A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I mentioned previously that I recently read 1984 then followed it up with Brave New World, which I didn’t think as relevant to our times.
Here is a fair synopsis of the latter
Here is Neil Postman’s analysis of the differences between Nineteen Eighty Four and Brave New World.
Roger Waters (ex-Pink Floyd) borrowed heavily from Neil Postman for his mid-90s album, Amused To Death, which should be compulsory listening – whilst reading the lyrics – for every school child in this present Brave New World disorder that we find ourselves living in.
* The album cover is of a monkey staring at a TV which has a solitary eye peering out: Hypnosis?
Terry Gillaim was the (token) American who did all the animation for Monty Python, and some of his cartoons were so esoteric, you had to think about them.
One of my favourites of his work was the following, and this is just a one and a half minute clip, and the perspicacity of this is as relevant today as it was back when he made this observation back in the early 70s.
TV is bad for your eyes
Pink Floyd – In The Flesh / Run Like Hell / Waiting For The Worms (videos)
And they were both right…..
latest climate tipping point debunked
The notion of a “Tipping point” was introduced into climate was in 1864. Along with the admonition that “mankind had to do something quickly or else”. It seems that mankind wasn’t worried.
As for the worry about the world not switching to Net Zero NO WORRIES – no-one except a few countries with politicians heading for extinction – nobody is going to do the impossible.
What happens when you don’t adhere to the Left’s accepted party line on climate change?
You get censored and you may also get demonetized.
That’s what Google did to Issues & Insights for publishing a superb editorial that features, among much else worth reading, the following paragraph:
“From choosing carbon dioxide as the villain because it’s a convenient ‘leverage point’ for assuming ‘control over a society,’ as noted by retired Massachusetts Institute of Technology meteorology professor Richard Lindzen, to the effort to smear skeptics as ‘deniers,’ the entire global warming enterprise has been a Trojan horse hauled into society by fanatics who are more than willing to lie about ‘the science’ to advance their anti-capitalist, anti-freedom political agenda.”
How about letting readers read and make up their own minds, Google? Isn’t that the essence of being a free individual?
Two other notable quotes from Richard Lindzen:
Quote 1, 2007: “Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early twenty-first century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age.”
Quote 2: “What historians will definite wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.”
It’s high time to apply the blowtorch to the Greens’ agenda as their ‘Soviet-era’ blueprint seeks to impoverish Australians
The Greens’ plan to destroy businesses and slug Aussies with reparations taxes shows they are more than just your average attention-seeking fringe party, writes Rocco Loiacono. Contributor and Political Commentator
It would be easy to dismiss the Greens as an attention-seeking fringe party, particularly after their latest stunt – a motion to impose sanctions on Israeli leaders – was defeated by both the Government and Opposition voting together.
However, with an increasing number of polls showing the possibility of a minority government after the next federal election is a very real one, such a flippant attitude to the Greens is misplaced.
The ALP may well turn to them to help form a government.
It is high time a blowtorch were applied to the Greens and their crazy agenda be exposed for what it really is: a plan to destroy Australia.
It is not as if this hasn’t been out in the open.
The Greens have an age-old dream to cannibalise the Labor Party. As Adam Bandt told the National Press Club after the 2022 election:
“Our working presumption is that Australia will end this term of parliament with Labor the country’s centre-right party, the Liberals a far-right irrelevance, and the Greens the dominant social-democratic party in a country that still has a big beating progressive heart.”
Bandt, in a recent interview with the Australian, advised he wants to go to the next election with a “Robin Hood platform”.
This would include slugging major corporations to fund better outcomes in areas of traditional ALP strength.
In his own words, his broad goals are to “make big corporations pay more tax, fund universal services so that everyone can have a better life (and) stop opening coal and gas mines”, as well as to fund “universal services” such as free childcare and including dental care in Medicare.
The party’s platform also includes free university and TAFE places and student allowances.
As anyone with a modicum of economic common sense knows, this is a blueprint for destroying the economy.
Australia’s already comparatively high tax rates would increase, thus forcing many businesses offshore or to close, meaning a smaller revenue base and higher unemployment.
The whole notion of reward for effort, upon which successful economic conditions are built, would be replaced by a Soviet-era system where we are all drip-fed by the state.
In case Bandt hadn’t noticed, that system was tried between 1945 and 1990 in eastern Europe and was overthrown as an abject failure.
In fact, the Soviet Union was importing wheat from the West for years since it could not feed its own population.
One could compose an entire thesis on – to use a Paul Keating epithet – the economic numbskull proportions of the Greens’ energy ideology.
However, Adam Creighton probably summed it up best when he wrote: “the Greens’ “No coal. No gas. No nuclear” campaign has a next logical step: “No economy”.”
NAPLAN tests demonstrated 30% of young Australians are deficient in literacy and numeracy, there’s your future Greens voters.
The green left seem amazingly quiet on this tipping point.
China Coal Production Hits New All Time High For July
Another year, another record in CO2 emissions courtesy of the world’s biggest polluter.
China’s coal output rose 2.8% in July from a year earlier as mines ramped up production to ensure steady supply amid record-breaking heat, China’s statistics bureau data showed, even though thermal power output fell while hydropower generation surged.
As Reuters reports, the world’s biggest polluter and largest coal producer mined 390.37 million metric tons of the fuel last month, according to the National Bureau of Statistics data on Thursday, which while down from June’s 405.38 million tons, which was the highest level since December 2023, was the highest ever for the month of July, surpassing the previous record set in 2023 at 378 million tons.
The new UK Labour govt has done what they do best, give bumper pay rises to their Union friends without anything in return. The result is further strikes from the railway people whilst the Border police are also going on strike-not that anyone would notice
Military-aged male invader rescue service?
I don’t see how Once Great Britain can survive five more years of this.
And I don’t understand why Sunak seems to have deliberately handed the country over to Labor. There was no requirement for an election and he called one early when he was low in the polls and appeared to have not run much of a campaign.
It’s as though he wanted the Labor totalitarians to win.
To keep Muslims happy, the UK’s Labour Party wants to destroy pub culture
One of the things most associated with Great Britain is the pub culture. Seemingly, every novel has a scene in a pub or tavern where the locals gather, not to carouse or drink themselves into a silent, depressed stupor, but, instead, to come together as a community.
For centuries, the British have enjoyed their taverns and pubs, and their poets and writers have celebrated them:
“I would give all my fame for a pot of ale and safety.” – William Shakespeare
“There is nothing which has yet been contrived by man, by which so much happiness is produced as by a good tavern.” – Samuel Johnson
“A good local pub has much in common with a church, except that a pub is warmer, and there’s more conversation.” – William Blake
Dr. Peter Hammond has pointed out that, by the time the Muslim population is over 10%, it’s proselytized, demanded halal food in markets and public accommodations (they get their halal, but you don’t get your alcohol), pushed the government to implement Sharia laws, and increasingly used violence to force these demands to be met—all while Muslims are actually a very small proportion of the population.
That demand for accommodation seems to be falling on fertile soil when it comes to the UK’s new Labour government, which is headquartered in London.
So far, the government hasn’t passed any laws but it is forcing its employees to change their social habits so that Muslims are more comfortable—and that includes changing Britain’s pub culture:
Staff at Britain’s Home Office, roughly equivalent to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, have been instructed to make every other social event alcohol-free amid concerns over inclusivity. Sources say senior bureaucrats want to make sure “every other social isn’t the pub” at a time when Muslims—who are forbidden to drink alcohol—are becoming an increasingly large share of the population, particularly in London and other urban centers.
A proper self-respecting English village has a church with a pub next door by the village green.
I respect the laws of Dubai when I’m there; is it too much to expect immigrants to the UK to respect our culture and traditions?
Every man has his price
Yes, I wondered about the – ahem – lacklustre campaign the Tories ‘ran’ [if that is not to overstate the case].
Sunak is bright.
Maybe, perhaps, he saw the Green Disaster heading our way – Nut Zero; no industry except occasionally repairing bat-busters with imported parts; restrictions on movement; blackouts when the wind doesn’t blow at night. And the rest.
And he has now ensured – by the grim ‘campaign’ – that the Socialists will take the rap for all that.
Although whether there is a ‘United Kingdom’ left …
And … why didn’t Sunak stop the Green nonsense?
Because an election was coming, and he believed that Brits, generally, like the idea of saving the planet [although NOT with THEIR money].
And of course, it WILL be with their money – almost all of it. Reeves, the Chancellor, will put taxes up – probably lots of modest amounts, so no cataclysmic hike to VAT or Income Tax, and possibly road taxes on EVs!
But further complications to the tax code [so more civil serpents].
Interesting times. Maybe.
Watched a Pommie police drama last night. Had the obligatory episode around immigrants. The opening scene showed a bunch of people huddled on a small boat crossing the channel. All women children and the odd father figure, not one young male adult. All the victims in the show were female also.
That sounds like fiction. There are occasionally women, children and older people in the boats but mainly the boatloads consist of fighting-age young men who jettison their passports and ‘phones before landing.
Was that show made by the BBC?
ItV apparently, called GRACE
You will remember that Biden ran away from Afghanistan in 2021 leaving his allies in the lurch.
Here is the result, as the Taliban stage a celebratory parade showing off some of the thousands of vehicles and weaponry they captured.
To this day formerly prominent Afghani females live in fear of their lives whilst girls are not allowed to attend school
In Australia females (espacially Jewish ones) will be living in fear of their lives with our corrupt Labor Government bringing in Hamas operatives and their supporters from Gaza.
There are no face to face interviews and no accurate means of confirming identities or allegiances.
The so called “checks” take 5 minutes of a corrupt Public Servant’s time.
The head of Australia’s security service has confimed that voicing support for Hamas and its murders is not grounds for disqualification.
However, Australians who protest might find themself in prison just like in the UK!
Misinformation and Disinformation
Do a search on Google for “G*s the Jews” and “Sydney Opera House” and the only returns you will get are stories of the NSW Police finding no evidence that such chants were made by the usual suspects. Two-Tier policing in Australia.
Do a search on Duck Duck Go or similar and you will get vidoes of the crowd celibrating the murder of women and children on 7 October 2023 and chanting “G*s the Jews” and “F**k the Jews”.
And our Labor Goverment wants to bring in more of these people into Australia when even neighbouring Muslim countries do not want them.
Again more accurate response from Brave AI
Gas the Jews Sydney Opera House
There have been multiple instances of anti-Semitic chanting, including the phrase “gas the Jews,” during pro-Palestinian protests outside the Sydney Opera House. These incidents occurred in October 2023, amidst the Israel-Hamas conflict.
. On October 27, 2023, around 1,000 pro-Palestinian supporters marched to the Opera House, which was lit up in blue in solidarity with Israel. Unverified footage showed a small group lighting flares and chanting “gas the Jews.”
. On October 10, 2023, a protest turned chaotic as radical Muslims hijacked the demonstration, throwing lit flares at police and chanting anti-Semitic slogans, including “gas the Jews.”
. On the same day (October 10, 2023), another protest was held, and disturbing footage emerged of protesters chanting “gas the Jews” outside the Opera House.
. On October 14, 2023, Australian police announced an investigation into a pro-Palestinian protest outside the Sydney Opera House, after video footage circulated of a small group participating in an anti-Semitic chant.
. During the October 13, 2023, protest, chants included “fuck the Jews” and “fuck Israel.” Leaders from various political parties, including the Prime Minister, condemned the “abhorrent” scenes and anti-Semitic rhetoric.
These incidents have sparked widespread condemnation and concern about the rise of anti-Semitism in Australia.
Follow up
. What effective strategies have been implemented by authorities to address anti-Semitic incidents in Australia?
. How do these recent instances of anti-Semitic chanting reflect or diverge from broader trends in Australian society?
. What role do social media platforms play in amplifying or mitigating anti-Semitic rhetoric during political protests?
Pro-Palestine protesters chant ‘Gas the Jews’ outside Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House protest: new clip queries ‘gas the Jews’ video
Sydney Opera House Israel-Palestine protest: Anger as Jews are told to stay home and dragged away from protest – while radical Muslims shout vile anti-Semitic comments, throw flares, and chant ‘gas the Jews’ | Daily Mail Online
‘Reprehensible’ protesters chant ‘Gas the Jews’ outside Sydney Opera House
+ 2 more
Thanks OldOzzie
I must give Brave AI a go.
We now live in a world where our government and their mates are the main source of Misinformation and Disinformation
The UNRWA cabal which engineered the installation of Albanese’s ruling group is a notorious long term planner as witness the system of underground infrastructure to which all donated funding was applied by Hamas after the 2005 Gaza Pullout.
I remember being shocked in 2004 when Ahmed Yassin was assassinated by drone leaving just his twisted and blackened wheelchair frame on the ground; being an arrant contrarian one of my slogans was support for Hamas and Hesbollah though only to foment outrage in anybody paying attention and curiously enough nobody did; unlike today where the country is teeming with support and there’s even to be a dedicated islamic party, lord knows there’s unlimited financial backing for these unassimilable vermin from the gas rich Qataris.
A very fraught future is coming our way.
The American withdrawal from Afghanistan was an absolute debacle .
But the wider question is; why were they there in the first place?
Because they were obsessed with idea of equal rights a.k.a. democracy.
A large percentage in the US and Aus want to abandon Ukraine just as ignominiously.
“A large percentage in the US and Aus want to abandon Ukraine just as ignominiously.”.. which they will, they haven’t won a victory since WW2, yet they’ve been fighting somewhere in someone else’s country nearly every year since.
They will bail from Ukraine once the Ukies run out of soldiers and I’m sure they are pushing as hard as they can in the Southern ‘Stans to get the next patsy on board. There’s still hot bodies to be marched against Russia in Georgia or Armenia or Uzbekistan…
Perhaps they were hoping the Taliban would take up arms against Russia and were just helping them along.
And you never hear the Left/feminists complain about the Taliban, indeed they revere the misogynist religion of the Taliban.
21 Years After Bush Overthrew Saddam, Bill In Iraqi Parliament Could Legitimize Child Marriage
Women and children’s rights campaigners in Iraq have pushed back at proposals that could enshrine sectarianism in family relationships, hand more power in family matters to clerics and open the door for marriage to be legalized for children as young as nine years old.
The amendments to Law No. 188, the Personal Status Law of 1959 have been heavily promoted by the Coordination Framework, a coalition of conservative Shia Isl@mist parties that form the largest bloc in parliament.
Iraq is majority Shia (est. 55-60%) with Sunni (est. 35-40%) in the minority. As many already know Islam (both Shia and Sunni sects) supports polygamy while Shia goes even further and also supports “mutta” which is a marriage to only exist for an agreed period of time. That time can be from a few minutes to years.
Mutta has long been practiced in Iran and, “thanks” to the various local wars grew in popularity in the last 20 years with Iraq also. While polygamy of course enables/ensures loads and loads of Muslim babies to populate the future one religion world Mutta it is argued (by Shias of course) solves the problem of war widows and the reduced male market.
Apparently, a big concern of international support workers during both the Iraq and Syrian wars was that Arabs from other countries were flying into the refugee camps and entering into ($$$$) Mutta arrangements with the parents of unmarried girls and jetting off on their honeymoons. Few days/weeks later, in line with any Mutta time limits, the ex-bride was deposited back in the camp.
Great backgrounder to the practice and Iraq situation provided by this 2010 article. You can no doubt imagine how attractive a Mutta marriage with a minor would therefore be.
“Here is the result, as the Taliban stage a celebratory parade showing off some of the thousands of vehicles and weaponry they captured.”
I have read somewhere, years ago, that Biden caused about US $ 80,000 million worth of hardware – not all state of the art, but still – to be left behind in Afghanistan.
Does anyone have an updated [more accurate?] estimate – to the nearest thousand million dollars?
Even for the US – that’s a pretty serious amount of money.
Especially to throw away!
The UK – in contrast: –
“In the 2023/24 financial year, the UK spent £54.2 billion on defence. This is expected to rise to £57.1 billion in 2024/25, which is a 4.5% increase in real terms.”
Source – [at 1830Z/17 August 2024] –
At £1 = 1.29 USD that is about US $ 69,200 million.
And some of that budget pays pensions …
Fun Facts
Big Tech data centres require enormous amounts of cheap reliable power so need coal, gas, hydro and nuclear and they sign contracts with such providers but then buy fake “carbon credits” so they can pretend to be woke.
The Winners and Losers of the AI Power Boom
. AI technology is causing a surge in US power demand, especially from data centers.
. This is pushing up wholesale electricity prices, boosting profits for power producers.
. Consumers are likely to face higher electricity bills as utilities invest in grid upgrades to meet the rising demand.
The U.S. power market is poised for a major shake-up as consumption is soaring amid the AI technology boom.
The surge in power demand, led by data centers, has started to create winners in the American electricity sector. Expectations of booming consumption in the coming years are raising wholesale and retail power prices, pushing up profits for power-generating firms and utilities, and raising household bills for consumers.
The AI-led jump in power demand could also kick-start legislative changes in some states that could allow utilities to own and invest in power-generation capacity.
Many independent power producers are boosting their earnings guidance, expecting much higher wholesale capacity auction prices for the coming years to continue supporting their revenues.
Amid tighter supplies, this year’s capacity auction prices at one of the biggest regional U.S. markets have soared compared to last year.
PJM Interconnection, which coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity and ensures power supplies for 65 million people in all or parts of 13 eastern and Midwest U.S. states and D.C., said at the end of July that it had secured sufficient resources to meet the reliability requirement for the 2025/2026 Delivery Year.
The auction produced a price of $269.92 per megawatt (MW)-day for much of the PJM footprint, compared to $28.92/MW-day for the 2024/2025 auction. That’s more than a nine-fold jump in just one year.
Higher Prices for Consumers
The need for more power resources and increased investments in transmission lines and grid expansions and upgrades will start to raise the cost of household electricity prices as utilities, when allowed by regulators, will seek to pass on some of the higher costs and capex onto consumers.
U.S. consumers are set to pay higher electricity bills as power providers raise investments in much-needed grid improvements amid an old power system that is not designed to cope with soaring demand and more frequent extreme weather events.
Over the past year, electricity price inflation has outpaced total consumer inflation in the United States. Expected further hikes in power rates for consumers could spark political backlash in some states and service areas.
“Transmission and distribution costs have been one of the major drivers for increases in retail electricity prices in recent years,” U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) says.
PLEASE, STOP — I’M ONLY ALLOWED TO VOTE FOR HIM ONCE: Trump would pull out of Paris climate treaty again.
Any remaining doubts that the attempt on Trump’s life was an inside job?
“But Senators the manufacturer assured us it was bulletproof”!
Reminds me of the Mythbusters hiding behind their shields, and then being a bit surprised when they tested them.
A Data Centre where I worked in Europe had external bullet proof glass panels outboard of the standard windows. They were supposed to block 7.62/308 rounds. I guess if they had something heavier , we were just supposed to duck
First time I have seen this;
If so, the Butler shooter would have been in plain view of spectators, many of whom were taking videos on their phones!
Also I did not notice any damage to the stock if Crooks rifle!
Based on 6 Page PDF
Subject: Preliminary Investigative Report to Chairman Mike Kelly
Investigative Authority: House Bi-Partisan Task Force on the Attempted Assassination of Former
President Donald Trump.
Author of Preliminary Report: Congressman Clay Higgins
Date: 12 August 2024
There are some remarkable revelations in the 6-page pdf.
One detail outlines how it was a Butler County SWAT officer who fired the initial shot that stopped Matthew Crooks after 8 shots fired. The Feds did not initially stop the assassin, the locals did. Another detail highlights how the Butler County coroner was not aware the FBI quickly released the body of Crooks for immediate cremation.
. “The 9th shot fired on J13 was from a Butler SWAT operator from the ground about 100 yards away from the AGR building. Shot 9 hit Crooks’ rifle stock and fragged his face/neck/right shoulder area from the stock breaking up. The SWAT operator who took this shot was a total badass; when he had sighted the shooter Crooks as a mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the AGR rooftop, he immediately left his assigned post and ran towards the threat, running to a clear shot position directly into the line of fire while Crooks was firing 8 rounds. On his own, this ESU SWAT operator took a very hard shot, one shot. He stopped Crooks and importantly, I believe the shot damaged the buffer tube on Crooks’ AR. I won’t be certain of this until I can examine Crooks’ rifle, but I’m 99% sure based upon reliable eye-witness ESU tactical officers who observed Crooks’ rifle before the FBI harvested it as evidence. This means that if his AR buffer tube was damaged, Crooks’ rifle wouldn’t fire after his 8th shot.” [Clay Higgins Report, pdf – page 4]
The FBI had Crook’s body cremated.
The Autopsy report has not been made public.
The roof top was power washed.
No details of the shooter’s gun have been released or any close-up photos.
The greater crime scene was not held secure so that more accurate measurements could be made and all the stands were quickly removed.
What is a buffer tube on a rifle?
Buffer tube on a rifle?
The buffer tube is a critical component of an AR-15 rifle, responsible for absorbing recoil and facilitating smooth cycling of the bolt carrier group. It houses the buffer spring and recoil buffer, which work together to reduce the impact of the bolt’s rearward motion.
Key Functions:
Recoil Absorption: The buffer tube and its contents (buffer spring and recoil buffer) absorb the recoil energy generated by the firing of the rifle, reducing the shock felt by the shooter.
Bolt Carrier Group Cycling: The buffer tube helps to slow down the bolt carrier group’s rearward motion, allowing it to return to its forward position smoothly and consistently.
See more at AI –
On a semi auto you need some method of slowing the bolt mechanism as it moves to the rear. This reduces felt recoil and allows the system to cycle forward smoothly and load the next round.
Different makers do it in different ways but typically it involves a spring of some kind. On an AR this is housed in the buffer tube.
All of this is absent on a normal bolt action rifle.
As any school cadet of my era could attest when on the range with a 303.
It was just the sore shoulder!
All the WW2 rifles had some version of the very ergonomic solid metal butt plate. Bit more focussed on bashing the enemies head in if needed than shooter comfort.
Nice chap clearing people from around the fence to allow a clear field of fire at Trump
Need you know anymore?
3d reconstructions from 2 groups using Blender.
Who is walking around with Mr Crookes?
Maybe the Crookes kid has been re-incarnated though has to hide the scars after his sudden cremation
Crowd Source the Truth have a body cam video of the a Crookes? Doppelganger leaving the area between the building after the shooting. Grey shirt, shorts and black socks and shoes.
Accepting the finding in the report by Congressman Clay Higgins that a Butler SWAT “friendly sniper” fired the ninth shot which disabled Crooks and his rifle, then an implication is that this sniper was stationed in the sighting field assigned to the Butler County counter-sniper in the AGR building.
The sniper would be safer from friendly fire if spectators were moved on from the area where they should have been excluded in any case.
The bloke in the red pickup that was clearing the fence line claiming to own property must have had a premonition that there would be a shooter on the roof requiring a clearing of the field of fire should the friendly sniper manage to pierce the shooter and the roof thus endangering people near the fence?
I don’t think so! If I was investigating this I would be asking the bloke clearing the fence line who he was and who told him to clear that section in such a abusive fashion. He appeared to stop when the local police arrived. This was long before Trump spoke or the yelling about a shooter started.
Maybe the secret service should employ him as a clairvoyant, something like Simon Baker in ‘The Mentalist’ only stopping crimes not solving them.
She should have a simple bodyguard, she doesn’t deserve to be murdered [at least not without a trial] but RFK Jr. had to make do and he is clearly at risk.
Well at least Raygun does not have an Only Fans site! The Haters would be really out in force!
The wests enemies would have been emboldened by the US running away and the subsequent confusion of their allies.
I think Russia would not have invaded ukraine and Iran would have held back on its sponsored attacks and so Afghanistan had created a chain of events that meant subsequently china and north Korea have built an alliance with those others
Yes. That’s why the civilised world needs Trump.
And even he may not be able to undo the damage of the last four years.
If he doesn’t get elected, it’s game over for Western Civilisation.
The “west” would have less enemies if it stopped manipulating and regime changing other countries to suit its own needs and stopped maintaining a global military empire. Russia also probably wouldnt have entered Ukraine had Kiev not bombed and shelled its own Russian speaking citizens for a decade. I think its a bit more complex than US has big stick controls world.
It is complex.
‘The ongoing Russo-Ukrainian War began in February 2014. Following Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity, Russia occupied and annexed Crimea from Ukraine and supported pro-Russian separatists fighting the Ukrainian military in the Donbas War. These first eight years of conflict also included naval incidents and cyberwarfare.’ (wiki)
I recommend John Mearsheimer and also Tucker Carlson’s interview with Jeffrey Sachs for a more detailed, in-depth and comprehensive overview of the backgound and lead-up to the US proxy war against Russia in Ukraine and Europe
THE west would have fewer enemies if it had fewer white ants.
>THE west would have fewer enemies if it had fewer white ants.
So true. I can’t understand how this observation attracted 3 red thumbs.
“Following Ukraine’s Revolution of Dignity,”
Lol! You mean the CIA-organised revolution that overthrow the democratically-elected Govt? The one with that horrible woman from the State Dept handing out cookies? Just another regime-change organised by the Yanks to attack their rivals.
“THE west would have fewer enemies if it had fewer white ants.”
The West would have fewer enemies if we had honest Govts. Try some honesty for a start, and if they can manage that we can move up to morality! Eventually we could get to transparency, but don’t hold your breath, the system is so corrupt something like that is unlikely to ever take place.
By your age you should have realised our Govts are not one iota better than the ones they accuse of being ‘the axis of evil’. To most of the world we are NOT the good guys!
..and those red thumbs are not from me!
For some its about unquestioning adulation of the Empire. My son is like that, they can do no wrong and have infinite military capacity, despite observable reality for decades.
You say the Yanks haven’t won a war since WWII.
Nth Korea had pushed the south almost into the sea. With the AID of the US they reversed that back to the 38th. It wasn’t America’s war, how was it a loss when a ceasefire was declared? US Sabres that had a 10:1 kill ratio [overstated, I accept] over the MIG 15 flown by experienced Soviet pilots and hampered by “rules of engagement” that said they could not cross the Yalu R.
Ever heard of Desert Storm? Saddam promised The Mother Of All Wars and Baghdad had incredible air defences. F117 Night Hawks led the air attack taking out command posts with missiles down airconditioning ducts. As defences were taken out and command and control destroyed other aircraft of MANY types rolled back the defence. From wiki:
Operation Desert Storm, which began with the aerial bombing campaign against Iraq on 17 January 1991 and came to a close with the American-led liberation of Kuwait on 28 February 1991.
It was brought to a premature end because the videos of the carnage on the Highway Of Death out of Kuwait were too horrible for the TVs in the states.
And for TOTAL destruction of the enemy I recommend watching a video of 73 Easting. It was the most lop sided tank battle of all time.
Other involvements that you despise were never efforts of American expansion. If that was their aim they could walk over their northern border, and thay have more oil than anyone else so they don’t need to go to war for it.
>The “west” would have less enemies if it stopped manipulating and regime changing other countries to suit its own needs and stopped maintaining a global military empire.
I think you’ll find it’s not “the West” per se, who maintain something like 170 military bases all over the world and who stage coups and foment wars here there and everywhere.
It’s done in the name of the USA who dutifully obey the war hawks and in the name of Australia, and NATO, who also tug their forelocks and trot along in support, but the US citizens by and large don’t want war and foreign conquests. Neither do Australian citizens or German or English. We want our governments to look after our own country and our own citizens. The history of the CIA since its inception has been a history of dragging the West into endless troubles and of shocking ways of paying for all that destruction.
You get what you put up with. We may not run the bases but we kotow to those who do. I think on a people to people basis we make great allies, but the relationship has been corrupted.
Be careful what you wish for. If the US became absolutely isolationist the rest of the world would devolve 500 years into piracy on the seas and internecine wars for empire.
Britain is lost and Europe is fragile. Africa is chaotic and China desperately needs conquest to survive as an entity.
Could NZ come to our aid when [not if] we are attacked?
Can anyone advise where;145.4;3&l=rain-3h&t=20240816/2100,,-33.871,151.201,5 etc
get their data from?
The reason I ask, is that my youngest Daughter rang me last night at 5.30pm as she was being driven by my wife to Milsons Point for one of my Grandsons Friday night interschools debate, saying there was Huge Lightning off to south over city and had not been forecast by BOM
I went on the BOM Site to Terry Hills Radar 64Km – and it showed rain around Canberra – nothing around South of Sydney
Went to the Ventusjy Site and it correctly showed the Thunderstorm approaching near Sydney
What in the Heck are we paying Australian Bureau Of Meterology for, when they cannot put up correct Data?
Surely is the way of the Future
GraphCast: Learning skillful medium-range – global weather forecasting – 102 Page PDF
I no longer trust any data or predictions from the BoM.
Their weather predictions haven’t been very accurate since they started employing “meterologists” and prediction models that promote the Official Narrative rather than predictions based on science and evidence.
And their practice of altering historical temperature data by the secret anti-scientific practice of “homogenisation” tells you all you need to know about the organisation.
BOM = Bunch Of Muppets
Nice work
They usually list their data sources. This is from the Ventiusky link:
BoM are too busy manufacturing a climate emergency to worry about accurate weather reports. They will have most of their effort focused on the weather in 2100 rather than tomorrow or next week.
CSIRO, BoM and ABC are disservice organisations for the Australian people. They are UN propaganda promotors.
Thanks Rick – Australian Taxpayers could save a Fortune by getting rid of 2 Federal Departments BOM & Federal Education!
on all the links at – BOM does not get a mention. yet Ventusky is more accurate that BOM – No reason for BOM to exist!
This morning’s BOM forecast for Perth, as the “storm” front swept in from the Indian Ocean, was for heavy rain, storms, thunder, lightning, etc., etc. As usual, nothing but a few occasional showers, no high winds, no thunder, no lightning. The BOM seems to specialise in putting out these “severe weather” alerts, causing folks to cancel events.
Did you know Monkey Pox has been rebranded as mpox?
I’m not sure why. No doubt there’s some sort of woke reason behind it.
Former member of terrorist organisation Tigray People’s Liberation Front and head of the WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has declares mpox to be a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).
It will be interesting to see what countries such as Australia who are fanatical followed of the UN/WHO/WEF will do about this and what individual rights will be removed and what compulsory experimental “vaccines” will be pushed in pretending to deal with it.
Monkey pox was rebranded to mpox to take account of the sensibilities of those whose way of life made them susceptible to it. It hasn’t been a danger to the rest of society, as far as I am aware. There is therefore no call for the unelected WHO to tell the rest of us what to do.
Hear! Hear! Annie.
And Dr Tedros is not a doctor. He does, however, sound like The Count (Dracula) from Sesame Street – or was he a Muppet too?
Yet we have a monkey muscle.
Australian Aboriginal “science” is now being heavily promoted by politicians, public service scientists and the anti-science Left.
Stone Age cultures making simple observations about nature relevant to their survival is not science.
Quadrant magazine article:
Unable to invent the wheel!
Our Third Nation’s Peoples schools must have been as bad as Government schools are today!
Unable to invent the wheel? It stretches the imagination to identify what they would have done with a wheel.
No horses or bullocks to hitch up a trailer, so a wheel would have been surplus to requirement.
Given the special place of women in indigenous culture, there may have been options
Local cash hero
Do local’s with two heads get a 10% discount?
There’s quite a few businesses up my way here in central Victoria who offer the same.
Not enough though yet.
There’s one that offers non-fiat payment options.
I ran a vending business in a previous life, strictly cash in coin. Banking was a pain then, it would be impossible today, no bank branch would accept bulk coin. A national company I moonlighted with used armourguard to pick up the bulk bagged coin but even these companies are dying. One is about to fold iirc.
Major stores SAVE big time with CCs.
One cruise ship advised that to handle cash, they had to bring around 30-50 tonnes of it onboard for every trip. No wonder they shifted to a no-cash system.
Obviously Australia’s official inflation rate of 3.8% is entirely fraudulent.
Anyone who does their own shopping and is not entirely disconnected from reality like politicians will realise 25%-30% is more realistic.
We need to establish an honest crowd-sourced inflation index based on common goods and services that most people normally buy.
Believe that it is only Chinese made goods imported into Australia that have fallen in price.
Low cost coal fired power elecricity does have its benefits.
I bought a kilo block of cheese y’day for $8, same as it was 4 years ago [had been up to $12]. Capsicums are back under $6/k. It’s insurances and everything “regulated” by gov. or actually set by them that is still going higher. A 5 yr driver’s license is $200.
Does anyone know if various insurance and government’s charges are included in the “basket”?
Given my last 2 years increases Building & Contents Insurance 34.8% then 29.1% – obviously not! – NSW Govt Land Tax 24% & then 13.4%
Fresh food.
Vehicle and home insurance.
Should we change this to Since Federal Australian Labor Government Took Office
House Republicans@HouseGOP
🚨🚨Since Kamala Harris took office:
📈Eggs are UP 46.8%.
📈Peanut butter is UP 42.8%.
📈Crackers are UP 40.3%.
📈Baby food and formula are UP 30.1%.
📈 Inflation has skyrocketed by OVER 20%,
📈Delivery services are UP 29.7%.
#KamalaCosts #Kamalanomics
What would you have done?
Bureaucrats with nothing better to do.
Reminds me of a bar in Bangkok I visted many years ago!
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) – Ping-Pong Scene (5/8) | Movieclips
Great minds think alike!
I wonder if Ireland has an e-Safety Commissar who will attempt to conceal the idendity of the person who attacked this Christian chaplain?
Satan has his troops on the ground in Albanese’s Australia.
Yep, those bureaucrats again
Libs of TikTok@libsoftiktok
Home smokes. The DNC is putting out casting calls and trying to recruit people to act like they support the Democrat Party. They even pay for the actors’ travel.
Also at the Nat Press Club this week was multi-decade Perfesser Barney Glover AO, Commissioner of Jobs and Skills Australia (appointed 2024, under Albo). Despite pushing all the ALP policies during his speech one brave journo asked him about recent NAPLAN results showing 1/3 of yoof are functionally illiterate. “That’s why we need early childcare across the nation…”
I can’t recall him speaking specifically about any actual jobs these yoof could do or any actual jobs in the real world, merely pushing higher education.
Quote from one of his other interviews –
At least he acknowledges apprenticeships have a great record of keeping people in their respective trade. That’s why they messed with apprenticeships. And you don’t usually get apprentice communists coming out of apprenticeships. You need unis for that.
What can you say. This guy thinks flying taxis will be at the core of the Brisbane Olympics and that they also relate somehow to Australia’s tyranny of distance (a phrase he must have picked up recently and was just dying to us, even out of context.
While I’m ranting about the NPC, I commented about Bill Shorten, also this week talking about gov services. I forgot he’d bought (with our money) a speechwriter, $310k p.a. Can’t stand the man but he spoke for half a hour without using notes. Wow, must know his stuff. But watching his eyes he’s clearly just reading from several autocues, I presume those seemingly clear screens where text is only visible to those in front of them. Like Joe Biden he included various dot points.
Quite different head movements and fluency answering questions but with a few sneak peeks at, I’m guessing, another autocue somewhere on the lectern.
Sorry, can only listen/watch for a few minutes at a time.
Just wait – the “Night of the long knives” cannot be too far away as Albo the Trot is falling in the Polls.
There are some in the Labor Party who hate Albo more than Peter Dutton.
Bill Shorten should have won the unlosable election to ScumMo – however Bill had “friends” like Chrissy Bowen who said “If you do not like our policies then do not vote for us”.
Australian voters took this as good advice!
Probably higher than Australian State & Federal Government Offices!
REVEALED: How as few as 17 per cent of civil servants turn up to the office each day in Whitehall departments
Obviously More Capable than the United States Secret Servive (USSS) Personnel!
Would EWE believe it? Couple wake up to creepy ‘scuffling’ noise echoing through their house… before realising it’s a herd of SHEEP on their roof!
I had a wallaby on my roof, under an eave sheltering from the rain. It is a double story house.
Australian Labor Party & ElbowSleezy Eat your Heart Out!
Kamala Promises to Build 3 Million Homes in 4 Years; Biden-Harris Built Only 8 EV Stations in 2.5 Years
Harris and Walz’s ‘racist’ banter about ‘White guy’ tacos spurs social media backlash
Kamala Harris’ response to vice presidential candidate Tim Walz saying he eats ‘White guy tacos’ has put the pair under fire.
Where’s the Momentum? Kamala Harris’ North Carolina Campaign Event Is Light on Attendees
This writer takes images like this with a grain of salt. We already told you how the Kamala Harris has faked photos of huge crowds, so she doesn’t want to spread actual fake news.
But it appears that the audience for Kamala’s North Carolina campaign stop was very small.
109 people showed up to Kamala’s rally in North Carolina today including press and staff.
This is the level of excitement when there are no free concerts, cash payments, or strippers twerking.
NEW: Kamala Harris shares how much prices have increased under her leadership with President Biden.
Not sure how this is a winning message.
The comments were made to a very small crowd in Raleigh, North Carolina.
“A loaf of bread costs 50% more today than it did before the pandemic. Ground beef is up almost 50%.”
Trump War Room@TrumpWarRoom
We definitely appreciate her honesty
End Wokeness@EndWokeness
Shortest political ad I’ve ever seen 🤣
Kamalanomics Blowback Begins As Food Prices Hit Record Highs
“KamalaCosts” and “Kamalanomics” are trending on X on Friday afternoon as Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled her strategy to address the crushing economic environment faced by the working poor and middle class during her tenure as vice president in the Biden administration.
Day 1 for me was January 2021 – I Helped Create This Mess
House Republicans@HouseGOP
🚨🚨Since Kamala Harris took office:
📈Eggs are UP 46.8%.
📈Peanut butter is UP 42.8%.
📈Crackers are UP 40.3%.
📈Baby food and formula are UP 30.1%.
📈 Inflation has skyrocketed by OVER 20%,
📈Delivery services are UP 29.7%.
#KamalaCosts #Kamalanomics
The Washington Post Editorial Board says Kamala Harris has failed to offer “serious economic ideas” — her big speech supplied only “gimmicks.”
I’m reading “The times demand serious economic ideas. Harris supplies gimmicks.
‘Price gouging’ is not causing inflation.
So why is the vice president promising to stamp it out?” (free access link).
Never mind that many stores are currently slashing prices in response to renewed consumer bargain hunting. Ms. Harris says she’ll target companies that make “excessive” profits, whatever that means. (It’s hard to see how groceries, a notoriously low-margin business, would qualify.) Thankfully, this gambit by Ms. Harris has been met with almost instant skepticism, with many critics citing President Richard M. Nixon’s failed price controls from the 1970s. Whether the Harris proposal wins over voters remains to be seen, but if sound economic analysis still matters, it won’t….
Even adjusted for the pandering standards of campaign economics… Ms. Harris’s speech Friday ranks as a disappointment.
ADDED: We’re listening to the speech. At one point, she called price gouging “price gauging.”
Worth a Read
In Jerusalem, We Wait for Tehran to Play Its Hand
by Jonathan Spyer The Australian August 17, 2024
Jonathan Spyer is director of research at the Middle East Forum and author of Days of the Fall: A Reporter’s Journey in the Syria and Iraq Wars (2018).
It appears Germany has given up on the race to the bottom. Now building new coal and gas fired power stations.
I think that puts UK as the firm favourite for first country wide blackouts.
An article on WUWT yesterday discussed the PJM capacity bids. This is the network that provides power to the increasingly woke states in the north. Prices are up about 10-fold and will have material impact on retail prices. Some think there will be shortfalls as demand to power AI ramps up. It appears PJM is on the same track to blackouts as Australia but lagging a little.
How will Australia hold up this summer. The south a bit gloomy today but must be sunshine and roses up north. Both Queensland and NSW have had negative prices since 9am. It is Saturday of course.
Thanks. Very interesting figures for Germany.
Sudden Stratospheric Warming is imminent.
As klimate kooks are wont to say: It’s not in the future, it’s here now, today! as my Melbournistani green niece yelled at me a while back in upper case letters via text/SMS.
MetService has issued a Yellow Snow Warning ⚠️ Surely somebody at the Met has heard of Frank Zappa at least once in their life, no?
Mt Cook summit: -16 max, -34 windchill
Mt Hutt: Heavy snow, -8 max, -20 windchill
Snow overnight down to sea level in the far south, all the way up north to the East Cape (600m/2,000’). Oh for some of that good old fashion ‘warming’.
Note the wind chill is coming from Antartica because of that misplaced high pressure.
Because it is impossible to properly vet any of these people
Labor is lying when they claim those being allowed into Australia have been “properly vetted”.
Please standby while sanity is (slowly) being restored
In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court has STRUCK DOWN the Biden-Harris administration’s rewrite of Title IX. This means that MALE ATHLETES will no longer be allowed in women’s sports, bathrooms, locker rooms, or dorms.
But wait, you also get…
NEW COLLEGE tosses hundreds of books, empties gender diversity library.
Hundreds of New College of Florida library books, including many on LGBTQ+ topics and religious studies, are headed to a landfill.
A dumpster in the parking lot of Jane Bancroft Cook Library on the campus of New College overflowed with books and collections from the now-defunct Gender and Diversity Center on Tuesday afternoon. Video captured in the afternoon showed a vehicle driving away with the books before students were notified. In the past, students were given an opportunity to purchase books that were leaving the college’s library collection.
They should have had a book burning…
How comprehensive is that, is it as good as it sounds?
German Police May Soon Enter & Search Homes Secretly
Der Spiegel and RND reported that the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) may soon be allowed to enter and search homes secretly. The plan is still in draft form.
According to the draft, police could also install spyware on suspects’ computers or smartphones and conduct covert searches of their homes. These powers would supposedly only be used in exceptional circumstances. What are exceptional, and who gets to decide?
This is against German law. The inviolability of the home is enshrined in Article 13 of the German constitution.
There is always an excuse to impose totalitarianism. Safety is one of the main excuses. Breaking into people’s homes on the QT is definitely a Stasi-level invasion of privacy. It shouldn’t even appear in draft form. It would eventually be politicized.
Ve have reason to believe zat you deny klimate changen and have posted on zat extremist blog in Australia.
You are all under arrest.
History repeats.
The rise of operating systems from 1985 to 2024
Popular programming languages 1965 to 2022
Binary, assembler, Pascal, BASIC, Fortran, JS, PDP8 to PDP11/70, DOS and all Windows evolutions, Xenix/Unix in the early days bring back memories.
What comes after RUST and Python?
AI (in a few years) will probably invent a new language that we can’t understand that replaces everything.
The Good Old Days of Fortran and the IBM 029 Card Punch. I can still smell the lub oil!
I wasted my youth on this machine!
Or Playing Tunes in Sydney Uni Physics Lab on SILLIAC Computer when supposed to be doing Distinction 1 Physics Assignment
After PDP 1 in Engineering, started programming Plug Wired Boards on IBM 407 Accounting machine before moving onto IBM 1401 then 360 Assembler, COBOL, Fortran, C, etc
ASR33 teletype, Decwriter II and genuine VT100 CO2L? 😁
Ooh, the stories I dare not tell decades on.😎
I recall a couple of guys full time maintaining a 3 year capital works program on punch cards. Its the sort of thing you would knock out in a day or so on Excel and then do trivial updates.
I wasted mine learning the intricacies of all the vacuum tubes, resonant circuits etc and understood the circuit diagram of a small scale IC calculator. The only thing I learnt that is still relevant today is magnetrons and wave guides in RADAR. But I never worked on a RADAR after discharge. Pity, it thought it was magic.
Surprised to see Python more used than C/C++. Pascal was painful – a misplaced space or two would results in code errors. Basic was, well, basic. Assembly language was ok for the early 8-bit micros – did a lot of that, but would have been difficult for larger processors. Program a bit in C/C++ and Python, but prefer C/C++.
What happened to those the ancients (like me) used from 1961 to 1963?!
Just for Annie.
In the 1960s, 128 kilobytes weighed 610 pounds
My #2 phone has 256GB (15 grams), so that’s over 500,000 tons by 1960 standards!
The mind boggles!
The Elliot 803 needed a huge air-conditioned room and lots of perforated tape.
Don’t ask me for any more details as I have forgotten them!
My first computer was an IBM clone 8086 with a math co processor and 640K of ram as far as I can remember. It had an EGA monitor with 16 colors. It cost me an absolute fortune at the time in 1988 or thereabouts. It had 2, 5 and one quarter inch floppy drives and a 20 meg hard drive.
The bees knees!
I wish I still had it.
Saturday sarcasm
When I ask how Monkeypox is spread, I never get a straight answer.
Can we trust the WHO?–men-who-have-sex-with-men-having-multiple-sexual-partners
Gives new meaning to MSM.
Can we trust the WHO? NO.
Houses for the hoi polloi or data centres?? What a hard decision.. pfft, let them sleep in their cars!
“Thirsty data centres are threatening to delay the construction of thousands of new homes in northern Sydney because of a lack of water to supply residential properties. City of Ryde chief executive Wayne Rylands said there was a mismatch between the state government’s housing targets and its policy to allow data centres in Macquarie Park due to the area’s strained water supply, which is not due to be addressed for another two years…. They use hundreds of thousands of litres of water a day to keep cool, and this increases significantly during periods of hot weather.”
So, not an electrical constraint, but a shortage of water!
Does the water evaporate away?
Warren Buffett dumping stocks
Buffett now holds $277 Billion in CASH and selling stocks like never before, including Apple
Gold is up 33% in the last 12 months. Has he been stacking some of that?
Not sure what to make of this.
‘Eggs thrown, arrest at clash between women’s rights and pro-trans rallies
‘Organisation Trans Queer Solidarity is staging a counter-protest in response to a Women’s Action Group ‘Women Will Speak’ event in Melbourne amid a large police presence in the area.’ (Oz)
We’re not the Judean People’s Front, we’re the People’s Front of Judea. Splitters!
Heartbreaking story.
No wonder people are protesting in the streets.
What is wrong with the police and the legal profession?
Does being a cop, a judge or a lawyer destroy your brain as well as your commonsense and conscience?
Justice Isn’t Blind. She’s Stupid.
We now live in a country where real crime earns a slap on the wrist, but thoughtcrime is crushed with appalling harshness.
I hope Raygun doesn’t look at The Week in Pictures