A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Electricity price by country 2023 | Statista
Our electricity prices in the UK are some of the highest in the world, not helped by expensive renewables, propped up by subsidies both transparent and hidden .
This of course means that money is sucked out of consumers pockets and into the pockets of overseas investors.
Also, the high prices makes our goods and services internationally expensive, directly impacting on our economy. No wonder our economy has been limping for years.
Australia seems to fare rather better on pricing.
We are working on it
That is only a temporary situation since 60% of our electricity is still produced from brown and black coal with Victoriastan producing the cheapest electricity from wonderful brown coal that is not traded on world markets.
Our political elites are determined to blow up these power stations as occured in South Australia.
Depending on the state, some days nearly 90% (or even more) of our electricity is still produced by coal.
There’s a very long way to go before wind, solar, pumped hydro etc can carry the load reliably and affordably – most likely a literal eternity, unless of course the population is sufficiently culled and enough actual productivity is ground out, thereby reducing demand to what can be met by the intermittent generators.
You are fostering a lie just using this terminology.
I came across this far more apt description:
Or DIILiNIIWP if you are inclined to reduce to an acronym.
A more partisan but still apt descriptor is weather dependent generator (WDG).
Using the term “renewable” to describe something that is obviously not sustainable just perpetuates the lie. WDGs cannot exist in an on-demand power supply system and produce more energy than they consumed to make. The only way it happens now is because the WDGs are mostly sourced from China where vast amounts of coal is being burnt to produce them. Far more burtnt now than the WDGs can ever save in the places they are used.
When China completely takes over global manufacture CCP will have total control. They will not even need to perpetuate the UN farce.
The headline says it all.
However what is not mentioned is that the Chinese are flooding the European market with competent much cheaper EV’s. These can apparently be used to send data back to China and could immobilise cars on demand, according to a former leader of the Conservatve party. Expect tariffs to be imposed.
Once you are considered an idiot for buying an electric car, sales will go to zero. And that will happen once all the hidden subsidies are gone. And when the growth in numbers stops, the government will pounce with punitive taxes especially on valuable electricity grid built for domestic uses, not charging cars.
And what would be the consequence to the US grid if everyone shifted to electric cars?
In the US an average home uses 11,000 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per year. If you charge a 60kwhr car every week you require an additional 3,100kwhrs of electricity. So the entire grid has to increase output by 30%. However if that happens largely at night, then the night output has to increase 60%. And if people like to charge their car on the weekend at night, the domestic grid has to increase 180%. Two cars per household is 360%. How long is that going to take and how much will it cost to rebuild the entire domestic grid?
It is likely the sheer cost of doing that is incredible and it is not possible today or affordable. Especially when delivering the same amount of transport energy is currently free. It’s not just the cost of Chinese windmills as solar is useless, it is the sheer scale of the distribution task to every household in America. And who is going to pay? And why should they?
And how is this going to ‘save the planet’ from CO2 when China which makes the cheapest electric cars generates more CO2 than all OECD countries together?
The logic behind electric cars is broken even if they made commercial and practical sense for most Americans, which they don’t.
Worse, this Clean Energy story is the greatest ecological disaster in history. Surely after 36 year of rapid tipping point man made Global Warming not a single prediction has come true. And the UN scam will collapse, despite the Australian and EU’s attempt to shut down all human activity with punitive hidden taxes and direct bans on little things like growing food or manufacturing.
It is all going down the loo with Greta Thunberg’s credibility. Now we need to save the planet from the politicians.
We need to stop building wind farms. Solar farms. Transmission lines. Snowy II. Just stop the madness. It is utterly pointless and always was.
And the huge hidden costs and penalities on everyone can no longer be hidden, despite the fact that the government is funded by sales of coal, LNG and iron ore which is total hypocrisy. All the real cost is in everyone’s electricity bills as all Australian manufacturing, transport and agriculture is shut down. To save the planet.
When were the hippies given the keys to the place?
Sorry …but the domestic demand is only 35% of total grid demand, so the increase on the grid would only be about 10%
And, we all know EVs will never (in any sensible time scale, say <20 years).. reach even 50% of cars, so there is plenty of time to find another 10% capacity .
“so there is plenty of time to find another 10% capacity “,
Good point that offices don’t use much power at night, so all the evs can use the baseload turnover to effect.
Only problem is that there’s no intention to stop the decline in baseload power and the lights will go out.
As at 29 September 2022, the excise is charged at a rate of 46 cents per litre (CPL). The principal purpose of fuel excise is to raise revenue for the budget.
EV owners pay no such taxes – this will not last for long
The High Court of Australia has struck down charges on electric vehicle use under Victoria’s Zero and Low Emission Vehicle Distance-based Charge Act 2021 (Vic) (ZLEV charge) as unconstitutional since only the Federal Goverment can impose excise taxes.
ICE owners should be demanding that EV owners with much heavier cars that impose more wear and tear on our roads pay a road usage tax.
Err ? Which EVs would that be that weigh more than the 2+ ton best selling Ute’s that are everywhere ?
Note: Ford Ranger kerb weight 2400 kg, ….
…..and it can carry an additional 950 kg if the owner wants to .
Also the bigger SUV/wagons ..Toyota 300, Lexus 570, Nissan Patrol,etc, are all 2600+ kg kerb wt, with max of 3200 kg loaded.
Maybe what you mean is ALL vehicles over some XXXX kg , should pay more tax ??
……but please dont give those A55holes any more tax ideas !
Being considered a latte sipping w**ker does not seem to deter “proud Tesla owners”.
needs a Gollum voiced voice over “ahhhhh my precious! dont hurt my precious!”
and I may be a Latte sipping w@nker, but at least I drive a Hilux
“could immobilise cars on demand, ”
All Govts will mandate that in any car sold in the their country. Europe and America already have timelines so the authorities can turn your car off at any time.
Penny Wong looks towards a 2 nation Palestine/Israel state.
Israel is the size of Wales (what is the OZ equivalent?) and is only 10 miles wide in places. Its potential Palestine cohabitants have used foreign aid for 70 years to build a highly armed terrorist state that is dedicated to eradicating Israe* and Jew*
Quite how a 2 nation state would work I can’t begin to think. 70 years after Israel was created Palestine remains a poverty stricken giant refugee camp as that is what the local politicians and their terrorist proxies want. Any innocent civilians are being denied a more prosperous life by those whose terrorism has become a way of life.
And locally, here in Australia, our Penny demonstrates her total lack of concern for her constituents.
What’s been happening in Alice Springs is an absolute disgrace and certainly matches the recent seven aid workers who were killed at night in Gaza.
If she really cared she would look into why children are getting out of their “homes” at night: surely they aren’t being abused.
People’s lives are being smashed in Alice, but Penny says ” ooh, look over there at what Israel is doing, isn’t that immoral “.
Yes. And the solution provided to the problem in Alice Springs is a curfew. So they are forced to stay at home, which they hate, or go onto the street and be arrested and sent home, which they hate. Perhaps they all end up at a few homes where there are sensible parents.
Great solution.
It just reminds the kids again that they aren’t wanted at home and society doesn’t want them either.
Sorry for being a primitive, cruel Russian.
For me the answer is simple: until you really old, you either work or study to work.
No third alternative to be fed.
Keith. She’s the foreign minister.
English imperialism is blamed (some people say Francois Picot covertly worked for France…) for drawing wrong ME borders. USSR is blamed for creating a terror tzar out of lousy Egyptian engineer. US is blamed anyway for everything…
I wonder why Australian politicians want to be “leaders” in somebody’s mess. What do you think, when Taiwan is no more will they be first to recognise “reality”?
By the way – they are already “leaders” in de-industrialisation movement and proud of it.
” … a poverty stricken giant refugee camp as that is what the local politicians and their terrorist proxies want.”
Much like Australia’s indigenous peoples. They are being held prisoner in a de facto concentration camp, denied the opportunity to progress and have better lives by their prison guards, i.e. city-based activists and NGOs who are making a nice living out of taxpayers.
The Gaza Strip could have become a Singapore of the Mediteranian with all the foreign aid it was receiving (with Australia also contributing).
The Israelis forceable removed Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip and the Palestians were granted self-government. This was the “Two State Solution”
So what happened? The Palestinains elected the HAMAS terrorist organisation and all aid money was spent of the underground tunnel network and making rockets for a war of annialation against their religious enemies “The Jews”.
The Israelis will not be making the same mistake twice.
“Israel is the size of Wales (what is the OZ equivalent?)”
we really dont have anything that small, lets say a third of Tasmania
I disregarded the ACT, as I mostly do
FWIW, Wales is about 9 ACT’s in area
That is just another idealistic idea.
It has zero chanch of ever happening since neither Israel nor the Palestinians want that to be the end result.
Further,… in effect, the “Two State” situation is basically the way it has been for the past 50 years anyway !
That is the idealistic view…..
..but it can only happen if Israel and Palestine, agree…..and they wont because neither of them want it !
Besides, that is basiclt where they have been for the past 50 yrs. !
A state with two nations, each committed to the genocide of the other, looks towards no-nation statehood.
Vast 106 mile long linear Saudi Arabian city drastically scaled back to 1.5 miles.
This was always a completely mad idea.
Yes, it was always a bizarre idea.
Like something you would expect from an Australian Leftist politician using other people’s money.
It’s disappointing they abandoned it.
It could stand alongside Australia’s Snowy Hydro 2 and wind and solar as a monument to one of the great follies of the world.
But will floating offshore windfarms “stand” at all? One decent cyclone should blown them all over like a modern day version of the Three Little Pigs.
“Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”
“No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.”
“Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.”
Yes, Cousin Salmon dreams big, good on him. Still, there was no mention of the proposed business model, income stream, etc,..
Please consider my modest changes:
a) The Line is turned 90 degrees – SN instead of WE and It starts at Haqi, not at Tabuk;
b) It finishes at Saudis’ Mediterranean jewel Bijou-sur-Mer (ancient name Gaza):
c) It will be long but a good train will go end-to-end in an hour;
d) In future it may house million or more people but for now there will live pipeline builders and border guards, just in case, as the Saudi-Egyptian border will be known for its friendliness;
f) The Line will live off its many income streams – oil pipeline just to start with and to attract investors.
g) When the all-powerful concern Gore Bowen & Sons achieve their goal of ending air travel, the train line (hopefully Maglev) extended to Mecca will allow millions upon millions Europeans to conduct Hadj in full comfort at low price – imagine its annual income !
h) Do not forget 3 Countries For 3 People: Yemen will get non-voting rights in the project and conclude everlasting peace treaty with Saudis..
Research papers on C19 jabs are now being published in mainstream medical journals.
Well worth watching – but not the most comfortable facts [SARC]
Australian journalist, Maria Zeee, interviews UK MP Andrew Bridgen, who has filed evidence pertaining to Crimes Against Humanity to Met Police, and is calling for maximum accountability for Bill Gates and the COVID criminals:
I wonder if that’s the same Andrew Bridgen who has a two-in-three chance of being suicided for calling for accountability for his – and our – elite overlords?
Let alone filing ‘evidence pertaining to Crimes Against Humanity to Met Police’.
Not a few of our elite overlords may have connections to China, which, like nice Poisoner Putin, is very squeamish about extra-judicial suiciding.
Err /Sarc. Anyone guess that?
‘Why are defibrillators appearing in many British high streets and why are they suddenly needed?’
It is because Public Health officials care so deeply about public health.
Recent history proves that.
What else could it be?
I mean besides Climate Change.
They are appearing all over Australia as well.
Yeah, but we get to see Jacqui Lambie on our TV’s – so they are needed.
its not a new thing. The numbers have been increasing rapidly over the past 10 years or so. Its nothing to do with Public health bodies buying them, but the motivation is often by older people buying them privately in thanks for having been saved when playing say tennis or football.
There is also much greater awareness that dealing with a heart attack in the first ten minutes is essential and that is likely to be outside the arrival time of an ambulance hence the need for these devices in public places.
It’s this.
They have been running since 2019, and only using private donations … but I presume they need government approval to put them up.
The main cause of this, is that old defibrillators were very dangerous and needed an experienced operator. However, the robot/AI revolution has come to at least some medical devices and supposedly they can operate with no training. The machine talks and tells the operator what to do. It will refuse to attempt to defib a working heart and it won’t knock the operator across the room if they use it wrong.
Big Clive took one apart a few months back, to peek at what’s in one … but he never managed to step it through the entire sequence.
None in my bit of US.
Likely last about a week before being vandalized and covered in graffiti.
BTW most of the graffiti is produced by students from the local expensive private art school.
I think more telling are the public heart health checks run at large public events. We had the Melbourne cricket test recently held from Boxing day for 5 days ( might have only gone to 4?). A portable heart health unit was setup and everyone was encouraged to get a free heart health check. I think in an upcoming AFL football match the same is happening. Takes roughly 5 mins. Not sure what is measures, but I presume BP + other diagnostics.
Public heart health checks are done via SiSU Health Stations. They are an internet-enabled, medical device (Class IIa) that enables individuals to undertake a free, self-service health check in less than five minutes. It’s a console type ‘machine”- you stand in front of a screen and it has handles to hold and an arm insert. Looks like they measure Blood pressure, weight, body fat percentage, height, body mass index, weight. So basically most things you can now do at home with home blood pressure kits, your Smartwatch and Smart scales for weighing. Bit of a gimmick to raise heart health awareness and all around the Shane Warne death in Thailand. (ok, that’s all I’m saying about that)
And let us not forget the sudden rise in public service health announcements about shingles and the new one on broadcast repeat about RSV (respiratory syncytial virus). Not to worry too much there are already drugs for both these conditions and one RSV liquid apparently has already also been developed with neonates and infants born during or entering their first RSV season in mind hitting the market place last July 2023 in USofA.
ATAGI have published a statement regarding Arexvy (RSV PRE-F3) vaccin currently available on the private market in Australia to prevent illness and severe complications associated with respiratory syncytial virus infection for those 60+. Doesn’t appear to be any comment regarding Ozzie neonates and toddlers.
Part of the reason for their increased availability is that their use has been very simplified and they don’t require 4 years of study to work them.
And of course, the population is aging and there are more of us older buggers who are keen to be resuscitated if we drop.
Yes and many health and community groups are pushing for government to fund more – especially to be located near sport and recreation fields. I personally know a guy who had his life saved by a defib in a netball/futsall centre. He was 20 and had an undiagnosed heart condition.
Before you ask – it was 12 years ago.
Google public defibrillators in south Australia.
Vicdanistan Premier Jacinta Allan is considering race-based taxes whereby people who identify as Aboriginals won’t have to pay various state-based taxes, which of course means that others will have to pay more, depending on their race.
Allan wants to have a “treaty” with Aboriginals which of course is ridiculous because under the Australian Constitution only the Federal Government can can have treaties and secondly, Aborigines were never part of a nation, just 500 or so disparate tribes mostly in endless war with each other. What is the entity with whom the treat would be made?
Note to overseas readers. In Australia there is no biological or genetic test for Aboriginality – that would be considered – errr – racist. Just like a man is a woman if he identifies as such, so too is being Aboriginal as long as you can find someone else in allegedly the same tribe that accepts you. There is nothing to stop you starting your own tribal identity of course. There are great riches to be harvested from the tax payer if you identify as Aboriginal.
Rita Panahi discusses:
The members of the ” Gimme Gimme ” Tribe appear to be going to do well out of this insanity if Allan decides to make it so.
There were a few sensible things that former PM of Australia John Howard did and said. One of them was about the subject of Aboriginal treaties. Which he opposed and said “ .. how can you have a treaty with yourself”. Now, whether he thought that one up himself is debatable because I suspect with a lot of good quotes it was probably attributable to someone else.
Just following NZ down the same path with the maoris. Identity, Govt treaties, ‘nations’, racist treatment.. all done in the last few decades.
Big land claims coming next, all the National Parks, all the coastline and fishing waters.. Private land comes after that. Laid out by the UN decades ago when the push to destroy capitalist civilisation started.
Membership of Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC) in Victoriastan
To be eligible to be a member of Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation (WTOAC) you must be:
an individual who is 18+ years of age;
accepted as Wadawurrung according to Wadawurrung tradition; and
known as and identifies only as Wadawurrung.
So to be a member of this “Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation” you have to be a decendant of people with very Anglo-Saxon names!
Do the rely solely on indigenous documentation to confirm descendants?
“So to be a member of this “Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation” you have to be a decendant of people with very Anglo-Saxon names!”
Waddawurrung with that?
Debunking 10 lies from the “historical” movie Rabbit Proof Fence which falsely portrayed non-Aboriginal Australians as racist;
1. The three girls Molly, Gracie and Daisy were not taken by surprise and removed by force from Jigalong.
2. The Western Australian Chief Protector, A.O. Neville, did not remove the girls as part of some government plan to “breed out the colour”.
3. Daisy, aged 8, was removed because she was betrothed to marry a full-blood Aboriginal man old enough to be her grandfather.
4. The speech in the film to a Perth ladies charity society by actor Kenneth Branagh, playing A.O. Neville, was never made by the real Neville.
5. When the girls were removed in 1931, Neville did not have control over the marriages of all the Aborigines in the state.
6. The Moore River Settlement was not an institution solely for children, as the film depicts. It was a welfare settlement for Aborigines of all ages.
7. The Moore River Settlement was not, as the film portrays it, a prison. Most Aboriginal people went there voluntarily and temporarily to gain access to welfare.
8. On their great trek home, the girls were not pursued by a sympathetic black tracker.
9. They did not receive any help along the way from a sexually-exploited Aboriginal domestic servant.
10. They did not cross the north-western desert unassisted, nearly perishing in the process.
and Michael Long did not walk to Canberra
There’s a whole pack of lies constantly repeated about the Aboriginal culture isn’t there? They’re repeated endlessly and not corrected. This is another great example of a story twisted to suit a narrative. Even yesterday the female Aboriginal Victorian elder told another when she exclaimed that Aboriginals were never allowed to purchase property. Even the next GG,Sam Mostyn has repeated the 60k year inhabitation mistruth in various interviews.
Warren Mundine said that the reason he got on well was the four letter word Work. He grandfather went to work and bought his own house. His father went to work and also bought his own house. Warren went to work and bought his own house.
His son is doing the same 🙂
Hah, just nit-picking, I mean there WAS a fence wasn’t there? And there are rabbits.
Question for wokesters.
What message does it send to women and girls when transgender “women”, i.e. men, win against women in female sport competitions (e.g. Lia Thomas), beauty pagents (e.g. Miss Nevada 2021) etc.?
Does it mean men are better than women in everything, including being a woman?
“So stunning and brave.” (Sic)
I noticed this morning that World Netball has limited participation to actual women.
How do you define “actual women”?
Adult human females?
the same way I always have, those rather attractive people who arent blokes
Latest video from (Australia) Centre for Independent Studies.
Energy Transition Masquerade: The $360 Billion You Pay
Well worth watching for this in-depth analysis of the “renewables” scam.
Like GenCost, the AEMO plan is seriously flawed, as it expects every household to have a solar system, home battery and EV by 2050, and it should be obvious to everybody bar AEMO staff that this is not going to happen. And if it’s not going to happen, that’s an additional $360bn cost on top of the existing Net Zero costs. Am now wondering if this extra 360bn was included in Net Zero Australia’s 1.5T Net Zero cost.
This was Part 2 – do you have the link to Part 1?
Should be here eh
Thanks, but couldn’t find Part 1. Not to worry.
The cost of back-up batteries (made in China) is around A$6 to 10 Trillion alone -if coal and natural gas are eliminated
Hmm, not sure where that figure came from – I estimated $1200bn for 48-hour backup of 25GW. And I think that was based on your battery storage cost for one installation.
Naturally, the backup duration can be debated.
$1200 bn is just for 48hrs of back up, or $600bn per day..
So, the $6tr is for 10 days of back up, ..etc..
Pick how much back up time could be required ?
Rutgers Drops Student Vaxx Requirement, Litigation Proceeds
The obviously fake story posted by the Putin fanboys on here recently was indeed fake.
“Putin’s cronies spread disinformation that King Charles has sold Highgrove to President Zelensky..”
More likely that Highgrove has been sold to the Biden Crime Family
One of the Poots fan boys doesn’t like being called out. lol
It was always “doubtful” coming, as it did, from a single source, an ex staff member [chauffeur?].
“Was the Government Secretly Salting Clo…Hey! That’s CRAZY Talk!”
Shame there’s never a mention of how many Kg of salt they are putting up there. What effect does all this salt have on the earth when it returns as rain??
Is this the real meaning of ‘salting the Earth’? Can I sue if my car rusts? my window frames corrode? Will we all live in ‘a marine foreshore environment’, one of the worst possible for corrosion?
“Yellen Dispatched to Beg China for Face-Saving Slowdown”
Compare the “milestones” being waved by “ElBowen” et al
The Biden Administration is attempting to hand over car manufacturing to China which dominates EV production.
Fortunately, only morons are going to buy them.
Um. No, hang on a minute. There are too many morons.
“DEI “Evidence” Debunked”
Multiple links
More CDC and covid jabs
“CDC Hid Finding Of Possible Link Between COVID Vaccines and Tinnitus”
More on that
“African nation becomes ‘first country’ to outlaw entry of gas cars! EVs only! Ethiopia announces plans to ban import of gas-powered vehicles ‘to reduce its output of planet-warming pollution’ — But only 54% of people have ‘access to electricity’ ”
Part of China’s Belt and Road strategy.
Expect Victorianstan to follow this lead.
Ethiopia’s per capita CO2 emissions are 0.15 tonnes compated to Australia’s 14.75
It’s not only gas cars, it applies to petrol and diesel too. Hydrogen also, and whatever else you can think of besides electric.
Do we need any more proof that the real driver of climate change legislation is corrupt politicians seeking personal gain?
“ICMJ hears how Russia rapidly developed a beef industry”
Things I didn’t hear that “Their ABC” told us –
FWIW – in there –
“The team and the people we met were great people, the Russians have a similar sense of humour to us.”
(Us being Australians)
Ground-up chicken waste fed to cattle may be behind bird flu outbreak in US cows
Fears are growing that the H5N1 outbreak among cattle in the United States could have been caused by contaminated animal feed.
In contrast to Britain and Europe, American farmers are still allowed to feed cattle and other farm animals ground-up waste from other animals including birds.
Dairy cows across six US states – and at least one farm worker – have become infected with the highly pathogenic virus, which has already killed millions of animals across the globe since 2021.
The farm worker, who is thought to have been exposed via infected cattle in Texas, is only the second recorded human H5N1 case in the US. Since February, the US has investigated and discounted a further 8,000 possible exposures, according to Dr Joshua Mott, WHO senior advisor on influenza.
Experts fear that H5N1, which was only first detected in cows a few weeks ago, may have been transmitted through a type of cattle feed called “poultry litter” – a mix of poultry excreta, spilled feed, feathers, and other waste scraped from the floors of industrial chicken and turkey production plants.
In the UK and EU, feeding cows proteins from other animals has been tightly regulated since the outbreak of BSE – or ‘mad cow disease’ – 30 years ago.
Experts are unsure but fear it could be the poultry litter feed used in the US that has passed the virus to cattle.
“In the US, the feeding of poultry litter to beef cows is a known factor in the cause of botulism in cattle, and is a risk in the case of H5N1,” said Dr Steve Van Winden, Associate Professor in Population Medicine at the Royal Veterinary College.
Live in fear anyway, it’s what the government wants.
Nobody feeds chook crap to cattle.
References – Poultry Hub Australia and Agriculture Victoria
What about the rest of the world?
“Nobody feeds chook crap to cattle.”
A cheap fertiliser for farmers, it gets spread on the pasture that cattle graze over. At least its thousands of times more diluted than pellets being fed to feedlot cattle.
Australia adopted the RAM regulations that Europe/UK did, so at least we got one thing right. Ruminants cannot be fed by-products from vertebrates.
Elon Musk: AI will be smarter than any human around the end of next year.
On Monday, Tesla CEO Elon Musk predicted the imminent rise in AI superintelligence during a live interview streamed on the social media platform X. “My guess is we’ll have AI smarter than any one human probably around the end of next year,” Musk said in his conversation with hedge fund manager Nicolai Tangen.
Just prior to that, Tangen had asked Musk, “What’s your take on where we are in the AI race just now?” Musk told Tangen that AI “is the fastest advancing technology I’ve seen of any kind, and I’ve seen a lot of technology.” He described computers dedicated to AI increasing in capability by “a factor of 10 every year, if not every six to nine months.”
Musk made the prediction with an asterisk, saying that shortages of AI chips and high AI power demands could limit AI’s capability until those issues are resolved. “Last year, it was chip-constrained,” Musk told Tangen. “People could not get enough Nvidia chips. This year, it’s transitioning to a voltage transformer supply. In a year or two, it’s just electricity supply.”
End of next year, no. We’re still in the racist LLM phase.
But the advancements are very rapid.
More like 2028. 😆
But at least AGI will spare us from natural stupidity as below:
..and the Earth is flat too..
Japan Warns AI Could Cause Total Collapse of the Social Order
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) and Yomiuri Shimbun Group Holdings, the country’s largest telecommunications company and the country’s biggest newspaper, jointly published the AI manifesto.
It warned that if legislation is not passed quickly in major countries across the world, artificial intelligence threatens to decimate democracy and provoke widespread societal unrest.
Pointing to AI programs being developed by US tech giants, the manifesto warns, “In the worst-case scenario, democracy and social order could collapse, resulting in wars.”
Anyone told the black budget military groups?
L A. 2029? 😁
” artificial intelligence threatens to decimate democracy and provoke widespread societal unrest.”
Yeah riiight… No reasons given, no explanation of how, no details of what AI is. Anything for clicks… They probably had a picture of a chick with big tits to headline the article.
It is already smarter tha the Brains Trust in Canberra
Musk still hasn’t delivered on his promise of self driving cars.
Let’s get that out the way before we worry about what else he is yabbering over.
Starting to look like a junior version of the fictional planet Altair IV, in the 1956 film Forbidden Planet
And the rest. 😁
Wow! I feel young again.
about the same time Full Self Driving goes production
Advanced Ignorance? – surely not!
San Francisco doubling down for thieving. Stores to be sued, if they close down without 6 months notice.
Really, the lunyness, there has to be a bottom soon?! People seeing the ridiculousness, surely?
Victim blaming at its finest.
The Arizona Supreme Court has upheld an 1864 law that limits nearly all abortions. There is much speculation about why, and why now, but of course the big question is why now, and who does this benefit?
Well for me this is a huge help for the Democrats who now have a great excuse to pummel the Republicans and Trump with all the usual accusations of sexism and lack of care for women’s health and safety. I expect the gap between Trump and Biden to narrow if not invert.
Must … lern … to … proof … reed … proprly.
“Qld premier puts indigenous treaty on hold”
Paying “The Rent” to phoney Aboriginals may not be big vote winner!
Indigenous leaders want to protect whales by granting them legal personhood
The indigenous leaders of New Zealand, Tahiti, Tonga and the Cook Islands have signed a treaty granting whales legal personhood.
It’s a step Māori conservationist Mere Takoko says will pressure governments to do more to help the large sea mammals.
“What we’re trying to achieve here is to provide whales with certain rights,” Takoko told Morning Edition. “Those rights include the right to freedom of movement, natural behavior, development, cultural expression – which includes language – to a healthy environment, healthy oceans, and indeed the restoration of their populations.”
Takoko leads Hinemoana Halo Ocean Initiative, the New Zealand-based group that spearheaded the treaty.
She says the treaty lays the groundwork for legislation to be written to protect the whales, or, as the Māori call them, tohorā — the sacred ancestors of indigenous Polynesians.
Clown world.
If it stops offshore Wind farms – then I am all for it.
I am sure the Aboriginal activists can get Bruce Pascoe to write a follow up to “Dark Emu” titled “Blue Whale”.
Do the whales have any lawyers? Just wondering if they’re (legally) represented, or are they victims too…
Mt Taranaki – that dormant, Fuji-like, perfect cone protruding into the Tasman Sea on the west coast of the North Island – was granted *personhood* this week, similar to the W(h)anganui River a generation ago. The spirit of nature moves me, yet all this Legalese mumbo-jumbo personification & personship gives me the voodoo shivers.
Who speaketh for the mountain?
“Who speaketh for the mountain?”
There will be priests, same as God, same as the whales.. and there will be tithes! Probably Indulgences too.. Sure as eggs those involved in the center of the mumbo-jumbo will be making money from the weak-minded, I’ve never seen a religion operate any other way.
In the Australian Navy, the Ship Commander would be wearing his skirt and heels!
When I read somewhere late last year that the australian navy only has eleven ships and none to spare for Red Sea deployment I bought the Australian Navy 2024 Calendar and discovered it contains thirteen sheets but one of those is a submarine and another is a troop landing craft; and it’s the chief of this navy too small to fill a calendar, vice admiral David Johnston, who is now ADF chief.
Delusions of adequacy continue running rampant in this miserable government; surely its end is near.
IIRC Herschel Smith in “A History of Aircraft Piston Engines” mentions that Hamilton Standard had a “Murphy Room” for checking that things like propellers could not be put together backwards
So was he using the rifle scope like a telescope?!
Khan Readies Pay-Per-Mile For After May Election
FOI request reveals that not only was it on the table, Khan had already spent £3 million pounds on the project when he denied the agenda existed.
Sadiq Khan is planning to implement pay-per-mile charging after re-election next month.
Khan has already spent £3 MILLION of taxpayers money preparing for the scheme, a plan that he has repeatedly denied was the end-game of his obscene war on the car.
The scheme dubbed ‘smart road-user charging’ in secret documents seen by the Telegraph, will replace all the other schemes such as ultra low emission zone and congestion charging.
Mass surveillance and AI will run the scheme.
Codenamed ‘Future RUC’, the project is set to replace current London driving fees with what is described as “sophisticated technology” that bills motorists for driving in the capital. That technology is the thousands of AI cameras that have gone up around the capital that make the Current ANPR technology obsolete. The system is likely to include Geo-location using your mobile phone or car’s built in location software that all new cars in the UK are equipped with often unknown by the driver.
Bye bye UK…
Bye bye NZ too…
Same system been implemented into (some of) our cities last year: best to avoid them and take the backroads. Having an old-school 4×4 diesel helps 😜
A Message from Japan to the World: the self replication replicon vaccine
The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the world. A plan was set up to shorten the time to develop vaccines, which usually takes longer than ten years to less than one year. Operation Warp Speed. This operation was used to cover up the misconceptions of the genetic vaccines. Under the pretext of saving time, an extremely dangerous method was selected.
Unfortunately, seven shots have been done so far. This is the most and worst in the world. And the result was the induction of the terrible drug induced injury that has never seen in human history. I believe that the fraudulent use of experimental gene therapy to healthy people, particularly to healthy children, is an extreme violation of human rights. However, Keizo Takemi, Japanese Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, has been insisting that there is no serious concern about the injury caused by genetic vaccines. And without learning from the current situation of injured patients, they plan to construct a new vaccine production system in preparation for the next pandemic. This is an unbelievable, crazy situation.
The Japanese government is first in the world to approve a new type of vaccine called self replication replicon vaccine, and plans to start to supply it in this fall and winter. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry is providing a huge amount of subsidies for this project. And factories to produce new vaccines are being built one after another in Japan. I visited these factories directly.
Furthermore, the Japanese government is currently soliciting large scale clinical trials worth $900 million from pharmaceutical companies that are taking on the challenge of developing vaccines to prepare for the next pandemic by Disease X proposed during the Davos conference this year. It is speculated that the movement by the Japanese government is part of CEPI Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation’s 100 days mission, which aims to shorten the time to one third of Operation Warp Speed. Namely, they are trying to shorten the vaccine business cycle by developing a vaccine in hundreds of days. This is possible only by ignoring the human rights perspective. Amendments to the WHO, International Health Regulation (IHR), and the so called Pandemic Treaty, which are about to be adopted at the 77th World Health assembly this year, are attempting to give rationality and legal binding force to such unscientific and dangerous crazy plans.
If such things continue, there is high risk that Japan made vaccines will be exported under the guise for false trust. If Japan were to become a vaccine perpetrator, it would leave irreparable harm to future generations. Therefore, the actions of Japanese government MUST BE STOPPED by international collaborations.
“Children of men” gets closer by the day.
6 shots, 6 months apart is all it takes…
Sunbathing for ONE DAY increases risk of fatal heart attack. Drinking just ONE Diet Coke per day now linked to deadly heart disease. Nigerians now dying of heart attacks from watching too much soccer.
“Golf is linked to increased risk of developing Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS)”; “Cause of long Covid has finally been identified: low iron levels”; India sees NO link between the “vax” & heart attacks.
And in breaking news, death can be fatal, according to government experts.
Next Census and all other forms requiring the answer need to be dealt with by us all acknowledging our status as indigenous to Australia.
And let’s see how the politicians and bureaucrats cope.
“Indigenous Science…”
“If there is one thing that universities need it is science departments filled with people who use “Indigenous ways of knowing” or those who can” infuse Indigenous science approaches and perspectives into science.” ”
FWIW – CDC again
“OH, IS IT TIME FOR ANOTHER ROUND OF “STOMP, STOMP, PANIC?” Despite No Serious Human Infections with “Super Bird Flu” in US, CDC Issues a Health Alert.
When will they realize that the entire covidiocy was “funny one time only.”
“The Greening Earth vs Enemies of Climate Truth”
“Earth benefits from increasing greening that reverberates through entire ecosystems! Rising CO2 and its fertilization effects makes ecosystems more robust and more resilient. Greening debunks claims by enemies of climate truth that rising Co2 is causing ecosystem collapse!”
“Science Proves Isaac Newton Doesn’t Even Break Into Top 8,000 All Time Greatest Scientists”
“Issac Newton was the greatest scientist. The calculus, mechanics, gravity, thermodynamics, astronomy, optics, the binomial theorem, even theology! You name it, Newton was there, looming over all of us.
“No way, Briggs. I checked. Newton only has an h-index of 70, whereas the great Richard Dawkins has an index of 83, and 83 is greater than 70, even without calculus.”
“Yes. It’s a quantification of the amazingness of scientists. It’s a hard number, a solid metric, beloved of scientists and hiring committees, that quantifies their worth. Think of it like IQ.”
How’s it calculated?”
More at
““Science Proves Isaac Newton Doesn’t Even Break Into Top 8,000 All Time Greatest Scientists””
….couldn’t get peer reviewed or published.. I’ll bet Einstein isn’t in there either!
USA drones getting slated in Ukraine. China’s DJI is selling its drones to both sides..
““The general reputation for every class of U.S. drone in Ukraine is that they don’t work as well as other systems,” Skydio Chief Executive Adam Bry said, calling his own drone “not a very successful platform on the front lines.”
Ukrainian officials have found U.S.-made drones fragile and unable to overcome Russian jamming and GPS blackout technology. At times, they couldn’t take off, complete missions or return home. American drones often fail to fly at the distances advertised or carry substantial payloads.
Ukraine has found ways to get tens of thousands of drones as well as drone parts from China. The military is using off-the-shelf Chinese drones, primarily from SZ DJI Technology.”
Denver’s Stark Alert to New Migrants: “Leave or Face the Consequences of Scarce Resources”
China ships over 5 billion RISC-V chips as sanctions fail. But did the sanctions save Qualcomm?
Is anyone familiar with this article by Dr Ganopolski who advocates for a doubling of CO2 levels to indefinitely postponing ice ages?