A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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This article discusses if they have professional security guards attached to aid convoys-as in World Kitchen last week-does that increase the chances of attack
Here’s something different…
Russia says it will be issuing an Unconditional Surrender to Ukraine Parliament.
Not exactly what Biden is expecting.
I mentioned during an earlier thread that Israel was only the size of wales and in places was only 10 miles wide. This made a 2 nation state impossible if one of them was extremely hostile to the other. I asked what part of Australia could be equated to Wales and learnt the smallest state was Tasmania which was 3 times the size.
This set me wondering of course that a large place like Tasmania, with few inhabitants and surrounded by sea would surely be an ideal place to locate either Israel or Palestine.
Which one do you want?
On a more serious note, surely the only solution is for Palestine to be relocated but which country would accommodate them?
First idea: Move Israel in totality to the central USA. The 9M people are enterprising and well educated. Then the Palestinians could be accommodated in the Levant in a manner suitable to the others in the region.
Second: Use this site to compare sizes of countries: thetruesize
Zoom in on the Gaza-Israel Border and see how productive the Isael People are with the land vs Gaza Palestininans.
Israel left the Gazan Palestinians with Functioning Green houses and rather than prosper,
Hamas built Tunnels larger than the London Metro.
Most certainly not Palestine, no one wants them either,
After the war Kuwait expelled Palestinians living in the country in what is known as the Palestinian exodus from Kuwait (1990–91). Palestinians were fired from government jobs and expelled from educational institutions. The Palestinian population shrunk from 400 thousand to 20 thousand.
The Madagascar Plan was a plan proposed by the Nazi German government to forcibly relocate the Jewish population of Europe to the island of Madagascar. Franz Rademacher, head of the Jewish Department of the German Foreign Office, proposed the idea in June 1940, shortly before the Fall of France. The proposal called for the handing over of control of Madagascar, then a French colony, to Germany as part of the eventual peace terms.
However the drunkard Churchill doublecrossed Herr Hitler by jumping into bed with Communist Stalin and with the Royal Navy controlling the seas this made the Madagascar Plan unviable.
Much of the English upper class were concerned about the threat of Communism and supported Herr Hitler in his fight against Communism.
Prince Edward, Duke of Windsor, and Wallis, Duchess of Windsor, visited Nazi Germany in October 1937. Edward had abdicated the British throne in December 1936, and his brother George VI had become king. Edward had been given the title Duke of Windsor and married Wallis Simpson in June 1937. He appeared to have been sympathetic to Germany in this period and, that September, announced his intention to travel privately to Germany to tour factories
Members of the Zionist movement in 1904–1905 seriously debated the Uganda Scheme, by which Russian Jews, who were in immediate danger from ongoing pogroms in the Russian Empire, would be settled in the East Africa Protectorate (now Kenya), which was part of the British Empire at the time. The plan was later rejected as unworkable by the World Zionist Congress.
With rampant anti-Semitism in Europe, the Freeland League for Jewish Territorial Colonization was formed in London in July 1935, to search for a potential Jewish homeland and haven. The League was a non-Zionist organisation and was led by Isaac Nachman Steinberg.
In late 1938 or early 1939, the pastoral firm of Michael Durack in Australia offered the League about 16,500 square kilometres (6,400 sq mi) in the Kimberley region in Australia, stretching from the north of Western Australia into the Northern Territory.
On 15 July 1944 the scheme was vetoed by the Australian government and Labor Prime Minister John Curtin (with bipartisan support) informed Steinberg that the Australian government would not “depart from the long-established policy in regard to alien settlement in Australia” and could not “entertain the proposal for a group settlement of the exclusive type contemplated by the Freeland League” – How times have changed!
A so-called Palestinian state is not viable and will be used as a pretext for further genocidal attacks against Israel. When the Gazans shout “from the river to the sea” they mean rape and genocide of Israeli Jews, as they did on Oct 7. Naturally, the mindless, antisemitic drones, the useful idiots of the Left, in the West also shout that, not even knowing which river or which sea is being referred to.
As Douglas Murray has pointed out, a Palestinian State is already what the Gazans have in all but name.
They are totally self-governed by the genocidal, terrorist government they willingly elected and whom a vast majority of them support.
All the hard-earned money of Western taxpayers that has been given to them over decades has been wasted making so-called Palestinian leaders into billionaires who live in Quatar plus used on terrorist infrastructure including weapons and tunnels.
Had it been used on schools and hospitals, rather than turning schools and hospitals into terrorist bases and using them in the commission of war crimes such as using their own people as human shields, the situation in Gaza would have been a happy, peaceful, productive people. Instead, they produce nothing, except misery and violence.
Israel would have loved to have helped them and invested there as well. To name but one tiny example, when Israel forcibly removed their own people from a tiny slither of land in Gush Kativ they handed over a fully operational flower export business that was sending fresh cut flowers to Europe. That business was making $30 million per year profit. Within days the Gazans had destroyed the interior of the greenhouses and used them as camouflage for tunnel entrances.
Concerning the rules of engagement, no country exercises such strict engagement rules as Israel. It is made especially hard for them as terrorists operate from schools, hospitals, homes and even UN headquarters as the enemy uses human shields, routinely. Nevertheless, even at risk to their own lives, Israel does not fire if enemy civilians are in the cross fire.
The enemy also routinely embeds themselves among aid workers. In the case of the WCK aid workers, Israel had tried to contact them for 90 mins without answer as to whether the convoy was theirs or not. Even so, I understand terrorists had embedded themselves in the convoy. Tragically, civilians do get killed in war, and it happens with USA, Australia and Europe as well. Any other country would have operated a war in Gaza with far fewer restraints than Israel, and unlike Israel would have been allowed to finish the war properly. Israel being forced out of the war prematurely will result in further genocidal attacks by Gazans in another few years. Rinse and repeat.
As for whose homeland it is, the Jews were the first people who established significant settlements and government there, preceding inhabitants were nomadic tribes. Jerusalem is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible 660 times, zero in the Koran. Jews have had a continuous presence there since that time. Arabs showed no interest in it until Jews started building up the land, reforesting it, building infrastructure, establishing industry etc..
Also, no aid should be given to the Gazans without the unconditional release of Israeli hostages or their bodies. Surely that is a no brainer?
“Also, no aid should be given to the Gazans without the unconditional release of Israeli hostages or their bodies. Surely that is a no brainer?”
That is unacceptable to those with no brain.
You can name names – Penny Wong and Anthony Albanese
““Those with no brain””
You can name names – Penny Wong and Anthony Albanese”
Penny Wong graduated from the University of Adelaide with Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws degrees.
Anthony Albanese graduated from the University of Sydney with a Bachelor of Economics degree
So they are both Graduands.
They hide it well. Neither comes across as smart, but both are clearly cunning, devious and ambitious. Perfect qualifications for a politician.
“The Jews” are the “First Nations People” of this region and should be idolised by the Left as much as they do with Australia’s “First Nations People?
So what gives?
That is really the #1 question !
And “Queers for Palestine” and “Jews for Gaza”.., who are they? Where were they yesterday?
As any normal person I think first of what happens to my kids here, in Australia.
Maybe some youngsters, while we speak, already designing ALO (Australia Liberation Organisation) symbols wanting real activity, not empty words from settlers & colonisers.
Overnight my country (I have no other passport, no other allegiance) has changed from a very peaceful place to this cauldron of passion. Where are those hundreds of thousands came from???
The other thing which truly horrifies me is how our government immediately took their side. I knew that ABC/SBS and some PhD weirdos would find justification for any anti-Western, anti-civilisation action but not our Ministers of the Crown and Police !
Too much truth and basic commonsense there David. Well said. I stand with Israel.
It’s such a breath of fresh air to read this. Sometimes it’s easy to think that this entire nation is full of antisemites. As Aussies, we will always stand with Israel. We will stand with them under all and every scenario. War is brutal but necessary. We can only have peace once every Palestinian man, women and child is wiped out.
They’ll love you for it, it makes removing your wealth so much easier when you believe.
You couldn’t get two more different cultures in the world, one who thinks interest on a loan is ungodly and the other that rules the world through the interest it charges.
I went along with you until your last sentence; I cannot agree with that. It is Hamas that needs to be fully wiped out, not the entire population; ditto the other groups acting as proxies for Iran’s dedication to attempting to wipe out Israel.
I agree Annie. It’s just the 98% that makes the other 2% look bad.
None of their neighbours, they all remember the PLO.
‘Which one do you want?’
Both sides are religious zealots, so may I suggest somewhere in Central Australia, near a town like the Alice.
See my post at 2.3.1
North/Central Australia was nearly a Jewish State!
I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again. Israel is, and will always be, our first priority as Aussies. We owe it to them due to the atrocities that happened in WWII and our lack of action. It absolutely revolting seeing the blatant antisemitism in Australia when the woke mob attach themselves to the Palestinians who are nothing more than terrorists.
We need to send our sons and daughters to fight alongside our Israeli allies. We need war now more than ever. Palestine are an aggressor and have shown signs that they want to take over the world (which really means attack the West). Our children need to fight this good fight. In general, I’m not a war hawk, but the Israel-Palestine conflict is where I draw the line. We need to be bombing Gaza to oblivion, we need to end Iran’s hegemony over the Middle East and we need to use our military to achieve this end.
Keep your hat on, history would be entirely different if Australia had agreed (90 years ago) to give the Jewish delegation a moderately large swathe of the East Kimberly region.
That doesn’t mean we can’t send our Aussie sons and daughters to fight the good fight. There is no greater honour for an Aussie parent than to have their children fight against Nazi terrorists.
“I’ve said this before and I’ll say this again. Israel is, and will always be, our first priority as Aussies.”
get off.. We have no reason to take any official notice of Israel or Palestine, except the usual one that our rulers are always craven to the Jews. Haven’t we killed enough young Aussies in other people’s wars to satisfy you? Got a plan for sending us to help Russia fight the Nazis in Ukraine?
Wars are only for one lot of rulers to steal from another lot of rulers. Strangely enough no rulers actually get involved, they just want us to die for them. Luckily younger people are recognising this and volunteers for the military are in very short supply all over the Western world.
The best use of Nor’West Aussie where we were to set up Israel would be as a battleground between rulers who wanted war! Feel you should take over someone’s country?? maybe get rid of a ‘dictator’ you don’t like?? Well, come to Aussie with a rifle and handgun and meet the other ruler one on one. Lets put Biden up against Putin, Obama against Gadaffi.. War would become non-existent very quickly.
You would be a fool to go to any war for someone else, but if you’re that keen off you go.. as an individual, not representing a country!
Is Australia full?
I have no idea who Dick Smith is but he seems to be suggesting there is a finite limit to Australia population
In this regard, rents seem to be still soaring as too many people chase too few houses
Richard Harold Smith AC FRSA (born 18 March 1944) is an Australian entrepreneur and aviator. He is the founder of Dick Smith Electronics, Australian Geographic and Dick Smith Foods. Smith has had a long interest in aviation and holds a number of world records in the field. A major philanthropist, he supports a number of charities and conservation efforts.
In 2015, he was awarded the Companion of the Order of Australia. He is a fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry
Dick smith is an intellegent, acomplished business man who thinks logically through some of the issues facing australia , and uses his profile to comment openly about them.
He is one of few high profile independent voices willing to put his head up above the barriers , and speak common sense.
Its a shame the photo over the caption “A record 518,100 migrants moved to Australia during the last financial year” doesn’t show the immigrants, rather than some typical crowd from a very white Aussie shopping center. Another neat piece of mis-direction..
Also in there is a report on the sudden death of a fit and healthy surfing guru. A blood clot in his heart traveled to his brain causing a fatal stroke. Nothing to see here, move along..
We saw them and heard them a few months ago in chanting threats near the Sydney Opera house.
Wong/Albanese are flying in hundreds of that type.
Yet from a petition, I see that a woman, resident of Australia, well integrated and working for 11 years, is to be deported for contrived reasons.
The current problem is one of assimilation and the level of immigration. People leave a place because opportunity is limited or life threatened and they bring the attitudes that made their home country intolerable.
Australia has inherited problems with each wave of immigration. But also inherited diversity and enterprise.
Each group takes around three generations to assimilate – say 60 years before they are attuned to the culture. And the culture is not static either.
Sadly wokeness is becoming an ever increasing part of the culture as well as violent crime. In Melbourne, we see an interesting conflict between the criminals and the woke living in expesive suburbs (maybe the white collar criminals). These are obvious targets for youths being paid to acquire luxury cars.
Two decades ago I liked visiting New Zealand because it had an easy-going outlook reminiscent of earlier days in Australia. Australia, New Zealand and UK were places I felt at ease going through airports. I would never attempt a joking comment in USA or Canadian airports. New Zealand security used to make jokes to make you feel at ease.
I expect that by the end of this century, it will be clear to most that the present interglacial is coming to an end. Places like Northern Africa will become increasingly habitable. There is some evidence that the carrying capacity of Australia will improve for quite a while. I would not be looking at Russia or Canada or much of Scandinavia to establish multi-generational dynasty.
The climate refugees will come from places that now consider they are better off in a warming world. But very difficult to live comfortably on ice mountains.
I think some very bad things will happen before the US Presidential Election because, assuming Trump is allowed to be elected, some of the world’s most wicked countries and people will do things which will be tolerated or even encouraged by the Biden Maladministration (those that tell Biden what to do, mostly Obama) but would not be tolerated by Trump.
If Trump is allowed to win then the Obama/Biden proxy war in the Ukraine will be over the next day
I don’t see how all those illegal immigrants living in luxury at the expense of US taxpayers and veterans will find the time to vote Biden. Gorging food and booze in 5 star NY hotels is physically draining. Perhaps they can just get their concierges to mail in their votes instead of going to a polling place.
Trump only won the first time because no-one took him seriously, so didn’t care. People didn’t vote for Trump, they voted against the establishment they were so sick of.
It doesn’t matter who “wins”, they all lose.
What will it be – WW3, Disease-X, martial law?
Alien invasion sounds good 😁
Like you David, I expect the Democrat cheating machine will prevent a Trump win, but if by some miracle he DOES get elected, he simply won’t be allowed to implement his policies. The Democrats’ control of permanent government institutions is now so complete – and so effective – that he will be blocked and undermined at every turn. The Dems accomplices in the mainstream media will of course paint every consequent failure on Trump himself, ignoring the sabotage.
I think Trump as president will also need very good protection from extremists on the left this time around and I hope he selects his bodyguards very carefully.
Considering what has already transpired over the last seven years, there appears nothing they won’t do.
Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen polling fame.
Nearly 70% of the 1% elite consider election cheating justified in stopping Trump.
Remember they are our moral superiors.
Our problem is, Trump can’t pick his nose. Anyone who sucks up to him is in. He is strongest in foreign policy, where he can go dude to dude. Tweeting on X can not run a country.
“I Am Going To Lecture You On Climate Change”: BBC Reporter Gets Schooled For Hypocrisy
Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data From Nonexistent Temperature Stations
Perhaps all the wealthy woke have bought EV’s as a second car and there a few left?
“Aston Martin boss said it will keep making petrol cars until it is forced to stop”
Working on a Ford Capri Perana rally car this week, a big block V8 with a race cam, injection and big exhaust. The noise of it firing up just makes you tremble, more stirring than any music I’ve ever heard.
Electricity in cars is to fire spark plugs, end of story!
This is odd.
I didn’t realise people are still bring claimed to be dying of covid in Australia.
That brings us back to the old question the thinking community used to ask.
Did the die “of covid” or “with covid”?
Last night I watched this livestream from Senator Malcolm Roberts speaking against Australia’s nightmare digital ID bill.
Just like in China, every thing you do or buy will be linked back to yiur person number and 350,000 public serpents will have full access to see every thing about you.
This bill is much more sinister than most people realise. Of course, no one in the Lamestream media have any concern with it.
Given the quality of the DEI people employed to manage government computer systems the opportunity for Chinese or Russian hackers will not be wasted.
“A scene of modern Britain played out
on a rail replacement bus service in
Newport yesterday. A woman
wearing a niqab was chatting to her
son in another language. After five
minutes, a man suddenly snapped: “If
you’re in the UK, you should speak
English.” At this, another passenger
turned round and explained: “We’re
in Wales. And she’s speaking Welsh.”
Climate Change? What Climate Change!
Earth’s temps yesterday, 11 April:
-60 C Antarctic South Pole (snowing)
-24 C Arctic North Pole
-37 C Greenland Summit
0.8 C 3.4 Niño and dropping fast
31 C Equatorial SST maximum
Not only are the poles NOT melting, the oceans NOT boiling, our southern ski areas are now BURIED under a fresh coating of SNOW, from a beer can’s depth on Coronet Peak to (almost) a keg’s worth nextdoor on The Remarkables (7,500ft).
From a humid 24 C here in the north, to a chilly 12 C down south – Queenstown’s windchill this morning is a mere 3 degrees above freezing – Storm GADA (Great Australian Depression of April) dumps on New Skiland the best of both worlds… meh, it’s only weather 😃
Do they still have beer tankers to deliver bulk beer to hotels and bars in Kiwiland?
If so, let us know when the snow gets to a tanker’s worth.
Tanker delivered beer to pubs and clubs was introduced in Australia a few years ago for Carlton Draught. There are large copper tanks near the bar to hold the beer
Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre is filling up again and La Nina hasn’t even started.
“So much for sinking islands…”
“Remember the kerfuffle raised by climate change activists over the past three or four decades, alleging that many island chains would soon be submerged beneath the waves due to rising sea levels?
Not so fast . . .”
“I find it interesting that the climate change alarmists made claims such as “submerged islands!”, then insisted that there was no time to waste, we had to act now, and we had to throw millions (if not billions) of dollars at the problem to “protect vulnerable populations”, as well as damage our own economies by cutting back on anything and everything that might contribute to rising sea levels. When research over several years (in some cases, decades) has now proved that their claims were wrong, they’re conspicuous by their deafening silence. All the money they gouged out of politically correct governments and “woke” corporations . . . what good did it do? Where did it go? Who benefited most from it? No good asking those questions; they won’t answer them – but we all know where the money came from that’s kept them employed and living comfortably – some would say high on the hog – all this time.
Almost the entire climate change industry is based on pseudo-scientific twaddle. Go watch the video report at that link. It’s the truth.”
“New ‘Biden Diet’ Sweeps Nation: Same Cost, 50% Less Food”
In “tips for ElBowen”?
Make this word great again!
Etymology 1
From Middle English, from inow (“alongside”), ynough (“enough”), from Old English ġenōg (cognate with Dutch genoeg, German genug, both ‘enough’)
enow (not comparable)
(archaic) enough
enow (not comparable)
(archaic) enough
Etymology 2
Contraction of even now.
enow (not comparable)
(archaic) just now
(archaic, Scotland) soon
Another word to make great again – NINNYHAMMER
As in the Australian Energy Minister is such a Ninnyhammer.
It’s such a glorious mash-up: the namby-pambiness of a ninny and the power of a hammer don’t seem to go together, but they combine to make an insult that combines a ninny’s lack of conviction with a hammer’s lack of brainpower. This word dates from the late 1500s, and this 1622 poem by Samuel Rowlands voices a self-deprecating regret: “I might haue beene a scholler, learn’d my Grammar, But I haue lost all like a Ninnie-hammer.” Some heroic writers still use this term, like Colby Cosh in McLean’s who recently dismissed some economists like so: “Goggle-eyed ninnyhammers, the lot of ’em!”
How about Flummadiddle, Slumgullion, Sockdolager, Slantindicular or Jimberjawed?
I’m sure we can tie them to politicians…
I answered a question on Quora.
“Are there any scientifically proven facts that deny the role of human-caused CO2 in global warming and climate change, other than the arguments that it is just a theory or a conspiracy for financial gain?”
Here is what I wrote
Yes. I heard this story of accumulating fossil fuel CO2 and wondered if anyone checked how much was in the air. It’s really absurdly simple in concept. Like a medical tracer all CO2 in the air and ocean, the biosphere is radioactive. CO2 buried as fossil fuel is not. So if the 50% increase in CO2 since 1750 was fossil fuel, the radioactivity should have dropped 33%. Today it has diluted only by 3%.
The question of accumulating fossil fuel CO2 was answered in 1958 by G.J.Fergusson and published in the royal society.
His result was that the dilution by fossil fuel CO2 was a tiny 2.03%+/-0.15%.
You would think that was the end of it. And I have waited 20 years for anyone to say so.
The latest paper to call it all nonsense was in 2023
Residence Time vs. Adjustment Time of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere
We study the concepts of residence time vs. adjustment time time for carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The system is analyzed with a two-box first-order model. Using this model, we reach three important conclusions:
(1) The adjustment time is never larger than the residence time and is less than 5 years.
(2) The idea of the atmosphere being stable at 280 ppm in pre-industrial times is untenable.
(3) Nearly 90% of all anthropogenic carbon dioxide has already been removed from the atmosphere.
In Table 1 you will find another 36 papers including Fergusson which show that all CO2 exchanges rapidly with the ocean. So does O2. After all fish breath. All living things breathe. So as 98% of all CO2 is already in the ocean, every 10 years all our ‘emissions’ are 98% in the ocean. Gas exchange is very rapid and goes up with the fourth power of the wind speed. Oceans cover 72% of the planet.
As for the reason CO2 has gone up at all, that is not known, but it is known how fast it disappears. And there is no reason CO2 should stay constant over a long period of time and 50% in 250 years is not a big or long or significant change.
How fast CO2 is exchanged was confirmed indirectly by NASA
Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds – NASA
From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon.
They found that between 1988 and 2014 two more Brazilian rainforests have grown. That’s an increase in tree cover world wide of 14%, the size of South America in trees. What they did not say and you can easily check is that CO2 went up 14% in the same period.
So more trees do NOT mean less CO2 in the air! That’s nett zero, carbon credits, carbon farming busted. But the other question is if so many trillions of tons of CO2 were sequestered in the new trees, why didn’t CO2 go down? And the only answer is that it is all replaced immediatly from the ocean.
What is missing is any proof or explanation that there is fossil fuel CO2 and fossil fuel CO2 alone somehow stuck in the air. That is against everything we know about CO2 and the oceans. Only conjecture and coincidence, not facts.
None of this is secret. The idea was tested in 1958, almost the first thing checked with the new science of Radio(Active) Carbon Dating. And they checked because they needed to explain why very modern dates were wrong. And it was due to the very slight dilution by fossil fuel. But in doing so they also confirmed that fossil fuel CO2 does not hang around very long at all.
So it’s all fake science.
Nett zero.
“Australia has enshrined in law its targets of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 43% from 2005 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050′
And have to ask that if man made CO2 driven global warming started in 1750 and was due to accumulating CO2, why human emissions in 2005 are ideal or desirable? That does NOT solve the alleged problem.
For all the cost, it simply takes us back to 2005 levels of rapid man made CO2 driven Global Warming!
Are 2005 rates of growth of global warming acceptable? There was a crisis problem in 2001 when the Howard governemnt introduced the appalling and illegal Renewable Energy(Electricity) Act, an act which mentions neither CARBON nor TAX.
It doesn’t mention carbon as both parties had promised no Carbon Tax. And it doesn’t mention Tax because it isn’t a tax. It’s theft buried in your electricity bills. And Governments cannot legislate theft, only tax.
So Chalmers can balance his budget knowing that that Australians are paying for windmills and solar panels with money stolen from their electricity bills. Chalmers doesn’t even have to report on the theft because it is not in General Revenue where all taxes must go. And the windmills and solar panels are not even owned by the people who paid for them. They are owned by ‘investors’. Banks and overseas insterests. Even the City of Canberra pulls in tens of millions of raw profit from windmills bought by other people. It’s a huge scandal. Highway robbery.
We are being robbed. The sooner someone takes these wrong laws to the High Court, the better.
From 2005 to 2022 global CO2 emissions from energy have increased by 21.88% from 28,203 million tonnes per annum to 34,374.
So globally we are well on they way to a 43% reduction by 2030!
But our Ninnyhammer Minister for Energy and Climate Change has no interest in the facts.
The whole concept of Net Zero is just ludicrous. Because technically it’s the balance of CO2 emissions at its source with projects or schemes to sequester those emissions. (Not that CO2 matters anyway). So talking about the Biosphere of Australia being a sink for 15 X the amount of man made CO2 emissions doesn’t qualify – according to the definition of Nut Zero. So, all those emissions must be sequestered by carbon credits, carbon farming or some other man- made solutions etc. Which are very few, dodgy or have virtually no effect anyway. So, by default the only way to achieve Net Zero is to simply ban burning hydrocarbons, but give it a jingoistic fancy name – Net Zero. So its sounds like some flash marketing term like Coke Zero. But what is never talked about is man made agriculture. All those lovely crops which we sow or tend every year suck in CO2 in their annual growth cycle. Total land use for Agricultural production (crops, pasture and forestry) in Australia is 372.7 million ha using ABS 2018 figures. Using a very conservative sequester rate of 2t CO2 per ha (range 1.3-43.3) all those trees, crops and pasture annually consume over 700 million t of atmospheric CO2. Australia’s total annual man made CO2 is now around 500 million t. Hence, not only are we already at Net Zero, we are actually Net Negative.
You are forgetting that 340 mill ha of that agricultural land is actually grazing pasture, (ref ABS) which many would argue is not really “man made” , and if it was not used for grazing it would be natural bush or forrests still.
So the effective CO2 sink from human activity in agriculture is much less than you calculate…
… nearer 100 m tons infact ?
I recently heard that the eco-loon driven idea of “sequestration” of CO2 by pumping it into the ground has finally sparked the ire of “different” folks.
Apparently some people have noticed some “issues” with such a projects.
Firstly: The “energy equations” involved in “capturing, storing and transporting the “anthropogenic” CO2, (as opposed to the “other” CO2).
Then, there is the issue of the geo-chemical “interesting times” that may occur wren CO2 is pumped, at SERIOUS pressure, into water-bearing rock formatoions, especially those with a significant limestone content. Someone needs to ask a long-retired primary-school teacher about the formation of limestone caves and entire regions like the Nullabor Plain.
How many of these eco-cretins who are preposition this farce, were and still are, hard-core “anti-fracking” types? You remenber “fracking”; the pumpimg og mostly water into deep potential “fracture zones, to release Natural Gas and even petroleum deposits.
“Situational ethics” writ large, methinks.
That’s brilliant – now copied to a note for future use.
“Scotland’s First Minister Humza Useless Has a Prickly Personal Problem Percolating”
How long before Australia has it first Muslim Prime Minister?
And Sharia law.
Bye bye bacon.
Bye bye booze.
Bye bye LGBTQ+-×÷
Vote 1 – Maximus Mighty-Dog Mueller III
So I guess its time organize your extra heating and woolies then.
Love the burning red map of Aussie! It will happen in BOMland, a few more solar panels by their thermometers, a few more remote weather stations closed down in cold areas… Their propaganda will confirm it was ‘the hottest eva’, while the real people have thick frost on the vege garden, chilblaines on our fingers and the chook’s water frozen.
FWIW – continuing from yesterday
“Now-Deleted Navy Photo Is So Bad Even the Space Force Called It Out”
This goes with that
“Holy crap, this is an indictment of the clowns in charge of training,”
IIRC – if you look through a telescope backwards doesn’t it make things seem further away?
(I don’t have one at hand to check that)
So – was that bloke giving his target enemy a sporting chance of his longer range shot?
Or was he hoping that his enemy was further away and thus likely to be providing less accurate fire?
One Nations lattest cartoon
Carbon Capture Storage in the GAB
Good effort.
Councils in uproar.
Where is the Environmental Impact Statement for such nonsense?
Its about to be released, a political hot potato and One Nation could pick up seats.
A Note on Australia’s Economy: China’s economy is heading south very fast. That plus China is very much integrating in with BRICS means that it is cutting back massively on imports from non BRICS countries including Australia. This is hitting agricultural products here at the moment – wheat (also the USA). It will spread to other products and sectors. Australia exports premium iron ore and coal – China has tried to replace them but has had problems with the poorer quality of alternatives. The big issues are balance of trade and the currency used for that trade.
Maybe not so bad-
“The Chinese economy is still growing, to the tune of 5.2% last year, according to official data. That compares with average annual growth of about 7% last decade ”
In 2022 Aussie grew the economy 4.3%, the USA 1.9%. A lot of countries would love 5% growth!
Reported from a decidedly Non-Pro-Chinese source that would lie to make China look bad! Would anyone really believe-
“Young people in China have to contend with a higher unemployment rate, which reached 14.9% in December for those ages 16 to 24, compared with 8% in the U.S., according to the Federal Reserve.”
Nope, no tent cities in the USA, no streets full of homeless, no unemployed veterans hunting for work, lots of jobs for the millions of illegals who crossed the border…
‘The Chinese economy is still growing, to the tune of 5.2% last year …’
That is laughable, more like 3.6%.
‘Unemployment reached 14.9% in December for those ages 16 to 24 …’
Closer to 40% and they are lying down flat.
The streets of metropolitan mainland Chinese cities are full of homeless people and the blackshirt security hose them down every night.
U.S. National Median Rent vs Annual Household Income
Friday sarcasm
Instead of phasing out fossil fuels, we should be phasing out the fossil fools in government.
CHASING TRUMP: Political Prosecutions. Justice Gone Wrong. – 1 min 23 secs chaser on Documentary being released 17 Apr 2023
American Greatness
WHO warns Mpox on the rise
It’s actually true, at least in the DRC where it’s endemic anyway.
100x the case rate anywhere else on the planet though was the bit not mentioned. Trivial everywhere else.
Less gay jiggy jiggy will fix the DNC.😉
Canadians Are Revolting!
Trudeau borrows the line from “The Wizard of Id” and agrees
While our Defence Brains Trust has commited to spend $240 Billion of taxpayer’s dollars on obsolete manned nuclear subs (to supposedly scare our largest trading partner) – what are the latest developments in underwater warfare?
Meanwhile organised by the Morrison Liberal-National Government around the time of signing AUKUS partnership and many future projects involved …
The crewed nuclear submarine project commenced with RAN personnel training on board US and UK nuclear submarines and a choice of US Virgina Class operational nuclear submarines to be supplied to the RAN followed by design and development of a brand new generation nuclear submarine to be built in all three partner countries, orders from Australia via the Minister for Defence Richard Marles in February 2024, announced a week ago in Parliament, issued with a down payment and contact signed with Rolls Royce, Derby UK for scheduled production of SMRs for delivery to SA for nuclear submarine project.
When All Else Fails They Take You To War!
The Crisis is Spreading
LIA and MWP signals picked up in the Azores.
‘Today’s (2000 CE) July air temperatures in the Azores – archipelago islands in the middle North Atlantic, ~1400 km west of Portugal – are visually shown to average about 10 to 11°C in a newly published reconstruction (Raposeiro et al., 2024).
‘This average air temperature is about 1 to 2°C warmer than this location’s Little Ice Age climate, or the coldest period (~9.1°C from 1750-1800) of the last 2000 years. However, the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) had temperatures reaching into the 13-15°C range, which is 3-4°C warmer than modern.’ (NoTricksZone)
The “50 in 5” cities are getting started- everything digital, IDs, money, communication..
“Dozens of national governments are (going) to impose “digital public infrastructure” (“DPI”) on their citizens within five years. This “DPI” includes central bank digital currencies (“CBDCs”), digital identification (“digital ID”), comprehensive data systems and more, all functional across national borders. The new scheme,.. is known as “50 in 5” because 50 governments expect to have the Orwellian “digital infrastructure” of tyranny in place within five years.
“All countries, regardless of income level, geography, or where they are in their digital transformation journey, can benefit from being a part of 50-in-5,” the UN agency behind the scheme declared. For UNDP, a DPI approach that combines people-centric governance is critical to ensure that this new infrastructure can accelerate the [2030 Agenda] SDGs,” argued Keyzom Ngodup Massally, head of digital programs at UNDP. “This country-led 50-in-5 campaign is a core part of how UNDP continues to support meaningful global digital cooperation and strengthens local ecosystems to design and implement rights-based DPI.”
Yeah yeah, same shit we’ve seen coming for a decade, finally arriving. Lets see how clever the rest of the human race is at subverting the Govt, the UN and Bill Gates in particular! Put sand in the gears!
Meanwhile, accelerated aging is causing young people to have turbo-cancers, apparently only found in old people in the past.. More lies and propaganda..
“Reporting that new research presented this week at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting in San Diego, California has found that ‘the young’ are now aging much more rapidly than they have in the past and thus, they are being struck much more frequently with problems that had normally been mainly associated with ‘the elderly..”
Here’s one guy you’d never want to hire unless you have a fake story to sell-
“”Historically, both cancer and aging have been viewed primarily as concerns for older populations,” Ruiyi Tian, MPH, a graduate student at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.. “The realization that cancer, and now aging, are becoming significant issues for younger demographics over the past decades was unexpected.” The researchers analyzed data from 148,724 people using the UK Biobank database. They estimated each person’s biological age using nine biomarkers in the blood — then compared that to their chronological age.
Those with a higher biological age had a 42% increased risk of early-onset lung cancer, were 22% more prone to early-onset gastrointestinal cancer, and had a 36% higher risk for early-onset uterine cancer. The researchers also determined that people born after 1965 were 17% more likely to experience accelerated aging than those born in earlier decades.”
So, moral of the story.. old people are tougher than young people! Well, they can withstand a RNA genetic reset better anyway!
For your informed concent
“Dog food or fake meat? Most can’t tell the difference”
Mind you some prepers suggest bags of dry dog food as ultimate back up
“The plan versus the reality”
“ElBowen” take note?
— Dr. Richard Lindzen, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Meteorology at MIT
Chiefio looks at the current world
“W.O.O.D. – 11 April 2024 – France Wants W.W.III, US Tax Time, Gold, Silver, etc.”
Notice in Where would he go” Oz gets a “Not”
New Study on Electric Cars Shocks the Entire Car Industry