A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Olympics plagued by sabotage as train system collapses. Who did it?
Fortunately I have an insight by tuning into “Yes, Prime Minister”
Hacker. I see the French train system has gone down
Sir Humphrey. Yes, Prime Minister
Hacker One of the problems is that everything is so complicated these days
Humphrey Yes indeed, as the collapse of the worlds computer systems last week illustrated
Hacker. The Russians sabotaged the trains, obviously. They didn’t like their Athletes being excluded from the games
Sir Humphrey raises his eyebrows and coughs.
Hacker You seem to doubt that. So who did it Humphrey?
Humphrey Its Obvious Prime Minister. WE did. There was no way we wanted the French to have a better Olympics opening ceremony than we did
Hacker Very cynical Humphrey
Humphrey Yes Prime Minister
Russia would be the popular bet. But I say the CIA and the FBI will blame Trump, like they did when Trump,unfortunately for them, turned his head.
Oh dear. Olympics opening parade a wash out.
Ironically, here in the South West of England its been a lovely sunny evening. Should have held it here. Our local park is quite big but we would have to move the play equipment and the crazy golf.
“Blame Trump” that was my thought as well.
No mention of the war in Gaza though!
There are also 600,000 unsold tickets to the Olympics.
Perhaps no one wants to visit because Paris is overrun by violent criminals imported from the Third World, indeed France is becoming the Third World?
A truly bizarre and incomprehensible opening ceremony held in semi darkness, pouring rain and the athletes waving to the cameras on one bank so the spectators can only see their backs.
Paris Olympics opening ceremony ‘disappointing as a day-old Coles croissant’
Paris completely disregarded opening ceremony criteria in a false start that should see them disqualified. James Weir joins the judging panel.
World reacts to Paris Olympics opening ceremony: ‘I’m embarrassed for France’
The rumours about the Opening Ceremony all suggested the $1.5 billion spectacle was going to blow the world away. The rumours were very wrong.
The Paris Olympics 2024 opening ceremony was a boring, soaking-wet mess
Talk about miserables. The Paris Summer Olympic 2024 Opening Ceremony on Friday was so rough that the local dancers bungled the Can-Can.
The Can-Can!
What were the French thinking? Je ne comprend pas!
Re-conceived from the usual arena spectacle into an aquatic procession down the river Seine — like a moist Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade without fun — the kickoff to the quadrennial athletic competition meant to promote worldwide unity was boring, ill-conceived and choppy.
And not only because of the downpour of rain.
The entire poncho-covered celebration felt needlessly divided.
Looked at the Ch9 coverage. Zero Woke!!! And a fantastic ceremony!!! My only bitch is that they continuously mispronounced ‘Seine’ – it’s sane – not sen.
Yyyyyyyyyup.Maybe ACA will visit the Paris crime ghettos while they’re there.
No, didn’t think so.
And you can say most of that about the UK.
And we’ve elected [with less than 2 votes in nine, of those who could vote] a Socialist Government that already seems not to have a clue.
Migration may not fall – from 1.4 million in two years [NET!].
But there are ambitions to build more houses.
Free Speech is now problematic.
Unions will get a bumper pay rise [in public service], and then extra powers to screw the country.
Defence, when we’ve got the money.
Riots on the streets of Leeds over taking kids into care.
Even besides Miliband, that is.
I weep for my country.
“Coordinated Sabotage” Paralyzes France’s Rail Network As Olympics Begin (article)
France’s Embarrassment (video)
From the article:
These were physical attacks by people with considerable knowledge of the rail system so I think it unlikely Russia would be directly involved. I suspect other political or eco groups. France is very volatile at present.
Yet another breach of a supposedly high security event.
Was there a roof involved?
Maybe a door that opened outwards not inwards?
No doubt it’ll be down to the “imports” and the MSM will whitewash it.
Following the prison sentences for the Just Stop Oil eco terrorists it seems the courts are getting tough as more prison sentences to be handed down for those throwing tomato soup over a valuable painting
While demonstrations have been part of Western society for a long time. Individuals or small group actions just to get attention are not demonstrations. They show a callous indifference to the rights of others. And increasingly such protests will be treated as civil offences, as they should be. As a protester you are allowed protest, nothing more. Attacks on public property or occasioning serious disruption will no longer be tolerated. Opinions have shifted. Criminal laws are more than adequate once the presumption of innocence is gone.
The backlash seems to have started again Kamala Harris
It was effectively a coup to oust Biden, but it remains to be seen whether it will ultimately be successful and result in her becoming President in her own right.
She is not from the top drawer, then again most of the western politicians over the last 20 years have been third division also rans, rather than topping the Premier league. Where do we keep getting them from?
The basis for replacing the overwhelmingly supported Democratic party candidate for the imminent election with anyone else may have been based on the popular perception that Biden is completely incompetent to run again. But no one actually said so! Which completely invalidates the removal of the nominee which has been presented as a fait accompli with his resignation. He has not claimed medical incompetence. There is a basic case for deceit by one or all people involved.
If Biden is truly incompetent for serious mental health reasons to continue as President under Amendment 25, he should resign as President, not just as nominee.
As he has not done so, his Vice President has no qualification to presume to succeed him as nominee, given that she dropped out of the primaries on less than 1% of the vote. The endorsement by a few senior members of the Democrat party and personal friends counts for nothing. And as Harris has obviously hidden his long term disability, she is party to the long term deceit core to the resignation as are her friends.
There are no circumstances in which Harris should simply replace Biden as nominee without a valid explanation for his resignation as nominee while he continues as President. One of them or both of them have clearly lied and continue to lie to the American people, not just about his capability to function as the best candidate for another four years but as President today. This puts America at serious risk today. It is treason, betrayal.
So if the real explanation for the sudden resignation is obviously incompetence due to ill health, I cannot see how she can continue against the accusation of being party to treasonous deceit and now a coup d’etat by a small group of friends. This is against the explicit wishes of 14 million Democrat party members who supported Joe Biden for the next President while being kept ignorant of his disability.
The ongoing deceit only became obvious to all in viewing the debate against a man suffering from dementia. But Amendment 25 has not been invoked. So it cannot be presumed that Harris is the automatic choice of the entire party. Or that Biden should continue to be President in the circumstances.
The very idea of selection of Harris by the nomination of the Praetorian guard involved in the very same deceit is against every principle of the American democratic process. Biden must resign as nominee for a valid reason and step down as President. Harris cannot just act as if this was the reason for his sudden resignation and her accession to his nomination while continuing to deny there is a very serious health problem.
The Democrat party members must re nominate their choice at the convention. And both Harris and Biden must give an actual explanation for an allegedly fit and fully competent President Biden to suddenly step down as nominee. He has had four years to do that.
The fact that Harris and the Obamas and Clinton and Pelosi were all aware of Joe’s long term serious health problems through this entire process means they should not be the ones selecting Harris to be his replacement. All are guilty of long term and even treasonous conspiracy and fraud. They are openly flouting the American constitution designed to protect the people.
And most importantly, who has been running the country? And who is doing so today?
>It is treason, betrayal.
Which apparently is ok as long as it has received Royal Assent.
“We called to say, Michelle and I couldn’t be prouder to endorse you and do everything we can to get you through this election and into the Oval Office,” Obama said in the video.
Harris responded, “Oh my goodness — Michelle, Barack, this means so much to me.”
“I am looking forward to doing this with the two of you, Doug and I both,” she said, referring to the second gentleman. “The words you have spoken and the friendship you have given over all these years mean more than I can express, so thank you both, it means so much. And, we’re going to have some fun with this too, aren’t we?”
“I can’t have this phone call without saying to my girl Kamala: I am proud of you. This is going to be historic,” Michelle Obama said
Will Kamala now return the favour and make Big Mike her VP?
Is that the polling for Biden in the key swing States was so horiffic that even printing extra phoney ballot papers and rigging electronic voting machines could not get Biden over the line this time.
When the Democrat attempt to kill Trump failed they had only one Plan B and that was to politically knife Biden.
Such is “democracy” in the USA.
The Democrats have the right to determine the next president. Well, no, it’s not a constitutional right, but since the Democrats know better than anyone else what is good for the country (ie, rule by the Democrat party), it is only fair to let them choose the president. Voters and that petty election process are just a distraction, to be kept impotent by whatever means are possible. Four years ago, a number of simple tricks were used to get the Democrat candidate into his rightful place. That was just for starters, wait and see what they have lined up this time.
Morning tonyb,
This extract from your link seems to explain a lot:
” Her name is on the campaign already as VP, so she is able to use the Biden campaign money for her candidacy. This does not apply to anyone else. ”
Words I’ve not seen before.
If literally true, then the Trump court challenge will be rejected. And it goes along way to explaining the Dems enthusiasm for her candidacy. Lotsa $$$$ available.
Dave B
I understand the $100 million campaign money that supposedly flooded to her after she took the candidacy was not new money from enthusiastic supporters but was merely transferred from the existing pot accumulated by Biden for his campaign.
Albanese mastered the art of kissing **** soon after completing his economics degree.
After completing his economics degree in 1984,Albanese took on a role as a research officer to the then Minister for Local Government and Administrative Services, Tom Uren, who became a mentor to him.
How many shell casings? 5 or 8?
Body cam footage of one of the first responders on the “sloping roof” where the dead shooter was located confirms that there were originally only 5 shell casings.
A Secret Service agent gives and order that no one else be allowed on the “sloping roof”.
Then 20 minutes later a TV crew accompanies other group of police onto the “sloping roof” and the body cam of another policeman records someone counting 1 to 8 shell casings without sighting where the 8 casings were.
Since no one trusts the Secret Service or the FBI, they hire their own stooge to doctor the audio evidence so that all of the first 8 shots “sound” the same when they clearly sound different on a number of different recordings.
Call me a conspiracy theorist but why have the Secret Service and FBI been so evasive?
The FBI director even claimed that Trump had not been shot by a bullet!
>The FBI director even claimed that Trump had not been shot by a bullet!
Dr. Ronny Jackson BLASTS Director Wray For Suggesting Shrapnel Hit Trump’s Ear, Provides Medical Update on Trump’s Recovery
FBI Wants to Grill Trump to Determine Whether He Was Hit by a Bullet at Butler Rally After Wray Floats Shrapnel Conspiracy Theory
President Trump RIPS Reprehensible Conspiracy Theorist — FBI Director Chris Wray — After He Suggests that Trump Was Never Hit By a Bullet!
From 2nd and 3rd article:
Donald J. Trump statement – Truth Social
And, from 1st article:
Juliette Kayyem @juliettekayyem [X]
No, correct, Wray didn’t say that by accident.
Also, Kayyem has connections, including a (D) Judge she’s married to.
Dr. Jackson:
Unbelievable. This is far beyond making a mistake.
Calling the former President and everyone else liars is beyond belief.
Amazingly, there was even a timed and dated photograph of the bullet passing Trump’s head. Also fake.
This compounds the total failure to protect Donald Trump. And gives support to this being deliberate.
The case is clear for a top down clean out of the DOJ, FBI, CIA. They and all of the swamp work for the Democrat party.
And perhaps to remove all judges who are elected on a purely political agenda, like Get Donald Trump.
And in Australia there is a clear case for a top down clean out of the CSIRO, BOM, ASIC, APRA, and the Federal Police – all of the swamp who work for the Uniparty of Labor + Coalition
Trump’s former doctor gives health update, calls out Wray as FBI affirms bullet struck former president
Rep. Ronny Jackson says there is ‘absolutely no evidence’ Trump was struck in Butler by ‘anything other than a bullet’
A former White House doctor released a letter Friday stating that former President Trump is “rapidly recovering” following the July 13 shooting at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania and that there is “absolutely no evidence” he was hit with “anything other than a bullet.”
“During the Congressional Hearing two days ago, FBI Director Christopher Wray suggested that it could be a bullet, shrapnel, or glass. There is absolutely no evidence that it was anything other than a bullet,” he added. “Congress should correct the record as confirmed by both the hospital and myself. Director Wray is wrong and inappropriate to suggest anything else.”
Wray did not mention glass in his testimony. He said, “With respect to former President Trump, there is some question about whether it was a bullet or shrapnel that hit his ear.”
After Jackson’s letter was released, the FBI issued its own statement to Fox News Digital, “What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle.”
FBI says Trump was indeed struck by bullet during assassination attempt
WASHINGTON (AP) — Nearly two weeks after Donald Trump’s near assassination, the FBI confirmed Friday that it was indeed a bullet that struck the former president’s ear, moving to clear up conflicting accounts about what caused the former president’s injuries after a gunman opened fire at a Pennsylvania rally.
“What struck former President Trump in the ear was a bullet, whether whole or fragmented into smaller pieces, fired from the deceased subject’s rifle,” the agency said in a statement.
The statement from the FBI marked the most definitive law enforcement account of Trump’s injuries and followed ambiguous comments earlier in the week from Director Christopher Wray that appeared to cast doubt on whether Trump had actually been hit by a bullet.
The comment drew fury from Trump and his allies and further stoked conspiracy theories that have flourished on both sides of the political aisle amid a dearth of information following the July 13 attack.
>Juliette Kayyem @juliettekayyem [X post]
2.6M Views, 19K Likes.
X has enormous power both for truth and falsehood:
But now, the lie travels at the speed of light.
From the series of photos on CO2’s link.
So let us back off for the moment of Crookes this and Crookes that. Flying drones, wearing a gun tee shirt, riding a bike, blowing things up, eating ice cream …. yakity yak.
We do not know who was shooting and who died. The dead body on the roof is in shorts.
The live chap on the roof had long pants!
We have a continuity problem and endless blah about the Pepsi Girl, drones etc are distractions that seek to cement a narrative that the shooter was a kid named Crookes. There appears to have been shots from at least 3 directions. Some from the tree at the rear at the rally. Reports both eye witness and police of a shooter shot on the water tower and the possibility by trajectory of a shooter located in the building under the dead body.
Again determine the facts and then we can suggest a narrative and establish the character.
>The dead body on the roof is in shorts.
Shorts are not the Crooks criteria, his Tee shirt is:
Crooks was wearing a T-shirt promoting the YouTube firearms channel Demolition Ranch.
Perfectly clear that the dead guy was wearing that Tee shirt. Ergo – Crooks.
>The live chap on the roof had long pants!
Post your evidence for this.
Also, what shirt/top was your “live chap on the roof” wearing?
And evidence for that too please.
>Perfectly clear that the dead guy was wearing that [Demolition Ranch] Tee shirt. Ergo – Crooks.
In ‘Final Crooks Photo – Closeup’ downthread at #4.2.1 and #5 Crooks Tee shirt is pulled up at the back.
You can see the top of the Demolition Ranch motif.
You did ask?
Encore une fois!
Video at 31 second mark
I will move to the next costume item, the grey shirt after we all agree on the dead guy in shorts and live guy in long pants. Do the easy stuff first and worry about the shirt narrative when we come to it.
You can then explain why the dead body in the middle of a blood stained roof has grass in the background behind his left/right ear?
PS I love your,
>Photo of dead kid is …. reversed
So the left ear is the same as the right ear because ‘Shirt’???? The ears are quite different (Its anything but a match!), but we will let that one go for the moment as you agree they are not the same ear.
Like I say let us agree the pants are different and then we can have the chat about why someone may want the dead body to look like a red neck gun nut.
I can’t be sure of the pants from that brief long distance shot, partly obscured by the roof. His pants are similar colour to his leg.
So I still think the Crooks crawled up on the roof with a rifle and was killed on the roof.
Knee length pants on ground with long top. Sleeves could of course be all the Tattoos depending on the compression. Image at -1.00
>Video at 31 second mark
Seriously? Blurred, indistinct.
Live guy @ 0:32 – 0:33 – bare calves, knee length pants, Demolition Ranch Tee shirt. Crooks.
>You can then explain why the dead body in the middle of a blood stained roof has grass in the background behind his left/right ear?
Sure – it’s not grass, it’s the same trees as in your video looking West to East and Crooks Final Photo looking West to East (direction of sun).
>So the left ear is the same as the right ear because ‘Shirt’????
Rubbish. Where did you get ‘Shirt’ in those 2 quotes of mine. Here’s those quotes compressed to 1:
“facial features”
The word ‘Shirt’ does NOT occur in that quote.
Like I said – “The reversal is simply to compare facial features to the adjoining photo of Crooks on ground. It’s a match.”
Look at the chin, goatee, mouth, upper lip, eye brows, hair, general ear shape (plus Tee shirt collar) – 8 matching features in the adjoining comparative photos:
Crooks: Closeup roof vs Ground level
Obviously Crooks in both photos.
Agreed it is the trees. My apology I was disorientated by the mirror image.
My point is there is so much blah about the shirt. No one is disputing the dead bloke is wearing the shirt. Go count your posts that mention the shirt and see if there was ever any disagreement. I am attempting to resolve the pants length discrepancy in the videos and why two guys with grey tops, white pants and dark shoes are in the same frame.
Let’s look at that closeup of dead Crooks again ( thank you for finding it).
The bullet entry wound appears to be over the lateral end of his right eyebrow. Most of the bleeding is coming from the back of his head, even though the exit wound has not been identified yet.
Entry wound over right eyebrow is consistent with CS team 2 taking the shot.
>Body cam footage of one of the first responders
Full Bodycam Footage From Trump Assassination Attempt Released
Authored by Steve Watson via
Video is on the Grassley website:
Grassley Releases Additional Bodycam Footage from Moments After Trump Assassination Attempt
Watch the footage HERE:
BTW, Chuck Grassley is a 90 yr old. Best information research team in the Senate.
From full Grassley video, my take:
1) I was wrong calling the South building Building 4. Those ESU guys entered the SE entrance signed Building 6.
Each building appears to be divided in 2. So the South building is 6/5, next north 4/3, next 2/1, (I think).
2) The ladder the ESU guys climbed up at Building 3 entrance next to cubicle was a police ladder.
3) Cartridges just south of Crooks body (up from his position) on his side of the roof ridge AND on the rally side of the roof ridge – but NOT next to rifle (?).
a) How far did Crooks rifle eject spent cartridges?
b) Does it eject directly foreward?
c) How is that possible?
4) At 11:30 the ESU guy takes a photo of Crooks. I’m sure that was the closeup photo I saw first but couldn’t find again (must have been leaked by the local police).
5) At around 18:50 the ESU guy appears to take a photo of Crooks. I’m sure that was the one I saw first up but lost track of (must have been leaked by local police).
6) At around 18:20 an ESU guy puts on black gloves and then bends down to check Crooks clothing. That could be the guy wearing black gloves holding Crooks head for the photo I posted ealier at #5 downthread:
Final Crooks Photo – Closeup
7) At 26:50 a dark police guy turns up wearing tan uniform pants. Same colour pants but not the guy holding Crooks head in 5) who has whiter skin.
8) At 7:20. The external roof purlins (probably not the term but hey) are about 16″ (inches) apart. There’s 4 spaces from Crooks to rifle so about 5 1/2 ft (feet) from Crooks to rifle. From rifle to east end of roof is 16 spaces so about 21 1/2 ft from rifle to East end of roof.
That’s about all I can glean from the video for now.
>7) At 26:50 a dark police guy turns up wearing tan uniform pants. Same colour pants but not the guy holding Crooks head in 5) who has whiter skin.
I’ve got this wrong now that I’ve had a really close look at the guy holding Crooks head (hard to make out) and in conjunction with 7). Guy is wearing BLACK ESU gloves and NOT wearing tan pants.
Should be more like:
Guy in 5) holding Crooks head NOT wearing police uniform tan pants (like dark guy) and probably ESU so not the dark guy in 7) because guy in 5) has whiter skin than guy in 7).
>I’ve got this wrong
>Guy is wearing BLACK ESU gloves and NOT wearing tan pants
So many different personnel on the roof it’s hard to keep track.
I’ve seen Black gloves, Red gloves, and Blue gloves.
Blue gloves I saw was wearing tan pants – hence my mixup. Think the dark guy in tan pants put Blue gloves on but after the end of the Grassley video. Doesn’t show on that.
>3) Cartridges just south of Crooks body (up from his position) on his side of the roof ridge AND on the rally side of the roof ridge – but NOT next to rifle (?).
>a) How far did Crooks rifle eject spent cartridges?
>b) Does it eject directly forward?
>c) How is that possible?
Answer (maybe):
Spent cartridges generally eject to the rear or to the side but not necessarily. The odd cartridge ejects forward. Videos here (M4, not AR15):
Full auto shell ejecting test m4a1
The M4 Carbine: The Rifle That Refuses to Die
Rifle was approx 5 1/2 ft from Crooks body i.e. the spent cartridges from the rifle position were ejected across to near the body position about 6 ft away. At least one ejected forward over the roof ridge.
Also, for reference:
AR-15 Extraction and Ejection Tips and Tricks
Another resource:
Was Thomas Crooks a Good Shot? He Didn’t Need to Be.
By Myke Cole
This statement is highly questionable, firstly with respect to the inherent accuracy of the AR-15.
The accuracy is measured by the random angular spread of projectiles from the rifle in lab test conditions and is in the range of 0.5 to 2 arcminutes for AR-15 types.
Crooks’ weapon is likely to be about 1 MOA.
The target was about 4 arcminutes, was not stationary, was affected by transient obstruction by movement of members of the audience at stage right, by background effects stage left, by unpredictable movement by the target, and by significant wind variation.
The shooter used an unstable free prone firing position, lying on hot metal roofing, had just been challenged by a police officer, and had very limited time to move into position, sight onto the target and fire.
The available data verifies the presence of no more than 5 shell casings on the roof of the AGR building in the vicinity of Crooks’ body.
This was recorded in the bodycam footage obtained by Senator Grassley and should be the most reliable source of evidence regarding the number of shell casings found.
It is informative to consider the associated time line for this evidence:
6:11:33 pm first shot fired at President Trump
6:12:16 pm Trump SS protection team repeat message “Shooter Down!”
Response team hastens to site from an adjacent building. A team member apparently separates the rifle from Crooks and places it about 2 metre east of the body before the arrival of a supervising officer. That officer orders a general survey of the roof for evidence and calls for attendance of person with body cam.
6:23:50 pm bodycam recording starts recording from staging area enroute to AGR building.
6:31:45 pm Supervising officer asks for a report on location of shell casings. This is for the purpose of the recording- a thorough search on both sides of the ridge-capping was done prior. Team member reports 5 casings and demonstrates location.
Later reports of more than 5 casings should be regarded as suspicious.
>A team member apparently separates the rifle from Crooks and places it about 2 metre east of the body before the arrival of a supervising officer
Not buying that (but maybe true).
Ok that may be how it went but it poses a lot of questions. It doesn’t account for ejection speed, angle distance, bouncing on iron roof, and cartridge directly ahead of Crooks on the other side of the roof ridge.
I did an ejection analysis at # upthread.
Not saying that’s the way it is but at least it begins to explain distances i.e. how the cartridges ended up where they did in respect to the rifle and Crooks.
The idea Crooks was still in the same position as he was when shooting doesn’t explain the cartridge positions once ejected.
Watch the M4 ejections in the video at ## (AR15 similar – see ‘AR-15 Extraction and Ejection’ at that comment). The cartridges are flying out to the side, to the rear. and the odd one forward a bit (explains the cartridge on the rally side of the roof ridge.
Then those cartridges would be bouncing off the iron roof so they must end up some distance from the shooting position (I calculate about 6 ft from rifle position at #
But, given ejection speed, angle, iron roof, how can the cartridges end up right close to Crooks and even directly ahead on the other side of the ridge?
From the bodycam footage, the team on the roof were spread out on both sides of the ridgecapping when the supervising officer gave his order (for the record) to check for shell casings.
This was similar to NSW police crime-scene video “walkthrough” and part of the witness-marking procedure.
They had already done a comprehensive examination of the roof.
One of the team pointed out the location and gave the count (also clearly for the record).
At the time, another of the team, who was also attentive to the supervisor, was on the south side of the ridge-line. The latter’s non-response indicated there was nothing to report.
IMPORTANT: Time stamp on body cam footage is 7.10 pm (19:10) – Trump was shot at 6.11 pm (18:10)
What happened in the previous hour?
Why no earlier body cam footage?
MORE IMPORTANT: The footage has been edited and has segments out of time order. The footage began earlier than 7:10pm. There is a discontinuity at the 3min 6sec mark- thereafter the earlier body cam footage begins from 6:26:55 pm local time.
And they pressure washed the area.
Crooks final photo
I mentioned in days back that I saw a closeup photo of crooks from, presumably the local Butler police, that I also assumed was leaked but when I went looking for it again I couldn’t find it.
I stumbled on another ultra-closeup last night. Obviously I cannot vouch for 100% authenticity but I I note the tan pants on the police guy holding Crooks head for the photo is the same colour as the local Butler police uniform.
The photo is embedded with others, including Crooks with cops from roof level further out, I’ve posted that one previously.
The photo is in this article:
PICTURED: Thomas Matthew Crooks Was Wearing a T-Shirt Promoting a Popular Firearms YouTube Channel and Was Identified Through DNA
The actual photo is here:
Final Crooks Photo – Closeup
Also in the adjoining photo, some critical info:
Crooks was wearing a T-shirt promoting the YouTube firearms channel Demolition Ranch.
Any other photo/video purported to be Crooks must be wearing that T-shirt.
GATEWAY PUNDIT EXCLUSIVE: Photo Taken by TGP Reporter Appears to Show Trump Shooter Thomas Crooks’s Drone Flying Over Butler, PA Rally at 3:54 PM
by Kristinn Taylor
If Crooks had been shot in the head by a Secret Service sniper bullet his head would not be intact.
So where had Crookes been shot and by how many bullets? What was the likely calibre of the bullet or bullets? Any bullet fragments found in the body of Crooks or on the “sloping roof”.
Why has the autopsy report not been released?
Beware this ‘new’ photo appears to be a stitch up.
Photo of dead kid is from my understanding, reversed so any comment on ears will be a rabbit hole you do not need to go down. Do not compare the left ear with what was the right ear in previous photos until the matter of a possible mirror image is resolved.
>Photo of dead kid is …. reversed
That’s obvious from the direction of the sun.
In the Grassley video the sun direction is West-to-East.
The Crooks photo, complete with Demolition Ranch Tee shirt, is also taken from West-to-East going by the sun so obviously reversed.
The reversal is simply to compare facial features to the adjoining photo of Crooks on ground. It’s a match.
>The Crooks photo, complete with Demolition Ranch Tee shirt
As upthread in #
In ‘Final Crooks Photo – Closeup’ at #4.2.1 and #5 Crooks Tee shirt is pulled up at the back.
You can see the top of the Demolition Ranch motif.
Crooks was conspicuously drawing attention to himself as he moved about the area of the American Glass Research building complex. It was clearly done purposefully.
Spectators were aware of security personnel in the buildings well before Trump arrived at the event. Crooks must also have known.
It’s all happening, just as I’d predicted.
In the UK a car owner took his car to a dealer for a routine service and the car software was “upgraded” with some nasty new features usable by Big Brother.
It’s supposedly there to autonomously slow cars down to the speed limit in defined areas, but can be manually overridden by the driver.
By the time it’s actually fully working it won’t matter.
The Democrat Lawfare apparatus REALLY wants to take down The Gateway Pundit:
The Gateway Pundit Bankruptcy Dismissed by Federal Judge — Plans Appeal
Seller On Amazon Sold Merch Reading “The Only Good Trump Is A Dead One”
Just a few white people, meanwhile:
20 million black babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade. Where is the equity in that?
Starbuck – “Just searched and @Amazon has hoodies too!”
Elon Musk – “This is messed up”
Robby Starbuck – “They’ve been removed now”
TGP – After a FOX Business investigation into the anti-Trump shirts on Thursday afternoon, Amazon told the media outlet that the shirts were removed “due to non-compliance with our guidelines.”
One Bad Dude – “The side of tolerance is actually insane
Say it ain’t so!”
░SourPatchLyds░ – “We’ve located where the crazy deranged rhetoric is coming from (not the right)”
Well someone has finally picked up on Planned Parenthood, abortion and systematic racism. What took so long? Babylon Bee got it years ago.
>Planned Parenthood
Only recently distanced themselves from founder and eugenicist Margaret Sanger.
Insurance Costs for Battery Recycling Soar by 200 Percent
“I’d say, at the moment, we’re in a crisis relating to incorrectly disposed of batteries that cause fires in all types of facilities, from bins to trucks to material recycling facilities to metal recyclers to e-waste recyclers to plastic reprocesses,” she said.
“These things find their way everywhere, including food and organic reprocessing, construction, and demolition reprocessing.”
Genius Bowen will say that there is a problem in disposing with a small amount of spent Urianium material from Nuclear Reactors!
Insurance costs for EVERYTHING (in Australia) have soared recently, including policies for car, home and home contents insurance with no apparent increase in risk. That’s both my personal experience and that of friends.
I would hate to think these insurance costs have increased to cross-subsidise the dangers of EVs and the fires they cause or their high cost of repairs. Plus they are often insurance write-offs for the most trivial damage.
And what can you do if a near neighbour wants to buy an EV and introduce a fire hazard into your area?
House and Contents 34.8% Increase in 2023 & 29.1% Increase in 2024 – NSW Land Tax only 13.4% Increase 2024 – Gas 35% Increase 2024 – Electricity TOD Off Peak 54% Increase 1 July 24 (changed Gas & Electricity Supplies quickly using )
Apparently during the global Microsoft/CrowdStrike IT outage a week ago, some users of “smart” fridges were locked out of them.
I am not 100% certain that’s true because it’s reported on Farcebook. A fridge door should not be lockable under any circumstances to prevent children locking themselves inside.
Anyway, why does anyone need a “smart” fridge in any case?
Almost all the money and resources that might otherwise be used to advance Western Civilisation is now being consumed on the fantasy of “renewable energy” brought about the lie of anthropogenic global warming.
I found it extraordinary that the 2011 Carbon Credits (Farming) Act creates Credits on the basis that growing trees reduces atmospheric CO2. That is completely untrue. As if eating reduces the world’s food supply. But it contains zero science. The only statement is that Australian politicians have signed agrements and they are binding, so here it is. Cash for trees.
We need like the USA to walk away from these Chinese Communist plots against the free world. Paris, Rio, everything. Cancel the lot. And then these fake laws fall apart. And we can breathe again. Without paying China for the right to do so.
The Gillard government was behind sequestration as a sop to the green left.
You’re right about it being a scam, however it must be a bonus for the farmers and graziers growing trees on that useless bottom paddock.
George certainly nailed that one.
The really scary part is that Albo and his cronies are using Nineteen Eighty Four as an instruction manual.
It seems some Leftoids deny that they can’t define what a woman is.
Here are two examples.
Here, US Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson can’t define what a woman is because she’s “not a biologist”
Lots of examples in the following, including from woke medical “professionals” from Matt Walsh’s “What is a Woman?” documentary.
The typical woke Leftist thinks women can have penises and men can have vaginas.
And shame upon those Leftists who create “trans” children because they are the next big thing as trendy exotic pets.
Gen. Mark Milley: Robots to Imminently Replace Humans Soldiers in U.S. Military (article)
Unmanned submersible drones to replaced manned submarines – which Australia is flushing $240 Billion down the toilet to buy!
I have no interest in the Olympics but my wife will watch some of it. She was watching the opening ceremony just now and calling me to the TV each time something notable happened. The French did a grand job, it seems to me, despite the awful weather, but it was a surprise and a delight to see Celine Dion wrap it up with an absolutely stunning lung-buster. What a treat to see her on stage again. Gave me the weeps!
Celine Dion? Celine Dion?
Say no more. I am clearly not in the organizers target demographic.
I’m definitely no fan either, but in context, it was a great performance..
I don’t really understand the wave of complaints on this blog about how “bad” it was, presumably without watching much, or any of it. No appreciation for the sheer amount of effort that went into it too. I guess the nay-sayers could have done it better – if only they’d have been given a chance…
I watched it on TV, but could hear it out my window, as I’m only about 100m from the Seine and one of the entrance points for spectators.
I think given the challenges of doing what they did on 6km of river, without the possibility of a full rehearsal, was pretty amazing.
There were mistakes, and some parts were clearly filler material while waiting for something else, but all in all, it was about the same level of tedium as other opening ceremonies, with some highlights.The rain really didn’t help, but nothing can be done about it.
FWIW – things the internet isn’t forgetting
“Here’s Another Kamala Clip That She Hopes Voters Never See”
“‘This Is Peak Kamala’: Downhill From Here?”
I read that as a Senator she was ranked the most left wing of all, even beating Bernie Sanders. Her radicalism should help Trump.
According to the media as of this week, Harris was never President Biden’s “border czar.” The denial belies the media’s own usage and reporting before this week, so one might want to ask what’s happening here, as the Fox & Friends cast did this morning.
Fox News has a good roundup documenting the media’s “transition.” Fox News also separately reports that it “asked multiple news organizations, including CNN and Axios, to explain their vocal shift away from the ‘border czar’ label for Harris. None responded to the inquiries.”
One might reasonably infer that they got the memo.
A Democrat lawmaker confirmed to FOX that Dems have received a piece of paper with talking points/lies about how to discuss Kamala Harris’ role at the Southern border.
They are already using the exact lines.
The legacy media’s attempt to rewrite Kamala Harris’s left-wing record is in full swing.
We have written about the orchestrated effort to erase the fact that Joe Biden put Harris in charge of the southern border. Likewise, her contemporaneous ratings as the most liberal member of the Senate are being air-brushed.
Then there is the fact that Harris has a pro-criminal record. During the George Floyd riots of 2020, she raised money–likely a great deal of money–to bail out not just Floyd rioters and arsonists, but also criminals of every kind, all of whom were eligible for MFF’s aid. She did this by endorsing and publicizing a nonprofit called the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which in 2020, with Harris’s help, raked in more than $43 million.
In one case that became notorious locally, a criminal bailed out by MFF committed a murder while free on bail. For obvious reasons, the Democrats would prefer that voters not know about this aspect of Kamala’s career.
Enter WCCO-TV, a local CBS affiliate. WCCO took offense at the fact that Donald Trump mentioned Kamala’s raising bail money in a speech. WCCO tried to debunk this “misinformation.” My colleague Bill Glahn has the whole story: “WCCO smears Trump with fake news on Minnesota Freedom Fund.”
7 Hoaxes Pushed by ‘The Truths We Hold’ Author Kamala Harris
Harris spread false claims of ‘forced sterilizations’ at ICE facilities under Trump
Here are the seven most egregious hoaxes pushed by Harris, author of the memoir The Truths We Hold.
Jussie Smollett
“Jussie Smollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know,” Harris wrote on Jan. 29, 2019.
Days earlier, the actor claimed two Trump supporters in “MAGA” hats brutally beat him on a Chicago street as they shouted anti-gay and anti-black slurs. Harris joined a swarm of celebrities and Democratic politicians in denouncing the attack, which they claimed was an example of the rising tide of hate crimes in the Trump era.
“This was an attempted modern day lynching,” Harris wrote.
But it was all an elaborate lie. Smollett had hired two friends, both black, to stage an attack on him to garner public sympathy. He was convicted of making false statements to police and sentenced to 150 days in jail.
Harris lightly criticized Smollett after his ruse was exposed, saying she was “sad, disappointed, and frustrated.”
– Horse-riding border agents whipped Haitian migrants
– ‘Forced sterilizations’ at Trump-era immigration detention facility
– Julie Swetnick
– Jacob Blake
– Joe Biden is ‘on top of it’
When a person is under pressure – that is when the real personality is revealed (eg Trump being shot)
For, behind the recent public self-branding of Harris as a kindly, jovial ‘Momala’, she has earned a nasty reputation as an alleged ‘soul-destroying’ workplace ‘bully’.
Only four of the initial 71 staffers hired by Harris during her first year in office still remain in a job. The rest either quit or were fired, according to analysis by non-partisan watchdog Open The Books.
‘I think she’s an idiot’: MSNBC’s female focus group is devastating for Kamala Harris
MSNBC conducted a focus group of female voters and it didn’t go well for Vice President Kamala Harris.
With Harris gaining massive popularity practically overnight, it’s important to know if the enthusiasm shared on social media is reflected by people planning to hit the polls in November. If MSNBC’s focus group is anything to go by, the vice-president-turn-presumptive-nominee has a lot to fear.
Political analyst Elise Jordan asked the women how Harris compares to President Joe Biden, who was encouraged to drop out of the race by his own party.
“How do you perceive VP Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?”
“I think she’s worse,” one of the women said. “She doesn’t even know what’s going on at the border. That’s what she was supposed to be doing and in charge of. I mean as a school teacher if I did not do what I was supposed to be doing, you better believe my job would be in jeopardy. Well, it isn’t. Not only was her job not in jeopardy, she was just handed a promotion.”
Addressing the pressing issue of who will serve as vice president in a Kamala Harris administration, Jordan wondered if there was a pick who could put the ladies’ minds at ease.
“Is there anyone that Kamala Harris could appoint as her VP that you would find reassuring?” she asked.
“I would never consider voting for her,” another voter responded as the rest of the panel murmured similar sentiments.
“I would consider RFK Jr. way before voting for her,” a third voter added.
Jordan then noted that Harris isn’t the first female to run for the Oval Office, so her gender likely wouldn’t sway the group to vote for her based on the historical implications of the first woman president.
“When do you think America will have a female president?” she wondered.
“When there is a competent one,” one lady said.
“I don’t get a good feel for her,” another mentioned.
“I think she’s an idiot,” piped up a third.
“Why do you think she’s not that bright?” Jordan grilled.
“Because she hasn’t done anything in the time that she’s had,” the voter responded. “We don’t know anything about her, as far as her three years so far in the White House. She’s not real smart.”
Kamala’s two-faced position on Israel is pure cowardice
By Post Editorial Board
With friends like these. . .
Less than an hour after sitting down with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House on Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris pulled a 180, pushing for a cease-fire and slamming the J@wish state for “the scale of human suffering in Gaza” and “the death of far too many innocent civilians.”
Greeting Bibi with one hand, stabbing him in the back with the other.
Reality check: All the suffering, deaths and hunger are on Hamas, which started this war by breaking a cease-fire with its Oct. 7 atrocities — and which huddles in the hundreds of miles of tunnels and bunkers it built under Gaza’s ground by diverting billions in international aid.
Israel has gone to unprecedented lengths to protect civilians; but horrors are inevitable in war, especially when Hamas continues to commit war crimes every day by hiding among civilians — and stealing their food and other relief supplies.
But Harris won’t say any of that because it’s not what the left wants to hear.
She somehow thinks she can convince the vast majority of Americans that she’s not a pro-Hamas radical — while placating the pro-Hamas radicals.
Trying to please both sides is pure cowardice, and added proof that Harris has yet to learn anything about making successful foreign policy.
Harris has a long record of undermining democracy
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times
Democrats are fond of slandering political rivals as enemies of our system of government.
Vice President Kamala Harris is one of the worst offenders in this respect, asserting in a stump speech earlier this month that “Donald Trump wants to turn our democracy into a dictatorship.”
That’s a bold statement from someone who has all but clinched the Democratic presidential nomination without receiving a single vote in a free and fair primary election. At her campaign kickoff event this past Tuesday, the presumptive nominee described her run for the highest office not as the culmination of a lifelong lust for power, but as “a choice between freedom and chaos.”
The authoritarian streak emerged during her aborted 2020 run for president, in which she articulated a vision of top-down power concentrated in Washington, freed from quaint concerns about the separation of powers.
Friday Funnies: Hilarious Parody Campaign Ad Beautifully Exposes Kamala’s Monumental Flaws
Biden camp suggests president quickly endorsed Kamala Harris to defy Barack Obama
There’s buzz swirling within the Biden camp that the president’s swift endorsement of Kamala Harris was his revenge on prominent party leaders — including Barack Obama — who pressured him to bow out of the race against his will, sources told The Post.
Joe Biden, who said he was dropping out “in defense of democracy” during his public address Wednesday, had been told by Obama to allow delegates at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago to decide a new candidate, a source close to the Biden family claimed.
“It was Joe’s big f–k you,” the source said. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.’”
Talk among insiders is that Biden saw this as a final way to assert some control over his ouster.
A well-placed Democratic Party source said they have heard the same, telling The Post that Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York Senator Chuck Schumer wanted to hold “a mini primary” which Obama believed Harris would not win.
Multiple sources told The Post that Obama had wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” at the convention.
Another EV nightmare, this time in Canberra and concerning a ‘BYD’ (Chinese) car:
Something else worth checking before you buy one. From “Open Road”, the NSW motorists organisation’s current magazine, on page 5, in “THE HIGH COST OF DAMAGING WEATHER”:
“One thing our roadside patrols tell us is motorists who own newer cars, including EVs, often aren’t aware their car has no spare tyre until they need it. “
I always get a laugh when I see a car with its “space saver” wheel on . They all look like they belong on a pedal car….but its better than nothing.
Saw a car on the side of the road the other day with a space saver on the right rear.
Left rear was flat.
In early days of radial tyres, I spent a night sleeping in the car at a roadside stop on the Nullabor plain. Woke up around 6am; had a bite to eat and than started driving. Straight up to 80mph as the sun was starting to heat the road. Lost the first tread about 30 minutes in. Changed to the spare and the other rear tyre lost its tread after another 15 minutes or so. Limped into the next roadhouse on rapidly deflating steal reinforcement tyre. Paid about twice the price for a standard bias tyre that got me to Perth.
So losing tyres one after the other is not unusual. For example, I have found some warehouses that decrate need stock in their car park and there are nails left behind. Run over a few flat head crate nails and you can end up with fast leaks in more than one tyre.
“No More Stonewalling on the Assassination Attempt!”
Maybe the powers that be are following IPCC protocols like CIMP 6 –
letting numerous models run and then presenting the average?
The Australian Government claims that Australia runs on 32% “renewable” energy but that disingenuously includes 6% from hydro.
It is unfair to include a pre-existing and properly engineered, inexpensive, reliable and long-lasting system like hydro with short-lived, expensive and unreliable wind and solar.
Australia runs on 32% renewable energy?
My two questions:
1. what time of day is that then?
2. why does King Island miss out? 94% diesel as I speak.
Last year to 30 June on AVERAGE wind provided 72.8 GWh of electricity each day – however on 13 June 2024 wind only provided 16.3 GWh or 22% of the daily AVERAGE
Last year to 30 June on Average grid solar provided 42.8 GWh of electricity each day – however on 4 July 2013 grid solar only provided 8.4 GWh or 19% of the daily AVERAGE
“There are lies, damned lies and statistics” attributed to Mark Twain
I think that, deceptively, they are are taking credit for hydro in spite of the fact that 100% of our hydro assets were built over half a century ago by real engineers who knew what a grid should look like and were working towards that goal.
And who knew what a hydro system should look like too – in that they built Snowy and passed on Snowy 2
At least Australia does not have a wood chip (or “biomass”) burning power station that is classified as “Renewable” like Drax in the UK
Drax power station is a large biomass power station in Drax, North Yorkshire, England. It has a 2.6 GW capacity for biomass and had a 1.29 GW capacity for coal that was retired in 2021.
All the trees being cut down for wind “farms” could be put to use if did have one though!
Biomass imported from North America to fuel a power station sitting on a good coalfield. How stupid is that?
Starting shortly there will be biomass generation showing on AEMO as the cane crush starts and the mills export heir excess power.
Least it was somewhere to burn all the corrupt excess PPE – outta sight, outta mind
What’s with the FBI’s need to establish whether Trump’s injury was caused by a bullet or shrapnel? Apart from the fact there is little doubt it was a bullet, confirmed to some extent by a photograph AND basic ballistics, just why is this important to the FBI?
Is it just a distraction designed to create the impression they are diligently investigating every angle? If so it is once again a ham-fisted way to go about it. Or is there some other, devious, reason for this story? Why does it matter? Perhaps they are laying the ground to discredit further accusations that there was more than one shooter? I really don’t get it.
No. They are calling Trump a ‘liar’.
The people on board are all given talking points. “Sharp as a tack”. “Trump lies” Part of brainwashing by repetition. Standard left technique.
Everyone gets these lists in parliament. In the US it is obvious department heads get them.
And when Biden lies, as he does with most sentences, they can play moral equivalence. Biden may be a liar but Trump lies all the time. In fact commentators found Trump told 57 lies in the debate. That would cover every time he spoke.
It works. Now there is doubt. That’s the point. Dull the sympathy people have for fearless man nearly murdered thanks to the FBI.
Yes, he may just as well called out “look over there, a squirrel”.
A lying squirrel. A fascist squirrel. And a threat to Democracy squirrel.
It is essential to their single incompetent shooter narrative.
He was only hit by perhaps pieces of the bullet? So shrapnel? And Trump is lying about being actually shot. Basically because he’s not dead. And if he’s breathing, he’s lying because that’s what Trump does. A shot person should be dead. And this from the head of the FBI?
Possible incoming Avian Flu pandemic. H7N9
Authorisation of test for H7N9.
My understanding is that the tests for this Influenza A is being authorised again. What may have been the predominate cause of illness in 2019 and until the test was dropped in early 2020 may be back in the headlines.
See John Cullen for his take on what he understands of this virus.
“Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers”
How does Linux cope with malware at BIOS level?
I’d guess, that at that level, it doesn’t?
Linux works the same way as windows. (at least the major distributions provide signed binaries)
The bootloader is signed and checked by the BIOS, boot loader checks the kernel etc.
If you want to compile the secure components from source it is possible to sign them with a certificate
you create and then insert your certificate into the BIOS.
Haven’t had a rant about the GayBC for a couple of days so here goes. That execrable Art Works show had this proud first nationer talking about a show for children that the Bangarra Ab Dance Troupe are putting on. I think his bio holds a few clues as to why he’s hired. So, children one day…
The next execrable episode had him on again, this time talking about, and I’ll have to give you anagrams to solve lest it get rejected, he’s talking about ilcking mne’s asunes.
One to watch.
Another blue-eyed ‘native.’
Gary S.,proud Scottish, English and Scandinavian man from Corieltauvi country, later Anglo-Saxon kingdom of Lindsey, latterly Danelaw.
Why don’t any of the politicians and sheeple seem to understand that there would be essentially no noticeable effect if wind and solar were disconnected from the grid, except power prices would drop to perhaps a third of present prices?
Staggering amounts of money have been invested in “renewables” whose only genuine purpose is to harvest subsidies at the cost of electricity consumers for the enrichment of the owners of the subsidy farms.
NAtional Press CLub this week was
When you’ve stopped laughing and substituted that description with “grifters”, their latest grift is a
. Summarily, you have to pay for –
They were a bit light on actual costs but many billions.
Naturally they are ABC-go-to-favourites
none of whom (iuncluding Karoly, Flannery and Kingsford, have ever been comprehensively proved wrong.
And it’s definitely not about the money or the vibe
The reports can be viewed for free here:
None of these deluded parasites has achieved anything meaningful, constructive or remotely useful in their miserable, moaning lives. No offence.
Even ultra-woke Far Left organisations like Amazon realise they can’t run their data centres on wind, solar or rainbow unicorn f@rts.
So Amazon have just purchased a nuclear powered data centre.
Meanwhile, many Australians are terrified of nuclear power (and wind and gas)…
And how will the Australian Government fulfil its totalitarian aspirations which require huge data and AI centres using an enormous amount of power without a reliable energy supply?
Amazon buys nuclear-powered data center from Talen
Talen Energy announced its sale of a 960-megawatt data center campus to cloud service provider Amazon Web Services (AWS), a subsidiary of Amazon, for $650 million.
The data center, Cumulus Data Assets, sits on a 1,200-acre campus in Pennsylvania and is directly powered by the adjacent Susquehanna Steam Electric Station, which generates 2.5 gigawatts of power.
About Talen:
The Houston, Texas–based company is the majority owner and operator of the Susquehanna plant.
Susquehanna is the sixth largest nuclear power plant in the United States and produces 63 million kilowatt hours per day.
Its two General Electric boiling water reactors have been on line since 1983 and are licensed to operate through 2042 and 2044, respectively.
“While the west watches a game show, the rest build a new world order”
FWIW – more of that “saving”
“Saving Our Democracy”*-nation/saving-our-democracy/
And more
“The 24 Hour Rule And Biden’s Speech”
The “gender gap” between the two parties is at least 40 years old by now, though the fact that women are vote more Democratic than men is always portrayed by the media as a Republican problem, but why don’t Democrats ever have a men problem?
Anyway, the real gap may not be gender, but marital status.
This is suddenly germane in this election cycle because of child-bearing, cat ladies and something something, Project 2025, Handmaid’s Tale, etc. Social science data show that married people are happier than single people, and tend to vote more Republican.
Here’s the latest from Gallup showing that there is a “marriage gap” opening up between the two parties, and it started opening up when the “gender gap” first started being noticed in election results.
The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress is a masterpiece of engineering, designed in the days when real engineers had deep knowledge of their specialties, and no CAD/CAM. And mostly used slide rules.
It is so reliable, adaptable and with proven performance for the job at hand that it’s expected to now be in service until 2060 after the re-engining. The planes in service today were made in 1961-1962 so will be almost a century old when they are retired, but the retirement date will probably be again pushed back.
I know of no other military platform that’s been in service so long except for the Browning M2 machine gun and variants manufactured from 1921 and still in service (but not necessarily the specific guns built at that time).
Remember the adage, do it once, do it well!
Measure twice, cut once!
These days, Pi=5 for DEI’ers.
Do you cut to the left of the line, on the line, or to the right of the line?
Depends where you draw the line.
The Douglas C-47 Skytrain or Dakota (RAF designation) is a military transport aircraft developed from the civilian Douglas DC-3 airliner.
Approximately 100 countries’ armed forces have operated the C-47 with over 60 variants of the aircraft produced. As with the civilian DC-3, the C-47 remains in service in the present day, over 80 years after the type’s introduction.
First flight December 23, 1941
The C-47 differed from the civilian DC-3 by way of numerous modifications, including being fitted with a cargo door, hoist attachment and strengthened floor – along with a shortened tail cone for glider-towing shackles, and an astrodome in the cabin roof.
My first commercial flight was in a DC3, Perth to Port Hedland. 10 hours with a few extra stops. Because no pressurisation, bumpy flight all the way. Flight today takes just over two hours. So glad to return in a F27.
Was working under a C47 today.
Depend what you mean by in service. I would include the AK47, the Siminov Carbine (SKS) and the DC3 in that sort of longevity.
Design work on the AK-47 began in 1945. It was presented for official military trials in 1947, and, in 1948, the fixed-stock version was introduced into active service for selected units of the Soviet Army.
The SKS was manufactured at Tula Arsenal from 1949 to 1958, and at the Izhevsk Arsenal from 1953 to 1954. Replaced by the AK-47.
The Douglas C-47 Skytrain or Dakota (RAF designation) first flew in 1941
“That’s a lot of wind beneath their wings…”
South African Air Force preparing to retire their DC3’s
Horses have been used for centuries, millennia even.
>B-52 Stratofortress is a masterpiece of engineering
Cool party trick is landing at an angle to the runway in a cross wind.
Gets me every time.
2 B52s from Incirlik effectively ended the war in Kosovo.
Mountainside near the south border where the Serbs were placed was being attacked by F15s to no effect.
Video from border showed the B52s come in and blanket bomb the mountainside in one pass.
Game over.
Not that I’m on any side in that. Just what I saw.
What was bizarre at the beginning was that the Brit tanks were all ready to go but had to wait for the US to train night flights in their Blackhawks – crashed two.
When the Brits were finally unleashed the speed their Challenger tanks were doing along the paved Kosovo roads was phenomenal (i.e. they were angry as).
That’s this:
2 British Challenger tanks arrive in Veternik, a district of Pristina, on June 13, 1999, the day after British troops reached Kosovo’s capital. NATO began taking control of Pristina following the withdrawal of Serbian forces.
>When the Brits were finally unleashed the speed their Challenger tanks were doing along the paved Kosovo roads was phenomenal
Saw that on TV but can’t find a video of that in the windy country roads. Thought it might have been light Scorpion type but I don’t think anything like that was deployed early on so must have been Challengers.
Video of that here (but town – not country):
Winding, not windy.
I was driving a road towards RAAF Base, Garbutt nearly on centreline when a B 52 approached from behind heading a few deg. stb but with the bogies aligned with the centreline. It did a touch ‘n go and headed off. As you say, eerie.
It’s interesting that they are re-engining them with 8 RR engines from the Learjet [I think] and not 4 bigger high by-pass fan jets. But Hey! I’m no engineer.
They have to use engines of similiar diameter as there is not enough ground clearance for modern high by-pass engines. The new engines will also be more fuel efficient as well given the B-52 greater range.
Medical Error is Third-Leading Cause of Death After Heart Disease and Cancer
It is a little-known fact that you’re more likely to die from the medical intervention than the thing you’re being treated for. Were it more widely known, the entire healthcare system would collapse; drugs companies would lose billions, and, in the UK, the NHS would collapse as well. We have been told to put our trust in doctors for centuries, their ‘argument from authority’ deflecting any awkward questions.
Killed by the ‘cure’.
In 2018 John Hopkins university published a study that concluded that more than 250,000 people in the U.S. died every year from medical errors. This was by no means a one-off, other studies have put the number as high as 440,000, putting Medical Errors as the third largest cause of death after only heart disease and cancer.
On top of all this is the sheer ignorance of many doctors who have been brainwashed into believing everything they are told at medical school. Much of a doctor’s training is derived from Pharmaceutical literature with modern healthcare now almost entirely corrupted by big business. Doctors are just as susceptible to the slick marketing and fake science as the rest of us, we witnessed that in real time during the last 4 years.
Time to scrap the medical sector and start from scratch.
Take high blood pressure – go to your doctor and you’ll get one (or more) pills to treat it. All these pills do is break the Renin cycle at some point, treating the symptom, Renin production, rather than the cause, hypokalemia, low blood Potassium.
Most people, around 95%, are deficient, but does your doctor tell you that? Nope.
so how does one increase blood potassium?
>so how does one increase blood potassium?
Not by supplements – bad idea. Not stocked in say Woolworths anyway.
The body stores or flushes excess.
I’m not a nutrient expert but haven’t been able to retain fluid much just this year. Given the composition of the human body and the insulation effect of H20 that’s a bit of a problem for me in winter.
Complex interaction between potassium, magnesium, calcium re fluid balance, intra and extra cell..
Best potassium source I’ve found is beans/pulses. Woolworths has tinned Four Bean Mix with claimed potassium 459mg per 100gm. Doesn’t make sense when looking up the individual beans – chick peas, red kidney beans, green baby lima beans, and borlotti beans. I think red kidney and lima are the potassium sources in that mix.
Also butter beans and bananas.
>re fluid balance, intra and extra cell.
I should add that flushing out waste, dead cells, toxins is a good thing given that’s one of the reasons for chronic inflammation.
Progression of that not good – chronic inflammation – disease – cancer – death.
In other words, water/fluid/hydration really important in that flushing process.
This link gives what sounds like reasonable advice, supporting dietary sources and giving a range of those. Worth a read.
Dave B
[Found in the bin. – LVA]
Thanks LVA. I think that was my finger problem.
Dave B
Short of consuming a lot, like 0.5kg, of potassium rich food every day, I’d suggest coconut water, which also addresses dehydration issues…
I have thought for a long time now, the less you go to the doctors’ the less you NEED to go to the doctors.
Sorry H, mis-steered, meant green.
Oh, I thought one of us was a doctor and did that!
H, I agree completely, if you feel OK never go for a ‘checkup’ they are looking for excuses to give you pills!
FWIW – more Kamala’s polling
“Weekend Parting Shot: Mark Cuban’s Poll Backfires Spectacularly”
And the focus group
“Friday Funnies: Hilarious Parody Campaign Ad Beautifully Exposes Kamala’s Monumental Flaws”
“FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris Was Part of Joe Biden’s Disastrous Withdrawal From Afghanistan (VIDEO)”
“‘She Owns This’: Kamala Revealed as THE Key Vote Behind Massive Inflation-Triggering Spending Scheme”
Withdrawal? Shirley someone’s joking. The whole army out in less than 24 hours without notice to anyone? That’s a rout. They had to send the army back to help others get out. Only the Commander in Chief could have ordered an unplanned rout. Probably on the advice of the weasel, Blinken. And it is presented as a lack of war now. What about all those lives lost for nothing?
They could at least have blown up the tens of billions of dollars worth of munitions and attack helicopters and the rest. And told their allies, supporters and those risking their lives to support the Americans? Still it was ‘successful’ if you only count the American dead.
Unbelievably good video. And spot on! Real footage and they have her voice.
After all, the White House has already condemned real videos of Joe Biden as ‘deep fake’.
This is an actual deep fake. So what’s the difference with reality? Zero.
I think the alliance with Nth Korea bit was a real gaffe.
I think explaining to the world that Ukraine was next to Russia was on a par. Not because it’s not true, but because she thought
she could teach her audience some geography. The only question is how she found out?
Charlotte said…
For me, she’s now KamALLAH
Major Study of 9 Million Confirms Covid Shots Cause VAIDS
An explosive new study, which analyzed the data of nine million people, has sent shockwaves through the scientific community after proving that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for the global surge in cases of AIDS-like vaccine-acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (VAIDS).
The peer-reviewed study was conducted by a team of world-renowned South Korean researchers, led by Professor Solam Lee at Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine’s Department of Dermatology.
The study confirms previous reports that the mRNA shots are linked to soaring autoimmune diseases.
However, this is the largest study so far to confirm that the Covid mRNA injections are responsible for the spike in once-rare cases of VAIDS.
The Korea-based team capitalizes on the national medical data of almost 10 million people and taps into government information on COVID-19 infection and vaccination profiles.
Last week SBS show The Lost Tapes was amazingly balanced and factual.
I was not there at the time but I saw tons of evidence, official and personal (my close friend directly participated in operation) to prove that:
a) the nuclear energy in the hands of idiots is deadly,
b) soviet governments are their own worst enemies.
Russian war on Ukraine is a direct mirror image\ of Chernobyl 1986 self-inflicted disaster – that was what striked me.
That power station was happily ticking a long, together with growing Soviet nuclear industry, growing abroad as well as internally, when ambitions (?) or stupidity (?) took over common sense and started a global disaster.
Those who rule Russia today could have enjoyed their ill-gotten yachts and tiolkas (TdeF, you know Russian idioms well enough) into their sunset years but no ! They needed to rule the world…
Yes, Ukraine is corrupt and weak. Russia gets stronger everyday.
The Russian central bank just increased its key interest rate by 200 bp
Ultimately the disaster seems to be attributed to a design flaw with the control system fully inserting all the control rods in a low power situation. It had a positive void steam coefficient, unlike other reactors, so it did the opposite of what they expected.
If only they had solar and wind instead.
‘Ukraine is corrupt and weak. Russia gets stronger everyday.’
This sentence needs expanding, mind how you go.
All in relation to their comparative success in the trenches.
Few square km gain for 12 months of worse European war in 77 years.
Sorry about my haphazard way of expression myself.
Ukraine is slowing the Russian advance, its all they can manage at the moment and there are great losses on both sides.
Families of servicemen in Crimea are getting out, the writing is on the wall, Putin will fall from grace if they lose Crimea.
Thanks, el+gordo, your words into the Lord’s ears !
I only wanted to share the impression that SBS video left – a small group of people of never questioned authority made a routine for them step which outcome turned out to be a disaster on a global scale, lasting a generation or more…
That link you supplied is shocking, 200 basis points, they are in trouble.
Russia has lost far more men where they just had to drive across a border than the US did in the Pacific against a fanatical enemy from Pearl to total surrender.
Russia has already lost far more than they could possibly gain with a “victory”.
“The Russian central bank just increased its key interest rate by 200 bp”
So they have the same 8% inflation that we do, but they admit it!
“Russia has already lost far more than they could possibly gain with a “victory”.”
Not at all, lets see what the score is at the final whistle. What will the American arms industry look like after all the ‘wonder-weapons’ they sell to the world have been shown to be below par. How will NATO stand up to scrutiny when it has been shown they are ineffective? What happens to Europe when Germany goes broke? Who will look better when Russia stays like it is and the West is submerged in illegal immigrants and rainbow-waving transvestites? ..and what happens to America when their dollar is no longer the world reserve currency??
This is much bigger than Russia and Ukraine fighting over a few hundred square Km of farmland.
It’s WWIII in an arena.
Trudeau’s Canada in Decline |
“[In Trudeau’s Canada,] incomes are West Virginia level, house prices are Los Angeles level, and Canadian taxes are half way to the Soviet Union.”
“[S]ince the pandemic, Canada’s official food inflation is up 25%, and energy is up 30% — partly thanks to a carbon tax.”
“[B]usiness investment has plunged by a third, while government spending nearly doubled to almost half of GDP.”
“[O]ne in three Canadians now work for the government, raking in 30% more in salary and benefits than the taxpayers they lord over.”
And if you read the embedded Financial Post link, you’ll see they ‘achieved’ the paradox of raising GDP, via mass immigration, but lowering (the more meaningful measure) ‘GDP per person’!
NEW: Nearly 1 Hour of Never-Before-Seen 9/11 World Trade Center Collapse Footage Surfaces After 23 Years — Uploader Says He Found His Tapes While Cleaning Closet
A chilling new video of the World Trade Center Towers collapsing on September 11, 2001, following terrorist suicide attacks, has surfaced online, shedding fresh light on one of the darkest days in American history.
Kei Sugimoto, a Japanese-American who was 24 years old at the time, has released a nearly 1-hour, never-before-seen video on his YouTube channel.
Sugimoto was a Mainframe Operator at the time at Nissho Iwai Shoji when the terrorist attacks occurred and filmed the footage from the roof of 64 St. Marks Place in New York City.
He used a Sony VX2000 with a teleconverter to capture the harrowing moments, according to his Youtube description.
On July 22, Sugimoto first released a six-minute video on his YouTube channel, revealing the footage for the first time.
On Friday, Sugimoto released nearly one hour of never-before-seen footage of the incident. The video captures a group of people’s real-time reactions to the World Trade Center collapse, their discussions about the plane crashes, the unfolding chaos, and their fear for loved ones.
Amusing that France is on display for the Olympics, and all we see are machine guns and military personal everywhere. Why? Multiculturalism. The place is dangerous now. Will anyone make the connection? No. The French want more of it.
Viva la France they say. Lol, if only.
More Australians now going to Japan instead of UK and France for holidays.
My eldest daughter lived in Japan for 5 years in her own appartment and never felt unsafe.
Saturday funny: Medic!!!
A wokey.
Saturday word power
Arachibutyrophobia: the fear of having peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth.
Although from what we now know about the medical mistreatment of covid patients, probably 100% justified.
This is a snippet of the information that I will present in my next article regarding climate and weather cycles.
I found I had to cover 4200 years of the sun ephemerides to get a repeating cycle of gravitational energy exchange. Even then the cycle is not repeated exactly but there is a definite 1680 year period:
It is apparent that right now we are very close to the same conditions that prevailed during the Roman Warm Period. During the MWP, the sun was giving up energy to the planets until the little ice age then gradually took back energy from the planets to the current peak. The bottom of the next minimum will be 2420AD. I am taking a punt forecasting that is when the NH will begin its reglaciation. All the ducks are lining up.
FWIW – two more “fake food producers” bite the dust –
“Peter Sweden: BANKRUPT- The WEF Agenda is FAILING!”
I’m shocked!
Non-Elites not wanting to eat poverty food like insects? (Certainly the Elites won’t be eating that garbage but they expect us to.)
Fancy that.
Best to feed them to innocent victims like Aussie schoolkids who are pressured into not saying NO.
The Dirty on Cackles Kamala
This lady has form.
Elon Musk talks democracy and Democrats. Just two sentences. Clever.
SA Health drops staff COVID vaccination mandate:
“…SA Health announced the new policy after midday on Friday, saying it followed consultation with staff and “recognition of the changing environment around COVID-19 immunity in the community…”
Media Exposes Union Thugs – What Every Aussie Needs to Know (video)
BREAKING: Trump to return to Butler, PA for rally in honor of Corey Comperatore
This is How Sanctions Changed Russia’s Car Market (video)
If the FBI were not complicit, they would be releasing information.
The fact they’ve totally clammed up and refuse to even divulge the coroners report says to me they’ve got something to hide.
The FBI are under investigation for the gross security failures on that day.
Guess who is investigating the FBI.
That’s right. It’s the FBI.