A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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WIWT just ran my whale-death budget article with some good discussion as usual.
I am hoping Trump does something like this.
Climate Cultists demand animal sacrifices to appease the Climate Gods
Human sacrifices will be next – again.
Same goes for Australia’s East Coast and those designated offshore Windmill Zones. Right in the path of Whale Migrations.
Federal Environment and Water Minister, where are you?
Same goes for our west coast, in the Taranaki Bight, where Ms Horse Manure’s gang shut down oil/gas exploration, only to have offshore windmill plantations get the OK to ‘trial’ three wind subsidy harvesters before twenty (20) monoliths are constructed.
Suddenly, rare and endangered Maui dolphins, migrating whales and seabirds are fine and dandy as profitable ruinables are deemed green renewables [sic] and unicorns will reign over these bright shiny islands and everyone will live happily ever after…
This weekend’s forecast: 30 ft swells, snow to low levels, howling gale-force winds: must be August.
Same in Western Australia, where an offshore wind system is planned in the middle of the whales’ migration parth.
Will Trump do a deal with Kennedy?
Kennedy is very aware of the defective covid “vaccines” and the war against safe and effective treatments such as with HCQ and IVM according to appropriate protocols.
He is worth having as a Trump advisor for that reason alone.
A presidential candidate offers to drop out and will back the highest bidder among the other candidates. Then denies the story they themselves leaked to the media.
Strange days indeed.
Forest G:
Just a guess but would he be a politician?
‘Will Trump do a deal with Kennedy?’
Yes, Donald told Kennedy he wants him in his administration. Its about weaning the population off zombie drugs that are blighting US cities.
Yesterday CO2lover and I had a discussion about the impacts of large numbers of incomers into Ireland. This is very relevant to that
My Irish ancestors left Northern Ireland in the 1850s for a better life in Australia.
Now were can Australians go for a better life as Australia is being destroyed by “Multiculturalism” and mass immigration?
The numbers flooding into oz are astounding and not from the same countries as in the past
Albo the Trot (Trotskyite) was hoping that most of the immigrants would vote Labor.
That was until a Labor Muslim senator {Fatma Payman) defected and is now likely to lead “The Muslim Party of Australia” which will take traditional Labor seats in working class suburbs as has just happen in the UK, where the only seats Labour lost were to Muslim “independents”!
Karma baby!
Would the Muslim party have a female leader? I suppose Pakistan and Indonesia have done it, so why not. Doesn’t sound very Muslimish though.
Doesn’t sound very Labor or Liberal for that matter either, at just one briefly. 😉
Tony its not so bad, most of the newcomers have skills.
‘After a record net overseas migration intake of 528,000 in 2022-23, Treasury is forecasting that figure will decline to 395,000 in 2023-24, before tapering off even further to 260,000 in the coming financial year.
‘The permanent migration program will be capped at 185,000 places in 2024-25, with 132,200 places allocated to the skill stream to “help address Australia’s long-term skill needs”. (News)
Believe a Treasury forecast do you?
The Treasury forecasters are totally incompetent.
Even worse than the BoM.
260,000 in the coming financial year
Marked for the record.
@Sceptical Sam:
>Believe… do you?
Username checks out.
‘Now where can Australians go for a better life …’
New Zealand is becoming vacant, lots of fresh air.
If I had discovered NZ earlier in life I might well have ended up there. Arderns reign may have drivem me back though.
An essay about someone even madder that Greta. Is that possible? It seems so…
A German forestry issue is mentioned in that link without context. Here is an explanation, and quite interesting.
Thank you for reading that – so I didn’t have to …
Cotton wool in lexeme form.
What is the problem with being a “racist”?
I am proud to be one.
The Japanese understand the importance of racial harmony and so non-Japanese are “gaijin”.
Racial harmony is a major reason Japan is one of the safest countries to visit and my eldest daughter lived in Japan in her own appartment for 5 years and never felt unsafe.
Compare this to the 11 year old Australian girl who was stabbed in Londonistan this week.
Interesting that the Palestinians are now a race. Otherwise singling them out for special treatment could not be racist.
But, but, but, I dare not question Zali because like all the teals she is just so nice.
Palestinians must be a ‘race’ otherwise the many claims that Israel is committing ‘Genocide’ against them is false…
I don’t think the group is limited to race in genocide for that to be true.
It’s more the fact that Israel is not trying to destroy the Palestinian group that means it’s not genocide.
FWIW – Steggell is wrong that it’s racist because Palestinians living elsewhere would not be prevented from coming here. It would only affect someone from Gaza. Also, the idea doesn’t assume the race of any individual from Gaza. It’s only Steggell making the prejudiced assumption about the race of someone in Gaza.
Ooh. Six red thumbs. I must be right over the target.
I think what is not recognised is that we are not necessarily racist, but we are “tribal”. This is, I believe, evolutionary in nature. We evolved basically in tribal units. It is not surprising that we are comfortable among people that are familiar to us, and have similar customs and beliefs. Those from other tribes were almost automatically regarded as threatening.
I also think its cultural and religious.
All cultures are not equal!
It is probably time for me to read Robert Ardrey’s “The Territorial Imperative” again.
Zali is a lightweight. She looks like an all Australian girl from the Northern Beaches. I hope the normally sensible people from that area wake up to her – pun not intended!
I fail to understand the World obsession with Jews, which is totally counterproductive – if you are patriotic or, even tribal.
Few years ago I heard at Potsdam Museum (of all places!) a youngish German fellow telling a tourist group that atomic bomb was practically stollen from Germany by “those traitors”. “By rights the victory should be ours”
The old English ladies were speechless, tried to find right argument to no avail; formally he was correct – the core scientists of Manhattan Project were former German, with a sprinkle of Italian, Hungarian, etc,.. citizens. Had they remained at home the Bomb could have been dropped in totally different place.
The Manhattan project began in 1942.
The Alsos Mission to round up German scientists did not start until Sep 1943.
Werner Heisenberg was not captured until 3 may 1945.
The Trinity test of the Manhattan Project was on 16 July 1945.
That’s a very short time in which captured scientists could make a difference to a project that had already been running for 3 years.
Was the claim that the “traitor” Germans had joined the USA before WW2? Or was it that they nonetheless had given late information that turned out to be critical to Manhattan?
Summed up by Today’s The Australian Leak Cartoon
Has our weak visa process system already put us in danger?
It may be possible for an individual to hold pro-Hamas views and not personally want to engage in violence. But it is surely a legitimate question to ask if such individuals are the right people to bring to Australia.
Too woke to wake, I think
They love the nonsense shew spews forth
‘I am proud to be one.’
Racism is natural.
Prejudice is natural. It’s how species survive. Some appears instinctive and some learned.
What informs the learned prejudice is important and we have enough knowledge generally to hopefully avoid race being a factor.
Yes, ‘Birds of a feather…’ and all that. I’ve always said that Europe, in particular, is intrinsically tribal. It bubbles to the surface quite regularly. My Asian friends tell me the same about that region.
Its deep within the gene pool, goes back to the hunter gatherers.
The Palestinian ‘Traitor’ Risking Everything to Speak Out
He condemned the Hamas massacre. Now, his life is in danger. ‘I’m scared as hell. But this is how change happens.’
By Bari Weiss – August 16, 2024
Personally, I don’t like Women’s boxing and was uncomfortable with the recent Olympic bouts between very mismatched people
Elon Musk and J K Rowling aired their displeasure and it seems both are being sued by the Boxer in question. A huge fine and 5 years in jail await them both if they lose. Presumably not in the same cell.
My admiration for Elon would be much higher if he did not make such sh*t cars.
I don’t think Elon is under any delusion as to who he is making cars for, i.e. rich virtue signaling Leftists and poseurs. And I think he realises the market is full saturated.
I don’t mind at all that they are sh*t, considering who buys them, I never will.
Always interesting to know the jurisdiction of such an action? A French court in French? They will have real legal problems as none of the participants are French citizens. This is a stunt.
I think the boxer in question is Algerian so presumably they might think there were advantages to holding any trial there.
“France’s anti-online hatred centre at the Parisian public prosecutor’s office.”
So pointing out the truth is now hatred, in French. Hatred is an academic argument.
Surely there are laws about battering of women by men? Assault is real, whether in sport is irrelevant. The real victims are the battered women. And the legal definition of biological women is surely genetic, not social. Especially in a country where even the furniture is male or female. chair la chaise sofa, couch le canapé desk le bureau. Something to do with leg length?
Some things are indeterminate and the French language was prepared for it: eg l’animal.
le, la, l’.
Sorry Keith, you’ve muddied the water with your ell apostrophe; un animal would have led you directly to the word’s masculine gender.
Unfortunately I am unable to find my Harrap’s English/French French/English dictionary at the time of writing but I am extremely doubtful of the truth of your assertion that some words are indeterminate of gender; I’m sure the Academie Francaise would have hunted out any such irregularities hundreds of years ago.
Anyway it’s always a pleasure to observe your antics (in particular that recurrent random apology for immoderateness).
But interestingly TdeF, in French, “the vagina” is “le vagin”. Go figure. ToM
A person who is not a woman is not necessarily male either. This appears to apply to the Algerian boxer.
Of course it depends on definitions, genitalia, muscularity and pelvic bones are linked but not absolutely to chromosomes.
Hopefully, if truth is a defence in French courts, the defendants will ask the plaintiff for proof of his claimed gender/sex.
And let’s reclaim the terms gender and sex as synonyms as they used to be. The Left and transactivists use them differently. They are not. They mean the same thing. Gender is or was just a more polite way of saying sex when people were more concerned about such things
The IBA have the evidence of biological sex, XY chromosones. Gender is psychology, not sex.
And boxing is a violent sport where there is a real requirement to make sure people are not seriously injured.
So they not only have strict separation of sexes according to the IBA if not the IOC, they have many weight classifications which generally sorts out height and reach too.
I noticed the Algerian boxer had much longer reach. That is also height and sex if not weight. And is intrinsically unfair and dangerous.
The fact that the IBA banned this boxer should be enough. That the IOC President says he cannot tell man from woman should mean he is unqualified in his job.
But – the IOC President was a 1976 Gold medallist in Fencing [Team] – as we were told, repeatedly.
I assume he knew who he was fighting then …
Team France, World Police
This follows on from other recent events (in no particular order)
Julian Assange – Team America, World Police
Comments on British ‘protests’ – Team UK, World Police
Spanish kissing Football Coach – Team Spain, World Police.
Am now starting to believe we are now living on Planet Earth – a Police State.
From the Babylon Bee:
‘Help! I’m Being Bullied!’ Yells Imane Khelif While Holding Woman In Headlock And Punching Her In The Face‘
Says it all…..
Can 17 million deaths be attributed to the Covid vaccine?
And why is no one holding China responsible for the creation and distribution of the virus?
Because the bully is too big to hold to account?
Or because it was US funded?
And built for the Chinese Army by the greatest exporter of military hardware in the world, France.
Scotty Morrison called China out on gain of function, creating a mini trade war, he later fell under a bus.
I hope you have all followed the banning of GOF experiments in the USA a decade ago, and Fauci’s way of getting around it by building the Wuhan lab and financing it with American money.
The same research into ‘how to kill people en masse’ went on, they were just outsourced from the USA to China. They’d had biological emergencies that closed labs in America, and in Russia, and this was China’s turn. The American-run biolabs in Ukraine were not just a Russian fantasy, this work will go on until we really get something that kills most of the people on Earth, or someone finally perfects a racial disease that makes sure those enemies are in no condition to do first world research..
Gold for the pope
Lots of Gold, Silver and Jewels in the Vatican to help the poor and needy. The Vatican even has its own Bank.
Christian Minister prosecuted for refusing to perform ‘Welcome to Country’ at his Christian Conferences –
Whoops – This is the better Link –
Interesting that none of the commenters at MSN mention the creator of the fake ceremonies namely Ernie Dingo. It’s not as though he pretends. He clearly states that they invented the ceremonies to have something to show at the opening of a conference.
Sounds like it wasn’t so much completely invented but was revived for a new type of audience.
I’d be more interested in the “fact check” if they had asked Ernie Dingo where his idea came from.
And yet they do not claim to have done so. Nor did they explain why they didn’t.
In short “fact checkers” decide the outcome and then look for evidence to support the chosen outcome.
Try page 97 & 98 of this old document (Letters from Victorian pioneers)[ ] for the Ceremony of the Tanderrum.
I partly agree with you that a firmer link to the past could be established with Dingo’s performance only by showing some similarity between his version and the Tanderrum, yet such a comparison is notable by its absence in the expert testimony of Dr Broome. For one thing Thomas’ description doesn’t mention smoke being used, unlike a “smoking ceremony” in this modern Tanderrum.
I partly disagree with you insofar as the journal of William Thomas from the 1840s shows that a welcoming ceremony of some sort was traditionally done with visiting strangers by the particular tribe he observed and the ceremony could be different between tribes.
It isn’t a question of similarity. The question is whether Ernie Dingo knew of the things you refer to.
A fact checker with any integrity at all would have asked him directly.
So then a fact checker should have asked about the content of that conversation with the elders.
>The question is whether Ernie Dingo knew of the things you refer to.
A fact checker with any integrity at all would have asked him directly.
Exactly. The version I heard back at that the time was, while planning the itinerary for the the festival, the overseas visitors asked Dingo & Walley what their introductory ritual was going to be and they said they had no idea, they’d never had one. After consulting with fellow elders they were no better off because they didn’t know of any either. The general consensus was that they would have to have one, especially since the other groups were going to perform theirs, so it was decided they’d have to design one. They all put their heads together and the overseas visitors gave a bit of guidance as to what they thought it should look like and Presto! Instant Ritual!
There’s nothing in that link but modern people’s opinions and unsupported claims.
It’s a load of hogwash.
There were contemporary accounts of “dance”.
Where’s the contemporary accounts of what’s claimed in that AAP “factcheck”? There isn’t any. It’s just wishful thinking.
Yes, dance and corroboree is very well documented but where is there any contemporary claim from early contact, that it’s “welcome to country” or “safe passage” or “strictly delineated borders” or any of that modern overlay?
And where is the contemporary account of ‘Tanderrum’ being ‘Welcome to Country ‘ or anything of the sort?
Also I’ve heard the original account of the invention of Welcome to Country when they did ask Ernie Dingo where his idea came from.
It’s unbelievable the Disneyland version of Aboriginal history, just like they did with the native Americans in the cowboy movies and even worse since then now it’s been overlaid with all the ‘new age’ inventions.
See the top of page 98 in the link I posted in at August 17, 2024 at 9:10 pm.
However a rather sparse document from 1845 by itself can’t address the key part of your objection which is just how much of what was performed in 1976 was invented by Walley and Dingo.
We don’t have enough info on exactly what was traditional or what Dingo & Walley performed. The fact checkers should have ruled the claim as indeterminable because we don’t have the evidence needed to definitely answer the question either way.
The problem Andrew is that they have an authoritative source in Ernie Dingo and failed to ask him.
That’s what happens when fact checkers decide the answer first and do their investigation later based on talking to people who tell them what they want to hear.
The question is not indeterminable. Speak to Ernie Dingo.
>page 97 & 98
I stand corrected Andrew, I wasn’t aware of that account. Thanks for sharing it.
I like how yesterday Ardy Smith suggested we use the term “natural fuels” rather than “fossil fuels” as the Left/warmists have successfully demonised fossil fuels. Most Leftists probably would have no clue where so-called fossil fuels come from anyway so would think natural fuels are good, just like anything they think of as “natural”.
Testimony at offshore wind hearing reveals the U.S. could experience 48 blade failures annually
The Seriously Silly Science of Making Stuff Up
“The Return to Dumb Phones”
My next phone will be a basic flip phone.
Got one for the wife and the battery lasts for days and it switches on fast.
The battery on my “smart” does not last a day and it takes forever to boot up and I often miss an incoming call as my swips on the screen are not recognised in time.
Keep It Simple Stupid.
First seen partly in American English by at least 1938, the KISS principle states that most systems work best if they are kept simple rather than made complicated; therefore, simplicity should be a key goal in design, and unnecessary complexity should be avoided.
More to do with the age, update status and model of you smart phone, than smart phones in general. Even a basic $250 smart phone is pretty snappy (ie good enough) in operation and has good battery life.
I keep a so called dumb phone available also , just in case
Again, why is there so little consciousness of the importance of correcting Vitamin D deficiency?
Again, big pharma can’t make any money out of it…
I sincerely hope this is right. I spend most of my life on a farm & take Vit D3 supplements as well. My blood levels are therefore quite high.
Nonetheless i reckon I have noticed a minor memory decline after my last Covid infection. Quite a few research articles have reported some cognitive decline in some Covid patients. That damn spike protein being the suspect.
Who knows? Maybe just old age!
Not necessarily so.
I know of a case where considerable sun exposure and high vit D supplementation didn’t shift serum levels from baseline!
The problem is one of uv spectrum availability and the solution, shock horror, was to use a UV tanning bed. Controlled carefully. Problem solved.
I spent 3 months recently in various hospitals and one of the pills ascribed was Vitamin D (one tablet a day). It seems that the medical professions are starting to wake up. Mind you I was taking 3 tablets a day before which I think might have made my Covid affection extremely innocuous.
Thanks D M,
The paper includes the authors’ own acknowledgement of some limitations in their study and specifically about intake amounts and serum blood levels:
While calcium is mentioned, its role as a cofactor of vitamin D is not. Nor are other cofactors of D.
Dave B
Just to take it into another day – for Strop, my reply to your last post.
Was not your decision. You just nudge me to take a look in a particular direction. The main reason was the fast response from the potential installer.
I have to fully electrify before I can even contemplate going off grid. Replacing the gas cook top with induction will be a lot more costly because my wife wants at least new kitchen bench tops.
That is accurate but it is a matter of convenience. On the other side, the lower you cycle the battery, the longer it willl last.
My wife does not like using the clothes dryer. She has increasingly used the wood burner to dry clothes. We bought a neat airer from Aldi this year that is on wheels and folds to reduce space when not in use. It will hold more than one wash of clothes. Put clothes on hangers on airer in airflow from burner and my stuff does not even need ironing.
All good.
Let us know how it performs if you’re happy with it. But only if you’re happy with it 😉
Hey, just a tip about getting govt rebate for replacing the gas unit. (I assume the Sanden supplier has directly credited the SSTC discount to your invoice, and they’ll claim that)
To be eligible for the other govt. rebate there are strict conditions on disposal of the old unit. They usually want:
1) a photo of the old unit with the geo coords recorded in the photo to prove it’s on your property,
2) a photo after removal of the unit with a hole drilled in the tank so they know it won’t be used by someone else
3) a receipt of disposal from a recycler
Your installer should be familiar with those requirements. If they’re claiming the rebate and it’s credited to your invoice then you don’t have to worry. It’s up to the installer then to fulfill their obligations to get the rebate. If it’s up to you to apply for the rebate then make sure you can get those things.
When we installed the solar boosted system at our old house, the plumber gave us the forms to claim but left before I’d read them. We didn’t have the geo coded photo, or the disposal records. They wouldn’t pay the rebates and wouldn’t accept a stat dec from us or the plumber in lieu of those.
I think you also need the electrical safety certificate from the electrician.
The supplier is well set up and clearly efficient system because I have done all the rebate stuff I needed to do and Solar Vic have approved the rebate.
I was a bit surprised with the speed of the quote and the fact that it covered the entire installation without site survey. I figure there must be good margins but the quote was almost the same as you mentioned. In talking to the installer, I went for the 300L system because he said it could take some load off a battery if we do go off grid. It should only need to be run through daylight hours. For the present time, I will run it overnight so I use grid power. I am still getting 66c/kWh FIT so it makes sense to maximise export.
The wood burner was the first big step in getting off gas and it has paid for itself a couple of times over given the way gas prices have gone up. I am not sure how much longer the State government will allow access to State forests to collect wood. I collect about 300kg of wood from my own yard and my son living nearby has a gardener who keeps the wood from the tree pruning he does no my son’s place. The neighbours call me in when they are pruning trees or have arborists in and I take and solid wood. But I still rely on the State forest for about half of what I burn.
The HWS will be the next step. Then the cook top.
If the HWS installation works out well, I may discuss off-grid with him. At least battery with ability to go off grid once I have the entire load on a battery.
That’s Great.
And 66c. That’s literally daylight robbery 😆
Maybe I need to take a break from the internet, because it’s just past 8am on a Friday and already my blood is boiling. This is how the UK’s Channel 4 characterised the events of the past week or so:
“The summer of 2024 will forever be remembered for riots across the UK – started after an attack at a Taylor Swift dance class in Southport and fuelled by a wave of racist misinformation.”
See what they did there? No mention of the numerous peaceful vigils and protests. The horrendous murder of three tiny, innocent little girls is reduced – glossed over – by calling it simply “an attack”, the online utterances of a few knobs on the internet is a “wave of racist information” not a single mention is made of the armed Muslim mobs who also committed violent crimes under the guise of their own riots and as for those “racists”, well race was indeed a factor unless you think the fact that the murderer was black male and every single victim a white female is irrelevant.
More on Crooks,the Trump Shooter
Chris Martenson keeps coming up with more video and more testimony about the Trump shooting. He is constantly reanalysing the evidence and is currently focusing on the Beaver county sniper, Greg Nicola, who seems to have behaved in a very suspicious manner.
We also learn the Senator Chuck Grassely is continuing to pressure the acting director of the Secret service, Richard Rowe for more information.
Yes. Greg Nicol did not remain in position over-sighting his designated scan area (which btw did not include all the Building 6 roof) and, more seriously, left his post without authorisation and on a non-sensical pretext.
How do you know that he left his post without authorisation?
I suggest he was ordered to leave.
Could anyone help me regarding Arrhenius’s electical experiments with student alertness?
Later in his life.
It seems to have been removed from the net (DuckDuckGo).
Copy also in the main article.
Electrified sheep and other bizarre experiments, 2011
Ask me for link if you need one.
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
John Conner:
Thank you.
Greg in NZ:
Not sure, but dim Sheep dream of vaccines.
D.A.D.O.E.S. was a 1968 dystopian novel by Philip K Dick which, 14 years later, reappeared in film as Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner.
The book’s cover had a sheep plugged into all sorts of wiring and attachments: I was not aware of Arrhenius’ other experiments.
Thanks but not what I thought.
I saw some time ago that he wired up students who got a mild electric shock if they didn’t answer questions but it doesn’t appear.
Was going to suggest this as a solution to falling NAPLAN grades.
It’s probably the Milgram experiment you’re thinking of.
(audio’s a bit so-so on that video)
Hmm. On another most excellent site a phone nerd drew my attention to a new setting – Wireless Emergency Alerts. I went through my phone a couple of months ago and didn’t notice it but I turned a lot of apps off, those likely spying on us. Anyway, there it was, all turned on. I wonder what’s apparatus is behind all these things.
Wouldn’t want to miss an emergency outbreak of bird flu or monkey pox.
Mpox is old news.
How about COVID-monkey-AIDS-pox?
Be sure to watch The Simpsons to learn what they plan next. 😆
Friday ejukayshun: ultra high speed video of a drop of water
Worlds within worlds within whorls…
Who knew surface tension could be so exciting.
The magic of water!
Ha ha ha, Bill Shorten at the Nat Press Club this week – the future of government services, citing such “great, social, universal institutions as Medicare, NDIS, Superannuation, the minimum wage”.
So good they’re going to force them on you. Get out your wallet.
Redacted: High Alert! Judge Plans To Jail Trump Ahead Of Election, Who Declares Emergency
Interesting comparative:
The Elon/Trump got over a billion views in a day.
AC/DC’s Thunderstruck has 1.4 billion views in 11 years on uselesstube.
Crazy Frog by Axel F has 4 billion views in 15 years on uselesstube.
With a friend like Zelensky – who needs enemies!
The MSM will claim Russia did it – when all Russia had to do was turn off some valves if it wanted to cut natural gas supply to Europe.
Zelensky is taking the fall to hide the US Seals.
I reckon your right there EG. “you no take the blame we no give any more support” well son of a bitch, who’d a thought!
More likely Zelensky had nothing to lose and Nordstream was a legitimate target. It has the feeling of a spy thriller, the German police caught Z but he managed slip away.
“..he managed to slip away”
There easiest way to blow petrochemical pipeline is from inside.
A thing called Intelligent Pig is slipped into every major pipeline periodically, to clean, to troubleshoot, etc,.. probably few are slipped into pipes around Australia as we speak.
Is that what you meant?
What if he did do it? If you aren’t cheating at war you aren’t trying.
Friday physics: anti matter Helium found
Bonus: Did you know the average banana emits one particle of anti matter an hour?
Or that the average person emits 200 particles of anti matter an hour?
You can thank the Potassium k39 isotope for that.
Radioactive farts! The schoolboys will love this news.
The Novium pen was also very cool.
Their BoM still has flood warning alerts from two days ago for Qld & NSW on their home page – is the internet broken? Are y’all under water? What happened to the permanent drought?
Meanwhile in BBC Land: “12 million people work as delivery riders in China”, business having boomed since the 2020 ‘incident’ (cough). Twice as many as the whole population of NZ racing around on motorbikes, e-bikes, scooters: shop online to save the planet (cough!). Most of the riders’ names are Neil (for security reasons).
A lot of those couriers have university degrees, times are tough and going to get worse.
I’m in Victoria point Queensland. Not sure if we’ll survive the deluge over the last 3 days.
The BOM was right.
One has to simply learn to deal with 51 mm of light rain over the last 3 days of purgatory.
It’s actually easier than dealing with the last 30 years of BS, gaslighting, scare tactics & sanctimonious preaching & outright lying by CC cult members/morons.
Tails from the Trenches: Our local IGA has a lovely Deli which has hot trays of lunch food. They start putting out the food before 9:30 but don’t start serving it until 11:00 even if what you want is there at 9:30. If you point out to them that they can’t make any money, hence wages, if they don’t sell then you are being aggressive. And if they don’t sell they don’t have a business and a job. No point having people standing around being unproductive. Us busy people can’t come back at 11:00 so will make alternative arrangements. It’s very much a metaphor for our modern wokey times business wise.
My IGA has ZERO self checkouts, fantastic service and fast too – way faster than W or C.
Will W and C wake up?
Local IGA has half cabbages for sale at $7.95. These cabbages are about the size of your standard rock mellon, so, $16.00 a very small cabbage. Lucky inflation isn’t a problem for Elbow and Dr. Jim. Oh well, here on the the “station” its dig the Jerusalem artichokes, raid the silverbeet and wait a couple of weeks for the dandelions. Carrots and onions and spuds hang on in the veggie patch year round so we continue to live like royalty. Now which pollie said life wasn’t meant to be easy!
Time warp – before stupidity got repackaged into wokeness. Worked for a national retail chain that had a marketing brain-fade that offered a 2-day Sat/Sun sale which became a 3-day sale, including Friday, for customers who held the store loyalty card. Got approached by a loyalty card holder looking for a particular sale toy for their kid’s Saturday birthday but none on the shelf. Checked inventory which said we had 3 in stock. Went out back to try and find one and got told yes, we had been allocated 6 of the toy for the sale so 3 had been put out for the loyalty card holders and 3 were being held back for the Sat/Sun sale. Apparently, management thought this was the fairest most equitable way to handle our limited stock!!!
Governments are shutting down the internet. The UK and Australia have kill switches in place.
Too late!😆
Central bank hacked, all ATM’s down
Iranians attempting to withdraw money from ATMs right now are seeing the following message:
“Dear Customers,
It is not possible to withdraw money from this ATM. This is because all of Iran’s budget and national resources have been allocated to wars and the corrupt religious leaders of the Islamic Republic regime. We deeply apologize.”
This follows the massive cyber attack on Iran’s central bank.
You’re totally safe in Oz but. 😆
A study conducted by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that ranching can be done in a carbon-neutral or even carbon-negative manner
The study examined the carbon footprint of beef production and found that, when managed properly, cattle grazing can sequester more carbon than it emits. This challenges the narrative that cattle are a significant driver of climate change, suggesting that with proper management, ranching could be part of lowering global GHG concentrations.
Canadian government warns country to prepare for new virus far worse than COVID
The Canadian government has issued advice warning citizens to prepare for a hypothetical new virus that could lead to food and fuel disruptions.
The Centre for Occupational Health and Safety rolled out a second edition of their Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks Business Continuity Plan Handbook.
The guide provides information for employers on what to prepare for in the face of another pandemic.
In the new edition, released in June, they focus on a ‘hypothetical virus’, that they warn could trigger further disruption that Covid-19.
A future pandemic ‘will come in two or three waves about three to nine months separating each outbreak’, it adds.
The hypothetical virus could also last in these cycles for as much as two years, the report warns.
It adds that people should brace for disruptions like reduced labor, supply chain issues and shifts in consumer demand.
Among those disruptions include telecommunications, banking, water, gasoline, medicine and food.
What an interestingly detailed prediction.
How many will comply this time around?
/Spoiler: 80% of ’em. 😎
Ensure your vitamin D levels are high
South Carpathian mean July temps.
‘While the region warmed by ~0.6°C (from 15.2°C to 15.8°C) from 1895 to 1970, it cooled by -1.1°C (to 14.7°C) during the 3 decades from 1970-2000.
‘These trends are the opposite of what would be expected if CO2 was a driver of climate changes.’ (Notrickszone)
I’m pretty sure a negative AMO is the culprit behind a cool Carpathian.
Wind power makes a comeback thanks to a negative SAM.
FWIW – another look at “Woeing’s Starliner”
From comments at another blog
“There’s an old Euro saying; Invading Russia is easy- getting out alive is the hard part.”
Now you know why about inflation –×600.png
“The No Prisoners, End of the Road Election”*-nation/the-no-prisoners-end-of-the-road-election/
““Sales have been weaker than it expected” ”
“Heat pumps could bring the German economy to its knees”
“SITREP 8/16/24: Zelensky’s Nuclear Gambit Rears Its Head Again”