A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Residents Of Springfield Ohio Beg For Help After 20,000 Haitians Overwhelm City, Eat Local Wildlife
The city of Springfield, Ohio – population 60,000, has been overwhelmed by roughly 20,000 Haitian illegal migrants, who flocked to the city – exacerbating a ‘significant housing crisis’ according to city officials, and eating pets and wildlife according to locals.
During an Aug. 27 City Commission meeting, one local resident said that Haitians were “in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off, and eating them.”
Import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
All by design.
Then the handouts stop.
Different continent, same problem. Rhodesia / Zimbabwe there was a wonderful game reserve called “ Wankie “. Nothing sordid about it. Once had abundant numbers of abundant species, the “ big 5 “ plus many, many others. It was a huge tourist attraction.
After “organising” their independence the indigenous population took it upon themselves to devour the wildlife. Probably the only successful action they ever undertook.
Needless to say the Wankie game reserve ceased to exist & the general population is still starving.
So, nothing new is it!
Volatility in the German car market.
Some history does repeat, not merely rhyme.
To me it stood out like the proverbial on a dog that there was going to be carnage in EV manufacture, as there was in the auto industry beginning 100 yrs ago, and you didn’t need to be Nostradamus to see that some big names would be casualties.
The two biggest VW and Toyota, charted different courses, one will hit the rocks and the other will thrive making hybrids and pretending to be green by playing around with hydrogen.
Don’t mention the war.
‘Sino-German relations analyst Noah Barkin, from the Rhodium Group research house, said Germany’s economic success in the first two decades of the 21st century was built on three pillars: “cheap energy from Russia, an open global trading system and highly competitive industrial products”.
“In the span of a few years, the first pillar has collapsed and the other two are showing deep cracks,” he said.’ (SCMP)
Researchers aim to seal 100,000 methane wells in next decade to curb emissions
Much the same here –
And others, too, but some paywalled.
“Technology experts have revealed plans to help seal 100,000 methane-leaking wells in the next decade, which could prevent millions of tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. Rockit, a clean technology company based at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, aims to use a chemical injection method to transform the methane emitting rocks into a solid, permanent seal of insoluble minerals. The team predicts the technique will lock in toxic greenhouse gases deep underground for thousands of years.”
Looks – from a quick skim – as if they need more money.
“Rockit has been accepted into Scottish Enterprise’s prestigious High Growth Spinout programme, securing £75,000 in funding to elevate its solution.”
“It is calculated that cutting methane emissions by 45% by 2030 could help meet the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C.”
There’s that word ‘could’ again …
And there’s nothing in the article to say that Rockit – or its sponsors – have done any research into the effects of cutting off methane form ‘100,000’ wells – as this is natural, it might have been used by some bacteria,and they just have not – apparently – looked into that.
‘Full steam ahead Mr Mate!’
‘Full steam ahead it is, Sir!!’
{Apologies to the Yellow Submariners]
Methane in measured in ppb.
It causes ‘warming’ in a laboratory – but does it do so in an atmosphere with a LOT of water vapour?
+ The atmosphere we have, of course!
Is warming bad – or good for life on Earth.
Do we want to risk a return to the 1960s, let alone a Little Ice Age?
Ahh! But methane is getting worse – John Tyndall measured it as 4.5 times (as absorbing of IR) as CO2 (around 1861).
In the first IPCC report it had increased to 12 times.
Then it became 25 times worse, then XXX until now it is 85 times as bad.
And for some reason this report brings to mind that in the late Jurassic large Sauropods would drop turds about 0.5 tons, obviously reeking of methane. But the Earth’s temperature was only 2℃ above current despite CO2 at 2700 p.p.m.
But but but
“This discovery offers rare insights into a time when global temperatures were much higher than today,” Slodownik said.
“Tasmania was much closer to the South Pole, but the warm global climate allowed lush forests to thrive in these regions.”
Why the buts? Is there some point to them? Interesting find btw.
It is a great day for political unity here in America.
Global humanitarian, former VPOTUS, and heart implant recipient, Dick Cheney has endorsed the Democratic Harris/Walz ticket.
As an American, I look forward to spreading some more Democracy.
Cheney… humanitarian… spreading democracy via enthusiastic generosity with unsolicited massive donations of heavy ordnance.
Look …
there’s WMD out there.
It’s like anthropogenic typhoons, just because we don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there
The models are rock solid.
And yes, it’s true that the American indigenous population are now physically unfit for military service, fortunately our political leaders, in there infinite wisdom, have imported thousands upon thousands of MAMs from non-public health damaged countries that can pick up the slack.
And control the American indigenous if they dare to come out of their basements and threaten non-compliance.
Mark Steyn has an interesting article about Cheeey etc. at his website today.
The Uniparty Turns Literal
A new word — “Kamalafornia” — for America under Harris.
Will the Trump-Harris debate get more viewers than the Super Bowl?
Interesting times.
123 million viewers to go.,previous%20record%20(115.1%20million).
Shout out to Ferny Grove church family on the death on Friday of one of their mid-20s members. Apparently baptized in July just gone, very active and very well liked and respected. Bright future.
No cause of death at this stage just felt unwell, went to bed and never woke up. To address one side of the equation yes he was fully jabbed which is not to suggest any connection but puts to rest those questions. Now it is up to others to clear up the other side.
RIP and comfort to the family.
Coincidentally the Senate Community Affairs Reference Committee Excess Mortality report release.
And another one!
They still keep coming.
A bit of tough talking at last.
Directed at Albo.
In public.
” Minerals Council chief warns government reforms have put Australia’s resources future in a ‘precarious state’ – ABC News ”
Electricity costs get a mention.
Dave B
Surprising that the Minerals Council are complaining about electricity costs and wages growth. They are right behind the transition. Rio Tinto is out of coal and BHP has tried to get out of coal.
The current CEO, Tania Constable, was previously the CEO of the collaborative research centre into greenhouse gasses. So she is right up to date on economy destroying nonsense.
The mining industry are getting what they wanted. A Labor government hell bent on destroying the grid and putting rocket boosters under wage growth and inflation.
Aussie EV Shock! August sales results are a Disaster (video)
World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order
I thought I’d report on the sad state of the bee population in my part of NSW. I live about an hour’s drive from Newcastle within the extended quarantine zone set up in mid-2022 to stop the spread of Varroa Mite. The mite escaped and is now considered an endemic management problem, but hives within the eradication zone were quickly destroyed at the time, followed up by baiting and poisoning of wild honey bee populations throughout the area, with that area being extended in stages as the problem grew.
I have two large Macadamia trees in the backyard which are absolutely loaded with blossom after a nice wet winter. When they are like this you can normally hear the hum of bees buzzing on them from 30 metres away. They should be an absolute clambering mass of bees.
Today, two years after the eradication program, I counted one single honey bee. It is too early in the season for the native bees to be active around here and they mostly occur as solitary individuals in any case. I like the tiny native bees, but their pollination effect is minimal.
The upshot is that there will be no macadamia nuts on my trees this summer unless the night-pollinators like moths and beetles accidentally pollinate a few flowers, or perhaps the fruit bats might lend a hand. Last summer tomatoes and gooseberries were similarly affected, with poor results.
I don’t know how other areas are faring, but around here it is depressing to walk through the garden and hear silence, apart from bird calls.
Makes you realise just what the humble little honey bee does.
There is considerable research being applied to artificial pollination. My sister used to hand pollinate her custard apple trees when they were young just to make certain she got a crop.