A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Kim posted this video featuring Jordan Peterson in the Friday open thread.
Outstanding! He dismantles the Elites’ “climate change” agenda.
He is one of the few prominent “intellectuals” who has a clue and a genuine intellectual unlike most other hypocrites who identify as such.
Nice, but think the message would have had more impact by watching Peterson alone. Is there a link to that video? Couldn’t locate the ref to Friday and Kim.
‘Gambling With The Grid’: New Data Highlights Achilles’ Heel Of One Of Biden’s Favorite Green Power Sources
Is blood transfusion with blood containing spike protein or products of other genetic vaccines safe?
According to the Official Narrative in Australia it is 100% safe. As far as I know, the status of donated blood (covid vaxed or not) is not revealed to the recipient nor do you have a choice.
Here is a discussion of a preprint paper (not yet accepted for publication) on the topic.
Video by Dr Mikolaj Raszek at:
Paper at:
When our health authorities were able to say, albeit disingenuously, that the vaccines were safe, they could administer transfusions legally. Now however, following Astra Zeneca’s forced admission that their vaccine DOES have serious potential side effects, I can’t see how those same authorities can continue to use blood donated by people vaccinated with the Astra Zenaca version. To do so would be dangerous and possibly illegal, surely?
And in the future, when similar court cases are completed against Pfizer and Moderna, which I am sure will be found equally dangerous, all blood will have to be screened at the very least, or recorded as ‘contaminated’ and given only to people already vaccinated.
Where that leaves us unvaccinated people is hard to predict, because I expect we will once again be harshly treated. It might be that ‘they’ decide not to segregate uncontaminated blood, not least because it would become a very precious commodity that they simply cannot provide to everybody (except the elites of course). What a dilemma!
In NZ we have already had the Courts override the parents’ wishes with regards to the administration of blood from vaccinated donors to their child. The child needed urgent cardiac surgery and the blood transfusion service and the whole medical/legal/government establishment were not going to do what is possible to do. The family already had arranged for nominated donors, something that was readily accepted during the HIV “crisis”, but they were told that they couldn’t be accommodated.
There can be no doubt that giving blood from someone who still has circulating mRNA is the same as vaccination although the dose might be different. Even circulating spike protein can surely be harmful but again in this untested vaccine we do not how much.
If you haven’t watched the documentary “Epidemic of Fraud” you can at the link below. It’s 2 hours long and is likely to make you very angry.
If its reports are that bad maybe there needs to be a Rumble link as well in case U-Tube deep sixes it?
Maybe the market is expanding?
Used to be that “Unvaccinated sperm was the new bitcoin”
Now maybe unvaccinated blood also?
That would give older blokes a chance for a bit of a cash in too
Is your doctor a Harvard MD?
I’ll make damn sure mine isn’t! 😆😆
What a cringe-worthy video.
Just as wind power was an idea of the National Socialists, so too was hydrogen.
Today’s socialists are just fulfilling the “dream” (nightmare).
The idea of anthropogenic climate change was also a National Socialist idea:
Note that the proposed 100m diameter windmill mentioned above corresponds to a 2.5MW modern turbine today.
The Hindenburg was designed to use Helium for lift, however Hydrogen was the only available alternative
Helium Act of 1925, 50 USC § 161, is a United States statute drafted for the purpose of conservation, exploration, and procurement of helium gas. The Act of Congress authorized the condemnation, lease, or purchase of acquired lands bearing the potential of producing helium gas. It banned the export of helium, for which the US was the only important source, thus forcing foreign airships to use hydrogen lift gas
Many moons ago, all the “learned men” believed they were the centre of the universe and the Sun revolved around them.
Pollies still believe the same today.😁
But they’re all wrong.
Decades ago, the idea that major surgery could be performed without delivering blood or blood products to the patient would have been widely met with skepticism. Stored blood was administered in a wide range of situations, often without question. It was simply the routine and, as such, didn’t receive much scientific scrutiny.
But, thanks to some committed, courageous medical pioneers and religious leaders, we can make a very profound statement today:
Virtually no procedure demands the use of blood products, no matter what area of the body is being treated—even organ transplants.
The body is remarkably resilient. A huge number if deaths in wartime resulted from giving patients blood, especially too early.
Maybe a nice Shiraz infusion?
That was supposed to be for #3.
Damn Shiraz!😆
Latest madness.
Now they want to sequester carbon dioxide from a power station into Australia’s Great Artesian Basin.
Sky News Australia discusses it with Prof. Plimer.
Tania Plibersek agrees with the proposal.
In 2006 I warned Parliament of the dangers of carbon dioxide sequestration but apparently an “expert” told them my concerns were invalid. Prof. Plimer raises similiar concerns to what I did 18 years ago.
(Note: the email address is no longer valid.)
Seeing that this will be a test case shouldn’t it and its monitoring be done down near the bottom edge of the GAB rather than around the middle? In case the “unexpected wrong” happens.
Further information.
It’s a “green” project. You have to destroy the environment to save it, don’t you know….
Destroying this planet in order to save it!
Geologist Ian Plimer on the subject
This topic was discussed in detail over the weekend in The Weekend Australian (paywalled:
The many comments raised other concerns, apart from the one expressed by Plimer. These concerns centred on the acidic reactions of CO2 in the earth, which may cause the liquid form of CO2 to eat away the underground structure.
Anyone else remember the Bogle/Chandler case? It sprung to mind when I watched this y’day.
Mystery of Dr Bogle and Margaret Chandler’s deaths in 1963 may be solved by two women
I seem to remember they attributed this to a welling up of gas.
Pissing upwind?
“Biden’s New Carbon Capture Mandates Will Cause Blackouts, Increases Prices”
Former Australian Liberal Party PM Tony Abbott speaks to the Institute of Public Affairs. Unlike most Liberals today, he is somewhat conservative.
Tony Abbott was a skeptic of anthropogenic global warming and that led to his demise as was predicted by Lord Monckton:
Stabbed in the back by Labor’s greatest PM Malcolm Turncoat who gave us Snowy 2.0
Stabbed in the back by wets.
Back in the day Goodyear developed an illuminated tyre/tire but technical problems prevented it being sold.
An interesting start to the week.
Sunday or Monday?
Technically, Sunday is the first day of the week because it always has been. However, this is based on the concept that the seventh day is a day of rest and the original sabbath in the Judaeo Christian system was Saturday, ie. the end of the week.
But in fact, in 1971, rules were established that Monday was considered the beginning of the week in daily life and business practices, recommended by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). Accordingly, Monday through Sunday are indicated by numbers, 1 to 7.
When I arrived there were seven comments from two people.
As meatloaf said……. but 6 out of 7, that’s huge.
We are told that Elon Musk is bad. X ( formerly known as twitter ) is allowing dangerous news & information to reach the ears of the public. Same as Facebook& all social media interaction. We must protect the general public from this misinformation.
However nothing is mentioned about media sites associated with Islamic dogma & radicalisation of people leading to terrorism, murder chaos & mayhem. So we must assume that activity is acceptable and the public are quite safe. In addition the voters in that community will not be disadvantaged by criticism or prosecution of those sites.
Leave it be. Then the voters will continue to vote for the current government. Simples!!!
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Quick quiz.
Who is Australia’s most stupid politician?
Some suggestions to start with (in no particular order, they are equally unworthy):
Chrissy Bowen
Matt Kean
Anthony Albanese
Jacinta Allan
Albozo is number 1. After all he’s the one that selected the other 25 clowns to join him in “ governing “!!!!
Stop repeat offenders. Don’t re-elect them!
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.
My favorite mythical creature? The honest politician.
I don’t approve of political jokes…I’ve seen too many of them get elected.
The masses all know their space carrot leaders are useless clowns.
Instapundit lead-in – “IT’S WHO THEY ARE, IT’S WHAT THEY DO:”
“The CDC is already mismanaging H5N1
The implications for the virus and the potential government response are vast and concerning”
“After the way they blew it on Covid, it’s likely no one will listen to them anyway, so there’s that.”
It’s not being mismanaged.
This is the next plandemic they want us to have.
Although I must say I was expecting a US Election Variant of covid rather than H51N1.
They say this is “100 times worse than covid”.
Does Ivermectin work for H51N1? If so, stock up before they ban it again.
Think about if you are prepared to take fast-tracked genetic “vaccines” for this.
It’s a virus, IVM probably works.
Are they still hyping H5N1?
Can’t imagine why. Apart from localised stupidity in the USA it’s a non-event.
Remember to trust the government and experts:
Drugs Giant Deliberately Sold Treatments Infected with HIV to the NHS Claims New Report
A shocking exposé published in the Telegraph by Cara McGoogan, author of The Poison Line: Life and Death in the Infected Blood Scandal, reveals that pharmaceutical companies deliberately supplied an HIV-infected medical treatment to the NHS.
Cara KcGoogan reveals that internal documents from American pharmaceutical companies show they knew a “wonder drug” made from human plasma could transmit HIV to patients, but they sold it regardless.
Some 1,250 people in the U.K. contracted HIV in the 70s and 80s from Factor VIII, a treatment for the bleeding disorder haemophilia. Up to 5,000 more also contracted hepatitis C.
The Infected Blood Inquiry will report later this month on mistakes that allowed Factor VIII contaminated with HIV and hepatitis C to be imported into the U.K. and prescribed to patients on the NHS.
Survivors who have been seeking justice for 40 years expect the final report on May 20th to be critical of Factor VIII manufacturers, successive governments and doctors. The report will also explain how as many as 26,800 people contracted hepatitis C from blood transfusions.
Cutter rejected the idea of recalling its infected Factor VIII from Asian countries in 1984 because it could cost “up to $2 million worth of sales”, according to documents published in The Poison Line: Life and Death in the Infected Blood Scandal.
We all understand, don’t we…
A report about blood in the 1980s? 40+ years ago!! There’s the Speed of Light, the fastest thing in the universe, and then there’s the Speed of Government!!
I am sure they just buried the problem until all responsible had retired, that’s the usual method of the parasite class.
“RUSI Report Quietly Validates Russia’s Strategic Superiority: A Breakdown”
(“As reminder, RUSI is the Royal United Services Institute, and claims to be “the world’s oldest and the UK’s leading defence and security think tank.”)
Meanwhile, the US and Australia’s Strategic Superiority
The Attritional Art of War: Lessons from the Russian War on Ukraine
Alex Vershinin
18 March 2024
It is a Good read – what has been shown in the Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Gaza & Iran/Houthi conflicts is how Cheap Swarm Drones, be they aerial or naval, can attrition the other side, though the speed of EW development is also amazing
The effectiveness of Ukraine’s Excalibur GPS-guided rounds decreased from 70% to 6% within six weeks as Russia adapted and employed various EW assets to counter them.
“Generals are always preparing for the last war”
If every General only knows how to fight the last war, who is it fighting the NEW war?
Poorly led, trained and equipped troops.
Exactly what will happen if NATO engages on the ground in Ukraine. Its been decades since they have faced a peer enemy in a protracted conflict
Isn’t it encouraging to know that our politicians and military planners know all about this and have ensured our rapid defeat by removing our manufacturing capability by reducing the reliability of our power supply?
It is a Great Read. However, the people that should be reading this cannot read or comprehend. Crash and Burn comes to mind.
FWIW – mre covid scene
“Natural Immunity For The Win”
“SDA been sayin’.
Nature- Scientists tried to give people COVID — and failed”
“Demographic Disaster”
“Simply put only the productive children — that is, those who grow up and then produce more than they consume can keep a society going. Some percentage of children are never going to be productive and for those who are unproductive simply due to bad luck its not their fault nor that of their parents — fortune just is that way, and a just society doesn’t treat them like a deformed puppy and cull them.
But you cannot make up for the lack of said productive children in your society by throwing open the borders and inviting “everyone” in. Those who come here with their first act as a criminal one are demonstrably unfit right up front to fit into a social order that has “law-abiding” as any part of its requirement. Oh sure, some will change their minds but their general mental position, which is “screw the law, I want mine” is not one you can permit on a mass-basis if you want to have a society at all.”
More at
Great Article!
“governments can never create money because government is, by definition, a consumer of resources to provide common goods and services. Government does not produce; ”
Too late to do anything about the collapse of the West and its values, you’re not going to suddenly get the productive people to have more kids to keep society going, but it was fun while it lasted!
See how Putin goes, he is pushing three kids for each married couple, one each and one for the Mother Country.
Invisible To Radars, China Claims Developing ‘Hybrid Camouflage’ That Can Make Its Soldiers Undetectable
Is this true? Or just another Conspiracy Theory?
I bet that a Bat with their ‘Bat Radar’ could see where they are and avoid bumping into them.
So the West just needs ‘Bat Radar’.
Russia has unveiled a new “camouflage suit” to hide its soldiers from Ukrainian forces, months after Ukraine developed lightweight “invisibility cloaks” for its fighters.
Russia is developing the suit to give the wearer “perfect protection against thermal imaging equipment” used by Ukrainian troops, state news agency Tass reported on Friday, citing Russian company HiderX.
A Ukrainian drone at close quarters could easily spot a line of troops in a trench.
“Its website states that the drone delivers “unparalleled firepower” from the skies, and would enable its operators to engage targets with “surgical precision” from a safe distance during reconnaissance missions, perimeter security, or counter-terrorism operations.”
Lol! I’ve watched many a video from both sides with guys shooting blindly, often not even looking above the trench. The average soldier can’t shoot to save their lives. Now put him on a moving platform with wind gusts and give him a couple of seconds to shoot at a moving target ‘a safe distance away’.. I reckon I’d worry more about the suicide drones, they just aim for a target and crash near it!
On the suject of “colour”
This is a warning, on the basis that what happens in one western nation these days, inevitably infects the others.
The UK isn’t just declining socially; it is accelerating toward the precipice. The tolerant and inclusive England I grew up in has almost vanished beneath a wave of sectarianism, on the back of ill advised and unfettered immigration from nations with very different cultures, in some cases cultures diametrically opposed to traditional English and Christian values.
There have been many instances of this growing sectarianism lately, encouraged by destructive forces on the left, for whom these ‘other’ cultures are a means to divide us. Today though, I feel the Rubicon has been crossed. For the very first time, to my knowledge, the winner of a local election – in England – has finished his acceptance speech with the chilling cry of “Allahu Akbar!”
He has been elected on a platform based around Muslim grievance, mostly around the conflict in Gaza. Not better roads, schools or more bin collections but support for his ‘brothers’ fighting against Israel.
Scary stuff.
Moment Green Party councillor yells ‘Allahu Akbar’ after being elected
This is the moment a Green Party councillor shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ after being elected to Leeds Council as he declared the victory a ‘win for the people of Gaza’.
Mothin Ali, who won the Gipton and Harehills seat with 3,070 votes, said in his rowdy victory speech people are ‘fed up’ of being ‘let down’ by the Labour council.
He shouted: ‘We will not be silenced. We will raise the voice of Gaza. We will raise the voice of Palestine. Allahu Akbar!’
Throughout the video there is arguing between the Green members and the other parties at the count – with people heard swearing and told to ‘shut up’.
Mr Ali, who regularly posts videos on his TikTok account, said his phone has been ‘ringing off the hook’ since the win.
He has previously made comments on the platform calling Gaza a ‘concentration camp’ and labelling Israel a ‘settler colonial occupier’ who are trying to ‘erase the legitimacy of the native population’.
He was one of dozens of candidates who ran on a Gaza ticket at the local elections and managed to defeat a Labour candidate.
Despite gains all over England from the Tories in the local elections, Labour lost control of Greater Manchester town Oldham after gains by Independents, some of whom abandoned Sir Keir’s party over Gaza.
Naheed Zohra Gultasib held her seat in the Pleck ward of Walsall. The politician was one of six Labour councillors in the local authority who quit the party in November over Sir Keir Starmer’s refusal to back a ceasefire in Gaza.
She said in her victory speech: ‘This is for Gaza, this is for Palestine. You showed [Labour] that they cannot take your vote for granted.’
Akhmed Yakoob, a pro-Palestinian independent candidate running for West Midlands mayor, secured nearly 20 per cent of the vote in the Birmingham area.
Yip and the speakers around town to be used 5 times a day for the call to prayers will go up faster than that london mu zzies ULEZ cameras. Who knows the ULEZ installations may already have speaker broadcast capability.
Of course none of the speakers will be vandalized because the faithful will ensure they remain and the “British system of new justice” will prosecute the offenders to the full extent of the new anti-discrimination/hate crime laws. Oh happy days.
European and British Muslims are calling for a new caliphate
By Andrea Widburg
Even before 2015, Europe, including the UK, has opened its doors to Turkey, North Africa, and the Middle East. Part of it was leftist guilt about colonialism, and part of it was the need for labor to make up for a Western population that had stopped having children. Then, in 2015, Angela Merkel opened the floodgates to the only people who hate Jews, Christians, and Western Civ more than Hitler and his Nazis did.
Now, Europe and the UK are reaping what they sowed, as the Muslims nearing critical mass in those nations push for a caliphate. Their confidence in making this demand is reasonable, given their rising population and the West’s strong support for Hamas.
From 1683, when Europeans stopped the Ottoman Turks at the Gates of Vienna, until the era after WWII, Islam was a marginal faith, at best, in Europe and the UK. Then, that potent combination of post-colonial guilt and a desperate need for laborers changed Europe’s and the UK’s immigration policies.
My obsession with the percentage of Muslims relative to the overall population is because small changes in those numbers make a very big difference.
Dr. Peter Hammond’s famous analysis of patterns in Muslim immigration shows that Muslims disproportionately throw their weight around even when they are a relatively small percentage of the overall population.
At 2-5%, they’re recruiting and proselytizing; at 5-10%, they are pushing for cultural accommodation (halal food, hijabs on driver’s licenses); at 10-20%, they begin to use low-level violence to force the dominant population to accede to their demands; from 20-40%, they become violent on a much larger scale; from 40-60%, they actively wage war on the non-Muslims in their country; and after that, it’s Islam all over.
With these facts in mind, contemplate the following three items, one from England and two from Germany:
40 – Laurence Fox
Atrocious times ahead for the UK
Australia is not far behind
800 HAMAS terrorists have been invited to Australia by Penny Wong who was born on 5 November 1968 in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
Man vs Bear Debate: The Dumbest Feminist Argument Yet?
When it comes to identifiable differences in female vs male psychology as well as differences in brain biology, as a general rule and as most studies show women focus far more on feelings than men do. Specifically, women tend to be more sensitive to negative emotions and negative imagery.
Obviously, men and women are not the same, never have been the same and never will be the same, and this includes how they process information and come to conclusions.
This is the reason why many of women’s perceptions on life tend to bewilder men; most women operate from a place of emotion and assumption (which they call “intuition”) and come to conclusions based on feelings rather than facts.
Intuition can be a powerful tool for identifying threats before they occur, and when women get it right they might appear to be clairvoyant. However, when they get it wrong they get it really wrong and the result is foolishness and disaster.
How one feels is not necessarily what is true.
Enter feminism, a movement which claims to be fighting for women’s “equality” but is actually fighting for women’s privilege. Legal equality for the sexes was achieved long ago and one would think that feminism would have faded away with its mission accomplished. This has not been the case. Instead, feminists move the goalposts and the notion of equality has given way to desires for power. But unlike most political movements feminism does not chase power by applying direct force (in most cases). Rather, feminists chase power by magnifying and exaggerating their own weaknesses and victimhood.
In other words, they gain power by demanding reparations for perceived injustices. The more they feel oppressed or afraid or abused the more power society supposedly owes them. Feminism exploits the natural tendency of women to hyperfocus on negative emotions and promotes feelings over logic. If women feel like victims, that means they are victims.
This is where the “Man vs. Bear” narrative comes from.
Happy wife, happy life!
Women still aren’t paid equal wages for equal work, the feminists have failed.
On the ground there is a determination to create gentlemen.
‘Students from a prestigious Melbourne school took part in a session on ‘respectful relationships’ a week before a ‘degrading’ list was discovered, that ranked their female classmates from ‘wifeys’ to ‘unrapeable’. (Oz)
Yet women make the same judgements swiping left and right on dating appps, and laughing about it, and thats fine of course. Its a funny world we live in.
Sean Gabb, Libertarian, philosopher, historian, teacher of ancient languages, has written an essay on why the State wants us out of cars. Well, a series of essays, and then realised he should explain the philosophy behind it all.
““…the political state, as it exists today, is based on an idea called ‘sovereignty.’ This idea was developed in the 1570s by French monarchist Jean Bodin. It has been implemented around the world since 1648 as the ‘Westphalian’ state. In Bodin’s scheme, the ‘sovereign’ – the king or ruling élite – is fundamentally different from, and superior to, the rest of the population in its territory, the ‘subjects.’ The sovereign has moral privileges. It can make laws to bind the subjects, and give privileges to those it chooses to. It can make war and peace. It appoints the top officials of the state. It is the final court of appeal. It can pardon guilty individuals if it so wishes. It can issue a currency. It can levy taxes and impositions, and exempt at will certain individuals or groups from payment. Furthermore, the sovereign isn’t bound by the laws it makes. And it isn’t responsible for the consequences to anyone of what it does (also known as ‘the king can do no wrong.’)”
…the Hobbesian social contract. According to this narrative, at some time in the past, a group of people (or, at least, a majority of them) made a contract with each other, that they consented to be ruled over despotically by an absolute sovereign. And that we, today, are still bound by their agreement. They committed to each other, that they would authorize and approve whatever the sovereign chose to do. Moreover, once the system has been set up, there is no possibility of changing it, or of escape from it. The Hobbesian social contract idea says, in essence, that every one of us has committed ourselves to be ruled over by a sovereign, that has all the privileges that Bodin’s scheme grants to it. Whether we like it or not…..
The second set of answers was put forward by John Locke in his Two Treatises of Government, first published immediately after the Glorious Revolution of 1688. The First Treatise, indeed, is a de-bunk of the whole idea of sovereignty, as it had been presented by Sir Robert Filmer, a monarchist of the period. But in the Second Treatise, Locke posits that a group of people may choose to form a “political society.” This they do “by agreeing to join and unite into a community for their comfortable, safe and peaceable living.” This is Locke’s version of the social contract idea, and his rationale for forming a government.”
Sorry Jo, it is long.
Data Centers Hiding In ‘Spy Country’ Northern Virginia Will Need Reactor’s Worth Of Power
He provided some context about rising power demand, pointing out:
“A single data center typically had a demand of 30 megawatts or greater. However, we’re now receiving individual requests for demand of 60 to 90 megawatts or greater, and it hasn’t stopped there. We get regular requests to support larger data center campuses that include multiple buildings and require total capacity ranging from 300 megawatts to as many as several gigawatts.”
Recently, media outlet LoudounNow reported that “hunger for energy continues to grow, especially in the data center industry with new large-scale projects adding hundreds of megawatts of demand.” The paper said that this has led government officials to propose “small modular reactors.”
Who in their right mind would build a new data centre in Australia?
Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Telstra, ATO, AFP, ..etc.etc
Since electricity supply is basicly a private sector enterprise, ..maybe any new demand above xxMW should be privately funded as part of any proposal.
IE,..bring you own power source ! ( that complies with prevailing regulations)
In rural / regional Australia the (un)availability of three phase power will seriously limit where new businesses that actually create/process something can locate.
And the cost of getting single phase in WA requires serious thought when building a house not in a “development”
Ambient ultraviolet-B radiation, supplements and other factors interact to impact vitamin D status differently depending on ethnicity: A cross-sectional study
Background & aims
Many determinants of vitamin D status have been well-described, yet supplementation guidelines largely follow a one-size-for-all model and deficiency remains common. We hypothesised that accounting accurately for ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation and considering interactions could advance understanding of vitamin D status.
Asian, Black, and White participants from the UK Biobank cohort were included (N = 438,978). The Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service provided UVB data which we linked to participants’ place of residence. UVB dose over 135 days prior to blood draw was weighted and added, yielding cumulative and weighted UVB (CW-D-UVB). The association between 25(OH)D and selected variables was assessed in multivariable linear regression models with and without interactions, stratified by ethnicity. Predictors were ranked using standardised β-coefficients.
Median 25(OH)D differed by ethnicity (Asian: 25.4 nmol/L (10.2 ng/mL), Black: 30.6 nmol/L (12.2 ng/mL), White: 47.9 nmol/L (19.2 ng/mL), p-value < 0.001). CW-D-UVB was strongly associated with 25(OH)D in all ethnicities. It was the most important predictor in White (βAsian = 0.15, βBlack = 0.20, βWhite = 0.35), whereas supplementation was in Asian and Black participants (βAsian = 0.30, βBlack = 0.24, βWhite = 0.21).
We identified statistically significant interactions between BMI:supplementation (all), CW-D-UVB:sex (Asian and White), and CW-D-UVB:age (Black and White), and in White population between CW-D-UVB and supplementation, BMI, and cholesterol.
Vitamin D deficiency was widespread, particularly among non-White individuals. UVB was a strong predictor of 25(OH)D and the effect was modified by other factors. Findings suggest that accurately measured ambient-UVB radiation and interactions could improve 25(OH)D prediction models, and support personalised approaches to vitamin D optimisation.
Beer and spirits have more detrimental effects on the waistline and on cardiovascular disease risk than red or white wine
The big idea
Drinking beer and spirits is linked to elevated levels of visceral fat – the harmful type of fat that is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and other health complications – whereas drinking wine shows no such association with levels of this harmful fat and may even be protective against it, depending on the type of wine consumed. In fact, we found that drinking red wine is linked to having lower levels of visceral fat.
These are some of the key takeaways of a 2022 study that my colleagues and I published in the Obesity Science & Practice journal.
Although white wine consumption did not influence levels of visceral fat, our study did show that drinking white wine in moderation might offer its own unique health benefit for older adults: denser bones. We found higher bone mineral density among older adults who drank white wine in moderation in our study. And we did not find this same link between beer or red wine consumption and bone mineral density.
Our study relied on a large-scale longitudinal database called the U.K. Biobank. We assessed 1,869 white adults ranging in age from 40 to 79 years who reported demographic, alcohol, dietary and lifestyle factors via a touchscreen questionnaire. Next, we collected height, weight and blood samples from each participant and obtained body composition information using a direct measure of body composition called dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Then, we used a statistical program to examine the relationships among the types of alcoholic beverages and body composition.
In other words a data dredge. There might be a job for these researchers in climatology.
Why not conclude that skinny people like wine, while people with more visceral fat prefer beer and sprits?
Perhaps after all the enquiries, commissions, and the trials we are going to have, looking into the whole Covid clustercoitus, justice might be, for the principals and their minions, a course of remdesivir? Just imagine if people had known to say to the injecting doctor, ‘I will if you will; you’re first!’ Fauci could have a choice; remdesivir, or a course of 80’s strength AZT.
Here’s How We Know The Climate Crisis Is Not About The Climate
I & I Editorial Board
Carbon dioxide is a pollutant, the Environmental Protection Agency says.
It’s been drilled into us for more than 30 years that we have to cut our CO2 emissions if we don’t want the world to end too soon. But we know that the climate scare is in no way related to protecting the sky. The data tell us so.
Over the last three calendar years, 2021, 2022, and 2023, “no country has reduced its carbon emissions more than any other major nation on a per capita basis,” the Committee to Unleash Prosperity tells us.
“Even though our GDP is about 50% higher than China’s, our per capita emissions are roughly the same,” says the group.
The data also tell us that though China’s emissions grow every year, “ours have come down every year over the last decade.”
Yet the U.S. is continually singled out as the worst greenhouse gas offender, while China – and India – escape the wrath of the klimate kooks, from Greta Thunberg to Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to actor Leonardo DiCaprio, who actually “praised China’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
The CTUP chart above shows a sharp decrease in U.S. emissions and a modest drop in European Union emissions. But look at the increases in India, Southeast Asia, and China, particularly the latter. Can anyone remember when climate alarmists traveled to Beijing, Mumbai, or Jakarta to publicly chastise the nations these capitals represent for their emissions? When was the last time a U.S. lawmaker demanded that these countries cut their fossil fuel use?
If our “leaders” were being honest, then we wouldn’t have an entirely mad administration demanding that we cut “greenhouse gas emissions 50-52% below 2005 levels in 2030,” reach “100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035” and achieve “a net-zero emissions economy by 2050.”
“USA! USA! USA!” – AMAZING! President Trump Arrives at Formula One Miami Grand Prix to Thunderous Applause – Law Enforcement Line Up on Road to Wave at Trump (VIDEO)
Impeachment ‘Whistleblower’ Knew Of Biden-Ukraine Corruption Trump Wanted Probed
Eric Ciaramella was a close adviser when Biden threatened to cut off U.S. aid to Ukraine unless it fired its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin.
The “whistleblower” who sparked Donald Trump’s first impeachment was deeply involved in the political maneuverings behind Biden-family business schemes in Ukraine that Trump wanted probed, newly obtained emails from former Vice President Joe Biden’s office reveal.
In 2019, then-National Intelligence Council analyst Eric Ciaramella touched off a political firestorm when he anonymously accused Trump of linking military aid for Ukraine to a demand for an investigation into alleged Biden corruption in that country.
But four years earlier, while working as a national security analyst attached to then-Vice President Joe Biden’s office, Ciaramella was a close adviser when Biden threatened to cut off U.S. aid to Ukraine unless it fired its top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, who was investigating Ukraine-based Burisma Holdings. At the time, the corruption-riddled energy giant was paying Biden’s son Hunter millions of dollars.
Those payments — along with other evidence tying Joe Biden to his family’s business dealings — received little attention in 2019 as Ciaramella accused Trump of a corrupt quid pro quo. Neither did subsequent evidence indicating that Hunter Biden’s associates had identified Shokin as a “key target.” These matters are now part of the House impeachment inquiry into President Biden.
“It now seems there was material evidence that would have been used at the impeachment trial [to exonerate Trump],” said George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, who has testified as an expert witness in the ongoing Biden impeachment inquiry. “Trump was alleging there was a conflict of interest with the Bidens, and the evidence could have challenged Biden’s account and established his son’s interest in the Shokin firing.”
Ciaramella’s role — including high-level discussions with top Biden aides and Ukrainian prosecutors — is only now coming to light thanks to the recent release of White House emails and photos from the National Archives.
Digital ID Rally in Brisbane
One of the documents mentioned by one of the speakers.
The $100m super fund HESTA invested on your behalf in ruinables company RENU ENERGY LIMITED is now worth $15m.
Just to remind you who the geniuses are
When you put your money into Hesta they ask if you want to support renewable investment, my money is not being squandered.
HESTA is another employment scheme for Labor’s mates and ex-MPs. The board alone comprises FOURTEEN people, before we talk about management and other employees.
It’s a great scheme many decades in the making, whereby a money-go-round takes taxes of ordinary working people and distributes it to Labor’s friends, plus providing cushy post-politics employment. With so many of them with their snouts in the trough, is it any wonder our tax burden is crippling the middle classes and driving away investment?
Take petrol as an example. If you earn $200 dollars the government will take $66 of it from you in income tax, leaving you with $134. If you then fill up your car with $134 worth of fuel, the government takes approx. $65 in excise duty. So, from just that $200, the government confiscates $131.
Is it any wonder our governments have grown so large, and that they have enough time and public service busybodies to meddle in every single aspect of your life?
Culture war in Perth!
GREGORY WRIGHTSTONE: Scientific Report Pours Cold Water On Major Talking Point Of Climate Activists
The purveyors of climate doom will not tolerate the good news of our planet thriving because of modest warming and increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide. However, a recent scientific paper concludes that an optimistic vision for Earth and its inhabitants is nonetheless justified.
Widely accepted data show an overall greening of Earth resulting from a cycle of natural warming that began more than 300 years ago and from industrialization’s additions of CO2 that started in the 19th century and accelerated with vigorous economic activity following World War II.
Also attributed to these and other factors is record crop production, which now sustains 8 billion people—ten times the population prior to the Industrial Revolution. The boost in atmospheric CO2 since 1940 alone is linked to yield increases for corn, soybeans and wheat of 10%, 30% and 40%, respectively.
The positive contribution of carbon dioxide to the human condition should be cause for celebration, but this is more than demonizers of the gas can abide.
Right on cue, narrators of a planet supposedly overheating from carbon dioxide began sensationalizing research findings that increased plant volume results in lower concentrations of nutrients in food.
Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations (eCO )- 35 Page pdf
In the present article, we strongly argue against the published notion that enhanced atmospheric
concentrations of carbon dioxide (eCO2) threaten human nutrition.
We review literature and provide arguments that arrive at quite a contrary view.
In accordance with Liebig’s Law of the Minimum, more vigorous growth of vegetation in eCO2 will increase plants’ need for more of other nutrients. However,the resulting nutrient deficiencies caused by eCO2 are small, compared to the nutrient shortages that agriculture and livestock routinely face because of natural phenomena, such as severe soil fertility differences, nutrient dilution in plants due to rainfall or irrigation, and even aging of crops.
These problems have been satisfactorily dealt with for generations through adequate use of mineral fertiizers, most importantly nitrogen; by proper species and cultivar selection; and with foodsupplements for livestock and humans. The same agricultural practices will ensure that the more abundant crops that result from eCO2 will also provide good nutrition.
Over most of geological history, atmospheric CO2 concentrations have been several times higher than today’s, which are much less than
optimum for most plants. We also review the contribution of eCO2 to global warming and conclude that doubling or even quadrupling CO2 concentrations can only cause a few percent suppression of radiation to space.
The resulting temperature increase will be small, compared to the natural increases and decreases of temperature that have characterized our current interglacial period.
More CO2 is beneficial to life on Earth
Florence stuck again and partial tunnel collapse at Snowy2. 2GB and ABC reported. Time this project was stopped.
Irish Villagers Attacked and Pepper Sprayed by Police. Conflict Over Hundreds of ‘Unvetted Migrant’ Centres Being Planted Throughout Ireland and the UK
The Irish government is now at war with its own people as clashes grow between police and Irish citizens who are protesting against over thousands of unchecked/unvetted migrants literally being ‘forced’ into their small communities. Government statistics show that 87% of the migrants are intentionally destroying their passports upon entry to avail of ‘asylum seeker’ status, therefore nobody know who these people are and whether, or not, they have a criminal record. Furthermore, most of the migrants seeking ‘asylum status’ are from countries that have no war. The migrants are eligible for free accommodation, free social welfare, free medical care, food, clothes, and various other perks. Whilst at the same time that the Irish government is facilitating mass immigration there are 14,000 Irish homeless people on the streets, and the Irish face a very serious accommodation crisis as the cost of renting has sky-rocketed.
Fight each other, not the government, when everything goes south shortly. That’s the plan.
The situation everywhere in 1 picture:
Covid on the rise again as new FLiRT variants become dominant strain
New subvariants, known individually as KP.2 and KP.3, have seen their share of UK infections double in a fortnight.
And based on their trajectory, scientists expect that the new variants have exceeded the 50 per cent mark in the 11 days since the latest figures.
This would make FLiRT the new dominant variants in the UK, supplanting JN.1 with a majority share of infections.
But their sharp rise is also thought to be pushing up Covid cases in the UK overall, with new figures yesterday revealing that the proportion of people testing positive for the virus had jumped in the space of a week.
“It’s another strain of Covid, everyone!”
See, no-one cares…
SHOCKING: Cases of New-Onset PSYCHOSIS Following COVID Vaccination – Systematic Review
Individuals who took COVID-19 vaccines were found to have later suffered from psychosis, with Pfizer and AstraZeneca shots linked to most of the cases.
The peer-reviewed systemic review, published in the Frontiers in Psychiatry journal on April 12, examined cases of new-onset psychosis among people who took the vaccines. Psychosis refers to symptoms that occur when an individual has difficulty differentiating between reality and fantasy, with hallucinations and delusions being two key types. The review looked at 21 articles describing 24 cases of psychosis symptoms following vaccination. The researchers concluded that “data suggest a potential link between young age, mRNA, and viral vector vaccines with new-onset psychosis within 7 days post-vaccination.”
There’ll be a pill dispensed by a psycopath in a white overcoat for that.
Monday sarcasm
I did some financial planning and it looks like I can retire at 97 and live comfortably for 11 minutes.
At least the candles are nice.
And in breaking news, the White House has announced that Joe’s speeches will be much shorter favouring quality over quantity.
His latest speech:
” ”
Did you enjoy it?
The best and most coherent yet!
Willis E has a look for
and is not convinced.
Check the graph in comments –
A north hemisphere/southern hemisphere problem –
“At the rate Southern Hemisphere sea level rise exceeds Northern Hemisphere rise, until a cliff appears at the equator, providing flat-earthers with the deadly edge they long ago claimed but never found.”
“The new Liberal Canadian Army logo is insanely bad you have to see it ”
Don’t show Elbow!
With all the negative reporting on the Peking Pox jabs lately to line up like this might qualify for
Are Starlink Satellites Eroding Earth’s Magnetic Field?
An ex-NASA physicist warns cheap satellite ‘megaconstellations’ like Elon Musk‘s Starlink could disrupt Earth’s magnetosphere exposing all life to deadly cosmic rays
Dr. Sierra Solter-Hunt’s new study draws on new estimates that Musk’s SpaceX is burning up over 2,755 lbs (1.3 tons) of wireless internet satellite debris into Earth’s atmosphere every hour — creating a metal layer of ‘conductive particulate’ in orbit.
‘I was very surprised,’ physicist Dr Solter-Hunt told ‘No one has given much research to the accumulation of metal dust from the space industry.’
There are 5,504 Starlink satellites now in orbit, as of the last estimate by astronomers this March, of which 5,442 are operational. But tens of thousands more are planned.
Particles from these satellites at the end of their lifecycle could ‘distort or trap the magnetic field’ that keeps Earth’s atmosphere from escaping, the physicist said, ‘with all of the highly-conductive metal trash that is all settling in one region.’
Although she notes it is an ‘extreme case,’ such a layer of charged metal dust could lead to ‘atmospheric stripping’ akin to the ancient fates of Mars and Mercury.
Unforseen consequences coming up?
A greenhouse gas generally ignored.
‘Of all the greenhouse gases, water vapor (30,000 ppm) has easily the most dominant effect, absorbing 84 times more radiation than CO2 does, and 407,000 times more radiation than CH4 (methane).
‘If water vapor’s absorption capacity were to change by a factor of 1 (i.e., from 84 times greater than CO2 to 83 times greater), this tiny change would “wipe out all of what CO2 could have contributed” within the greenhouse effect.’ (Notrickszone)
Given the great success of EV , its no wonder our ABC is touting the inevitability of electric aviation.
It is a great fit with the need to keep aircraft in the air earning money. A win win for sure.
Given that batteries only have an energy density per weight of 2% of liquid fuels, electric commercial aviation is never going to happen. All they are doing is playing at the edges with unviable concepts.
but they are so excited and sure, perhaps you have underestimated the power of wishful thinking?
Blocking high pressure has caught BoM’s attention and its not in the AGW script.
‘The lengthy soaking of eastern New South Wales, including Sydney, may have at least another week to run as a large high-pressure system all but stalls over Tasmania, the Bureau of Meteorology says.
‘The high-pressure system has been dominating Australia’s south-east, directing bouts of showers and occasionally heavier falls on to coastal NSW.
“It’s our expectation that [the high will] stick around for at least a week or longer just based on where the upper winds are sitting,” Medlock said. “They are just not allowing it to progress into the Tasman [Sea].” (Guardian)
NSW Premier Minns is apologetic for being late, nevertheless he has come up with a novel idea to keep women safe in their homes.
Gosh, that’s a novel idea, hire more bureaucrats!
China’s High Speed Rail is Deadly
Another elaboration –
“Politicians In General Aren’t Terribly Bright”: Taibbi”
Another for “ElBowen” to landmark and follow
“”People Will Be Teleporting Between Planets” Before California Finishes High-Speed Rail Project”
“This is the most remarkable human achievement ever, 1600 feet of high-speed rail after 9 years and 11 billion dollars.”
Should plants be given rights? What new botanical breakthroughs could mean
The Guardian is reporting this seriously.
I’m guessing Trump will be the first to be charged with using chemical weapons in the genocide of a race of cockroaches.