A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Biden urged to ban China-made electric vehicles
[Resident Biden to you …]
“The chair of the Senate Banking Committee, Senator Sherrod Brown, wrote “Chinese electric vehicles are an existential threat to the American auto industry”. His comments are the strongest yet by any US lawmaker on the issue, while others have called for steep tariffs to keep Chinese electric vehicles (EV) out of the country.”
No problem for Mr Xi.
The UK is crying out [metaphorically] for cheap, combustible, quasi-reliable Chinese EVs.
Well, our Greens are – for now.
We MUST all go EV, so the Watermelons can cut off personal mobility at the flick of a switch.
We’re not buying expensive EVs.
So we’ll get tempted by cheap [nasty, low-range] ones.
Ones which – we are assured – do not [yet] report our every move, every utterance, to the Chinese Communist Party.
Also here, if of interest.
Ah, so funny.. and so ironic coming from a country that just prints dollars and spends them around them world.
“”The Chinese, so often, when they sell things into this country, they cheat. It’s not a level playing field. We have all seen what Chinese cheating has done to our economy over the years. It’s wrong for our country… “
You are right KP – with my own eyes I saw bearded rabbis at the printing presses !
Yes sure, the USD is totally sound. No QE impacting ot at all.
Chinese are cheating? Well waddayaknow ! The Serfs are ALWAYS being cheate by the Western Governments …. Tax & NI Contributions for nefarious causes. Buy “American” J Deere machinery Yeerz ago – but only NOTICED recently ( when it broke / needed replacement) “Made in China” . ON a Florida trip to the Disnant Land, souvenirs ( NO -NOT coming again ) Made in CHINA. And , well, I haven’t much spare cash left and for my domestic consumption / amusement of interesting goods for education / entertainment, I AM buying from ALi. “Come on down – the Price is right” rings in my ears.
Because it would be a BLOODBATH?
Over 1000 Chinese companies have moved into Mexico to beat the tariff ban.
Its good for Mexico and of course an opportunity for China, the free enterprise model.
Looking at the long term, after the demise of the CCP and democracy breaking out in China, it will be a whole different ball game.
What, you reckon they’ll go for the American model of picking winners and throwing billions at them, then putting crippling excise taxes on overseas manufacturers? Democracy no longer has anything to do with free enterprise, and a lot to do with corruption and welfare giveaways.
How is old Elbow doing anyway?? Keeping Cannon-Brooks flush is he?
They will adopt Taiwan’s form of democracy after the collapse of the CCP.
What are these welfare giveaways?
Many of us are unfortunately old enough to remember things that are now considered history.
Yes, we KNOW that a little Ice age was anticipated back in the 1970’s, no matter how much that might be denied today
The question is, why was it changed from “global cooling” to global warming”?
I think the answer is that the former would have required more energy coal, gas, nuclear and real hydro energy but the latter led the Left to an opportunity to destroy our energy supply -and thus the basis of Western Civilisation- via an attack on CO2 and it’s alleged role in Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Recall also, that back in the day, the plan was to coat the Arctic ice cap with carbon soot to supposedly make it melt along with many more, even more ridiculous proposals (see link below).
There is also more money to be made from the anthropogenic global warming fraud than global cooling. You get to build millions of windmills and solar plantations and harvest subsidies and high electricity prices from them.
If you look at many photos of the arctic it is indeed coated in soot. Not as some part of a plan but due to industrial pollution.
That must be having a huge effect on the melting of the snow and ice as I remember putting down soot on our paths to melt the ice.
The radiation data does not show that. The poles gat the highest annual swing in sunlight. Some days the sun shines all day. Some “days” there is no sun; just perpetual dark. But there is no month when Greenland or Antarctic are net absorbers of radiant heat.
There is always heat transfer from oceans to the ice. That heat transfer necessities snowfall. Fresh snow is brilliant white.
There is one view that glacial episodes end when there is so much dust across Asia that it coats everything with dust. However I believe it more likely that it is due to the water cycle slowing down. There is some isolated evidence of that process off the south-eastern coast of Greenland where a cool pool persists despite the ocean warming around that pool. Greenland;and is gaining ice coverage and summit elevation but calving is still resulting in a net loss of ice.
The other observation is the vast amounts of smoke from wild fires do not appear to cause much melting. in fact there is a view that these particles help nucleate clouds and the clouds prevent sunlight getting to the ground.
Anchorage, Alaska came close to records snowfall this year. Up around 3.3m of snow. Roughly the height of a single level house. The snowfall was regular and mixed with air coming from China. A lot of it is still there and will be there for a month or more.
No one currently living has seen real snowfalll yet. Maybe some of the “leke-effect” stuff on the Great Lakes is indicative. Atmospheric moisture has a strong upward trend and yet the NH is only 500 yesrs into a 9,500 year upswing in solar intensity. The only place currently gaining permanent ice is Greenland. There may be a few northern slopes along the Actic ocean that is gaining permanent ice but very limited data on that. I anticipate that within 200 years there will be enough snowfall to overtake melt across the land abutting the Arctic Ocean. The permafrost will rise again and advance south.
All the major bodies say the soot is having an effect of up to half a degree C
Do ypu have a link? I have never seen a soot coated arctic photo.
Leonard Nimoy take about the forthcoming Ice Age in 1978:
and also oil was running out in just a few years, a friend of mine at the time sold a now classic Australian muscle car he bought from the proceeds of car accident injury payment.
Time Magazine featured the story on the front page and inside the story.
Later 1980s the magazine featured climate change hoax.
A very long report was published yesterday in the UK officially torpedoing the wilder excesses of gender identity
That’s a great letter/comment.
From the “surely it was obvious years ago dept” we learn that if you don’t manufacture enough energy- unless you have power cuts- then the deficit will need to be imported
A reminder about the Australian Government’s fanatical commitment to introducing a digital identity law.
Last night I watched this livestream from Senator Malcolm Roberts speaking against Australia’s nightmare digital ID bill.
Just like in China, every thing you do or buy will be linked back to your person number and 350,000 public serpents will have full access to see every thing about you.
It will be the basis of a Chinese-style social credit system.
The Government claims it will be voluntary, just like covid “vaccines” were, you won’t be able to do basic things without it, I assume like …working.
This is the same bill the fake conservative Liberals wanted to pass before they lost office.
This bill is much more sinister than most people realise. Of course, no one in the Lamestream media have any concern with it.
I assume this will be linked to your internet access licence, so people they don’t approve of can be cut off from the internet completely, or maybe limited to Govt propaganda sites only.
With “biometric”identification expanding everywhere I expect that just to use a phone or computer will need a confirmed ID, for ‘safety reasons’. A fingerprint or facial scan to sign in, so you know you haven’t been hacked.
Maybe it will get dropped if we point out to the politicians what it would have meant in all the scandals they have been involved in, the total tracking of every one of them!
Otherwise it will just be the ABC and the mainstream media for all of us on here!
Honk R. Smith posted this link on Friday.
A terrifying statistic. A najority of American Elites, who are overwhelmingly of a Leftist persuasion, think election cheating is justified.
They are more than likely speaking from experience. The know how to do it and get away with it. It would have been interesting to see responses to a question asking if they have been party to election cheating.
The fact that the question on election cheating was asked indicates that it is likely happening in an organised process.
“know that they can win by cheating without being caught”.
Pretty funny.
The question should be “without being prosecuted”.
The single fact of the coalition of the willing colluding to suppress the laptop and call it “Russian propaganda” constitutes ‘cheating’.
However, Joe Biden is a wonderful man, I mean person, as are all of our Intel/FLE and Congressional public servants that toil selflessly within our Sacred Capitol nestled inside the hallowed confines of our Holy Beltway.
Surrender Dorothy.
That’s because those ‘elites’ believe themselves to be much, much smarter than the average voter. This means that we plebs may, from time to time, make the ‘wrong’ choice and those highly educated elites need to rescue civilisation and democracy from us.
Seriously. Not a joke.
On Friday TdeF wrote a very good response to the following question. See link.
On this water planet, the very idea that highly soluble CO2 is NOT in constant rapid equilibrium between ocean and atmosphere is ridiculous. Carbon farming, sequestration, Nett Zero etc. are pointless, unjustified, pretend science.
98% of CO2 is in the ocean. So 98% of all CO2 ’emissions’ end up in the ocean. Fast.
It is ludicrous to suggest, or as one author puts it, untenable that long term CO2 level should be constant. It has been known for 66 years that there is almost no fossil fuel CO2 in the air.
But for 24 years the Australian Federal Government has been legislating fake science. Worse, the hidden gift over $150Bn from electricity bills in this time to ‘investors’ has been legislated theft, not taxation. It needs to be challenged in the High Court.
We really paid for the windmills and solar panels and now we have to pay again for ‘free’ wind power. This is a new take on privatization.
The utter disgrace in compliance of Australian scientific bodies saying nothing, disputing nothing has no historic precedent. The tragedy of Lysenko is the only comparable time of political science fiction. But the Australian government obtains willing compliance. No one bites the hand that feeds them.
CO2 is in constant equilibrium between atmosphere and oceans.
I like the concept.
It is what any physical chemist would expect. In a laboratory it is known as Henry’s Law. I tried to speak to the late Climate Councillor Will Steffen about it. He did not want to talk. Because he knew it was true. Just referred me to the IPCC report. He ducked.
The zealots will say that the system has broken down because of the extra CO2.
How do we overcome this hurdle?
Correct. Yes, this is what I call the ‘ice hockey stick’. The coincidence argument. What I detest is the scientific deceit in this.
1. What you have are modern laboratory measurements bolted onto recent ice core measurements when the snow is only partially compressed firn at the surface and still to fully compress with steadily increasing weight and then onto metamorphic ice which has as little as half the volume.
The CO2 levels will certainly drop as the CO2 leaches, disperses, moves, escapes in compression, blurring the time resolution. This takes a long time. Then you may be able to see individual years but you cannot guarantee the CO2/air bubbles have not moved. CO2 is still a gas down to -78C and oxygen and nitrogen do not freeze. Many cracks will form as the ice compresses and solidifies, working from the top where all the snow fell. The summer/winter cycles of -25C to -50C would allow this near the surface.
2. As always and quite wrongly and deceitfully, if total CO2 is the alleged problem all of it needs to be shown not just changes. So they have drawn the X axis at 160ppm not zero and blown up the scale. If drawn properly to scale with the X axis the departure would halve and look much less significant. This graph purports to show total CO2, so moving the X axis up just to magnify he result is highly improper.
3. Anyone experienced in reading spectra would look at the obvious resolution of the technology. Note the peak widths which seem to be around 2,000 – 10,000 years say, not much less. In most measurement techniques there is a trade off between range (in years) and resolution. Here you have a graph going back 400,000 years with a time resolution of no better than 1,000 years. When the last 250 years are averaged over 1,000 years, the peak will likely completely vanish with diffusion, compression, leaching and time.
The implied argument in this graph is that a 50% change in 250 years is unprecedented, therefore we did it. That is outrageous. You cannot prove that proposition as the resolution is too coarse. And while resolution would be better on very recent data, it is too recent to be compared. Or to put it another way, just because the ancient records does not show rapid departures of 50%, it does not mean they do not happen routinely, up and down. We would not see them in this self evidently coarse proxy.
So the caption “for centuries, atmospheric carbon dioxide has never been above this line” is not a valid conclusion by a real scientist. However we do not have the luxury of waiting 10,000 years to see what it will look like, but we can guess it could completely vanish, invalidating the comment.
This is exactly what Michael Mann did with his tree rings and laboratory thermometers. He even went further and drew a red line on the graph going straight up without any rationale at all. That was outrageous. Plus I have read he used laboratory measurements in the 20th century because his tree rings were completely wrong, but did not question their validity for times when there were no thermometers.
In the end he refused to deliver his data in the late Dr Ball law suit, although promising the court to do so. In the US he also refused as he claimed the government funded work was his personal property. Which is unlikely. And he won a defamation law suit with $1 in reputational damages against journalist Mark Steyn but $1Million in punitive damages. Why is beyond everyone. But such amounts are the business of jurors in America. It’s so ridiculous I hope it does not stand.
Which is why I call this the ‘ice hockey stick’. It’s just as bad professionally, especially when people use it to argue that a rise of as little as 50% has never happened before in 250 years. There is no way they can say that with any certainty. Which is why I consider the last bit as fake as on Michael Mann’s graph. And to be clear, I applaud the excellent work done by many people and great scientists to create this wonderful graph as much as I abhor anyone bolting laboratory measurements onto the very end of it or even firn measurements and joining them up.
For good reason it is highly improper in experimental science to join two quite different measurement methodologies without proving they are measuring exactly the same thing with the same resolution. As we cannot do that, the very last bit of this otherwise amazing graph is invalid and improper and I would also offer the opinion that prior to the modern section, it looks very much like the last 400,000 of up and down from 180 to 280ppm and I would pick an obvious clear cycle of 100,000 years, so would not be surprised to see CO2 fall again as happened 4 times before. That would be terrible for feeding 8 billion people.
“the system has broken down because of the extra CO2.”
There are two allegations
1. the increase in CO2 is man made. We can prove that is categorically wrong with C14 or C13. Fossil fuel CO2 is 3.0% of atmospheric CO2.
2. the ‘system’ is broken. The climate system? Firstly even if it is broken, there is nothing we can do about it. We cannot change CO2.
Secondly none of the conjecture of the last 36 years has proven correct. Rising seas, climate crises, climate refugees, drowning islands, polar bears, penguins, etc. etc. So what exactly is broken? Yes, every storm, flood, drought, hot summer and freezing winter is now the exclusive fault of man made global warming. But history tells us this is not unusual stuff at all. It really was warmer 2,000 years ago when the Romans grew grapes on Hadrian’s wall in Scotland. And we do not need Roman thermometers to know this.
Nothing is broken. The variations are normal within our documented experience. And Flannery’s prediction of more frequent and longer droughts is just laughable logic. If droughts always ended by rain all join up, you just get the weather. Drought, Rain, drought,rain, drought. Or conversely if all the droughts join up, you get one long drought not more droughts but fewer. What can you expect from someone with a degree in English who studied ancient dead wombats for his PhD?
These days Billy Connolly says there are only two seasons in Scotland. August and winter. At 55 North, today it is no place to grow grapes. And it’s not the fault of the Romans.
Brilliant summation. Thanks for that.
Thanks for that, a good read.
The NASA graph is unfalsifiable in the short term, so perhaps we should focus on more recent times to ascertain the variable nature of CO2.
‘We report a decadally resolved record of atmospheric CO2 concentration for the last 1000 years, obtained from the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide shallow ice core.
‘The most prominent feature of the pre-industrial period is a rapid 7 ppm decrease of CO2 in a span of 20–50 years at 1600 A.D. This observation confirms the timing of an abrupt atmospheric CO2 decrease of 10 ppm observed for that time period in the Law Dome ice core CO2 records, but the true magnitude of the decrease remains unclear.’ (Ahn et al 2012)
Hmm ?… that doesnt leave much for the forrests, flora, soil, etc, survive on as part of the classic “carbon cycle” ?
Then there are the issues of basic science.
CO2 cannot heat the atmosphere, and this ridiculous proposition is contrary to basic atmospheric science, basic thermodynamics, and basic atomic physics.
The CO2 based concept of man made Global Warming is not physically possible and those who claim it’s so do not understand P.V = n.R.T, and do not understand basic Science.
But the climate hoaxers are talking about “Carbon pollution”.
Yes, they should stop eating hydrated carbon dioxide from photosynthesis. Carbohydrates. Or anything else. Because carbohydrates are the original source of the solar energy which powers every living cell.
Speaking up!
“Yesterday we noted mega-influencer Russell Brand’s interview of Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joe Ladapo, as a great sign of the slowly dripping covid shot truth serum. The problem of course remains that the people who really need to receive that information probably don’t watch Russell’s podcast. So this next story is potentially even more significant. The April edition of The Australian Journal of General Practice included a viewpoint article that gently peeled off the vaccine band aid, titled “Long COVID Sufferers can take heart.” ”
And links to a Dr JohnCampbell video
The Russel Brand interview is here –
And in the NIH funding section
Anyway, let’s return to this week’s Australian AJGP article. After setting the long covid table, and right before revealing the promised hope for long covid sufferers, the AJGP article suddenly switched to the vaccines in a monolithic, long, heavily footnoted paragraph (I highlighted some parts for you):”
Political fun from the formerly United States.
US Congress is ‘debating’ the secret FISA court panviolation of American citizen’s 4th Amendment Rights.
Speaker of The House Johnson, an alleged evil MAGA Christian conservative, is for some restrictions on this panviolation, since it was grossly abused in pursuit of the 45th POTUS.
Speaker Johnson is taken into the Inner Sanctum of the Holy Violator’s SCIFF and shown secrets kept by the Secret Keepers of Things That None Can Speak.
Emerging from the sacred SCIFF and Lo and Behold, The Speaker reverses and is now in favor of preservation of FISA.
And then suddenly, Speaker Johnson jets to Mar-a-Lago to meet with the Orange One.
Social call.
Totally unrelated as the accurate news reporting suggest.
Just made my TFH buzz, so I thought I would share.
Saving Democracy often looks funky from the outside.
Obama is enjoying his third term and the ongoing chaos and destruction of the United States for which he is responsible.
Weekend at Bernie’s. And hoping for a fourth time. They can strap Biden to a deck chair on the beach.
They have to work out a way to keep those seagulls from landing on him.
Perhaps a job for Hunter?
Australia’s globalist government is keen to sign up for the WHO pandemic treaty:
RRMIT “fact checkers” (sic) think it’s a good thing (so the opposite is probably true).–pandemic-treaty–will-not-rob-australia-s-sovereignty
Even the fully woke Lancet thinks it’s bad:
The Pandemic Treaty: shameful and unjust
Dr John Campbell discusses with James Roguski:
130 Another dire prediction from the UN. Note that Grenada where this official is from generates all its power from imported fossil fuel!
EV Battery Recycling Plant in Scotland still burning
Note location close to homes – where are the planning rules?
They are not required when your motive is to save the planet.
Instead of just banning Plastics – what is being done to better manage plastic waste
The screams to ban plastic are quite peculiar. The general noise is plastic packaging, but this, like carbon dioxide morphed to “carbon” has also morphed to “plastics”.
Now lets look at the functions of plastics in our day to day lives. Plastic plumbing, what an improvement over lead pipes and terra cotta. Plastic fibres in clothing certainly frees up agricultural land for other uses like food production rather than fibres. Plastics in medicine, single use service items like syringes, also wouldn’t like a glass catheter or surgical drain. Construction uses like guttering and insulation, generally lighter weight than alternatives saving bodily wear and tear. Plastics in manufacturing like wear parts or conveyor belts that in the past were probably rubber.
The list is quite long where plastics have so vastly improved human existance and saved all sorts of environments from destruction, all without recognition. Ah well, back to subsistence living for a while anyhow. 8 billion people all trying to live ’sustainably” off the land will result in a few societal changes that without doubt will be far more damaging to the environment than plastics could ever be.
““We need to be honest”: Building Renewables is Expensive”
In comments there –
““It is time for politicians to be honest with voters”
Politicians honest! That’s a punch line.
Politicians are like bananas
They’re all yellow
Hang around in a bunch
And there’s not a strait one amongst them.”
Am I right in thinking it’s the first time those words have been spoken in an address to the Press Club?
It’s even been reported by the ABC!
Dave B
“Hidden Behind Climate Policies, Data From Nonexistent Temperature Stations”
Rather than dropping the COVID-19 vaccine mandates for health care workers, SA Health will now be forcing those who refuse to get jabbed to sign a declaration of their refusal.
I hereby refuse to be injected with an experimental military designed drug, pushed by government Golgafrincham health experts, because of the now exhaustive list of demonstrable, proven injurious and deadly side effects, along with a list of disproven government claims as to the safety & effectiveness of said vaccines.
Become ungovernable and refuse to sign the declaration. What can they do other than fire them…. and destroy their healthcare system? Healthcare workers are not short of options to get jobs elsewhere.
Hacker publishes data of almost the entire population of El Salvador
The personal data of over 5 million Salvadorans made available for free on the dark web. This marks the largest data breach in the country’s history.
On April 6th, a hacker decided to make personal information of 5.1 million Salvadorans available for free on the dark web: names, dates of birth, phone numbers, residential addresses, email addresses, and DUI (Identification Document) numbers. The breach was also confirmed by the local outlet La Prensa Gráfica. The file includes millions of high-definition photos of Salvadoran citizens.
The breach affects the majority of adults in the country, considering that the population of El Salvador is approximately 6.6 million citizens, including children.
The 144GB database has been available for download since last August at a price of $250. On April 6th, the hacker decided to release the data for free.
It has not yet been confirmed whether the stolen data comes from registrations on the Chivo wallet, the State wallet introduced with the Bitcoin Law on September 7th, 2021. However, the suspicion is quite concrete, considering that the leaked information matches the data required for registration on the wallet. This hypothesis was supported by a user on X who highlighted the correspondence between the published data and those necessary for registration on Chivo.
But fear not, Oz is safe with the CBDC system. The government said so.
Just imagine the potential for damage when Australia passes the digital identity bill. (Conceived by the fake conservatives Liberals and now being heavily promoted by Labor because the two factions of the Uniparty work closely with each other.)
All your personal data, currently kept separately with limited interconnection between Government departments plus banks and other organisations, will be in a database with ALL your personal information linked by your individual person number.
What could possibly go wrong?
The Albanese Government will be implementing the highest DEI standards for public servants engaged in the Digital Identity program.
So what could go wrong?
Yes, some mentally ill, blue haired man in a dress, with a moustache, a ring through its nose, who dropped out of high school, shrieking when the wrong pronoun is used, will be looking after security.😁
Reminiscent of 2014:
A view of the world –
“The Beauty Parlor’s Full of Sailors and the Circus is in Town”*-nation/the-beauty-parlors-full-of-sailors-and-the-circus-is-in-town/
Catastrophic Reduction in Fertility Rate from 2.7 in 2017 to 1.9 in 2022, to 1.5 in 2024 Reported by Commission on Population and Development on 5th April 2024.
With escalating deaths and falling births, the Philippines can look forward to population stagnation followed soon after by population contraction, with closing schools and loss of workforce in the very near future. I expect well before 2030. These trending will be made worse as other nations, facing their own population collapse, aggressively recruit Filino migrants.
If the most recent drop in fertility referred to by CPD is confirmed, it is absolutely catastrophic for the Philippines, and represents a quickening of population fertility decline (Fertility = no. of children per woman in her lifetime, 2.1 being replacement level). PSA 2022 data indicated that fertility had dropped from 2.7 in 2017 to 1.9 in 2022. A further drop to 1.5 in 2024 is very worrying.
A combination of unaffordability plus inability thanks to repeated shots, the same everywhere…
It is all part of the plan.
Japan has been sourcing Philippians for domestic duties to support their raging population. That strategy may be short-lived.
Was a stereotype in the 1990s in Hong Kong, the Filipino maid. On weekends you could see hundreds of them socializing in public spaces around HK island.
This was posted in 2018 by Taranaki Farm in Victoria.
Australia Bins 35% of Multi-Billion Dollar Covid Vaccine Supply With Another 15% Set to Expire Soon
As part of its pandemic response, the Australian government purchased 267.3 million doses of Covid vaccines, enough to vaccinate Australia’s population of approximately 26 million people ten times over.
But figures released to Dystopian Down Under by the Department of Health (DOH) this week confirm that, three years into the vaccine programme, only 70 million doses, or 26% of the 267.3 million doses purchased, have been administered, while 35% of vaccines doses have been wasted since the start of the vaccine rollout.
Last week, the Australian reported that more than 35% of Covid vaccines were being tossed out as of January due to oversupply.
The DOH refused to confirm the value of doses purchased or wasted, or how many of the purchased doses have actually been delivered, “for contractural and security reasons”. The Australian Government has repeatedly refused to release details of its taxpayer-funded Covid vaccine purchase agreements.
However, we know that total Government spending on Covid vaccines and treatment supply amounts to over $18 billion, of which it appears that the lion’s share was allocated to purchasing vaccine doses.
The news of the Australian Government’s wastage of billions of dollars worth of Covid vaccines comes as Australians are grappling with the soaring cost of living and the worst housing crisis on record, with over a quarter of a million Australians accessing homelessness services in 2022-2023.
Taking the shots may be the only escape from the escalating inflation and power crises.
The Dirty Deal Morrison (aka ScumMo) signed with Pfizer has still been kept a secret.
Which labor leader do you trust to have done better?
Don’t get me wrong ScoMo, stuffed up big time but there is always a CHANCE that the libs could be right. None with lab.
Lol Hanrahan- There was NEVER a chance either party would behave differently, you know that as well as I do!
All politicians in the West just did as they were told, in power or out, and it will be the same next time. Do you see the Libs calling for investigations into the TGA or the AMA about what they did, or calling for the reasons we signed up with Pfizer?? Maybe even acknowledging that excess deaths are happening and they climbed with the vaccines?? Even in opposition they are as thick as thieves with labor.
There are NO honest politicians, its a career necessity.
I assume that was a reply to #21.1
Ugly stuff.
50 Years of Failed Doomsday, Eco-pocalyptic Predictions; the So-called ‘experts’ Are 0-50
By Mark J. Perry
Carpe Diem
September 23, 2019
From the End Wokeness X account:
This trend to regender or rerace(or both) historic figures seems weird to me. It seems to be a soft version of rewriting history.
A quick search will give you a list of at least 50 to 100 significant female figures in history. The number is much bigger as the people listed depend of course on personal biases and cultural context, so all the lists are different.
There are any number of movies or series you could do on the likes of Boudica, Joan of Arc, Marie Curie, Amelia Earhardt and so on. But what do they do? Regender and resex a Viking.
Saturday Whoopsy! When mining goes wrong.
Landslide due to improper mining in Bijelo Polje near Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (6th of April 2024)
Two injured, no deaths, thankfully.
Wow! That is impressive! The blaster probably took the world record for the most land moved with the minimum explosives..
‘The Lotus Eaters’ investigation into Britain’s local govt blackhole – 8 billion pounds. Councils are declaring bankruptcy all over. And mention of the best excuse against deportation ever – ‘this sex offender can not be returned to his home country, because if he offends there, he will get into serious trouble!’ Case dismissed!
Falling; falling through the looking glass. 30 mins
Some funny stuff here-
“Defence Minister Richard Marles is preparing to travel to Ukraine in a show of support aimed at combating claims of faltering Australian support for Ukraine’s war against Russia.”
If he was important the Russians would sort it out. The new expression is ‘being Kinzaled’.
““Ukrainians are fighting to preserve their democracy and I know it would mean a great deal to them for us to reopen the embassy,” Labor Senator Deborah O’Neill said.”
Lol! As if they give a sh1t about an embassy from a vaguely-known country in another hemisphere.. The thing that occupies Ukrainians most is how to get out of the war, or change their Govt from a dictatorship to one where their voices can be heard.
We could send the whole Australian army with all its gear and it would have no bearing on the outcome of the war. As it is we can’t even send the shipload of coal that Zelensky asked for, maybe it would ruin our carbon credits when they burned it.
“Ukrainians are fighting to preserve their democracy”
The Obama/Biden puppet 5’5″ Zelenskyy is now a dictator having banned all opposition parties
The thing that occupies Ukrainians most is how to get out of the war, or change their Govt from a dictatorship to one where their voices can be heard.
How do you know that? That’s like saying Britain wanted to rid themselves of the Dictator Churchill during the Battle of Britain.
From May 1940 to May 1945, Britain had been governed by a coalition government, with Conservative MP Winston Churchill as Prime Minister. Churchill had proved himself to be a popular leader during the Second World War, so he was confident that the Conservatives would win this election based on his wartime success.
Instead, in one of the biggest electoral swings of the twentieth century, the Labour Party won the general election decisively, winning 393 seats, while the second-placed Conservatives only secured 197.
How many Ukies managed to get out before Z closed the borders?? They would still be queuing right now if they could! Military-aged men are not allowed even NEAR a border these days. Having said there is no need for elections and Ukraine is best served by the stability of himself in power, he has cancelled elections until after Russia is beaten.
Lets just open the borders and see shall we? Oh wait, we already have that metric from the vast number of volunteers who want to go and die for Zelensky and his cronies. Exactly zero! Hence the snatch squads trying to grab any male who can stand upright, as shown in many many videos on the net.
At least the mad foreigners with WW2 German tattoos are volunteers, they support Zelensky even if his own people don’t.
So, how successful would Elbow be in getting a million young Aussie guys to go and fight for him if a hot war broke out?? I don’t think this is 1939 anymore. Having closed the borders over a cold, I’m sure our Govt would do exactly as Zelensky has done, close the borders and force people to fight as there just aren’t enough young people who believe in propaganda anymore.
Peter Hatcher claiming that Xi is crashing the Chinese economy to prepare them for long war! They have to toughen up, and weakness’s have to be addressed. He has been saying this in his speeches. 20mins
I think China will make its move on Taiwan before Trump is (possibly) re-elected. They know the world without Trump will do nothing.
And under the Obama-Biden Regime they’ve already consolidated their hold on the South China Sea.
Australia’s destiny is to be Hong Kong MkII – its just a matter of time
How do you say quarry in Chinese?
One in every crowd 🙂
You must be a hoot at parties.
Australia is a big island a long way away, they have no intention of invading.
Also keep in mind they are our biggest trading partner.
If wishes were horses beggars would ride.
Xi cannot win a conventional war at the moment [assuming no one would be crazy enough to invade mainland China] but time may not help as his economy is failing.
But a nuclear war is something else again. Chinese leaders have never concerned themselves with mass deaths so a war where they “only” lost 200 mill could be a win, if the US was destroyed.
They don’t need to beat the US or the rest of the West in a hot war.
The US and West is doing a perfectly good job voluntarily destroying itself.
That funding will dry up, of necessity.
China is outgunned by the Alliance and won’t risk a nuclear exchange.
“China is outgunned by the Alliance and won’t risk a nuclear exchange.”
But China and Russia together aren’t outgunned by anyone.
“Sergey Lavrov visited China this week (8th/9th April) after Janet Yellen used her visit to warn Chinese companies that they face ‘significant consequences’ if they supply parts or equipment to the Russian military. No country that is supplying weapons that allow Israel to commit genocide in Gaza has a right to preach to anyone.
But Lavrov said that BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation have enabled Russia to avoid the impact of sanctions. Russia has responded to the sanctions by diversifying and moving into the Asia-Pacific market where its trade with India and China has increased considerably – according to RT.
According to Sputnik, Lavrov also said that both Russia and China aim to strengthen security in Eurasia, while the existing platforms of Euro-Atlantic security, NATO and the OSCE, have “exhausted themselves as relevant structures capable of any meaningful negotiation based on the balance of interests.””
Fascinating story of glowing soldiers’ wounds and scientific explanation discovered after 139 years.
Do seem to recall that story.
Or how about this?
Covid Vaxxed Emit Strange Fluorescent Glow under UV Light
New research has just set off alarm bells among the scientific community after it revealed that people who have been vaccinated for Covid with mRNA injections emit a strange fluorescent glow under certain ultraviolet (UV) light.
The glow appears as tiny dots on the skin.
Disturbingly, the dots of light appear to move around on their own.
Probably BS, like magnetic spoons…
Time to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse
Just get them to watch CNN or the OZ ABC news
First there were Cromagnons.
Now we have Micomagnons.
Hope you all didn’t see that insufferable ABC prog Landline last week. 100 cattle died suddenly on live export ship. Cause unknown. Vets are baffled. Could be the feed. Anyway the word “vaccine” and “mandatory” were used extensively. Clearly vaccines prevent unknown causes of death. Kim Williams, are you there?
It used to be a good program, back in the day before it became woke. I haven’t watched it for years.
What is this “ABC” of which you speak? 😆
“ABC” = Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Fully funded by the Australian government. Once independent and valued, now fully woke and reliably left wing and censorious.
I stopped watching their TV some years ago, but find their “Just In” site quite useful as I can skip over stories that have interest at all for me.
Awful Broadcasting Company. 😎️
Same here…a great programme years ago in the late 90s but haven’t bothered since we returned from England. A real pity, likewise the Victorian Weekly Times. I used to buy that every week, a long time ago.
Like everything else – it has gone WOKE!
Saturday special: the beginners guide to communism, NK edition
Yeonmi Park
Shocking video claims popular US ice cream treat takes 22 hours to melt
It appears that the priority in the US isn’t about providing safe, healthy food but is focused on helping manufacturers extend the shelf life of their products and boost profits. This might help explain why a popular US frozen ice cream treat that most of you have probably eaten or given to your kids reportedly takes an astounding 22 hours to start melting. Yes, you heard that correctly—22 hours. If this is accurate, it’s alarming beyond words.
More forever chemicals and plastic than food.
But the government (wink to Jo 😉) cares about your health soooo much.
Wall’s ice cream
The Communist Goverment of the People’s Republic of Victoriastan are imposing more regulations to make housing unaffordable but to the wealthy woke.
The new “7 Star Standard” for residential properties comes into effect from 1 May 2024, the aim being to cut CO2 emissions from new homes. Gas connections are already banned
A single story Hebel insulated brick building with solar panels, back-up battery insulation, hot water heat pump, double glazing and two court yards was found to not reach the 7 star Standard.
One courtyard had to be removed and the window size reduced to meet the 7 Star Standard.
Home homes in “15 minute cities” will more and more resemble prison cells and be unaffordable at that – expect to see a lot more tent cities.
Why are so many Children Dying Suddenly all across Europe?
Gina Carano on Teaming up With Elon Musk to Sue Disney
Sitting in the cinema today ready to watch the new Ghost Busters movie. The usual commercials and trailers start up, so I’m on my phone ignoring most of the commercials when this clap trapped popped up, oh my god, this is so sickening:
These are “child meteorologists” and this propaganda is sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and the Weather Channel.
It is called the Weather Kids campaign.
Funding is also from Malaysian actor Michelle Yeoh, American actor Connie Britton and Danish actor Nikolaj Coster Waldau,
In Australia it is described on the Green’s Adam Bandt web page:
Further evidence that the Climate Cult is a religion
“Give me the child until 7 and I will show you the man.”
Of course you mean person
In the link …
“Comments are turned off. ”
I wonder why?!
Might it be that the ‘science is settled’ – per their paymasters [is that word allowed, even?].
And that ‘debate’ – with both sides speaking – is not, exactly, encouraged?
Well that was interesting. I always thought that the wind farm owners would be liable for site cleanup, but that’s not always going to be the case.
Is the $600,000 the cost to remove the turbine or the complete unit, that is the generator, tower, and 700 cubic metre concrete block?
No way is the concrete block going to be touched – surely they will just cover it with a bit of dirt. Not exactly ideal for restoring the land for agricultural use.
How Feverish Was My Valley?
FYI, in regard to my comment #9 above, Congress has renewed the FISA warrantless searches.
It’ magic.
Opposition in Congress just melted away in about 48 hours.
Governing can just be so efficient when faced with crises like MAGA/RuralCarhartwearingAmericanSupremacist and COVID threats.
BTW, FISA is de facto global.
Also, Joe Biden is truly great as are all of our heroic intelligence/FLE public servants and members of Congress that toil selflessly in our sacred Capitol within the sanctity of the Holy Beltway.
Surrender Dorothy.
‘It’s Not Call Of Duty’ – How Foreign Fighters Were Shocked in Ukraine
Ukraine Foreign Legion, nice one.
The Hack That Made China a Military Superpower
FWIW – those omega 3’s and other things
“Study: High seafood diet may increase risk of exposure to ‘forever chemicals’ ”
Pictured in that article were prawns. A tad deceptive, they are at the bottom of the food chain so there is no time for contaminates to accumulate. Pelagics such as tuna or mackerel from the northern hemi are the greatest risk.
If you want to supplement fish oil, go for krill, they are also bottom of the food chain and from the unpolluted southern oceans.
Buy local fish, not Asian or Atlantic and all should be fine. Some estuary fish and oysters have been contaminated though, Minamata Bay and a Tasmanian estuary are infamous.
“COVID Propaganda: Your Definitive Guide to Bird Flu Terror”
“Macron First Threatens Russia With Troops, Then Buys €600 Million Of Gas From Moscow In Q1 2024”