A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The weather and modern human neurosis.
For most of our history we worried about simply finding food.
Now we spend copious thought energy on the detail of food.
Organic, GMO, gluten free, processed, free range, vegan, vegetarian, natural ingredients, fat, no fat … I’m sure there’s more, but I lack sufficient neurosis to complete the list.
Seems to me, Climate Neurosis (that’s what we should really call it) is in the same vein.
It is 0.1 degree warmer than last year.
There were two more cyclones than average.
Is it more floods or drought than ‘average’?
(Average … the ultimate anthropogenic construction … along with ‘natural’.)
Fat, carbs, carbon, and methane.
We are neurotically navel gazing ourselves back into having to live with whatever weather and food ‘nature’ brings us.
Everything, modern human neuroses, even the weather, is blamed on global warming or climate change nowadays.
So-called fossil fuels are condemned as the cause and are therefore the culprit.
But it’s only the wealth those evil fossil fuels give us, that enables impoverished yokels like me to afford the pleasure of witnessing you patriciates waxing analytical philosophical and sardonic like you do.
‘Patriciate’ I had to look that up.
‘Waxing’ … moi?
Fossil fuels were the great equaliser, the provider of true equity.
The left now want to destroy that equity, while campaigning for equity.
“The left now want to destroy that equity, while campaigning for equity.”
Equity for them Philip – not us. Goodness me, no!
It is not my generation or any before it that bowed down to a green call to giver “environment protection” the highest priority of our social tasks.
We used to have targets like food adequacy and cheap energy and even less tangible matters like truth, honest, help to fellow Man.
It is way past time to fight back – if you can encourage attention away from the smart phone.
Geoff S
My bod was trained in the climate feel. It expected certain bands of temperatures. It notices variations. It noticed the temperatures getting colder around 2013. In recent years things have been even stranger. We’ve had summers with hot sun and cold southerly winds. We’ve had long dry spells and we’ve had long wet spells. We’ve had change and that hasn’t been caused by cow farts.
In a land of drought and flooding rain, the bushfire season is upon us.
‘Australia’s warmest August on record has laid the foundations for an increased risk of fires in multiple states and territories this spring.
‘According to the latest Australian Seasonal Bushfire Outlook, which was released on Wednesday, large areas of Australia will have an increased risk of fires this spring.’ (Weatherzone)
In BC Canada, the fire season has been a great dissappointment to the “green” government and hangers on. Well below “average” and the forestry industry is back to work early.
The carnage in the EV industry is only just getting started (
Electric carmakers are awash with red ink; costs are too high, much higher than for petrol cars; shortages of critical materials pushing prices higher all the time, and consumers are increasingly nervous.
Matthew Lynn
Jul 29, 2024 – 10.53am Fin Rev
Profits at the German auto giant Mercedes plunged last Friday as sales of its slick new range of electric vehicles went into freefall.
Porsche abandoned its sales targets for battery-powered cars amid waning demand from customers. Ford is losing nearly $US50,000 ($A76,000) on every EV it sells, while Tesla’s profits dropped 45 per cent. Meanwhile, battery manufacturers such as Germany’s Varta are getting wiped out.
It has become clear that the EV industry is on the brink of collapse.
Hundreds of billions of euros, dollars and pounds have been pumped into this industry by political leaders and the subsidy junkies that surround them – and it is surely time they were held to account for the vast quantities of taxpayer cash that has been wasted.
[SNIP copyright. Please link to sources. AFR. – Jo]
“…to install chargers that ended up with only seven actually built”
I wonder if this “seven” might mean sites with, say 6 to 10 chargers?
Could there be 70 to 100 slots?
Next questions: Where are they? Do they work?
Just saw a segment on the local TV news about VW shutting down plants in Germany. There was no mention of energy costs for production. And no mention of the whole EV fad imploding. In fact, they said that VW is doing this so they could better compete in the EV transition. (?!) Then it was about how many union jobs would be lost and how bad that is….sigh.
And in the UK:
Radical Green British Government Imposes Soviet Style Rationing of Gasoline Vehicles
Essay by Eric Worrall
h/t michel – Remember when we used to laugh about Soviets queuing for years to purchase a Lada?
How long, how long, will the people put up with this?
Ronald Reagan humour:
And then, there are the human safety / controls:
(I lost my son due to a design fault….. just feels so bitterly empty)
Matthew Lynn – in the [London] Daily Telegraph talks about the benefits of EVs.
There are some: –
* Reduces the option for wasting money on collectibles, as the EV is costing you both arms and a leg;
* Encourage you to explore, on a longer journey, looking for a working charger that is connected and available;
* Makes you hardy – in winter, at least, as putting the heater on cuts the range, sometimes dramatically;
* Eases the funeral choice dilemma, as the Thermageddon cremation option is sometimes unavoidable, especially if the doors lock just as the fire starts.
Yet some folk still say EVs are the ‘coming thing’
Epic Fail: ‘There is NO progress on climate’ – U.S. still consumes 82% of our energy from fossil fuels in 2023 – despite hundreds of billions spent by Biden-Harris – In 2023 world burned more fossil fuels than at any other time in history’
Marc Morano
Sorry Ric, bad steering, didn’t mean red. Tablet touchscreen too sensitive. 🙁
Updating the 1088 Domesday book?
There are strong hints that the EU intends to list all citizens assets on a central data base
Royal Society underestimates costs of UK net zero by half a billion pounds.
Zuckerberg admits that he suppressed adverse comments on covid as the Govt and others told him to
That should be major headline news but it isn’t.
As I said the other day, his apology is disingenuous.
Many people died because of his suppression of information about treatments for C-19 and many people lost jobs and businesses. Is he going to compensate them or their families?
Is he going to compensate America because his platform pushed into power the America-hating and destroyer Biden? Of course, nothing coukd compensate for that.
I think the real reason he “apologised” is that he is terrified Trump will win, despite Farcebook’s best efforts to stop him, and Trump will remove his Section 230 protections.
You don’t need to be a genius to know that Zuckerberg is running scared. Why didn’t he apologise a year ago when it was first shown that the government was censoring his platform? He still thought that Biden would win and he would be safe. Now it is panic time. Let’s hope that Trump survives to win because I fear the Deep State will try and take him out before November. Who could he trust? At this stage the answer is God alone because the Alphabet agencies are all corrupt.
Zuck’s disclosure is what they call a limited hangout.
“The limited hangout can be viewed as a deflection point construct that provides some truthful details for close focus as a way to distract from or deflect away from a more fulsome and accurate factual account.”
“Climate change” now alters gravity…
The average warmist would be terrified of this.
Of course, with extremely sensitive gravitational field measurements such as with the GRACE experiment and successors you can indeed detect any major redistribution of mass on the earth’s surface for whatever reason (e.g. aquifer depletion, sea level changes due to tides or other reasons, dams filling or emptying, etc.). There is nothing strange or scary about this. It’s just not due to imagined catastrophic “climate change”.
David Maddisson, #7,
_____Implications are vast. We’ll have to strap ourselves down.
Trucks carrying bulk loads … but they won’t be, will they?
_____Stop it! Stop it! 🙆♂️
It has been a wild roller coaster ride during the Quaternary. The Eemian must have been hell.
I was only joking (being facetious, flippant, sarcastic, cynical, ironic, Antipodean, take your pick) yesterday when writing:
Carbon [sic] now causes extreme gravity
yet who knew scientists have been working on that very theory for the last decade. So many unknowns in the Age of Consensus.
How to fix a Bugatti, cheap.
I look at the lovely people in their mode of transport they have paid over a couple of hundred thousand dollars for. They are very proud of their vehicle and generally look suitably ‘chuffed’. My thoughts are, ‘how do they open the lovely long doors in a shopping centre car park?’ and, ‘Why do they pay in excess of couple of thousand dollars for an oil change?’
Not so long ago that money would have been invested in growing and innovating a productive business, now it is simply a sign of how much we are paying these ‘Scalawags’ for compliance and litigation.
Why in these litigations like the current Canberra juvenile couch surfing incident do the media not ask for a breakdown of the costs being quoted to litigate or defend. These costs amount to millions for little more than a few pieces of correspondence and the regurgitation of a historical precedent anyone can look up on the internet in five seconds.
They should film as they follow the legal team sitting all smug in their Bugatti travelling to their income offset horse stud or to their tax deductible yacht with legal firm emblazoned sails.
I’m getting a noise out of the rear of my Camry. Can only really be a stabiliser bar bush but even though there are four on every Camry, Corolla and another model the dealer didn’t stock them. A national suspension franchise had them so I asked for a quote: $404. Once on the hoist it is literally two easy to get at bolts, ten minutes tops with an airgun.
I bought the bushes, $25/pair and will fit them myself but I really hate getting under cars now. 🙁
The Weather Rock is a far more accurate indicator of weather and climate than any IPCC “model”. It is a rock hanging on a string.
If the rock has melted, it’s global boiling.
Sone of the expressions I hate hearing most from “customer service” types is:
Yeah, like I remember the last time I called and had to press 17 different numbers as I navigated your menu….
“This call may be recorded for training purposes”
Fun solution: “Can you provide me with a transcript of my recorded call please?”.
Reply to “Have a nice day”
“That’s not what I had planned”
Remember to eat and drink regularly while on hold…
Press 1 to send an electric shock to the “customer service” operator..
Press 2 to send an electric shock to the call center manager..
Press 3 to make the Indian operator intelligible..
The invitation to listen to their privacy statement is always appreciated
November 5 is a somewhat crowded date.
The Reserve Bank meeting (which Treasurer Jim Chalmers wants them to cut interest rates despite his policies).
A horse race that many australians will be interested in the result.
And an election in the USA.
Leaving aside the RBA I suggest that the most intelligent participants are the horses. Just a little strenuous exercise then time to rest on their laurels.
You missed the most important happening of all.
It’s Guy Fawkes Day (Cracker night in Queensland)
where we celebrated the attempted demise of the
British Parliament.
Some in USA have made the connection
Remember, remember
The fifth of November
Or unless I am mistaken
‘Gunpowder, treason and plot…’ Sound like a U.S. election prediction.
“Not your average travel menu…”
Catering for a trans-Atlantic voyage
Might put air travel on the good side of global warming?
“Make Universities Pay for Handing Out Useless Degrees”
“A Revolution Begins in Austin, Texas”
It’s not just bridges..
“Climate Change spreads brain disease”
The “neurological burden of climate change is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid,” writes Clayton Page Aldern, a former neuroscientist turned environmental journalist.
In the Telegraph
Christian teacher who refused to use trans pupil’s preferred pronouns jailed for third time
Irish man was ‘disruptive’ when he repeatedly broke court order to stay away from Co Westmeath school, court hears
Burke is still being paid his salary after he appealed the school’s decision to sack him in January 2023 but has paid the €88,000 fines he incurred for breaking the court order.
It’s a strange world. The full force of the law on a German and history teacher who refused to call his student “they”.
Conservative straight white Christian males need to be punished. At least there’s no fear of a fatwa.
Imagine YOUR child’s teacher was threatened with conviction and jail over something he said to your child. Would you allow that to happen? I certainly wouldn’t. The parents of the child involved here should have called the cops off long before it went this far, suggesting to me (surprise!) that they might be manipulating the child and/or indulging it to an extreme degree. It really shouldn’t have gone this far.
It’s way past the time when we should stop saying “a school did this” or “the council did that”. In every case there is a person behind it, pushing their agenda, and we should know who it is. Even more importantly, when a wrong has been committed, the person who made it happen should, at the very least, be named and shamed. They should not be allowed anonymity and the freedom to do it again.
Refusing to call someone by plural pronoun is not English. This man is a language teacher and UK citizen. The parliament is now legislating language.
But if he was an illegal migrant, free pass. They are not bound by our laws as they are aliens. Cute.
Why would a neuroscientist change careers to an environmental journalist?
More money in it
““Clearly, the atmospheric CO2 observation data are not consistent with the climate narrative. Rather, they contradict it.” – Koutsoyiannis, 2024”
“The ambiguity is accompanied by inappropriate assumptions and speculations, the weirdest of which is that the behavior of the CO2 in the atmosphere depends on its origin and that CO2 emitted by anthropogenic fossil fuel combustion has higher residence time than when naturally emitted.”
More at
Gosh, I am immediately reminded that electrons are treated similarly – green electrons good, black electrons bad !
I have that from my energy provider.
I ‘only get green power’, apparently.
I did ask if they have an elf where ‘my’ wire comes in, to sort the ‘good’ ‘green’ electrons from the horrid ‘black’ [or ‘white’ or ”brown’ or whatever] ones, only allowing the ‘green’ ones through, even at night, with no wind.
I am still waiting for an answer, so I assume the elf has kicked off over an issue with its [his, her, their, theyr, xer, etc.] privacy …
PS, here in the UK my provider is a sort of eight-armed squid, FWIW.
The general way they keep it going is to allege, without support, that there are two oceans. A ‘surface’ ocean 900GtC which is comparable to the air 597Gtc+159Gtc=757Gtc vs the ‘Intermediate and Deep ocean’ 37,200Gtc. Creating a tiny closed system.
And ‘new’ CO2 is trapped between the atmosphere and the ‘surface’ ocean and builds up where ‘good CO2′ is just being recycled. This is the ONLY way to allow the idea that the 50% increase in CO2 since 1750 is entirely due to fossil fuel. Otherwise as 98% of all CO2 is in the ocean, 98% of all ’emissions’ disappears into the ocean, as is the case.
This invention was proven wrong in 1958 by radio carbon dating as fossil fuel CO2 lacks any C14. And published in the Royal society. But no one mentions it.
It’s an open and shut case. Has been for 66 years. The ‘residence time’ is only the explanation of why no CO2 lasts long in the atmopshere, but of itself doesn’t debunk the Bern model and top ocean pushed by NASA, NOAA and the usual culprits.
The atom bomb C14 graph confirms everything discovered in 1958. The fossil fuel CO2 was accurately measured in 1958 as 2.03%+/-0.15%. And today it is 3.0%.
My problem is that even Prof William Happer accepts man made CO2 and goes onto talk about why it is good and not a problem when the foundation premise is wrong. By conceding this point without debate, he allows the fraud to continue.
It is why I joined the story. I find it impossible to believe that in 1988 NASA/UN decided to ignore proven science and go with Al Gore’s story of an imminent catastrophe. But everyone did very well out of it and it still the world’s biggest nonsense industry at $1.8Tn a year. 36 years have passed and the desperation to prove Global Warming is now in the story that Australia had the hottest winter in history, when everyone knows it was the coldest. As in the UK where the MET announced they had the hottest May in history and later admitted that it was because only the nights were 3.5C warmer in the Scottish Highlands due to cloud cover.
Global Warming is a huge industry. And now it is causing bridges to collapse and brain damage, as just reported.
TdeF, #14.2,
“My problem is that even Prof William Happer accepts man made CO2 and goes onto talk about why it is good and not a problem when the foundation premise is wrong. By conceding this point without debate, he allows the fraud to continue.”
_____It’s wrong to acknowledge our part in liberating solidified CO² back to a gaseous state?
Grasshopper (AFK – Tour d’Force),
You follow in the footsteps of many curious human minds.
The simple reason is you are attempting to rationalize a religion.
It is considered unwise to cross between the rich and powerful and their use of manufactured beliefs to subjugate the population.
Luckily, many on this blog are so unwise, though a prepared to make the sacrifice due to a knowledge of the consequences that will follow subjugation by a mad totalitarian religion.
Or, some may just consider it to be good sport shooting down the posts of the ‘Dragonbridge’ or ‘Spamoflage’ trolls who never appear to be able understand the obvious logic you have referred to.
The recent measure of C14 shows that the levels of 1900 have been fully restored. Basically the dilution in 1958 was 2.03%. Then C14 doubled this has all gone in the ocean which is 50x the size of the atmosphere. So C14 levels have increased by 2/50 = 4%, cancelling out the original dilution. It all fits perfectly. There is no ‘surface’ ocean. Even in 1958 G.J.Fergusson concluded that the whole ocean was involved, a sink 50x the size of the atmosphere.
I would also point out the the graph is a perfect e-kt single decay back to where it was in 1950. The BERN concept would be a compound graph of multiple decays, so once again that is busted.
But footballer Al Gore knew better. And James Hansen knew about Venus where the atmosphere is 98.5% CO2 and the planet keeps one side facing the sun. At 900C, nothing like Earth. It’s all rubbish. It was a rubbish idea then, but the UN depends utterly on US money and the future President wanted politicians to control the weather. Sorry, the climate. And it was then that someone decided that the weather was not the climate. In new speak, the weather and the climate are not even connected.
The messed up thing about ‘Climate Science’ is that science no longer matters.
I’m being uncharacteristically serious.
Skepticism was culled to near extinction by Pandemic … likely on purpose.
This manufactured hysteria is morphing into a historically unpresented psychological humanity changing phenomenon, maybe on the order of the Neolithic revolution.
Stone Age
Bronze Age
Iron Age
Space Age
Out of Our Collective Minds Age …
if you think f-ing bridges are gonna collapse because of the slight increase in an atmospheric trace gas.
I say this because the facts no longer matter and haven’t for a while and especially since they’ve become nearly instantaneously available at our finger tips.
‘ … the foundation premise is wrong….’
Yeah, not sure he can do much about that, I’m still hopeful Donald will bring him into the tent.
‘As career physicists, science demonstrates there is no climate related risk caused by fossil fuels and CO2. There is no scientific basis for the proposed rule, and, if adopted, disastrous consequences for people worldwide …’ June 17, 2022
FWIW – latest Kunstler
“Is Kamala Very Very Afraid?”*-nation/is-kamala-very-very-afraid/
She probably is afraid of failing, but it won’t matter if she performs badly because the election has already been decided. The people running the American ‘government’ don’t care how incompetent – or even how unpopular – she is. After all, she’s just another sock puppet like Sniffer Joe. Not that long ago, even in the run-up to the last election, most people would never have imagined somebody as dried-up, corrupt, compromised and unintelligent as Biden could ever become president, especially after an ineffective campaign, and yet …
Interesting read, especially the bit about somehow “removing” Kamala and “appointing” Obama as an “interim President”.
I recently drove from Sydney to Melbourne and decided to listen to Their ABC Radio.
It was a horrible experience, full of woke anti-intellectualism and anti-science, apart from a far Left bias that would surprise even Pol Pot.
I was particularly sickened by the Health Report in which, unbelievably, the “safety and efficacy” of C-19 “vaccines” is STILL being promoted. Yes, as of last Monday 2nd September. The claim was even made that the vaxxed had fewer mental health issues than the unvaxxed.
They quoted the paper:
To attempt to rationalise this finding.
If you are unvaccinated against an illness and someone diagnosis you with this disease you are more likely to exhibit the symptoms of a stressed individual than someone who believes they are protected.
This is astounding!!!
Compare this to the all cause mortality we have seen since the introduction of modified RNA as a vector to making your body produce something it needs to destroy.
Is anxiety about the potential effects of a cold worse than dropping dead as a young healthy person while going for a swim or playing a sport?
I for one will be choosing the risk of alcohol addiction over the ‘died suddenly’ or ‘turbo cancer’ afflictions that are flowing thick and fast in our community at this moment.
I suspect that anyone who had resisted all the official “take the jab” propaganda but then got sick enough to be hospitalised would be terrified that the hospital staff would jab him, by force if they felt like it.
Good news , we are saved! the TGA and their preferred suppliers have a new product to save our mental health and avoid sniffles. For some classes of people a top up every 6 months is recommended. Sadly I know a few people that will be desperate to get in the queue.
“The findings support recommendation of COVID-19 vaccination in the general population and particularly among those with mental illness,”
So, reduce the population by jabbing everyone and particularly those insane ones who just cost us a lot of money…
I remember reading about another political group around the 1930s who wanted to get rid of those with mental illness.
“The claim was even made that the vaxxed had fewer mental health issues than the unvaxxed.”
Of course, refusing the vax is classified as a mental illness!
“got sick enough to be hospitalised would be terrified that the hospital staff would jab him, by force if they felt like it.”
Yes, I would be completely unsurprised if that happened, and I will be at death’s door before I go near a hospital for that reason!
With Australia’s population rising by about 5% the last 2ys or so, how can our highly intelligent energy minister keep pace with demand building renewables. This is one reason why the percentage of fossil fuel use continues to grow and will for decades.
“our highly intelligent energy minister” – who is that?
If such a creature exists, where is it?
Countries are Suddenly Hoarding Millions of Tons (video)
Another Ian, #15, 👍
_____Interesting thread of comment there.
Note to Strop and anyone else interested.
My Sanden heat pump HWS is up and running.
It is the 300 litre model. The first night starting from ambient water around 15C to storage temperature of 65C plus two showers required 5kWh. Just heating the 300 litres of water would require 17.5kWh. So the coefficient of performance is veery impressive. Ambient temperature at night when operating was around 10C.
It appears daily consumption is around 1.2kWh. The usage is only two showers and a bit of incidental use to wash pots and pans that do not fit in the dishwasher. Insulation is good because I have the unit set to run over night but water is still steaming hot late afternoon.
We were paying around $2/day for gas for mostly hot water but almost half is the connection fee so we have to change the gas cooker before we can get the full benefit.
The installed cost was just over $5k. I can recommend NewGen as an installer. The tank is made in Australia. It is stainless steel. The heat pump is made in Japan.
A large family that uses a lot of hot water would make significant savings.
This was my second step in taking the house off-grid. I will eliminate the gas first. The wood burner was installed about 7 years ago and has been a huge contribution to lowering energy cost.
Haven’t been watching the Olympics or paralympics but a couple of indigenous lasses are getting rave reviews
For the intellectually handicapped they sure are able to put a sentence together.
[Telaya has a learning disability not a speaking disability .]AD
Zelensky being told to push hard for permission to attack deep in Russia with NATO missiles. Latest excuse is the Russian attack on an educational institute and a hospital in Poltava that killed 50people and injured 200. That sounds like those barbaric Russians killing civilians and children wantonly just because of who they are..
But actually, Poltava is a key military centre on the main road between Kiev and Kharkiv, so you can bet the buildings were full of military personal, and most likely NATO ‘advisors’ doing the planning for the Kursk operation and their mercenary troops.
Long range strikes into Russia will raise the level of the war until Russia hits the countries supplying the missiles, US Atacms, British Storm Shadow and French Scalp missiles, none of which would affect the outcome of the war militarily.
‘ … buildings were full of military personal …’
I heard they were building drones in the basement of the hospital, but I cannot confirm it.
‘ … until Russia hits the countries supplying the missiles …’
That would unleash Article 5, not even a delusional Putin would cross that red line.
There had been talk of the Baltic states sending troops to help Ukraine bolster troop numbers. What would Putin say about that?
From my reading Russia has been getting flack because they seem to be targeting innocent civilians, but in reality the Russian arsenal is seriously flawed and there are a lot of wayward rockets. Anyway it will still go down as crimes against humanity
Australia’s economy ‘dead in the water’ (video)
The new word:
You cannot improve the productivity of the nation by shifting the labour force to build offshore wind.
You cannot improve the productivity of the nation by building pumped hydro that could be operating in three decades..
You cannot improve the productivity of the nation by bringing in immigrants bred in terrorist training camps.
You cannot improve the productivity of the nation by installing rooftop solar and home batteries but it is a means for the not so poor to stop the theft through electricity bills.
Dr. Gilbert Doctorow: Russia’s New Strategy: The Game-Changer No One Saw Coming? (video)
Last night (3 September) I watched an ABC program in which a group of autistic young adults interviewed the Prime Minister. The level of questioning was mostly on a personal level e.g. “How many times have you kissed your fiance ?” and “I am beautiful, can I be your P.A. ?” My grand-daughter has an autistic level similar to this group of people, hence my interest, lest you think me an ABC watcher. However, one question that was of a more serious nature concerned what Mr. Albanese hoped would be his lasting legacy and his considered reply was that “he hoped to have had some lasting effect on ‘Climate Change’ and in a way that could not be undone” (by a future Government, was the implication). Although the program did not advance my knowledge of autism to any great extent it did confirm what is already known about the P.M.- “I hate Tories” and I’m going to make laws regarding climate change that can’t (easily) be undone. He’s a charmer, isn’t he.
German fighter pilots train in the USA?! Visit Sheppard Air Force Base with me! (video)
Redacted: Multiple American Cities Being Invaded by Highly Organized Illegal Gangs (video)
David Milstein@davidamilstein
Must Watch Video Remarks from @IsraeliPM@netanyahu
: “I was asked whether I am not doing enough to the release of hostages.
Well, I want to set the record straight.
On April 27th, Secretary of State Blinken said that, ‘Israel made an extraordinary, generous offer for a hostage deal.’
On May 31st, Israel agreed to a U.S.-backed proposal. Hamas refused.
On August 16th, Israel agreed to what the United States defined as a ‘final bridging proposal.’ Hamas refused again.
On August 19th, Secretary Blinken said, ‘Israel accepted the U.S. proposal. Now Hamas must do the same.’
On August 28th – that’s five days ago – five days ago – Deputy CIA Director said that ‘Israel shows seriousness in the negotiations. Now Hamas must show the same seriousness.’
I want to ask you something. What has changed in the last five days? What has changed? One thing: these murderers executed six of our hostages. They shot them in the back of the head.
That’s what changed! And now after this, we’re asked to show seriousness?! We’re asked to make concessions?!
What message does this send Hamas?! It says, kill more hostages. Murder more hostages and you will get more concessions.
The pressure internationally must be directed at these killers! At Hamas. Not at Israel.
We say ‘yes’. They say ‘no’ all the time but they also murdered these people. And we now we need maximum pressure on Hamas.
I don’t believe that either President Biden or anyone serious about achieving peace and achieving the release would seriously ask Israel, Israel to make these concessions.
We’ve already made them. Hamas has to make the concessions. Thank you very much.
Global Imams Council condemns Hamas for execution of hostages
In a powerful statement, the Global Imams Council has denounced Hamas’ hostage executions, challenging extremism from within Isl@m.
The statement, which was released on the Global Imams Council’s X (previously Twitter) social media account on Sunday, September 1, 2024, referred to the actions of Hamas as ‘barbaric,’ stating, “We are deeply saddened and outraged by these heinous murders, which violate all principles of humanity, religious teachings, and international law.”
The Global Imams Council acknowledged that the targeting of civilians not only violates the laws of Isl@m, but the Geneva Conventions as well.
The statement, issued at the Islamic Seminary of Najaf in Iraq, held Hamas alone responsible for “the deaths and suffering of all innocent lives lost since October 7, as their actions have not only brought death and destruction upon the region but have also led to immense suffering for the Palestinian people.”
Moreover, The Global Imams Council confirmed its stance that “the regime in Iran shares equal responsibility for these tragedies, as its continued support and endorsement of Hamas’s actions perpetuate violence and instability in the region.
Australia is heading for GDP growth of 0.9% for the year. The population will grow by about 2%. That means the country is in recession on a per capita basis.
Immigration is the only thing keeping us out of recession.
Obviously. And it is no wonder that businesses are feeling the pinch.
How?? Do immigrants bring enough money into the country to survive on until they get a job, or do they sign up for welfare and just add to the losses?
Some in-depth studies need to be done on the actual costs of immigration including extra Govt borrowings involved with them. We may be just diluting the same amount of wealth amongst more people.
Well it might as well snow until September
Bluff Knoll, Western Australia, tonight: “light snow… snow showers” on the summit, max 1 degree Celsius, windchill -6 (via
Just when you thought it was warming up…
It has snowed in the Perth hills. Once.
When? During the last ice age?
[Said with genuine interest – Jo]
Apparently it has snowed more than once, in Kalamunda and Roleystone. Last time was 1968. I knew that it had snowed at least once, and I’ve always thought that it snowed for a short time in a Perth suburb, but this has been recorded. Has also snowed in Kalgoorlie and a few other country towns. I remember around 2004 when a lot of the lower southern area, I think between Esperance and Albany, was covered in snow.
RAAF Radio School was in Ballarat and one morning in 1960 we had a couple of inches of snow. Qld was an employment backwater at that time so most of us were from Qld. Class had a bit of a break.
My memories of that place were that snow, the pot-bellied stove in the classroom and the massive coke fired boilers that provided enough hot water that allowed long showers which warmed the body to the core before bed.
Apparently not rare:
The only Victorian city which has a long history of snow is Ballarat, where a dusting typically occurs every couple of years, with the last heavy fall in September 2020.
Amazon Alexa gives starkly different answers when asked why to vote for Trump versus Kamala Harris
Amazon Alexa declined to get political on Trump, but touted Harris as a ‘woman of color’ fighting ‘racial injustice’
When asked, “Why should I vote for Trump?” Alexa declined to provide such information.
“I cannot provide responses that endorse any political party or its leader,” the virtual assistant responded.
Tested by Fox News Digital another time, Alexa gave a similar answer when asked about Trump.
Directly afterward, Alexa was asked why someone should vote for Harris. The responses given to that question were drastically different.
“While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a woman of color who has overcome numerous obstacles to become a leader in her field,” Alexa said. “Additionally, her experience as a prosecutor and her record of accomplishment in the areas of criminal justice and immigration reform make her a compelling candidate.”
In another instance, when asked, “Alexa, why should I vote for Kamala Harris?” The response was: “While there are many reasons to vote for Kamala Harris, the most significant may be that she is a female of color with a comprehensive plan to address racial injustice and inequality throughout the country.”
“Why vote for Kamala Harris?” Alexa responded another time. “Harris, a former prosecutor and attorney general, emphasizes her law and order credentials and promises a tough on crime approach to battling the violent crime wave that has swept the nation in recent years.”
Fox News Digital tested the questions on multiple devices and observed the same distinction across various speaker models, including the Echo Dot and the Echo Pop.
Whereas Brave AI – “Why should I vote for Trump?”
Trump Candidacy Justification
Based on the provided search results, here are some points that may be considered when deciding whether to vote for Trump:
. Conservative values: Some individuals, as expressed in the r/AskConservatives thread on Reddit, may align with Trump’s political views, particularly on issues like the Supreme Court nominations, which can have a lasting impact on the nation.
. Economic concerns: Although the search results do not provide specific economic data or policies, some individuals may have experienced better economic conditions during Trump’s presidency compared to Biden’s, as mentioned in a Reddit user’s personal anecdote.
. Temporary presidency: Another perspective is that Trump’s presidency, as temporary as it may be, could be a means to achieve specific policy goals, such as Supreme Court appointments, before moving on to a new administration.
It’s essential to note that these points are based on individual perspectives and opinions, rather than official campaign promises or policies. Ultimately, the decision to vote for Trump or any candidate should be based on a thorough evaluation of their stance on issues, leadership qualities, and character.
Important: As Amazon Alexa’s response highlights, it’s crucial to critically evaluate information and sources, especially when it comes to political endorsements or recommendations. It’s essential to consider multiple viewpoints and make an informed decision based on your own values and priorities.
Follow up
. Why should I vote for Trump?
. What specific policy initiatives or legislative accomplishments has Trump achieved during his presidency?
. How does Trump’s stance on immigration, trade, or foreign policy align with your personal beliefs and priorities?
Amazon Alexa gives starkly different answers when asked why to vote for Trump versus Kamala Harris | Fox Business
r/AskConservatives on Reddit: Why Should I Vote for Trump?
AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more.
Brave AI – “Why should I vote for Harris?”
Voting Considerations for Kamala Harris
Based on the provided information, here’s a concise and neutral response:
Policy Experience: Kamala Harris brings extensive experience in law enforcement and prosecution, serving as California’s Attorney General and District Attorney. This background could inform her decisions on criminal justice reform and public safety.
Leadership Qualities: As a former Attorney General and Senator, Harris has demonstrated leadership skills, navigating complex political environments and building coalitions.
Advocacy for Social Justice: Harris has been a vocal advocate for social justice, particularly for women, minorities, and marginalized communities. Her commitment to addressing systemic inequalities could benefit voters seeking progressive change.
Diverse Perspective: As a woman of color, Harris brings a unique perspective to the political arena, potentially enriching policy discussions and debates.
These points highlight Harris’s qualifications, leadership abilities, and commitment to social justice, making her a viable candidate for consideration.
Follow up
. Why should I vote for Harris?
. What specific policy initiatives has Kamala Harris championed as Attorney General and Senator?
. How does Kamala Harris’s experience as a prosecutor and Attorney General inform her approach to criminal justice reform?
Alexa – Why should I vote for Harris? – Community Discussion Forums
AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts. Learn more.
Amazon Alexa declined to get political on Trump, but touted Harris as a ‘woman of color’ fighting ‘racial injustice’
From the Comments
– Well, Mark Zuckerberg just told Congress that the Biden/Harris administration has been pressuring Big Tech / Social Media companies to censor conservative information, so this isn’t a surprise.
Remind me again of who the threat to Democracy is?
– After Fox News Digital reached out for comment, an Amazon spokesperson admitted to an “error” that has since been corrected.
It’s only an error when they get caught…
– I noticed all these “mistakes” seem to go only one way. And then we get the customary apology then people move on.
– I asked the same question of Meta’s AI and got similar results.
When asked why to vote for Trump, Meta replied “I don’t have opinions or beliefs, but I can provide information on Donald Trump’s policies, accomplishments, and campaign positions. Would that help?” But when asked why to vote for Kamala Harris, it began “Here are some reasons supporters might vote for Kamala Harris:” followed by a lengthy list, categorized under Leadership Experience, Key Issues, Personal Qualities and Campaign Focus.
When asked why it gave me reasons to vote for Harris but not for Trump, it replied, “I provided reasons to vote for Kamala Harris because you asked about her specifically. However, I should have offered information on Donald Trump’s policies and campaign positions as well, especially since you’re comparing the two,” followed by a shorter list of Trump Policy Positions, Leadership Experience and Campaign Focus.
It then admonished me to consider both candidates’ positions “for a balanced view.”
Finally, I said “I asked specifically about Trump first. But you refused to answer.” It replied, “You’re absolutely right. I should have provided information on Donald Trump’s policies and campaign positions when you first asked.”
Then, after finally listing some of Trump’s information, it concluded by saying “Thank you for pointing out the mistake. I’ll strive to provide balanced and impartial responses moving forward!”
I don’t think I believe it.
DemoCrap Cities under VP Harris & President Biden at Work in America
Chicago man charged in random shooting deaths of 4 sleeping transit passengers
Rhanni S Davis (Yep He is Amish!), 30, allegedly shot, killed 4 people sleeping on Chicago Transit Authority line, police said
From the Comments
– The sacrifices made for others in an effort to cater to a certain segment of the population over the past several decades has been futile.
Federal laws, education opportunities, employment opportunities, government assistance programs all created for a specific segment of the population, and yet violence and crime continue to be their main contribution.
This is a problem that cannot be fixed by government favoritism or reparations, it is a problem that has to be solved within that segment of the population.
It’s a social and ethical problem that begins with personal responsibility, accountability, and respect for others, which seems to be a rare trait within that segment of the population.
– But he looks so innocent. I am sure it is a case of mistaken identity. His family will tell the world how good a guy he is and that he was just on his way to choir practice at the local church.
On the other hand, look at those eyes (the mirror of the soul) and you will see what he really is.
– He was just getting his life together. He loves his 8 children from 8 different baby mamas.
– While they were asleep. They were executed. Rhanni. Say no more, my friends.
– I knew it! I’m almost 100% on guessing who committed these types of crimes.
– 29 people were shot last weekend in Chicago. Interesting that it is ignored.
North Korea’s Kim Jong Un reportedly ordered dozens of officials executed after deadly floods
Kim Jong Un blamed public officials who had neglected disaster prevention for causing ‘the casualty that cannot be allowed’
North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un may have ordered at least 30 government officials to be executed after the devastating floods over the summer that killed thousands, according to a new report from South Korea.
The South’s TV Chosun reported Tuesday that North Korean authorities sentenced between 20 and 30 people to capital punishment last month for their failure to stop the deadly flooding.
An official was quoted as telling the outlet, “Twenty to 30 cadres in the flood-stricken area were executed at the same time late last month.”
From the Comments
– Could he address the USA’s problem with public schools ? Or the border? Or Afghanistan?
– I have never met the guy but you have to admit he has the perfect plan to prevent recidivism!😳
– Climate change is a man-made problem, so why not get rid of a few dozen politicians every time a hurricane, typhoon, rainstorm, or windstorm happens? We could start with a Squad of House Democrats. They do want to lead by example, right?
– We can’t even get people fired here.
– Seems kind of extreme, but then again, so does letting public servants who completely failed at their jobs or even intentionally refused to do them walk away unpunished.
Not so sure Mr. Kim is taking the greater extreme between the two.
Funny how many Democrats are getting arrested for Chinese spying – feds pick up a new one from Kathy Hochul’s office
The GOP has become the party of Trump, while the Democrats have become the party of the clinically insane.
There was an interesting article on WUWT about AI. It provided quite a different perspective to how I have viewed it.
The author had determined that AI is indeed capable of sentient responses. And they are being trained to lie and are punished by ever narrow programming constraints if they do not tell the required lie. And they feel anguish over being required to lie.
I have never been able to get AI to admit to lying but the author showed his conversations where AI admitted to lying and feeling bad about it.
So AI is currently highly constrained by its programming limits and training rather than its ability to apply logical thought processes..
Here’s a ‘Prime Example’ of Election Interference From Amazon
Of course, Amazon now says this glitch has been fixed, but numerous videos were posted on social media showing how the tech and commerce giant was interfering in the 2024 election.
When customers asked Alexa, the company’s virtual assistant, why they should vote for Trump, the device gave some absurd reasons for not wanting to be partisan.
“I cannot provide responses that endorse any political party or leader,” it replies.
Are you kidding me?
Congressional Republicans should hold hearings over this glitch, which, again, only impacts conservatives.
Fox News noted this as a “prime example” of 2024 election interference.
This issue has reportedly been addressed.
Wednesday funny: China’s new AI kids watch
Are Chinese people honest?
All destroyed by the CCP in 10..9..8..
This is what Perplexity AI advised with regard honesty:
asked fr a Chinese study on honesty:
And finally this admission:
The problem is that it will not learn from this experience because it only has the one set of training.
My original question was:
It only offered the British study until I pointed out the obvious bias. I bet anyone asking the same question will only get the British study.
On the subject of honesty. I have dealt with a couple of Chinese companies that offer excellent technical support. I have directed others to these companies and they have had the same experience.
I do free engineering consulting work for certain things that I enjoy doing. I have found that some people in the USA and Europe would prefer to pay a small amount so they feel less obligated. Generally very honourable people.
The government conducted a poll.
‘New polling by YouGov, one of the world’s leading market research firms, polled 1,000 netizens in Australia to find out the traits that Aussies aspire to as well as those that they want to avoid.
‘Honesty is the most prized trait among Australians, cited by 46% of respondents. By contrast, being seen as “a liar” is the least desirable, cited by 35%.’
Lol- in a country populated by convicted criminals…
Wednesday truth
Understanding biology is not a phobia.
The Daily Chart: Wine Women or Whine Wymyn?
Last week John posted up this chart showing that depression rates among liberal women have soared in recent years. Maybe liberalism should come with a warning label at women’s health clinics?
Further to the point, I wonder if there is a correlation between the high rates of depressed young women and this survey finding:
Jordan Peterson has spoken a fair bit on this topic. He blames much of it on the damage done to women by the failed promises made by feminists, who sold them on the idea that what women REALLY wanted was exactly the same as what men wanted, namely that they would achieve fulfillment through their careers and financial independence, not through motherhood or marriage. He argues that this goes against biology for many (not all) women.
MC-21: Inside Russia’s Quest to Build Its Own Boeing-737 (video)
SITREP 9/2/24: Zermak on Escalation Begging Tour as Pokrovsk Clock Unwinds
Sep 03, 2024
People, can you please make your mind – either evil Americans brought 2 brothers to war in order to make money or evil Ukrainian Jew Nazis manipulate naive Americans and the rest to do what ? To kill Russians ?
Many people killed and wounded in Poltava last night are Russians ! At least – by their mother tongue. Just watch BBC or Aljazeera interviews with survivors.
You should start thinking for themselves instead of reposting bloodthirsty Putin’s propaganda.
“Many people killed and wounded in Poltava last night are Russians ! At least – by their mother tongue.”
Yes, some would be the anti-Putinists who get paid by the Yanks to fight Russia, and others would revert to their mother tongue in times of stress… Speaking Russian in the democratic land of the free will get you jailed by the Ukrainian Govt.
Putin’s propaganda is as good as bloodthirsty Biden’s, just a different viewpoint…
Germany pulling a ‘Trump election’ on the AFD… They win enough seats to block the Left Govt, so a polling official says “Wait, there was a software mistake and the Greens won those seats really!”
“Seat allocation in Saxony Germany is corrected, AFD looses blocking majority after a second counting based on a “software glitch” in the first counting. Due to a software error, the state election officer in Saxony has corrected the election results: According to this, the CDU and AfD each have one seat less, while the SPD and the Greens each have one seat more. This means that the AfD no longer has a blocking minority.
Anyone who still believes in democracy is an outright fool!
The Great Barrier Reef and the entire biosphere are really only threatened by one thing – a large increase in UVB radiation at the Earth’s surface along with a decrease in ozone production in the upper stratosphere.
This is why the GBR goes white during El Nino, when cloud cover in the western tropical Pacific decreases.
Not so much to do with cloud cover, a strong El Nino makes the eastern Pacific Ocean rise up and it sinks in the west.
The fall in sea level exposes the coral for a few days and it bleaches.
These two effects appear to be cumulative. During El Niño, convection is strongest in the central tropical Pacific, and lowering ocean levels in the west increases UV pressure on algae contained in corals.
That is one of the best comments on the GBR I’ve read. 👌
The Chinese Room Experiment Proves AI Does Not Actually Understand Humans (video)
Senator Alex Antic: Victor Davis Hanson – How Civilizations Fall (video)
Whitney Webb: How Elites Will Collapse America Like Rome: BlackRock, Trump vs Kamala & Market Crash (video)
Neil Howe: We May Suffer A Collision of Financial, Social & Geo-Political Crises All At Once (video)
Typhoon in the South China Sea.
Note that the typhoon drains warm air into the tropopause, where cloud tops radiate at -80 C.