A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Call me a Conspiracy Theorist
What reward was the FBI seeking this time to arrange or assist in the attempted assassination of former President Trump?
Was the Dallas event conceived by Hoover – or by those working towards a Texan President?
LBJ was a very big beneficiary, although certainly there were others.
LBJ – by all accounts – was a bullying machine pollie, who, in today’s #MeToo world might get called out for his behaviour.
Was he behind Kennedy’s assassination?
I don’t know, but I do wonder …
In it up to their necks.
Ok, you’re an ABC/The Project watching tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorist!
/ “ABC/The Project” added for extra insult effectiveness.
You’re a conspiracy theorist and dont call me Shirley.
Enough is Enough
Putting up criminals who enter the UK illegally in 4 star hotels is not the smartest of moves to discourage more illegal immigration.
How about putting them up in tent cities on a remote Scottish Island?
Note the anti-immigration protester wearing a Union Jack mask outside of the Holiday Inn Express to counter the English Gestapo and their cameras
Meanwhile, Britain’s leftist Labour government are likely to use the riots, which they are blaming on misinformation spread on the X platform, to try and crack down on Musk’s efforts to restore free speech and end political censorship.
I would have put money on the US having a civil war before the UK.
Ronin >I would have put money on the US having a civil war before the UK.
A race to the flash-point – UK the winner!
A bit awkward for Sir Keir too.
Keir Starmer Quotes
That would be the “bad” ISIS, right?
With millions of high powered semiautomatic rifles and untold number of handguns in the wild, is there an element of MAD here? I’ve never thought of this before but no one has pulled the trigger on a nuclear war yet for similar reasons.
More on the UK Civil War here:
Stop attacking the hotels,,
If you really want get the message thru attack House of Parliament , burn House of Lords.
After all that’s where the idiots who have caused the problem & perpetuate the problem are hiding. Not sure if the guilty parties are Conservatives or Labour. Let’s not discriminate!!
I think the people are only just starting to get the message across. Maybe the police squads must also starting to treat the rioters with the same gentle behaviour they show rioting migrants. Stop discriminating against against Born & bred British nationals!.
Yes, the media seem to have forgotten about migrant rioting in Leeds just a week ago.
When refreshing my memory I see there were also riots there in 2001 when 26 cars were set alight so the current violence is small beer, although very regrettable
And do it on Nov 5th.
Do it for the Guy.
Is that for Fawkes or the “ big guy “ ???
The kid that did the stabbing had done work for the BBC / Children in Need. Got to start asking – what the hell happened to him at the BBC?
99% of the country is entirely unaffected. The number of idiotic mindless thugs is small and to them can be added many more balanced people trying to demonstrate peaceably. The number of arrests is tiny.
The thugs are not helping their cause and merely alienate the decent majority who have concerns about the issue of mass immigration.
Tony >The number of idiotic mindless thugs is small
Like this one?
Doesn’t look like a typical “idiotic mindless thug” to me.
Actually reminds me more of Ashli Babbitt but without a bullet in the neck than it does an idiotic mindless thug.
BRITAIN BURNING: Muslim Mobs Roam the Streets with Knives and Machetes Unchecked by Police as Labour Gov’t Prepares to Crack Down on “Far-Right Thugs”
JaydenX declares, “They shot her in the stomach.”
Coroners report, ‘Shot in left anterior shoulder.’
Make your own mind up You can see, ‘Ashlii’ leaving on a trolley still alive receiving compression.
Same scenario as J13. ‘Law enforcement’ talking to person about to be shot. Law enforcement suddenly vacates scene! Why? Clearly another one of those ‘banana bullets’ (like the one that snuck up on the bloke on the roof from behind) as the weapon was fired level 6:09 and was not pointing at the ‘victim’.
So excellent parallel drawn by Richard between J6 & J13
At 18:42 a woman observing the event declares ‘They are all actors’.
She was bleedng from the mouth and they didn’t turn her face down to allow the blood to drain from her lungs.
Tony >The number of idiotic mindless thugs is small
Me >Like this one?
Here she is again in Daily Mail upthread:
2 cops to hold her down, another to watch.
Must be a VERY serious threat to the regime.
Joan of Arc vibes.
Is there such a thing as a far left thug?
They are referred to as mostly peaceful by the legacy media.
Well, she does have a nose piercing. And she might be a shop lifter rather than having paid for her Christian Dior.
I said their numbers were small and there were many decent people trying to demonstrate peacefully. She may well be one of them.
I notice the meeja are straight out with the ‘Far Right’ labels, most of them are law abiding folk who’ve had a gutful, and with old mate Starmer, there’s going to be a boatload more.
Yes but not everyone in society is intelligent. They can’t articulate an argument against higher intelligence educated practiced debaters. These people are plain simple people, who are usually peaceful but are finally extremely frustrated for not being heard.
Add emotion, and this is how they deal with that level of frustration. They can’t write another letter to the editor or appear at the local council meeting to be further ignored. If they protest peacefully they are ignored and vilified.
It’s the inevitable problem with multiculturalism (en masse) and uncontrolled immigration. It is going to lead to this.
Who is wrong or right is irrelevant.
The Poms seem a lot more active in protesting their changing country than the Germans. In Germany the populace seems quite passive in their acceptance of the impacts of uncontrolled mass immigration and govt supression of speech and opposition parties.
>Enough is Enough
Not just front-line guys either. Check out back in the crowds – a cross-section including some determined looking grey haired ladies.
Check out the pathetic ‘Migrants Welcome’ bunch.
Cultural Marxist Useful Idiots on a day out, complete with obligatory pro-printed placards – colour-coded Marxist red, of course (but not too much splash – don’t want to make it too obvious).
>Enough is Enough
iamyesyouareno @iamyesyouareno
I count 110 – mostly children.
End Wokeness @EndWokeness
Planet Of Memes @PlanetOfMemes
>Enough is Enough
Seriously, who could have seen this coming?
Apart from Enoch Powell, Nigel Farage, every common-sense thinker on the planet, the Australian “nameless one” in prison for life in NZ, etc.
I mean, no-one could possibly have anticipated this.
>the Australian “nameless one” in prison for life in NZ
Not condoning what he did about his European tour(s) and train-of-thought it produced, here.
But his conclusions are obviously vindicated now given the consequences of mass indiscriminate illegal immigration and considerable agreement exhibited by the present push-back.
The “nameless one” offed 51.
Upthread there’s a photo montage of 110 offed by immigrants, mostly children. And that’s “just a fraction”.
In other words, if it comes to casualty stats, it is very one-sided. Same in the US:
Consequences of illegal Immigration – photo montage 2018
[BTW: try finding a recent montage on the internet]
Family to sue Biden admin for $100 million over death of woman killed by illegal immigrant
Laken Riley murder: Five other times illegal immigrants were charged with murder
Illegals charged with murder, rape and kidnapping in a week of shocking crimes across the US
Rachel Morin’s Maryland murder and attacks on children in Houston, NYC and Indiana
Sow – Reap.
>[BTW: try finding a recent montage on the internet]
Only the (MSM) newsworthy:
From left: Laken Riley (via Facebook), Mollie Tibbetts (AP) and Kate Steinle (via Facebook).–/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTIzODg7aD0xNTkyO2NmPXdlYnA-/
>the Australian “nameless one” in prison for life in NZ
What I’m alluding to:
51 souls will be eternally grateful.
>Daily Mail photo/video essay
My personal favourite is the cops retreating from an onslaught of aerial red chairs coming out of the Holiday Inn Express Rotherham.
Miscellaneous chairs.
Another red chair.
I don’t think they trained for that at Anti-Riot School.
Is Australia actually in recession? I know rents are high there as are house prices but what is causing this burst of bankruptcy?
The Australian people are in a recession, ie, GDP per capita is going down. But the country as a whole is officially not in recession because the cost of handling vastly more migrants when added to the national GDP has been enough to prevent it going negative.
Therein lies the problem with measuring GDP.
Russia is booming because their munitions factories are going flat out but that’s cold comfort for the people. Interest rates are 18%. [or is that inflation?]
Here, we could have a mini boom if we were instructed to go out and smash our neighbour’s windows and slash his tyres, the repairs would keep everyone busy for a couple of months but we would be worse off and the tyre shops would close up once we were all driving on new tyres.
Ah yeah, but consumer goods are generally cheap and plentiful in Russia as are supermarket shelves – unlike Australia.
“if we were instructed to go out and smash our neighbour’s windows and slash his tyres, ”
So Keir Starmer is just working on making Britain prosperous?
That’s Keynes’ classic broken window argument that underpins all modern economics, as rubbish now as it was in the 1930s. GDP is one of the great faked statistics to convince the dumb that they are well-off, but our lack of free-market enthusiasts will make sure we are stuck with this system until it collapses under its own debt.
The economy is definitely in low gear. Despite this, our business avoided laying off any employees (at significant cost to our bottom line). Our actions were ‘rewarded’ by various governments with a 6 figure bill for payroll tax – the tax we pay for the privilege of keeping other Australians employed.
Last Quarter growth 0.1%
Cramps! from the contortions required to comply with fees, fines and ridiculous regulations.
One righteous employee, neighbour, customer can destroy everything you have worked for and take everything you own.
Broadie, throw in an overly zealous ATO and I think you have it covered !!!
‘Is Australia actually in recession?’
Pretty close to going over the edge, which is why the Reserve will keep rates where they are, Next year they’ll be heading south.
On the ground its a mixed picture for small business. A family member has a cafe, survived Covid with takeaways, however he may have to close because he can’t keep chefs, they are constantly poached by other establishments.
I think Trump is going to have an uphill battle as Kamala-although very lightweight-ticks so many boxes of which one of the largest is that she’s not Trump.
So where does he go from here?
Absolutely MUST have the debates.
Early days. The only real target the bad guys have at this stage is to get the poll results within the margin of fraud. The good guys main strategy is to make the election margin too big to steal.
My crystal ball says that the election will be decided by how effectively, if at all, the good guys have thwarted the ballot manufacturing scam.
Voter turnout will be around 120% to get the required outcome
And add the millions of” new arrivals”who will undoubtedly be empowered to vote and it’s going to be difficult.Interesting as to how long they can keep Kamala hidden and or limited in answering any questions of substance.Because when she goes off topic it’s real messy.
This seems a logical progression
It is logical that any political bias or indeed ideological bias (left wind, sympathetic to climate protestors) should be discarded in favour of actual hard nosed fact and the rule of law, as could come from some sort of impartial judicial AI.
However its a very dangerous route to go down and comes close to Orwells vision of the World via Big Brother. Ah well, us humans had a good run….
>some sort of impartial… AI.
What sort of AI is that?
Have we ever seen an impartial AI?
Can we ever see an impartial AI?
Bias is built into the assumptions inherent in the algorithms.
Impartial kind of defeats the actual purpose of AI.
How can an AI be impartial?
“AI” seems to be rapidly be heading down the road to something like HAL 2000.
The people working on it may be technical genius types, but are also bereft of fundamental humanity, apart from their drive to “play God”.
The logical and probably inevitable counterpoint to “artificial intelligence” is “Natural stupidity”.
See also:
Technocratic death cults.
The 20th Century was replete with practice runs of the “perfectibility of humanity”.
Stop wishing for “strong leadership”: You might just get it.
” apart from their drive to “play God”.”
Sounds like their mates in the genetics labs.. Terribly bright I’m sure, but common sens over the outcome of their work at all.
Well, there’s that hill.
Then there’s the administrative intelligence apparatus that fear him and appear willing to take his life.
Then there’s the establishment media that constantly and openly lie about him.
Then there’s Googly and MetaFace pigeon holing anything positive about him while promoting any and every ludicrous administrative state produced anti-Trump propaganda lie that the GEC troll farm can invent.
Then there’s mail-in voting Pandemic expansions that are hardly disguised Democrat States rigging the voting system.
So yeah, I think it’s an uphill battle.
But, you guys got Sir Keir Starmer.
When will he appoint the first Iman of Canterbury?
Where does he go?
I doubt Sir Keir will grant him asylum.
See you on the other side of The New World Order.
I thought I had deleted this comment since it was intended to be a response to #4.
Which I replaced with more brevity but equal snark.
We have touched on this before but it was the subject of an item on the BBC World service this morning
The item fully demonstrated the tiny effect it will have and the enormous amounts of energy needed to even do this on a tiny scale. Surely this is mad even in the highly competitive world of barking mad CO2 schemes?
>Surely this is mad…
Stark raving insanity.
Who is paying for this?
As always the tax payer is paying for the insanity. The people will eventually react. God help those responsible for the insanity.
“Surely this is mad even in the highly competitive world of barking mad CO2 schemes?”
Surely this is mad even in the highly competitive world of tax-payer-funded barking mad CO2 schemes?
It might even be Becontree, which is two stops past Barking.
[On the Tube]
My WAG, these facilities will be non-functioning in 2030.
Only a “Climate_Cult”™ member can read this and not laugh.
Their ABC is trying to defend the the BOM’s forecast of a warm winter… which you can read here.
They start off by acknowledging that everybody is ‘feeling’ the cold.
But after reading through a lot of spin, you get to this priceless bit…
It seems that you’re only freezing to death now because you can’t remember what winter is supposed to be like.
> …the unprecedented heat from last year.
It seems that you’re only freezing to death now because you can’t remember what winter is supposed to be like.
Actually I can’t remember “the unprecedented heat from last year.”
This is what the Americans call gaslighting. Just talking something down, like the freezing weather.
We saw the reverse in the UK where the MET announced the warmest May in history except to retreat at the outrage. 3.5C Warmer nights in the Scottish highlands caused by cloud cover lifted the May average. In fact May was not hot at all.
We cannot trust the pushers of man made CO2 driven Global Warming. The continuous attempt to drive the warming narrative is making it clear that we are being deliberately deceived. And to try to tell us that freezing is just a subjective and wrong impression is past ludicrous. And the snow which was not supposed to fall is there to prove it.
“Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind.
Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition
“The term “gaslighting” was coined from the 1938 British play called Gas Light, in which a husband manipulates a wife into thinking she is crazy by slyly changing the intensity of the gas lights in their home when she is left alone.”
Also films made in 1940:
And in 1944:
I have a copy of the 1944 version although the 1940 version is apparently truer to the original play.
Cone to think of it, I should get a copy of the 1940 version as well.
The 1940 version is on YouTube.
A radio version from 1946 of the 1944 movie:
The cold isn’t real…you see it’s just a “wind chill factor”….
Sub Antarctic wind chill was the main factor.
Nor can I recall “unprecedented heat from last year”.
It was a noticeably cooler and damp, humid summer (without delivering any meaningful rain though).
It’s been refreshing to see a real winter again, even though it’s being played up by the media as being unusual or something to marvel at. Snow and frost on the NSW northern tablelands, Granite Belt and even further north is nothing new. Plenty of frosts around here just 20km from the coast.
Nor is 40C+ in summer inland just west of here (the Capricornia hinterland.) I even work outdoors doing manual work in those temperatures (carefully, to be sure), and I don’t melt or die. It’s harder getting going physically in 0C, creaky joints and barked knuckles are a winter time reality.
Yep, definitely gaslighting us, I remember that proclamation from the BUM and thought that’d be nice, but I’ve never burnt so much firewood before.
I hear the comment about it being a colder winter and when we go to Melbourne to the family’s place I feel the cold also, but that is because they cannot afford to heat the place properly. When they come to my place in Central Vic which I heat with wood they remark how warm it is.
I have and cut my own firewood and enjoy the exercise it gives me and you get warm so many times with cutting, splitting, carting and then burning it.
The weather report in the nightly MSM news often uses the phrase “feels like” in relation to the day’s actual temperature. Ie, the minimum temp was 6 degrees C but it feels like 4 degrees C.
Above the ABC says:
“The impression of cold weather has therefore most likely arisen from our recent memories of less harsh winters; a feeling perhaps enhanced by the unprecedented heat from last year.“
Note that the only phrase stated as fact in this paragraph is “unprecedented heat from last year”. The words “impression”, ”most likely” and “a feeling perhaps” surround the implications made within the article.
My point is- the 6pm news is permitted to do the “feels like” temperature comparison almost every night.
On the other hand, the ABC can freely use descriptions relating to how people experience weather conditions subjectively next to statements portrayed as fact.
Therefore, the ABC has the facts- anybody who recently has felt particularly cold has merely had an experience that is inconsistent with the incontrovertible narrative of anthropogenic global warming. People, it isn’t cold, it only feels like it’s cold because you made the planet so hot last year that it just happens to feel cold right now.
*bigtime sarc*
The US Weather Service local forecast now includes a fearful daily headline with the worst weather in the country. They have pulled out the stops for TS Debbie:
“Debby continues to strengthen across the eastern Gulf of Mexico today. Multiple hazards unfolding across portions of Florida and the Southeast include dangerous rip currents, increasing winds, life threatening storm surge, risk of tornadoes and flash flooding. A High Risk of Excessive Rainfall from the Savannah metro area to Myrtle Beach vicinity and points westward the next several days.”
“Excessive” is their new favorite word. Rain used to be heavy now it is excessive. Not sure that even makes sense.
Rip currents need not be dangerous, nor storm surge life threatening if people get out of the way. It is not like this is the first hurricane to cross Florida.
The hype might be “excessive”, but then again, all the new residents might not know!
Is ‘excessive’ more or less than ‘unprecedented’.
Tommy Robinson’s banned “Silenced” documentary.
I’m surprised YouTube haven’t censored it themselves….
The UK Government are going to try and jail him for showing this.
Can also be found on Rumble.
Strange that nobody ever mentions the dumbass lefty thug that started the illegal migration scam/ problem/ cunningly disguised treachery, which has now come to haunt the latest Labour disaster.. you got it yet? Tony Blair! Gods gift to the WEF & UN.
Send some of the conservative revolution wannabes around to his mansion for a ta tête-à-tête !!!
31 MILLION Excess Deaths: What caused them?
In this video I discuss a recent paper which looks at the causes for excess mortality of 31 million over the period of 2020-2023.
Here is the referenced 521 page report:
Here is the summary:
Apparently even gays are abandoning the Left and supporting Trump.
Not just gays. Young first time voters last time are changing their minds. And they recognize that the media are the problem. I suspect that the real black community, not the Obama/Kamala/Jamaican/Kenyan/Indian aristocratic foreign black community are starting to identify with someone who stands up to authority, gets shot, convicted, presumed guilty and dragged through endless courts by the Democrats, Washington, the DOJ, FBI, CIA and the police. So different to Joe Biden or faux Black/Indian/whatever Kamala.
Black Americans should be able to relate to Trump being falsely convicted, just as many of them were under Attorney General of California, Harris.
“Even gays…..” ? you really beleive gay people are solid block of left voters?
Liberal Hivemind looks at Kamala Harris and related issues.
More looking at Kamala
“Morris: Kamala of Canada — How Harris Uses a Fake Persona and Cultural Appropriation to Advance Her Career”
Did the family have connections with New Orleans?
Her new name variant, Kamalnoire, would draw an extra million or two votes, no trouble.
It seems the UK is having its own ‘Capitol Insurrection’. By that I mean a straightforward protest by ordinary, law-abiding people who have been forced into taking actions they were loathe to do, has been hijacked and stage-managed so as to weaponise it against conservatives.
All the headlines concentrate on those individuals who are along for the ride, few though they are, creating the impression that everybody involved is a Nazi. I have no doubt there are a few ‘plants’ in there too, just like the mysterious individuals seen at the Capitol but whom the authorities are strangely incapable of identifying. The peaceful attendees are ignored. Even the reasons for the protest are no longer mentioned. None of the participants who have sensible things to say are interviewed. Instead, all we get is left wing talking points and threats from the Labour government, who say they are going to round up and prosecute all those “far right thugs”.
And then Capitol Insurrection II will proceed as per the template, with examples made of those arrested. Some will go to jail for extraordinarily long periods, sending a message to anybody else who might think about protesting about the wrong issues. All conservatives will be labelled the same way.
Meanwhile, people who are simply ‘concerned citizens’ (a.k.a. Antifa etc) will be treated with kid gloves and allowed to continue their own ‘mostly peaceful’ destruction and arson.
It’s tragic. Once Great Britain is essentially finished. The rest of the West will be next, except for the United States if Trump is elected.
There is no obvious exit strategy out of this mess, indeed no method of fixing it appears possible.
A report on RedState:
The real enemies of the British are not Russia or China – the enemy is their own ruling class (Tory and Labour) – same situation in Australia.
No, the REAL enemies (more than one, like hundreds) are those that OWN & CONTROL the puppet polly leaders of the world.
Pollies are just the enacters and enforcers.
Trump will or can save the USA?
Nope – the deep state is Mariana trench deep and Trump is out of his depth albeit with the best intentions.
If by the biggest miracle ever he destroys the deep state then the world is saved too.
There is no way out of this mess – the cycle of birth/growth/death applies to all things including countries, civilisations and beliefs and the final quarter is being played right now.
It’s starting to go dark and most people still think the invisible sky creature will save them from reality, although it never has.
Next Man Up
They know what will happen to them. Like J6 the violence will be by operators and actors installed in the crowd in order to get the ‘shot’ for the compliant Main Stream News. We have seen the senseless violence organised by teams in the BLM, Antifa etc:
Fear is the tool on street when the people attempt to speak out they are king hit from behind with a sucker punch, skateboard, pole etc. The rest of the group then closes and kicks the person while they are down. The medic on the team then comes in an offers comfort to battered corpse and puts their teeth in a jar and explains to them that it is their fault as they should not have come to exercise their constitutional rights.
Disgrace and financial ruin is the tool of the oppressor in the professions. Examples are made of anyone who questions the science. Shut up and conform or the same can happen to you.
Leaders like Stephen Bannon, Peter Navarro, Naomi Wolfe, MTG, the Trump Family, Ben Carson and the rest of the movement forming around their leadership have by their example shown the American People what is takes to protect their constitution. To defend Liberty and Freedom of Speech for those who follow it is a case of ‘Next Man Up’.
Here is Australia’s Bureau of Meterological Propaganda summary of July 2024.
I just added the history of the term ‘gaslighting’ above. It is essential to understand the Global Warming Industry.
“Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse or manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim’s mind.
Typically, gaslighters are seeking to gain power and control over the other person, by distorting reality and forcing them to question their own judgment and intuition
“The term “gaslighting” was coined from the 1938 British play called Gas Light, in which a husband manipulates a wife into thinking she is crazy by slyly changing the intensity of the gas lights in their home when she is left alone.”
And on the ‘summary’, as in the UK MET report which falsely claimed with much fanfare that May 2024 was the hottest May in history, I do not accept that these ‘averages’ are meaningful.
There is a presumption in averages that they are meaningful, that adding minimum to maximum is meaningful. That there is a point to comparing the weather in Cape York to Hobart or Perth is indicative of anything.
There is an attempt to address denial of the Global Warming narrative with the final comment of the bleeding obvious “Mean minimum temperatures were below to very much below average for isolated pockets across inland and southern Australia.” but they had to balance it with “Mean minimum temperatures were above average for most of Western Australia and parts of northern and eastern Australia”
The whole nonsense of man made CO2 levels is compounded by this fantasy of warming that all the world’s weather is (simply) connected. Why should it be? It is a very complex, chaotic system of immense size, even from one side of Australia to the other, let alone the surrounding oceans.
The ONLY constants in the whole business are sun strength which heats the planet dramatically every day and the vast heat bank in the oceans which never freeze.
And we are to believe that changing the trace gas CO2 by 50% over 250 years from today’s level is extremely significant for humans. When?
Such wild conjecture, the entire basis of man made Global Warming, should have to be proven, not accepted as fact. Plus the essential fact that the change is due to fossil fuel, which was proven categorically wrong 66 years ago.
However “Australia’s area-averaged mean maximum temperature was 0.62 °C above average”. Is that supposed to be ‘warming’?
So the average maximum temperature in Australia has NOT changed even one degree in 60 years.
And that’s even after their fraudulent alteration of original data by the secret undocumented process called “homogenisation”. If it’s secret and undocumented, it’s not science, by definition.
No doubt the bulk of that “area-averaged mean maximum temperature” was probably Urban Heat Island Effect. Sometimes in Summer I have driven from inner suburban Richmond in Melbourne in a westerly direction and experienced a 5˚C drop in temperature. 20 minutes driving into semi-rural areas. There’s your UHI and its gets more pronounced by the decade.
Back in the day, the urban heat island effect was well known and understood.
Today, it is incorporated into official weather records, as are jet blasts at airports.
It was first documented by Luke Howard in 1810 for London. He published a book called “The Climate of London” in 1818.
He noticed a temperature difference of 2C due to this effect.
There can be no excuse for modern day “meteorologists” not knowing this.
Howard’s book is here:
I live 400 metres from the beach. On a winter’s morning it can be 4C warmer than just 1km away. A giant snowflake would appear on the dash as a black ice warning as I drove across St. Kilda Road. The idea of an average temperature even within a city is a myth. Valleys with water can be warmer in summer but more humid and cooler in winter with frost. In a city 40km x 40km, you have to be kidding to give a temperature prediction to 0.5C, even without the heat island effect or hills and valleys and a bay.
Beware of averages. After all The Average Man is 114 years old. Fact!
TdeF >So the average maximum temperature in Australia has NOT changed even one degree in 60 years.
ERA5 agrees, except 83 years:
ERA5 – Australia Annual 2-mT (Absolute)
Monthly Reanalysis Timeseries
Blocking high pressure and the intense low in the Tasman blasted sub Antarctic winds to northern Australia. They don’t mention why the strong high stretches so far south for this time of year.
‘From 18 to 20 July, most of northern and central Australia had cooler than average night-time temperatures, as a deep low pressure system in the Tasman Sea and a high pressure system over southern and central Australia directed cooler southerly airflow well into northern Australia. This led to extensive frost across southern, central and northern Queensland and across southern districts of the Northern Territory.’
Well my outdoor thermometer said today’s minimum was 6℃ whereas last week figures came in between 1.7 & 2.5℃, obvious “proof” of Global Warming (using the BOM method).
But I realise my outdoor thermometer isn’t that reliable, because those figures (1.7 to 2.5) were sometimes accompanied by ice freezing on outdoor birdbaths and heavy ice on cars, but BOM kept telling me (on the TV weather reports) that the minimum never fell below 4℃ at this town (Mt. Barker).
What matters is the height of the measurement. A Stephenson screen containing the thermometer is a regulation height above the ground.
“The support of the screen is placed at a height of 4 ft. (1.22 m) above the ground”
In most of Australia there is 1% water vapour in the air. And cold air settles. So you get morning dew and even freezing at ground level. But when you measure deadly man made CO2 driven Global Warming, make sure you are 4 foot (1.22 metres) off the ground. And not higher than 1.62 metres.
Only then can you be sure the world is ending unless we pay for our Government legislated and obligatory Carbon Credits and Large Scale Green Certificates. Your cash will help complete strangers fix the problem by growing trees and owning windmills.
Which Stephenson screen – the original wood one? The one with metal supports? The smaller version? Or the plastic one?
And should I use the original thermometer or a digital one?
And as one of the eldery but still more ‘with it” (than most AGW believers) remarked about her neighbour’s birdbath freezing over, it takes a really cold morning for ice to form.
I would also expect that the “bird bath” was on a pedestal. probably not 1.2.metres above the ground but certainly in the 800mm to 900mm range so not at ground level.
I guess my point is tongue in cheek. Not sarcasm but certainly a form of ridicule.
I was pointing out how the temperature is isolated from windchill, direct sun warming, ground effects, condensation, dirt, dew, varying shade etc. to create a ‘pure’ temperature variable and that it is NOT what you feel anyway. From a science point of view, it is all you can do, but it is not a measure of the temperature on the ground, a foot off the ground or even at average human height. The temperature of the birdbath is clearly very different, but it may be in shade, a windproof nook, at a dip in the garden, etc.
Now average all these temperatures across a continent and start making profound statements about the temperature of the whole of Australia!
Trying to draw conclusions about the significance of an alleged increase of 0.65C in 64 years in an average across a continent is just make believe. To all intents and purposes, regardless of homogenization or any other fiddling, nothing has changed. And forcing Australians to pay billions in hidden Carbon Taxes is theft, not science.
In fact from a scientific point of view, it is amazing that the chaotic variation over thousands of sites would produce so little variation. To draw conclusions from this about even Global Temperatures from this is to compound absurdity. The variation is likely far below noise level.
Bit hard to argue with the pempetature of the whole of Australia. Who would question something that nobody experiences and really just exists on a spreadsheet? especially when its based on adjusted readings from stations that dont comply with the bureau’s own standards. Sounds like nebulous BS that my tax dollars are getting wasted on.
I suggest all instantaneous temperature readings to be dismissed as irrelevant.
Any kind (yes, any type / model, etc,..) must be calibrated to the BOM accuracy and verified at whatever periods BOM demands and inserted into a BOM-defined 1kg mass buffer – could be metal of BOM-designed construction.
“What matters is the height of the measurement. ”
It sure does, back in the ’70’s, I was riding my motorbike from Bundaberg to Brisbane late at night in midwinter, the temperature difference between the top of a rise and the bottom of a gully was remarkable,
the engine ran so cool that I was warming my hands on the valve cover on the engine.
I have noticed ice on cars parked in the street on the cold mornings last week, but the BOM measurements suggest temperatures in the 1–2C range. Can the glass and metal of the car be colder than the surrounding air?
Yes they can. Solids can get a lot colder than their air due to their much higher thermal conductivity and higher radiance, so depending on dew point and wind, can freeze above 0C.
WATCH: Kamala mercilessly mocked for saying data is stored in a literal ‘cloud that exists above us’
‘If she doesn’t make it to the White House, I’m sure MIT is ready to make her a full professor’
Photo – Kamala Harris explains how data is stored in an actual ‘cloud that exists above us.’×900.jpg
Aye Yai Yai
Eric Abbenante @EricAbbenante
9.9M Views, 41K Likes
>Zoolander level of comprehension of technology?
Freak Gasoline Fight Accident (Zoolander)
Now Kamala has taken the word cloud literally. She even asked for confirmation of her nutty idea. “Right?” The confirmation is “uh humm”. Keep talking, that’s rubbish.
What we have here is a first class dill. Everything is in a physical place. The Gods of yesteryear lived in Clouds, Olympus, the Assumption, the Ascension. It’s a common image, Gods looking down on earth from the clouds. And the extreme hand waving is something few people do, let alone the looking up to the heavens.
And there is something about the querellous way she speaks and visible emotion which makes me think of an insecure and uncertain child. Which for someone about to turn 60 is a bit disturbing.Let alone in someone having a good chance of being the next US President?
Her immaturity and total ignorance of most things like other countries or technology against Biden’s obvious senility? The choice has not actually improved for Democrat voters. Neither candidate pushed as the next President, neither Biden nor Harris can hold a conversation let alone an unscripted debate without earpieces and teleprompter.
“You haven’t been to the border’, ‘no, and I haven’t been to Europe either’.
You know, even in Idiocracy, the Wrestler President could still string sentences together.
As William Spooner occasionally was to linguistic morphology, so is Kamala Harris consistently to semantics.
Will America elect a cloud cuckoo land president?
Don’t think the completely ridiculous can’t happen.
The anti-Trumpists would vote for Joe’s ossified brain in a bottle before Trump. The election will find out how big that section is. I think it is at least 30%, maybe 40%.
But it might be 40% would vote Trump even if he was in jail so take no notice of the Kamala sugar hit, only a few at the edges are changing their vote.
Harris has a $500M war chest to dispose of to pump up here image so when she wins, it will appear plausible and any notion of election rigging will be pointless.
$500M buys a lot of air time with screen grabs and the right sound. This is the official video:
This an unofficial one:
“This is Alarming – Secret Service Give First Press Briefing, The Sketchy U.SSS Look Even Worse
August 4, 2024 | Sundance | 155 Comments”
I have not seen Jesse Watters before. He has great presentation skills.
He has worked his way up from doing street interviews under the byline Watters’ World to where he and Gutfeld have filled the void left by the departure of Tucker Carlson, and doing a better job.
AEMO site shows power prices through again.
Wind’s contribution to the National Energy Market has been 4% for the last 24 hours
Low wind conditions for next 3 days in Victoria, so coal and gas are powering the state. Also, semi-cloudy so solar virtually useless. Windy on Thursday ( one day only ) then calm again for 3 days afterwards. Thank god for Loy Yang B coal generator in Victoria. Without it, we’d be sitting in the dark eating cold food.
Brown coal is supposed to be so “dirty” – yet when the wind does blow and the sun does shine it is the black coal power stations that are wound back in output!
This story from April puts the wind lull down to blocking high pressure and a positive SAM.
Over the past couple of weeks SAM has become seriously negative, so we’ll have to wait and see if the theory has legs.
Negative SAM
A reason for simultaneous peaks at the maximum spot price is that the administered price cap has not been reached yet. That means that the average wholesale price over the last 7 days has been under $780/MWh cumulative threshhold..
In case you are wondering, the CPT was introduced in 2021 and started life at $300/MWh. So the current figure reflects what is now required to keep dispatchable generators viable. It sort of defeats the purpose of having “cheap” WDGs in the market. The AEMC figures that if the average over 7 days now exceeds $780/MWh then the dispatchable generators must be profiteering. If only wind could dial up its output so it could also profiteer.
Getting what you can charge for dispatchable power when supply is tight is called profiteering. Getting retailers to steal from consumers to pay for “renewable energy” is called saving the planet.
I see Albo, at the Garma Festival, has decided the group to lead the blackfellas forward is the Coalition of Peaks. Thouhgt I’d better have a quick look.
Sounds a bit like a Voice.
Good to see the same old faces in air-conditioned offices picking up all those expenses as they travel about
They have lots of partnerships with lots of ATSI organisations that don’t seem to have improved the lot of the blackfellas we read so much about.
It’s a money-go-round of epic proportions employing thousands in non-productive roles and failing to improve the lot of the disadvantaged. A bit like government.
Given that all these organisations seem to exist only to profit from Aboriginal misery, you’d think there would be some merit to bypassing them completely.
Of course this is idealistic and wishful thinking…
It looks like saving energy by not having air conditioning (despite France generating most electricity by nuclear power) and all that vegan food and lack of meat isn’t too popular with the athletes…
The Woke Olympics will probably go down as the worst in history, to date.
Worst in history for whom…?
I’m lost at this sniping and bashing of the Paris Olympics. People rail against DEI, and “positive discrimination” and the like, yet the same people seem very happy to complain about one of the few remaining areas where skill, determination, ability, and passion is tested in fair competition (for the most part), and then rewarded based on merit
Isn’t this actually what we want more of…? Isn’t reward based on merit the very thing that is lacking in so many areas of society now…? Isn’t it possible to look past the stupid decisions by French Olympic organisers and just be positive about something…?
I’m disappointed by some aspects of these Olympics, but see no reason to throw labels like “worst in history” around.
I actually think it has been a pretty good Olympics. But because of streaming technology, where now we can choose the event you want to watch, and avoid the Channel 9 main broadcast and its Aus focus and heavy advertising. We watched all the equestrian, which was fantastic; some table tennis, normal volleyball, sailing; things you don’t usually see. All they them free.
But now, we are always looking at women participants and pointing, “there’s a man, that one there…”
ABC headline –
Have they checked the prison?
Might not it be they’ve gone on walkabout?
For overseas readers:
No good using a mobile, get Crocodile Dundee to use the spirit powers he has.
Or pubs or KFC?
Rather than marching to rally others to look, why not have a look yourselves.
It is interesting to see how climate change is assailing the Sahara on three fronts.
From the North – The temperature of the Mediterranean currently has the fastest increase of an ocean region. By late August to mid September, there is enough moisture in the atmosphere and surface temperature still high enough to support convective storms. These storms bring flooding rain into Northern Africa.
From the South – The monsoon across central Afric is intensifying and migrating north. That is evident right now with the monsoon band taking atmospheric water above 60mm right across Centra/North Africa:,6.25,781/loc=18.355,16.308
From Above – China’s hard work in adding to the natural atmospheric carbon is providing more of the molecule of life across the Sahara and the biomass is enjoying the benefits.
There is an interesting story here on greening Niger:
A lot of the credit rightly goes to an Australian agronomist but his work has been supported by the changing climate of the region. Even this story sees climate change as the enemy rather than a significant contributor.
If you have any reservations about the increasing rainfall, this paper will dispel the doubts:
We are at the very peak of the modern climate optimum. The solar intensity will decline over the next 400 years but the northern oceans will be significantly warmer than during the LIA. This means a lot more snowfall in the high northern latitudes and permafrost will inevitably advance south.
By the time the Sahara is green, Scandinavia, Canada and Russia will be covered in permanent ice gaining altitude every year. The climate migration will be south to regions with less ice.
Of course, the mounting “problems” in Niger with the advancing biomass could all be reversed by getting S/loads of money from the UN to remove the trees and replace them with solar panels and wind stillers like all the developed countries are doing.
Rick Will:
How different is this from the period at the start of the Holocene?
Lots of rain and grass because hippopotamii want constant water holes/rivers and grass to eat.
Also lots of bovines, giraffes etc. See Tassili frescos left by humans about 9,000 years ago.
9,000 years ago, the oceans in the northern hemisphere started their long cooling trend that ended 1500AD. The oceans were getting more sun;ight than now but ice was still melting. to cool the higher northern latitudes of the oceans.
The tropical North Atlantic and Mediterranean were at least as warm as now. That meant the Sahara was getting more water than now. It kept the biomass alive. It is likely overgrazing contributed to its gradual desertification during Egyptiam times. But reducing rainfall would have contributed. The CO2 levels were much lower than present making it a double whammy for biomass.
The precession cycle is around 23kyr. If you go back that far, the then rising peak solar helped start deglaciation. Most of the melting took half the cycle and prevented going back into glaciation because the glaciers were still calving at pace. That was the start of the present interglacial. The minimum sunlight over land occurred around 1500. We are now into the next upswing but there is very little glacier calving to prevent the northern oceans warming. So atmospheric moisture is rising fast and Sahara is benefiting from this already despite only being 500 years into a 10,000 year upswing.
This list shows the NH summer solstice sunlight at 35N for last 20kyr and next 10kyr:
-20.000 480.821373
-19.000 485.317632
-18.000 490.717442
-17.000 496.613659
-16.000 502.577994
-15.000 508.321352
-14.000 513.331242
-13.000 517.113350
-12.000 519.374995
-11.000 519.852484
-10.000 518.254429
-9.000 515.001723
-8.000 510.236301
-7.000 504.463334
-6.000 498.432781
-5.000 492.643357
-4.000 487.523278
-3.000 483.669096
-2.000 481.108320
-1.000 479.951151
0.000 480.278444
1.000 481.812575
2.000 484.313218
3.000 487.668320
4.000 491.352453
5.000 495.048493
6.000 498.511411
7.000 501.203753
8.000 502.902784
9.000 503.557287
10.000 502.931932
It peaked at 520W/m^2 11kya. Bottomed at 480W/m^2 1kya and will peak again at 503W/m^2 in 9kyr; some 23W/m^2 above the present level.
I chose 35N because that is close to the middle of the Med. This level of sunlight is sufficient to generate strong convective instability that leads to cyclones in open oceans. The med is big enough to form cyclones. The Monsoon band across Africa will be capable of spinning up tropical storms if there is enough moisture on the ground..
I expect to see cyclones build over the Med again this year towards the end of August and into early September.
You mention the 23k precession cycle, sort of like the Milanković cycle although that has been said to be 19-26 kY cycles (and on one ‘killer’ graph at 17 kY).
That raises the theory (that I saw in a You-tube without noting where it was**), talking of that cycle causing the African Atlantic monsoon to direct winds (and rains) onto the Sahara from the SW.
There was certainly enough moisture in the ground, with a river running west and Lake Chad far bigger than it is now.
**When the Sahara was green I think.
Slowest 100 Meter Olympic Run In History, Draws Government Apology
A Somali sprinter’s ’embarrassing’ 22-second 100m run has drawn a government apology after her performance sparked an online backlash.
Nasra Abubakar Ali’s showing at a university games competition in the Chinese city of Chengdu saw her finish some 10 seconds behind the race’s winner, who recorded a time of 11.58 seconds.
Footage of the race showed Ms Abubakar Ali being left behind by competitors almost as soon as the starting gun was fired.
Within six seconds, she was trailing to such an extent that she disappeared from the camera frame as the other athletes – led by a Brazilian contestant – sprinted towards the finish line.
A slow African runner. Line up the memes.
Surely to compete you must pass a minimum Olympic standard, especially in simply timed events? I doubt 22 seconds makes sense for 100 metres. I note that the men’s 90 year old world sprint was around 22 seconds but that’s the huge power of testosterone.
Now available in extra-strong women’s formula! 🤭
/ nuts optional
As in the squirrel olympics. Both sexes have nuts.
According to my diary, Monday 5 August is a Bank Holiday in NSW and is Picnic Day in the Northern Territory. Doesn’t NT have any banks? Are picnics banned in NSW? Does picnic still mean what I think it means?
That bloke Djokovic, who was once refused entry into your (cough!) lucky country, not only is still alive and well, he’s the #1 Olympian tennis player of the world: how’s that for ‘gold standard’.
Denmark’s Met Inst temperature plot for the Arctic seized on the 15th of July and hasn’t updated for 3 weeks, stuck on its perfectly average 1 degree above freezing. What, no heatwave? Why the silence?
As for their BoM’s mean cold = warm diatribe, the middle point of 36.4 max and -13.5 min is (roughly) 11 degrees above freezing. How someone in Darwin, and someone in the valleys of Tasmania, relate to that, only a climate believer knows, or believes.
Anyone else catch the press conference about raising the terror alert level in Australia ? The head of ASIO was explaining why and as part of his long winded explanation he cited the anti authoritarian behaviour during Covid !
The Wieambilla inquest is also being framed as ‘anti-vax’ related – I think that it is likely to come up with recommendations to give police access to vaccination records so in future they will come in blazing if they need to knock at the home of someone who did not jab.
Australians would never behave like the Brits are at the moment. We are a much more benign lot.
But it is interesting, that our government had the sense to stop boat immigrants landing on the shores, and the people didn’t have to get to this point they are at in the UK. The UK government had completely refused to act on this, and this is the result. A terrible thing.
Good governance versus bad.
Governments want to push people as far as possible and assess the reactions.
The UK is screaming “I’ve had enough and I’m not going to take it any more!”
Reap what you sow pollies, reap what you sow.
Nah, it isn’t “good governance”. It’s just another aspect of our ‘Lucky Country’ status. In this case we’re lucky that, unlike dear old Blighty, we’re not just 34km from Europe, otherwise we too would be overrun.
No we would stop the boats like we did here. Distance has nothing to do with it. Runs on the board.
Australian governments have been more conservative than the Brits for a long time, starting at the Immigration Act 1901, the Brits said no to this because of their relationship with Japan, we did it anyway, cleverly working around the issue creating loopholes.
Credit where credit is due, it was excellent governance, they went to an election on it against the British inspired weak opposition and won. The Brits could do exactly the same but they don’t want to, clearly.
You seriously think that any of the past three or four Australian governments would have/could have stopped the numbers that have hit the UK’s shores, if France was almost visible from Darwin?
You might like to do more research on the subject. Here would be a good place to start:
Of course most come by plane. But we did not let them come by boat. They could fly to Heathrow too. But they can also just go by boat.
I didn’t say we stopped immigration and asylum seeking. Governments love immigration. Most people don’t mind it.
Says that the arrival of 800 HAMAS terrorists under the invitation of Senator Wong may further raise the risk level from probable to most likely.
Can we blame it on climate change as is popular nowadays?
What can aussies do to protect themselves?
Shout “boo!” loudly given the level of disarmament in nanny world.
Sure they can blame it on climate change. If that fails, it can be blamed on Donald Trump and white privilege.
Lab grown chickens in the supermarket
Mainly USA for now, but caveat emptor.
Donald Trump internet search results are being censored and/or manipulated by Tech Giants except Elon Musk’s X.
The ultimate election interference.
1.8 Million Teslas Recalled For Baffling Safety Issue
Complaints from earlier this year have led Tesla to recall 1.8 million cars and SUVs and ready a software update.
Now it faces a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recall for 1.8 million Model 3 and Model S electric sedans and Model X and Model Y electric SUVs over a risk of the hood not staying properly latched.
Back in March 2024, Tesla started receiving customer complaints about potential issues with vehicle front hood or frunk latches operating as intended. Tesla immediately launched an investigation at its Chinese manufacturing facility, and in mid-April, the automaker discovered “latch switch deformation, which could prevent the customer from being notified of an open hood state,” according to the NHTSA documentation. Tesla discovered abnormalities “were higher in China for reasons unknown, as compared to lower rates of occurrence in markets in Europe and North America.”
Chinese “monkey metal” or “car tofu”..
Ahhh how did we ever survive without computers telling us if the bonnet is open? No mention of a secondary safety latch. Maybe not needed when our self driving overlords have it all under control.
Great that its fixable with a software update. I heard Tesla has contracted Crowdstrike to handle the deployment.
Hunting for a Falcon spare wheel hold-down bolt at the wreckers today, too many had the boot closed and of course no batteries in them to work the electric boot switches! No ignition keys either, although I expect there are no key latches on the boot anyway!
Monday sarcasm
Hospital to replace doctors with parents who have done their research
SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – A large tertiary care center in Sydney, Australia is pulling out all the stops to try and cut their expenses. As of next month, all doctors and nurses currently on staff will be replaced by parents who have done research on the Internet.
“I can’t tell you how happy and relieved I am when a patient tells me they have done some research on the internet” said head of neurology, Dr. Eric Sheppard. “It’s only topped by a patient telling me they have a family member who is a nurse.”
The hospital is excited about how much money this move should save them, not to mention the overwhelming support from parents everywhere.
“This is a great move in my opinion” said anti-vaccer Meryl Dorey. “Most parents know more than doctors anyways, so this is a huge step in the right direction.”
The current staff are in the process of being moved to other less innovative health centers.
At least parents won’t be as bad as most doctors are! 🤭
FWIW – careful!
>Hospital to replace doctors with parents who have done their research
Done differently in NZ:
Hutt Hospital doctors told to make beds, clean sinks
The 25 best westerns of all time – ranked
The good, the bad & the ugly at #9? Try #1.
Didn’t even mention McKenna’s Gold.
Stupid msm…
More on that –
“A look at Western movies from across the pond”
That’s pay-walled but TGTB&TU is a spaghetti western and many others of the genre would rank. American editors would have cut half an hour out of most, and I agree with American editors.
OK from the sublime to the NOT SO sublime. I’m partial to the noir John Wayne movies so this thread prompted me to watch another.
This movie is ten older years than me and includes the classic “This town ain’t big enough for both of us”.
Bon Appétit!
Dumbest and funniest demonrat statement ever!
Pelosi says Biden should be added to Mt Rushmore.
Please stop, my sides are splitting!
Biden is very angry with Pelosi for masterminding his removal after telling the world he was ‘sharp as a tack’.
She masterminded January 6th too as the person who controlled the police and refused the National Guard.
You know, the one ripping up Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech on National Television. An ego far bigger than she is.
The Wicked Witch of the West and master of dirty tricks is now playing a game to make out she cares for Biden. It’s disgusting. “He knows I love him”. And now Mount Rushmore!
Total insincerity is her calling card. He is still President and she needs him to take his calm pills until he is out of the picture.
And once again, Obama, Pelosi, Clinton have their sights set on Kamala as their next patsy. Another fake president.
But Mt Kilauea might be more convenient.
He wouldn’t have trouble holding still for the sculpturer to capture his bewildered face.
“‘Charlatan’ Dr. Peter Hotez Calls Biden Regime to Deploy DOJ, DHS Security forces Against “Anti-Vaxxers” in the US”
FWIW – another microscope on Kamala
“Anointing and Appointing and Problems With It All”
“Corrections (ugh)”
Re “Option 2”
The Pointman posted an item in this area.
Back some time ago four Russian diplomatic staff at a Middle east consulate were kidnapped and one was delivered in a condition to say “We’re serious about this”.
As he said the KGB had an extremely good idea of who was who in the Middle East and a relative of that “top end” was also kidnapped and the negotiations were “punctuated with pieces that said “We are also serious” “. Eventually the rest of him was delivered.
And no Russian diplomatic staff had been hindered for some considerable time
The point being you have to apply Option 2 with finesse
Tesla Model 3 driver exposes major issue with car (article)
“‘A disaster’: Paris Olympics’ lack of ‘meat-based protein’ to lower ‘carbon footprint’ creates havoc: ‘Athletes complain about the lack of animal protein-rich diet’ ”
Also see my post #20.
No protein and no air con.
In my field sampling career I was exposed to one vegetarian lunch.
Lettuce is not the fuel you need to drive a manual soil sampling auger
It’s only for the clergy. Lettuce pray.
China Uses ‘Ghost Fleets’ for Shady Dealings (video)
Mike Tyson has the right idea.
He only eats raw meat.
Wait, What The F*ck Is Happening In The UK?!
Starmers Stark Warning
“Sowing The Seeds Of Their Own Demise” – Isabel Oakeshott Calls Out Keir Starmer
Britain Burns – MOATS with George Galloway (video)
Tough Choices Need To Be Made Now… Before It’s Too Late (video)
Not sure if other old pharts feel the same but I have a calming resignation about many things that puny me, sitting on my keyboard,
can never understand, never will.
The meaning of life
Is there a God?
Are we visited by extraterrestrials?
Who shot JFK?
Who shot DJT?
So I had largely switched off after being convinced by Chris Martenson that there were multiple shooters only to see a G-man count 8 casings on the roof. But then I see this video and I throw my hands up and walk off shaking my head.
A bit long but if the topic interests you it is a much watch. The Lady In Red.
Well, we’ll see if anyone else can corroborate two dead shooters and neither were Crookes!
That is such a typical Youtube interview, 5 minutes of solid, important information and it takes 40minutes of your life to get it! Even at 1.5x speed and just reading the captions it was too long!
I have already done anything I will ever do of note so I have the time to watch and I thought it of interest. You can make of it what you will IDGAS.
>too long
Got a TLDR for us then?
Northern Border Taxi Surge: Migrants Driven to NYC (video)
Incoming! The US stock market is taking a day trip to Oct 1987 today. . . .
Have you checked the ASX and bitcoin?
The A$ is down 2% recently.
for Steve of Cornubia
IVM dosages
2 mg for every 10kg body weight. Though overdose limits seem very generous. As for frequency I have seen multiple variations on a theme.
Given the infusions for cat 1 bladder cancer are weekly (don’t ask) I would go weekly for at least two to three months. Then perhaps monthly. I read the literature as IVM being an inhibitor of cancer growth/metasizing.
The first couple of weeks dosage will likely assist in the “re-stabilization” of the lower GI tract. Might actually be useful for some IBS sufferers. 🙂
Thanks Fred 🙂