A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Why were so many taken in by Covi*?
Not getting it right this morning
I still dream of seeing Dan Andrews handcuffed in his dressing gown in his kitchen for “Incentivising”..
Dan needs watching. There’s something fishy going on.
Yes. Psychopathic dictators don’t just willingly relinquish power with two day’s notice like he did.
He was forced out or wanted to avoid something.
Anyway, I hope he’s enjoying his new job working for the Chicomms, the same as he did when he was in power…
He and his wife still have to front up to that car accident where a bicycle ‘T boned’ their car – LOL – What a crock of sh*t
Just watch this video which only goes for 6 minutes or so. Also, where on earth is the Car Insurance Assessors Report of the accident?
ALWAYS follow the “spillage”.
I recall that he also had an accident where he fell down some steps at a friend’s house on the Mornington Peninsula and injured an ankle, resulting in six months off work. My recollection is that it was the same year
>fell down some steps at a friend’s house
He was thrown.
“Andrews got beaten up for sexual assault on (Luke Sayers’) daughter’s friend while at a high flyers party at the Portsea (Mornington Peninsula Victoria) mansion of Lyndsay Fox.”
I want to know what has happened to the two attending police officers one, at least, is a dirty lying rat. Have they been promoted? Still serving? or did guilt get them?
I think Daniel Andrews only contested the last Vicdanistani election so he would qualify for the highest pension available to state politicians. Serving for 20.5 years ensured he will receive almost 150K a year for the rest of his life
Plus, he also got a bronze idol made in his image for lasting 3000 days.
The good old ways of criminals being stripped, tarred and feathered and tied to a pole at the traffic lights on the highway in peak hour don’t get a look in any more…
I had to laugh when I saw a person smoking a cigarette and wearing a face mask. The person had poked a hole in the mask so that they could smoke the cancer producing thing. Then, I remember seeing a person driving a motor car and wearing a face mask with no one else in the car.
So glad that I never had the Jabs/Boosters and went out walking every day during the Virus Crisis. I’m still alive at 71 years.
Right now I am watching an old horror movie on a Thai TV channel, there is nothing there to do. And horror means exactly what it suppose to mean – revolting. Now, a dying hero pulls out a cigarette and sticks it in his mouth, at this moment TV screen is blurred in this small oval spot, so kids (?) could not get corrupted by the evil habit of smoking!
50 metres from me, on a gate hangs an advertising of so many grams of maryjuana for 500 bhat.
The best one I have seen is a man riding a bike with a mask on but not wearing a helmet.
Talk about being bad at assessing risk.
Kamala Harris Hires Top Official From Climate Group Behind Gas Stove Crackdown
I don’t know if Aussies realise that the EU has got 2 parliament buildings?
The spare one in Strasbourg was built because of French arrogance and sense of entitlement. This is a good article on that building
There were three. Because the Common Market changed into the Economic Community and then the European Union, from trade to a common currency and free travel to a political body with elected members and increasing legal superiority over the members states. This is far beyond its original purpose and like the UN is trying clearly to be an actual country like the United States. And it has no limits on its growth, attempting to recruit Ukraine and even Georgia in the Caucus, surrounding Russia on the West.
The three centres are Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. It is metastasing without control, with world ambitions and is flooding member states with muslim aliens in a clear attempt to destabilize individual countries, just as is happening in the US with individual states. The games are the same, flood and destroy.
Yesterday I commented on the somewhat undemocratic appointment of centre right Michele Barnier French PM when most people in the recent general election had clearly signaled they wanted a leftist government
The Left are not all happy and threaten strikes and violence. Barnier is very keen to make the EU into a superstate and has several times trod all over French Sovereignty. Will be interesting to see if the left can mobilise their forces whilst Le Pen looks on from the sidelines expecting any violence to propel voters into her camp.
It wasn’t at all clear that most people in the last French election wanted a left-wing government. Macron did a deal with the devil to stop Marine le Pen’s centre-right party from winning the election. All his troubles now are of his own making.
Hard to imagine the EU being a super anything while they import more and more people who have no regard for their laws, culture and religions. From the outside it appears to be societal suicide. Happening across the west to varying degrees of course.
“From the outside it appears to be societal suicide. Happening across the west to varying degrees of course.”
This is what the collapse of an Empire looks like from within, no matter what time in the civilisation it happens at. There would have been some Romans saying ‘Are you nuts, that will cause our downfall’. Spaniards saying ‘That’s a really really stupid thing to do, but Govt have done it’… French, Russian, Polish, Swedish and obviously British, all Empires fall apart from within.
You left out Chinese dynasties, many collapsed because of climate change.
Long droughts during the Tang and Ming dynasties brought mass famine, while the Northern and Southern dynasties were overthrown after ‘heavy rainstorms and floods destroyed many cities, leading to social chaos and turmoil. Even in the relatively stable period in history of China, climate change has been affecting people’s lives.’ (R. Zhang 2023)
Droughts and floods in China aren’t climate change, they are frequent events.
Yeah but a 200 year drought is climate change and global cooling is usually the cause.
Yes this is very true. Which is why you need energy to manage and respond to environmental catastrophe. When we get rid of energy and do experience some climate event, our dynasty will fall as well.
I didn”t. But I wonder why so many did.
I thought Australians were renowned for their rebellious nature.
I do think the hip pocket nerve had a lot to do with it. The Victorian government in particular, but te rest in line, imposed penalties of never before heard of magnitude. I don’t know where they even got the idea of such penalties. The Coward Punch approach. $4,000 for walking out your front door is a disincentive.
I never expected to ever see these penalties collected, they were unAustralian. But I don;t know how things went on that front. I never wanted to be the hero that won the war, I just expected that others would..
>penalties of never before heard of magnitude. I don’t know where they even got the idea of such penalties…
I never expected to ever see these penalties collected
I was very disappointed in the legal profession during this extended exercise in government duplicity and overreach.
What happened to the safeguard we thought we had in the doctrine of the separation of powers? I know the legal profession will happily take money to defend heinous criminals, that’s their job. But in Andrews’ case where was the reward for them in condoning and enabling his dictatorial excesses? Were they afraid? The police seemed only too eager to step up into the jackbooted role of Andrews personal thug army, and the media were in lockstep trumpeting the dictatorial directives and silencing or excoriating dissenting voices. Even the medical profession by and large chose to save their jobs and go along with the lies, the hypocrisy and the nonsense that surely must have been apparent to more of them than the number who did choose instead to sacrifice their jobs and careers in Australia as a matter of conscience and for their own personal health.
I saw very very few lawyers prepared to speak up.
“What happened to the safeguard we thought we had in the doctrine of the separation of powers? I know the legal profession will happily take money to defend heinous criminals, that’s their job. But in Andrews’ case where was the reward for them in condoning and enabling his dictatorial excesses? Were they afraid? The police seemed only too eager to step up into the jackbooted role of Andrews personal thug army, and the media were in lockstep trumpeting the dictatorial directives and silencing or excoriating dissenting voices. Even the medical profession by and large chose to save their jobs and go along with the lies, the hypocrisy and the nonsense that surely must have been apparent to more of them than the number who did choose instead to sacrifice their jobs and careers in Australia as a matter of conscience and for their own personal health.”
I think that pretty much describes Germany in the 1930s… The Govt stepping into its role of tyranny, enthusiastically helped by the public service and professional bodies, and ordinary people wondering ‘what the hell is happening?’
You can see how fast and easily a country turns from freedom to tyranny, those in power are always just waiting for an excuse.
How many of the lawyers were on coke?
‘Can Not Toast A Tortilla On An Electric Range’: Latina Politician Ditches Democratic Party Over Gas Stove Crackdown
Lost it! I had better ellarn to type.
I didn’t fall for it, but I didn’t want to be the hero that won the war. I expected others would do that.
I thought Australians were renowned for their lack of respect for authority.
I think the hip pocket nerve had a lot to do with it. Hearing on the news that somebody got a $4,000 fine for walking out their front door is a disincentive.
I don’t know where they even got the idea of such penalties. And I still don’t expect that those fines will be collected. Surely if they cant collect all they will have to refund those that they did collect.
I don’t
Not enough disincentive to dissuade Monica Smit!
She was arrested for being 50km from home and also for incitement to others to breach Chief Health Officer orders. Then she was imprisoned on remand for 22 days for refusing her bail conditions.
She has just had her 10 days in court alleging wrongful arrest, MSM did not report on the trial. Judgement coming on 12 Sep.
Her next case will be for wrongful imprisonment since disobeying CHO is punishable by fine and incitement should have the same penalty so she should not have been on remand anyway. It will be interesting to see how that turns out.
Did not Monica write a book titled Cell 22? Think I saw something along those lines on Bolt.
Thanks for the heads-up on her court appearance, will keep an eye out for it.
Yes she did. You can buy it at the website I referenced above.
It is her personal reflection on her time in prison and its effect on her own life and her family.
Her courage is amazing.
Monica Smit will probably “burn”, as a “warning” to others.
It is the “Australian Way”, apparently.
Don’t know how I did that. Poor typing skills and old eyes.
Just not on the ball today!
#8 refers to the earlier stuffups.
The World is NOT on fire –
Abundant Energy Makes The World Better | Bjorn Lomborg
Also: the oceans are NOT boiling –
Had a quick dip in the Pacific this morning: instead of the anticipated ‘baptism of fire’ it was more a baptism of brrrrrr!!! even though it’s warmed up 1 degree from last month, SST 14C to 15C.
Perhaps the UN’s Antoinette Gutless confused their brrrrrrr for broiling, or it was lost in translation, who knows, it’s Portug-easy to do. Bring on summer!
Did you notice any overflowing while you were there?
Absoludicrously toadally 100% nett zero flowing-over. High tide this morning reached the exact same spot it has for the past 60 years or so, give or take a millimetre or two. I don’t get what all the fuss is about – oh right, money and power and…
With the 18.6 year tidal cycle, and heading towards the high end, surely the tide mark was fractionally higher?
Lomborg is a fool to pontificate on man made climate change. He has no understanding of how the atmosphere works.
The energy balance on Earth is controlled by the surface temperature regulation over ocean warm pools. No ocean surface can sustain more than 30C over an annual cycle.
The cloud formation over warm pools has a negative feedback factor of 2. For every 1W/m^2 reduction in OLR due to the cloud, the reflected solar EMR increases by 2W/m^2. Very powerful negative feedback that ensures oceans cannot sustain more than 30C with there existing atmospheric mass.
“climate change is man made”
What a stupid thing for an otherwise intelligent person to say. Stick to economics Bjorn.
If he had blamed Women he would have been in a lot worse trouble. Lol.
West Bank settlers are seizing Palestinian land under cover of war | BBC
“Last week, [Israel’s domestic intelligence chief] wrote to ministers warning that Jewish extremists in the West Bank were carrying out acts of “terror” against Palestinians and causing “indescribable damage” to the country.”
“[The letter] which was leaked to Israeli media, said that radical settlers were emboldened by light-handed law enforcement.”
“Israeli civil rights group Yesh Din found that between 2005 and 2023, just 3% of official investigations into settler violence ended in a conviction.”
Sounds like “Western Values” are in short supply.
Here’s just one guy who “began a campaign of harassment and intimidation almost as soon as he set up his outpost in late 2021.” | BBC
“There is also a trend of the Israeli government retroactively legalising outposts – effectively transforming them into settlements. Last year, for example, the government began the process of legalising at least 10 outposts, and granted at least six others full legal status.”
“Earlier this year, the British government sanctioned eight extremist settlers for inciting or perpetrating violence against Palestinians. At least six had established, or are living on, illegal outposts.”
The Imminent Danger of the Global Supply Chain (video)
Climate Indoctrination Accelerates As The Narrative Breaks Down
I & I Editorial Board September 6, 2024
The global warming alarmist cabal continues to spin its many yarns and press forward with its propaganda program. Maybe the zealots are becoming desperate because they see the facts aren’t lining up with their hyperbole.
Following the get-’em-while-they’re-young school of thought, the climate agitators are targeting kindergarteners.
NASA’s Climate Kids webpage, for instance, says “global warming will affect everyone on Earth.” While admitting that “fossil fuels have changed the course of human history,” NASA also says “these good things come at a cost. The cost is pollution, the destruction of landscapes and natural habitats, oil spills in the ocean, and nasty fracking chemicals in the ground. Global warming will be the biggest problem of all.”
On another of the “Kids” pages, NASA claims that in an era of “rising” global temperatures, “almost all climate scientists agree that a big cause of that is the burning of fossil fuels. The warming could lead to rising sea levels, droughts, flooding, and more severe weather. It is a challenge that we will have to deal with in the coming years.”
Remember, this proselytizing is intended to program kindergarteners. And it’s only the beginning. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is also dedicated to “educating” kids about “human-induced climate change” and making sure that they are afraid to burn fossil fuels.
This is the same NOAA that, according to the Daily Caller, “House Republicans are pressing … for answers about a signature dataset frequently cited as evidence that climate change is intensifying.”
“The lack of updated, comprehensive data,” says the congressional letter sent to NOAA, “raises considerable concern given that these reports have been cited by both Congress and the president as the justification for different federal government actions concerning climate change.”
Meanwhile, older students are also tagged for conditioning.
Who is Running America?
Biden’s astonishing vacation total revealed — prez took 48 years worth of leave in 4
The 81-year-old commander-in-chief has racked up 532 vacation days in less than four years — about 40% of the 1, 326 days he’s been in office.
It would take the average American — who gets 11 days a year of vacation — approximately 48 years to accumulate that number of days off, according to shocking data compiled by the Republican National Committee.
“The image of Biden fast asleep and lying flat on his back in his chair at the beach while America and the world is on fire will define the Biden presidency,” said Mark Paoletta, the general counsel of the White House budget office under former President Donald Trump.
“Inflation has been out of control; prices still way too high; our border overrun with millions of illegal aliens committing violent crimes on our citizens; the world in a perilous state; and all Biden wants to do is go on vacation and check out — for more than 530 days,” he said.
If you mean “running it into the Ground” then is definitely the undemocratic Democrats!
In all fairness … if Biden had spent a bunch of extra days in the office, there would still be nothing to show for it.
Excerpt: “Biden-Harris Betrayal: Weak and Woke on the World Stage”
By John UllyotSeptember 07, 2024
The following is an excerpt from RealClearPublishing’s new book, “The Biden-Harris Betrayal: Weak and Woke on the World Stage” by John Ullyot.
Unfortunately for Biden and the country that declared him President in 2020 by a razor-thin margin in an election rife with irregularities, near-universal mail-in balloting, and suppression of negative stories from a pliant Regime Media and its allies in Big Tech, he proved to be a shadow of his former self both mentally and physically. Simply put, Biden demonstrated he was just not up to the job as he arguably could have been a decade ago.
As a result, the Biden who campaigned from his basement as a centrist unifier ceded the reins of power from day one to the most radical wing of his party, including the Vice President he hired based on identity politics, and for that reason their term in office has produced the swiftest decline in our country’s standing both domestically and on the world stage.
Sadly, Biden emerged as the most incompetent, corrupt, divisive, and mentally unfit Chief Executive in the history of our country.
He proved incompetent on domestic and foreign policy in everything, from skyrocketing crime to the open border to his botched exit from Afghanistan; corrupt in enabling at a minimum his family’s pay-to-play overseas business $shakedowns; divisive in calling half the country “semi-fascist” and prosecuting his political opponent banana-republic style; and mentally unfit in stumbling and mumbling through his speeches and, in the words of the New York Times, “systematically avoiding interviews and questions from major news organizations” and failing “to address longstanding public concerns about his mental acuity.”
In less than two days, these same party pooh-bahs led by Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi anointed Biden’s number-two, Kamala Harris, as their new vessel, confirming her central role as co-pilot for their failed policies that gave us record-high inflation, skyrocketing crime, an open border, two major wars overseas, and a humiliating pullout in Afghanistan that killed thirteen of our finest men and women in uniform.
In doing so, these shadow party leaders signaled a continuation of the same incompetent and divisive Biden-Harris policy priorities, this time from a stand-in candidate carrying a truckload of extra political baggage, including her dishonesty in covering up Biden’s mental state for four years and her demonstrated lack of principles in running for office in 2020 with a man she considered publicly that same year to be a racist and likely s@xual abuser.
Democrats: Trashing the past, ruining the present, stealing our future
Had to have a laugh last night watching Netflix’s Korean Rom-Com ‘Start-Up’ Is the Escapist Show You’ve Been Looking
The 3 Young Entrepreneurs are in their late 20s & have never had a Girlfriend.
As one moaned, we went to an all boys school, and in Engineering there were no Girls.
Shades of Sydney University Engineering 1 in 1962 – 397 Students including 3 Girls
Bjorn Lomborg: “They Are Failing!” This Is More Important Than You Know! (video)
Far too many people trying to control our lives. Lomborg is one of them.
The UN sucks up a massive amount of money and produces northing.
Kamala Harris won’t articulate her economic plan – so Trump put on a master class
By Charles Gasparino
Funny thing happened on Thursday: Donald Trump articulated the Kamala Harris economic plan better than Kamala Harris.
To borrow the left’s favorite criticism of all things Trump, it was “weird.”
Worse, it was a stark reminder of how much is on the line as Americans go to polls to pick their next president.
They really need to think hard before allowing someone like “Comrade Kamala,” to borrow Trump’s favorite name for his opponent, near the center of power.
I came to that conclusion while listening to Trump’s wide-ranging and detailed economic speech that day at a luncheon sponsored by The Economic Club of New York.
I was struck not just by Trump’s command of economic matters, but also by how much Harris has been leaving it up to her opponent to explain how she wants to run a $28 trillion economy.
It makes me think, she either doesn’t have a plan or isn’t smart enough to explain what her advisers are dreaming up.
Americans may or may not fully appreciate how the Biden-Harris spending spree over the past four years coupled by higher regulations is to blame. Yet they remember the strong growth and low inflation of the Trump years spurred by pro-growth policies of lower taxes and regulations. For all his behavioral warts and the stain of January 6, he’s hands down better on the economy, polls show.
Maybe if Trump can stay on this same economic message long enough, nail it during the upcoming debate, he can win over enough voters and get elected president for a second time.
The people in that room Thursday — financiers, money managers, the legal elite — aren’t those average American voters. They have done well with a stock market juiced by easy money both fiscal and monetary for so long.
But they know the country is hurting outside of Wall Street and too much is on the line to hand the keys over to an economic cipher. The latest economic data are showing signs we have a slowing jobs market. Prices remain elevated for food and housing.
Meanwhile, the Harris campaign still refuses to provide details on how to fix things.
Trump painted a dystopian vision for the country if Harris is elected — a larger open border, higher crime, massive taxes and weakness around the globe. Did he stretch things? Of course, but that’s The Donald.
Is a trade war, not just with belligerent enemies like China but with allies, necessary?
Of course not, but if you’re worried about the country’s economic future, what he’s offering seems so much more preferable to Harris’s vibe.
Kamala Quietly Asks Aides If She Should Just Try Sleeping With The Economy
Republicans pounced on the idea that Harris would openly sleep with the economy for political gain and immediately called for her to drop out of the presidential race.
“Trump would never sleep with the economy,” House Speaker Mike Johnson fumed. “Plus, the economy is just not into her, okay? It has standards.”
Reports indicate that top aides are trying to explain to Kamala Harris that sleeping with anyone to get ahead is unethical and also wouldn’t work practically because the economy is “not a s@xual entity.”
At publishing time, Harris had asked aides if maybe they could arrange a romantic evening for just her and the economy at Red Lobster.
The Babylon Bee Has Finally Obtained The Harris-Walz Secret List Of Policies
Kamala Harris has been very secretive about her policies — in fact, no one really knows if she even has any. Unbeknownst to everyone, however, Kamala has been preparing several policies this whole time.
In a world exclusive, The Babylon Bee has gone deep undercover to find the following list of secret policies Kamala Harris and Tim Walz want to institute when they are elected:
This is a funny tweet but it really is amazing how much the Republicans have gained both in terms of the caliber of folks they brought in and who they managed to get out, especially the politically toxic and hate-filled Cheney family.
Cynical Publius@CynicalPublius
In the National Politics League, the New York Trumps and the California Harrises have just finalized a major, unprecedented, multi-player trade.
Details are below.
The California Harrises receive:
-Dick “Big Dick” Cheney.
-Liz “Little Dick” Cheney.
-Adam “Crotch Rot” Kinzinger
-Bill “Snuffy” Kristol
-The Bald Grifter Groomer Goons at The Lincoln Project
-Goldman Sachs
-All the other bankers who engineered the 2008 crash
-George W. Bush’s collection of really bad portraits of soldiers he killed or maimed.
-Five hundred antis@mitic r@cists to be named later.
In exchange for the above, the New York Trumps receive:
-RFK Jr.
-Tulsi Gabbard
-Elon Musk
-Alan Dershowitz
-Tim Walz’s entire extended family
-10 million African-American male voters
-America’s working class
-Joe Biden’s mummified remains to show off in the trophy case at Trump Stadium
-The Oval Office
Stunned by the value the Trumps received, commentators on ESPN have stated that this is the most one-sided trade since the New York Yankees acquired Babe Ruth for cash used by the Boston Red Sox’s owner to finance the Broadway play “No No Nanette.”
Rumor is it that the California Harrises are working on an off-Broadway play called “No No Kamala.”
More news to follow as we receive updates….
Sometimes, a good political cartoon can summarize a point more effectively than anything else, and this one is a beauty!
It’s a short two minutes long, and we SWEAR you will laugh your butts off, plus you learn a little something!
Kamala’s Wealth Tax 💯🎯🤣
Marketing good. Cartoon 5/10, maybe.
I learnt I struggle with some American accents.
Auto in London
Another rumor has them adapting Alan Jay Lerner lyrics:
Ask ev’ry person if he’s heard the story,
And tell it strong and clear if he has not,
That once there was a fleeting wisp of gigglory
Called Kamala OTT.
The Week in Pictures: Deja Vu All Over Again Edition
Did anything happen this week? Seems just like the week before, with Kamala avoiding the media, leaving the media more time to harass Trump and make up stuff about J.D. Vance.
Putin is still putin us on, and Russia Hoax 2.0 is all arranged and ready to go on November 6. Feel the joy!
Any chance of ‘snipping’ my 2 comments so the BBC link remains, and readers can make up their own minds what they want to read?
[As you have no comments above this one, on this thread, it would be helpful to direct Mods to whichever topic you might be referring to. Thanks. – LVA]
One of them, I don’t know which, was “comment-2799317” with a link in the Recent Comments (which went nowhere when I clicked it).
The second one (10 mins later) was a reply to my first one — to include a related link.
Less than 100 words each, I think. They just vanished.
Two comments at #11? I think they were found…
There is an invisible Zombie comment zone where nested replies disappear to if an approved comment is put into moderation. Sometimes approval of the original comment will make the Zombies suddenly reappear.
But these comments can be hard to find and they don’t show in any dashboard menu.
Thank you, Jo.
Substitute Australia – Federal & State under Labor/Greens/TEALS!
Kathy Hochul sees NY’s looming energy woes — but won’t FIX the mess
By Post Editorial Board
Gov. Hochul may have finally awoken to the state’s looming energy nightmare.
Too bad she’s befuddled about how to prevent it.
Her energy summit last week was meant to reckon with an inconvenient truth:
All the pixie dust in the world won’t help New York meet its goals to abandon fossil fuel.
Above all, the gov refuses to admit that state and city climate laws that “mandated” the impossible, and imposed requirements to supposedly get there, were mere ventures into Fantasy Land.
The goals: Have New York get 70% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, and zero net greenhouse-gas emissions by 2040.
In the city, new limits on emissions from buildings are supposed to cut GHG output by 40% by 2030 and by 100% by 2050.
The problem?
The plan called for closing down fossil-fuel-run power plants without offering a realistic way to replace all the energy they produce, let alone to cover the state’s naturally growing electricity needs.
They also mandate changes that boost the need for more juice — such as having owners electrify their buildings (despite the enormous cost) and forcing a mass switch to electric vehicles.
And New Yorkers are already running short of juice.
As summer approached, a report by the New York Independent System Operator (which oversees the state’s electric grid) warned of “reliability risks.”
And the state has flagged a “renewable energy deficit” of 42,000 gigawatt-hours: That’s how far expected capacity is from the 115,000 GWh a year needed to meet the 70% goal by 2030 — and most of New York’s renewable output now is hydropower, with zero room for growth.
Experts (and common sense) say it’s impossible to meet the target with just wind and solar.
And its final price tag — and the risks of blackouts — are just the start of the problems.
The gov blames “the global pandemic, supply chain issues and increasing energy demands” for her woes and seeks “a fresh look” at the issue while “reconfirming our commitment to the clean energy transition.”
Acknowledging a problem is the first step to solving it, but so far the gov is closer to denial.
A nation at risk of public opulence and private squalor
The national accounts are a wake-up call for all Australians.
The economy has split apart, as consumers are battered by inflation while governments are on a spending spree.
Make good on what they promised’: Greens ultimatum on Labor’s signature policy
Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek must create new powers to block fossil fuel projects and crackdown on native forest logging under a Greens ultimatum to support her signature environmental reform.
Greens environment spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young declared her party would not deliver the necessary support to pass Plibersek’s Environment Protection Authority (EPA) bill unless the government agreed to both demands.
However, this risks inflaming Australia’s climate wars with the opposition, which is already campaigning against Indigenous heritage protection over mining sites, the government’s renewables plans and proposing instead a nationwide rollout of nuclear energy.
“We’re still holding out on all of this because we haven’t had enough concessions from the government,” said Hanson-Young, the manager of Greens business in the Senate
“The fundamental building blocks are climate and native forests.”
Labor promised before the May 2022 election that it would establish an EPA with new powers to greenlight or block development applications, and to enforce compliance with nature laws. Plibersek’s EPA would raise the maximum fine for environmental breaches from $15 million to $780 million.
Debate over the Environment Protection Authority bill is set for Thursday in the Senate, where the Greens hold the balance of power.
Plibersek has been negotiating for months with Peter Dutton’s opposition – which is expected to vote against her reform – as well as the Greens.
Greens have not detailed how a climate trigger would work, nor the legal changes it would endorse on native forest logging.
The party has proposed a climate trigger that would force governments to assess new developments, such as coal mines, gas fields or factories, based on greenhouse emissions and impose automatic bans if a threshold is exceeded.
A crackdown on native forest logging would be achieved by rescinding a deal that shields logging operations from federal law. Known as Regional Forestry Agreements, they enable state governments to regulate the industry without federal oversight.
Plibersek committed in 2022 to impose federal laws on Regional Forestry Agreements by creating national environmental standards that would rule out damage to critical habitats – but the deadline for this promise has been shelved.
” crackdown on native forest logging..”
Uh-huh… So no putting roads through for wind towers?
Anthony Albanese is delivered a wakeup call as poll reveals the key battleground states turning against the PM
Labor’s primary vote crashes in eastern states
It is down to just 24 per cent in Queensland
Chris Bowen’s reckless and pointless pursuit of net zero is pushing Australia towards ‘economic suicide’
The renewed push by the Energy Minister for a WA offshore wind farm ignores the inconvenient truth of how renewables are bringing other nations to their knees, writes Rocco Loiacono. Contributor and Political Commentator
Early this year this column reported a push by Energy Minister Chris Bowen to reserve huge areas off the Western Australian coastline for offshore wind turbines.
On Monday September 2 Bowen declared an area of 3,995km2 in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Bunbury as an offshore wind area, opening up the area for feasibility licence applications until November.
While Bowen says the declared area is smaller than that originally proposed and claims to have listened to feedback regarding potential impacts to the environment and marine life, among other things, people who attended information sessions have said that it appeared the consultation process was nothing more than a formality.
As part of the consultation, a public online information session with a “panel of experts” was held on 29 April.
Panel members included:
• Professor Peta Ashworth OAM, Director, Curtin University, Institute for Energy Transition (Chair)
• Christophe Gaudin, Director, University of Western Australia, Oceans Institute• Raquel Carter, Head of WA and Environment, Energise Renewables
• Neville Kelly, Business Development Manager, RCR Mining Technologies
• Tim Sawyer, independent consultant and offshore wind industry professional.
One would have expected that, for the purposes of balance, people who have reservations about offshore wind turbines as a viable source of energy would also be part of such a panel.
That was not the case here.
All those listed above are fervent believers in offshore wind turbines.
This may be one of the reasons why the Senate back in July initiated an inquiry into the offshore wind industry consultation process.
That inquiry is due to report in February next year and submissions closed on Friday August 30.
You read that right.
Submissions closed for the inquiry on Friday of last week and Bowen announces a new offshore wind area on the following Monday.
So much for transparency and due process.
Worse still, Bowen and his solar and wind energy acolytes are so misguided by their faith that they choose to be blind to the abject failure this policy has been across the globe.
What has happened in Germany due to their “energy transition” is illustrative.
In that country, there has been consistent investment in solar and wind energy for 14 years.
All this has led to is higher electricity prices and de-industrialisation while German GDP has been stagnant since 2017.
As the Germans have discovered, if you force your steel or aluminium industries to move, they will not go to the place with the cheapest wind or solar energy, but instead to wherever energy is cheapest overall, namely, coal-powered China.
Even so, and despite the fact Germany is entering a recession, with cult-like stupidity, Vice Chancellor and Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action Robert Habeck still believes that renewables are Germany’s primary future energy source.
Habeck said manufacturing businesses need to adjust production output depending on the weather.
He sincerely believes that German industry should up its output when the sun is shining or when the wind is blowing and then reduce production when the skies are still or overcast.
The Economy Minister and his advisors believe complex industries such as refineries, glassmakers, steel mills and aluminium smelters are able to turn production on and off at a moment’s notice, depending on the weather.
There is only one word for this: madness.
As far as Bowen is concerned, Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity readily comes to mind.
‘Zombie’ Volkswagen Consequence of Years of Foolish German Government Policy
German automotive giant Volkswagen has announced that it may have to take the historically unprecedented emergency measure of closing some of its plants amid the “serious situation” facing Europe’s car industry.
The announcement is the result of years of foolhardy policy by Brussels and Berlin, Bundestag lawmaker Dirk Spaniel tells Sputnik.
Volkswagen is considering plant closures, the termination of employee protections agreed with unions, and other cost-cutting measures to try to steer the car-making behemoth back to fiscal health amid high energy prices, increasingly stiff competition from China, and European Union-level policy which has robbed the company and other German carmakers of their competitive advantage.
What’s Behind European Car Industry’s Decline?
“Building cars has been a long tradition in Germany,” Spaniel stressed, noting that the country’s competitive advantage has long revolved around its ability to achieve full cycle production, from raw materials and parts to assembly plants churning out vehicles powered by traditional internal combustion engines.
“Right now things are changing because of the European Union, which decided to ban internal combustion engines,” Spaniel said, pointing out that European carmakers’ efforts to quickly retool to build EVs has cost a great deal of money, increasing the price of vehicles which consumers aren’t particularly interested in.
On top of that is the lingering fallout of the 15-20% market drop caused by Covid, high energy prices, and the fiscal crunch currently facing the German government, which has meant a halt to subsidies for EVs, and higher prices.
As Berlin eyes a bailout for Volkswagen, the massive company is looking more and more “like a zombie,” Spaniel emphasized.
The various electricity grids developed over more than a century. They were destroyed by passing of legislation that permitted two classes of generation to be given equal access – reliable dispartchable and unreliable non-dispatchable. The worst economic aspect was requiring the reliables to dance to the tune of the unreliable.
Once the permission was given and enabled by guaranteeing theft from consumers, the grids affected have been in terminal decline.
There is no easy fix for the evolving mess. The first step would be rio eliminate any mandated theft. The second step would be to require all generators to be dispatcable.
What’s on the box (that you pay for) today? Of course –
SBS Viceland are quite unable to move beyond gender stereotypes.
I wouldn’t do a web search for queer wrestlers of the Folsom Street Fair if I were you.
Nor Outsports
But wait, there’s more –
She/he/they is pretty good
I don’t watch TV. Would rather SBS and the Awful Broadcasting Company were privitised.
Hopefully they wear more than just lycra or spandex: 2 weeks after Queenstown’s (NZ) so-called Gay Pride festival, partygoers are now being warned to ‘stay vigilant’ after a number of attendees have tested positive for (the latest) Mutant-pox.
Am reminded of that old saying concerning something about pride and falling…
Ret. Naval Intelligence Chief Rear Admiral Mike Studeman: There’s a 60% Chance of War with China. It’s Time to Wake Up.
How Would We Know That Invasion of Taiwan Is Imminent
PS: The 2nd. video is just an extract of the 1st. video – another damn repeat 🙄️.
I don’t believe that war is imminent over Taiwan, China is waiting for Putin to fall, then they will retake lands they lost over time.
Today’ challenge. Read this article without shaking your head and ending up with whiplash
aarrgghh – things not working – try to walk forwards – fall backwards – not good
Well, according to Australian legal precedent, a man can become a woman merely by identifying as such.
The judge said so in Tickle v Giggle for Girls Pty Ltd..
The judge broke new frontiers in human biology when he ruled that “sex is changeable and not necessarily binary”.
All the biology books will have to be rewritten.
Of course, this means that women’s-only sports and other female-only spaces in Australia are obliterated.
But it doesn’t seem to worry many women.
This illustrates NZ’s place in civilisation these days- Gone is the land of free speech.
“A New Zealand father-of-four has been raided by armed police over a series of alleged X posts which were deemed offensive by authorities, including some that were critical of police and the government.”
No warning, no search warrant, they used his gun licence as an excuse even though they knew he had sold his guns. At least they confirmed his views…
It would be interesting to know if the Australian Army is following these developments in Drone Warfare.
Kursk standoff, Donbass push and deadly rear strikes: The week in the Russia-Ukraine conflict
The Russian military has made new gains in Donbass while inflicting mass casualties on Ukrainian troops in rear strikes
Watch the second video down – it is amazing & absolutely frightening where Drone Warfare is going.
A new Russian kamikaze drone controlled through fiber optic wire rather than by radio has seen more action in the region as well. One of the videos circulating online shows such a drone flying at an extremely low altitude to examine a damaged hangar, which turned out to house a Ukrainian pickup truck.
The drone operator, however, opted to continue the search for the vehicle’s crew, ultimately finding Ukrainian servicemen inside a shed nearby and striking them, footage shows.
Fibre optic cables :-
1) can be caught in trees.
2) greatly limit the area of coverage.
Personally I would use good communication techniques such as spread spectrum \ frequency hopping and digital communications where the signal can be buried in the noise.
Kim they do that anyway, but the counter-measures have come along as fast as the new ideas. The drone carries the tiny fibre-optic cable, so it just unreels it over trees, power-lines or buildings. I think they cover 10Km now, in hi-definition video far better than radio-control.
Next will be some lighting system to make the F-O cable stand out and then go hunting for the origin of the cable.
I see they are making steerable artillery shells too, for greater accuracy.
The world’s arms manufacturers are having a ball. Which is the reason for the civil war and the involvement of all the Western Arms manfacturers including France, Germany, UK and US. It is the Military Industrial complex, as President Eisenhower warned on his retirement, having led the coalition in WWII. The money is fantastic and no one lives to complain about the products.
The military industrial complex in the US, Russia and China will adjust to changing circumstances. Of course armaments are being tested on the battlefield, a conventional war provides that opportunity.
‘ … the reason for the civil war …’
I strongly dispute that argument, its not a civil war. Putin thinks that Gorby gave too much away and he was intent on clawing some back.
Strategically, Putin shouldn’t have annexed Crimea in the first instance. Instead they could have invaded Ukraine heartland and secured victory in a few weeks with minimal damage and loss of life.
In the old USSR Ukraine was the hub for designing and manufacturing military equipment, drone warfare is innovative.
In my lifetime Crimea was Russian. You might remember the Crimean war. Most of the East of Ukraine is also Russian. Nikita Kruschev for no known reason gifted Crimea and its people to Ukraine. It is an economic basket case and only 2% of Ukraine land area, but Kiev wanted vengeance and turned off the water. And the people in the East want to go back to being Russian. The war has been raging for 20 years. There’s a lot of the story which is not reported.
At least half the Ukranians I have ever met are Russian or half Russian. Zelensky speaks Ukranian badly. It is a newer country than Australia. And all civil wars are terrible. America lost many more in 1865 than in both world wars. There’s much more to this than the simplistic story of Putin. Read the history of Ukraine.
Another very riveting example of the new Russian Vandal fiber-optic FPV drone in action in Kursk. Here it sneaks into a Ukrainian hideout, its signal not dropping despite the concrete obstructions as it slowly stalks up to the resting militants and finishes them off:
Russian Fiber-Optic FPV Drone
The Russian Vandal fiber-optic FPV (First-Person View) drone, also known as “Prince Vandal of Novgorod” (KVN), has been deployed in the Kursk region, showcasing its capabilities in combat.
This innovative drone uses a fiber-optic cable to transmit video signals, making it resistant to electronic warfare (EW) jamming.
Key Features:
1.Fiber-Optic Transmission: The drone deploys a lightweight fiber-optic wire behind it as it flies, providing a stable and secure video feed to the operator.
2. Jam-Resistant: The fiber-optic link eliminates radio signals, making it immune to EW jamming, a common tactic used by opposing forces to disrupt drone communications.
3. High Accuracy: The Vandal drone is claimed to have high accuracy, allowing it to precisely target enemy positions.
4. Maneuverability: FPV drones are known for their agility, and the Vandal is no exception, capable of quick movements and sharp angles.
Operational Insights:
1. Kursk Region: The drone has been used in the Kursk region, where Ukrainian forces have made significant advances, forcing Russian troops back on the battlefield.
2. Electronic Warfare: Ukrainian forces have employed extensive EW tactics, including jamming systems, to neutralize Russian drones in the area. The Vandal’s fiber-optic transmission makes it an effective countermeasure.
3. Russian Military Telegram Channel: The Siberian Army Telegram channel shared a video showcasing the drone’s capabilities, stating that it was used in the Kursk region.
The Russian Vandal fiber-optic FPV drone has demonstrated its effectiveness in combat, offering a significant advantage over traditional radio-controlled drones. Its jam-resistant design and high accuracy make it a valuable asset for Russian forces in the Kursk region and potentially beyond.
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Hegemonys need:- 1) battle experienced troops, 2) the latest battle proven technology and equipment.
Doesnt matter if it catches on trees or anything else.The whole idea is that the cable is stored on the drone and pays out behind it. Its very fine and very tough.
Range is quoted at 5klms max. Even if it half that it would be useful on the front. It isnt impacted by EW measures like redio based drones.
I saw a video this morning of one of these checking out building on a farm clear video of ot doing door to door checks and eventually attacking some poor sods trying to hide.
‘It would be interesting to know …’
conceptually seems not be be down at the small scale front drones seen in Ukraine/Russia engagment.
Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems are able to carry out low altitude surveillance tasks by Defence, as well as other Commonwealth agencies for training, photography, and survey tasks.
Developing a sovereign capability for UAS and other trusted autonomy systems is partly in response to the “security limitations and supply chain vulnerability of current commercial suppliers”, according to the initial RFI documents.
This includes moves to end the use of drones produced by Chinese firm DJI across the Commonwealth. In May 2023, the Home Affairs department and Defence suspended its use of DJI drones over security concerns.
Defence Industry minister Pat Conroy said ASCA’s first innovation incubation challenge will “support some of our brightest minds in developing sovereign drone technology that can advance the future capabilities of the ADF”.
Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems
Small Uncrewed Aerial Systems (sUAS) are defined as unmanned aircraft and the necessary equipment for safe and efficient operation, weighing less than 55 pounds (24.9 kg). They are controlled either remotely or by automatic programming, without an onboard human pilot.
A Black Hornet can be secured in a soldier’s pocket.
‘The drone measures around 16 × 2.5 cm (6 × 1 in) and provides troops on the ground with local situational awareness. It is small enough to fit in one hand and weighs 18 g (0.7 oz) with its battery. The UAV is equipped with a camera which transmits video and still images to the operator.’ (wiki)
Fiber-optic guided missiles are nothing new.
How to be a good climate activist.
1) Own a private jet.
2) Lecture the poor.
3) Fly to Davos.
4) Give yourself an award.
5) Make rules to make the poor poorer.
6) Don’t follow the rules yourself.
I am not with the times, but is there a Fentanyl problem in Australia?
I visited America’s most drug-plagued neighborhood and stumbled across a truly shocking scene
Filmmaker Peter Santenello ventured to Kensington in Philadelphia – In a film documenting his trip, he is seen on a tour with local man Buddy Osborn
In 2022, there were 1,413 unintentional overdose deaths in the city
A report by the City of Philadelphia notes that the majority of overdose deaths in the metropolis (57 per cent) involved both an opioid like fentanyl and a stimulant like cocaine.
Meanwhile xylazine, a veterinary anesthetic and analgesic also known as ‘tranq,’ was found in 34 per cent of all overdose deaths.
In answer to your question.
Thanks el+gordo.
Anyone notice Albo just spent $4.5 billion on domestic violence?
This country is finished. No economy can sustain spending like this, for no result. And that NDIS has to be dismantled. That thing is a total disaster set up on a whim by Gillard, for something to do.
It’s not just chicken feed, it’s serious expenditure that threatens future pensions for older Australians. How a Labor Party could do that to it’s own working and underclass, is disgraceful. It borders on Venezuelan level stupidity.
Here’s hoping the lights are still on when I visit your fair country this Christmas for a family gathering, and that viva la revolucion has not begun.
“and that viva la revolucion has not begun.”
Not a chance! Aussies are complacent and compliant these days. They neither know not care how money is created or what Govt debt means, so long as there’s sport on TV and the beers are available.
The NDIS is NOT an Insurance Scheme. An Insurance Scheme should be fully funded. The NDIS is a Scheme to rob Peter (the long suffering Australian Taxpayer) to pay Paul.
$4,500 million.
If there are 27, million Australians, that is – by my reckoning – $166 each; for every man, woman, child [and other, I suppose – nod to LGBTQIAFMPSZU etc.] in the country.
That is enough to supply every Australian with a body camera, and sent the signals back to a Central Committee memory bank.
Inquiring minds have queries: –
Who got the contract for all those body-cams?
And who did they – ahh – take for a coffee to get the contract?
Is it a fair assumption that the Central Committee Memory Bank is eminently hackable – at least by, say, Ruritania or Chun-nan – and subject to no real – let alone democratic – control?
And have they told Sir Starmer, as this’ll come here to the UK before you can ay “Smashed Spouse”!
The European car industry is finished (thanks to EVs) (video)
The BoM was in court recently.
‘Another former BoM communications employee claimed she had left because she found it distressing to work for the organisation as she believed it deliberately hampered media reporting of climate change.
‘She claimed that whenever a journalist contacted the BoM with a simple request that mentioned climate change or severe weather, communications officers were instructed to prepare a briefing about the reporter and the questions along with a proposed response, which then had to be cleared by four layers of management and sometimes the chief executive, who often did not approve the prepared statement.
‘No interviews with the BoM’s experts were to be granted, and statements could only be written, resulting in thin responses that were often too late for journalists’ deadlines.
‘She believed this approach was because the chief executive was sympathetic to the former government and then-prime minister Scott Morrison, and climate change policy was known to be a contentious political issue.’
H/T to Geoff Sherrington
“‘Another former BoM communications employee claimed she had left because she found it distressing to work for the organisation as she believed it deliberately hampered media reporting of climate change”
The woman is nuts! I assume she is a fervent alarmist and thinks the BOM didn’t do enough to push the alarmist narrative. I don’t remember Morrison standing up and saying “Human global warming is fake and a rort and the BOM mustn’t support it..”
It should be of some concern that BoM’s experts cannot speak to the MSM.
I blame Johnson for this sorry state of affairs, the people have a right to know why our weather is playing up.
The Cobra Effect!
Crash Landing On US!
In late 19th-century British India, venomous cobras were a persistent problem.
To address the issue, British authorities devised a plan: they offered a bounty for every dead cobra.
People were encouraged to hunt cobras and bring the dead snakes to the authorities in exchange for a monetary reward. Initially, the program was a roaring success, wild cobras were killed and turned in.
However, soon ‘enterprising’ individuals began breeding snakes only to kill them and continuously claim rewards. Cobra ‘farms’ sprung up across the country.
Eventually, the British authorities caught on and terminated the program.
However, this led to an unexpected and even worse consequence: the cobra breeders, no longer able to profit from their snakes, released the now-useless cobras into the wild.
The net result was a sharp increase, rather than a decrease, in the cobra population.
Clearly, a well-intentioned measure had backfired. But why? Like all government incentives, the system had its loopholes, but its biggest flaw lay in the incentive structure.
Dead snakes meant more money, without any restrictions.
This anecdote led the economist Horst Siebert to coin the term ‘the Cobra Effect’ as a perverse incentive that unintentionally rewards people for making the problem worse.
The inverse effect occurred with blood donations. Many people are happy to donate. But in the US an incentive scheme was introduced to give people money for blood. It did not motivate many but the usual donors stopped giving, causing a real shortage. Incentives have to be thought through or you get unintended consequences.
And in Australia hiding massive carbon taxes in the electricity bills to pay windmill and solar panel owners cash means more windmills and more solar panels which forces the cost of electricity up, increasing the incentive and exacerbating every supply problem.
Worse, the Safeguard Mechanism pushes up the price of every service, like sewage, burial, trains, trucks, aircraft, ships, manufacturing, smelting which pushes up the cost of living for all Australians with a 35% hidden Carbon Dioxide tax. The only consequence will be the shutdown of Australia, which is obviously what is intended by China.
Until relatively recently, being British, our blood wasn’t welcome in Oz because we were apparently contaminated with Mad Cow Disease. Eventually, despite us being told BSE was terribly, terribly awful, dangerous, deadly and awful, cases refused to emerge as forewarned and the ban was eventually lifted. So now we’re allowed to donate again.
Yes, as a regular blood donor, I was aware of that. Australians who had lived/worked in the UK in that period were banned as well. In particular it affected Australian surgeons who had to train in the UK to be qualified by a Royal College. So nothing to do with being British. They are actually extremely cautious. I cannot see it as a real criticism above normal precautions. It was a serious concern. There are many others like recent dental treatment which raise concerns.
“Journalists” are generally left wing liars and propagandists and they are responsible for a lot of our problems. I think the rot set in in Australia in 1972 with Australia’s first Cultural Marxist Fabian Socialist regime under Gough Whitlam. They changed the nature of the journalism profession from one that was learned as an apprenticeship “on the job” to a subject that was taught by Marxists in universities. I suspect that similar things happened in other countries at around the same time. These “journalists” need to be held to account for their contribution to the destruction of Western Civilisation. No excuses accepted, ignorance is never an excuse, just as “I was only following orders” isn’t.
Piers Akerman was a Journalist of the Old School, who went through the Cadet Journalist Training System, just like Nurses originally learnt on the job and stayed in Dormitory Accomodation on Site at the Hospital.
RPA Nurses in Camperdown Sydney
According to historical records, the Queen Mary Nurses’ Home opened in 1956 at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA) in Camperdown, Sydney. This facility provided accommodation for nurses working at the hospital.
Viewable through the St John’s College Telescope, besides as Freshers having to seranade outside the RPA Nurses Home on St Patrick’s Day
Some articles by
PS Piers likes a Good Red.
I assume you mean a good red as in wine, not commo’s.
J.D. Vance’s Proposed Childcare Solution to Pay Grandma Boosts Family Values and Cuts Costs
Last week, J.D. Vance offered an interesting solution to the problem of affordable childcare.
The Left insists taxpayers must give more money to the government so they can use it to subsidize childcare and make it ‘affordable’ to parents.
Now, listen, childcare costs are out of control.
Part of the reason for that, however, is the government’s ‘rules’ for childcare providers.
I happen to come from a family who owned a very large childcare center for several decades. The center ran over 200 kids and was a high quality place to send children. So much so, there was always a waiting list. My family installed a pool and had swimming lessons for the children (a very important skill in Florida), a dance teacher and music teacher came in and offered additional lessons (a big help to busy parents who did not have time to take kids to lessons after work) and it was safe.
My Granny and another family friend made sure there was very good food for the children, as well.
Why did my family decide to sell? The government made it almost impossible to run a large center and follow all of their laborious rules.
When my family could successfully run a high quality center, it was because they could hire the grandma next door who maybe never went to high school or a minute of college, but they did know how to take care of a baby more than any person leaving college with their degree in early childhood development.
All that book learning had nothing on their years of real world experience.
The government has made it nearly impossible to hire those kind of workers anymore.
You have to hire people with hours and hours of classes offered from some other government institution the taxpayer is subsidizing.
Then, after all of that, every 2 or 3 years, the government forces those same people to go back and get some more ‘education’ (actually just silly three hour classes people are forced to attend), to keep their ‘license’ up to date.
None of it helped them do a better job of changing a diaper or teaching a child the alphabet.
To find people willing to do all of those extra ‘college’ or ‘content’ hours, the center has to pay them in accordance with their ‘book learning’, as we say in the South.
In the past, a center owner could pay ‘Grandma next door’ a reasonable wage.
When she is not able to work at the daycare anymore, not only do you lose her expertise, but the price parents pay to send their children to the center rises exponentially.
Someone has to pay those wages and it will be the parents of the children.
All the above describes Australia today!
“All the above describes Australia today!”
And many other countries.
In the UK, I know a guy who, occasionally, drives doctors form the local Hospital on call at night – mainly on Bank Holidays.
He has driven for over 30 years, in a dozen or more countries,.
He has recently left that occasional, part-time job – as he has to do ‘Modules’.
These do not cover the tasks of a driver, or Road Traffic Law, or Hazard Observation. Nor even how to charge an Electric Mustang [FFS, it’s an Urban Hospital – no need for a £50,000 ++ car].
However, they do cover –
Even selecting the correct pronoun!
Oddly, I am not seeking to replace him!
We have a friend in Gloucestershire who used to drive medics. around to hospitals.
As part of the ‘Long march through the institutions’, which began in the 1960s.
“Chalmers: fight against inflation ‘main focus’, amid RBA tensions”
Jim Chalmers has distanced himself from comments made by former treasurer Wayne Swan, who blasted the Reserve Bank for putting ‘economic dogma over rational decision making’ on interest rates. In reality, however, he fully supports them!
Dim Chalmers has it all wrong and he knows it.
The high inflation figure in Australia is all home grown and is not being caused by World events. Just have a look at your Electricity Bill, your Insurance Policy renewal, your shopping basket and go for a haircut.
How much have they increased since May 2022 when LayBore got elected?
And Guv’ment charges have all increased by more than the CPI (the Corrupted Price Index).
Chalmers is just being political and needs to look in the mirror to see where the problem is.
“Sexual orientation, gender questions to be included in census
The decision follows backlash from the LGBTIQ+ advocates, Labor MPs and the unions after the government initially rejected having new questions in the survey”.
That’s okay so long as they include the whole alphabet community.
Sexual orientation? At least you do not have to face towards Mecca.
There are only two genders. Ladyboy doesn’t count.
Australians may well be asking themselves: What happened to the momentum generated by our world-leading economic recovery?
We’re broke because Labor wasted our hard-earned economic post covid advantage on Woke
Former Qld premier Campbell Newman hits back at Jim Chalmers, challenges Treasurer after claim he ‘gut’ state ‘like a fish’
Former Queensland premier Campbell Newman has made a bold challenge to Jim Chalmers, who claimed he gutted Queensland “like a fish” during his time in office.
Mr Newman on Friday night responded to the attack, deeming the comments “nasty” and arguing they showed the Treasurer’s “great desperation”.
Mr Newman continued, “It’s all to distract from the fact that this guy has badly managed the economy and the finances of the nation.”
Labelling Mr Chalmers’ attack on his time in office “personal”, Newman proposed a challenge to the Treasurer in a bid to protect his track record as premier.
“I will debate Jim Chalmers any time he likes on the track record of my government. I bet you he won’t show up because it’s threadbare,” he said.
“He would not last half an hour with me. And I make that challenge to him this evening.”
Queensland Public Servant Growth
According to recent data, the Queensland public service has added approximately 11,700 full-time equivalent employees between March 2023 and March 2024, representing a 9.29% growth in corporate roles, the largest annual increase in four years.
Breakdown of Public Service Growth:
. Corporate roles: 9.29% growth (additional 9,300 FTEs)
. Frontline roles: 4.5% growth (additional 2,400 FTEs)
Notable Trends:
Workers earning over $180,000 per year now comprise 2.19% of the public service, up from 1.81% in the previous year.
Public servants earning between $150,000 and $179,999 per year make up 4.3% of the workforce, up from 2.71% in the previous year.
The government has replaced the number of public servants sacked under the previous Liberal National Party (LNP) government, led by Campbell Newman, more than twice over.
As of 2019, the latest workforce figures show there are 228,632 full-time equivalent employees in the Queensland public sector.
As of March 2024, the total size of the Queensland public service is 258,012.13 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees (Corporate job growth outstrips rise in frontline roles in Queensland public service).
This figure represents an increase of approximately 11,700 FTE employees from the previous year (March 2023 to March 2024).
One public service stream has front line overtime working out at $97 per hour and local knowledge is don’t agree to 9hr O/T shift ask for 9hr 15mins and you get paid tea break of $16 additional “entitlement”.
There was no “post-covid advantage”.
We were already in trouble last year and the ALP has compounded the problem.
The Albo Labor loony tunes have just released a new anti Nuclear ad telling us that Dutton’s nuke thought bubble could cost Aussies 0.6 Trillion $.
What a giggle when we are also told by the lefties’ think tanks that toxic W & S will cost us “trillions” of $ and have to be renewed every 15 to 20 years and destroy up to 28,000 klms of our environments?
Plus W & S only generate for about 30% and 15% of every year, while Nuclear is 24/7 every day of the year and will easily last past 2100.
Even the the most loony Labor and Greens donkeys should be able to understand the unreliable, toxic W & S data or perhaps not?
BTW the CSIRO Gen Cost report tells us that a Nuclear power station would cost us about 8 billion $.
So 8 bn times 7 Nuclear power stns = 56 billion $. So surely even the dumbest lefty loony should now understand we must change to Nuclear energy ASAP?
Even a voter with a very average IQ should vote for clean, cheap, reliable, 24/7 Nuclear energy.
The 5.6GW nuclear power station in the UAE was built for less than A$30bn, around nine years for each of the four 1.4GW units.
The Chinese or French can do it cheaper than that. And…………………
Electricity Prices Plunge By 75% As Finland Opens New Nuclear Power Plant –
Bolsonaro Leads Massive Free Speech Protest In Brazil After Supreme Court Bans X
Thousands of Brazilians flooded city streets on Saturday to protest against the government’s censorship crusade against Elon Musk’s ‘free-speech’ X platform.
The media coverage:
CNN – nothing
AP – nothing
Reuters – nothing
NYT – nothing
Brazilians want 𝕏 unsuspended and Alexandre de Moraes impeached. Their voices can’t be silenced.
The peasants are revolting!
Bugs And Goo: Welcome To “Alternative Protein”
An egg is an egg. Beef is beef. You can’t patent a cow or a chicken, and it’s quite difficult to prevent people keeping their own animals.
But when your product is a few thousand freeze-dried crickets ground into a powder (including their eyes, intestines and faeces), mixed with chemical preservatives, thickeners and artificial flavourings to mimic real meat…
well, you can patent the hell out of that.
That’s part of the reason the edible insect market is expected to grow to ten times its current size in the next decade.
Australia’s “next superfood” is Hoppa, a bag of powdered crickets. Next month, Melbourne will be playing host to AltProtein24, a conference for the promotion of “alternative proteins”.
I suggest everyone attend AltProtein24, with steak sandwiches and KFC.
World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about Covid: It was a ‘test’ of our obedience to rapidly forming new world order
They wanted to know how many people would comply with a complete re-ordering of their lives based on no science at all, just random orders, some of which bordered on absurdity.
I have long said that Covid 19 was launched by design by a small number of people in the globalist predator class for one reason and one reason only — as a beta test for the coming technocratic new world order.
Now, we’ve got the World Economic Forum coming out and all but admitting that was exactly why the Covid-19 “pandemic” had to happen.
The WEF gleefully posted the following snippet to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they make a pitch for so-called smart cities, which is just another term for 15-minute cities.
The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world can evolve into its utopian vision of “smart and sustainable cities,” is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It writes:
COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.
They were testing us. That’s what Covid was all about. They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a “new normal” that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd.
Sunday funny: lefty science – making volcanoes safe
Why not drive the waste collection trucks and dump the waste into mouth of the volcano…. land fill problem solved… instant incineration plant at no cost to tax payer.
chuckle chuckle
Why not burn the waste and generate electricity. Even better, separate the waste and compost waste that can be composted and add back to the soil. I do that for my back garden. It works.
Leave the volcanoes alone. They are the Planet’s safety valve.
Many of the smart countries already burn most of their waste in high-temp incinerators, including plastics and sewage residual. The resultant small ash amount is non-toxic and can be safely consigned to landfill. The process also generates power.
Singapore burns waste (in a high temperature furnace HINT extra fuel needed).
Several countries in the EU burn household waste to generate hot water heating for inner-city apartments. de-icing roads and sporting fields (even swimming pools). Gets rid of rubbish and by EU diktat it doesn’t emit CO2. Germany, Finland, Denmark and others.
The alternate is to bury it in pits and let it breakdown to methane, which you then burn. Hardly new, there was at least one large factory (in NW USA) using that from the adjacent municipal waste dump (over 50 acres) in the 1980’s.
The state of drone weaponry
Viewer discretion advised.
The advances are just shocking. The latest “AI” products are 100 times the power of ChatGPT 4, and the next predicted to be 100 times that.
10,000 times the power by 2026.
Humans won’t even be able to understand the products by then.
I expect a few new elements on the periodic table coming up.
So who selects the Bad People to be eliminated? And as for facial recognition, I will wear a face mask and sunglasses and a big hat.
All very legal.
Wow. Dan Andrews would love to get his hands on these and start taking out right wing trash.
Jokes aside, this is where this is all headed. Freedom is under serious threat. It was good while it lasted, but it could never last.
Here’s Angus Taylor the Coalition’s Energy minister this morning talking about Labor’s attack ad on Peter Dutton’s Nuclear energy policy.
See first 4.40 minutes at the link.
A disturbing discussion of the persistence of the spike protein in the body not merely after mRNA Covid 19 vaccination, but after Covid infection.
Twitter’s top executives believed Twitter had acted wrongly and not followed its own policies when it suspended my account in 2021 for my criticism of Covid vaccines and vaccine mandates, internal Twitter documents show.
The executives believed Twitter, which had historically encouraged free speech, should allow debate around mandates and should not have banned me. “I don’t believe a perm suspension is warranted,” Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s then-top lawyer and content officer, wrote in an email.
The revelation Gadde and Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s then-chief executive officer, did not think the company should have censored me – and that the ban was essentially forced on Twitter by a Twitter lobbyist who had faced months of pressure from White House officials over my account – may further inflame the debate over government-backed social media censorship.
I am now suing the Biden Administration and two Pfizer officials for their conspiracy to censor me, and the new documents will play a crucial role in my amended complaint in Berenson v Biden.
At the direction of Elon Musk, who owns X, lawyers for X voluntarily provided Gadde’s email and other documents related to my ban to my lawyer in Berenson v Biden, James Lawrence, after X searched Twitter’s archives. (In return for providing the documents, X asked only that I publish this article here on X rather than another platform and that I redact some junior and mid-level employee names.)
Gigglin’s Island – a Kamala special
Try this one as well. It is a hoot. Word Salad indeed.
Again Mark Mills tries to further enlighten us about the enormous increase in energy we are about to observe and led by AI and this will break their loopy toxic, unreliable and puny W & S lunacy.
See Mark’s short talk at about 10 minutes into the video.
This forum is about 7 hours and you’ll have read about many of the speakers.
FWIW – weekend trading×1536.jpg
Motionless turbines deliver super-efficient wind energy to BMW’s factory
Houston-based Aeromine Technologies has fitted a bunch of silent and motionless wind energy harnessing airfoils on the roof of BMW’s MINI manufacturing plant in Oxford, UK. They’re meant to complement the factory’s solar panels to produce clean energy, while taking up a lot less space.
How much less? Aeromine says that each of its turbines – which contain no visible moving parts – require just 10% of rooftop area as a solar panel to produce the same amount of energy. The company also claimed they deliver 50% more energy than solar installations at the same cost.
Beyond their small footprint, these turbines are also inexpensive to build and maintain. The company says they’re made from easily recyclable materials, utilize a sealed generator that doesn’t require periodic lubrication, and should last 20 years.
Now we just need a reason to buy a BMW. 😆
Buy shares in Aeromine.
I think I saw them on the roof of Melbourne City Council (Swanson St.) many years ago, then they were removed (?)
“Hydrocarbons are not dispensable”
A new law in Scotland threatens you with seven years in JAIL if you misgender someone.
“Hey you!” 😁
“SITREP 9/6/24: The Grind Continues as Aftermath of Poltava Strikes Reverberates”
Are we approaching a time when the acknowledged publication arms of various US government and TLA’s break out headlines like
“Those wonderwaffen that we told you are keeping you safe don’t seem to be
Send heaps more money to the MIC and we’ll fix it this time”
via the New York Times et al?
A Govt desperate for hot bodies to send to the front… Even the ordinary citizens are attacking the TCC as they drag men off buses and off the street.
“The cars of the Ukrainian TCC employees were equipped with electronic warfare devices so that the detainees could not call their relatives and report that they had been taken to the front.”
Australians are completely off their head (video)
A Govt desperate for money! Average speed cameras to be introduced for cars in NSW.
There’s a load of crap about it here on Sky that I can’t be bothered to watch-
ABC has it too- “Trialed” for 6months, after which it will be declared a success and implemented everywhere. All for the terrible figure of ONE person/year people killed in the test areas, or the 1% increase in road deaths this year, rather than the many times that number killed by the vax!
Its all about safety and its for our own good. Definitely not revenue. I’m surprised they havent played the interstate harmonization card (pick the most draconian rules and trend towards that)
“The potential weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in response to anthropogenic forcing, suggested by climate models, is at the forefront of scientific debate. A key AMOC component, the Florida Current (FC), has been measured using submarine cables between Florida and the Bahamas at 27°N nearly continuously since 1982. A decrease in the FC strength could be indicative of the AMOC weakening. Here, we reassess motion-induced voltages measured on a submarine cable and reevaluate the overall trend in the inferred FC transport. We find that the cable record beginning in 2000 requires a correction for the secular change in the geomagnetic field. This correction removes a spurious trend in the record, revealing that the FC has remained remarkably stable. The recomputed AMOC estimates at ~26.5°N result in a significantly weaker negative trend than that which is apparent in the AMOC time series obtained with the uncorrected FC transports.”
“anthropogenic forcing”? How? Only 3.0% of CO2 is fossil fuel Co2.
CO2 is rapidly absorbed in the massive worldwide gaseous exchange equilibrium which keeps CO2 levels within 1% from pole to pole. The 50% increase in CO2 from 1750 is very slow, linear, natural and due to slight and predicted ocean warming from the AMO/PDO. There is not the slightest evidence of human activity.
We are now into rapid ocean surface cooling and reducing solar activity. There is zero proof that the small and valuable CO2 increase is man made, the foundation of the ‘anthropogenic’ story. It is an invention of Al Gore and the UN. As is the recent UN announcement of ‘boiling oceans’ which are past ridiculous. 100F is not 100C.
I think there was an error in the measurements. I’m afraid that satellite measurements should also be corrected, depending on the drift of the satellites.
The Texas Billionaire Who Has Greenpeace USA on the Verge of Bankruptcy
Fossil-fuel billionaire Kelcy Warren is about to land a knockout punch on Greenpeace.
The pipeline magnate’s company, Energy Transfer, is behind a lawsuit that Greenpeace says could bankrupt the environmental group’s U.S. affiliate. A courtroom victory, which some Greenpeace officials fear is likely, would be a coda in the nearly decadelong battle between the two sides over one of Warren’s signature projects: the Dakota Access Pipeline.
In 2016, Greenpeace, Native American tribal groups and thousands of other activists camped in a remote corner of North Dakota to block the project. The monthslong protests impeded the oil pipeline’s completion and became a flashpoint in the fight over fossil fuels. Images of sometimes violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement made international news.
Warren ultimately completed the conduit, but the fight wasn’t over for him.
Warren sees green activists, who he once said should be “removed from the gene pool,” as a serious threat to the industry. Starting with protests of Keystone XL, which successfully derailed that project, activists have targeted pipelines across the country…
Belated Hat tip to you. Thanks Reader.
“Newly observed forms of political life”×581.jpg
More at
“Keir Starmer’s Britain”
“The BBC breached its own editorial guidelines more than 1,500 times during the height of the Israel-Hamas war, a damning report has found.
The report revealed a “deeply worrying pattern of bias” against Israel, according to its authors who analysed four months of the BBC’s output across television, radio, online news, podcasts and social media. […]”
More at
The ABC?
Only high quality journalism at the ABC
“New California Law Will Require Cars to Beep When Traveling 10 Miles Over the Speed Limit”
“Roadrunners all”?
should be growth industry in disabling all these door open, seat belt and speed beepers and chimes