A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Video from three weeks ago:
President Trump is campaigning in traditional DemoncRAT areas like the South Bronx with UGE and diverse crowds, not “racist far right rednecks” as the Left falsely portray his supporters. A true “man of the people”.
DemoncRATs clueless as to how to respond as they take the votes of these people for granted.
The dems will respond by ramping up their cheating.
They’ll probably just gaol him and get him Epsteined.
I’m an Aussie country boy, [in the US I’d be a redneck] who could not possibly “connect” with a brash New Yorker, but I like his idioms such as “big, beautiful” and general hyperbole.
And I trust him.
Need some “global warming” in Melbournistan, Australia.
It’s currently 2.8C (37F) according to my weather station.
Official Bureau of Meterology temp is 3C.
I always double check BoM data because any organisation that adjusts historic data (what they call “homogenisation”, a secret unpublished process) to prove a political point can’t be trusted. In this case they are actually correct about the current temperature.
Froze the alfalfa last night. -2degrees C. Within days of the NH summer solstice.
-2.5°C “Feels like -6.1°” Min 2° Max 11°
here in Central Vic.
(according to BoM)
I noticed that it seems to always get a bit lower than the BoM minimum.
We recorded a minimum of -5.6C yesterday morning, not just a ‘feels like’, with a goodly frost everywhere including the trees. Today our minimum was -3.6C and it was still only 0.6C a few minutes ago, complete with fog, though the frost has gone.
Nth Central Vic.
Weather report says it’s 6C here atm. It is not, it is 1.8C.
Chickens have a kid’s swimming pool they like to drink out of, and its still frozen half an inch thick just after 8am this morning. Going to be a lovely day afterwards!
if someone like you and/or TdeF and/or… could organise a BOM verifying network on a big scale that will be a meaningful step in breaking their web of deceit.
I was involved in temperature measurement since 1961, and though sadly luck sufficient statistical skills, can see that nowadays T is made equal to Q which assists in making claim of global warming.
Could be a lovely sunny and windless day
+4C at 3am DM time(why are you up at that indecent hour?).
+10C now.
It’s winter…
Seem to be copping a lot of windless or low-wind days across Australia at the moment.
True, wind watching on the AEMO has been fun the last week.
It’s telling to see just how much electricity we’d (not) have if we were depending on wind, solar and big batteries right now.
Building more turbines won’t help either. 100 times 0 is still a big fat 0. And I doubt the minerals could ever be mined to build the batteries needed to get us through the night without good old king coal and lovely gas. Even the available hydro can’t cover it for long. There’s only so much water in those dams.
There is the good and the bad about living in the tropics but ATM we have it good: 15 deg o/n, brilliant sunny 25 deg days.
Demonstrating the “vestibulo–ocular reflex” (VOR) in chickens.
If you move the body of a chicken its head will remain stationary.
The chicken VOR was once featured in a Mercedes Benz commercial.
Strange but handy little creatures, aren’t they?
I’ve seen a few such videos.
It’s how they hunt so well – if the head moves like the body they can’t focus.
The same principle for drone cameras and Hollywood-level video cameras – 3d gimbal stabilisation.
The ad in this Youtube is might be of interest to some others here. Misdiagnosis of dementia.
David Maddison
June 16, 2024 at 7:04 am · Reply
Ten percent of the population have an IQ below 83 which makes them unemployable for just about anything.
Jordan Peterson comments:”
Did you see the ad? I’m hoping it comes up in my copy here. About misdiagnosis of dementia. I must read it later. I am having trouble on that line. I have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, whatever that is, 5 years ago, and the RMS required an Occupational Therapy Driver’s Test before they would renew my licence.
So we rang the number they gave me for Dubbo, 140 km away. Dubbo couldn’t do it for 3 months. So I filled in a website form for Orange, 180 km away, but got no prompt response. The next was Wollongong, which turned out to be Kiama. 330 km away on the coast. I was desperate to get my licence back, so took that.
A daughter drove us to Kiama, where I passed the interview part of the test, but bombed out badly on the half hour drive. They provided the car, an i30. This pleased me, because if I wanted to replace our 14 year old Corolla the i30 is the first car I would look at. Here was an opportunity for a test drive.
It wasn’t long before I was in trouble. There seemed to be a delay between applying the accelerator and getting the power from the motor. And when you got the power, it was often too little or too much. It was some sort of a lucky dip exercise. Not being familiar with the vehicle, I thought this must have been a characteristic of the vehicle that drivers get used to. Then it got a whole lot worse.
Directed to turn left after stopping at an intersection, I commenced to make the turn. I depressed the accelerator, nothing happened. Then with a full throttle “vroom” the car catapulted into the intersection, with a car coming from the left. If that car had been 50 yards ahead of where it was we would have hit it.
I recovered the situation, but was too stunned to comment. First I would have to work out what had happened, and how. I assumed I had failed the test, and carried on doing as I was directed.
Towards the end of the exercise we were in a 50 km/h zone in very light traffic, approaching an intersection with cross traffic moving freely. I thought there might have been an opportunity to enter the intersection without stopping. On that chance I held a bit of speed to allow me to take that option i it presented. And it did. But as I moved to join the traffic my engine died. This put me in a fairly terrifying situation, in an active intersection in a vehicle which was not responding to controls.
Again I couldn’t comment, because I had not the slightest idea what could have caused these shocking events.
So we got a copy of the report. And there was the explanation. The car was fitted with a dual braking system. A dual braking system must first disable the accelerator before applying the brakes.There was the mechanism that could explain my problem. The only likely cause. The instructor bloke was fiddling the brakes. I did not notice when he applied the brakes, because I was applying the brakes at the same time for the same purpose. It was when he failed to release the brakes that I was in trouble.
I don’t know how their dual brakes work, if they are hand or foot operated.
The report was a work of mostly fiction built on my supposed “cognitive decline.”
They told me that was my last chance. But the letter from the RMS said I could appeal at the local court. So I spoke to a solicitor. He charges $500 an hour. So I went alone and ignorant, couldn’t hear a thing, so flicked the job to the solicitor, who, for $1100, lengthened my line of communication.
What I got out of two appearances was a demand for a report from the neurologist saying that RMS staff would be safe working with me., when the only new information I have for the neurologist is this bleeping driving test report that I have been asking them to disqualify.
If it wasn’t painful it could be funny;
It reminds me of my father. Still trapping wombats in his 90s, I think on the theory that they couldn’t put him in gaol for long. Wombats are cute, but powerful diggers who undermine buildings and fences.
My trouble is that lawyers and doctors are not mechanics.
That sounds terrible Ted, sorry to hear that. Was it explained to the court that the tester was inappropriately activating the dual braking system causing you to fail?
I didn’t see the ad you mention.
Thankyou Ted, that’s very educational, a clear picture of how The State works and how expensive it is to petition the rulers these days. I can’t even drive my daughter’s i30turbo, so full of bells and whistles I know nothing about about and there’s not even a key or anywhere to put it. Very quick overtaking, I’ll give it that, but still a piece of front-wheel drive under-steering crap.
If the RMS staff are scared of an 80-something yr old in their car, I don’t suppose they will want to even get inside my 1983 Corolla with a hot motor and no ‘safety’ rubbish at all, a car you have to drive.
So, what’s the chances of being picked up for driving without a licence out in the country? There’s a lot to be said for your father’s attitude.
Sorry to hear of your situation.
Was this an auto ?
Some modern autos ( possibly even some manuals ?) have a system to disable the throttle if there is any pressure on the brake pedal. Once the foot is removed from the brake the throttle will instantly be applied, giving an apparent initial flat spot followed by very sudden accelleration.
A driver unaware or unfamiliar with these systems will have a tricky time adapting without instruction.
On the topic:
Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano Alarmed at Explosive Dementia Surge Amongst COVID Vaccinated Individuals: Massive Study of ~600,000 Reveals
In a recent episode of Masako Ganaha’s Channel posted on June 16th, 2024, Professor Dr. Hiroto Komano, a renowned neuroscientist and professor in the Department of Neuroscience at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Iwate Medical University, shared his serious concerns about the link between COVID-19 vaccination and a increase in dementia cases.
Dr. Komano highlighted several troubling findings: Firstly, it showed that the incidence of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), an early stage of dementia, more than doubled among the vaccinated individuals compared to those who were not vaccinated. Furthermore, within three months post-vaccination, the number of vaccinated people who developed dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, increased by over 20% compared to the unvaccinated individuals.
He emphasized the concerning rise in dementia cases, stating, “An increase in dementia would be disastrous. The elderly who survive but are left with a higher risk of developing dementia.” Currently, “one in five people over the age of 65 already have dementia.” The situation could worsen dramatically, with Dr. Kamano cautioning, “This means it could become two in five people.” If vaccination continues unchecked, the number of dementia cases will only rise, posing a significant public health challenge.
That was a tough test Ted, sorry to hear.
But the Peterson vid is an extension of a thread yesterday about McNamara’s Morons to which I replied citing my experience with my brain damaged daughter. She was tested about 70. She was put on a pension and for decades has never been reviewed. There are some organisations that have found her useful as a volunteer but NO WAY could she take paid employment. She is content.
When the Saturn V took men to the moon in 1969, only one rocket was required.
When NASA returns men/women/others to the moon in 2026 with the Artemis III mission, two rocket systems will be required, SpaceX Starships and the Space Launch System.
Fifteen SpaceX Starship launches will be required to refuel one Starship in earth orbit before it can fly to the moon. However, that is just to deliver a Human Landing System (HLS) lander and other equipment to the moon.
The crew will travel separately to the moon via the Space Launch System (SLS) which is a Shuttle-derived system in a crew capsule called Orion.
When the crew in the SLS/Orion and the HLS get to lunar orbit, the landing crew transfer to HLS for the landing. Then they return via HLS to Orion before returning to earth.
Ultimately, after all that, there will be two astronauts on the moon for about a week, not a huge amount of difference to Apollo 11 which will be by then 57 years prior.
Sounds very complicated with multiple possibilities for failure. They did it right the first time.
Man has never left low earth orbit David, sorry to truth bomb you.
Bart Sibrel explains it all (the moon landings were faked).
I first heard about him on Delingpole.
I found Sibrel unconvincing.
Actually 2 minutes of a spectator super 8 film debunks Apollo 11 at launch- never went anywhere near the moon.
oh dear lord.
No-one has ever left Earth’s atmosphere.
Weird. I’m sure I did when I went snorkeling.
No you were compressed by that atmosphere and probably starved of oxygen as well.
Remember, we are a pressure vessel, be it with no lid, existing inside a vacuum.
“two rocket systems will be required, ” That’s just politics.. Musk will go there by himself, but NASA want to be in there for the glory. Once they’re paying for it, they drag in their cronies ULA to keep Boeing afloat, whereas in reality they are doing nothing SpaceX can’t do by itself.
NASA are already paying ULA millions of dollars more per launch than they give Musk for deliveries to the space station. His advantage is such a low cost arising from reusing the rockets and the mass production of the motors that are in all of the different models.
Falcon heavy lifts next Wednesday, 7am Sydney time, a geostationary surveillance satellite.
Simon T, I don’t know what a truth bomb is, or how it varies from just an opinion, but I’ve never found anything convincing in the arguments that the moon landing was a fake. The arguees tend to be neither engineers nor physicists.
Once you understand billions of dollar can be wasted faking moon shots, trillions of dollars fighting a non existent trace gas threat is easy peasy no?
I’ve suspected many people but you might be the first educated idiot I can identify.
The communist party needs you.
Which Hollywood sound stage will they be using this time?
Sending men to the moon is just so yesterday.
Why not send robots this time? Would be much cheaper and would push the boundaries of technology.
A new research paper, Toward Autonomous Driving by Musculoskeletal Humanoids: A Study of Developed Hardware and Learning-Based Software details work by the University of Tokyo, Japan Assistant Professor Kento Kawaharazuka and a team of researchers on a flexible, humanoid robot that can climb into any car and use the steering wheel, gas, and brake pedals much as a person would.
Sending robots to the moon would then making sending robots to Mars a moonwalk. No need for them to ever return to Earth.
Trip duration: It takes a few days to travel to the Moon – you can stay there for a few days and then return home in a couple of weeks. It takes 6 months to travel to Mars – you can’t return for about 18 months – and the return trip also takes 6 months. This is a two and a half year mission…6 June 2024
Humankind will be replaced by robots and AI anyway.
The Chinese and the Indians have done that already so I guess they need bragging rights.
Australia’s Federal politicians think they’re doing such a wonderful job, they’ve given themselves a large pay rise. They have to vote to agree to it.
Yes, I know the Remuneration Tribunal is supposedly independent and impartial. I don’t think anyone seriously believes that…
David Maddison,
It’s an interesting word. In a political context it is spelt “independent”, but pronounced “unaccountable”.
“The 3.5 per cent increase is the second-largest raise handed to federal MPs in the last decade, behind only last year’s rise of 4 per cent.”
A subtle admission that inflation is 8%.. Too bad for the rest of us who actually have to work in the private sector to pay these parasites.
“inflating the base rate for MPs”… Inflating inflation, this pay rise presumably has a flow on effect for all bureaucrat pays and considering the tens of thousands on the tax payers teat, I’d image it will have an effect on increasing inflation yet again for us silly plebs with an exorbitant mortgage to pay off.
Died Suddenly
And another one!
Not the first rugby-linked death like that in the covid era unfortunately:
Monday, 18 October 2021
Māori All Blacks star dies in car crash
Never was an explanation.
These guys train like demons. I had a friend years back who was in multiple top level teams and the training demands were crazy. On Friday he would leave work and go straight to bed.
I now live near Blake Park Mt Maunganui where there is a high performance sports centre over the road. I see several teams training there – mens and womans international 7s, super rugby 15s, provincial 15s etc. Cricket too, international women were out training a couple of weeks ago in the middle of winter, albeit nice fine days.
Thing is, there’s a lot of cross country travel to get to all the training camps around the country (but not as much as OZ obviously). Plus the domestic and overseas travel to games.
I can see how a guy in that mode might fall asleep at the wheel first thing in the morning.
On the other hand…..
Should add it’s not just the outside training – like shuttle runs, usually in the morning. It is also the weight sessions in the afternoon.
These are not your grandads rugby players. Netball women do some surprising weights these days too.
Hard to beat multiple gold medal & world champ kayaker Dame Lisa Carrington’s chin ups (2:44) though.
Looks like about 20 kg weight. I think she’s had 80 on at times, could be wrong.
“The Serious Crash Unit attended the scene, and enquiries into the circumstances of the crash are ongoing.”
Lucky you don’t have kangaroos over there, they’ve left the scene before the cops get there. I expect the roo fatal accidents get blamed on drinking, or speeding, or tiredness, or inattention or whatever the latest official scare tactics are. I’ve never heard of an accident being blamed on a roo from them, but everyone you talk to knows about it, roos or wombats.
The trouble with roos is that they startle you, suddenly looming in the headlights. You don’t have to hit them, you just have to overreact.
Fortunately tyres, suspension, ALB and traction control are getting better.
But I agree with Richard, professional sport is too demanding. My NRL team, the Cowboys, have not had a bye 15 rounds in, and they provide 6 or 7 players to state of origin. We expect too much.
“And another EV maker bites the dust”
“And Down Goes Fisker”
Auto maker are now running scared
America getting ready for war-
“As Reason’s CJ Ciaramella explains in an article about this move to automate draft registration, the official reason for this push is to make the system run more efficiently, but “The other, unspoken effect would be removing young men’s choice to engage in civil disobedience.” If the US war machine starts a new horrific conflict that the Zoomers don’t believe in, ideally you want to make it as hard as possible for them to resist being fed to the cannons.
The draft is one of those things that gets more disgusting the more you think about it, especially in a nation whose government is as belligerent and psychopathic as the USA’s. These freaks can engage in any amount of brinkmanship they like with nations they have no business fighting — all without any of their actions ever being put to a vote from the general public — and then if it goes hot they get to turn to a bunch of kids in their teens and early twenties and say “This isn’t our problem, it’s your problem. Go fight and kill and die for your country.” They can start a war with their own recklessness and then chill out and sip martinis while your kids go get killed in it”
Canada will be getting more immigration. I wonder if unregistered illegal aliens will be drafted? Will they offer American citizenship to them if they join the army, like Australia does? Bring back Country Joe!
Ah yes – Join Up to Fight for The Future! – what future? or which future? Anyway a soldier’s no good if he can’t shoot straight.
I would join just for the showers😁️.
Col. Karen Kwiatkowski: US Empire’s Impending Suicide (video) …on the environment etc about 10mins in…
You get what you pay for!
They said if you pay peanuts you will get monkeys.
The end result is we are paying complicit pre-selected Monkeys to rob us. We will be left with the peanut husks and nothing else. We will of course be happy, according to Klaus.
Im sure Biden has far more options than Albo to boost his income from “other sources “
“I’m sure Biden has far more options than Albo to boost his income from “other sources ”
Only because Ukraine was richer than Papua NG, or Timor or the Solomons…
This why they say elections matter. It was Whitlam who said he would raise private sector wages by raising those in the public sector, the rest would have to follow.
A few years ago the Governor of the Bank Of England was retiring and our head of the Reserve at the time [Stevens?][who had a good reputation] was suggested as a replacement, but he scoffed: No way he was taking the pay cut.
Fauci is reputed to have been the highest paid public servant in the US but we have many here that blow him away on pay scale.
Just think, it is 50 years since the Whitlam Folly and nothing has changed, our fat cats are still gorging themselves.
BTW Trump took a $1 salary.
If you need any more convincing that the most powerful weapon of misinformation used by the MSM lies in what they DON’T tell you, then here it is. Since the UK Prime Minister (Conservatives) called a snap election a week or two ago – there has been much apparent speculation as to why the opposition leader (Labour) seems to be keeping his wife off the campaign trail. The media suggest that this is because she will outshine him, being too “glamorous”, or appear smarter than him. Other theories were put forward in similar vein, none of which passed the sniff test. Nobody seems to know why she’s absent. It’s a complete mystery, even to the diligent political journos in the UK press corp.
Well Mark Steyn has revealed what might be the real reason. It transpires that there is something rather awkward about Mrs Starmer, at least for a Labour leader who is desperately courting Muslim voters. Yep, she’s Jewish. Now THAT would be a bad look for Labour, especially in light of their disgustingly weak support for Israel and efforts to sympathise with Palestinians. Of course, Mrs Starmer’s Jewish heritage isn’t a secret, but we all know that there is a huge number of voters out there who, if not told by the MSM, really won’t know.
Is this true? Who knows, but it’s sufficiently cynical and appalling to be true where Labour is concerned.
I Don’t Want to Get Anyone’s Hopes Up, But…THERE’S BEEN TALK
First, what was that rumble from the turgid bowels of the WaPo?
Was Taylor Lorenz hacking up another hairball?
Gads, no.
It’s someone once mistaken for a respected columnist. And what she had to say was shocking in the extreme…but, oh, so tempting…
Democrats are wrestling with an age-old problem
Maybe Hillary Clinton could come to the rescue.
And then she does, logically and coldly setting up the scenario and removing or discounting any possible objections. She pretty ruthlessly skewers Kamala Harris.
I mean, it’s the op-ed equivalent of the shower scene in Psycho.
I hope they don’t meet at a cocktail party.
If they do, Parker had better keep track of what Kamala does with the little olive picks.
Prepare for yet another big EV adoption hurdle
Apartment owners and strata managers are unprepared for the costs and complications of securing building insurance for blocks with electric vehicle owners and charging facilities.
Jennifer Hewett Columnist
John Baines thought he was doing the right thing last March when he paid more than $2000 to install his own power plug in the underground carpark of his apartment to charge his new Tesla.
But he was shocked to discover the strata managers for his Townsville apartment block were struggling to renew the building’s insurance policy if there was any charging of electric vehicles or other battery-powered transport, like scooters, in the basement garage.
The AFR View
Mookhey’s NSW budget misinformation
The truth is that NSW doesn’t have a revenue blackhole. It has a problem with limiting the size of government,
Like its Labor counterparts in Canberra, Victoria and Queensland, the NSW Labor government has handed down a bigger-spending expansionary budget that risks stoking inflation and putting pressure on the Reserve Bank to lift interest rates.
Tuesday’s budget shows that this year’s deficit has blown out to $9.7 billion. The surplus forecast for the next financial year is now a forecasted $3.6 billion deficit, with the next three budgets set to stay in the red.
RBA warns on budget spending surge
The Reserve Bank of Australia has warned big-spending government budgets risked stoking demand at a time when the economy was still too strong, as governor Michele Bullock conceded it would be a “slow grind” back to the inflation target.
In a hastily arranged press conference, Treasurer Jim Chalmers rejected the RBA board’s warning, saying budgets were just one factor determining the outlook for interest rates.
What does that even mean?
How would an economy be too strong?
Too successful?
And with record debt?
Asking as a naive uneducated midwit.
Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of ‘Changing Men’s Behavior’
[Jacinta Allan, Victoria]
“Interestingly, Tim Richardson suggested that his role will focus primarily on the internet and how it “affects men’s attitudes towards women.” In other words, the government likely wants to control speech on the web to prevent “toxic” male behaviors.”
“All western nations have been involved in the campaign to demonize men in one form or another, utilizing third-wave feminism as a vehicle. Australia is simply acting as a beta test for similar programs to be implemented in other countries.
The use of feminism is necessary to fabricate a rationale; they can’t merely attack men for being men or attack men for being potentially rebellious against authoritarian government, there has to be a “victim” that needs protection so that the attack on men appears justified. Those who defend masculinity are thus by extension accused of threatening the safety of women.”
So behave in compliance with Feminism 3.0, you naughty men.
I think the local council has jumped on the band wagon already with a public meeting in one of the local town halls for men and boys to be ”spoken too”.
I just blanked out, what the hell. The councils job is roads rates and rubbish unless you live in Victoria where the state government has mandated that local councils will be responsible for the environment, social engineering, reconciliation ( I still have no idea what this means) diversity and a myriad of “other” things other than the core responsibility. If there is nothing else reported from this “public meeting” I guess that will mean no one turned up, other wise, I wait with bated breath.
Australia opens the batting in today’s Covid and Coffee Newsletter –
“Great news! After waging its war on womanhood for four years now (and counting), the government has finally focused on helping the ladies. The Washington Post ran the story yesterday headlined, “Australia’s new ‘men’s behavior change’ secretary says the job won’t be easy.” It might not be easy, but with enough help from the government, Ozzie men will soon get it straight.”
Of any state in Australia, Victoria — where Tim was appointed — features the most radical policies on transgenderism, children’s gender dysphoria, and euthanasia. So Tim’s first challenge will be to overcome that baffling, age-old question, what is a woman? Having sorted that, Tim can then move on to the more pressing urgencies of teaching men to be docile and polite.”
More (and other things) at
Global cooling in Quuensland. No, it’s really global warming, LoL. Or just the weather…
Did you forget the link?
Sorry, forgot the link.
And it appears to now be PAYWALLED. I think you get one free read on that site.
As usual, the ‘free’ read comes with conditions, so no.
I saw no conditions when I first clicked on it.
The Beach Boys’ Mike Love Looks Back on the Early Days: ‘Summer Was Forever Back Then’
Featured in the new band documentary, the lead singer on his childhood villa, family singalongs and yearning for a harp
Mike Love, 83, is a singer-songwriter and co-founder of the Beach Boys. Songs with his lyrics include “I Get Around,” “California Girls” and “Good Vibrations.” He appears in the new Disney+ documentary “The Beach Boys.”
Mike Love, Carl Wilson, and Brian Wilson – three great voices in the one group.
Sounds familiar?
Warm winter ahead they say
or maybe
I guess its a prediction not a promise
Nederland zal van het idee af moeten dat stroom op elk moment en voor iedereen beschikbaar is.
The Netherlands will have to get rid of the idea that electricity is available to everyone at all times.
The fourteen hours of power shortage from 2033 that Tennet wrote about in its report does not mean that the Netherlands will be in the dark for fourteen hours a year, says a spokesperson. “It means that during those hours the power demand cannot be with everywhere in the country. In practice, this will mean that electricity prices will skyrocket and large industrial companies are expected to temporarily reduce or stop their electricity consumption. ”
More like 14 hours a week…
Display of NAZI Paraphernalia
Dear Sir,
I have just called into my local Bunnings store and was horrified to see on display a Wokist Rainbow Flag. It is very unprofessional and very unethical for people to use their companies to push their politics.
In case you don’t know the lessons of history :-
The Nazis thought that they were doing the morally right thing. That’s why they got so much public support. The Wokists thinks that they are doing the morally right thing. They both use ‘morality’ as a political force and weapon.
The Nazis were ethno fascists – rascists. Likewise the Wokists are ethno fascists – rascists. Further the Wokists are misogynistic and misandristic.
And in case you are not convinced the very Woke Canadian Parliament recently gave 2 standing ovations to a Nazi Waffen SS Stormtrooper who committed genocide in the 2nd. World War :-
And if that doesn’t convince you –
The very Woke Biden regime are supporting Neo Nazis in Ukraine (and have been for many years) :-
they are followers of Stefan Bandera
And Secretary of State Blinken when he played guitar in Kiev he was playing in a Neo Nazi night club :-
(they did tidy it up before hand though)
And if you want to research the Nazi \ Woke situation more – Dr Jordan Peterson has spent over 15 years researching totalitarian regimes particularly the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany –
Please remove all Nazi \ Wokist Paraphernalia and keep politics out of the workplace.
I am a large and long term shareholder in Wesfarmers and I do not want to see Wesfarmers and its subsidiaries being used for this evil.
Yours Sincerely
Malcolm Roberts: Is Mortality Data Being Suppressed or Disguised?
John Kerry’s Climate Office Coordinated With Left-Wing Nonprofits Working To Shut Down Coal, Internal Docs Show
Stonehenge damaged after being covered in orange spray paint by Just Stop Oil