A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Robert Bryce explains, with data, that there is no global energy transformation.
A great summary of the last 20 years of the fake ‘Energy Transition’. None of it secret.
Australia will be a renewables superpower, a hydrogen superpower, a Green manufacturing superpower in the fabled “Energy Transition”. Just lies. This data is freely available and contradicts everything our governments are telling us. The question is why? And is Twiggy Forrest just completely mad?
How many people are employed in Australia managing our ‘energy transition’ with Clean Energy, Clean energy finance, Climate Science, Green departments? Because they are just moving the deck chairs on the Titanic as they knowingly steer us towards the iceberg. How can millions of people be so complicit in this scam?
Windmills and solar panels have nothing to do with the weather because no one outside the US/EU/UN thinks so except Australia. Climate Change is as big a crock as the Energy Transition.
When we have finished our National ‘transition’ to wind and solar, it will all be obsolete. Everyone knows it but we still continue. Why?
The real Green superpower is China, supplying all the Windmills, solar panels, electric cars. All manufactured with our coal and iron ore. And twenty years from now they will all be dead, a total waste of money, because they are not actually renewable. And we will still be running on coal and gas, or at least what is not exported to pay the bills.
One thing is certain. Australia is NOT the Clever Country.
I haven’t heard any thinking person refer to Australia as either “The Clever Country” or ” The Lucky Country” for many years, probably decades.
As Donald Horne said in 1964:
He added in 1976 in his book Death of the Lucky Country:
And he later further added:
People might just now be waking up to realise Australia’s vast missed oppprtunities and just how unlucky Australia really is. And both Liberal and Labor factions of the Uniparty are to blame, along with apathetic voters.
And yet the 1960s and 1970s, when Donald Horne wrote that, I remember as a child and teenager and young adult were so full of promise. Even the 1980s (despite the hair and clothes fashions!) were promising and without want or need for a young woman making her way in the world.
This country grew food in abundance – fruit and veggies, beef, lamb, pork – we canned or dried or froze that produce to fill supermarket shelves and to export to the world, we exported our fine wool, we made white goods and motor vehicles, radios and televisions, even the humble Supreme mouse traps in a brilliant old factory at Mascot (an amazing place for an inquisitive young person to visit and wonder at the process.) During WWII we even built aircraft, and afterwards still built ships. We did stuff, we made stuff. There was almost unlimited positivity and hope, we were confident in ourselves and our place in the world, despite the supposed cultural cringe.
Even as all this began to tail off after the “well-meaning” Lima Agreement signing there was still a fair bit going for us. Now, unless there is a radical reversal, we’re stuffed. My beautiful and bountiful country is being torn apart and destroyed by small-minded one-track people who don’t know how to create or build anything positive. Or maybe they’re just bought and paid for and doing the bidding of those who wish us harm, because they’re certainly not doing what’s best for us.
My wife, myself, and our young children, migrated here from UK in 1972 and, indeed, compared to Uk even then it was the lucky country. Anyone who wanted a job had one, everyone with a job had their own house, every one of driving age had a car, almost everything that you bought was made in Australia. Compared to what we came from, everything was cheap. We came here with nothing but have had, and are still having, a good life. Over the years corrupt politicians of all sides have destroyed what we had, and it is now, in my opinion, a third world country. Our own children have made the most of their opportunities here and made good, but I fear for the future of our grandchildren.
Toned-F, I second that! And so would millions of other migrants that made their lives here over the years, they themselves and their children becoming a hardworking backbone of the society, aspiring to the myth of a “true blue” Aussie. For us it was (and still is) a lucky country. Unfortunately, the 3d and 4th generations achieve this enviable status of “I was born here” and degenerate into total complacency. It’s the “too easy” part, John Calhoun’s experimental mice effect.
I would love to see the graph representing the number of hard science specialists (not enrolled students !) Australia has produced since the WW2, compared to number of “philosophers” .
Important notes: economics is science, while arts, media, political, etc,.. “science” are not; Institutes of Technology is very valuable part of the system.
TdeF mentions this:
I’ve been doing this now for more than 16 years, watching closely, and I agree. It’s all been really pretty much ‘blah blah blah!’, and by that I mean ….. say one thing, (from politicians and their, umm, minders) and quietly do as little as possible.
True, coal fired power plants have closed.
However, despite what was ‘said’ about their closure ….. you know, reduction in CO2 emissions etc, those older Coal fired plants were all ….. ‘exclusively’ used as rolling reserve, in other words, just ‘politely’ humming along, just ticking over, until needed (when the ‘Majors’ had a scheduled maintenance event, or even sometimes an unscheduled event) and then they scrolled up to ‘full whack’ for that down time, filling the gap of lost power absolutely seamlessly, safe in the knowledge they would only be used for a short time, one or two units every so often. No need to make this up, as that data was always readily available either at the SCADA links of five minute power generation data, or later on at the wonderful Andrew Miskelly site Aneroid, where you could watch and plainly see just which plants were operating.
So, what then subsequently happened was that natural gas fired plants then became ‘the vogue’, and now, less costly to construct and smaller in nature, and now quite efficient, well they took over, as short run up plants, and there was always the hydro Instant run up for when power was needed ‘real quick’.
So, the Majors who owned those now ancient, time expired old clunkers, only used as rolling reserve just ….. ‘shut ’em down’. (and then the politicians said say, hey, wouldn’t it be great to blow that $h1t up)
ALL, and let me repeat that ….. ALL of those shut down coal fired plants had in fact reached their expiry date.
And since then, the only coal fired plants to have shut down are also those time expired old clunkers, mind you, still able to deliver almost their full rated power after 40, 50 years etc, (a subliminal daydream of wind and solar plants)
And then it, well, just stopped. Those coal fired plants still operational still have many years left in them, and in fact, most have been (very quietly) upgraded to run even longer. Those ones still operational are the bare minimum to keep all States (and their parasitic Interconnected ‘hangers on’) running.
If those political classes seriously even fleetingly thought that CO2 emissions from coal fired power ….. WERE actually a threat, do you think (considering the kudos that might come their way) they would keep them running.
Do you think Queensland Labor’s renewables by 2030 Committee would make one of their major findings to NOT close any of their coal fired plants in the interim. The blown up Callide Unit (a perfect example of future intent fortuitously happening in the here and now) left unreplaced, instead of the fortune to bring it back on line, the closure of Gladstone power plant, now 48 years old, and with a long long future in sight.
No, we’re stuck with now ancient coal fired plants, jury rigged to keep operating for a while still, three and four generations of technology into the past now. Even the most modern Units in Australia, Queensland’s six Supercritical (now superseded by two Technology levels) Units at Callide Millmerran, Kogan Creek and Tarong North are now all 17 to 23 years old.
No, it’s all been just talk. They all know just how critical it has become to have ….. REAL electrical power generation in place, knowing that the lowest power consumption gets down to is 18,000MW, almost 70% of the average maximum daily power consumption.
No they know this, and now they’re furiously looking for a way to ‘break that news’ to a public who are blissfully unaware of what is actually required to keep everything ….. running!
How the USA reduced CO2 emissions
According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 121 U.S. coal-fired power plants were repurposed to burn other types of fuels between 2011 and 2019, 103 of which were converted to or replaced by natural gas-fired plants.
It is, and has ALWAYS been about the “SPILLGE”.
There has been no “energy transformation” when global CO2 emissions from energy have increased by over 50% since COP1 in Berlin in 1995 and by over 20% since the Paris Agreement in 2005.
Report: Nuclear power plant operator against Robert Habeck: “We can’t leave it alone”
Climate change started 1968 in the GB Blues Music
To add to the numerous other parts of Australia (approx. 50%?) off limits to non-indigenous races, including parts of many National Parks, Lake Eyre is now also off limits.
Someone posted this elsewhere on the subject of CO2 and whether it warms the atmosphere or not. Can you critique it?
Most skeptics already agree that CO2 can warm the atmosphere (I think saying it “traps heat” is the wrong word) but its warming is small and needs to be amplified by positive feedbacks by a factor of 4 for the “dangerous” warming predicted by the climate models. There have been experiments done to determine CO2’s total absorptivity/emissivity (it’s potential to absorb and emit radiation) and the results have shown that it’s very low. As scientist Nasif Nahle states: “According to experiments conducted by Hottel, Leckner, Lapp, Ludwig, Sarofim and their collaborators, and other scientists, the total absorptance potential of carbon dioxide is 0.003”. If you do the quick math, you see that the warming from CO2 is very small. I calculated about 0.4 W/m2 using a temperature of 288K for T1 and 255K for T2 in the equation that Nahle provides in the link above. That means that the entire CO2-greenhouse is only producing a warming of about 0.1C. The IPCC estimate the warming from CO2 with computer-simulations by empirically unvalidated radiative transfer codes like MODTRAN and HITRAN. But if you accept them as valid, we still find that the warming from CO2 is small, at only about 0.01 W/m2 per 1ppmv at the current concentration of 420ppmv (see for example the logarithmic equation for CO2’s forcing on Wikipedia’s “Radiative Forcing” page). The alarmist case is based entirely on the false assumption of the trivial warming from increased CO2 alone being amplified to dangerous proportions by imagined positive feedbacks which our own existence on Earth proves cannot exist in reality.
I don’t know enough detail to critique the guts of it, but as a layman I can comment on this:
Anyone who’s been outdoors can verify, clouds trap heat. A clear night gets cold, a blanket of clouds allows less heat to escape and the night is noticeably warmer. And at a guess, clouds must total more than 0.05% of the atmosphere.
See reply misplaced at #13.
Currently in lockup.
The energy in CO2 orbitals is locked up and only drawn out by an energy potential that has enough pull.
e.g. CO2 will lose photons when the atmospheric temperature drops to about 243K. That’s minus 30°C or about 11,000 metres above the earth.
That orbital barrier is the key.
Back radiation is junk science and that’s a fact
Ignoring P.V = n.R.T in this analysis is almost beyond belief.
If CO2 was not present in the atmosphere, the “heat” that it may or may not “trap” would be dealt with by some other nearby atmospheric gas.
CO2 cannot exist as an over excited molecule in the atmosphere anywhere above 30 metres AGL.
Earth’s thermal energy at the surface is drawn to the nighttime presentation of a deep unending void at little over 2C° above absolute zero. It wants all of our energy.
KK >”Back radiation is junk science and that’s a fact”
They don’t know the difference between real and apparent energy – to use an electrical analogy.
Any flux you can measure does not necessarily do any useful work. I’ve posted the following paper previously but here goes again:
‘The Diurnal Cycle of the Boundary Layer, Convection, Clouds, and Surface Radiation in a Coastal Monsoon Environment (Darwin Australia)’
May, Long, and Protat (2012)
Figure 5, 440 W.m2 of (apparent) “back radiation” 24/7 (way more than solar) but useless for water heating or photovoltaic electricity generation.
>”heat trapping”
>”molecules which can trap heat in an atmospheric column”
Heat is by definition a transfer process – not a trapping process. Put simply:
The atmosphere, or troposphere beginning at surface, is the transfer medium in this case. At low altitude and higher density energy transfer is mostly a collisional process as the author alludes. So rather than “N2, O2 and Argon are out”, they are most definitely in the transfer process at these altitudes. And once energized any matter with temperature will radiate.
The author fails to define the range when stating “the photons in the IR-range”. What range? What category?
This is critical. I despair at this failure by not just climate scientists but luke warmers like Spencer and sceptics too. Most recently here at JoNova by Uber, who to his credit, apologized for “poor wording”.
Critical distinction next.
From my reply to Uber worth repeating here in respect to the critical distinction between the categories of infrared radiation (IR):
Good one.
” 4000 – 1000000 nm (4 – 100 microns) by convention”.
There seems to be a zero out of place here :).
The insipid ground origin infra red is also known as PWIR and to imagine that it would cause downwelling from way up there, where the air is cooler, is nonsense
KK >”There seems to be a zero out of place here :)”
Quite right. Should be:
That’s the convention due to the overlap and, per Wiki (outgoing link), “Over 99% of outgoing longwave radiation has wavelengths between 4 μm and 100 μm.
However, the actual range of outgoing terrestrial (IR-C) is, per Wiki (solar link), 3,000 nm to 1,000,000 nm (3 microns – 1 mm).
Wires crossed between convention and actual.
Disagree with this though, but maybe just semantics:
>”to imagine that it [ground origin infrared] would cause downwelling from way up there, where the air is cooler, is nonsense.
I agree that there is no downwelling heat – net terrestrial energy whether heat, radiation, whatever is outgoing, which conforms to the Clausius statement of 2nd Law: “heat does not of itself move from a cold object [mid trop] to a hot object [surface]”. I like Abdussamatov’s succinct paraphrase:
However, cold air at 0 Celcius (273.15 K) still has temperature and does radiate. Downwards radiation is measured all over the planet by 2 networks, BSRN and SURFRAD. Also others for specific studies e.g. ARM for the May, Long, and Protat (2012) Darwin paper (see upthread at # Obviously the air is warmer in the lower troposphere than at mid so that’s really what’s gives the apparent flux.
Completely ineffective heating agent at the surface – but they measure it diligently.
Must admit I’ve never gone too deep into how they measure backradiation because the concept seemed a bit off track and there was some concern about the system of measurement.
Given that there’s a lapse rate it’s unlikely that air at even modest altitude is going to send energy down to the warmer levels below.
Since CO2 must equilibrate with the surroundings at every altitude, it will not have any spare juice and will only spit out photons when it gets to about 11,000 metres. Those photons will be drawn to deep space, not back to Earth.
Standard spectrometers found in every university and every lab in the world all find that greenhouse molecules emit and radiate energy at certain wavelengths and in every direction. This has been repeated a million times.
Occams razor suggests that molecules in the atmosphere are the same as ones in the laboratory, and therefore radiate in all directions at every level of the atmosphere. It’s hard to imagine how backradiation would not be occurring in our universe. Photons can’t “steer”.
Photons from CO2 and all the other gases and even from the surface of Earth are able to escape to space — this is more likely to occur at certain heights and from certain wavelengths and at certain temperatures. The likelihood of such escape can vary enormously from one nm to the next nm. (Have a close look at the emissions spectrum for water. It’s vastly, hideously more complex that most people realize, and smoothed graphs hide the wicked variabilty, up, down, in a fine toothed volatile shape). The escape of any molecule depends largely on the amount of water vapor in air above said molecule, which may change dramatically from minute to minute. Even if a particular wavelength is unlikely to get to space, the doppler effect will mean some of those photons will escape if the molecule is moving towards or away from space at the right second.
So at every point in the atmosphere there is a different likelihood of a photon escaping to space and it’s different for every type of photon frequency and it changes every second. If your brain isn’t breaking under the weight of multiple variables all in motion you don’t understand the problem.
In physics, so far, there is no force that “draws” photons to space, and no one who has posited that has any definitive observational evidence to suggest it occurs.
Thanks Jo,
As mentioned previously I have great admiration for this blog and the extraordinary amount of time and energy that you put into it.
As you said, this topic of “greenhouse gas” mechanisms has been widely discussed previously eg.
In the past there have been contributors like Andy and Will Janoshka who have their own special skills. Andy and I have both stated that in theory photons can be emitted in all directions initially, but then the local thermodynamic environment becomes operant.
As Will described it there needed to be an electromagnetic potential difference to draw out the photon.
The United Nations has set out to make their claims about CAGW so confusing that very few can understand the topic let alone contradict them.
The Earth’s observed energy increase is oceanic by far. This is non-contentious. Various ratios but generally: 93% ocean, 6% lands lakes rivers and ice, 1% atmosphere i.e. atmosphere is negligible.
So endless discussions of CO2’s absorptivity/emissivity are immaterial. Net terrestrial radiation is outgoing from surface to space and the greatest difference between clear sky and all sky is clouds even according to the IPCC’s AR6 7.2.1 Present-day Energy Budget:
Figure 7.2 | Schematic representation of the global mean energy budget of the Earth (upper panel), and its equivalent without considerations of cloud effects (lower panel).
Note that of the clear sky DLR of 342 W.m2 only about 7 W.m2 is due to the CO2 component (Wang & Liang 2009) and the per decade change of CO2 is only about 0.2 W.m2 (Berkeley Labs).
But there is a 28 W.m2 difference in outgoing terrestrial radiation when clouds are present. That is the significant difference; a small change in cloudiness regime completely overwhelms any change in CO2 effect.
>”That is the significant difference; a small change in cloudiness regime completely overwhelms any change in CO2 effect.”
Essentially a change in what is mostly an H2O insulation effect in its different phases: gas (vapour), liquid (clouds), and solid (ice).
Insulation is not heating – it is a reduction in heat loss:
Hence the wide diurnal temperature range of dry desert regions versus humid tropical regions similar to what Skepticynic observes upthread. That is an H2O effect – not a CO2 effect.
“99.95 % of the atmosphere cannot trap heat at all,”
That is a weird thing to say.. An energetic fast-moving molecule hits a slow-moving molecule and transfers some of its energy, as far as I know. That’s how heat moves through a substance and entropy finally wins, all molecules having the same energy.
” sending around 50% downwards again. ” CO2 capturing radiation and then re-emitting it in random directions, sure. But above that CO2 molecule are far fewer CO2 molecules to catch it again, so upward radiation escapes into space. All CO2 does is slow the escape of radiative energy slightly.
..and his big numbers of how many CO2 molecules there are don’t mean anything when compared to the size of the Earth and the size of each CO2 molecule. The gaps between them are still much bigger!
He didn’t mention the saturation of CO2 argument, that adding more and more CO2 has a lesser and lesser effect.
Mars is Very Cold. The average temperature is -64 degrees F (-53 C). The temperature varies from -199 F (-128 C) during night time to 80 F (27 C) at the equator during midday.
Mars’ atmosphere is 95% carbon dioxide, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, and it has traces of oxygen, carbon monoxide, water, methane, and other gases.
So CO2 has done a great job in warming Mars!
Emissions or absorptions involving rotational state quanta don’t directly change the translational energy of the molecule ie they don’t contribute the temperature of the gas.
Weird, I was to think, that trapping heat refers to material that receives it and never ever lets it go.
CO2 radiates, the other gases do not. They virtually trap the heat!
Still Interested
>”trapping heat refers to material that receives it and never ever lets it go”
False term “trapping heat” and no such material exists. The greatest heat sink in the planet, the ocean, doesn’t trap heat. Yes it stores heat but it doesn’t trap it. Even the IPCC refers to the ocean as heat “storage”. This adds thermal inertia to the planetary system. Keven Trenberth says “10 – 100 years” in his essay ‘The Role of the Ocean in Climate’. Plenty of other estimates; Abdussamatov calculates from first principles 20 years or therabouts.
In other words, the thermal inertia of the ocean delays the atmospheric response to changes in incoming energy e.g. Solar Grand Maximums/Minimums.
>”CO2 radiates, the other gases do not.”
Any body, whether black body or not, radiates.
That means that a body of air say, 1 m2 tropospheric air at ambient temperature T, radiates. That body includes all the constituents i.e. every molecule in the air.
What Is Stefan Boltzmann Law?
You would be correct to say CO2 (and CH4 etc) absorbs incoming radiation (a photon) for an instant, the others do not.
Subsequent emission of a photon from CO2 occurs to restore the energy level (excitation) of the molecule to the ambient state of the local body of air it is in. That was the initial state of the CO2 molecule before photonic excitation occurred so the absorption-excitation-emission process just returns the molecule to the initial state.
Therefore energy is transferred by atm. CO2 – not trapped.
Should be: “a body of air say, 1 [m3] tropospheric air”
How the cause of data corruption on Voyager 1 was determined and how it was fixed after five months.
Part of the problem is that the spacecraft was programmed about half a century ago and launched 47 years ago and none of the original programmers are around, nor anyone experienced in the programming languages used. The code is mostly assembler on custom made General Electric 18 bit computers with 64k RAM.
Light travel time to the spacecraftt is now 22.5 hours and it is 162AU away from us and in interstellar space.
22.5hours/162AU away and increasing by the second and “we” can send a software update and in all that distance planets, asteroids (not just our belt), comets, space junk (ours and theirs) and anything else intergalactic doesn’t get in the way to stop/scramble the signal. I’m surprised it took only 5 months.
According to the AI summary that search engine Brave now has its possible because of speed of light, unimpeded propagation, line of sight, repeater stations and quantum mechanics. Forget line of sight and repeater stations. Unimpeded propagation is a bit shaky because “…without being significantly affected by the medium they pass through such as air, space or even the vacuum of space”… no mention of thumping great planets rotating into the path.
Can I get Voyager to signal to the daughter when dinner is ready? She never hears me calling her from the top of the stairs.
Space is nearly entirely empty, even within our own solar system. There is almost no chance of the signal being impeded by an object or the spacecraft striking anything. And there are no repeater stations for that signal, I don’t know where the AI bot got that idea.
Yip I dismissed repeaters immediately – same as I dismissed extension cords all those years ago when electric cars first became a thang. Ok out there is empty but we first have to get past all our planets and since we go around the sun, not the other earlier expert version, it will line up in the way of a signal. Then of course I would assume the NASA types would have transmitters around the world not just to send updates but receive info back and then we get into the realm of President Bush we know what we know, we don’t know what we don’t know etc so how do we even “know” we are getting all that Voyager sends back.
Anyway just musings no need for reply but if you have website links to explain it all always welcome. As they say in space no-one hears you scream.
Closer to earth and AstraZeneca has fallen out of the health universe lol. Cheers.
Fascinating. As one who has programmed in assembly language and had to calculate and adjust operation timings using the code, it’s a very interesting field. Some time-critical or secure applications used to be programmed in assembly, and I know a gent that used to program very secure applications using recursive/re-entrant assembly code – extremely difficult to debug.
Restoring the Apollo Guidance Computer
A lot of work ahead of them. Don’t think I would have the patience.
The Voyager Flight Data System controller breadboard prototype was an in-house design by JPL engineers Wooddell, Rice and Blizzard- TTL 18 bit with 4K RAM, but the final design used 16bit CMOS processor and 8k CMOS memory.
Strange marketing scheme by Amazon and how it broke the US Patent and Trademark Office.
In Vicdanistan there is a new proposed race-based mining and resources tax which will also mean an extra tax on electricity, including unreliables.
The Communist Party governing Victoria is also pushing ahead with “Voice – Truth – Treaty” which is Newspeak for “Paying the Rent” where people who do not self-itentify as “Aboriginal” will have to pay rent to those who do.
Apartheid is now well entrenched in Australia.
Floating solar subsidy farms are the latest trend in solar.
A large one in India was just destroyed by a storm. Apart from susceptibility to hail which affects all solar panels, building on an unstable surface like water is surely not a good idea?
Apart from that, what about the environmental effect of reduced light to the lake or other body of water which the structure is built on?
Should be good for preventing evaporation. Probably better than pouring kerosene on the surface as was being done at the Broken Hill water reservoir in the early ‘60s.
Was it really kero? I have a 1962 high school chemistry text (by Alexander Boden). It has a photo with caption reading
To the guy doing it in Broken hill, spraying the reservoir with hexadecanol dissolved in a “volatile organic solvent” might be quite like spraying kero. (I have heard of kero being used to reduce mozzie breeding)
Anyhow, it’s a fun textbook, written by a real industrial chemist, and far more advanced and interesting than the ’70s vintage chemistry text I had at school.
Another amusing photo shows an excavation bucket dredging something out of a bay and the caption:
A way to deal with future “bleaching events”?
They told me it was Kero Robert and it smelt like kero. From memory the reservoir was called Umberumbeka. Also have seen kero used for mosquito control as well
Coral for Cement.
Here in NovoCastria about two hundred years ago the new arrivals, being far from the homeland, had no cement for their buildings.
They noted large mounds of sea shells on the beaches and set about cooking them to produce lime which could be used as a temporary substitute for real cement.
Some maddens were still evident ten years ago on more isolated sections of beach.
Sorry: autocorrect:” middens *
Shell beach in Shark bay, WA,… is a complete bay made entirely of tiny (5-10mm ) pure calcium carbonate white cockle shells. ..and absolutely nothing else !
Over 10mtrs deep and in places compacted and chemically fused into a form of porus soft rock which was mined into blocks by settlers to construct buildings such as the local Telegraph station and the Old Pearler resturant in nearby Denham,
See it on google maps.
I am seeking a grant from Chrissy Bowen for a floating solar farm for coastal waters that will also generate electricity from wave motion – super high efficiency and also works at night!
China might be the worlds biggest coal users, but they have more installed solar PV than the US and EU combined. Interesting interview too.
Surely it’s only virtue signaling to “prove” to the ignorant and gullible West that:
(a) they are doing something about being the world’s largest CO2 emitter by far, more than twice the next biggest emitter, USA;
(b) provide a sales platform for their products and also demonstrate to gullible Westerners that they use these products themselves therefore the West should as well.
In fact solar (and wind) as marketed to gullible, ignorant and stupid Westerners are two of a myriad of economic and other weapons (including drug addiction with Fentanyl, spying and others) that China is employing to gain superiority and dominance over the West which Emperor Xi said they will achieve in less than 20 years.
Well, they’re certainly going to make money out of it.
That’s neatly wrapped up the whole picture.
Are those panels in the same storage areas as the tens of thousands of dysfunctional solar powered Electric cars?
China may be adding more solar, but coal power still dominates at around 60%, according to China’s Electricity Council (CEC).
However, the average solar usage rate for 2023 was 1,286 hours, down 54 hours from last year. By comparison the coal usage rate was 4685, up 92 hours.
And China’s Chairman Xi has said that China will only build more wind and solar if their cost is less thasn coal power.
And they are not above despoiling their tourist attractions with solar. Look at the images of Taihang Mountain Solar Farm.
On a trip through Western China in 2015 I saw lots of solar hot water. Not much else. Their big solar has to be way out West in the desert. Down town China is too polluted, you never see blue sky.
Dr John Campbell interviews Australian lawyer Julian Gillepsie about his court case against Pfizer and Moderna about how the covid-19 “vaccines” are actually unlicensed Genetically Modified Organisms according to legal definitions.
Don’t forgive. Don’t forget. Prosecute.
Covid-19 “vaccine” pushers, time for your 17th dose.
Surely the nail in the government and regulator defence comes at the 11:42min mark when Julian states that AstraZeneca went and got an GMO license from the regulator before then going to ATAGI for approval for its liquid.
Then at the 19:15min mark Julian states Pfizer also tried to do the “right thing” and in 3Q2020 went to the Gene Tech Regulator but got flagged through as being OK.
A big put down against anti-vaxers (not anti-vax just anti THIS vax – since it wasn’t a vax anyway) was they were not gene mod products.
And today Astra announce they are taking their gene therapy sorry vaccine off the global market. So we have companies that knew they were working with gene modified/therapy liquid but sold it as a vax and our “authorities” backed them against their citizens right down the line.
The river of truth is turning into a tsunami.
Dr John Campbell talks about how Bill Gates, who apparentky identifies as a medical doctor or scientist is pushing genetic vaccines for the world.
That quote is an incredible pile of verbiage which applies scientific detail and concepts en masse and out of context.
It may sound scientific, but it’s totally unscientific!
The giveaway is the focus on sub atomic mechanisms and the exclusion of highly relevant, controlling macro effects of atmospheric thermodynamics.
Every time I see this one, I laugh, sadly:
” it will thus emit a an upward oriented photon in the same wavelength it aborbed, randomly in all directions, sending around 50% downwards again.”
Thermodynamically ridiculous.
Tracey Holmes neatly trashes censorship.
Danger Dan
And got a standing ovation from an ABC audience.
No. That was edited into the clip.
Tracey is married to Tan Grant
Tan Grant is a former presenter of the ABC’s Q+A
The Australian Government’s response to the Chicomm’s attack on an Australian helicopter in the South China Sea calling it “unprofessional” was pathetic.
Call it what it was, “an act of war”.
Furthermore, as reported by Sky News, the attack happened last Saturday but the news was just released a day or so ago due to a reporter making inquiries. Had it not been for the rare case of a reporter bothering to do their job, the Government may not have released the information at all so as not to offend the Chicomms or admit what a weak pathetic and pro-China Government we have.
Nope, just the usual games played between militaries around the world every day. Look at the interceptions of spy aircraft on the borders around Russia, all these NATO hotshots get out in their jets to try and one-up the Russians, just as the opposite happens also. Then Govts on both sides cry crocodile tears at the UN about how dangerous it all is. Its all just pathetic!
The Yanks came down and gave us instructions to play the victim of course-
“Daniel Kritenbrink, the US State Department’s assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific affairs, said the Biden administration was “deeply concerned” by the incident … “These are serious matters; you could have an accident that could put someone’s life at risk,” Kritenbrink said during a visit to Canberra to meet with Australian officials. “These are not just abstract principles, we’re talking about the safety and wellbeing of our military personnel.””
Uh-huh, wellbeing and safety is paramount when teaching people to be killers. I thought that was their job, get out there and get killed..
The Chinese have a different view, but the details of why a helicopter was there and what it was doing are being kept secret.
“The Chinese government has fired back at Australia over a dangerous military incident in the Yellow Sea, accusing Australia’s military of behaving in a provocative and threatening way…”
Quotes from the SMH.
We should gather our fleet of aluminum cans and attack China imminently, do we have enough cans to make a 6 pack?
We were doing the UN’s biding and upholding a UN embargo, is this the same UN that pushed the Wuhan flu, the vaxxines, the climate change lie, the food for oil money laundering scam and declared the permanent victim class as occupiers of Palestine, the UN that’s only job is to prevent war, is this the UN you wish to send our youth to die for?
Is this the same UN you wanted us to withdraw from, well that was yesterday. You have found the only truthful MSM reporter left on the planet, a Sky News reporter, so it must be truth.
A Chinese jet fired flares at our helicopter, I take it, it was flying backwards with heat seeking flares, we should have fired our entire arsenal of party poppers immediately from our floating XXXX can, awarded our navy combat medals.
Until tomorrows, bullet point distraction of your tap and go society. Have you thought of a boycott, you know don’t by Chinese products, except flares, their flares can take down aircraft, so we all need to stockpile these first as our air defense system.
The wisdom of those with no skin in the game, the accidental anti-vaxxer.
Do not Worry – Our Nuclear Submarine Fleet will put China in its place.
Australia will build a new fleet of eight nuclear-powered submarines in Adelaide to begin service in the 2040s. The government expects the full cost of the program, including construction and maintenance and service, to range from $268 billion to $368 billion up to 2055.
The People’s Liberation Army Navy Submarine Force (PLANSF) is the submarine service of the People’s Liberation Army Navy. It consists of all types of submarines in operational service organized into three fleets: the North Sea Fleet, the East Sea Fleet, and the South Sea Fleet.
Currently, PLANSF operates a fleet of 66 submarines which include nuclear as well as conventional submarines. Its surface branch counterpart is the People’s Liberation Army Navy Surface Force.
ANZUS three partner combined forces.
Quad four partner combined forces including India and Japan with Australia and United States.
Add the other allies to the combined defence forces.
“Generals (and Admirals) are always preparing for the last war”
“Quad four partner combined forces including India and Japan with Australia and United States.”
I wouldn’t rely on that.. Australia and the UK will do what America tells them to, but India won’t even condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine for America, and I doubt Japan will rush off to war to save us.
Not even rock-solid NATO can agree on what to do about a war right on their border. When push come to shove your allies are not your friends.
There has been a spate of stabbings by radicalized teens.
Does the government do anything about the radical Islamic indoctrination and radicalisation which is causing this violent behaviour?
The government response is to target the innocents and censor the internet to restrict access to information the government doesn’t want us to know.
The police response is to target the innocents in a call for general restrictions on knives.
Overseas, in response to knife attacks by immigrants, similar useless responses which don’t alleviate the problem.
How Ridiculous? Blade-Less Swiss Army Knife Debuts As Weapon Laws Tighten
Well this is how languages get corrupted, a pair of scissors is now considered to be a knife.
They found a person with a screw driver and a pair of pliers, although it was not stated, I believe he was about to attack an electrical installation.
I believe my wife is planning an attack, I found a whole draw of knives, they were all made in China, this is a massive red flag, and I am searching for her stash of flares.
That works well in prisons!
A shiv, also chiv, schiv, shivvie, or shank, is a handcrafted bladed-weapon resembling a knife that is commonly associated with prison inmates.
In Victorian prisons there is even high security regarding the use of sandpaper in woodwork classes/ sessions for prisoners. The prisoners steal the sandpaper then go back to their cell to sharpen shiv’s such as modified toothbrushes etc.
(A) the innocents
(B) in prisons…prison inmates.
Pick one.
FWIW – A lull in the “Hot air”?
“Rus Calls West Bluff; Threatens Strikes UK; Warns France Nukes; Massive West Climbdown No Troops Ukr”
Billy Connolly is not worried.
“The great thing about Glasgow is that if there’s a nuclear attack it’ll look exactly the same afterwards” – Billy Connolly
FWIW – what the US wallet is feeling
The “Fast Food Inflation Index”
Starts at
“Two weeks ago, the New York Times ran an eyebrow-raising article under the heavily ironic headline, “With Inflation This High, Nobody Knows What a Dollar Is Worth.” ”
“This video article, and the other similar ones, is a terrific example of one of the media’s favorite psyops, which they usually deploy in a series of articles. This time, that one viral graphic panicked them and they combined all the stages into one article. Here’s the formula: (1) It isn’t actually happening. (2) It might be happening sometimes but it’s very rare. (3) You should be happy that it’s happening.”
And you’ll no doubt be pleased to find that the “Gain-of-Functioners” are playing with Ebola now.
A good question in the conclusion –
“Finally, I hate to leave you with this question, but if these are the kinds of experiments that we know about, that they cheerfully discuss right in the journals, what kinds of viral tinkering are they doing in secret?”
Unveiling Vitamin D’s Hidden Power Against Cancer
TOPICS:American Association For The Advancement Of Science
Study finds that vitamin D boosts gut health and cancer treatment success in mice, indicating new avenues for enhancing immunotherapy.
A recent study in mice reveals that dietary vitamin D can modulate the gut microbiome, thereby enhancing the response to cancer immunotherapies. This research sheds light on the complex relationship between vitamin D and the immune system’s response to cancer through gut bacteria. It suggests that vitamin D levels could be a key factor in determining the effectiveness of cancer immunity and the success of immunotherapy treatments.
Vitamin D plays an important role in immune modulation as well as shaping the gut microbiome. Studies have also investigated the micronutrient’s role in cancer immunity as it’s been linked to both lower incidence of tumors and decreased mortality for several types of cancers and improved responses to immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatments. However, how the activity of vitamin D affects the success of cancer immunotherapy and whether this effect involves the immune system and/or the microbiome remains unclear.
– Study Findings and Implications
– Future Research Directions
For more on this research, see Unlocking Vitamin D’s Hidden Role in Cancer Immunity.
I read yesterday that Vitamin I (Invermectin) is good on Cancer reduction.
Guess what – Labor’s National Anti-Corruption Commission is Corrupt!
I lodged a complaint about serious corruption at the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) where AFCA acts under the dictation of the finacial firms it is supposed to regulate, only to be told by the National Anti-Corruption Commission that it has no jurisiction over this body established by an Act of the Commonwealth Parliament!
The Anger Games
Jack Smith’s Lawfare Scheme Under Scrutiny and Fraying
May 7, 2024 – Sundance
Shock – Horror!
Pfizer Stock Hit After Boy Dies Of Cardiac Arrest During Gene Therapy Trial
I can still remember my father attempting to fix our black and white TV with a collection of spare valves he kept on hand.
We also had a combo radio and record player along side the TV – did not have the “deluxe” 3 in one model.
Today we have an almost infinite access to music on a mobile phone or YouTube – much of it free.
Then why are people willing to pay AU $29,995 for a valve amplifier and why are the almost extinct vinyl records making a big comeback (Queen – Greatest Hits at $70.)?
Growth in vinyl and streaming leads to record music sales in Australia in 2023
Sales of vinyl records grew 14 per cent to $42 million in 2023, representing 70 per cent of the music sold on a physical format.
Stan Grant’s wife Tracey Holmes just ended Albo’s career live on air
Former Liberal MP, Cabinet Minister and Speaker, Bronwyn Bishop, has commented a few times that having observed Anthony Albanese MP for a couple of decades in Parliament she and many others on both sides never considered him to be a future PM.
Noting that he was appointed Opposition Leader after Labor led by Bill Shorten lost the 2019 election.
If you don’t want to eat crickets, cricket flour or powder, read all labels. It’s known as Acheta Protein and is now included as an ingredient in many foods in the US and possibly other countries, eg chips, biscuits, grain and protein bars, some spreads and pastas.
I imagine there are a lot of insects in vending machines here too… Anyone looked in the ‘back room’ areas of restaurants or food factories?
Is the slogan going to become – “If it’s Boeing, I ain’t Flying”?
The FAA investigates after Boeing says workers in South Carolina falsified 787 inspection records
Updated 10:45 AM GMT+10, May 7, 2024
The Federal Aviation Administration said Monday it has opened an investigation into Boeing after the beleaguered company reported that workers at a South Carolina plant falsified inspection records on certain 787 planes.
“The company voluntarily informed us in April that it may not have completed required inspections to confirm adequate bonding and grounding where the wings join the fuselage on certain 787 Dreamliner airplanes,” the FAA said in a statement. According to the agency, “Boeing is reinspecting all 787 airplanes still within the production system and must also create a plan to address the in-service fleet.”
Boeing said its engineers have determined that misconduct did not create “an immediate safety of flight issue.”
In an email to Boeing’s South Carolina employees on April 29, Scott Stocker, who leads the 787 program, said a worker observed an “irregularity” in a required test of the wing-to-body join and reported it to his manager.
“After receiving the report, we quickly reviewed the matter and learned that several people had been violating Company policies by not performing a required test, but recording the work as having been completed,” Stocker wrote.
Boeing notified the FAA and is taking “swift and serious corrective action with multiple teammates,” Stocker said.
No planes have been taken out of service, but having to perform the test out of order on planes will slow the delivery of jets still being built at the final assembly plant in North Charleston, South Carolina.
Boeing must also create a plan to address planes that are already flying, the FAA said.
Bad News For Boeing…
Dj’s Aviation
May 8, 2024 aviation news flight
Boeing is once more being investigated by the Federal Aviation Administration following fresh concerns centring around incomplete inspections and falsified documents on the 787 Dreamliner being revealed, another blow again to the manufacturer and bad news in the realm of quality.
There are now 10 Boeing “Malfunctioning Whistleblowers” but only two have been “fixed” to date!
Boeing builds its planes to the highest DEI standards!
You – from previous CoPilot response
It’s worth noting that this is not the first time Boeing’s South Carolina plant has faced quality control issues. In the past, airlines like KLM Royal Dutch Airlines reported problems with aircraft delivered from the North Charleston plant, leading some carriers, including Qatar Airways, to avoid accepting Dreamliners assembled there
Indeed, the recurring quality control issues at Boeing’s South Carolina plant have raised concerns among airlines and passengers alike. Let’s delve into this further:
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Quality Issues:
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, a major carrier based in the Netherlands, has encountered problems with Dreamliner planes assembled in North Charleston, South Carolina. These issues have prompted KLM to closely scrutinize the quality of aircraft delivered from that facility.
While KLM has not outright rejected Dreamliners from the South Carolina plant, they have expressed reservations and taken necessary precautions to ensure passenger safety.
Qatar Airways’ Stance:
Qatar Airways, another prominent airline, has been cautious about accepting Dreamliners manufactured in South Carolina. They have opted to avoid taking delivery of planes assembled at that specific location.
The decision by Qatar Airways underscores the importance airlines place on quality assurance and adherence to safety standards.
Boeing’s Response:
Boeing, as the aircraft manufacturer, acknowledges the issues and is actively addressing them. The recent FAA investigation aims to identify any lapses in inspections and potential falsification of records.
The company’s commitment to safety remains paramount, and they are taking corrective actions to prevent such incidents in the future.
Safety and Passenger Confidence:
For passengers, knowing that airlines are vigilant about quality control is reassuring. Safety is the top priority, and any concerns related to aircraft assembly must be thoroughly investigated.
As travelers, we rely on airlines and manufacturers to uphold the highest standards, ensuring our well-being during flights.
Boeing are having another crack at launching two victims into space tomorrow, 7years late, over-budget by billions, still haven’t got anyone into space. NASA’s official rocket builder…
AstraZeneca withdraws its vaccine world wide.
First one down!
Ain’t it wunnerful having an orderly electricity market. NSW spot price off the chart.
Chart view
$15,866.27 (/MWh)
8,554 (MW)
$162.92 (/MWh)
8,637 (MW)
“People Were Censored And Shut Down!” – Covid Vaccine Pandemic Payouts Soar
Neil Oliver Interviews David Krayden
Lithium storage battery fires..
Another utility storage battery fire in Germany.
And apparently that makes 30 such storage battery fires worlwide in the last 2 years. ,!
A full list in this video from a fire expert
Imagine grid where you dont need batteries, oh wait, that’s what we used to have isnt it.
Definitely FWIW
“Pfizer CEO: Cancer Is ‘New COVID,’ Stock Bonanza Ensues”
Read it all and in there you will find
““Oncology, it is our new COVID. We did what we did with Covid. We are very proud to have saved the world but it is behind us now. We want to do [it] once more and I think oncology is our best chance to do it…
They will be blockbuster drugs.”
-Albert Bourla”
“AstraZeneca Pulls Covid Vaccine After Admitting Rare Side Effect”
“NZ agriculture has already reached “net zero”: leading climate scientist contends in climate bombshell”
If NZ qualifies then why not Oz?
From the sublime to the ridiculous to the rediculoser
“So much for going green! Fuel for SNP’s ‘eco-ferries’ has to be transported 8000 miles”
But in comments
Alastair Crooke: Muddying the Waters on US Student Protests
A comment from Konrad which suggests that accepting bits of the CAGW meme to avoid annoying the UNIPCCC isn’t a good idea.
An excellent summary by Mr. N.
And, Cementa lays it out.
“@iowahawkblog •
David Burge
Nov 10, 2015
I. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
FWIW – more on covid jabs
“Fair warning: prepare to be aggravated. They know. In a recent World Economic Forum clip making the rounds this week, veterinarian and Moderna CEO Stéphan Bancel freely admitted that sixteen million Americans now have disabling long covid, which most of us interpret in proper English as “long vaxx:” ”
More there, concluding
“Or — and I realize this is difficult for people with Bancel’s limited intellectual scope to comprehend — maybe we could start focusing on creating health by removing things from the environment that are making people sick. Like jabs.
Anyway, Bancel’s clip has been mercilessly and hilariously mocked online by extremely large numbers of social media viewers. The message is out of the barn, down the hill, and paddling across the Atlantic.”
Also in that issue –
“The official narrative would have us believe that Ukraine’s real problem is lack of money to buy ammunition. But setting aside the crisis that Ukraine is getting down to the last Ukrainian, these two tank stories provide a stark metaphorical contrast between the two sides in the Proxy War. The scrappy Russian soldiers are demonstrating good old-fashioned American ingenuity and adaptability. But the Ukrainian/NATO War-by-Committee is mired in the slough of despond, bogged down in the sticky rasputitsa by unwieldy, morbidly obese, maintenance-heavy, finicky, non-interoperable, too-clever-by-half donated gear that isn’t practical.
The two articles highlighted the two modern philosophical problems that dog our political class the worst. The first one is the unshakeable belief in the long-discredited theory that more money can cure any conceivable problem: drug addiction, homelessness, and failing educational institutions all spring to mind. The second chronic philosophical failure is the equally mistaken belief that bigger, more ambitious, higher-tech solutions are always better than cheap, practical answers.
These two philosophical mistakes bog down the West — and its proxy warrior, Ukraine — in impractical, unaffordably-expensive thinking thicker than the Ukrainian rasputitsa. That’s the real problem.”
Remind anyone of those “Super-Oz-Global-Powerhouses” that “ElBowen” keep dreaming up?
What the “Translation Machine” said
FWIW – food for a lot of thought
“When helping others may be hazardous to your freedom”
More recognition!
“Disgraced Ex-CNN Anchor Chris Cuomo Now Admits to Taking Ivermectin Daily — Refuses to Apologize for Shaming People Who Didn’t Take the Experimental Shot”
More things to consider –
“The Economic Impact of Proposed Wind Turbines on Long Beach Island, NJ’s Tourism”
FWIW – a Chiefio covid find
“Like this one. Dr. Jane Ruby Ph.D. from October 2022. Does a huge rant on the “lies” in the “science”‘ we were presented. A whole lot of in your grill attack of “the science” liars.
Including calling the Jab a bio-weapon, showing turbo Cancer in a Vax Advocate who had imaging before and after… Quite the turbo one week later… Yes, one week.”
“Won’t Be On EwTube – The Jab”
Chiefio in comments on where to invest –
“Over the pond to Canada, and we find Justin Castro, er, Trudoh lusting after a Communist Dictatorship. Just Say No! and using banks to rob people (HELL NO…) so not putting any money there. Australia close behind in the Tyrant Wanna Be race. Soon to be a Satrap to China and Islam (if it isn’t already). Don’t get me wrong, Australia has a LOT of good businesses. Wheat, coal, tourism, wine, and on and on. But for how long? The government is a bit nuts, fully in thrall to Gang Green, and largely just a supplier to China. New Zealand is a bit small for much at all. Absolutely loved the place when I was there (late ’70s). But basically an Australia Wanna Be with anxiety issues. (Green, Maori, Globalist DIE agenda, etc.)”