A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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China scientists warn of global cooling trick up nature’s sleeve
Research sheds light on 500-year Chinese weather cycle and suggests a cool change could be on the way
Findings leave no room for complacency or inaction
I think it’s better placed at the beginning than at the end of a thread.
This report is from 4 1/2 years ago. I didn’t subscribe, so do not know what the trick is nor when cooling will sneak into my area.
However, to prepare, I will cut a few more trees for firewood. 🙂
In addition:
Two Centuries of Winter Temperature Variability Inferred from Betula ermanii Ring Widths near the Forests/Tundra Ecotone in the Changbai Mountain, China
In this study, we constructed a ring-width chronology derived from Betula ermanii (BE) near the transitional zone between forests and tundra within the Changbai Mountain (CBM) region. This chronology was established utilizing 55 cores obtained from 30 trees. Our analysis of growth/climate responses underscores the pivotal role of the mean maximum winter temperature in influencing radial growth. Drawing upon these growth/climate associations, we reconstructed the mean maximum temperature series for December of the preceding year through January of the current year for the years 1787 and 2005 CE, employing a standardized chronology. During the calibration period (1960–2005), the reconstructed series exhibited an explained variance of 36%. This reconstruction provides crucial insights into historical temperature fluctuations within the study area. Our findings indicate that year-to-year temperature variations did not manifest synchronously along the altitude gradient of Changbai Mountain. Notably, the response to recent winter warming exhibited disparities with the altitude on Changbai Mountain. Specifically, the higher altitude range (1950–2000 m a.s.l.) displayed a response to warming around 1960, the mid-altitude range (765–1188 m a.s.l.) responded around 1975, and the lowest altitude (650 m a.s.l.) responded by 1977. Consequently, the paleotemperature research outcomes from Changbai Mountain alone may not adequately characterize climate change in this region. We recommend future high-resolution temperature records be obtained through sampling at various altitudes to enhance the comprehensiveness of our understanding.
The best model I have seen for (European) temperatures of the last 250 years is a classic fit with just two major cycles, one solar and one ocean and predicts the same thing. Prof Carl Otto Weiss and friends.
Also and most impressively, this was done with real readings, not tree rings. The industrial revolution started in England/France/Germany, so the analysis of the temperatures of six European cities is more credible than all the inferences from say Antarctica, the South pacific or the vast oceans. There is nothing wrong with direct satellite measurement of the planet, but you have to wonder about people with tree rings and such when the world is 72% water (74% if you count Antarctica).
What is also startling about the Weiss data is that 1870 was a minimum. So it is not surprising that all projections of rapid Global warming start around 1870. This endless playing with starting point, Y axis minimum and Y scale to create rocket ship graphs is appalling non science, clearly intended to bias.
Here’s the song:
“So long, and thanks for all the fish”?
A 500 year cycle shows a slight warming during the Renaissance and then it became frigid again.
Meanwhile in Australia there wasn’t an inkling, however it was wet.
Just voted for Trump for the fourth time (primary) and looking forward to a fifth in November!!
What shocked me about the US elections in 2016 was that over 98% of Washington, DC voted for Hillary Clinton. That’s unbelievable, that fewer than on in 50 people would support Trump. 98 out of 100 people saw their future with the one party in the US capitol. And that is every major Federal organization in the US including the Justice Department, CIA, FBI and everyone else. How is that possible anywhere in a democracy and why is it so?
It is not surprising that the Democrats feel they can assault the Supreme Court and direct the entire legal profession against Donald Trump, or any other Republican candidate. It’s a monoculture, like our Canberra. The combination of the public service and the military industrial complex is complete. And each 155mm howitzer shell sent to Ukraine is another $3500 in someone’s bank. How many politicians does that sort of money buy?
which politician has made it well known that a reduction in the unelected bureaucracy is necessary and desirable?
Where are the greatest number of bureaucrats in the USA?
Like the old joke, made true under the US voting system, “vote early, vote often”
Do you see any indication that the ranks of hard core TDS sufferers is shrinking? From down here it seems unlikely.
I find US politics to be riveting entertainment but I am aware that your choice of POTUS matters a great deal in our part of the world.
Shut up old woman!
The BBC’s top verifier with the allegedly iffy CV is back making a fool of herself and her employer.
Love it! ..and so typical of the left!
Q) What’s the difference between a Lib/Lab/Green Uniparty voter and a shopping trolley?
A) The shopping trolley (US = cart) has a mind of its own.
But it still goes left.
Even some DemocRATs realise that the present White House Resident is unelectable therefore are proposing Michelle Obama.
She would be a perfect “Diversity Hire” and ticks the boxes for skin colour and gender.
More importantly, just like the present White House Resident she will be Barack Hussein’s obedient puppet for his fourth term.
Beyond that, if she is elected in yet another fraudulent election for a second term, it will constitute Barack Hussein’s fifth term (and third shadow term).
That means Hussein will have “led” the United States for a total of 20 years and his mission to destroy the nation will have been completed by then.
For the sake of the United States and the Western World more generally the US must have an honest election in which case Donald Trump will be elected and he will help save the US and the West from certain destruction under Barack Hussein.
She has apparently, once again, firmly ruled out running for Prez, so it looks a certainty.
The one Democratic candidate where there would be a high level of disapproval votes. would that be enough to offset the herd mentality of the urban voters? I can’t guess the answer
But it would highlight the division in USA “culture”
Thanks to the return of wind power Western countries are deindustrialising, deconstructing and failing.
It was the abandonment of wind (and human and animal) power with the development of the first practical steam engine by Thomas Newcomen that enabled the Industrial Revolution in the first place.
The Left and other destroyers of civilisation know this and that’s why they are pushing it.
Pol Pot is the poster boy for the Left. “Net Zero” is a rebadging of “Year Zero”.
Many followers of conservatives and pro-science channels on YouTube are finding themselves mysteriously unsubscribed from those channels.
That is, when YT doesn’t cancel, censor and remove the conservative channel altogether.
Plus, followers don’t get notifications.
This is called shadow banning.
The effect is real, look how few views pro-science people like Tony Heller now get on YouTube.
This is getting far worse in the lead up to the US Election as the Left try to manipulate the outcome.
That doesn’t work so well now with the alternatives like Rumble available
“Nut-Zero” – even more expensive!
“Financing the Energy Transition: Do the Numbers Add Up?”
Tour at your own risk?
“A warning from Elon Musk”
A timely look back at the Net Zero edition of Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain videos:
(3m video)
The videos in which the Uniparty cops it are by far the most amusing.
Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study
“Study Destroys Economic Arguments In Favor Of Mass Immigration”
“How to Falsify Weather Station Data”
The Continuing Albedo Change Warms the Earth More Than Twice as Much as CO2
What is life really like in Alice Springs?
Why was Albo so reluctant to visit during his “Yes” Campaign?
Possibly the most disturbing video I’ve seen of Alice Springs and I go through there every 2 years , last year it was that bad that when getting fuel you were warned to lock your car even if you had someone in the car as a passenger . Shopkeepers are on edge and gangs rule the city .
Facebook, Instagram Hit With Outage Across US
A major outage appears to have rocked Meta’s social media platforms on Tuesday morning across the US.
Facebook outages are being reported in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, and other major metro areas in the US.
Hot on the heels of the telcos, most notably AT&T, borked “software update” failure.
Something wicked this way cometh.
One might hope that the Russian hackers keep up the good work.
Super Tuesday in view, it’s more an US problem.
News from the People’s Republic of Victoriastan
Only 21 days?
A well-known climate activist has been jailed over the stunt that saw a rented truck parked across three lanes of Westgate Freeway from 7.30am snarling inbound city traffic.
Deanna Coco, also known as Violet Coco, appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday evening
Both Coco and Homewood were jailed for 21 days by Magistrate Andrew McKenna who said the conduct must be denunciated.
Last year in Russia 400 people were arrested for comments made on social media. How many do you think were arrested in Britain for doing the same?
That is incredible – 3,300 people arrested in the UK for comments over social media and the example he gave in the 59 Sec was unbelievable
Who was the Grey Haired Guy interviewing – – He sounded Australian?
As he said “My Goodness”
Old Ozzie.
It’s John Anderson (former deputy PM and Nationals leader). He has some excellent interviews at his website (e.g. John Cleese, Victor Davis Hanson). He’s been both guest and host of Konstantin Kisin (the other guy in that snippet). My favourite so far is quite non-political, and not too churchy: Andrew Browning, Aussie missionary surgeon in Africa.
A Neo Con type. I find that I disagree on much. But still not too bad.
Thanks Robert
Old Ozzie,
BTW, should have mentioned: I don’t do thumbs, but love your work!
“I advocate for the destruction and for the annihilation of the traditional family.”
Spain’s brand ambassador for Doritos.
“Hold my beer, Bud Light” 😆
Doctors admit link between transgender hormone therapy and cancer in leaked emails.
Doctors on a leading transgender healthcare body have admitted that patients have developed cancer owing to the effects of hormone treatment.
Leaked emails show other medical professionals admitting that trans patients do not always understand the consequences of gender reassignment.
The cache of files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets guidelines that have influenced NHS treatment, show that doctors are carrying out life-changing surgery and prescribing puberty blockers even though they are aware the adults and children may not fully understand the long-term ramifications.
Update: Doritos FIRES trans activist after being alerted to sick tweets about doing ‘depraved things’ to a 12-year-old
Doritos has fired a transgender activist who appeared in one of its promotional videos after being alerted to her sickening old tweets, including one where she wrote about doing ‘depraved things’ to a 12-year-old.
Samantha Hudson, 24, appeared in a new partnership with Doritos Spain through a 50-second video called ‘Crunch Talks that has now been deleted from the brand’s Instagram.
Doritos told Rolling Stone on Tuesday it would no longer work with Hudson, saying it had been unaware of her previous inappropriate posts.
The decision follows massive backlash on social media, as users posted grabs of Hudson’s previous comments.
They just don’t learn, do they…
Switching arms for vaccines could help boost your immunity, study finds
A recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation examined whether switching arms for two doses of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine increased effectiveness.
Participants who switched arms for vaccine doses experienced a higher antibody response than those who received doses in the same arm.
The results showed this response increased over time in the subsequent follow-up visits.
These results point to a simple way to increase vaccine effectiveness. Future research could explore whether switching injection sites for other multidose vaccines could help improve immunity.
Maybe a shot in each arm and one in each leg too? 😆
For males do not forget the “third” leg!
A real Booster shot!
“Don’t worry sir. It’s only a little prick.”
6 shots and you’re probably infertile…
Katie Hopkins: Big changes in the U.K. media landscape
Well ….. HELLO!
I wonder where this idea came from.
It’s referred to as ….. Ranked Choice Voting.
It’s being put into effect is some of the U.S. States on this ‘Super Tuesday’ Primaries Ballot.
Umm, watch the short video at this link, and, umm, tell me if it looks somehow familiar.
Trump is storming through the states on ‘Super Tuesday’, as expected. His only challenger, the RINO Nikki Haley, has so far won just one state – Washington. The fact that the only state where she’s popular is the one populated almost totally by Democrats, confirms she’s unfit to lead the Republicans.
That’s not Washington State, that’s DC, a jurisdiction where 92% of the populace vote Democrat, so anyone who is NOT Trump is okay, because they’ll only get a fraction of the vote anyway.
Whoops. Mind you, Washington State has chosen a Democrat governor at the last ten elections.
It looks like she picked up Vermont with a small margin. 90% counted.
Will she show some class on her exit? Prolly not.
Poll: 45% of young voters unwilling to spend $10/month to fight ‘climate change’ despite it apparently being a top priority
American Thinker commenting on Daily Mail Article
Nearly half of all young voters won’t pay more than $10 per month to fight climate change creating potential issue for President Biden campaigning on the ‘existential threat’
. President Joe Biden called climate change an ‘existential threat’ last week
. Despite U.S. facing nuclear threat from Putin, Biden said climate is top concern
. Poll found over half of young voters would not pay more than $10 a month on climate
. And 20% of 18 to 24 year olds say they would pay nothing on climate change
ChatGPT malfunctions and spits out unintelligible ‘gibberish’
As it turns out, artificial intelligence chatbots and the Bidenites have a lot in common: they’re prone to malfunction and break out in unintelligible “gibberish.”
Here’s the story, from the New York Post:
ChatGPT glitches out: Rogue AI responding in nonsensical Spanglish, gibberish
One user allegedly asked about creating a new business, only to have GPT unleash a Shakespearean word salad per another thread.
‘The eon-sift of verberate phase travel elopes with a rehiring toward nature-agreeable re-entrenches,’ the batty chatbot responded. ‘Investors, lore by bound spectrum, and fundamental theorem horology (Roger Myerson, Jean Tirole) anticipate not the sodden shill but a rein of consequential affordance, one that turns time’s hegemony to the anthropos’ scintilla.’
This is Funny –
This is a report from The Australian about levels of ice coverage in the Antarctic.
This story is illustrated by photos of polar bears standing on small pieces of floating ice.
You would think that there would be at least someone in the media company who could have pointed out the obvious to the know nothing twenty something who would have prepared the graphic.
So I said in reply –
Have you never heard of Migration? Shame on you. Those Penguins made it all the way to Madagascar (the animated film). So why couldn’t the Polar Bears go south (a very long way I know).? Get with the Programme. LOL.
As an F1 Fan since the 60s, probably the best read on current Vos Verstappen, Christian Horner Red Bull conflict
Journalists are bound by the laws of libel, but some of us are also bound by our own moral codes and by that I do not mean being sanctimonious about others, but rather doing what we think is right.
I know that it may sound odd but journalism is a profession that still requires ethics and while some writers sacrifice accuracy and privacy in pursuit of profit, others still believe in the principles of truthfulness, independence, objectivity, fairness, impartiality, respect for others, public accountability and the limitation of harm wherever possible.
Not all journalists are interested in who is sleeping with whom.
I don’t care.
I do not report on private relationships – and I never have – except if it has a direct impact on the sport, which is what I actually write about.
What did I learn from my research that shed any sensible light on this story? Quite a lot, but I am absolutely certain that Horner’s adventures are not the key to this unedifying story.
To begin, let’s rid ourselves of stereotypical ideas that many people seem to have, based on their blather on social media. Was Horner hitting on someone who works for him. Yes. Was it wise? No, but do we have a choice about who we fancy?
The key issue is whether we do something about it, or not. Was it inappropriate?
Reading through the WhatsApp messages that purport to tell the story one could find this question raised by Horner himself.
But the WhatsApps did not give a complete story. There were 79 files that showed a few exchanges between Horner and the unnamed woman.
They are not dated but one could work out from references in the content that they covered a period from March 2023 to January 2024. There were references to earlier messages and pictures but these were not included in the supposed “evidence.” So it was like a jigsaw puzzle with an awful lot of pieces missing. In other words, it was not much use to anyone and deserved to be thrown in the trash.
It did, however, paint a rather different picture than one might imagine, with the two parties discussing a variety of subjects, giving one another advice about various things.
It sometimes read like close friends exchanging thoughts.
There were relatively intimate exchanges. In the end, reading it felt like one was invading their privacy.
Long and excellent precis –
WhatsApp is a highly secure, privacy-focused messaging app that is fully encrypted. It is designed to stop anyone intercepting messages.
The one weakness is that it allows screenshots. One can take photographs of the conversations. There are also apps available that can create fake WhatsApp accounts which justify their existence by saying that the fake chat allows people to “joke” with their friends.
The WhatsApps proved nothing, unless the two parties involved admit that the feed is genuine and present the complete story. Only then can it be viewed as solid legal evidence.
But there were some thought-provoking things as well. Quite a few of these screenshots included the notations “CH online” or “CH typing”.
This meant that the pictures were taken during a live conversation and not later when someone was going through the conversations looking for things to include in this dossier.
The content showed that some of these screenshots were quite early on.
Why would anyone want to have a record of this stuff early on in the exchanges, when there was no suggestion that it was anything more than flirting? That was odd and worrying.
In the end I reached few conclusions, but I felt the dossier was a vicious attempt to discredit and embarrass Horner because the official process had not delivered the result that someone wanted.
And for me it was clear that someone’s goal was to oust Horner.
There is one other element in this story that makes no sense.
Red Bull GmbH is a company that is famed for its discretion – one might even say secrecy – and yet it announced an investigation after a Dutch journalist approached the company to try to get confirmation of things that he had been told by a source.
Clearly, if there were things going on that might impact on Max Verstappen’s career, the Dutchman was justified in asking for a comment, but normally one would not have expected a response about an internal matter.
But the company explained that it had instructed a British King’s Counsel to look into the allegations, although these were not defined.
This response – and the subsequent story that resulted – had the entirely predictable outcome of sparking a social media crucifixion of Horner, as people with no idea speculated and made accusations, without any evidence.
It was a lynch mob and deeply unfair.
If Horner was guilty of something, fair enough, but an investigation is not proof of anything.
A KC (or QC if the monarch is female) is one of a small group of the most eminent British lawyers, recognised for their excellence.
Being given KC status is an honour. It is not a rank.
These people are smart, fair, honest and intellectually brilliant.
So when Red Bull GmbH announced that its investigation was complete, and that the grievance had been dismissed, it seemed that the story was over. The complainant had a right of appeal and Red Bull said it was confident that the investigation had been “fair, rigorous and impartial.”
That was when the WhatsApp dossier landed.
The distribution list included a number of very confidential email addresses and so had to have been created by someone who is very well-connected in the F1 business.
I have seen a lot of bad behaviour in Formula 1, but nothing as vicious and unpleasant as this. I hope that whoever put this stuff out is identified, exposed and even prosecuted.
The explanation that best fits the facts is that while there is a human drama on one level, the “relationship” is being used as a weapon in a fight for control of the racing team.
Passion is a funny thing.
In the meantime, I am off to Saudi Arabia this evening for the second round. Hopefully, it will only be the second round of the World Championship and not of the slugging match over control of Red Bull Racing. At some point soon one or the other parties is going to stop the jabbing that had been going on and will land a haymaker… and the voyeurs can watch as the blood spatters the front row of the audience…
[The author stops and mutters: “Right, let’s get on with motor racing…”]
This sorry saga is just another nail in F1’s coffin, for me. It has been spiraling downwards since the adoption of ‘hybrid’ engines. In other words, since F1 sought objectives other than simply pitting the best cars, drivers, engineers and teams against each other on the track. In this however, the sport simply mirrors what’s happening in every sphere, especially the tendency to suck the joy out of every pursuit.
I hate the artificial ‘competition’ that results from DRS, and rules that are unevenly-applied in order to achieve a predetermined result. I cringe at the ‘Hollywoodification’, with celebrities wandering around the grid, most of whom haven’t a clue what an F1 car is. I also dislike modern fans and followers, who have brought a footy-like culture into my beloved sport. I gave up visiting F1 blogs and news sites for that reason – to call them adolescent would be an understatement. Banning grid girls, constant talk about environmental impact, calls for a ‘more diverse’ grid, races held in nations with appalling human rights records, running a race around Las Vegas where the celebs actually outnumbered the spectators …
Nah. I have returned to my roots, so to speak, and now go to kart races or offroad events. I would dearly love to see one more WRC rally but that’s unlikely now. F1 can go stuff itself up it’s own bling-encrusted orifice.
No more Australian V& Supercars like the Falcon GTs and Holden Monaros either – RIP
“Nobody Trolls Like Medvedev!”
“The Renewable Scam”