A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. has looked at NOAA’s claims of the rise of billion dollar disasters, and concluded that they are playing games with the numbers.
Imagine, a government agency cooking the books.
This Roger Pielke work on billion dollar disasters is quite important. He has used NOAA’s written procedures to require NOAA to comment on any data errors that he has made in his article, Required by law that NOAA replies. Clever work.
Important because it might be the start of a requirement for The Establishment to reply instead of using silence. This recent technique of refusing to engage in debate is taken most seriously by proper scientists, who know that it is fundamental for the advancement of science.
Yesterday I decided to subscribe to Dr Pielke’s work. I considered cost/benefit for a year then this latest article turned the tide. Why not more commenters herte subscribe?
Geoff S
Swedish government says no to new power cable to Germany
According to the KBA, the average CO2 emissions of new passenger car registrations rose by +3.3% and amounted to 124.0 g/km.
Meanwhile in the UK
Reform UK has committed to abolishing Britain’s net-zero targets and accelerating the extraction of North Sea oil and gas, touting it as a source of “cheap, secure energy”, even though it is sold at international market prices.
I started that post a few hours ago. See
Great minds think alike!
Genius Bowen announces $10 Billion offshore wind farm zone off Wollongong
Given the very high price quotes, around A$200/MW for the New York State offshore wind farms, and seeing that in Australia, surely the price will be higher, I cannot see any supplier being accepted here.
A Democrat President, his brother and Marilyn Monroe
I posted something on this a few weeks ago and it was deemed to be a Conspiracy Theory!
It still is.
There’s a big difference between a 2,000 word article with questions and someone saying “everyone knows” without any reasoning or evidence.
Amazing what makeup does eh. 😉
Marilyn without:
From Norma to Marilyn
Looks to be a very attractive young woman, just in a more natural way.
Biden is looking increasingly vague and is a worry not just to his fellow Americans but also US allies overseas.
There has been talk of a coup in recent months but this article seems to be more credible than some
I personally have no idea who might replace him as the Democrat candidate for the White House race or even if it still possible. The idea that this character might be President again is worrying. I would assume Biden’s removal would improve the chances of any incomer in the coming fight with Trump
Anyone here got any ideas of an alternative candidate?
The prospect of Harris at the helm fills me with cold dread.
I did read that Hillary was jostling for position as VP on a Harris/Hillary ticket for the upcoming election. Makes chilling sense, because then she’d be only one Arkancide away from her coveted glittering goal.
Cackles would surely be the next person to make the Clinton Body Count!
The Clinton body count is a conspiracy theory centered around the belief that former U.S. President Bill Clinton and his wife, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have secretly had their political opponents murdered, often made to look like suicides, totaling as many as 50 or more listed victims.
So many conspiracy theories have a habit of being true!
The idea of Harris in charge of the US nuclear (or nukular) arsenal does have a certain Dr Strangelove vibe to it. Cackling insabely as she pushes the button.
Riding the Bomb!
Most likely, Gavin Newsom, the Justin Trudeau of California.
But my bet is Joe Biden will be inaugurated POTUS in January 2025.
Why not make obvious what is already obvious?
And then continue to label those that point out the obvious ‘conspiracy theorists’?
Fits with all the other obvious stuff.
Like catastrophic Boiling SLR and cheap renewable energy.
The Agenda is in good hands.
Nothing is vague to Them.
Even though Them (meaning those that will make Joe Biden POTUS again*) are vague to us … well me at least.
*(It’s the same Them that made him POTUS the first time.)
Good video about the White House Resident.
“Dazed and confused.”
11.5 mins
If Biden is reinstalled as White House Resident I’m afraid that’s the end of the United States and the Western World in general.
Even if he is replaced, with, say, Michael Obama, thus ticking various “diversity” quota boxes, it will simply be Barrack Hussein’s 4th term and it will still be the end.
And did you see this that I posted yesterday?
This is a disturbing video.
Obama has to collect and guide a confused Biden off the stage.
34 sec
What are the controllers saying?
Perhaps “malfunction in drone 1, send drone 2 to collect”?
Obama has always been Biden’s puppet master – this is just more confirming evidence.
I think you meant Hillary. 😉
Perhaps Michelle?
Charles Mackay (author) – Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841)
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one.
Surely “men” are slowly recovering from this delusion by now.
And I agree with JC II that one should not forget Killary. It’s her turn, you know that.
I believe Commander is currently unemployed.
He has more sense than Joe so let’s give him a go. Some of his decisions have quite a bite on reality!
Mr. b: From here in the states, I predicted Biden would pardon Hunter and step aside, giving delegates to Kamala. She’s the all-time empty suit, but dems running the Brandon Admin won’t notice the change (maybe less ice cream to clean up). I’m wrong so far, and stunned that Biden let the matter go to trial in which the laptop was fully vetted (think about that own goal!), but I’m convinced he’ll do it, in large part because Joe Biden thinks Kamala is smart and smells good! In other words, we think (correctly) that Kamala is too openly stupid, but I’m telling you dems don’t see it that way, they think she’s smart. And (here’s the important part)- they can produce as many paper ballots as necessary for Harris just as they did for Uncle Joe. Rs still don’t have any clue how to stop it.
There is one scenario that – as far as I can tell – isn’t being explored in the saner parts of the interweb. Nevertheless, it can’t be ignored completely.
This scenario involves BOTH Biden and Trump dropping out before the election, Biden because he is forced to resign and Trump because he’s dead.
Meanwhile, Congress is allegedly considering whether a “convicted felon” is entitled to security protection.
My crystal ball shows them both dropping out.
Intuitively I see Kennedy and Rubio fighting over the top job.
‘Anyone here got any ideas of an alternative candidate?’
John or Robert?
Too many native french says leader of new far left alliance formed after Macron called an election
Is Kentucky Fried Crickets behind this story?
Australia is a fanatically woke, globalist and UN and WEF-compliant country and has been feeding insects to school children for some time.
The following article is two years old so the quoted 1000 schools is likely much more now.
Got to indoctrinate ’em young!
And what do you think the Elites will be dining on in their private jets flying to Klimate Krisis Konferences? Poverty food like insects or the finest meats?
If you don’t like it here, leave.
I notice in the WEF linked article in the link tonyb referenced, the WEF deceitfully avoids the use of the term “insects” but rather refers to “alternative” proteins which includes poverty food like insects.
But they do have web pages promoting insect consumption.
It’s very clever propaganda because they claim this is just an “opinion” and to claim otherwise is “disinformation” but we know their true agenda. They just keep pushing on.
5 reasons why eating insects could reduce climate change
Definition of FAR RIGHT: Someone who does not believe that riding a bicycle will change the weather.
Or “right (correct) by far”.
In Australia even a mild non-fanatical Leftist Labor Government such as the Hawke or Keating regimes of the 1980’s or 1990’s would be considered “far right” by the modern regressive Left.
And don’t forget it was the Left that invented the term far right to impute that someone was a National Socialist. Fascism from which National Socialism was partially derived was of the Left, a different form of socialism from International Socialism but still socialism as is obvious from the name. Giovanni Gentile was the intellectual philosopher of Fascism and was a neo-Hegelian Marxist. Fascism is socialism but with protection of the economic Elites, much as we have now.
From Wikipedia about Giovanni Gentile:
Gentile described himself as a socialist. (See Wikipedia entry “Actual Idealism”, the philosophy of Giovanni Gentile.)
Chiefio’s labeling
“Radical far centrist
That’s part of why I’ve taken to calling myself:
“On the far center” and a “radical far centrist”… and a “extreme centrist”… etc.
Parody and truth are useful.”
Stalin exterminated 60% of KPD members who escaped to USSR.
And NSDAP have embraced repentant communists – see Beefsteak Nazis…
In case you missed it, more tourists doing a Dr Mosley.
People are dying every day all over the planet and for many different reasons, often due to recklessness
No really, grandma’s eggs.
You’ve got the wrong end of completely the wrong stick.
43 degrees! Climate Change!
The highest temperature recorded in Melbourne city was 46.4 °C (115.5 °F), on 7 February 2009.
The other day I was observing my friend’s twin eight year old girls. They spend most of their time obsessively scrolling through YouTube “shorts”. I asked the mother was it the kid’s version of YouTube or the adult version and it was the adult.
The residence time on each video was only a second or two before they scrolled on to the next. Rarely did they stop on anything of interest but even then they would stay no more than 30sec or so.
Sadly, I think YouTube “shorts” were designed to accommodate the limited attention spans of younger generations and the desire for instant gratification.
It was quite worrying.
It’s the content. Good long videos are watched by people of all ages. I skim until I find things that I want to watch. Also I have a list of favourite channels that I will spend long periods on.
Not everything has to be intense, sometimes people just want a small treat like a cartoon, a chocolate or a glass of quaffing wine. I guess if that is all they are doing, then it could be a concern.
Ever heard of TikToK? Donald Trump has!
TikTok, whose mainland Chinese counterpart is Douyin, is a short-form video hosting service owned by Chinese internet company ByteDance. It hosts user-submitted videos, which can range in duration from three seconds to 60 minutes. It can be accessed with a smart phone app.
Since its launch, TikTok has become one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, using recommendation algorithms that were better than alternative apps at connecting content creators with new audiences. Many of its users are young and part of Generation Z. In April 2020, TikTok surpassed two billion mobile downloads worldwide] Cloudflare ranked TikTok the most popular website of 2021, surpassing Google. The popularity of TikTok has allowed viral trends in food and music to take off and increase the platform’s cultural impact worldwide.
The hearing before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia will put the fate of TikTok in the middle of the final weeks of the 2024 presidential election. Earlier this month, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump joined TikTok and he has raised concerns about a potential ban.
A true net zero fantasy.
Floating wind madness in Maine
By David Wojick
The beginning: “The Government of Maine has really big plans for floating wind, a floating net zero fantasy, in fact. Since floating wind power is the next big green thing, it is worth taking a close look at this ruinous vision. Floating wind is a fad, not an established technology. It has yet to be built at utility scale or tested in a hurricane. The world’s biggest grid-connected system is a tiny 50 MW and just came online off Scotland.
The cost of floating wind is necessarily much greater than fixed wind. A fixed wind tower sits on a simple monopile, while a floating tower sits on a huge complex structure called a floater. We are talking about massive 500-foot towers with 500-ton turbines on top and 300-foot blades catching the wind. The floater has to be large enough to keep this monster tower from blowing over. Then, it has to be even bigger to contain enough air to be buoyant. It also has to be anchored to the ocean floor in ways that require a lot of different mooring lines.
The small existing floating generator systems cost around three times what fixed wind costs per MW, but the big and hurricane-proof generators might cost even more. Over a hundred designs have been proposed, which shows just how immature Floating wind technology is.
Which brings us to Maine’s floating green dream, a costly nightmare for its people. When it comes to electricity use, Maine is a small state with average generation of just around 1,500 MW. But in an act of madness, they passed a law saying they will buy 3,000 MW of floating wind. Fixed wind is not an option because the Gulf of Maine is too deep.
How do they justify buying so much floating wind? Simple, it is a net zero fantasy. They have a 115-page “Maine Offshore Wind Roadmap” that explains it. For a start, they shut down all their existing combustion generators, mostly burning either gas or wood. Maine is 90% forest, so there is a lot of wood. Then, they electrify all the other forms of combustion. For example, 60% of homes are heated with fuel oil, so they switch to heat pumps or something that works in really cold weather. Of course, all the cars and trucks are electric.
The projected cost of the 3,000 MW of floating wind is huge. Using the reported three times fixed wind figure, I get a rough estimate of $50 billion for construction and an equal amount for financing and profit, giving a total cost of around $100 billion. It could be a lot more once large-scale and hurricane-proof technology is developed if it ever is.
Apparently, the astronomical cost is no object because it is never mentioned. Not in the law, roadmap, or various technical support documents. Jobs are frequently mentioned, but they are part of the cost. But then, too, there is the much larger cost of the energy transition, without which the floating wind is simply not usable.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
“Floaters, eh?”
Also a term for something you might see looking down into a toilet bowl
Would be a great source of power if only we could re-order the sequence from wind followed by floater to floater then wind. Definitely a problem that AH (sic) needs to be harnessed to solve.
Thanks David, just so you don’t think that madness and stupidity are limited to Maine, this link provides information about the proposed floating off shorewind factory off the Illawarra coast of NSW.
Whats that definition of madness. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.,depths%2520greater%2520than%252070%2520metres.&ved=2ahUKEwj7qeLty-OGAxXya2wGHeOTAW0QFnoECBQQAw&usg=AOvVaw1vRYZ28AuHdBeXjy8zjaLj
Well, here ya go, all problems solved!
“Reliable and Strong Energy- Offshore wind can supply large-scale, energy generation to meet the needs of a growing population. Illawarra Wind will be powered by strong, consistent wind resources off the coast to generate large, reliable and secure energy.”
and that’s because-
“A single rotation of an offshore wind turbine can supply a day’s worth of energy for an average NSW household.”
The whole webpage screams “Run away, this is a scam to steal money”
Consistent wind does not exist. Stagnant high pressure systems occur everywhere. More generally it takes sustained wind over 30 mph to generate full power and that seldom happens anywhere except during storms.
False advertising personified.
I was surprised at that “30 MPH windspeed” needed for max output and thought to correct, but you are, indeed, right:
“Reliable and secure wind energy” yep, the new safe and effective
Energisation! Wow!!!
Indicative capacity?
How about that???
What other wonders am I going to find here?
They must be banking on no coal carriers or submarines having to negotiate their pale.
It should keep the whales away.
World’s First Floating Wind Farm to Undergo First Major Maintenance Campaign, Turbines to Be Towed to Norwegian Port
It is highly likely that the rocking motion of the floating turbines put additional strain on the gearbox as the turbine blades spin.
Being towed to a Norwegian Port after only 6 years operation will not come cheap!
Even if the capacity factor hit 50% there will still be a need for battery backup – multiply the $100 billion by a factor of 10 at least for the back-up.
I think the CF used in the price calculations on WUWT was 40%, which seems a reasonable figure.
CF has no bearing on construction cost.
True, but surely it impacts the investment return to the operators, and in turn increases the end cost to the consumer.
Finland’s new nuclear power station cost less than that.
The thought of building a big, beautiful [to quote DJT] nuclear station and using it to firm up ruinables reminds me of Marvin, the Paranoid Android
Here I am with a brain the size of a planet and they ask me to pick up a piece of paper. Call that job satisfaction? I don’t.
“Even if the capacity factor hit 50% there will still be a need for battery backup – multiply the $100 billion by a factor of 10 at least for the back-up.”
I hope I understand this: –
This is for Maine.
Maine, USA for avoidance of doubt.
Area about the same as Scotland [UK], at 35000 sq miles [30,000 sq miles of land, so space for all those floaters!].
Population about a quarter of Scotland [so 1.4 million or so in Maine].
So about $70,000 a head.
If it comes in vaguely on budget. ‘Pigs are fuelled, armed and ready for take-off, Governor Ma’am!’.
Plus O&M costs … will these be towed individually to Norway for overhaul, repair and um, replacement?
Let the mind-boggling begin!
I wonder if electricity costs in Maine will rise ….
[Rhetorical, of course!]
A Lesson from Histroy in the North Atlantic
First, the conditions on the night were a ‘flat calm’. In other words, no waves (and no wind). There was no movement that could have indicated an iceberg to the lookouts on the Titanic.
That’s US$33m per turbine. Any idea of the planned electricity wholesale price David?
No but it will be very high, way higher than what they are paying now.
Ok thanks David. I note that the bidders for New York State offshore were quoting around US$140/MW, and also asking for the ability to increase the cost annually for up to 20 years.
At only US$89/MW that NuScale were asking and didn’t receive any offers, surely NY state would be better off going nuclear.
” … surely NY state would be better off going nuclear.”
New York. That New York, with Democrats in power.
The souls there are paranoid about anything vaguely outside their comfort zone.
If you’d said they need to sniff cocaine … ah, mebbe a plan!
And, of course, those who will suffer most in blackouts are the poorest. Always.
Votes have consequences.
Something the UK will learn over the next five years from 4th July 2024 [our General Election] under Sir Kier Starmer, the Beige Knight, and the Red Angel A. Rayner.
Surprised Jo has not posted about the rubbish burning power station in WA. Terrific idea I’ve been wanting to see here for decades, common in parts of Europe. High temperature incineration, almost no waste is left.
Do not understand why these arent part of our landscape in Oz. I lived about 10k from one of these for 5 years.
Given all the rubbish produced at Parliament House – Canberra would be a good location for one of these.
Better off burning all the so-called recyclables as well.
I believe that [burning ‘recyclables’] is what is done – at least some of the time – in South London.
Big Incinerator at Beddington.
Back in the 1980s I floated the possibility of using our shut down copper smelter at Tennant Creek for high temperature waste incineration. There was a furnace, a smokestack, a rail line, etc for which we never did study compatibility. Corporately we seemed able to proceed, but then opposition started. Smokestacks are evil because a pathway to poison the air. Harmful waste might not be fully burned. Stuff could spill from trains. It all got too hard too fast. It showed how this green opposition was part of their method of hate for good ideas that did not involve them or were created by others. I came away feeling how nice it is when everyone sees a good idea, says yes and joins the excitement of advance of society. Bests rubbishing.
Geoff S
Internet Problems: Am having massive Internet problems at the moment. It really brings to home how dependent on the Internet we are. And that includes free speech.
Elon may be able to help
Sorted it out – technical problems with my ISP.
I was just reading an article by Alisrair Crooke about the recent political swing in Europe. I read the following paragraph and couldnt help thinking of the Andrews/Allan era in Victoria and the Covid era in general.
“The mutiny has arisen because many in the West now see only too clearly that the western ruling structure is no liberal project per se, but rather is an avowedly illiberal mechanical ‘control system’ (managerial technocracy) – that fraudulently poses as liberalism.”
The State of Queensland. It’s in a right state………………
Courtesy of Pauline H and Michael Smith News
Tuesday TIL: In an emergency, masks will drop from overhead. Pull sharply to….. ignite the candle!?
Travellers are only just discovering oxygen masks on planes are not connected to an air tank.
Joe Horneman, a US physician assistant in emergency medicine, explained how masks that drop from the airplane’s ceiling compartment use an oxygen generator, otherwise known as “oxygen candles”.
“You guys know those oxygen masks on airplanes? You know the ones that drop down in case of an emergency… Those masks are not connected to an oxygen tank or any kind of air tank at all,” he said.
“The device is called an oxygen generator and it’s able to pack a lot of oxygen in a tiny space because the oxygen is stored as a solid in the form of sodium chlorate,” he said.
“When you pull the mask down, a firing pin goes off and ignites the primer, which heats up to over 1000 degrees Fahrenheit.
“Under this extreme heat sodium chlorate decomposes into mostly oxygen gas and table salt. The oxygen passes through a filter and down the tubing to your mask where you breathe it in.
Well, there you go!
Oxygen generators kill 110.
ValuJet Airlines Flight 592 was a regularly scheduled flight from Miami to Atlanta. On May 11, 1996, the ValuJet Airlines McDonnell Douglas DC-9 operating the route crashed into the Everglades about 10 minutes after departing Miami as a result of a fire in the cargo compartment caused by mislabeled and improperly stored hazardous cargo. All 110 people on board were killed.
The hazardous cargo were oxygen generators that had passed their use by date and which should never have been loaded since they were stll active.
That plane landed in gator country. The search teams weren’t happy I suspect and it had sunk iirc.
Former CDC Director Predicts Bird Flu Virus Will Cause Next Pandemic
“I really do think it’s very likely that we will, at some time—it’s not a question of if, it’s more a question of when—we will have a bird flu pandemic,” Dr. Redfield told NewsNation in an interview published on June 14.
U.S. officials recently confirmed that the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus had been detected in a cow herd in Wyoming, the 12th state to report an infection.
The former CDC director said the bird flu, when it enters humans, has a “significant” mortality.
“Probably somewhere between 25 and 50 percent mortality, so it’s going to be quite complicated,” Dr. Redfield said.
Major apology millions of Aussies deserve
Mounting evidence shows the vaccines were rushed, less effective than you’d expect of a jab and – in some cases – dangerous, Caleb Bond writes.
Where there is risk of death or serious side-effects for a medical treatment there is no justification for force or coercion.
But that is what happened and no one has apologised.
Excess deaths in Australia were 6.1 per cent higher than expected for the first eight months of 2023 and 14.1 per cent higher than expected in the same period the year prior.
So when will the apology for mandates be forthcoming?
“So when will the apology for mandates be forthcoming?”
About the same time the lying dinosaur legacy media apologise for THEIR lapdog complicity pushing government lies no doubt.
Pot calling the kettle black…
The Pfizer death jab was rushed to market in 6 months to make money for the criminal organisation that runs a pharmaceutical company on the side
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla took a 35% hit in his pay as it fell (PDF) from $33 million in 2022 to $21.6 million last year, according to a regulatory filing. With the company raking in huge profits during the pandemic years, Bourla ranked No. 2 among industry CEOs in 2021 at $24.3 million and No.15 Mar 2024
This excludes gains on Bourla’s share holding in Pfizer stock
70% of NHS Staff are ‘Anti-Vaxxers’
Latest report from UK Health Security Agency confirms that 70% of Frontline health care workers REFUSED the COVID-19 Booster-vaccine in 2023/24
NHS Covid-vaccine refusal rate by occupation;
👨⚕️ Doctors: 60.5% refused
👩⚕️ Nurses: 71.6% refused
👩🔬 Clinical: 64.4% refused
🏥 Support: 73.4% refused
600,000 from 860,000 refused the offer of a booster
Pfizer’s SP has halved and their profit has gone -ve in the March qtr.
Caleb is the best dressed news presenter on FoxTel and as such is part of the only team that tries to present “the other side”.
Was thought for #18
We have a pandemy of not healthy politicians.
Hackers use F5 BIG-IP malware to stealthily steal data for years
A group of suspected Chinese cyberespionage actors named ‘Velvet Ant’ are deploying custom malware on F5 BIG-IP appliances to gain a persistent connection to the internal network and steal data.
According to a Sygnia report who discovered the intrusion after they were called in to investigate the cyberattack, Velvet Ant established multiple footholds using various entry points across the network, including a legacy F5 BIG-IP appliance that served as an internal command and control (C2) server.
Using the compromised F5 BIG-IP devices, the threat actors could stealthily steal sensitive customer and financial information from the company for three years without being detected.
3 years! LOL..
If it’s created by man, it can be hacked by man.
You can’t hack a filing cabinet.
DJI drone ban passes in U.S. House — ‘Countering CCP Drones Act’ would ban all DJI sales in U.S. if passed in Senate
The United States House of Representatives passed a ban on the future sale of DJI drones in the U.S. on Friday, making the DJI ban more likely than not. The “Countering CCP Drones Act” is part of the United States’ 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (FY25 NDAA), a major piece of yearly legislation allotting defense spending for the coming year.
Drone maker DJI is based in China and controls over 70% of the world’s drone market share, a combination that threatens U.S. lawmakers. As we first reported in April, 6% of DJI stock lies in the hands of Chinese state-owned businesses, which has led to fears of Chinese government backdoors, national security risks, and other fears of Chinese surveillance using the company’s drones. And of course, there lies the more real concern for U.S. lawmakers that DJI’s success would continue to strengthen the Chinese economy.
What about the CCP drone called Biden? 😆
That’s the big one. He’s going to be the fall guy for the syndicate.
It would be a great exercise to see how many politicians we could fit in a “filing cabinet”.
Politicians’ egos?
Or their competences?
I’m thinking that there may be a difference ….
FWIW (moved)
“Spot on. Why don’t we do the same here?
Monday, 17 June 2024”
Salwan Momika
In the coming days, I will file a complaint against the Qur’an in the
Swedish courts. We will translate the verses on killing and incitement
found in the Qur’an against non-Muslims, and we will demand that it be
banned and classified as a terrorist book dangerous to society, Swedish
laws, and democracy. I am now working with a Swedish lawyer on this
Your thoughts are important to me, what do you think?”
Islamophobe (is-slahm-o-fohb) -A non-Muslim who knows more than
they are supposed to know about Islam.”
Redacted: Biden Replacement Announcement Coming, White House in Panic Mode (video)
“Oh Canada!”
“Lawfare Comes to Canada as the Coutts Four Get Their Day in Court | Opinion”
McDonald’s to end AI drive-thru experiment after errant orders — including bacon on ice cream and $222 McNuggets bill
McDonald’s is reportedly planning to end its artificial intelligence-powered automated drive-thru order-taking experiment at more than 100 locations after angry customers reported receiving items they didn’t order.
The gaffes included adding nine sweet teas to one customer’s order and giving another customer an ice cream cone topped with bacon.
The Chicago-based fast food chain and IBM partnered on the pilot program two years ago at select franchises.
But the company informed franchisees in an email Thursday that the program will end July 26, though it said it will likely reintroduce the use of AI at its drive-thru windows sometime in the future, according to Restaurant Business.
Mmmmmm…bacon flavoured icecream…😆
Fake AI. LOL…
Is bacon-flavoured ice-cream the second favorite flavour for the Resident of the United States of America?
Auto, askin’ for a friend.
Another EU “Forests etc” to keep an eye on
“Globe and Mail- Landmark EU nature restoration plan gets green light despite months of protests by farmers”
And comments
A “progress report”
“Florence’s Futile Burrowing”
What fuel powers Florence?
Whether diesel or electric (a 15 km power cord?) think of the fuel saving going on
Tuesday funny: well it does beg the question…
Down stream from being jabbed via today’s Covid and Coffee newsletter
“Mr. Yoha represents the jagged tip of a bloody iceberg of pain, disability, and tears. I encourage all Ohio C&Cers to ceaselessly lobby their legislators to pass this critical bill, which would be a first in the Nation and an example for all right-thinking citizens in other states to follow. In short, H.B. 319 would award attorney’s fees and treble damages to any Ohio employee experiencing discrimination for declining a mandated medical intervention”
At 82 degrees F – pull the other one.
And a sermon on “colour”
“By the By, Britain Is Boiling”
But then by the colour scale at
Charing starts at 30 C and ashing is complete at 38 C
But the June we’ve had so far has been decidedly unimpressive – much rain, cooool nights.
In South Lunnon, UHI and all, and my heating has come on early mornings four days out of the last seven – and two evenings, as well.
I think the ‘summer’ of 2019 was as bad – so it’s not that wonderful – if misunderstood – word ‘unprecedented’.
But a rather glum outlook after the Met Office’s ‘Hottest May Evah At All’ (TM) [provided you looked at the nights as a tad warmer, apparently, squinted through one eye, and added three times the CEO’s salary].
Auto – bit better today … I’ve taken my waistcoat off. Until evening.
A new high in climate idiocy: the UK Met Office has has this interactive page. Sane people don’t think much of averaging temperature over a whole country (let alone the whole world), but what lunatic thought it would be a good idea to average Sunshine Duration over the whole of Britain?
The figures go back to 1910. No doubt the people collecting the figures back then had it in mind to get a pattern for what sunshine you could expect through the year in the various districts. They wouldn’t have dreamt of “meteorologists” stupid enough to average the figures over the whole country. Welcome to the 21st century.
Seems about equally stupid to do rainfall, which they have. Now I wonder why they didn’t do national averages for wind speed and direction.
TDK claims insane energy density in solid-state battery breakthrough
Japan’s TDK is claiming a breakthrough in materials used in its small solid-state batteries, with the Apple supplier predicting significant performance increases for devices from wireless headphones to smartwatches.
The new material provides an energy density—the amount that can be squeezed into a given space—of 1,000 watt-hours per liter, which is about 100 times greater than TDK’s current battery in mass production. Since TDK introduced it in 2020, competitors have moved forward, developing small solid-state batteries that offer 50 Wh/l, while rechargeable coin batteries using traditional liquid electrolytes offer about 400 Wh/l, according to the group.
“We believe that our newly developed material for solid-state batteries can make a significant contribution to the energy transformation of society. We will continue the development towards early commercialisation,” said TDK’s chief executive Noboru Saito.
The batteries set to be produced will be made of an all-ceramic material, with oxide-based solid electrolyte and lithium alloy anodes. The high capability of the battery to store electrical charge, TDK said, would allow for smaller device sizes and longer operating times, while the oxide offered a high degree of stability and thus safety. The battery technology is designed to be used in smaller-sized cells, replacing existing coin-shaped batteries found in watches and other small electronics.
The breakthrough is the latest step forward for a technology industry experts think can revolutionize energy storage, but which faces significant obstacles on the path to mass production, particularly at larger battery sizes.
I wonder how many ‘smaller than a coin’ batteries would be needed to propel a pick-up truck?
NOAA under the microscope
“Billion Dollar Disasters on Steroids”
“Shortly after my paper Scientific integrity and U.S. “Billion Dollar Disasters” was accepted for publication, I was tipped off to a public but unnamed and well-hidden directory on the website of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that contained 17 (now 18) of the most recent versions of the “billion dollar disaster” (BDD) tabulation, dating to March 2020.
Today, I reveal the archive and what it tells us about the problematic methods underlying NOAA’s billion dollar disaster tabulation.”
More at
There is no mention of what is causing atmospheric blocking.
‘Australia has seen several slow-moving weather patterns already this year, with the month of May dominated by “blocking highs” – another type of weather system — which led to a record run of unseasonable warmth across Western Australia, and a long spell of showery days for parts of the eastern seaboard.’ (ABC)
Isn’t this normal? Does “normal” need a cause?
“The Jabber Fraudci – (The Jabberwocky restyled”
“Former CDC Director Predicts Bird Flu Virus Will Cause Next Pandemic”
““I really do think it’s very likely that we will, at some time—it’s not a question of if, it’s more a question of when—we will have a bird flu pandemic,” Dr. Redfield told NewsNation in an interview published on June 14.”
Betting odds adjusted?
I’m noticing that the World Health Organization doesn’t do much for world health.
The Center for Disease Control is controlling something, but apparently not disease.
Here in America, the Department of Homeland Security, keeps unlocking the backdoor.
The ‘Democratic’ party tells me if I don’t vote their way, I’m an enemy to “our democracy”.
But I do agree that men can have babies.
If beachfront real estate keeps getting cheaper, I’ll finally be able to afford my dreamhouse.
Is it because I dared to aim sarcasm at the WHO, the CDC, or the DHS.
so I guess I’m SOL.
“Sanctions On China (via Russia) – Buy Junk Now.”
She’s going up! NATO now saying they will strike deep inside Russia with F16s and the pilots will be NATO pilots. Russia reckons any airbase that launches them is a target.
On top of that…
‘NATO is in talks (a decision has already been made) to develop more nuclear weapons by bringing them out of storage and into readiness in the face of the growing threat from Russia and China, the head of the Alliance said today.’
No escalations though… But if you want to make some good investments, pick munitions companies right now!