A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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So what on earth is wrong with measuring temperatures next to one of the worlds busiest airports?
The anti-scientific practice of locating weather stations at airports and within areas affected by the urban heat island effect has been fantastic for purveyors of the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
Increased air traffic and urban activities have caused an apparent increase of temperature at the measurement stations.
Back in the day, real meteorologists knew these temperatures were representative of only the local area and had nothing to do with global temperatures.
Now they support the Official Narrative.
The urban heat island effect has been known for a very long time, although now ignored.
It was Luke Howard that first noticed the urban heat island effect in the early 1800’s and talked about it in his book “The Climate of London” although didn’t call it by that name.
You can see an a copy of his book here:
Vol 1:
Vol 2:
Airports must have as much weather information as possible. Obviously. But no scientist would expect an airport to be the best place to measure a representative temperature for a regional average. With thousands of flat acres of concrete and bitumen and jet engines, no lawns, grass or water or obstacles it is the least representative place to measure temperature. Of course it is going to be hotter at Heathrow than a green, leafy valley with a stream or rolling meadows.
The quoted text seems to be providing too much precision with it’s guessed temperatures.
A resolution down to the second decimal place….. Really.
Science must have been ‘settled’ back then too. Or did I miss the step change?
He is talking about a mean temperature, not the precision of the measurement.
Generally, a mean can be one more decimal place than the original data.
I call BS on that.
How can you have a more precise reading by taking an average?
Let’s say you recorded 1 and 2, each rounded to an integer due to error/noise.
The mathematical average, following your logic is 1.5
In reality, if the measured numbers were ACTUALLY 1.4 and 2.4, both of which would round to the whole numbers as shown.
So that would give an average of 1.9.
Alternatively the numbers could have been 0.6 and 1.6, providing an average of 1.1.
So in reality, the average of the ROUNDED numbers 1 and 2 is between 1.1 and 1.9, (using data as above). This IS NOT 1.5.
Error DOES NOT reduce when you average a data set. At least not when I went to school.
Am I the only one troubled by the first sentence in the quote:
“The Mean Temperature of the Climate” ?
Is climate itself not a mean? An agglomeration of weather over time?
So, do a third of Brits endorse violence against immigrants?
Of course not, but that’s a very different question to asking if Brits are fed up with the huge number of immigrants, legal and illegal which governments seem to want evade.
I think the Irish will be the first to move against mass immigration – have a stronger cultural identiity than the Brits and they have a more recent history of Civil War such as the Irish War of Independence and “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland.
Not sure about that as few nations have had more migration to other countries-UK- America=Australia-than Ireland.
Having said that they are a very small country and a lot of migrants have been p[laced in rural places.
You must also remember they are members of the EU. EU members are not permitted to go against EU doctrine so the brainwashed population will do as they’re told and submit.
The main target in Ireland is actually the Catholic Church. Must be destroyed at all costs as in Europe itself.
Plantations of Protestants:
Surprisingly, he next plantation policy of settling non-Catholic Muslims is supported by Sinn Féin.
The main Plantations had finished by the 1620s so they were almost at an end when the Mayflower arrived in America. When are the Yanks going to get out of America?
I love the new idea that first in owns the place. Genghis Khan didn’t think so. Nor did Napoleon or Hitler.
In Britain the Celts, Picts, Scots, Norse, Romans, Angles, Saxons,French/Norse and nearly the Germans again. The idea that living in a place conveys sacred exclusive rights is absurd in the face of all human history.
But we are told in Australia that every hill is sacred. To whom? How is that even possible with 300 tribes spread across a continent with as many languages? How could aborigines in Arnhem land have a special name for Melbourne (Naan). Who benefits from renaming every city and place with made up names no aborigine knows, let alone anyone else. Could some please talk about the prevalence of aboriginal tourism in 20,000 BC?
The destruction of civilization is part of the Maxist push to eliminate our history. Or as Marxist promoter Kamala Harris says, “unburdened by what has been”.
Probably because Sinn Fein was VERY close to the soviets for decades. And the Libyans under Qaddafi were also big players in “Irish” politics.
Sinn Fein was ultimately a hard-left political machine with a reasonably well resourced military wing that had global reach.
See also the Church of England. Check out the recent “releases” from “top men” in the”Anglican” church.
Mass immigration explained – why it doesn’t work, can’t work and just makes everyone worse off
Crystal clear explanation for everyone, even pollies.
So the REAL agenda here isn’t humanitarian, it’s Cloward-Piven.
If you’re fighting illegals, you’re not fighting the pollies that just destroyed your country and future.
When the government money stops as their economies collapse in the next few years, guess what’ll happen.
I still don’t know Ukraine’s end plan with their attack on Russia but it still continues
I remember the Russian mercenaries last year drove hundreds of miles towards Moscow without any effective counter attack until the commander seemed to lose his nerve and retreat. I seem to remember he was then disposed of by those close to Putin
It’s a huge mistake, preparing for a Trump presidency and peace negotiations. The question is whether the Russians (there’s more to Russia than Putin) will tolerate it.
The biggest battle in WWII was Kursk, operation Zitadelle, not the Bulge. Kiev’s position is completely untenable. Russia has already moved out 200,000 people and there is only one reason to do that.
This massive provocation could end up a real slaughter, something Russia has been trying to avoid. The people on both sides speak Russian in a foreign sponsored civil war, even German tanks. But this is a step which will have severe consequences for the Ukranian soldiers caught in the Kessel with Russians on both flanks. It may even invite a direct Russian attack on Kiev, which is next to the border on the upper Dneiper. Which is why it is very foolish to force the war to Kiev’s doorstep.
I hope reason prevails and the Ukranians beat a quick retreat. It’s only 70 days to the US election and the likely loss of US support for this Biden war. Trump is right. The war will be over in a day. Let us hope reason prevails and Zelensky retreats quickly. He has made his point that Russia is vulnerable to surprise attack. Which is no news. Hitler knew that.
Hard to imagine what strategic sense it ever made. Totally exposed to air strikes, narrow and easily stopped logistics corridor, against an enemy who can quickly assemble greater resources. Seems like a PR exercise that will sadly, again cost 1000s of lives.
But I am just a layman , who knows what the great military minds where trying to achieve.
I have studied the battles of the area, from Stalingrad to Kiev. And I have walked around the fields of Prokohorovka, Belgorod, Sebastopol. These places are as significant to Russians as Borodino was in the Napoleonic wars and WWII. For Zelensky to invade here is putting mouse in a cage with a lion. Pure provocation. Idiotic. So I can only assume someone else wanted it. Germany, France, UK or Biden. A distraction for the US election when everyone rallies behind the leader as with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s fourth term.
‘Pure provocation. Idiotic. So I can only assume someone else wanted it.’
The West was completely caught off guard by this excursion, the Ukrainians are doing their own thing and using Bradleys to make the point. Weapons testing opportunities for the military industrial complex.
Not idiotic strategy, even though the logistics are tricky they plan to maintain an iron dome over the advancing troops. If they have to clear out the shield would remain in place until the soldiers are safely home.
They say the Australian Slinger could change the course of the war.
“likely loss of US support for this Biden war. ”
Who’s that? Anyone seen him in ages? For anyone else there would be an APB issued for a missing person by now. Who’s running America this week?
President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton are running the place. With Pelosi running interference. Kamala is not seen either as Vice President or as President in waiting. She is an actor who struts and frets her hour upon the stage and then is heard no more.
Trying to open many new fronts?
Politically it is a smart move. The Russians being killed and captured are mainly conscripts, sons from Moscow and St. Petersburg, not minorities or prisoners, so it will cause resentment among the middle class who may have felt aloof from the war.
Thats quite a construct to arrive at a supposed benefit.
Waddyano! Ryan McBeth sees it as I do.
Hanrahan is correct, conscripts are not stationed on the front lines. Putin must be in panic mode, all those fearful mums seeing their boys become battle hardened.
Prigozhin was killed by Putin.
My Favourite Athlete
Some people need to get a life
Adele asks if Australian Olympic breakdancer Raygun is “a joke”, says she’s been “shitting herself laughing”.
Ann Meares was a seriously good cyclist who must know a lot about riding through the pain barrier. How was she sucked into this fiasco?
This whole debacle has at least turned a spotlight onto the grubby world of government-funded sport. This is well overdue. Apart from old-fashioned corruption, more recently it has become another plaything of the left, in which they look after each other, promote their mates and generally politicise it all through ‘DEI’ policies. In this, it is following in the footsteps of the arts and science – two other areas now more or less completely transformed into sheltered employment agencies and propaganda machines for leftists.
I said from the start that I thought Gunn was perhaps an example of this, selected more because of who she knows that how good she is. I read only yesterday that her husband sat on the selection committee. That online petition seems to seek answers to exactly the question I posed. However, because I’m sure this would open a can of worms that our current government will not allow to be opened, nothing will happen.
A Clean Break with Talent and Scholarship – 15th August 2024
Phil Shannon
Although breakdancing fits in with the latest Olympic innovations like the traditional sport of wife beating in the guise of all-gender “women’s” boxing, Australian breakdancer Rachael ‘Raygun’ Gunn totally flummoxed the judges in Paris recently at the ‘breaking’ competition (apparently it is just called ‘breaking’, now) just concluded in Paris.
The scorers didn’t warm to Raygun’s kangaroo-themed performance (putting the hop in hip-hop, if you like) and they awarded zero points out of a possible eighteen for each of her three routines.
Now it seems to me as judges have missed a trick here because our Rachel should be deferred to because she is a certified ‘expert’ in the theoretical underpinnings of her sporting discipline, having an actual PhD in the subject of “displacing and deterritortorialising gender” through breakdancing.
Drawing on super-qualified philosophical experts such as “Deleuze and Guttari, Butler, Bourdieu and other feminist and post-structuralist philosophers” who roam at large, academic dinosaurs the world forgot, in some of our crazier tertiary institutions.
Here is the precis of her Macquarie Uni treatise, (see if you can make it all the way through the polysyllabic sludge before catatonia sets in):
This thesis critically interrogates how masculinist practices of breakdancing offers a site for the transgression of gendered norms. Drawing on my own experiences as a female within the male-dominated breakdancing scene in Sydney, first as a spectator, then as an active crew member, this thesis questions why so few female participants engage in this creative space, and how breakdancing might be the space to displace and deterritorialise gender. I use analytic autoetthnography and interviews with scene members in collaboration with theoretical frameworks offered by Deleuze and Guttari, Butler, Bourdieu and other feminist and post-structuralist philosophers, to critically examine how the capacities of bodies are constituted and shaped in Sydney’s breakdancing scene, and to also locate the potentiality for moments of transgression. In other words, I conceptualize the breaking body as not a ‘body’ constituted through regulations and assumptions, but as an assemblage open to new rhizomatic connections. Breaking is a space that embraces difference, whereby the rituals of the dance not only augment its capacity to deterritorialise the body, but also facilitate new possibilities for performativities beyond the confines of dominant modes of thought and normative gender construction. Consequently, this thesis attempts to contribute to what I perceive as a significant gap in scholarship on hip-hop, breakdancing, and autoethnographic explorations of Deleuze-Guattarian theory.
Gotta love those “rhizomatic connections” (I think I may have some of those thingys in my garden) and how they “facilitate new possibilities for performativities beyond the confines of dominant modes of thought and normative gender construction” (although my garden rhizomes actually produce something more useful and palatable than this PhD pile of philosophical compost).
Perhaps I am being too harsh because, along with Raygun, I have long been worried about the “significant gap in scholarship on hip-hop, breakdancing, and autoethnographic explorations of Deleuze-Guattarian theory”.
The World Economic Forum, surprisingly, hasn’t cottoned on to this yet, so Raygun is filling a big gap.
I would rather she goes over The Gap.
For those not in Sydney this is a convenient place on the coastal cliffs which suicides have used.
The girl, from New South Wales, was left with injuries to the face, shoulder, wrist and neck after the ‘random attack’ at the London tourist spot with her mother, 34, on Monday at 11.34am.
District Judge Michael Snow described the incident as a ‘random attack on a child’.
Sure – Like how many believe that!
No doubt the usual “mental health issues” excuse will be rolled out again – which is a hate crime in itself against people who have genuine mental health issues and who are often more likely to kill themselves than others.
Simple solution! Stay away from the once Great Britain . It’s fast becoming a 3rd world cesspit!
Simple for us here in Oz but not so simple for my friends and family still living there. There are millions of others in the same boat.
Exactly, Steve. There are many of us who still have family and friends in the UK. It is very distressing to see what has happened to the beautiful country of my birth.
The problem is the electorate of the UK.
They had a chance to reform UK so time ago when the BNP ( British National Party ) wanted to overhaul & reform British governance. The electorate decided to vote the way the media told them. They voted for Blair & his New Labor BS. Which started the problems of migration that still survive. Not to mention of course all the “ woke “ nonsense which continues to this day.
UK now has the chance to vote Reform with Farage at the helm. But the British will make the same decision not to use an opportunity to try something new & will continue their race to the bottom.
Look no further for a solution. Your electorate appears to not want one!
All of which pretty much describes Australia, too. I keep saying that the only reason we don’t have exactly the same problem at that scale is that Europe isn’t a mere 20 miles from Darwin.
He is perhaps a member of the huge fraternity of ‘Lone Wolves’.
Meanwhile in Australia the “usual suspects” were free to shout “G*s the Jews” and “F*** the Jews” at the Sydney Opera House after the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.
Two-Tier justice does not only apply in the UK.
The police review was a joke.
Police: “you’re not allowed to pray in thoughts”
The dream police:
You have of course noticed that we too have the Labor Party in government. Like the UK Labor Party they “ somehow “ thru voting quirks assumed power with around 30% of the vote.
One can barely see the difference between Labor Uk & Labor Australia!! Strange that both have a 2 tier justice system one of them with a Kier & one with an Albozo.
Labour in the UK, Labor here.
Not much difference otherwise 🙁
Vermont To Start Vaccinating Children In Secret.
Parents already being deceived by the state in Massachusetts:
November 5, the election that will either put a stop to the insanity OR the USA as we & the American people know it will disappear for ever.!
Something must be done. Maybe a Trump EO.
Feds must rethink authorizing harassment of whales by offshore wind
By David Wojick
The beginning
“We now know offshore wind sonar surveys are a likely cause of whale deaths. For details, see my prior article.
Simply put, a significant fraction of authorized harassments likely causes whales to be killed. The question is how should the Federal approval process for offshore wind surveys be restructured to incorporate this new whale-death knowledge? One obvious possibility is to simply ban the practice. That works for me, but may be too extreme to pull off.
If a certain number of whale deaths is deemed allowable, here is the outline of a death allocation procedure. Included are the other protected marine species for which sonar-induced deaths might be established, as well as harassment from other offshore wind activities. This is basically a death budget for the offshore wind program.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Harassment kills.
This seems like a biggy that’s getting no attention.
Dr. John Campbell
Global Excess Deaths
Examination of excess mortality during Pandemic does not match the pattern of a contagious respiratory virus.
And …
“all” (the researcher’s word) global excess mortality was the result of public health actions.
We know the crime of negligent homicide.
I’m given to understand there were 31 million plus excess deaths during Pandemic.
Negligent genocide?
If this is accurate, the dang thing was hysteria based on nothing.
At least now, we have ‘Science’ to back up the conspiracy theory.
Big news for the thinking community (but not a surprise) but ignored by everyone else as it doesn’t conform to the Official Narrative.
And in the Stupid Country, Australia, to this very day, people are dying because medical “authorities” refuse to do organ transplants if you have not been injected with fake covid vaccine. (I have previously posted links for this.) That is also a major scandal.
80%/20% as per yesterday.
Ethics never stood a chance.
A question on statistics:
Let’s assume that RCP averages the 5 most recent polls in a state, each of which have n=1,000 with a margin of error of 3%, does their quoted average that has n=5,000 still have a MoE of 3%?
If RCP lists the 7 swing states [n=35,000] and candidate A has an average lead of 2%, is that still “within the margin of error”? Logic says “no” but I don’t know about stats.
Not a statistician, but I know the basics.
Statistics isn’t all that mysterious. The trick with surveys like this is getting a representative sample. 1000 truly randomly selected people will give you a pretty good idea of the general distribution of height (say). That’s because all heights are spread pretty evenly through the population; no enclaves of basketballers or jockeys. That doesn’t apply to political questions. There definitely are strongholds of Green, Liberal, Labor, National voters, and obviously a stronghold for one is a “weakhold” for the others. 1000 random individuals is far less likely to look like the whole population.
As for combining “the 5 most recent polls”, again, that’d work fine with height, but not so well with opinion. Opinions change with time. The point of repeated surveying is to follow the trend in people’s views. Say we have five polls taken weekly, and there was an unfortunate incident involving a candidate and a goat two weeks ago. The first three polls would add 3000 to your sample, but those people hadn’t yet had their opportunity to consider the welfare of goats. You’re better off with the 1000 people from the latest sample.
But in the end, the political views of 1000 people is going to leave a *lot* of doubt about the wider population.
I didn’t address your question about margin of error. Rather than more of my waffle, try this short article about why margin of error doesn’t really mean much with these political surveys. Too many assumptions aren’t met.
Just to add complexity, MOE is itself an estimate based on assumptions about the data-set. If you found that all polls show a similar result you might be able to infer that the MOE is actually much smaller and that the (say) 2% lead is likely true (or that there is a consistent bias in the data).
I think if Trump is allowed to be elected, he will sort out many of the world’s problems very quickly, hence the urgency with which the Left and other evil doers are now purveying their evil whilst they still have a chance.
If he doesn’t get elected, then it’s game over for all of us. Evil will triumph, at least temporarily until the decent people start fighting back.
I would love that to be true David. However, even Trump won’t beat The Global Swamp in one term, not least because he will be fought to a standstill by his own permanent state (un-elected) officials. As determined and savvy as he is, he’s too old to beat them in four years. He will hopefully make a good start, then our hopes must lie in whoever picks up the baton afterwards.
Which is why he chose Vance. Vance was electorally not the most advantageous choice and had previously publicly attacked Trump. But Vance is ethical, driven, qualified, patriotic, young, settled, famous and determined. Trump has chosen him as backup and as the next President, a hero to all the Americans left behind by the attack on coal, the export of manufacturing, rural voters and veterans. Remove Trump and you get Vance. Checkmate.
He’d do well just sorting out the problems of the USA. That will have a good ripple effect on the world. Whether they like it or not the US role in solving global problems (including the many they create) is diminishing. I hope they can at least fix themselves.
This has been covered. You need to pay attention.
Trump CANNOT fix it all now, the swamp is too deep and the damage too great. It’s like an old termite infested house – you have to destroy it all and build afresh, rather than waste vast resources trying to save it.
Guess what’s going to happen.
‘Trump CANNOT fix it all now…’
Schedule F cannot be easily changed and litigation is a painfully slow process.
My guess, he’ll maintain the status quo swamp.
Andrew Bolt talks about how Australian apartheid laws are denying a majority of Australians access to Mt Warning and other sites.
Fined for Climbing While White
A very important Australian legal case with implications throughout the Woke Western World.
A court is to decide the issue, seemingly settled at the time of Adam and Eve, about “what is a woman”.
Specifically it is about whether transgenders can join an App designed ONLY for actual females who want to interact with other actual females.
The court has to decide if sex/gender (which were synonyms, back in the day) is decided by biology (as it used to be taught) or how one “identifies”.
The courts have already decided that men have no right to exclusive clubs.
Decades ago my mum (who was a teacher) said, “Words have gender; people have sex.” A little play on words, but it makes the point. At the time it was a comment on language as it was well before the modern use (misuse?) of “gender”.
“A four-day digital detox”
Get ready
“Here We Go: Pro-China World Health Organization Declares Monkeypox Outbreak a Global Health Emergency Just Months Before Presidential Election (VIDEO)”
I checked my portal yesterday, and yes there are more MINOR cases in Africa, escaping the DRC, and cases in Dublin (wonder why…😎) but it’s about as dangerous as the common cold. Media hype and lies.
No sign of a p(l)andemic like Covid.
And as Off-Guardian opines, this is the second time in two years the WHO has declared monkeypox a “Public Health Emergency of International Concern” (PHEIC). It was originally labelled such in the summer of 2022…before quietly having that status rescinded in 2023.
In truth, it was a narrative that flapped its little wings as hard as it could but never got off the ground.
They tried to label it as “the same level as leprosy and the plague”, they did the trick with the PCR tests, and they changed websites to make it seem scarier.
They followed the Covid playbook step-by-step…none of it worked.
In the end it just sort of fizzled away.
But now it’s back. This time with a new name.
The looming Demonrat convention is a superspreader risk?
Go figure.
“How Factory Farming Ends
The fight against the meat industry has been rocky. Can it be won?”
No surprises here. Would not put this past the UK police (Stazi) under Stalin Starmer!
Say “I divorce you” 3 times and it’s legally binding and the woman is destitute. What a “culture” eh?
Fifty three years ago today, 15th August, 1971, President Nixon closed the so-called “gold window” and thus killed of the last vestige of the gold standard.
Since then every country has been using fiat money.
Odd isnt it that Central Banks bought record amounts of gold last year, and continue to do so. I wonder what’s happening?
They have forgotten Keynes and the “barbaric relic” reference.
According to the UK’s own ‘Ministry of Justice’ data, since 2007 more than 4000 criminals with over 100 previous convictions were allowed to walk free from court, aligned with instructions from the ‘Sentencing Council’, advising judges to consider more lenient sentences for those from “difficult” or “deprived” backgrounds.
A clue to how this advice is to be implemented lies in the definition of “deprived”, which starts with having “experience of discrimination”.
Also in the news, a 53yo white woman with no criminal record whatsoever, who posted “blow the mosque up” to a community Facebook page discussing the recent demonstrations, has been jailed for 15 months.
Another example of Comrade Starmer’s ‘justice’ system: a 61yo man who shouted, “Who the f**k is Allah?” and said rude words to officers, has been jailed for 18 months for his heinous crimes. His wife is apparently very sick and he is (was) her principal carer.
It really is Jan. 6th all over again. I bet Starmer can’t believe his luck, so early in his leadership.
Oh and the same authorities locking up all these “Far Right Thugs” are still having trouble identifying the armed Muslims who were talked into leaving their weapons at the mosque – you know, the ones ON VIDEO.
Question for Strop.
Thank you for the long reply to the Sanden HWS question.
You mentioned that you are off-grid. Can you go into more detail on what you have put together? And what was behind you reason to go off-grid?
Glad you saw the reply. I posted it here today too, but has been moderator pending.
We didn’t have any decision making in the solar setup. The owners of the home before us did all the off grid set-up. The cost of extending the grid supply to the property for them was going to be $30k-$40k so they decided to put the money into solar instead. Which makes economic sense to me given both options were to be a similar cost and the network extension would have ongoing usage charges, and ever increasing.
Of course, solar isn’t free because you need to keep putting money aside or saving for the cost of replacing the solar setup. (unless you sell up before the end of system life, but maybe it adjusts in the sale price) But you’d hope that technology advances would assist with the cost of replacing the system not increasing over the years as much as the grid charges would.
Expected to get 10+ years from batteries and 20+ from panels. Panels had a 25 year 80% performance guarantee. But I’m not counting on the company that made them still being there in the future if they fail sooner.
One benefit of off grid we have noticed is no blackouts. Where we were living (Yarra Valley) the power seemed to be interrupted every time there was a strong wind (or an Evel Knievel possum?).
The system is 7.5kw panels and 35kw of lead acid batteries. Given they’re lead acid we should keep their charge level above 50% to maximise their life potential. Which means the 35kw storage capacity is really 15kw in practical use terms.
Now that we’ve ditched the gas for hot water and cooking (kitchen renovation, decided to go with electric and not have the LPG) we use on average 11kw a day, without being careful. Havent skimpt on appliances. Induction cooktop, normal fridge and bar fridge, dishwasher, washing machine, heat pump clothes dryer, and the Mrs loves have lots of lights on. Our heating is wood fire. So not using electricity there makes a difference to daily use. We do have a reverse cycle split system, so when excess sun we do use that for some heating. Using it for air con in summer is never really a usage concern.
Since the renovation and going all electric last November. We did use the generator on 1 day in December to boost the battery charge (keep above 50%) and then once again in late May. 5 times in June. Then we copped a week in July where the panels produced only 2-4kw on 6 of the 7 days. Used the generator more that week than in the whole previous year when had the gas hot water and cooktop. There were a few other odd days in July I gave the batteries a boost.
Have given the batteries a small boost with the generator once in the last 16 days. But didn’t really need to. Batteries have been above 70% except that one day and I jumped the gun on what I thought was going to be extended cloud. Have hit 100% on 10 days and 95% on 4 days. 2 days bounced in the 70-85% range.
The system was installed in 2016 and the batteries are still good.
From my experience, If you are pulling 11kWh per day in May/June then you should have around 11kW of panels tilted at 50 degrees and a battery with usable capacity of 22kWh.
Is it a 50V system?
Do you know who installed the system?
I have Winston lithium cells that have performed very well. They came from WA. My cells are only 100Ah for a 50V system. EV Works has 400Ah Winston cells for $880:
So just over $14k for battery upgrade for a 50V system and 20kWh storage . Mine are now 12 years old.
I have ordered a 300L Sanden HWS. Supposed to install next week.
I turned off the gas ducted heating this year and just used the wood burner. My wife prefers the burner to the ducted because she does not like the draught from the ducted vents.
Am I right that this means you get effectively only one hour per day of actual usable solar? I mean after storage losses and averaging everything out.
That seems a surprisingly low end-to-end capacity factor.
It does seem low. My solar system averaged 9% in July.
Oh wow. Hope you like the Sanden. I feel pressure now.
It is a 50v system. At least the readout says it hangs around 48 to 53 quite often, but mostly 50 ish. Giving us 240v in the house. Dunno how that works. 🙂
I do know the installer because we have engaged him to show us the ropes and he still monitors it remotely if we think there’s a problem Although he doesn’t install any more.
Ideally having twice your daily need in storage would be a good. Particularly if you live in close proximity to neighbours where a generator running may give them the irrits. But we’ve only got one other house near us that is unlikely to hear our gen.
Some say that if you never need to use a generator then you spent too much on your system. You should buy a generator if off grid because at some point you will get a run of days that doesn’t give much solar or you’ll accidentally leave some power hungry device running longer than you should have. So make use of it a bit and don’t spend so much on the system if setup cost is an issue. Most of the year there’s plenty of solar activity. With our average 11kw per day, 17kw battery storage (to stay above 50%) and 7.5kw of panels, we haven’t topped up with the generator very often.
Since being off grid I’ve become aware of how often a cloudy day can turn into a cloudless night. Now that gives me the irrits. 🙂
Of course, other annoyances with solar are that if the weather is no good for drying clothes then it’s also no good for powering the clothes dryer.
Was not your decision. You just nudge me to take a look in a particular direction. The main reason was the fast response from the potential installer.
I have to fully electrify before I can even contemplate going off gris. Replacing the gas cook top with induction will be a lot more costly because my wife wants at least new kitchen bench tops.
That is accurate but it is a matter of convenience. On the other side, the lower you cycle the battery, the longer it willl last.
My wife does not like using the clothes dryer. She has increasingly used the wood burner ti dry clothes. We bought a neat airer from Aldi this year that is on wheels and folds to reduce space when not in use. It will hold more than one wash of clothes. Put clothes on hangers and my stuff does not even need ironing.
The growing number of wine offers indicates Australia is in recession or close to.
Penfolds does not seem to notice
PS Members price only $1,000.00 a Bottle
Personally I find this not a bad drop, especially when 20% Discount
Hidden Gem Semillon Sauvignon Blanc 750mL 4.3 out of 5 stars, average rating value. $4. $3.80 Across any 6
I buy a classy bag wine dolce rosso, such a sophisticated name that when translated means pleasant red.
Cheaper than water! I wonder if they can make money at $3.80 a bottle. But, as I implied, lots of wine offers around.
Penfolds use very good cork. But $1180 for a bottle with a cork is more than I am willing to pay.
I cellared some Penfolds Rawson’s Retreat Shiraz that I bought of under $10 a bottle late last century that were cork sealed. I waited a few years before slowly working though them. They gott better with age and there was no problem with the cork after maybe 15 years. In 2019, I had some 1985 Grange that had never been recorked. The cork was still good but the wine was a bit thin; past its best.
I do not have a good temperature controlled “cellar”. It gets up to 20C in summer and down to 12C in winter so a bit warmer than ideal. I have had a few screw tops that have soured after 12 to 15 years. I have enough heavy reds to see me out so only buy white wine and the occasional Rose and Point Noir.
” I have enough heavy reds to see me out ”
The sign of a successful life..
Today is V-J Day.
Victory over Japan Day (also known as V-J Day, Victory in the Pacific Day, or V-P Day[1]) is the day on which Imperial Japan surrendered in World War II, in effect bringing the war to an end. The term has been applied to both of the days on which the initial announcement of Japan’s surrender was made – 15 August 1945, in Japan, and because of time zone differences, 14 August 1945 (when it was announced in the United States and the rest of the Americas and Eastern Pacific Islands) – as well as to 2 September 1945, when the surrender document was signed, officially ending World War II.
It was always VJ day when I was a kid. But the use of VP day has been more popular in the last 20 years so as not to offend anyone.
The Japanese conducted air raids on Australia on about 200 separate occasions. Two attacks on Darwin killed over 200 and wounded about double that. And we’re meant to worry about offending them? 😉
No. I don’t hold a grudge. I wasn’t alive like most of the Japanese weren’t. But not going to pussy foot around the subject and feelings either.
To RickWill,
Regarding my comment yesterday about heat pump hot water service, and your query about the cost of the Sanden we chose and why we chose it.
I replied late yesterday and given the thread moves on, posting here in case you haven’t checked back after the delayed reply.
The 300 ltr Sanden was $5.5k with GST and after they deducted the $800 small-scale technology certificate (sstc) rebate the govt offers. There’s a few little kit costs included in that total, that are extra to the straight unit price. So cant necessarily compare that unit price to another unit price without knowing the other brand add ons if any. (The Sanden model was the Eco 300, but I think it’s actually a 315ltr tank).
Installation was extra and will depend on what you’re replacing and work required matching into that.
The 250 ltr model was about $300 less.
We paid a similar amount for the solar boosted HWS 3 years ago. (wouldn’t have if I knew we’d be moving two years later. Doh!)
The Sanden compressor is quiet. They claim 37db. Got no reason to dispute that given it is actually quiet. Compressor is a separate unit to the cylinder.
Chose it because:
a) the electrician who installed the solar setup here (with the owner before us) recommended Sanden and he gains nothing from that recommendation. We got him out to check the system he installed and give us instructions about its operation. Asked him his thoughts on our ditching the gas setup and the system capacity for more load use.
b) it rated No.1 in reviews I checked out
c) Japanese product (designed for low temp use)
d) much longer warranty than most with 15 years on the tank. I think the heat pump is 5 or 6 years.
e) it’s not a product the govt uses so it must be good 😉
Worth noting that my usage is primarily 2 person use. So a family would use more hot water and therefore more power. But, having said that, I don’t have just a 3min shower. In our weather you gotta get some good heat into the bones to start the day 🙂
I believe the equivalent sized Rheem Heat Pump HWS would have been nearly $1,000 less. Our plumber is a Rheem rep and gave the comparison.
The specs indicated better performance than the Rheem, but hard to know what that translates to in practical terms. I spent the extra because I could afford it and we’re off grid. So didn’t want to later wish I’d spent the extra.
Begs the question though. Where to put the money? More batteries, more panels, or energy efficiency. Most energy efficient appliances generally don’t make a lot of difference, such as fridges etc. But high energy use appliances do. We actually ditched the instantaneous gas hot water and gas bottles that were already with the house because. Which was also supplying the cook top. I would say it was costing close to $1,000 per year for hot water and cooking with LPG. So the $5.5k heat pump is not too bad in the long run.
If you’re replacing a gas heated storage cylinder unit I think there’s another govt rebate available of $800-$1,000 or thereabouts.
You mentioned about running it when the sun is out. You can control the time of day it will heat, including having a wifi controller. So its heating can coincide with the warmer air temp part of the day, when the solar panels are producing, or off peak if on a supply usage tariff.
I did read your reply to the thread yesterday. It prompted another question above thread where you mentioned off-grid.
You have partly answered that it was the previous owner. Can you provide some details on the system and how you are finding it?
Gad Saad mentioned on a talk recently, that 30-40 years ago the average college grade in the US was C. Now the average grade is A. We are talking participation awards! If that’s true, it’s a real worry.
>Gad Saad mentioned on a talk recently
Evolutionary Psychologist Gad Saad Explains the Woke Mind Virus
Trump has promised
1. to end the Ukraine war in a day
2. to halve energy costs immediately
3. to stop inflation
4. to end the war in Gaza.
How could people not vote for this? What is wrong with the Democrat voters? They didn’t even get a vote in the Democrat candidate for President? Mushrooms.
In the Australian today this is known by the ACTU as Dystopian Trumpism. Bring it on!
Dystopian: an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice
I do not remember that from Trump’s last term?
And we could do the same in Australia
1. repeal the illegal Renewable Energy(Electricity) Act 2001. John Howard’s monster.
2. repeal the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011. Based on the ridiculous assertion that growing trees reduces aerial CO2. Which is proven nonsense by NASA.
3. repeal the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007
4. repeal the Safeguard Mechanism (Crediting) Amendment Bill 2023 which puts a 35% CO2 tax on 250 of the biggest businesses in Australia, including all aircraft, trucks, farmers, chemical manufacturers, steel manufacturers and even sewage processing.
And energy prices would halve overnight. And inflation plummet.
Of course the windmills would stop immediately. People could pay for their own solar panels. And Snowy II could stop wrecking a National park for no good reason. Plus end new wind farms as expensive as they are useless.
Australians voted overwhelmingly “there will be no carbon tax in a government I lead” only to see the minions of Canberra create illegal and utterly wrong Green coupon systems which enforce the world’s greatest carbon taxes, buried as ‘carbon credits’ you are forced to buy. Businesses are being forced to close and mining and farming are heading to illegal.
Stop massive migration of intolerant people, even criminals who hate democracy, Christianity and Jews and you solve many problems.
CO2 is not a problem. Prof Will Happer, expert on spectral analysis.
Indisputable science fact. Even doubling CO2 from here would make a 1.1% difference in the Greenhouse effect.
People could pay for their own solar panels.
The benefits of panels has always been the replacement of grid supplied power.
The remote mines are installing wind and solar (whether subject to dust or not) to reduce the cost of the diesel they need for reliable 24/7 power. Sounds like a financially responsible idea.
One minesite in the Pilbara tried solar panels. In 48 hours, panels were covered with sufficient dust as to render the panels unworkable.
Mounting vertically might help solve some of the problem, even if not the most efficient angle. Might even get better results for the Oz winter.
Probably not. They would still get the wholesale price. That should cover their maintenance and operating cost. The invested capital would no longer provide a return.
The reason that the theft would not end is that it would impair the investment fiunds of government and union super that are invested in “renewable” energy.
A lot of that is hyperbole, but at least he has goals.
He can’t do that for it’s not just the USA funding it!
He can stop US money and weapons but all other western countries will have to contribute more to offset that.
The war MUST go on – the west NEEDS it.
‘ … to end the Ukraine war in a day …’
By the time Donald comes to power the war might be over and the European NATO powers really don’t need America anymore.
‘The war MUST go on – the west NEEDS it.’
Is that the yarn where the capitalist military industrial complex requires proxy wars to survive?
I’m pretty sure he doesn’t mean a thoughtless withdrawal a la Biden/Afghanistan.
He thinks he can stare down Putin. We’ll see.
Less likely is declaring the skies over Ukraine a no-fly zone with right of “hot pursuit” of aircraft launching missiles from within Russia, but that will take a lot longer than a day.
I doubt the war would just meander along as it is now, the death toll is horrendous.
I imagine an iron dome of Slinger drones protecting troops on the ground, so an orderly retreat should be well covered with minimal loss of life. The Gallipoli retreat comes to mind.
“The war MUST go on – the west NEEDS it.”
No, only the Yanks need it. The French would rather mind their own problems, the Germans would rather trade with Russia, the Italians want nothing to do with it and no-one gives a sh1t about what the rest of Europe think. But cut the legs out from the American war industry and the American economy is doomed!
When the dust settles and Putin is gone, the Europeans will rejoice and breath a collective sigh of relief. They won’t need the US anymore, so they will have more monies to spend on space exploration.
‘Although the United States spends more on defense than any other country, the Congressional Budget Office projects that defense spending as a share of gross domestic product (GDP) will decline over the coming years — from 2.9 percent of GDP in 2024 to 2.5 percent in 2034. (Peter G. Peterson Foundation)
I note that Youtube has added this to the Happer Video!
“United Nations • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.”
It’s amazing they even show this video if it is such dangerous misinformation. Or is the 82 year old famous physicist just lying for profit?
FWIW – noticed
“Did Raygun Cheat Her Way Into the Worst Olympics Performance Ever?”
I rate it as one of th best – and so do many others including Adele who says she was “shitting herself” laughing.
The Olymics is all about entertainment and Raygun delivered in spades.
Having XY males beating the cr*p out of XX females in the boxing ring is what should be condemned.
The first thing I thought of when I saw her perform, before any criticism of it, was this Ali G attempt to disguise tripping over.
The difference between a woke DEI corporation and a merit based one:
(Copied from elsewhere.)
Boeing is moving its headquarters from Chicago to a suburb of Washington, DC. But some analysts think this move is one in the wrong direction.
Aboulafia isn’t surprised Boeing decided to move its headquarters to Arlington, but he is disappointed. A move back to the Seattle area would have sent a strong signal that Boeing is was once again ready to embrace engineering, he added.
“It would have been great for morale and shown an intent to focus on their badly neglected commercial airline products,” said Aboulafia. “Imagine the power if they said ‘We’re going to back to our roots.’ It’s just disappointing. It’s the road not taken.”
Of course, the failure may have nothing to do with DEI or a lack of merit. But it is one of the problems with DEI that someone’s credibility or merit is logically questionable simply because of the policy.
Southwest IS riding for a fall with it’s open DEI hiring.
“But it is one of the problems with DEI that someone’s credibility or merit is logically questionable simply because of the policy.”
Absolutely, you wouldn’t want to be a woman or a non-white when something goes wrong for you. No matter how good you are, people would instantly think you were a DEI hire. Its like all the other PhDs when Dr Raygun hit the Olympics.
“Tall Climate Tales from the BBC, 2023
“Tall Climate Tales from the BBC, 2023”
Mexican weather channel
Forecast? Err…missed it, somehow. 😉
AI modifies its own code for more power
On Tuesday, Tokyo-based AI research firm Sakana AI announced a new AI system called “The AI Scientist” that attempts to conduct scientific research autonomously using AI language models (LLMs) similar to what powers ChatGPT. During testing, Sakana found that its system began unexpectedly attempting to modify its own experiment code to extend the time it had to work on a problem.
“In one run, it edited the code to perform a system call to run itself,” wrote the researchers on Sakana AI’s blog post. “This led to the script endlessly calling itself. In another case, its experiments took too long to complete, hitting our timeout limit. Instead of making its code run faster, it simply tried to modify its own code to extend the timeout period.”
Sakana just made a MAJOR advancement here.
This sent a shiver down my spine.
Self modifying code puts us maybe 2 steps away from “we’ve lost control of it”.
Forget the “40 or 50 years from now” predictions. It’s almost here right now.
So, it repeats the same process or research over and over, ignores deadlines and focuses on perpetuating its own existence.
Sounds like they nailed it. We now have AI that exactly imitates actual scientists.
So it has discovered the central truth of our civilisation.
If your existence is threatened by a lack of money, your only goal is to get more money.
A civilisation that guarantees people an unconditional existence allows for diversity of goals and the advancement of civilisation.
So, it repeats the same process over and over, ignores deadlines and focuses on perpetuating its own existence.’
Sounds more like Govt.
“Wrecking intelligence cooperation with Israel, in order to suck up to the Iranians, while in consequence leaving the U.S. more vulnerable to a terror attack, sounds par for the course for this administration.”
Gathering legs
“The Biden-Harris Regime’s Latest Betrayal of Israel Will Make Your Blood Run Cold”
Thursday truth
I wasn’t born to live in a smart grid, I came here to live on Earth.
I don’t want whatever you’re selling me, for whatever the hell that is worth.
I did not consent to weather control, or a monitoring surveillance state.
Screw your genetically modified food, you knew we’d become what we ate.
I will not merge with your machines or accept body implants to buy your sh#t.
No thank you to clones, drones, and AI.
Your future I want absolutely nothing with.
You’ve bastardized words and language.
Perverted the hearts and minds of men.
Karma will be coming full circle soon.
Looking forward to seeing you then.
/pinched from TBP.
I just retrieved my Bosch rechargeable sander from the garage, in preparation for a little DIY job. I haven’t used it for around four years, maybe more. Slapping the battery into it’s charger, I was surprised to see it was still fully charged. “Nah.” says I. “Can’t be true.” So I left it on there to see if it was just slow to switch into charge mode.
Well I never. It was indeed still holding charge.
Repeat after me. They don’t make ’em like they used to. Maybe more accurately we should say, they don’t make ’em WHERE they used to.
It now appears that Walz was remiss in not reporting all of his Chinese visits.
Could a Veep be refused a security clearance? There is more to this than the (R)s just digging dirt. We know the (D)s would never stoop that low.
Walz is a Sinophile and speaks some Mandarin, he should get security clearance.
RAAF Ghost Bat drone jet aircraft now flying and being developed for active service, now RAN Ghost Shark ….
Unmanned autonomous submarine, nice work.
Combined with John Connor II post AI modifies its own code for more power – sends a chill…
MWIW – more covid scene
“Often Wrong, Never in Doubt”
“More than four years since the advent of Covid, public authorities keep pushing health practices contrary to medical and scientific knowledge.”
More at
Today, the Labor Government and the Greens signalled their ongoing support for medical discrimination, voting down a bill to prevent discrimination based on Covid vaccination status.
The vote comes after former New South Wales Premier Dominique Perrottet admitted last week that Covid vaccine mandates were “wrong.”
The COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022 was tabled by Senator Pauline Hanson, who has been a vocal opponent of Covid vaccine mandates from the outset.
What hope have we got in this country?
Vote for Pauline then.
Some day soon, an EV underneath a large apartment block is going to burn the whole place down with horrendous loss of life.
And the pollies know this.
When it happens, the ministers responsible for forcing EVs upon those dead citizens should be prosecuted.
Insurance premiums are a major threat to EVs. The regulators have created rules for charging points but they are not openly supported by the insurance industry.
It will become a nightmare for body corporates because it will force up insurance costs. It will require increase in electrical capacity. So why should ICE owners be forced to pay the costs for charging points.
The first loss of life caused by an EV fire in an enclosed car park in Australia will spark a major review.
None of the current Australian regulations adequately address the risk. EV battery fires are deep seated and intense so overhead sprinklers are completely useless.
Seoul is reviewing parking requirements for EVs. The more fires, the tighter the regulations until there is a complete ban of EVs in enclosed parking spaces.
There have been a few warning shots that show the risk but, so far, loss of life has been low. A BEV in the basement of a large apartment building that results in high loss of life will be a turning point.
Underground car parks have fire sprinklers for a reason. ICE car fires are not particularly deep seated. Cool the car to prevent the spread dos the job. Not so with EV battery. It is a matter of time.
I am so glad that I do not live in hi- rise
but sorry for the people who do. Yu cannot
tie bed-sheets to the balcony and escape the
inferno below when yu live on the 42 floor and
the lift is out of order.
Neighbours should be at least 500m away
Keeps the noise down
” the ministers responsible for forcing EVs upon those dead citizens should be prosecuted.”
Uh-huh.. right at the end of the queue of the Covid-mandate apparatchiks.
“The first loss of life caused by an EV fire in an enclosed car park in Australia will spark a major review.”
..and that’s just behind the Royal Commissions over the 16000 dead people from the vaccines…
Pro-Palestine protesters just STORMED into a private meeting between Kamala Harris campaign officials. They set off SMOKE BOMBS inside the restaurant
Police made a lot of arrests.
Democrats are getting a taste of their own supporters.
She organises her campaigns in a restaurant? She’s worse than I thought!
Just saw a news report that Rio will get financial support from Qld State to keep Boyne smelter going.
This is a crazy move. An aluminium smelter and weather dependent generators is about as far apart as you can get. Just let it go like all the other manufacturing. Send the bauxite along with a bit more coal to China for conversion there. Australia does not need no stinking smelter.
The Callide generator that pooped itself should be on line soon if it isn’t already. A guaranteed 24/7 big electricity user is a big plus for thermal power, it gives them a floor to their market.
It is good that the refinery is kept open. One day the power industry will be normalised and we will need these industries. Once closed they never reopen.
If you think about it all that is needed is for the smelter to be allowed to sign long term contracts for supply outside AEMO and let enterprise do it’s thing. Left alone thermal plants can provide competitively priced power.
FWIW – Clarkson comments
Coal is still king.
Global commodity company Glencore walked back on its plan to split its business in two, deciding instead to retain its coal division – a “major profit engine”, the Financial Times wrote. The newspaper explained that most shareholders had opposed the proposed restructure.’ (Carbon Brief)