Image by Erik Nikolai Halsteinrud from Pixabay
By Jo Nova
The silence is deafening
Matt Ridley wrote a whole book about the Covid lab leak, and now marvels that what was once an unthinkable conspiracy is now quietly accepted by two thirds of the population, but still exists under a cone of silence. The Wuhan Lab Leak was “worse than a thousand Bhopals” he points out, but the Royal Society said it wasn’t a suitable topic for discussion. It’s as if the deaths of millions, the economic chaos and the threat of bioweapons is a bore.
The World Health Organization never mentions it. The Academy of Medical Sciences said it was too controversial. Ridley was invited to debate the issue but no one would take the other side. He was invited to write a paper for a prestigious journal with a professor at Oxford. After they wrote a paper with hundreds of references, the editors rejected it out of hand, telling him that there was no evidence of people doing gain-of-function experiments in Wuhan, even though the Institute of Virology has published papers for six years detailing how they did exactly that.
Ridley was invited to debate at another forum, and after much searching, and payments of more than $10,000, finally one virologist was willing to argue it was not a lab leak. Mysteriously most virologists seem to hope the biggest issue of their specialty career will just go away, quietly.
There is now very little doubt that Covid leaked from a lab
By Matt Ridley, Spiked
…two-thirds of Americans believe the virus originated in a lab in China – yet most senior scientists seem to be sublimely unbothered by the fact that the public holds this view. They show little or no interest in getting out there and persuading people to change their minds. Instead, they just hope the whole topic fades into history.
China has a database of 22,000 virus samples on it, and they won’t share it, but Western virologists and politicians don’t seem to want to see it. A thousand PhD-theses sit there undiscovered and no one cares.
Have we sold our souls, our universities, our health, for cheap fridges and trade deals?
If the lab leak had occurred in any other country, we might be more interested. As Matt Ridley explains:
A former president of the Royal Society told me he hopes we never find out what happened, lest it annoy the Chinese. Would he have said the same about Bhopal, I wondered, or a plane crash?
Why is this topic taboo? Scientists in the West have become addicted to collaboration with China. They get students and money from China. Ten British universities rely on Chinese students for more than a quarter of their income. Scientific journals get rich on Chinese publication fees. Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet and recipient of a Friendship Award from the Chinese government, went on Chinese television early in the pandemic to say: ‘I think we have a great deal to thank China for, about the way that it handled the outbreak.’
As bad as that corruption of science is, the real problem is much bigger. Ridley doesn’t mention it, but Australians know all too well why no one wants to ask for an inquiry. The second biggest economy in the world plays nasty — it’s not just about Chinese students at university, or journal sales — our whole economy is at risk. Media houses want access to 1.3 billion customers. Financial houses do too. Big Business wants to sell or buy and not get banned. Governments don’t want the flack from fighting back, and so who is left willing to speak at all?
Nobody mention why China launched that trade war on Australia…
…when Scott Morrison, Australian Prime Minister, dared ask for an investigation in April 2020, within a week China threatened boycotts, and followed up with severe anti-dumping duties on Australian barley. After which the CCP discovered “inconsistencies in labelling” on Australian beef imports, and added bans or tariffs on Australian wine, wheat, wool, sugar, copper, lobsters, timber and grapes. Then they told their importers not to bring in Australian coal, cotton or LNG either. The only industry they didn’t attack was iron ore, probably because they couldn’t get it anywhere else. In toto, the punishment destroyed about $20 billion dollars in trade, and everyone, even CNN, knew this was political retribution and a message to the world.
Matt Ridley does an excellent job unpacking the evidence:
With Professor Anton van der Merwe of Oxford University, I detailed how it is no coincidence that this virus turned up in exactly the right city at exactly the right time as they were planning exactly the right experiments that would put exactly the right insertion into exactly the right place in exactly the right gene of exactly the right kind of virus. And to do so at exactly the wrong biosafety level.
The outbreak began not just in one of the very few cities doing research on this kind of virus, but also in the city with the biggest SARS-like virus research programme on the planet.
These kinds of viruses are found a thousand miles away from Wuhan. That’s the distance of London to Rome. We know of only one animal species that regularly travelled that route, carrying lots of viruses. That animal was the scientists themselves. In the 15 years before the pandemic, they collected over 16,000 bat viruses from all over southern China and south-east Asia and brought them a long way north to Wuhan. The nine closest relatives of SARS-CoV-2 at the time of the outbreak were in the freezer of the WIV.
Coincidences do happen, but when foot and mouth broke out in the UK in 2007, just down the road from the world’s reference lab for foot-and-mouth virus, people did not think it was just a coincidence. They investigated and sure enough it was a lab leak.
The experiments they did in Wuhan were crazily risky.
Lab leaks “happen all the time”:
There have been lab accidents that caused outbreaks of influenza, anthrax and many other pathogens. In 1977, there was a global influenza pandemic caused by the trial of an experimental vaccine that had been inadequately attenuated.
In 2003-4, SARS-1 leaked from a lab at least four times, once in Singapore, once in Taiwan and at least twice in Beijing, and killed the mother of a researcher. In three of those cases, we still don’t know how the accident happened.
Bizarrely, no one can even explain why anyone would want to do these experiments. There are a million permutations of possible pandemic causing virions and we’re trying to make them one at a time, in advance, to get ahead of the game? As Ridley says” That went well, didn’t it?”.
In January, Chinese scientists published a preprint paper describing a new coronavirus that had a 100% death rate in humanized mice.
So the question of bioweapons, of reckless experiments that put us all at risk, is surely one of the most important issues of the era, unlike the exaggerated hyperbole of one more degree of global warming — yet there are no discussion panels on the nightly current affairs circus shows. And the Ministers of Science, Health, and Defence do nothing.
And the UN is as useless as it ever was.
Read it all at Spiked. Matt has waged his own war for four years to get this story out there.
Matt Ridley is a science writer and co-author of Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19, with Alina Chan.
Thanks for the article Jo. Seemingly there is still a long way to go in the facts of the Covid ‘pandemic’. How is it possible that Pharma has made such money out of a ‘leak’ in China so mRNA vaccines (sic) could be foisted on the public. How is possible that huge Moderna mRNA production facilities are being built in Australia when it is now clear that the technology is unsafe shown by excess deaths data? When will the TGA stand up for the public and tell Pharma to research more before unleashing further ‘vaccines’ into the health system?
How many snouts are in the trough that prevent sensible decisions to be made?
In the first couple of weeks of this “pandemic” I heard one of our local leading scientists declare unequivocally that this virus could not have occurred in nature.
Then I didn’t hear it any more.
So, who shut him up?
And how?
Like a dark abyss this type of sinister science unfolds. You want to send a rocket to the moon but you don’t succeed at first shot, you keep trying and modifying until all is secure and the project mission succeeds. There is no doubt that the world wide cabal of ” Strangeloves” want to release viral hell on us. Thanks to modern science from the CCP.
The most charitable answer is that those currently involved in the medical, pharmaceutical, research and regulatory administrations did not want to lose their jobs. Save for a few brave souls who actually DID lose their jobs, the vocal critics of the official narrative that I know are all retired professionals of the research medical industry. AND any approaches they made to current professionals were met with silence and/or avoidance.
Vicki I agree with you about the “brave souls” but what were the others to do?
Many (most?) doctors never have to deal with upper respiratory viruses and had to continue looking after their patients for their hip replacement surgery, their eye surgery, their heart attacks, their Parkinson’s disease, and so on. I know I was a beneficiary of a surgeon, anaesthetist and radiologist continuing to practice at that time.
Other doctors realised that the whole Covid debacle was exactly that but continued to help as far as they could within the brutally harsh punishment meted out by their governments for reasons such as they had other patients to attend to, they had mortgages to pay, school fees, etc. They also stayed to collect the fallen at the bottom of the cliff. After having had one’s medical registration taken away it is not a simple thing to get re registered and may require re training, difficult exams and even difficulty in getting employment.
There were others who displayed their ignorance and arrogance by going along with it. These are the ones that I will despise forever. Unfortunately some of them are lifelong friends.
That scientist who first came out with the lab origin was Dr. Petrowski- interviewed by Sharri Marks on Sky News.
Subsequently he was vilified for speaking out against mandatory vaccinations and eventually shut down, locked out of his Flinders Uni research and prevented by the TGA red tape from bringing to us his own vaccine, not a mRNA concotion.
Don’t have any recent news of him, his life and career destroyed despite crowd-funding over 1 million for the fight.
Yes, a deep thank you for the article. All the reasons for the silence are well known plays on human nature. “The terrible truths of these experiments in human compliance and propensity to be beastly stand testament to the nature of the problem.”
MILGRAM showed us how people will harm people if pressured by authority
ASCH showed us that people will ignore their own senses and perceptions when pressured by peer group
STANFORD showed us how easily humans can be egged into abuse of power”
As the world grows ever smaller via human technology, human systems and corporations grow ever more global. It is logical therefore that systems of human corruption can and would also became more pervasive and global in scale. The merge of One world Government and international business is not to be trusted. These people endlessly proclaim how they are doing this for the good of the world.
I would only add to this article a summary of actions of the US with China at Wuhan, specifically for GOF research.
About GOF in China.
Surely if it is unlawful for an American citizen to engage in this practice, it is unlawful under American law for an American citizen to engage in this practice anywhere in the world.
That only happens if they look like they might vote Republican
This is precisely predicted in George Orwell’s 1984! Suppression and the rewriting of history! It was never more true that history is written by the victors and it looks like China and Globalists are doing just that!
*Chinese in this context should refer to any of the tens of thousands of misanthropes who eagerly participated in inflicting this misery on the world’s population.
Yes. We should remember that there are millions of Chinese people around the world who hate and despise the communist government that controls mainland China.
So much less than 1% of them despise the communist government……
That’s a lot of supporters. Somehow, my feelings for them didn’t change on your observation.
Funny how we are only allowed to utter obvious glaring truths long after our anger has subsided and we are preoccupied with anticipation over what the next force fed BS narrative we will be.
Keeps us from spontaneously gathering with our pre-industrial night vision devices and our pronged manual hay redistribution implements … and hemp connecting material.
And now there is this story about locking up Trudeau https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzQVzXdKMgdplZCHkrVHXWLPRrhR
I’m guessing your link needs fixing Phil
Can’t agree with Matt, I’m afraid. There’s ample evidence of patents for Convid and related research so I’m happy that the research is there. But
there is simply no science in the response, in fact quite the opposite. No evidence for
PCR or triple antigen testing
6 feet of distancing
Supermarkets open, little shops closed
Isolation of people with positive tests
Testing every hospital attendee for any medical condition
and so on.
Some people think hospitals and such are doctors and nurses rushing around trying to put you back together. They aren’t. They’re bureaucracies where treatments are approved by the TGA and such entities and failure to follow treatment protocols can end a career. AHPRA, IMHO, a WHO entity ended your career if you didn’t get vaccinated but not a single bureaucrat in the whole medical establishment wasn’t subject to such mandates through the same policies within different organisations. Impossible without much beforehand planning and preparation and ready to go at the drop of a hat. Need elective surgery? You’re waiting for months to years. Too many ambulance patients in the ED? Build a bigger ED and hire more doctors and nurses? No. Bring in a bureaucrat with a policy to discharge patients before they’re ready and create beds.
In every state health service there are many employees who don’t really do anything other than shuffle paper, DEI anyone? but are paid salaries well above the wages of checkout chicks and shop assistants. And the salaries of the “top men” bureaucrats far exceed anything in the private sector. It’s just bribery, like the Canberra public service.
And why were the elites of Canberra (and likely states and territories) exempt from being vaccinated? They are, after all, the most important people in the country, without whom the country couldn’t be run into the ground and George Orwell’ 1984 couldn’t be installed.
If there was a genuine pandemic you would have seen sick people everywhere as you do in the cold and flu season.
Either there never was a virus release or it quickly mutated into something harmless.
Wall to wall media coverage? Look at the adverts on TV. All bought and paid for by government or related entities adverts. And how can the Fred Hollows Foundation, caged animals, backpack beds, children in poverty afford to spend so much on TV advertising (which ain’t cheap)?
And so on. It’s your taxes and borrowed money paying for the lot of it.
Oops, no comments when I began my rant, now 3. Penguin gets it.
4 years with no income now. Luckily I saw it coming and was able to prepare. I know lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of people who didn’t.
Check out the Chris Cuomo interview on YouTube with Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC Director under Trump. Amazingly, Dr Redfield openly answers all of the questions we have without reservation, and acknowledges that this was a gain of function experiment gone bad, using US technology, and funded partially by the DOD. Chris Cuomo has transformed from CNN mouthpiece to independent investigator challenging all of the myths that he used to promote.
Covid virus was a US Military bio-weapon, developed in Wuhan under US supervision as this work was banned in the US. It did not leak, it was deliberately released. The so-called mRNA vaccines were the follow-up phase of the attack on the population causing even more deaths and damage.
The Deep State is hurriedly hiding the evidence as fast as it can.,
‘ … it was deliberately released …’
By a lone actor?
I too can make up stories that no one can disprove.
Nobody here has ever seen you do anything else. But why admit to it now?
“Deep State” is a figure of speech. The evidence certainly is being comprehensively concealed, and concealed by governments, corporations and individuals including those who had no role in developing the bioweapons.
As some have noted here before: for those folk still wearing Marx (masks) driving alone in cars or walking along the beach –
It’s time for your 17th booster!
Or are they up to 18 now…
Me? Nyet zero and still alive & kicking 😃
I’ll take a ” Stones 19th nervous breakdown”.
When you have zero credibility, you have to manufacture some!
This is exactly why Australia should reestablish its soveriegnty, even by stealth. Otherwise our elections continue to be meaningless and further control is established from outside our shores. Unfortunately too many politicians are on the global teat and not concerned about Australia’s long term future at all!
Imagine if Tony Abbott came out from bannishment and stated he will build 5 new coal fired power stations using Federal funds that have no impact on the Federal budget because he will use funds currently budgeted for the UN, their ABC and the BoM. On his first day in power, he will stop all Fedarally mandated consumer theft through electricity bills.
These anti-Australian groups need to establish their own income stream or perish rather than being funded by Australians to rathole Australia’s economy.
What percentage of Australia’s foreign aid goes to weapons manufacturers. It must be a decent amount because they are meeting in Melbourne this week.
If wishes were horses beggars would ride
I am still very uncertain about the ‘Official Narrative’ of the Wuhan Lab leak.
The evidence just does not appear in all cause mortality data Figure 4 clearly shows all cause mortality published by the ABS was below average in 2020.
What does appear in this data is evidence of bad flu seasons in preceding years, particularly 2017. So who was doing the gain of function research and on what.
There was awareness of the danger.
So beware of rabbit holes and limited hang-outs. The figures analysed by ED Dowd leads him to believe there is certainty in the source of excess deaths and it wasn’t Wuhan.
Look at the current Australian Bureau of Statistics results. (Note they leave 2021 of the graphs. The results after the modified RNA injections messed up the statistics.)
The table:
My understanding of these provisional figures is Covid 19 and diabetes are not the reason all cause mortality is above the expected results in 2024
Does anyone else have a problem rationalising this statement to the data quoted above it?
Broadie, obviously there is no sign of Covid deaths in Australian mortality data in 2020 and most of 2021, because the borders were closed and there was virtually no Covid here.
Until August 2021 cumulative confirmed covid deaths in Australia were barely 4 per 100,000 people. See: OWID
Excess deaths is the wrong tool, a blunt instrument. About 160,000 people die in Australia each year. The signal you are looking for is barely noise here. There were excess deaths visible in other countries in 2020, and they were not due to the vaccine because there was none administered in 2020. Excess deaths due to the vaccines start to appear in the mix in the second half of 2021.
Australian deaths declined in 2020 because the hard borders and two week quarantine easily stopped influenza. All of this is textbook microbiology. In WA alone, path labs did 300-700 tests each week for influenza and found 0 for more than a year. Total Covid cases in Australia by Dec 31 2020 = 28,000 with Covid, and 909 deaths. The fatality rate was 3%. We missed some cases, so the true fatality rate is probably lower, but we were testing 3,000 people to find one positive, we had the highest testing rate in the world. How many did we miss? The early Wu-Flu strain was nasty compared to Omicron.
The people to listen to about the virus are the ones who treated patients in ICU with Covid and who spoke the truth on Big Pharma, ivermectin, and vaccines and lost their jobs because of that. See the FLCCC. Dr Pierre Kory and Paul Marik.
Refrain from rationalisation! Beware of Government Im-propaganda it spreads like wuflu when left unchecked!
Look at China’s neighbours
Click on Cambodia, Vietnam
Few Covid 19 infections or deaths until after vaccinations.
If there was a Lab leak in Wuhan I would expect these countries would in 2020 have been directly affected. Maybe they did not have the ventilators and the drugs, nor the financial incentives to save people panicking from a runny nose or loss of the sense of smell like in some USA states.
Cambodia and Vietnam probably didn’t test much for Covid either. And the median age of Cambodians is just 26, Vietnamese is 31. Labor force is probably not stuck in offices with low Vitamin D, excess weight, and metabolic disorder.
In Australia 2019 was actually a worse flu season than 2017 insofar as it started earlier and lasted longer with some 310,000 struck down.
This article states “While 2019 saw the highest number of influenza cases across the country, 2017 still holds the record for the highest number of flu-related deaths, with over 1,100 cases.”
However this report on the ABS website states: In 2017, approximately two thirds of deaths due to influenza (806 deaths) were certified with an identified seasonal virus. The remaining deaths (449) did not have a viral strain identified on the death certificate.
And if you want the trifecta of conflicting info look at this news item written mid-2019 flu season which stated “The national death toll officially stands at 430, although the real figure could be much higher with experts saying some deaths are attributed to other causes despite flu-related complications.”
This is the standard of research/knowledge when it comes to health in this country i.e. there is no consensus or numbers based evidence and this why it is so easy to hide or twist outcomes to support a particular narrative.
How is it that 2017 and 2019 flu seasons were so bad yet as soon as the world opened the gain of function window influenza (oldie but goodie) actually flew out (not in) and for some 2 years was totally awol as covid took over. But then again with no flu to muddy the waters at least all those death figures attributed to covid must have been accurate, it was a pandemic after all wasn’t it.
Simple explanation Earl, just drop the dominant strain from the test kits and hey presto Flu disappears worldwide in week 13 of the 2020 reporting year.
The ‘gain of function’ bird had flown long before Covid 19 with the experiments I linked to earlier on the bird flu.
CDC has again authorised the emergency use for detection of the avian flu strain H7N9
So we did not highlight what or how these tests were used. How many cycles in the PCR and what were the chosen strains being tested for?
Stop incoming flights and quarantine people longer than the incubation period and the flu cannot keep spreading. The tests easily distinguish the two viruses, and are cross checked by a dozen other tests. We look at the antibodies people make as well as the PCR tests, and the plaque assays, and the electronmicrographs etc, and the full code of both viruses.
It’s far harder to fake a pandemic than to create a real one.
You play with fire , you get burned . The arsonists have to hide to avoid retribution or blame someone else . The exact sequence of events is now hard to determine due to massive obfuscation by all the “authorities” .Occam’s razor indicates lab leak is likely , but other darker possibilities are also in the mix . Having read “The Real Anthony Fauci” and lived through the hype has made me totally skeptical .
Even articles like this still go softly-softly on the Wuhan Lab release.
China had already vaccinated a portion of its military before the release, Covid was always a plan to weaken western militaries, like Spanish Flu did, leaving China unchallenged when it moved on Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific region. But unlike Spanish Flu they didn’t realise it would be so ineffective on young fit people and their plan failed.
We mere mortals may never know,
What pathogens secret labs. can grow,
With their weird gain-of-function,
Cured by vaccine mRNA unction,
To save us from terrible woe.
I think you have to look at the motivation of Anthony Fauci and consider that he perhaps knew exactly what he was doing, creating a virus that could have a devastating impact on world population. He is no fool and would have predicted that in China with a general slackness in protocols a leak would inevitably occur releasing whatever onto world populations – starting in China. There are many in the world that think human population is the real problem and here was a way to perhaps start eliminating a billion or two. My understanding was that the lab also had other viruses for research including Ebola. Imagine if that was mutated into a highly transmissible virus like Covid? Ebola – the original slate wiper. I have had Covid twice without much impact similar to a cold – I dont think I would be likely to survive Ebola…..
Does anyone else remember the 2019 “World Military Games” , mostly conducted at venues in and around some place called Wuhan?..
Does anyone else remember reading about quite a few “hyper-fit,”, tough male and female competitors being reported as going home with a bit of a “sniffle?
“Leak” or “controlled release”?
Like the “Spanish Flu” that killed a more people than WW1,, and which likely had its origins, not in Spain, but in the vast numbers of Chinese “levee” laborers recruited by Britain to carry a large part of the logistical burden,in the rear echelons of the Western front.
Those labourers had mostly grown up and their families had lived for generations, in and around Wuhan and along the river to the ocean. They were effectively “unknowing” carriers of a nasty little surprise. A large number of US troops died from “Spanish Flue” AFTER they were returned to the USA. NOBODY really knows why, because most of the men were in excellent physical condition generally. However, many of them came from rural America and had grown up well fed, but not generally subject to some of the nastier bugs that afflicted some of the big cities. Remember at the time, there were NO antibiotics and NO vaccines for evils like Polio Myelitis, the latter disease was killing and crippling Australians en masse until the 1960s, when the Salk and then, the Sabin vaccines were in wide use..
Some of the kids at my primary school in the 1960s were an assortment of mechanical devices to allow them to walk. Two blocks away from the school, in Redcliffe, just north of Brisbane, the Red Cross ran a substantial “nursing”,, residential’ and therapy centre for hundreds of polio-afflicted children. My own father copped a swipe of the polio brush in his childhood and for the rest of his life he walked with a slight limp. This did not stop him signing up for the Second Great Unpleasantness in 1939. The USAAF lit up Hiroshima and Nagasaki, just before he was due to board a transport with his workshop unit, to participate in “Operation Olympic”.
Many of us have already lived in”interesting times”, as did our parents and grand-parents.
How are we all traveling, today?
Who needs “lab leaks” when you have the FDA?
Adverse Reactions for the Newly Approved Smallpox Vaccine, Include “Death of Unvaccinated Individuals Who Have Contact With a Vaccinated Individual.”
““On August 30 the FDA gave extended clearance for the Smallpox vaccine ACAM2000. It is the second Smallpox vaccine to be approved for use for Monkeypox. Both Jynneos and ACAM2000 have been stockpiled by the hundreds of millions in the National Strategic Stockpile…Like all other vaccines ACAM2000 comes with a laundry list of adverse effects including Encephalitis, Myocarditis…but there’s something at the bottom of the insert that you don’t see with most vaccines, and that is “Death of unvaccinated individuals who have contact with vaccinated individuals…”
How about we stop a war so we can vaxx the kids?
Or require 3 C-19 shots for infants?
Those at virtually zero risk.
This isn’t about viruses or global compliance when it comes to kids now is it.
No,no,no noooo Matt Ridley, the virus didn’t leak from a laboratory. The “Science Writer” for The Age proved it last year. Case closed.
**The “Science Writer” hasn’t been publishing articles in that newspaper this year, maybe his efforts during the pandemic earned him a better paying job elsewhere….
Australia has had its own virus lab leak. In 1996 Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (RHDV), a calicivirus, was “officially” released in Australia. However, prior to 1996 it was evident if you were a rabbit shooter or even did vermin control on your farm, that there was this new strange disease affecting rabbits, but not like Myxomatosis. (released 1950’s) Clearly there was a leak or perhaps some CSIRO scientist thought it might be a good idea to “accidentally’ release a few diseased rabbits with Calicivirus. CSIRO opened their shiny new Australian Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong, Victoria in 1985. One of their proposals was to import Foot and Mouth virus into the laboratory in preparation. Luckily, the livestock industry vetoed the idea. Basically said ” there’s no !!!!!! way you’re importing F&V, into this country”. When you have humans involved, doesn’t matter the safeguards or hazard prevention in place. All your need is one rogue operator ( or indeed many ) and the whole system can be corrupted very quickly.
[Sources would be helpful – Jo]
I have a fear that those who never saw the rabbits will never believe the damage they did.
We finally got ahead of the rabbits when in about 1960 ten eighty poison came into use. It was tasteless and deadly, and when applied with chopped carrots it worked well.
Prior to that I remember rabbits in large numbers when I was a little kid. My bed was on an open verandah, and often in the morning there would be the remains of a rabbit which our sole cat had caught and brought home to dine with me.
In about 1954 the full time rabbiter that Dad employed retired. Dad then fencced off about 2,000 acres of rougher country, because he had never seen another rabbiter who could keep the numbers down.
Then he made some netting traps, caught a few uninjured rabbits, and took them to town to be infected with myxomatosis, brought them home and let them go. The result was spectacular. But they soon developed resistance to the disease, aand numbers recovered to probably about 25% or more of what they had been. Still too many. WE used to pt out about 90 miles of trail for 10 80 each year on about 10,000 acres, and that kept them down. We constantly worked to reduce the rabbit harbour, burning logs and ripping warrens.
Then from about 1988 oor thereabouts, I didn’t find it necessary to put out the poison. The numbers never built up. The only explanation that I could think of was to guess that somebody had released a calici strain before the authorities did. Our numbers were no longer a problem.
If they did do that we probably paid a penalty. i have never seen a rabbit sick with calici, or that might have died from calici. But there are still a few. Reports were after the official release huge areas saw the rabbits wiped out. Had we not had the early release ours might have been wiped out too.
The thing that I find most troubling and indeed, inexplicable, is how the Wuhan lab was able to accept financing and obvious collaboration with the US company EcoHealth Alliance headed by Peter Daszak. The latter apparently received the OK via Anthony Fauci. Prof. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina also seems to have been collaborating with the research of the Chinese bat researcher Shi Zengli.
As murky as espionage is, I just can’t fathom cooperation between US & the CCP in such research into what may function as a bioweapon.
So many good questions Vicki.
Was it an accidental or deliberate “leak”. Was it a CCP thing, a Big Pharma thing, or was there a military faction of either China or the US that foolishly thought they could play these games to advantage and that vaccines would protect their own team?
And is there are dark second play still coming. How dark do you want to get? Years ago China was warning about how states could use a two part attack — in part I a population could be given, injected or infected with something that made them susceptible to a second stage. Part II could be a virus that targets the immune response or genetic change instigated in Part I.
China worked very hard to stop Covid spreading in China even when it was just Omicron and largely not a problem (as far as we know). Why was that? They also didn’t use the same vaccines we did.
There was an article published on Spiked earlier this year that featured excerpts from emails exchanged between Daszak and Baric. In those emails Baric expressed concerns with the level of bio security in Wuhan. Daszak made light of those concerns.
To my mind, the term “lab leak” suggests an accidental release. Any number of people who comment on this blog have likely been accused of being conspiracy theorists, so it serves us well to tread carefully and stick to the facts.
I don’t dismiss claims that it was all deliberately coordinated. For example, Big Pharma either had prior knowledge of what was to come or, alternatively, they were quick to seize an opportunity to profit.
I know my comments may ruffle some feathers, but if we are going to get anywhere- we need to raise awareness. Being seen as conspiracy theorist (even when the label is unjustified) just detracts from the message your trying to deliver
Vicky’s summary is as I saw it, except that I can fathom cooperation between US & the CCP in such research
It looked to me that everything depended on a small number of people. These people can easily lose sight of where they started, especially if their work is yielding results which raise more questions.
DEliberate release seems unlikely to me. If deliberate it would have been more thorough.
My own thoughts on the matter are that science justifies itself. Improper use of science must not happen. And it is not by hiding it that improper use can be avoided.
Russia and the US have cooperated successfully in space.
Actually, melbourne-resident has suggested an answer to my question about the weird cooperation & monetary support between a Chinese lab and US medical research teams. It seems quite feasible that they were fully aware that any lab leaks would hit the Chinese population. Maybe they underestimated the genome splicing that made the bat virus so contagious to the human species.
People are ignorant, Ignorance is bliss.
It is a tough pill to swallow. To admit that the health agencies and doctors we rely on in our darkest hour might not be acting in our own best interest.
A lot of people are not equipped to handle that.
Well it used to be, almost unthinkable in the years I was growing up after the war mid the horrors that we took for granted that surely only an enemy would commit. And we have seen recently with the likes of Drs John Campbell and Aseem Malhotra how far things have to go before the scales fall from the eyes. It is hard to accept that your peers and institutions are no longer the paragons you always believed.
But once bitten twice shy. Coercion by money and threats used to be confined to Mafia and bankers; they are now the go to game plan of billionaires with malign agendas to drive. I now find it almost impossible to believe anything said by anyone in power without extensive checking.
The question is not ‘was there a lab leak?’ but ‘how many lab leaks are there?’
Buildings full of animals and animal feed, managed by students – I reckon there are regular rodent / pest infestations.
Labs are not like on Hollywood. They are filthy places. My mate was injured in an ANU lab when a ceiling panel fell in because of the rat guano that had accumulated above it.
Eiw! That makes for an interesting OHS report
Did they also leak polio?
There is a plausible alternative theory of the source of covid that is still from a lab in China, in Wuhan, and closer to the wet market that was claimed to be the centre of the outbreak. The lab is a German funded one researching an AIDS vaccine and that Covid 19 arose from this research. There is a lot of involvement by the Germans in this area including largescale funding of the WHO. It doesn’t make carrying out gain of function research any less evil if this is the source of the leak and as this post shows, nobody is interested in finding out the truth.
The US economy had to be crashed, or Trump would walk in in 2020. The US economy crashed in 2020. How convenient, but of course correlation is not causation?
It was nothing more than re-branded flu. Also Mike Adams requested a research sample from US Gov’t and was told NO because it doesn’t exist. Australian Gov’t data suggests this also. The lies have muddied the water so much I doubt we will ever know the whole truth. Believe what you will I remain un-tested and un-jabbed. Cheers everyone. John 8:32.
Covid has 29,000 base pairs, Influenza has 13,500. PCR and Antigen tests can easily distinguish them.
Covid binds to different receptors and enzymes. ACE2, TMPRSS2. Has a furin cleavage site. Probably a HIV GP120. I mean, I could go on. There are millions of tests in thousands of labs…. Docs never saw the incredibly low Oxygen saturation levels of Covid in influenza patients. They never saw the blood clotting. If we think Covid is just influenza, then the “spike” is just influenza, so why does the spike cause so much apparent clotting in vaccines? We never saw that with influenza vaccines.
I know this is hard for people who are not used to reading virology papers, but No. A million datapoints show this is not the Flu.
Experientially, too, getting covid was nothing at all like getting the flu. I get influenza about once every 10 years or so and covid was totally different.
The big issue for me is that I have totally lost trust in the medical profession. If my GP can still trot out that the covid jabs are safe and effective, can I believe anything he says at all? About anything?
Still perpetuating the narrative by using the word ‘leaked’, implying that release of the enhanced flu was an accident not a planned event. I think ‘sourced’ or ‘originated’ are better words.
Trump was wreaking havoc in the global Leftist plans for a globalised world governed by the dictators-ridden UN headed by Leftists of the worst kind. That the Wuhan virus came at the exact time to render the 2020 US presidential election into a joke, postal votes that can be printed at will and delivered at will, without signatures or even faked signatures.
Previous to the pandemic, China had successfully lobbied the UN for the election to the WHO top position of a communist Ethiopian and former minister in a despotic government that had killed people on the streets for protesting. The Wuhan leak followed the election of Tedros-with-a long-surname who in a dictatorial manner locked up the world’s population in their homes and care centers, children and students out of schools and universities, workers out of factories and offices. Planes grounded, ships permanently docked etc etc etc. Then we were poisoned forcibly with ‘vaccines’ that were actually the first mRNA-based injections and were not fully tested. All this despite the many serious injuries caused by the ‘vaccines’ during testing on human volunteers.
Just a related thought:
twenty years ago, Polio, Bubonic Plague and Leprosy were almost “forgotten..
In the last decade, they seem to have made a resurgence,notably in Asia.. Details are “scanty” to say the least. If it is a “developing situation”, it is not a good thing
“I’m getting a picture that the little Liu et al group, with their paper coming out a month earlier titled “No credible evidence supporting claims of the laboratory engineering of SARS-CoV-2”, at the same time as having the inside knowledge that lab workers had been infected, was some sort of US/China, Zhengli (Batwoman), Baric grouping.”