A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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North Africa seems to be greening as a result of climate change, which mostly occurs naturally.
Satellite photos and studies have shown that the Sahara desert has been shrinking over the past 40 years, e.g. read here and here.
The latest news is from the southeastern Moroccan desert, which is among the driest around the world, where it is reported to have gotten up to 100 mm of rain within a 24 hour period in September. Hard hit were villages 400 miles from the capital city of Rabat, including Tata, reports Al Jazeera here.
Once dry lakes are filling again
“What’s also fascinating is that normally dry lakes in the Sahara are filling due to this event,” said Moshe Armon, a senior lecturer at the Institute of Earth Sciences and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Several of these lakes are visible in the image as dark blue areas, including one in Morocco’s Iriqui National Park (shown in detail within the inset circle).
“It’s been 30 to 50 years since we’ve had this much rain in such a short space of time,” added Houssine Youabeb of Morocco’s General Directorate of Meteorology. See more photos here.
“Preliminary satellite analysis shows accumulations of many tens to more than 200 millimeters of rainfall in the areas affected—roughly equivalent to what the region receives in a year. The rainfall accumulation estimates are based on NASA’s IMERG (Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM) data,” NASA reported.
The rains, of course, are welcome, making a harsh region a bit less harsh for those living there. Nothing you’ll hear about in the climate propaganda media.
Where were those lakes in 1850?
That’s when the climate was natural.
We must spare nothing to recreate it.
Kinda like a BBC historical drama.
You know, when men were men, and women were … oh, wait.
Sorry, never mind.
You can’t really place any significance on temporary ‘lakes’. They’ll be gone for another 50 years anon.
As for the greening, I wonder how much of that is natural and how much is the success (or otherwise) of the Great Green Wall project?
It will surprise climate alarmists who have the Aristotlean view that the earth never changes naturally, but there is plenty of evidence of past permanent human occupation in the Sahara, e.g. rock carvings showing various grazing animals that used to live in the area.
This is the precession cycle at work.
The minimum in peak summer sunlight in the NH occurred 500 years ago. Summer sunlight has been increasing since then and will peak in 9,000 years.
One of the fastest warming ocean regions is the Mediterranean. It is now reaching the sustainable limit of 30C, which drives deep convection and resulting monsoon storms. North Africa will gradually come to look like India as the surrounding bodies of water get to the 30C needed for deep convection.
The flip side is that snowfall is increasing in the NH and will continue to increase. There are only a few regions where permafrost is increasing but within 200 years, the permafrost will be advancing from elevated grind down to valleys and broadly southward across northern Canada, Alaska, parts of Scandinavia and Russia.
As the ice advances southward, the oceans will fall again In the next cycle of northern hemisphere glaciation.
Both the precession cycle and conditions needed for ice accumulation are poorly understood. What is now widely viewed as atmospheric carbon induced climate change is humans being able to observe and report the termination of the current interglacial.
NASA spent a lot of money to verify that the Greenland ice sheet was losing altitude only to find that it was increasing.
And note how it is reported:
Sea levels rise 1.7mm/a but Greenland summit rises 0.0017m/a rather than 17mm/a. It is tough when measurement confounds belief.
So we have the Sahara greening due to the double whammy of the NH warming up and increased atmospheric CO2 enhancing growth and we need to stop burning natural carbon based fuels to prevent the greening!
‘ … the termination of the current interglacial.’
Do you have a rough date for the termination? I’m drawing a comparison with the Eemian.
While I have the floor …the precise date of termination is unknown.
‘No one knows for sure. In the Devils Hole, Nevada paleoclimate record, the last four interglacials lasted over ~20,000 years with the warmest portion being a relatively stable period of 10,000 to 15,000 years duration.
‘This is consistent with what is seen in the Vostok ice core from Antarctica and several records of sea level high stands. These data suggest that an equally long duration should be inferred for the current interglacial period as well.
‘Work in progress on Devils Hole data for the period 60,000 to 5,000 years ago indicates that current interglacial temperature conditions may have already persisted for 17,000 years. Other workers have suggested that the current interglacial might last tens of thousands of years.’ (USGS)
I probably shouldn’t mention this – in case your version of Mr. Miliband [Bowen?] picks it up and thinks it’s another outlet for taxpayers’ money – but : –
Headline –
“Met Office launches new Local Authority Climate Service
“New service provides Local Authorities crucial information on climate change in their area.”
They go on [this is from their Press Office, so almost certainly art students … ]:-
“The Met Office has today launched the Local Authority Climate Service, a tool that provides local authorities with easy access to tailored information on climate change, to support local climate change adaptation planning.
“It is clear that our climate is changing; underlying the natural variability we have in our weather across the UK is a continuing and increasing influence of human induced climate change which is shaping the weather we experience. Most notably we’re seeing more extreme heat and intense rainfall events, with impacts felt at the local level.
“To deal with this, local authorities are considering their resilience to our changing climate and how they need to adapt to the weather we experience. The Met Office has worked with Esri UK to build the new operational service to help local authorities visualise climate challenges, explore climate projections and communicate a climate story specific to their local areas.”
Usual mantra –
“It is clear that our climate is changing; underlying the natural variability we have in our weather across the UK is a continuing and increasing influence of human induced climate change”
Could mean a lot – or very little.
But it’s the Met Office!
Certainly, getting ESRI UK [a software outfit it seems] to help guide local authorities to think about resilience is good.
I just hope it’s not overpriced hype …
Sounds like another white elephant – or do we have to use pink or purple or green so as not to upset delicate elephants in transition…
Today’s acronym: HICCUP
‘human induced climate change under pressure’
Smells like overpriced hype to me.
The ever-expanding number of public servants must be kept occupied, in order to justify their extravagant salaries.
Its a way to soak up the unemployable, like all Govt is!
The real question is, will ratepayers be given a vote on projects once they are planned??
So, climate change in Plymouth will, presumably, be different from climate change in Exeter, the home of the Met Office, which is just 45 miles away and that, in turn, will be different from climate change in Bristol which is another 80 miles away. Oh for the days when warming was global!
China $24Bn coal to oil project.
Alternative to Bloomberg link.
China knows their future as the dominant superpower lies with access to inexpensive, reliable energy such as from coal, gas, nuclear and Tibetan and other hydro (real hydro, not energy sinks like SH2).
Only the gullible, stupid, self-destructive Western nations such as Australia are destroying their energy supplies. China is building them.
If there’s an honest US election and Donald Trump is allowed to win, he will liberate US energy supplies and with other pro-freedom policies will Make America Great Again, reverse the US decline and some of the smarter Western nations might follow him (but probably not Australia).
Interesting to note that the US is now the largest oil producer in the world ATM which of course goes back to Trump’s policies.
I note that the article is also supporting the very dubious claim that new solar and wind installations are somehow greater than new coal power installations. This of course relies on nameplate values and not the actual outputs of these installations. Also there is a significant difference between new builds and the actual power generated by these installations. And China’s energy authority CEC has predicted that there will be a reduction in new solar installations in 2024 compared to 2023.
You would think other countries with lots of coal might do this also. Not us of course, we just dig stuff up.
It’s is often stated how many jobs “green” projects generate.
They might generate jobs but that’s because green energy is low density, diffuse and random and thus needs a lot of expensive infrastructure to collect a small amount of “stuff”. Building and maintaining such infrastructure is labour intensive.
It’s like saying horse-based transportation creates a lot of jobs compared to cars because a lot of people are employed as stable hands, picking up manure, etc..
There’s a lot of “employment” in “green” subsidy projects but they are not an efficient utilisation of labour resources which would better be used doing more productive, modern things. A real coal, gas, nuclear or hydro power station is run with relatively few people. Green employment is artificial “make work” on useless and destructive projects only.
It’s pretty undeniable that green destroys more jobs than it creates.
The latest on the supposed green reinvention of the remaining scraps of UK steel?
“With the closing down of the blast furnaces, a country with the highest costs of industrial electricity in the world was never going to compete using EAFs, so Mr Miliband’s “decarbonising” of the steel industry is simply hastening the demise. “Green” steel is a non-starter in the UK, and always has been.”
But the Great Miliband [sounds like a circus act, perhaps with performing miniature poodles!?] is certain that the UK will be a ‘World Leader’ in Electric Arc Furnaces, EAFs, perhaps because real, serious countries, like Algeria and Kazakhstan, make virgin steel, and we will stagger on with indeterminate scrap, some imported, which could reasonably be used to make cages for rocks for artificial reefs.
If not much else.
Which – if we don’t tell the Ruritanians, or the French, or the Chinese – might, perhaps, disrupt their mighty invasion fleet of two canoes and a Newfoundland dog, paddling.
If we guess right, that is, where to put them around a multi-thousand mile coastline.
What a wonderful outlook – and the EaFs are to be dependent of wood pellets from – amongst others – North Korea.
This is apparently more-or-less serious policy!
It staggers belief, more even than Miliband’s Flywheels [covered by Jo on Tuesday,I think] … which I assume Chairman Xi is still laughing at!
You show me a Bowen – I’ll raise you a Miliband!
Extremely strong geomagnetic storm. Huge jump in solar wind speed of up to 850 km/s in an extremely short period of time.
Did anyone see an Aurora last night?
A friend saw it by Middlesbrough, N England, evening of 10th, UK time.
Auto – in Sarf Lunnon – nothing. Too much light from London here, I think.
Nothing obvious here Peter. A bright moon and stray light from Melbourne didn’t help, despite a very clear night.
Pro-science, non-woke geologist Prof. Ian Plimer is asked by Sky News Australia to comment on two issues.
1) A woke demand for a street name change.
2) The supposed unprecedented Hurricane Milton, blamed on “climate change (TM)” but evidence shows there are fewer and less destructive hurricanes than back in the day, despite much higher populations
This comment from WUWT
There’s a very, very strong case that the green lunacy in the UK should in the first instance be paid for by bankrupting every single member of the Labour Party, the Green Party, every single green energy lobbyist, all the Just Stop Oil lunatics, all the Extinction Rebellion nutcases.
Take all their assets, all their pensions, all their inheritances and all their salaries to pay for their nonsense.
No complaints from them are allowable.
They want the nonsense, they pay for it.
If only these destroyers of Civilisation could be held legally accountable for their evil.
That would be Justice wrapped in truth.
It’s incredible how accountability has been totally wiped from what we had as our Democracy sixty years ago.
The Chinese have offered the west a giant rotating anachronistic insult and it was accepted, For a Few Dollars More.
Well, that’s the problem. It’s other people’s money. In fact it works out that they usually get paid for such nonsense.
“The scariest graphic I’ve seen in a long time”
The US debt situation
“The slope is inexorably rising, and the time taken to spend each trillion (that we haven’t got, but have to borrow) is growing shorter and shorter. It’s completely unsustainable. Sooner or later (and my bet’s on sooner), lenders and investors will refuse to fund such profligate expenditure – and then where will we be?”
More at
Around 70% of the USA Feral Guv’ment Debt Mountain is capitalised interest on the debt. This debt will never be repaid. The debt will be defaulted on (they hope) as part of this Great Reset scenario.
Two issues on this lovely sunny Friday morn:
D’Fence Minister Judith ‘Crusher’ Collins is very upset at ‘armchair admirals’ posting misogynistic comments about Commander Y Gray’s ‘gender’, especially some bloke from Melbourne who is a truck-driver [that wasn’t you was it David?].
As we all know, truck drivers know nuffink about gender (can we put this under ‘misinformation’?) nor how to navigate large vehicles in difficult shituations. Presumably Ms Collins had her staff members snoop around McFarcebook looking for un-navy-like anti-tick of approval comments by XY [male] foreigners.
Secondly, did Florida tip over, or did Milton fall apart (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ex-hurricane) on its way to the UK? Some models have the remnants of ex-Milton drifting northeast to combine with a North Atlantic low before arriving on once-Great Britain’s southwestern shores. Remember those fateful words from 1989: England doesn’t have hurricanes…
And not ‘hurricanes’, as such … though it did get plenty windy, and with leaves still on the trees.
Our ‘hurricane’ in England was in 1987. I remember it well; ferocious wind blowing one side of the house, then a spooky quiet time, then a ferocious wind from the opposite side. Trees down everywhere, including over the rail lines at Fleet and most of the oaks at Sevenoaks. I had planned to go that day to London to lodge our application to emigrate to Australia! Instead, I went the following Monday and took some time to read the real estate section in The Age in Victoria House. Emerging from there, discovered the news about the stock market crash.
Oh yes, a very memorable period.
Woah, woah, woah these things have happened before?
“Remember those fateful words from 1989: England doesn’t have hurricanes…”
I wonder if the Spanish admirals thought that in 1588?
Nah Dave, that was the inaugural European Footy Cup Final between the Protestant God and the Catholic God – oops, don’t mention religion Greg. At least it introduced some fresh Iberian genes into isolated villages around those green isles… and improved their soccer skills ⚽️ maybe.
Spent a few days around London 1989 and friends showed me parkland with trees still shattered & scattered all over the place from ‘the storm of the century’. Obviously City authorities were as slow as most other places at cleaning up nature’s fury. I stand humbly corrected.
FWIW – More covid “Safe and effective”
“We now have a proper conspiracy.”
The time line
40 Do Councils feel a duty of care? Given up on States / Federal….
“We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”
“Because it’s a scam and voters are catching on.”
“The future of the clean energy transition is cloudy. It’s well-known that there are disagreements—wide disagreements—between Republicans and Democrats about our energy future. But less well-known is the bedrock of public opinion on America’s energy supply, the importance of a rapid transition away from fossil fuels, and the general salience of the climate change issue.
Findings from a new YouGov survey indicate that most voters’ views differ quite a bit from those of rapid energy transition advocates. These views constitute an ineluctable reality that any transition, on any timetable, will have to deal with. At the same time there is political opportunity here to better align policy priorities with voter preferences. […]”
One of the reasons why elections are rigged in America.
“The Ron DeSantis Press Conference this morning was utterly disgusting. Not because of Ron DeSantis … he was spectacularly good … speaking as a true LEADER should speak. Covering the essential topics and updates in a calm, measured, and informative way. And many of you know, I am NOT a DeSantis fan because of his selling out to the OLD Republican guard and running against Trump. But all credit to Gov. DeSantis for his superb FL leadership.
What made the Press Conference disgusting? The Press. They continued to assert this hurricane WITH “hundreds of tornadoes” (there were hundreds of tornado WARNINGS … not tornados) was a shocking example of Global Warming. And DeSantis quickly disabused them of that notion as he recalled hurricane statistic back to the 1800’s. Yet the Global Warming LIAR Press kept at it … challenging his every defense of hurricane normality. Question (statement) after Question (statement) that Global Warming was destroying Florida in ways “never seen before”. To his immense credit, DeSantis calmly and factually rebuffed their every attempt to claim catastrophic climate change … and specifically CARBON … as the cause of hurricanes. The Global Warming Press are the shock troops of Useful Idiots for the Communist Democrat Party that seek to destroy American capitalism and free market economy.”
One Florida official giving advice to anyone intending to staying through the storm..
It was amazing how quick the climate alarmists invented a new category for the Raffir-Simpson scale of hurricane/cyclone measurements, then the MSM took up the chant of a “Category 6 hurricane”. Not sure if Mickey Mann invented the new Category but he certainly promoted it.
NZ’s (thankfully now retired) Minister for CCC and co-leader of the Greens, James Shaw, was blathering about upgrading the S-S Scale to Category Sucks (6) ten years ago: he was laughed out of the room. He’s now gone back into the financial/banking industry from whence he came… funny that eh.
Simpson put forward some very good reasons as to why, when he altered Raffir’s scale, only allowed for five categories.
DeSantis’s Florida has a major problem. It is becoming a republican haven with what has to be unmanageable immigration. The population of Florida is now not far behind Australia:
On present trend, Florida will overtake California as the sending most populous State by 2050 after filing behind Texas by 2040. That is assuming not is not under the sea by then of course. Lucky Texas is big because its population is getting bigger fast. Another republican haven.
“If Women Ran The World”
And comments
(posted by Kate)
The Climate According to Al Gore..
A new movie being shown in Melbourne and Sydney this week, reveals some of the missinformation behind Al Gore’s climate crusade.
It reveals the lies and deception Gore used to decieve the world in an effort to promote his public career.
“ Al Gore, who is no scientist, repeatedly claimed his Harvard professor Roger Revelle was the source of his “climate science”. Director Joel Gilbert, who worked for then US Senator Al Gore, digs deep and discovers that Revelle had in fact rejected Gore’s climate alarmism, in spite of his claims. Through his investigation, Gilbert finds that the real origin of Al Gore’s climate apocalypse came from his time at Vanderbilt Divinity School. Gilbert also demonstrates that Gore plagiarized a radical environmental book from the 1940s to produce his 1992 manifesto, Earth in the Balance.”
There’s a saying about those who want to ‘save’ people…
At the London Review of Books, some interesting background on recent events in Lebanon.
— “Nasrallah was killed under a fusillade of eighty bombs dropped by the Israeli air force . . .”
— the author recounts his own interview with Nasrallah in 2004.
— Nasrallah “helped preserve the Assad regime [in Syria].” (He sent fighters). Ties with Russia were “strengthened”.
Much more detail at the link.
The world is a complex place.
In the late nineteenth century Edward Bellamy made a forecast of 21st century US society.
‘Bellamy’s early essays and stories sometimes indirectly criticized conventional American attitudes. In Looking Backward (1888), set in Boston in the year 2000, he described the United States under an ideal socialist system that featured cooperation, brotherhood, and an industry geared to human need.’ (Britannica)
Why I insist that people lost the War and barbarians are inside the gate?
Just try to watch 2018 Predator (Netflix) and compare it to original 1987 one. You’d expect them entertainment-wise about the same, directed at the same audience.
But the difference is the audience !
The later one does not pretend to aim for mass young audience or SF or Fantasy fans – every second word there is f**k. The plot is too idiotic for mature connoisseur, like me.
So officially it is for young adults and there is nothing there but most vile, senseless anti-American propaganda.
One can not argue against professionalism of Netflix, they know their market.
Sometimes life imitates art, usually on a downward spiral, the young are simply not interested in history.
‘ … senseless anti-American propaganda.’
American shows balance that out with Russian gangsters, brutal monsters to be slain by the secret service to prevent WW3.
IDF: Hezbollah Using Environmental NGO as Cover for Terrorism
Friday funny: every time you mention the middle east, a redthumber looks at your post like this:
I’ll give it a try- “Middle East”. (maybe a bot?)
BBC weather glitch shows 13,508 mph winds in London, 404℃ in Nottingham
Visit the BBC’s online or in-app weather forecasts as of writing, and you’ll see some startling data being forecasted across the globe: Hurricane force winds appear to be battering cities everywhere – including this vulture’s home in the US – where they’re forecasted to routinely exceed 10,000 mph today and as far into the future as next Wednesday.
For those curious, the fastest-ever recorded wind on Earth was captured in 1996 at Barrow Island off the coast of Australia. That gust, a blistering 253 miles per hour, puts in perspective just how damn fast and destructive a 10k+ mph gust would be – much less sustained for days.
The BOM would homogenise it to a +1.5C rise.
Perhaps they’re anticipating Milton the wilting non-Cat-6 horrorcane? Girl Scouts and Boy Guides are always prepared.
“America right now is a perfect example of what happens to a successful business when you hire all of the wrong people!”
~Elon Musk
Ditto Oz, but an election won’t save you from more of the same…
Friday driving tip: how to get by another car on a narrow road
Meh, resembles the standard manoeuvre we had to perform driving 4WDs into, and out of, Skippers Canyon ‘Road’ back in the ‘90s out the back of Queenstown, summer and winter. No worries 😳
I have noticed that when you hire a car in Queenstown, Skippers Canyon Road was always listed as a “no-go” road. Any video footage of the road?
These extreme weather warnings are now getting a bit tiresome, aren’t they? Hurricane Milton looks to have been a bit of a fizzer- perhaps now only Cat 1. Sure, heaps of wind and rain but not Armageddon as portrayed by some in the media. Not Cat 6 as described by that anti- climate scientist – Mickey M. We have the same problem in Australia during summer. Rather than let people stay at home and defend themselves during bushfires, the Emergency Services and the government now opt for advising people to “leave early”. Fine in theory, because if people had left Kinglake earlier (February 2009, Black Saturday) maybe some of the 100 people lost would still be alive. Unfortunately, if we have a summer like in the old days you would be leaving your property every 2nd day. Especially if you lived in the major forested areas of Victoria – eg. Dandenongs. Hence, you get the boy who cried wolf scenario and distrust in the emergency services and government. It’s what happened during Cyclone Tracy Xmas eve 1974 in Darwin, Northern Territory. The locals having endured lots of useless cyclone warnings from the authorities decided to risk it. Personally, if you have your property prepared and a suitable refuge area on site I think it’s better to stay. You get a better chance of solving smaller problems on site sooner, than if you left. Would certainly save a lot of money in government advertising as well.
Aesop’s fable, ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ springs to mind. People are indeed becoming more sceptical of the increasingly hyperbolic weather warnings, but of course the weather worriers will occasionally be right and those who grew wary – and weary – of false alarms may one day pay a big price.
Is there a prize for the most alliterative post of the day?
FWIW -excitement for the day
“These Are the Last People Who Should Be Lecturing Anyone on ‘Misinformation’ ”
Copy, alter slightly and suitable for pasting
Coming in late.
Have just glanced at the report of the rusty rocket blowing up.
Nuclear material breaks down. Putin’s arsenal has had now 40 odd years probably without regular maintenance.
Would a “nuclear warhead” degrade seriously in that time?
““Kamala Harris just did an interview on a sex podcast that usually discusses sexual techniques…”
It’s the only interview she’s given where she knows what she is talking about.”
10 “All of the nations most recent terror cases” …. So that would be all of none then? What the hell are these people on about?!??
I can’t tell you how much this bizarre pervert makes my skin crawl….
10 Turning productive farm land into salt marshes – coz there is not enough salt water for the fish yeah? Is this how they are going to get their rising sea levels? Just when I think this all can’t get any more bizarre….