A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I’m investigating the proposed huge hydro proposal that China is planning in Tibet. I started doing this back in 2014, ten years ago now, as I speculated on what it might look like.
I wrote three Posts about it at the time, and then haven’t actually written about it since. However, I have been revisiting it three or four times a year, seeing if there is any new information.
I wanted to jump in the deep end so to speak, and write about what I thought it might look like, but I’m basically cautious and didn’t want to look foolish if nothing ever came to pass, or what I speculated on was way wrong. But hey, sometimes you need to commit to something, and now I’m old, I thought I might turn into a frog before it came to pass, and then saying I told you so would be too late and also quite redundant, eh!
However, like I said, I’ve been revisiting it three times or so a year, and here, I can use Google Earth Pro to actually visit the area and, umm, ‘look around’, and unless you have actually used that wonderful resource, you can’t really get an idea of what I’m alluding to here.
Just doing that threw up more questions than answers, and the whole situation is actually quite puzzling really, as it looks like that Google Earth Program being utilised in that area is being, how shall I say, perhaps curated might be a good word, you know, not seeing what we may not want you to see, eh, even knowing that Tibet is part of China, so any satellite images may not be all that, umm, accurate.
The more I actually looked, scrolling in and out in so many different areas, the more I saw that was somehow, well, ‘hinky’, to say the least.
So, I wrote the first Part eight days back, thinking the second Part would follow within a day or so, but again, the more I looked, the more I found, and I needed to try and sort that out. So, that Part two has now been put up at my home site, and in fact, it actually morphed into a Part three, which has only just been started.
This has become something that I never even began to imagine would take so much time investigating things. I’m actually glad I did it, and then wrote it all down, because just saying it is, well, really, just saying it, unless you can (as the teacher might say) show your workings.
Here’s the link to the long Post with some explanatory images as well.
What looks transparent often isn’t if you dig below the surface – out-of-date information, broken links etc. Not surprised, but still dismayed. It could all actually be open. Get’s you wondering on nefarious plans we are not privy to
Excuse me I’m just testing the system
Try a “TikTok” search lots of stuff about the scheme and it’s objectives.
Tony, this is all very interesting. Projects like this are no longer possible in many countries. {Fun and informative – thanks!}
Grand schemes have been proposed for North America:
NOT Built: The North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWPA) was a proposed continental water management scheme conceived in the 1950s. …diverting water from rivers in Alaska south through Canada via the Rocky Mountain Trench and … would involve 369 separate construction projects.
BUILT: The Columbia Basin Project: irrigation and power made possible by the Grand Coulee Dam [1941] in Washington State.
Downstream from Grand Coulee are more dams: Chief Joseph, Wells, Rocky Reach, Rock Island, Wanapum, and Priest Rapids. Four more on down toward the Pacific Ocean.
One of China’s objectives is to control the water supply of a substantial proportion of the world’s population who live downstream of Tibet rivers, in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
China has a few problems with 85000 dams! It seems authorities often horde water, and when rains come they have no buffering, so it just gets dumped downstream, to relieve pressure on the dam. Also lots of opportunities to skim money out of projects, by cutting corners. 17mins China floods
How much water hoarding is actually possible? When the dam is full the same amount must be let out as comes in.
If water is used to generate electricity then it has to be let out and flow further downstream.
Then again, how much of the water at the mouth of the Ganges actually originates in Tibet?
Get rid of your cars and get on the trains, we need the roads for lorries for the mail and deliveries to the 15 minute cities. Better still, stay home – you’ll just get ill out there
Cutting flights too.
Wouldn’t surprise me if they give up delivering mail soon, and just become a brand name stamped on mugs and t-shirts!
That’s a shame. Having books sent from Britain was much cheaper than from anywhere in Aus.
UK Government says ‘error in law’ on coalmine decision
BBC quotes ‘The new Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, Angela Rayner’ – Red Ange.
Not the Department of Energy Security …
“At full production it would produce 2.78 million tonnes a year.
“The company claims it would create 500 highly-skilled jobs with up to 1,500 more in the supply chain.”
China burns 3,000,000 tonnes of coal every six hours.
Auto – not surprised, but disappointed, that the new Government is so against any industry in the UK …
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Um – I know mid east is west of us and all that, but Afghanistan is Central Asia:
You would think they would be telling all the other young men coming up that joining the military is a life-destroying job and don’t do it. They haven’t even been to a real war, that’s going on in Ukraine, and apparently the volunteer battalions don’t last long as guys break their contracts to get out once they realise what war is really like.
But, old politicians keep sending our best young men off to die for no gains at all.
1,000 km here, another 1,000, and quite soon you are someplace else.
Bull fighting at its best:
Kovid Kaper update:
A spectacular “redistribution” of money and power.
As intended.
This WEF article elevated to top of Google climate science today:
What’s so funny about climate change?
So, just a “story” then.
#2 on the Google list today:
Why a climate scientist’s moment of truth became a complicated story to report
By Stephanie Hames
About Patrick Brown’s reporting of wild fire truth but the best part is this:
Yes Stephanie, we know the planet has warmed since the LIA, maybe still warming (a bit), and few if any serious skeptics deny this.
But that is not the issue – the issue is attribution, or miss-attribution, as the case may be.
My issue today is whether I will get the wood burner fired up before coffee or after.
I appreciate the Victorian State forests for the community wood they provide.
The scientists working atop the Greenland plateau must be seriously concerned about the warming they are getting in January. It is up 10C over the last 70 years. This is Climate Change™ on steroids. The horror of minus 25C rather than minus the more acceptable 35C.
Most warming in Australia is occurring in July – has anyone noticed? Southern Australia south of the Tropic of Capricorn up by about 3C in July over the satellite era. February temperature from Brisbane to Perth are lower by about 1C. There is, on average, anomalous warming but simply because July is warming more than February is cooling. As inland Australia gains more moisture and vegetation, the temperature range is moderating. Oh! the horror of Climate Change™.
Only a moron could actually believe that CO2 causes an energy imbalance on Earth. But there are many people who depend on this scam for their livelihoods.
All the people who work on Dutton’s nuclear plan will benefit from the Climate Change™ scam. But China and India will burn a humungous amount of coal over the coming decades and nuclear offers a long-term benefit so little to lose in building that capability.
Melbourne today not much different to Macquarie Island:
Can you tell me how CO2 is warming Macquarie island today! I can tell you that any long wave radiation leaving the ocean surface will all be absorbed in the first 10m in that pea soup called the atmosphere.
Biden, addressing a room full of world leaders, just introduced Ukraine’s President Zelensky as “President Putin”.
Could it get any worse? Is it time to invest in popcorn while the Democrat party and Dr. Jill craft more and more hilarious excuses?
And he has apparently called Kamala Harris, ‘Vice President Trump’, the poor sod is well past it.
As long as he doesn’t call George Clooney Taylor Swift, his base will not notice a problem.
Neither did Starmer during a meeting with Biden notice any problem with him! So we were to understand from an interview with Starmer on GBNews I heard earlier today.
It confirmed my opinion of Starmer.
Starmer is a Gooner. That is English slang for an ARS#nal supporter, The UK is now stuffed.
>Neither did Starmer during a meeting with Biden notice any problem with him!
Our Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, just spent the night at the WH. Said Biden was “on top of his brief”.
Leaves room for wonder I thought.
World leaders are members of an elite club. Its members look after one another, by and large. That is, until one of them looks like going down, at which point they very smartly extract themselves from the blast radius.
Who still thinks he’ll make the end of the year?
Set up to fail.
Shoe-in up next.
Biden is an embarrassment to democracy. He is not saving democracy. The democrats have no choice because they will not vote for Trump so that means the will not vote. So Trump is a certainty while Biden is the other presidential candidate.
Trump could well end up with the highest ever winning margin. Imagine how that would grate on democrats.
> RickWill: “Trump could well end up with the highest ever winning margin”
We can only wish, but I can’t see that happening while “the system” is in place and US elections are “fortified”.
The most recent polls say Biden and Trump are still neck and neck. How reliable they are I don’t know. As usual, the actual result will depend on the ‘undecideds’ or, more likely, mysterious malarkey.
Skip the puppet CNN type polls.
The REALITY is Trump around 90% and Biden under 10%.
At this point Biden couldn’t get a job as a spell checker at an M&M factory.
The Democrats and the US media have turned the executive government of the United States into the Joe Shmoe White House show.
I reckon Trump could have 80% of the polls and still not get to be President! I will admit to watching Wag the Dog yesterday just to get ready for events as they unfold..
‘Trump SHOULD end up with the highest ever winning margin’
” …charged Sarian with 32 counts of sexual intercourse without consent, three counts of carrying out a sexual act without consent and two counts of sexual touching without consent. The number of alleged victims and charges would make Sarian one of the most prolific rapists in Sydney if the charges are proven at trial – but legal minds are watching closely because the case will be a major test of new consent laws. Those laws were introduced in NSW two years ago following the advocacy of Saxon Mullins. One of the lesser-known changes, “fraudulent inducement”, protects sex workers from clients who deceitfully promise money but then hand over an empty envelope or a dud cheque.”
Another fine example of extra laws we don’t need. This guy gets charged with rape, ie forcing sex on someone who does definitely not consent. Then you find out he hired sex workers who quite happily had sex with him, but then paid them with dud cheques.
So he should be charged with breaking a contract, or fraud, a perfectly normal thing for anyone saying they will pay you for something and then not paying, but no, someone had to try and make their name famous by introducing even more expensive laws to make a special case out of not paying prostitutes.
He had consent, surprised they deal in anything but cash.
“Tap and Go” ..?
“ leave a deposit in the Box“ ?
The news is spreading –
“Proposed renewable energy projects across Queensland”
Watch it, post it around! It might wake someone up?
David’s quote is so perfect for this – “Something wicked, this way comes”
“Australia responds to Zelensky’s SOS with $250m in military aid. After a hospital bombing, the Ukrainian leader put out an urgent call for help before Donald Trump’s possible re-election in November.”
hmm.. The mainstream are saying the kid’s hospital incident is making Aussie pay more to Zelensky. This does lead credence to the idea it was the Ukies who missiled the hospital to push NATO into giving more money to them. I still reckon they are just exploiting an accident.
Of course they never miss a chance to toss this one around-
“Trump has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin… ”
..and we will literally have ‘boots on the ground’ at the front line.
“Australia will also send boots for Ukraine’s armed forces,”
..and the propaganda comes thick and fast today- The next one is about Russian Wikipedia, and how Russians are “re-writing the truth” Lol! As if Wiki was ever true!
That article is a propagandist’s dream!
So the WEF puppets in Cantberra want WW3.
Stick every last one of these imbeciles on the Ukrainian front line and do us all a favour.
“NOAA’s June 2024 Climate Data Shows No “Record High” U.S. Maximum Temperature Anomaly or Absolute Temperatures Occurred Despite Flawed Alarmist Claims Portrayed in Media Political Hype ”
“Media Reports Earth’s ‘1.5C Temperature limit’ was ‘breached for 12 months in a row’ – Nothing Bad Happened”
“nothing bad happened on a global scale
You would think there would be something noticeable – given the 3,407,837,400+ Hiroshima bombs
The Figure 1 Copernicus graph is scurrilous:
Figure 1 – Twelve-month running mean anomalies of the global average surface air temperature relative to the 1850–1900 pre-industrial average, based on monthly values from January 1940 to May 2024. Data source: ERA5. Credit: C3S/ECMWF.
All of the post 2015 data is natural variation – nothing to do with CO2.
Especially the 2023/24 spike at the end at +1.63 against the +1.5 “limit”.
They cannot claim any of that in their “1.5C limit” deliberations.
And how does CO2 explain the Change of Slope from flat to steep at 1975?
I’ve commented on this in the same vein several times at JoNova. In a few months the doom-pushers will be left with nothing but egg-on-face.
>natural variation
An aside.
Gee Aye scolded me for using, as he put it, the “made up” term natural variation that he deemed “meaningless”.
I responded with the IPCC definition of it.
Haven’t seen Gee Aye since.
” 1850–1900 pre-industrial average”
Are they saying our measuring of the world’s temperature in 1850 was as accurate as now? We knew the whole world’s temperature to within a tenth of a degree to get that baseline?
Its just amazing where our taxes get spent!
>“Media Reports Earth’s ‘1.5C Temperature limit’ was ‘breached for 12 months in a row’
13 including June.
Except their miss-attributed run is at an end – crisis averted.
ERA5 World well below 2023 in July:
ERA5 Surface T – World
Tropics now equal to 2023 and about to go below it. Only +.1 above 2015:
ERA5 Surface T – Tropics
That CR data lags real-time by about a week so need to look at the recent near real-time fluctuation at CP:
SST says it all; a bit of positive fluctuation just recently but the trajectory is down. If SST is falling instead of rising there’s no chance of air temp rising like last year.
>13 including June
Referring to records Simon-style not the “limit” – my bad.
I shared on Facebook the post about the Great Barrier Reef being in the best condition for many years and it’s been fact-checked and flagged as false . Seems Facebook are now doubling down on any post about climate that differs from the official narrative .
So Farceblank are experts in coral formation now. Who would have thought.
Oh no! – “Shifting baseline syndrome”:
Global Climate Contradictions: Analyzing Record Extremes in a Warming World
# # #
Fun watching the Climatistas contort themselves into pretzels trying to explain hotcold.
Australia is Screwed – How Not to do Business in Australia
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), the latest inflation figure for Australia is 4% for the month of May 2024. This is the highest level in 2024
Looking at changing Gas & Electricty Suppliers, as Red Energy Increase 1 July 2024 well over 40% on current plan
and after going through site and getting comparisons based on Gas Bills last year
A Different Red Energy Plan came out with lowest Gas Plan, out of the 3 lowest.
When compared to high winter Gas Bill last year. the increase was only 35% (Hey a saving over 40%), House Insurance only 29.1% Increase this year vs 34.8% last year (beggars can’t be choosy) – Land Tax this year down to 13.4% Increase but only increased Tenants rent 6.4%.
What the Idiot State Labor Governments don’t realise is their horrendous Land Tax Increases are totally the repsonsibilty of Commercial Enterprises under a Commericial Lease, so coupled with Gas Increase of 35+% & with a Momentum Electricty Energy Increase in the Off Peak Rate of 50%, no wonder Australian Businesses & Manufacturing are going broke!
But the Icing on the Cake is, I rang Red Energy 131806 to change plans and was hung up twice with the Female Robot saying “We are too Busy to take your call”
Hear Endeth the Diatribe!
Again using site trying to change Electricity to Kogan Energy Plan, that came out cheapest for Time of Day Charging (TOD)
Wait Time with no answer – 38 mins – Again How does any business get done in Australia?
Kogan energy plan?
The Friday funny comes early…
Turns out it is run under name powershop – hey my wife ,myself use Kogan Mobile 365 Days unlimited Oz calls 120Gb for year for $120 – have been with Kogan Mobile for over 3 years
OK Finally got onto Red Energy re A Different Red Energy Plan came out with lowest Gas Plan, out of the 3 lowest.
Red Energy denied the plan Plan ID: RED538861MRG5 which appeared on site
So after some quick recalculations went with Sumo Gas – answered with Australian Call Centre within 4 mins
I watched 2 minutes of Elon the other day. Asked a techy mate about the possibility of what we heard. He said “yes, absolutely” to the building of the virtual world and no idea about the capture of our minds though I’m not inclined to
YYY: “2 minutes of Elon”
it’s not Elon, it’s an AI fake of both Elon & Rogan
The voices in this video are entirely generated by AI. This podcast never happened. The creator of this video (as shown on the video watermark) notes that he is a “A.I Parody Fictional Podcast” account.
BoM still pushing a warm meme.
‘There is an increased chance of unusually high maximum temperatures for most of Australia, particularly across northern Australia and Tasmania. There is an increased chance of unusually high minimum temperatures across Australia, particularly across northern, central and eastern Australia.’
Natural variables could upend that forecast, SSW shows up over Antarctica.–heres-what-it-means-for-australian-weather/1889631
Queenslands Labor government spends $5 billion dollars on a renewable transmission line with support from the Queensland Liberal opposition. Federal opposition leader Mr.Dutton remains silent while the State Liberal bed wetters around Australia white ant his nuclear energy plans. In 6 to 8 years time they will be coming for everyone’s house title to pay for renewable debts that they created.
Just declare yourself bankrupt/insolvent and jam up the works.
How about building more houses and supporting coal mining and the coal fired power stations.
Some interesting info about the deteriorating EV market in China. I was particularly interested to hear that Tesla owners are being targeted by nationalists/Chinese EV supporters.
This story could add to speculation that the Chinese economy is in tatters, and that Xi himself anticipates civil unrest.
“La Nina Watch Remains In Effect As Development Odds High For Northern Hemisphere Winter”
If you look at the NOAA OSPO website, there is nothing to see – no sign of a La Niña developing. Don’t know why it keeps being mentioned.
The gut microbiome and mRNA vaccines
Patients with severe Covid, had a certain bacteria that was missing, compared to people that were highly exposed to covid, but never got covid.
That bacteria is called Bifidobacteria”
Ivermectin we noticed also increased the Bifidobacteria within 24 hours of taking it.
Vitamin C increases the Bifidobacteria.
“I discovered that messenger RNA vaccines killed the Bifidobacteria”
Dr Sabine Hazan found a link between Bifidobacteria and Crohn’s disease.
One of the big supermarkets is displaying it’s “green” credentials by replacing all their metal trolleys with green plastic trolleys (with metal frames). Some of the trolleys have a sign attached claiming each one is made from at least 17 recycled plastic bottles, as if that’s a good thing.
Of course there is no mention of how much CO2 is emitted in getting the plastic to a business where it can be manufactured into plastic for trolleys, manufacture into trolleys, manufacture of the metal frames for the trolleys and transport of the trolleys to individual supermarkets. Then there is the collection and removal of the replaced metal trolleys, and disposal of the replaced metal trolleys.
‘… we are facing an extraordinary and extremely rare natural event in climate history.’ Javier
There’s that bogus linear trend again on the ERA5 graph in Figure 4.
Although I’ve bookmarked the original article where it first appeared (Barlow and Basara) because it ends up in the upper range of the climate models (red band) at May 2033.
By then I think we’ll be looking at the 2015 level at the bottom of the model band.
Time will tell.
Excellent article by Javier Vinós.
Draws from:
Matthew Barlow and Jeffrey Basara, Professors at UMass Lowell.
Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA GISS.
Carlo Buontempo, director of Copernicus.
These guys are on record now.
They’re all milking aberrant natural variation for all it’s worth to them. But it will come back to bite given the present trajectory of the data, as Javier Vinós states.
Exciting times, wonder how long it will take the MSM to wake up. Its a climate change scoop, the planet has reached a tipping point.
Why do the Chinese think their EV industry will collapse? (video)
‘Saving the planet Queensland style’ has had my head shaking for hours. This is crony capitalism at its finest. The brown paper sacks, and trips to Vegas, to get this legislation through, and to keep it quiet, must have been voluminous. Or maybe not? They are politicians and bureaucrats. It’s the feeling of power that gets them off, so maybe the glory of being the saviour of the planet might have kept it cheap?
Meme seen on X
Joe Biden – “I’d like a happy meal with extra fries”
Attendant – “Sir this is a car wash”
“There are good people in the world” Friday
One for the dog lovers out there.
Better have some tissues nearby.
FYI, there is no global bird flu pandemic!
Despite the likes of “The people’s voice” usual clickbait garbage, the WEF has NOT declared an emergency, nor has anyone else.
The only significant cases are in the USA and under control.
It’s not global.
It’s not a significant event on the scale of things.
Don’t panic! 😁
“Somebody in the Marine Corps Band has a sense of humor…”
Dr Jill’s very own theme music!
More on the ysm and “Truthful Joe”
“Lawdog impales the mainstream media on their own lies”
The wedge-
“First, big trucks; next, our personal vehicles?”
I have driven hundreds of thousands of Ks, sharing single carriageway roads with big rigs and with a few noticeable exceptions find them more predictable than southern tourists.
“While workshops are designed to enhance skills and knowledge, they have, unfortunately, become a breeding ground for unethical behavior among some civil servants. The misuse of these events for personal gain and illicit activities has not only tarnished the reputation of the civil service but also disrupted the personal lives of those involved.
The unchecked proliferation of workshops has had a particularly damaging effect on marriages within the civil service community. The frequent travel and extended time away from home have provided opportunities for infidelity and promiscuity among some unethical individuals. This behavior has eroded trust and stability within families, leading to increased marital discord and, in some cases, divorce.
The misuse of workshops has also placed financial strain on households. Many civil servants have come to rely on the additional income generated from these events to balance their budgets. The sudden halt to unnecessary workshops has therefore sparked concern among those who have become dependent on this supplementary income. However, the long-term benefits of restoring integrity and reducing corruption far outweigh the short-term financial adjustments.”
Citizens Report: Save AusPost from fools and traitors, Australia honours actual Nazi (video)
I Love a Sunburnt Country, A Land of Sweeping Plains (video)