A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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nearly 60% of Germans not prepared to fight for their country even if attacked.
Mind you I have seen broadly similar percentages amongst the young in other western countries. I have no idea what the % was in the years before the first and second world wars
Why risk your life to save a corrupt political class?
Because those who want to over run you are far more murderous and corrupt than those currently ruling you?
Pretty hard to tell beforehand, maybe better the corrupt and murderous devil you know I suppose… but its all the same for the peasants.
Would you rather be Assange or Navalny? Hussein? Gaddafi? Anyone who has had a visit from “regime-change Nuland”?
The US’ middle-class family’s economy is in a crisis. It’s called Bidenomics.
It was called Bidenomics. It’s now widely regarded as Beliedenomics.
But what is worse:
An enemy that uses overt aggression?
To take a purely hypothetical example, an enemy that skulks amongst us whose aim might be to:
– poison the minds of children;
– exploit some minorities for political purposes, much to their detriment;
– use (and this one is a biggie) the threat of criminal sanctions as a means to bring about self-censorship, thus completely shutting down debate on political, social and cultural issues, which ultimately would lead to one-party (or uniparty) government;
– do the bidding of an assortment of extremist groups whose true agendum might be to vandalise society;
– divide society by exploiting the unhappiness of the aggrieved;
– use government and its institutions to impose economic hardships upon us and restrict our personal freedoms and gradually impose authoritarian rule over us;
– undermine democratic elections;
– encourage the media to promote the official narrative and suppress dissenting views, or coerce them into doing so; and
– marginalise, bankrupt and jail its political opponents?
saw Tucker Carlson interviewing Alex Jones this morning. Alex is of course the leading conspiracy promoter in the entire world according to the left but what he had to say reflects what you have said DD. It is not accidental that the left do what they do but straight out of the Marxist Leninist playbook. He was referring to the leftists (Democrats) in the US but could easily have been referring to the ALP/Green/Teal/LINO consortium in Australia. The middle class worker, especially one who works for themselves and can think, is their enemy. The Aborigines, climate warriors and the Alphabet mob are the useful idiots that would be among the first to disappear if we are apathetic enough to let the left win.
Bearing in mind the US economy seems to be doing well it seems surprising that Biden is so unpopular (although there are other reasons for that of course)
However perhaps people are looking beyond the here and now of the economy. I saw a report that said that US debt had accelerated and 1$ trillion was added to the debt every 100 days.
If The Brics manage to establish an alternative currency and those owed money by the US start demanding their money back it could all unravel quickly.
I see what you did there.
Could be a drug fuelled economic revival – or keep the unwashed masses high so that the are oblivious to what is actually going on!
US States that have decriminalised drug use:
Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nervada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington D.C.
While the economy appears to be doing well – all is not well.
The available jobs attract people from other countries and the government hasn’t a clue about how to handle the inflow. Prices behave like a ratchet, having gone up, there they stay. Stores are experience so much theft closings are common – boarded up store fronts are seen. Or, goods are locked behind glass and metal screens. People steal or rent trucks and ram them into stores, destroying both, to get at the goods inside. Copper wires for outdoor lighting and signs, netting the thief a few dollars, costs thousands to replace. People note Biden’s gaffes and stumbles, and most know of an older uncle that has traveled that path. There is more. 🙂
The vast majority of US international debt is denominated in in USD. It costs nothing for the USA to create USD.
The problem comes when other countries stop accepting US debt for tangibles they produce. China’s holding of US debt peaked about 10 years ago. Japan is now the largest holder of US debt:
UK and China now hold similar amounts.
China dominates global trade so eventually financing will follow the flow of tangibles. China is now the second largest contributor to the UN and being the new money they buy a lot of favours. The UN will not appreciate the US until their money stops flowing.
What evidence is there that the economic data published by the Government that “seems” to show a healthy economy is even honest, and not Swamp collusion to aid with the re-election of the White House Resident?
Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In History: Record 1.2 Million Immigrant Jobs Added In One Month
Last month we though that the January jobs report was the “most ridiculous in recent history” but, boy, were we wrong because this morning the Biden department of goalseeked propaganda (aka BLS) published the February jobs report, and holy crap was that something else.
Even Goebbels would blush.
What happened? Let’s take a closer look.
On the surface, it was (almost) another blockbuster jobs report, certainly one which nobody expected, or rather just one bank out of 76 expected. Starting at the top, the BLS reported that in February the US unexpectedly added 275K jobs, with just one research analyst (from Dai-Ichi Research) expecting a higher number.
Some context: after last month’s record 4-sigma beat, today’s print was “only” 3 sigma higher than estimates. Needless to say, two multiple sigma beats in a row used to only happen in the USSR… and now in the US, apparently.
Before we go any further, a quick note on what last month we said was “the most ridiculous jobs report in recent history”: it appears the BLS read our comments and decided to stop beclowiOf course, that does not mean that this month’s jobs print won’t be revised lower: it will be, and not just that month but every other month until the November election because that’s the only tool left in the Biden admin’s box: pretend the economic and jobs are strong, then revise them sharply lower the next month, something we pointed out first last summer and which has not failed to disappoint once.e 353K beat to just 229K, a 124K revision, which was the biggest one-month negative revision in two years!
If you gauge the economy by the number of homeless, then it isn’t travelling that well.
The USA economy is a war based economy. If it seems to be doing well at the moment that is because of Ukraine, Israel, Yemen, Taiwan, etc.
Take away the death, destruction and mutilation and what is left ? QE, food banks, no healthcare, no citizen benefits.
And, the rest of the West is going the same way. If BRICS enables a move away from the dollar the whole house of cards will be finished.
That’s not what BRICS is trying to do at all, and if you look at global capital flow heatmaps you’ll see capital flowing into the USA, most notably out of the EU, which despite all its woes is a financial safe port in a storm.
The USD isn’t going to collapse and be replaced anytime soon. When war cometh those heatmaps are going to glow, and that’s a MAJOR warning sign for the masses to act (ie do all the things you should already have done, assuming you have time left to do them).
Name any BRICS nation that is not in debt themselves. Name names, to whom does the US owe all this money?
I believe the biggest holder of American debt is … drum roll … China.
No! It’s Japan, China second but neither are in any shape to start a currency war. AND both need the US buying their products. If they were to stop accepting US paper they cut themselves off from their biggest market
I think not.
Population China, 1.4 billion; population USA, 330 million.
the US economy seems to be doing well
The 2023 US budget deficit was $1.70 trillion. When you pour enough borrowed or printed money into the economy it gives the illusion of the economy doing well. But it all has to be repaid. Another Ponzi scheme, just like mass immigration. Keep increasing borrowing to keep ahead of the interest payments. Wouldn’t it be great if WE could do this with our personal budgets.
Here’s a couple of random text grabs from doing a search:
The federal government currently has $34.44 trillion in federal debt.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that interest payments will total $870 billion in fiscal year 2024 and rise rapidly throughout the next decade — climbing from $951 billion in 2025 to $1.6 trillion in 2034. In total, net interest payments will total $12.4 trillion over the next decade.,trillion%20over%20the%20next%20decade.
The US debt ceiling is the big problem and there is bipartisan agreement to ignore it.
The arctic doesn’t seem to be warming
…..and in Antarctica
Rapid warming across West Antarctica has reversed over the past 20 years, with the region now experiencing significant cooling,
Most ice core datasets aren’t reliable past 1850. Too much melting and refreezing going on.
Another useful tip: Microsoft Excel generated regressions are usually a reliable indicator that someone doesn’t know what they’re doing.
There are several effects to take into account, of which melting and re freezing is one of them . The overall effect of the different processes is to dampen the amplitude of seasonal variations such that beyond 1850 it is sometimes difficult to count the annual layers using isotopes. However, the long term secular variation in isotopic composition tends to remain robust.
Perhaps you would like to tell us your personal experience of measuring isotopes in polar ice core?
As for your ad hom about Microsoft Excel perhaps you might consider the words of one climate scientist who claimed he didn’t know how to do a regression in Excel.
Phil Jones.
Back in the day, all scientific training included a subject like Stats 101 whereby topics such as basic regressions, the normal distribution, probability, statistical tests, inference, confidence intervals and hypothesis testing etc. were taught. And of course, everyone knew about “Garbage In, Garbage Out”.
Melting and refreezin post 1850…
..and yet another attempt by one of the CNN trio at an intelligent post.
He’s going for it and…oh no…so close to success too.
That is a bit unfair, it is a genuine concession from Simon that ice core data is unreliable past 1850.
He is correct and it brings into question the CO2 signal.
One shouldn’t confuse the CO2 record with the oxygen and hydrogen isotope record. The isotope records are much more robust as a palaeoclimate record. Moreover, the record is based on the physics of isotope fractionation associated with evaporation and condensation and the Clausius-Clapeyron relationship of the liquid-vapour phase boundary.
What does that mean?
It sounds like classic ABCCC verbalism.
It means that the isotope record in the ice is a robust indicator of past polar temperatures. On the other hand there are potential issues with the CO2 record determined from firn air that is trapped as bubbles in the ice. My point is one shouldn’t make statements such that the ice core isotope record is unreliable when it isn’t!
Again, you are implying that the co2 record can’t be trusted.
Outside that point there’s also the fact that atmospheric CO2 is not a causal factor in so called Global Warming.
Sticks out like a sore thumb.
Without a single experiment involving ice cores or isotopes, the fact that the ice sheet floating on the ocean at the North pole is still there is the best measure of North Pole temperature because the yearly average temperature at the North Pole is 0C. It’s the canary in the cage. Which is why we have been told for decades that the ice would be gone, at least in peak summer. And it isn’t.
I would also point out that the arctic is 25C warmer than the Antarctic. And in summer all the fish, predators, animals head North to the abundant life. Everyone has to eat and the place is amazing. Meanwhile the poor white polar bears sit on the brown dirt and live on their fat, waiting for the return of the ice and their camouflage. The temperature can pass 20C at the North pole and even 100F/38C in the arctic circle. And cities exist like Murmansk (300,000) inside the Arctic circle, at the same 69 latitude as Mawson base(Population 20) on the Antarctic peninsula.
I have always warned against this idea of a fabricated ‘global temperature’. It’s nonsense. The earth is not a billiard ball. There is no global temperature, especially when you are measuring air temperature at the surface.
Rather 72% of the surface is covered with highly mobile water with a mass 400x that of the atmosphere and 4x the heat capacity to an average depth of 4km. The total heat capacity of this mobile mass is 1600x that of the thin air above, so what do we measure? Air temperature with air thermometers at sea level. What does that mean? Nothing much and nothing which relates to the underlying power of the sun integrated over time across the most absorbent body, the water. All our weather comes from the ocean, although we only see the weather as atmospheric phenomena. So being superstitious, we blame the air. And Zeus on a cloud throwing down lightning bolts.
The big and obvious question we should be asking is why no human activity affects world CO2. Human CO2 emissions have exploded 3500% in a century. And CO2 has gone up only 50%. Within any year CO2 is constant within 1% from pole to pole, regardless of human CO2 emissions which are concentrated in a narrow band in the Northern Hemisphere. That needs explanation.
I would completely reverse the logic. If you wanted to an accurate measure or proxy for surface air/water temperatures, I would suggest you measure CO2. Its sensitivity to surface temperature is obvious the summer/winter wiggles in the graph of CO2, although NASA wrongly claims that is caused by leaf growth, even if the logic is wrong.
(Have a look at this NASA publication, especially their claim that ‘CO2 is highest in spring’. See if you can spot the errors in the labels. No botanist/biologist wrote this with spring leaf growth starting in June. Leaves take 1-3 weeks to grow, stay constant and fall quickly in late September, and then rot back to CO2. It however exactly follows the cycle of summer and winter, with explosive growth in phytoplankton reducing CO2 and overshooting by September. Phytoplankton react in 3 days. Leaves grow once and fall once.)
Now Henry’s Law (in a windless laboratory) tells us that the temperature at the interface of a dissolved gas is the sole (air pressure being constant) of how much CO2 is in the ocean and how much in the air, a constant huge and rapid equilibrium. CO2 is a near constant across the planet, ignoring slight <1% summer and winter variations and north/south variation.
Even better tiny atmospheric CO2 is very sensitive to surface temperature as 98% of CO2 is in the water and the exchange is at the surface by definition. So even a slight change in the temperature at sea level would produce a big change in atmospheric CO2. And as we see, even in CO2 at the top of the ocean where all this is happening.
So we have our very sensitive and accurate proxy for world surface temperatures. Variation in this temperature is likely caused by varying solar cycles or ocean current cycles as with El Nino, Indian Dipole, Humboldt, Gulf Stream, Gyres. We see this in surface temperature variations like the one the BOM used to wrongly predict the driest summer in years.
A new Global surface temperature as measured by proxy global CO2 would be far more accurate direct measure of planetary surface temperature than arbitrary and an assembly of fickle and even meaningless local air temperatures, night and day, summer and winter. Water temperature show no such fast and random variation.
But the IPCC would have to accept that we humans cannot control CO2, as should be self evident that CO2 is a consequence of world temperature, not a cause of change.
And then why would we be blowing up coal power plants? Whether there was ‘global warming’ is then a moot point because as the world has demonstrated in 36 years that we cannot control or even affect CO2 which within 1% is a constant across the planet.
Game over.
And on the whole philosophy of man made weather. In early religions of the Greeks and the Christians, the God/Gods lived on clouds. Jesus and Mary ascended into heaven, to God. Jupiter/Zeus lived in the impenetrable clouds high on Mount Olympus.
Except we climbed Olympus. Even Everest and God was not there. Others believed that the stars and planets were gods. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter. Gods all.
So now we worship the weather, the obvious sign the planet Gaia is the Earth Mother whom we must not anger.
The weather is obviously the atmosphere in which we live, because that gives us sun and wind and rail and storms and lightning and floods.
But science tells us that rains are just evaporation from the oceans. That oceans are driven by tides and wind and coriolis forces as the earth spins and the atmosphere spins and the water spins. And that all rain, all water, all storms come from the oceans as with Hurricanes, Typhoons, Cyclones, Tropical Storms, Water spouts, Tornadoes.
But we prefer a atmospheric explanation, as that is what we see and where we live. No one lives in the water. And in this very human local view of the weather we are told our man made toxic CO2 is the entire problem. We have increased CO2 with our infernal machinery and evil fertilizer and agriculture and we have offended Gaia and will suffer. Just as in ancient Greece.
Meanwhile I try to explain that the vast deep seas covering 3/4 of the planet, 1600x more significant than the thin atmosphere and capturing most of the heat and driven mad by the sun and rotation are the creators of all our weather, rain, floods and their lack, drought.
But the good and kind employees of the vast and benificent UN Corporation with its 80,000 people says humans have sinned with their fossil fuels, their manufacturing, their tractors and their ridiculous cars and evil aircraft. And will be punished. So we must starve and beg carbon credits and give cash in reparations. Plus more for slavery, but that’s another story. The UN alone wants their $100Bn for our sins. Annually.
So to appease Gaia we must blow up our power stations and build giant white votive offerings with many arms across the landscapes and even in the ocean. Even if we wreck everything.
We’ve been here before, not least in Easter Island. It’s not science. It’s religion. And everyone wants more money.
Finally while anyone who disagrees with Man Made CO2 driven Global Warming is called a paid shill* for an oil company, tens of millions of people work in the Global Warming industry. Or just a liar. I can tell you that there is no money in disagreeing with the story. Who would pay? The heads of all corporations are along for the ride. Why should they care? All companies are officially Green. You can even buy Green steel. It’s all about minimizing carbon footprints. Absolute nonsense.
*Shill – an accomplice of a confidence trickster or swindler who poses as a genuine customer to entice or encourage others.
And the Global Warming industry is not just the makers and sellers and buyers and installers of windmills, solar panels, transformers, distribution lines, wind farms, solar farms but the millions of researchers, employees of councils, companies, Clean Energy, Clean Energy Finance, Carbon farming, Carbon credits, Carbon certificates, tax collectors, energy councils, federal energy administrators and endless experts and commentators. Universities, CSIRO, BOM, State governments and more.
Anyone who disagrees is a crook. Of course. And the President of the United Nations says the oceans are boiling. With a straight face.
So perhaps $1.5Tn a year as much again in Government. And all those documentaries from the BBC. The Inconvenient Truth is that they are in it for the money. Except they have Gaia on their side.
The High Priests of this modern era religion are the likes of Al Gore, John Kerry and Klaus Schwab.
Who have forsaken flying carpets for corporate jets to spread “the message” to the faithful and gullible.
There is also the Priestess school girl – Greta Thunberg who has been endowed with such intelligence and insight that she has been able to skip school altogether.
Satan has manifested his (or her, its) presence in the devil’s rock (aka Coal), which in fact provides life giving CO2 and which is “greening the planet” and which is not about to destroy it – which is in fact being done by the adherents of this new era religion as they set about to destroy this planet in order to “save” it.
News from the Capital of the People’s Republic of Victoriastan
The current “mini heat wave” in Melbourne has yet to crack 40°C and is nowhere close to the 47°C February 7, 2009 during the “Black Saturday” bush fires.
The hottest temp recorded in London is 40.2°C – New York 42°C – Tokyo 39.5°C – Berlin 38.9°C
In Australia – Sydney CBD 45.8°C, Brisbane 43.2°C
In Jan 1908, Melbourne had a 39.9C followed by five days of 40C+.
A Belgian blogger writes aobut his experience with an EV that his wife bought. TL;DR – Seems okay for short trips, but nothing more than 100km. Charging infrastructure still isn’t up to snuff, and “fill cost” is all over the place — can be less than gas, can be more (and this is Europe with insanely high gas prices…). He hasn’t sold his ICE car like he planned, since the EV isn’t sufficient as a replacement after all.
Opinion – GM Doesn’t Tell the Truth About Electric Vehicles
“Ms. Barra, you say GM won’t be selling gas-powered cars by the year 2035. When you say these words, is it part of an unspoken political bargain to protect the trade and fuel-mileage concessions that allow large markups on big SUVs and pickup trucks?”
Normal market logic goes out the window when company leaders are indulged and even required to say fantastical, unrealistic things about the future.
I’ve long borrowed the term “sophisticated state failure” for the Western world’s energy policies.
Dollar for dollar, subsidizing EVs for Americans is a subsidy to the rest of the world to use more fossil energy and cause more emissions, a reality that can’t escape political notice forever.
Take Norway, portrayed in GM ads as EV heaven. As a Morgan Stanley research note first observed two years ago, Norway has seen no decline in oil consumption related to EVs, though users receive thousands of dollars in annually recurring subsidies and EVs accounted at the time for 64% of new-car sales.
The reason is increased use and ownership of gas-powered cars, especially for trips that EVs aren’t suited for.
Now comes an update from the natural-resource consultants Goehring & Rozencwajg that only darkens the picture. Despite some of the greenest electricity on Earth, a Norwegian still needs to get 45 years of use out of his imported EV battery (expected life 15 years) to offset the global CO2 cost of producing it.
As I’ve noted before, secretly even the Biden administration knows the truth about all this. Get ready for a colossal irony. Europe’s emissions peaked in 1979, America’s peaked in 2005, and China’s are expected to peak as soon as next year. The reason wasn’t energy policy.
Peak emissions happen because of slowing population and economic growth plus the normal, uninterrupted, market-driven hunt for energy efficiency (which can certainly include cost-effective investment in renewables).
Mitch McConnell’s billionaire sister-in-law Angela Chao drowned in sinking Tesla because its strengthened glass windows were ‘impossible to break or open’ after she reversed into pond
. Angela Chao, a billionaire shipping industry CEO, tragically drowned in a pond at her Texas ranch after accidentally putting her Tesla in reverse
. Details have since emerged concerning the frenzied rescue mission by first responders who tried in vain to break their way into the vehicle
. Due to a certain type of glass used on the Tesla, the glass is nearly impossible to smash underwater
A more detailed explanation – “A Mistake in a Tesla and a Panicked Final Call: The Death of Angela Chao
What happened on a remote Texas ranch in a billionaire shipping scion’s final hours
Within minutes of saying her goodbyes, she called one of her friends in a panic. While making a three-point turn, she had put the car in reverse instead of drive, she said. It is a mistake she had made before with the Tesla gearshift. The car had zipped backward, tipping over an embankment and into a pond. It was sinking fast. Could they help her?
Over the next several hours, her friends, then the ranch manager and his wife, and then paramedics, and firefighters and sheriff’s deputies rushed around and tried to break the windows, find an escape hatch or any way to get Chao out of the car.
Somehow an executive who made her living on the sea was drowning in a stock pond within sight of her home.
One minute to escape
A driver has about one minute to get out of a car sinking into water. When vehicles were made with more manual mechanics, a driver could crank down the window to get out, though it would still require a clarity of mind often elusive in an emergency. In newer cars, like the Tesla Model X vehicle, the driver might have seconds to push the button to roll the window down before the water level rises too high. After that, the only mode of exit would be by breaking it, say auto safety experts.
That is terribly difficult underwater and can be even more so when trying to bash through tempered glass or sturdier laminated glass, which most car companies use today. Those are the two types of glass that Tesla may have used in its 2020 Model X, according to company documents. Laminated glass, in particular, is lauded for its safety qualities, such as preventing a driver from being ejected during a crash; however it is nearly impossible to break underwater, according to testing done by the American Automobile Association.
A jaguar Epace in the UK recently refused to stop and had to be stopped with a rolling block . Another “feature” for electronic cars – how long before Teslas get hacked to avoid paying for software “costs” ? It appears they would also make good temporary jail cells…
geoffbuyscars has a long chat with the driver. Luckily he sounds [sorta] intelligent and a competent driver.
Once underwater it’s game over and opening (or trying to) a window becomes impossible due to water pressure preventing the window from moving, even if the electrics are still ok.
You’ll drown if you wait for the pressure to equalise so you can open the door, so forget that.
Using an emergency hammer won’t work either once submerged.
The #1 recommendation is to put those windows down asap and get everyone out.
No, don’t phone for help or post videos first. 😆
Tesla 1, EV nut nil.
For many EVs the windows and doors are electrically powered. When the car is flooded, the batteries fail and the windows and doors will not open. The passengers can’t get out, they are trapped inside as the car sinks.
The same thing happens with EV battery fires: The windows and doors will not open, trapping the passengers inside as the car burns.
Aren’t EVs wonderful?
Where are OHSA when you need them?
Firms that require you to drive an EV are providing an unsafe work environment….
Many petrol and diesel cars have windows that are electrically operated. If you cannot lower the windows manually, what difference does it make whether the vehicle has a petrol, diesel or battery engine?
The “special” glass is Triplex with modern materials, I think a vinyl sandwich.
If you want to do a smash and grab you have to bring an axe. A brick won’t get you entry.
Sad for Ms Chao, and all the other people in that situation. It’s a lethal problem, even with tempered glass. It’s a wonder there are no regulations yet.
The Tesla X is designed to float if driven into a pond or lake provided collision damage doesn’t compromise the feature. Moreover the “bird-wing” doors on this model are designed to seal with a lateral movement against the seal, so the doors should open if activated while the car is partly or possibly even fully immersed.
Why did the Tesla sink and why didn’t Angela open the door to escape before it sank?
More News from the People’s Republic of Victoriastan
The police force in the People’s Republic of Victoriastan puts the Gestapo and the Stazi to shame as a tool for the oppressive socialist regime.
Under poltical pressure a young lad has been charged with murder following the disappearance of a woman out jogging alone.
The only “evidence” the Victoriastan Stazi have is moble phone location records that places the young lad in the same vacinity of the missing woman at the time she disappeared – there is no body and no murder weapon.
The Main Stream Media in Victoriastan also suppport the oppressive socialist regime and so it has been “trial by Media’ for this young lad.
Images of what appears to be the snorting of a white power the night before are being shown by the MSM as “evidence” of “so he was high on drugs and so killed this woman in a drug fuelled rage”!
“Innocent until proven guilty beyong reasonable doubt” no longer applies in the People’s Republic of Victoriastan.
Channel 9 comes second to the woke ABC for distrust and pushing political agendas
Police off the leash, and the moral-police doing their best to over-regulate us all into their anxious fantasy of “safe spaces”.
The speed limits on the highway approaches to Castlemaine in Victoria were restricted down to 80kph a few years ago. It still seems unnecessarily tedious, but we got used to 80kph on the Midland Hwy & the Pyrenees Hwy.
Now the local moral jihadis have petitioned Vicroads to drop the Pyrenees Hwy speed limit from 80 down to 50!
Understandably there is community unrest and indignation.
My father used to call Victoria the Wowser State.
Now it’s either the Police State or the Nanny State.
If I was planning a crime I would leave my phone in a distant location as my alibi!
“Being in the proximity of a crime is not evidence of complicity”
Record low this morning. Even admitted to. I had -20 degrees C. And it’s March.
Interesting thing this winter is the nights have been well below average, but many of the days have been mild.
We had the usual Jan. thaw followed by an colder than usual Feb.
The last few weeks have been stormy. That will give a false sense of being a bit warmer, because storms are usually preceded by south winds which are warmer (NH). Followed by a post storm chill. Plenty of snow still. Not quite like last year but piles and piles of it.
I thought 47°C was hellishly hot in Melbourne, Australia but 57°C!
Death Valley is famous as the hottest place on earth and driest place in North America. The world record highest air temperature of 134°F (57°C) was recorded at Furnace Creek on July 10, 1913. Summer temperatures often top 120°F (49°C) in the shade with overnight lows dipping into the 90s°F (mid-30s°C.)
I wonder why those places are called Furnace Creek and Death Valley?
Good names for chilli sauces?
Death row sauce was one I suggested to my friendly chilli farmer. You wanna know what real heat is? 😁
I have been wondering about the idea that anyone who disagrees with man made CO2 driven Global Warming is unqualified, a liar, a fool and a shill for an oil company. After 36 years it’s obviously not true. So why does no one say anything in the corporate world?
Woke companies and that’s all companies, all go along with ESG, DEI, BLM and Climate Change, they have never shown any interest in fighting back. Possibly because the people at the top on millions, even tens of millions a year, for their ten years at the top at most, are trying to please everyone. And be invited to parties and not have people scratch their cars.
And where you might think the (temporary) head of an oil company would hire a lot of scientists to debunk oil driven Global Warming, the exact reverse is true. They become the wokest of the woke.
So the idea that someone is lying on behalf of an oil company is ludicrous. Most such people go along with whatever their political masters say. And go to all the right parties and sports events and shows. And agree with the government on everything. Especially the gas people who think the oil and coal people should get it in the neck first.
While I can point to tens of millions who earn their direct living from Climate Change and a hundred million who dare not say anything in public, no one can actually point to these evil scientists who disagree. Except for a handful of retired scientists who are past being fired.
Which is why, apart from blogs like Jo’s, no one says anything. The Windmill thing will just blow over. Like the windmills.
A bit like the Liberal/National parties in Australia who completely agree with man made CO2 driven Global Warming but think Nuclear might be a better solution to this worldwide problem. And of course it’s many years away and equally impractical. So a political story, not an actual plan of action.
While Australia balances the budget with CO2 exports, the ultimate hypocrisy common to all political parties, even the Greens. Everyone wants to be paid and the money comes from iron ore and coal and gas. So shtum.(silent; non-communicative.)
Thoughts please
It s all part of the plan.
WEF-compliant Governments like Australia’s are at war against the farmers and food supply, driving up prices and reducing availability.
So people try growing their own food.
Then Herr Kommandant Klaus Schwab warns home-grown food is also destroying the planet so next thing you know, home vegie plots will be banned or restricted.
‘Red meat the whipping boy of the food sustainability movement’
It accounts for about $75bn in economic turnover and employs close to a half-million people, but Australia’s red meat sector fears updates to the country’s official dietary guidelines are just the latest agenda-driven attack on the industry.
The warmies fell for the “cow farts” joke that the sceptics put forward and then started making the massive attacks to the world’s food supplies thus endangering the poorest of people. Never thought that they would be that stupid.
OldOzzie, is there a non-paywalled copy of thst (or excerpt)?
David could not find one
Read this while searching for an unpaywalled link.
The biting truth: red meat’s sustainability success story
Who reads Australia’s Dietary Guidelines?
At least the WEF is consistent – b….y stupid.
FWIW – long
“Saturday Snippet: It all comes down to corn”
“First published in 2006, Michael Pollan’s book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals” exposed the hugely artificial, compromised nature of our First World food chain. It’s been a source of enlightenment and controversy ever since.”
Note the conclusion
Chiefio noticed this in there – “C40 Cities”
“The C40 has established an “ambitious target” to meet the WEF’s goals by the year 2030.
To fulfill the “target,” the C40 Cities have pledged that their residents will comply with the following list of mandatory rules:
“0 kg [of] meat consumption”
“0 kg [of] dairy consumption”
“3 new clothing items per person per year”
“0 private vehicles” owned
“1 short-haul return flight (less than 1500 km) every 3 years per person”
The C40 Cities’ dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World” report.
The report was published in 2019 and reemphasized in 2023.”
More on them here –
Looks like we have only Sydney and Melbourne signed up
That is a reply to HB’s Slay report at #8
In Melbournistan, the Moomba Parade (Bread and Circuses for the Masses) was cancelled.
What a load of nonsense!
Back in the day, hot days were considered to be of little consequence. We even still had to go to school, and the rooms were not air conditioned.
The current Lady Mayoress of Melbourne, Sally Capp, is a prime example of the epidemic of incompetence engulfing Australia as a whole, but Victoria in particular.
In days of yore, common sense would have prevailed regarding the Moomba parade. Many citizens have invested a massive amount of time and money in the lead-up, building floats, making costumes, organising transport, accomodation, etc.
All Capp had to do, if she was so concerned about ‘catastrophic’ weather conditions predicted for Melbourne (certainly NOT unknown in the past, by the way), was to announce the parade would begin earlier in the day, or even made a name for herself by holding the first twilight parade in it’s history.
These people are complete incompetents and imbeciles, captured by the blob. Ratepayers – vote them out at the earliest opportunity.
Professionally, I’ve had a bit to do with this mob and have seen the mindset up close.
The fact that the DemocRATs seem to be running with the current White House Resident and not replacing him, suggests that:
A) He will resign “due to medical issues”, or have an unfortunate accident falling down the stairs at the last minute and will be replaced with someone who ticks at least two diversity boxes like Michael Obama.
B) The ‘RATs are absolutely confident in the success of another election fraud.
C) The ‘RATs are absolutely confident Trump will not run.
Michael Obama” has company
French President Emmanuel Macron, 47, fires back for first time at claims wife, 70, was born a man
The Macrons first met when Brigitte, then 40, taught drama at the Catholic Providence school in Amiens. The future president was 15 — and her daughter Laurence was his classmate.
I think the Dems have given up, they’re going to let Trump win, take on the mess the world is now and blame him for it, relentlessly attack him, then walk it in in 2028 having defeated Trumpism forever as the GOP will swing left like the Californian GOP
The Democrats can’t win 2024 without election fraud at a massive level. And the chances of a have reasonable Democrat running in 2028 is negligible. They don’t have anyone within a coo-ee of the possible Republicans.
On one of the conservative YouTube channels I follow, I have been “unsubscribed” without my knowledge or permission four times so far.
After the third time the channel owner complained to YT and their response seems to have been to unsubscribe me again.
Other subscribers have similar experiences.
That’s one way the Left censor conservatives. The Left are terrified of alternative opinions.
Thanks for this.
I will pass this on.
Auto – not a subscriber to YT, or much else …
FWIW – more on covid
“This week — remarkably — the Hill ran an op-ed penned by outstanding covid docs Paul Marik and Pierre Kory, headlined “Is it long COVID or long vax? Does the government want to know?”
“I found it very encouraging and a great sign of progress the Hill agreed to publish the op-ed. In their article, the doctors quickly got to the point: Dr. Kory and Dr. Marik reported they’ve been treating a whole lot of ‘long covid’ patients through their FLCCC organization, but they aren’t sure it is long covid:
In two years, our practice has evaluated and treated over 1,000 individuals (for ‘long covid’). Approximately 70 percent of these patients said their reported symptoms occurred in the minutes, hours, days and weeks after COVID vaccination, as opposed to after COVID infection. This could be tied to a new condition that’s flown under the radar until recently.”
More at
I never believed that long covid is a cov-19 follow-up but has it origins in “vaccination”
When Military Rule Supplants Democracy
I manage several websites. I’m seeing massive cyber attacks from American big tech \ government. These are mainly probing \ intrusion \ data mining attacks. I’m seeing email interception and parsing and link following and the banning of individual emails based on their content. I have had to write a lot of code to deal with the security threats from the USA.
PS: Let’s run the logic here: I am not attacking anyone. My enemy is those who are attacking me.
Ask yourself: “What haven’t you been watching over the last few years?” “Where has your attention been diverted?” “The wars?” They are a smoke screen so you don’t see the real war which is in the information space. That’s where all the action is and must be taken.
“Inevitable? Autonomous AI Male Robot Gropes Female Reporter”
Meet the Sex Robots
Comment: “Awkward moment when your robot doll still cheats on you lol”
When do we get the first country/western song to welcome this?
‘We’re in trouble’: Australia’s GDP figures ‘disastrous’
Bondi Partners Senior Advisor Peter McGauran has warned Australia is “in trouble” after the release of “disastrous” GDP numbers.
Data released this week revealed the economy grew by 0.2 per cent in the last quarter, which was slightly below expectations.
However, on a per capita basis, the economy shrunk 0.3 per cent.
“The GDP numbers are disastrous – December quarter economic output only grew by 0.2 per cent, which gives us an annualised growth rate of 1.5 per cent,” Mr McGauran told Sky News Australia.
“We’re in trouble – there’s no question.
Meanwhile – Australia’s bloated public service exposed in damning new figures
Relentless expansion of Australia’s public service since the COVID pandemic a slap in the face to families fighting the cost-of-living crisis
Newly-released data showing a rapid increase in the cost of the public service will be very painful to read for the Aussies whose mortgage repayments have surged on the back of 13 interest rate rises, writes Nick Cater.
There are more than 380,000 more hungry public servant mouths to feed than in 2019, with the Commonwealth government leading the way.
In June 2019 there were 242,000 Commonwealth public servants on the books.
In June last year, there were 350,000, an increase of 44 per cent,
State governments have not been idle in the field of job creation either.
Victoria leads the way with an increase of 21 per cent, followed by WA (18 per cent) and Queensland (15 per cent).
The overall result is that the cost of running government across the country has risen more than twice as fast as inflation, and the number of public servants per head of population has increased.
The impact of the rising government cost is one of the more spine-chilling messages to emerge from this week’s scary National Accounts.
While wage rises in the private sector remain subdued, the public service wage bill rose by 9.2 per cent in 2023, the most significant jump since 2011, during the last term of the Labor government.
The rise was driven by new enterprise bargaining agreements, the removal of wage caps across several states and territories, and bonuses paid by state government departments, the Australian Bureau of Statistics reports.
“Public Servants” actually run Australia and not the elected politicans who are easily manipulated by those they can never sack.
There are three types of “public servants”:
– the incompetent ones;
– the corrupt ones; and
– those who are both.
You missed the “lazy ones”
And the hard working competent ones
Yes, I would imagine that there’s a group of decent hard working people amongst them.
Oddly, the sheeple think more PS types equates to better service that they aren’t paying for.
Qld had a one term LNP government of Campbell Newman who tried to trim the bloated health dept. Scared the bejezus out of the electorate who kicked him out.
The public service is the employer of last resort as it employs the unemployable.
The Houthi terrorists have again fired several drones which the US Navy has shot down. Good. However, every now and then the Houthis do hit a carrier ship, the latest one with losses and injuries among the innocent civiliaan crew.
Why aren’t Biden’s military carpet bombing the Houthis’ military assets, and their owners, to high heaven? That’s what Trump did to ISIS, as soon as he got into the Oval Office. It was over within weeks. It was so easy that the world did not even notice it, or maybe the media just shut down the news so as not to give credit to Trump.
Houthi Lethal Underwater Drones Adds New Threat to Red Sea
On Feb. 18, U.S. Central Command announced naval forces in the Red Sea destroyed an uncrewed underwater vehicle (UUV) in Houthi-controlled waters around Yemen. This is the first time that the Houthi Movement has been observed operating UUVs since attacks began last October.
Meanwhile, what are the defence brains trust in Canberra doing? Spending $265 billion on manned submarines that can be easily taken out by such drones!
Serious question: How do you control a UUV in real time. In practical terms radio waves do not penetrate water. They can only be controlled with an umbilical cord or preprogrammed inertial guidance systems.
Why do these reports scare you so much?
No H, watch some of the clips of the British UUVs attacking Russian ships. They are as fast as speedboats, run half-submerged so the camera and antenna are above the sea, and have a range in hundreds of Km. I expect the Yanks use an AWACs as a repeater station if needed.
Very hard to hit with a machinegun it seems too, although they use up to a dozen to attack at once, at night, and only need to get three or four to hit the target.
Hence, Houthi and the Blow Fish!
You obviously don’t understand the ‘Houties’, they are essentially tribesmen. So western ‘shock and awe’ is totally ineffective. When Biden was asked if he thought the bombing would make a difference he said, no. The Houties are one of the only groups standing up against the genocide in gaza, they should be applauded, And a ceasefire would stop the attacks, what decent human being wouldn’t support that ?
It costs the West around about $50,000 a pop to shoot down one $1,000 drone. Go figure who is winning !
The Israeli’s made the mistake of forcing all Jews to leave the Gaza Strip so allowing the Palestinians automony to rule Gaza – the Palistians prompty elected the HAMAS terrorist organisation to power an all aid money was diverted to building weapons and tunnels to attck the Jews (described as dogs in the Quran) as a thank you for their generousity.
The Israeli’s will not make this mistake again.
Even other Mulsim countries hate the Palestinians.
Let’s all forget what happened in 1948 and has been ongoing ever since. And while we’re at it Let’s forget that Israel created, trained and supported Hamas as a means to undermine yasser Arafats PLO.
Now we’ve got rid of all those inconvenient facts, I can agree with you !
The Israelis are the ones against whom an act of genocide was committed in Oct 7. Fact.
The Gazan perpetrators of an actual genocide and their supporters don’t get to call the defensive response from Israel genocide when the Gazans were the ones that invited such response.
Even so, the Israelis are only targeting terrorists. Any “human shields” killed collaterally are regrettable but a direct result of terrorists using human shields plus UN collaboration with terrorists of building terrorist infrastructure within schools, hospitals, UN headquarters etc..
Don’t revise history.
Please contact the ICJ with your evidence so that a miscarriage of international law can be prevented.
Why revise when you can make it up.
Are you sure none of your ancestors Steve was a white Jew who came to Australia to colonise locals ?
People who live in glass houses…
Vlad, not sure what you’re trying to infer. However, don’t make the schoolboy error of assuming all Jews are zionists and support Israel.
Also, I’m a limey, never been to Oz, but I’ve been to Israel.
What is a Jew, I thought it was a religon.
What colour are Jews supposed to be, the ones I know are as white as me?
Jews are any person born of a Jewish Woman.
There is no colour associated with being a Jew.
Your ignorance is palpable.
Interesting how many people are happy to support the deaths of over 20,000 women, children and babies but won’t consider a ceasefire. A sick world populated by sick people, how can things ever improve with such a perverse mindset !
Steve, the crime against humanity is:
1. Invading a neighbouring country massacring 1200 babies (cutting off their heads), young woman, (cutting off their breasts), boys and girls (best not to describe what they suffered), old women (burnt alive) and of course men who were tortured to death.
2. Taking 230 hostages to be used as human currency.
3. Shooting 10,000 rockets at Israeli towns and villages, specifically to kill innocent civilians. A high percentage of those rockets fell on Gazans anyway, killing and maiming many Gazans.
4. Hamas is the government of Gaza. It committed a series of crimes against humanity. All members of that government need to be taken to the ICJ and jailed for life.
5. Hamas has forcibly used their own babies, children, mothers, women, and old people as human shields specifically to put Israel into a quandary, whether to defend itself at all costs or remain inactive in fear of Hamas killing the hostages.
The worst crime against humanity that Hamas dreams of is the killing of all Jews and remove Israel from the map.
Regarding some history: When Gazans elected Hamas in 2006, Hamas killed all Fatah politicians in Gaza, some being thrown off high-rise buildings same as they do to gays.
Well said, Alex.
Got any evidence.
Media stated 40 babies beheaded, turned out to be here say, no evidence.
No evidence of rape.
10,000 rockets/pipe bombs. The USA has supplied 21,000 missiles to Israel since the start of the war, 9000 dumb bombs.
Hamas were elected in 2006 by a 54% majority, 18 years ago, and no elections since. How many of those dying today do you think have even had an option to vote?
Hamas were formed by Mosad, to counter the rise of the PLO.
The most secure border in the world was breached by men with lawnmower motors strapped to their backs, it took the Israel defense forces 7 hours to respond?
Their boarder outposts were over run because no guards were on duty, no guards, we are not at war, yet we have guards on all our bases at all times, this is an SOP.
Why was the entire IDF stood down, how did Hamas know they would be unchallenged for many hours?
All news out of Israel and Gaza is from the Israel military, propaganda.
Palestine is an occupied country, Israel is the occupier, and the occupied have the right of resistance.
By deception thou shall do war.
As for the destruction of Gaza and all the video’s from the Palestinians, communications and power were the first to go, how are these getting out. Live camera feeds of the bombings, no power or communications?
I have seen no furniture in amongst the destroyed buildings, buildings with walls missing and empty, I keep thinking of those ghost cities in China that nobody lives in?
When all the information comes from one side, you should question everything.
Facts remain – namely the massacre of over 1000 civilians and don’t forget that the slaughtered were sympathisers of the Israeli left. As to the first peoples of the area it is the tribe of Canaanites that were arguably the indigenous inhabitants.
Facts remain, yet you show no facts?
What is an Israeli left?
Mr facts above said that 1500 babies have been beheaded, Israeli media stated 40, (notice how everything is rounded off) which set of facts do I believe, yours?
By deception thou shall do war.
Yep, the “never again crowd” seem to be doing it again.
I don’t think taking advice or information from a person who signed up for a vaxxine trial, to avoid a trial vaxxine, would be good advice.
Never again eh, never again.
Let’s not forget the Houthis have developed unmanned submarines to attack shipping, from their ports? Their radar installations have been destroyed, these tribal nomads are extremely well advanced.
The container ship “sunk” had no containers on it, must have been an Uber ship, call to collect.
Why are ships still traversing the red sea, they would be uninsurable, why are these ships empty. Is sinking cheaper than scraping?
By deception thou shall do war.
The most recently publicised sinking was the Rubymar, a bulk carrier, not a container ship… its cargo was apparently fertiliser.
It’s strange how “hot days” became “extreme heat” and other scary descriptors
Trust the BOM?
Queensand following fashion?
“Germany Begins Felling 120,000 Trees From ‘Fairy Tale’ Forest to Make Way for Wind Turbines”
Koalas and whales have replaced humans as sacrifical offerings to appease the Climate Gods.
What next if these sacrifices fail to prevent “climate change”?
Aztecs massacred whole town populations when rains failed and famine came.
If climate change continues (and be sure that it will, forever) they will find another bogeyman, such as Christian white patriotic men (already being targeted), and maybe Jews, again.
A new record in “frank and open discussion”!
“LEAKED: CDC releases 148 Blank Pages about COVID risks to fulfill FOIA request”
It seems like a joke but isn’t.
But – why 148 – precisely – blank pages?
Why not 42?
Or 97?
And why not 147 or 149?
Or 27,016 pages?
Why not just 1 blank page? Conveys the same information … doesn’t it?
One of the problems with politicians and senior public serpents is that most of them have little life experience, very little general knowledge, few or no hobbies or interests except an excessive lust for power and control over those they seek to rule. Basically, one dimensional beings. Useless and dangerous wastes of space.
Do not be affraid the name names.
Our esteemed PM fits this description to a Tee.
Our glorious Minister for Energy is another one.
Bowen served on the Fairfield City Council from 1995 to 2004, including a term as mayor. He was elected to the House of Representatives in the 2004 election.
Did you mean dangerous waste?
Why are lawyers buried 12 feet under?
A: Because deep down they’re really good people.
In return
Cick the “X” on “See more Facebook” and it seems to show
Attack Of The Trans Vegans
Trans veganism is a unique lifestyle that combines two seemingly different movements – veganism and transgenderism. However, upon closer inspection, one can see that these two movements share a lot of common themes, such as compassion, empathy, and equality. Both movements promote a vision of a more just, fair, and equitable world.
Moonbattery is fungible. All forms of it can be applied under the banner of trans veganism, including Critical Race Theory…
[P]eople of colour and indigenous people are disproportionately affected by environmental degradation and the harmful practices of the animal agriculture industry.
…as well as the global warming hoax:
By consuming only plant-based products, trans vegans significantly reduce their carbon footprint, which has a positive impact on the environment.
The keystone of hardcore moonbattery is the concept of equity:
By adopting a vegan lifestyle, trans vegans further support the movement for animal rights and contribute to a more equitable society.
Only when the authorities have imposed equal outcomes not only between identity groups but between species will utopia be achieved.
Trans AND vegan. Is there anything worse?
Oh ok, a trans vegan cyclist. 😆😆
Remember: when buying cucumbers , buy Vaseline too, so people don’t think you’re a vegan.
/that’ll get deleted.
Tyler is yet to come out.
Our BOM is pushing extreme and catastrophic and unprecedented about a 3-day forecast for hot weather in Melbourne, where I live. Unusual for march, they claim. Roughly, they forecast Tmax of 38 ⁰C for each day Sat-Sun-Mon, 9 to 11 April 2024. This is a Monday holiday weekend for thanks to leftist unions.
Here is the graph for past 3-day heatwaves, the hottest 3 consecutive days each year from 1856 to now. I just inserted 38 for each of the BOM heatwave days to come. This graph uses raw data, official historic numbers for the old Melbourne regional site in Latrobe St, followed by Olympic Park site from 2014. Here are the 50 hottest years, hottest 3-day average..
If it matters, the trend is 0.4 ⁰C per century warming, close enough to zero.
The 2024 estimate of 38 puts this year at number 47 in the top 50.
Here are the numbers for heatwaves in March, showing those warmer than the 2024 estimate.
1934 39.0
1940 40.4
1942 39.4
1966 38.5
2024 38.0
Conclusion: Why all the fuss about a nothing-burger?
Geoff S
p.s. There are many thinks wrong with these numbers, such as likely UHI at the old weather station in the City, so that high 2009 peak is probably too high. But this is what you get if you take the path of “near enough for government work”.
Good work, Geoff.
And those historic BoM figures have also probably been artificially cooled by them with the undocumented process of “homogenisation”, thus making the present warm weather even more unremarkable.
No, these are raw numbers before the adjustments are applied.
Geoff S
“Confidence In The Global Economy, By Country”
Interesting- The ‘West’ is depressed, the BRICS are confident.
‘South Korea and Japan were the only Asian countries surveyed that were not feeling confident, with Japanese respondents being the least confident (30%) and South Koreans tied for the second-least confident (33%)”
Both invaded by America and the Yanks never left, both tied to the USA even now.
An interesting article on how energy storage at grid scale is “not going to happen”. NY and CA are examples.
30 days of energy storage is about USD 2 Trillion.
The costing of US$150 per KWh is far too low.
Most of these “Big Batteries” are multiple modules of Tesla MegaPacks and pricing for a single MegaPacks starts at around US$620 for a single unit before installation costs falling to US$ 475 per kWh 100+ projects.
Furthermore, the current projects are for grid stabilisation purposes and so these Megapacks do not go through full discharge/recharge cycles on a daily basis for say the provision electricty at night from solar farms.
The operational life of these batteries would likely be considereably reduced if this was the case and so replacing these batteries every 7 to 10 years would need to be factored into the project costings.
Power is not Energy
Our esteemed Energy Minister “Blackout” Bowen also does not know the difference between Power (MW) and Energy (MWh) and so believes that you can replace a 1000 MW coal fired power station with a 1000 MW battery! Where the battery will last for just 4 hours!
A complete idiot does properly describe “Blackout” Bowen.
I touched on this topic a few days ago
There have been at least two such fires in Australia – one in Victoria and one in Qld.
Given the toxic nature of these fires far more attention should be given to this issue.
If nuclear reactors have to be build inside containment buildings then why not these mega battery installations?
Jackson Pollock’s drop sheet “Blue Poles” should be sold to help pay off the national debt. Some sucker will probably pay $500 million for it.
I’ve stood in front of it “in the flesh” and it is an impressive work.
Costello has already sold most of our gold at rock bottom prices. What good did that do? Like an alco withdrawing his last $100, it only lasts a day.
So did Canada, India & others to protect B o E.
He also “suspended from operation” Part IV of the Banking Act in 1976.
Take note that such suspension can be lifted by the GG at any time without notice.
No need for Parliament to sit.
Sleeping Time Bomb.
Sell all of Canberra … if it pays the national debt then wonderful … but even if it falls short, then with Canberra gone it will be difficult to run up any more debt so we will be better off.
If the sale of Canberra comes with the current residents would anyone buy it?
Okay. I Bid AUD $1.
Would these 800 millions Indians be happy if Prime Minister Modi adopted the same energy policies as AirBus Albo and “BlackOut Bowen”?
India aims to add 17 gigawatts of coal-based power generation capacity in the next 16 months, its fastest pace in recent years, to avert outages due to a record rise in power demand, according to government officials and documents.
The extra demand is probably due to huge number of phone calls they make to sell solar panels and shower heads to Victorians. I normally receive 3-5 a day…
Kim Iverson interviewing a biowarfare expert on the coming WHO pandemic treaty, and she mentions a ‘rider’ called ‘One Health’, that enables the WHO to declare a world wide climate, eco, or a gun emergency. In America they are hoping, that because health is a state responsibility, they could fight Federal interference? It might get a bit bleak here in Aus! 16.00 mins, but from 14.50 you’ll get the gist.–boto
Apparently there is a practice of “swatting“.
Remember the Miami apartment collapse a few years ago?
Here is an excellent update on the failure investigation with both engineering and materials science aspects.
The video is under 33 mins.
Just watching a new ad on TV where “Barry” becomes a hero for buying an EV , if you look carefully you will see Barry is loaded and lives in the inner city , and that brings me to the electricity retailer who has an ad where a young girl appears to steal an E bike then when it gets just down the road and runs out of power she appears to steal an EV motorbike .
The message these two companies are trying to send leaves a lot to the imagination!
“Woke Influencer Describing “Terrifying” Things That Will Happen if President Trump Wins the White House Again Accidently Makes Epic Campaign Ad (Video)”
Read the list!
Facts remain – namely the massacre of over 1000 civilians and don’t forget that the slaughtered were sympathisers of the Israeli left. As to the first peoples of the area it is the tribe of Canaanites that were arguably the indigenous inhabitants.