A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Bowen’s Backflip on Offshore Wind Farms off SA/Victorian Coast
Chrissy Bowen is certainly a simpleton and megalomaniac (a dangerous combination) but who exactly is telling him what to think?
Charlie Marx!
Last year, Wall Street Journal (WSJ) columnist Joanna Stern test-drove EVs and then leased a Ford Mustang Mach-E. Her current column of March 6th reports on testing 10 different Tesla Superchargers (in New Jersey). The Mach-E and Ford F-150 Lightning are now able to charge at over 15,000 Tesla Supercharger spots in the U. S. and Canada. Other major auto companies are to follow.
Charging the Mach-E from 20% to 80% at a Tesla Supercharger took about 36 minutes. The cost? $25.20. The same charge at an EVgo down the street took just over 43 minutes, and cost $39.27.
This is of no concern to me – I have a 2019 gas F150 – but it is interesting. I can gas-up and get another 400 miles in about 7 minutes. That’s a guess.
Our US electric car road trip charging disaster and what it means for Australia
Trying to charge our electric vehicle in the US was a six-hour saga. Australia needs to act quickly to avoid this dismal state of EV charging.
Paul Maric 6 March 2024
A little while ago we did a Melbourne to Sydney road trip in both a petrol vehicle and an electric vehicle (EV), and then later we drove from Sydney to Brisbane in EV.
What we found along our travels were multiple faulty public EV chargers, while those that weren’t out of order would see their charging speeds considerably reduced when more than one car was using them at the same time.
So, while we were in the US during the recent Lexus GX launch, we wanted to rent an EV and see what public charging was like in one of the most developed EV nations.
We also wanted to skew the test in the EV’s favour by picking Los Angeles, which is located in California, a state with strict emissions laws, a high uptake of EV ownership and an aggressive charger rollout.
Our thought here was to get a better understanding of what Australia’s public charging future looks like if we follow in the footsteps of a progressive state like California.
EV uptake in the US
In California (to the end of 2022) there are just under 30 million registered light-duty vehicles. This covers sedans and SUVs, but doesn’t include bigger pickups including some electric dual-cab utilities.
Of the circa-30 million registered vehicles, around 1.1 million are ZEVs – battery-electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs – and a further 1.4 million are petrol hybrids.
US EV charger distribution
In Los Angeles County alone, there are around 6.3 million light-duty vehicles, of which around 282,000 are ZEVs.
In addition to the registered vehicles, Los Angeles County has 2286 DC fast chargers, with wider California offering just over 43,000 public chargers (a mix of DC and AC).
It’s unclear whether these figures include Tesla chargers, which until recently have been restricted to just Tesla vehicles.
The verdict
So, what did we learn with all of this?
If this situation is in our future for Australia, we are well and truly screwed.
The uptake of EVs in the US has been big, and they accounted for around 25 per cent of the market last year in California.
Australia is well below that, but with just as many public charging issues.
More action coming on this issue.
CFACT blasts offshore wind multiple-site assessment as ridiculous
By David Wojick
The beginning: “CFACT has long called for an environmental assessment of the combined impact of the clusters of huge offshore wind facilities being pushed by the Feds. Each facility is being separately assessed even when they share a boundary. In many cases, it is clear that the adverse impacts will overlap and compound the harm to marine life. An obvious example is the incredibly loud and potentially harmful noise of pile driving. This noise carries over fifty miles, so if two sites are pile driving within a few miles of each other, the noise has to be much worse when the impacts combine.
The federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is supposed to do environmental assessment of offshore wind (even though their mandate is to get it built). They finally produced a combined assessment for six facilities off of New York and New Jersey. It is grandly called a Programmatic Environmental Impact Assessment (PEIS) of the New York Bight. CFACT’s official comments on this assessment are pretty clear: it is junk. Here are some telling excerpts:
“Most of the 800 or so pages are nothing more than an academic discussion of the general environment, the sorts of impacts that might or might not occur, and what might or might not be done about them. There is basically nothing about this specific combination of projects.”
“In short, the academic acoustic case considered in the PEIS tells us absolutely nothing about the potentially huge noise impact of the six projects supposedly being assessed. There is literally no environmental impact assessment here. This vacuum seems to hold for pretty much the entire PEIS, with no real assessment of the six projects. There is certainly nothing of substance on noise.”
“As environmental impact statements go, this one is ridiculous.”
A number of important adverse impacts are not even considered, especially the lifetime operational impacts that go on for decades.”
More in the article. Please share it. It is time to assess multi-site impacts.
How woke are the anti-farmer farmers? -..Fonterra bietet CO2-Rechner an
Die neuseeländische Molkereigenossenschaft Fonterra bietet ihren Kunden als erstes Unternehmen der Branche einen Emissionsrechner für die bei ihr gekauften Milchprodukte an. …. “The New Zealand dairy cooperative Fonterra is the first company in the industry to offer its customers an emissions calculator for the dairy products purchased from it.”
I’m sure that it’ll do wonders for sales (sarc) I want to sell us much NATURAL Goodness as I can, and encourage more, … but not with that rubbish.
Great news.
I will buy products with maximum CO2 and CH4 emissions.
Electric vehicle unable to be stopped by its brakes.
Police cars swarmed the M62 on Wednesday afternoon (March 6) to save a driver after their electric car suffered an ‘electrical fault’ that stopped it from being able to brake.
Officers from Merseyside Police and Greater Manchester Police used specialist tactics to ram the vehicle and block it between a number of police vehicles, to eventually bring the car to a stop.
The terrifying incident unfolded on the eastbound carriageway on Wednesday, between J11 for Birchwood and J12 for Eccles.
Developing – story tip.
“to ram the vehicle”
Oh well, not a problem then! 🙂
I recall a similar event in Scotland a few months ago.
Occasionally get people whose cruise control wont turn off also. Must get a bit exciting.
A runaway “press to start” car can be stopped by pressing the start button [did microsoft design this?] and holding. At least I think that was the story back when some cars in the US were getting stuck throttles.
In many Western countries including Australia first cousin marriage is legal but rare.
In the UK, 75% of people of Pakistani origin marry their first cousins with devastating consequences. The result is very large numbers of serious genetic defects in the children and a huge drain on the medical and welfare systems.
Don’t you think the parents should at least be required to undertak tests before marriage to ensure they are not carriers of various genetic defects?
Stop being scared of Islamophobia. Start worrying about Anglophobia
All over the UK, there are bright, talented women being held back by a system of patriarchy we have unwittingly imported
Mariam leads a double life. She had two weddings.
The first, a traditional Muslim ceremony in the northern town where she grew up. The second, a much rowdier affair with dancing and cocktails, took place in the south-west where Mariam now lives with her English husband and their two children. No guests at the former wedding attended the latter. Her parents don’t know their daughter looked stunning in a white lace dress with a gaggle of bridesmaids in coral.
Mariam has two wedding albums, two sets of ornaments, twice the number of framed photos and clothes which she changes into when her parents or siblings visit. If she’s been home to see her family, as soon as she gets on the M62, she takes off her hijab.
But Mariam thinks she is one of the lucky ones. When Mariam was at school, there were girls in her class who went on “holiday” to Pakistan and were never seen again. Later, they would hear that their absent friends were married to uncles or cousins. Clever girls in Mariam’s class used to deliberately fail their exams because they knew the fate that awaited them once they completed their education.
Mariam’s mother is a bright woman but, like many other mums of her age in “the community”, she never learnt to speak English. She has lived in Lancashire since she came over as a 14-year-old bride for an arranged marriage almost 60 years ago, but she barely knows 10 words to exchange with the locals. “Hello”, “Thank you”, “A’right, love”. So she has no non-Pakistani friends and she has never worked. Mariam’s father used to taunt her mother, telling her that she could never run away because no one would understand what she was saying.
When she was still a teenager, Mariam told her mother that it wasn’t normal for men to beat their wives. It wasn’t normal to cower when you heard his key in the front door. Mariam’s mother said her daughter was mistaken. It was perfectly normal.
Mariam wasn’t allowed to go to university – very few fathers were happy letting their daughters travel alone without a chaperone – but she was really good at maths and managed to train as an accountant at a local firm. She got upset sometimes because she thought her English colleagues assumed she was thick or weird because she was Muslim and didn’t go to the pub with them. But, then, on a training course, Mariam met Aandy and did something she wasn’t supposed to do: she fell in love. Because Andy had a house and a nice car, her father agreed to the marriage. A miracle really.
If you ask them, Mariam’s son and daughter will say they are Muslim, but they attend a Church of England school, sing hymns and Christmas carols and do all the normal stuff the other kids do; netball, violin, Fortnite. Mariam loves her mum and her siblings, and she carries her religion like a rosebud curled tight within her, but she wants her children to be British not Pakistani. (She would never allow her daughter, now 12, to visit relatives in Pakistan in case they abducted her and married her off.)
Mariam knows that, one day, her lies will be exposed. On their last trip up north, her son asked: “Mum, why do you cover your hair when we go to Nana’s?” It’s exhausting keeping up the pretence.
But Mariam can’t face the almighty, violent row that will ensue if it’s revealed that her father’s dutiful daughter now acts and behaves like she’s any other British woman.
So the double life, two of everything, goes on.
Stop being scared of Islamophobia. Start worrying about Anglophobia.
Mariam feels obliged to live a double life because her values and lifestyle would appal her family who don’t live in the Britain the rest of us live in.
That can’t be allowed to continue.
Suspicion and hatred fester when communities remain strangers. The cycle of poverty won’t be broken if mothers can’t speak English or find work.
If Mariam acts and behaves like she’s any other British woman, that’s because that’s exactly what she is: a British woman.
*Mariam and Andy’s names have been changed
Interesting to consider whether Islam is primarily cause or effect
David, I saw that on GB News and I wondered how it was that these people had not bred themselves out of existence by now.
That would not be an issue. Once they’re gone, they’re gone.
However, this is an issue, and perhaps explains a lot:
In an earlier life when the WWW was freer Stefan Molyneux would discuss IQ and race. He covered this
Described as: Far-right white nationalist and white supremacist podcaster, blogger, author and political commentator it is unsurprising that he has been deplatformed. Pity.
Among woke Leftist parents having a “trans” child seems to be a virtue signaling device and status symbol, much like an exotic pet.
In the following video JP Sears talks about one such woke family that has FOUR trans children and another that has TWO.
It really is a very dangerous cult that these parents are subscribing to.
A short Peterson clip on the odds of having multiple affected kids vs your own psychopathy.
Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental illness and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick.
I think it may have been said before on this very site, but having a ‘trans’ child is akin to having a vegetarian cat – you just know that it’s not THEIR idea.
I saw that, and it’s yet another example of how half the population are total moonbats. Makes you wonder how we even evolved this far.
The corrupt mesianic medical profession has so much to answer for.
Leaked files from wpath reveal widespread medical malpractice on children and vulnerable adults at global transgender healthcare authority.
Newly leaked files from within the leading global transgender healthcare body have revealed that the clinicians who shape how “gender medicine” is regulated and practiced around the world consistently violate medical ethics and informed consent. The files, which were leaked from within the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), were published today by the US-based think tank Environmental Progress.
WPATH is considered the leading global scientific and medical authority on “gender medicine,” and in recent decades, its Standards of Care have shaped the guidance, policies and practices of governments, medical associations, public health systems and private clinics across the world.
However, the WPATH Files reveal that the organization does not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine, and members frequently discuss improvising treatments as they go along. Members are fully aware that children and adolescents cannot comprehend the lifelong consequences of “gender-affirming care,” and in some cases, due to poor health literacy, neither can their parents.
“The WPATH Files show that what is called ‘gender medicine’ is neither science nor medicine,” said Michael Shellenberger, President and founder of Environmental Progress. “The experiments are not randomized, double-blind, or controlled. It’s not medicine since the first rule is to do no harm. And that requires informed consent.”
After the big reset it’ll be bye-bye to all those corrupt medics and their governing bodies, and good riddance!
As CO2 Lover said on the Wednesday thread (paraphrasing in my words).
Net Zero is the Left’s rebranding of Pol Pot’s Year Zero.
Also known as the WEF’s Great Reset.
They haven’t started killing the intellectuals yet but they are certainly cancelling them, defunding, sacking/firing, ridiculing them, engaging in Lawfare against them etc..
And they are systematically reducing the standard of living of non-Elites and restricting access to the food supply by actions against farmers etc. making it more expensive.
Europe Is Alarmed Enough To Begin Wargaming A Food Crisis
Governments of the European Union are engaged in wargames which simulate and foresee a global food crisis. A mix of major factors including the Russia-Ukraine war and impact on grain supplies there, as well as weather events like El Niño and La Niña and their impact on Latin American soy output, and the anti-EU farmers’ protests which have disrupted supermarket supply chains, have been cause for alarm, European officials say. Of course there’s also the example of how drastically a pandemic can interfere with supply chains. Panic buying was a trend and constant fear within the early months of the coronavirus crisis.
Bloomberg details of a conference held in Brussels last month that envisioned a 2024 to 2025 food shortage in Europe: “…over two days in central Brussels last month, some 60 European Union and government officials, food security experts, industry representatives and a few journalists gathered to confront the possibility of something barely on the radar a few years ago: a full-blown food crisis.”
Can you eat solar panels and turbine blades?
Why doesn’t someone warn us well in advance to take self-preservation action? 😆
‘Quite deadly’: Governments unsure how to deal with dead EV lithium-ion batteries
BUSTED! Toronto’s trash/recycling receptacles are literally … garbage! (And we have proof)
It may have started out with the aim of recycling, hence the 3 bin split, but then along came the reality that, as identified by Georgina the PR person, sorted recyclables are contaminated and need additional manpower (expense) which blows out the cost of the operation ie separate delivery to a) the dump for landfill and b) the recycling plant which then needs more manpower to clean it etc.
The damning part of the story is that even with this realisation/information the council maintains the separation myth and uses collection vehicles that can’t keep it separated. BUT the positive is the fact that by maintaining the separate bins and having people sort the stuff the individual bins wont get filled as fast as they would if everything went into the one bin. So THERE IS your environment saving right there because the collection pickups are not as frequent thereby saving on gas pollution, wages etc – a negative positive.
People have to realise that negative positives are superior to positives and in fact we should celebrate negative positives even more than we do “straight” out just “positives”. Just apply the trans-woman concept where something that isn’t is better than the real thing it is replacing ie better records and higher physical interactions in sport.
The SCOTUS oral arguments for The Jan 6th Trump immunity case are now scheduled for April 25th.
US EPA says it’s ‘looking into’ study that found electric cars are MORE toxic than gas-powered vehicles
EPA is investigating whether EVs release more emissions than standard vehicles
A study claimed the weight of EVs cause their tires and brakes to wear out faster
Particulate emissions are released into the air, and can cause health issues
Has the Main Stream Media now also turned against EVs?
“The EPA is confident that its findings will reveal that EVs are indeed better for the environment and people’s health, despite the results from the 2022 study…carried out by an independent watchdog”
Well, that’s all you need to read, the EPA will pick the facts to meet their opinions.
“The proposal said future EV models would weigh less than current models”
More hopium as fact. Batteries may get better and heavier!
Probably not mentioned on your events calendar –
“Good morning, C&C, it’s Wednesday! The Childers Team is en route to Las Vegas for the Covid Litigation Conference ”
Today’s Covid and Coffee
Police are forced to RAM £80,000 electric Jaguar I-Pace to stop it as it raced down the busy M62 motorway without brakes after suffering system fault with terrified driver trapped inside
Friends of Science Newsletter #405
Topics include:
Projection of Amazon Rainfall Dominated by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
IPCC’s New “Hockey Stick” Temperature Graph
The Elevation of the Early Holocene’s W. Antarctic Ice Sheet Plunged 450 m in 200 Years
Late Holocene coastal dynamics, eastern Gulf of Thailand
Top Climate Model Improved to Show ENSO Skill
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles: UNSALABLE
London vicar: ‘Wedding planners are employed by the Devil’
A rector gives the low-down on the modern church wedding and the people who really make life difficult for the vicar in charge
Our church is a popular one for weddings. We have around 20 a year. St Bartholomew the Great was one of the four churches featured in Four Weddings and a Funeral and sometimes people want to get married here because of the film. I find that quite funny because it’s the church where the wedding actually didn’t take place; it’s where Charles (Hugh Grant) is about to marry Duck Face (Anna Chancellor) but when the vicar asks if there is any reason the marriage shouldn’t go ahead, Charles says he’s in love with somebody else and Duck Face knocks him out. It’s hardly an auspicious moment, but it does attract some people.
But the real villains here aren’t the photographers, it’s the wedding planners. They are employed by the Devil.
The fundamental problem with most wedding planners is that they are entirely pointless.
They have to create a purpose so they create drama in order to smooth over it.
They often don’t know how church services work or how the church building works and they cause trouble. At best they think about what flowers to have, where the flowers will go and who sits where.
But there are wedding planners who think they can re-order the service and have it take place at a different angle. They ask: “Can we use that altar instead?”, not understanding we’re using the main altar.
One wanted a winter wonderland in the church, complete with fake snow. They hadn’t factored in that the bride was able to walk down it to get to the altar but she and the groom together weren’t able to fit through the avenue of birch trees and so on to get out.
They like to say “Oh we can’t possibly have a reading at that stage in the service” and sometimes they even want the vows moved. They have no idea about the liturgy. There are often battles over timing. If you are officiating at a couple of weddings a day and they say to the bride “Oh you can be really late arriving” when you know you’ve got another wedding with another bride arriving in the not too distant future, that really is not going to work.
We’re officiating at weddings in an era when understanding of the Church is decreasing rapidly.
Even people who want to get married in a church often don’t know much about it.
So a couple will visit the church when the altar frontal is green because of the liturgical season and when they get married it’s red because it’s, say, the eve of Pentecost, and then they’ll say, “Oh my God, it’s not fitting in with our colour scheme.”
But we are the Church of England, the Established Church, and everybody is entitled to marry in it. You don’t have to be a baptised Christian, so long as you meet the criteria for getting married. One of those is attending the church for six months before the wedding. They don’t even have to live in the parish; they can drive to the church.
And as for another consequence of weddings in the social media age: I do find myself dotted around places like Instagram. The couples will usually tag the church but sometimes it’s me so there I am. It’s amazing to think how many people have looked at my face, beaming there behind the happy couple, on social media.
Feeling safer?
“Chinese suppliers of US air launched armament supply chains 2023”
The diagram that goes with it –×551.jpeg
Have you got the diagram that shows how much technology from the west flows the other way?
“Europe is Struggling to Meet Green Hydrogen Goals, Send Money”
Red Bull say RB20 draws inspiration from rivals in less obvious areas
From the Comments a Philosophy worth adapting
RedBull goes by Bruce Lee’s advice:
“Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own”
As summed up by Gemini
Answer: That’s a great quote by Bruce Lee. It encapsulates his philosophy on both martial arts and life in general. Here’s what it means:
Adapt what is useful: Be open to learning from different sources and approaches. Don’t be afraid to borrow techniques or ideas that work for you.
Reject what is useless: Not everything will be helpful. Be discerning and discard things that don’t align with your goals or hinder your progress.
Add what is specifically your own: Don’t be a copycat. Once you’ve learned from others, put your own spin on it. This is how you create something new and unique.
This advice can be applied to many areas of life, from learning a new skill to developing your personal philosophy.
The Real Victoria Nuland: US foreign policy official retires after decades of fomenting conflict and destruction
A malevolent globalist of unparalleled attainment.
Victoria Nuland has played a pivotal role in both constructing and executing American foreign policy over the last few decades, wreaking havoc every step of the way.
On Tuesday, the State Department announced that she will be retiring from her role “in the coming weeks.”
“Toria’s tenure caps three and a half decades of remarkable public service under six Presidents and ten Secretaries of State,” a statement from Secretary of State Antony Blinken read.
“What makes Toria truly exceptional is the fierce passion she brings to fighting for what she believes in most: freedom, democracy, human rights, and America’s enduring capacity to inspire and promote those values around the world.”
Far from her advertised qualities, Nuland has used her position of power to pursue ideological pursuits that served as a force for death and destruction.
Let’s take a look at Nuland’s resume and explore the activities of this supposed “freedom and democracy” champion.
State Department No. 3 Victoria Nuland Resigns After Failing Upward For Decades
The State Department announced on Tuesday that Victoria Nuland, the third highest-ranking U.S. diplomat, would step down. Her career in U.S. diplomacy is a case study in Beltway bureaucrats failing upward over their decades in Washington.
Nuland’s “tenure caps three and a half decades of remarkable public service under six Presidents and ten Secretaries of State,” the department said in a press release. “These experiences have armed Toria with an encyclopedic knowledge of a wide range of issues and regions, and an unmatched capacity to wield the full toolkit of American diplomacy to advance our interests and values.”
But Nuland’s tenure also puts her at the center of foreign policy failures for decades.
Suffice it to say the world is far more dangerous than when Victoria Nuland entered the scene.
Russia has forged closer relationships with China, Iran, and North Korea, threatening an outbreak of a third global conflict while the American dollar inches closer to losing its hegemony.
If fomenting World War III is a metric of success (and in Washington, it is), then Nuland will be on her way to a high-paid professorship at an American university, if not a fellowship at a Beltway think tank.
Nuland’s career is a testament to career officials failing upward in the elite class of D.C. bureaucrats.
Who Will Prevail In World War 3? Exploring The 7 Key Battlefields
Authored by Nick Giambruno via,
Total war between the world’s largest powers that reshuffled the international order defined the previous world wars.
Total war between the largest powers today—Russia, China, and the US—means a nuclear Armageddon where there are no winners and only losers.
That could still happen despite nobody wanting it, but it’s not the most likely outcome.
World War 3 is unlikely to be a direct kinetic war between the US, Russia, and China.
Instead, the conflict will play out on different levels—proxy wars, economic wars, financial wars, cyber wars, biological wars, deniable sabotage, and information wars.
Domain #7: Proxy Warfare
Proxy wars are a method by which major powers fight their battles indirectly, using smaller nations or groups as stand-ins rather than confronting each other directly.
Major powers support, equip, and finance smaller groups or nations in a proxy war to fight against a common adversary. This support can include military training, weapons, funding, and other resources. The critical point is that the major powers do not engage directly in combat.
I expect proxy wars will be a decisive factor in who will win World War 3.
There are numerous ongoing proxy wars. However, there are three that I believe will be key in determining which side has the overall advantage.
Proxy War #1: Ukraine
Proxy War #2: The Middle East
Proxy War #3: Taiwan
There will likely be other proxy wars as World War 3 progresses, but the ones I believe will prove decisive will be in Ukraine, the Middle East, and Taiwan. The other proxy wars are peripheral in comparison.
All three decisive proxy wars are trending toward a defeat for NATO & Friends.
Therefore, the advantage in the overall proxy war domain—which I believe will be the most decisive domain in World War 3—is with BRICS+.
Result: Advantage BRICS+
Proxy War #2: The Middle East
Pentagon blames ‘intel gap’ for failure to stop Yemen’s Red Sea ops
After nearly two months and hundreds of airstrikes, the US has failed to deter the pro-Palestine actions of the Yemeni armed forces
News Desk MAR 6, 2024
US defense officials have blamed “insufficient intelligence” for Washington’s abortive airstrike campaign against Yemen, which started in mid-January and has so far failed to deter the Yemeni armed forces from attacking US, UK, and Israeli-linked vessels in the Red Sea in support of Palestine.
During a congressional hearing on US operations in the Red Sea last week, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for West Asia, Daniel B. Shapiro, revealed Washington “did not know” the full capacity of the Yemeni arsenal used for its operations in the Red Sea, adding that the White House was “working to gather that intelligence.”
He added that, while the Pentagon had “a good sense” of what US-led attacks have allegedly destroyed, officials did not “fully know the denominator” – meaning the reality of Yemen’s military capabilities.
The $175.3 Trillion Doomsday Clock Is Ticking – That Is The Estimated Unfunded Social Security And Medicare Liability
It’s the report that no one in Washington D.C. wants to talk about.
$175,300,000,000,000 is the most important financial number in the world.
The new Financial Report of the United States Government (February 2024) estimates that the financial position of Social Security and Medicare are under funded by that much. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin signed the report. – pdf 255 pages
The amount is unfathomable. Here are two examples for context:
The gross domestic product of every country on planet earth was only $104.5 trillion last year.
$175.3 trillion is nearly as much as our federal government has spent on everything since the Constitution was written in 1787, even adjusted for inflation.
The Federal Government has been paralyzed. The last reform worthy of the name was 41 years ago next month.
Then we’ll have to go back to basics, where the garbo gets paid more than the lawyer.
Just make sure that the farmers get their supplies, including fertilisers, on time and the truckies get enough fuel and trucks, trains and ships to move the food to where the people are.
Won’t be easy. Planing should start now.
She’s of a piece with Ursula von der Leyen; ageing trophy wife with no achievements to look back upon, that is, if the sowing of discord disqualifies itself.
(Swedish as translated by Google) Ekeroth: “The wind power industry sucks the taxpayers”
(Sweden) The climate activists’ attack on the Vasaloppet
Climate protesters stage another stunt at Uffizi Gallery
Richard D. Wolff: NATO’s Hunger to Lose, George Galloway’s Win, Nuland’s Resignation – an excellent analysis of the current American (and world) situation.
“Alteration Of Gut Microbiota Affects The Severity And Complications Of COVID-19”
Thanks a i,
Fascinating article, and I found this sentence particularly so:
” The intestinal tract, the largest immune organ in the human body, plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining a robust immune system, and gut immunity is closely linked to our diet. ”
Dave B
Arrgh! Worst coral bleaching coming! All going to die!!
If you want to believe these zero-credibility clowns-
“the Great Barrier Reef is again in danger, NOAA says. “It’s looking like the entirety of the Southern Hemisphere is probably going to bleach this year,” NOAA ecologist Derek Manzello told the international news agency Reuters. …What’s concerning marine biologists at present is the build-up of record-breaking ocean heat fuelled by both climate change and the El Niño climate pattern…. “We are literally sitting on the cusp of the worst bleaching event in the history of the planet,” NOAA’s Derek Manzello told Reuters.”
Well, we might be, and the coral might bleach, but their reasons of global warming and the non-existent ElNino here aren’t going far. In 12months time suppose they will declare 80% of the reef ruined based on their models.
I’ve been to the GBR a number of times and matching what I saw and what is being said is difficult.
A coral bommie, which is the soul of a vibrant reef, would grow continuously but for the limit of the water level, ergo coral that has enjoyed a few good years and pushed it’s luck will bleach when three thing happen: A low tide, a sunny day and calm winds. I suspect that an exposed coral could survive the first two PROVIDED there is a wind splashing it and cooling it. It is inevitable that some will die of exposure which is what I assume “bleaching” is.
In three days time the year’s highest tide of 4.18m is due. That means, of course, the corresponding low tide of 0.7m is due in the afternoon. Obviously that puts the coral at risk if the wind dies. Predictable if you can read the tide tables.
Are these guys predicting a wind drought?
Another EV road trip nightmare:
Noos is that Russia tried to assassinate Zelensky in Odessa but missed… Lol! Russia doesn’t miss! They could take out the Big Z anytime, but Ukraine might get someone in power who knows how to run a war.
Zelensky was there with the Prime Minister from Greece and handed out medals to the officers in charge of the British drone boats that are based in Odessa and used to blow up Russian ships.
Russia knew he had left in the official motorcade and used an Iskander missile to clean out those who were awarded medals and hadn’t left.
Hooos your paymaster?