A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Why is Keynesian Economics Collapsing?
“John Maynard Keynes in his 1936 book, ‘The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,” argued aggregate demand was too volatile to be stable and would lead to inflation or recessions. His theory honed in on spending as a means of price control. Low aggregate demand, Keynes argues, would lead to high unemployment and stagflation. Government could intervene through fiscal policies to increase aggregate demand, as an example, increased government spending could tame inflation. Interest rates, according to Keynes, could also be modified to encourage spending and stimulate demand. So why are these theories failing miserably today?
To begin, the United States had a balanced budget when Keynes presented his theory. The government is now the biggest borrower, acting in its own self interest under Adam Smith’s theory of the invisible hand that Keynes spent his career attempting to deny. According to Keynes, “there is no self-correcting mechanism in a free market economy that automatically restores full employment.” He believed that the government could change the business cycle but arguably regretted this notion on his deathbed.
Keynesian economics gave the government the green light to manipulate the economy, or at least make numerous failed attempted to do so. There is that old joke about communism that you can vote your way in but must shoot your way out, seemingly fitting to the utter disaster governments have created in regards to our economic situation.”
“There is no limit to what the government will spend with “money” that simply does not exist. Governments continue to borrow perpetually with no real intention of paying back their debts. This is one piece of the Sovereign Debt Crisis that will implode like a nuclear bomb the likes of which we have never witnessed. The business cycle cannot be manipulated, and what’s more, the Keynesian model cannot account for declining confidence in both government and the economy.”
In Australia, just look at the debt levels of the Feral Guv’ment and State/Territory Guv’ments. It is jaw dropping and getting worse.
I heard lately that TOTAL US debt is $300 Trillion. That’s staggering and unsustainable.
But I’ll stick with my assertion that other countries are generally no better so the USD will not be toppled by any other fiat currency or basket of them.
Debt jubilee
A debt jubilee is a clearance of debt from public records across a wide sector or a nation. Such a jubilee was proposed as a solution to debt incurred or anticipated during the COVID-19 recession. The American economist Michael Hudson is a proponent of a debt jubilee, writing in a Washington Post op-ed that it was an alternative to a depression. Wikipedia
Takahashi believed that such fiscal policies were useful only as a short term or emergency measure. His ideas worked while in the UK and the USA the Great Depression lingered.
Maynard Keynes told the bureaucracy exactly what they wanted to hear … and they loved him saying it.
Hazlitt started noting down all the things wrong with the “General Theory” and he was still going 400 pages later. That said, you can skim some of the minor points and even if you forgive quite a lot, it’s still a terrible theory.
He also called gold a “barbarous relic”. Some central banks have discarded that folly. I have never forgiven Costello for selling most ours at the bottom of the market, probably to help the US cap the price, maybe to bankrupt the USSR which didn’t have the oil production they now have.
Andy Kessler, writing in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), with the title Your Government at Work, mentions several costly projects of governments that have been executed poorly. The opening photo is of 1,600 feet of the high-speed railway under construction in Fresno, CA. At the current rate, it will take another 42,000 years to complete. He also mentions “Neom”, Saudi Arabia’s plan for a massive linear city.
Somehow he missed the great projects Australia has brought to life.
By David Wojick
Must give a plug to David
Given recents events in Europe, David might look at Germany where in the winter of 2016-2017 Germany experiened 5 continuous weeks of windless nights (dunkelflaute) with next to zero solar generation and before Germany shut down its nuclear reactors in 2023. It was fossil fuels to the rescue with the help of some hydro and imported electricty from France, Norway and Sweden plus nuclear (before the reactors were shut down).
Looks like WA’s SWIS grid had a windless 24 hours, with only 5.6% of its energy from wind and 89% from coal and gas. Virtually nothing from any solar.
And now the wind has dropped even further to only 4.2%, so gas has to step up to 52%. And distributed solar in “sunny” Perth contributes a magnificent 1.5%.
New Zealand reverses ban on oil and gas exploration.
Sorry if it has been posted already…
Don’t apologise – shout it from the roof tops! – mind you, you’ll have to shout REAL LOUD to drown out the hysterical screaming from the far-far-left vegetable zombie banshees marching in the streets.
Ironic that the Resource Minister pushing this bill, Shane Jones, is part-Maori (as well as part-Dalmatian & part-Welsh) and if I’m not wrong, an ex-Labour member. JUST SAY OIL!
Uk commences a high profile non governmental covid inquiry
The government is missing a chance to get to the bottom of itself.
I might care about such inquiries if ever there were consequences.
Sometimes just getting information that is contrary to the government narrative can change opinion.
Title says it all
I know you all love the guy so are no doubt pleased with the honour. Nearly a year in Lockdown for those in Melbourne? Anyone from there. What was it like?
All I can say to that is ‘rubber bullets’…………Vic Plod used them under Dan’s Mal Administration of the ‘Virus Crisis’.
In Supreme Dictator Daniel Andrews’ Glorious People’s Republic of Victoria, it was like living in a dystopian 1984 paranoid society.
The vast majority were fearful and terrorized by the relentless propaganda into becoming compliant with all government directions no matter how ludicrous or draconian. They became just like the public in a nightmare-socialist totalitarian dictatorship like Nazi Germany or Stalin’s Russia, informing on each other, policing each other. Your neighbour could be your enemy.
The State police, (with the odd exception), eagerly embraced their new role as the Dictator’s stormtroopers, becoming arrogant, stupid, and often gratuitously violent.
If you chose not to accept the experimental injection, you were suddenly unemployed. You were not only banned from restaurants and other public places but you were treated as diseased and made to feel guilty for putting everyone else at risk, as if being unjabbed automatically made you a disease-infested contagious carrier.
Even if you had been immunized, if you chose to not wear a (worse than useless) mask over your nose and mouth you were a pariah, a leper, to be avoided and shunned, not allowed into shops or anywhere really. Except in cafes and restaurants. If you were sitting around a table with any number of other people at your table or at adjacent tables, with waiters running between the tables and the kitchen, it was ok. You were safe without a mask, and those around you had nothing to fear. Cafes and restaurants were somehow magically immune to the virus.
The whole thing was so laughably illogical and stupid, but the fact of the immense tragedy of what had happened to our society almost overnight was lost on the general population who were thoroughly and completely brainwashed by the relentless campaign of fear.
To be fair, there were some people who did see the craziness of it all but chose nevertheless to comply and to go along with it all as the most convenient course of action, or ‘just in case’.
The really hilarious thing is that you still see the occasional mask-wearer even today, in the street or the supermarket. Even driving alone in their car, in case they catch Covid from the virus on their steering wheel I guess.
Thanks for reminding us. It should never be forgotten. Even now, with confessions by Fauci etc that there was no scientific basis for claiming vaccine efficacy or denial of transmission, I have a friend who is still so fearful that she won’t go OS without a mRNA booster. And this is despite a (bold) recommendation by a specialist that she not be vaccinated again!
Here’s an apropos take on the award:
Nearly a year in lockdown pales by comparison to years of a Royal Mail exercise in bullying and wrongful charges/prosecutions which became the breaking point for (allegedly) up to 4 poor souls no longer with us. And let us not bother asking what award Paula got out of it lol. Greatest form of flattery is imitation so maybe we should introduce Dan to Paula so they can compare notes and comfort each other in years to come. Cheers.
See Robodebt in Australia – benefit recipients attacked (so not as upstanding as the sub-postmasters, people care less) but similar body count and very similar dastardly bastardly behaviour by officials. No consequences….
Macron has called a snap election due to the success of the so called far right. Will Germany do the same?
No, certainely not.
Scholz has to ask for a vote of confidence, result questionable, or the coalition partner FDP cancels the coalition. Both won’t happen…
It is once again shocking …
that people would vote against being told they should eat no meat, limit their travel, and submit to self imprisonment …
by a bunch of other people that fly around in private jets and party with teenage girls on yachts the size of frigates.
What is the world coming to?
That’s precisely how the French Revolution came about.
What is the world coming to?
Disaster. Ask the historian Victor Davis Hanson.
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, has been found guilty on all charges.
From the BBC –
As others have pointed out, it was the only offence he has committed which did not directly implicate the Resident.
The reason for the guilty party being convicted is tied to the Trump conviction. If hunter goes to jail so will Trump. Just to show that no one is above the law!!??
The difference is that Biden will pardon his son & leave Trump in jail. It’s all carefully planned & played out.
Biden said he wouldn’t pardon his son but you do realise that Joe hasn’t told the truth in the last 2 decades!!
“Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, has been found guilty on all charges.”
And thus it begins.
The final stretch of the US POTUS selection Kabuki.
“See, the Justice system is impartial, (even though the FBI officially labels MAGA as terrorism).”
“Trump wants grandmas, and puppies and kittens of color to die.”
“Look, crime is actually down, just because YOU were robbed you deny statistical science?”
“You shouldn’t eat so much anyway.”
“We never forced anyone to be vaccinated.”
“We never said it for sure wasn’t a lab leak.”
“Mail-in voting is no problem, you just don’t want POCs to vote.”
“No one is above the law … see, even Hunter.”
“Oh, and BTW, turns out the laptop was real.”
“And the border is secure … never been more secure tha thn security it has under Joe Biden.”
That last sentence is a phonetically accurate quote from the current POTUS.
(No, actually, the editing time ran out.) 🙂
Tour de Suisee changed route because of to much snow in the Alps.
2024 Tour de Suisse queen stage shortened due to snowpack
I still can’t get over the fact that Australia has become such a joke that the evil psychopathic dictator Daniel Andrews received Australia’s highest civilian honour.
He ruined lives and businesses and generated so much state debt that Sicktorians will be paying for it for generations.
It’s shows you how deep Australia’s very own Swamp and Deep State extend.
It was also pointed out by Jeff Kennett that the timing of the award was such that it must have been decided before or around the time he resigned as Sicktoria’s Premier.
Attended a meeting last night in Yea, regarding the Great Forest National Park. Couple of politicians there, local member of Liberals, a Lib Democrat and I think 2 other minor party reps. The main take away is that regardless of what Victorians want, the park will most likely go ahead. The convolutions of the current state government that were revealed left many people gob smacked. Legistation buried within obstensively UNRELATED legislation had heads shaking in disbelief. The example quoted by I think the Lib. Dem lady, was legislation titled Development and approval of OFF SHORE wind farms. Several pages into legislation there was a switch to approval of wind farms and related infrastructure in NATIONAL PARKS.
Now National Parks are interesting in their own right. These parks are proposed by state governments, then overseen by the federal government, then handed back to state governments to manage and administer. These parks are then purposed to be managed by “tradional owners” which are a different group of people to the “custodians”.
The gov in Victoria has definitions for traditional owners as “the original people that were displaced by authorities many decades ago, custodians are the people that are there now” so not nesseccarilly the “same” group. (confused yet ) The politician claimed that this is a purposeful set up to CREATE division amongst the groups and division with the wider community. Now if you press the incument state government harder they deflect to the federal government. Press the federal minister for the “environment” ( you will need to press hard) and you may get revealed to you that the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF AUSTRALIA deflects responsibility to the UNIITED NATIONS, who have edicted that signature countries MUST retain and protect 80% of their remaining forest cover! So people we dont know and didnt vote for can tell Victorians how to manage our own resources under the guise of “saving the planet”
Of course politicians think that this will subjcate populations and keep them quite, except when everything is lost, we, the people, may decide we have nothing to loose. Be wary of the cornered rat.
“Be wary of the cornered rat.”
Not according to some of the SciFi I’ve read in my life… unless the cornered rat is the Govt/bureaucracy! There is plenty of scope for dystopian authoritarianism lasting for generations.
One might wonder if the Qld ploy of taking wind and solar out of the scope of the vegetation management act might not trace down a similar path?
Sambar when they call for community input/consultation the decision has already been made .
Yes I attended 2 of those sessions. Appalling. Rumours suggest that the great forest national park will not be the last. Focus on the North Eastern parts of the state next.
I wonder how Sicktorians will respond to the bird flu “crisis”?
Mass lockdowns 2.0?
Bowing and grovelling in praise of their leader?
Fighting over TP?
Interesting how the asian and antarctic migratory paths seem to avoid Vic…
You’d think asian birds would land in northern states first rather than Geelong, and antarctic ones in SA.
Still, Victoria – the place to be.
At least the CSIRO disease centre is at ground zero.
How fortunate!
Alternatively “Still, Victoria – the place to be from”
Stocking up on dunny paper as we speak .
“The trap of government subsidies”
“UnHerd has produced a masterly analysis of the trap into which government spending and subsidies has led much of American life today. Here’s an excerpt.”
“The cost to educate one child for one year has increased 173% (adjusted for inflation) since 1970, and half the kids still can’t read.”
An excellent article!
“The pathologies of these sectors all follow similar patterns. Politicians proclaim their desire to “protect” quality and “help” consumers. Industry lobbyists step up to write bills that restrict supply and subsidise demand. Prices go up. Providers become more and more reliant on the government for their profits. Consumers become more and more reliant on the government to afford homes, healthcare, and schools. Instead of investing in innovation, providers spend their money on political donations and lobbyists. Politicians become dependent on those donations. Consumers demand more and more help because prices are going up, and they’re getting ripped off. And the beat goes on. “It really is a self-reinforcing process,” says Kling. “People don’t understand that the subsidies drive up prices, so they keep demanding more.””
And this morning it was proposed that ALL” early childhood education” (AKA child minding) should be paid for by government (AKA you, the taxpayer).
Putting a polish on an “N” word
“The alleged President of the United States, the free world’s bastion of freedom and democracy, the shining light upon the hill, the country that saved the world from the German Chancellor with the funny mustache, is now officially and literally arming nazis.”
More at
So it looks like Putin had a tight grip on the truth all along- Russia was going to denazify Ukraine and when America stepped in he knew he would be fighting the Yanks and their puppets to the bitter end.
Will the marines take up the goosestep? Will we get to publishing the videos of Azov shooting Russian prisoners in the legs and letting them die writhing on the ground? Maybe the Yanks will get more stylish uniforms!
Funny how so much on alternate media never gets to the mainstream.
What do UK voters care about, well last month anyway.
The Five Stages Of Denial When Skeptics Are Faced With Economic Collapse (article)
Brilliant Comment: “Russian President Vladimir Putin has allegedly said that ‘negotiating with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon. The pigeon knocks over all the pieces, craps on the board, then struts around like it won the game.'”.
A lawyer, who had a wife and 12 children needed to move because his rental agreement was terminated by the owner who wanted to reoccupy the home.
But he was having a lot of difficulty finding a new house.
When he said, he had 12 children no one would rent a home to him because they felt that the children would destroy the house.
He couldn’t say he had no children because he couldn’t lie.
We all know lawyers cannot and do not lie.
So, he sent his wife for a walk to the cemetery with their other 11 children and took the remaining one with him to see rental homes with the real estate agent.
He loved one of the homes and the price was right — the agent asked:
“How many children do you have?
He answered: “Twelve.”
The agent asked, “Where are the others?”
The lawyer, with his best courtroom sad look answered “They’re in the cemetery with their mother.”
MORAL: It’s not necessary to lie, one only has to choose the right words…and don’t forget, most politicians are unfortunately lawyers.
Macron worried?
“Le Pen won the brown areas. The tide has turned.”
I guess he might be now –
“Political Earthquake: French Centre-Right Leader Backs Alliance with Le Pen’s Populists Against Macron”
That might have moved bookie’s odds on this happening –
“Is Paris About to Leave the Paris Agreement?”
“Le Pen won the brown areas. The tide has turned.”
Does that mean that France has an effective method of ensuring that non-citizens do NOT vote?
Can someone please ask the experts for the studies proving doctors had to stand down from their jobs, during the covid pandemic. Pretty please.
Was there ever a regulation that said doctors could have their licences terminated, for actually treating people? Who put their signature to that regulation??
No, I don’t think so. However, there are examples of GPs who voiced concern about the mRNA vaccines and/or supported the use of Ivermectin, and lost their jobs.
I think you’re asking the wrong question, assuming you’re really interested in finding what actually happened to professionals who tried to, or actually resisted the directives. And any truly academic paper that was created for publication would probably have been “peer reviewed” out of existence.
As for cases, consider the persecution of:
Dr Simone Gold of AFLDS (American Front Line Doctors);
The banning of doctors’ ability to prescribe IVM – by WHO decree;
The refusal by pharmacists (at least in Australia) to dispense IVM even if prescribed ;
The forced censorship of people like Dr John Campbell by Yootube, for starters.
And local actions, like this…
“New Zealand Reverses Left-Wing Plan to Tax Cow Burps, Farts”
NWO – A Multipolar World
Pepe Escobar: Russia Readies For War With NATO As Putin Drops Bombshell On U.S. Dollar (video)
Bypass the click-bait title. It’s a good video.
The talentless rich are extremely afraid of losing their wealth – of becoming poor and powerless. They have no skills to fall back on. They look down on us ‘ordinary people’ as ‘deplorable’ and do everything (massively and extensively) to ensure that they don’t lose their wealth and become one of us. They base themselves on externals. They lie, cheat, steal and kill. That’s what all the totalitarianism, all the wars are all about. The more that they are failing the more BS and more totalitarianism they churn out.
A country’s wealth is the wealth of the middle class. When that is destroyed the country is destroyed. That’s what they are doing in the USA.
Bonus: Angus Hanton: Here’s How America Really Runs Britain (video)
Which is why localisation is so very important.
I believe it is the simple combination of age-old human nature (greed and fear) plus the world now has too many ultra-rich people who all think alike. Perhaps it is a ‘critical mass’ thing. As George Carlin said years ago, you don’t need a formal conspiracy for this to happen, just sufficient numbers of people sharing the same ideology, which means their actions will naturally coincide.
When those ‘like minded’ people also possess power through wealth, bad stuff happens.
Like a boat with a hundred passengers, all goes well until seventy of those passengers all rush to the same side of the boat.
“Perhaps it is a ‘critical mass’ thing.”
I’d say so, over the last 100years the world’s wealth has increased massively due to coal-burning tech and metallurgy. This has meant many more millions of workers with money to spend, a massive increase in the middle class who make things happen, and all that money has slowly been filtering upwards as it always does.
So now we have millions of millionaires and far too many billionaires, their wealth in real terms being vastly greater than the rich a century ago. Money equals power and influence, so they have greater effect on our lives than they did, and there are enough of them to finally control the way the world goes.
With their power consolidated, we need Mr Musk to open up the other planets in the solar system to once again give us ‘unknown frontiers’ and ‘The Wild West’ to tame so we can migrate again and start a new cycle at the bottom.
The historian Victor Davis Hanson has many short podcasts warning of the role of the super rich over western democracies and global organisations.
“Updated Hydrogen Costings”
“The cost of producing and installing electrolysers for green hydrogen production in China, the US and Europe — three of the world’s biggest markets — has risen by more than 50% compared to last year, research house BloombergNEF (BNEF) has found, rather than the gradual reduction its analysis had previously indicated.”
More at
From there
“Instead, as Bloomberg now report, costs of electrolysers are going up, not down. Moreover the real cost of wind power is also much higher than previously thought, so green hydrogen will be much more expensive as a result.”
And in comments
“Bryan A
Reply to
June 11, 2024 6:44 am
Well nothing is Truly Green. Energy wise the wind blows … Sometimes … The sun shines … 1/2 the day … And modern society can’t function for only Half the Day, Sometimes. But extracting that energy is costly, more costly and more damaging than FF use.
Green = Agrarian Society, not Technological Society
Carts not Cars
Horses not Engines
Candle Light not Electric Light
1850 not 2050
1.2B people not 8B”
Assuming the 1.2bil people, there aren’t enough bees or whales to fuel the candles.
I vote for bacon fat
In all this science has been lost. The madness of windmills is driven by a belief that carbon dioxide is a toxic emission. Even though all living things are made from carbon dioxide and all living things breathe out carbon dioxide. In the Bizzaro science world all living things are polluters spewing toxic emissions.
Has science come to this? Or is it the result of non scientists twisting science to suit their purpose. As science fiction writer L.Ron Hubbard did with scientology.
Now if you say it’s all nonsense, you are a denier. But if you agree with man made CO2 driven Global Warming, there are millions of jobs for you. And the money spent on this is in the trillions every year. And if you join the club, you can rise to the top in politics.
It is amazing that the whole rotten edifice is crumbling because windmills are not cheaper. Windmills cannot do the job, they are not fit for purpose. Manufacturing is all going to China which runs on coal and makes all the windmills.
And the UN/EU are coming for the people who grow food, the final challenge in dismantling Western democracies, to force them into starvation.
But if you say the obvious, you are a denier. And worst of all, like Trump or Le Pen or Meloni or Orban or Tony Abbott, you are a populist. And a leader of deplorables. The ordinary men and women and families who actually make things and grow food.
Count me as a deplorable. And CO2 is the most important molecule for life on the planet after H2O. That it should be vilified by the United Nations is beyond crazy. But it is all about the money, the power and bringing down Western Democracies in an age of nuclear weapons. Unemployment and starvation is the goal of the UN/EU and the communist totalitarians who pose as socialists, even Democrats.
And for scientists, no one controls CO2. CO2 is determined by the oceans and nothing we can do or have done has changed CO2. Which is exactly why no one measures CO2, the alleged problem. Rather politicians focus on so called ’emissions’ which are irrelevant to CO2.
The very slow 0.2% a year in CO2 is due to ocean surface temperature. Warming increases CO2, which is really wonderful for life on earth. All Carbon life forms. Everything else is just rocks and water.
I was asked why if Henry’s Law explains the bumps in CO2 how CO2 can increase 50% without temperature increasing dramatically.
My own suggestion is that most of the 98% of CO2 dissolved in the oceans exists below 50 metres(5 atmospheres) as a liquid under pressure.
With slight warming more liquid converts to gas and this leaves more CO2 in the surface layer and we observe this and also the increase in the air above. Once again the truth is reversed and the increase in CO2 in the surface ocean is alleged to be caused by the (man made) increase in the atmosphere.
So instead of warming increasing CO2, man made CO2 increases warming. No one considers warming might increase CO2 which any physical chemist would tell you would happen. Even a beer drinker knows that.
And instead of warming increasing CO2 in the ocean surface, increased atmospheric CO2 increases ocean surface CO2. What is called ‘ocean acidification’ even though all oceans are alkali.
I also note the very deliberate communist style emotional language
You know you are being manipulated when you look at
carbon dark, gritty, dirty (not diamond)
emissions as in toxic industrial emission
filthy the language of disgust. Coal, the filthiest power source
deniers the phrasing of the deniers of the holocaust, the executioners of millions
boiling the fear of scalding
highway to hell the fear of hell fires
just stop the desperate cries of the condemned
green the image of paradise, calm, serene. Tree worship.
clean the language of delight, peace. The diametric opposite of filth
free the hope for endless ease from labour at no cost. Wind and sun are free
And you can see the creators of this religion fretting over manipulative wording.
In ST. Kilda a few years ago I saw a crowd around a two meter giant eviscerated koala on a trailer which opened its gory chest in total robotic agony. Apparently that is the direct result of using coal or gas to heat our homes.
I never knew that. It seemed a little manipulative.
That’s a novel idea. If true, it means there is no limit to the amount of CO2 in the oceans regardless of temp. Is it possible for the atmosphere to become barren as the CO2 slowly liquifies and sinks into the depths of the ocean?
And CO2 is plant food.
FWIW – ramifications!
A wider look at
“9th Circuit Court of Appeals Acknowledges Plaintiffs’ Claim that COVID-19 mRNA Jab is NOT a Vaccine, But a Therapeutic”
“But this case, while allegedly only about covid vaccine mandates is anything but due to the outrageous perversion of what vaccines actually are and are not, the intentional fraud upon the public put forward by the FDA, CDC and others that go well beyond covid but also reach behind it by decades and the implications for same.”
Much more at
Well worth the read:
Dr. Vernon Coleman: The Covid Genocide Unravels
Covid-19 was not an accident, of course. It was a deliberate fraud – part of the plan to lead us into the Great Reset.
The painfully pointless lockdowns, the hospital closures, the toxic and useless vaccine, the absurd social distancing regulations, the closures of schools and so on were not a result of incompetence or stupidity. And they certainly weren’t the result of the escape of a dangerous virus from a laboratory in China.
The fake pandemic didn’t just happen. It was planned in minute detail. And the consequences of the pandemic were also planned in detail. Moreover, the covid hoax, the greatest fraud in medical history, wasn’t the first attempt to terrify us and to take control of every aspect of our lives.
The fake pandemic didn’t really start in 2020. It started in the 1980s when AIDS was introduced as the plague that was going to kill us all. I destroyed the AIDS fraud in the 1980s in a series of articles and television and radio programmes in which I questioned the lies which were being told and produced a mass of evidence which destroyed the fraud. As a result, I was banned from TV and radio and a book I wrote was very effectively suppressed. That was back in the 1980s.
So –
First strike – AIDS
Second strike – Peking Pox
Third strike – trying for lucky with “Pandemic X”?
“Abridged Thoughts On Shallow Thinking”
Worth a read (IMO)
The UK forcing the registering of all backyard Chickens
As predicted for years and on the back of the Wood Stoves ban and burning your own ‘wet’ wood ban. Here it is. Any chicken or outdoor bird MUST be registered by October the 1st.
Failure to register will result in investigation and possible fines/jail.
There is no cost at the moment, however this will come. They will slowly increase the cost of keeping chickens so that people simply cant afford to keep them. They then become reliant on the system and become tied to the technocracy hell that the WEF are moulding for us.
Probably have to register “Pete” the budgie before long, but there’s not much meat on him.
“changing your shoes and clothing, and disinfecting and washing them regularly after entering your bird pen or house, will go a long way to protecting your birds from disease. ”
..but not from the bureaucrats! So, new bureaucracy, new Ministers, new Minister’s secretaries, new Minister’s advisors… a giant empire created out of tax money to follow the registration of pigs, cows and sheep. The Govt only registers something, be it a car, a person or a gun, so they can confiscate it, control it or kill it.
EV owners banned from fixing electric car without new ‘passport’
Everyone buying an electric car will be subject to new rules about EV ‘passports’ which would mean you can’t carry out repairs if you don’t have one.
A new EU law is coming into effect which will see ‘electric battery passports’ become a legal requirement on all EVs sold in Europe, including the UK despite us no longer being a member.
It means that all EVs will need to be able to prove the origins of the raw material they’re manufactured from, including how much of the battery and its components are recycled and the carbon footprint they create over the time they are used.
Yes, you’ll no longer be able to swap out a motor, battery, or do a CAN BUS diagnosis and repair yourself. 😆
My car was manufactured from raw materials from Amazonian mines staffed with children, you cry.
That’s ok then, they say.
Maybe from Ukraine’s $12T worth of minerals wealth, when they lose the unwinnable war and everyone’s gone, so the west can plunder the resources?
Of course, once a significant proportion of road users are electric, society will be controlled by the price of electricity and with IT that means your car could be restricted or turned off remotely if you’ve not complied with “Big Brother”.
Redacted: (video)
First Article: i) surrogate baby factories, ii) organ harvesting – both courtesy of the Ukraine War.
But there is this
Great interview with Fmr Marine Scott Ritter who had his passport confiscated so he could not leave USA to attend a conference in Russia last week. Intro features Lindsey Graham South Carolina senator telling the truth about US involvement in Ukraine.
Puts Putin’s action of sending weapons and nuclear sub to Cuba into perspective.
But there is this
Saudis drop Petrodollar! Well they haven’t re signed the agreement that ran out on June 9 yet.
Defund the FBI, the left’s Mafiosa
A New FBI Whistleblower has provided evidence that the FBI has an internal political litmus test.
—— In order to get a high security clearance, the FBI needs to know the following:
– If they Support Vaccines
– If they Support Donald Trump
– If they Support the 2nd Amendment
– If they Support Abortions
– If they Support Open Borders
• After admitting he didn’t take the vaccines, supports Donald Trump, supports the 2nd amendment, did not support abortions, and did not support open borders, the whistleblower was denied his security clearance and was suspended indefinitely without pay.
Then there was the staged PR stunt years ago where the FBI pretended they couldn’t get into a suspect’s iPhone and needed Apple’s help with a backdoor. Remember that?
Criminals everywhere thought iPhones wete safe so used them to communicate openly, not knowing it was a lie and they were being set up, and everything they said monitored.
Nice honeypot move though.😎
Mentioned about a week ago how a certain public service/state government quietly acknowledged that it was working with those who had defied its liquid directive which seemed to suggest they would not appeal the “unlawful” ruling that those pure bloods had gained.
Well seems the union that offered these same members absolutely no support during their 2 year career pause/mental anguish etc have seen the light of the dollar sign and are showing interest in follow-up class action type stuff. Getting, hush hush, whisper whisper, quietly quietly very interesting.
“‘Clarkson’s Farm’ Piques Viewers’ Appreciation And Appetite For Good Old-Fashioned Agriculture”
We are farmers and love “Clarkson’s Farm”. But then we also loved “Top Gear” for Clarkson’s for the latter’s unsuppressible irreverence. We especially love the way he takes on the bureaucrats and the nosy parkers. Young Caleb is a wonderful foil to Clarkson. I dare say he reminds Jeremy of his younger self – although far more naive and unworldly.
I’m happy to see that Kaleb seems to be flourishing under Clarkson’s wing. He has authored at least one book and done a speaking tour. Of course he earns a salary as Clarkson’s putative Farm Manager but I would imagine he also gets paid for his role in the series. I’m sure Jeremy is giving him advice on how to manage and grow his media career, if indeed that’s what he wants.
Good on him!
Twiggy – as well as leading the ‘green revolution’ keeping Australia at the forefront of biometric digital ID tech – what a guy: (might want to sort out the automation at the Australian ports first – remember they shut for two weeks + because of a ‘cyber-attack)
Also in there-
“Singapore Airlines has offered $US10,000 ($15,150) in compensation to passengers who suffered minor injuries during the incident.”
“Singapore Airlines offer of compensation to passengers ‘insulting’, former senator says”
They could quite easily say they can’t control the weather, IPCC excepted, and it was an act of God so no compensation…. and by the way, why didn’t you have your seat belt done up.
Jumping back into the zeitgeist of earlier today, I came across this segment of Fauci’s grilling by a congressman doctor, who had worked right through the pandemic. 5mins lacerating.
“Exit the UN Climate Treaty–Again!”
“The reasons for a US withdrawal were given seven years ago this month by President Trump. The logic holds with ever more reason.”
The list of reasons follow at
Reading article about changes coming to Formula 1 and noted this memorable bullet point;
“- Fuel will be fully sustainable, meaning no new fossil carbon will be burned.”
Quality journalism.
They really are going to inhale their own exhaust smoke then?
Anya Parampil: Where Are the Nazis Today? (video)