the mostly controlled the W.H.O. which pointed to China’s ridiculous “Zero Covid” policy as exemplary.

        Then in the US, various leftists (especially the media) started banging the table insisting the W.H.O. should make policy for the US and some of the Democrat Governors went along.

        So yeah … there was a kind of cooperation, in as much as all parties wanted Trump gone.


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          I automatically assumed that it was a rerun of the 1919 flu pandemic, don’t gather in crowds and wear masks.

          Premier Xi went too far and sowed the seeds for his fall from grace, the people were not happy with the theory of Zero Covid.


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            Quarantine is standard microbiology and the West would have done it regardless of anything the CCP did.

            Once ICU rates hit 1% (See Singapore, Feb 2020) bed capacity in all Western nations was doomed, and lockdowns were assured in any country that did not shut the borders.

            The crimes in the West were keeping flights open, banning the safe treatments and the forced use of high risk experimental “therapeutics”.


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              But yes, to get back to Furiously Curious and Tels original point, of course China is using every tool it can to weaken the West and target the US.

              Ponder how deep the web is: Mitch McConnell was head of the US Senate for decades, his wife (in the Trump gov) was ” The Transportation Secretary of the US Government.” Her father is a Chinese Shipping magnate (the China State Shipbuilding Corporation). Ten days after Trump won in 2016 her sister was appointed to the board of directors of the Communist Chinese government’s Bank of China. What a coincidence.

              It’s hard to believe, but it’s all public information. Read that post again.


              Who benefited from the release of a pandemic the winter before the US election? Everyone that wanted Trump gone, elections corrupted with mail in ballots, puppets installed, the UN strengthend, the climate gravy train to continue, and then there were those that had a “vaccine” to sell too.


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                The US political system has flaws where corrupt practice creeps in, it couldn’t happen in Australia.


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    David Maddison

    Leftists, you do realise that once the Chicomms have fully utilised your services as useful idiots, they will dispense with their support, don’t you?


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    Geoff Sherrington

    In my humble opinion, the Australian public should be provided with a comprehensive, no topic secret, report about Australian involvement in this bioweapons and contagious disease activity.
    Really, we are taxpayers funding this work. As I understand it, we have at least a laboratory in the Geelong region and scientists from at least CSIRO working on the topic.
    Try, like I have, to get detailed information from Web searches. Good luck. (Suggested links from readers appreciated).
    It is outrageous that the public has so much Covid relation held from it. What was the function of the TGA? Did the TGA perform illegal acts? Why were we early told that Covid was not found to be transmitted person to person? Who in Australia had responsibility to decide if this comment was true or false or deliberately deceptive? Did they do their job or not? Why did our local, paid experts not comment on the quality of influential modelling from overseas, now shown hopelessly wrong and dangerous? Who carries the can for the shambles of the change from doctor/patient relations to control by remote, unelected authorities, leading to bans and punishments for use of known antivirals?
    There is a mountain of errors that need repair before the next wave. Why are we being denied information?
    Geoff S


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      John Connor II

      If you’ve done nothing wrong then you have nothing to hide.
      That applies to the public but not das gubermint.
      But everything will be redacted to protect the guilty or it’ll fall under “national security” to prevent anything at all being released.
      How much bioweapon research is going on right now in Aus?


    • #

      To repeat. They. Got. EVERYTHING. Wrong.
      Transmission of the disease—wrong
      • Asymptomatic spread—wrong
      • PCR testing—wrong
      • Fatality rate—wrong
      • Lockdowns—wrong
      • Community triggers—wrong
      • Business closures—wrong
      • School closures—wrong
      • Quarantining healthy people—wrong
      • Impact on youth—wrong
      • Hospital overload—wrong
      • Plexiglass barriers—wrong
      • Social distancing—wrong
      • Outdoor spread—wrong
      • Masks—wrong
      • Variant impact—wrong
      • Natural immunity—wrong
      • Vaccine efficacy—wrong
      • Vaccine injury—wrong


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        Lets stay focused on the crimes that caused the catastrophe in the first place:

        1. Why were we doing high risk Gain of Function experiments on deadly viruses.
        2. Why were we teaching China to do it.
        3. Why don’t our public universities serve the public instead of Big Pharma — where were they on research on vitamins and cheap safe antivirals?
        4. Why can’t our doctors prescribe safe alternative drugs. Why can’t consenting informed adults make their own choices?
        5. Why is the world happy to trade and negotiate and rely on a country that lies, cheats, and acts in a belligerent hostile bad-citizen manner?

        Lets learn lessons from the places that lived for nearly 2 years without masks and restrictions. See WA, Taiwan, NT, SA, etc where we did nearly everything right — except for the inhumane and unnecessary vaccine mandates, and the lack of Vitamin D3, Zn, exercise and sunlight etc. Shut the borders!

        If airborne Ebola comes we will need quarantine, and there is no half-baked version.


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      Geoff, I have said elsewhere that I have found it almost impossible to hold a conversation with GPs (& specialists) about EITHER Covid or the mRNA vaccines. They simply will not respond to my comments. The only response I got after commenting on the fact violent coughing during Covid seemed to indicate the body just does not like the new strain (JN1) was a mumbled “Well, its not natural, is it?” No other discussion. Nil. They have been totally cowered by the medical bureaucracy. At least the medicos I have encountered.


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        Mike Jonas

        I’ve done better than that, but you are accurately describing the symptoms of a disease that has swept through the medical profession. One specialist came round from opposing to agreeing with me 6 months later, and another – who had clearly never caught the disease – was only too happy to give me a formal exemption from further mRNA “vaccination” (I doubt it is worth anything, though).


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      Wednesday, the Senate passed a welter of Bills with no debate allowed (Government had the numbers).
      What might have escaped notice is a private member’s Bill passed (somehow), by 31 to 30 votes. It had previously not
      managed to pass, several times.
      That Bill is for an inquiry into the excess numbers of deaths occurring since the heavy COVID days. Sorry to
      not be more specific on details but am at the computer and the item was on Fox News last evening. Just thought this
      might be the first roll of snow before the avalanche re everything medical – vaccines and drugs – about COVID-19.


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    Great editorial of the real Covid story, Australia’s solitary attempt to get some answers, the retaliatory retributions and the attempt now to erase the memory of what actually happened. How we forget!

    In fact, I really didn’t know the extent to which China punished us economically – to the tune of $20 BILLION dollars in trade! I would say that it was worth it – if I was convinced that the Labor government would continue the previous government’s policy to call out China. I won’t hold my breathe.


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    Cheap Chinese shlock. In a massive underground clothing market in western China, I had great difficulty finding a single garment under A$10. iphones were about $300 more than in Aus.


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    CO2 Lover

    Then when Scott Morrison, Australian Prime Minister, dared ask for an investigation in April 2020

    Morrison is almost as dumb as Albanese.

    As if China would agree to an “Investigation” and with puppets like Commrade Andrews already doing their bidding in Australia, Morrison should have got his own house in order with an investigation into the corrupt Pfizer funded TGA


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      Must admit I thought it was a dumb move by Morrison as well, at the time. But Morrison then continued to disappoint me in so many ways in the following years. Probably culminating in his allegiance to Net Zero policies. Let’s just say he was badly advised.


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        CO2 Lover

        Morrison the “Happy Clapper” was also the Minister for Everything who was paranoid and did not trust his own Ministers.

        The dirty deal he did with Pfizer has still been kept from public view


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          So we punish Morrison for being brave against evil, and give a free pass to all the rest of the weak Western leaders that didn’t join him?

          If all the West simply said this behaviour from China was unthinkable, unacceptable and cancelled trade, stopped flights, banned funding to the useless UN (at least Trump tried) China would be more reluctant repeat the act, and the UN would be less likely to nakedly repeat the lies of communist regimes.

          As it happens the trade pain from China was not catastrophic — to a large extent Australian products found new markets, and exports “rerouted”.

          If the scale of China’s trade coercion against Australia is unprecedented, it also offers an intriguing experiment: What does a sudden economic decoupling from China look like? With China accounting for nearly 40 percent of Australian exports, one might assume the costs of Canberra’s defiance would be grave.

          But in fact, the effects have been surprisingly mild. The reason is trade diversion: When a trade barrier is erected, businesses seek alternate outlets for their products. In open international markets, the outcome is rarely the destruction of export industries. Most of the time, trade flows adjust around the barrier.

          Coal provides an illustrative example. Once China banned imports of Australian coal in mid-2020, Chinese utilities had to turn to Russian and Indonesian suppliers instead. This, in turn, took Russian and Indonesian coal off the market, creating demand gaps in India, Japan, and South Korea—which Australia’s stranded coal was able to fill. What’s more, the global energy crunch has pushed up the price of coal, leading Australian coal producers’ export earnings to rise this year—not exactly the effect China had in mind. The result of decoupling for one of Australia’s core industries was therefore just a game of musical chairs—a rearrangement of who traded with whom, not a material injury.


          • #
            CO2 Lover

            So we punish Morrison for being brave against evil

            Morrison was never “brave” – he was set up to have a go at China.

            He showed no leadership during the phoney COVID pandemic and handed all responsiblity to State Premiers so nothing would stick to him.

            Morrison was a complete waste of space and the Coalition lost the election because of this failure – however Albanese is even worse.


            • #

              Health is a responsibility of the States.

              The Coalition lost the election because of the Teals.


        • #
          Jon Rattin

          When Labour came to power they quickly launched a Royal Commission into the apparent corruption in the NDIS and also initiated an inquiry into Scott Morrison holding 5 additional portfolios. However, they were painfully slow when it came to questioning the vaccine roll out. Around that time Bill Shorten announced the low number of compensation payments for covid vaccine injuries indicated that the vaccines were safe…when they solely held the power to determine whether or not a compensation claim was valid or not.

          I was never a big fan of ScoMo, but he did call out China when other leaders didn’t have the backbone to do so. A number of countries paid lip service to Australia’s stance by pledging to buy our wine, but they didn’t really demonstrate any commitment to a proper inquiry into China’s handling of the initial stages of the pandemic (let alone the exploratory medical activity in their laboratories leading up to it).

          At the end of the day, Western countries didn’t coordinate to put pressure on China to share information and allow outside organisations in to investigate. They were either scared to get offside with the UN and it’s affiliates or to anger China.


  • #
    David Maddison

    The Wu Flu bioweapon is reminiscent of The Andromeda Strain movie, 1971.

    The main difference is that the bioweapon didn’t come from outer space but China.

    Some call it Predictive Programming.


  • #
    John Connor II

    Don’t annoy the CCP! 😉

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been conducting hacking attacks on U.S. soil. In 2017, when Miles Guo was on Lady May, its Wi-Fi was hacked and lost control in the Hudson River, which shows that the U.S. government’s defense to the CCP’s possible attack including hacking and cyber attack on the United States and its faciliteis is insufficient.

    Back in 2017, CCP already can hack into a high-tech super yacht on Hudson river, taking control of this yacht via Miles Guo’s cellphone.

    This yacht, Lady May, temporarily unable to turn and nearly collided with nearby freighter, while Miles’ daughter Guo Mei, owner of this yacht Lady May, also on board.

    Was it a CCP cyberattack in Baltimore?
    Chinesium iOT and embedded systems which can be remote controlled are everywhere.


    • #
      David Maddison

      Don’t underestimate The Chicomm’s willingness, ability and determination to undertake cyber attacks against the United States and the West in general.

      There is a good reason President Trump banned the import of utility scale power transformers and other Chinese products. The ban was undone by the present White House resident.


    • #
      CO2 Lover

      It is Australia’s destiny to be Hong Kong MkII as part of the decolonialisation of Asia by the “white” British.

      The CCP already has their man in Australia – Albanese the Trot who has taken over from Commrade Andrews. White Australia is experiencing an invasion by another name – “Immigration”

      Empires come and go.

      The CCP sees Australia as Lebensraum.

      On a positive note China has capital punishment for corrupt public servants – there will be plenty to go into the mobile execution vans that will be easy to import into Australia.


      • #
        David Maddison

        There’s nothing like the prospect of almost immediate execution to motivate a potentially corrupt public serpent or politician to stay honest.

        In Vicdanistan, there is no penalty for gross incompetence or corruption and to avoid punishment you just have say “I don’t recall”.

        They must have learned the trick from Fauci who said “I don’t recall” 174 times in a single deposition as in this compilation.


        • #

          Why would we ever cheer on communist capital punishment? Did we learn nothing from Mao?

          Are not “corrupt public servants” in Beijing just as likely to be the freedom loving revolutionaries?


      • #

        ‘It is Australia’s destiny to be Hong Kong MkII’

        That is nonsense, perhaps you should give up political science and focus your mind on atmospheric science.


    • #
      David Maddison

      My immediate thought concerning the bridge strike was that it was either terrorism (including cyberterrorism) or disastrous DEI hiring policies whereby someone was hired on the basis of gender or race (such as possibly the two pilots on board) rather than suitability for the job


  • #

    Several articles in the legacy media today about this subject. All written as if this move by China is marvelous and all is forgiven because it’s great for our wine exports. Which is why Albanese did a photo shoot at a winery- because he’s such a handsome boy. No mention in any article as to why the tariffs and trade restrictions were imposed in the first place. It’s almost as if COVID didn’t happen and our memories of this dreadful time are being slowly erased. Bit like a scene from Men in Black.


    • #

      It is said Albo has been a ‘Trot’ for life. Put yourself in his shoes. Consider it as though you have been a
      determined marxist all your life. Look at the government Ministers you have been able to empower in Australia,
      Look at the glowing face of Albo as he shuffles up behind Xi at his meeting in China a month or two ago. Look at his acquiescence on every demand from Xi’s China, and look at his very different approach to China versus that of Penny Wong, his Foreign Minister who tries to do her job telling China to butt out of meddling in Australia’s security. Look instead at Albanese’s removal of our Security chiefs from his Cabinet Meetings. Albo is on his own personal clover. He and Bowen and the rest of them are tearing Australia apart with huge smiles while throwing cake to the people groaning under the imposts his government is intentionally applying to them. Albo thought he had big business on side – WA Inc all over again, However, with the fightback by the car manufacturers and BlackRock even dumping Green investments, one is beginning to see some shuddering in even Albo. His future is looking a little shaky both as PM and at the next election. He should review the end of Trotsky!


    • #
      Jon Rattin

      Funny you say that- I have a craving for chocolate milk! It is remarkable that the drop of the tariffs is reported without reflecting on the circumstances surrounding their implementation. Don’t look back people, just look forward…


  • #

    Just a thought.

    All of the genetic testing entities want your DNA, and for you to pay for the testing. For whatever information it provides.

    However, all of that DNA information is subsequently “for sale”. See: 23 And Me, etc.

    Such information can be used to deny health insurance, raise health insurance premiums, or other things.

    It can also be used to profile the population of any locale to specify their inherent genetic vulnerabilities.

    I’d suggest that one be quite cautious about sharing such data. And demanding national protections for the populace against abuse of such information.

    Me. I won’t ever do DNA testing for whatever reason. The down side is too great. Nobody needs to know my ancestor’s genetics, nor mine, as well.

    There is no reason to aid and abet a criminal pharmaceutical/legal/international regime who wants me to pay for the data they want to imprison me.


  • #

    The CCPs economy is grinding to a halt. The true state of Jipings economy is being pushed under the bamboo carpet, and it’s catastrophic. The CCP trade minister is begging Western companies to invest in China, but it’s all in vain because in business once trust is lost, it’s lost forever . Xi Jiping has shown the world that the CCP cannot be trusted under any circumstances. So the last thing Xi Jiping needs is another WUFLU outbreak that would surely be the final nail in the coffin of China with Xi Jiping characteristics.


    • #

      How do you know the state of the Chinese economy? What is your source?

      … because in business once trust is lost, it’s lost forever …

      P T Barnam explained investment for you, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” Investors take risks all the time, and every new generation thinks they have figured it out better than the previous generation. I mean, look at the young people dumping money into Bitcoin … there’s no shortage of risk appetite.

      Besides, tell me the dirty shirt that’s cleaner … after what happened to Trump, would you invest your hard earned savings in New York?!


      • #
        Paul Siebert

        The source could be the same bunch of sour grapes that’s been cheering in the catastrophic failure of Three Gorges Dam for a decade and more, now.


      • #

        ‘How do you know the state of the Chinese economy? What is your source?’

        UTUBE ‘ Inside China’ ‘China Truths’ its all there, jump right in and you’ll be amazed.


  • #
    John H of Nirimba

    Whatever happened to the Biological Weapons Convention in all this? Is it time for international inspections under the BWC such as we have under the Chemical Weapons Convention?


    • #

      RFK Talks about this in detail. Apparently Nixon set up a system which stopped US and other nations doing research from the early 70s. But we now know Russia ignored that and spent years trying to catch up. Eventually in about 2001 George Bush added some clause which neutralized it so bioweapons research took off again.


  • #

    I honestly think Australia should now put export tariffs on everything going to China and coming from China equal to the ones they put on us for the next three years, as a way of saying we are not your a***-licking dog.


  • #

    The bioweapons convention contains a loophole for defensive research anyway, so… but even DARPA wouldn’t touch Ralph Baric and Peter Daszak’s furin cleavage site/gain of function proposal – but somehow he got it funded through Fauci


    • #

      Fauci is not eligble for the Secret Service protection so it is being carried out by the US Marshall’s Service


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    This is wishful thinking, I know, but it’s past time that our ‘leaders’ accepted that nations and their peoples have distinct and different characteristics. They do not necessarily think the way that we do. Often, that’s nice – why would you travel overseas if the people there were exactly like you? Many other cultures could teach us westerners a thing or two about how to find real happiness for instance.

    In some cases however, we have to understand that there is a deep-rooted animosity which is sometimes combined with a strong nationalistic feeling and a set of values very much at odds with ours. They actually do want to do us harm or, at the very least, believe they should take what we have because we’re weak and weak people deserve no respect. Muslims are one example, but their incessant in-fighting and weak economies makes them a relatively small threat.

    I believe China and Russia are the real threats and we should NOT be working with them in any way whatsoever. It is pure folly for us to think otherwise, and naive to think they will never have the might and the will to do us serious harm. I have spent time in both countries and experienced things that frankly scared me. China worries me most. While much of what bothered me in Russia was simple corruption, my time in China led me to believe that they are way, way more nationalistic – and belligerent – than the average Russian. While a Russian will be quick to exploit westerners for financial gain, many Chinese really do want to dominate us, if not the world. In fact, they believe it’s their destiny.

    So for me the question is, are our leaders stupid, naive or corrupt? And that goes for both sides.


    • #

      Why does the west want to ‘work’ with China and Russia ? Simple. There is a huge market of natural resources and people to be ‘exploited’. I think you’ll find that the business community are eager to work with anyone, if there is a profit in it. The only reason politicians are against reciprocal trade is because Russia and China, now BRICS, want to be treated with respect as equals not just someone to be exploited and abused.
      Your idea of not working with Russia and China doesn’t stack up, it’s not in our interest. If we go down that route our decline is guaranteed. What we need is some intelligent, grown ups to work on respectful, equal terms with anyone and everyone to our mutual benefit.
      Re. domination.Study the histories of Russia and China to better understand their thinking and what they’ve been through. And, consider:
      Overseas military bases: USA: ~800 in ~70 countries; China: 2, Russia: ~14.
      Re. Muslims. They have the same approach to ‘infidels’ as Judaism does to ‘goyim’. Personally, I’ve never considered them superior or myself inferior. Others may differ.


      • #

        If China wants to be treated with respect it needs to stop the lies, stop stealing intellectual property and stop the hostile bully-boy standover tactics.


        • #
          Paul Siebert

          I seem to recall a story about China losing sovereign territory when they got ever so uppity about opium flooding through their porous borders not so long ago.
          That story seems rather current, but on the other foot, now.
          Wonder if we’ll ever get our wisdom teeth?


          • #

            The Opium War of 1840 indeed.

            But things worked out very differently for the people of Hong Kong under British rule.


            • #
              Steve of Cornubia

              And, when they could do so without fear of life-shortening retribution, they made it very clear that they preferred British rule to Chinese.


      • #

        ‘ … equal terms with anyone and everyone to our mutual benefit.’

        Its more complex than that, China has dumped cheap goods onto the international market, which has destroyed secondary industries in many countries.

        I support the concept of BRICS and Australia should think about joining (we tick all the boxes) but we should wait until China and Russia become truly democratic.


        • #

          There’s no way the USA will allow Australia to join BRICS … although given the “multicultural” nature of Australia, possibly some indirect workarounds might be discovered. Very difficult to completely prevent people trading with one another, but it can be slowed down.


      • #
        Steve of Cornubia

        “Re. Muslims. They have the same approach to ‘infidels’ as Judaism does to ‘goyim’.”

        Really? If the two hold similar views, where are all the Jewish terrorists killing thousands of ‘goyim’?


  • #

    Joanne, you’ve got this dead wrong! The pandemic came out of the U.S. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric are the primary culprits.
    The whole thing was conceived by Anthony Fauci in his 2000 “bug to drug” paper, after which he was made biodefense czar in the U.S., and which is how he came to be making more money than anyone else in Warshington.

    The Chinese were used as pawns and I expect if they did a lot of suspicious stuff, it was over their embarrassment at being used so easily by the U.S.


    • #

      The conservative woman article is 18 months old. I think things have moved on. Jim Haslam seems to be a conspiracy theorist who is anti -democrat. What makes you believe he is a creditable source?


      • #

        We/They could use the same argument about climate, eg.
        “The Skeptics Handbook is 15 years old. I think things have moved on. Jo Nova seems to be a conspiracy theorist who is anti-whatever. What makes you believe she is a creditable source ?”
        Truth is timeless. Not saying Haslam is right or wrong but if he is a conspiracy theorist, whatever that is, then he deserves a slightly better assessment. After all most people on this site are conspiracy theorists according to TPTB.


      • #
        Paul Siebert

        Eighteen months, and things have moved on?
        How so?
        I don’t buy that – when so many of us would fall right back into a pandemic of panic, if we get told to.


    • #

      You’re essentially right, and there is plenty of evidence confirming Fauci, Daszak and Baric’s role, Eg. [1]. However, although not a sinophobe, I don’t think the Chinese were pawns. I suspect they were well aware of what the West was up to and why they picked China to carry out their, illegal, research. Possibly there was a degree of naivety, believing that if they worked with the West they would all end up best buddies. But, unlike Russia who have come to understand how the hegemon works, the Chinese still hold out hopes for some sort of sanity. I suspect that the Taiwan issue is going to wise them up fairly quickly and make them realise there is no sanity amongst the psychopaths. At the end of the day though, it is the west that has come out worse from Covid and Ukraine, and it is the west that is destroying itself over climate, not China. China is the manufactured enemy that enables the hegemon’s continuity – 1984’s Eastasia and Eurasia.
      While the west plays ‘noughts and crosses’, China plays Go and Russia Chess. Go figure.



      • #

        Steve give us a break from the CCP PR campaign. You must be kidding if you think the murderous dictator Xi who harvests organs of political prisoners for profit “holds out hopes for sanity”. The Chinese wanted the biotech weapons from the Western experts to use against the West and Fauci-Baric gave it to them so they could do the experiments that were banned at home. And it sure suited Big Pharma.


        • #

          Sorry Jo. I’m not offering PR for the Chinese, just putting my alternative view. This is a great blog for climate but if you want to trigger discussions on your political views I feel obliged to respond in kind. If it offends you I can keep quiet and leave you to preach to the converted.


          • #

            Interesting. I talk about the CCP harvesting organs and your inexplicable defense of a brutal dictatorship and you pretend I am “offended” and trying to silence you.

            You are not responding “in kind” at all. You have no content except vapid claims and thinly disguised insults. (A lot like Chinese diplomacy, really)


      • #

        I would guess that Beijing has a very good idea about how hegemony operates … given their history of doing exactly that, in their own region, going back to Kublai Khan or arguably earlier.

        Daszak’s work was paid for by American taxpayers, but located in China, and he used virus samples from Chinese caves as his raw materials. There’s no way the CCP was allowing this type of thing to go on, and not watching closely. What’s more, we have documentary evidence that gain of function experiments were being done in the Wuhan lab … although no specific link to what Daszak was doing.

        Clearly the Chinese were interested in this kind of biotech and willing to take a few risks to ensure they kept up to date with the latest. In a nutshell … you can’t trust any of the major powers … all of them will do what it takes to get a small edge over the others, and when questioned they will claim it’s a defensive posture and they are only researching what someone else might do in order to better formulate a cure. It’s a load of BS but with a nod and a wink everyone is in on it.

        There really are no clean hands … merely countries with greater or lesser capacity to do harm.


    • #

      JB, I’m very well aware of the US involvement (as I posted). But that doesn’t change anything I wrote.

      Fauci/Baric did not destroy the WIV lab samples on Jan 1. They did not “lock down Wuhan” while allowing flights out to the rest of the world. They did not say “there is no human to human transmission” in Jan 2020. They did not try to destroy Australian barley, wine, coal, beef, lobster etc etc

      Just because there are US crooks does make China a good citizen.

      China was using Fauci, just as Fauci was using China. They all have evil plans.


  • #

    I will refuse to buy Chinese made goods wherever practical. I hope that others will join me. I have held this position since well before COVID-19. But it has gotten stricter since then.

    And I don’t want to hear anyones BS about how “everything” is made in China. Because that’s false.


  • #

    Atypical bully messaging! The ease with which the CCP inflicted these financially crippling penalties on us indicates they were planned and executed in the full knowledge of a desired result. We should have retaliated with a ban on the sale of iron ore to them and like all bullies they would have slunk away quickly and quietly. Instead, we pretended to turn the other cheek and play the honourable game like the gutless incompetents we are.


  • #

    Those who control the world’s money have made a decision. Everything would be produced in China because of cheap labor. There are too many people, low wages, and not many people who care about the environment. Conclusion? Cheap products, obedient people. Technology transfers. The game of chess is all that.
