A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Girl to be fined for defending herself against would-be rapist? Welcome to Europe!
A 17-year-old girl will be fined 500 krone for refusing to be raped.
I was expecting the charge to be as a result of her islamophobia for not being accepting of her attempted cultural enrichment.
If you’re going to get done for having pepper spray, she might as well have a .38 in there.
Do a Clint Eastwood and have a Magnum 45……….
mmmm so portable and handbaggy
The same thing would happen in Nanny State Australia plus you’d be accused of being some type of “phobe” for not submitting to the assault. So-called “feminists” would cheer at your prosecution.
“The same thing would happen in Nanny State Australia plus you’d be accused of being some type of “phobe” for not submitting to the assault. ”
Very recent events in Australia have clearly shown that victims of rape are not accused of being some type of “phobe”
Why couldn’t it happen to one of those trannies, the perp might get a shock or he mightn’t be fussy.
Curious that this is doing the rounds now, because it happened in 2016. But it is still very relevant. We live in a mad bad world with spineless politicians.
Mike – 2016 is interesting.
Wasn’t Neil Kinnock’s daughter-in-law [married to a son who had trotters in the trough of Brussels, possibly. And later [now?] an MP in the UK] a big-wig in Denmark. IIRC the daughter-in-law became Prime Minister [tho’ I think later than that].
I am sure Mr. Google will be my false-friend, but it’s Sunday …
Celebrate Diversity …Unto Death
by Mark Steyn
Is anyone realising what a huge blunder they have made in electing this disaster.
The UK election was a choice of heads the bad guys win, tails the good guys lose.
The good news is that in the UK there is now a third political force.
But it amazes me how that third force was not much bigger. What on earth are those voters thinking?
More free stuff ?
“But it amazes me how that third force was not much bigger. What on earth are those voters thinking?”
Presumably by far the vast majority of voters were thinking Nigel Farage didn’t warrant their vote
Four million.
The “None-of-the-above” mob got about twice the number of potential voters as did Sir Starmer.
But those who did not vote, c.40%, by definition, have no say in the formation of the Government.
This one, led by the Beige Knight,got a vote from just very slightly over 20% of those entitled in law to vote.
Thumping majority in the Commons, and with ideas [probably half-a$$ed, in truth] about ‘reforming’ the House of Lords.
And ‘reforming’ will probably mean bringing in all sorts of dodgy Leftists.
‘Reforming’ is often pronounced ‘gerrymandering’ in English.
Actually, very many voters voted Reform, and in some seats they finished in front of the Tories, but under the British first-past-the-post system in most seats the non-left vote split between Tory and Reform thus handing the seat to Labour.
It is definitely a bad outcome that Keir Starmer got in with a large majority, but IMHO if Rishi Sunak had been rewarded with a second term after so thoroughly shafting Brexit and pandering to the far left then that would have been a worse result.
Let’s all hope that the remnants of the parliamentary Tory party can’t prevent Kemi Badenoch getting the party leadership like they did last time.
These unwanted migrants came in under the Tories who talked BREXIT, but did nothing. When you have 10% unemployment and higher, why accept masses of incompatible migrants? The big attraction is taxpayer funded assistance which is unlimited, unlike jobs.
11 stabbed and 3 killed at a “Diversity Festival” in Solingen , Germany. Police still looking for the usual suspect, politicians mumble and tweet the usual platitudes.
Islamic State claims responsibility for mass stabbing attack in Germany as police arrest two suspects, three dead
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for a German knife attack reportedly carried out “in revenge for Muslims in Palestine and everywhere”, while police have arrested two individuals.
Oscar Godsell Sky News Digital Reporter
From the Comments
– We have a Ticking Time Bomb in Australia created by the Albanese Government. Hopefully it will keep ticking until Peter Dutton becomes PM then we can round all of them up and put them into off shore Detention then start a proper Security screening process .
– All it takes is one bad apple for this to occur here and lax screening here makes the probability so much higher.
– What is Albo saying after letting nearly 3000 threats into Australia?
– Nothing to worry about here, everyone coming in has had a full security check – right Albo?
– Hope Albo reads this article also hope Dutton is elected as we know he will keep Australians safe by doing all necessary checks on refugees
What about the 50,000 that escaped on Gillards watch.
Labor Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles defends visitor visas for Palestinians, dismisses opposition criticism
Labor Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has dodged questions about visa policies for Palestinians fleeing Gaza and insisted the opposition’s criticism of the issue was a political diversion.
Labor Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles has refused to answer why visitor visas were granted to Palestinians fleeing Gaza instead of temporary humanitarian visas.
In an appearance on Sunday Agenda with Andrew Clennell, Mr Marles failed to explain the reasoning behind why the government had chosen to issue visitor visas.
The Deputy Prime Minister instead argued the issue was a “total distraction” by the opposition as they have “nothing to say on the issues that affect Australians”.
“There is no substantive issue here… All that this is – is just a big, massive distraction” Mr Marles said.
“What matters from a security point of view was ASIO imply or not? Of course they were.”
Mr Marles confirmed he was “satisfied” that all the security checks had been made for Palestinians who have arrived in Australia so far.
“The government will keep ensuring that ASIO is front and centre in the security assessments that occur in relation to any person, no matter where in the world they come from.”
As more than one million people have fled Gaza since the war, reports have emerged that about 7,100 visa applications to Australia have been rejected.
There have been about 2,922 Palestinians granted a visa to Australia, of which 1,300 are now in the country. The vast majority of these hold temporary visitor visas.
The issues that the Australian public are wanting to be sorted and are grappling with are apparently : ….transitioning to the opposite gender, males being allowed in female sports, not enough EV chargers, rail lines to replace rail lines, allowing newborn children to die, govt taking control of the reserve bank interest rates, banning mining and wealth creation, wrecking rainforests for turbines and transmission lines, and supporting terrorist organisations.
If you’re on the very fringe of the very edge of the very precipice of Australian society you will be looked after.
Leak brilliant on Albanese’s ‘no problem’ Hamas supporters.
Oh he hasn’t just failed the NT! @AlboMP
has failed the whole of Australia.
How good is this 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Sunday, 25 August 2024
Last night in Birmingham, UK, a father’s throat was slit by an African immigrant while his baby was with him. This is unbearable. Enough is enough!
— Europe Invasion (@EuropeInvasionn) August 24, 2024
Whoever originally posted that factual news item will likely get prosecuted and jailed in the UK for “hate speech” (sic). Starmer is emptying the UK jails of actual criminals to make way for thought criminals.
Palestinians, Islam and deception.
The last two PCPSR polls of Palestinians show something that indicates the depth of self-deception among Palestinians.
In the last poll, only 10% of Palestinians admitted to watching videos of Hamas’ slaughter of Israelis on October 7. Yet even among those who saw the videos, a…
— Elder of Ziyon 🇮🇱 (@elderofziyon) August 23, 2024
From the Comments
– Albanese and co. must have the same mindset allowing them to come here.
– Nowhere in Australia will be safe for those proponents to the admission of Hamas sympathizers to our wonderful country, we simply are already filled with enough fifth column Islamic trouble makers.
Labour party politicians should be spat on in the street. Traitors to the working class of Australia.
Australia has imported or will import far more Gazans than anyone else in the world and their fellow Arabs have imported zero and absolutely refuse, including Egypt where many originally came from including Arafat. Thirty eight percent of Gazans support the terrorist group Hamas. Support for the proscribed terrorist group does not preclude the Australian Government from issuing visas. It is no coincidence that Australia recently elevated its terrorist alert to PROBABLE.
Recall that Australia previously refused to allow South African farmers who were victims of terrorism to come here. We prefer supporters of terrorism, or actual terrorists, over victims of terrorism.
Isl@mic militant group claims responsibility for horror knife attack in Germany that left 3 dead, several injured
From the Comments
– So far the evidence points to the followers of an ideology that justifies the murder of anyone who does not do as that ideology demands. That ideology’s followers’ are intolerant of Western or Far Eastern cultures, they are incapable of integrating into our culture. the only way to protect our loved ones from being murdered by them is to ban them from our country, make them stay in their own country and live as they have chosen to live.
– Funny thing is that European and American liberals side with this ‘mysterious’ religion from the Middle East more then they do their own countries citizens.
We can’t name the religion here or The Post will delete your comment.
Gee, I wonder why The Post ‘Fact Checkers’ protect this sometimes murderous ideology?
“initial description of the suspect as a man in his 20s or 30s, approximately 1.70 to 1.75m tall, with an athletic build and a short, full beard.”
Oh look! There he is, that 1.7 tall athletic German guy with a blond beard and a white skin!
Quite. Solingen is famous for its knife making. Still, another A Rab is the suspect but will the diversity groups think twice about this type of inclusion?
Just what exactly are the limits, if any, of the open door immigration policies of most Western countries?
Few people are against immigration per se, but a reasonable expectation is that immigrants adopt the culture and values of the host country, and work and be productive law abiding citizens. If not, why immigrate in the first place?
And numbers have to be compatible with a country’s ability to absorb them without straining the housing, labour and other markets etc..
By accident I have found a report from 1998 that is by far the worst example of the green blob interfering in Australian domestic affairs and causing serious harm:
Report on mission to Kakadu National Park, Australia, 26 October to 1 November 1998.
(58 pages)
The Jabiluka uranium is a few km north of the Ranger mine 250 km east of Darwin.
Ranger recently stopped mining. Jabiluka is mothballed.
Jabiluka is one of the biggest, richest, most delightful deposits in the world.
I was intimately involved in both Ranger and Jabiluka.
Why is this resource mothballed when in could be right now providing national wealth, jobs, training, regional development benefits?
I had not known of the high level corruption until I chanced on this report.
In summary, the United Nations did a quiet hatchet job.
The UN interfered with Australian economic development in a disgusting way with the help of some known local green villains:
The 1998 UN mission recommended shutting down the just-started Jabiluka mine.
Two Australian experts appointed by our Federal government were on the Committee that wrote the report. They were Prof Jon Altman and Dr Roy Green both noted anthropologist specialists who knew the area and its local people from years of study there.
Altman and Green recommended that mining should go ahead. They essentially reported that several of the UN recommendations did not reflect the evidence put to them and that they made up stuff. Australian pollies Senators Hill and Parer were snowed and pressured by high level UN officials from Europe who had no business interfering with our economy.
No wonder it was not publicised. It might well have involved illegal criminal acts.
I know it is old material now, but the way it was done can be used again until it seems legitimate.
Do try to take it on and be wiser about international deceit and interference by the UN which was formed to reduce warfare, at which it is failing.
Geoff S
Didn’t UNESCO recently have a big say in the raising of the Warragamba dam wall.
Yes they did.
But Australia isn’t or shouldn’t be obliged to follow UNESCO’s advice. I don’t recall voting for them as a Government of Australia.
Do you think UNESCO would tell the Chicomms what to do, or if they did, would China listen?
Weak socialist Australian politicians were just looking for an excuse to increase flood threats by not building the dam extension.
Only in the Stupid Country would action be taken to NOT mitigate flood threats.
Of course, if it was a solar or wind plantation, approval would be automatic and the project would be fast tracked.
It’s not good news but the Australian Constitution is partly to blame in the form of the external affairs power. The other part is the well meaning idiocy of signing up to international treaties which compel Australia to self harm.
The formal way forward is to exit from these UN treaties. The informal way forward is to just ignore them and resist the punishment which comes from the UN tyrants.
The present Warragamba Dam acts quite well as a flood mitigation scheme.
But it allows regular very extensive minor flooding and that prevents the kind of rezoning in affected areas that could add housing for another million people.
I expect the dam will be extended when the new airport is operating.
Australia has vast energy resources but won’t allow itself to use these great gifts.
If Australia continues to not utilise these resources, someone else will just come and take them.
Better link.
Forgot to mention that the value of uranium at Jabiluka on today’s prices is a bit north of 31 billion dollars Australian.
Someone once gave all that money away because of some events at the time.
Nobody paid Australia for this large economic loss.
Should we send a bill to the United Nations? Or to the Senators who were not so careful? Or to the Northewrn Land Council for making stuff up?
Why should we be content that nobody is accountable for this huge loss of money? IMO, we should make all losses like this accountable. I gave nobody permission to give away $31,000,000,000 forever. Did you?
Approval to mine was given twice by local aborigines.
From the UN report “The 1982 Section 43 Agreement for mining uranium at Jabiluka must be honoured, as must the 1991 transfer of ownership.” But they did not honour these agreements.
Why should conditions as seen at 1998 when mining was stopped, be assumed to go on forever?
Circumstances change.
It is time to activate this matter and decide again under the conditions of today.
And we should try to get Australkia out of the deathly grip of the United Nations. Geoff S
At our stage in life it is far better that one disengages from this nonsense. Change or takeover is almost complete, with a supine electorate who are preoccupied with cost of living issues it means that we are absorbed by the globalist/Marxist monster. This is not the country I once loved, but I can find what I love in the nature of the Australian bush and its uncomplicated folk.
The new NT govt, with its new Chief Minister, seems to have a different viewpoint about mining in NT.
What is the statute of limitations on such actions?
Geoff – Senator Robert Hill had form in kowtowing to green yuppies. In the ‘Rural Weekly’ 29 September 2000 he stated that “Reducing land clearance in Queensland would be one of the cheapest ways for Australia to lower its overall greenhouse emissions”. This was because he did not accept (admit) that the grazed woodlands of northern Australia were a vast CO2 sink which far exceeded the emissions from land clearing. He had no comprehension that these woodlands in Queensland alone exceeded the total area of all land assigned for rural production in NSW. Being a South Australian he presumably assumed that all native trees were rapidly moving towards extinction?
Subsequently of course the reality of woody plant thickening in our northern grazing lands has been an essential factor in the nation’s carbon offset boondoggle adopted by successive Australian governments. [The only saving grace in these schemes is hopefully that the billions of dollars of government largesse (C offset payments) are at least staying in the country – rather than going to the promotors of even more shonky schemes in Africa etc].
By the way, by only counting land clearing emissions (CO2 sources) from grazed woodlands while ignoring the much greater sinks in standing vegetation the Government could then meet Australia’s Kyoto Protocol commitments (Article 3.7) without imposing costs on the urban population. In effect Senator Hill said to urban Australia – don’t worry about greenhouse gas emissions, we’ll impose regulations on Queensland’s cockies to meet the country’s Kyoto commitments. And in cahoots with agenda driven greenies they did!
I remember your excellent specialist reports on this vegetation matter some years ago. It was a delight reading some good science that agreed with my own observations.
I worked in CSIRO Tropical Pastures for a while.
You will know of the frustration that comes from getting your valid work ignored by people who know less than you do.
Geoff S
Unbelievable Orwellian lies from the DemonRATs.
This man and his family left Australia for good and he explains why in this video:
I’ve seen that video. It’s a bit of a fashionable thing at the moment to leave to live in Asia – very popular amongst Brits living in Thailand.
Yes cost of living is very high here now, but I’m not sure he isn’t just a crying baby. He states of their financial struggle living in Australia, how they both “had cars and a boat”. I assume this was all done on finance and they were nice new cars and boat.
And how does he earn money living in Asia? I find it a little off taking your western dollars to a poorer country to live wealthier. What do the locals think about that? A little condescending? Locals would struggle to make a living there like we do here. And he’s a little but elitist himself, he must not be too poor. There is no way I could afford to just pack up and go live in Malaysia.
And it’s odd how Asians are desperate to get into Australia for the economy, yet Aussies are desperate to live in Asia for the economy. Maybe we should just do a straight swap?
He also states how he never got to see his kids. I smell a “I want it all” attitude, common of younger generations. Yes you have to go to work, and this is not a modern phenomenon. Though today, people tend to look to the past and think people had it easy back then. No they didn’t. People had very little money. They just didn’t cry about it.
Why doesnt he move his family to Tamworth, where you can buy a house for $350K still?
Right now it is fashionable to leave NZ for “Straylya”.
Something about the last flight of the turkeys leaving Godzone as Oz goes down.
Daisy Cousens interviews Sall Grover about the Tickle vs Giggle case by which the biological identity of women in Australia was erased
There is now no such thing as legal recognition of a biological female in Australia . Anyone including men can be a female, it’s simply a matter of “identifing” as such. That’s confirmed as law.
No one, and especially the Left and so-called “feminists” who created the situation care about this, indeed they fully approve of it.
There are profound and unforseen outcomes of this. E.g. despite some sporting bodies saying men cannot play in women’s sports, this case will override that restriction. And creepy men who declare themselves to be women, can enter women’s change rooms and other private female spaces.
The judge ruled that sex can be changed which is biologically impossible in humans. Only a few certain lower animals can do that.
Perhaps that judge is familiar with some lower forms of life.
Monty Python: High Court Judges (Live at the Hollywood Bowl) – 1 Min 47 Secs
Sadly, that is a plausible scenario these days, not a joke.
Wigs and gowns.
I don’t see many biological women complaining that they no longer have a unique identity.
Born a woman or born a man and identify as a woman is precisely the same thing under the law in the Stupid Country.
I assume feminists and Leftists are fine with this?
I can’t wait for the inevitable case of a man being excluded from women’s sports or change rooms and the huge legal excrement fight that will create.
I’ll make sure I have a comfy lounge chair and plenty of popcorn…
I think there is a very low public awareness that this event has even happened and certainly of the impact of it for the future.
Actually feminists are upset by this. Depends on how hard core they are.
The confusion is, women’s rights campaigners labelled men bigots for a long time. So men eventually signed up to be anti-bigots. And so if you oppose trans, you’re a bigot, and you can’t be that.
Oops! Time for a re-think?
Bigotry generally gets it right. The intellectual’s anti-bigotry claims moral superiority, but confuses everything and unintended consequences cause cracks in the foundations and the order crumbles.
The judge made a terrible mistake, or maybe the mistake was made by the advocates (lawyers) since the judge supposedly decides based on presented evidence. Gender is now recognised as non-binary, so someone born male who subsequently identifies as not being male, is not female. Problem solved.
Natural Law is so yesterday.
Cornell University to offer course on ‘Ecological Justice’ focused on ‘Feminist, Queer, and Trans Perspectives
See, there is a market for complete and utter tripe.
No wonder Jordan Peterson is setting up his own university.
Evolutionary biologists reject ‘white, male’ framework, embrace ‘queer’ DEI research
What a load of bizarre nonsense.
It’s tragic what passes as “academic” “research” these days.
Should be able to get a PhD from Melbourne’s 2030 queer games…
Well if you fail at that PHD, you could always switch to a “Break Dancing” PHD ,.. would appear they aare not too demanding !
LED lights and Insect life- who knew?
More destruction of the planet to “save the planet”.
LED lights are mostly used to save expensive wind and solar electricity.
If we had cheap coal, gas and nuclear electricity we could keep using traditional lighting.
This is as silly as Climate Change™. LED lights can be set to produce any desired light intensity. In fact the LED ceiling lights I am using have a switch that can select light temperature from 3000K to 5000K in there settings. The top setting of 5000K is close to siunlight. The bottom setting is what is often referred to warm white and is similar to what a tungsten filament produces.
There is more night light but mainly due to encroachment of developments into rural regions.
German divsrsity festival stabbing. Isis claim responsibility
Not much sympathy on this one.
When being dumb is dangerous.
Australia’s Prime Minister is pro-Palestine activist and hates the Jews
This traitor has attempted to bring 3000 Hamas operatives and their supporters into Australia on “Tourist Visas” that require minimal background checks.
It was not only Hamas operatives that were involved in the rape, murder and mutilation of women and children pn the 7 October 2023 attack but Palestinian civilians as well.
So much for the safety of woman and children in Australia – especially Jewish ones.
And a French synagogue attack.
. America is built on stolen land
This is sounding very like the narrative I hear coming out of Australia
When are people of Norman ancestory going to pay reparations to people of Anglo-Saxon ancestory for the invasion of 1066?
The Norman conquest was one of the most important events in the history of England. The Saxon kings were never as powerful as the Dukes of Normandy, for the Normans had inherited the old Roman habits of centralized government whereas the Saxons kings were merely overlords of their earls and barons.
In Australia reparations (“Pay the Rent”) are being demanded due the invasion of 1888 when a bunch of English convicts “invaded” Australia.
1788, not 1888. And settlement, not invasion, as we all know.
And when are those of Anglo Saxon ancestry going to pay reparations to people descended from the Britons? Will Italians (Romans) compensate those Britons, too? Perhaps the Italians can pay the Britons with the money they get from the descendants of the Vandals and Goths, who sacked Rome?
And let’s not forget that those bloody Normans were themselves descendants of Scandinavian ‘vikings’.
It might take a while to figure out who pays who …
I forgot to mention the Mongolians, who owe a ton of reparations to half the rest of the world.
.. and then there are the Relegions, which have occupied much of the world ( often violently) .
It all started with Eve. We would have had the Life of Riley in the garden of Eden like forever if she hadn’t gone and eaten that apple. The women of the world owe us!
🙂 You think? I’m sure our dear menfolk would have managed to eat the apple without our help!
Poisonally I blame the Greeks, for giving us ‘democracy’ –
Re-reading Greece And Rome At War by Peter Connolly (1981) and it’s a wonder, today, anyone knows where anyone’s originally from.
If it wasn’t the Athenians arguing with the Spartans, the Persians enlightening their way across Asia Minor and into Greece, the Macedonians having a tete-a-tete with their southern neighbours before going on a grand tour of Asia – via Syria, Egypt, Babylon, Persia, the Steppes, and India for the finale – the Celts jumping in for a piece of the pie, the Carthaginians, the Romans, let alone those tribes ironically called barbarians (and let’s not forget the trade in slaves throughout all these centuries), who knows who owns what and where their roots lie.
Wouldn’t it be nice, to get on with the neighbours…
Cor blimey! Hello, Mrs. Jones
How’s your Bert’s lumbago?
At Thermopylae where 300 Spartans were killed
Simonides of Ceos wrote the epitaph:
And Aristotle said of the Spartans:
I have ancestors from all the places you mention, and I’m more than happy to get on with the peoples there whether or not they are happy to get on with me.
Conquer and defend what you have conquered. About the only general rule I can apply to the reality of the world.
We need to go back and reclaim our ancestral lands.
We’re all ‘out of Africa’ originally it seems.
Shetland rocket test looks more like the finale of the Wicker Man.
Surprising, I would have thought the Germans have some past experience of rocketry.
??.. i hate to think what it would look like if it had gone badly !
The world economic forum say that before the end of the year everyone will be forced to accept their agenda
Better stock up with your choice of insects before you are forced to eat ones you don’t like.
Apologies if this was already posted here.
Rancourt, Hickey, Linard
Global Study of 2.7 Billion People has determined that COVID-19 did not cause any excess deaths during or after the pandemic, despite widespread claims to the contrary from health agencies around the world.
However, the same explosive study has revealed that Covid mRNA shots, which were supposedly unleashed on the public to tackle the virus, have caused millions of excess deaths globally.
Link to the study
Yes, I put up the link twice. (The John Campbell vid about it.)
Not much interest.
Too darkly monumental to contemplate.
I suspected as much early on.
My money is history will prove it the fact.
The greatest crime in modern history.
31 million excess deaths due to Global Health actions?
Vast riches stolen from the public.
Totalitarian legal precedents established (likely the total intention).
Nothing will be done.
We’re left to sit and wait for the next psyop holocaust.
They even mention Chairman Dan’s contribution (2) to the elderly Victorians many of whom made tremendous sacrifice during the war years. His government denied them antibiotics.
“Hungary Fixin’ to Pull a TX on Brussels Over Immigration Policy Fines”
I assume your TX is Texas?
Took me a while…
“Watch Tucker Carlson Destroy Kamala Harris’ Credibility In Seconds”
“For a Problem That ‘Doesn’t Exist,’ That’s an Awful Lot of Dead and Illegal Voters VA Just Dropped”
“Youngkin said his administration’s initiatives have removed close to 80,000 dead voters from the state’s voter rolls last year, removed voters who have moved out of state, and Youngkin has removed more than 6,000 non-citizens from Virginia’s voter rolls.”
“Benny Johnson
Donald Trump is America’s Unity Candidate. What other campaign in American history could bring together:
– RFK Jr.
– Elon Musk
– Tulsi Gabbard
– Hulk Hogan
– Nikki Haley
– Vivek
– Tucker
– Teamsters
– NFL & UFC Superstars
– Biggest streamers on earth
– Biggest rappers on earth
7:02 AM · Aug 24, 2024”
“Remember, kids, Donald Trump is responsible for every page of Project 2025, which he did not write, is not on his campaign page, and has explicitly disowned, but Kamala Harris not responsible for ANYTHING HER OWN ADMINISTRATION HAS DONE WHILE SHE IS VICE PRESIDENT.”
Hulk Hogan should be made an advocate for children’s fitness and other non-smartphone activities and for everyone a proper meat and animal fat diet with low carbs.
I believe this ban will also be adopted by Stalin Starmer in the UK and Albo the Trot in Australia.
Too late!
Already exists in Australia.
Or stink to high heaven!
“I believe this ban will also be adopted by Stalin Starmer in the UK and Albo the Trot in Australia.”
In the UK, the ban will appear as a minor part of another Act – something like the
‘Affordable Housing in Our Great Cities Act’
Section 1045, Paragraph14.V.ii – “It will be illegal to comment, whether verbally, or in writing, or electronically, on any factor that might, in the eyes of a swivel-eyed loony, cause fear, apprehension, harm, or hilarity to any of our New Citizens. Punishment on conviction –
‘- if summary – confiscation of all electronic apparatus, and a fine;
‘- if other than summary, imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years, and confiscation of all electronic apparatus.’
This is why we need a competent Opposition, that scrutinises proposed legislation [not something Labour always did] – and kicks up an unholy stink about illiberal measures.
“traveling, un-related men and women must be segregated. ”
What, can’t trust the men? or can’t trust the women? One or both of them would jump the other given half a chance..? ..and they’ve formalised “lookism”, something the feminists have being trying to bring in for years, a crime to look at a women if she doesn’t like it.
The Committee to Protect Journalists hasn’t had any success in the West either, its a crime here to criticise or insult Muslims in public.
New York To Pay $155 Per Megawatt Hour For Wind-Power, Current Rate Is $36 Per MWH (article)
From the Comments – Defintely apples to Labor Blackout Bowen & Elbowsleezy!
– Wind power is self flagelation for the Climate Crisis Cult.
WSJ Opinion – Why Is New York Paying So Much for Wind Power?
New York state signed a contract in June to buy electricity generated by two large wind farms, Empire Wind 1 and Sunrise Wind, off the coast of Long Island.
The projects are expected to begin in 2026 and 2027, with power delivered to Brooklyn (Empire) and Long Island (Sunrise). The state will pay $155 and $146 per megawatt-hour, respectively.
These prices are steep, at least four times the average grid cost paid over the past year. New Yorkers should be asking why.
States agree to pay wind-power operators—known as the “offtake price”—based on a project’s “break-even cost,” the estimated bill for building and operating the wind farm over its useful life. That is undoubtedly part of the problem. The offshore wind business off the East Coast is in turmoil. Operators have canceled projects from Massachusetts to Maryland that were due to be constructed in the next four years. Some have been delayed, while others have renegotiated their contracts at prices 30% to 50% higher than originally promised.
Two widely quoted sources of break-even costs are the U.S. Energy Information Administration and Lazard, an investment bank. In its most recent estimates, the EIA suggests the average break-even cost of offshore wind farms, adjusted to 2024 prices, is $131 per megawatt-hour, not counting government subsidies, and $101 per megawatt-hour after allowing for basic tax credits. The latter figure is what matters, because every offshore wind farm expects to take advantage of investment or production tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act.
Lazard is far more optimistic about break-even costs. Its 2024 estimates imply a minimum of $53 per megawatt-hour and a maximum of $79 after tax credits.
Both estimates refer to offshore wind projects expected to reach full output in 2027, as are Empire Wind 1 and Sunrise. Why, then, has New York agreed to pay much higher prices?
The owner-operators of the two farms—Equinor for Empire and Orsted for Sunrise—are two of the top five global wind-farm investors and operators. Equinor is Norway’s state oil company, while Orsted previously was Denmark’s. Both companies have access to large financial resources, can demand the best deals from their suppliers, and have significant experience in offshore activities. They also expect to earn an after-tax return of about 8% from these projects.
New York in 2022 agreed to an offtake price of $107.50 per megawatt-hour for Empire Wind 1. There was a second phase of the project, Empire Wind 2, that Equinor canceled because of higher-than-anticipated costs. The company threatened to cancel Empire Wind 1 unless the state renegotiated its offtake price. Orsted followed the same playbook for Sunrise.
The difference between these new agreements and the hypothetical break-even costs produced by the EIA and Lazard means one of two things:
either the true break-even costs are 50% to 100% higher than what the EIA and Lazard claim, or the projects will earn huge profits at the expense of U.S. taxpayers and New York ratepayers.
Chief Minister Eva Lawler has lost her seat in what ABC’s election analyst Antony Green called a “disastrous” result for the Labor party.
Labor removed alcohol bans at Aboriginal settlement since such bans were deemed “racist” by woke Labor elites.
As a result there was an increase in domestic violence on woman and children.
Labor wastes $450 million on “The Voice” but refuses to listen to Aboriginal people when it does not suit their woke agenda.
West Bank: dozens of ‘incidents’ last week | United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Humanitarian Situation Update #207, 21-Aug-2024.
“… Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian man and injured nine others during a punitive demolition of two residences with explosives in [neighbourhoods of Ramallah] . . . During the demolition, 16 other residences were damaged, and 12 households comprising 49 people, including four children, were forced to temporarily evacuate their homes at midnight.”
— Who compensates the 16 “other” households for being ‘collateral damage’?
“[Since 7 October 2023] Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated, or forced the demolition of 1,416 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, displacing more than 3,200 Palestinians, including about 1,400 children, . . . [The demolitions include] over 500 inhabited structures, more than 300 agricultural structures, more than 100 water, sanitation and hygiene structures, and 200 livelihood structures. Some 28 incidents of demolitions and destruction of infrastructure, mostly in Tulkarm and Jenin, account for the majority of those affected.”
Perhaps the rape, murder and mutilation of Jewish women and children on 7 October by Hamas operatives supported by Palestinian civilians was not such a good idea after all!
Who compensates these dead women and children?
I seem to recall that back in the day, people used to dress well for flying. Now anything goes. I know a former senior executive of a large Australian Government agency that dresses like a total slob when flying, tracksuit pants t-shirt and thongs (flip flops for US readers) etc.. He even dressed like that when on the job flying to represent Australia at conferences etc..
Now anything goes.
FWIW – that “cheap wind power”?
“New York To Pay $155 Per Megawatt Hour For Wind-Power, Current Rate Is $36 Per MWH”
Now have a look at wholesale electricity prices in Australia following the large increase in wind and solar over the last two decades (where wind and sunshine are “free”)
Its the Pay More, Get Less special. Only available for non specific periods apparently.
“Misconceptions? Surely, you jest!”
Alberta adds another wind farm and gets less power
Check the comment there by “Frenchie” –
A W + S that “Will cover something like 50 square miles.”
And also in comments
“Having worked on the construction and startup of a few wind farms, I can honestly say that there is a misconception or outright lie in every part of the Sask power blog. To get a global overview of wind power go to It’s an eye opener.
“Just a pilot
August 24, 2024 at 12:25 pm
Try flying a spray plane around the things of course it effects farming. Only way for non carbon is nuclear, I don’t know why we are wasting money on windmills. Maybe save a bit of money before we go down this road. I believe we are paying some like 40 billion in interest now. A touch of common sense would be welcome.”
Re “Opportunity costs”
In “EV vs INTERNAL COMBUSTION – 10yr CO2 shootout! I ran the numbers… | AutoExpert John Cadogan”
He makes the point that the Mazda leaves about $60,000 for use for other purposes.
Seems to me that there is a similar argument for not burdening a modern coal, gas or nuke plant with a dangle of wind and solar
FWIW – Today’s Coffee and Covid on government medical science
“Because I strongly believe that you should listen to the man with your own ears, I won’t summarize here all the great points Kennedy touched on. But I promise that listening will encourage, empower, and enlighten you.
I’ll say this about it: Kennedy raged about America’s poor health in a way that, if people would spend five seconds thinking about it, we would throw out the entire government and start over. Science, especially medical science, has failed. Americans are fatter, sicker, and crazier than ever. We get worse health outcomes than any other developed country and even worse than much of the third world.
When will we do something about that?”
And other things
A draconian tax on fast food outlets should have an immediate impact.
Nah, because freedom!! remember the outrage when they taxed large “sodas” in New Tork?
I honestly thought having trashed tobacco, and pricing alcohol increasingly out of reach, that they would have gone after sugar and fast food hard. Should bubble up fairly soon as the resource tax base erodes. Anything to avoid rationalizing the non productive sector.
RFK Jr. fixes Donald Trump’s one weak spot
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his presidential run and endorsed Donald Trump and now the Democrats are in a tizzy — as well they should be.
Trump’s one big weakness with some in the conservative camp was his COVID response. RFK’s one big strength with most in the conservative camp was his COVID response. Their alliance is a meeting of mighty forces.
“RFK Jr. as Trump’s health secretary? Here’s what he wants to do,” NBC News wrote.
This is the key that will drive Trump’s numbers even higher.
“Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an anti-vaccine activist, appears to be angling for a Cabinet role,” NBC went on. “He has advocated dismantling core functions of federal health agencies.”
Americans are sick and tired of the bureaucrats in the medical agencies who ran roughshod over civil rights — over supposed God-given rights — during the pandemic years.
Trump never mandated shots; he never mandated face masks.
But he did shut down the nation for a couple weeks, and he did — in the eyes of many libertarian-leaning conservatives and small government-advocating conservatives and just plain old individualists — give Anthony Fauci, as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, far too much stage power to bleat out his silly, ever-changing and utterly unclear “science” that turned into policy that turned into mandates that turned into tyrannical lockdowns.
He did let Francis Collins, as director of the National Institutes of Health, and Deborah Birx, as COVID coordinator, and Robert Redfield, as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — he let all of them have a massive say in how COVID policy should flow forth from the federal level.
It was under Trump’s White House watch that the media took the so-called “science” of these medical bureaucrats and hyped the frenzy and used any opportunity that presented to attack those who dissented or disagreed with the Democrats who wanted to seize control.
Trump is not to blame for how the media and medical bureaucrats and Democrats and Big Pharma played on the fear of the people to steal away individual liberties and censor social media and attack religious freedom — shutting the churches, for goodness sake! — and closing schools for months and months and destroying the economy.
Trump fought all along the Democrats’ tyrannical ways to keep choice in the picture; to keep individual choice at the helm. But he did shut down the country for a couple weeks, and he did speed through development of a shot-billed-as-a-vaccine that the Democrats under Joe Biden’s administration then used as a pocketbook-padding product they forced into the arms of many who did not want it — and for that, some in conservative circles remained critical of Trump.
But if COVID was Trump’s one weakness, it’s RFK’s huge strength.
RFK is also an environmentalist nutjob. He wants to ban “Round-Up” from hardware stores. If I didn’t have access to good old glyphosate, I would have to surrender my house to the jungle surrounding it. No way a brush cutter would keep up, nor would my back, nor would I have the time.
He was also a climate change zealot. Not sure if he still is.
Cheaper and faster than glyphosate … and a lot more fun *eyebrow eyebrow*.
Buy the one with the pressure regulator … you need that, as I discovered. There’s cheaper models allowing you to launch unregulated propane at the weeds but it’s too terrifying to use.
Again, I apologize for having been immoderate in the pursuit of science.
No need to apologize. It would be really helpful if the preview button could pre-warn that you are about to transgress the unwritten and unknowable rules. Cool Hand Luke would approve.
I think it’s because I mentioned the d w word.
Down the Well.
Allow me to help …
with this 17 min clip from the movie ‘Copying Beethoven’.
The plot is about a young woman working for Beethoven, gifted of course, but deprived from fulfilling her dreams because of you know, misogyny, which of course is caused by Western Civilization.
That terrible Western Civilization, that produced the science which about you are immoderate, also produced this …
A condensed version of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony.
Western Civilization produced this, proving its’ superior ranking amongst civilizations so far.
Considering the coordinated assault on Western Culture by Western Culture, soon we will no longer produce artists capable of performing what was created and performed in 1824.
I do NOT apologize for my immoderation.
For which after the Harris administration is installed, I may be extradited to the UK.
And thus, I too am judged immoderate.
Blocked in my country on copyright grounds.
Had to move to Las Vegas to watch it.
“Science” as we once knew it no longer exists.
Democrats have become so corrupt that even a Kennedy can’t support them any longer.
Lesson of RFK is how Democrats drive away their own voters
By Jonathan Turley
The withdrawal of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. from the presidential race and his endorsement of former President Donald Trump was yet another extraordinary moment in an election that has been anything but predictable.
Only a year ago, it would have been unthinkable that a sitting president would be effectively forced off a ticket and replaced by a candidate who did not secure a single vote for president.
Now, the nephew of John F. Kennedy and son of the Robert F. Kennedy has not just withdrawn from the Democratic Party but endorsed the Republican nominee.
Amidst all of the claimed “joy” of the Democratic National Convention, there is a sobering reality that is being ignored by the ecstatic press and pundits: this is how Democrats make Republicans.
There is an old expression that “a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged.”
Why I’m Backing Trump, and What Alarms Me About Democrats – Robert Kennedy Jr.
Speaking of Democrats loosing male voters.
Over all I agree, but when he describes the Democrats as a “gender specific party” how would they themselves know?
The Atlantic – The Democrats’ COVID Amnesia
Keeping schools closed for so long was a mistake, and the Democrats shouldn’t pretend Harris is responsible for opening them.
By Nancy Rommelmann
If it weren’t for Americans’ collective amnesia, politicians would have to spend considerably more time taking pains to tell the truth.
But, unburdened by what has been, President Joe Biden claimed on Monday night with a straight face that his vice president and designated successor accomplished a task that surely escaped your notice.
“Well, during the pandemic, Kamala helped states and cities get their schools back open,” the president said.
In fact, America’s public schools were kept closed in Democratic-run cities and states well into the Biden administration, as a direct result of Biden-administration policies.
Democrats might count on Americans to be forgiving, but they are not stupid, and they would do well to not let the pageantry of televised politics obfuscate the fact that they are being lied to.
The discovery of an ancient Roman boiler.
Discovery of another ancient Roman boiler.
China’s ‘harsh winter’ spells turbulent economic times for Australia
Singapore: The chairman of the world’s largest steel producer, Baowu Steel, had a grim warning for staff when they gathered for the company’s half-yearly meeting this month, one that would reverberate around the world, rattling markets and investors.
The Australian government was also taking note.
The Chinese steel industry was facing a “harsh winter”, one that would be “longer, colder and more difficult to endure than we expected”, chairman Hu Wangming told staff. What’s more, the challenge would be worse than previous major downturns in 2008 and 2015.
The price of iron ore, the key steelmaking ingredient, collapsed to its lowest level since 2022 this month, having plunged more than 30 per cent this year, as a crisis has rippled through China’s domestic steel industry. The main culprit is the floundering Chinese property market and the millions of homes left unfinished, unsold or vacant across the country – and no sign that President Xi Jinping will mount a large-scale rescue effort.
Though the iron ore price has since rallied, recovering some of its 9 per cent plunge last week to sit at around $US98 ($146) a tonne, many analysts say the slump is far from over.
The ricocheting impact hit home with particular force this week in Australia, where the fortunes of some of the country’s top companies and, even aspects of the federal budget, are highly susceptible to Chinese economic shockwaves. Australia exports more than 80 per cent of its iron ore to China.
Labor Federal Treasurer Jim Chalmers on Sunday released Treasury advice that a faster than assumed fall in the iron price could wipe $3 billion from federal budget coffers due to a drop in tax receipts from iron ore sales. In a budget of $710 billion in revenue, a $3 billion hole would be significant but not devastating, but it holds warning signs for the broader Australian economy and whether it is slowing down, including wage pressure in the mining sector.
“For us, the China story is obviously very, very front of mind. That is partly because of the impact on commodity prices, but broadly as well,” Chalmers told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age’s Inside Politics podcast on Friday.
“If our Treasury forecasts for Chinese growth play out as we expect them to, that will be the weakest period of growth in China for some time. And I think most Australians understand how important that is to us, not just to our commodity prices and therefore revenue and therefore the budget, but also the economy more broadly.”
Houthis burn Greek oil tanker in Red Sea, mock US by posting video of blaze
Houthi terrorists attacked and later set fire to a Greek oil tanker this week in the Red Sea, posting footage of the carnage to mock the US and its allies who are supposed to be protecting the region’s vital shipping lines.
In the video posted Friday of the Sounion — which was carrying 150,000 tons of crude oil– the Iran-backed terrorists can be heard chanting the group’s slogan: “God is the greatest! Death to America! Death to Israel! Curse the J@ws! Victory to Isl@m!” as the fire rages.
It is the third merchant ship Yemeni terrorists have destroyed in the Red Sea, following the sinking of the M/V Tudor — also Greek-owned — in June and Belize-flagged Rubymar in March.
The terrorists, riding on small boats, first moved in on the tanker on Wednesday, opening fire with guns and hitting the ship with four projectiles, according to the UK military’s Maritime Trade Operations Center.
It was not clear if they were drones or missiles. On Friday, three explosions, the exact source of which were unclear, rocked the vessel.
The Sounion’s crew of 29 was evacuated by French rescuers to nearby Djibouti on Thursday, after the initial attack.
From the Comments
– That cannot be good for the environment. Where are all the climate change protesters now?
Why are they not protesting against Iran?
Oh, I hope it’s AI
“Debate: Is A Demonstration Project Really Necessary?”
“My repeated calls for a Demonstration Project of a zero-emissions electrical grid have led to a spirited debate among knowledgeable commenters. While most back my position, some say that a Demonstration Project is really not necessary and would be a waste of effort.”
More at
Concluding example Germany –
“In short, this large and seemingly sophisticated country is completely delusional, with no sane voices anywhere to be heard. A demonstration project that fails spectacularly is the only thing with any hope of saving them.”
Labor/Greens ACT/Canberra should be Australia’s Demonstration Project!
– Tear up all Bitumen Roads
– Ban all ICE Cars
– All Electricty from Renewables within ACT – No interconnect with NSW
– Ban Gas
– Ban Flights from Canberra Airport
– All Federal MPs to ride Bikes to Canberra
Any other additions?
They SHOULD lead by example like this , rather than push the people into doing their will.
If they DID lead by example, growing their own flax for clothes as well, then some people might, maybe, pay some attention to them.
Until they do lead by example …
>Any other additions?
No steak allowed in Canberra. (Greens don’t approve of ruminant-farts poisoning the atmosphere and destroying the planet).
Crowd Goes Nuts For RFK Jr. At Trump Rally!! (video)
Fairness and Freedom. Common Law. The Center Ground – the interplay point between discussing the advantages and disadvantages of ideas and proposals and progressing them.
Being responsible on the environment, on health etc. is not left it’s center ground \ center right. Environment, health, education etc were hijacked by the left and were polluted with left wing ideology. Just look at their history.
As a Beagle Owner – Criminals
More Proof That Fauci, Washington Post Lied About Beagle Torture Program
A new fast-charger for EVs crossing the Nullabor-
““Securing enough power to support fast EV charging along the far west coast has been challenging because much of it is beyond the established electricity grid, which ends just west of Ceduna,” Mr Reade said.”
buuttt…. no mention of how the electricity is generated! If it was wind and solar the article would be twice as long!
Most likely connected to its own diesel, as these remote sites don’t have sufficient additional power available. Incidentally, I hate the term “Crossing the Nullarbor”, as the new highway only touches a small NE corner of the Plain. The old road covered far more of the Nullarbor, and of course the rail line goes right through the middle.
Yes, diesel powered….
But there are future plans to install a solar farm with battery storage !
ALP wiped out in NT! (video)
The ALP Members for Solomon (Luke Gosling) and Lingiari (Marion Scrymgour) should start looking for other job!
‘Leaving people behind’: Labor loss in NT an ‘indictment’ on Anthony Albanese (video)
“MRC Report: Course Correction. Reforming higher education”
“This report investigates two critical areas affecting the quality of higher education in Australia – the drivers of declining undergraduate education and the major problems with mechanisms for conducting academic research.
Urgent reforms are needed to restore academic rigour, refocus universities on serving national interests, and renew the relationship between universities, the Government, and the public. The report’s proposed reforms aim to enhance accountability, responsibility, and integrity, realigning universities with their valuable purpose of nurturing our cultural heritage and supporting the intellectual development of Australians.”
Report downloadable –
Check the graph of proportion with a university degree on page 21 vs 5 year average productivity growth
Being noticed
“Australia Has Abolished Womanhood”
Multiple stabbing in Sydney.
Multiple injured in Sydney stabbing as police launch major emergency operation in Engadin
Multiple people have been stabbed in Engadine, south of Sydney, with police launching a major emergency operation.
One thing is sure – we should not trust the “official” explanation.
NSW police engaged an expert who found out that those (usual suspects) celebrating the 7 October attack on women and children in Israel (and their rape, murder and mutilation) at the Sydney Opera House had not shouted “G*s the Jews”.
So what will experts engaged by NSW police find this time?
From the trusted source the ABC
The first casuality of war is the truth.
Hope Elon has no plans to visit France or the UK
Governments.. What they can’t control they will try to destroy!
Dunno why he’d go to France anyway, he’d be safer in the UAE or Saudi Arabia!
Attention World Masters! Forget the Ukraine/Russia thing the long slow fizzle has commenced! The Northern winter will soon kick-in and resolve matters. Our much larger problem lies in the Middle East. Specifically the Houtie hotheads and their desire to emasculate Israel by shutting down world trade that passes their Red Sea front door.
Why are the left foaming at the mouth over having a female president? That is such a very 20th century dream. Surely it’s time to move on, when the culture is really pining for trans? Could Blaire White unite the nation?
Likely performance up against the list in #18?
You need to up your intersectionality game there champ. Merely being trans wouldnt cut it these days.
Doctors and scientists puzzled by excess heart and cancer deaths among the younger crowd. Puzzled. 6 mins
Why? Don’t they like scientific evidence?
Most people on this blog are not puzzled at all. They follow the evidence.
Tragically, corrupted scientists, doctors, public health bureaucrats, politicians and the Lamestream media don’t.
But not “all that is” can be expressed or validated by websites, posts or research papers.
Common sense, gut instinct, the capacity to read between the lines and see truth couched in platitudes, and an ability to free oneself from rigid thinking have achieved much.
Run with the crowd and you’ll only get as far as they do. Walk your own path and you may reach places no-one else has.
“What if…”
They all know what’s causing it … they just prefer not to say.
Scott Adams says –
A Great Win by the NT people to get their place back. And well done that lady who will now be the Chief Minister. The daughter of an immigrant family no less.
QLD is next
Albo Sleazy is gone in 2025.
Albo will be re-elected. For a huge number of faithful leftists and haters of all things even remotely conservative or ‘traditional’, he’s doing a great job. We’re talking about the same kind of people who will vote for Kamala Harris. In fact, if the choice was Trump or Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge would be the next government of America.
Retired(sic) politicians, WHO SEE WITH ONLY ONE EYE :-
“We passed the Public Health Response Bill that allowed police warrantless entry into homes to see if isolation protocols were broken. The requirement that police obtain a judicial warrant prior to entering a home is a fundamental requirement of civil society to prevent citizens from illegal search and seizure.”
so the police were going into a bio hazard area without wearing a bio hazard suit? and without preventing outside contamination to that area?!!!
If/when the faeces really does hit the fan, it will be instructive I think to contrast how such uprisings work in the US, versus the UK and elsewhere, on the basis of gun ownership. I think we’ve seen already that citizens in Australia and the UK are relatively powerless in the face of increasingly militarised ‘police’ forces. The Truckers protest in Canada, the Covid protest in Melbourne and the recent demonstrations in the UK all point to impotence similar to the awful scenes in Tiananmen Square years ago.
A large scale uprising in America would be starkly different though, wouldn’t it?
Telegram founder & billionaire Russian exile Pavel Durov ‘arrested at French airport’ after stepping off private jet
If you happen to be in Sydneystan on August 31, they have a 40th anniversary showing of the 1984 release of Nineteen Eighty Four at the Hayden Orpheum at Cremorne.
That is, unless Big Brother bans it before then.—40th-anniversary
If you can’t get to Sydney:
The Tucker Carlson Interview: Pavel Durov
One of the reasons they’re getting heavy all across the West:
[Exactly – Jo]
(COPIED FROM ELSEWHERE, written a year or so into the plandemic.)
What was extremely disturbing about the last century 😶?
Imagine for a moment that you were born in the year 1900.
When you were 14 years old, World War I begins and ends only when you are 18 years old, leaving 22 million dead.
A little later, a worldwide pandemic, the Spanish Flu, appears, killing 50 million people. And you are alive, 20 years old.
At 29 years old, you survive the global economic crisis that began with the crash of the New York Stock Exchange, causing inflation, unemployment and hunger.
When you are 33 years old, Nazism comes to power.
When you’re 39, World War II starts and ends when you’re 45, with 60 million dead.
When you are 52 years old, the Korean War begins.
When you’re 64, the Vietnam War starts and ends when you’re 75.
A person born in 1985, for example, thinks that their grandparents have no idea how difficult life is, not knowing that they have survived several wars and catastrophes.
Today we have been living with a great pandemic for more than a year. We are scared and tired. We lost friends and relatives, we are scared.
In the past, conditions were even worse, but yes, humanity survived under these conditions and overcame it.
Believe me, better days await us.
Chinese Robots Cause Alarm in US, Raise Concerns of Attacks by ‘Stealth Army’ (video)
Thunderstorms in Victoria and Tasmania.
We had a good thunderstorm a few days ago without any warning at all. There were many survivors.
Good to see the BOM catching up
Just having/had another, together with it raining ‘cats n’ dogs’.
Only spectacular when it gets to “Pee and pick handles”
ai: our daughter calls it ‘sheep and cows’, our eldest son refers to ‘elephants and rhinos’!
We had hailstones up to 1″ in diameter. (Central Victoria)
I heard some large ones on the roof, briefly.
Any suggestions for the music to play to the stranded, when they finally undock next year for their return to Earth?
I’m thinking the Gilligan’s Island theme song
Another strong planetary wave in the southern polar vortex.
Latest Kunstler
““The entire Democrat campaign will now be focused on gaslighting the country into believing Trump has been president for the last 4 years and Kamala has been an innocent bystander the whole time. They can’t run on her record, so they’re going to invent one and lie about it.” — Sean Davis, The Federalist”
More at*-nation/end-of-hoaxes/
Samoa sea level rise not so alarming.
Latest news on ancient humanity!
Stumbled across a video on Gobekli Tepe, a place that has interested me for a while. This took me to check up another place on the site, supposedly a 27 000 yr old structure in Indonesia, which would make it the oldest man made structure on Earth. There are questions about that place, but Gobekli Tepe is real, partly excavated, and definitely about 11 000 years old. And it seems these sites have another connection that pops up on this blog a little – they are both controlled by WEF heavies! Further investigation at both of these places has been stopped for a number of years, and Gobekli has been turned into a tourist attraction, while only being 5% excavated, and the authorities are saying, ‘maybe we’ll do some more in 150 years’. 20 mins Gobekli kicks in at 5.50
Storm Shadow risky venture to topple Putin.
From the Guardian article:
The Guardian readership must be fast asleep when they’re not busy swallowing Guardian lies.
Since more than 10 years before day 1 and repeatedly since then right up to his latest internationally broadcast effort a few days ago, Putin has urged the US & NATO to negotiate a ceasefire and settlement.
It is the US & NATO who repeatedly ignore all efforts at a negotiated end to hostilities.
It is the job of sceptics to learn from Russian tactics and subject The Guardian to a “financial cauldron”
Internal Kremlin Meeting Reveals: Long Winter War Ahead (video)
FWIW – too much is never enough
“The DNC’s Sinister Rebrand of “Freedom” ”
“Matt Taibbi: Get ready for the new “Freedom Frame,” an argument for massive expansion of federal authority, disguised as a celebration of rights”
Hitler phones Kamala Harris (video)
More heat record broken.
1:16 / 12:04
MOON (2009) Earth’s Bleak Future EXPLORED
For the past two years, there has been a reported drop in upper stratospheric temperatures in the tropics, which may indicate a decline in ozone production. The temperature at this level of the atmosphere can only increase due to photolysis of the O2 molecule by UV with a wavelength shorter than 242 nm.
Matt Devitt WINK Weather
RARE SUMMER SNOW! At least 4″ of snow and counting in the California mountains with with even more this evening. It’s a winter wonderland…in August!