A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Americas debt hits $35 trillion and rising rapidly
These are huge amounts just as the world starts turning away from the dollar as the main source of international trade. Surely there will be consequences for America and its allies if this debt keeps mounting, mirrored as it is in many western economies.
There is a bit of rude slang that used to refer to ‘Payday’ in U. S. currency that bears the image of a Bald Eagle. Now the Federal Government is excreting money it doesn’t have on things it doesn’t need. The interest on all the debt is crowding out other things that are not “Entitlements”. CAP-E because these are mandatory items. Entitlement payments are legal obligations of the federal government, and eligible beneficiaries may have legal recourse if full payment under the law is not provided.
🤠 “Here be dragons” (hic sunt dracones) means dangerous or unexplored territories, in imitation of a medieval practice of putting illustrations of dragons, sea monsters and other mythological creatures on uncharted areas of maps where potential dangers were thought to exist. {Wikipedia}
The financial system is a Casino where the house is rigged to win. Ever since credit derivatives ( insurance against defaults) revved up to be Quadrillion dollars. Yes, the financial market requires FOUR times the ENTIRE ASSETS OF EARTH to be paid to remain solvent. And as I pointed out the other day, Russia under Mr Putin is 20% of GDP national debt and declining despite the special military operation and resultant embargos.
The USA is broke, bust. So is it trying to split up Russia? and steal all it’s resources? likewise Ukraine? How much would it get for Alaska? Hawaii, Puerto Rico? ‘Here’s $35T for Alaska, take it or leave it. It’s the best offer that you will get. You will never get any other offer anywhere near it.’
Germany concerned about rising crime, especially amongst the young
Australia once had concentration camps just like German. Time to bring them back.
This deceptively simple maxim seems to have been coined by Cicero. Certainly the phrase salus populi suprema lex esto appears in The Laws as part of an ideal constitution embodying the principles of the uncorrupted Republic.
Albo & DimWit Jim & Bowen worry more about “safety from the people is the supreme law”.
I knew one of the soldiers who was stationed at Cowra when the breakout occurred.
He said there was a Japanese prisoner who had leprosy. The leper had been given his own tent in the middle of the compound. When the breakout occurred someone in the gun tower took the opportunity to riddle the leper’s tent with bullets, while firing at escapees. Some hours later the leper emerged without even a scratch from a bullet.
My great, great, great (I think that is the right no of layers) was interned during WWII – wrote to Courier Mail that we were fighting on the wrong side of the war (he was of Irish descent) – letter was not published but they locked him up. Bring them back …. not a good idea – I reckon many posting on here would be rounded up first!
Vaccines probably caused 10 million deaths worldwide
The study is one step short of showing what they claim: They show that Moderna was 30% worse than Pfizer, and they assert that Pfizer was above 100% (where 100% is no increase in the death rate and above 100% is an increase). But until they actually show that Pfizer was not far below 100% they haven’t shown what they claim. That’s because if Pfizer is in fact at 76% then Moderna is still not over 100%, ie, not a net killer.
NB. I am not trying to say that Moderna was safe, far from it. As someone who was badly affected for a full 18 months after the Moderna mRNA vaccine, I would be delighted to see severe punishment meted out to the vaccine perpetrators.
It was certainly rushed into general use with only limited prior testing. Perhaps illustrating that the authorities thought they were dealing with the plague rather than something still serious to a certain demographic, but falling well short of the panic it created.
Has your Problem resolved itself?
The Modera “Death Jab” had around double the active ingredients compared to the Pfizer “Death Jab”.
It normally takes a decade or more to properly test and approve a new vaccine and not 6 months – there is a reason for this.
The DNA contamination of the mRNA jibby jabs is now becoming a bigger subject. But dont expect to read or hear about it in the MSM. All the discussion regarding this subject is via social media and the likes of Substack. Jo did a very good piece on this subject a few months ago. We’re at the boundaries of vaccinology science here. It rests on the definition of contamination, the levels allowed and the testing techniques. Really complicated science that even the most science literate person would find hard to understand. Anyway, our dear old TGA has just flatly refused to admit that either of the mRNA jabs ( they’re not vaccines) was contaminated. Even though researchers in 4 other countries have definitely found contamination at levels far above accepted levels. There was an FOI request regarding this matter and the TGA returned nearly 80 pages of completely redacted text to an enquirer. Gerard Rennick (Australian Senator ) did an X post on this matter. During COVID we often heard the term ” abundance of caution ” regarding policies, but the same rule doesn’t apply to vaccine development. It seems with vaccines, the science can never be questioned and at the moment they would appear to be the solution for nearly every medical problem. What’s worse is that we have nearly the whole medical profession who are totally disinterested. Any curiosity has been belted out of them at medical school.
Vaccinology is more statistics than science to my thinking – that old ‘ethics’ problem of running properly controlled experiments on humans
No surprises here.
Judicial Watch announced today that the United States Secret Service completely denied multiple Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for documents about the assassination attempt on former President Trump.
On July 16, 2024, Judicial Watch filed three comprehensive FOIA requests seeking emails, videos, and advance survey security assessments, among other documents related to the assassination attempt on Trump
Ok so now we are starting to see the video we knew existed.
A sniper did see this person and he was dead before the shot was fired at Trump according to John Cullen’s video evidence
I disagree with Cullen looking at the trajectory of the apparent mass that exits the body that the shot was from the snipers in hats on the southern roof who were filmed ‘on gun’.
I believe the shot appeared to come from the road side of the AGR Building and was lower than those snipers.
Interesting second building in the back ground as another shooter position.
Cullen has video of the blokes in the lower building from where he believes there is audio and visual evidence many shots from silenced sub sonic rounds originated.
The result of this evidence is we know know how someone travelled from where the flippen’ and floppin’ bloke in long pants was to where the guy in shorts was found dead.
On CO2’s Topic Cullen has the body cam footage of blokes with secret service uniforms and records of officers assigned to that building. So someone is releasing something.
>flippen’ and floppin’ bloke in long pants
Give it a rest Broadie. You’re just looking at a fuzzy smart phone video. But even on that video if you run it forward from where you ID it’s perfectly clear the guy wasn’t in long pants.
Besides, that “bloke’ was closer to the East-end going by the downpipes on the building i.e. don’t be fooled by photographic foreshortening.
‘X’ Link above doesn’t appear to work. Here is the Breitbart article with the link showing a person running across from the west end of a roof (where we had seen a shot of the person in long pants on the video) to east where the body was found. (There is another guy in white shorts and a grey shirt with a white cap having a picnic at 8 secs in that video.)
The woman’s voice at the end of the video states about the guy (on the west end of the roof in the video), “he is getting up”.
The Breitbart video is from the poor bloke (James Copenhaver now known as ‘Lucky Copenhaver’) who was shot twice, once from a projectile that appears to come from the trees and past the snipers in caps and from another that went past Trump. Hence the new nickname.
Richard goes on to now give evidence in his next post admitting the Police were in the building below. This is what John Cullen has found video evidence of from the Police Body Cam. So Richard now has police sniper teams in both the two storey building and on the ground floor of the building in front.
I look at this video and I look at your comments about me and I come to conclusion that it is a ‘You’ problem and not a ‘me’ problem. Clearly at the beginning of the Trump speech someone walks from towards the west end to the east and then lies down at a position on the ridge.
Your comment is again wrong:
And, like many comments when evidence is presented that contradicts previous posts you have made, we are then bombarded with a series of posts pretending this was already public knowledge of which you are the custodian, like the one below:
As I said yesterday, the bloke in the video may just have easily come out onto the roof from the door on the two storey building behind and is seen running left to right before turning crossing the interconnecting passageway roof to move towards the camera and Trump to take up a position on the roof. So the eye witness account may be correct as may, ‘they shot the guy on the water tower’. We have wait until the original files of video and photos leaks through as clearly there is a war of information between the security forces.
Further more, please stop saying Crokks, Crookes, Crooks etc until that is cleared up. There was a dead guy on the roof and bullets spraying in all directions. We do not know how that person was shot, with what, when, from which direction and by whom.
I am beginning to think he was shot from behind from a weapon low and to the west end of that building if he was in fact the person in this video perched at the ridge of the roof. I base that on a entry wound below the right ear and a mess I have yet to fully understand on his left temple. That is assuming the compression caused the damage to his teeth. The other piece of evidence is a mass flying west to east (DJStew video see John Cullen previously referenced) and apparently rising in a straight trajectory with the water tower in the back ground. If the person died there on the roof. Thank God it would have been quick. That may explain why the gun? he was aiming? was thrown towards the east.
>west end of a roof (where we had seen a shot of the person in long pants on the video)
Again, that’s rubbish. @ 0:32 – 0:33 in the video it’s perfectly clear that’s short pants.
>the guy (on the west end of the roof in the video)
Count the downpipes, the one he’s adjacent to isn’t West.
>Your comment is again wrong: [“bloke’ was closer to the East-end going by the downpipes on the building i.e. don’t be fooled by photographic foreshortening]
In student circles that’s known as “hand-waving” on your part.
See above re downpipes. Not an issue now anyway given the Crooks sighting above the ridge. Crooks had VERY limited means of access (FBI version is BS) but most probably the ladder the first responders found at the East-end ally by the Link Canopy.
But once he did get up he was obviously all over the North side of ridge, at least West-to-East and maybe East-to-West before that given his Bag position.
Leo asks at #11.2.1 downthread:
I don’t see how the top half would be seen from that angle but hard to prove and not important.
But him walking on the adjacent building is not out of the question – only his head would be visible and that’s what we see in the Copenhaver video.
Up to 0:01 we see his head until it disappears.
There’s a time lapse corresponding to Crooks crossing the East-end Link Canopy roof then he appears again at 0:07 but this time we see more of him indicating that after 0:07 he’s up at the ridge setting up to shoot.
So STRAIGHT from East-end Link Canopy to ridge is back in consideration.
Beaver County Officials Say Secret Service Told Them to Set up Snipers on Ground Level as Opposed to on Top of Roof (VIDEO)
Going by the James Copenhaver video (see downthread #11), Crooks may have got up via the West-end Link Canopy roof (NOT East-end) from where he was on the ground in front of the 2nd story where the above photos referenced were taken.
But that does not explain witness reports Crokks “moved roof to roof”.
Unless they meant Link Canopy roof to Building roof, but who knows?
Same guy that spoke to the police in the ‘Greg Smith’ video. In the position underbite Crookes? was waiting on the wall. Filmed in a white cap with the police pointing to the roof
Also in the montage, photo of easy access to second roof from 2 storey building.
All this was obvious and available from the start yet a completely impossible narrative has been pushed and supported without evidence.
>Same guy that spoke to the police in the ‘Greg Smith’ video. In the position underbite Crookes? was waiting on the wall.
Not sure what you mean. Crooks was photographed at that wall too. They look nothing like each other.
1) Guy in montage:
White shoes – white socks – white cap – black gloves(cycle guy?) – short hair.
2) Crooks:
Grey shoes – black socks – no cap – no gloves – long hair.
Glad we have sorted most of this out and we only have a small house-keeping issue with the shoes.
Black shoes not white!
The same guy with the white cap has black shoes while he is sitting and having a picnic That is at 8 seconds.
Dead bloke in short pants, not long pants cut to search for bombs;
A building full of police and secret service with easy access and vision to the roof area on both buildings;
No ladder;
Evidence of multiple weapons;
Evidence of shots from multiple directions.
Remember someone is running around trying to plug holes in the dyke, pixellating this, smearing that, shifting sound tracks to confuse timing. They have a lot to conceal and an awful lot of witnesses with phone cameras. I would hate to be in their shoes black or white!
This is all about deflection and confusion. As a matter of genuine concern, how did you go with the Thomas Crown Affair, have a chance to back off a bit, relax, take in a movie and work out which guy was which with all the blokes in bowler hats?
>Black shoes not white!
>The same guy with the white cap has black shoes while he is sitting and having a picnic That is at 8 seconds.
Not same guy.
1) Guy in video sitting
Dark shoes – white socks – white cap – no gloves – short hair – khaki/mid pants.
2) Guy in montage standing
White shoes – white socks – white cap – black gloves(cycle guy?) – short hair – light/mid pants.
3) Crooks:
Grey shoes – black socks – no cap – no gloves – long hair – light/mid pants.
>No ladder
Agreed. Leo suggests in respect to the Copenhaver video – “He must have been walking along the roof of the adjacent building”.
I agree with Leo on that. My reply at #11.2:
So ladder at East-end Link Canopy is out now – that was a police ladder used by the first 2 cops up, one of which confronted Crooks from the LInk Canopy roof.
Leaving Crooks access onto the Building 4/5 roof unresolved. But maybe from alley North of near where 4/5 changes to 2 stories but there’s no wall-side air gear to climb up.
‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video shows that alley with a shed in it. I’ll have another close look at that.
While Australia, and especially Queensland, is hellbent on destroying forests & wildlife in the name of climate:
Poland to create “community forests” around large cities to protect nature and serve residents
Unveiling the reality behind this populist rhetoric: Polands forests were devastated after Donald Tusk greenlit for IKEA & the EU, the launch on Tuesday 16 September 2014 of the world’s largest sawmill in Poland, hiring Russians in key positions, exporting Polish wood under the Swedish brand.
The giant Ikea Industry sawmill was launched in Stalowa Wola, employing 75 people producing furniture panels for Ikea stores. IKEA had said they planned to eventually create 300 jobs.
“News 2034-Poland frantically planting seedlings on all outer edges of their city forests while clearing 10year-old trees on the inner edge as the city expands…”
>The giant Ikea Industry
Yeah, we know here,
Ikea owner growing its New Zealand forestry portfolio
Since August 2021, its parent company Ingka Investments has been buying farmland, to convert to forestry, and existing forestry blocks around New Zealand as part of IKEA’s sustainability strategy.
Data from the Overseas Investment Office shows Ingka Investments has been given approval for 25 sales in New Zealand which cover 23,495 hectares, while one application is awaiting a decision.
Existing forestry blocks cover 4290 hectares while 19,205 hectares of farmland had been bought to turn into rotational pine forests.
On its website it said it’s buying land in New Zealand, the US, Romania and Baltic states was part of its long-term commitment to responsible forest management.
“Wood is an essential part of the IKEA identity. We invest in forestland because we believe we can play an important role in supplying wood from more sustainable sources for our everyday lives.”
Some of the more prominent sales include Huiarua Station and Matanui Station in the Gisborne region with a combined area of just over 6000 hectares.
Ingka Investments paid $88 million for the two farms which were being planted into rotational forestry through until 2026.
# # #
I wonder if Forest Mgr. Simon got a piece of that action.
Just Stop Oil protesters spray Heathrow Airport
Heathrow management probably cheers them. Woke and Green.
Saw on a vlog today that it is 35 degrees C in the big city the vlogger lives in. However, if the vlogger leaves the asphalt and concrete juggle, and goes and spends the afternoon in a green park with trees and shrubbery and a brook running through it, it is several degrees C cooler. Down right comfortable. I don’t think I need to spell it out to people here what that means.
Just a small aside.
I, like others here, am now experientially gifted, so – amongst other side-effects of maturity – slightly less steady on my feet [even before wine is taken!] than I used to be.
I am aware of this, and have modified how I walk down stairs. Gingerly.
I thought I would share the one purchase I have made that has made a modest, and significant, difference.
I bought a shower mat – no slipping in the shower now!
It cost £2!
Others will doubtless have other ‘game-changers’. But that’s mine.
Keep safe!
My own ‘adaptations’:
Fingerless compression gloves so that I can continue wielding big, heavy cameras (I shoot motorsports) with arthritic fingers.
Painkillers secreted absolutely everywhere, in my satchel, at my desk, in my car, in my wife’s car …
Thick-soled socks with grippy dots to keep my feet warm AND avoid slipping on the tiled floor.
A powered pepper grinder (those arthritic hands again).
Shower and bath mat. Also a waterproof back rest for the bath (aaaah, bliss).
An empty space where the MX-5 used to be – getting in and out was becoming a pantomime.
Almost total reliance on my smartphone calendar to remember appointments and plans.
Almost total reliance on Google Maps to get me to places I’ve been to several times before.
More painkillers.
>Almost total reliance on my smartphone calendar to remember appointments and plans.
Old-school big easy-read calendar from Whitcoulls Books (NZ) for me – I CANNOT live without it.
Relative importance of appointments/payments highlighted either red or yellow.
Things-to-do every day by bullet point.
First thing I consult after getting out of bed in the morning after weigh-in (which I record on calendar).
Rubbish/Recycling bin days on alternate weeks (I have to know this because the lady 2 doors away has dementia and I’m her go-to for such details, she may ask me several days running and/or several times a day).
Those calendars fly out the door at the Whitcoulls bookstore at the end of each year. Girls serving always tell me how many they sold the day before.
Also, a pre-written grocery list for visits to supermarket in order of route around the store – cuts considerable time, confusion, and missed or doubled up items. Complete with cost of each item and estimated total cost. One of my best ‘adaptations’ I have to say.
I avoid ‘Seniors Day’ Tuesday at the supermarket even though I can get a 5% discount with my ‘Super Gold’ card. Life is too short now to get in that slow lane.
How does an “old-school” calendar help you remember WHY you drove into the city? My smartphone goes with me and so can be (will be) consulted continuously. It tells me why I’m there, what time to leave, how long to stay and where I should go next. Also, while driving to my next appointment, it will alert to remind me that it’s my nephew’s birthday next week and he will be 23.
It’s like a electronic wife.
>How does an “old-school” calendar help you remember WHY you drove into the city?
Ah, a view into my future.
I hadn’t anticipated that.
I got onto an “old-school” calendar during years doing varying night shifts up to 11 hrs or so up to 9 days straight (did 3 weeks straight when younger) turning me into a zombie (like a lot of others in Te Puke kiwifruit season – lots of road accidents/deaths e.g. driving in front of trains/loggers) and having to keep track of hours worked.
Worked perfectly so stuck with the calendar. I can then keep a stack of calendars from years back so I can see what I was doing then or in the months ahead.
But thanks for alerting me to my future. I’ll have to take that into account for my next ‘adaptations’.
“It’s like a electronic wife.”
I hope without all the alarms, beeps, buzzing and chimes that make a modern car into a nagging wife!
You guys should put your ages on these post so I can see if I have a decade left after my mid-70s or if I should start making 5-year plans!
I was still cruzin’ for my 82nd but things have gone downhill since and I am feeling mortal.
I’m 68yo but we’re unable to plan much beyond next week due to my wife’s cancer. She has a consult tomorrow, to review the results of a recent scan. These consults are terrifying, just waiting to hear bad news. It’s coming up to a year since her cancer was discovered and we’ve spent that year in a state of continual ‘bipolar’ emotional swings. Of course we’re hoping for no ‘new’ bad news tomorrow. If it goes OK I will hastily put together a little break somewhere – if she feels up to it.
68yo – same.
Golden times Steve, they’re precious.
Stay Positive!
I have had CLL since 1999, besides SCC, BCC and Cancer in the Neural Pathways to the Brain
I had 3 rounds of Intensive Radiotherapy 2015/7, and when after 3rd round, Radiologist Specialist was not happy with lump on side of ear, my Cancer Specialst Plastic Surgeon got a biopsy and immediately sent me to ENT Specialist, who in turn put me into a RNSH Dr House type Cancer Clinic, and 4 weeks later, March 2018, I was in RNSH for 13 1/2 Hour Parotidectomy, where they found Cancer in Neural Pathways to Brain and reconstructed my face with skin from right thigh and stomach – did not get all Cancer and then did 2 intensive rounds of Chemotherapy with increased dosage – did not work and was lucky enough to get on Cancer Immunotherapy Trial – 34 Rounds, 3 weeks apart with Blood Test day before and MRI’s every 3 months
2/3 way through Cancer Immunotherapy, Nurses shreiked when they found my CRP at 75 – I knew the reason why, as head had been sore, and always had Cap on head, so rotting bone on head could not be seen.
Turned out was a rare side effect of Radiotherapy, and Plastic Surgeon Specialists had me on Operating Table February 2023 for Cranioplasty, to cut rotting bone from head, replace with Titanium Mesh, take muscle from below lower left shoulder blade and Micro Surgery that into side of head to facilatae blood flow across skin from left thigh – they also threw in cutting out SCC on side of right temple.
Brain Cancer had seemed to have come back, but latest 3 monthly MRI showed no growth, so back to 6 monthly MRI – on CLL, just keep going, but as Platelets low 77, back to Haematologist in September for a check.
My Kids call me a Cockroach – the only survivor from a Nuclear Blast
I turn 80 early next year and I put it down to have been taking Anti-Virals since 2015 – Quercetin with Bromelain, NAC, Zinc, Vit D, Vit C etc
I heal quickly, and having read up on bromelain re surgical recovery, I put that down to helping me recover, as I took additional Bromelain to the Quercetin with Bromelain, before the Cranioplasty Op in February 2023.
I was the only one in a Family of 17 not to have Covid Vaccine, and the only one not to get Covid – given I live in 3 Generations under one roof with 3 Grandkids always ill from School, pretty happy with Anti-Viral approach
Again Stay Positive!
Old Ozzie.
Wow. What a journey.
And, you were a runner?
Wishing you the very best news Steve.
And none of those things OldOzzie mentioned could hurt either, including IVM.
All the best to you both.
In these times a month can seem like a year and the things you share each day are precious.
I am now 70, use glasses and – generally – no painkillers [teeth excepted], but I have recently bought an electric buggy for days out with dog-walkers [who seem content to walk miles … I manage one, and usually pay for it!]. And heven’t worn socks since I retired.
Steve – I do hope the consult brings no bad news!
I’m replying to myself because, for some reason, the ‘Reply’ option isn’t there on replies to my original comment. Weird.
Anyway, thanks for the best wishes. Much appreciated. As I type this we’re waiting for the dreaded call. Fingers crossed.
I’ve found shower mats get mouldy quickly. Maybe I should just dump them more often but with time I find the tiles become less slippery anyway.
I’ve been attracted to a one-handed pressure washer being advertised on fox. That should be effective in the shower cubicle. Now that you have reminded me I’ll do a search if there is one that fits a Makita battery.
I have a little 6″ battery chain saw that is more useful around the yard than it looks.
I use one of those compact steam cleaners. Works a treat.
After every shower I take the mat up, shake it, then hang it to dry.
So far, so good – though the little suckers seem less useful as the months go by.
Wearing socks inside out, so the seam doesn’t rub on the top of your toes
Yesterday Greg in NZ was shocked, Shocked, by the lack of heatwave News.
Explained: The weird polar heatwave putting extra chill in New Zealand’s winter
Paywalled but here’s the pressure chart: Antarctic Pressure
And here, for your viewing pleasure, is said “heatwave”:
ERA5 Daily Surface Air Temperature – Antarctica
Thursday temp: -30.34
Climatology: -32.87
Sure must be hot down there.
Thursday July 25 that is i.e. a weeks lag in the data.
Remember the beast from the east?
The beast from the east won’t come this year because of Hunga Tonga Hunga. Computer models suggest Northern Hemisphere winters will be mild for a few years, while the Austral winter will be colder.
Before the industrial revolution Australia was much wetter.
I’m talking about the Antarctic equivalent that is vortexing right now despite your unproven theory.
Okay, its news to me.
‘However, Jucker said, scientists were yet to establish a link between an SSW and climate change. “Something needs to create those disturbances at the surface first, and that might be impacted by climate change,” he said. “We don’t know.” (SMH)
SAM is very negative, could it be related?
The financial system is a Casino where the house is rigged to win. Ever since credit derivatives ( insurance against defaults) revved up to be Quadrillion dollars. Yes, the financial market requires FOUR times the ENTIRE ASSETS OF EARTH to be paid to remain solvent. And as I pointed out the other day, Russia under Mr Putin is 20% of GDP national debt and declining despite the special military operation and resultant embargos.
How Did They Miss This? New Video from Behind Stage Shows Would-Be Trump Assassin Moving on Roof Just Before Trump Was Shot
Well, there goes my STRAIGHT-up-the-roof from the Link Canopy scenario.
The guy is scurrying around from West to East and North of his Bag position adjacent Link Canopy.
This is insane.
Video from Trump assassination attempt victim’s POV shows figure moving on roof moments before gunfire
James Copenhaver was shot twice and critically wounded during the assassination attempt against Trump
He’s walking West to East which suggests he got across the North Link Canopy – NOT the South Link Canopy.
Curiouser and curiouser.
Thanks Richard,
Not only is Crooks moving around a lot on the roof, there is also trajectory information.
The video comes from the phone of one of the injured people.
Be projecting back past Trumps head it shows the shooters position.
Looks more and more like the shot came from Crooks.
What are the air vent things which are in the way?
>What are the air vent things which are in the way?
Probably air intakes above air filtration equipment (I think). Not air conditioner units anyway. The AGR facility is for precision manufacturing so maybe a clean-air room in there. But I don’t really know.
FBI’s Wray said Crooks got up via “mechanical equipment”:
That fits the description of the above “air vent things” but note Wray does not say specifically WHERE said “mechanical equipment” actually is.
Doesn’t make sense if he’s referring to the “air vent things” because that’s in full view of everyone. He would easily be seen climbing up there.
Could be other similar “mechanical equipment” and “vertical piping” somewhere else on another of the AGR buildings though. But no help there from Wray (but I don’t think he knows anyway, he’s just making it up)
Given Wray’s propensity for BS I think he’s just making it up as he goes along – he really doesn’t know in other words.
Shooters firing position is between air vent 1 and2, counting from the left.
It may be possible to compare that with the position that Crooks body was lying.
That adds a little more info.
Shot did not come from a window as far as I can tell.
Peter C >Shooters firing position is between air vent 1 and2, counting from the left. It may be possible to compare that with the position that Crooks body was lying.
He was at that position once when he progressed along but I don’t get that final position after rolling the video forward.
There’s a MUCH better video (same) on X from Colin Rugg.
See video link downthread at # and for my analysis of that.
>Could be other similar “mechanical equipment” and “vertical piping” somewhere else on another of the AGR buildings though.
Nah. Just checked the ‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video:
There’s no other wall-side equipment resembling the “mechanical equipment” and “vertical piping” on the South side.
There is, sort of, on the 2 story @ 6:27 – 6:37 adjacent to the wall where Crooks was photographed when on ground level but Crooks didn’t ascend that (unless he was an unknown Olympic Sport Climber).
Never thought I would become minutely familiar with the exterior and some interior of a manufacturing facility in Butler, Pennsylvania USA. Becoming one of the most scrutinized of such facilities in all history. A bit like Dealey Plaza, Dallas.
How did the Assassin Get on the Building?
One of a number of drone video recordings that survey the AGR building with a view to determine the route Crooks took to the roof.
Best drone views of the AGR Facility so far that I’ve seen, thanks (not that I’ve searched).
Doesn’t explain Crooks access though IMO – unless he’s Spiderman in disguise @ 1:00.
More likely the AGR Facility ladder the First Responder cops found at East-end Link Canopy.
Also, no “door” from 2nd story to roof.
Yes, I agree.
The windows on the AGR building could be used for access to the roof, but with difficulty.
Not only are they narrow casement windows, but they have Whitco sliding hinge brackets. When fully opened the hinged side of the window obstructs about 30% of the opening.
Gives very good perspective.
A tough shot to graze an ear from that distance without being a very experienced marksman with a solid base for tripod and plenty of time to calm the body before firing
Trump’s survival is one of the very few examples of what I could describe as divine intervention that I have seen throughout my life – or just extraordinary good luck. I can only hope his remaining life and achievements proves worthy of that intervention.
Rick >A tough shot to graze an ear from that distance without being a very experienced marksman with a solid base for tripod and plenty of time to calm the body before firing
And his rifle wasn’t a target rifle either (well, maybe is – see below).
From Yesterday, this is the rifle as best I can ascertain (see link):
DPMS DR-15 16″ M4 5.56 NATO 13.5″ M-Lok Handguard MOE Rifle w/ MBUS Sights, Black (3 photos)
Hands-On: Magpul MBUS Review
Just flip-up open sights in my book.
I’m still going with spray and pray – and fortuity.
Is It Good? Why?
The Magpul MBUS pair of sights are great if you don’t need to shoot at long ranges. Even though a pro could hit targets out as far as 200 yards with iron sights, the rest of us probably aren’t comfortable shooting beyond 50 yards or maybe 100 yards without an optic that provides magnification.
The Magpul MBUS sights are strong, of good quality, and have high durability. The dual aperture lets you adjust your sight picture to your liking, and they stand up to recoil just fine.
# # #
“rest of us probably aren’t comfortable shooting beyond 50 yards or maybe 100 yards without an optic that provides magnification”
And that’s a specialist speaking.
This is crazy.
For just this Sub-Thread I’ve got 8 tabs open on my Browser with 2 instances of JoNova, 1 today the other Tuesday. 3 videos. 2 websites and 1 image.
Earlier I had 4 instances of JoNova when commenting on Jo’s post.
A few years ago I had so many tabs open I sent an email to Jo by mistake when meant for someone else. She understood; being as she put it – “The Queen of Open Tabs”.
Yeah, I just can’t buy that Crooks made that shot (grazing the ear) with open sights on an AR type chambered for .223. It’s just not credible.
>How did the Assassin Get on the Building?
‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video – to give it an ID.
>The video comes from the phone of one of the injured people.
Rumble is hopeless to view that – not clear, too many ads, can’t control the video steps.
Far better Copenhaver video’ posted on X:
Collin Rugg @CollinRugg
X post Link
Video Link
Peter C >Shooters firing position is between air vent 1 and2, counting from the left.
Not sure how you determine that. Roll the video forward and he ends up just past the 4th air intake @ 0:10.
But that’s on an angle to the building’s East-West axis.
So now, to get North-South axis and orientation, we have to go back to Tuesday #4.2.3:
The Dave Stewart ‘Snipers Nest’ video
Wall of building MUCH more clear and the length of wall in consideration easy to define.
With video stopped @ 4:54 working West to East:
1) East-End Air Intake (4th)
2) Downpipe (1)
3) Window (1)
4) Window (2)
5) Downpipe (2)
In BOTH videos, the shooters final position is between 3)-Window-(1) and 4)-Window-(2) but closer to 4)-Window-(2).
The way that I thought the shooters position was between air vents 1 and 2, counting from the left was by drawing a line from Copenhaver, through Trumps head, to the roof.
Trump could have taken a step back to look at the screen, then he would be in line with Copenhaver and the postion that Crooks body was found.
Peter >by drawing a line from Copenhaver, through Trumps head, to the roof.
Could you give me a link/reference/video/drone/model/video timeline point (e.g. @ 0:XX), whatever so that I can trace your line.
I’ve got no way of reproducing that otherwise.
Peter >by drawing a line from Copenhaver, through Trumps head, to the roof.
I think I see what you’re getting at from the Copenhaver video at Fox. But isn’t that by assumption?
What I mean is: is there any confirmation that the bullet that hit Copenhaver was also the bullet that pierced Trump’s ear?
I’m not aware of that (but just me here).
Other wise it was a wayward shot from further down closer to 4)-Window-(2) above.
Peter C
Not too sure about that one as the fireman who was killed is over on the stand to the right so that would place a shot at Trump to be from below the guy on the roof and to the right whereas a shot at the video source itself via Trump’s ear would be to the left of the shooter position and above.
So by your logic looking at the trajectory and the calculation of the distance of the shot from the microphone the shooter would be in the second window from the east end of the building.
Again by trajectory leaving out the fireman. The bloke holding the video is shot in the body so lining up Trumps ear you have the shooter on the roof in the distance which appears to have a slight blur caused by the moving tree behind it.
At any rate the position of the guy on the roof is in about the same place as the dead guy only closer to the ridge.
Not only walking, but walking quickly, and walking upright. But if he was walking upright alongside the gutter on the south building, the top half of his body would be in sight.
He must have been walking along the roof of the adjacent building.
Leo >He must have been walking along the roof of the adjacent building.
Good thinking. Checks out too.
See #11.2 on this below.
>Well, there goes my STRAIGHT-up-the-roof from the Link Canopy scenario.
Not so.
Upthread at # I respond to Leo at #11.1.2:
Leo asks at #11.1.2 (had #11.2.1 wrong at #
I don’t see how the top half would be seen from that angle but hard to prove and not worth quibbling over.
But him walking on the adjacent building is not out of the question – only his head would be visible and that’s what we see in the Copenhaver video.
Up to 0:01 we see his head until it disappears.
There’s a time lapse corresponding to Crooks crossing the East-end Link Canopy roof then he appears again at 0:07 but this time we see more of him indicating that after 0:07 he’s up at the ridge setting up to shoot.
So STRAIGHT from East-end Link Canopy to ridge is back in consideration.
>So STRAIGHT from East-end Link Canopy to ridge is back in consideration.
But LADDER is OUT of consideration.
My reply to Broadie #
>No ladder
Agreed. Leo suggests in respect to the Copenhaver video – “He must have been walking along the roof of the adjacent building”.
I agree with Leo on that. My reply at #11.2:
So ladder at East-end Link Canopy is out now – that was a police ladder used by the first 2 cops up, one of which confronted Crooks from the LInk Canopy roof.
Leaving Crooks access onto the Building 4/5 roof unresolved. But maybe from alley North of near where 4/5 changes to 2 stories but there’s no wall-side air gear to climb up.
‘Spa Guy Butler’ drone video shows that alley with a shed in it adjacent Building 3/4. I’ll have another close look at that.
“They” would be the two counter-sniper teams.
How indeed?
Both teams must have been aware of the increased activity around the AGR building and should have watching the area intently.
Joe Rogan Goes There — Raises Serious Questions About Joe Biden’s Height After He Disappeared with “COVID”
See background first, then:
Joe Rogan: “You think there’s a body double?”
Michael Malice: “That guy walked very differently than Biden. He’s a lot taller. It’s on Scott Adams’ Twitter. You saw that. I’m like, am I Alex Jonesing today?
Joe Rogan: “No, he’s a lot taller.”
Joe Rogan: “Look at the size differences in the torsos themselves from the top of his shoulders to where- Look at the buttons.”
Michael Malice: “Yeah, look at the white of the shirt.”
Joe Rogan: “Just look at the size difference. Look how much longer that human is on the left. Now, it may be Biden. Listen, they might have some wild shit that brings you back from the dead. But medical science is getting like, there’s some people out there working on some wild stuff.”
Joe Rogan: So look at this one right now. So this is him walking in that other one. He’s really struggling there. But again, that could be just like his mental ability. It could come and go. Especially with that fucking juicy alien cocktail, they jazzed.
Michael Malice: Or it could be jet lag.
Joe Rogan: Imagine if he really did grow six inches. It really is Biden. They really do have some stuff. It rejuvenates you, but you also grow.
# # #
When I saw the video first time I couldn’t believe my eyes, it just looked so ridiculous.
I’ve been watching all those videos of Biden walking across the lawn to the helicopter; his gait (always an aging sign); his aides obscuring the TV view; etc.
So to see “Tall Biden” walk out just blew me away.
Wow. Big if true.
In Rogan’s podcast @ 49:38 there’s a side-by-side comparing the height of “Known Biden” with Jill – She comes up to his eyes, with “Tall Biden” – She comes up to his chin.
Could be different heals but that doesn’t account for 5-6 inches.
Joe Rogan Experience #2182 – Michael Malice
“Tall Biden” bears only passing resemblance to Jill; his head shape is different for starters.
Probably related:
Joe Rogan has some words about the olympics.
Secret Service Counter-Sniper Warns Another Trump Assassination Attempt Is Coming (video)
Do not trust what the MSM is saying about polling numbers for Ka-MAH-La..
The MSM is just trying to create the narrative that it’s too close to call- and therefore within the plausible margin of frxd.
There looks to be a lot of push polling going on. The logic would be to keep the margin small enough to cover massive ballot stuffing, plausible deniability etc.
FWIW – Re Trump assassination attempt
Thumb on the scales
“The mainstream media propaganda machine is in full swing”
“I’ve taken a look at half a dozen of the skewed-towards-Harris polls, and in every case where the sampling data was provided, they had oversampled Democrat-leaning respondents and undersampled Republican-leaning ones. Gee – who’d of thunk it?”
More “democrats get to vote early and often”?
All of this stuff about voting intentions only provides guidance to the bad guys about how many ballots need to be manufactured and inserted into the polling system. And of course in some states the steal can be done without even bothering with ballots.
FWIW – wind and solar
“Approaching the tipping point”
Tasmanian priorities
No children, parents, teachers or drivers were hurt in this revenue-raising initiative from government.
It’s the latest craze for politicians. Keeping children safe – how can that be unpopular.
Mind you – I wonder whether a series of road speed bumps would do?
I was 18Km per Hour over at 0929 – on 6 Lane Main Road 60 Km per Hour Speed Limit, School Entrance off Main Road, no kids anywhere in sight, and when it occurred there were no Flashing Lights installed on the Main Road to show if School 40km per Hour was in operation
My Car Clock had shown 0931
Lol- in other countries children learn to deal with traffic at 50kph all day, not just after 4pm. Somehow we survived in NZ..
Not only did we survive we did so while riding our bikes.
I get out on the road a bit in the mid afternoon and am amazed at how few kids are on bikes and how much traffic there is picking up the lazy little sods. Parents in their cars all over the road are a bigger hazard than regular traffic.
you obviously don’t live near Balgowlah Boys High, or Stella Maris Queenscliif at school finishing time, as a fayboy ebikes, sometimes with 3 up, go speeding along footpaths and roads
LoL, 6th pic down last link.
2 chicks riding off with stand down,$zoom_0.103%2C$multiply_2.0317%2C$ratio_1.5%2C$width_756%2C$x_0%2C$y_14/t_crop_custom/q_62%2Cf_auto/65819dbcbedd40d7e6f4ffa006f4be4ca8469641
Seen some interesting outcomes from that with real bikes.
“The Reason Why the Secret Service Had No Drone Over Trump Attack Will Leave You Slack-Jawed”
And add “A failure of imagination” to your bag of excuses!
“How Have These Not Been Banned From Trump Rallies Already?”
Working at the speed of Washington DC?
“In Seine – The French Olympic Follies Continue”
My favourite Extreme Marxist in the SMH is hammering Trump again. Peter Hartcher writes-
“Wehner wanted to understand “the sheer hatred” that Trump-following Christians feel for America’s political left. So he took it to an extreme to see if his friend would “push back”. “So I said, ‘does the left, in terms of what they want to do to Christians, want to slit your throats and watch you bleed and watch you die?’.. he was like ‘yeah, that’s it’. So that’s how they view it… So it’s not only the “Mexican rapists” of Trumpian trope that such voters have to fear. They fear their Democrat neighbours, and the fear isn’t only political…
But where did the Trump followers’ intense fear and loathing of the political left come from? ..The cultural grudges developed over the “massive cultural changes” of same-sex marriage, transgenderism, the erosion of the white majority and the denigration of Christianity.
In fomenting disgruntlement and simultaneously appealing to it, the Republican Party of today is no longer conservative in any way… he tells me that it’s more accurately “counter-revolutionary or reactionary”…if Trump wins, the Republicans might refuse to honour democratic norms like the rule of law and term limits:
Ah, so much crap from one man, no wonder the mainstream papers are going broke!
The Sydney Moaning Herald is an Labor/Greens/TEALS Party Mouthpiece
Have a read of – Whatever his achievements as PM, another rate rise would just about bury Albanese
Niki Savva – Award-winning political commentator and author
After the May consumer price index figure released in June showed inflation had nudged up, a senior member of the Albanese government confessed: “A shiver went up our collective spines … it is very worrying.”
In the space of a few days around that time, the government had delivered a tax cut for every Australian taxpayer, provided energy bill relief for every household, increased paid parental leave, restricted the sale of vapes, secured the freedom of Julian Assange, and continued to stabilise relations with China while securing partnerships in the Pacific, particularly with Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
All of that counted for nought, wiped out by another round of speculation that the Reserve Bank would have to increase interest rates.
Since then, thanks to ongoing anxiety about the cost of living and Dutton’s clumsy dance of the seven veils on nuclear power – a performance that would have seen a seasoned performer booed off the stage, but which became weirdly transfixing – followed quickly by Fatima Payman, Donald Trump and then Kamala Harris, the government has not had a single perfect day to sell its message about how much it is doing to try to help. Not that people will believe it if they don’t feel it.
Wednesday’s inflation figure, bang on the Reserve Bank estimate of 3.8 per cent for the June quarter and thereby leaving no reason to increase rates, did not have the same chilling effect on the government but it is still seen as a brief respite rather than a reprieve.
Another rate rise would gravely damage the government. It would almost certainly tip the economy into recession, making political recovery in time for the election extremely difficult.
According to Dutton, everything, including, presumably, if the Olympic medal tally falls short of expectations, is Albanese’s fault. Union corruption has forced up housing prices. Cost of living problems have been worsened by the government either doing too much or not enough. Higher interest rates off the back of still high inflation are the government’s fault for spending too much, except on tax cuts which still should have gone to higher income earners. Crime has increased because the government has deported few criminals or allowed too many into the country.
Dutton continues to use migrants as a weapon, holding them almost as responsible as Albanese for whatever has gone wrong. He told the Victorian Liberal Party last weekend, “…we bring in a new migrant every minute and overwhelm our housing market, infrastructure and services”.
He has cut through. Maybe a bit too much.
Have a read of the Comments to see the Sydney Moaning Herald subscibers in full braying mode!
I’ll tell you what KP- Peter Hartcher was always bad, just a sad leftie with a grudge. Not worth reading. But Greg Sheridan at the Australian really not much better. Both he and Paul Kelly still have a big dose of TDS. Kelly almost sounds like a spokesman for the Democratic Party.
“Recaro, Famed Sports Seat Supplier, Has Reportedly Filed Bankruptcy”
Oh Nooooo! – My 1994 Toyota 4WD Series 80 Landcrusier has a Full Recaro Interior – 2 Front Recaro Buckets, 2nnd Row re-upholstered with more padding and same Recaro Material as front seat, and 3rd row flip up seats also re-upholstered with more padding, and rounding out continuity, again with same Recaro Material throughout.
In the Article the obvious for the demise – Recaro was bought by a U.S.-based private investment company back in 2020.
Back in January 2020, Recaro Automotive announced that it had sold its business to Raven Acquisitions LLC, which is a privately owned investment corporation based in Detroit, Michigan. At the time, Recaro reported that it had made approximately $150 million in revenue in 2019, and it said that the new ownership would allow the company to prioritize making seats “with shorter and faster decision-making processes allowing greater flexibility to better meet the requirements of the market.”
It’s currently unclear what financial moves led to the insolvency.
Recaro’s history dates back to 1906 when “master saddler” Wilhelm Reutter began designing and building car bodies and interior components. In 1965, Recaro launched its first sports seat, and then in ’67 it introduced the first road-legal full shell seat. Future innovations would include a seat with speakers in the headrest (1977), the Recaro A8 sports seat with a plastic backside (1989), and it would go on to make the first retrofit seat with a universal side airbag in 2004 followed by designing a seat with a new lightweight composite shell in 2005.
Recaro files for bankruptcy
With great sadness we have to report that the specialist automotive seat maker, Recaro Automotive, filed for bankruptcy in a German court in late July, 2024. Recaro Aircraft Seating and the gaming chair producer Recaro Gaming are unaffected.
The Recaro brand is widely recognised as the best quality seat in the automotive world and has been used in signature models, at some stage, by every car brand, including top-shelf supercars and racing cars.
At Outback Travel Australia, we’ve been buying Recaro seats for 40 years, for a variety of utes.
We have Recaro Specialist bucket seats in our venerable LandCruiser 75 Series that have done around 300,000km and are still in as-new condition.
Their predecessor Recaros – used successively in three HiLux and Rodeo utes – did more than a million kilometres!
Unfortunately, the wider Recaro Group sold Recaro Automotive to the US investment company Raven Acquisition LLC, in 2020 and no longer owns any shares in Recaro Automotive.
We asked the Australian Recaro distributors, Ideal Seat Company, for comment, but haven’t heard back.
Why Are Foreigners Increasingly Scared to Visit China? (video)
I find that strange – I know Qantas is no longer flying to China, but compared to April 2018, when we had to get Visa from Chinese Consulate in Sydney, now no visa required, so makes it a lot easier
I had done a lot of business in China, Shanghai, Beijing, Dalian in 90s and early 2000s, and the 2018 Trip a Deal was to see changes in China since I was last there 15 years befoe
An amazing value trip and still being sold today by Trip a Deal (Now 100% owned by Qantas), in fact cheaper than what we paid in 2018, and I think at this price, I will go again in Spring next year
There were 5 Similar Trip a Deal Buses at the same time in 2018, and our tour bus was full of a completely Great Bunch of Aussies of all ages
China Discovery – Beijing, Suzhou, Wuxi, Shanghai & more
Experience the modern marvels & ancient wonders of bucket list China
Discover the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square, Longmen Ancient Town & more
Dates: 12 Nov 2024 – 6 Nov 2025
11 days from (AUD) $999 Per person twin share
Valued up to $2,499 SAVE 60%
Qantas You’ll earn 2,997 points
. Return international full-service flights & one-way internal flight (or high-speed rail)
. 9 nights of 4-star hotel accommodation
. Daily breakfast plus a traditional Peking Duck lunch
. Travel with local English-speaking tour guides
I don’t fly Qantas. Had some awful service from them about 28 years ago. Never been near them since and have no reason to nor would I like to.
“IT’S THE STORY, STUPID: Love him or hate him, Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” commands such devotion and loyalty from millions of regular Americans because it does what Rod Martin told us in 2010 the Right had to do if it hoped ever to defeat the Left.”
Hints for “ElBowen”?
Make Australia Great Again
with a green and gold hat?
Saw a guy in a MAGBA hat the other day – Make America Great Britain Again
Bella 🎗 🇺🇲 @Bella91320
Indian guy tells it how it is – rather forcefully:
“Kamala Harris you will not be getting the vote from the Indian Community”
“specifically because you do not talk like this”
“I’ve never seen you eat chicken tikka masala”
“do you even know how to say hello in Hindi”
“It is Kiawa by the way but don’t use that in your speech”
“I have not seen you wear a Sari once in your life”
“Donald Trump will get the Indian vote however”
“Do you know who runs all of Trump’s IT software”
“that is correct Indians”
# # #
Harris family photo below but hey,
Is Kamala Harris Black or India ?
Giggling Gertie‘s commie father.
Radical Communist Donald Harris
“Rolls-Royce One Step Closer To SMRs”
A very slow process. The paperwork won’t be finished until 2026.
This Time with correct spelling – Labor Blackout Bowen on the Cost of Nuclear
Estimate economic impact of nuclear power plant shutdowns on energy costs and supply, focusing on Bowen Basin region.
According to various statements from Chris Bowen, the Australian Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Labor has consistently emphasized the high cost of nuclear energy.
Here are some key points:
. $387 billion price tag: In September 2023, Bowen released costings of the Coalition’s nuclear push, estimating a staggering $387 billion price tag. This amount translates to approximately $25,000 per Australian taxpayer.
. Nuclear energy is 3 times more expensive than firmed renewables: Bowen has repeatedly stated that nuclear energy is significantly more costly than renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, when properly scaled and integrated into the grid.
. Coalition’s nuclear plans are “lies and fantasies”: Bowen has accused the Coalition of promoting nuclear energy as a low-cost solution, calling their claims “lies and fantasies.” He argues that the Opposition has failed to provide a clear plan for funding and implementing nuclear energy.
. Risk of higher bills and blackout risk: Bowen has warned that the Coalition’s nuclear plans would undermine the progress made in renewable energy and increase the risk of blackouts, as well as drive up electricity bills.
. Prioritizing renewables: Labor’s focus on renewable energy, aiming to boost renewables from 40% to 82% of the electricity grid by 2030, is a key component of their climate change and energy policy. Bowen has emphasized that this target is crucial for reducing emissions and household power bills.
Overall, Labor’s stance on nuclear energy cost emphasizes the significant financial burden it would impose on Australian taxpayers and the economy, while also highlighting the benefits of investing in renewable energy sources.
Labor ‘hiding behind cost argument’ on nuclear power
‘Tell him he’s dreaming’: Labor blasts Coalition plan for nuclear power in a decade
Nuclear policy a ‘fantasy’ that fails at the first hurdle: Bowen
+ 2 more
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How can Labor Blackout Bowen justify $387 billion price tag: In September 2023, Bowen released costings of the Coalition’s nuclear push, estimating a staggering $387 billion price tag. This amount translates to approximately $25,000 per Australian taxpayer.
when “Rolls-Royce One Step Closer To SMRs”
SMRs would each generate 470 megawatts of electricity and cost between £2bn and £3bn initially. Rolls-Royce aims to bring that number down gradually through economies of scale.
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) said Rolls has now been cleared to move into the third and final stage of the UK’s generic design assessment.
That process is expected to conclude by the end of 2026, after which Rolls will be able to apply for site-specific approval to build its first SMR.
A summary assessment published by the ONR on Tuesday said that the regulator has “not identified any fundamental safety, security or safeguards shortfalls that could prevent permissioning the construction of a power station based on the generic Rolls-Royce SMR design”.
Of course, successful development of SMRs would soon make wind and solar power redundant. Why duplicate capacity?
One might almost think that the Green Blob has been deliberately putting the brakes on the development of nuclear power.
The extra dollars in the estimate is the cost of establishing that the already decided European standards can be validated for “Australian conditions”.
A bit like all of the electrical equipment being installed by licensed Australian electricians…..
If Labor continues to push for 82% renewables by 2030, I estimate that this would cost a minimum of $150,000 per household.
Labor Blackout Bowen of the cost of nuclear
Chris Bowen, the Australian Minister for Climate Change, has consistently expressed opposition to the Coalition’s plans for nuclear energy, labeling them “lies and fantasies” with a projected cost of $387 billion. He argues that this investment would divert funds away from reliable renewables and increase the risk of blackouts.
Renewable Focus
Labor’s commitment to boosting renewables from 40% to 82% of the electricity grid by 2030 is a key strategy for reducing emissions by 43% and lowering household power bills by $275 by 2025. Bowen emphasizes that nuclear and renewables are incompatible, and that the Coalition’s plan would curtail zero-cost renewable energy to make room for expensive nuclear energy.
Criticism from Nationals MP
Nationals MP Keith Pitt has criticized Bowen, dubbing him “Blackout Bowen” and questioning Australians’ trust in him due to Labor’s rejection of nuclear energy. However, Bowen’s stance remains focused on promoting reliable and affordable renewable energy solutions.
Key Points
. Labor’s estimated cost of nuclear energy: $387 billion
. Minister Bowen’s characterization of nuclear plans: “lies and fantasies”
. Labor’s renewable energy target: 82% of electricity grid by 2030
. Concerns about nuclear energy: increased risk of blackouts and diversion of funds from renewables
“Lies and fantasies:” Bowen puts $387 billion price tag on Dutton’s nuclear plans | RenewEconomy
Nuclear energy: Peter Dutton’s ‘frolic’ a recipe for higher bills and blackout risk: Chris Bowen
Nationals MP blasts ‘Blackout Bowen’ over Labor’s hydrogen love amid nuclear rejection
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Oops suppossed to be reply to Ian in Comment 27
That “Oh What a Feeling”
“You Didn’t REALLY Expect Competence, Right?”
Sheesh, glad I’ve got fast-fibre and plug-n-play router – zero problems. Phone over fibre too for $5/mth – crystal clear.
And I thought OUR systems were a bit behind.
Mind you, that’s how the French saboteurs that sank Greenpeace’s Rainbow Warrior at Port of Auckland got caught.
DGSE completely underestimated NZ telecoms. They thought totally archaic and all their coms untraceable.
They were wrong. All digital, NZ SIS/Police had all their coms in no time. 2 arrests but 2 got away by yacht.
The bombing of the Rainbow Warrior
‘Full woke dystopia’: Olympics opening ceremony apology blasted by Christians (video)
ABC guest I haven’t seen before
He’s winning in the diversity stakes
Bombshell Docs Reveal German Gov’t Knew Covid Vaxx Was ‘Ineffective and Dangerous’ BEFORE Mandatory Roll Out
The German journalist @aya_velazquez received unredacted protocols from the Robert Koch Institute (German CDC) from a whistleblower. The key statements are shocking and revealing:
August 17, 2020: Children are guinea pigs, vaccinated individuals suffer more severely from COVID than unvaccinated individuals.
January 18, 2021: No professional justification for the mask mandate. Masks have undesirable side effects.
August 13, 2021: The “vaccine” fails in 79% of cases.
October 26, 2021: The influenza vaccine does not prevent infection. Let’s not tell people.
December 7, 2022: Unvaccinated individuals are “essentially immune” after a COVID infection. How can we present this graphically so that no one notices?
They all knew it from the beginning and before they implemented measures. They implemented these exclusively under pressure from politics and Pfizer.
Who has so much power worldwide that all politicians in key positions are bowing to them and consequently implementing measures that harm their own people?
Phew! Thankfully our own pollies are models of integrity, honesty and devotion to the people, otherwise the vaxxed would be royally scr3wed.
Female volleyball player, 17, left paralyzed with brain damage by transgender opponent who ‘cackled with delight’ after knocking her to ground.
Ms McNabb was left with brain damage and paralysis on her right side, which ended her dreams of getting a volleyball college scholarship and has made it difficult to walk without falling.
She told it was ‘disgusting’ that two boxers who failed gender tests had been cleared to fight women at this year’s Games in Paris.
She fears women could suffer injuries worse than hers.
She said: ‘There is a biological difference between the two [trans women and women], there is a difference in sports because of this in the first place.
‘It’s dangerous to have the two [sexes] competing together, and just not ok. I am disgusted by this, personally. This is morally wrong and evil.
She added: ‘These women have worked so hard and trained tirelessly to get all the way to the Olympics, all so they can get punched in the face by a dude.
‘It used to be illegal for men to beat up women, and now people are putting it on TV and watching it. It’s such a weird reality we are living in now.’
NO MORE pathetic sad-act insecure men who can’t cut it in mens sports pretending to be women. NO MORE!
Wokely Correct – meme
FWIW – the gist of a cartoon I got without links –
“Scientists warn that Earth could run out of conspiracy theories by 2025 if
they keep coming true at the current rate”
About the Office Works incident at Elsternwick – please forgive me for worrying more about Australia than Middle East.
For some there is no connection between a 15-year old, in a stolen car doing twice the speed limit, killing bystander in a process and polite salesgirl, refusing customer for a political reason.
For me there is a clear link. Melbourne is rolling to Malmö style hell with all-increasing speed. Every single day, every morning the first news are about young people whose sole purpose in life is to destroy this society.
Cannot believe this happened in this country. And the Officeworks response was pathetic.
Yeah or Utøya or Christchurch
Israel’s kibbutz experiments predict that California’s interfering with parents will fail
By Daniel Davies
Continues with move to Marxism next
Move to Marxism,
“Those Who Do Not Learn History Are Doomed To Repeat It.”
– George Santayana
“‘Ridiculous:’ Local Law Enforcement in Butler Strike Back at Secret Service Director; UPDATED!”
‘Green Day Frontman Slammed For Holding Up ‘Trump Head’ At Concert’
School District Turns to Diesel After Attempt to Convert Bus Fleet to Electric Proves Disastrous
Affluent liberals will do nearly anything to parade their own perceived moral virtue, including fleecing their neighbors at gunpoint.
In the end, however, the only thing on parade is tragicomic liberalism.
On July 25, Megan Davey Limarzi, Inspector General of Montgomery County, Maryland, issued a blistering memorandum regarding her office’s (OIG) investigation into Montgomery County Public Schools’ catastrophic management of an electric bus contract – 4 page PDF, which has cost taxpayers millions and forced MCPS to rely on diesel buses.
“On February 23, 2021, as part of its commitment to sustainability, MCPS announced it was replacing 326 diesel school buses with electric school buses,” Limarzi wrote.
That ambitious purchase came at a cost of $168,684,990.
LandofTheFree @JustinGNYC1
CJ Shows @jshows55
Trumps right shoulder.
>Wow the Amish are in the back
From @ 5:00 on-wards – Dad in the hat, boy, elder son.
Watch Live: Donald Trump Returns to Pennsylvania After July 13 Assassination Attempt
Sudden Stratospheric Warming is in the news, this is what BoM had to say on the previous SSW.
Regarding the utterly tragic murder of three young girls in the UK, stabbed by an immigrant from Rwanda, I find it utterly revolting yet so symbolic of our depraved media and governments that we are allowed to see photos of the victims and their families, plus know their names and those of the injured (some very seriously), yet we’re not allowed to see the perpetrator, know HIS name or be told much about his background. As is so often the case today, the authorities are totally focused on managing OUR response to the tragedy rather than preventing further murders of innocent little girls.
I have 100% confidence that those same authorities will steadfastly refuse to even contemplate that there might be a racist element to this crime.
No matter what were the perpetrators’ race/religion in Bondi “shopping mall disturbance” or Burke Street “road incident” or countless others, their roots lay in the same problem.
A somewhat mentally “not strong” person hearing & seeing TV news of stabbing 24/7 can not stay rational and outside the struggle – in their mind of course. It is an avalanche at Melbourne SouthEast – kids are seeing what other kids “achieved” – more and more think why not me?!
He wasn’t an immigrant, his parents were Rwandan. He seems to have been odd from a young age, the rest of his family and elder brother are by all accounts normal and respectable people.
Well, I wonder if he’d rush into a dancing school and stab little girls if he was living in Rwanda? …and what would happen to him if he did..
I seem to recall a major disturbance in Rwanda where large groups of people were suddenly attacked by neighbours…
Hutu and Tutsi….
Perhaps the current person of interest was a student wanting to re-live history?
Hopefully not.
FWIW – how about meaningful units and colours?
““Missing Context”: How Climate Catastrophists at NOAA Mislead without Lying”
Like the graph at the end
The Federal Election opinion polls show the majors are neck and neck two party preferred.
The m onthly UAH satellite tempereatures for July have just been released by Dr Roy Spencer at his blog.
Over Australia, the customary lower troposphere numbers show a month of July 2024 when the temperature returned to the baseline average for the 30 years from 1991 to 2020.
It remains a puzzle that the “peak” that cdopuld be related to the Hun ga Tonga eruption of Jan 2022 has the look of being over for Australia, but still continying at hiogh levels globally.
There is so much that the experts do not know in this climate change business.
That does ot seem to stop them shooting off at the mouth and making policies that hurt from guesswaork and poor science.
Geoff S